80 results on '"Lawrence R.W."'
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2. Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for kidney function
- Author
UCL - SSS/IREC/NEFR - Pôle de Néphrologie, UCL - (SLuc) Service de néphrologie, Pattaro, C., Teumer, A., Gorski, M., Chu, A.Y., Li, M., Mijatovic, V., Garnaas, M., Tin, A., Sorice, R., Li, Y., Taliun, D., Olden, M., Foster, M., Yang, Q., Chen, M.-H., Pers, T.H., Johnson, A.D., Ko, Y.-A., Fuchsberger, C., Tayo, B., Nalls, M., Feitosa, M.F., Isaacs, A., Dehghan, A., D'Adamo, P., Adeyemo, A., Dieffenbach, A.K., Zonderman, A.B., Nolte, I.M., Van Der Most, P.J., Wright, A.F., Shuldiner, A.R., Morrison, A.C., Hofman, A., Smith, A.V., Dreisbach, A.W., Franke, A., Uitterlinden, A.G., Metspalu, A., Tonjes, A., Lupo, A., Robino, A., Johansson, Å., Demirkan, A., Kollerits, B., Freedman, B.I., Ponte, B., Oostra, B.A., Paulweber, B., Krämer, B.K., Mitchell, B.D., Buckley, B.M., Peralta, C.A., Hayward, C., Helmer, C., Rotimi, C.N., Shaffer, C.M., Müller, C., Sala, C., Van Duijn, C.M., Saint-Pierre, A., Ackermann, D., Shriner, D., Ruggiero, D., Toniolo, D., Lu, Y., Cusi, D., Czamara, D., Ellinghaus, D., Siscovick, D.S., Ruderfer, D., Gieger, C., Grallert, H., Rochtchina, E., Atkinson, E.J., Holliday, E.G., Boerwinkle, E., Salvi, E., Bottinger, E.P., Murgia, F., Rivadeneira, F., Ernst, F., Kronenberg, F., Hu, F.B., Navis, G.J., Curhan, G.C., Ehret, G.B., Homuth, G., Coassin, S., Thun, G.-A., Pistis, G., Gambaro, G., Malerba, G., Montgomery, G.W., Eiriksdottir, G., Jacobs, G., Li, G., Wichmann, H.-E., Campbell, H., Schmidt, H., Wallaschofski, H., Völzke, H., Brenner, H., Kroemer, H.K., Kramer, H., Lin, H., Leach, I.M., Ford, I., Guessous, I., Rudan, I., Prokopenko, I., Borecki, I., Heid, I.M., Kolcic, I., Persico, I., Jukema, J.W., Wilson, J.F., Felix, J.F., Divers, J., Lambert, J.-C., Stafford, J.M., Gaspoz, J.-M., Smith, J.A., Faul, J.D., Wang, J.J., Ding, J., Hirschhorn, J.N., Attia, J., Whitfield, J.B., Chalmers, J., Viikari, J., Coresh, J., Denny, J.C., Karjalainen, J., Fernandes, J.K., Endlich, K., Butterbach, K., Keene, K.L., Lohman, K., Portas, L., Launer, L.J., Lyytikäinen, L.-P., Yengo, L., Franke, L., Ferrucci, L., Rose, L.M., Kedenko, L., Rao, M., Struchalin, M., Kleber, M.E., Cavalieri, M., Haun, M., Cornelis, M.C., Ciullo, M., Pirastu, M., De Andrade, M., McEvoy, M.A., Woodward, M., Adam, M., Cocca, M., Nauck, M., Imboden, M., Waldenberger, M., Pruijm, M., Metzger, M., Stumvoll, M., Evans, M.K., Sale, M.M., Kähönen, M., Boban, M., Bochud, M., Rheinberger, M., Verweij, N., Bouatia-Naji, N., Martin, N.G., Hastie, N., Probst-Hensch, N., Soranzo, N., Devuyst, O., Raitakari, O., Gottesman, O., Franco, O.H., Polasek, O., Gasparini, P., Munroe, P.B., Ridker, P.M., Mitchell, P., Muntner, P., Meisinger, C., Smit, J.H., Abecasis, G.R., Adair, L.S., Alexander, M., Altshuler, D., Amin, N., Arking, D.E., Arora, P., Aulchenko, Y., Bakker, S.J.L., Bandinelli, S., Barroso, I., Beckmann, J.S., Beilby, J.P., Bergman, R.N., Bergmann, S., Bis, J.C., Boehnke, M., Bonnycastle, L.L., Bornstein, S.R., Bots, M.L., Bragg-Gresham, J.L., Brand, S.-M., Brand, E., Braund, P.S., Brown, M.J., Burton, P.R., Casas, J.P., Caulfield, M.J., Chakravarti, A., Chambers, J.C., Chandak, G.R., Chang, Y.-P.C., Charchar, F.J., Chaturvedi, N., Cho, Y.S., Clarke, R., Collins, F.S., Collins, R., Connell, J.M., Cooper, J.A., Cooper, M.N., Cooper, R.S., Corsi, A.M., Dörr, M., Dahgam, S., Danesh, J., Smith, G.D., Day, I.N.M., Deloukas, P., Denniff, M., Dominiczak, A.F., Dong, Y., Doumatey, A., Elliott, P., Elosua, R., Erdmann, J., Eyheramendy, S., Farrall, M., Fava, C., Forrester, T., Fowkes, F.G.R., Fox, E.R., Frayling, T.M., Galan, P., Ganesh, S.K., Garcia, M., Gaunt, T.R., Glazer, N.L., Go, M.J., Goel, A., Grässler, J., Grobbee, D.E., Groop, L., Guarrera, S., Guo, X., Hadley, D., Hamsten, A., Han, B.-G., Hardy, R., Hartikainen, A.-L., Heath, S., Heckbert, S.R., Hedblad, B., Hercberg, S., Hernandez, D., Hicks, A.A., Hilton, G., Hingorani, A.D., Hoffman Bolton, J.A., Hopewell, J.C., Howard, P., Humphries, S.E., Hunt, S.C., Hveem, K., Ikram, M.A., Islam, M., Iwai, N., Jarvelin, M.-R., Jackson, A.U., Jafar, T.H., Janipalli, C.S., Johnson, T., Kathiresan, S., Khaw, K.-T., Kim, H.-L., Kinra, S., Kita, Y., Kivimaki, M., Kooner, J.S., Kumar, M.J.K., Kuh, D., Kulkarni, S.R., Kumari, M., Kuusisto, J., Kuznetsova, T., Laakso, M., Laan, M., Laitinen, J., Lakatta, E.G., Langefeld, C.D., Larson, M.G., Lathrop, M., Lawlor, D.A., Lawrence, R.W., Lee, J.-Y., Lee, N.R., Levy, D., Longstreth, W.T., Luan, J., Lucas, G., Ludwig, B., Mangino, M., Mani, K.R., Marmot, M.G., Mattace-Raso, F.U.S., Matullo, G., McArdle, W.L., McKenzie, C.A., Meitinger, T., Melander, O., Meneton, P., Meschia, J.F., Miki, T., Milaneschi, Y., Mohlke, K.L., Mooser, V., Morken, M.A., Morris, R.W., Mosley, T.H., Najjar, S., Narisu, N., Newton-Cheh, C., Nguyen, K.-D.H., Nilsson, P., Nyberg, F., O'Donnell, C.J., Ogihara, T., Ohkubo, T., Okamura, T., Ong, R.T.-H., Ongen, H., Onland-Moret, N.C., O'Reilly, P.F., Org, E., Orru, M., Palmas, W., Palmen, J., Palmer, L.J., Palmer, N.D., Parker, A.N., Peden, J.F., Peltonen, L., Perola, M., Pihur, V., Platou, C.G.P., Plump, A., Prabhakaran, D., Psaty, B.M., Raffel, L.J., Rao, D.C., Rasheed, A., Ricceri, F., Rice, K.M., Rosengren, A., Rotter, J.I., Rudock, M.E., Sõber, S., Salako, T., Saleheen, D., Salomaa, V., Samani, N.J., Schwartz, S.M., Schwarz, P.E.H., Scott, L.J., Scott, J., Scuteri, A., Sehmi, J.S., Seielstad, M., Seshadri, S., Sharma, P., Shaw-Hawkins, S., Shi, G., Shrine, N.R.G., Sijbrands, E.J.G., Sim, X., Singleton, A., Sjögren, M., Smith, N.L., Artigas, M.S., Spector, T.D., Staessen, J.A., Stancakova, A., Steinle, N.I., Strachan, D.P., Stringham, H.M., Sun, Y.V., Swift, A.J., Tabara, Y., Tai, E.-S., Talmud, P.J., Taylor, A., Terzic, J., Thelle, D.S., Tobin, M.D., Tomaszewski, M., Tripathy, V., Tuomilehto, J., Tzoulaki, I., Uda, M., Ueshima, H., Uiterwaal, C.S.P.M., Umemura, S., Van Der Harst, P., Van Der Schouw, Y.T., Van Gilst, W.H., Vartiainen, E., Vasan, R.S., Veldre, G., Verwoert, G.C., Viigimaa, M., Vinay, D.G., Vineis, P., Voight, B.F., Vollenweider, P., Wagenknecht, L.E., Wain, L.V., Wang, X., Wang, T.J., Wareham, N.J., Watkins, H., Weder, A.B., Whincup, P.H., Wiggins, K.L., Witteman, J.C.M., Wong, A., Wu, Y., Yajnik, C.S., Yao, J., Young, J.H., Zelenika, D., Zhai, G., Zhang, W., Zhang, F., Zhao, J.H., Zhu, H., Zhu, X., Zitting, P., Zukowska-Szczechowska, E., Okada, Y., Wu, J.-Y., Gu, D., Takeuchi, F., Takahashi, A., Maeda, S., Tsunoda, T., Chen, P., Lim, S.-C., Wong, T.-Y., Liu, J., Young, T.L., Aung, T., Teo, Y.-Y., Kim, Y.J., Kang, D., Chen, C.-H., Tsai, F.-J., Chang, L.-C., Fann, S.-J.C., Mei, H., Hixson, J.E., Chen, S., Katsuya, T., Isono, M., Albrecht, E., Yamamoto, K., Kubo, M., Nakamura, Y., Kamatani, N., Kato, N., He, J., Chen, Y.-T., Tanaka, T., Reilly, M.P., Schunkert, H., Assimes, T.L., Hall, A., Hengstenberg, C., König, I.R., Laaksonen, R., McPherson, R., Thompson, J.R., Thorsteinsdottir, U., Ziegler, A., Absher, D., Chen, L., Cupples, L.A., Halperin, E., Musunuru, K., Preuss, M., Schillert, A., Thorleifsson, G., Wells, G.A., Holm, H., Roberts, R., Stewart, A.F.R., Fortmann, S., Go, A., Hlatky, M., Iribarren, C., Knowles, J., Myers, R., Quertermous, T., Sidney, S., Risch, N., Tang, H., Blankenberg, S., Schnabel, R., Sinning, C., Lackner, K.J., Tiret, L., Nicaud, V., Cambien, F., Bickel, C., Rupprecht, H.J., Perret, C., Proust, C., Münzel, T.F., Barbalic, M., Chen, I.Y.-D., Demissie-Banjaw, S., Folsom, A., Lumley, T., Marciante, K., Taylor, K.D., Volcik, K., Gretarsdottir, S., Gulcher, J.R., Kong, A., Stefansson, K., Thorgeirsson, G., Andersen, K., Fischer, M., Grosshennig, A., Linsel-Nitschke, P., Stark, K., Schreiber, S., Aherrahrou, Z., Bruse, P., Doering, A., Klopp, N., Diemert, P., Loley, C., Medack, A., Nahrstedt, J., Peters, A., Wagner, A.K., Willenborg, C., Böhm, B.O., Dobnig, H., Grammer, T.B., Hoffmann, M.M., Meinitzer, A., Winkelmann, B.R., Pilz, S., Renner, W., Scharnagl, H., Stojakovic, T., Tomaschitz, A., Winkler, K., Guiducci, C., Burtt, N., Gabriel, S.B., Dandona, S., Jarinova, O., Qu, L., Wilensky, R., Matthai, W., Hakonarson, H.H., Devaney, J., Burnett, M.S., Pichard, A.D., Kent, K.M., Satler, L., Lindsay, J.M., Waksman, R., Knouff, C.W., Waterworth, D.M., Walker, M.C., Epstein, S.E., Rader, D.J., Nelson, C.P., Wright, B.J., Balmforth, A.J., Ball, S.G., Loehr, L.R., Rosamond, W.D., Benjamin, E., Haritunians, T., Couper, D., Murabito, J., Wang, Y.A., Stricker, B.H., Chang, P.P., Willerson, J.T., Felix, S.B., Watzinger, N., Aragam, J., Zweiker, R., Lind, L., Rodeheffer, R.J., Greiser, K.H., Deckers, J.W., Stritzke, J., Ingelsson, E., Kullo, I., Haerting, J., Reffelmann, T., Redfield, M.M., Werdan, K., Mitchell, G.F., Arnett, D.K., Gottdiener, J.S., Blettner, M., Friedrich, N., Kovacs, P., Wild, P.S., Froguel, P., Rettig, R., Mägi, R., Biffar, R., Schmidt, R., Middelberg, R.P.S., Carroll, R.J., Penninx, B.W., Scott, R.J., Katz, R., Sedaghat, S., Wild, S.H., Kardia, S.L.R., Ulivi, S., Hwang, S.-J., Enroth, S., Kloiber, S., Trompet, S., Stengel, B., Hancock, S.J., Turner, S.T., Rosas, S.E., Stracke, S., Harris, T.B., Zeller, T., Zemunik, T., Lehtimäki, T., Illig, T., Aspelund, T., Nikopensius, T., Esko, T., Gyllensten, U., Völker, U., Emilsson, V., Vitart, V., Aalto, V., Gudnason, V., Chouraki, V., Chen, W.-M., Igl, W., März, W., Koenig, W., Lieb, W., Loos, R.J.F., Liu, Y., Snieder, H., Pramstaller, P.P., Parsa, A., O'Connell, J.R., Susztak, K., Hamet, P., Tremblay, J., De Boer, I.H., Böger, C.A., Goessling, W., Chasman, D.I., Köttgen, A., Kao, W.H.L., Fox, C.S., UCL - SSS/IREC/NEFR - Pôle de Néphrologie, UCL - (SLuc) Service de néphrologie, Pattaro, C., Teumer, A., Gorski, M., Chu, A.Y., Li, M., Mijatovic, V., Garnaas, M., Tin, A., Sorice, R., Li, Y., Taliun, D., Olden, M., Foster, M., Yang, Q., Chen, M.-H., Pers, T.H., Johnson, A.D., Ko, Y.-A., Fuchsberger, C., Tayo, B., Nalls, M., Feitosa, M.F., Isaacs, A., Dehghan, A., D'Adamo, P., Adeyemo, A., Dieffenbach, A.K., Zonderman, A.B., Nolte, I.M., Van Der Most, P.J., Wright, A.F., Shuldiner, A.R., Morrison, A.C., Hofman, A., Smith, A.V., Dreisbach, A.W., Franke, A., Uitterlinden, A.G., Metspalu, A., Tonjes, A., Lupo, A., Robino, A., Johansson, Å., Demirkan, A., Kollerits, B., Freedman, B.I., Ponte, B., Oostra, B.A., Paulweber, B., Krämer, B.K., Mitchell, B.D., Buckley, B.M., Peralta, C.A., Hayward, C., Helmer, C., Rotimi, C.N., Shaffer, C.M., Müller, C., Sala, C., Van Duijn, C.M., Saint-Pierre, A., Ackermann, D., Shriner, D., Ruggiero, D., Toniolo, D., Lu, Y., Cusi, D., Czamara, D., Ellinghaus, D., Siscovick, D.S., Ruderfer, D., Gieger, C., Grallert, H., Rochtchina, E., Atkinson, E.J., Holliday, E.G., Boerwinkle, E., Salvi, E., Bottinger, E.P., Murgia, F., Rivadeneira, F., Ernst, F., Kronenberg, F., Hu, F.B., Navis, G.J., Curhan, G.C., Ehret, G.B., Homuth, G., Coassin, S., Thun, G.-A., Pistis, G., Gambaro, G., Malerba, G., Montgomery, G.W., Eiriksdottir, G., Jacobs, G., Li, G., Wichmann, H.-E., Campbell, H., Schmidt, H., Wallaschofski, H., Völzke, H., Brenner, H., Kroemer, H.K., Kramer, H., Lin, H., Leach, I.M., Ford, I., Guessous, I., Rudan, I., Prokopenko, I., Borecki, I., Heid, I.M., Kolcic, I., Persico, I., Jukema, J.W., Wilson, J.F., Felix, J.F., Divers, J., Lambert, J.-C., Stafford, J.M., Gaspoz, J.-M., Smith, J.A., Faul, J.D., Wang, J.J., Ding, J., Hirschhorn, J.N., Attia, J., Whitfield, J.B., Chalmers, J., Viikari, J., Coresh, J., Denny, J.C., Karjalainen, J., Fernandes, J.K., Endlich, K., Butterbach, K., Keene, K.L., Lohman, K., Portas, L., Launer, L.J., Lyytikäinen, L.-P., Yengo, L., Franke, L., Ferrucci, L., Rose, L.M., Kedenko, L., Rao, M., Struchalin, M., Kleber, M.E., Cavalieri, M., Haun, M., Cornelis, M.C., Ciullo, M., Pirastu, M., De Andrade, M., McEvoy, M.A., Woodward, M., Adam, M., Cocca, M., Nauck, M., Imboden, M., Waldenberger, M., Pruijm, M., Metzger, M., Stumvoll, M., Evans, M.K., Sale, M.M., Kähönen, M., Boban, M., Bochud, M., Rheinberger, M., Verweij, N., Bouatia-Naji, N., Martin, N.G., Hastie, N., Probst-Hensch, N., Soranzo, N., Devuyst, O., Raitakari, O., Gottesman, O., Franco, O.H., Polasek, O., Gasparini, P., Munroe, P.B., Ridker, P.M., Mitchell, P., Muntner, P., Meisinger, C., Smit, J.H., Abecasis, G.R., Adair, L.S., Alexander, M., Altshuler, D., Amin, N., Arking, D.E., Arora, P., Aulchenko, Y., Bakker, S.J.L., Bandinelli, S., Barroso, I., Beckmann, J.S., Beilby, J.P., Bergman, R.N., Bergmann, S., Bis, J.C., Boehnke, M., Bonnycastle, L.L., Bornstein, S.R., Bots, M.L., Bragg-Gresham, J.L., Brand, S.-M., Brand, E., Braund, P.S., Brown, M.J., Burton, P.R., Casas, J.P., Caulfield, M.J., Chakravarti, A., Chambers, J.C., Chandak, G.R., Chang, Y.-P.C., Charchar, F.J., Chaturvedi, N., Cho, Y.S., Clarke, R., Collins, F.S., Collins, R., Connell, J.M., Cooper, J.A., Cooper, M.N., Cooper, R.S., Corsi, A.M., Dörr, M., Dahgam, S., Danesh, J., Smith, G.D., Day, I.N.M., Deloukas, P., Denniff, M., Dominiczak, A.F., Dong, Y., Doumatey, A., Elliott, P., Elosua, R., Erdmann, J., Eyheramendy, S., Farrall, M., Fava, C., Forrester, T., Fowkes, F.G.R., Fox, E.R., Frayling, T.M., Galan, P., Ganesh, S.K., Garcia, M., Gaunt, T.R., Glazer, N.L., Go, M.J., Goel, A., Grässler, J., Grobbee, D.E., Groop, L., Guarrera, S., Guo, X., Hadley, D., Hamsten, A., Han, B.-G., Hardy, R., Hartikainen, A.-L., Heath, S., Heckbert, S.R., Hedblad, B., Hercberg, S., Hernandez, D., Hicks, A.A., Hilton, G., Hingorani, A.D., Hoffman Bolton, J.A., Hopewell, J.C., Howard, P., Humphries, S.E., Hunt, S.C., Hveem, K., Ikram, M.A., Islam, M., Iwai, N., Jarvelin, M.-R., Jackson, A.U., Jafar, T.H., Janipalli, C.S., Johnson, T., Kathiresan, S., Khaw, K.-T., Kim, H.-L., Kinra, S., Kita, Y., Kivimaki, M., Kooner, J.S., Kumar, M.J.K., Kuh, D., Kulkarni, S.R., Kumari, M., Kuusisto, J., Kuznetsova, T., Laakso, M., Laan, M., Laitinen, J., Lakatta, E.G., Langefeld, C.D., Larson, M.G., Lathrop, M., Lawlor, D.A., Lawrence, R.W., Lee, J.-Y., Lee, N.R., Levy, D., Longstreth, W.T., Luan, J., Lucas, G., Ludwig, B., Mangino, M., Mani, K.R., Marmot, M.G., Mattace-Raso, F.U.S., Matullo, G., McArdle, W.L., McKenzie, C.A., Meitinger, T., Melander, O., Meneton, P., Meschia, J.F., Miki, T., Milaneschi, Y., Mohlke, K.L., Mooser, V., Morken, M.A., Morris, R.W., Mosley, T.H., Najjar, S., Narisu, N., Newton-Cheh, C., Nguyen, K.-D.H., Nilsson, P., Nyberg, F., O'Donnell, C.J., Ogihara, T., Ohkubo, T., Okamura, T., Ong, R.T.-H., Ongen, H., Onland-Moret, N.C., O'Reilly, P.F., Org, E., Orru, M., Palmas, W., Palmen, J., Palmer, L.J., Palmer, N.D., Parker, A.N., Peden, J.F., Peltonen, L., Perola, M., Pihur, V., Platou, C.G.P., Plump, A., Prabhakaran, D., Psaty, B.M., Raffel, L.J., Rao, D.C., Rasheed, A., Ricceri, F., Rice, K.M., Rosengren, A., Rotter, J.I., Rudock, M.E., Sõber, S., Salako, T., Saleheen, D., Salomaa, V., Samani, N.J., Schwartz, S.M., Schwarz, P.E.H., Scott, L.J., Scott, J., Scuteri, A., Sehmi, J.S., Seielstad, M., Seshadri, S., Sharma, P., Shaw-Hawkins, S., Shi, G., Shrine, N.R.G., Sijbrands, E.J.G., Sim, X., Singleton, A., Sjögren, M., Smith, N.L., Artigas, M.S., Spector, T.D., Staessen, J.A., Stancakova, A., Steinle, N.I., Strachan, D.P., Stringham, H.M., Sun, Y.V., Swift, A.J., Tabara, Y., Tai, E.-S., Talmud, P.J., Taylor, A., Terzic, J., Thelle, D.S., Tobin, M.D., Tomaszewski, M., Tripathy, V., Tuomilehto, J., Tzoulaki, I., Uda, M., Ueshima, H., Uiterwaal, C.S.P.M., Umemura, S., Van Der Harst, P., Van Der Schouw, Y.T., Van Gilst, W.H., Vartiainen, E., Vasan, R.S., Veldre, G., Verwoert, G.C., Viigimaa, M., Vinay, D.G., Vineis, P., Voight, B.F., Vollenweider, P., Wagenknecht, L.E., Wain, L.V., Wang, X., Wang, T.J., Wareham, N.J., Watkins, H., Weder, A.B., Whincup, P.H., Wiggins, K.L., Witteman, J.C.M., Wong, A., Wu, Y., Yajnik, C.S., Yao, J., Young, J.H., Zelenika, D., Zhai, G., Zhang, W., Zhang, F., Zhao, J.H., Zhu, H., Zhu, X., Zitting, P., Zukowska-Szczechowska, E., Okada, Y., Wu, J.-Y., Gu, D., Takeuchi, F., Takahashi, A., Maeda, S., Tsunoda, T., Chen, P., Lim, S.-C., Wong, T.-Y., Liu, J., Young, T.L., Aung, T., Teo, Y.-Y., Kim, Y.J., Kang, D., Chen, C.-H., Tsai, F.-J., Chang, L.-C., Fann, S.-J.C., Mei, H., Hixson, J.E., Chen, S., Katsuya, T., Isono, M., Albrecht, E., Yamamoto, K., Kubo, M., Nakamura, Y., Kamatani, N., Kato, N., He, J., Chen, Y.-T., Tanaka, T., Reilly, M.P., Schunkert, H., Assimes, T.L., Hall, A., Hengstenberg, C., König, I.R., Laaksonen, R., McPherson, R., Thompson, J.R., Thorsteinsdottir, U., Ziegler, A., Absher, D., Chen, L., Cupples, L.A., Halperin, E., Musunuru, K., Preuss, M., Schillert, A., Thorleifsson, G., Wells, G.A., Holm, H., Roberts, R., Stewart, A.F.R., Fortmann, S., Go, A., Hlatky, M., Iribarren, C., Knowles, J., Myers, R., Quertermous, T., Sidney, S., Risch, N., Tang, H., Blankenberg, S., Schnabel, R., Sinning, C., Lackner, K.J., Tiret, L., Nicaud, V., Cambien, F., Bickel, C., Rupprecht, H.J., Perret, C., Proust, C., Münzel, T.F., Barbalic, M., Chen, I.Y.-D., Demissie-Banjaw, S., Folsom, A., Lumley, T., Marciante, K., Taylor, K.D., Volcik, K., Gretarsdottir, S., Gulcher, J.R., Kong, A., Stefansson, K., Thorgeirsson, G., Andersen, K., Fischer, M., Grosshennig, A., Linsel-Nitschke, P., Stark, K., Schreiber, S., Aherrahrou, Z., Bruse, P., Doering, A., Klopp, N., Diemert, P., Loley, C., Medack, A., Nahrstedt, J., Peters, A., Wagner, A.K., Willenborg, C., Böhm, B.O., Dobnig, H., Grammer, T.B., Hoffmann, M.M., Meinitzer, A., Winkelmann, B.R., Pilz, S., Renner, W., Scharnagl, H., Stojakovic, T., Tomaschitz, A., Winkler, K., Guiducci, C., Burtt, N., Gabriel, S.B., Dandona, S., Jarinova, O., Qu, L., Wilensky, R., Matthai, W., Hakonarson, H.H., Devaney, J., Burnett, M.S., Pichard, A.D., Kent, K.M., Satler, L., Lindsay, J.M., Waksman, R., Knouff, C.W., Waterworth, D.M., Walker, M.C., Epstein, S.E., Rader, D.J., Nelson, C.P., Wright, B.J., Balmforth, A.J., Ball, S.G., Loehr, L.R., Rosamond, W.D., Benjamin, E., Haritunians, T., Couper, D., Murabito, J., Wang, Y.A., Stricker, B.H., Chang, P.P., Willerson, J.T., Felix, S.B., Watzinger, N., Aragam, J., Zweiker, R., Lind, L., Rodeheffer, R.J., Greiser, K.H., Deckers, J.W., Stritzke, J., Ingelsson, E., Kullo, I., Haerting, J., Reffelmann, T., Redfield, M.M., Werdan, K., Mitchell, G.F., Arnett, D.K., Gottdiener, J.S., Blettner, M., Friedrich, N., Kovacs, P., Wild, P.S., Froguel, P., Rettig, R., Mägi, R., Biffar, R., Schmidt, R., Middelberg, R.P.S., Carroll, R.J., Penninx, B.W., Scott, R.J., Katz, R., Sedaghat, S., Wild, S.H., Kardia, S.L.R., Ulivi, S., Hwang, S.-J., Enroth, S., Kloiber, S., Trompet, S., Stengel, B., Hancock, S.J., Turner, S.T., Rosas, S.E., Stracke, S., Harris, T.B., Zeller, T., Zemunik, T., Lehtimäki, T., Illig, T., Aspelund, T., Nikopensius, T., Esko, T., Gyllensten, U., Völker, U., Emilsson, V., Vitart, V., Aalto, V., Gudnason, V., Chouraki, V., Chen, W.-M., Igl, W., März, W., Koenig, W., Lieb, W., Loos, R.J.F., Liu, Y., Snieder, H., Pramstaller, P.P., Parsa, A., O'Connell, J.R., Susztak, K., Hamet, P., Tremblay, J., De Boer, I.H., Böger, C.A., Goessling, W., Chasman, D.I., Köttgen, A., Kao, W.H.L., and Fox, C.S.
- Abstract
Reduced glomerular filtration rate defines chronic kidney disease and is associated with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. We conducted a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), combining data across 133,413 individuals with replication in up to 42,166 individuals. We identify 24 new and confirm 29 previously identified loci. Of these 53 loci, 19 associate with eGFR among individuals with diabetes. Using bioinformatics, we show that identified genes at eGFR loci are enriched for expression in kidney tissues and in pathways relevant for kidney development and transmembrane transporter activity, kidney structure, and regulation of glucose metabolism. Chromatin state mapping and DNase I hypersensitivity analyses across adult tissues demonstrate preferential mapping of associated variants to regulatory regions in kidney but not extra-renal tissues. These findings suggest that genetic determinants of eGFR are mediated largely through direct effects within the kidney and highlight important cell types and biological pathways. © 2016, Nature Publishing Group. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2016
3. Genome-wide association identifies nine common variants associated with fasting proinsulin levels and provides new insights into the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes
- Author
Strawbridge, R.J. Dupuis, J. Prokopenko, I. Barker, A. Ahlqvist, E. Rybin, D. Petrie, J.R. Travers, M.E. Bouatia-Naji, N. Dimas, A.S. Nica, A.C. Wheeler, E. Chen, H. Voight, B.F. Taneera, J. Kanoni, S. Peden, J.F. Turrini, F. Gustafsson, S. Zabena, C. Almgren, P. Barker, D.J.P. Barnes, D. Dennison, E.M. Eriksson, J.G. Eriksson, P. Eury, E. Folkersen, L. Fox, C.S. Frayling, T.M. Goel, A. Gu, H.F. Horikoshi, M. Isomaa, B. Jackson, A.U. Jameson, K.A. Kajantie, E. Kerr-Conte, J. Kuulasmaa, T. Kuusisto, J. Loos, R.J.F. Luan, J. Makrilakis, K. Manning, A.K. Martínez-Larrad, M.T. Narisu, N. Mannila, M.N. Öhrvik, J. Osmond, C. Pascoe, L. Payne, F. Sayer, A.A. Sennblad, B. Silveira, A. Stančcáková, A. Stirrups, K. Swift, A.J. Syvänen, A.-C. Tuomi, T. Van't Hooft, F.M. Walker, M. Weedon, M.N. Xie, W. Zethelius, B. Scott, L.J. Steinthorsdottir, V. Morris, A.P. Dina, C. Welch, R.P. Zeggini, E. Huth, C. Aulchenko, Y.S. Thorleifsson, G. Mcculloch, L.J. Ferreira, T. Grallert, H. Amin, N. Wu, G. Willer, C.J. Raychaudhuri, S. McCarroll, S.A. Hofmann, O.M. Qi, L. Segre, A.V. Van Hoek, M. Navarro, P. Ardlie, K. Balkau, B. Benediktsson, R. Bennett, A.J. Blagieva, R. Boerwinkle, E. Bonnycastle, L.L. Bostrom, K.B. Bravenboer, B. Bumpstead, S. Burtt, N.P. Charpentier, G. Chines, P.S. Cornelis, M. Couper, D.J. Crawford, G. Doney, A.S.F. Elliott, K.S. Elliott, A.L. Erdos, M.R. Franklin, C.S. Ganser, M. Gieger, C. Grarup, N. Green, T. Griffin, S. Groves, C.J. Guiducci, C. Hadjadj, S. Hassanali, N. Herder, C. Johnson, P.R.V. Jorgensen, T. Kao, W.H.L. Klopp, N. Kong, A. Kraft, P. Lauritzen, T. Li, M. Lieverse, A. Lindgren, C.M. Lyssenko, V. Marre, M. Meitinger, T. Midthjell, K. Morken, M.A. Nilsson, P. Owen, K.R. Perry, J.R.B. Petersen, A.-K. Platou, C. Proenca, C. Rathmann, W. Rayner, N.W. Robertson, N.R. Rocheleau, G. Roden, M. Sampson, M.J. Saxena, R. Shields, B.M. Shrader, P. Sigurdsson, G. Sparso, T. Strassburger, K. Stringham, H.M. Sun, Q. Thorand, B. Tichet, J. Van Dam, R.M. Van Haeften, T.W. Van Herpt, T. Van Vliet-Ostaptchouk, J.V. Walters, G.B. Wijmenga, C. Witteman, J.C.M. Bergman, R.N. Cauchi, S. Collins, F.S. Gloyn, A.L. Gyllensten, U. Hansen, T. Hide, W.A. Hitman, G.A. Hofman, A. Hunter, D.J. Hveem, K. Laakso, M. Mohlke, K.L. Morris, A.D. Palmer, C.N.A. Pramstaller, P.P. Rudan, I. Sijbrands, E. Stein, L.D. Tuomilehto, J. Uitterlinden, A.G. Wareham, N.J. Watanabe, R.M. Abecasis, G.R. Boehm, B.O. Campbell, H. Daly, M.J. Hattersley, A.T. Hu, F.B. Meigs, J.B. Pankow, J.S. Pedersen, O. Wichmann, H.-E. Barroso, I. Groop, L. Sladek, R. Thorsteinsdottir, U. Wilson, J.F. Illig, T. Froguel, P. Van Duijn, C.M. Stefansson, K. Altshuler, D. Boehnke, M. McCarthy, M.I. Speliotes, E.K. Berndt, S.I. Monda, K.L. Allen, H.L. Magi, R. Randall, J.C. Vedantam, S. Winkler, T.W. Workalemahu, T. Heid, I.M. Wood, A.R. Weyant, R.J. Estrada, K. Liang, L. Nemesh, J. Park, J.-H. Kilpelainen, T.O. Yang, J. Esko, T. Feitosa, M.F. Kutalik, Z. Mangino, M. Scherag, A. Smith, A.V. Zhao, J.H. Aben, K.K. Absher, D.M. Dixon, A.L. Fisher, E. Glazer, N.L. Goddard, M.E. Heard-Costa, N.L. Hoesel, V. Hottenga, J.-J. Johansson, A. Johnson, T. Ketkar, S. Lamina, C. Li, S. Moffatt, M.F. Myers, R.H. Peters, M.J. Preuss, M. Ripatti, S. Rivadeneira, F. Sandholt, C. Timpson, N.J. Tyrer, J.P. Van Wingerden, S. White, C.C. Wiklund, F. Barlassina, C. Chasman, D.I. Cooper, M.N. Jansson, J.-O. Lawrence, R.W. Pellikka, N. Shi, J. Thiering, E. Alavere, H. Alibrandi, M.T.S. Arnold, A.M. Aspelund, T. Atwood, L.D. Balmforth, A.J. Ben-Shlomo, Y. Bergmann, S. Biebermann, H. Blakemore, A.I.F. Boes, T. Bornstein, S.R. Brown, M.J. Buchanan, T.A. Busonero, F. Cappuccio, F.P. Cavalcanti-Proenca, C. Chen, Y.-D.I. Chen, C.-M. Clarke, R. Coin, L. Connell, J. Day, I.N.M. Den Heijer, M. Duan, J. Ebrahim, S. Elliott, P. Elosua, R. Eiriksdottir, G. Facheris, M.F. Felix, S.B. Fischer-Posovszky, P. Folsom, A.R. Friedrich, N. Freimer, N.B. Fu, M. Gaget, S. Gejman, P.V. Geus, E.J.C. Gjesing, A.P. Goyette, P. Grasler, J. Greenawalt, D.M. Gudnason, V. Hartikainen, A.-L. Hall, A.S. Havulinna, A.S. Hayward, C. Heath, A.C. Hengstenberg, C. Hicks, A.A. Hinney, A. Homuth, G. Hui, J. Igl, W. Iribarren, C. Jacobs, K.B. Jarick, I. Jewell, E. John, U. Jousilahti, P. Jula, A. Kaakinen, M. Kaplan, L.M. Kathiresan, S. Kettunen, J. Kinnunen, L. Knowles, J.W. Kolcic, I. König, I.R. Koskinen, S. Kovacs, P. Kvaloy, K. Laitinen, J. Lantieri, O. Lanzani, C. Launer, L.J. Lecoeur, C. Lehtimaki, T. Lettre, G. Liu, J. Lokki, M.-L. Lorentzon, M. Luben, R.N. Ludwig, B. Manunta, P. Marek, D. Martin, N.G. McArdle, W.L. McCarthy, A. McKnight, B. Melander, O. Meyre, D. Montgomery, G.W. Mulic, R. Ngwa, J.S. Nelis, M. Neville, M.J. Nyholt, D.R. O'Donnell, C.J. O'Rahilly, S. Ong, K.K. Oostra, B. Pare, G. Parker, A.N. Perola, M. Pichler, I. Pietilainen, K.H. Platou, C.G.P. Polasek, O. Pouta, A. Rafelt, S. Raitakari, O. Rayner, N.W. Ridderstrale, M. Rief, W. Ruokonen, A. Rzehak, P. Salomaa, V. Sanders, A.R. Sandhu, M.S. Sanna, S. Saramies, J. Savolainen, M.J. Scherag, S. Schipf, S. Schreiber, S. Schunkert, H. Silander, K. Sinisalo, J. Siscovick, D.S. Smit, J.H. Soranzo, N. Sovio, U. Stephens, J. Surakka, I. Tammesoo, M.-L. Tardif, J.-C. Teder-Laving, M. Teslovich, T.M. Thompson, J.R. Thomson, B. Tonjes, A. Van Meurs, J.B.J. Van Ommen, G.-J. Vatin, V. Viikari, J. Visvikis-Siest, S. Vitart, V. Vogel, C.I.G. Waite, L.L. Wallaschofski, H. Widen, E. Wiegand, S. Wild, S.H. Willemsen, G. Witte, D.R. Xu, J. Zhang, Q. Zgaga, L. Ziegler, A. Zitting, P. Beilby, J.P. Farooqi, I.S. Hebebrand, J. Huikuri, H.V. James, A.L. Kahonen, M. Levinson, D.F. Macciardi, F. Nieminen, M.S. Ohlsson, C. Palmer, L.J. Ridker, P.M. Stumvoll, M. Beckmann, J.S. Boeing, H. Boomsma, D.I. Caulfield, M.J. Chanock, S.J. Cupples, L.A. Smith, G.D. Erdmann, J. Gronberg, H. Hall, P. Harris, T.B. Hayes, R.B. Heinrich, J. Jarvelin, M.-R. Kaprio, J. Karpe, F. Khaw, K.-T. Kiemeney, L.A. Krude, H. Lawlor, D.A. Metspalu, A. Munroe, P.B. Ouwehand, W.H. Penninx, B.W. Peters, A. Quertermous, T. Reinehr, T. Rissanen, A. Samani, N.J. Schwarz, P.E.H. Shuldiner, A.R. Spector, T.D. Uda, M. Valle, T.T. Wabitsch, M. Waeber, G. Watkins, H. Wright, A.F. Zillikens, M.C. Chatterjee, N. Purcell, S. Schadt, E.E. Visscher, P.M. Assimes, T.L. Borecki, I.B. Deloukas, P. Haritunians, T. Kaplan, R.C. O'Connell, J.R. Peltonen, L. Schlessinger, D. Strachan, D.P. North, K.E. Hirschhorn, J.N. Ingelsson, E. Parts, L. Glass, D. Nisbet, J. Barrett, A. Sekowska, M. Potter, S. Grundberg, E. Small, K. Hedman, A.K. Bataille, V. Bell, J.T. Surdulescu, G. Ingle, C. Nestle, F.O. Di Meglio, P. Min, J.L. Wilk, A. Hammond, C.J. Yang, T.-P. Montgomery, S.B. Zondervan, K.T. Durbin, R. Ahmadi, K. Dermitzakis, E.T. Reilly, M.P. Holm, H. Stewart, A.F.R. Barbalic, M. Aherrahrou, Z. Allayee, H. Anand, S.S. Andersen, K. Anderson, J.L. Ardissino, D. Ball, S.G. Barnes, T.A. Becker, D.M. Becker, L.C. Berger, K. Bis, J.C. Boekholdt, S.M. Braund, P.S. Burnett, M.S. Buysschaert, I. Carlquist, J.F. Chen, L. Codd, V. Davies, R.W. Cichon, S. Dedoussis, G.V. Demissie, S. Dehghan, A. Devaney, J.M. Diemert, P. Do, R. Doering, A. Eifert, S. El Mokhtari, N.E. Ellis, S.G. Engert, J.C. Epstein, S.E. De Faire, U. Fischer, M. Freyer, J. Gigante, B. Girelli, D. Gretarsdottir, S. Gulcher, J.R. Halperin, E. Hammond, N. Hazen, S.L. Horne, B.D. Jones, G.T. Jukema, J.W. Kaiser, M.A. Kastelein, J.J.P. Kolovou, G. Laaksonen, R. Lambrechts, D. Leander, K. Li, M. Lieb, W. Loley, C. Lotery, A.J. Mannucci, P.M. Maouche, S. Martinelli, N. McKeown, P.P. Meisinger, C. Merlini, P.A. Mooser, V. Morgan, T. Mühleisen, T.W. Muhlestein, J.B. Münzel, T. Musunuru, K. Nahrstaedt, J. Nelson, C.P. Nöthen, M.M. Olivieri, O. Patel, R.S. Patterson, C.C. Peyvandi, F. Qu, L. Quyyumi, A.A. Rader, D.J. Rallidis, L.S. Rice, C. Rosendaal, F.R. Rubin, D. Sampietro, M.L. Sandhu, M.S. Schadt, E. Schäfer, A. Schillert, A. Schrezenmeir, J. Schwartz, S.M. Sivananthan, M. Sivapalaratnam, S. Smith, T.B. Snoep, J.D. Spertus, J.A. Stark, K. Stoll, M. Wilson Tang, W.H. Tennstedt, S. Thorgeirsson, G. Tomaszewski, M. Van Rij, A.M. Wells, G.A. Wild, P.S. Willenborg, C. Wright, B.J. Ye, S. Zeller, T. Cambien, F. Goodall, A.H. Marz, W. Blankenberg, S. Roberts, R. McPherson, R. Hopewell, J.C. Parish, S. Offer, A. Bowman, L. Sleight, P. Armitage, J. Peto, R. Collins, R. Chambers, J.C. Ahmed, N. Donnelly, P. Kooner, A.S. Scott, J. Sehmi, J. Zhang, W. Kooner, J. Sabater-Lleal, M. Mälarstig, A. Hellénius, M.-L. Olsson, G. Rust, S. Assmann, G. Seedorf, U. Barlera, S. Tognoni, G. Franzosi, M.G. Linksted, P. Ongen, H. Kyriakou, T. Green, F. Farrall, M. Saleheen, D. Rasheed, A. Zaidi, M. Shah, N. Samuel, M. Mallick, N. Azhar, M. Zaman, K. Samad, A. Ishaq, M. Gardezi, A. Memon, F.-U.-R. Frossard, P. Danesh, J. Östenson, C.-G. Lind, L. Cooper, C.C. Serrano-Ríos, M. Ferrannini, E. Forsen, T.J. Pattou, F. Langenberg, C. Hamsten, A. Florez, J.C.
- Subjects
endocrine system ,endocrine system diseases ,nutritional and metabolic diseases - Abstract
OBJECTIVE - Proinsulin is a precursor of mature insulin and C-peptide. Higher circulating proinsulin levels are associated with impaired b-cell function, raised glucose levels, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Studies of the insulin processing pathway could provide new insights about T2D pathophysiology. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - We have conducted a meta-analysis of genome-wide association tests of ;2.5 million genotyped or imputed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and fasting proinsulin levels in 10,701 nondiabetic adults of European ancestry, with follow-up of 23 loci in up to 16,378 individuals, using additive genetic models adjusted for age, sex, fasting insulin, and study-specific covariates. RESULTS - Nine SNPs at eight loci were associated with proinsulin levels (P < 5 × 10-8). Two loci (LARP6 and SGSM2) have not been previously related to metabolic traits, one (MADD) has been associated with fasting glucose, one (PCSK1) has been implicated in obesity, and four (TCF7L2, SLC30A8, VPS13C/ C2CD4A/B, and ARAP1, formerly CENTD2) increase T2D risk. The proinsulin-raising allele of ARAP1 was associated with a lower fasting glucose (P = 1.7 3 10-4), improved b-cell function (P = 1.1 × 10-5), and lower risk of T2D (odds ratio 0.88; P = 7.8 × 10-6). Notably, PCSK1 encodes the protein prohormone convertase 1/3, the first enzyme in the insulin processing pathway. A genotype score composed of the nine proinsulin-raising alleles was not associated with coronary disease in two large case-control datasets. CONCLUSIONS - We have identified nine genetic variants associated with fasting proinsulin. Our findings illuminate the biology underlying glucose homeostasis and T2D development in humans and argue against a direct role of proinsulin in coronary artery disease pathogenesis. © 2011 by the American Diabetes Association.
- Published
- 2011
4. Integrated biological process for complex sulphides
- Author
Marchant, P.B., primary, Lawrence, R.W., additional, Dods, D., additional, and Maree, J.P., additional
- Published
- 1989
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
- Author
Lawrence, R.W., primary and Marchant, P.B., additional
- Published
- 1987
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
6. Reaction of Pentaborane and Hydrazine and the Structure of the Adduct
- Author
Seklemian, H.V., primary, Lawrence, R.W., additional, and Guter, G.A., additional
- Published
- 1964
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
7. Genetic variants in novel pathways influence blood pressure and cardiovascular disease risk.
- Author
International Consortium for Blood Pressure Genome-Wide Association Studies, CARDIoGRAM consortium, CKDGen Consortium, KidneyGen Consortium, EchoGen consortium, CHARGE-HF consortium, Ehret, G.B., Munroe, P.B., Rice, K.M., Bochud, M., Johnson, A.D., Chasman, D.I., Smith, A.V., Tobin, M.D., Verwoert, G.C., Hwang, S.J., Pihur, V., Vollenweider, P., O'Reilly, P.F., Amin, N., Bragg-Gresham, J.L., Teumer, A., Glazer, N.L., Launer, L., Zhao, J.H., Aulchenko, Y., Heath, S., Sõber, S., Parsa, A., Luan, J., Arora, P., Dehghan, A., Zhang, F., Lucas, G., Hicks, A.A., Jackson, A.U., Peden, J.F., Tanaka, T., Wild, S.H., Rudan, I., Igl, W., Milaneschi, Y., Parker, A.N., Fava, C., Chambers, J.C., Fox, E.R., Kumari, M., Go, M.J., van der Harst, P., Kao, W.H., Sjögren, M., Vinay, D.G., Alexander, M., Tabara, Y., Shaw-Hawkins, S., Whincup, P.H., Liu, Y., Shi, G., Kuusisto, J., Tayo, B., Seielstad, M., Sim, X., Nguyen, K.D., Lehtimäki, T., Matullo, G., Wu, Y., Gaunt, T.R., Onland-Moret, N.C., Cooper, M.N., Platou, C.G., Org, E., Hardy, R., Dahgam, S., Palmen, J., Vitart, V., Braund, P.S., Kuznetsova, T., Uiterwaal, C.S., Adeyemo, A., Palmas, W., Campbell, H., Ludwig, B., Tomaszewski, M., Tzoulaki, I., Palmer, N.D., Aspelund, T., Garcia, M., Chang, Y.P., O'Connell, J.R., Steinle, N.I., Grobbee, D.E., Arking, D.E., Kardia, S.L., Morrison, A.C., Hernandez, D., Najjar, S., McArdle, W.L., Hadley, D., Brown, M.J., Connell, J.M., Hingorani, A.D., Day, I.N., Lawlor, D.A., Beilby, J.P., Lawrence, R.W., Clarke, R., Hopewell, J.C., Ongen, H., Dreisbach, A.W., Li, Y., Young, J.H., Bis, J.C., Kähönen, M., Viikari, J., Adair, L.S., Lee, N.R., Chen, M.H., Olden, M., Pattaro, C., Bolton, J.A., Köttgen, A., Bergmann, S., Mooser, V., Chaturvedi, N., Frayling, T.M., Islam, M., Jafar, T.H., Erdmann, J., Kulkarni, S.R., Bornstein, S.R., Grässler, J., Groop, L., Voight, B.F., Kettunen, J., Howard, P., Taylor, A., Guarrera, S., Ricceri, F., Emilsson, V., Plump, A., Barroso, I., Khaw, K.T., Weder, A.B., Hunt, S.C., Sun, Y.V., Bergman, R.N., Collins, F.S., Bonnycastle, L.L., Scott, L.J., Stringham, H.M., Peltonen, L., Perola, M., Vartiainen, E., Brand, S.M., Staessen, J.A., Wang, T.J., Burton, P.R., Artigas, M.S., Dong, Y., Snieder, H., Wang, X., Zhu, H., Lohman, K.K., Rudock, M.E., Heckbert, S.R., Smith, N.L., Wiggins, K.L., Doumatey, A., Shriner, D., Veldre, G., Viigimaa, M., Kinra, S., Prabhakaran, D., Tripathy, V., Langefeld, C.D., Rosengren, A., Thelle, D.S., Corsi, A.M., Singleton, A., Forrester, T., Hilton, G., McKenzie, C.A., Salako, T., Iwai, N., Kita, Y., Ogihara, T., Ohkubo, T., Okamura, T., Ueshima, H., Umemura, S., Eyheramendy, S., Meitinger, T., Wichmann, H.E., Cho, Y.S., Kim, H.L., Lee, J.Y., Scott, J., Sehmi, J.S., Zhang, W., Hedblad, B., Nilsson, P., Smith, G.D., Wong, A., Narisu, N., Stančáková, A., Raffel, L.J., Yao, J., Kathiresan, S., O'Donnell, C.J., Schwartz, S.M., Ikram, M.A., Longstreth, W.T., Mosley, T.H., Seshadri, S., Shrine, N.R., Wain, L.V., Morken, M.A., Swift, A.J., Laitinen, J., Prokopenko, I., Zitting, P., Cooper, J.A., Humphries, S.E., Danesh, J., Rasheed, A., Goel, A., Hamsten, A., Watkins, H., Bakker, S.J., van Gilst, W.H., Janipalli, C.S., Mani, K.R., Yajnik, C.S., Hofman, A., Mattace-Raso, F.U., Oostra, B.A., Demirkan, A., Isaacs, A., Rivadeneira, F., Lakatta, E.G., Orru, M., Scuteri, A., Ala-Korpela, M., Kangas, A.J., Lyytikäinen, L.P., Soininen, P., Tukiainen, T., Würtz, P., Ong, R.T., Dörr, M., Kroemer, H.K., Völker, U., Völzke, H., Galan, P., Hercberg, S., Lathrop, M., Zelenika, D., Deloukas, P., Mangino, M., Spector, T.D., Zhai, G., Meschia, J.F., Nalls, M.A., Sharma, P., Terzic, J., Kumar, M.V., Denniff, M., Zukowska-Szczechowska, E., Wagenknecht, L.E., Fowkes, F.G., Charchar, F.J., Schwarz, P.E., Hayward, C., Guo, X., Rotimi, C., Bots, M.L., Brand, E., Samani, N.J., Polasek, O., Talmud, P.J., Nyberg, F., Kuh, D., Laan, M., Hveem, K., Palmer, L.J., van der Schouw, Y.T., Casas, J.P., Mohlke, K.L., Vineis, P., Raitakari, O., Ganesh, S.K., Wong, T.Y., Tai, E.S., Cooper, R.S., Laakso, M., Rao, D.C., Harris, T.B., Morris, R.W., Dominiczak, A.F., Kivimaki, M., Marmot, M.G., Miki, T., Saleheen, D., Chandak, G.R., Coresh, J., Navis, G., Salomaa, V., Han, B.G., Zhu, X., Kooner, J.S., Melander, O., Ridker, P.M., Bandinelli, S., Gyllensten, U.B., Wright, A.F., Wilson, J.F., Ferrucci, L., Farrall, M., Tuomilehto, J., Pramstaller, P.P., Elosua, R., Soranzo, N., Sijbrands, E.J., Altshuler, D., Loos, R.J., Shuldiner, A.R., Gieger, C., Meneton, P., Uitterlinden, A.G., Wareham, N.J., Gudnason, V., Rotter, J.I., Rettig, R., Uda, M., Strachan, D.P., Witteman, J.C., Hartikainen, A.L., Beckmann, J.S., Boerwinkle, E., Vasan, R.S., Boehnke, M., Larson, M.G., Järvelin, M.R., Psaty, B.M., Abecasis, G.R., Chakravarti, A., Elliott, P., van Duijn, C.M., Newton-Cheh, C., Levy, D., Caulfield, M.J., Johnson, T., Tang, H., Knowles, J., Hlatky, M., Fortmann, S., Assimes, T.L., Quertermous, T., Go, A., Iribarren, C., Absher, D., Risch, N., Myers, R., Sidney, S., Ziegler, A., Schillert, A., Bickel, C., Sinning, C., Rupprecht, H.J., Lackner, K., Wild, P., Schnabel, R., Blankenberg, S., Zeller, T., Münzel, T., Perret, C., Cambien, F., Tiret, L., Nicaud, V., Proust, C., Uitterlinden, A., van Duijn, C., Whitteman, J., Cupples, L.A., Demissie-Banjaw, S., Ramachandran, V., Smith, A., Folsom, A., Morrison, A., Chen, I.Y., Bis, J., Volcik, K., Rice, K., Taylor, K.D., Marciante, K., Smith, N., Glazer, N., Heckbert, S., Harris, T., Lumley, T., Kong, A., Thorleifsson, G., Thorgeirsson, G., Holm, H., Gulcher, J.R., Stefansson, K., Andersen, K., Gretarsdottir, S., Thorsteinsdottir, U., Preuss, M., Schreiber, S., König, I.R., Lieb, W., Hengstenberg, C., Schunkert, H., Fischer, M., Grosshennig, A., Medack, A., Stark, K., Linsel-Nitschke, P., Bruse, P., Aherrahrou, Z., Peters, A., Loley, C., Willenborg, C., Nahrstedt, J., Freyer, J., Gulde, S., Doering, A., Meisinger, C., Klopp, N., Illig, T., Meinitzer, A., Tomaschitz, A., Halperin, E., Dobnig, H., Scharnagl, H., Kleber, M., Laaksonen, R., Pilz, S., Grammer, T.B., Stojakovic, T., Renner, W., März, W., Böhm, B.O., Winkelmann, B.R., Winkler, K., Hoffmann, M.M., Siscovick, D.S., Musunuru, K., Barbalic, M., Guiducci, C., Burtt, N., Gabriel, S.B., Stewart, A.F., Wells, G.A., Chen, L., Jarinova, O., Roberts, R., McPherson, R., Dandona, S., Pichard, A.D., Rader, D.J., Devaney, J., Lindsay, J.M., Kent, K.M., Qu, L., Satler, L., Burnett, M.S., Li, M., Reilly, M.P., Wilensky, R., Waksman, R., Epstein, S., Matthai, W., Knouff, C.W., Waterworth, D.M., Hakonarson, H.H., Walker, M.C., Hall, A.S., Balmforth, A.J., Wright, B.J., Nelson, C., Thompson, J.R., Ball, S.G., Felix, J.F., Demissie, S., Loehr, L.R., Rosamond, W.D., Folsom, A.R., Benjamin, E., Aulchenko, Y.S., Haritunians, T., Couper, D., Murabito, J., Wang, Y.A., Stricker, B.H., Gottdiener, J.S., Chang, P.P., Willerson, J.T., Böger, C.A., Fuchsberger, C., Gao, X., Yang, Q., Schmidt, H., Ketkar, S., Paré, G., Atkinson, E.J., Lohman, K., Cornelis, M.C., Probst-Hensch, N.M., Kronenberg, F., Tönjes, A., Eiriksdottir, G., Launer, L.J., Rampersaud, E., Mitchell, B.D., Struchalin, M., Cavalieri, M., Giallauria, F., Metter, J., de Boer, J., Siscovick, D., Zillikens, M.C., Feitosa, M., Province, M., de Andrade, M., Turner, S.T., Wild, P.S., Schnabel, R.B., Wilde, S., Munzel, T.F., Leak, T.S., Koenig, W., Zgaga, L., Zemunik, T., Kolcic, I., Minelli, C., Hu, F.B., Johansson, A., Zaboli, G., Ellinghaus, D., Imboden, M., Nitsch, D., Brandstätter, A., Kollerits, B., Kedenko, L., Mägi, R., Stumvoll, M., Kovacs, P., Boban, M., Campbell, S., Endlich, K., Nauck, M., Badola, S., Curhan, G.C., Franke, A., Rochat, T., Paulweber, B., Wang, W., Schmidt, R., Shlipak, M.G., Borecki, I., Krämer, B.K., Gyllensten, U., Hastie, N., Heid, I.M., Fox, C.S., Felix, S.B., Watzinger, N., Homuth, G., Aragam, J., Zweiker, R., Lind, L., Rodeheffer, R.J., Greiser, K.H., Deckers, J.W., Stritzke, J., Lackner, K.J., Ingelsson, E., Kullo, I., Haerting, J., Reffelmann, T., Redfield, M.M., Werdan, K., Mitchell, G.F., Arnett, D.K., Blettner, M., Friedrich, N., Benjamin, E.J., Lord, G.M., Gale, D.P., Wass, M.N., Ahmadi, K.R., Beckmann, J., Bilo, H.J., Cook, H.T., Cotlarciuc, I., Davey Smith, G., de Silva, R., Deng, G., Devuyst, O., Dikkeschei, L.D., Dimkovic, N., Dockrell, M., Dominiczak, A., Ebrahim, S., Eggermann, T., Floege, J., Forouhi, N.G., Gansevoort, R.T., Han, X., Homan van der Heide, J.J., Hepkema, B.G., Hernandez-Fuentes, M., Hypponen, E., de Jong, P.E., Kleefstra, N., Lagou, V., Lapsley, M., Luttropp, K., Maréchal, C., Nordfors, L., Penninx, B.W., Perucha, E., Pouta, A., Roderick, P.J., Ruokonen, A., Sanna, S., Schalling, M., Schlessinger, D., Schlieper, G., Seelen, M.A., Smit, J.H., Stenvinkel, P., Sternberg, M.J., Swaminathan, R., Ubink-Veltmaat, L.J., Wallace, C., Waterworth, D., Zerres, K., Waeber, G., Maxwell, P.H., McCarthy, M.I., Jarvelin, M.R., Lightstone, L., International Consortium for Blood Pressure Genome-Wide Association Studies, CARDIoGRAM consortium, CKDGen Consortium, KidneyGen Consortium, EchoGen consortium, CHARGE-HF consortium, Ehret, G.B., Munroe, P.B., Rice, K.M., Bochud, M., Johnson, A.D., Chasman, D.I., Smith, A.V., Tobin, M.D., Verwoert, G.C., Hwang, S.J., Pihur, V., Vollenweider, P., O'Reilly, P.F., Amin, N., Bragg-Gresham, J.L., Teumer, A., Glazer, N.L., Launer, L., Zhao, J.H., Aulchenko, Y., Heath, S., Sõber, S., Parsa, A., Luan, J., Arora, P., Dehghan, A., Zhang, F., Lucas, G., Hicks, A.A., Jackson, A.U., Peden, J.F., Tanaka, T., Wild, S.H., Rudan, I., Igl, W., Milaneschi, Y., Parker, A.N., Fava, C., Chambers, J.C., Fox, E.R., Kumari, M., Go, M.J., van der Harst, P., Kao, W.H., Sjögren, M., Vinay, D.G., Alexander, M., Tabara, Y., Shaw-Hawkins, S., Whincup, P.H., Liu, Y., Shi, G., Kuusisto, J., Tayo, B., Seielstad, M., Sim, X., Nguyen, K.D., Lehtimäki, T., Matullo, G., Wu, Y., Gaunt, T.R., Onland-Moret, N.C., Cooper, M.N., Platou, C.G., Org, E., Hardy, R., Dahgam, S., Palmen, J., Vitart, V., Braund, P.S., Kuznetsova, T., Uiterwaal, C.S., Adeyemo, A., Palmas, W., Campbell, H., Ludwig, B., Tomaszewski, M., Tzoulaki, I., Palmer, N.D., Aspelund, T., Garcia, M., Chang, Y.P., O'Connell, J.R., Steinle, N.I., Grobbee, D.E., Arking, D.E., Kardia, S.L., Morrison, A.C., Hernandez, D., Najjar, S., McArdle, W.L., Hadley, D., Brown, M.J., Connell, J.M., Hingorani, A.D., Day, I.N., Lawlor, D.A., Beilby, J.P., Lawrence, R.W., Clarke, R., Hopewell, J.C., Ongen, H., Dreisbach, A.W., Li, Y., Young, J.H., Bis, J.C., Kähönen, M., Viikari, J., Adair, L.S., Lee, N.R., Chen, M.H., Olden, M., Pattaro, C., Bolton, J.A., Köttgen, A., Bergmann, S., Mooser, V., Chaturvedi, N., Frayling, T.M., Islam, M., Jafar, T.H., Erdmann, J., Kulkarni, S.R., Bornstein, S.R., Grässler, J., Groop, L., Voight, B.F., Kettunen, J., Howard, P., Taylor, A., Guarrera, S., Ricceri, F., Emilsson, V., Plump, A., Barroso, I., Khaw, K.T., Weder, A.B., Hunt, S.C., Sun, Y.V., Bergman, R.N., Collins, F.S., Bonnycastle, L.L., Scott, L.J., Stringham, H.M., Peltonen, L., Perola, M., Vartiainen, E., Brand, S.M., Staessen, J.A., Wang, T.J., Burton, P.R., Artigas, M.S., Dong, Y., Snieder, H., Wang, X., Zhu, H., Lohman, K.K., Rudock, M.E., Heckbert, S.R., Smith, N.L., Wiggins, K.L., Doumatey, A., Shriner, D., Veldre, G., Viigimaa, M., Kinra, S., Prabhakaran, D., Tripathy, V., Langefeld, C.D., Rosengren, A., Thelle, D.S., Corsi, A.M., Singleton, A., Forrester, T., Hilton, G., McKenzie, C.A., Salako, T., Iwai, N., Kita, Y., Ogihara, T., Ohkubo, T., Okamura, T., Ueshima, H., Umemura, S., Eyheramendy, S., Meitinger, T., Wichmann, H.E., Cho, Y.S., Kim, H.L., Lee, J.Y., Scott, J., Sehmi, J.S., Zhang, W., Hedblad, B., Nilsson, P., Smith, G.D., Wong, A., Narisu, N., Stančáková, A., Raffel, L.J., Yao, J., Kathiresan, S., O'Donnell, C.J., Schwartz, S.M., Ikram, M.A., Longstreth, W.T., Mosley, T.H., Seshadri, S., Shrine, N.R., Wain, L.V., Morken, M.A., Swift, A.J., Laitinen, J., Prokopenko, I., Zitting, P., Cooper, J.A., Humphries, S.E., Danesh, J., Rasheed, A., Goel, A., Hamsten, A., Watkins, H., Bakker, S.J., van Gilst, W.H., Janipalli, C.S., Mani, K.R., Yajnik, C.S., Hofman, A., Mattace-Raso, F.U., Oostra, B.A., Demirkan, A., Isaacs, A., Rivadeneira, F., Lakatta, E.G., Orru, M., Scuteri, A., Ala-Korpela, M., Kangas, A.J., Lyytikäinen, L.P., Soininen, P., Tukiainen, T., Würtz, P., Ong, R.T., Dörr, M., Kroemer, H.K., Völker, U., Völzke, H., Galan, P., Hercberg, S., Lathrop, M., Zelenika, D., Deloukas, P., Mangino, M., Spector, T.D., Zhai, G., Meschia, J.F., Nalls, M.A., Sharma, P., Terzic, J., Kumar, M.V., Denniff, M., Zukowska-Szczechowska, E., Wagenknecht, L.E., Fowkes, F.G., Charchar, F.J., Schwarz, P.E., Hayward, C., Guo, X., Rotimi, C., Bots, M.L., Brand, E., Samani, N.J., Polasek, O., Talmud, P.J., Nyberg, F., Kuh, D., Laan, M., Hveem, K., Palmer, L.J., van der Schouw, Y.T., Casas, J.P., Mohlke, K.L., Vineis, P., Raitakari, O., Ganesh, S.K., Wong, T.Y., Tai, E.S., Cooper, R.S., Laakso, M., Rao, D.C., Harris, T.B., Morris, R.W., Dominiczak, A.F., Kivimaki, M., Marmot, M.G., Miki, T., Saleheen, D., Chandak, G.R., Coresh, J., Navis, G., Salomaa, V., Han, B.G., Zhu, X., Kooner, J.S., Melander, O., Ridker, P.M., Bandinelli, S., Gyllensten, U.B., Wright, A.F., Wilson, J.F., Ferrucci, L., Farrall, M., Tuomilehto, J., Pramstaller, P.P., Elosua, R., Soranzo, N., Sijbrands, E.J., Altshuler, D., Loos, R.J., Shuldiner, A.R., Gieger, C., Meneton, P., Uitterlinden, A.G., Wareham, N.J., Gudnason, V., Rotter, J.I., Rettig, R., Uda, M., Strachan, D.P., Witteman, J.C., Hartikainen, A.L., Beckmann, J.S., Boerwinkle, E., Vasan, R.S., Boehnke, M., Larson, M.G., Järvelin, M.R., Psaty, B.M., Abecasis, G.R., Chakravarti, A., Elliott, P., van Duijn, C.M., Newton-Cheh, C., Levy, D., Caulfield, M.J., Johnson, T., Tang, H., Knowles, J., Hlatky, M., Fortmann, S., Assimes, T.L., Quertermous, T., Go, A., Iribarren, C., Absher, D., Risch, N., Myers, R., Sidney, S., Ziegler, A., Schillert, A., Bickel, C., Sinning, C., Rupprecht, H.J., Lackner, K., Wild, P., Schnabel, R., Blankenberg, S., Zeller, T., Münzel, T., Perret, C., Cambien, F., Tiret, L., Nicaud, V., Proust, C., Uitterlinden, A., van Duijn, C., Whitteman, J., Cupples, L.A., Demissie-Banjaw, S., Ramachandran, V., Smith, A., Folsom, A., Morrison, A., Chen, I.Y., Bis, J., Volcik, K., Rice, K., Taylor, K.D., Marciante, K., Smith, N., Glazer, N., Heckbert, S., Harris, T., Lumley, T., Kong, A., Thorleifsson, G., Thorgeirsson, G., Holm, H., Gulcher, J.R., Stefansson, K., Andersen, K., Gretarsdottir, S., Thorsteinsdottir, U., Preuss, M., Schreiber, S., König, I.R., Lieb, W., Hengstenberg, C., Schunkert, H., Fischer, M., Grosshennig, A., Medack, A., Stark, K., Linsel-Nitschke, P., Bruse, P., Aherrahrou, Z., Peters, A., Loley, C., Willenborg, C., Nahrstedt, J., Freyer, J., Gulde, S., Doering, A., Meisinger, C., Klopp, N., Illig, T., Meinitzer, A., Tomaschitz, A., Halperin, E., Dobnig, H., Scharnagl, H., Kleber, M., Laaksonen, R., Pilz, S., Grammer, T.B., Stojakovic, T., Renner, W., März, W., Böhm, B.O., Winkelmann, B.R., Winkler, K., Hoffmann, M.M., Siscovick, D.S., Musunuru, K., Barbalic, M., Guiducci, C., Burtt, N., Gabriel, S.B., Stewart, A.F., Wells, G.A., Chen, L., Jarinova, O., Roberts, R., McPherson, R., Dandona, S., Pichard, A.D., Rader, D.J., Devaney, J., Lindsay, J.M., Kent, K.M., Qu, L., Satler, L., Burnett, M.S., Li, M., Reilly, M.P., Wilensky, R., Waksman, R., Epstein, S., Matthai, W., Knouff, C.W., Waterworth, D.M., Hakonarson, H.H., Walker, M.C., Hall, A.S., Balmforth, A.J., Wright, B.J., Nelson, C., Thompson, J.R., Ball, S.G., Felix, J.F., Demissie, S., Loehr, L.R., Rosamond, W.D., Folsom, A.R., Benjamin, E., Aulchenko, Y.S., Haritunians, T., Couper, D., Murabito, J., Wang, Y.A., Stricker, B.H., Gottdiener, J.S., Chang, P.P., Willerson, J.T., Böger, C.A., Fuchsberger, C., Gao, X., Yang, Q., Schmidt, H., Ketkar, S., Paré, G., Atkinson, E.J., Lohman, K., Cornelis, M.C., Probst-Hensch, N.M., Kronenberg, F., Tönjes, A., Eiriksdottir, G., Launer, L.J., Rampersaud, E., Mitchell, B.D., Struchalin, M., Cavalieri, M., Giallauria, F., Metter, J., de Boer, J., Siscovick, D., Zillikens, M.C., Feitosa, M., Province, M., de Andrade, M., Turner, S.T., Wild, P.S., Schnabel, R.B., Wilde, S., Munzel, T.F., Leak, T.S., Koenig, W., Zgaga, L., Zemunik, T., Kolcic, I., Minelli, C., Hu, F.B., Johansson, A., Zaboli, G., Ellinghaus, D., Imboden, M., Nitsch, D., Brandstätter, A., Kollerits, B., Kedenko, L., Mägi, R., Stumvoll, M., Kovacs, P., Boban, M., Campbell, S., Endlich, K., Nauck, M., Badola, S., Curhan, G.C., Franke, A., Rochat, T., Paulweber, B., Wang, W., Schmidt, R., Shlipak, M.G., Borecki, I., Krämer, B.K., Gyllensten, U., Hastie, N., Heid, I.M., Fox, C.S., Felix, S.B., Watzinger, N., Homuth, G., Aragam, J., Zweiker, R., Lind, L., Rodeheffer, R.J., Greiser, K.H., Deckers, J.W., Stritzke, J., Lackner, K.J., Ingelsson, E., Kullo, I., Haerting, J., Reffelmann, T., Redfield, M.M., Werdan, K., Mitchell, G.F., Arnett, D.K., Blettner, M., Friedrich, N., Benjamin, E.J., Lord, G.M., Gale, D.P., Wass, M.N., Ahmadi, K.R., Beckmann, J., Bilo, H.J., Cook, H.T., Cotlarciuc, I., Davey Smith, G., de Silva, R., Deng, G., Devuyst, O., Dikkeschei, L.D., Dimkovic, N., Dockrell, M., Dominiczak, A., Ebrahim, S., Eggermann, T., Floege, J., Forouhi, N.G., Gansevoort, R.T., Han, X., Homan van der Heide, J.J., Hepkema, B.G., Hernandez-Fuentes, M., Hypponen, E., de Jong, P.E., Kleefstra, N., Lagou, V., Lapsley, M., Luttropp, K., Maréchal, C., Nordfors, L., Penninx, B.W., Perucha, E., Pouta, A., Roderick, P.J., Ruokonen, A., Sanna, S., Schalling, M., Schlessinger, D., Schlieper, G., Seelen, M.A., Smit, J.H., Stenvinkel, P., Sternberg, M.J., Swaminathan, R., Ubink-Veltmaat, L.J., Wallace, C., Waterworth, D., Zerres, K., Waeber, G., Maxwell, P.H., McCarthy, M.I., Jarvelin, M.R., and Lightstone, L.
- Abstract
Blood pressure is a heritable trait influenced by several biological pathways and responsive to environmental stimuli. Over one billion people worldwide have hypertension (≥140 mm Hg systolic blood pressure or ≥90 mm Hg diastolic blood pressure). Even small increments in blood pressure are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events. This genome-wide association study of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which used a multi-stage design in 200,000 individuals of European descent, identified sixteen novel loci: six of these loci contain genes previously known or suspected to regulate blood pressure (GUCY1A3-GUCY1B3, NPR3-C5orf23, ADM, FURIN-FES, GOSR2, GNAS-EDN3); the other ten provide new clues to blood pressure physiology. A genetic risk score based on 29 genome-wide significant variants was associated with hypertension, left ventricular wall thickness, stroke and coronary artery disease, but not kidney disease or kidney function. We also observed associations with blood pressure in East Asian, South Asian and African ancestry individuals. Our findings provide new insights into the genetics and biology of blood pressure, and suggest potential novel therapeutic pathways for cardiovascular disease prevention.
- Published
- 2011
8. Association between common variation at the FTO locus and changes in body mass index from infancy to late childhood: The complex nature of genetic association through growth and development
- Author
Sovio, U. (Ulla), Mook-Kanamori, D.O. (Dennis), Warrington, N.M. (Nicole), Lawrence, R.W. (Robert), Briollais, L. (Laurent), Palmer, C.N.A. (Colin), Cecil, J. (Joanne), Sandling, J.K. (Johanna), Syvänen, A.-C., Kaakinen, M. (Marika), Beilin, L.J. (Lawrence), Millwood, I.Y. (Iona), Bennett, A.J. (Amanda), Laitinen, J. (Jaana), Pouta, A. (Anneli), Molitor, J. (John), Smith, A.V. (Davey), Ben-Shlomo, Y., Jaddoe, V.W.V. (Vincent), Pennell, C.E. (Craig), Cole, T.J. (Tim), McCarthy, M.I. (Mark), Järvelin, M.R., Timpson, N.J. (Nicholas), Sovio, U. (Ulla), Mook-Kanamori, D.O. (Dennis), Warrington, N.M. (Nicole), Lawrence, R.W. (Robert), Briollais, L. (Laurent), Palmer, C.N.A. (Colin), Cecil, J. (Joanne), Sandling, J.K. (Johanna), Syvänen, A.-C., Kaakinen, M. (Marika), Beilin, L.J. (Lawrence), Millwood, I.Y. (Iona), Bennett, A.J. (Amanda), Laitinen, J. (Jaana), Pouta, A. (Anneli), Molitor, J. (John), Smith, A.V. (Davey), Ben-Shlomo, Y., Jaddoe, V.W.V. (Vincent), Pennell, C.E. (Craig), Cole, T.J. (Tim), McCarthy, M.I. (Mark), Järvelin, M.R., and Timpson, N.J. (Nicholas)
- Abstract
An age-dependent association between variation at the FTO locus and BMI in children has been suggested. We meta-analyzed associations between the FTO locus (rs9939609) and BMI in samples, aged from early infancy to 13 years, from 8 cohorts of European ancestry. We found a positive association between additional minor (A) alleles and BMI from 5.5 years onwards, but an inverse association below age 2.5 years. Modelling median BMI curves for each genotype using the LMS method, we found that carriers of minor alleles showed lower BMI in infancy, earlier adiposity rebound (AR), and higher BMI later in childhood. Differences by allele were consistent with two independent processes: earlier AR equivalent to accelerating developmental age by 2.37% (95% CI 1.87, 2.87, p = 10-20) per A allele and a positive age by genotype interaction such that BMI increased faster with age (p = 10-23). We also fitted a linear mixed effects model to relate genotype to the BMI curve inflection points adiposity peak (AP) in infancy and AR. Carriage of two minor alleles at rs9939609 was associated with lower BMI at AP (-0.40% (95% CI: -0.74, -0.06), p = 0.02), higher BMI at AR (0.93% (95% CI: 0.22, 1.64), p = 0.01), and earlier AR (-4.72% (-5.81, -3.63), p = 10-17), supporting cross-sectional results. Overall, we confirm the expected association between variation at rs9939609 and BMI in childhood, but only after an inverse association between the same variant and BMI in infancy. Patterns are consistent with a shift on the developmental scale, which is reflected in association with the timing of AR rather than just a global increase in BMI. Results provide important information about longitudinal gene effects and about the role of FTO in adiposity. The associated shifts in developmental timing have clinical importance with respect to known relationships between AR and both later-life BMI and metabolic disease risk.
- Published
- 2011
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9. Genetic variants in novel pathways influence blood pressure and cardiovascular disease risk
- Author
Ehret, G.B. (Georg), Munroe, P. (Patricia), Rice, K.M. (Kenneth), Bochud, M. (Murielle), Johnson, A.D. (Andrew), Chasman, D.I. (Daniel), Smith, A.V. (Albert Vernon), Tobin, M.D. (Martin), Verwoert, G.C. (Germaine), Hwang, S.J., Pihur, V. (Vasyl), Vollenweider, P. (Peter), O'Reilly, P.F. (Paul), Amin, N. (Najaf), Bragg-Gresham, J.L. (Jennifer L.), Teumer, A. (Alexander), Glazer, N.L. (Nicole), Launer, L.J. (Lenore), Zhao, J.H. (Jing Hua), Aulchenko, Y.S. (Yurii), Heath, S.C. (Simon), Sõber, S. (Siim), Parsa, A. (Afshin), Luan, J., Arora, P. (Pankaj), Dehghan, A. (Abbas), Zhang, F. (Feng), Lucas, G. (Gavin), Hicks, A.A. (Andrew), Jackson, A.U. (Anne), Peden, J. (John), Tanaka, T. (Toshiko), Wild, S.H. (Sarah), Rudan, I. (Igor), Igl, W. (Wilmar), Milaneschi, Y. (Yuri), Parker, A.N. (Alex), Fava, C. (Cristiano), Chambers, J.C. (John), Fox, E.R. (Ervin), Kumari, M. (Meena), Jin Go, M. (Min), Harst, P. (Pim) van der, Kao, W.-H.L. (Wen-Hong Linda), Sjögren, M. (Marketa), Vinay, D.G., Alexander, M. (Myriam), Tabara, Y. (Yasuharu), Shaw-Hawkins, S. (Sue), Whincup, P.H. (Peter), Liu, Y. (YongMei), Shi, G. (Gang), Kuusisto, J. (Johanna), Tayo, B. (Bamidele), Seielstad, M. (Mark), Sim, X. (Xueling), Hoang Nguyen, K.-D., Lehtimäki, T. (Terho), Matullo, G. (Giuseppe), Wu, Y. (Ying), Gaunt, T.R. (Tom), Onland-Moret, N.C. (Charlotte), Cooper, M.N. (Matthew), Platou, C. (Carl), Org, E. (Elin), Hardy, R. (Rebecca), Dahgam, S. (Santosh), Palmen, J. (Jutta), Vitart, V. (Veronique), Braund, P.S. (Peter), Kuznetsova, T. (Tatiana), Uiterwaal, C.S.P.M. (Cuno), Adeyemo, A. (Adebowale), Palmas, W. (Walter), Campbell, H. (Harry), Ludwig, B. (Barbara), Tomaszewski, M., Tzoulaki, I., Palmer, N.D. (Nicholette), Aspelund, T. (Thor), Garcia, M. (Melissa), Chang, Y.-P.C. (Yen-Pei), O´Connell, J.R., Steinle, N.I. (Nanette), Grobbee, D.E. (Diederick), Arking, D.E. (Dan), Kardia, S.L. (Sharon), Morrison, A.C. (Alanna), Hernandez, D.G. (Dena), Najjar, S.S. (Samer), McArdle, W.L. (Wendy), Hadley, D. (David), Brown, M.J. (Morris), Connell, J. (John), Hingorani, A. (Aroon), Day, I.N.M. (Ian), Lawlor, D.A. (Debbie), Beilby, J.P. (John), Lawrence, R.W. (Robert), Clarke, R., Hopewell, J., Ongen, H. (Halit), Dreisbach, A.W. (Albert), Li, Y. (Yali), Hunter Young, J., Bis, J.C. (Joshua), Kähönen, M. (Mika), Viikari, J. (Jorma), Lee, N.R. (Nanette), Chen, M-H. (Ming-Huei), Olden, M. (Matthias), Pattaro, C. (Cristian), Hoffman Bolton, J.A. (Judith), Köttgen, A. (Anna), Bergmann, S.M. (Sven), Mooser, V. (Vincent), Chaturvedi, N. (Nish), Frayling, T.M. (Timothy), Islam, M. (Muhammad), Jafar, T.H. (Tazeen), Kulkarni, S.R. (Smita), Bornstein, S.R. (Stefan), Gräßler, J. (Jürgen), Groop, L. (Leif), Voight, B.F. (Benjamin), Kettunen, J. (Johannes), Howard, P. (Philip), Taylor, A. (Andrew), Guarrera, S. (Simonetta), Ricceri, F. (Fulvio), Emilsson, V. (Valur), Plump, A.S. (Andrew), Khaw, K-T. (Kay-Tee), Weder, A.B. (Alan), Hunt, S.C. (Steven), Sun, Y.V. (Yan), Bergman, R.N. (Richard), Collins, F.S. (Francis), Bonnycastle, L.L. (Lori), Scott, L.J. (Laura), Stringham, H.M. (Heather), Peltonen, L. (Leena Johanna), Perola, M. (Markus), Vartiainen, E. (Erkki), Brand, S.-M., Staessen, J.A. (Jan), Wang, Y.A. (Ying), Burton, P.R. (Paul), Soler Artigas, M. (Maria), Dong, Y. (Yanbin), Snieder, H. (Harold), Zhu, H. (Haidong), Lohman, K. (Kurt), Rudock, M.E. (Megan), Heckbert, S.R. (Susan), Wiggins, K.L. (Kerri), Doumatey, A. (Ayo), Shriner, D. (Daniel), Veldre, G. (Gudrun), Viigimaa, M. (Margus), Kinra, S. (Sanjay), Prabhakaran, D. (Dorairaj), Tripathy, V. (Vikal), Langefeld, C.D. (Carl), Rosengren, A. (Annika), Thelle, D.S. (Dag), Corsi, A.M. (Anna Maria), Singleton, A. (Andrew), Forrester, T. (Terrence), Hilton, G. (Gina), McKenzie, C.A. (Colin), Salako, T. (Tunde), Iwai, N. (Naoharu), Kita, Y. (Yoshikuni), Ogihara, T. (Toshio), Ohkubo, T. (Takayoshi), Okamura, T. (Tomonori), Ueshima, H. (Hirotsugu), Umemura, S. (Satoshi), Eyheramendy, S. (Susana), Meitinger, T. (Thomas), Wichmann, H.E. (Heinz Erich), Shin Cho, Y. (Yoon), Kim, H.-L., Sehmi, J.S. (Joban), Hedblad, B. (Bo), Nilsson, P. (Peter), Davey-Smith, G. (George), Wong, A. (Andrew), Narisu, N. (Narisu), Stancáková, A. (Alena), Raffel, L.J. (Leslie), Yao, J. (Jie), Kathiresan, S. (Sekar), O'Donnell, C.J. (Christopher), Schwartz, S.M. (Stephen), Ikram, M.A. (Arfan), Longstreth Jr, W.T., Mosley, T.H. (Thomas), Seshadri, S. (Sudha), Shrine, N.R.G. (Nick), Wain, L.V. (Louise), Morken, M.A. (Mario), Swift, A.J. (Amy), Laitinen, J. (Jaana), Prokopenko, I. (Inga), Zitting, P. (Paavo), Humphries, S.E. (Steve), Danesh, J. (John), Rasheed, A. (Asif), Goel, A. (Anuj), Hamsten, A. (Anders), Watkins, H. (Hugh), Gilst, W.H. (Wiek) van, Janipalli, C.S. (Charles), Radha Mani, K., Yajnik, C. (Chittaranjan), Hofman, A. (Albert), Mattace Raso, F.U.S. (Francesco), Oostra, B.A. (Ben), Demirkan, A. (Ayşe), Isaacs, A.J. (Aaron), Rivadeneira Ramirez, F. (Fernando), Lakatta, E. (Edward), Orrù, M. (Marco), Scuteri, A. (Angelo), Ala-Korpela, M. (Mika), Kangas, A.J. (Antti), Lyytikäinen, L.-P. (Leo-Pekka), Soininen, P. (Pasi), Tukiainen, T. (Taru), Würtz, P. (Peter), Twee-Hee Ong, R. (Rick), Dörr, M. (Marcus), Kroemer, H.K. (Heyo), Völker, U. (Uwe), Völzke, H. (Henry), Galan, P. (Pilar), Hercberg, S. (Serge), Lathrop, G.M. (Mark), Zelenika, D. (Diana), Deloukas, P. (Panagiotis), Mangino, M. (Massimo), Spector, T.D. (Timothy), Zhai, G. (Guangju), Meschia, J.F. (James F.), Nalls, M.A. (Michael), Sharma, P. (Pankaj), Terzic, J. (Janos), Kranthi Kumar, M.V., Denniff, M. (Matthew), Zukowska-Szczechowska, E. (Ewa), Wagenknecht, L.E. (Lynne), Fowkes, F.G.R. (Gerald), Charchar, F.J. (Fadi), Schwarz, P.E.H. (Peter), Hayward, C. (Caroline), Guo, X. (Xiuqing), Rotimi, C. (Charles), Bots, M.L. (Michiel), Samani, N.J. (Nilesh), Polasek, O. (Ozren), Talmud, P.J. (Philippa), Nyberg, F. (Fredrik), Kuh, D. (Diana), Laan, M. (Maris), Hveem, K. (Kristian), Schouw, Y.T. (Yvonne) van der, Casas, J.P. (Juan), Mohlke, K.L. (Karen), Vineis, P. (Paolo), Raitakari, O. (Olli), Ganesh, S.K. (Santhi), Shyong Tai, E., Laakso, M. (Markku), Rao, D.C. (Dabeeru C.), Harris, T.B. (Tamara), Morris, R.W. (Richard), Dominiczak, A. (Anna), Kivimaki, M. (Mika), Marmot, M. (Michael), Miki, T. (Tetsuro), Saleheen, D., Chandak, G.R. (Giriraj), Coresh, J. (Josef), Navis, G. (Gerjan), Salomaa, V. (Veikko), Han, B.-G., Kooner, J.S. (Jaspal), Melander, O. (Olle), Ridker, P.M. (Paul), Bandinelli, S. (Stefania), Gyllensten, U. (Ulf), Wright, A.F. (Alan), Wilson, J.F. (James), Ferrucci, L. (Luigi), Farrall, M. (Martin), Tuomilehto, J. (Jaakko), Pramstaller, P.P. (Peter Paul), Elosua, R. (Roberto), Soranzo, N. (Nicole), Sijbrands, E.J.G. (Eric), Altshuler, D. (David), Loos, R.J.F. (Ruth), Shuldiner, A.R. (Alan), Gieger, C. (Christian), Meneton, P. (Pierre), Uitterlinden, A.G. (André), Wareham, N.J. (Nick), Gudnason, V. (Vilmundur), Rotter, J.I. (Jerome), Rettig, R. (Rainer), Uda, M. (Manuela), Strachan, D.P. (David), Witteman, J.C.M. (Jacqueline), Hartikainen, A.L., Beckmann, J.S. (Jacques), Boerwinkle, E.A. (Eric), Erdmann, J. (Jeanette), Vasan, R.S. (Ramachandran Srini), Boehnke, M. (Michael), Larson, M.G. (Martin), Järvelin, M.R., Psaty, B.M. (Bruce), Tikka-Kleemola, P. (Päivi), Newton-Cheh, C. (Christopher), Elliott, P. (Paul), Levy, D. (Daniel), Caulfield, M. (Mark), Abecasis, G.R. (Gonçalo), Adair, L.S. (Linda), Bakker, S.J.L. (Stephan), Barroso, I.E. (Inês), Ehret, G.B. (Georg), Munroe, P. (Patricia), Rice, K.M. (Kenneth), Bochud, M. (Murielle), Johnson, A.D. (Andrew), Chasman, D.I. (Daniel), Smith, A.V. (Albert Vernon), Tobin, M.D. (Martin), Verwoert, G.C. (Germaine), Hwang, S.J., Pihur, V. (Vasyl), Vollenweider, P. (Peter), O'Reilly, P.F. (Paul), Amin, N. (Najaf), Bragg-Gresham, J.L. (Jennifer L.), Teumer, A. (Alexander), Glazer, N.L. (Nicole), Launer, L.J. (Lenore), Zhao, J.H. (Jing Hua), Aulchenko, Y.S. (Yurii), Heath, S.C. (Simon), Sõber, S. (Siim), Parsa, A. (Afshin), Luan, J., Arora, P. (Pankaj), Dehghan, A. (Abbas), Zhang, F. (Feng), Lucas, G. (Gavin), Hicks, A.A. (Andrew), Jackson, A.U. (Anne), Peden, J. (John), Tanaka, T. (Toshiko), Wild, S.H. (Sarah), Rudan, I. (Igor), Igl, W. (Wilmar), Milaneschi, Y. (Yuri), Parker, A.N. (Alex), Fava, C. (Cristiano), Chambers, J.C. (John), Fox, E.R. (Ervin), Kumari, M. (Meena), Jin Go, M. (Min), Harst, P. (Pim) van der, Kao, W.-H.L. (Wen-Hong Linda), Sjögren, M. (Marketa), Vinay, D.G., Alexander, M. (Myriam), Tabara, Y. (Yasuharu), Shaw-Hawkins, S. (Sue), Whincup, P.H. (Peter), Liu, Y. (YongMei), Shi, G. (Gang), Kuusisto, J. (Johanna), Tayo, B. (Bamidele), Seielstad, M. (Mark), Sim, X. (Xueling), Hoang Nguyen, K.-D., Lehtimäki, T. (Terho), Matullo, G. (Giuseppe), Wu, Y. (Ying), Gaunt, T.R. (Tom), Onland-Moret, N.C. (Charlotte), Cooper, M.N. (Matthew), Platou, C. (Carl), Org, E. (Elin), Hardy, R. (Rebecca), Dahgam, S. (Santosh), Palmen, J. (Jutta), Vitart, V. (Veronique), Braund, P.S. (Peter), Kuznetsova, T. (Tatiana), Uiterwaal, C.S.P.M. (Cuno), Adeyemo, A. (Adebowale), Palmas, W. (Walter), Campbell, H. (Harry), Ludwig, B. (Barbara), Tomaszewski, M., Tzoulaki, I., Palmer, N.D. (Nicholette), Aspelund, T. (Thor), Garcia, M. (Melissa), Chang, Y.-P.C. (Yen-Pei), O´Connell, J.R., Steinle, N.I. (Nanette), Grobbee, D.E. (Diederick), Arking, D.E. (Dan), Kardia, S.L. (Sharon), Morrison, A.C. (Alanna), Hernandez, D.G. (Dena), Najjar, S.S. (Samer), McArdle, W.L. (Wendy), Hadley, D. (David), Brown, M.J. (Morris), Connell, J. (John), Hingorani, A. (Aroon), Day, I.N.M. (Ian), Lawlor, D.A. (Debbie), Beilby, J.P. (John), Lawrence, R.W. (Robert), Clarke, R., Hopewell, J., Ongen, H. (Halit), Dreisbach, A.W. (Albert), Li, Y. (Yali), Hunter Young, J., Bis, J.C. (Joshua), Kähönen, M. (Mika), Viikari, J. (Jorma), Lee, N.R. (Nanette), Chen, M-H. (Ming-Huei), Olden, M. (Matthias), Pattaro, C. (Cristian), Hoffman Bolton, J.A. (Judith), Köttgen, A. (Anna), Bergmann, S.M. (Sven), Mooser, V. (Vincent), Chaturvedi, N. (Nish), Frayling, T.M. (Timothy), Islam, M. (Muhammad), Jafar, T.H. (Tazeen), Kulkarni, S.R. (Smita), Bornstein, S.R. (Stefan), Gräßler, J. (Jürgen), Groop, L. (Leif), Voight, B.F. (Benjamin), Kettunen, J. (Johannes), Howard, P. (Philip), Taylor, A. (Andrew), Guarrera, S. (Simonetta), Ricceri, F. (Fulvio), Emilsson, V. (Valur), Plump, A.S. (Andrew), Khaw, K-T. (Kay-Tee), Weder, A.B. (Alan), Hunt, S.C. (Steven), Sun, Y.V. (Yan), Bergman, R.N. (Richard), Collins, F.S. (Francis), Bonnycastle, L.L. (Lori), Scott, L.J. (Laura), Stringham, H.M. (Heather), Peltonen, L. (Leena Johanna), Perola, M. (Markus), Vartiainen, E. (Erkki), Brand, S.-M., Staessen, J.A. (Jan), Wang, Y.A. (Ying), Burton, P.R. (Paul), Soler Artigas, M. (Maria), Dong, Y. (Yanbin), Snieder, H. (Harold), Zhu, H. (Haidong), Lohman, K. (Kurt), Rudock, M.E. (Megan), Heckbert, S.R. (Susan), Wiggins, K.L. (Kerri), Doumatey, A. (Ayo), Shriner, D. (Daniel), Veldre, G. (Gudrun), Viigimaa, M. (Margus), Kinra, S. (Sanjay), Prabhakaran, D. (Dorairaj), Tripathy, V. (Vikal), Langefeld, C.D. (Carl), Rosengren, A. (Annika), Thelle, D.S. (Dag), Corsi, A.M. (Anna Maria), Singleton, A. (Andrew), Forrester, T. (Terrence), Hilton, G. (Gina), McKenzie, C.A. (Colin), Salako, T. (Tunde), Iwai, N. (Naoharu), Kita, Y. (Yoshikuni), Ogihara, T. (Toshio), Ohkubo, T. (Takayoshi), Okamura, T. (Tomonori), Ueshima, H. (Hirotsugu), Umemura, S. (Satoshi), Eyheramendy, S. (Susana), Meitinger, T. (Thomas), Wichmann, H.E. (Heinz Erich), Shin Cho, Y. (Yoon), Kim, H.-L., Sehmi, J.S. (Joban), Hedblad, B. (Bo), Nilsson, P. (Peter), Davey-Smith, G. (George), Wong, A. (Andrew), Narisu, N. (Narisu), Stancáková, A. (Alena), Raffel, L.J. (Leslie), Yao, J. (Jie), Kathiresan, S. (Sekar), O'Donnell, C.J. (Christopher), Schwartz, S.M. (Stephen), Ikram, M.A. (Arfan), Longstreth Jr, W.T., Mosley, T.H. (Thomas), Seshadri, S. (Sudha), Shrine, N.R.G. (Nick), Wain, L.V. (Louise), Morken, M.A. (Mario), Swift, A.J. (Amy), Laitinen, J. (Jaana), Prokopenko, I. (Inga), Zitting, P. (Paavo), Humphries, S.E. (Steve), Danesh, J. (John), Rasheed, A. (Asif), Goel, A. (Anuj), Hamsten, A. (Anders), Watkins, H. (Hugh), Gilst, W.H. (Wiek) van, Janipalli, C.S. (Charles), Radha Mani, K., Yajnik, C. (Chittaranjan), Hofman, A. (Albert), Mattace Raso, F.U.S. (Francesco), Oostra, B.A. (Ben), Demirkan, A. (Ayşe), Isaacs, A.J. (Aaron), Rivadeneira Ramirez, F. (Fernando), Lakatta, E. (Edward), Orrù, M. (Marco), Scuteri, A. (Angelo), Ala-Korpela, M. (Mika), Kangas, A.J. (Antti), Lyytikäinen, L.-P. (Leo-Pekka), Soininen, P. (Pasi), Tukiainen, T. (Taru), Würtz, P. (Peter), Twee-Hee Ong, R. (Rick), Dörr, M. (Marcus), Kroemer, H.K. (Heyo), Völker, U. (Uwe), Völzke, H. (Henry), Galan, P. (Pilar), Hercberg, S. (Serge), Lathrop, G.M. (Mark), Zelenika, D. (Diana), Deloukas, P. (Panagiotis), Mangino, M. (Massimo), Spector, T.D. (Timothy), Zhai, G. (Guangju), Meschia, J.F. (James F.), Nalls, M.A. (Michael), Sharma, P. (Pankaj), Terzic, J. (Janos), Kranthi Kumar, M.V., Denniff, M. (Matthew), Zukowska-Szczechowska, E. (Ewa), Wagenknecht, L.E. (Lynne), Fowkes, F.G.R. (Gerald), Charchar, F.J. (Fadi), Schwarz, P.E.H. (Peter), Hayward, C. (Caroline), Guo, X. (Xiuqing), Rotimi, C. (Charles), Bots, M.L. (Michiel), Samani, N.J. (Nilesh), Polasek, O. (Ozren), Talmud, P.J. (Philippa), Nyberg, F. (Fredrik), Kuh, D. (Diana), Laan, M. (Maris), Hveem, K. (Kristian), Schouw, Y.T. (Yvonne) van der, Casas, J.P. (Juan), Mohlke, K.L. (Karen), Vineis, P. (Paolo), Raitakari, O. (Olli), Ganesh, S.K. (Santhi), Shyong Tai, E., Laakso, M. (Markku), Rao, D.C. (Dabeeru C.), Harris, T.B. (Tamara), Morris, R.W. (Richard), Dominiczak, A. (Anna), Kivimaki, M. (Mika), Marmot, M. (Michael), Miki, T. (Tetsuro), Saleheen, D., Chandak, G.R. (Giriraj), Coresh, J. (Josef), Navis, G. (Gerjan), Salomaa, V. (Veikko), Han, B.-G., Kooner, J.S. (Jaspal), Melander, O. (Olle), Ridker, P.M. (Paul), Bandinelli, S. (Stefania), Gyllensten, U. (Ulf), Wright, A.F. (Alan), Wilson, J.F. (James), Ferrucci, L. (Luigi), Farrall, M. (Martin), Tuomilehto, J. (Jaakko), Pramstaller, P.P. (Peter Paul), Elosua, R. (Roberto), Soranzo, N. (Nicole), Sijbrands, E.J.G. (Eric), Altshuler, D. (David), Loos, R.J.F. (Ruth), Shuldiner, A.R. (Alan), Gieger, C. (Christian), Meneton, P. (Pierre), Uitterlinden, A.G. (André), Wareham, N.J. (Nick), Gudnason, V. (Vilmundur), Rotter, J.I. (Jerome), Rettig, R. (Rainer), Uda, M. (Manuela), Strachan, D.P. (David), Witteman, J.C.M. (Jacqueline), Hartikainen, A.L., Beckmann, J.S. (Jacques), Boerwinkle, E.A. (Eric), Erdmann, J. (Jeanette), Vasan, R.S. (Ramachandran Srini), Boehnke, M. (Michael), Larson, M.G. (Martin), Järvelin, M.R., Psaty, B.M. (Bruce), Tikka-Kleemola, P. (Päivi), Newton-Cheh, C. (Christopher), Elliott, P. (Paul), Levy, D. (Daniel), Caulfield, M. (Mark), Abecasis, G.R. (Gonçalo), Adair, L.S. (Linda), Bakker, S.J.L. (Stephan), and Barroso, I.E. (Inês)
- Abstract
Blood pressure is a heritable trait influenced by several biological pathways and responsive to environmental stimuli. Over one billion people worldwide have hypertension (≥140mmg Hg systolic blood pressure ≥90mmg Hg diastolic blood pressure). Even small increments in blood pressure are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events. This genome-wide association study of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which used a multi-stage design in 200,000 individuals of European descent, identified sixteen novel loci: six of these loci contain genes previously known or suspected to regulate blood pressure (GUCY1A3 GUCY1B3, NPR3 C5orf23, ADM, FURIN FES, GOSR2, GNAS EDN3); the other ten provide new clues to blood pressure physiology. A genetic risk score based on 29 geno
- Published
- 2011
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10. Association analyses of 249,796 individuals reveal 18 new loci associated with body mass index.
- Author
Speliotes, E.K., Willer, C.J., Berndt, S.I., Monda, K.L., Thorleifsson, G., Jackson, A., Allen, H.L., Lindgren, C.M., Luan, J., Magi, R., Randall, J., Vedantam, S., Winkler, T.W., Qi, L., Workalemahu, T., Heid, I.M., Steinthorsdottir, V., Stringham, H.M., Weedon, M.N., Wheeler, E., Wood, A.R., Ferreira, T., Weyant, R.J., Segre, A., Estrada, K., Liang, L., Nemesh, J., Park, J., Gustafsson, S., Kilpelainen, T.O., Yang, J., Bouatia-Naji, N., Esko, T., Feitosa, M.F., Kutalik, Z., Mangino, M., Raychaudhuri, S., Scherag, A., Smith, A.V., Welch, R., Zhao, J.H., Aben, K.K.H., Absher, D., Amin, N., Dixon, A.L., Fisher, E., Glazer, N.L., Goddard, M.E., Hoesel, V., Hottenga, J.J., Johansson, A, Johnson, T., Ketkar, S., Lamina, C., Li, S., Moffatt, M.F., Myers, R.H., Narisu, N., Perry, J.R., Peters, M.J., Preuss, M., Ripatti, S., Rivadeneira, F., Sandholt, C., Scott, L.J., Timpson, N.J., Tyrer, J.P., Wingerden, S. van, Watanabe, R.M., White, C.C., Wiklund, F., Barlassina, C., Chasman, D.I., Cooper, M., Jansson, J.O., Lawrence, R.W., Pellikka, N., Prokopenko, I., Shi, J., Thiering, E., Alavere, H., Alibrandi, M.T., Almgren, P., Kiemeney, L.A.L.M., Speliotes, E.K., Willer, C.J., Berndt, S.I., Monda, K.L., Thorleifsson, G., Jackson, A., Allen, H.L., Lindgren, C.M., Luan, J., Magi, R., Randall, J., Vedantam, S., Winkler, T.W., Qi, L., Workalemahu, T., Heid, I.M., Steinthorsdottir, V., Stringham, H.M., Weedon, M.N., Wheeler, E., Wood, A.R., Ferreira, T., Weyant, R.J., Segre, A., Estrada, K., Liang, L., Nemesh, J., Park, J., Gustafsson, S., Kilpelainen, T.O., Yang, J., Bouatia-Naji, N., Esko, T., Feitosa, M.F., Kutalik, Z., Mangino, M., Raychaudhuri, S., Scherag, A., Smith, A.V., Welch, R., Zhao, J.H., Aben, K.K.H., Absher, D., Amin, N., Dixon, A.L., Fisher, E., Glazer, N.L., Goddard, M.E., Hoesel, V., Hottenga, J.J., Johansson, A, Johnson, T., Ketkar, S., Lamina, C., Li, S., Moffatt, M.F., Myers, R.H., Narisu, N., Perry, J.R., Peters, M.J., Preuss, M., Ripatti, S., Rivadeneira, F., Sandholt, C., Scott, L.J., Timpson, N.J., Tyrer, J.P., Wingerden, S. van, Watanabe, R.M., White, C.C., Wiklund, F., Barlassina, C., Chasman, D.I., Cooper, M., Jansson, J.O., Lawrence, R.W., Pellikka, N., Prokopenko, I., Shi, J., Thiering, E., Alavere, H., Alibrandi, M.T., Almgren, P., and Kiemeney, L.A.L.M.
- Abstract
Contains fulltext : 88350.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)
- Published
- 2010
11. Meta-analysis identifies 13 new loci associated with waist-hip ratio and reveals sexual dimorphism in the genetic basis of fat distribution.
- Author
Heid, I.M., Jackson, A.U., Randall, J.C., Winkler, T.W., Qi, L., Steinthorsdottir, V., Thorleifsson, G., Zillikens, M.C., Speliotes, E.K., Mägi, R., Workalemahu, T., White, C.C., Bouatia-Naji, N., Harris, T.B., Berndt, S.I., Ingelsson, E., Willer, C.J., Weedon, M.N., Luan, J., Vedantam, S., Esko, T., Kilpeläinen, T.O., Kutalik, Z., Li, S., Monda, K.L., Dixon, A.L., Holmes, C.C., Kaplan, L.M., Liang, L., Min, J.L., Moffatt, M.F., Molony, C., Nicholson, G., Schadt, E.E., Zondervan, K.T., Feitosa, M.F., Ferreira, T., Allen, H.L., Weyant, R.J., Wheeler, E., Wood, A.R., MAGIC, Estrada, K., Goddard, M.E., Lettre, G., Mangino, M., Nyholt, D.R., Purcell, S., Smith, A.V., Visscher, P.M., Yang, J., McCarroll, S.A., Nemesh, J., Voight, B.F., Absher, D., Amin, N., Aspelund, T., Coin, L., Glazer, N.L., Hayward, C., Heard-Costa, N.L., Hottenga, J.J., Johansson, A., Johnson, T., Kaakinen, M., Kapur, K., Ketkar, S., Knowles, J.W., Kraft, P., Kraja, A.T., Lamina, C., Leitzmann, M.F., McKnight, B., Morris, A.P., Ong, K.K., Perry, J.R., Peters, M.J., Polasek, O., Prokopenko, I., Rayner, N.W., Ripatti, S., Rivadeneira, F., Robertson, N.R., Sanna, S., Sovio, U., Surakka, I., Teumer, A., van Wingerden, S., Vitart, V., Zhao, J.H., Cavalcanti-Proença, C., Chines, P.S., Fisher, E., Kulzer, J.R., Lecoeur, C., Narisu, N., Sandholt, C., Scott, L.J., Silander, K., Stark, K., Tammesoo, M.L., Teslovich, T.M., Timpson, N.J., Watanabe, R.M., Welch, R., Chasman, D.I., Cooper, M.N., Jansson, J.O., Kettunen, J., Lawrence, R.W., Pellikka, N., Perola, M., Vandenput, L., Alavere, H., Almgren, P., Atwood, L.D., Bennett, A.J., Biffar, R., Bonnycastle, L.L., Bornstein, S.R., Buchanan, T.A., Campbell, H., Day, I.N., Dei, M., Dörr, M., Elliott, P., Erdos, M.R., Eriksson, J.G., Freimer, N.B., Fu, M., Gaget, S., Geus, E.J., Gjesing, A.P., Grallert, H., Grässler, J., Groves, C.J., Guiducci, C., Hartikainen, A.L., Hassanali, N., Havulinna, A.S., Herzig, K.H., Hicks, A.A., Hui, J., Igl, W., Jousilahti, P., Jula, A., Kajantie, E., Kinnunen, L., Kolcic, I., Koskinen, S., Kovacs, P., Kroemer, H.K., Krzelj, V., Kuusisto, J., Kvaloy, K., Laitinen, J., Lantieri, O., Lathrop, G.M., Lokki, M.L., Luben, R.N., Ludwig, B., McArdle, W.L., McCarthy, A., Morken, M.A., Nelis, M., Neville, M.J., Paré, G., Parker, A.N., Peden, J.F., Pichler, I., Pietiläinen, K.H., Platou, C.G., Pouta, A., Ridderstråle, M., Samani, N.J., Saramies, J., Sinisalo, J., Smit, J.H., Strawbridge, R.J., Stringham, H.M., Swift, A.J., Teder-Laving, M., Thomson, B., Usala, G., van Meurs, J.B., van Ommen, G.J., Vatin, V., Volpato, C.B., Wallaschofski, H., Walters, G.B., Widen, E., Wild, S.H., Willemsen, G., Witte, D.R., Zgaga, L., Zitting, P., Beilby, J.P., James, A.L., Kähönen, M., Lehtimäki, T., Nieminen, M.S., Ohlsson, C., Palmer, L.J., Raitakari, O., Ridker, P.M., Stumvoll, M., Tönjes, A., Viikari, J., Balkau, B., Ben-Shlomo, Y., Bergman, R.N., Boeing, H., Smith, G.D., Ebrahim, S., Froguel, P., Hansen, T., Hengstenberg, C., Hveem, K., Isomaa, B., Jørgensen, T., Karpe, F., Khaw, K.T., Laakso, M., Lawlor, D.A., Marre, M., Meitinger, T., Metspalu, A., Midthjell, K., Pedersen, O., Salomaa, V., Schwarz, P.E., Tuomi, T., Tuomilehto, J., Valle, T.T., Wareham, N.J., Arnold, A.M., Beckmann, J.S., Bergmann, S., Boerwinkle, E., Boomsma, D.I., Caulfield, M.J., Collins, F.S., Eiriksdottir, G., Gudnason, V., Gyllensten, U., Hamsten, A., Hattersley, A.T., Hofman, A., Hu, F.B., Illig, T., Iribarren, C., Jarvelin, M.R., Kao, W.H., Kaprio, J., Launer, L.J., Munroe, P.B., Oostra, B., Penninx, B.W., Pramstaller, P.P., Psaty, B.M., Quertermous, T., Rissanen, A., Rudan, I., Shuldiner, A.R., Soranzo, N., Spector, T.D., Syvanen, A.C., Uda, M., Uitterlinden, A., Völzke, H., Vollenweider, P., Wilson, J.F., Witteman, J.C., Wright, A.F., Abecasis, G.R., Boehnke, M., Borecki, I.B., Deloukas, P., Frayling, T.M., Groop, L.C., Haritunians, T., Hunter, D.J., Kaplan, R.C., North, K.E., O'Connell, J.R., Peltonen, L., Schlessinger, D., Strachan, D.P., Hirschhorn, J.N., Assimes, T.L., Wichmann, H.E., Thorsteinsdottir, U., van Duijn, C.M., Stefansson, K., Cupples, L.A., Loos, R.J., Barroso, I., McCarthy, M.I., Fox, C.S., Mohlke, K.L., Lindgren, C.M., Heid, I.M., Jackson, A.U., Randall, J.C., Winkler, T.W., Qi, L., Steinthorsdottir, V., Thorleifsson, G., Zillikens, M.C., Speliotes, E.K., Mägi, R., Workalemahu, T., White, C.C., Bouatia-Naji, N., Harris, T.B., Berndt, S.I., Ingelsson, E., Willer, C.J., Weedon, M.N., Luan, J., Vedantam, S., Esko, T., Kilpeläinen, T.O., Kutalik, Z., Li, S., Monda, K.L., Dixon, A.L., Holmes, C.C., Kaplan, L.M., Liang, L., Min, J.L., Moffatt, M.F., Molony, C., Nicholson, G., Schadt, E.E., Zondervan, K.T., Feitosa, M.F., Ferreira, T., Allen, H.L., Weyant, R.J., Wheeler, E., Wood, A.R., MAGIC, Estrada, K., Goddard, M.E., Lettre, G., Mangino, M., Nyholt, D.R., Purcell, S., Smith, A.V., Visscher, P.M., Yang, J., McCarroll, S.A., Nemesh, J., Voight, B.F., Absher, D., Amin, N., Aspelund, T., Coin, L., Glazer, N.L., Hayward, C., Heard-Costa, N.L., Hottenga, J.J., Johansson, A., Johnson, T., Kaakinen, M., Kapur, K., Ketkar, S., Knowles, J.W., Kraft, P., Kraja, A.T., Lamina, C., Leitzmann, M.F., McKnight, B., Morris, A.P., Ong, K.K., Perry, J.R., Peters, M.J., Polasek, O., Prokopenko, I., Rayner, N.W., Ripatti, S., Rivadeneira, F., Robertson, N.R., Sanna, S., Sovio, U., Surakka, I., Teumer, A., van Wingerden, S., Vitart, V., Zhao, J.H., Cavalcanti-Proença, C., Chines, P.S., Fisher, E., Kulzer, J.R., Lecoeur, C., Narisu, N., Sandholt, C., Scott, L.J., Silander, K., Stark, K., Tammesoo, M.L., Teslovich, T.M., Timpson, N.J., Watanabe, R.M., Welch, R., Chasman, D.I., Cooper, M.N., Jansson, J.O., Kettunen, J., Lawrence, R.W., Pellikka, N., Perola, M., Vandenput, L., Alavere, H., Almgren, P., Atwood, L.D., Bennett, A.J., Biffar, R., Bonnycastle, L.L., Bornstein, S.R., Buchanan, T.A., Campbell, H., Day, I.N., Dei, M., Dörr, M., Elliott, P., Erdos, M.R., Eriksson, J.G., Freimer, N.B., Fu, M., Gaget, S., Geus, E.J., Gjesing, A.P., Grallert, H., Grässler, J., Groves, C.J., Guiducci, C., Hartikainen, A.L., Hassanali, N., Havulinna, A.S., Herzig, K.H., Hicks, A.A., Hui, J., Igl, W., Jousilahti, P., Jula, A., Kajantie, E., Kinnunen, L., Kolcic, I., Koskinen, S., Kovacs, P., Kroemer, H.K., Krzelj, V., Kuusisto, J., Kvaloy, K., Laitinen, J., Lantieri, O., Lathrop, G.M., Lokki, M.L., Luben, R.N., Ludwig, B., McArdle, W.L., McCarthy, A., Morken, M.A., Nelis, M., Neville, M.J., Paré, G., Parker, A.N., Peden, J.F., Pichler, I., Pietiläinen, K.H., Platou, C.G., Pouta, A., Ridderstråle, M., Samani, N.J., Saramies, J., Sinisalo, J., Smit, J.H., Strawbridge, R.J., Stringham, H.M., Swift, A.J., Teder-Laving, M., Thomson, B., Usala, G., van Meurs, J.B., van Ommen, G.J., Vatin, V., Volpato, C.B., Wallaschofski, H., Walters, G.B., Widen, E., Wild, S.H., Willemsen, G., Witte, D.R., Zgaga, L., Zitting, P., Beilby, J.P., James, A.L., Kähönen, M., Lehtimäki, T., Nieminen, M.S., Ohlsson, C., Palmer, L.J., Raitakari, O., Ridker, P.M., Stumvoll, M., Tönjes, A., Viikari, J., Balkau, B., Ben-Shlomo, Y., Bergman, R.N., Boeing, H., Smith, G.D., Ebrahim, S., Froguel, P., Hansen, T., Hengstenberg, C., Hveem, K., Isomaa, B., Jørgensen, T., Karpe, F., Khaw, K.T., Laakso, M., Lawlor, D.A., Marre, M., Meitinger, T., Metspalu, A., Midthjell, K., Pedersen, O., Salomaa, V., Schwarz, P.E., Tuomi, T., Tuomilehto, J., Valle, T.T., Wareham, N.J., Arnold, A.M., Beckmann, J.S., Bergmann, S., Boerwinkle, E., Boomsma, D.I., Caulfield, M.J., Collins, F.S., Eiriksdottir, G., Gudnason, V., Gyllensten, U., Hamsten, A., Hattersley, A.T., Hofman, A., Hu, F.B., Illig, T., Iribarren, C., Jarvelin, M.R., Kao, W.H., Kaprio, J., Launer, L.J., Munroe, P.B., Oostra, B., Penninx, B.W., Pramstaller, P.P., Psaty, B.M., Quertermous, T., Rissanen, A., Rudan, I., Shuldiner, A.R., Soranzo, N., Spector, T.D., Syvanen, A.C., Uda, M., Uitterlinden, A., Völzke, H., Vollenweider, P., Wilson, J.F., Witteman, J.C., Wright, A.F., Abecasis, G.R., Boehnke, M., Borecki, I.B., Deloukas, P., Frayling, T.M., Groop, L.C., Haritunians, T., Hunter, D.J., Kaplan, R.C., North, K.E., O'Connell, J.R., Peltonen, L., Schlessinger, D., Strachan, D.P., Hirschhorn, J.N., Assimes, T.L., Wichmann, H.E., Thorsteinsdottir, U., van Duijn, C.M., Stefansson, K., Cupples, L.A., Loos, R.J., Barroso, I., McCarthy, M.I., Fox, C.S., Mohlke, K.L., and Lindgren, C.M.
- Abstract
Waist-hip ratio (WHR) is a measure of body fat distribution and a predictor of metabolic consequences independent of overall adiposity. WHR is heritable, but few genetic variants influencing this trait have been identified. We conducted a meta-analysis of 32 genome-wide association studies for WHR adjusted for body mass index (comprising up to 77,167 participants), following up 16 loci in an additional 29 studies (comprising up to 113,636 subjects). We identified 13 new loci in or near RSPO3, VEGFA, TBX15-WARS2, NFE2L3, GRB14, DNM3-PIGC, ITPR2-SSPN, LY86, HOXC13, ADAMTS9, ZNRF3-KREMEN1, NISCH-STAB1 and CPEB4 (P = 1.9 × 10⁻⁹ to P = 1.8 × 10⁻⁴⁰) and the known signal at LYPLAL1. Seven of these loci exhibited marked sexual dimorphism, all with a stronger effect on WHR in women than men (P for sex difference = 1.9 × 10⁻³ to P = 1.2 × 10⁻³). These findings provide evidence for multiple loci that modulate body fat distribution independent of overall adiposity and reveal strong gene-by-sex interactions.
- Published
- 2010
12. Hundreds of variants clustered in genomic loci and biological pathways affect human height
- Author
Allen, H.L., Estrada Gil, K. (Karol), Lettre, G. (Guillaume), Berndt, S.I. (Sonja), Rivadeneira Ramirez, F. (Fernando), Willer, C.J. (Cristen), Jackson, A.U. (Anne), Vedantam, S. (Sailaja), Raychaudhuri, S. (Soumya), Ferreira, T. (Teresa), Wood, A.R. (Andrew), Weyant, R.J. (Robert), Segrè, A.V. (Ayellet), Speliotes, E.K. (Elizabeth), Wheeler, E. (Eleanor), Soranzo, N. (Nicole), Park, J.H., Yang, J. (Joanna), Gudbjartsson, D.F. (Daniel), Heard-Costa, N.L. (Nancy), Randall, J.C. (Joshua), Qi, L. (Lu), Smith, A.V. (Albert Vernon), Mägi, R. (Reedik), Pastinen, T. (Tomi), Liang, L. (Liming), Heid, I.M. (Iris), Luan, J., Thorleifsson, G. (Gudmar), Winkler, T.W. (Thomas), Goddard, M.E. (Michael), Lo, K.S., Palmer, C. (Cameron), Workalemahu, T. (Tsegaselassie), Aulchenko, Y.S. (Yurii), Johansson, A. (Åsa), Zillikens, M.C. (Carola), Feitosa, M.F. (Mary Furlan), Esko, T. (Tõnu), Johnson, T. (Toby), Ketkar, S. (Shamika), Kraft, P. (Peter), Mangino, M. (Massimo), Prokopenko, I. (Inga), Absher, D. (Devin), Albrecht, E. (Eva), Ernst, F.D.J. (Florian), Glazer, N.L. (Nicole), Hayward, C. (Caroline), Hottenga, J.J. (Jouke Jan), Jacobs, K.B. (Kevin), Knowles, J.W. (Joshua), Kutalik, Z. (Zoltán), Monda, K.L. (Keri), Polasek, O. (Ozren), Preuss, M. (Michael), Rayner, N.W. (Nigel William), Robertson, N.R. (Neil), Steinthorsdottir, V. (Valgerdur), Tyrer, J.P. (Jonathan), Voight, B.F. (Benjamin), Wiklund, F. (Fredrik), Xu, J. (Jianfeng), Zhao, J.H. (Jing Hua), Nyholt, D.R. (Dale), Pellikka, N. (Niina), Perola, M. (Markus), Perry, J.R.B. (John), Surakka, I. (Ida), Tammesoo, M.L., Altmaier, E.L. (Elizabeth), Amin, N. (Najaf), Aspelund, T. (Thor), Bhangale, T. (Tushar), Boucher, G. (Gabrielle), Chasman, D.I. (Daniel), Chen, C. (Constance), Coin, L. (Lachlan), Cooper, M.N. (Matthew), Dixon, A.L. (Anna), Gibson, Q. (Quince), Grundberg, E. (Elin), Hao, K. (Ke), Junttila, M.J. (Juhani), Kaplan, R.C. (Robert), Kettunen, J. (Johannes), König, I.R. (Inke), Kwan, T. (Tony), Lawrence, R.W. (Robert), Levinson, D.F. (Douglas), Lorentzon, M. (Mattias), McKnight, B. (Barbara), Morris, A.D. (Andrew), Müller, M. (Martina), Ngwa, J.S., Purcell, S. (Shaun), Rafelt, S. (Suzanne), Salem, R.M. (Rany), Salvi, E. (Erika), Sanna, S. (Serena), Shi, J. (Jianxin), Sovio, U. (Ulla), Thompson, J.R. (John), Turchin, M.C. (Michael), Vandenput, L. (Liesbeth), Verlaan, D.J. (Dominique), Vitart, V. (Veronique), White, C.C. (Charles), Ziegler, A. (Andreas), Almgren, P. (Peter), Balmforth, A.J. (Anthony), Campbell, H. (Harry), Citterio, L. (Lorena), Grandi, A. (Alessandro) de, Dominiczak, A. (Anna), Duan, J. (Jubao), Elliott, P. (Paul), Elosua, R. (Roberto), Eriksson, J.G. (Johan), Freimer, N.B. (Nelson), Geus, E.J.C. (Eco) de, Glorioso, N. (Nicola), Haiqing, S. (Shen), Hartikainen, A.L., Havulinna, A.S. (Aki), Hicks, A.A. (Andrew), Hui, J. (Jennie), Igl, W. (Wilmar), Illig, T. (Thomas), Jula, A. (Antti), Kajantie, E. (Eero), Kilpeläinen, T.O. (Tuomas), Koiranen, M. (Markku), Kolcic, I. (Ivana), Koskinen, S. (Seppo), Kovacs, P. (Peter), Laitinen, J. (Jaana), Liu, J. (Jianjun), Lokki, M.L., Marusic, A. (Ana), Maschio, A., Meitinger, T. (Thomas), Mulas, A. (Antonella), Paré, G. (Guillaume), Parker, A.N. (Alex), Peden, J. (John), Petersmann, A. (Astrid), Pichler, I. (Irene), Pietilainen, K.H. (Kirsi Hannele), Pouta, A. (Anneli), Ridderstråle, M. (Martin), Rotter, J.I. (Jerome), Sambrook, J.G. (Jennifer), Sanders, A.R. (Alan), Schmidt, C.O. (Carsten Oliver), Sinisalo, J. (Juha), Smit, J.H. (Jan), Stringham, H.M. (Heather), Walters, G.B. (Bragi), Widen, E. (Elisabeth), Wild, S.H. (Sarah), Willemsen, G.A.H.M. (Gonneke), Zagato, L. (Laura), Zgaga, L. (Lina), Zitting, P. (Paavo), Alavere, H. (Helene), Farrall, M. (Martin), McArdle, W.L. (Wendy), Nelis, M. (Mari), Peters, M.J. (Marjolein), Ripatti, S. (Samuli), Meurs, J.B.J. (Joyce) van, Aben, K.K.H. (Katja), Beckmann, J.S. (Jacques), Beilby, J.P. (John), Bergman, R.N. (Richard), Bergmann, S.M. (Sven), Collins, F.S. (Francis), Cusi, D. (Daniele), Heijer, M. (Martin) den, Eiriksdottir, G. (Gudny), Gejman, P.V. (Pablo), Hall, A.S. (Alistair), Hamsten, A. (Anders), Huikuri, H.V. (Heikki), Iribarren, C. (Carlos), Kähönen, M. (Mika), Kaprio, J. (Jaakko), Kathiresan, S. (Sekar), Kiemeney, L.A.L.M. (Bart), Kocher, T. (Thomas), Launer, L.J. (Lenore), Lehtimäki, T. (Terho), Melander, O. (Olle), Mosley, T.H. (Thomas), Musk, A.W. (Arthur), Nieminen, M.S. (Markku), O'Donnell, C.J. (Christopher), Ohlsson, C. (Claes), Oostra, B.A. (Ben), Raitakari, O. (Olli), Ridker, P.M. (Paul), Rioux, J.D. (John), Rissanen, A. (Aila), Rivolta, C. (Carlo), Schunkert, H. (Heribert), Shuldiner, A.R. (Alan), Siscovick, D.S. (David), Stumvoll, M. (Michael), Tönjes, A. (Anke), Tuomilehto, J. (Jaakko), Ommen, G.J. (Gert) van, Viikari, J. (Jorma), Heath, A.C. (Andrew), Martin, N.G. (Nicholas), Montgomery, G.W. (Grant), Province, M.A. (Mike), Kayser, M.H. (Manfred), Arnold, A.M. (Alice), Atwood, L.D. (Larry), Boerwinkle, E.A. (Eric), Chanock, S.J. (Stephen), Deloukas, P. (Panagiotis), Gieger, C. (Christian), Grönberg, H. (Henrik), Hattersley, A.T. (Andrew), Hengstenberg, C. (Christian), Hoffman, W. (Wolfgang), Lathrop, G.M. (Mark), Salomaa, V. (Veikko), Schreiber, S. (Stefan), Uda, M. (Manuela), Waterworth, D. (Dawn), Wright, A.F. (Alan), Assimes, T.L. (Themistocles), Barroso, I.E. (Inês), Hofman, A. (Albert), Mohlke, K.L. (Karen), Boomsma, D.I. (Dorret), Caulfield, M. (Mark), Cupples, L.A. (Adrienne), Fox, C.S. (Caroline), Gudnason, V. (Vilmundur), Gyllensten, U. (Ulf), Harris, T.B. (Tamara), Hayes, R.B. (Richard), Järvelin, M.R., Mooser, V. (Vincent), Munroe, P. (Patricia), Ouwehand, W.H. (Willem), Penninx, B.W.J.H. (Brenda), Pramstaller, P.P. (Peter Paul), Quertermous, T. (Thomas), Rudan, I. (Igor), Samani, N.J. (Nilesh), Spector, T.D. (Timothy), Völzke, H. (Henry), Watkins, H. (Hugh), Wilson, J.F. (James), Groop, L. (Leif), Haritunians, T. (Talin), Hu, F.B. (Frank), Metspalu, A. (Andres), North, K.E. (Kari), Schlessinger, D., Wareham, N.J. (Nick), Hunter, D.J. (David), O´Connell, J.R., Strachan, D.P. (David), Wichmann, H.E. (Heinz Erich), Borecki, I.B. (Ingrid), Duijn, C.M. (Cornelia) van, Schadt, E.E. (Eric), Thorsteinsdottir, U. (Unnur), Peltonen, L. (Leena Johanna), Uitterlinden, A.G. (André), Visscher, P.M. (Peter), Chatterjee, N. (Nilanjan), Erdmann, J. (Jeanette), Loos, R.J.F. (Ruth), Boehnke, M. (Michael), McCarthy, M.I. (Mark), Ingelsson, E. (Erik), Lindgren, C.M. (Cecilia), Abecasis, G.R. (Gonçalo), Stefansson, K. (Kari), Frayling, T.M. (Timothy), Hirschhorn, J.N. (Joel), Ardlie, K.G. (Kristin), Weedon, M.N. (Michael), Allen, H.L., Estrada Gil, K. (Karol), Lettre, G. (Guillaume), Berndt, S.I. (Sonja), Rivadeneira Ramirez, F. (Fernando), Willer, C.J. (Cristen), Jackson, A.U. (Anne), Vedantam, S. (Sailaja), Raychaudhuri, S. (Soumya), Ferreira, T. (Teresa), Wood, A.R. (Andrew), Weyant, R.J. (Robert), Segrè, A.V. (Ayellet), Speliotes, E.K. (Elizabeth), Wheeler, E. (Eleanor), Soranzo, N. (Nicole), Park, J.H., Yang, J. (Joanna), Gudbjartsson, D.F. (Daniel), Heard-Costa, N.L. (Nancy), Randall, J.C. (Joshua), Qi, L. (Lu), Smith, A.V. (Albert Vernon), Mägi, R. (Reedik), Pastinen, T. (Tomi), Liang, L. (Liming), Heid, I.M. (Iris), Luan, J., Thorleifsson, G. (Gudmar), Winkler, T.W. (Thomas), Goddard, M.E. (Michael), Lo, K.S., Palmer, C. (Cameron), Workalemahu, T. (Tsegaselassie), Aulchenko, Y.S. (Yurii), Johansson, A. (Åsa), Zillikens, M.C. (Carola), Feitosa, M.F. (Mary Furlan), Esko, T. (Tõnu), Johnson, T. (Toby), Ketkar, S. (Shamika), Kraft, P. (Peter), Mangino, M. (Massimo), Prokopenko, I. (Inga), Absher, D. (Devin), Albrecht, E. (Eva), Ernst, F.D.J. (Florian), Glazer, N.L. (Nicole), Hayward, C. (Caroline), Hottenga, J.J. (Jouke Jan), Jacobs, K.B. (Kevin), Knowles, J.W. (Joshua), Kutalik, Z. (Zoltán), Monda, K.L. (Keri), Polasek, O. (Ozren), Preuss, M. (Michael), Rayner, N.W. (Nigel William), Robertson, N.R. (Neil), Steinthorsdottir, V. (Valgerdur), Tyrer, J.P. (Jonathan), Voight, B.F. (Benjamin), Wiklund, F. (Fredrik), Xu, J. (Jianfeng), Zhao, J.H. (Jing Hua), Nyholt, D.R. (Dale), Pellikka, N. (Niina), Perola, M. (Markus), Perry, J.R.B. (John), Surakka, I. (Ida), Tammesoo, M.L., Altmaier, E.L. (Elizabeth), Amin, N. (Najaf), Aspelund, T. (Thor), Bhangale, T. (Tushar), Boucher, G. (Gabrielle), Chasman, D.I. (Daniel), Chen, C. (Constance), Coin, L. (Lachlan), Cooper, M.N. (Matthew), Dixon, A.L. (Anna), Gibson, Q. (Quince), Grundberg, E. (Elin), Hao, K. (Ke), Junttila, M.J. (Juhani), Kaplan, R.C. (Robert), Kettunen, J. (Johannes), König, I.R. (Inke), Kwan, T. (Tony), Lawrence, R.W. (Robert), Levinson, D.F. (Douglas), Lorentzon, M. (Mattias), McKnight, B. (Barbara), Morris, A.D. (Andrew), Müller, M. (Martina), Ngwa, J.S., Purcell, S. (Shaun), Rafelt, S. (Suzanne), Salem, R.M. (Rany), Salvi, E. (Erika), Sanna, S. (Serena), Shi, J. (Jianxin), Sovio, U. (Ulla), Thompson, J.R. (John), Turchin, M.C. (Michael), Vandenput, L. (Liesbeth), Verlaan, D.J. (Dominique), Vitart, V. (Veronique), White, C.C. (Charles), Ziegler, A. (Andreas), Almgren, P. (Peter), Balmforth, A.J. (Anthony), Campbell, H. (Harry), Citterio, L. (Lorena), Grandi, A. (Alessandro) de, Dominiczak, A. (Anna), Duan, J. (Jubao), Elliott, P. (Paul), Elosua, R. (Roberto), Eriksson, J.G. (Johan), Freimer, N.B. (Nelson), Geus, E.J.C. (Eco) de, Glorioso, N. (Nicola), Haiqing, S. (Shen), Hartikainen, A.L., Havulinna, A.S. (Aki), Hicks, A.A. (Andrew), Hui, J. (Jennie), Igl, W. (Wilmar), Illig, T. (Thomas), Jula, A. (Antti), Kajantie, E. (Eero), Kilpeläinen, T.O. (Tuomas), Koiranen, M. (Markku), Kolcic, I. (Ivana), Koskinen, S. (Seppo), Kovacs, P. (Peter), Laitinen, J. (Jaana), Liu, J. (Jianjun), Lokki, M.L., Marusic, A. (Ana), Maschio, A., Meitinger, T. (Thomas), Mulas, A. (Antonella), Paré, G. (Guillaume), Parker, A.N. (Alex), Peden, J. (John), Petersmann, A. (Astrid), Pichler, I. (Irene), Pietilainen, K.H. (Kirsi Hannele), Pouta, A. (Anneli), Ridderstråle, M. (Martin), Rotter, J.I. (Jerome), Sambrook, J.G. (Jennifer), Sanders, A.R. (Alan), Schmidt, C.O. (Carsten Oliver), Sinisalo, J. (Juha), Smit, J.H. (Jan), Stringham, H.M. (Heather), Walters, G.B. (Bragi), Widen, E. (Elisabeth), Wild, S.H. (Sarah), Willemsen, G.A.H.M. (Gonneke), Zagato, L. (Laura), Zgaga, L. (Lina), Zitting, P. (Paavo), Alavere, H. (Helene), Farrall, M. (Martin), McArdle, W.L. (Wendy), Nelis, M. (Mari), Peters, M.J. (Marjolein), Ripatti, S. (Samuli), Meurs, J.B.J. (Joyce) van, Aben, K.K.H. (Katja), Beckmann, J.S. (Jacques), Beilby, J.P. (John), Bergman, R.N. (Richard), Bergmann, S.M. (Sven), Collins, F.S. (Francis), Cusi, D. (Daniele), Heijer, M. (Martin) den, Eiriksdottir, G. (Gudny), Gejman, P.V. (Pablo), Hall, A.S. (Alistair), Hamsten, A. (Anders), Huikuri, H.V. (Heikki), Iribarren, C. (Carlos), Kähönen, M. (Mika), Kaprio, J. (Jaakko), Kathiresan, S. (Sekar), Kiemeney, L.A.L.M. (Bart), Kocher, T. (Thomas), Launer, L.J. (Lenore), Lehtimäki, T. (Terho), Melander, O. (Olle), Mosley, T.H. (Thomas), Musk, A.W. (Arthur), Nieminen, M.S. (Markku), O'Donnell, C.J. (Christopher), Ohlsson, C. (Claes), Oostra, B.A. (Ben), Raitakari, O. (Olli), Ridker, P.M. (Paul), Rioux, J.D. (John), Rissanen, A. (Aila), Rivolta, C. (Carlo), Schunkert, H. (Heribert), Shuldiner, A.R. (Alan), Siscovick, D.S. (David), Stumvoll, M. (Michael), Tönjes, A. (Anke), Tuomilehto, J. (Jaakko), Ommen, G.J. (Gert) van, Viikari, J. (Jorma), Heath, A.C. (Andrew), Martin, N.G. (Nicholas), Montgomery, G.W. (Grant), Province, M.A. (Mike), Kayser, M.H. (Manfred), Arnold, A.M. (Alice), Atwood, L.D. (Larry), Boerwinkle, E.A. (Eric), Chanock, S.J. (Stephen), Deloukas, P. (Panagiotis), Gieger, C. (Christian), Grönberg, H. (Henrik), Hattersley, A.T. (Andrew), Hengstenberg, C. (Christian), Hoffman, W. (Wolfgang), Lathrop, G.M. (Mark), Salomaa, V. (Veikko), Schreiber, S. (Stefan), Uda, M. (Manuela), Waterworth, D. (Dawn), Wright, A.F. (Alan), Assimes, T.L. (Themistocles), Barroso, I.E. (Inês), Hofman, A. (Albert), Mohlke, K.L. (Karen), Boomsma, D.I. (Dorret), Caulfield, M. (Mark), Cupples, L.A. (Adrienne), Fox, C.S. (Caroline), Gudnason, V. (Vilmundur), Gyllensten, U. (Ulf), Harris, T.B. (Tamara), Hayes, R.B. (Richard), Järvelin, M.R., Mooser, V. (Vincent), Munroe, P. (Patricia), Ouwehand, W.H. (Willem), Penninx, B.W.J.H. (Brenda), Pramstaller, P.P. (Peter Paul), Quertermous, T. (Thomas), Rudan, I. (Igor), Samani, N.J. (Nilesh), Spector, T.D. (Timothy), Völzke, H. (Henry), Watkins, H. (Hugh), Wilson, J.F. (James), Groop, L. (Leif), Haritunians, T. (Talin), Hu, F.B. (Frank), Metspalu, A. (Andres), North, K.E. (Kari), Schlessinger, D., Wareham, N.J. (Nick), Hunter, D.J. (David), O´Connell, J.R., Strachan, D.P. (David), Wichmann, H.E. (Heinz Erich), Borecki, I.B. (Ingrid), Duijn, C.M. (Cornelia) van, Schadt, E.E. (Eric), Thorsteinsdottir, U. (Unnur), Peltonen, L. (Leena Johanna), Uitterlinden, A.G. (André), Visscher, P.M. (Peter), Chatterjee, N. (Nilanjan), Erdmann, J. (Jeanette), Loos, R.J.F. (Ruth), Boehnke, M. (Michael), McCarthy, M.I. (Mark), Ingelsson, E. (Erik), Lindgren, C.M. (Cecilia), Abecasis, G.R. (Gonçalo), Stefansson, K. (Kari), Frayling, T.M. (Timothy), Hirschhorn, J.N. (Joel), Ardlie, K.G. (Kristin), and Weedon, M.N. (Michael)
- Abstract
Most common human traits and diseases have a polygenic pattern of inheritance: DNA sequence variants at many genetic loci influence the phenotype. Genome-wide association (GWA) studies have identified more than 600 variants associated with human traits1, but these typically explain small fractions of phenotypic variation, raising questions about the use of further studies. Here, using 183,727 individuals, we show that hundreds of genetic variants, in at least 180 loci, influence adult height, a highly heritable and classic polygenic trait2,3. The large number of loci reveals patterns with important implications for genetic studies of common human diseases and traits. First, the 180 loci are not random, but instead are enriched for genes that are connected in biological pathways ( P=0.016) and that underlie skeletal growth defects ( P<0.001). Second, the likely causal gene is often located near the most str
- Published
- 2010
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13. Association analyses of 249,796 individuals reveal 18 new loci associated with body mass index
- Author
Speliotes, E.K. (Elizabeth), Willer, C.J. (Cristen), Berndt, S.I. (Sonja), Monda, K.L. (Keri), Thorleifsson, G. (Gudmar), Jackson, A.U. (Anne), Allen, H.L., Lindgren, C.M. (Cecilia), Luan, J., Mägi, R. (Reedik), Randall, J.C. (Joshua), Vedantam, S. (Sailaja), Winkler, T.W. (Thomas), Qi, L. (Lu), Workalemahu, T. (Tsegaselassie), Heid, I.M. (Iris), Steinthorsdottir, V. (Valgerdur), Stringham, H.M. (Heather), Wheeler, E. (Eleanor), Wood, A.R. (Andrew), Ferreira, T. (Teresa), Weyant, R.J. (Robert), Segrè, A.V. (Ayellet), Eestrada, K. (Karol), Liang, L. (Liming), Nemesh, J. (James), Park, J.H., Gustafsson, S. (Stefan), Kilpeläinen, T.O. (Tuomas), Yang, J. (Joanna), Bouatia-Naji, N. (Nabila), Eesko, T. (Tõnu), Feitosa, M.F. (Mary Furlan), Kutalik, Z. (Zoltán), Mangino, M. (Massimo), Raychaudhuri, S. (Soumya), Scherag, A. (Andre), Smith, A.V. (Albert Vernon), Welch, R.P. (Ryan), Zhao, J.H. (Jing Hua), Aben, K.K.H. (Katja), Absher, D. (Devin), Amin, N. (Najaf), Dixon, A.L. (Anna), Fisher, E. (Eeva), Glazer, N.L. (Nicole), Goddard, M.E. (Michael), Heard-Costa, N.L. (Nancy), Hoesel, V. (Volker), Hottenga, J.J. (Jouke Jan), Johansson, A. (Åsa), Johnson, T. (Toby), Ketkar, S. (Shamika), Lamina, C. (Claudia), Li, S. (Shengxu), Moffatt, M.F. (Miriam), Myers, R.H. (Richard), Narisu, N. (Narisu), Perry, J.R.B. (John), Peters, M.J. (Marjolein), Preuss, M. (Michael), Ripatti, S. (Samuli), Rivadeneira Ramirez, F. (Fernando), Sandholt, C. (Camilla), Scott, L.J. (Laura), Timpson, N.J. (Nicholas), Tyrer, J.P. (Jonathan), Wingerden, S. (Sophie) van, White, C.C. (Charles), Wiklund, F. (Fredrik), Barlassina, C. (Christina), Chasman, D.I. (Daniel), Cooper, M.N. (Matthew), Jansson, J.O., Lawrence, R.W. (Robert), Pellikka, N. (Niina), Prokopenko, I. (Inga), Shi, J. (Jianxin), Thiering, E. (Eelisabeth), Alavere, H. (Helene), Alibrandi, M.T.S. (Maria), Almgren, P. (Peter), Arnold, A.M. (Alice), Aspelund, T. (Thor), Atwood, L.D. (Larry), Balkau, B. (Beverley), Balmforth, A.J. (Anthony), Bennett, A.J. (Amanda), Ben-Shlomo, Y., Bergman, R.N. (Richard), Bergmann, S.M. (Sven), Biebermann, H. (Heike), Blakemore, A.I.F. (Alexandra), Boes, T. (Tanja), Bonnycastle, L.L. (Lori), Bornstein, S.R. (Stefan), Brown, M.J. (Morris), Buchanan, T.A. (Thomas), Busonero, F., Campbell, H. (Harry), Cappuccio, F.P. (Francesco), Cavalcanti-Proença, C. (Christine), Chen, Y.D.I. (Yii-Der Ida), Chen, C.-M. (Chih-Mei), Chines, P.S. (Peter), Clarke, R., Coin, L. (Lachlan), Connell, J. (John), Day, I.N.M. (Ian), Heijer, M. (Martin) den, Duan, J. (Jubao), Eebrahim, S. (Shah), Eelliott, P. (Paul), Eelosua, R. (Roberto), Eeiriksdottir, G. (Gudny), Eerdos, M.R. (Micheal), Eeriksson, J.G. (Johan), Facheris, M.F. (Maurizio), Felix, S.B. (Stephan), Fischer-Posovszky, P. (Pamela), Folsom, A.R. (Aaron), Friedrich, N. (Nele), Freimer, N.B. (Nelson), Fu, M. (Mao), Gaget, S. (Stefan), Gejman, P.V. (Pablo), Geus, E.J.C. (Eco) de, Gieger, C. (Christian), Gjesing, A.P. (Anette), Goel, A. (Anuj), Goyette, P. (Philippe), Grallert, H. (Harald), Gräßler, J. (Jürgen), Greenawalt, D. (Danielle), Groves, C.J. (Christopher), Gudnason, V. (Vilmundur), Guiducci, C. (Candace), Hartikainen, A.L., Hassanali, N. (Neelam), Hall, A.S. (Alistair), Havulinna, A.S. (Aki), Hayward, C. (Caroline), Heath, A.C. (Andrew), Hengstenberg, C. (Christian), Hicks, A.A. (Andrew), Hinney, A. (Anke), Hofman, A. (Albert), Homuth, G. (Georg), Hui, J. (Jennie), Igl, W. (Wilmar), Iribarren, C. (Carlos), Isomaa, B. (Bo), Jacobs, K.B. (Kevin), Jarick, I. (Ivonne), Jewell, E. (Eelizabeth), John, U. (Ulrich), Jørgensen, T. (Torben), Jousilahti, P. (Pekka), Jula, A. (Antti), Kaakinen, M. (Marika), Kajantie, E. (Eero), Kaplan, R.C. (Robert), Kathiresan, S. (Sekar), Kettunen, J. (Johannes), Kinnunen, L. (Leena), Knowles, J.W. (Joshua), Kolcic, I. (Ivana), König, I.R. (Inke), Koskinen, S. (Seppo), Kovacs, P. (Peter), Kusisto, J. (Johanna), Kraft, P. (Peter), Kvaløy, K. (Kirsti), Laitinen, J. (Jaana), Lantieri, O. (Olivier), Lanzani, C. (Chiara), Launer, L.J. (Lenore), Lecoeur, C. (Cécile), Lehtimäki, T. (Terho), Lettre, G. (Guillaume), Liu, J. (Jianjun), Lokki, M.L., Lorentzon, M. (Mattias), Luben, R.N. (Robert), Ludwig, B. (Barbara), Manunta, P. (Paolo), Marek, D. (Diana), Marre, M. (Michel), Martin, N.G. (Nicholas), McArdle, W.L. (Wendy), McCarthy, M.I. (Mark), McKnight, B. (Barbara), Meitinger, T. (Thomas), Melander, O. (Olle), Meyre, D. (David), Midthjell, K. (Kristian), Montgomery, G.W. (Grant), Morken, M.A. (Mario), Morris, A.D. (Andrew), Mulic, R. (Rosanda), Ngwa, J.S., Nelis, M. (Mari), Neville, M.J. (Matthew), Nyholt, D.R. (Dale), O'Ddonnell, C.J. (Christopher), O'Rahilly, S. (Stephen), Ong, K. (Ken), Oostra, B.A. (Ben), Paré, G. (Guillaume), Parker, A.N. (Alex), Perola, M. (Markus), Pichler, I. (Irene), Pietilainen, K.H. (Kirsi Hannele), Platou, C.P. (Carl), Polasek, O. (Ozren), Pouta, A. (Anneli), Rafelt, S. (Suzanne), Raitakari, O. (Olli), Rayner, N.W. (Nigel William), Ridderstråle, M. (Martin), Rief, W. (Winfried), Ruokonen, A. (Aimo), Robertson, N.R. (Neil), Rzehak, P. (Peter), Salomaa, V. (Veikko), Sanders, A.R. (Alan), Sandhu, M.S. (Manjinder), Sanna, S. (Serena), Saramies, J. (Jouko), Savolainen, M.J. (Markku), Schipf, S. (Sabine), Schreiber, S. (Stefan), Schunkert, H. (Heribert), Silander, K. (Kaisa), Sinisalo, J. (Juha), Siscovick, D.S. (David), Smit, J.H. (Jan), Soranzo, N. (Nicole), Sovio, U. (Ulla), Stephens, J. (Jonathan), Surakka, I. (Ida), Swift, A.J. (Amy), Tammesoo, M.L., Tardif, J.-C. (Jean-Claude), Teder-Laving, M. (Maris), Teslovich, T.M. (Tanya), Thompson, J.R. (John), Thomson, B. (Brian), Tönjes, A. (Anke), Tuomi, T. (Tiinamaija), Meurs, J.B.J. (Joyce) van, OMen, G.J. van, Vatin, V. (Vincent), Viikari, J. (Jorma), Visvikis-Siest, S. (Sophie), Vitart, V. (Veronique), Vogel, C.I. (Carla), Voight, B.F. (Benjamin), Waite, L. (Lindsay), Wallaschofski, H. (Henri), Walters, G.B. (Bragi), Widen, E. (Elisabeth), Wiegand, S. (Susanna), Wild, S.H. (Sarah), Willemsen, G.A.H.M. (Gonneke), Witte, D.R. (Deniel), Witteman, J.C.M. (Jacqueline), Xu, J. (Jianfeng), Zhang, Q. (Qunyuan), Zgaga, L. (Lina), Ziegler, A. (Andreas), Zitting, P. (Paavo), Beilby, J.P. (John), FarOqi, I.S. (Ssadaf), Hebebrand, J. (Johannes), Huikuri, H.V. (Heikki), James, A. (Alan), Kähönen, M. (Mika), Levinson, D.F. (Douglas), MacCiardi, F. (Fabio), Nieminen, M.S. (Markku), Ohlsson, C. (Claes), Palmer, C. (Cameron), Ridker, P.M. (Paul), Stumvoll, M. (Michael), Beckmann, J.S. (Jacques), Boeing, H. (Heiner), Boerwinkle, E.A. (Eric), Boomsma, D.I. (Dorret), Caulfield, M. (Mark), Chanock, S.J. (Stephen), Collins, F.S. (Francis), Cupples, L.A. (Adrienne), Eerdmann, J. (Jeanette), Frogue, P. (Philippe), Grönberg, H. (Henrik), Gyllensten, U. (Ulf), Hansen, T. (Torben), Harris, T.B. (Tamara), Hattersley, A.T. (Andrew), Hayes, R.B. (Richard), Heinrich, J. (Joachim), Hu, F.B. (Frank), Hveem, K. (Kristian), Illig, T. (Thomas), Järvelin, M.R., Kaprio, J. (Jaakko), Karpe, F. (Fredrik), Khaw, K-T. (Kay-Tee), Kiemeney, L.A.L.M. (Bart), Krude, H., Laakso, M. (Markku), Lawlor, D.A. (Debbie), Metspalu, A. (Andres), Munroe, P. (Patricia), Ouwehand, W.H. (Willem), Pedersen, O. (Oluf), Penninx, B.W.J.H. (Brenda), Pramstaller, P.P. (Peter Paul), Quertermous, T. (Thomas), Reinehr, T. (Thomas), Rissanen, A. (Aila), Rudan, I. (Igor), Samani, N.J. (Nilesh), Schwarz, P.E.H. (Peter), Shuldiner, A.R. (Alan), Spector, T.D. (Timothy), Tuomilehto, J. (Jaakko), Uda, M. (Manuela), Uitterlinden, A.G. (André), Valle, T.T. (Timo), Wabitsch, M. (Martin), Waeber, G. (Gérard), Wareham, N.J. (Nick), Watkins, H. (Hugh), Wilson, J.F. (James), Wright, A.F. (Alan), Zillikens, M.C. (Carola), ChatterjE, N. (Nilanjan), McCarroll, S.A. (Steve), Purcell, S. (Shaun), Schadt, E.E. (Eric), Visscher, P.M. (Peter), Assimes, T.L. (Themistocles), Borecki, I.B. (Ingrid), Deloukas, P. (Panagiotis), Fox, C.S. (Caroline), Groop, L. (Leif), Haritunians, T. (Talin), Hunter, D.J. (David), Mohlke, K.L. (Karen), O'ConneL, J.R. (Jeffrey), Peltonen, L. (Leena Johanna), SchleSinger, D. (David), Strachan, D.P. (David), Watanabe, R.M. (Richard), Duijn, C.M. (Cornelia) van, Wichmann, H.E. (Heinz Erich), Frayling, T.M. (Timothy), Thorsteinsdottir, U. (Unnur), Abecasis, G.R. (Gonçalo), Boehnke, M. (Michael), StefanSon, K. (Kari), North, K.E. (Kari), McArthy, M.I. (Mark), Hirschhorn, J.N. (Joel), IngelSon, E. (Erik), Loos, R.J.F. (Ruth), Weedon, M.N. (Michael), Speliotes, E.K. (Elizabeth), Willer, C.J. (Cristen), Berndt, S.I. (Sonja), Monda, K.L. (Keri), Thorleifsson, G. (Gudmar), Jackson, A.U. (Anne), Allen, H.L., Lindgren, C.M. (Cecilia), Luan, J., Mägi, R. (Reedik), Randall, J.C. (Joshua), Vedantam, S. (Sailaja), Winkler, T.W. (Thomas), Qi, L. (Lu), Workalemahu, T. (Tsegaselassie), Heid, I.M. (Iris), Steinthorsdottir, V. (Valgerdur), Stringham, H.M. (Heather), Wheeler, E. (Eleanor), Wood, A.R. (Andrew), Ferreira, T. (Teresa), Weyant, R.J. (Robert), Segrè, A.V. (Ayellet), Eestrada, K. (Karol), Liang, L. (Liming), Nemesh, J. (James), Park, J.H., Gustafsson, S. (Stefan), Kilpeläinen, T.O. (Tuomas), Yang, J. (Joanna), Bouatia-Naji, N. (Nabila), Eesko, T. (Tõnu), Feitosa, M.F. (Mary Furlan), Kutalik, Z. (Zoltán), Mangino, M. (Massimo), Raychaudhuri, S. (Soumya), Scherag, A. (Andre), Smith, A.V. (Albert Vernon), Welch, R.P. (Ryan), Zhao, J.H. (Jing Hua), Aben, K.K.H. (Katja), Absher, D. (Devin), Amin, N. (Najaf), Dixon, A.L. (Anna), Fisher, E. (Eeva), Glazer, N.L. (Nicole), Goddard, M.E. (Michael), Heard-Costa, N.L. (Nancy), Hoesel, V. (Volker), Hottenga, J.J. (Jouke Jan), Johansson, A. (Åsa), Johnson, T. (Toby), Ketkar, S. (Shamika), Lamina, C. (Claudia), Li, S. (Shengxu), Moffatt, M.F. (Miriam), Myers, R.H. (Richard), Narisu, N. (Narisu), Perry, J.R.B. (John), Peters, M.J. (Marjolein), Preuss, M. (Michael), Ripatti, S. (Samuli), Rivadeneira Ramirez, F. (Fernando), Sandholt, C. (Camilla), Scott, L.J. (Laura), Timpson, N.J. (Nicholas), Tyrer, J.P. (Jonathan), Wingerden, S. (Sophie) van, White, C.C. (Charles), Wiklund, F. (Fredrik), Barlassina, C. (Christina), Chasman, D.I. (Daniel), Cooper, M.N. (Matthew), Jansson, J.O., Lawrence, R.W. (Robert), Pellikka, N. (Niina), Prokopenko, I. (Inga), Shi, J. (Jianxin), Thiering, E. (Eelisabeth), Alavere, H. (Helene), Alibrandi, M.T.S. (Maria), Almgren, P. (Peter), Arnold, A.M. (Alice), Aspelund, T. (Thor), Atwood, L.D. (Larry), Balkau, B. (Beverley), Balmforth, A.J. (Anthony), Bennett, A.J. (Amanda), Ben-Shlomo, Y., Bergman, R.N. (Richard), Bergmann, S.M. (Sven), Biebermann, H. (Heike), Blakemore, A.I.F. (Alexandra), Boes, T. (Tanja), Bonnycastle, L.L. (Lori), Bornstein, S.R. (Stefan), Brown, M.J. (Morris), Buchanan, T.A. (Thomas), Busonero, F., Campbell, H. (Harry), Cappuccio, F.P. (Francesco), Cavalcanti-Proença, C. (Christine), Chen, Y.D.I. (Yii-Der Ida), Chen, C.-M. (Chih-Mei), Chines, P.S. (Peter), Clarke, R., Coin, L. (Lachlan), Connell, J. (John), Day, I.N.M. (Ian), Heijer, M. (Martin) den, Duan, J. (Jubao), Eebrahim, S. (Shah), Eelliott, P. (Paul), Eelosua, R. (Roberto), Eeiriksdottir, G. (Gudny), Eerdos, M.R. (Micheal), Eeriksson, J.G. (Johan), Facheris, M.F. (Maurizio), Felix, S.B. (Stephan), Fischer-Posovszky, P. (Pamela), Folsom, A.R. (Aaron), Friedrich, N. (Nele), Freimer, N.B. (Nelson), Fu, M. (Mao), Gaget, S. (Stefan), Gejman, P.V. (Pablo), Geus, E.J.C. (Eco) de, Gieger, C. (Christian), Gjesing, A.P. (Anette), Goel, A. (Anuj), Goyette, P. (Philippe), Grallert, H. (Harald), Gräßler, J. (Jürgen), Greenawalt, D. (Danielle), Groves, C.J. (Christopher), Gudnason, V. (Vilmundur), Guiducci, C. (Candace), Hartikainen, A.L., Hassanali, N. (Neelam), Hall, A.S. (Alistair), Havulinna, A.S. (Aki), Hayward, C. (Caroline), Heath, A.C. (Andrew), Hengstenberg, C. (Christian), Hicks, A.A. (Andrew), Hinney, A. (Anke), Hofman, A. (Albert), Homuth, G. (Georg), Hui, J. (Jennie), Igl, W. (Wilmar), Iribarren, C. (Carlos), Isomaa, B. (Bo), Jacobs, K.B. (Kevin), Jarick, I. (Ivonne), Jewell, E. (Eelizabeth), John, U. (Ulrich), Jørgensen, T. (Torben), Jousilahti, P. (Pekka), Jula, A. (Antti), Kaakinen, M. (Marika), Kajantie, E. (Eero), Kaplan, R.C. (Robert), Kathiresan, S. (Sekar), Kettunen, J. (Johannes), Kinnunen, L. (Leena), Knowles, J.W. (Joshua), Kolcic, I. (Ivana), König, I.R. (Inke), Koskinen, S. (Seppo), Kovacs, P. (Peter), Kusisto, J. (Johanna), Kraft, P. (Peter), Kvaløy, K. (Kirsti), Laitinen, J. (Jaana), Lantieri, O. (Olivier), Lanzani, C. (Chiara), Launer, L.J. (Lenore), Lecoeur, C. (Cécile), Lehtimäki, T. (Terho), Lettre, G. (Guillaume), Liu, J. (Jianjun), Lokki, M.L., Lorentzon, M. (Mattias), Luben, R.N. (Robert), Ludwig, B. (Barbara), Manunta, P. (Paolo), Marek, D. (Diana), Marre, M. (Michel), Martin, N.G. (Nicholas), McArdle, W.L. (Wendy), McCarthy, M.I. (Mark), McKnight, B. (Barbara), Meitinger, T. (Thomas), Melander, O. (Olle), Meyre, D. (David), Midthjell, K. (Kristian), Montgomery, G.W. (Grant), Morken, M.A. (Mario), Morris, A.D. (Andrew), Mulic, R. (Rosanda), Ngwa, J.S., Nelis, M. (Mari), Neville, M.J. (Matthew), Nyholt, D.R. (Dale), O'Ddonnell, C.J. (Christopher), O'Rahilly, S. (Stephen), Ong, K. (Ken), Oostra, B.A. (Ben), Paré, G. (Guillaume), Parker, A.N. (Alex), Perola, M. (Markus), Pichler, I. (Irene), Pietilainen, K.H. (Kirsi Hannele), Platou, C.P. (Carl), Polasek, O. (Ozren), Pouta, A. (Anneli), Rafelt, S. (Suzanne), Raitakari, O. (Olli), Rayner, N.W. (Nigel William), Ridderstråle, M. (Martin), Rief, W. (Winfried), Ruokonen, A. (Aimo), Robertson, N.R. (Neil), Rzehak, P. (Peter), Salomaa, V. (Veikko), Sanders, A.R. (Alan), Sandhu, M.S. (Manjinder), Sanna, S. (Serena), Saramies, J. (Jouko), Savolainen, M.J. (Markku), Schipf, S. (Sabine), Schreiber, S. (Stefan), Schunkert, H. (Heribert), Silander, K. (Kaisa), Sinisalo, J. (Juha), Siscovick, D.S. (David), Smit, J.H. (Jan), Soranzo, N. (Nicole), Sovio, U. (Ulla), Stephens, J. (Jonathan), Surakka, I. (Ida), Swift, A.J. (Amy), Tammesoo, M.L., Tardif, J.-C. (Jean-Claude), Teder-Laving, M. (Maris), Teslovich, T.M. (Tanya), Thompson, J.R. (John), Thomson, B. (Brian), Tönjes, A. (Anke), Tuomi, T. (Tiinamaija), Meurs, J.B.J. (Joyce) van, OMen, G.J. van, Vatin, V. (Vincent), Viikari, J. (Jorma), Visvikis-Siest, S. (Sophie), Vitart, V. (Veronique), Vogel, C.I. (Carla), Voight, B.F. (Benjamin), Waite, L. (Lindsay), Wallaschofski, H. (Henri), Walters, G.B. (Bragi), Widen, E. (Elisabeth), Wiegand, S. (Susanna), Wild, S.H. (Sarah), Willemsen, G.A.H.M. (Gonneke), Witte, D.R. (Deniel), Witteman, J.C.M. (Jacqueline), Xu, J. (Jianfeng), Zhang, Q. (Qunyuan), Zgaga, L. (Lina), Ziegler, A. (Andreas), Zitting, P. (Paavo), Beilby, J.P. (John), FarOqi, I.S. (Ssadaf), Hebebrand, J. (Johannes), Huikuri, H.V. (Heikki), James, A. (Alan), Kähönen, M. (Mika), Levinson, D.F. (Douglas), MacCiardi, F. (Fabio), Nieminen, M.S. (Markku), Ohlsson, C. (Claes), Palmer, C. (Cameron), Ridker, P.M. (Paul), Stumvoll, M. (Michael), Beckmann, J.S. (Jacques), Boeing, H. (Heiner), Boerwinkle, E.A. (Eric), Boomsma, D.I. (Dorret), Caulfield, M. (Mark), Chanock, S.J. (Stephen), Collins, F.S. (Francis), Cupples, L.A. (Adrienne), Eerdmann, J. (Jeanette), Frogue, P. (Philippe), Grönberg, H. (Henrik), Gyllensten, U. (Ulf), Hansen, T. (Torben), Harris, T.B. (Tamara), Hattersley, A.T. (Andrew), Hayes, R.B. (Richard), Heinrich, J. (Joachim), Hu, F.B. (Frank), Hveem, K. (Kristian), Illig, T. (Thomas), Järvelin, M.R., Kaprio, J. (Jaakko), Karpe, F. (Fredrik), Khaw, K-T. (Kay-Tee), Kiemeney, L.A.L.M. (Bart), Krude, H., Laakso, M. (Markku), Lawlor, D.A. (Debbie), Metspalu, A. (Andres), Munroe, P. (Patricia), Ouwehand, W.H. (Willem), Pedersen, O. (Oluf), Penninx, B.W.J.H. (Brenda), Pramstaller, P.P. (Peter Paul), Quertermous, T. (Thomas), Reinehr, T. (Thomas), Rissanen, A. (Aila), Rudan, I. (Igor), Samani, N.J. (Nilesh), Schwarz, P.E.H. (Peter), Shuldiner, A.R. (Alan), Spector, T.D. (Timothy), Tuomilehto, J. (Jaakko), Uda, M. (Manuela), Uitterlinden, A.G. (André), Valle, T.T. (Timo), Wabitsch, M. (Martin), Waeber, G. (Gérard), Wareham, N.J. (Nick), Watkins, H. (Hugh), Wilson, J.F. (James), Wright, A.F. (Alan), Zillikens, M.C. (Carola), ChatterjE, N. (Nilanjan), McCarroll, S.A. (Steve), Purcell, S. (Shaun), Schadt, E.E. (Eric), Visscher, P.M. (Peter), Assimes, T.L. (Themistocles), Borecki, I.B. (Ingrid), Deloukas, P. (Panagiotis), Fox, C.S. (Caroline), Groop, L. (Leif), Haritunians, T. (Talin), Hunter, D.J. (David), Mohlke, K.L. (Karen), O'ConneL, J.R. (Jeffrey), Peltonen, L. (Leena Johanna), SchleSinger, D. (David), Strachan, D.P. (David), Watanabe, R.M. (Richard), Duijn, C.M. (Cornelia) van, Wichmann, H.E. (Heinz Erich), Frayling, T.M. (Timothy), Thorsteinsdottir, U. (Unnur), Abecasis, G.R. (Gonçalo), Boehnke, M. (Michael), StefanSon, K. (Kari), North, K.E. (Kari), McArthy, M.I. (Mark), Hirschhorn, J.N. (Joel), IngelSon, E. (Erik), Loos, R.J.F. (Ruth), and Weedon, M.N. (Michael)
- Abstract
Obesity is globaLy prevalent and highly heritable, but its underlying genetic factors remain largely elusive. To identify genetic loci for obesity susceptibility, we examined aSociations betwEn body maS index and ĝ̂1/42.8 miLion SNPs in up to 123,865 individuals with targeted foLow up of 42 SNPs in up to 125,931 aDitional individuals. We confirmed 14 known obesity susceptibility loci and identified 18 new loci aSociated with body maS index (P < 5-10-8), one of which includes a copy number variant near GPRC5B. Some loci (at MC4R, POMC, SH2B1 and BDNF) map near key hypothalamic regulators of energy balance, and one of these loci is near GIPR, an incretin receptor. Furthermore, genes in other newly aSociated loci may provide new insights into human body weight regulation.
- Published
- 2010
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14. Tarrying with the Positive: John Milbank and the Critique of Reason
- Author
Lawrence, R.W., primary
- Published
- 2013
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15. Applications for biogenic sulphide reagent for copper recovery in copper and gold hydrometallurgical operations.
- Author
Lawrence R.W., Cu2007; John E. Dutrizac symposium on copper hydrometallurgy, Toronto, Ontario, 25-30 Aug. 2007, Bratty M., Kratochvil D., Marchant P.B., Lawrence R.W., Cu2007; John E. Dutrizac symposium on copper hydrometallurgy, Toronto, Ontario, 25-30 Aug. 2007, Bratty M., Kratochvil D., and Marchant P.B.
- Abstract
BioteQ Environmental Technologies has successfully demonstrated in industrial plants that biogenic sulphide reagent can be generated cost- effectively and used to win metals such as copper, zinc and nickel from low-grade leach solutions and waste water. The BioSulphide process is used to recover Zn-Cu-Cd at the Caribou mine, New Brunswick, Cu at the Bisbee project, Copper Queen mine, Arizona, and is to be used to recover Cu at Dexing mine, Jiangxi. New applications are to recover Cu from Au cyanide in the SART process, regenerating the cyanide, and possibly to replace sodium hydrosulphide in flotation of Cu from Mo., BioteQ Environmental Technologies has successfully demonstrated in industrial plants that biogenic sulphide reagent can be generated cost- effectively and used to win metals such as copper, zinc and nickel from low-grade leach solutions and waste water. The BioSulphide process is used to recover Zn-Cu-Cd at the Caribou mine, New Brunswick, Cu at the Bisbee project, Copper Queen mine, Arizona, and is to be used to recover Cu at Dexing mine, Jiangxi. New applications are to recover Cu from Au cyanide in the SART process, regenerating the cyanide, and possibly to replace sodium hydrosulphide in flotation of Cu from Mo.
- Published
- 2007
16. Developments and new applications for biogenic sulphide reagent in hydrometallurgy and mineral processing.
- Author
Lawrence R.W., 39th annual meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors Division of CIM, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 23-25 Jan. 2007, no.34, Fleming C.A., Lawrence R.W., 39th annual meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors Division of CIM, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 23-25 Jan. 2007, no.34, and Fleming C.A.
- Abstract
BioteQ Environmental Technologies Inc. utilises sulphide reagent in its water treatment and metal recovery plants. In the ChemSulphide process, this is as chemical sulphide. In the BioSulphide process or related technology, the sulphide reagent is generated biologically. There are also projects for applying biogenic sulphide to hydrometallurgy and mineral processing by replacing NaHS in the SART (sulphidisation, acidification, recycling, thickening) process for cyanide regeneration and copper recovery, and in the flotation separation of Cu and Mo. Projects include the Copper Queen copper recovery BioSulphide plant at Bisbee, Arizona, and ChemSulphide nickel recovery from waste water at Raglan in Quebec; scheduled for 2007 are a Cu recovery plant at Dexing in Jiangxi and a treatment plant at the old Wellington-Oro Zn-Ag mine in Colorado., BioteQ Environmental Technologies Inc. utilises sulphide reagent in its water treatment and metal recovery plants. In the ChemSulphide process, this is as chemical sulphide. In the BioSulphide process or related technology, the sulphide reagent is generated biologically. There are also projects for applying biogenic sulphide to hydrometallurgy and mineral processing by replacing NaHS in the SART (sulphidisation, acidification, recycling, thickening) process for cyanide regeneration and copper recovery, and in the flotation separation of Cu and Mo. Projects include the Copper Queen copper recovery BioSulphide plant at Bisbee, Arizona, and ChemSulphide nickel recovery from waste water at Raglan in Quebec; scheduled for 2007 are a Cu recovery plant at Dexing in Jiangxi and a treatment plant at the old Wellington-Oro Zn-Ag mine in Colorado.
- Published
- 2007
17. Kinetic testing 2. Scaling up laboratory data to predict field rates of weathering.
- Author
Frostad S., ICARD 2000, the fifth international conference on acid rock drainage Denver, Colorado 21-May-0024-May-00, Klein B., Lawrence R.W., Frostad S., ICARD 2000, the fifth international conference on acid rock drainage Denver, Colorado 21-May-0024-May-00, Klein B., and Lawrence R.W.
- Abstract
A comparison was made of the results obtained from kinetic weathering tests operated at different scales, from standard 1 kg humidity cells to 20 tonne field cells, using samples from a feldspar porphyritic intrusive and a bedded tuffaceous sedimentary rock from the Red Mountain gold-silver deposit, British Columbia. It was found that the laboratory rates of weathering, corrected for surface area and temperature, could not be scaled up to predict field results with confidence at this site; this is thought to be due to inadequate hydrogeological assumptions and deficiencies in experimental protocols. It is recommended that field testing is carried out when possible; this reduces the error incurred from estimating the influences of particle size, aeration and temperature. Further research is necessary to refine empirical/engineering models for acid generation prediction from laboratory tests., A comparison was made of the results obtained from kinetic weathering tests operated at different scales, from standard 1 kg humidity cells to 20 tonne field cells, using samples from a feldspar porphyritic intrusive and a bedded tuffaceous sedimentary rock from the Red Mountain gold-silver deposit, British Columbia. It was found that the laboratory rates of weathering, corrected for surface area and temperature, could not be scaled up to predict field results with confidence at this site; this is thought to be due to inadequate hydrogeological assumptions and deficiencies in experimental protocols. It is recommended that field testing is carried out when possible; this reduces the error incurred from estimating the influences of particle size, aeration and temperature. Further research is necessary to refine empirical/engineering models for acid generation prediction from laboratory tests.
- Published
- 2000
18. Weathering characteristics of cemented paste backfill: mineralogy and solid phase chemistry.
- Author
Bertrand V.J., ICARD 2000, the fifth international conference on acid rock drainage Denver, Colorado 21-May-0024-May-00, Lawrence R.W., Monroy M.G., Bertrand V.J., ICARD 2000, the fifth international conference on acid rock drainage Denver, Colorado 21-May-0024-May-00, Lawrence R.W., and Monroy M.G.
- Abstract
Cemented paste backfill could serve a dual purpose: preventing the oxidation of reactive tailings and the subsequent generation of acid rock drainage (ARD) and neutralising existing ARD, actively produced within the mine, in contact with the backfill material. Two paste fill formulations containing pyritic tailings, one including only Portland cement and the other Portland cement mixed with blast-furnace slag, were exposed to three leaching conditions simulating possible mine environments: deionised water in flooded and alternating flooded environments and a simulated ARD solution. Scanning electron microscopy, solid phase chemistry and acid-base accounting measurements documented the weathering characteristics of the samples. Leaching environment and backfill binder type had more influence on alteration of the fill than tailing mineralogy. During short-term exposure, the cement binder was preferentially dissolved from the sample with unmixed cement to a greater extent than from the paste fill with a slag-cement mixture. The added neutralising potential provided by the cement was shortlived in all cases and insufficient to neutralise the acid-generating potential of the mixture., Cemented paste backfill could serve a dual purpose: preventing the oxidation of reactive tailings and the subsequent generation of acid rock drainage (ARD) and neutralising existing ARD, actively produced within the mine, in contact with the backfill material. Two paste fill formulations containing pyritic tailings, one including only Portland cement and the other Portland cement mixed with blast-furnace slag, were exposed to three leaching conditions simulating possible mine environments: deionised water in flooded and alternating flooded environments and a simulated ARD solution. Scanning electron microscopy, solid phase chemistry and acid-base accounting measurements documented the weathering characteristics of the samples. Leaching environment and backfill binder type had more influence on alteration of the fill than tailing mineralogy. During short-term exposure, the cement binder was preferentially dissolved from the sample with unmixed cement to a greater extent than from the paste fill with a slag-cement mixture. The added neutralising potential provided by the cement was shortlived in all cases and insufficient to neutralise the acid-generating potential of the mixture.
- Published
- 2000
19. Kinetic testing 1. Effects of protocol variable on rates of weathering.
- Author
Frostad S., ICARD 2000, the fifth international conference on acid rock drainage Denver, Colorado 21-May-0024-May-00, Klein B., Lawrence R.W., Frostad S., ICARD 2000, the fifth international conference on acid rock drainage Denver, Colorado 21-May-0024-May-00, Klein B., and Lawrence R.W.
- Abstract
Six kinetic test protocols, including standard humidity cells, non-aerated cells, tall cells, shaken cells, simulated precipitation cells and neutralisation potential (NP) depletion columns, were evaluated by a laboratory study for their effect on sulphate production, NP depletion and time to acidity. Protocols which disrupt the oxidising environment such as wetting and drying cycles and shaking can affect the results. Trickle leach and non-aerated test protocols create an oxidising environment that more closely resembles field conditions and are therefore recommended., Six kinetic test protocols, including standard humidity cells, non-aerated cells, tall cells, shaken cells, simulated precipitation cells and neutralisation potential (NP) depletion columns, were evaluated by a laboratory study for their effect on sulphate production, NP depletion and time to acidity. Protocols which disrupt the oxidising environment such as wetting and drying cycles and shaking can affect the results. Trickle leach and non-aerated test protocols create an oxidising environment that more closely resembles field conditions and are therefore recommended.
- Published
- 2000
20. The efficacy of a vitamin D3 metabolite for improving the myofibrillar tenderness of meat from Bos indicus cattle
- Author
Lawrence, R.W., primary, Doyle, J., additional, Elliott, R., additional, Loxton, I., additional, McMeniman, J.P., additional, Norton, B.W., additional, Reid, D.J., additional, and Tume, R.W., additional
- Published
- 2006
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21. Biooxidation of copper sulphides.
- Author
Lawrence R.W., EPD congress 1996 Anaheim, California 04-Feb-9609-Feb-96, Poulin R., Lawrence R.W., EPD congress 1996 Anaheim, California 04-Feb-9609-Feb-96, and Poulin R.
- Abstract
A review is presented of commercial and proposed biotechnology processes for copper ores and concentrates, including a description of the fate of sulphur, which can be converted from sulphide to either sulphate or elemental sulphur. The economic and environmental implications of each copper process is assessed. Processes discussed are dump bioleaching, thin layer bioleaching, stirred tank processes, heap leaching of copper from gold ores and in situ leaching., A review is presented of commercial and proposed biotechnology processes for copper ores and concentrates, including a description of the fate of sulphur, which can be converted from sulphide to either sulphate or elemental sulphur. The economic and environmental implications of each copper process is assessed. Processes discussed are dump bioleaching, thin layer bioleaching, stirred tank processes, heap leaching of copper from gold ores and in situ leaching.
- Published
- 1996
22. Prototype cryospheric experimental synthetic aperture radiometer (CESAR).
- Author
Hilliard, L.M., Phelps, N.L., Riley, J.T., Markus, T.M., Bland, G.L., Ruf, C., Lawrence, R.W., Reising, S.C., and Pichel, T.
- Published
- 2005
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23. The treatment of refractory gold ores and concentrates by biooxidation: an acceptable alternative?
- Author
Lawrence R.W., 24th CIM annual hydrometallurgical meeting Toronto 21-Aug-9424-Aug-94, Lawrence R.W., and 24th CIM annual hydrometallurgical meeting Toronto 21-Aug-9424-Aug-94
- Abstract
The viability of biooxidation for pretreatment of refractory Au concentrates and for ensuring proper impurity control has been established by the installation of five commercial plants and successful pilot demonstrations throughout the world. The pilot campaign at the Arthur W. White mine in Ontario provided an opportunity for evaluation of process operability from an operator's perspective and of plant health and safety. However, the North American industry has not adopted the technology, selecting either pressure oxidation or roasting for 15 recent projects in Canada and the USA. For most of these biooxidation was not appropriate, due either to ore mineralogy or to the size of plant required at a time when experience was limited to pilot scale. However, applications for which biooxidation would be an ideal candidate suffered from a perception of greater technical and environmental risks. There were also unpopular marketing strategies used for the technology, with attempts at commercialisation premature and ill-conceived. The success of plants elsewhere in the world will help dispel the technical and environmental perceptions and image problems in North America., The viability of biooxidation for pretreatment of refractory Au concentrates and for ensuring proper impurity control has been established by the installation of five commercial plants and successful pilot demonstrations throughout the world. The pilot campaign at the Arthur W. White mine in Ontario provided an opportunity for evaluation of process operability from an operator's perspective and of plant health and safety. However, the North American industry has not adopted the technology, selecting either pressure oxidation or roasting for 15 recent projects in Canada and the USA. For most of these biooxidation was not appropriate, due either to ore mineralogy or to the size of plant required at a time when experience was limited to pilot scale. However, applications for which biooxidation would be an ideal candidate suffered from a perception of greater technical and environmental risks. There were also unpopular marketing strategies used for the technology, with attempts at commercialisation premature and ill-conceived. The success of plants elsewhere in the world will help dispel the technical and environmental perceptions and image problems in North America.
- Published
- 1994
24. The Potential of Biotechnology in the Mining Industry
- Author
LAWRENCE, R.W., primary, POULIN, R., additional, KALIN, M., additional, and BÉCHARD, G., additional
- Published
- 1998
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25. Economic and environmental niches of biohydrometallurgy
- Author
Poulin, R., primary and Lawrence, R.W., additional
- Published
- 1996
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26. Tarrying with the Positive: John Milbank and the Critique of Reason.
- Author
Lawrence, R.W.
- Subjects
- *
The article offers the insights of British theologian John Milbank on aspects regarding modernity. He states that modernity and postmodernity have both committed to the importance of violence in ontological and socio-political actualization. He mentions that the interpretation of difference in terms of negativity leads to the acceptance of the necessity of violence. He adds that the criticism of negativity is a critique of reasons in terms of aesthetics.
- Published
- 2014
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27. Bio-oxidation of a refractory gold bearing high arsenic sulphide concentrate: A pilot study
- Author
Chapman, J.T., primary, Marchant, P.B., additional, Lawrence, R.W., additional, and Knopp, R., additional
- Published
- 1993
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28. Development Of Microwave Wiometer Sensor Technology For Geostationary Earth Science Platforms.
- Author
Campbell, T.G., Lawrence, R.W., Schroeder, L.C., Kendall, B.M., and Harrington, R.F.
- Published
- 1991
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29. The efficacy of a vitamin D3 metabolite for improving the myofibrillar tenderness of meat from Bos indicus cattle
- Author
Lawrence, R.W., Doyle, J., Elliott, R., Loxton, I., McMeniman, J.P., Norton, B.W., Reid, D.J., and Tume, R.W.
- Subjects
- *
ZEBUS , *STEROID hormones , *VITAMIN D , *MEAT industry - Abstract
Abstract: The influence of a once only administration of a metabolite of vitamin D3 (HY·D®-25-hydroxy vitamin D3) on myofibrillar meat tenderness in Australian Brahman cattle was studied. Ninety-six Brahman steers of three phenotypes (Indo-Brazil, US and US/European) and with two previous hormonal growth promotant (HGP) histories (implanted or not implanted with Compudose®) were fed a standard feedlot ration for 70d. Treatment groups of 24 steers were offered daily 10g/head HY·D® (125mg 25-hydroxyvitamin D3) for 6, 4, or 2d before slaughter. One other group of 24 steers was given the basal diet without HY·D®. Feed lot performance, blood and muscle samples and carcass quality data were collected at slaughter. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron and Vitamin D3 metabolites were measured in plasma and longissimus dorsi muscle. Warner–Bratzler (WB) shear force (peak force, initial yield) and other objective meat quality measurements were made on the longissimus dorsi muscle of each steer after ageing for 1, 7 and 14d post-mortem at 0–2°C. There were no significant effects of HY·D® supplements on average daily gain (ADG, 1.28–1.45kg/d) over the experimental period. HY·D® supplements given 6d prior to slaughter resulted in significantly higher (P <0.05) initial yield values compared to supplements given 2d prior to slaughter. Supplementation had no significant effect on meat colour, ultimate pH, sarcomere length, cooking loss, instron compression or peak force. There was a significant treatment (HY·D®) by phenotype/HGP interaction for peak force (P =0.028), in which Indo-Brazil steers without previous HGP treatment responded positively (increased tenderness) to HY·D® supplements at 2d when compared with Indo-Brazil steers previously given HGP. There were no significant effects of treatment on other phenotypes. HY·D® supplements did not affect muscle or plasma concentrations of calcium, potassium or sodium, but did significantly decrease plasma magnesium and iron concentrations when given 2d before slaughter. There were no detectable amounts of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in the blood or muscle of any cattle at slaughter. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]
- Published
- 2006
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30. A method to calculate the neutralization potential of mining wastes.
- Author
Lawrence, R.W. and Scheske, Michael
- Subjects
NEUTRALIZATION (Chemistry) ,MINERAL industries ,DRAINAGE ,ENVIRONMENTAL geology - Abstract
Discusses how the determination of neutralization potential (NP) of mining wastes is an essential part of waste characterization for acid rock drainage (ARD) prediction. Interpretation of NP values requires consideration of the mineralogical composition of the waste. Different minerals can neutralize acid drainage at different rates and in different pH ranges. The test conditions of widely used laboratory procedures to determine NP do not distinguish between such differences and overestimation of NP can often result. A simple procedure is proposed in which the effective NP is calculated based on mineralogical composition and the relative reactivities of component minerals. Mineralogical composition is calculated from easily determined analytical values using a CIPW normative procedure. Comparison of calculated NP values for 92 samples with experimentally determined values from tests designed to prevent the overestimation of NP indicates that the method is successful in predicting an effective NP value in most cases. The procedure is considered to be a cost-effective means of providing confident routine ARD prediction when used in combination with other tests and analyses.
- Published
- 1997
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31. Flight Test Evaluation of a Noise Injection Dicke Microwave Radiometer Employing Digital Signal Processing.
- Author
Lawrence, R.W., Harrington, R.F., and Higdon, N.S.
- Published
- 1982
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32. Controlling the Hazards of Toxic and Combustible Gases
- Author
Long, S.E. and Lawrence, R.W.
- Subjects
Control Systems ,Monitors ,Safety ,Security Systems ,Sensor ,Detectors ,Instruments ,Gases ,Hardware Selection ,Tutorial ,Maintenance ,Hazardous Materials ,Applications ,Business ,Engineering and manufacturing industries - Abstract
The most important factors in optimal hazard control include the proper selection of gas analysis equipment and the correct placement of sensors. A chemist usually is the best resource for determining the placement of equipment. A drawing shows how to place sensors and a smoke generator to determine air ventilation patterns. Four photographs show some of the available products for gas sensing systems. Diffusion equipment for remote sampling, extractive sampling equipment and wall mounted single-point devices are the basic categories of gas monitoring products. A four-phase maintenance check is recommended.
- Published
- 1985
33. Fundamental and applied biohydrometallurgy. Proceedings of the 6th international symposium on biohydrometallurgy, held 21-24 August 1985 in Vancouver, BC.
- Author
Lawrence R.W., Branion R.M.R., Ebner H.G., eds., Lawrence R.W., Branion R.M.R., Ebner H.G., and eds.
- Abstract
Includes a keynote address on: biohydrometallurgy - biomythology or big business? and sections on: base metal leaching (3 papers); gold and silver leaching (5 papers); coal desulphurisation (3 papers); in situ leaching (3 papers); engineering fundamentals (3 papers); biosorption (3 papers); environmental aspects (3 papers); alternative bacteria and bacterial strain development (5 papers); genetic engineering and immunological studies (5 papers); short contributions (9 papers)., Includes a keynote address on: biohydrometallurgy - biomythology or big business? and sections on: base metal leaching (3 papers); gold and silver leaching (5 papers); coal desulphurisation (3 papers); in situ leaching (3 papers); engineering fundamentals (3 papers); biosorption (3 papers); environmental aspects (3 papers); alternative bacteria and bacterial strain development (5 papers); genetic engineering and immunological studies (5 papers); short contributions (9 papers).
- Published
- 1986
34. Integrated biological process for complex sulphides.
- Author
Marchant P.B., Processing of complex ores Halifax, Nova Scotia 20-Aug-8924-Aug-89, Dods D., Lawrence R.W., Maree J.P., Marchant P.B., Processing of complex ores Halifax, Nova Scotia 20-Aug-8924-Aug-89, Dods D., Lawrence R.W., and Maree J.P.
- Abstract
Metal extraction from base metal ores is achieved through the use of sulphide-oxidising bacteria such as T. ferrooxidans. For refractory sulphidic gold ores, the same bacteria can be used to liberate the precious metal from the sulphide host minerals for recovery by conventional methods such as cyanidation. In either case, a sulphate solution is generated which can be treated in a patented 2-stage anaerobic-aerobic biological process to produce sulphur and reusable water. For the processing of gold ores and concentrates, a further biological process can be effective for the degradation of free cyanide, thiocyanate and metal cyanide complexes in solutions remaining after the gold extraction step. The current state of the art in biological technology is described and potential applications for an integrated approach are discussed., Metal extraction from base metal ores is achieved through the use of sulphide-oxidising bacteria such as T. ferrooxidans. For refractory sulphidic gold ores, the same bacteria can be used to liberate the precious metal from the sulphide host minerals for recovery by conventional methods such as cyanidation. In either case, a sulphate solution is generated which can be treated in a patented 2-stage anaerobic-aerobic biological process to produce sulphur and reusable water. For the processing of gold ores and concentrates, a further biological process can be effective for the degradation of free cyanide, thiocyanate and metal cyanide complexes in solutions remaining after the gold extraction step. The current state of the art in biological technology is described and potential applications for an integrated approach are discussed.
- Published
- 1989
- Author
- Published
- 1959
- Author
- Published
- 1956
- Author
- Abstract
See also AD-161 118.
- Published
- 1958
38. Biological pre-oxidation to enhance gold and silver recovery from refractory pyritic ores and concentates.
- Author
Lawrence R.W., Bruynesteyn A., Lawrence R.W., and Bruynesteyn A.
- Abstract
Pre-oxidation of refractory pyritic concentrates by biological leaching to enhance the recovery of gold and silver in cyanidation has been investigated. The results of laboratory tests on three concentrates are presented. In all cases substantial increases in precious metal recoveries were obtained following the pre-treatment. For one concentrate, gold recovery of 81% was achieved following 87% oxidation of pyrite, compared with 24% recovery by direct cyanidation of non-oxidized concentrate. Gold and silver recoveries from the other concentrates were increased from the range 60-78% to over 90% and from 80-86% to over 98% respectively. Operating parameters are discussed and methods of maintaining high oxidation rates are evaluated. Methods of employing this pre-oxidation technique in commercial practice are described., Pre-oxidation of refractory pyritic concentrates by biological leaching to enhance the recovery of gold and silver in cyanidation has been investigated. The results of laboratory tests on three concentrates are presented. In all cases substantial increases in precious metal recoveries were obtained following the pre-treatment. For one concentrate, gold recovery of 81% was achieved following 87% oxidation of pyrite, compared with 24% recovery by direct cyanidation of non-oxidized concentrate. Gold and silver recoveries from the other concentrates were increased from the range 60-78% to over 90% and from 80-86% to over 98% respectively. Operating parameters are discussed and methods of maintaining high oxidation rates are evaluated. Methods of employing this pre-oxidation technique in commercial practice are described.
39. Laboratory procedures for the prediction of long term weathering characteristics of mining wastes.
- Author
Lawrence R.W. and Lawrence R.W.
- Abstract
A discussion is presented of the laboratory evaluation techniques used for the prediction of long term weathering characteristics of mine wastes with particular reference to the formation of acid mine drainage. A strategy is proposed for the integration of these procedures with the overall mine development project. The difficulties in interpreting data, obtained in the short term in the laboratory, for the prediction of long term behaviour in the field are examined and are illustrated with test results. Recommendations for specific test procedures are made., A discussion is presented of the laboratory evaluation techniques used for the prediction of long term weathering characteristics of mine wastes with particular reference to the formation of acid mine drainage. A strategy is proposed for the integration of these procedures with the overall mine development project. The difficulties in interpreting data, obtained in the short term in the laboratory, for the prediction of long term behaviour in the field are examined and are illustrated with test results. Recommendations for specific test procedures are made.
40. Biological preoxidation leaching for refractory gold and silver.
- Author
Lawrence R.W. and Lawrence R.W.
41. Removing and stabilising As in acid mine water.
- Author
Lawrence R.W., Higgs T.W., Lawrence R.W., and Higgs T.W.
- Abstract
Due to oxidation in mines and waste deposits, As present in sulphide minerals can become a soluble constituent of mine drainage. This As must be removed from solution to meet water quality discharge criteria and be fixed in a solid, environmentally stable form. The preferred form is as a basic ferric arsenate which can be readily produced by coprecipitation with Fe in the high density sludge process. This involves ferric arsenate precipitation followed by flocculation and solids removal in a lime treatment plant. Part of the sludge produced by precipitation is recycled to the process to increase sludge density which, in turn, increases the efficiency of metal removal and reduces the volume of sludge produced. Plants for this process are simple to operate and can be designed to meet stringent water quality specifications and produce stable sludges over long periods of continuous operation., Due to oxidation in mines and waste deposits, As present in sulphide minerals can become a soluble constituent of mine drainage. This As must be removed from solution to meet water quality discharge criteria and be fixed in a solid, environmentally stable form. The preferred form is as a basic ferric arsenate which can be readily produced by coprecipitation with Fe in the high density sludge process. This involves ferric arsenate precipitation followed by flocculation and solids removal in a lime treatment plant. Part of the sludge produced by precipitation is recycled to the process to increase sludge density which, in turn, increases the efficiency of metal removal and reduces the volume of sludge produced. Plants for this process are simple to operate and can be designed to meet stringent water quality specifications and produce stable sludges over long periods of continuous operation.
42. Determining the weathering characteristics of a waste dump with field tests.
- Author
Frostad S., Klein B., Lawrence R.W., Frostad S., Klein B., and Lawrence R.W.
- Abstract
Prediction of the relative rates of acid generation and neutralisation is required to determine if and when acidic drainage will occur for mining waste. A meaningful prediction requires consideration of the differences between the conditions in the laboratory and an actual waste dump. Field tests provide site-specific weathering conditions but return results that are difficult to interpret. Field tests were carried out on two samples from the Red Mountain, British Columbia, Au-Ag deposit, a feldspar porphyritic intrusive rock and a bedded tuffaceous sedimentary rock, and the results compared with those from laboratory kinetic tests. The field rates of weathering were an order of magnitude greater than the adjusted laboratory results, which were corrected for both surface area and temperature. The difference is believed to be related to inadequate hydrogeological assumptions and deficiencies in the experimental protocols. The field test data were useful for predicting depletion rates of neutralisation potential and for validating sulphide oxidation rates obtained from laboratory tests., Prediction of the relative rates of acid generation and neutralisation is required to determine if and when acidic drainage will occur for mining waste. A meaningful prediction requires consideration of the differences between the conditions in the laboratory and an actual waste dump. Field tests provide site-specific weathering conditions but return results that are difficult to interpret. Field tests were carried out on two samples from the Red Mountain, British Columbia, Au-Ag deposit, a feldspar porphyritic intrusive rock and a bedded tuffaceous sedimentary rock, and the results compared with those from laboratory kinetic tests. The field rates of weathering were an order of magnitude greater than the adjusted laboratory results, which were corrected for both surface area and temperature. The difference is believed to be related to inadequate hydrogeological assumptions and deficiencies in the experimental protocols. The field test data were useful for predicting depletion rates of neutralisation potential and for validating sulphide oxidation rates obtained from laboratory tests.
43. Economic potential of bioprocessing in mining.
- Author
Poulin R., Proceedings 30th annual meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, held in Ottawa, Ontario 20-Jan-9822-Jan-98, Lawrence R.W., Poulin R., Proceedings 30th annual meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, held in Ottawa, Ontario 20-Jan-9822-Jan-98, and Lawrence R.W.
- Abstract
Four biohydrometallurgical processes for metal removal from mining effluents are analysed for their economic and environmental attributes: biooxidation of refractory gold, extraction of copper from sulphide, metal removal from effluents by active sulphate reduction and metal removal by the use of wetlands. It is shown that biohydrometallurgy can be efficient on a small scale, can be more environmentally friendly than conventional technologies and is easier to operate. The higher financial risk associated with unproven technologies at the commercial scale is being eliminated as biotechnology-based plants are put into production., Four biohydrometallurgical processes for metal removal from mining effluents are analysed for their economic and environmental attributes: biooxidation of refractory gold, extraction of copper from sulphide, metal removal from effluents by active sulphate reduction and metal removal by the use of wetlands. It is shown that biohydrometallurgy can be efficient on a small scale, can be more environmentally friendly than conventional technologies and is easier to operate. The higher financial risk associated with unproven technologies at the commercial scale is being eliminated as biotechnology-based plants are put into production.
44. Prediction and control of acidic drainage in mill tailings.
- Author
Lawrence R.W., Proceedings 29th annual meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, held in Ottawa, Ontario 21-Jan-9723-Jan-97, Lawrence R.W., and Proceedings 29th annual meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, held in Ottawa, Ontario 21-Jan-9723-Jan-97
- Abstract
The management of acid rock drainage to prevent deleterious environmental impacts requires an understanding of the phenomena giving rise to acidic drainage, a rigorous evaluation of the weathering characteristics of the tailings and the successful implementation of effective control measures. The complex reactions taking place in mill tailings containing residual sulphide minerals must be appreciated to be able to predict the behaviour of tailings and to design control methods., The management of acid rock drainage to prevent deleterious environmental impacts requires an understanding of the phenomena giving rise to acidic drainage, a rigorous evaluation of the weathering characteristics of the tailings and the successful implementation of effective control measures. The complex reactions taking place in mill tailings containing residual sulphide minerals must be appreciated to be able to predict the behaviour of tailings and to design control methods.
45. The significance of hydrological studies for a tailings management system.
- Author
Masala C., Proceedings 3rd international conference on environmental issues and waste management in energy and mineral production, held in Perth, Western Australia 30-Aug-9401-Sep-94, Hall A.E., Lawrence R.W., Mchaina D.M., Masala C., Proceedings 3rd international conference on environmental issues and waste management in energy and mineral production, held in Perth, Western Australia 30-Aug-9401-Sep-94, Hall A.E., Lawrence R.W., and Mchaina D.M.
- Abstract
Factors with either positive or negative influences on tailings effluent quality include runoff quality and quantity, hydrographic patterns of the creeks flowing into the tailings system, inflow velocity, runoff peaks, effects of rainfall and snow melt, and catchment characteristics. Before considering diverting runoff from a system it is very important to quantify the effects of hydrological factors, so as to evaluate whether such a change would improve effluent quality. Mass balance and pond performance efficiency evaluations were carried out at a mine site in northern Canada. The flow rate in two creeks was measured at least every other day for two springs and summers. Water quality in the creeks and effluent from the mill and the three ponds was sampled and total HCN, Cu, Ni and Zn contents evaluated. Runoff volume was found to have a significant impact on effluent quality at this site by providing dilution., Factors with either positive or negative influences on tailings effluent quality include runoff quality and quantity, hydrographic patterns of the creeks flowing into the tailings system, inflow velocity, runoff peaks, effects of rainfall and snow melt, and catchment characteristics. Before considering diverting runoff from a system it is very important to quantify the effects of hydrological factors, so as to evaluate whether such a change would improve effluent quality. Mass balance and pond performance efficiency evaluations were carried out at a mine site in northern Canada. The flow rate in two creeks was measured at least every other day for two springs and summers. Water quality in the creeks and effluent from the mill and the three ponds was sampled and total HCN, Cu, Ni and Zn contents evaluated. Runoff volume was found to have a significant impact on effluent quality at this site by providing dilution.
46. Austin Gold Venture bioleaching: project summary.
- Author
Marchant P.B., Proceedings 21st annual meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, held in Ottawa, Canada 17-Jan-8919-Jan-89, Brooks W., Chapman J.T., Kuipers J., Lawrence R.W., Marchant P.B., Proceedings 21st annual meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors, held in Ottawa, Canada 17-Jan-8919-Jan-89, Brooks W., Chapman J.T., Kuipers J., and Lawrence R.W.
- Abstract
Testing and a pilot study of bacterial leaching was conducted on refractory carbonaceous sulphide concentrates, to determine the technical and commercial viability of the process as a concentrate pretreatment step prior to gold extraction by cyanidation. Baseline carbon in leach cyanidation typically resulted in up to 20% metal recovery from the concentrate; bacterial leaching enhanced recovery by conventional CIL treatment of the bioleach residue to as much as 95%. Commercial design details and flowsheets have been prepared for a possible retrofit of the Austin flotation tailings leach circuit, to accommodate 20 t/d and 40 t/d concentrate bioleach facilities., Testing and a pilot study of bacterial leaching was conducted on refractory carbonaceous sulphide concentrates, to determine the technical and commercial viability of the process as a concentrate pretreatment step prior to gold extraction by cyanidation. Baseline carbon in leach cyanidation typically resulted in up to 20% metal recovery from the concentrate; bacterial leaching enhanced recovery by conventional CIL treatment of the bioleach residue to as much as 95%. Commercial design details and flowsheets have been prepared for a possible retrofit of the Austin flotation tailings leach circuit, to accommodate 20 t/d and 40 t/d concentrate bioleach facilities.
47. Integrated biological processing of complex sulphides for metals extraction and waste treatment.
- Author
Marchant P.B., International symposium on biohydrometallurgy Jackson Hole, Wyoming 13-Aug-8918-Aug-89, Lawrence R.W., Marchant P.B., International symposium on biohydrometallurgy Jackson Hole, Wyoming 13-Aug-8918-Aug-89, and Lawrence R.W.
48. The potential of thermophilic bacteria in the pretreatment of refractory gold ores.
- Author
Lawrence R.W., Proceedings of the fourth annual general meeting of Biominet Sudbury, Canada 05-Nov-8705-Nov-87, Lawrence R.W., and Proceedings of the fourth annual general meeting of Biominet Sudbury, Canada 05-Nov-8705-Nov-87
- Abstract
An economic comparison between thermophilic and mesophilic systems has indicated that capital and operating savings may be realised by using Sulpholobus if rapid oxidation kinetics at high pulp density can be demonstrated., An economic comparison between thermophilic and mesophilic systems has indicated that capital and operating savings may be realised by using Sulpholobus if rapid oxidation kinetics at high pulp density can be demonstrated.
49. Economic and environmental niches of biohydrometallurgy.
- Author
Poulin R., Lawrence R.W., Poulin R., and Lawrence R.W.
- Abstract
Four types of process are analysed for their economic and environmental attributes: biooxidation of refractory gold, extraction of copper from sulphide ores, removal of metals from effluents by active sulphate reduction and removal of metals by the use of wetlands. It is concluded that many biohydrometallurgical processes are economic in a specific context (plant capacity, mineralogy, commodity, ore grade, commodity price, discharge standards and location). The processes do not require economy of scale to be competitive and are therefore suited to small-scale projects. Residues are often stable or easy to handle; high effluent standards can be met and SO2 is not produced from sulphide ores. There is no requirement for a highly trained workforce to operate sophisticated equipment, nor are there the safety problems associated with high pressures, high temperatures and dangerous off-gases. The suitability for specific mineralogical assemblages also favours biohydrometallurgy for niche applications., Four types of process are analysed for their economic and environmental attributes: biooxidation of refractory gold, extraction of copper from sulphide ores, removal of metals from effluents by active sulphate reduction and removal of metals by the use of wetlands. It is concluded that many biohydrometallurgical processes are economic in a specific context (plant capacity, mineralogy, commodity, ore grade, commodity price, discharge standards and location). The processes do not require economy of scale to be competitive and are therefore suited to small-scale projects. Residues are often stable or easy to handle; high effluent standards can be met and SO2 is not produced from sulphide ores. There is no requirement for a highly trained workforce to operate sophisticated equipment, nor are there the safety problems associated with high pressures, high temperatures and dangerous off-gases. The suitability for specific mineralogical assemblages also favours biohydrometallurgy for niche applications.
50. Layered mine waste co-mingling for mitigation of acid rock drainage.
- Author
Poulin R., Hadjigeorgiou J., Lawrence R.W., Poulin R., Hadjigeorgiou J., and Lawrence R.W.
- Abstract
The layered co-mingling method involves the disposal of waste rock with the addition, at predefined construction stages, of layers of dewatered mine tailings. The resulting waste structure displays bulk properties that are more favourable to acid rock drainage (ARD) control than the constituent materials alone. A laboratory test programme was conducted to examine the potential of this method. Columns containing different configurations of waste rock and tailings were percolation leached for 40 weeks and the leachates examined for various parameters. In the short term the chemical reactions that result from the introduction of dewatered tailings into rock waste can significantly improve the quality of the drainage. Columns with co-mingled material produced leachate with pH levels of 8, whereas leachate from the control column containing waste rock alone had a pH of 4. Larger-scale field tests are planned to determine the effect of the disposal method over the longer term., The layered co-mingling method involves the disposal of waste rock with the addition, at predefined construction stages, of layers of dewatered mine tailings. The resulting waste structure displays bulk properties that are more favourable to acid rock drainage (ARD) control than the constituent materials alone. A laboratory test programme was conducted to examine the potential of this method. Columns containing different configurations of waste rock and tailings were percolation leached for 40 weeks and the leachates examined for various parameters. In the short term the chemical reactions that result from the introduction of dewatered tailings into rock waste can significantly improve the quality of the drainage. Columns with co-mingled material produced leachate with pH levels of 8, whereas leachate from the control column containing waste rock alone had a pH of 4. Larger-scale field tests are planned to determine the effect of the disposal method over the longer term.
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