121 results on '"Kurt Vonnegut"'
Search Results
2. 2 B R 0 2 B
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut, Eli Jayne
- Published
- 2020
3. Cuna de gato
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut, Carlos Gardini
- Published
- 2020
4. Desayuno de campeones
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut, Carlos Gardini
- Published
- 2020
5. Pity the Reader: On Writing with Style
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut, Suzanne McConnell
- Published
- 2019
6. Two letters
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut
- Subjects
Philosophy ,History ,Sociology and Political Science ,Political Science and International Relations - Published
- 2022
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7. Mattatoio n. 5: o La crociata dei bambini
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut, Luigi Brioschi
- Published
- 2014
8. Ghiaccio-nove
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut, Delfina Vezzoli
- Published
- 2013
9. Da tutte le strade si alzeranno lamenti
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut, Vincenzo Mantovani
- Published
- 2012
10. Dio la benedica, dottor Kevorkian
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut, Vincenzo Mantovani
- Published
- 2012
11. The Big Trip Up Yonder
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut
- Published
- 2009
12. 2 B R 0 2 B
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut
- Published
- 2007
13. 'Harrison Bergeron'
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut
- Published
- 2021
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14. If This Isn't Nice, What Is? : The Graduation Speeches and Other Words to Live By
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut, Dan Wakefield, Kurt Vonnegut, and Dan Wakefield
- Subjects
- Speeches, addresses, etc., American, Baccalaureate addresses
- Abstract
Best known as one of our most astonishing and enduring contemporary novelists, Kurt Vonnegut was also a celebrated commencement address giver. He himself never graduated college, so his words to any class of graduating seniors always carried the delight, and gentle irony, of someone savoring an achievement he himself had not had occasion to savor on his own behalf. Selected and introduced by fellow novelist and friend Dan Wakefield, the speeches in If This Isn't Nice, What Is? capture this side of Kurt Vonnegut for the first time in book form. There are nine speeches, seven given at colleges, one to the Indiana Civil Liberties Union, one on the occasion of Vonnegut receiving the Carl Sandburg Award. In each of these talks Vonnegut takes pains to find the few things worth saying and a conversational voice to say them in that isn't heavy-handed or pretentious or glib, but funny and serious and joyful even if sometimes without seeming so.
- Published
- 2024
15. Galápagos
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Abstract
«El humorista más intelectual, el intelectual más divertido.» Salman Rushdie Una crisis financiera desestabiliza las potencias mundiales. Un virus infecta a la población. No es 2020: es Vonnegut siendo el escritor más avanzado de su generación. Mientras el mundo está sumido en una crisis financiera sin precedentes, un selecto grupo de seres humanos que disfrutaban de un crucero naufragan y quedan atrapados en la isla de Santa Rosalía. Este aparente infortunio les librará, no obstante, del virus letal que, en todos los confines de la tierra excepto en aquella islita que ellos habitan, provoca la esterilidad. Tienen un millón de años para repoblar la tierra y hacerlo mejor, un reto evolutivo chiflado pero inexcusable. «Una alocada aventura genealógica: Vonnegut es el Mark Twain moderno.» THE NEW YORK TIMES
- Published
- 2024
16. Cama de gato
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Abstract
Clássico da contracultura e sátira da Guerra Fria: uma história apocalíptica sobre o destino do planeta, povoada pelas mais improváveis figuras. «Fosse eu um homem mais novo, e escreveria a história da estupidez humana; e subiria ao topo do monte Mc-Cabe e deitar-me-ia de costas, com a minha história como almofada; […] e faria uma estátua de mim mesmo, deitado de costas, com um esgar medonho, a fazer um manguito a Sabes-Bem-Quem.» Jonas, jornalista, quer saber mais sobre a catástrofe de Hiroxima. A pesquisa leva-o à ilha de San Lorenzo e ao enigmático Felix Hoenikker, um dos criadores da bomba atómica, agora ocupado com a sua mais recente invenção: o gelo-nove, substância capaz de extinguir a vida na Terra. Embrenhando-se nas intrigas políticas daquela estranha nação, Jonas conhece Papa Monzano, o governante ditatorial da ilha, e adota o bokononismo, uma religião ilegal fundada pelo misterioso Bokonon, que, com as suas «inverdades inofensivas» e parábolas absurdas, oferece consolo aos ilhéus. Até que uma cadeia de desastres acaba por deixar em San Lorenzo apenas um punhado de sobreviventes, e Jonas encontra, por fim, Bokonon, que lhe faz uma importante revelação. A proverbial irreverência de Kurt Vonnegut, combinada com humor ácido e histórias mirabolantes, alcança neste romance a sua pujança máxima: Cama de gato é uma paródia à loucura do Homem moderno e uma narrativa delirante sobre o fim do mundo, sombriamente fatalista e hilariantemente cómica. À semelhança de Matadouro cinco ou Pequeno-almoço de campeões, Cama de gato apresenta ecos perturbadores do presente, renovando em sucessivas gerações de leitores o estatuto de autor de culto de Vonnegut. «O tempo certo para ler este escritor é justamente quando começamos a suspeitar de que o mundo não é o que parece. Vonnegut, além de nos divertir, dinamita tudo.» The New York Times Os elogios da crítica: «O mais divertido dos intelectuais.» Salman Rushdie «O grande escritor americano do século, urgente e apaixonado, que nos oferece um modelo do pensamento humanista que ainda pode salvar-nos de nós próprios.» George Saunders «Um escritor único.» Doris Lessing «Os livros de Vonnegut são cómicos, virulentos, bondosos, austeros, imaginativos - e tão relevantes hoje como há setenta anos, quando foi publicado o seu primeiro romance.» The Guardian «Cama de gato é um veículo em roda livre […] e uma viagem inesquecível.» The New York Times «Vonnegut é um sátiro social inimitável e que não imita ninguém.» Harper's Magazine «O grande escritor de humor ácido da América. […] Rimo-nos como estratégia de autodefesa.» Atlantic Monthly
- Published
- 2024
17. Cartas : Una selección inédita de la correspondencia del autor de Matadero Cinco
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Abstract
«Si no soy escritor no soy nada». Las cartas de Kurt Vonnegut, por primera vez traducidas al castellano. Un testimonio imprescindible de su esencia como hombre y su filosofía de vida. Pocos autores en nuestro tiempo han conseguido influir en tantas generaciones diferentes. Y mucho menos convertirse en iconos antibelicista de la contracultura, y del humanismo. Quizá por ello es tan vigente la figura de Kurt Vonnegut y son tan relevantes, aún hoy en día, sus cartas. El presente volumen constituye una vasta, rigurosa y completa compilación de la correspondencia de Vonnegut, que abarca desde la década de los años cuarenta, en sus albores como escritor, hasta los primeros años del siglo XXI. La colección comprende correos personales y profesionales en los que se alcanza a vislumbrar la dimensión humana del hombre, más que del autor, quien se dirige a sus interlocutores con la tranquilidad, la confianza y la honestidad que la intimidad de esos textos proporciona. Al mismo tiempo, describe al detalle el proceso de creación y edición de sus obras, ofreciendo una guía perfecta para acompañar la lectura de sus novelas y situarlas en contexto o releerlas bajo una nueva luz.
- Published
- 2023
18. La sirenas de Titán
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Abstract
«El humorista más intelectual, el intelectual más divertido.» Salman Rushdie Considerada su mejor novela por muchos, descatalogada durante décadas, ahora con una nueva traducción. La segunda novela de Kurt Vonnegut, publicada en 1959, le valió el reconocimiento del público y de la crítica. Un escandaloso revolcón por el espacio, el tiempo y la moralidad. Una desoladora mirada sobre el ser humano y su supuesto libre albedrío. Una sonora carcajada frente a la insignificancia de nuestros principios y nuestras pasiones, sometidos inexorablemente a los designios del Dios Indiferente.
- Published
- 2023
19. Desayuno de campeones
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Abstract
Kurt Vonnegut es nuestro Dios. Y esta es su mejor creación. «El intelectual más divertido.» Salman Rushdie «Un escritor único.» Doris Lessing Escuchad: Este es el gran libro donde zambullirse para entrar en el universo del escritor de culto más querido de todos los tiempos. Así es: Todas sus obsesiones, todos sus personajes, todos sus temas, todo su corazón están en esta novela arriesgada, divertidísima y total, que sirve, de paso, como guía para entender el siglo XX (y la historia del mundo). Porque... Con un mecanismo de cajas chinas, de personajes que hablan de personajes y de historias dentro de historias, Kurt Vonnegut, ya consagrado en 1973, tomó la decisión de escribir un libro total, disperso y brillante, que atrapara la totalidad de la experiencia. En definitiva: Esto es el planeta Tierra. Y esto es el ser humano, visto por el terrícola más sabio y divertido de todos los tiempos.
- Published
- 2023
20. Matadero cinco : La cruzada de los niños
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Abstract
Kurt Vonnegut quería escribir una novela sobre la guerra. Pero tenía dos problemas. El primero, que le hacía volver a lo que él había sufrido: sobrevivió al bombardeo de Dresde, el más cruento de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y fue hecho prisionero de guerra. El segundo, que le daba pavor que llevasen la historia al cine (como le advirtió que pasaría una buena amiga suya) y la interpretase una gran estrella, un actor muy machote, y los niños quisiesen ir también a la guerra y las guerras no se acabaran nunca. Pero escribió esa novela, y se prometió que sería distinta a todas las demás. Que hablaría de «la cruzada de los niños». Y que en ella habría miedo y risa y viajes en el tiempo y ternura y estupor y sorpresa y fragilidad. Y esa novela se convirtió en la gran novela antibélica de todos los tiempos. En el emblema de la contracultura de los sesenta. En uno de los mayores clásicos de la narrativa estadounidense. En este libro que ahora sostiene el lector, en el que late el corazón asustado y risueño de Vonnegut dentro de un búnker bombardeado y también la promesa infantil (y bonita) de que no habrá más guerras
- Published
- 2023
21. Pequeno-almoço de campeões
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Abstract
Um marco da ficção norte-americana do século xx, tendo confirmado Vonnegut como um dos escritores mais influentes do seu tempo. Uma história onde a imaginação ácida e impiedosa do autor se revela em pleno. Narrativa frenética e desconcertante, súmula das obsessões do autor, composição da paisagem humana de uma certa América, veículo de transmissão de recados políticos e sociais: Pequeno-almoço de campeões condensa tudo isto, numa história meticulosamente urdida para deleite do leitor. O núcleo deste romance é o escritor de ficção científica Kilgore Trout, uma das mais veneradas personagens de Kurt Vonnegut. Numa das suas deambulações, Trout descobre, com horror, que Wayne Hoover, um bem-sucedido vendedor de carros, interpreta à letra as rocambolescas teorias apresentadas nos seus livros. E isso está a levá-lo à loucura. O que se segue é uma sátira deliciosa e inquietante sobre guerra, sexo, racismo, sucesso e política. O resultado é uma espécie de guia para entender o século xx. Com um mecanismo de revelações em camadas sucessivas, Vonnegut, um dos terráqueos mais divertidos de que há memória, apresenta-nos nada mais nada menos do que o planeta Terra, num romance brilhante e divertidíssimo, que o consagrou como um dos escritores mais instigantes do nosso tempo. «O mais divertido dos intelectuais.» Salman Rushdie «Vonnegut dá roda-livre a todas as queixas sobre a América e faz com que pareçam cómicas e ultrajantes, detestáveis e apetecíveis.» The New York Times «O grande escritor americano do século, urgente e apaixonado, que nos oferece um modelo do pensamento humanista que ainda pode salvar-nos de nós próprios.» George Saunders Sobre a obra de Kurt Vonnegut: «Um escritor único.» Doris Lessing «Pequeno-almoço de campeões é um romance selvagem e magnífico […], como só Kurt Vonnegut poderia escrever.» Publishers Weekly «Não há romance que se lhe compare na perspetiva que oferece sobre a insanidade coletiva da guerra. Matadouro cinco é literatura sábia. Vemo-nos como simples seres humanos, animais mortais despidos das suas pretensões. Os nossos crimes afiguram-se grandiosos e banais. O nosso sofrimento e o nosso destino aparecem-nos como inevitáveis. O que pode parecer cínico ou niilista é, na verdade, a meu ver, uma das obras de arte mais humanas de todos os tempos.» The New York Times «Há em Matadouro cinco muita comédia, como em tudo o que Vonnegut escreveu, mas a guerra não é vista enquanto farsa. É vista como uma tragédia tão grande, que só a máscara da comédia nos permite olhá-la nos olhos. Sendo um grande romance realista, Matadouro cinco é também sensível o suficiente para que, no final do horror que toma como tema, a esperança seja possível.» Salman Rushdie
- Published
- 2023
22. The Ultimate Science Fiction Collection ( 50 Books ) Vol.1 : Asleep in Armageddon, Message From Mars, The Victory of Klon, The Time Machine and Many Others
- Author
Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, Clifford D. Simak, Wilbur S. Peacock, Philip K. Dick, Kurt Vonnegut, E.M. Forster, H. G. Wells, Fredric Brown, Robert Louis Stevenson, Arthur Machen, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Poul Anderson, John W. Campbell, Jerry Sohl, Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, Clifford D. Simak, Wilbur S. Peacock, Philip K. Dick, Kurt Vonnegut, E.M. Forster, H. G. Wells, Fredric Brown, Robert Louis Stevenson, Arthur Machen, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Poul Anderson, John W. Campbell, and Jerry Sohl
- Subjects
- Science fiction
- Abstract
American science fiction author and editor Lester del Rey wrote,'Even the devoted aficionado or fan—has a hard time trying to explain what science fiction is,'and the lack of a'full satisfactory definition'is because'there are no easily delineated limits to science fiction.'According to Isaac Asimov,'Science fiction can be defined as that branch of literature which deals with the reaction of human beings to changes in science and technology.'Robert A. Heinlein wrote that'A handy short definition of almost all science fiction might read: realistic speculation about possible future events, based solidly on adequate knowledge of the real world, past and present, and on a thorough understanding of the nature and significance of the scientific method.'Contents: Ray Bradbury A Little Journey Zero Hour Morgue Ship Lazarus Come Forth Jonah of the Jove-Run Defense Mech Rocket Summer The Monster Maker Asleep in Armageddon Isaac Asimov Youth Let's Get Together Clifford D. Simak Hellhounds of the Cosmos Message From Mars The Street That Wasn't There Wilbur S. Peacock The Victory of Klon Destination – Death Planet of No-Return Philip K. Dick The Eyes Have It Beyond the Door Beyond Lies the Wub Of Withered Apples The Crawlers Survey Team Souvenir Human Is Meddler Tony and the Beetles The Gun The Hanging Stranger Adjustment Team The Defenders Fredric Brown Hall of Mirrors Two Timer Keep Out Kurt Vonnegut 2BR02B E.M. Forster The Machine Stops Robert Louis Stevenson The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Arthur Machen The Great God Pan H. G. Wells The Island of Doctor Moreau The Invisible Man The Time Machine The War of the Worlds Stanley G. Weinbaum Flight on Titan The Lotus Eaters A Martian Odyssey Poul Anderson SENTIMENT, INC John W. Campbell The last evolution Atomic power Jerry Sohl The Elroom Brknk's Bounty The Ultroom Error
- Published
- 2023
23. Un hombre sin patria
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Abstract
Un hombre sin patria es la culminación de la obra de Kurt Vonnegut. Escritos sobre el final de su vida, en estos textos breves, suerte de pequeñas memorias libres, brillantes y llenas de humor, Vonnegut reflexiona sobre lo que lo rodea, lo que le gusta y lo que no. El arte, la literatura, la política, el legado de su familia, él mismo, la manera en que estamos destruyendo el planeta. Un diálogo íntimo y tierno con sus contemporáneos, a veces con ironía, a veces con desánimo, pero siempre movido por un espíritu inquisitivo y un humanismo que sostuvo ante todo como forma de entender el mundo y la vida. Un libro lúcido, divertido y ácido, de uno de los escritores más grandes de la literatura contemporánea. Acompañado además por una serie de ilustraciones y afiches que Vonnegut creó junto al pintor y serigrafista Joe Petro III en el marco del proyecto artístico y comercial que denominaron Origami Express.
- Published
- 2023
24. Matadouro cinco
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Abstract
Este livro nunca foi tão necessário. Um dos mais importantes romances de sempre sobre o absurdo da guerra. Plano Nacional de Leitura Literatura - 15-18 anos - maiores de 18 anos Clássico absoluto da literatura do século XX e um dos mais importantes romances antibélicos de sempre, Matadouro cinco consagra Kurt Vonnegut como uma das grandes vozes da ficção americana. Dresden, 1945: escassos meses antes do fim da guerra, a cidade é bombardeada até à destruição total, dezenas de milhares de pessoas mortas numa só noite. Escondido na cave de um matadouro, conhecemos Billy Pilgrim, jovem protagonista desta narrativa, que, como Kurt Vonnegut, foi feito prisioneiro de guerra pelo exército alemão e sobreviveu ao bombardeamento. Com ele embarcamos numa odisseia que atravessa vários tempos - passado, presente e futuro -, como se Pilgrim imitasse o caminho percorrido por qualquer vida destroçada, procurando sentido na inevitável falibilidade humana. Dresden, 1945: escassos meses antes do fim da guerra, a cidade é bombardeada até à destruição total, dezenas de milhares de pessoas mortas numa só noite. Escondido na cave de um matadouro, conhecemos Billy Pilgrim, jovem protagonista desta narrativa, que, como Kurt Vonnegut, foi feito prisioneiro de guerra pelo exército alemão e sobreviveu ao bombardeamento. Com ele embarcamos numa odisseia que atravessa vários tempos - passado, presente e futuro -, como se Pilgrim imitasse o caminho percorrido por qualquer vida destroçada, procurando sentido na inevitável falibilidade humana. Kurt Vonnegut escreveu sobre um dos episódios mais atrozes da Segunda Guerra Mundial, fazendo uso de um olhar e de uma técnica inesperados: ao lado do horror, o riso; ao lado do medo, a ternura; ao lado da indiferença, a esperança. Demorou vinte anos a transformar a sua experiência num romance sobre a guerra que fosse diferente de todos os outros. O resultado é uma obra-prima. Os elogios da crítica: «Não há romance que se lhe compare na perspetiva que oferece sobre a insanidade coletiva da guerra. Matadouro cinco é literatura sábia. Vemo-nos como simples seres humanos, animais mortais despidos das suas pretensões. Os nossos crimes afiguram-se grandiosos e banais. O nosso sofrimento e o nosso destino aparecem-nos como inevitáveis. O que pode parecer cínico ou niilista é, na verdade, a meu ver, uma das obras de arte mais humanas de todos os tempos.» - Kevin Powers, The New York Times «Há aqui muita comédia, como em tudo o que Vonnegut escreveu, mas a guerra não é vista enquanto farsa. É vista como uma tragédia tão grande, que só a máscara da comédia nos permite olhá-la nos olhos. Sendo um grande romance realista, Matadouro cinco é também sensível o suficiente para que, no final do horror que toma como tema, a esperança seja possível.» - Salman Rushdie, do Prefácio «O grande escritor americano do século, urgente e apaixonado, que nos oferece um modelo do pensamento humanista que ainda pode salvar-nos de nós próprios.» - George Saunders
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut
- Published
- 2020
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26. 2br02b
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Subjects
- Science fiction, American
- Abstract
Regarded by critics and fans alike as one of the most accomplished and witty social commentators of the twentieth century, all of Kurt Vonnegut's unique strengths as a writer shine in the short fiction piece 2br02b. The title is a clever take on Hamlet's famous rhetorical question,'To be or not to be?'In this brave new world, it's the phone number one calls to schedule an assisted suicide or termination -- both of which are commonplace occurrences in a time when the population is strictly controlled by government mandate. As part of our mission to publish great works of literary fiction and nonfiction, Sheba Blake Publishing Corp. is extremely dedicated to bringing to the forefront the amazing works of long dead and truly talented authors.
- Published
- 2022
27. 150 SF Classics : Space Adventures, Lost Worlds, Dystopian Novels & Post-Apocalyptic Tales
- Author
Jules Verne, Mark Twain, Robert Louis Stevenson, James Fenimore Cooper, Edgar Allan Poe, William Hope Hodgson, George MacDonald, Percy Greg, Jack London, Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Ernest Bramah, Jonathan Swift, Cleveland Moffett, William Morris, Anthony Trollope, Richard Jefferies, William Dean Howells, Ayn Rand, Samuel Butler, Milo Hastings, David Lindsay, Edward Everett Hale, John Jacob Astor, Edward Bellamy, Andre Norton, Murray Leinster, H. Beam Piper, Lester Del Rey, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Edgar Wallace, Kurt Vonnegut, Frederik Pohl, Fritz Leiber, Irving E. Cox, Philip Francis Nowlan, Robert Cromie, Philip K. Dick, August Derleth, Richard Stockham, Abraham Merritt, Ignatius Donnelly, Owen Gregory, H. G. Wells, E. E. Smith, Stanley G. Weinbaum, E. M. Forster, Fred M. White, Garrett P. Serviss, Henry Rider Haggard, Mary Shelley, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain, Edwin Lester Arnold, George Griffith, C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne, Edwin A. Abbott, Arthur Dudley Vinton, Gertrude Barrows Bennett, Hugh Benson, Margaret Cav, Jules Verne, Mark Twain, Robert Louis Stevenson, James Fenimore Cooper, Edgar Allan Poe, William Hope Hodgson, George MacDonald, Percy Greg, Jack London, Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Ernest Bramah, Jonathan Swift, Cleveland Moffett, William Morris, Anthony Trollope, Richard Jefferies, William Dean Howells, Ayn Rand, Samuel Butler, Milo Hastings, David Lindsay, Edward Everett Hale, John Jacob Astor, Edward Bellamy, Andre Norton, Murray Leinster, H. Beam Piper, Lester Del Rey, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Edgar Wallace, Kurt Vonnegut, Frederik Pohl, Fritz Leiber, Irving E. Cox, Philip Francis Nowlan, Robert Cromie, Philip K. Dick, August Derleth, Richard Stockham, Abraham Merritt, Ignatius Donnelly, Owen Gregory, H. G. Wells, E. E. Smith, Stanley G. Weinbaum, E. M. Forster, Fred M. White, Garrett P. Serviss, Henry Rider Haggard, Mary Shelley, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain, Edwin Lester Arnold, George Griffith, C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne, Edwin A. Abbott, Arthur Dudley Vinton, Gertrude Barrows Bennett, Hugh Benson, and Margaret Cav
- Subjects
- Time travel--Fiction, Dystopias--Fiction, Interplanetary voyages--Fiction
- Abstract
150 SF Classics is a compelling anthology that traverses the expansive landscape of science fiction, showcasing the breadth and depth of imaginations across history. Encompassing a myriad of literary styles, the collection celebrates themes of exploration, speculative futures, and the human condition amidst technological evolution. The anthology captures diverse narratives and innovations in storytelling, with each piece contributing to the intricate tapestry of science fiction. From dystopian pathways to utopian visions, its stories invite readers to ponder profound questions of existence, society, and the universe, offering a window into the shared dreams and fears of humanity's future. The contributors to this anthology constitute an illustrious assembly of authors, ranging from pioneers like Mary Shelley and Jules Verne, whose early works laid the groundwork for the genre, to revolutionary voices like Kurt Vonnegut and Philip K. Dick, who pushed the boundaries of speculative fiction. This diverse array of storytellers hails from various epochs and cultural contexts, imbuing the collection with a rich variety that reflects the evolution of science fiction. The anthology aligns with literary movements such as Romanticism, Modernism, and Postmodernism, each author bringing their own perspective and voice, helping to chronicle the development of science fiction over centuries. For readers seeking an immersive journey through the annals of science fiction, 150 SF Classics presents an unparalleled opportunity. It offers a unique educational experience, not only for its historical breadth but also for its kaleidoscope of ideas and interpretations of the future. Each piece invites reflection and dialogue, challenging readers to engage with the varying visions of tomorrow conceived by different eras and authors. This collection is not just a compilation of stories but a dialogue across time, making it an indispensable addition to the bookshelf of any aficionado of speculative narratives.
- Published
- 2022
28. Cuna de gato
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Abstract
Lo más divertido que se ha escrito sobre el fin del mundo: una irreverente sátira sobre la irresponsabilidad de los científicos nucleares y los gobiernos ávidos de poder. El doctor Felix Hoenikker, uno de los padres de la bomba atómica, muere y deja un legado a la altura: sus tres hijos ineptos y el hielo-nueve, un arma capaz de congelar el planeta entero. Una historia sobre el poder infinito de la estupidez y el terror que implica encontrar una verdad entre un millón de mentiras.
- Published
- 2022
29. The Big Trip Yonder and 2 B R 0 2 B
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Subjects
- Families--Fiction, Grandfathers--Fiction
- Abstract
Two Classic Short Stories from The Golden Age of Science Fiction. Featured here:'The Big Trip Yonder', and 2 B R 0 2 B', both by Kurt Vonnegut.
- Published
- 2021
30. 8. Celebrity Faculty
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and John Irving
- Published
- 2019
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31. The Star-Sent Knaves and Five More Stories
- Author
Keith Laumer, Kurt Vonnegut, Keith Laumer, and Kurt Vonnegut
- Subjects
- Short stories, Science fiction, American
- Abstract
Great collection of action short stories from'The Golden Age of Science Fiction'. Featured here:'The Star-Sent Knaves','The Long Remembered Thunder','The Night of the Trolls', and'The Frozen Planet'by Keith Laumer, and two stories by Kurt Vonnegut,'The Big Trip Yonder', and'2 B R 0 2 B'.
- Published
- 2020
32. Between Time and Timbuktu : Or, Prometheus-5, a Space Fantasy
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Subjects
- Space flight--Drama, Space travelers--Drama
- Abstract
An experimental television play composed of excerpts from his novels and stories, Between Time and Timbuktu features Kurt Vonnegut's special blend of scientific expertise, wit, and penetrating comment. “Most unusual, ultra imaginative... a sort of cross between 2001: A Space Odyssey and Alice in Wonderland.”—Philadelphia InquirerThe basic story line: Young Stony Stevenson wins a jingle contest and, as his prize, is blasted off into the time-space warp. The country's first poet-astronaut thus experiences both past and future human history simultaneously. His observations on it consist mainly of dramatized selections from the author's works. The result is a unique Vonnegut sampler cast in the form of “an excellent drama” (Pittsburgh Press).
- Published
- 2020
33. 90 Classics You Should Read Before You Die (Vol.2) : Novels, Poetry, Plays, Short Stories, Essays, Psychology & Philosophy
- Author
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Stendhal, Jules Verne, Gustave Flaubert, Theodor Storm, Henrik Ibsen, Charles Dickens, Honoré de Balzac, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Rabindranath Tagore, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Robert Louis Stevenson, James Fenimore Cooper, Edgar Allan Poe, John Buchan, Confucius, George MacDonald, Bram Stoker, Henry James, Victor Hugo, Joseph Conrad, Jane Austen, Walter Scott, Laurence Sterne, Thomas Hardy, Jonathan Swift, Edith Wharton, Daniel Defoe, Henry Fielding, Sinclair Lewis, Anthony Trollope, Alexandre Dumas, William Dean Howells, Kalidasa, Virginia Woolf, William Walker Atkinson, Kenneth Grahame, Washington Irving, Willa Cather, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Homer, Gaston Leroux, Wilkie Collins, Ford Madox Ford, Benjamin Franklin, Kate Chopin, John Milton, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Edgar Wallace, Kurt Vonnegut, Laozi, Ann Ward Radcliffe, Kakuzo Okakura, H. G. Wells, W. B. Yeats, J. M. Barrie, Jerome K. Jerome, W. Somerset Maugham, E. M. Forster, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Friedrich Nietzsche, Lewis Wallace, Nikolai Leskov, Ivan Turgenev, Leo Tolstoy, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Stendhal, Jules Verne, Gustave Flaubert, Theodor Storm, Henrik Ibsen, Charles Dickens, Honoré de Balzac, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Rabindranath Tagore, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Robert Louis Stevenson, James Fenimore Cooper, Edgar Allan Poe, John Buchan, Confucius, George MacDonald, Bram Stoker, Henry James, Victor Hugo, Joseph Conrad, Jane Austen, Walter Scott, Laurence Sterne, Thomas Hardy, Jonathan Swift, Edith Wharton, Daniel Defoe, Henry Fielding, Sinclair Lewis, Anthony Trollope, Alexandre Dumas, William Dean Howells, Kalidasa, Virginia Woolf, William Walker Atkinson, Kenneth Grahame, Washington Irving, Willa Cather, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Homer, Gaston Leroux, Wilkie Collins, Ford Madox Ford, Benjamin Franklin, Kate Chopin, John Milton, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Edgar Wallace, Kurt Vonnegut, Laozi, Ann Ward Radcliffe, Kakuzo Okakura, H. G. Wells, W. B. Yeats, J. M. Barrie, Jerome K. Jerome, W. Somerset Maugham, E. M. Forster, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Friedrich Nietzsche, Lewis Wallace, Nikolai Leskov, Ivan Turgenev, and Leo Tolstoy
- Abstract
Delve into the timeless pages of'90 Classics You Should Read Before You Die (Vol.2)', a meticulously curated anthology celebrating the rich tapestry of global literature. Encompassing works from the Romantic, Victorian, Modernist, and Postmodern eras among others, this collection traverses a myriad of literary styles including novels, poetry, treatises, and plays. The anthology reflects the diversity of storytelling, presenting narratives that have shaped literary canons worldwide. From emotionally charged narratives and evocative poetry to thought-provoking essays, these pieces collectively highlight universal themes of love, faith, morality, existentialism, and the human condition, resonating through centuries. The contributors to this volume comprise a remarkable assembly of literary luminaries whose works have left indelible marks on the cultural and philosophical landscapes of their times. Notable figures such as Goethe, Dostoyevsky, Austen, and Conrad are joined by influential voices like Rabindranath Tagore and Confucius, spanning continents and centuries. The anthology honors a spectrum of perspectives and artistic movements, from the Romanticism of Shelley to the Realism of Flaubert and the Existentialism of Nietzsche, thus enriching readers with a multifaceted exploration of human thought and creativity.'90 Classics You Should Read Before You Die (Vol.2)'offers readers an extraordinary journey through a mosaic of literary excellences, inviting discovery and reflection. It provides an invaluable opportunity to engage with a diverse array of voices that together underscore the perennial quest for understanding and expression. For anyone seeking to immerse themselves in the foundational texts of world literature, this collection stands as both an educational treasure trove and an enduring source of inspiration and dialogue across time and culture.
- Published
- 2020
34. Desayuno de campeones
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Abstract
Desayuno de campeones es la novela más personal, satírica y disparatada del incomparable Kurt Vonnegut. Una suerte de historia abreviada del siglo XX estadounidense en particular y de la humanidad en general, contada (e ilustrada) para niños o extraterrestres por un loco, que bien podría ser el Creador del Universo. La publicó originalmente en 1973, cuando ya era un escritor consagrado, y narra en un juego de cajas chinas el encuentro entre un grupo de personajes tan estrafalarios como entrañables con el escritor que los inventó. Novela de culto para los vonnegutianos, Desayuno de campeones es una prueba de hasta qué punto, con su irreverencia formal, el autor de Cuna de gato amplió el horizonte de posibilidades del género, y también una oportunidad para descubrir cómo son la política, el sexo, el arte, la vida y la muerte en el planeta Tierra según Kurt Vonnegut. Escuchen:'Una vez que comprendí el motivo por el que Estados Unidos se estaba transformando en un país tan peligroso e infeliz de gente que no tenía nada que ver con la vida real, decidí evitar la narración de historias. Escribiría sobre la vida. Cada persona sería tan importante como las demás. Todos los hechos tendrían el mismo peso. Nada sería excluido. Que los demás pusieran orden en el caos. Yo pondría caos en el orden, y creo que lo he logrado. Si todos los escritores hicieran eso, quizá los ciudadanos que no se dedican a la literatura comprenderían que no hay orden en el mundo que nos rodea, sino que en cambio debemos adaptarnos a los requerimientos del caos. Es difícil adaptarse al caos, pero es posible. Soy prueba viviente de ello: es posible'
- Published
- 2020
35. Love, Kurt : The Vonnegut Love Letters, 1941-1945
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut, Edith Vonnegut, Kurt Vonnegut, and Edith Vonnegut
- Abstract
A never-before-seen collection of deeply personal love letters from Kurt Vonnegut to his first wife, Jane, compiled and edited by their daughter“A glimpse into the mind of a writer finding his voice.”—The Washington Post“If ever I do write anything of length—good or bad—it will be written with you in mind.”Kurt Vonnegut's eldest daughter, Edith, was cleaning out her mother's attic when she stumbled upon a dusty, aged box. Inside, she discovered an unexpected treasure: more than two hundred love letters written by Kurt to Jane, spanning the early years of their relationship.The letters begin in 1941, after the former schoolmates reunited at age nineteen, sparked a passionate summer romance, and promised to keep in touch when they headed off to their respective colleges. And they did, through Jane's conscientious studying and Kurt's struggle to pass chemistry. The letters continue after Kurt dropped out and enlisted in the army in 1943, while Jane in turn graduated and worked for the Office of Strategic Services in Washington, D.C. They also detail Kurt's deployment to Europe in 1944, where he was taken prisoner of war and declared missing in action, and his eventual safe return home and the couple's marriage in 1945.Full of the humor and wit that we have come to associate with Kurt Vonnegut, the letters also reveal little-known private corners of his mind. Passionate and tender, they form an illuminating portrait of a young soldier's life in World War II as he attempts to come to grips with love and mortality. And they bring to light the origins of Vonnegut the writer, when Jane was the only person who believed in and supported him supported him, the young couple having no idea how celebrated he would become.A beautiful full-color collection of handwritten letters, notes, sketches, and comics, interspersed with Edith's insights and family memories, Love, Kurt is an intimate record of a young man growing into himself, a fascinating account of a writer finding his voice, and a moving testament to the life-altering experience of falling in love.
- Published
- 2020
36. Cuna de gato
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Abstract
En este libro nada es cierto. Jonás (o John) se propone investigar qué estaban haciendo los norteamericanos más destacados el día en que se arrojó la bomba en Hiroshima. Las cartas que intercambia con el hijo menor del doctor Felix Hoenikker –uno de los padres de la bomba atómica– lo zambullen en una intriga familiar que oculta la más terrorífica contribución de la ciencia a la humanidad: el hielo nueve. Las respuestas a todas las preguntas están en una isla del Caribe, la república de San Lorenzo, donde el bien y el mal se reparten entre un dictador demente, un genio impasible, una diosa del amor y el fundador del bokononismo, una religión profética y absurda. A Jonás le tocará aprender algo sobre el poder, el horror y la estupidez humana, y sobre las mentiras que nos contamos mientras esperamos el fin del mundo.'Eterno escritor de culto, cómico, irreverente y genial, Kurt Vonnegut es una de las figuras insoslayables de la literatura del siglo XX y Cuna de gato, una de sus novelas más celebradas. El momento de leer a Vonnegut es justo cuando se empieza a sospechar que nada es lo que parece. No solo divierte: electrocuta. Y se lo lee con un placer enorme porque te pone los pelos de punta'(The New York Times). THE NEW YORK TIMES'Vonnegut miró el mundo a los ojos y nunca se inmutó'(J. G. Ballard).
- Published
- 2020
37. Happy Birthday, Wanda June : A Play
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Subjects
- Drama
- Abstract
“Richly and often pertinently funny [with] a sure instinct for the carefully considered irrelevance... a great deal of incidental hilarity [and] inspired idiocy.”—The New York Times Happy Birthday Wanda June was Kurt Vonnegut's first play, which premiered in New York in 1970 and was then adapted into a film in 1971. It is a darkly humorous and searing examination of the excesses of capitalism, patriotism, toxic masculinity, and American culture in the post-Vietnam War era. Featuring behind-the-scenes photographs from the original stage production, this play captures Vonnegut's brilliantly distinct perspective unlike we have ever seen it before. “A great artist.”—The Cincinnati Enquirer
- Published
- 2020
38. Wampeters, Foma & Granfalloons : (Opinions)
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Abstract
Wampeters, Foma & Granfalloons is a rare opportunity to experience Kurt Vonnegut speaking in his own voice about his own life, his views of the world, his writing, and the writing of others. An indignant, outrageous, witty, deeply felt collection of reviews, essays, and speeches, this is a window not only into Vonnegut's mind but also into his heart.“A book filled with madness and truth and absurdity and self-revelation... [Vonnegut is] a great cosmic comedian and rattler of human skeletons, an idealist disguised as a pessimist.”—St. Louis Post-DispatchIncludes the following essays, speeches, and works: “Science Fiction” “Brief Encounters on the Inland Waterway” “Hello, Star Vega” “Teaching the Unteachable” “Yes, We Have No Nirvanas” “Fortitude” “‘There's a Maniac Loose Out There'” “Excelsior! We're Going to the Moon! Excelsior!” “Address to the American Physical Society” “Good Missiles, Good Manners, Good Night” “Why They Read Hesse” “Oversexed in Indianapolis” “The Mysterious Madame Blavatsky” “Biafra: A People Betrayed” “Address to Graduating Class at Bennington College, 1970” “Torture and Blubber” “Address to the National Institute of Arts and Letters, 1971” “Reflections on my Own Death” “In a Manner that Must Shame God Himself” “Thinking Unthinkable, Speaking Unspeakable” “Address at Rededication of Wheaton College Library, 1973” “Invite Rita Rait to America!” “Address to P.E.N. Conference in Stockholm, 1973” “A Political Disease” “Playboy Interview”
- Published
- 2020
39. Slaughterhouse-Five
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut, Ryan North, Kurt Vonnegut, and Ryan North
- Subjects
- Free will and determinism--Comic books, strips, etc, World War, 1939-1945--Comic books, strips, etc, Human-alien encounters--Comic books, strips, etc
- Abstract
With Kurt Vonnegut's seminal anti-war story, Slaughterhouse-Five, Eisner Award-winning writer Ryan North (Unbeatable Squirrel Girl) and Eisner Award-nominated artist Albert Monteys (Universe!) translate a literary classic into comic book form in the tradition of A Wrinkle in Time and Fight Club 2. Billy Pilgrim has read Kilgore Trout and opened a successful optometry business. Billy Pilgrim has built a loving family and witnessed the firebombing of Dresden. Billy Pilgrim has traveled to the planet Tralfamadore and met Kurt Vonnegut. Billy Pilgrim has come unstuck in time. Slaughterhouse-Five is at once a farcical look at the horror and tragedy of war where children are placed on the frontlines and die (so it goes), and a moving examination of what it means to be a fallible human.
- Published
- 2020
40. A Man Without a Country
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Subjects
- Authors, American--20th century--Biography
- Abstract
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • “For all those who have lived with Vonnegut in their imaginations... this is what he is like in person.”–USA Today In a volume that is penetrating, introspective, incisive, and laugh-out-loud funny, one of the great men of letters of this age–or any age–holds forth on life, art, sex, politics, and the state of America's soul. From his coming of age in America, to his formative war experiences, to his life as an artist, this is Vonnegut doing what he does best: Being himself. Whimsically illustrated by the author, A Man Without a Country is intimate, tender, and brimming with the scope of Kurt Vonnegut's passions.Praise for A Man Without a Country“[This] may be as close as Vonnegut ever comes to a memoir.”–Los Angeles Times“Like [that of] his literary ancestor Mark Twain, [Kurt Vonnegut's] crankiness is good-humored and sharp-witted.... [Reading A Man Without a Country is] like sitting down on the couch for a long chat with an old friend.”–The New York Times Book Review “Filled with [Vonnegut's] usual contradictory mix of joy and sorrow, hope and despair, humor and gravity.”–Chicago Tribune “Fans will linger on every word... as once again [Vonnegut] captures the complexity of the human condition with stunning calligraphic simplicity.”–The Australian “Thank God, Kurt Vonnegut has broken his promise that he will never write another book. In this wondrous assemblage of mini-memoirs, we discover his family's legacy and his obstinate, unfashionable humanism.”–Studs Terkel
- Published
- 2017
41. The Ultimate Frankenstein
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Abstract
Based on the original motion picture Frankenstein, some of the best-known authors of the fantastic and the mysterious explore the legend of Mary Shelley's classic monster. From Brian Aldiss's eerie look at a mysterious creature hidden for centuries, to S.P. Somtow's tale of passion and dismemberment in Thailand, to Katherine Dunn's examination of a bizarre affair—here are spectacular new Frankenstein stories transcending time and place. New Stories by Various Authors Featuring Kurt Vonnegut Classic, “Fortitude” Introduction by Isaac Asimov Selected Filmography by Leonard Wolf Illustrations by C.B. Mordan Cover design by Fearn Cutler Cover art by Bruce Jensen A Byron Preiss Book
- Published
- 2017
42. New World Symphony
- Author
- Published
- 2018
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43. If This Isn't Nice What Is? (Much) Expanded Second Edition : The Graduation Speeches and Other Words to Live By
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Abstract
“Like his literary ancestor Mark Twain, Kurt Vonnegut's crankiness is good-humored and sharp-witted.”—A.O. Scott in The New York Times Book ReviewMaster storyteller and satirist Kurt Vonnegut was one of the most in-demand commencement speakers of his time. For each occasion, Vonnegut's words were unfailingly unique, insightful, and witty, and they stayed with audience members long after graduation.This expanded second edition includes more than sixty pages of further thoughts from Kurt (whose good advice wasn't limited to graduation speeches).As edited by Dan Wakefield, this book reads like a narrative in the unique voice that made Vonnegut a hero to readers of all ages. At times hilarious, razor-sharp, freewheeling, and deeply serious, these reflections are ideal for anyone undergoing what Vonnegut would call their “long-delayed puberty ceremony”—marking the passage from student to full-time adult.This book makes the perfect gift for people on the precipice of change/growth—from high school students to college graduates—or for anyone who will appreciate Vonnegut's playful, profound wisdom.
- Published
- 2016
44. Grave Predictions : Tales of Mankind's Post-Apocalyptic, Dystopian and Disastrous Destiny
- Author
Stephen King, Greg Bear, Ramsey Campbell, Joe R. Lansdale, Carmen Maria Machado, Mark Samuels, Erica L. Satifka, Brian Stableford, Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke, W.E.B. Du Bois, Kurt Vonnegut, Drew Ford, Stephen King, Greg Bear, Ramsey Campbell, Joe R. Lansdale, Carmen Maria Machado, Mark Samuels, Erica L. Satifka, Brian Stableford, Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke, W.E.B. Du Bois, Kurt Vonnegut, and Drew Ford
- Subjects
- Dystopias--Fiction, American fiction--21st century, Science fiction, American
- Abstract
'This is a book of stories intended to describe that hand of mortal destruction in 16 utterly different, yet all apocalyptically stunning ways!'— Harlan Ellison, from the Introduction.These compelling visions of post-apocalyptic societies and dystopian worlds include short stories by some of the most acclaimed authors of our time. Among the noteworthy contributors and their works are Stephen King's'The End of the Whole Mess,''The Pedestrian'by Ray Bradbury, and Arthur C. Clarke's'No Morning After.'The first-ever apocalyptic fantasy about global warming,'The End of the World,'appears here, in translation from Eugene Mouton's 1872 French-language original.'The Pretence,'by Ramsey Campbell, questions the nature and structure of everyday life in the aftermath of a doomsday prediction. In addition, thought-provoking stories by Philip K. Dick, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Greg Bear, Erica L. Satifka, and others offer an end-of-the-world extravaganza for fans of science fiction, horror, and fantasy.'These doomsday tales are highly original, thought provoking, and reality questioning. Recommended as a collection for fans of intriguing and eccentric sci-fi!'— Read Well
- Published
- 2016
45. Schlachthof 5 oder Der Kinderkreuzzug : Ein Pflichttanz mit dem Tod
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Abstract
Endlich in neuer Übersetzung: Schlachthof 5 oder Der Kinderkreuzzug, einer der wichtigsten Antikriegsromane der Weltliteratur und Meisterwerk der amerikanischen Postmoderne. - Billy Pilgrim hat als US-Soldat die Ardennenoffensive überlebt und als Kriegsgefangener das Bombeninferno von Dresden. Zurück in seiner Heimat fällt er aus der Zeit, er bewegt sich zwischen den verschiedenen Episoden seiner Biographie: der Hochzeitsnacht und dem Kriegsgefangenenlager, einer Nervenheilanstalt und einem ehemaligen Schlachthof in Dresden, das der Bombenhagel in eine Mondlandschaft verwandelt, einer behäbigen Existenz als Optiker und einem Zoogehege auf dem Planeten Tralfamadore, wo Billy Pilgrim als Spezies Mensch ausgestellt wird. - Was macht der Krieg mit einem Menschen? Was machen die Bilder und Erinnerungen?, fragt dieser autobiographisch gefärbte Roman, der ein Kaleidoskop des Irrsinns und des Absurden entwirft und weniger die Zerstörung einer Stadt beschreibt als die eines Menschen.
- Published
- 2016
46. Hocus Pocus
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Abstract
„Unul dintre cei mai de seamă romancieri americani contemporani.“ – (Graham Greene) „Teribil de amuzant... La fel de bun precum cele mai bune romane ale sale, Leagănul pisicii, Abatorul cinci...“ – (John Irving) „Un adevărat triumf. Probabil cel mai bun dintre romanele sale.“ – (Joseph Heller) „Romanul cel mai actual, cel mai realist din câte a scris Vonnegut. Un mare scriitor satiric și un moralist pus pe șotii.“ – (The New York Times) „Vonnegut este George Orwell, doctorul Caligari și Flash Gordon, amestecați laolaltă într-un singur scriitor – un savant dement, caraghios, dar de o înaltă ținută etică.“ – (Time)
- Published
- 2015
47. Wampeters, Foma & Granfalloons
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Abstract
This collection of Kurt Vonnegut's most rare and unexamined essays, speeches, fiction, and interviews offers fascinating insight into the mind of the iconic science fiction author and intellectual. With cutting wit, fierce conviction, and surprising empathy, Vonnegut explores a diverse range of topics including society, politics, sex, literature, and mortality. Fans who believe they've read all of Vonnegut's work will be delighted to find the author speaking frankly about timely and relevant new topics—with an amusing yet insightful style that's instantly recognizable.
- Published
- 2014
48. Kurt Vonnegut Drawings
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Abstract
Those who know Kurt Vonnegut as one of America's most beloved and influential writers will be surprised and delighted to discover that he was also a gifted graphic artist. This book brings together the finest examples of his funny, strange, and moving drawings in an inexpensive, beautifully produced gift volume for every Vonnegut fan.Kurt Vonnegut's daughter Nanette introduces this volume of his never before published drawings with an intimate remembrance of her father. Vonnegut always drew, and many of his novels contain sketches. Breakfast of Champions (1973) included many felt-tip pen drawings, and he had a show in 1983 of his drawings at New York's Margo Feiden Gallery, but really got going in the early 1990s when he became acquainted with the screenprinter Joe Petro III, who became his partner in making his colorful drawings available as silkscreens.With a touch of cubism, mixed with a Paul Klee gift for caricature, a Calder-like ability to balance color and line, and more than a touch of sixties psychedelic sensibility, Vonnegut's aesthetic is as idiosyncratic and defiant of tradition as his books. While writing came to be more onerous in his later years, making art became his joyful primary activity, and he made drawings up until his death in 2007. This volume, and aplanned touring exhibition of the drawings, will introduce Vonnegut's legion of fans to an entirely new side of his irrepressible creative personality.
- Published
- 2014
49. Welcome to the Monkey House: The Special Edition : Stories
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut, Gregory D. Sumner, Kurt Vonnegut, and Gregory D. Sumner
- Subjects
- Science fiction, American, Short stories
- Abstract
Since its original publication in 1968, Welcome to the Monkey House has been one of Kurt Vonnegut's most beloved works. This special edition celebrates a true master of the short-story form by including multiple variant drafts of what would eventually be the title story. In a fascinating accompanying essay, “Building the Monkey House: At Kurt Vonnegut's Writing Table,” noted Vonnegut scholar Gregory D. Sumner walks readers through Vonnegut's process as the author struggles—false start after false start—to hit upon what would be one of his greatest stories. The result is the rare chance to watch a great writer hone his craft in real time.Includes the following stories:“Where I Live”“Harrison Bergeron”“Who Am I This Time?”“Welcome to the Monkey House”“Long Walk to Forever”“The Foster Portfolio”“Miss Temptation”“All the King's Horses”“Tom Edison's Shaggy Dog”“New Dictionary”“Next Door”“More Stately Mansions”“The Hyannis Port Story”“D.P.”“Report on the Barnhouse Effect”“The Euphio Question”“Go Back to Your Precious Wife and Son”“Deer in the Works”“The Lie”“Unready to Wear”“The Kid Nobody Could Handle”“The Manned Missiles”“Epicac”“Adam”“Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow”
- Published
- 2014
50. The Good Explainer (Stories)
- Author
Kurt Vonnegut and Kurt Vonnegut
- Subjects
- Short stories, American
- Abstract
Look at the Birdie is a collection of fourteen previously unpublished short stories from one of the most original writers in all of American fiction. In this series of perfectly rendered vignettes, written just as he was starting to find his comic voice, Kurt Vonnegut paints a warm, wise, and often funny portrait of life in post–World War II America—a world where squabbling couples, high school geniuses, misfit office workers, and small-town lotharios struggle to adapt to changing technology, moral ambiguity, and unprecedented affluence. Joe Cunningham thinks he's going to Chicago to see a world-renowned specialist and find out why he and his wife can't have kids. But the explanation the doctor provides is as unwelcome as it is unexpected. The Good Explainer and the thirteen other never-before-published pieces that comprise Look at the Birdie serve as an unexpected gift for devoted readers who thought that Kurt Vonnegut's unique voice had been stilled forever—and provide a terrific introduction to his short fiction for anyone who has yet to experience his genius.
- Published
- 2013
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