2,107 results on '"Labor relations -- Analysis"'
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2. Vicarious Liability Leads to Blindness: Yes, you may be responsible for the actions of your employees
- Author
Sherman, Jerome and Bass, Sherry
- Subjects
Biomedical technicians -- Ethical aspects ,Optometrists -- Ethical aspects ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Medical errors -- Analysis ,Liability (Law) -- Analysis ,Health - Abstract
A 20-year-old Caucasian male college freshman presented for his first eye exam complaining of blurred vision in his right eye, most noticeable after an hour or so of near work. [...]
- Published
- 2024
3. Researchers from University of Zambia Provide Details of New Studies and Findings in the Area of Asia and Africa (Industrial Relations, Social Dialogue and Pacification of Public Sector Unions In Zambia: Rethinking Trade Union Strategies)
- Subjects
Labor unions -- Asia -- Zambia ,Public sector labor relations -- Analysis ,Public sector -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Government ,Political science - Abstract
2024 FEB 22 (VerticalNews) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Politics & Government Week -- Data detailed on Global Views - Asia and Africa have been presented. According [...]
- Published
- 2024
4. L'economie politique de la reglementation de l'emploi dans les petits pays en voie de developpement
- Author
Arrowsmith, James and Parker, Jane
- Subjects
Oxford University Press (Oxford, England) ,Labor law -- Analysis ,Book publishing -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Developing countries -- Analysis ,Business, general ,Business ,Economics ,Human resources and labor relations ,United Nations. International Labour Organization ,United Nations ,Asian Development Bank - Abstract
Il est généralement admis que la réglementation de l'emploi offre des mécanismes permettant de générer une croissance économique ordonnée et d'assurer la protection des travailleurs. Ces arguments d'efficacité et d'équité concernent particulièrement les contextes des pays en voie de développement. L'évolution et l'impact des lois du travail et des institutions des relations industrielles dans les grands pays de ce type intéressent de plus en plus les universitaires occidentaux, mais les petits pays ont été peu étudiés jusqu'à ce jour. Ce manque de recherche empêche de comprendre l'économie politique de la réglementation de l'emploi dans l'ensemble des pays en voie de développement. Cet article explore les évolutions de la réglementation du travail dans trois petits pays en voie de développement du Pacifique Sud--Nauru, Tonga et Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée--, pays qui ont été touché par la mondialisation et la réglementation internationale du travail de diverses manières. Cette recherche comparative adopte une méthodologie basée sur des entretiens qualitatifs et une analyse documentaire. Notre étude identifie un certain nombre de contraintes structurelles et bureaucratiques affectant le développement et la mise en oeuvre effective de systèmes de réglementation de l'emploi, des contraintes causées principalement par des facteurs politiques. Il s'agit notamment de relations de travail désorganisées, d'institutions de la société civile sous-développées, de concentration des réseaux de pouvoir, d'un manque de ressources et d'une compartimentation des institutions publiques, ainsi que d'un contexte plus large de changements politiques et d'instabilité. Ces facteurs, qui sont liés à la taille des pays et à leur stade de développement, sapent l'introduction, la mise en oeuvre et la révision de la réglementation de l'emploi, même lorsque les arguments d'efficacité et d'équité sont acceptés par les décideurs. L'article se termine par une discussion des implications de notre étude et la nécessité de mener de futures recherches. MOTS-CLÉS: réglementation de l'emploi, pays en développement, pays insulaires, Pacifique Sud, Nauru, Tonga, Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée. There is very little academic research into employment regulation in small developing countries. Regulation offers mechanisms both to protect workers and generate economic growth, specifically formal employment, but little is known about the process of regulation in these contexts. This article explores developments in labour regulation in three small developing countries in the south Pacific based on a program of qualitative interviews and documentary analysis. The paper identifies a number of structural and agency constraints reflecting political factors that include disorganized employment relations, under-developed civil society institutions, concentration of power networks, the under-resourcing and compartmentalization of state institutions and a broader context of political change and instability. These factors, which are related to size as well as stage of development, subvert the introduction, implementation and review of employment regulation even where efficiency and equity arguments may be accepted by policymakers. The need and implications for future research are identified. It is generally accepted that employment regulation offers mechanisms to generate orderly economic growth as well as provide for the protection of workers. Both these efficiency and equity arguments particularly pertain to developing country contexts. The evolution and impact of employment law and industrial relations institutions in large developing countries is of growing interest to western scholars, but small developing countries have been ignored. This lack of research inhibits understanding of the political economy of employment regulation in developing country contexts. This article explores developments in labour regulation in three small developing countries in the South Pacific--Nauru, Tonga, and Papua New Guinea--that have been impacted by globalization and international labour regulation in different ways. The comparative research adopts a stakeholder analysis approach based on programs of qualitative interviews and documentary analysis. The paper identifies a number of structural and agency constraints on the development and effective implementation of employment regulatory systems that primarily reflect political factors. These include disorganized employment relations, under-developed civil society institutions, concentration of power networks, the under-resourcing and compartmentalization of state institutions and a broader context of political change and instability. These factors, which are related to country size as well as stage of development, subvert the introduction, implementation and review of employment regulation even where efficiency and equity arguments may be accepted by policymakers. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications and need for future research. KEYWORDS: employment regulation, less developed countries, Pacific Island Countries, Nauru, Tonga, Papua New Guinea., The Political Economy of Employment Regulation in Small Developing Countries Introduction Employment law takes various forms and serves different functions. It originally developed to provide safeguards, especially for vulnerable workers, [...]
- Published
- 2020
5. Growing apart: the changing firm-size wage premium and its inequality consequences
- Author
Cobb, J. Adam and Lin, Ken-Hou
- Subjects
Labor market -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Business, general ,Social sciences - Abstract
Abstract. Wage inequality in the United States has risen dramatically over the past few decades, prompting scholars to develop a number of theoretical accounts for the upward trend. This study [...]
- Published
- 2017
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6. Rhetoric of decline in a neo-liberal context: workers' committees and the decline of labor in contemporary Israel
- Author
Nissim, Gadi and De Vries, David
- Subjects
Neoliberalism -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Free enterprise -- Analysis ,Ethnic, cultural, racial issues/studies ,Regional focus/area studies - Abstract
This study of twenty workers' committees in Israel's private sector sheds light on the adaptive mindset accompanying labor's decline. Using ethnographic methodology, the article exposes varied dimensions of reception of neo-liberalism among its potential contestants. We found that the committee's activists, accepting the fundamentals of neo-liberalism, rhetorically reproduce the notions of the determinism of the laws of the free market and their presumed inferiority in the workplace, and that their defensive strategies often mimic management tactics. While these de-politicized tactics allow the survival of the committees and their ongoing provision of services to workers, they forgo any ambition to reshape employment relations or to thwart the decline of organized work., INTRODUCTION A REPRESENTATIVES OF EMPLOYEES, WHOSE INFERIORITY VIS-A-VIS employers is both structural and dynamically changing, trade unions aim to organize workers for concerted action. They do so 'in support of [...]
- Published
- 2017
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7. Introduction: Work across Africa: Labour exploitation and mobility in southern, eastern and western Africa
- Author
Bellucci, Stefano and Freund, Bill
- Subjects
Labor mobility -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,History - Abstract
New developments in Africa's labour studies and labour history are emerging in relation to subjects such as transnational studies and so-called global history. The assumption is that labour relations, workers' [...]
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Greenhouse, Steven
- Subjects
Strikes -- Statistics ,Labor unions -- United States ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Teachers ,Business, general - Abstract
This year, thousands of teachers, hotel workers, Google employees, and others walked off the job and won major gains. Which raises two questions: Why now? And will this continue? For [...]
- Published
- 2019
9. Syndicats et responsabilite societale de l'entreprise : analyse longitudinale des strategies des Confederations francaises
- Author
Havard, Christelle and Sobczak, André
- Subjects
Labor relations -- Analysis ,Corporate social responsibility -- Analysis ,Restaurants -- Analysis ,Labor unions -- Analysis -- France ,Social science research ,Social responsibility ,Nongovernmental organizations ,Futures ,Business, general ,Business ,Economics ,Human resources and labor relations - Abstract
Au cours des vingt dernières années, la responsabilité sociétale de l'entreprise (RSE) est devenue une préoccupation majeure du débat public et de la recherche en sciences sociales. La multiplication des démarches RSE amène les organisations syndicales à réagir à ces démarches ou à en saisir les opportunités. L'objectif de cet article est d'apporter un éclairage sur la manière dont les stratégies des syndicats se construisent en matière de RSE. Notre analyse se fonde sur une étude longitudinale, menée entre 2006 et 2016, auprès des cinq Confédérations syndicales représentatives en France. Nous mobilisons les travaux de Boxall et la théorie de la << stratégie comme pratique >> (en anglais, strategy as practice) pour analyser la manière dont se construisent ces stratégies syndicales. MOTS-CLÉS : responsabilité sociétale de l'entreprise, syndicat, France, stratégie comme pratique. Au cours des vingt dernières années, la responsabilité sociétale de l'entreprise (RSE) est devenue une préoccupation majeure du débat public et de la recherche en sciences sociales. La multiplication des démarches RSE a nécessairement un impact sur les organisations syndicales qui sont amenés à s'adapter et à réagir ou qui peuvent se saisir des opportunités offertes par la RSE. L'objectif de cet article est d'apporter un éclairage sur la manière dont les stratégies des centrales syndicales en matière de RSE se construisent. Deux types de travaux sont mobilisés pour analyser ces stratégies et la manière dont elles se sont construites : les travaux de Boxall (2008) en relations industrielles et ceux de Whittington (2006) du courant de la << stratégie comme pratique >> (strategy as practice, en anglais). Une grille d'analyse est proposée pour étudier la construction de la stratégie en matière de RSE de cinq Confédérations syndicales représentatives en France au cours de la période 2006-2016. Les résultats de l'étude longitudinale révèlent trois catégories de stratégies : 1-des Confédérations syndicales qui ont formulé assez tôt une stratégie favorable à la RSE; 2-des Confédérations qui se sont engagés dans une stratégie plus récemment; et, 3-une Confédération qui reste critique à l'égard de la RSE. Les éléments déterminants de ces stratégies sont, d'une part, les relations externes que ces Confédérations ont nouées avec les ONG et les pouvoirs publics, et, d'autre part, les ressources affectées à la RSE et les actions engagées. Sur le plan théorique, l'article permet d'élargir le potentiel des courants théoriques retenus et d'ouvrir de futures perspectives de recherche. Sur le plan pratique, il permet de mieux comprendre ces stratégies et, le cas échéant, de mieux s'y adapter, voire de les influencer. MOTS-CLÉS : responsabilité sociétale de l'entreprise, syndicat, France, stratégie comme pratique. Over the last twenty years, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a major subject of public debate and research in social sciences. The development of CSR strategies has an impact on trade unions, which have to adapt and react, or even use the opportunities offered by CSR. The aim of this article is to shed further light on the way trade unions develop their strategies in the field of CSR. Two works are used to analyze these strategies and their development: the work of Boxall (2008) in the field of industrial relations and that of Whittington (2006) on 'strategies as practice'. The article presents an analysis grid to study how five representative trade union confederations in France developed their CSR strategies between 2006 and 2016. The results of this longitudinal study reveal three kinds of strategies: 1-Confederations that have formulated a strategy in favour of CSR very early on; 2-Confederations that have committed themselves more recently to CSR; and, 3-one Confederation that remains very critical of CSR. The major drivers of these strategies are, on the one hand, the external relations trade unions develop with NGOs and public authorities, and, on the other, the resources trade unions dedicate to CSR and the actions put in place. At the theoretical level, this article broadens the potential of the selected theories and opens up new perspectives for research. At the practical level, it allows for a better understanding of trade unions' strategies and, if appropriate, better adaptation and even influence. KEYWORDS: corporate social responsibility, union, France, strategy as practice. Durante los últimos veinte años, la responsabilidad social de la empresa (RSE) se ha vuelto una preocupación mayor del debate público y de la investigación en ciencias sociales. La multiplicación de gestiones RSE tiene necesariamente un impacto en las organizaciones sindicales que deben adaptarse y reaccionar o que pueden aprovechar las oportunidades abiertas por la RSE. El objetivo de este artículo es de contribuir a esclarecer la manera cómo se construyen las estrategias sindicales en materia de RSE. Dos tipos de trabajos son movilizados para analizar estas estrategias y la manera cómo son construidas: los trabajos de Boxall (2008) en relaciones industriales y los de Whittington (2006) de la corriente de la estrategia como práctica (strategy as practice). Un esquema de análisis es propuesto para estudiar la construcción de la estrategia en materia de RSE de cinco Confederaciones sindicales representativas de Francia durante el periodo 2006-2016. Los resultados del estudio longitudinal revelan tres categorías de estrategias: 1-las Confederaciones sindicales que han formulado temprano una estrategia favorable a la RSE; 2-las Confederaciones que se han implicado en una estrategia más recientemente; y, 3-una Confederación que se mantiene crítica frente a la RSE. Los elementos determinantes de estas estrategias son, de un lado, las relaciones externas que estas Confederaciones han establecido con las ONG y los poderes públicos, y, de otro lado, los recursos afectados a la RSE y las acciones emprendidas. En el plano teórico, el artículo permite ampliar el potencial de corrientes teóricas retenidas y abrir futuras perspectivas de investigación. En el plano práctico, se permite de comprender mejor estas estrategias y, si es el caso, de mejor adaptarse et incluso de influenciarlas. PALABRAS CLAVES: responsabilidad social de empresa, sindicato, Francia, estrategia como práctica., Trade Unions and Corporate Social Responsibility: Longitudinal Analysis of the Strategies of French Trade Union Confederations Sindicatos y responsabilidad social de la empresa: análisis longitudinal de estrategias de las Confederaciones [...]
- Published
- 2018
10. Users/Patients as Industrial Relations Actors: A Structurationist Analysis/Les usagers/patients acteurs des relations industrielles: Une analyse structurationniste/Utilizadores/pacientes como actores de las relaciones laborales: Un analisis estructuracionista
- Author
Bellemare, Guy, Briand, Louise, Havard, Christelle, and Naschberger, Christine
- Subjects
Labor relations -- Analysis ,University hospitals -- Human resource management ,Hospital patients -- Analysis ,Actors ,Company personnel management ,Business, general ,Business ,Economics ,Human resources and labor relations - Abstract
This paper presents a structurationnist analysis model that aims to revise the classic industrial relations theories. The model, primarily based on the re-definition of the notion of actor in industrial relations (Bellemare, 2000), proposes to reconsider the frontiers of the industrial relations system (Bellemare and Briand, 2006; Legault and Bellemare, 2008), to replace the notion of 'system' by the concept of 'region,' and to extend the model to the study of issues related to 'life politics' (Giddens, 1991).The proposed model is illustrated by the study of the influence of users/patients on the work organization and on the decisions of the governing bodies of a French university hospital, and on the French health system (public policies, research priorities and methods, etc.).The results of the study show that the users/patients have become actors in the work relation regions through their mobilization on issues related to life politics: they have challenged the border between expert knowledge and common knowledge, and they have gained greater control over their health and the care they receive. Patients' associations and individual patients, for their part, have modified the work relations regions at the organizational and worksite levels.Our results pave the way for future investigations that will integrate the dynamic conceptions of 'actor' and of 'regions of work relationships,' as well as issues related to the life politics, in order to validate the generalizing scope of the model proposed.KEYWORDS: industrial relations, users/patients, life politics, work organization, health system, new actors, work relations regions.Ce texte presente un modele d'analyse structurationniste qui, partant d'une redefinition de la notion d'acteur en relations industrielles (Bellemare, 2000), propose de reconsiderer les frontieres des systemes de relations industrielles (Bellemare et Briand, 2006; Legault et Bellemare, 2008) en substituant la notion de << region >> a celle de << systeme >>, et en elargissant le modele a l'etude des enjeux lies au champ politique de la vie (Giddens, 1991).Ce modele est illustre dans le cadre d'une etude de l'influence des usagers/ patients portant sur l'organisation du travail, les decisions des instances de gouvernance d'un hopital universitaire francais, ainsi que le systeme de sante de maniere generale (politiques publiques, priorites et modalites de la recherche, etc.).Les resultats de cette etude montrent que les usagers/patients sont devenus des acteurs des << regions de rapports de travail >> par le biais de leur mobilisation autour des enjeux lies au champ politique de la vie : ils ont conteste la frontiere entre le savoir expert et le savoir profane et, ainsi, ils se sont approprie un plus grand controle sur leur sante et les soins qui leur sont prodigues. Les associations de patients, tout comme les patients a un niveau individuel, ont, pour leur part, modifie les << regions de relations de travail >> au niveau organisationnel, ainsi que sur le plan des situations de travail.Nos resultats tracent egalement la voie a de futures recherches integrant les notions dynamiques << d'acteurs >> et de << regions de rapports de travail >>, ainsi que des enjeux lies au champ politique de la vie, afin de valider la portee generalisatrice du modele d'analyse structurationniste propose.MOTS-CLES : relations industrielles, usagers/patients, politiques de sante, organisation du travail, systeme de sante, nouveaux acteurs, regions de rapports de travail.Este articulo presenta un modelo de analisis estructuracionista que, partiendo de una redefinicion de la nocion de actor en las relaciones laborales (Bellemare, 2000), propone de reconsiderar las fronteras de los sistemas de las relaciones industriales (Bellemare et Briand, 2006; Legault et Bellemare, 2008), de remplazar la nocion de << sistema >> por el concepto de << region >>, y ampliar el modelo incluyendo el estudio de las cuestiones reas a las << politicas de vida >> (Giddens, 1991).El modelo propuesto es ilustrado mediante el estudio de la influencia de los utilizadores/pacientes sobre la organizacion del trabajo y sobre las decisiones de las instancias de gobernanza de un hospital universitario frances y, de manera mas general, sobre el sistema de salud frances (politicas publicas, prioridades y metodos de investigacion, etc.).Los resultados de este estudio muestran que los utilizadores/pacientes se han convertido en actores de las regiones de relaciones de trabajo mediante su movilizacion alrededor de las cuestiones vinculados a las politicas de la vida: ellos han cuestionado la frontera entre el saber experto y el saber profano y han se han apropiado asi de un mayor control sobre su salud y los cuidados que le son prodigados. Las asociaciones de pacientes, asi como los pacientes a nivel individual, por su lado, han modificado las regiones de relaciones de trabajo a nivel organizacional y a nivel del lugar de trabajo.Nuestros resultados trazan igualmente la via a futuras investigaciones que integren las nociones dinamicas de << actor >> y de << regiones de relaciones de trabajo >>, asi como las cuestiones vinculadas a las politicas de vida, con el fin de validar el alcance generalizador del modelo propuesto.PALABRAS CLAVES: relaciones laborales, utilizadores/pacientes, politicas de salud, organizacion del trabajo, sistema de salud, nuevos actores, regiones de relaciones de trabajo., Introduction: revisiting the user/patient conceptOver the last fifteen years in France, the behaviour of 'users/patients' in hospitals has changed: they are now better informed, express their expectations more freely and [...]
- Published
- 2018
11. Lead to Engage, Retain Talent: Managers' top priorities should be to hire talent
- Subjects
Labor relations -- Analysis ,Business success -- Analysis ,Health care industry - Abstract
Employee engagement has long been widely recognized as a critical component to success in any organization, yet it long has remained elusive for many. For more than a dozen years, [...]
- Published
- 2018
12. Compromise at work: processes, policies, and outcomes that shape U.S. labor relations.
- Author
Boone, Graham
- Subjects
Labor law -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Collective bargaining -- Analysis - Abstract
An Introduction to U.S. Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations, 5th ed. By Harry C. Katz, Thomas A. Kochan, and Alexander J. S. Colvin. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2017, 478 [...]
- Published
- 2018
13. Chris Stephens ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office, whether he has made an assessment of the state of industrial relations in the Civil Service
- Subjects
Labor relations -- Analysis ,Business, international - Abstract
London: UK Parliament has issued the following written answer: Answer Jeremy Quin Answered on 6 December 2022 The Cabinet Office is not the employer for all civil servants, and departments [...]
- Published
- 2022
14. Pour une approche renouvelee de la gestion des ressources humaines (GRH)
- Author
Hallée, Yves, Taskin, Laurent, and Vincent, Steve
- Subjects
Human resource management -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Business, general ,Business ,Economics ,Human resources and labor relations - Abstract
Dans le sillage des formes de plus en plus dominantes du libéralisme économique, la gestion des ressources humaines (GRH) a, vers la fin du XXe siècle, émergé pour remplacer la [...]
- Published
- 2018
15. Emotional Disconnect: Digitization is causing employees to feel less connected to the people they work with and the work they do
- Author
Carter, Louis
- Subjects
Job security -- Analysis ,Digitization -- Influence ,Organizational communication -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Business ,Education ,Human resources and labor relations - Abstract
Emerging and newly established digital technologies are radically changing the way employees and managers interact and communicate within organizations. It's become tempting for leaders to succumb to the 'digital distance' [...]
- Published
- 2017
16. Las percepciones de jovenes trabajadores sobre los sindicatos en Portugal
- Author
Kovács, Ilona, Dias, João, and Cerdeira, Maria da Conceição
- Subjects
Labor unions -- Public opinion -- Portugal ,Labor market -- Demographic aspects ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Business, general ,Business ,Economics ,Human resources and labor relations - Abstract
Este artículo busca a captar cómo son percibidos los sindicatos por los jóvenes trabajadores en Portugal e identificar diferentes tipos de percepciones. Nuestro análisis considera los factores estructurales y las experiencias subjetivas y está basado en entrevistas semi-estructuradas con jóvenes que trabajan en sectores con alta concentración de empleo juvenil. El hecho que los trabajadores jóvenes son crecientemente expuestos a las presiones del desempleo y del trabajo precario puede sugerir que hay homogeneidad en sus percepciones sobre los sindicatos y la acción colectiva. Sin embargo, nuestros resultados muestran que las percepciones de los jóvenes trabajadores no son homogéneas y que ellos interconectan con diferentes segmentos caracterizados por diferentes condiciones socio-económicas, definidas por la situación familiar, el nivel de educación y la posición en el mercado de trabajo. Tres tipos de percepciones son identificados mediante el análisis de contenido de las entrevistas: percepciones positivas, negativas y críticas. Un último segmento de trabajadores más jóvenes y menos calificados, provenientes de familias con bajo nivel de recursos educacionales y económicos y que han abandonado la escuela prematuramente, no tienen ninguna información ni comprensión con respecto a los sindicatos. Nuestros resultados soportan la tesis que la diversidad de experiencia educacional y las primeras experiencias en el mercado de trabajo, que caracterizan los procesos de transición a la vida adulta, moldean la relación entre los jóvenes trabajadores y los sindicatos, en particular la motivación à adherir a un sindicato. Comprender la diversidad de percepciones y de experiencias de los jóvenes trabajadores constituye un reto para la investigación en relaciones industriales y para el sindicalismo. Esto puede ofrecer a los sindicatos un esclarecimiento sobre la manera de adaptar sus estrategias de reclutamiento de nuevos miembros jóvenes y sobre la movilización de los intereses latentes de los jóvenes trabajadores en la acción colectiva. PALABRAS CLAVES: percepción, sindicalismo, precariedad, jóvenes trabajadores, Portugal. Capturing the different perceptions related to distinct educational and work experiences is fundamental for assessing the propensity of young people to unionize. However, the literature has paid little attention to this subject in the Portuguese context. In this paper, we analyze young workers' perceptions of trade unions in Portugal, considering their individual life and work trajectories. It is argued that, despite the great vulnerability of young workers and their weak unionization, their perceptions of trade unions are not homogeneous. The results obtained from content analysis of semi-structured interviews reveal three main types of perceptions linked to different segments of young workers, characterized by different work and life experiences and socio-economic positions: positive perceptions, negative perceptions and critical perceptions. KEYWORDS: perception, unionism, precariousness, young workers, Portugal. This paper seeks to capture how unions are perceived by young workers in Portugal and to identify different types of perceptions. Our analysis considers both structural factors and subjective experiences and is based on semi-structured interviews with young people working in sectors with a high concentration of youth employment. The fact that young workers are increasingly exposed to the pressures of unemployment and precarious work might suggest that there is homogeneity in their perceptions about trade unions and collective action. However, our results show that young workers' perceptions are not homogenous and that they interconnect with distinct segments, characterized by different socioeconomic conditions, as defined by family status, education level and position in the labour market. Three types of perceptions were identified by content analysis of the interviews: positive, negative and critical perceptions. A final segment of younger and less-skilled workers, of families with low educational and economic resources and having left school prematurely, have neither information nor any understanding about unions. Our findings support the thesis that diversity of educational and early labour market experiences, which characterize transition processes to adulthood, shape the relation between young workers and unions, in particular the motivation to join unions. Capturing the diversity of young workers experiences and perceptions is a challenge to industrial relations research, as well as to trade unionism. It can provide unions with important insights into how to adapt their strategies to recruit new young members and to mobilize the latent interests of young workers in collective action. KEYWORDS: perception, unionism, precariousness, young workers, Portugal. Cet article cherche à cerner comment les syndicats sont perçus par les jeunes travailleurs au Portugal, ainsi qu'à identifier les divers types de perceptions. Notre analyse, qui tient compte tant des facteurs structurels que des expériences subjectives, repose sur des entrevues semi-structurées auprès de jeunes personnes travaillant dans des secteurs à forte concentration d'employés jeunes. Le fait que les jeunes travailleurs sont de plus en plus exposés aux pressions du chômage et du travail précaire pourrait faire croire qu'il y a homogénéité dans leurs perceptions à l'égard des syndicats et de l'action collective. Toutefois, nos résultats montrent que les perceptions des jeunes ne sont pas homogènes et qu'elles sont rattachées à des segments distincts de population, caractérisés par diverses conditions socioéconomiques, telles que le statut familial, le niveau d'éducation et le poste détenu en emploi. Par le biais d'une analyse de contenu des entrevues, nous avons pu identifier trois types de perceptions : positives, négatives et critiques. Un dernier segment, les jeunes travailleurs peu qualifiés, provenant de familles ayant peu de ressources éducationnelles et économiques, et ayant quitté l'école prématurément, n'avaient ni l'information ni la compréhension sur les syndicats. Nos résultats appuient la thèse qu'une éducation diversifiée ainsi que les premières expériences sur le marché du travail, lesquelles caractérisent les processus de transition vers l'âge adulte, modèlent la relation entre jeunes travailleurs et syndicats, en particulier, la motivation à adhérer à un syndicat. Saisir la diversité d'expériences et de perceptions des jeunes travailleurs demeure un défi pour la recherche en relations industrielles, de même que pour le mouvement syndical. Cela peut donner aux syndicats de précieuses clés qui leur permettront d'adapter leurs stratégies afin de recruter de nouveaux jeunes membres ainsi que de mobiliser les intérêts latents des jeunes travailleurs lors d'actions collectives. MOTS-CLÉS: perception, syndicalisme, précarité, jeunes travailleurs, Portugal., Young Workers' Perceptions of Trade Unions in Portugal Les perceptions des jeunes travailleurs à l'égard des syndicats au Portugal Introduction One of the major challenges facing unions today is the [...]
- Published
- 2017
17. Condiciones ganadoras en las luchas de los trabajadores precarios: una reflexion a partir de estudios de caso en Corea del Sur
- Author
Lee, Byoung-Hoon and Lee, Sophia Seung-Yoon
- Subjects
Labor movement -- Analysis ,Labor disputes -- Analysis ,Working conditions -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Business, general ,Business ,Economics ,Human resources and labor relations - Abstract
En Corea del Sur, varias luchas llevadas a cabo por trabajadores precarios, que tenían como objetivo de organizarse en sindicato e implicarse en las acciones militantes con el fin de protestar contra la discriminación inhumana y la exclusión ilegal de parte de los empleadores, no han logrado los objetivos propuestos, debido justamente a su situación de empleo vulnerable y de la falta de recursos. Esclarecido por restas constataciones, nuestro estudio busca estudiar las condiciones en las cuales tales luchas son susceptibles de conducir a victorias, poniendo el acento en tres características: la solidaridad interna en el medio de trabajo de parte de los asalariados regulares respecto a los trabajadores precarios, la solidaridad externa manifestada por los grupos obreros y por la sociedad civil fuera del trabajo, y finalmente, la movilización de REPERTORIOS de contestación. Más precisamente, este estudio busca a identificar las configuraciones de estas tres condiciones susceptibles de conducir al éxito de las luchas de los trabajadores precarios en términos de logros durante las negociaciones y de durabilidad organizacional. Para esto, hemos utilizado una modelización para el análisis comparativo cualitativo de tipo << fuzzy set >> con el objetivo de estudiar 30 casos importantes de luchas de trabajadores atípicos que han acontecido en un periodo de 16 años, es decir de 1998 a 2013. Según nuestro análisis, la configuración susceptible de constituir una vía significativa hacia el éxito es condicional a la presencia de tres condiciones mencionadas, es decir una fuerte solidaridad externa, una fuerte solidaridad interna y repertorios de contestación en cantidad reducida. Tal resultado refuerza la idea que la presencia de puntos sólidos de solidaridad, sea con trabajadores que tienen una situación de empleo diferente en el medio de trabajo, o sea con grupos de trabajadores o de la sociedad civil exteriores al medio de trabajo, constituye una condición previa crucial para los trabajadores precarios deseosos de ganar su causa. Sin embargo, un resultado inesperado indica que cuando se moviliza una cantidad restringida de repertorios de contestación, las luchas serán más susceptibles de obtener logros en términos de negociación y de organización. Así, nuestro estudio contribuye al desarrollo de la teoría de la revitalización del movimiento obrero frente a la precarización, haciendo resaltar el rol del activismo de los trabajadores precarios, teniendo en cuenta el hecho que la literatura inglesa consagrada al rol activo de tales trabajadores atípicos en la organización de contestaciones contra los tratos inhumanos de la parte de los empleadores y el régimen de trabajo neoliberal sigue siendo limitada. PALABRAS CLAVES: trabajo precario, trabajadores atípicos, solidaridad obrera, repertorio de protesta, relaciones industriales, análisis comparativo cualitativo de tipo 'fuzzy set >> (fs/QCA). Our study explores the causal conditions that produce successful outcomes in precarious workers' struggles, in terms of bargaining gains and organizational sustainability, by focusing on internal solidarity from regular workers, external solidarity from labour and civil society groups outside the workplace, and protest repertoires mobilized. Employing the fuzzy-set QcA methodology to examine 30 major cases of non-regular workers' struggles from 1998 to 2013 reveals that strong solidarity building, whether with regular workers that have a different employment status in the segmented workplace, or with labour and civil society groups outside the workplace, is the crucial causal condition for precarious workers to achieve desired outcomes from struggles. Moreover, when their struggles mobilize fewer struggle repertoires, they are likely to achieve the successful outcomes of bargaining and organizational gains. KEYWORDS: precarious labour, non-regular workers, labour solidarity, protest repertoire, industrial relations, fuzzy-set Qualitative comparative Analysis (fs/QOA). In South Korea, many struggles of non-regular workers, who attempted to organize their unions and engage in militant action to protest against employers' inhumane discrimination and illegal exclusion, have failed to achieve the desired outcomes, due to their vulnerable employment status and their lack of action resources. In this light, our study examines the conditions that lead to victory in precarious workers' struggles, by focusing on three attributes: internal solidarity with regular workers, external solidarity from labour and civil society groups outside the workplace, and mobilized protest repertoires. Specifically, this study seeks to identify the configurations of these three conditions that produce successful outcomes in precarious workers' struggles, in terms of bargaining gains and organizational sustainability. We do this by employing fs/QCA modelling to examine 30 major cases of non-regular worker struggles occurring over a 16-year period from 1998 to 2013. Our analysis presents the finding that the conditional configuration of strong external solidarity, strong internal solidarity, and fewer struggle repertoires constitutes a significant causal path to successful outcomes. This reaffirms the idea that strong solidarity bridging, whether with regular workers that have a different employment status in the segmented workplace, or with labour and civil society groups outside the workplace, is the crucial causal condition for precarious workers to achieve their desired outcomes from struggle. An unexpected finding, however, is that when precarious worker struggles mobilize fewer struggle repertoires, they are likely to achieve the successful outcomes of bargaining and organizational gains. our study contributes to the theoretical elaboration of labour movement revitalization for the precariat class, by shedding light on the activism of precarious workers, considering that the English-language literature that pays attention to the active role of such atypical workers in staging protests against employers' inhumane treatments and the neoliberal labour regime is limited. KEYWORDS: precarious labour, non-regular workers, labour solidarity, protest repertoire, industrial relations, fuzzy-set/Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fs/QCA). En Corée du Sud, plusieurs luttes menées par des travailleurs précaires, qui cherchaient à s'organiser en syndicat et à s'engager dans des actions militantes afin de protester contre la discrimination inhumaine et l'exclusion illégale de la part de leurs employeurs, ont échoué dans l'atteinte des objectifs recherchés, à cause justement de leur statut d'emploi vulnérable et d'un manque de ressources. À la lumière de ces constats, notre étude cherche à examiner les conditions dans lesquelles de telles luttes sont susceptibles de conduire à des victoires, en mettant l'accent sur trois caractéristiques : la solidarité interne en milieu de travail à leur égard de la part des salariés réguliers, la solidarité externe manifestée par des groupements ouvriers et la société civile en dehors du milieu de travail, et, enfin, la mobilisation de répertoires de contestation. Plus particulièrement, cette étude cherche à identifier les configurations de ces trois conditions menant au succès des luttes des travailleurs précaires en termes de gains lors de négociations et de durabilité organisationnelle. Pour y parvenir, nous avons eu recours à une modélisation par analyse comparative qualitative de type ensemble flou (fuzzy set) afin d'étudier 30 cas majeurs de luttes de travailleurs atypiques qui se sont déroulées sur une période de 16 ans, soit de 1998 à 2013. Selon notre analyse, la configuration susceptible de constituer une avenue significative pour le succès est conditionnelle à la présence des trois conditions mentionnées, soit une forte solidarité externe, une forte solidarité interne, et des répertoires de contestation en nombre réduit. Un tel résultat renforce l'idée que de solides ponts de solidarité, que ce soit avec des travailleurs qui ont un statut d'emploi différent dans le milieu de travail, ou avec des groupes de travailleurs ou la société civile extérieurs au milieu de travail, constituent des préalables cruciaux pour les travailleurs précaires désireux d'obtenir gain de cause. Un résultat inattendu, toutefois, est à l'effet que lorsque de telles luttes mobilisent un nombre restreint de répertoires de contestation, elles sont davantage susceptibles de mener à des gains en termes de négociation et d'organisation. Ainsi, notre étude apporte une contribution au développement de la théorie de la revitalisation du mouvement ouvrier face à la précarisation, en mettant en lumière le rôle de l'activisme chez les travailleurs précaires, en tenant compte du fait que la littérature anglaise qui se consacre au rôle actif de tels travailleurs atypiques dans l'organisation de contestations contre les traitements inhumains de la part d'employeurs et le régime de travail néolibéral demeure limitée. MOTS-CLÉS : travail précaire, travailleurs atypiques, solidarité ouvrière, répertoire de contestation, relations industrielles, analyse comparative qualitative par ensemble flou., Winning conditions of precarious workers' struggles: A reflection based on case studies from South Korea Conditions gagnantes lors de luttes menées par des travailleurs précaires : réflexions à partir d'études [...]
- Published
- 2017
18. The predictors of unmet demand for unions in non-union workplaces: lessons from Australia/Les predicteurs de la demande non comblee pour la syndicalisation dans les milieux de travail non syndiques: une perspective Australienne/Los predictores de la demanda insatisfecha de sindicalizacion en los lugares de trabajo non sindicalizados: una perspectiva Australiana
- Author
Pyman, Amanda, Teicher, Julian, Cooper, Brian, and Holland, Peter
- Subjects
Nonunion employees -- Analysis ,Labor unions -- Membership -- Management -- Influence -- Australia ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Company business management ,Business, general ,Business ,Economics ,Human resources and labor relations ,Australian Council of Trade Unions -- Political activity - Abstract
The difficulties faced by trade unions in many developed nations have been well documented. Underlying problems of declining union membership and loss of institutional power are two major challenges: the growing numbers of employees and workplaces that are non-union, and, declining instrumentality. If unions are to successfully renew, one lever of power is potential recruits: employees who would like to join a union if one were available. In this paper, we build on the union joining literature by examining, for the first time using Australian data, the predictors of unmet demand for unions in non-union workplaces; that is, people who would be willing to join a union if one were established in their workplace. Controlling for a range of personal, job and workplace characteristics, we find two significant predictors of willingness to join a union if one were available: perceived union instrumentality and a perceived lack of managerial responsiveness to employees. KEYWORDS: non-union workplaces, unmet demand, willingness to join a union, union instrumentality, managerial responsiveness to employees, union organizing strategy. In this study, we examine the predictors of unmet demand for unions in nonunion workplaces, using the Australian Worker Representation and Participation Survey (AWRPS). Unmet demand is defined here, as those employees in non-union workplaces who would be likely to join a union if one were available. We argue that this is the first study in Australia to examine the predictors of unmet demand in non-union workplaces, and, that this is an important line of inquiry given a rise in non-union workplaces and never members in Australia, alongside declining union density and membership numbers. Drawing on three strands of existing literature, namely the individual propensity to unionize, the rise and characteristics of non-union workplaces and alternative forms of representation, and, managerial responsiveness to employees and unions, we develop and test four hypotheses. Our results show, controlling for a range of personal, job and workplace characteristics, that there are two significant predictors of the willingness to join a union in non-union workplaces: perceived union instrumentality (Hypothesis 2) and perceived managerial responsiveness to employees (Hypothesis 4), whereby employees who perceive that managers lack responsiveness are more likely to want to join a union if one were available. These results show that unions must try to enhance their instrumentality in workplaces and could be more effective in recruiting if they targeted never members. The results also show that unions need to have some gauge (measure) of how responsive managers are to employees, and that they can leverage poor responsiveness of managers for membership gain and the extension of organizing. In the final analysis, an understanding of the predictors of unmet demand for unions in non-union workplaces has implications for Australian unions' servicing and organizing strategies, and for their future growth prospects. KEYWORDS: non-union workplace, unmet demand, willingness to join a union, union instrumentality, managerial responsiveness to employees, union organizing strategy. Cet article cherche a identifier les predicteurs de la demande non comblee pour la syndicalisation dans les milieux de travail non syndiques, en ayant recours a l'Enquete sur la participation et la representation des travailleurs australiens (Australian Worker Representation and Participation Survey-AWRPS). La demande non comblee correspond ici au desir des employes de milieux non syndiques d'adherer a un syndicat si une telle possibilite leur etait offerte. Nous croyons que c'est la premiere etude sur ce sujet en Australie et qu'elle est d'autant d'interet qu'on assiste actuellement a une croissance du nombre de milieux non syndiques ou de milieux oU les syndicats sont absents, parallelement au declin de la densite syndicale et du nombre de personnes membres d'un syndicat. En s'appuyant sur trois axes de la litterature existante, soit la propension individuelle a joindre un syndicat, la montee et les caracteristiques des milieux non syndiques et les formes alternatives de representation, ainsi que les reactions des directions face aux employes et aux syndicats, nous developpons et testons quatre hypotheses. Nos resultats, apres avoir controle une variete de caracteristiques des individus, des emplois et des milieux de travail, font ressortir deux predicteurs significatifs du desir d'adherer a un syndicat en milieux non syndiques : la perception de l'instrumentalite de la syndicalisation (Hypothese 2) et la perception de la reaction manageriale envers les employes et les syndicats (Hypothese 4), a savoir que les employes qui percoivent que les gestionnaires n'apportent pas de reponses satisfaisantes a leurs besoins seront plus enclins a vouloir adherer a un syndicat lorsque cette possibilite leur est offerte. Ces resultats suggerent egalement que les syndicats devraient chercher a mieux faire valoir leur utilite dans les milieux de travail et ils pourraient devenir plus efficaces dans leur recrutement de nouveaux membres s'ils ciblaient davantage les travailleurs qui n'ont jamais ete membres d'un syndicat. Ils montrent aussi que les syndicats devraient jauger (mesurer) a quel point les directions repondent aux besoins des employes, et qu'ils pourraient batir sur une faible reponse manageriale afin d'effectuer des gains en terme de recrutement de membres et d'expansion de l'organisation syndicale. En derniere analyse, la comprehension des predicteurs de la demande non comblee pour la syndicalisation dans les milieux de travail non syndiques comporte des implications pour les strategies d'organisation et d'offre de services des syndicats australiens, ainsi que pour la croissance future des organisations syndicales. MOTS-CLES : milieu non syndique, demande non comblee, interet envers la syndicalisation, attitude patronale, strategie syndicale. En este estudio, se examina los predictores de la demanda de sindicalizacion insatisfecha en los lugares de trabajo no sindicalizados, utilizando la Encuesta Australiana sobre la representacion y la participacion de los trabajadores (Australian Worker Representation and Participation Survey - AWRPS). La demanda insatisfecha es definida aqui como aquellos empleados de lugares de trabajo no sindicalizados que hubieran querido adherir a un sindicato si este estuviera disponible. Se argumenta que este es el primer estudio en Australia que examina los predictores de la demanda insatisfecha en los lugares de trabajo no sindicalizados y que constituye una linea importante de investigacion dado el aumento de lugares de trabajo no sindicalizados y de trabajadores jamas sindicalizados en Australia, junto con la disminucion de la densidad sindical y de la cantidad de miembros. Nos basamos en tres ejes de la literatura existente, es decir la propension individual a sindicalizarse, el alza y las caracteristicas de los lugares de trabajo no sindicalizados y las formas alternativas de representacion, e igualmente, la respuesta patronal a los empleados y sindicatos, para formular y evaluar cuatro hipotesis. Nuestros resultados, despues de haber controlado diversas caracteristicas de los individuos, de los empleos y de los lugares de trabajo, ponen en evidencia dos predictores significativos del deseo de adherir a un sindicato en los lugares de trabajo no sindicalizados : la percepcion de la instrumentalidad de la sindicalizacion (hipotesis 2) y la percepcion de la reaccion patronal respecto a los empleados y sindicatos (hipotesis 4), por lo cual, los empleados que perciben que los directivos patronales no aportan respuestas satisfactorias a sus necesidades seran mas propensos a querer adherir a un sindicato si la posibilidad se ofrece. Estos resultados sugieren que los sindicatos deberian intentar de mejorar su instrumentalidad en los lugares de trabajo y que podrian ser mas eficaces en el reclutamiento de nuevos miembros si se focalizan sobre todo en los trabajadores que jamas han sido miembros de un sindicato. Se muestra tambien que los sindicatos deberian poder estimar (medir) hasta que punto los directivos patronales responden a las necesidades de los empleados, y que ellos podrian tomar ventaja de la respuesta patronal deficiente para mejorar el reclutamiento de miembros y reforzar la expansion de la organizacion sindical. Por ultimo, la comprension de los predictores de la demanda de sindicalizacion insatisfecha en los lugares de trabajo no sindicalizados conlleva implicaciones en cuanto a las estrategias de organizacion y de oferta de servicios de parte de los sindicatos australianos, y en lo que se refiere al crecimiento futuro de las organizaciones sindicales. PALABRAS CLAVES: lugares no sindicalizados, demanda insatisfecha, deseo de sindicalizarse, instrumentalidad sindical, respuesta patronal a los empleados, estrategia de organizacion sindical., Introduction The difficulties faced by trade unions in Advanced Market Economies (AMEs) (Towers, 1997; Kohler and Jimenez, 2015; Kretsos and Vogiatzoglou, 2015), including a decline in density and membership, reduced [...]
- Published
- 2017
19. Employment relations in the Indian railways--a strong tripod?
- Author
Pereira, Vijay and Malik, Ashish
- Subjects
Railroads -- Labor relations -- Employment ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Business, general - Abstract
This paper is part of a larger program of study conducted on the Indian Railways (IR), through a grant by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), USA, focusing on Indian Railways' human resource management and industrial relations practices. In this paper we contribute by focusing on the employment relations (ER) scenario in the Indian Railways against the backdrop of a wider industrial relations institutional environment in India. Dunlop's ER framework identified the key actors in an ER system: unions, employers and the state, also commonly referred to as the tripod of ER. In the context of the Indian ER environment, scholars have argued that ER in India is akin to a 'lame tripod'. It is in this light that we analyse empirical data collected during the 2010-2011 period and investigate whether the 'lame tripod' thesis holds good for the Indian Railways (IR). Evidence from our study suggests that this is not the case, thus, suggesting the presence of a robust and 'strong tripod' of ER in IR, as advocated by Dunlop., INTRODUCTION This paper seeks to contribute by focusing on the current employment relations (ER) scenario in the Indian Railways against the backdrop of a wider industrial relations institutional environment in [...]
- Published
- 2015
20. Create Your Career Circumstances: If you want the right opportunity to come your way, open the door
- Author
Feldstein, Marilyn A.
- Subjects
Employee incentives -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Career opportunities -- Analysis ,Career opportunity ,Business ,Education ,Human resources and labor relations - Abstract
Soon after starting my last corporate leadership position, I learned that one of my employees was bitter because she felt she should have been promoted into the position I now [...]
- Published
- 2018
21. Agency work and agency workers--employee representation in Germany and Singapore
- Author
Mitlacher, Lars, Waring, Peter, Burgess, John, and Connell, Julia
- Subjects
Labor law -- Interpretation and construction ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Temporary employment -- Forecasts and trends ,Market trend/market analysis ,Business, general - Abstract
Comparatively new forms of work, such as temporary agency work, have led to changes in employment relations systems resulting in various consequences for temporary agency workers. To date, analysis of such changes and their effects have been quite limited, especially with regard to comparative, international perspectives. Consequently, the intention of this article is to partially address that gap by considering temporary agency work and workers in Germany and Singapore. These countries were selected as both have experienced significant growth in agency work while possessing different features in their employment relations systems. The paper provides insights relevant to the contradictions and tensions inherent in the position of agency workers in the German and Singaporean system of employment relations, making suggestions for a new regulatory approach of the temporary agency industry., INTRODUCTION The past two decades have seen the rise of new forms of work such as temporary agency work (Mitlacher & Burgess 2007; Burgess & Connell 2006). This growth has [...]
- Published
- 2014
22. Management insights
- Author
Gorman, Michael F.
- Subjects
Organizational structure -- Analysis ,Stock markets -- Analysis ,Web site personalization -- Usage -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Stock market ,Personalization technology ,Business, general ,Business - Abstract
Will the Global Village Fracture Into Tribes? Recommender Systems and Their Effects on Consumer Fragmentation (p. 805) Kartik Hosanagar, Daniel Fleder, Dokyun Lee, Andreas Buja Personalization is becoming ubiquitous on [...]
- Published
- 2014
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23. State of the Unions
- Author
Crain, Caleb
- Subjects
Labor unions -- Membership -- History -- United States ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Union dues ,Labor force ,Free enterprise ,Labor movement ,General interest ,Literature/writing ,News, opinion and commentary ,National Labor Relations Act - Abstract
Byline: Caleb Crain State of the Unions What happened to America's labor movement? tifIllustration by Rose WongSince the fifties, the proportion of union members in the labor force has declined [...]
- Published
- 2019
24. Rethinking Greek capitalism through the lens of industrial relations reform: a view until the 2015 referendum/Repenser le capitalisme grec a travers le prisme de la reforme des relations industrielles : regard sur l'apres-referendum de 2015/Repensar el capitalismo griego a traves los lentes de la reforma de las relaciones industriales: una vision hasta el Referendum 2015
- Author
Wood, Geoffrey, Szamosi, Leslie T., Psychogios, Alexandros, Sarvanidis, Sofoklis, and Fotopoulou, Dialechti
- Subjects
Greece -- Economic aspects ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Capitalism -- Analysis ,Business, general ,Business ,Economics ,Human resources and labor relations - Abstract
Although the literature on comparative capitalism has been expanded to encompass the Mixed Market Economies (MMEs) of the Mediterranean world and other less mature institutional arrangements, it can be argued that more attention needs to be accorded to internal diversity within capitalist archetypes and the nature and path of change. In focusing on the latter, this paper explores changes in Industrial relations (Ir) regulation and practice in Greece which, since the onset of the economic crisis, has shifted towards lighter regulation; however, liberalization has not meant convergence with the mature Liberal Market Economy (LME) model and its presumed associated complementarities. Based on current developments and advances in the literature on comparative capitalism, this study explores the process and dynamics of institutional change, and the long continuities that set Greece apart from both 'disorganized' LMEs and other MMEs. This encompasses issues such as the composition of elites, the nature of institutional path dependence and change, and the uneven and partial nature of what constitutes institutional functionality. Whilst the Greek system is commonly condemned as dysfunctional, it satisfies specific economic interests. Being impelled in one direction by a progressive movement from below, it is driven in another by external pressures, and, at home, by 'unpatriotic' elites, who have little interest in stronger regulation, and may well be served by weaker governmental capabilities. As local economic elites seek to reposition themselves within the system in order to cope with shifts in the capitalist economy, it may result in them further narrowing their focus onto their own immediate concerns accommodated through economic liberalization. Smaller, marginal, players may be pushed further out of the system and/or actively choose to withdraw, the attempts of the present government to ameliorate the shocks of liberalization notwithstanding. This vests the organized labour and other civil society associations with great historic importance. KEYWORDS: Greek capitalism, varieties of capitalism, capitalist diversity, austerity, institutional change, elite theory. Bien que la litterature sur le capitalisme compare ait elargi son champ d'etude aux economies de marche mixtes (EMM) du monde mediterraneen et a d'autres arrangements institutionnels moins evolues, il serait important de se pencher plus attentivement sur la diversite interne des archetypes capitalistes ainsi que sur la nature et la trajectoire du changement. A cette fin, l'article examine les changements survenus sur les plans de la regulation et de la pratique des relations industrielles en Grece, un pays qui a allege sa regulation depuis le debut de la crise economique. Cependant, la liberalisation ne s'est pas traduite par une convergence vers le modele de libre marche et vers les presumees complementarites qui y sont associees. A la lumiere de l'evolution et des progres de la litterature sur le capitalisme compare, les auteurs analysent le processus et la dynamique du changement institutionnel ainsi que les longues continuites qui distinguent la Grece des economies de marche liberales et autres economies de marche mixtes << desorganisees >>. Leur regard s'attarde a differents enjeux comme la composition des elites, la nature de la dependance institutionnelle au sentier et au changement, ainsi qu'au caractere inegal et partiel de ce qui constitue la fonctionnalite institutionnelle. Bien qu'il soit generalement juge dysfonctionnel, le regime grec satisfait neanmoins des interets economiques particuliers. Tire de l'avant par un mouvement progressiste issu de la base, il est en meme temps pousse dans une direction opposee par des pressions exterieures et, sur place, par des elites << depourvues de fibre patriotique >>, peu interessees par un renforcement de la regulation et, parfois, mieux servies par un gouvernement aux capacites reduites. Au moment oU les elites economiques locales cherchent a se repositionner dans le systeme pour s'adapter a une economie capitaliste en transformation, ces dernieres pourraient etre enclines a centrer davantage leurs efforts sur leurs propres interets immediats, interets qui se trouvent confortes par une liberalisation economique. Certains joueurs plus modestes et marginaux pourraient etre exclus du systeme ou decider eux-memes de s'en retirer, sans egard aux mesures prises par l'actuel gouvernement pour tenter d'amortir les chocs provoques par la liberalisation. Une telle situation confererait aux syndicats et a aux autres organisations de la societe civile une importance historique considerable. MOTS-CLES: capitalisme grec, varietes du capitalisme, diversite des capitalismes, austerite, changement institutionnel, theorie des elites. Aunque la literatura sobre el capitalismo comparativo se ha extendido para incluir las economias de mercado mixto (EMM) del mundo Mediterraneo y otros acuerdos institucionales menos maduros, se puede argumentar la importancia de prestar mayor atencion a la diversidad interna dentro de los arquetipos capitalistas y a la naturaleza y las configuraciones de cambio. Centrandose en este ultimo, el articulo explora los cambios en la regulacion y la practica de las relaciones industriales en Grecia, los cuales, desde el comienzo de la crisis economica, se han tornado hacia una reglamentacion mas ligera; sin embargo, la liberalizacion no ha significado convergencia con el modelo de economia liberal de mercado (ELM) y sus presumidas complementariedades asociadas. Basado en los desarrollos en curso y en los avances de la literatura sobre el capitalismo comparativo, este estudio explora el proceso y las dinamicas de los cambios institucionales y las vastas continuidades que situan la Grecia aparte de ambos modelos, el 'desorganizado' ELM y las otras EMM. Esto hace resaltar otros problemas como la composicion de las elites, la naturaleza de la trayectoria institucional de dependencia y cambio, y la naturaleza inconsistente y parcial de lo que constituye su funcionalidad institucional. A pesar que el sistema griego es comunmente condenado como disfuncional, el satisface ciertos intereses especificos. Siendo impulsado hacia una direccion por un movimiento progresivo desde la base, el es conducido hacia otra direccion por las presiones externas y, al interior, por las elites 'antipatriotas', que tienen poco interes por una regulacion fuerte y que podrian beneficiar de las capacidades gubernamentales debilitadas. Como las elites economicas locales buscan a reposicionarse en el sistema de manera a adaptarse a los cambios en la economia capitalista, esto puede dar lugar a una mayor focalizacion en sus propias preocupaciones inmediatas con miras a acomodarse mediante la liberalizacion economica. Otros actores mas pequenos y marginales pueden ser empujados a alejarse del sistema y/o escoger activamente de retirarse, a pesar de los intentos del gobierno actual para mejorar las conmociones de la liberalizacion. Esto procura una gran importancia historica a las organizaciones laborales y a las otras asociaciones civiles de la sociedad. PALABRAS CLAVES: capitalismo griego, variedades de capitalismo, diversidad capitalista, austeridad, cambio institucional, teoria de elites., INTRODUCTION There has been a growing body of work on IR in Greece, which has highlighted the nature and extent of structural crisis and systemic liberalization (Kornelakis and Voskeristian, 2014; [...]
- Published
- 2015
25. <<Social Dialogue>> and Varieties of Capitalism: A Long-term Analysis/<<Dialogue social>> et varietes des capitalismes: une analyse de long terme/'Dialogo social' y variedades del capitalismo: un analisis de largo tiempo
- Author
Gazier, Bernard and Boylaud, Olivier
- Subjects
Capitalism -- Analysis ,Collective bargaining -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Economic growth -- Analysis ,Business, general ,Business ,Economics ,Human resources and labor relations - Abstract
This article presents a study that aimed to test, over an extended period, the hypothesis that there has been a convergence in industrial relations in developed countries. Taking into account the enduring debate on this point, in particular in relation to the current crisis and the diversity of underlying conceptions, it aimed to start with an object of comparison that was not predetermined by any prior orientation, namely, 'social dialogue.' However, this concept, used in particular within the International Labour Office (ILO), remains quite vague and needs to be developed further. In addition to information, consultation and collective bargaining practices, practices that are less often considered were also explored, relating to joint management, codetermination, and state intervention, with the latter potentially strengthening or, on the contrary, constraining social dialogue. Empirically dealing only with collective bargaining, codetermination and state intervention practices, this study examined the development in 19 OECD countries of six indicators from 1985 to 2011. The importance of each indicator was not weighted beforehand and the data were analyzed based on the main components, followed by a classification by dynamic groups. The result yielded five fairly stable groups of countries, in which the transformations over time were studied. Lastly, the social and economic performance of the groups of countries was examined based on their GDP growth and evolving unemployment rates. Unconstrained by any a priori orientation, the following groups--traditionally brought out by comparative analyses--were found: 'Anglo-Saxon,' 'Continental,' 'Nordic' and 'Mediterranean' groups, as well as a last group formed by Switzerland and Japan. Our study concluded that diversity regarding 'social dialogue' has been persistent, including for the recent period marked by the crisis. KEYWORDS: collective bargaining, convergence, industrial relations, codetermination. Cet article vise a tester sur longue periode l'hypothese de convergence des relations industrielles dans les pays developpes. Prenant acte de la persistance du debat sur ce point, notamment du fait de la crise actuelle, mais aussi de la diversite des conceptions sous-jacentes, il propose de partir d'un objet de comparaison non predetermine par une orientation prealable: le << dialogue social >>. Ce concept, utilise notamment dans le cadre du Bureau international du Travail (BIT), reste toutefois assez flou et appelle une reelaboration. Nous ajoutons aux pratiques d'information, concertation et de negociations collectives, des pratiques moins souvent prises en compte: les pratiques du paritarisme de gestion, de la codetermination, ainsi que l'intervention de l'Etat, cette derniere pouvant renforcer ou, au contraire, contraindre le dialogue social. Se limitant, pour la partie empirique, a l'ensemble forme par les negociations collectives, les pratiques de codetermination et l'intervention de l'Etat, l'article examine l'evolution de 19 pays de l'OCDE pour six indicateurs de 1985 a 2011. Le choix est fait de ne pas ponderer a priori l'importance de chaque indicateur, et de proceder a une analyse de donnees en composantes principales suivie d'une classification par nuees dynamiques. Il en resulte cinq groupes de pays, groupes dotes d'une assez forte stabilite, dont on etudie les transformations au cours du temps. Enfin, les groupes de pays sont examines sous l'angle des performances economiques et sociales, en retenant la croissance du PIB et l'evolution du taux de chomage. On retrouve alors, sur une base non contrainte par une orientation a priori, les groupes classiquement distingues par les analyses comparatives: les groupes << anglo-saxons >>, << continentaux >>, << nordiques >> et << mediterraneens >>, ainsi qu'un dernier groupe compose de la Suisse et du Japon. L'article conclut a la persistance de la diversite au regard du << dialogue social >>, y compris pour la periode recente marquee par la crise. MOTS-CLES: negociation collective, convergence, relations industrielles, codetermination. Este articulo se propone de verificar, dentro de un largo periodo, la hipotesis de convergencia de las relaciones industriales en los paises desarrollados. Tomando en cuenta la persistencia del debate sobre este punto y la crisis actual, pero tambien la diversidad de las concepciones subyacentes, este articulo propone partir de objeto de comparacion no pre-determinado por una orientacion previa: el 'dialogo social'. Este concepto, utilizado especialmente en el marco de la Oficina internacional del trabajo (OIT), es sin embargo vago y necesita una re-elaboracion. Anadi mos a las practicas de informacion, de concertacion y de negociacion colectivas, las practicas menos consideradas: las practicas paritarias de gestion, de co-determinacion y, tambien, las practicas de intervencion del estado que pueden reforzar o, al contrario, restringir el dialogo social. La parte empirica se limita al conjunto formado por las negociaciones colectivas, las practicas de co-determinacion y la intervencion del estado. Se examina asi la evolucion de 19 paises de la OCDE con seis indicadores de 1985 a 2011. Se opto por no ponderar a priori la importancia de cada indicador, y por proceder a un analisis de datos en componentes principales seguido de una clasificacion por grupos dinamicos. Se obtienen cinco grupos de paises, grupos dotados de gran estabilidad, y se estudian sus transformaciones a lo largo del tiempo. Por fin, los grupos de paises son examinados bajo la optica de los rendimientos economicos y sociales, en particular el PBI y la evolucion de la tasa de desempleo. Se encuentran entonces, sobre una base no restringida por una orientacion a priori, los grupos clasicamente distinguidos por los analisis comparativos: grupos 'anglo-sajones', 'continentales', 'nordicos' y 'mediterraneos'. El articulo confirma la persistencia de la diversidad con respecto al 'dialogo social', incluso por el periodo reciente marcado por la crisis. PALABRAS CLAVES: negociacion colectiva, convergencia, relaciones industriales, codeterminacion., INTRODUCTION Au-dela du diagnostic souvent produit et commente d'une erosion progressive des pouvoirs reconnus aux travailleurs et a leurs representants, ressurgit la vieille question de la convergence des relations industrielles [...]
- Published
- 2015
26. Similarity or variation? Employee representation and consultation approaches amongst liberal market economy multinationals/Similarite ou variation? Representation des employes et consultation. Approches au sein de multinationales implantees dans des economies de marche liberales/?Similitud o variabilidad? Representacion laboral y enfoques de consultacion en el seno de las multinacionales de la economia liberal de mercado
- Author
McDonnell, Anthony, Boyle, Brendan, Bartram, Timothy, Stanton, Pauline, and Burgess, John
- Subjects
Labor relations -- Analysis ,Multinational corporations -- Surveys -- Employment -- Labor relations -- Economic aspects ,Capitalism -- Analysis ,Business, general ,Business ,Economics ,Human resources and labor relations - Abstract
This paper engages with the varieties of capitalism literature to investigate the employee representation and consultation approaches of liberal market economy multinational companies (MNCs), specifically Australian, British and US MNCs operating in Australia. While the literature would suggest commonality amongst these MNCs, the paper considers whether the evidence points to similarity or variation amongst liberal market headquartered MNCs. The findings contribute to filling a recognized empirical gap on MNC employment relations practice in Australia and to a better understanding of within category varieties of capitalism similarity and variation. Drawing on survey data from MNCs operating in Australia, the results demonstrated that UK-owned MNCs were the least likely to report collective structures of employee representation. Moreover, it was found that Australian MNCs were the most likely to engage in collective forms of employee representation and made less use of direct consultative mechanisms relative to their British and US counterparts. In spite of the concerted individualization of the employment relations domain over previous decades, Australian MNCs appear to have upheld more long-standing national institutional arrangements with respect to engaging with employees on a collective basis. This varies from British and US MNC approaches which denotes that our results display within category deviation in the variety of capitalism liberal market economy typology. Just as Hall and Soskice described their seminal work on liberal market economy (LME) and coordinated market economy (CME) categories as a 'work-in-progress' (2001: 2), we too suggest that Australia's evolution in the LME category, and more specifically its industrial relations system development, and the consequences for employment relations practices of its domestic MNCs, may be a work-in-progress. KEYWORDS: employment relations, liberal market economies, multinational companies, collectivism, individualism, varieties of capitalism, Australia. En s'appuyant sur la litterature sur les varietes du capitalisme (VdC), cet article etudie les approches de representation et de consultation des employes adoptees par des multinationales implantees dans des economies de marche liberales, plus precisement des multinationales australiennes, britanniques et americaines en operation en Australie. Bien que la litterature semble suggerer l'existence d'une similarite parmi ces societes, l'article tente de determiner si les faits confirment une similarite ou une variation au sein des hautes directions des multinationales dans les economies de marche liberales (EML). Ces decouvertes viennent combler une lacune empirique reconnue en ce qui a trait a la pratique des relations d'emploi au sein de multinationales implantees en Australie, et elles permettent de mieux comprendre la similarite et la variation a l'interieur des categories des varietes du capitalisme. Fondes sur des donnees recueillies aupres de multinationales exercant leurs activites en Australie, les resultats demontrent que les societes britanniques sont les moins susceptibles de recourir a des structures collectives de representation des employes. Par ailleurs, nous avons constate que les multinationales australiennes sont plus enclines a s'engager dans des formes collectives de representation des employes et ont moins souvent recours a des mecanismes de consultation directe que leurs pendants britanniques ou americains. En depit de l'individualisation concertee du domaine des relations d'emploi au cours des dernieres decennies, les multinationales australiennes semblent avoir conclu un plus grand nombre d'ententes institutionnelles nationales durables, ce qui leur a permis de nouer un dialogue avec leurs employes sur une base collective. Ces approches different de celles adoptees par les multinationales britanniques et americaines, ce qui explique pourquoi les resultats de notre etude font etat d'une deviation categorielle dans la typologie des economies de marche liberales du modele VdC. A l'instar de Hall et Soskice, qui ont qualifie de << travail en evolution >> (work-in-progress) leur ouvrage precurseur sur les categories economie de marche liberale-EML et economie de marche coordonnee-EMC (2001: 2), les auteurs de cet article suggerent que l'evolution de l'Australie dans la categorie EML est peut-etre aussi un << travail en evolution >>, plus specifiquement en ce qui a trait au developpement de son systeme de relations industrielles et son incidence sur les pratiques de relations d'emploi au sein des multinationales australiennes. MOTS-CLES: relations d'emploi, economie de marche liberale, multinationales, collectivisme, individualisme, varietes du capitalisme, Australie. Este articulo retoma la literatura sobre las variedades del capitalismo para investigar la representacion laboral y los enfoques de consultacion de las companias multinacionales (CMN) de la economia liberal de mercado, companias de origen australiano, britanico y americano que operan en Australia. Puesto que la literatura sugiere la existencia de caracteristicas comunes entre esas CMNs, este articulo considera si el material analizado indica similitudes o variaciones entre las oficinas centrales de las CMNs del mercado liberal. Los resultados contribuyen a cubrir una laguna empirica reconocida sobre la practica de relaciones laborales en Australia y contribuyen a una mejor comprension de las similitudes y variaciones dentro de las categorias de variedades del capitalismo. A partir de datos de encuesta provenientes de 211 CMNs operando en Australia, los resultados demostraron que las CMNs de origen britanico fueron las menos susceptibles de reportar estructuras colectivas de representacion laboral. Mas aun, las CMNs australianas fueron las mas susceptibles de implicarse en formas colectivas de representacion laboral y de hacer menos uso de mecanismos de consultacion directa comparativamente a sus contrapartes britanicas y americanas. A pesar de la individualizacion concertada del campo de relaciones de empleo durante las decadas anteriores, las CMNs australianas muestran haber sostenido mas acuerdos institucionales de larga duracion a nivel nacional con respecto a la implicacion con los empleados sobre bases colectivas. Esto varia de las posiciones de las CMNs britanicas y americanas, por las cuales nuestros resultados las ubican dentro de una categoria de desviacion en la tipologia de variaciones de economia capitalista liberal de mercado. Tal como Hall y Soskice describen en su trabajo magistral sobre la economia liberal de mercado y las categorias de CME como 'trabajo-en-progreso' (2001:2), nosotros tambien sugerimos que la evolucion de Australia en la categoria de la economia liberal de mercado, y mas especificamente el desarrollo de su sistema de relaciones industriales, y las consecuencias para las practicas de relaciones de empleo de sus CMNs domesticas, pueden constituir un trabajo-en-progreso. PALABRAS CLAVES: relaciones de empleo, economias liberales de mercado, companias multinacionales, colectivismo, individualizacion, variedades de capitalismo., INTRODUCTION This paper engages with the varieties of capitalism (VoC) literature to investigate the employment relations approaches of UK and US multinational companies (MNCs) operating in the liberal market economy [...]
- Published
- 2015
27. What happened to long-term employment? The role of worker power and environmental turbulence in explaining declines in worker tenure
- Author
Bidwell, Matthew J.
- Subjects
Labor relations -- Analysis ,Job tenure -- Analysis ,Business, general ,Social sciences - Abstract
Recent declines in the average length of time that U.S. workers spend with a given employer represent an important change in the nature of the employment relationship, yet it is [...]
- Published
- 2013
28. The ideological background to the German corporate tradition
- Author
Swan, Donald A.
- Subjects
Labor relations -- Analysis ,Business enterprises -- Economic aspects -- Growth ,Company growth ,Economics ,Psychology and mental health ,Sociology and social work - Abstract
The remarkable economic revival of a shattered post-war Germany and its continued economic strength in an otherwise tattered European Union can be partially attributed to its relatively trouble-free employer/employee relations. This dated but hitherto unpublished manuscript traces the intellectual contributions of eleven German theorists to the political and ideological foundation of the German corporate tradition; a tradition which views commercial and industrial corporations as collaborative enterprises with labor and management working together for a common goal in what may be described as a family atmosphere. Key Words: German Corporate Tradition; German economic success; medieval guilds; French Revolution; Romantic movement; Johann Gottlieb Fichte; Adam Muller; Georg W. F. Hegel; Franz von Baader; Karl Georg Winkelblech (Karl Marlo); Friedrich List; Wilhelm Emmanuel Baron von Ketteler; Franz Hitze; Baron Georg von Hertling; Albert Schaffle; Adolf Stoecker; Otto von Bismarck., Introduction The growth and development of the paternalistic and collaborative attitude of German employers toward their workforce and as a political ideology can only be understood and analyzed as an [...]
- Published
- 2013
29. Social category diversity promotes premeeting elaboration: the role of relationship focus
- Author
Loyd, Denise Lewin, Wang, Cynthia S., Phillips, Katherine W., and Lount, Jr., Robert B.
- Subjects
Labor relations -- Analysis ,Elaboration (Memory) -- Analysis -- Methods ,Business, general ,Social sciences - Abstract
A purported downside of social category diversity is decreased relationship focus (i.e., one's focus on establishing a positive social bond with a coworker). However, we argue that this lack of [...]
- Published
- 2013
30. The role of pension funds in the financialisation of the Icelandic economy
- Author
Macheda, Francesco
- Subjects
Labor unions -- Iceland ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Economic conditions -- Analysis ,Pension funds ,Economics - Abstract
This article explores the decisive role of pension funds in the neoliberal restructuring of the Icelandic economy, arguing that, through their involvement in the pension-fund industry, the labour unions contributed to laying the foundations for Iceland's economic financialisation. The socioeconomic stability provided by the labour organisations was the crucial element upon which the new financial regime of accumulation relied, enhancing the national economic 'credibility' that helped the internal market to attract foreign speculators as well as gaining access to loans from international market. I begin by examining how the structural crisis of the Icelandic economy produced an explosion of inflation and industrial conflict in the late-1980s. I then retrace the way the implementation of a neo-corporatist pattern enabled lower inflation and stabilisation of the currency. Finally, I analyse the way in which the involvement of the Icelandic trade unions in the financial mechanisms through the pension industry generated a degree of identification with pro-market governmental policy on the part of union leaders, encouraging them to tailor their own strategies accordingly. My conclusion is that Icelandic unions' consensus concerning the 'stabilisation programme' implemented by the neoliberal coalitions relies on their embeddedness into the financial structures of the national economy through occupational pension funds. Keywords Pension funds, financial expropriation, industrial relations, trade unions, political economy, Introduction This article attempts to address the gap in the existing literature regarding the process of development in the institutions making Icelandic financialisation socially and politically possible. By focusing on [...]
- Published
- 2012
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31. Crisis and critique
- Author
Holloway, John
- Subjects
Philosophy, Marxist -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Criticism -- Analysis ,Economics - Abstract
Critique is the opening of categories that are closed, to reveal the antagonism within them, to reveal the crisis that they conceal. The understanding of critique as the unmasking of domination is reactionary claptrap. Keywords Crisis, critique, abstract and concrete labour, open Marxism, I come home to Capital & Class with a mission, a challenge, an attack. I come to split the atom. Critique is a splitting of the atom, the opening of [...]
- Published
- 2012
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32. The engineering construction strikes in Britain, 2009
- Author
Gall, Gregor
- Subjects
Construction industry -- Labor relations ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Strikes ,Economics - Abstract
The militant, unofficial grassroots-led engineering construction strikes of 2009 dominated the news in Britain for many months, attaining international prominence because of their alleged xenophobia. To mainstream commentators, they appeared to be a throwback to a distant past, and inexplicable given that only a very few groups of workers are now seen as having the capability to undertake such action. Indeed, conventional explanations relied on using the alleged xenophobia as the motivating and organising rationale. This article examines the strikes, explaining their genesis, dynamics and achievements as well as their limitations. A key finding concerns how an industry class consciousness played a critical role in facilitating the workers' ability to mount militant and successful collective action. Keywords Unions, industrial conflict, union democracy, labour relations, Introduction Conventional industrial relations wisdom predicts that in times of economic contraction, where there is a greater abundance of workers than there is demand, strike activity is less likely (Jackson, [...]
- Published
- 2012
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33. Richard Hyman: an assessment of his industrial relations: A Marxist Introduction
- Author
Gall, Gregor
- Subjects
Industrial Relations: A Marxist Introduction (Nonfiction work) -- Criticism and interpretation ,Philosophy, Marxist -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Economics - Abstract
Abstract Richard Hyman's Industrial Relations: A Marxist Introduction is a seminal work in the study of labour unions, the employment relationship and industrial relations within Britain and western capitalist societies, [...]
- Published
- 2012
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34. Will the real Richard Hyman please stand up?
- Author
Hyman, Richard
- Subjects
Labor unions -- Analysis -- United Kingdom ,Philosophy, Marxist -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Economics - Abstract
In this article, Richard Hyman responds to the seven preceding contributions and offers some general reflections. Keywords Industrial relations, Marxism, politics, socialism, trade unions, But I was so much older then; I'm younger than that now. Bob Dylan, 'My Back Pages' Introduction I am a little surprised that Capital & Class should devote a [...]
- Published
- 2012
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35. Studies from University of Zambia in the Area of Asia and Africa Described (Industrial Relations, Social Dialogue and Pacification of Public Sector Unions In Zambia: Rethinking Trade Union Strategies)
- Subjects
Labor unions -- Asia -- Zambia ,Public sector labor relations -- Analysis ,Public sector -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Government ,Political science - Abstract
2022 JUN 23 (VerticalNews) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Politics & Government Week -- Current study results on Global Views - Asia and Africa have been published. [...]
- Published
- 2022
36. A Response
- Subjects
Labor relations -- Analysis ,Agricultural laborers -- Labor relations ,Business, general ,Business ,Economics ,Human resources and labor relations - Abstract
A Response Fay Faraday Lawyer Visiting Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University Innovation Fellow, Metcalf Foundation Eric Tucker Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University We want to thank [...]
- Published
- 2014
37. A Critical Review
- Subjects
Labor unions -- Organizing ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Agricultural laborers -- Labor relations ,Business, general ,Business ,Economics ,Human resources and labor relations - Abstract
A Critical Review By Roy J. Adams Ariel F. Sallows Chair of Human Rights (Emeritus), University of Saskatchewan, and Professor of Industrial Relations (Emeritus), McMaster University. For the past two [...]
- Published
- 2014
38. Editorial/Editorial
- Author
Lapointe, Paul-Andre
- Subjects
Labor unions -- Services -- Canada ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Business, general ,Business ,Economics ,Human resources and labor relations - Abstract
It has become something of a cliche to refer to the sea change underway in world of work and employment. After all, we have been talking about the crisis in [...]
- Published
- 2014
39. Employee reactions to paper and electronic surveys: an experimental comparison
- Author
Croteau, A., Dyer, L., and Miguel, M.
- Subjects
Psychometrics -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Business communication -- Technology application ,Electronic employee monitoring -- Analysis ,Technology application ,Business ,High technology industry ,Literature/writing - Published
- 2010
40. Flight from Unfairness: Effects of Perceived Injustice on Emotional Exhaustion and Employee Withdrawal
- Author
Howard, Larry W. and Cordes, Cynthia L.
- Subjects
Mediation -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Business - Abstract
Byline: Larry W. Howard (1), Cynthia L. Cordes (2) Keywords: Organizational justice; Emotional exhaustion; Employee withdrawal; Structural equation models; Mediation Abstract: Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine emotional mechanisms by which perceived injustice is translated into forms of employee withdrawal. Based on person--environment fit theory, we develop arguments predicting mediation between perceived justice and withdrawal by an emotional suffering syndrome and emotional exhaustion. Design/Methodology/Approach Survey data were provided by 437 randomly selected workers from various occupations and industries. Findings Using structural equation modeling, we determined that distributive and procedural justice contribute both directly and indirectly through emotional pathways to influence employee absenteeism, turnover intentions, work alienation, and self-medication with alcohol. Implications These results provide new insights into emotional mediation of justice/injustice effects, and extend the scope of withdrawal responses. Originality/Value The roles of emotions in mediating relationships between injustice and withdrawal outcomes have been largely unexamined. Our results offer significant insights into those mechanisms. We also extended the literature by examining positive and negative emotional states and four forms of withdrawal, and by demonstrating that favorable justice judgments may contribute to emotional wellness in much the same way that unfavorable justice judgments contribute to emotional suffering. Author Affiliation: (1) Department of Management and Marketing, Jennings A. Jones College of Business, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN, 37132, USA (2) Department of Management, College of Business Administration, University of Miami, 5250 University Dr., Coral Gables, FL, 33124, USA Article History: Registration Date: 29/01/2010 Online Date: 18/02/2010 Article note: Received and reviewed by former editor, George Neuman.
- Published
- 2010
41. Explorations in the working class at a time of crisis
- Author
Donaldson, Mike
- Subjects
Global Economic Crisis, 2008- -- Social aspects ,Social science research -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis - Published
- 2010
42. Trade unions and the quadripartite interactions in strike settlement in China
- Author
Feng Chen
- Subjects
China -- Political aspects ,Labor unions -- China ,Labor unions -- Political aspects ,Labor disputes -- Political aspects ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,History ,Regional focus/area studies - Published
- 2010
43. Y la ley ?se hizo imagen? El Derecho del Trabajo a traves de una decada de cine espanol y norteamericano (1930-1940)
- Author
Madrid Cruz, Ma. Dolores
- Published
- 2010
44. Globalisation and varieties of employment relations: an international study of the automotive assembly industry
- Author
Wailes, Nick, Lansbury, Russell D., and Kirsch, Anja
- Subjects
Globalization -- Influence ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Transportation equipment industry -- Labor relations ,Transportation equipment industry -- International aspects ,International business enterprises -- Labor relations - Published
- 2009
45. Regulation and employment relations in aged care
- Author
Kaine, Sarah
- Subjects
Nursing home patients -- Social aspects ,Labor law -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Allied health personnel -- Laws, regulations and rules ,Allied health personnel -- Customer relations ,Allied health personnel -- Employment ,Nursing homes -- Human resource management ,Nursing homes -- Labor relations ,New South Wales -- Social aspects ,New South Wales -- Health aspects ,Government regulation ,Company personnel management - Published
- 2009
46. Hybrid unionism: dead end or fertile future?
- Author
Benson, Herman
- Subjects
Labor relations -- Analysis ,Labor unions -- United States ,Labor unions -- Management ,Company business management ,Political science ,National Labor Relations Act - Published
- 2009
47. The end of postcommunism: trade unions in Eastern Europe's future
- Author
Ost, David
- Subjects
Labor unions -- Management ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Post-communism -- Analysis ,Company business management ,International relations ,Political science - Published
- 2009
48. Task assignment, incentives and technological factors
- Author
De Paola, Maria and Scoppa, Vincenzo
- Subjects
Incentives (Business) -- Analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Production management -- Analysis ,Banking, finance and accounting industries ,Business ,Business, general ,Economics - Published
- 2009
49. Czech and Slovak labor law - protective or liberal? Labor law from the split of Czechoslovakia to post-EU accession
- Author
Koldinska, Kristina
- Subjects
Labor law -- Comparative analysis ,Labor relations -- Analysis ,Collective bargaining -- Analysis ,Economics ,Human resources and labor relations ,Law - Abstract
The author explores new developments, existing conditions and future possibilities in labor law in the Czech Republic and Slovakia from 1995 to 2005. Elements of the law in the fields of individual labor relations, collective bargaining, and employment are examined through an exploration of the gap between flexibility and rigidity in labor law in the newly established European Union Member States.
- Published
- 2008
50. Characteristics of the supervisor-subordinate relationship as predictors of psychological contract breach
- Author
Suazo, Mark M., Turnley, William H., and Mai-Dalton, Renate R.
- Subjects
Labor relations -- Analysis ,Breach of contract -- Analysis -- Influence ,Business ,Human resources and labor relations ,Influence ,Analysis - Abstract
This research examines the role that the supervisor-subordinate relationship plays in predicting psychological contract breach. Using a sample of 234 African-American, Hispanic-American and White-American employees working in professional positions, the results indicate that supervisor-subordinate similarity in terms of cognitive style is negatively related to the subordinate's perception of psychological contract breach. Moreover, the quality of the supervisor-subordinate relationship (measured in terms of Leader-Member Exchange) mediates the relationship between cognitive similarity and psychological contract breach. However, neither gender nor race differences in the supervisor-subordinate dyad were associated with perceived breaches of the psychological contract. Implications of this study and directions for future research are discussed., Researchers have described the psychological contract as an individual's beliefs regarding the terms and conditions of the reciprocal exchange agreement between that employee and the employing organization (Rousseau, 1989). One [...]
- Published
- 2008
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