“Serious mental illness” (SMI) is defined by federal regulations as any diagnosable mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder experienced by persons age 18 and older that is characterized by episodic, recurrent or persistent features and substantially interferes with or limits the ability to participate in one or more major life activities (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1992). Five percent of the U.S. population experiences SMI and it is a leading cause of disability (National Institute of Mental Health, 2014). The SMI population experiences significant stressors such as illness management, isolation, homelessness and stigma – long understood to be barriers to functioning and societal participation – which elevate the risk of morbidity and mortality (Madianos, 2010; Narrow, Regier, Norquist et al., 2000). In fact, the life expectancy of persons with SMI is an alarmingly 25-30 years less than that of the general population (Colton & Manderscheid, 2006). Studies showing that these stressors cannot be alleviated solely through psychopharmacological and/or behavioral interventions have led to recommendations that psychosocial approaches such as social support interventions be added to the SMI treatment toolkit (Corrigan & Phelan, 2004; Madianos, 2010; Narrow et al., 2000; Whitley, Harris, Fallot, & Berley, 2008). Social support has been demonstrated to buffer the negative impact of stress among the general population (Cohen, 2001; Cohen, Doyle, Turner, Alper & Skoner, 2003; Feldman, Cohen, Hamrick & Lepore, 2004) and has achieved national attention as a key component of the mental health recovery paradigm for persons with SMI defined as “a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential” (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2011). Specifically, Community, or the relationships and social networks that provide support, friendship, love, and hope is identified as a major dimension of the recovery model, and three out of the ten major principles guiding the recovery model address social support in some way. For example, recovery is described to include support from peers and allies, through relationships and social networks, and involving individuals, family, community strengths and weaknesses (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2014). In addition, clinical practice guidelines for healthcare settings now include social support assessment as an essential part of psychiatric evaluation (Lehman & Steinwachs, 2010). To date, little is known about how social support buffers the negative impact of stress among those with SMI. The limited body of research that exists suggests that social support is positively linked to quality of life (Bengtsson-Tops & Hansson, 2001; Sharir, Tanasescu, Turbow & Mamam, 2007), yet, the findings in aggregate reveal small to moderate effect sizes, and some studies show no effect (Anonymous & Anonymous, 2012). We believe these mixed findings are due, in part, to the use of non-population specific measures that do not capture the unique types of support relevant for persons with SMI. These studies are based on measures of social support designed for the general population who experience “typical” life stressors (e.g., divorce, death, loss of job), whereas the SMI population experiences an additional distinctive set of chronic and often debilitating stressors related to stigma, isolation, homelessness and illness management (Madianos, 2010; Narrow et al., 2000). Moreover, researchers who investigate social support with distinct clinical populations point out that general population measures are not sufficient in and of themselves (Broadhead & Kaplan, 1991; Wortman, 1984) and that population-specific support measures are necessary in order to help interpret the existing “morass of positive and negative studies [which are] of little value in the aggregate” (Broadhead & Kaplan, p.67). Recently-developed measures of social support for individuals with diabetes, cancer, and other specific health conditions have made important contributions in this area (e.g., McCormack, Williams-Piehota, Bann, Burton, Kamerow et al., 2008; Taskila, Lindbohm, Martikainen, Lehto, Hakanen et al., 2006; Yanover & Sacco, 2008). For example, the diabetes-specific support scale Resources and Support for Self-Management (McCormack et al., 2008) measures five domains of functional support unique to persons with diabetes and has been found to be both psychometrically sound and clinically useful. A limited number of studies have explored SMI-specific types of social support. Breier and Strauss (1984) conducted a qualitative study that identified SMI types of supports such as symptom monitoring, role modeling and reality testing. In addition, Walsh and Connelly (1996) observed that emotional support was more common than material and instrumental support among this population. To date, research paralleling the scientific advancement made with other clinical populations has not occurred with the SMI population; indeed, the types of social support relevant to persons with SMI differ from those of the general population and requires systematic investigation. Therefore, this study sought to better understand the population-specific types of social support relevant to adults living with SMI. Our study was exploratory and used a qualitative approach that centered on uncovering the types of social support meaningful and relevant to persons with SMI. Despite the phenomenological nature of our inquiry, the premise of our study was based on a broad conceptualization of social support defined as the emotional and tangible provisions by others that are perceived to be helpful by the receiver (Cohen & Syme, 1985). Our investigation was also guided by two overarching typologies of social support that have been consistently identified as the most salient and encompassing types of support: emotional support and instrumental support (Declercq, Vanheule, Markey & Willemsen, 2007; Shakespeare-Finch & Obst, 2011). Emotional support involves the provision of caring, empathy, love and trust (House, 1981; Krause, 1986), an affective transaction which imparts liking, admiration, respect and love (Kahn & Antonucci, 1980), or support that leads to the information that one is cared for and loved, is esteemed and valued, and belongs to a network of mutual obligation (Cobb, 1976). Instrumental support is the provision of tangible goods, aid, services, or concrete assistance that is intended to solve a problem or accomplish a task (Barrera, 1986; Cohen & McKay, 1984; Cutrona & Russell, 1990; Krause, 1986; Langford, Bowsher, Maloney, & Lillis, 1997).