Amongst several transformations of our society, new paradigms of work emerge, also driven by advances in technology, as in the case of telework. The fact that it is still a recent modality in Brazil raises some concerns about human factors, which is aggravated by the lack of specific legislation and recent changes in labor laws. The variety of teleworking factors makes the subject complex and results in sparse and sometimes contradictory studies. Sociotechnical systems, objects of study of organizational ergonomics, encompass aspects that can be summarized in the technical, personnel, organizational and environmental subsystems. This study aims to identify telework challenges in Brazil, through the analysis of the current scenery, based on a sociotechnical approach. The antecedents and outcomes of telework in Brazil were raised through a multidisciplinary bibliographical research, being analyzed through a sociotechnical based teleworking framework. Common points were identified in the publications, mainly in relation to the telework outcomes for the workers, being the most discussed subject among the authors. Although reflecting research from other countries, aspects arising from the external environment can be noticed. The research has shown a lack of publications that attest to the antecedents and outcomes of telework, as well as research done under a specific bias. This demonstrates the need for sociotechnical studies of telework in Brazil, integrating aspects of all subsystems. In future studies, this can be done empirically, being guided by sociotechnics, using the sociotechnical based teleworking framework.