379 results on '"Laitinen, S."'
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2. Opinto-ohjaajien tulkintoja toisen asteen opiskelijoiden koulu-uupumuksesta, jaksamisen haasteista sekä tuen keinoista
- Author
Laitinen, S. (Suvi)
- Abstract
Tiivistelmä. Opiskeluhyvinvoinnin haasteet, kuten koulu-uupumus, on nostettu esiin sekä tutkimuksessa että julkisessa keskustelussa ajankohtaisena aiheena. Vallitseva koronapandemia on lisännyt aihepiirin ajankohtaisuutta entisestään. Opinto-ohjaajat toimivat osana moniammatillista opiskelijahuoltoryhmää, ja ammatillisen koulutuksen ja lukiokoulutuksen erilaisten perustehtävien vuoksi myös niiden opinto-ohjauksen painopisteet ovat erilaisia. Tämän pro gradu -työn tavoitteena on selvittää, miten opinto-ohjaajat tulkitsevat toisen asteen opiskelijoiden koulu-uupumusta ja jaksamisen haasteita, millaisena he näkevät oman roolinsa opiskelijoiden tukena osana moniammatillista opiskelijahuoltoa sekä voidaanko opinto-ohjaajien tulkintojen pohjalta havaita opiskelijoiden koulu-uupumuksen ja jaksamisen haasteiden ilmenevän eri tavoin lukioiden ja ammatillisten oppilaitosten välillä. Tutkielman yleisorientaatio on hermeneuttinen, mikä korostaa tutkittavan ilmiön merkitysten syvällistä ymmärtämistä. Pyrkimyksenä ei ole kuitenkaan systemaattisesti tulkita tutkittavien käsityksiä, näkemyksiä, merkityksenantoja tai kokemuksia, vaan kuvata niitä sellaisenaan. Tutkimukseen osallistui kolme ammatillisen koulutuksen opinto-ohjaajaa ja kaksi lukion opinto-ohjaajaa. Teemahaastatteluilla kerätty aineisto on analysoitu temaattisen analyysin keinoin. Opinto-ohjaajien tulkinnoista muodostui neljä pääteemaa: 1) Jaksamisen haasteiden ja koulu-uupumuksen esiintyminen ja oireet, 2) Jaksamisen haasteiden ja koulu-uupumuksen taustatekijät, 3) Opinto-ohjaus, moniammatillinen yhteistyö ja opiskelijahuolto opiskelijan jaksamisen tukena sekä 4) Korona-ajan poikkeusolojen vaikutus opiskelijoiden jaksamiseen ja koulu-uupumukseen. Ammatillisen koulutuksen ja lukiokoulutuksen välisiä yhtäläisyyksiä ja eroja jaksamisen haasteiden ja koulu-uupumuksen suhteen on kuvattu kaikkien neljän teeman sisällä. Tuloksista ilmenee, että haastateltavat opinto-ohjaajat hahmottavat koulu-uupumuksen ja jaksamisen ongelmat laajana ja monitahoisena ilmiönä, ja niihin yhdistyy usein monenlaisia päällekkäisiä haasteita. Koulu-uupumuksen taustasyinä esille nousi erityisesti sosiaalisen tukiverkoston puute, yhteiskunnalliseen ilmapiiriin liittyvät tekijät, opiskelijan sopimattomuus opiskeluympäristöön sekä henkilökohtaisiin haasteisiin liittyvät tekijät. Ammatillisessa koulutuksessa merkittäväksi jaksamisen haasteita aiheuttavaksi tekijäksi nähtiin pelko työelämästä ja työelämässä oppimisesta, kun taas lukion opinto-ohjaajien tulkinnoissa korostuivat opinnoissa menestymiseen ja korkeakoulutukseen hakemiseen liittyvät paineet. Opinto-ohjaajan rooli nähtiin merkittävänä yhteisöllisen opiskeluhyvinvoinnin edistämisessä, jaksamisen haasteiden tunnistamisessa, opiskelijan eteenpäin ohjaamisessa, yksilöllisen opiskelupolun suunnittelussa sekä moniammatillisessa yhteistyössä. Kesällä 2020 tehdyissä haastatteluissa koronapandemiasta johtuvan etäopetuksen nähtiin sujuneen pääasiassa hyvin, mutta vaikuttavan opiskelijoiden jaksamiseen, koulu-uupumuksen puhkeamiseen sekä opintomenestykseltään eri tasoisten opiskelijoiden polarisoitumiseen.Interpretations of secondary school study counselors about school burnout, coping challenges, and means of support. Abstract. The challenges of study wellbeing such as school burnout has been raised as a topical issue in both the research and the public debate. The prevailing corona pandemic has further increased the timeliness of the topic. Study counselors act in their role as part of interprofessional student care, and their guidance priorities differ slightly due to the different basic tasks of vocational education and high school education. The aim of this master’s thesis is to find out how study counselors interpret secondary school students’ school burnout and challenges of coping in their studies, how they see their own roles supporting students as part of interprofessional student care and whether it can be detected differences between high schools’ and vocational schools’ student school burnout and challenges of coping based on the interpretations of study counselors interviewed. In this thesis the general orientation is based on hermeneutics, what is emphasizing an in-depth understanding of the meanings of the phenomenon under research. However, the aim is not to systematically interpret participants’ understanding, views, meanings, and experiences, but describe them as such. Three vocational school study counselors and two high school study counselors were participated in the study. Data was collected through a thematic interview and analyzed by thematic analysis. Four main themes were formed consisted of the interpretations of the study counselors: 1) Appearance and symptoms of challenges of coping and school burnout, 2) Background factors of challenges of coping and school burnout, 3) Study counselling, interprofessional cooperation and student care supporting student coping, and 4) The effect of exceptional circumstances due to corona pandemic on students’ coping and school burnout. The similarities and differences between vocational schools and high schools have been described within all four themes. The results show that the study counselors interviewed perceive the problems of school burnout and challenges of coping as a broad and complex phenomenon, often accompanied by diverse overlapping challenges. The lack of a social support, factors related to the societal atmosphere, the student’s unsuitability for the study environment, and factors related to personal challenges emerged as the root causes of school burnout. In vocational education, the fear of working life and periods of learning in working life was seen as a significant factor causing coping challenges, while the interpretations of high school study counselors emphasized the pressures related to individual success in studies and to apply for higher education. The study counselors were seen as significant persons in promoting community study well-being, identifying the challenges of coping, guiding the students forward, supporting the planning an individual study paths and working in interprofessional cooperation. In interviews conducted in the summer of 2020, distance teaching due to the corona pandemic was seen to have gone mainly well, but had an impact on student coping, the onset of school burnout, and the polarization of students at different levels of study success.
- Published
- 2021
3. Human Umbilical Cord Blood-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Display a Novel Interaction between P-Selectin and Galectin-1
- Author
Suila, H., Hirvonen, T., Kotovuori, A., Ritamo, I., Kerkelä, E., Anderson, H., Natunen, S., Tuimala, J., Laitinen, S., Nystedt, J., Räbinä, J., and Valmu, L.
- Published
- 2014
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4. Dust sampling methods for endotoxin – an essential, but underestimated issue
- Author
Hyvärinen, A., Roponen, M., Tiittanen, P., Laitinen, S., Nevalainen, A., and Pekkanen, J.
- Published
- 2014
5. Human mesenchymal stromal cell secretome promotes the immunoregulatory phenotype and phagocytosis activity in human macrophages
- Author
Holopainen, M. (Minna), Impola, U. (Ulla), Lehenkari, P. (Petri), Laitinen, S. (Saara), Kerkelä, E. (Erja), Holopainen, M. (Minna), Impola, U. (Ulla), Lehenkari, P. (Petri), Laitinen, S. (Saara), and Kerkelä, E. (Erja)
- Abstract
Human mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (hMSCs) show great promise in cell therapy due to their immunomodulatory properties. The overall immunomodulatory response of hMSCs resembles the resolution of inflammation, in which lipid mediators and regulatory macrophages (Mregs) play key roles. We investigated the effect of hMSC cell-cell contact and secretome on macrophages polarized and activated toward Mreg phenotype. Moreover, we studied the effect of supplemented polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs): docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid, the precursors of lipid mediators, on hMSC immunomodulation. Our results show that unlike hMSC cell-cell contact, the hMSC secretome markedly increased the CD206 expression in both Mreg-polarized and Mreg-activated macrophages. Moreover, the secretome enhanced the expression of programmed death-ligand 1 on Mreg-polarized macrophages and Mer receptor tyrosine kinase on Mreg-activated macrophages. Remarkably, these changes were translated into improved Candida albicans phagocytosis activity of macrophages. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the hMSC secretome promotes the immunoregulatory and proresolving phenotype of Mregs. Intriguingly, DHA supplementation to hMSCs resulted in a more potentiated immunomodulation with increased CD163 expression and decreased gene expression of matrix metalloproteinase 2 in Mreg-polarized macrophages. These findings highlight the potential of PUFA supplementations as an easy and safe method to improve the hMSC therapeutic potential.
- Published
- 2020
6. Endotoxins and IgG antibodies as indicators of occupational exposure to the microbial contaminants of metal-working fluids
- Author
Laitinen, S., Linnainmaa, M., Laitinen, J., Kiviranta, H., Reiman, M., and Liesivuori, J.
- Published
- 1999
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7. Effect of site of lactate infusion on regional lactate exchange in pigs
- Author
Barthelmes, D., Jakob, S. M., Laitinen, S., Rahikainen, S., Ahonen, H., and Takala, J.
- Published
- 2010
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8. Dust sampling methods for endotoxin – an essential, but underestimated issue
- Author
Hyvärinen, A., Roponen, M., Tiittanen, P., Laitinen, S., Nevalainen, A., and Pekkanen, J.
- Published
- 2006
9. Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018): a position statement of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and update of the MISEV2014 guidelines
- Author
Thery, C., Witwer, K. (Kenneth), Aikawa, E. (Elena), Alcaraz, M.J. (Maria Jose), Anderson, J.D. (Johnathon D), Andriantsitohaina, R. (Ramaroson), Antoniou, A. (Anna), Arab, T. (Tanina), Archer, F. (Fabienne), Atkin-Smith, G.K. (Georgia K), Ayre, D.C. (D Craig), Bach, J.-M. (Jean-Marie), Bachurski, D. (Daniel), Baharvand, H. (Hossein), Balaj, L. (Leonora), Baldacchino, S. (Shawn), Bauer, N.N. (Natalie N), Baxter, A.A. (Amy A), Bebawy, M. (Mary), Beckham, C. (Carla), Bedina Zavec, A. (Apolonija), Benmoussa, A. (Abderrahim), Berardi, A.C. (Anna C), Bergese, P. (Paolo), Bielska, E. (Ewa), Blenkiron, C. (Cherie), Bobis-Wozowicz, S. (Sylwia), Boilard, E. (Eric), Boireau, W. (Wilfrid), Bongiovanni, A. (Antonella), Borràs, F.E. (Francesc), Bosch, S. (Steffi), Boulanger, C.M. (Chantal), Breakefield, X. (Xandra), Breglio, A.M. (Andrew M), Brennan, M.Á. (Meadhbh Á), Brigstock, D.R. (David R), Brisson, A. (Alain), Broekman, M.L.D. (Marike), Bromberg, J.F. (Jacqueline F), Bryl-Górecka, P. (Paulina), Buch, S. (Shilpa), Buck, A.H. (Amy H), Burger, D. (Dylan), Busatto, S. (Sara), Buschmann, D. (Dominik), Bussolati, B. (Benedetta), Buzas, E. (Edit), Byrd, J.B. (James Bryan), Camussi, G. (Giovanni), Carter, D.R.F. (David RF), Caruso, S. (Sarah), Chamley, L.W. (Lawrence W), Chang, Y.-T. (Yu-Ting), Chaudhuri, A.D. (Amrita Datta), Chen, C. (Chihchen), Chen, S. (Shuai), Cheng, L. (Lesley), Chin, A.R. (Andrew R), Clayton, A. (Aled), Clerici, S.P. (Stefano P), Cocks, A. (Alex), Cocucci, E. (Emanuele), Coffey, R.J. (Robert J), Cordeiro-da-Silva, A. (Anabela), Couch, Y. (Yvonne), Coumans, F.A.W. (Frank AW), Coyle, B. (Beth), Crescitelli, R. (Rossella), Criado, M.F. (Miria Ferreira), D’Souza-Schorey, C. (Crislyn), Das, S. (Saumya), de Candia, P. (Paola), De Santana, E.F. (Eliezer F), De Wever, O. (Olivier), Del Portillo, H. (Hernando), Demaret, T. (Tanguy), Deville, S. (Sarah), Devitt, A. (Andrew), Dhondt, B. (Bert), Di Vizio, D. (Dolores), Dieterich, L.C. (Lothar C), Dolo, V. (Vincenza), Dominguez Rubio, A.P. (Ana Paula), Dominici, M. (Massimo), Dourado, M.R. (Mauricio R), Driedonks, T.A.P. (Tom AP), Duarte, F.V. (Filipe V), Duncan, H.M. (Heather M), Eichenberger, R.M. (Ramon M), Ekström, K. (Karin), EL Andaloussi, S. (Samir), Elie-Caille, C. (Celine), Erdbrügger, U. (Uta), Falcon-Perez, J.M. (Juan), Fatima, F. (Farah), Fish, J.E. (Jason E), Flores-Bellver, M. (Miguel), Försönits, A. (András), Frelet-Barrand, A. (Annie), Fricke, F. (Fabia), Fuhrmann, G. (Gregor), Gabrielsson, S. (Susanne), Gámez-Valero, A. (Ana), Gardiner, C. (Chris), Gärtner, K. (Kathrin), Gaudin, R. (Raphael), Gho, Y.S. (Yong Song), Giebel, B. (B.), Gilbert, C. (Caroline), Gimona, M. (Mario), Giusti, I. (Ilaria), Goberdhan, D.C.I. (Deborah CI), Görgens, A. (André), Gorski, S.M. (Sharon M), Greening, D.W. (David W.), Gross, J.C. (Julia Christina), Gualerzi, A. (Alice), Gupta, G.N. (Gopal N), Gustafson, D. (Dakota), Handberg, A. (Aase), Haraszti, R.A. (Reka A), Harrison, P. (Paul), Hegyesi, H. (Hargita), Hendrix, A. (An), Hill, A.F. (Andrew F), Hochberg, F.H. (Fred H), Hoffmann, K.F. (Karl F), Holder, B. (Beth), Holthofer, H. (Harry), Hosseinkhani, B. (Baharak), Hu, G. (Guoku), Huang, Y. (Yiyao), Huber, V. (Veronica), Hunt, S. (Stuart), Ibrahim, A.G.-E. (Ahmed Gamal-Eldin), Ikezu, T. (Tsuneya), Inal, J.M. (Jameel), Isin, M. (Mustafa), Ivanova, A. (Alena), Jackson, H.K. (Hannah K), Jacobsen, S. (Soren), Jay, S.M. (Steven M), Jayachandran, M. (Muthuvel), Jenster, G.W. (Guido), Jiang, L. (Lanzhou), Johnson, S.M. (Suzanne M), Jones, J.C. (Jennifer C), Jong, A. (Ambrose), Jovanovic-Talisman, T. (Tijana), Jung, S. (Stephanie), Kalluri, R. (Raghu), Kano, S.-I. (Shin-ichi), Kaur, S. (Sukhbir), Kawamura, Y. (Yumi), Keller, E.T. (Evan T), Khamari, D. (Delaram), Khomyakova, E. (Elena), Khvorova, A. (Anastasia), Kierulf, P. (Peter), Kim, K.P. (Kwang Pyo), Kislinger, T. (Thomas), Klingeborn, M. (Mikael), Klinke, D.J. (David J), Kornek, M. (Miroslaw), Kosanović, M.M. (Maja M), Kovács, Á.F. (Árpád Ferenc), Krämer-Albers, E.-M. (Eva-Maria), Krasemann, S. (Susanne), Krause, M. (Mirja), Kurochkin, I.V. (Igor V), Kusuma, G.D. (Gina D), Kuypers, S. (Sören), Laitinen, S. (Saara), Langevin, S.M. (Scott M), Languino, L.R. (Lucia R), Lannigan, J. (Joanne), Lässer, C. (Cecilia), Laurent, L.C. (Louise C), Lavieu, G. (Gregory), Lázaro-Ibáñez, E. (Elisa), Le Lay, S. (Soazig), Lee, M.-S. (Myung-Shin), Lee, Y.X.F. (Yi Xin Fiona), Lemos, D.S. (Debora S), Lenassi, M. (Metka), Leszczynska, A. (Aleksandra), Li, I.T.S. (Isaac TS), Liao, K. (Ke), Libregts, S.F. (Sten), Ligeti, E. (Erzsebet), Lim, R. (Rebecca), Lim, S.K. (Sai Kiang), Linē, A. (Aija), Linnemannstöns, K. (Karen), Llorente, A. (Alicia), Lombard, C.A. (Catherine A), Lorenowicz, M.J. (Magdalena J), Lörincz, Á.M. (Ákos M), Lötvall, J. (Jan), Lovett, J. (Jason), Lowry, M.C. (Michelle C), Loyer, X. (Xavier), Lu, Q. (Quan), Lukomska, B. (Barbara), Lunavat, T.R. (Taral R), Maas, S.L.N. (Sybren), Malhi, H. (Harmeet), Marcilla, A. (Antonio), Mariani, J. (Jacopo), Mariscal, J. (Javier), Martens-Uzunova, E.S. (Elena), Martin-Jaular, L. (Lorena), Martinez, M.C. (M Carmen), Martins, V.R. (Vilma Regina), Mathieu, M. (Mathilde), Mathivanan, S. (Suresh), Maugeri, M. (Marco), McGinnis, L.K. (Lynda K), McVey, M.J. (Mark J), Meckes, D.G. (David G), Meehan, K.L. (Katie L), Mertens, I. (Inge), Minciacchi, V.R. (Valentina R), Möller, A. (Andreas), Møller Jørgensen, M. (Malene), Morales-Kastresana, A. (Aizea), Morhayim, J. (Jess), Mullier, F. (Francois), Muraca, M. (Maurizio), Musante, L. (Luca), Mussack, V. (Veronika), Muth, D.C. (Dillon C), Myburgh, K.H. (Kathryn H), Najrana, T. (Tanbir), Nawaz, M. (Muhammad), Nazarenko, I. (Irina), Nejsum, P. (Peter), Neri, C. (Christian), Neri, T. (Tommaso), Nieuwland, C.C.M. (Carolien) van, Nimrichter, L. (Leonardo), Nolan, J.P. (John P), Nolte-’t Hoen, E.N.M. (Esther NM), Hooten, N.N. (Nicole Noren), O’Driscoll, L. (Lorraine), O’Grady, T. (Tina), O’Loghlen, A. (Ana), Ochiya, T. (Takahiro), Olivier, M. (Martin), Ortiz, A. (Alberto), Ortiz, L.A. (Luis A), Osteikoetxea, X. (Xabier), Ostegaard, O. (Ole), Ostrowski, M. (Matias), Park, J. (Jaesung), Pegtel, D.M. (D. Michiel), Peinado, H. (Hector), Perut, F. (Francesca), Pfaffl, M.W. (Michael W), Phinney, D.G. (Donald G), Pieters, B.C.H. (Bartijn CH), Pink, R.C. (Ryan C), Pisetsky, D.S. (David S), Pogge von Strandmann, E. (Elke), Polakovicova, I. (Iva), Poon, I.K.H. (Ivan KH), Powell, B.H. (Bonita H), Prada, I. (Ilaria), Pulliam, L. (Lynn), Quesenberry, P. (Peter), Radeghieri, A. (Annalisa), Raffai, R.L. (Robert L), Raimondo, S. (Stefania), Rak, J. (Janusz), Ramirez, M.I. (Marcel I.), Raposo, L. (Luís), Rayyan, M.S. (Morsi S), Regev-Rudzki, N. (Neta), Ricklefs, F.L. (Franz L), Robbins, P.D. (Paul D), Roberts, D.D. (David D), Rodrigues, S.C. (Silvia C), Rohde, E. (Eva), Rome, S. (Sophie), Rouschop, K.M.A. (Kasper MA), Rughetti, A. (Aurelia), Russell, A.E. (Ashley E), Saá, P. (Paula), Sahoo, S. (Susmita), Salas-Huenuleo, E. (Edison), Sánchez, C. (Catherine), Saugstad, J.A. (Julie A), Saul, M.J. (Meike J), Schiffelers, R.M. (Raymond), Schneider, R. (Raphael), Schøyen, T.H. (Tine Hiorth), Scott, A. (Aaron), Shahaj, E. (Eriomina), Sharma, S. (Shivani), Shatnyeva, O. (Olga), Shekari, F. (Faezeh), Shelke, G.V. (Ganesh Vilas), Shetty, A.K. (Ashok K), Shiba, K. (Kiyotaka), Siljander, P. (Pia), Silva, A.M. (Andreia M), Skowronek, A. (Agata), Snyder, O.L. (Orman L), Soares, R.P. (Rodrigo Pedro), Sódar, B.W. (Barbara W), Soekmadji, C. (Carolina), Sotillo, J. (Javier), Stahl, P.D. (Philip D), Stoorvogel, W. (Willem), Stott, S.L. (Shannon L), Strasser, E.F. (Erwin F), Swift, S. (Simon), Tahara, H. (Hidetoshi), Tewari, M. (Muneesh), Timms, K. (Kate), Tiwari, S. (Swasti), Tixeira, R. (Rochelle), Tkach, M. (Mercedes), Toh, W.S. (Wei Seong), Tomasini, R. (Richard), Torrecilhas, A.C. (Ana Claudia), Tosar, J.P. (Juan Pablo), Toxavidis, V. (Vasilis), Urbanelli, L. (Lorena), Vader, P. (Pieter), Balkom, B.W.M. (Bas) van, van der Grein, S.G. (Susanne G), Van Deun, J. (Jan), van Herwijnen, M.J.C. (Martijn JC), Van Keuren-Jensen, K. (Kendall), van Niel, G. (Guillaume), Royen, M.E. (Martin), van Wijnen, A.J. (Andre J), Vasconcelos, M.H. (M Helena), Vechetti, I.J. (Ivan J), Veit, T.D. (Tiago D), Vella, L.J. (Laura J.), Velot, É. (Émilie), Verweij, F.J. (Frederik J), Vestad, B. (Beate), Viñas, J.L. (Jose L), Visnovitz, T. (Tamás), Vukman, K.V. (Krisztina V), Wahlgren, J. (Jessica), Watson, D.C. (Dionysios C), Wauben, M.H.M. (Marca), Weaver, A. (Alissa), Webber, J.P. (Jason P), Weber, V. (Viktoria), Wehman, A.M. (Ann M), Weiss, D.J. (Daniel J), Welsh, J.A. (Joshua A), Wendt, S. (Sebastian), Wheelock, A.M. (Asa M), Wiener, Z. (Zoltán), Witte, L. (Leonie), Wolfram, J. (Joy), Xagorari, A. (Angeliki), Xander, P. (Patricia), Xu, J. (Jing), Yan, X. (Xiaomei), Yáñez-Mó, M. (María), Yin, H. (Hang), Yuana, Y., Zappulli, V. (Valentina), Zarubova, J. (Jana), Žėkas, V. (Vytautas), Zhang, J.-Y. (Jian-ye), Zhao, Z. (Zezhou), Zheng, L. (Lei), Zheutlin, A.R. (Alexander R), Zickler, A.M. (Antje M), Zimmermann, P. (Pascale), Zivkovic, A.M. (Angela M), Zocco, D. (Davide), Zuba-Surma, E.K. (Ewa K), Thery, C., Witwer, K. (Kenneth), Aikawa, E. (Elena), Alcaraz, M.J. (Maria Jose), Anderson, J.D. (Johnathon D), Andriantsitohaina, R. (Ramaroson), Antoniou, A. (Anna), Arab, T. (Tanina), Archer, F. (Fabienne), Atkin-Smith, G.K. (Georgia K), Ayre, D.C. (D Craig), Bach, J.-M. (Jean-Marie), Bachurski, D. (Daniel), Baharvand, H. (Hossein), Balaj, L. (Leonora), Baldacchino, S. (Shawn), Bauer, N.N. (Natalie N), Baxter, A.A. (Amy A), Bebawy, M. (Mary), Beckham, C. (Carla), Bedina Zavec, A. (Apolonija), Benmoussa, A. (Abderrahim), Berardi, A.C. (Anna C), Bergese, P. (Paolo), Bielska, E. (Ewa), Blenkiron, C. (Cherie), Bobis-Wozowicz, S. (Sylwia), Boilard, E. (Eric), Boireau, W. (Wilfrid), Bongiovanni, A. (Antonella), Borràs, F.E. (Francesc), Bosch, S. (Steffi), Boulanger, C.M. (Chantal), Breakefield, X. (Xandra), Breglio, A.M. (Andrew M), Brennan, M.Á. (Meadhbh Á), Brigstock, D.R. (David R), Brisson, A. (Alain), Broekman, M.L.D. (Marike), Bromberg, J.F. (Jacqueline F), Bryl-Górecka, P. (Paulina), Buch, S. (Shilpa), Buck, A.H. (Amy H), Burger, D. (Dylan), Busatto, S. (Sara), Buschmann, D. (Dominik), Bussolati, B. (Benedetta), Buzas, E. (Edit), Byrd, J.B. (James Bryan), Camussi, G. (Giovanni), Carter, D.R.F. (David RF), Caruso, S. (Sarah), Chamley, L.W. (Lawrence W), Chang, Y.-T. (Yu-Ting), Chaudhuri, A.D. (Amrita Datta), Chen, C. (Chihchen), Chen, S. (Shuai), Cheng, L. (Lesley), Chin, A.R. (Andrew R), Clayton, A. (Aled), Clerici, S.P. (Stefano P), Cocks, A. (Alex), Cocucci, E. (Emanuele), Coffey, R.J. (Robert J), Cordeiro-da-Silva, A. (Anabela), Couch, Y. (Yvonne), Coumans, F.A.W. (Frank AW), Coyle, B. (Beth), Crescitelli, R. (Rossella), Criado, M.F. (Miria Ferreira), D’Souza-Schorey, C. (Crislyn), Das, S. (Saumya), de Candia, P. (Paola), De Santana, E.F. (Eliezer F), De Wever, O. (Olivier), Del Portillo, H. (Hernando), Demaret, T. (Tanguy), Deville, S. (Sarah), Devitt, A. (Andrew), Dhondt, B. (Bert), Di Vizio, D. (Dolores), Dieterich, L.C. (Lothar C), Dolo, V. (Vincenza), Dominguez Rubio, A.P. (Ana Paula), Dominici, M. (Massimo), Dourado, M.R. (Mauricio R), Driedonks, T.A.P. (Tom AP), Duarte, F.V. (Filipe V), Duncan, H.M. (Heather M), Eichenberger, R.M. (Ramon M), Ekström, K. (Karin), EL Andaloussi, S. (Samir), Elie-Caille, C. (Celine), Erdbrügger, U. (Uta), Falcon-Perez, J.M. (Juan), Fatima, F. (Farah), Fish, J.E. (Jason E), Flores-Bellver, M. (Miguel), Försönits, A. (András), Frelet-Barrand, A. (Annie), Fricke, F. (Fabia), Fuhrmann, G. (Gregor), Gabrielsson, S. (Susanne), Gámez-Valero, A. (Ana), Gardiner, C. (Chris), Gärtner, K. (Kathrin), Gaudin, R. (Raphael), Gho, Y.S. (Yong Song), Giebel, B. (B.), Gilbert, C. (Caroline), Gimona, M. (Mario), Giusti, I. (Ilaria), Goberdhan, D.C.I. (Deborah CI), Görgens, A. (André), Gorski, S.M. (Sharon M), Greening, D.W. (David W.), Gross, J.C. (Julia Christina), Gualerzi, A. (Alice), Gupta, G.N. (Gopal N), Gustafson, D. (Dakota), Handberg, A. (Aase), Haraszti, R.A. (Reka A), Harrison, P. (Paul), Hegyesi, H. (Hargita), Hendrix, A. (An), Hill, A.F. (Andrew F), Hochberg, F.H. (Fred H), Hoffmann, K.F. (Karl F), Holder, B. (Beth), Holthofer, H. (Harry), Hosseinkhani, B. (Baharak), Hu, G. (Guoku), Huang, Y. (Yiyao), Huber, V. (Veronica), Hunt, S. (Stuart), Ibrahim, A.G.-E. (Ahmed Gamal-Eldin), Ikezu, T. (Tsuneya), Inal, J.M. (Jameel), Isin, M. (Mustafa), Ivanova, A. (Alena), Jackson, H.K. (Hannah K), Jacobsen, S. (Soren), Jay, S.M. (Steven M), Jayachandran, M. (Muthuvel), Jenster, G.W. (Guido), Jiang, L. (Lanzhou), Johnson, S.M. (Suzanne M), Jones, J.C. (Jennifer C), Jong, A. (Ambrose), Jovanovic-Talisman, T. (Tijana), Jung, S. (Stephanie), Kalluri, R. (Raghu), Kano, S.-I. (Shin-ichi), Kaur, S. (Sukhbir), Kawamura, Y. (Yumi), Keller, E.T. (Evan T), Khamari, D. (Delaram), Khomyakova, E. (Elena), Khvorova, A. (Anastasia), Kierulf, P. (Peter), Kim, K.P. (Kwang Pyo), Kislinger, T. (Thomas), Klingeborn, M. (Mikael), Klinke, D.J. (David J), Kornek, M. (Miroslaw), Kosanović, M.M. (Maja M), Kovács, Á.F. (Árpád Ferenc), Krämer-Albers, E.-M. (Eva-Maria), Krasemann, S. (Susanne), Krause, M. (Mirja), Kurochkin, I.V. (Igor V), Kusuma, G.D. (Gina D), Kuypers, S. (Sören), Laitinen, S. (Saara), Langevin, S.M. (Scott M), Languino, L.R. (Lucia R), Lannigan, J. (Joanne), Lässer, C. (Cecilia), Laurent, L.C. (Louise C), Lavieu, G. (Gregory), Lázaro-Ibáñez, E. (Elisa), Le Lay, S. (Soazig), Lee, M.-S. (Myung-Shin), Lee, Y.X.F. (Yi Xin Fiona), Lemos, D.S. (Debora S), Lenassi, M. (Metka), Leszczynska, A. (Aleksandra), Li, I.T.S. (Isaac TS), Liao, K. (Ke), Libregts, S.F. (Sten), Ligeti, E. (Erzsebet), Lim, R. (Rebecca), Lim, S.K. (Sai Kiang), Linē, A. (Aija), Linnemannstöns, K. (Karen), Llorente, A. (Alicia), Lombard, C.A. (Catherine A), Lorenowicz, M.J. (Magdalena J), Lörincz, Á.M. (Ákos M), Lötvall, J. (Jan), Lovett, J. (Jason), Lowry, M.C. (Michelle C), Loyer, X. (Xavier), Lu, Q. (Quan), Lukomska, B. (Barbara), Lunavat, T.R. (Taral R), Maas, S.L.N. (Sybren), Malhi, H. (Harmeet), Marcilla, A. (Antonio), Mariani, J. (Jacopo), Mariscal, J. (Javier), Martens-Uzunova, E.S. (Elena), Martin-Jaular, L. (Lorena), Martinez, M.C. (M Carmen), Martins, V.R. (Vilma Regina), Mathieu, M. (Mathilde), Mathivanan, S. (Suresh), Maugeri, M. (Marco), McGinnis, L.K. (Lynda K), McVey, M.J. (Mark J), Meckes, D.G. (David G), Meehan, K.L. (Katie L), Mertens, I. (Inge), Minciacchi, V.R. (Valentina R), Möller, A. (Andreas), Møller Jørgensen, M. (Malene), Morales-Kastresana, A. (Aizea), Morhayim, J. (Jess), Mullier, F. (Francois), Muraca, M. (Maurizio), Musante, L. (Luca), Mussack, V. (Veronika), Muth, D.C. (Dillon C), Myburgh, K.H. (Kathryn H), Najrana, T. (Tanbir), Nawaz, M. (Muhammad), Nazarenko, I. (Irina), Nejsum, P. (Peter), Neri, C. (Christian), Neri, T. (Tommaso), Nieuwland, C.C.M. (Carolien) van, Nimrichter, L. (Leonardo), Nolan, J.P. (John P), Nolte-’t Hoen, E.N.M. (Esther NM), Hooten, N.N. (Nicole Noren), O’Driscoll, L. (Lorraine), O’Grady, T. (Tina), O’Loghlen, A. (Ana), Ochiya, T. (Takahiro), Olivier, M. (Martin), Ortiz, A. (Alberto), Ortiz, L.A. (Luis A), Osteikoetxea, X. (Xabier), Ostegaard, O. (Ole), Ostrowski, M. (Matias), Park, J. (Jaesung), Pegtel, D.M. (D. Michiel), Peinado, H. (Hector), Perut, F. (Francesca), Pfaffl, M.W. (Michael W), Phinney, D.G. (Donald G), Pieters, B.C.H. (Bartijn CH), Pink, R.C. (Ryan C), Pisetsky, D.S. (David S), Pogge von Strandmann, E. (Elke), Polakovicova, I. (Iva), Poon, I.K.H. (Ivan KH), Powell, B.H. (Bonita H), Prada, I. (Ilaria), Pulliam, L. (Lynn), Quesenberry, P. (Peter), Radeghieri, A. (Annalisa), Raffai, R.L. (Robert L), Raimondo, S. (Stefania), Rak, J. (Janusz), Ramirez, M.I. (Marcel I.), Raposo, L. (Luís), Rayyan, M.S. (Morsi S), Regev-Rudzki, N. (Neta), Ricklefs, F.L. (Franz L), Robbins, P.D. (Paul D), Roberts, D.D. (David D), Rodrigues, S.C. (Silvia C), Rohde, E. (Eva), Rome, S. (Sophie), Rouschop, K.M.A. (Kasper MA), Rughetti, A. (Aurelia), Russell, A.E. (Ashley E), Saá, P. (Paula), Sahoo, S. (Susmita), Salas-Huenuleo, E. (Edison), Sánchez, C. (Catherine), Saugstad, J.A. (Julie A), Saul, M.J. (Meike J), Schiffelers, R.M. (Raymond), Schneider, R. (Raphael), Schøyen, T.H. (Tine Hiorth), Scott, A. (Aaron), Shahaj, E. (Eriomina), Sharma, S. (Shivani), Shatnyeva, O. (Olga), Shekari, F. (Faezeh), Shelke, G.V. (Ganesh Vilas), Shetty, A.K. (Ashok K), Shiba, K. (Kiyotaka), Siljander, P. (Pia), Silva, A.M. (Andreia M), Skowronek, A. (Agata), Snyder, O.L. (Orman L), Soares, R.P. (Rodrigo Pedro), Sódar, B.W. (Barbara W), Soekmadji, C. (Carolina), Sotillo, J. (Javier), Stahl, P.D. (Philip D), Stoorvogel, W. (Willem), Stott, S.L. (Shannon L), Strasser, E.F. (Erwin F), Swift, S. (Simon), Tahara, H. (Hidetoshi), Tewari, M. (Muneesh), Timms, K. (Kate), Tiwari, S. (Swasti), Tixeira, R. (Rochelle), Tkach, M. (Mercedes), Toh, W.S. (Wei Seong), Tomasini, R. (Richard), Torrecilhas, A.C. (Ana Claudia), Tosar, J.P. (Juan Pablo), Toxavidis, V. (Vasilis), Urbanelli, L. (Lorena), Vader, P. (Pieter), Balkom, B.W.M. (Bas) van, van der Grein, S.G. (Susanne G), Van Deun, J. (Jan), van Herwijnen, M.J.C. (Martijn JC), Van Keuren-Jensen, K. (Kendall), van Niel, G. (Guillaume), Royen, M.E. (Martin), van Wijnen, A.J. (Andre J), Vasconcelos, M.H. (M Helena), Vechetti, I.J. (Ivan J), Veit, T.D. (Tiago D), Vella, L.J. (Laura J.), Velot, É. (Émilie), Verweij, F.J. (Frederik J), Vestad, B. (Beate), Viñas, J.L. (Jose L), Visnovitz, T. (Tamás), Vukman, K.V. (Krisztina V), Wahlgren, J. (Jessica), Watson, D.C. (Dionysios C), Wauben, M.H.M. (Marca), Weaver, A. (Alissa), Webber, J.P. (Jason P), Weber, V. (Viktoria), Wehman, A.M. (Ann M), Weiss, D.J. (Daniel J), Welsh, J.A. (Joshua A), Wendt, S. (Sebastian), Wheelock, A.M. (Asa M), Wiener, Z. (Zoltán), Witte, L. (Leonie), Wolfram, J. (Joy), Xagorari, A. (Angeliki), Xander, P. (Patricia), Xu, J. (Jing), Yan, X. (Xiaomei), Yáñez-Mó, M. (María), Yin, H. (Hang), Yuana, Y., Zappulli, V. (Valentina), Zarubova, J. (Jana), Žėkas, V. (Vytautas), Zhang, J.-Y. (Jian-ye), Zhao, Z. (Zezhou), Zheng, L. (Lei), Zheutlin, A.R. (Alexander R), Zickler, A.M. (Antje M), Zimmermann, P. (Pascale), Zivkovic, A.M. (Angela M), Zocco, D. (Davide), and Zuba-Surma, E.K. (Ewa K)
- Abstract
The last decade has seen a sharp increase in the number of scientific publications describing physiological and pathological functions of extracellular vesicles (EVs), a collective term covering various subtypes of cell-released, membranous structures, called exosomes, microvesicles, microparticles, ectosomes, oncosomes, apoptotic bodies, and many other names. However, specific issues arise when working with these entities, whose size and amount often make the
- Published
- 2019
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10. Polyunsaturated fatty acids modify the extracellular vesicle membranes and increase the production of proresolving lipid mediators of human mesenchymal stromal cells
- Author
Holopainen, M. (Minna), Colas, R. A. (Romain A.), Valkonen, S. (Sami), Tigistu-Sahle, F. (Feven), Hyvärinen, K. (Kati), Mazzacuva, F. (Francesca), Lehenkari, P. (Petri), Käkelä, R. (Reijo), Dalli, J. (Jesmond), Kerkelä, E. (Erja), Laitinen, S. (Saara), Holopainen, M. (Minna), Colas, R. A. (Romain A.), Valkonen, S. (Sami), Tigistu-Sahle, F. (Feven), Hyvärinen, K. (Kati), Mazzacuva, F. (Francesca), Lehenkari, P. (Petri), Käkelä, R. (Reijo), Dalli, J. (Jesmond), Kerkelä, E. (Erja), and Laitinen, S. (Saara)
- Abstract
Human mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (hMSCs) are used in experimental cell therapy to treat various immunological disorders, and the extracellular vesicles (hMSC-EVs) they produce have emerged as an option for cell-free therapeutics. The immunomodulatory function of hMSCs resembles the resolution of inflammation, in which proresolving lipid mediators (LMs) play key roles. Multiple mechanisms underlying the hMSC immunosuppressive effect has been elucidated; however, the impact of LMs and EVs in the resolution is poorly understood. In this study, we supplemented hMSCs with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs); arachidonic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, and docosahexaenoic acid, which serve as precursors for multiple LMs. We then determined the consequent compositional modifications in the fatty acid, phospholipid, and LM profiles. Mass spectrometric analyses revealed that the supplemented PUFAs were incorporated into the main membrane phospholipid classes with different dynamics, with phosphatidylcholine serving as the first acceptor. Most importantly, the PUFA modifications were transferred into hMSC-EVs, which are known to mediate hMSC immunomodulation. Furthermore, the membrane-incorporated PUFAs influenced the LM profile by increasing the production of downstream prostaglandin E2 and proresolving LMs, including Resolvin E2 and Resolvin D6. The production of LMs was further enhanced by a highly proinflammatory stimulus, which resulted in an increase in a number of mediators, most notably prostaglandins, while other stimulatory conditions had less a pronounced impact after a 48-h incubation. The current findings suggest that PUFA manipulations of hMSCs exert significant immunomodulatory effects via EVs and proresolving LMs, the composition of which can be modified to potentiate the therapeutic impact of hMSCs.
- Published
- 2019
11. Biological monitoring of workers exposed to mevinphos in greenhouses
- Author
Jauhiainen, A., Kangas, J., Laitinen, S., and Savolainen, K.
- Published
- 1992
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12. Palliative operations for colorectal cancer
- Author
Mäkelä, J., Haukipuro, K., Laitinen, S., and Kairaluoma, M. I.
- Published
- 1990
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13. Immunoglobulin G antibodies against indoor dampness-related microbes and adult-onset asthma: a population-based incident case-control study
- Author
- Published
- 2002
14. Immunoglobulin G antibodies to moulds in school-children from moisture problem schools
- Author
Taskinen, T. M, Laitinen, S, Nevalainen, A, Vepsäläinen, A, Meklin, T, Reiman, M, Korppi, M, and Husman, T
- Published
- 2002
15. Micro Robots for Scientific Applications 2 – Development of a Robotic Sampling System
- Author
Suomela, J., Saarinen, J., Halme, A., Anttila, M., Laitinen, S., Kaarmila, P., and Visentin, G.
- Published
- 2002
- Full Text
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16. Similarity of food choices among young Finnish couples
- Author
Laitinen, S., Högström, P., and Räsänen, L.
- Published
- 1997
17. Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018): a position statement of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and update of the MISEV2014 guidelines
- Author
Thery, C, Witwer, KW, Aikawa, E, Jose Alcaraz, M, Anderson, JD, Andriantsitohaina, R, Antoniou, A, Arab, T, Archer, F, Atkin-Smith, GK, Ayre, DC, Bach, J-M, Bachurski, D, Baharvand, H, Balaj, L, Baldacchino, S, Bauer, NN, Baxter, AA, Bebawy, M, Beckham, C, Zavec, AB, Benmoussa, A, Berardi, AC, Bergese, P, Bielska, E, Blenkiron, C, Bobis-Wozowicz, S, Boilard, E, Boireau, W, Bongiovanni, A, Borras, FE, Bosch, S, Boulanger, CM, Breakefield, X, Breglio, AM, Brennan, MA, Brigstock, DR, Brisson, A, Broekman, MLD, Bromberg, JF, Bryl-Gorecka, P, Buch, S, Buck, AH, Burger, D, Busatto, S, Buschmann, D, Bussolati, B, Buzas, E, Byrd, JB, Camussi, G, Carter, DRF, Caruso, S, Chamley, LW, Chang, Y-T, Chen, C, Chen, S, Cheng, L, Chin, AR, Clayton, A, Clerici, SP, Cocks, A, Cocucci, E, Coffey, RJ, Cordeiro-da-Silva, A, Couch, Y, Coumans, FAW, Coyle, B, Crescitelli, R, Criado, MF, D'Souza-Schorey, C, Das, S, Chaudhuri, AD, de Candia, P, De Santana Junior, EF, De Wever, O, del Portillo, HA, Demaret, T, Deville, S, Devitt, A, Dhondt, B, Di Vizio, D, Dieterich, LC, Dolo, V, Dominguez Rubio, AP, Dominici, M, Dourado, MR, Driedonks, TAP, Duarte, F, Duncan, HM, Eichenberger, RM, Ekstrom, K, Andaloussi, SEL, Elie-Caille, C, Erdbrugger, U, Falcon-Perez, JM, Fatima, F, Fish, JE, Flores-Bellver, M, Forsonits, A, Frelet-Barrand, A, Fricke, F, Fuhrmann, G, Gabrielsson, S, Gamez-Valero, A, Gardiner, C, Gaertner, K, Gaudin, R, Gho, YS, Giebel, B, Gilbert, C, Gimona, M, Giusti, I, Goberdhan, DC, Goergens, A, Gorski, SM, Greening, DW, Gross, JC, Gualerzi, A, Gupta, GN, Gustafson, D, Handberg, A, Haraszti, RA, Harrison, P, Hegyesi, H, Hendrix, A, Hill, AF, Hochberg, FH, Hoffmann, KF, Holder, B, Holthofer, H, Hosseinkhani, B, Hu, G, Huang, Y, Huber, V, Hunt, S, Ibrahim, AG-E, Ikezu, T, Inal, JM, Isin, M, Ivanova, A, Jackson, HK, Jacobsen, S, Jay, SM, Jayachandran, M, Jenster, G, Jiang, L, Johnson, SM, Jones, JC, Jong, A, Jovanovic-Talisman, T, Jung, S, Kalluri, R, Kano, S-I, Kaur, S, Kawamura, Y, Keller, ET, Khamari, D, Khomyakova, E, Khvorova, A, Kierulf, P, Kim, KP, Kislinger, T, Klingeborn, M, Klinke, DJ, Kornek, M, Kosanovic, MM, Kovacs, AF, Kraemer-Albers, E-M, Krasemann, S, Krause, M, Kurochkin, I, Kusuma, GD, Kuypers, S, Laitinen, S, Langevin, SM, Languino, LR, Lannigan, J, Lasser, C, Laurent, LC, Lavieu, G, Lazaro-Ibanez, E, Le Lay, S, Lee, M-S, Lee, YXF, Lemos, DS, Lenassi, M, Leszczynska, A, Li, ITS, Liao, K, Libregts, SF, Ligeti, E, Lim, R, Lim, SK, Line, A, Linnemannstoens, K, Llorente, A, Lombard, CA, Lorenowicz, MJ, Lorincz, AM, Lotvall, J, Lovett, J, Lowry, MC, Loyer, X, Lu, Q, Lukomska, B, Lunavat, TR, Maas, SLN, Malhi, H, Marcilla, A, Mariani, J, Mariscal, J, Martens-Uzunova, ES, Martin-Jaular, L, Martinez, MC, Martins, VR, Mathieu, M, Mathivanan, S, Maugeri, M, McGinnis, LK, McVey, MJ, Meckes, DG, Meehan, KL, Mertens, I, Minciacchi, VR, Moller, A, Jorgensen, MM, Morales-Kastresana, A, Morhayim, J, Mullier, F, Muraca, M, Musante, L, Mussack, V, Muth, DC, Myburgh, KH, Najrana, T, Nawaz, M, Nazarenko, I, Nejsum, P, Neri, C, Neri, T, Nieuwland, R, Nimrichter, L, Nolan, JP, Nolte-'t Hoen, ENM, Noren Hooten, N, O'Driscoll, L, O'Grady, T, O'Loghlen, A, Ochiya, T, Olivier, M, Ortiz, A, Ortiz, LA, Osteikoetxea, X, Ostegaard, O, Ostrowski, M, Park, J, Pegtel, DM, Peinado, H, Perut, F, Pfaffl, MW, Phinney, DG, Pieters, BCH, Pink, RC, Pisetsky, DS, von Strandmann, EP, Polakovicova, I, Poon, IKH, Powell, BH, Prada, I, Pulliam, L, Quesenberry, P, Radeghieri, A, Raffai, RL, Raimondo, S, Rak, J, Ramirez, M, Raposo, G, Rayyan, MS, Regev-Rudzki, N, Ricklefs, FL, Robbins, PD, Roberts, DD, Rodrigues, SC, Rohde, E, Rome, S, Rouschop, KMA, Rughetti, A, Russell, AE, Saa, P, Sahoo, S, Salas-Huenuleo, E, Sanchez, C, Saugstad, JA, Saul, MJ, Schiffelers, RM, Schneider, R, Schoyen, TH, Scott, A, Shahaj, E, Sharma, S, Shatnyeva, O, Shekari, F, Shelke, GV, Shetty, AK, Shiba, K, Siljander, PR-M, Silva, AM, Skowronek, A, Snyder, OL, Soares, RP, Sodar, BW, Soekmadji, C, Sotillo, J, Stahl, PD, Stoorvogel, W, Stott, SL, Strasser, EF, Swift, S, Tahara, H, Tewari, M, Timms, K, Tiwari, S, Tixeira, R, Tkach, M, Toh, WS, Tomasini, R, Torrecilhas, AC, Pablo Tosar, J, Toxavidis, V, Urbanelli, L, Vader, P, van Balkom, BWM, van der Grein, SG, Van Deun, J, van Herwijnen, MJC, Van Keuren-Jensen, K, van Niel, G, van Royen, ME, van Wijnen, AJ, Helena Vasconcelos, M, Vechetti, IJ, Veit, TD, Vella, LJ, Velot, E, Verweij, FJ, Vestad, B, Vinas, JL, Visnovitz, T, Vukman, KV, Wahlgren, J, Watson, DC, Wauben, MHM, Weaver, A, Webber, JP, Weber, V, Wehman, AM, Weiss, DJ, Welsh, JA, Wendt, S, Wheelock, AM, Wiener, Z, Witte, L, Wolfram, J, Xagorari, A, Xander, P, Xu, J, Yan, X, Yanez-Mo, M, Yin, H, Yuana, Y, Zappulli, V, Zarubova, J, Zekas, V, Zhang, J-Y, Zhao, Z, Zheng, L, Zheutlin, AR, Zickler, AM, Zimmermann, P, Zivkovic, AM, Zocco, D, Zuba-Surma, EK, Thery, C, Witwer, KW, Aikawa, E, Jose Alcaraz, M, Anderson, JD, Andriantsitohaina, R, Antoniou, A, Arab, T, Archer, F, Atkin-Smith, GK, Ayre, DC, Bach, J-M, Bachurski, D, Baharvand, H, Balaj, L, Baldacchino, S, Bauer, NN, Baxter, AA, Bebawy, M, Beckham, C, Zavec, AB, Benmoussa, A, Berardi, AC, Bergese, P, Bielska, E, Blenkiron, C, Bobis-Wozowicz, S, Boilard, E, Boireau, W, Bongiovanni, A, Borras, FE, Bosch, S, Boulanger, CM, Breakefield, X, Breglio, AM, Brennan, MA, Brigstock, DR, Brisson, A, Broekman, MLD, Bromberg, JF, Bryl-Gorecka, P, Buch, S, Buck, AH, Burger, D, Busatto, S, Buschmann, D, Bussolati, B, Buzas, E, Byrd, JB, Camussi, G, Carter, DRF, Caruso, S, Chamley, LW, Chang, Y-T, Chen, C, Chen, S, Cheng, L, Chin, AR, Clayton, A, Clerici, SP, Cocks, A, Cocucci, E, Coffey, RJ, Cordeiro-da-Silva, A, Couch, Y, Coumans, FAW, Coyle, B, Crescitelli, R, Criado, MF, D'Souza-Schorey, C, Das, S, Chaudhuri, AD, de Candia, P, De Santana Junior, EF, De Wever, O, del Portillo, HA, Demaret, T, Deville, S, Devitt, A, Dhondt, B, Di Vizio, D, Dieterich, LC, Dolo, V, Dominguez Rubio, AP, Dominici, M, Dourado, MR, Driedonks, TAP, Duarte, F, Duncan, HM, Eichenberger, RM, Ekstrom, K, Andaloussi, SEL, Elie-Caille, C, Erdbrugger, U, Falcon-Perez, JM, Fatima, F, Fish, JE, Flores-Bellver, M, Forsonits, A, Frelet-Barrand, A, Fricke, F, Fuhrmann, G, Gabrielsson, S, Gamez-Valero, A, Gardiner, C, Gaertner, K, Gaudin, R, Gho, YS, Giebel, B, Gilbert, C, Gimona, M, Giusti, I, Goberdhan, DC, Goergens, A, Gorski, SM, Greening, DW, Gross, JC, Gualerzi, A, Gupta, GN, Gustafson, D, Handberg, A, Haraszti, RA, Harrison, P, Hegyesi, H, Hendrix, A, Hill, AF, Hochberg, FH, Hoffmann, KF, Holder, B, Holthofer, H, Hosseinkhani, B, Hu, G, Huang, Y, Huber, V, Hunt, S, Ibrahim, AG-E, Ikezu, T, Inal, JM, Isin, M, Ivanova, A, Jackson, HK, Jacobsen, S, Jay, SM, Jayachandran, M, Jenster, G, Jiang, L, Johnson, SM, Jones, JC, Jong, A, Jovanovic-Talisman, T, Jung, S, Kalluri, R, Kano, S-I, Kaur, S, Kawamura, Y, Keller, ET, Khamari, D, Khomyakova, E, Khvorova, A, Kierulf, P, Kim, KP, Kislinger, T, Klingeborn, M, Klinke, DJ, Kornek, M, Kosanovic, MM, Kovacs, AF, Kraemer-Albers, E-M, Krasemann, S, Krause, M, Kurochkin, I, Kusuma, GD, Kuypers, S, Laitinen, S, Langevin, SM, Languino, LR, Lannigan, J, Lasser, C, Laurent, LC, Lavieu, G, Lazaro-Ibanez, E, Le Lay, S, Lee, M-S, Lee, YXF, Lemos, DS, Lenassi, M, Leszczynska, A, Li, ITS, Liao, K, Libregts, SF, Ligeti, E, Lim, R, Lim, SK, Line, A, Linnemannstoens, K, Llorente, A, Lombard, CA, Lorenowicz, MJ, Lorincz, AM, Lotvall, J, Lovett, J, Lowry, MC, Loyer, X, Lu, Q, Lukomska, B, Lunavat, TR, Maas, SLN, Malhi, H, Marcilla, A, Mariani, J, Mariscal, J, Martens-Uzunova, ES, Martin-Jaular, L, Martinez, MC, Martins, VR, Mathieu, M, Mathivanan, S, Maugeri, M, McGinnis, LK, McVey, MJ, Meckes, DG, Meehan, KL, Mertens, I, Minciacchi, VR, Moller, A, Jorgensen, MM, Morales-Kastresana, A, Morhayim, J, Mullier, F, Muraca, M, Musante, L, Mussack, V, Muth, DC, Myburgh, KH, Najrana, T, Nawaz, M, Nazarenko, I, Nejsum, P, Neri, C, Neri, T, Nieuwland, R, Nimrichter, L, Nolan, JP, Nolte-'t Hoen, ENM, Noren Hooten, N, O'Driscoll, L, O'Grady, T, O'Loghlen, A, Ochiya, T, Olivier, M, Ortiz, A, Ortiz, LA, Osteikoetxea, X, Ostegaard, O, Ostrowski, M, Park, J, Pegtel, DM, Peinado, H, Perut, F, Pfaffl, MW, Phinney, DG, Pieters, BCH, Pink, RC, Pisetsky, DS, von Strandmann, EP, Polakovicova, I, Poon, IKH, Powell, BH, Prada, I, Pulliam, L, Quesenberry, P, Radeghieri, A, Raffai, RL, Raimondo, S, Rak, J, Ramirez, M, Raposo, G, Rayyan, MS, Regev-Rudzki, N, Ricklefs, FL, Robbins, PD, Roberts, DD, Rodrigues, SC, Rohde, E, Rome, S, Rouschop, KMA, Rughetti, A, Russell, AE, Saa, P, Sahoo, S, Salas-Huenuleo, E, Sanchez, C, Saugstad, JA, Saul, MJ, Schiffelers, RM, Schneider, R, Schoyen, TH, Scott, A, Shahaj, E, Sharma, S, Shatnyeva, O, Shekari, F, Shelke, GV, Shetty, AK, Shiba, K, Siljander, PR-M, Silva, AM, Skowronek, A, Snyder, OL, Soares, RP, Sodar, BW, Soekmadji, C, Sotillo, J, Stahl, PD, Stoorvogel, W, Stott, SL, Strasser, EF, Swift, S, Tahara, H, Tewari, M, Timms, K, Tiwari, S, Tixeira, R, Tkach, M, Toh, WS, Tomasini, R, Torrecilhas, AC, Pablo Tosar, J, Toxavidis, V, Urbanelli, L, Vader, P, van Balkom, BWM, van der Grein, SG, Van Deun, J, van Herwijnen, MJC, Van Keuren-Jensen, K, van Niel, G, van Royen, ME, van Wijnen, AJ, Helena Vasconcelos, M, Vechetti, IJ, Veit, TD, Vella, LJ, Velot, E, Verweij, FJ, Vestad, B, Vinas, JL, Visnovitz, T, Vukman, KV, Wahlgren, J, Watson, DC, Wauben, MHM, Weaver, A, Webber, JP, Weber, V, Wehman, AM, Weiss, DJ, Welsh, JA, Wendt, S, Wheelock, AM, Wiener, Z, Witte, L, Wolfram, J, Xagorari, A, Xander, P, Xu, J, Yan, X, Yanez-Mo, M, Yin, H, Yuana, Y, Zappulli, V, Zarubova, J, Zekas, V, Zhang, J-Y, Zhao, Z, Zheng, L, Zheutlin, AR, Zickler, AM, Zimmermann, P, Zivkovic, AM, Zocco, D, and Zuba-Surma, EK
- Abstract
The last decade has seen a sharp increase in the number of scientific publications describing physiological and pathological functions of extracellular vesicles (EVs), a collective term covering various subtypes of cell-released, membranous structures, called exosomes, microvesicles, microparticles, ectosomes, oncosomes, apoptotic bodies, and many other names. However, specific issues arise when working with these entities, whose size and amount often make them difficult to obtain as relatively pure preparations, and to characterize properly. The International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) proposed Minimal Information for Studies of Extracellular Vesicles ("MISEV") guidelines for the field in 2014. We now update these "MISEV2014" guidelines based on evolution of the collective knowledge in the last four years. An important point to consider is that ascribing a specific function to EVs in general, or to subtypes of EVs, requires reporting of specific information beyond mere description of function in a crude, potentially contaminated, and heterogeneous preparation. For example, claims that exosomes are endowed with exquisite and specific activities remain difficult to support experimentally, given our still limited knowledge of their specific molecular machineries of biogenesis and release, as compared with other biophysically similar EVs. The MISEV2018 guidelines include tables and outlines of suggested protocols and steps to follow to document specific EV-associated functional activities. Finally, a checklist is provided with summaries of key points.
- Published
- 2018
18. Mesenchymal stromal cells and their extracellular vesicles enhance the anti-inflammatory phenotype of regulatory macrophages by downregulating the production of interleukin (IL)-23 and IL-22
- Author
Hyvärinen, K. (Kati), Holopainen, M. (Minna), Skirdenko, V. (Vita), Ruhanen, H. (Hanna), Lehenkari, P. (Petri), Korhonen, M. (Matti), Käkelä, R. (Reijo), Laitinen, S. (Saara), Kerkelä, E. (Erja), Hyvärinen, K. (Kati), Holopainen, M. (Minna), Skirdenko, V. (Vita), Ruhanen, H. (Hanna), Lehenkari, P. (Petri), Korhonen, M. (Matti), Käkelä, R. (Reijo), Laitinen, S. (Saara), and Kerkelä, E. (Erja)
- Abstract
Resolution-phase macrophage population orchestrates active dampening of the inflammation by secreting anti-inflammatory and proresolving products including interleukin (IL)-10 and lipid mediators (LMs). We investigated the effects of both human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) and MSC-derived extracellular vesicles (MSC-EVs) on mature human regulatory macrophages (Mregs). The cytokines and LMs were determined from cell culture media of Mregs cultivated with MSCs and MSC-EVs. In addition, the alterations in the expression of cell surface markers and the phagocytic ability of Mregs were investigated. Our novel findings indicate that both MSC coculture and MSC-EVs downregulated the production of IL-23 and IL-22 enhancing the anti-inflammatory phenotype of Mregs and amplifying proresolving properties. The levels of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) were substantially upregulated in MSC coculture media, which may endorse proresolving LM class switching. In addition, our results manifest, for the first time, that MSC-EVs mediate the Mreg phenotype change via PGE2. These data suggest that both human MSC and MSC-EVs may potentiate tolerance-promoting proresolving phenotype of human Mregs.
- Published
- 2018
19. Tunnetaidot ja tunnekasvatus sekä niiden tukeminen peruskoulussa
- Author
Laitinen, S. (Suvi)
- Subjects
Education - Abstract
Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, mitä tunnetaidot ovat ja miten ne kehittyvät sekä miten tunnetaitojen kehitystä voidaan tukea peruskoulussa. Työn teoreettinen tausta on kasvatuspsykologinen. Tutkielma on menetelmältään kuvailevaa synteesiä tekevä narratiivinen kirjallisuuskatsaus, jossa aineistona on aiempi tutkimuskirjallisuus. Tutkielmassa käsitellään tunteiden merkitystä, tunnetaitoja ja tunnekasvatusta työlle taustan antavina peruskäsitteinä. Peruskoulun tunnekasvatus perustuu Opetushallituksen opetussuunnitelmien perusteisiin, joten sen tulisi olla keskeinen osa koulukasvatusta. Tutkielmassa kuvataan tunnekasvatukseen vaikuttavina tekijöinä erillisiä tunnekasvatusohjelmia, opettajan roolia sekä ryhmän ja vertaissuhteiden vaikutusta tunnetaitoihin sekä erityistä tukea tarvitsevien oppilaiden tunnekasvatusta. Tunnetaidot ovat olleet kasvatustieteellisessä tutkimuksessa ja keskustelussa vuosien ajan. Näin ollen aihe on ajankohtainen ja nähty tarpeelliseksi pitää esillä. Tutkielmassa ilmenee, että pohja tunnetaitojen kehitykselle muodostuu jo varhain lapsuudessa, ja pysyvä kiintymyssuhde on lapsen tunne-elämän perusta. Varhaislapsuuden vaikutusta ei voida jättää huomiotta tunnekasvatusta käsiteltäessä, joten tutkielmassa kuvataan myös lapsuuden tunnekasvatusta. Kodin ja varhaiskasvatuksen merkittävää lapsen kehityksen kannalta. Tunnetaitojen harjoittelu jatkuu edelleen lapsen siirtyessä peruskouluun. Tunnekasvatus on koulukasvatuksen osa-alue, joka on usein vaarassa jäädä syrjään tiedollisen opetuksen korostuessa. Tunnekasvatusta toteutetaan kouluissa eri tavoin, joten koulut ovat tunnekasvatuksen suhteen eriarvoisessa asemassa. Tunnekasvatuksen toteutustapa riippuu paljolti opettajasta. Erityiset tunne- ja vuorovaikutustaitoja harjaannuttavat ohjelmat toimivat tunnekasvatuksen tukena, mutta eivät pelkästään riitä koulun tunnekasvatukseksi. Tunnetaitoihin ja tunnekäyttäytymiseen koulussa vaikuttaa vahvasti myös vertaisten välinen vuorovaikutus ja ryhmän ilmapiiri. Yksittäisen oppilaan sosioemotionaalisiin taitoihin sekä laajemmin koulun tunne- ja vuorovaikutuskulttuuriin on kuitenkin mahdollista vaikuttaa panostamalla tunnetaitojen opettamiseen. Olennaista on tuen ja opetuksen jatkuvuus ja systemaattisuus sekä yhteistyö koulun eri toimijoiden välillä.
- Published
- 2017
20. Tenascin-C and fibronectin expression divide early stage tongue cancer into low- and high-risk groups
- Author
Sundquist, E. (Elias), Kauppila, J. H. (Joonas H), Veijola, J. (Johanna), Mroueh, R. (Rayan), Lehenkari, P. (Petri), Laitinen, S. (Saara), Risteli, J. (Juha), Soini, Y. (Ylermi), Kosma, V.-M. (Veli-Matti), Sawazaki-Calone, I. (Iris), Soares Macedo, C. C. (Carolina Carneiro), Bloigu, R. (Risto), Coletta, R. D. (Ricardo D), Salo, T. (Tuula), Sundquist, E. (Elias), Kauppila, J. H. (Joonas H), Veijola, J. (Johanna), Mroueh, R. (Rayan), Lehenkari, P. (Petri), Laitinen, S. (Saara), Risteli, J. (Juha), Soini, Y. (Ylermi), Kosma, V.-M. (Veli-Matti), Sawazaki-Calone, I. (Iris), Soares Macedo, C. C. (Carolina Carneiro), Bloigu, R. (Risto), Coletta, R. D. (Ricardo D), and Salo, T. (Tuula)
- Abstract
Background: Oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) metastasises early, especially to regional lymph nodes. There is an ongoing debate on which early stage (T1-T2N0) patients should be treated with elective neck dissection. We need prognosticators for early stage tongue cancer. Methods: Mice immunisation with human mesenchymal stromal cells resulted in production of antibodies against tenascin-C (TNC) and fibronectin (FN), which were used to stain 178 (98 early stage), oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma samples. Tenascin-C and FN expression in the stroma (negative, moderate or abundant) and tumour cells (negative or positive) were assessed. Similar staining was obtained using corresponding commercial antibodies. Results: Expression of TNC and FN in the stroma, but not in the tumour cells, proved to be excellent prognosticators both in all stages and in early stage cases. Among early stages, when stromal TNC was negative, the 5-year survival rate was 88%. Correspondingly, when FN was negative, no cancer deaths were observed. Five-year survival rates for abundant expression of TNC and FN were 43% and 25%, respectively. Conclusions: Stromal TNC and, especially, FN expressions differentiate patients into low- and high-risk groups. Surgery alone of early stage primary tumours might be adequate when stromal FN is negative. Aggressive treatments should be considered when both TNC and FN are abundant.
- Published
- 2017
21. Methylome analysis of human bone marrow MSCs reveals extensive age- and culture-induced changes at distal regulatory elements
- Author
Pasumarthy, K. K. (Kalyan K.), Jayavelu, N. D. (Naresh Doni), Kilpinen, L. (Lotta), Andrus, C. (Colin), Battle, S. L. (Stephanie L.), Korhonen, M. (Matti), Lehenkari, P. (Petri), Lund, R. (Riikka), Laitinen, S. (Saara), Hawkins, R. D. (R. David), Pasumarthy, K. K. (Kalyan K.), Jayavelu, N. D. (Naresh Doni), Kilpinen, L. (Lotta), Andrus, C. (Colin), Battle, S. L. (Stephanie L.), Korhonen, M. (Matti), Lehenkari, P. (Petri), Lund, R. (Riikka), Laitinen, S. (Saara), and Hawkins, R. D. (R. David)
- Abstract
Human bone marrow stromal cells, or mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs), need expansion prior to use as cell-based therapies in immunological and tissue repair applications. Aging and expansion of BM-MSCs induce epigenetic changes that can impact therapeutic outcomes. By applying sequencing-based methods, we reveal that the breadth of DNA methylation dynamics associated with aging and expansion is greater than previously reported. Methylation changes are enriched at known distal transcription factor binding sites such as enhancer elements, instead of CpG-rich regions, and are associated with changes in gene expression. From this, we constructed hypo- and hypermethylation-specific regulatory networks, including a sub-network of BM-MSC master regulators and their predicted target genes, and identified putatively disrupted signaling pathways. Our genome-wide analyses provide a broader overview of age- and expansion-induced DNA methylation changes and a better understanding of the extent to which these changes alter gene expression and functionality of human BM-MSCs.
- Published
- 2017
22. Effect of site of lactate infusion on regional lactate exchange in pigs
- Author
Barthelmes, D., Jakob, S. M., Laitinen, S., Rahikainen, S., Ahonen, H., Takala, J., Barthelmes, D., Jakob, S. M., Laitinen, S., Rahikainen, S., Ahonen, H., and Takala, J.
- Abstract
Background The rate of extra-hepatic lactate production and the route of influx of lactate to the liver may influence both hepatic and extra-hepatic lactate exchange. We assessed the dose-response of hepatic and extra-hepatic lactate exchange during portal and central venous lactate infusion. Methods Eighteen pigs randomly received either portal (n=5) or central venous (n=7) lactate infusion or saline (n=6). Sodium lactate was infused at 33, 66, 99, and 133 µmol kg−1 min−1 for 20 min each. Systemic and regional abdominal blood flows and plasma lactate were measured at 20 min intervals until 1 h post-infusion, and regional lactate exchange was calculated (area under lactate uptake-time curve). Results Total hepatic lactate uptake [median (95% confidence interval)] during the experimental protocol (140 min) was higher during portal [8198 (5487-12 798) µmol kg−1] than during central venous lactate infusion [4530 (3903-5514) µmol kg−1, P<0.05]. At a similar hepatic lactate delivery (∼400 µmol kg−1 min−1), hepatic lactate uptake [mean and standard deviation (sd)] was higher during portal [118 (sd 55) µmol kg−1 min−1] than during central venous lactate infusion [44 (12) µmol kg−1 min−1, P<0.05]. Time courses of arterial lactate concentrations and lactate uptake at other measured regions were similar in both groups. Conclusions Higher hepatic lactate uptake during portal compared with central venous lactate infusion at a similar total hepatic lactate influx underlines the role of portal vein lactate concentration in total hepatic lactate uptake capacity. Arterial lactate concentration does not depend on the site of lactate infusion. At higher arterial lactate concentrations, all regions participated in lactate uptake
- Published
- 2017
23. Daisytrio-kirjojen käytön yhteys lukumotivaatioon lapsilla, joilla on vaikeuksia lukemisessa
- Author
Laitinen, S. (Suvi)
- Subjects
Logopedics - Abstract
Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, onko DaisyTrio-kirjojen käytöllä yhteyttä käsitykseen itsestä lukijana ja lukemisen arvostukseen lapsilla, joilla on vaikeuksia lukemisessa. Lisäksi pyrin selvittämään, onko DaisyTrio-kirjojen käytöllä yhteyttä lasten lukutottumuksiin kotona ja koulussa. Toteutin tutkimukseni osana Lukuinto-ohjelmaa. Tutkimukseeni osallistui neljä kolmasluokkalaista oppilasta, joilla kaikilla oli vaikeuksia lukemisessa. Tutkimukseeni osallistuivat myös lasten vanhemmat sekä opettajat. Tutkimus toteutettiin Madekosken koululla. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin DaisyTrio-kirjojen lukemiseen pohjautuvaa harjoitusohjelmaa, joka toteutui kuusi kertaa kertaviikkoisesti. Lukumotivaation arviointimenetelmänä ennen ja jälkeen lukukokeilujakson käytettiin haastattelua lapsille, lisäksi lasten vanhemmat ja opettajat täyttivät kyselylomakkeet. Osalla lapsista käsitys itsestä lukijana ja lukemisen arvostus nousi ja osalla laski kokeilujakson aikana. Muutokset olivat hyvin yksilöllisiä. Kaikki lapset kokivat DaisyTrio-kirjoen lukemisen mukavana ja helppona. Lasten omasta mielestä kaikkien lasten lukutottumukset muuttuivat jonkin verran aktiivisempaan suuntaan jakson aikana. Myös vanhempien ja opettajien arvioimana lasten lukutottumuksissa tapahtui muutoksia, osalla aktiivisempaan ja osalla passiivisempaan suuntaan. Kuitenkin kun vanhemmilta ja opettajilta kysyttiin suoraan olivatko he huomanneet muutoksia lasten lukutottumuksissa jakson aikana, he eivät raportoineet muutoksia. Aikaisempia tutkimuksia aiheesta ei juuri ole. Verrattuna samansuuntaisiin aiempiin tutkimuksiin tuloksissa oli sekä yhteneväisyyksiä että ristiriitoja. Tutkimuksen pienen aineistokoon vuoksi tuloksia ei voida yleistää laajemmin.
- Published
- 2016
24. Computed tomography severity index and C-reactive protein values predicting mortality in emergency and intensive care units for patients with severe acute pancreatitis
- Author
Kiviniemi H, Heinonen Eila, Jyrki Mäkelä, Jouko J Laurila, and Laitinen S
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Severity of Illness Index ,law.invention ,Predictive Value of Tests ,law ,Intensive care ,Severity of illness ,medicine ,Risk of mortality ,Humans ,Intensive care medicine ,Aged ,Aged, 80 and over ,business.industry ,Mortality rate ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Intensive care unit ,Intensive Care Units ,C-Reactive Protein ,Pancreatitis ,Predictive value of tests ,Acute Disease ,Emergency medicine ,Acute pancreatitis ,Female ,Surgery ,Emergency Service, Hospital ,Tomography, X-Ray Computed ,business - Abstract
Background Severe acute pancreatitis is a multisystem disease in which various local and systemic complications lead to high mortality. We retrospectively examined the clinical and biochemical factors that may influence the risk of mortality on admission to emergency and intensive care units (ICUs). Methods Sixty-eight patients were admitted into our hospital for acute pancreatitis and treated in our ICU for computed tomography–proven severe acute pancreatitis during the years 1997 to 2004. The clinical, biochemical, and radiologic data were reviewed from the computerized database, radiologic films, and patient records. Results The mortality rate during the ICU stay was 18% (12/68) and that during the whole period of hospitalization 26% (18/68). A C-reactive protein (CRP) value over 150 was the only independent predictor of mortality on admission into the emergency unit, whereas the computed tomography severity index and the elevated CRP value over 150 predicted significantly and independently mortality on admission into the ICU. Linear backward regression analysis showed that high CRP values and respiratory failure on ICU admission correlate with longer ICU stay. Men’s ICU stays were longer than those of women. Conclusions A high computed tomography severity index and CRP values over 150 on admission into the ICU are valuable predictors of the mortality risk. High CRP, renal and respiratory failure, and male gender are associated with longer ICU stay.
- Published
- 2007
25. Dust sampling methods for endotoxin - an essential, but underestimated issue
- Author
Aino Nevalainen, Marjut Roponen, Juha Pekkanen, Pekka Tiittanen, Anne Hyvärinen, and Laitinen S
- Subjects
Dust sample ,Environmental Engineering ,business.product_category ,Farming environment ,Sample (material) ,Air pollution ,Beds ,medicine.disease_cause ,complex mixtures ,Toxicology ,Floors and Floorcoverings ,medicine ,Humans ,Sample Type ,Vacuum cleaner ,Infant, Newborn ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Sampling (statistics) ,Dust ,Building and Construction ,respiratory tract diseases ,Endotoxins ,Limulus amebocyte lysate ,Air Pollution, Indoor ,Environmental chemistry ,Environmental science ,business - Abstract
Exposure to farming environment in early life has been associated with lower risk for allergic diseases possibly caused by increased exposure to endotoxin. The aims of this study were to compare the reproducibility of different sampling methods for endotoxin, and to determine whether environmental characteristics have different effect on endotoxin levels of different sample types. The reproducibility of sampling methods (bed dust, floor dust, vacuum cleaner dust bag dust, settled dust and air samples) was studied with repeated sampling (five visits during 1 year) in five farming and five urban homes. To examine determinants of endotoxin for different types of dust sample, sampling was conducted once in 12 farming and 17 urban homes. Endotoxin was analyzed using Limulus Amebocyte Lysate assay. Bed dust samples had the best reproducibility (intraclass correlation, ICC=66%), but the difference between farming and non-farming homes was not clear with this sample type. The reproducibility of floor (ICC=52%) and settled dust (ICC=51%) was moderate. With these sample types the difference between farming and non-farming homes was clear. Settled dust had some seasonal variation. Based on this study, the best compromise for sampling for endotoxin appears to be floor dust sample followed by bed and settled dust samples. Practical Implications Endotoxins have been widely measured, even though the validity of different sample types to reflect the endotoxin exposure level of an indoor environment is poorly known. This study shows that bed dust samples have the best reproducibility, but they do not reflect the differences in exposure due to environmental factors such as farming. Floor dust samples with moderate reproducibility may be the best choice for sampling of endotoxin in large field studies.
- Published
- 2006
26. Music therapy research in dementia: fostering a global approach
- Author
Tamplin, J, Clark, I, Ridder, HM, McDermott, O, Odell-Miller, H, Laitinen, S, Gold, C, Tamplin, J, Clark, I, Ridder, HM, McDermott, O, Odell-Miller, H, Laitinen, S, and Gold, C
- Published
- 2016
27. Effects of systemic arterial hypoperfusion on splanchnic hemodynamics and hepatic arterial buffer response in pigs
- Author
- Subjects
Hemodynamics -- Physiological aspects ,Liver -- Physiological aspects ,Tonometry -- Usage ,Lactates -- Physiological aspects ,Glutathione transferase -- Physiological aspects ,Biological sciences - Abstract
Effects of systemic arterial hypoperfusion on splanchnic hemodynamics and hepatic arterial buffer response in pigs. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 280: G819-G827, 2001.--The hepatic arterial buffer response (HABR) tends to maintain liver blood flow under conditions of low mesenteric perfusion. We hypothesized that systemic hypoperfusion impairs the HABR. In 12 pigs, aortic blood flow was reduced by cardiac tamponade to 50 ml [multiplied by] [kg.sup.-1] [multiplied by] [min.sup.-1] for 1 h (short-term tamponade) and further to 30 ml [multiplied by] [kg.sup.-1] [multiplied by] [min.sup.-1] for another hour (prolonged tamponade). Twelve pigs without tamponade served as controls. Portal venous blood flow decreased from 17 [+ or -] 3 (baseline) to 6 [+ or -] 4 ml [multiplied by] [kg.sup.-1] [multiplied by] [min.sup.-1] (prolonged tamponade; P = 0.012) and did not change in controls, whereas hepatic arterial blood flow decreased from 2 [+ or -] 1 (baseline) to 1 [+ or -] 1 ml [multiplied by] [kg.sup.-1] [multiplied by] [min.sup.-1] (prolonged tamponade; P = 0.050) and increased from 2 [+ or -] 1 to 4 [+ or -] 2 ml [multiplied by] [kg.sup.-1] [multiplied by] [min.sup.-1] in controls (P = 0.002). The change in hepatic arterial conductance ([Delta][C.sub.ha]) during acute portal vein occlusion decreased from 0.1 [+ or -] 0.05 (baseline) to 0 [+ or -] 0.01 ml [multiplied by] [kg.sup.-1] [multiplied by] [min.sup.-1] [multiplied by] mm[Hg.sup.-1] (prolonged tamponade; P = 0.043). In controls, [Delta][C.sub.ha] did not change. Hepatic lactate extraction decreased, but hepatic release of glutathione S-transferase A did not change during cardiac tamponade. In conclusion, during low systemic perfusion, the HABR is exhausted and hepatic function is impaired without signs of cellular damage. tonometry; lactate; glutathione S-transferase A
- Published
- 2001
28. Clinicopathological features of primary gastric lymphoma
- Author
Kiviniemi H, Jyrki Mäkelä, Laitinen S, and Tuomo J. Karttunen
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Lymphoma, B-Cell ,Multivariate analysis ,Gastroenterology ,Gastrectomy ,Stomach Neoplasms ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,Stage (cooking) ,Radical surgery ,Lymph node ,Aged ,Retrospective Studies ,Aged, 80 and over ,Univariate analysis ,business.industry ,Stomach ,Lymphoma, B-Cell, Marginal Zone ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,Prognosis ,medicine.disease ,Survival Analysis ,Peripheral T-cell lymphoma ,Lymphoma ,Surgery ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Oncology ,Female ,business - Abstract
Background and Objectives: Surgery has been the mainstay of the treatment of primary gastric lymphoma, but the value of surgical treatment needs reevaluation. Methods: Thirty-two patients with primary non-Hodgkin B-cell lymphoma of the stomach were examined retrospectively to evaluate prognostic factors and their impact on survival. All patients had undergone abdominal exploration for radical surgery between 1979 and 1992. The prognostic factors in view of survival after treatment were determined with both univariate and multivariate analyses. Results: The resectability rate was 66% (21/32) and radical resections had been performed on 53% (17/32). The overall median survival was 65 months and the overall 5-year survival was 56%. The 5-year survival rates related to a modified Ann Arbor classification as follows: I 1E, 86%; I 2E, 100%; II 1E, 44%; II 2E, 37%; IIIE, 20%; and IVE, 0%. Univariate analysis using Kaplan-Meier estimates showed that radical surgery, Ann Arbor stage, patient's age, and lymph node involvement were significant prognostic factors. According to Cox proportional regression analysis, only Ann Arbor stage, radical surgery, and age were significant independent variables. Conclusions: According to our experience, surgery is still needed for the treatment of primary gastric lymphomas, but the benefits of primary chemotherapy or adjuvant chemotherapy using cytotoxic drugs must be determined in large prospective controlled trials.
- Published
- 1999
29. Applying extracellular vesicles based therapeutics in clinical trials - an ISEV position paper
- Author
Lener, T, Gimona, M, Aigner, L, Boerger, V, Buzas, E, Camussi, G, Chaput, N, Chatterjee, D, Court, FA, del Portillo, HA, O'Driscoll, L, Fais, S, Falcon-Perez, JM, Felderhoff-Mueser, U, Fraile, L, Gho, YS, Goergens, A, Gupta, RC, Hendrix, A, Hermann, DM, Hill, AF, Hochberg, F, Horn, PA, de Kleijn, D, Kordelas, L, Kramer, BW, Kraemer-Albers, E-M, Laner-Plamberger, S, Laitinen, S, Leonardi, T, Lorenowicz, MJ, Lim, SK, Lotvall, J, Maguire, CA, Marcilla, A, Nazarenko, I, Ochiya, T, Patel, T, Pedersen, S, Pocsfalvi, G, Pluchino, S, Quesenberry, P, Reischl, IG, Rivera, FJ, Sanzenbacher, R, Schallmoser, K, Slaper-Cortenbach, I, Strunk, D, Tonn, T, Vader, P, van Balkom, BWM, Wauben, M, El Andaloussi, S, Thery, C, Rohde, E, Giebel, B, Lener, T, Gimona, M, Aigner, L, Boerger, V, Buzas, E, Camussi, G, Chaput, N, Chatterjee, D, Court, FA, del Portillo, HA, O'Driscoll, L, Fais, S, Falcon-Perez, JM, Felderhoff-Mueser, U, Fraile, L, Gho, YS, Goergens, A, Gupta, RC, Hendrix, A, Hermann, DM, Hill, AF, Hochberg, F, Horn, PA, de Kleijn, D, Kordelas, L, Kramer, BW, Kraemer-Albers, E-M, Laner-Plamberger, S, Laitinen, S, Leonardi, T, Lorenowicz, MJ, Lim, SK, Lotvall, J, Maguire, CA, Marcilla, A, Nazarenko, I, Ochiya, T, Patel, T, Pedersen, S, Pocsfalvi, G, Pluchino, S, Quesenberry, P, Reischl, IG, Rivera, FJ, Sanzenbacher, R, Schallmoser, K, Slaper-Cortenbach, I, Strunk, D, Tonn, T, Vader, P, van Balkom, BWM, Wauben, M, El Andaloussi, S, Thery, C, Rohde, E, and Giebel, B
- Abstract
Extracellular vesicles (EVs), such as exosomes and microvesicles, are released by different cell types and participate in physiological and pathophysiological processes. EVs mediate intercellular communication as cell-derived extracellular signalling organelles that transmit specific information from their cell of origin to their target cells. As a result of these properties, EVs of defined cell types may serve as novel tools for various therapeutic approaches, including (a) anti-tumour therapy, (b) pathogen vaccination, (c) immune-modulatory and regenerative therapies and (d) drug delivery. The translation of EVs into clinical therapies requires the categorization of EV-based therapeutics in compliance with existing regulatory frameworks. As the classification defines subsequent requirements for manufacturing, quality control and clinical investigation, it is of major importance to define whether EVs are considered the active drug components or primarily serve as drug delivery vehicles. For an effective and particularly safe translation of EV-based therapies into clinical practice, a high level of cooperation between researchers, clinicians and competent authorities is essential. In this position statement, basic and clinical scientists, as members of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) and of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) program of the European Union, namely European Network on Microvesicles and Exosomes in Health and Disease (ME-HaD), summarize recent developments and the current knowledge of EV-based therapies. Aspects of safety and regulatory requirements that must be considered for pharmaceutical manufacturing and clinical application are highlighted. Production and quality control processes are discussed. Strategies to promote the therapeutic application of EVs in future clinical studies are addressed.
- Published
- 2015
30. Superselective intra-arterial chemotherapy with mitomycin C in hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer
- Author
Kiviniemi H, Laitinen S, Sami Leinonen, Riitta Kantola, Tapani Tikkakoski, T. Siniluoto, Matti Kairaluoma, and Jyrki Mäkelä
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Colorectal cancer ,Mitomycin ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Rectum ,Gastroenterology ,Metastasis ,Hepatic Artery ,Risk Factors ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,Infusions, Intra-Arterial ,Prospective Studies ,Survival rate ,Aged ,Aged, 80 and over ,Chemotherapy ,Antibiotics, Antineoplastic ,business.industry ,Liver Neoplasms ,Mitomycin C ,Cancer ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,Prognosis ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,Survival Rate ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Oncology ,Tumor progression ,Female ,Colorectal Neoplasms ,business ,Follow-Up Studies - Abstract
Background Mitomycin C has been found clinically useful in the treatment of colorectal cancer when administered via the hepatic artery. In a prospective therapeutic trial, we studied the effect of superselective intra-arterial chemotherapy with mitomycin C in patients with hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer. Methods Forty-six patients with hepatic metastases from colorectral cancer received intra-arterial chemotherapy with mitomycin C (SIAC) between 1981 and 1991. The results of a 5-year follow-up were compared with 46 control patients standardized by sex, age, and tumor distribution. Results The overall response rate to intra-arterial chemotherapy was 20%. The median survival time for responders was 26 months and that for nonresponders 12 months (P < 0.003). The median survival period after intra-arterial chemotherapy was 15 months, compared with 9 months in controls (P < 0.004). The cumulative 5-year survival rate was 6% for patients treated by SIAC and 5% for controls. Cessation of chemotherapy was necessary in 39 of the 46 patients: in 28 because of tumor progression, in 9 because of toxicity, in 1 because of catheterization difficulties, and in 1 because of patient refusal. Conclusions Superselective intra-arterial mitomycin C therapy had a poor effect on hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer because of the low response and long-term survival rates. J. Surg. Oncol. 1997;65:127–131. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
- Published
- 1997
31. Developmental changes in mouse brain polyamine metabolism
- Author
Laitinen, S. I., Laitinen, P. H., Hietala, O. A., Pajunen, A. E. I., and Piha, R. S.
- Published
- 1982
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32. Abdominal operations for intraabdominal metastases from extraabdominal primary tumors
- Author
Kiviniemi H, Laitinen S, Karl A. Haukipuro, and Jyrki Mäkelä
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Postoperative Complications ,Abdomen ,medicine ,Humans ,Abdominal Neoplasms ,Aged ,Patient comfort ,Intraabdominal hemorrhage ,business.industry ,Palliative Care ,Cancer ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Primary tumor ,Surgery ,Survival Rate ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Oncology ,Female ,Abdominal operations ,business ,Median survival - Abstract
Forty consecutive patients with an extraabdominal primary tumor, later treated surgically for intraabdominal problems, were investigated. The most common causes of abdominal operations were intestinal obstruction (N = 17), intraabdominal tumor mass (N = 8), and intraabdominal hemorrhage (N = 5). The overall postoperative mortality was 25%, morbidity 48%, median survival 3 months, and cumulative 5 year survival 3%. The mortality after emergency procedures, 67%, was significantly higher (P less than 0.01) than after elective operations, 18%. Conditions requiring enterostomy (N = 14) were associated with a mortality of 36%, whereas the figures in resected (N = 13) and bypassed (N = 7) patients were 14% and 17%, respectively. Wound infection (N = 5) and pulmonary infection (N = 5) were the most common complications, and pulmonary infection was fatal in three of the five cases. Of the patients, 22 (55%) were discharged from hospital to their home; ten (25%) of them had postoperatively a 3 month relief of cancer symptoms and four (10%) a 6 month relief. Nine patients (25%) have survived for over 1 year and one (3%) for over 5 years. It is concluded that abdominal procedures seldom prevent further cancer growth within these patients and that symptoms are relieved only in one in every four patients. According to strict criteria, these operations are useful and can add to patient comfort.
- Published
- 1990
33. Music, Emotion, and Dementia: Insight From Neuroscientific and Clinical Research
- Author
Sarkamo, T., primary, Laitinen, S., additional, Tervaniemi, M., additional, Numminen, A., additional, Kurki, M., additional, and Rantanen, P., additional
- Published
- 2012
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34. Are globoseries glycosphingolipids SSEA-3 and -4 markers for stem cells derived from human umbilical cord blood?
- Author
Suila, H., primary, Pitkanen, V., additional, Hirvonen, T., additional, Heiskanen, A., additional, Anderson, H., additional, Laitinen, A., additional, Natunen, S., additional, Miller-Podraza, H., additional, Satomaa, T., additional, Natunen, J., additional, Laitinen, S., additional, and Valmu, L., additional
- Published
- 2010
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35. The Effect of Music and Audiobook Listening on People Recovering From Stroke: The Patient's Point of View
- Author
Forsblom, A., primary, Sarkamo, T., additional, Laitinen, S., additional, and Tervaniemi, M., additional
- Published
- 2010
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36. Nitrogen reduction in wastewater treatment using different anox‐circulation flow rates and ethanol as a carbon source
- Author
Poutiainen, H., primary, Laitinen, S., additional, Pradhan, S., additional, Pessi, M., additional, and Heinonen‐Tanski, H., additional
- Published
- 2010
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- Author
Hyvärinen, K, primary, Tuomainen, A, additional, Laitinen, S, additional, Käkelä, R, additional, Salminen, I, additional, Alfthan, G, additional, Jauhiainen, M, additional, Kovanen, P, additional, Leinonen, M, additional, Saikku, P, additional, and Pussinen, P, additional
- Published
- 2009
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38. On-line microwave total solids sensoring in sewage characterization
- Author
Poutiainen, H., primary, Laitinen, S., additional, Juntunen, P., additional, and Heinonen-Tanski, H., additional
- Published
- 2009
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- Author
Hyvarinen, K., primary, Tuomainen, A.M., additional, Laitinen, S., additional, Tormakangas, L., additional, Alfthan, G., additional, Jauhiainen, M., additional, Kovanen, P.T., additional, Leinonen, M., additional, Saikku, P., additional, and Pussinen, P.J., additional
- Published
- 2008
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- Author
Tuomainen, A.M., primary, Hyvarinen, K., additional, Laitinen, S., additional, Tormakangas, L., additional, Alfthan, G., additional, Leinonen, M., additional, Saikku, P., additional, Kovanen, P.T., additional, Jauhiainen, M., additional, and Pussinen, P.J., additional
- Published
- 2008
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41. Music listening enhances cognitive recovery and mood after middle cerebral artery stroke
- Author
Sarkamo, T., primary, Tervaniemi, M., additional, Laitinen, S., additional, Forsblom, A., additional, Soinila, S., additional, Mikkonen, M., additional, Autti, T., additional, Silvennoinen, H. M., additional, Erkkila, J., additional, Laine, M., additional, Peretz, I., additional, and Hietanen, M., additional
- Published
- 2008
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- Author
Hyvarinen, K., primary, Tuomainen, A.M., additional, Laitinen, S., additional, Bykov, I.L., additional, Tormakangas, L., additional, Jauhiainen, M., additional, Kovanen, P.T., additional, Leinonen, M., additional, Saikku, P., additional, and Pussinen, P.J., additional
- Published
- 2007
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43. The role of the orphan nuclear receptor Rev-Erbα in adipocyte differentiation and function
- Author
Laitinen, S, primary, Fontaine, C, additional, Fruchart, JC, additional, and Staels, B, additional
- Published
- 2005
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44. Corrosion injury of the upper gastrointestinal tract after swallowing strong alkali
- Author
Mäkelä, J. T., primary, Laitinen, S., additional, and Salo, J. A., additional
- Published
- 2003
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45. 117. Effect of Biocide Use and Enclosures on Workers' Exposure to Contaminants of Metal-Working Fluids
- Author
Linnainmaa, M., primary, Laitinen, J., additional, Laitinen, S., additional, Liesivuori, J., additional, and Kiviranta, H., additional
- Published
- 2001
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46. An investigation of the concentrations of selected Fusarium mycotoxins and the degree of mold contamination of field-dried hay
- Author
Raymond, S.L., primary, Heiskanen, M., additional, Smith, T.K., additional, Reiman, M., additional, Laitinen, S., additional, and Clarke, A.F., additional
- Published
- 2000
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47. Prognostic factors predicting survival in the treatment of retroperitoneal sarcoma
- Author
Mäkelä, J, primary, Kiviniemi, H, additional, and Laitinen, S, additional
- Published
- 2000
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48. Trends in Serum Lipid Levels during 1980-1992 in Children and Young Adults: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study
- Author
Porkka, K. V. K., primary, Raitakari, O. T., additional, Leino, A., additional, Laitinen, S., additional, Rasanen, L., additional, Ronnemaa, T., additional, Marniemi, J., additional, Lehtimaki, T., additional, Taimela, S., additional, Dahl, M., additional, Uhari, M., additional, Akerblom, H. K., additional, and Viikari, J. S. A., additional
- Published
- 1997
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49. Influence of Parental Occupation on Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors in Children. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study
- Author
LEINO, M., primary, PORKKA, K. V K, additional, RAITAKARI, O. T, additional, LAITINEN, S., additional, TAIMELA, S., additional, and VIIKARl, J. S A, additional
- Published
- 1996
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50. Quality of Speech Correlated to Craniofacial Characteristics of Cleft Palate Patients with the Pierre Robin Sequence
- Author
Haapanen, M.-L., primary, Laitinen, S., additional, Paaso, M., additional, and Ranta, R., additional
- Published
- 1996
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