Objectives: Main: to assess the change in coronary risk (CR) in adults after 8 years of their involvement in the Programme of Preventive Activities and Health Promotion (PAPPS). Secondary: to determine the level of anti-tetanus vaccination reached and patients' compliance with activities., Design: "Before and after" intervention study without random allocation., Setting: A general medical clinic at a health centre., Patients: 429 patients (204 men, 225 women) between 30 and 65 monitored for 8 years, recruited by active search for cases at daily consultations., Interventions: Blood pressure, cholesterol, weight, tobacco habit, alcohol intake, anti-tetanus vaccination state, CR calculation at 10 years on the Framingham scale, and degree of compliance with activities were all determined at the start, at 4 years and at 8 years. Data was obtained from the clinical notes., Results: Total population: a 0.8 drop in CR (CI difference: 0.4-1.2), equivalent to 8.5% of the initial figure. 64.4% increase in correct anti-tetanus vaccination (CI difference: 59.9-69). Compliance with activities at the start and after eight years: pressure 100%, 71%; tobacco consumption 99.5%, 71%; cholesterol determination 89%, 64%. Initially high CR sub-group: 6.7 drop of CR at 8 years (CI difference: 4.9-8.5), equivalent to 24.8% of the initial figure., Conclusions: In the total population, the CR drop found was not clinically significant, whereas in the initially high CR sub-group the drop was. There should probably be an active search made for patients with high CR and action taken on them. more...