57 results on '"Kubanović, Veronika"'
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2. Determination of selected metallic ions in Croatian white wines by ICP-OES method
- Author
Bukovčan, Renata, Kubanović, Veronika, Banović, Mara, Vahčić, Nada, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana, Kubanović, Veronika., and Kubanović, Veronika
- Subjects
metallic ions ,wine ,IPC-OES ,white wine ,ICP-OES method - Abstract
Metallic ions take important place in enological practice, some of them are necessary for the correct course of the fermentation, they influence clarity, aroma and sensorial properties of wine, and are important for nutritional properties. Usually all metallic ions are naturally present in wine in nontoxic level. However, some of them (Pb, Zn, Sn, Hg) may occur in higher level as a result of agricultural treatments in vineyard. Must and wine due to their acidity are able to dissolve some of metals (Cu, Ni, Zn, Cr) from different winemaking equipments. Heavy metals (Pb, Cd, As, Hg) are toxic to biological systems because of their negative impact on physiological functions of cell. Maximum acceptable levels in wine have been established by the Office International de la Vigne et du Vin (OIV) for Pb, Cd, As, Cu, Na, F, Br and B, while in Croatia, maximum permissible levels are given for Pb, Cd, As, Cu, Zn, Sn, Fe, Ni, Ag, St, Al, Cr, Na, F, Br and B, by official regulations (Official Gazette 2/05 ; 16/05). The goal of this work was to determine the content of Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn and Zn, in 43 selected white wine samples from continental winegrowing region of the Republic of Croatia by ICP-OES. Average values for each metal were 0.99 mg/L Al, 0.05 mg/L As, 0.0005 mg/L Cd, 0.0029 mg/L Co, 0.016 mg/L Cr, 0.18 mg/L Cu, 2.68 mg/L Fe, 1.25 mg/L Mn, 0.045 mg/L Ni, 0.046 mg/L Pb, mg/L 0.074 Sn and 0.716 mg/L Zn. The obtained results in all studied cases were lower than limits given by official regulation which indicates application of good vitiviniculture practice in that region.
- Published
- 2009
3. Autentična vina
- Author
CENBAUER, Darko, PRŠA, Ivan, LEDER, Renata, and KUBANOVIĆ, Veronika
- Subjects
vino, autentičnost, geografsko podrijetlo, analiza stabilnih izotopa - Abstract
Autentičnost vina predstavlja važno pitanje u smislu zaštite potrošača, a temelji se na identifikaciji i eliminaciji prevara na tržištu vina. Pristupanjem Europskoj uniji, Republika Hrvatska sukladno članku 88., stavka 1., Uredbe Komisije 555/2008 (EZ) preuzela je obvezu proizvodnje 30 autentičnih vina, s ciljem nadogradnje postojeće banke podataka vina Europske unije sa hrvatskim vinima. Za dokazivanje autentičnosti vina razvijene su sofisticirane metode koje su bazirane na parametrima karakterističnim za podrijetlo, koji ne podliježu promjenama tijekom prerade, a istodobno je nemoguće mijenjati ih na bilo koji način. Tehnikom nuklearne magnetske rezonancije (2H-SNIF®-NMR) određuje se izotopni omjer specifično vezanog deuterija (D/H) etanola. Masnom spektrometrijom (IRMS) određuju se izotopni omjeri 13C/12C etanola i 18O/16O vode. Ovo su službene metode u Europskoj uniji za dokazivanje patvorenja vina dodatkom šećera i vode. Osim izotopnih tehnika u dokazivanju autentičnosti primjenjuju se i kromatografske tehnike kao što je plinska (GC-FID, GC-MS) i tekućinska visoke učinkovitosti (HPLC). Ovim tehnikama određuju se nehlapivi i hlapivi spojevi grožđa i vina, koji mogu poslužiti za dokazivanje sorte, geografskog podrijetla vina i godine berbe, patvorenje vina dodatkom glicerola, aroma i drugih spojeva koji nisu dozvoljeni u proizvodnji vina. Cilj ovoga rada je dati pregled tehnika koje služe za dokazivanje autentičnosti vina i primjer njihove implementacije na uspostavljanju analitičke banke podataka za hrvatska vina.
- Published
- 2015
4. Usporedba referentne i FT-IR metode za određivanje hlapive kiselosti
- Author
STRELEC DUČAK, Andreja, LEDER, Renata, PETRIC, Ivana Vladimira, VOŠTINIĆ, Dunja, and KUBANOVIĆ, Veronika
- Subjects
vino, FT-IR, referentna metoda, hlapiva kiselost - Abstract
FT-IR tehnika (infracrvena spektroskopija s Fourier-ovom transformacijom) služi za brzu analizu vina, bez posebne pripreme uzorka ili korištenja organskih otapala. FT-IR metoda se zasniva na mjerenju količine svjetla u srednjem IR području koju apsorbiraju molekule uzorka koje sadrže kovalentne veze. Metoda je indirektna, podaci se prvo pretvaraju u matematički model (kemometrijska procedura), a onda tumače kao očekivani rezultat. Cilj ovog rada bio je usporediti rezultate hlapive kiselosti dobivene referentnom metodom – RM (izvor: OIV, destilacija vodenom parom i titracija) i FT-IR metodom u uzorcima mirnih vina. Prije mjerenja FT-IR-om uzorci vina su filtrirani radi odstranjivanja čestica onečišćenja i CO2. Rezultat dobiven FT-IR metodom predstavlja prosječnu vrijednost tri ponavljanja. Rezultati dobiveni RM i FT-IR metodama su unakrsno statistički analizirani. Definirani su minimum, maksimum, srednja vrijednost te standardna devijacija. Usporedba rezultata dobivenih RM i FT-IR metodama pokazuje visoku razinu linearnosti za istraživano područje u rasponu od 0, 20 do 0, 86 g L-1 hlapive kiselosti što dokazuje da je prethodna kalibracija sustava dobro provedena. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata dokazano je da je FT-IR metoda primjenjiva u rutinskoj analizi vina zbog sljedećih prednosti: brzina analize, jednostavno rukovanje, niski troškovi održavanja, te stoga što su u metodi primjeni principi zelene kemije.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Petric, Ivana Vladimira, Košmerl, Tatjana, Zlatić, Emil, Kubanović, Veronika, Leder, Renata, and Pejić, Ivan
- Subjects
grapes aroma, cv. Škrlet bijeli clones - Abstract
Specific varietal wine aroma originates from volatile compounds such as monoterpenes, norisoprenoids, aliphatic compounds, phenylpropanoids, methoxypyrazine and volatile sulfur compounds synthesized in grapes, which in numerous combinations make a unique, distinctive, typical varietal aroma. Initial point in gathering information about the aroma potential, that each cultivar exhibits, and to understand how it could affect the sensorial character of wine and/or the wine style, was established by grouping volatile compounds in aromatic series. The volatile compounds can be used for variety identification but it is not known to what extent they can distinguish clones. In last two decades, a need for clonal selection of autochthonous varieties exists within the Croatian viticulture from the reason that particular variety could be enhanced to the level of sustainable production and generally raised to the higher level in regards to propagating material supply. The aim of this work was to study grape volatile compounds of ten cv. Škrlet bijeli clones, as well as to establish the aromatic profile of clones by using aromatic series. In this study, evaluation of cv. Škrlet bijeli clones based on aromatic profile of grape (must) was carried out. Ten selected clone candidates of cv. Škrlet bijeli produced by propagation of elite vines selected in process of mass positive clonal selection, on two locations Popovača and Repušnica, during three successive years were investigated. Extraction of volatile compounds was done by SPME method and analysis of aroma compounds was performed by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS) using 3-octanol as internal standard. Content of 35 volatile compounds was expressed as relative area peak (RAP). To each detected aromatic compound was assigned the corresponding odor, which was then classified in to four aromatic series: fruity, floral, fresh green and others. Each aromatic series was represented by the sum of the RAP of the compounds described by the same odor. Analysis of variance was applied to compare clones on the base of four aromatic series. It was found that clone ŠK-32 has the highest value of RAP for all four aromatic series, followed by clone ŠK-29 having second most high value for fresh green series and clone ŠK-07 for fruity series. At the same time, clone ŠK-74 has the lowest values of RAP for fruity, clone ŠK-11 for floral and clone ŠK-69 for fresh green series. The obtained results indicate that distinctive (the most abundant) aroma of cv. Škrlet bijeli variety is floral which is followed by green fresh and fruity odor. These results represent important information for viticulturists and oenologists enabling them to optimize winemaking techniques in order to produce wines with specific sensory attributes.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Leder, Renata, Kubanović, Veronika, Petric, Ivana Vladimira, Banović, Mara, and Vahčić, Nada
- Subjects
geographical origin, cv. Malvazija istarska, multielemental analysis - Abstract
Malvazija istarska (Vitis vinifera L.), the most important autochthonous grape in Croatian viticulture sub-region of Istria, has a great potential to produce high-quality white wines. It is the most widespread cultivar on peninsula of Istria and the second most widespread in Croatia. The composition of wine is influenced by many factors related to the specific area of production: grape varieties, soil characteristics, environmental conditions, culture, winemaking, transport and storage. Numerous articles covering the determination of the geographical origin of wine have appeared in the literature over past twenty years. There are indications that wine elements might be valuable for determination of the wine origin. In order to identify winegrowing regions, typical elemental patterns must be analyzed, because element concentrations in wine can reflect elemental composition of the soil in the vineyard. The objective of this work was to study the relationship between selected elements content of Malvazija istarska wines and their geographic origin. This study was performed on thirty six Malvazija istarska wines which were undergoing the procedure of placing of the market. Wines were originated from viticulture zone: CII, viticulture region: Coastal Croatia, sub-region: Croatian Istria, vineyards: eastern, western and central Istria. The measurements of selected elements content (Al, Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Pb and Zn) were performed with a sequential inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer. The concentrations of each element expressed as mean value (mg/L) were: Al (1.04), Ca (75.2), Co (0.006), Cu (0.06), Fe (1.24), K (678.5), Mg (78.8), Mn (1.17), Na (23.7), Pb (0.05) and Zn (0.48). A study of the data structure by virtue of principal component analysis (PCA) was carried out to establish whether wines from different wine producing regions constitute distinctive, well-defined groups. Principal component analysis was performed for all wines and variables (elements) to determine whether vineyard of origin had influenced the elements profile. In this context, 11 selected elements posed as the investigated variables, while wine samples posed as the cases under investigation. The first two factors (PC1 and PC2) represent satisfactory result of 42, 6 % of the initial data variability. Elements Pb, Co, Ca and Mn had strong negative correlation with PC1 while Al and Na showed also strong negative correlation but with PC2. Elements K and Fe positively correlate to PC2. Although there are indications that some elements can characterized individual vineyard, but assessed higher linkage remain on the level of the single wine. It can be explained by proximity of the investigated vineyards and isolated micro climate of Istria peninsula.
- Published
- 2015
7. Chemometric prediction of the geographical origin of Croatian wines through their elemental profiles
- Author
Leder, Renata, Kubanović, Veronika, Petric, Ivana Vladimira, Vahčić, Nada, and Banović, Mara
- Subjects
elements ,Croatian wines ,geographical origin ,inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy ,cluster analysis ,principal component analysis - Abstract
The concentration of 16 selected elements in 140 wines from two wine producing regions in Croatia was determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Multivariate statistical methods of cluster analysis and principal components analysis were used to evaluate data of these 16 elements in all wines. Differentiation of wines according to their colour and geographical origin on the basis of elements composition was achieved. White and red wines were clearly separated. Differentiation of Croatian white wines according to their origin was based on the following elements: Cd, Fe, Cr, K, Mg, Ca, Pb and Co (continental region) and Na, Sn, Ni, Zn Al, Cu and Zn (coastal region). In case of red wines, elements such as K, Ca, Mg, Na and Co turned out to be characteristic for wines originating from the continental region, while Cd, Ni, Cr, Zn, Al and As for wines originating from the coastal region of Croatia. The relationship between the concentrations of different considered elements could be an adequate tool in differentiating wines produced in different geographical areas in Croatia.
- Published
- 2015
8. Grape chemical composition evaluation of autochthonous Croatian cultivar cv. Škrlet bijeli clonal candidates
- Author
Petric, Ivana Vladimira, Šimon, Silvio, Kubanović, Veronika, Ugarković, Jelena, Pejić, Ivan., and Kubanović, Veronika.
- Subjects
grapevine ,Škrlet bijeli ,clonal selection ,grape ,chemical composition - Abstract
Nowadays is well-known that within cv. Škrlet bijeli population exist certain genetic variability as a consequence of exposure to natural mutation. This is leading to different economic values of genotypes making some of them worthy of further propagation. Experimental collection of autochthonous grapevine cv. Škrlet bijeli clonal candidates on rootstock Kober BB was established in period from year 2001. to year 2004. Besides a variety of economic characteristics that were evaluated, samples of four perspective clonal candidates (ŠK-29, ŠK-33, ŠK-57 and ŠK-69) were collected. The aim of this work was to identify if there are differences in grape quality of four selected clonal candidates. The grape quality was established by nine quality parameters in two harvests (2005 and 2006). Clonal candidates ŠK-29, ŠK-33, i ŠK-69 were virus free while ŠK-57 was positive for GLRV1. Values for grape quality parameters (four clonal candidates) were determined in ranges as folowes: sugar content 17.0 – 22.6 °Brix, total acidity expressed as tartaric acid 6.4 - 8.9 g/L, pH 2.81 - 3.40, tartaric acid 5.4 - 8.8 g/L, malic acid 0.8 - 3.3 g/L, citric acid 0.067 - 0.216 g/L, reducing sugars 172 - 275 g/L, glucose 78.1 - 136.1 g/L and fructose 84.8 - 136.1 g/L. ŠK-29 in comparison to other candidates had higher sugars (º Brix) and pH values, the lowest tartaric acid content and total acidity/reducing sugars ratio. The negative correlation was established for tartaric (-0.44, - 0.78), malic acid (-0.56, -071) in comparison to sugars (°Brix) and pH, respectively. The study confirmed existance of significant variability between clonal candidates and some of them were selected for continuetion of individual clonal selection.
- Published
- 2009
9. Validation of potentiometric method for rapid reducing sugars determination in wine
- Author
Varga, Tatjana, Bukovčan, Renata, Kubanović, Veronika, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana., and Kubanović, Veronika.
- Subjects
validation ,potentiometry ,reducing sugars ,wine - Abstract
The most common reducing sugars in grape and wine are glucose and fructose. Today, most methods used for determination of reducing sugars are based on the oxidation of carbonyl groups. Many of these methods are demanding in terms of the chemicals required, they involve several steps and thus much manual work, and they exhibit a lack of results reliability. The aim of this work was to develop a simple, reliable, sensitive, automated and repeatable method for determination of reducing sugars in wines. Method usefulness was tested by application to different wine samples (red, rosé, and white). To demonstrate that method of choice is suitable for its intended purpose, appropriate experimental work was designed to provide validation parameters: accuracy, precision and linearity. The obtained results showed that method is accurate at 1.1 % of average RSD for standard glucose solution. Accuracy of the method was proved by long term comparison of reference method and potentiometric method in wide range of concentration (0.5-147 g/L). The results obtained by proposed method are highly comparable with those obtained by reference method (r=0.9875 for range 0.5-14.2 g/L ; r=0.9856 for range 15.7-147 g/L). Obtained results showed high level of precision of method (3 and 3 % average RSD for repeatability of measurement and standard solution preparation, respectively). The linearity of the method was demonstrated (r=0.9985). The proposed method was simple and rapid because no previous treatment of the sample was required (only activated charcoal in case of red wine) for measurement and data were automatically recorded. The method has been successfully applied to wine routine analysis.
- Published
- 2009
10. Validation of an automatic spectrophotometric method for total sulphite determination in wine
- Author
Petric, Ivana Vladimira, Kaštelanac, Dragica, Batušić, Marija, Bukovčan, Renata, Kubanović, Veronika, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana., and Kubanović, Veronika.
- Subjects
wine ,total suphite ,spectrophotometry - Abstract
The maximum acceptable concentrations of the sulphite species in foodstuffs are defined in specific legislation. Due to its widespread and historic use in the wine protection a number of analytical methods exist for sulphite measurement. The aim of this work was to develop the spectrophotometric method for determination of total sulphite in wines (white and red). To demonstrate that analytical method of choice is suitable for its intended purpose, appropriate experimental work was designed to provide validation parameters: accuracy, precision and linearity. The results obtained showed that method is accurate at 95.4 % of average recovery which indicates agreement between reference and obtained values. Evaluated data showed high level of precision (1.4 and 0.5 % average RSD for repeatability of measurement and standard solution preparation, respectively). Calculated correlation coefficients (0, 9999), y-intercept, slope of the regression line and residual sum of squares are demonstrating the linearity of the method. Comparison of results obtained by reference and spectrophotometric methods shows high coherence (r=0.9872). It should be stressed that this method has been successfully applied to routine analysis.
- Published
- 2009
11. Relationship between polyphenol compounds and total antioxidative activity in Plavac mali and Babić Croatian wines
- Author
Kubanović, Veronika, Bukovčan, Renata, Kovačević-Ganić, Karin, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana., and Kubanović, Veronika.
- Subjects
plavac mali ,babic ,polyphenol compounds ,antioxidative activity - Abstract
Well known Croatian wine Dingač is made from autochthonous Plavac Mali grape variety grown in the limited Dingač locality of Pelješac Peninsula. It has an extraordinary ruby red color, remarkably distinctive and rich bouquet. Equally famous red wine is made from autochthonous Babić cultivar planted on rocky terraces of Primošten. It has special dark ruby red color, full-bodied slightly astringent taste. Red wine is an excellent source of various classes of polyphenols, with different biological activities. The aim of this work was to evaluate polyphenolic composition and level of Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn in Plavac mali and Babić wines and their relationship to antioxidant properties. Results value of total phenols 2644 and 3584 mg/L gallic acid, total anthocyanins 201.2 and 429.1 mg/L and total flavanols 235 and 521 mg/L cathechin for Plavac mali and Babić, respectively, were plotting against TAA values. Corresponding correlation coefficients obtained for total phenols were 0.8555 and 0.9033 (Plavac mali), and 0.9033 and 0.9028 (Babić) ; for total anthocyanins 0.9870 and 0.9868 (Plavac mali), and 0.9422 and 0.9253 (Babić) ; for total flavanols 0.9880 and 0.9258 (Plavac mali), and 0.9258 and 0.9964 Babić (DPPH and BCB methods, respectively) indicating strong relationship between phenolic compounds and TAA.
- Published
- 2009
12. The analysis of the mineral composition of wine by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ISP-OES)
- Author
Pera, Sanja, Leder, Renata, Kubanović, Veronika, Alpeza, Ivana, and Banović Mara
- Subjects
digestive, oral, and skin physiology ,food and beverages ,wine ,mineral composition ,ICP-OES ,wine production zone - Abstract
Chemical composition of the wine is a complex solution of various elements, organic and inorganic compounds and their complexes. It depends on many factors such as: region of production, winemaking practice, grape variety, soil, air, yeasts and procedures in the production of wine. Wine is complex medium in which macro and microelements have very important place, for positive but also potentially negative effects. Consumption of wine on a daily basis contributes to the needs of the human body for essential elements such as calcium, chromium, potassium, zinc. Aluminum, copper, iron, manganese, zinc depending on the concentration can have a detrimental effect on the stability of the wine and its commercial value, while cadmium, lead and bromine are potentially toxic. The aim was to determine macro-and microelements in „Graševina“ wine from different winegrowing sub-regions and zones of production for the purpose of linking macro and microelements to the geographical origin of wine. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP–OES) technique was used. In the samples were determined values for macro and microelements. Based on the results the wine „Graševina“ from production zone CI have higher content of macro and microelements compared to wines from production zone B.
- Published
- 2014
13. Composition and content of selected elements of Croatian blackberry wines
- Author
Alpeza, Ivana and Varga, Tatjana, Kubanović, Veronika
- Subjects
blackberry ,fruit wine ,elements ,ICP-OES ,food and beverages - Abstract
The blackberry wine is recognised as a natural source of many bioactive molecules and essential elements that play an important role in health promotion and disease prevention. The wine is traditionally popular medicine for anemia and iron deficiency. The aim of this work was to evaluate quality physical and chemical characteristics and concentration of macro elements Ca, K, Mg, Na, essential elements Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, soil associated elements Li, Rb, Sr and toxic elements Al, Co, Pb of selected 22 blackberry wines from different regions of Croatia. Basic quality characteristics of all fruit wines were determined as follows: alcoholic strength (% vol), total sugars (g L- 1), total extract (g L-1), ash (g L-1), pH, total acidity (g L-1, malic acid) and volatile acidity (g L-1, acetic acid). The results indicate that blackberry wines represent high quality beverage. For determination of elements, fast and precise method of inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) was used. Following elements were detected in investigated blackberry wines in different amounts: macro elements Ca, K, Mg, Na (mg L-1), essential elements Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn (mg L-1), soilassociated elements Li, Rb, Sr (µg L-1) and toxic elements Al, Co and Pb (µg L-1). It can be concluded that moderate consumption of blackberry wines may contribute to daily dietary intake of essential elements and wines can be considered as health safe, because potentially toxic elements are kept under allowable limits.
- Published
- 2014
14. Regional proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparison in scope of wine
- Author
Kubanović, Veronika, Bukovčan, Renata, Eder, Reihard, Fischerleitner, Elsa, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana., Margeta, Karmen, and Kubanović, Veronika.
- Subjects
ocijena sposobnosti ,međulaboratorijsko poredbeno ispitivanje ,vino ,z-vrijednosti - Abstract
Participation in proficiency testing scheme provides laboratories with objective means of assessing and demonstrating the reliability of the data they are producing. Therefore the purpose of proficiency testing schemes is to determine quality of the performance for specific measurement of participating laboratories. The main use of this exercise is to assess laboratories’ ability to perform measurements competently thus providing additional confidence to their clients. The main goal of this project was to establish ability to organize PT scheme for Western Balkan's and neighboring countries by interlaboratory comparisons. It can be concluded that the project was successful because in PT scheme participated 24 laboratories from 12 countries. From results obtained for 10 parameters, z-score was calculated and it was low for most of the laboratories, even for parameters that were determined by several different methods. Results obtained by this PT scheme, and nevertheless the number of participants, clearly showed that in this region exists expertise and experience, forming a good foundation for dethronement of prejudice on lack of the same.
- Published
- 2007
15. Clone candidates differentiation of grapevine Vitis vinifera'Škrlet bijeli' using aroma compounds detected by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
- Author
Petric, Ivana Vladimira, primary, Košmerl, Tatjana, additional, Pejić, Ivan, additional, Kubanović, Veronika, additional, and Zlatić, Emil, additional
- Published
- 2016
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16. Distribution of Cu, Fe, Zn, Mo and Mn in Malvazija istarska wines from Croatia
- Author
Kubanović, Veronika, Alpeza, Ivana, and Varga, Tatjana
- Subjects
Malvazija istarska ,wine ,Cu ,Fe ,Zn ,Mo ,Mn - Abstract
Cilj rada bio je prikazati sadržaj nekih važnih elemenata u vinima Malvazije istarske.
- Published
- 2013
17. Određivanje hlapivih spojeva i metanola u vinu modificiranom metodom plinske kromatografije
- Author
Bukovčan, Renata, Varga, Tatjana, Kubanović, Veronika, and Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana
- Subjects
plinska kromatografija, metanol, hlapivi spojevi, vino - Abstract
Cilj rada bio je modificirati službenu metodu (EC 2870/2000) u svrhu određivanja metanola i hlapivih spojeva vina. Točnost metode ispitana je usporedbom dobivenih rezultata s referentnim vrijednostima iz programa ispitivanja osposobljenosti laboratorija. Udio metanola bio je 41-151 mg L-1, acetaldehida 16-176 mg L-1, etilacetata 4-78 mg L-1, propan1-ola 14-33 mg L-1, 2- metilpropan-1-ola 7-223 mg L-1, 2-metilbutan- 1-ola 5-97 mg L-1 i 3metilbutan-1-ola 21-408 mg L- 1. Koeficijenti korelacije bili su 0.938-0.999, a prosječna iskorištenja između 91 % i 103 %. Modifikacija metode u smislu jednostavne pripreme uzorka destilacijom doprinosi razvoju analitičkih postupaka u kontroli kvalitete vina.
- Published
- 2010
18. Laboratory competence in scope of wine analytics established by interlaboratory comparison
- Author
Kubanović, Veronika, Bukovčan, Renata, Vladimira Petric, Ivana, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana, and Luša, Melita
- Subjects
interlaboratory comparison ,white wine - Abstract
Participation of laboratory in interlaboratory comparisons provides an objective assessment of measurement competency and reliability of produced results. The goals of interlaboratory comparison are various: verification of measurement quality, identification of the level of compliance between results of participating laboratories, assignation of certified values to reference material, method standardization and validation and exercise for knowledge and skills improvement. The aim of this work was to organize interlaboratory comparison for laboratories working in scope of wine analytics in the Republic of Croatia. In this interlaboratory comparison participated 31 laboratories: 6 with established quality assurance system (3 accredited according to standard 17025, 3 with certificate of technical competence), 9 laboratories from Universities, High schools and Research Institutes and 16 laboratories from wineries. Homogeneity and stability of prepared white wine sample was tested and statistically confirmed. The study included ten parameters: relative density, alcoholic strength, total dry extract, reducing sugars, ash, pH, total acidity, volatile acidity, free and total SO2. Participants used the methods of their choice. On the basis of obtained results, it can be concluded that laboratories working in scope of wine analytics are highly competent. Furthermore, excellent communication network of expertise and experience between participants is established.
- Published
- 2009
19. Validation of ICP-OES method for wine macro and microelements determination
- Author
Bukovčan, Renata, Kubanović, Veronika, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana, Banović, Mara, and Ćurić, Duška
- Subjects
validation ,ICP-OES ,macro and micro elements ,wine - Abstract
Knowledge of macro and microelements content in wine is of outmost interest because of the needs of the wine industry as well as for toxicological implications. Wine macro and micro elements can be determined by different analytical methods from simple gravimetric and volumetric up to sophisticated instrumental methods. Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry is taking more and more distinctive place in the scope of elements determination in broad array of matrixes. The advantages of this method are precision, accuracy, low detection limits and short time for determination of large number of elements with minimum of sample preparation. Validation of ICP-OES method for determination of 16 elements in wine (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn, Zn, Ca, K, Mg, Na) was performed. To demonstrate that analytical method of choice is suitable for its intended purpose, appropriate experimental work was designed to provide validation parameters: selectivity, accuracy, precision, linearity and quantification limit. The results obtained showed that method is selective and accurate. 98% average recovery indicates agreement between reference and obtained values. Evaluated data showed high level of precision (1.0, 2.1 and 6.1 % average RSD for repeatability of measurement, standard solution preparation and sample preparation, respectively). Quantification limits were in the level of 0.001-0.005 mg/L for micro and up to 0.2 mg/L for macro elements. The correlation coefficients (r2 at least 0.999), y-intercept, slope of the regression line and residual sum of square were calculated, demonstrating the linearity of the method.
- Published
- 2008
20. Stupanj sposobnosti laboratorija u području analitike vina procjenjen međulaboratorijskom usporedbom
- Author
Kubanović, Veronika, Bukovčan, Renata, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana., and Gašljević, Višnja.
- Subjects
međulaboratorijska usporedba ,vino ,z-vrijednost - Abstract
Sudjelovanje u ocjenama sposobnosti daje laboratorijima objektivna sredstva za procjenu i dokazivanje pouzdanosti podataka koje proizvode. Stoga je svrha ocjene sposobnosti laboratorija utvrđivanje kvalitete rada i provedbe određenog mjerenja. Jedna od glavnih primjena ovog postupka je utvrđivanje sposobnosti laboratorija za provedbu kompetentnog mjerenja, čime se kupcima daje dodatna sigurnost u rad laboratorija. Cilj je ovoga rada bio organiziranje projekta ocjene sposobnosti laboratorija koji se bave analitikom vina u Republici Hrvatskoj međulaboratorijskom usporedbom. Sudjelovao je 31 laboratorij sa ili bez uspostavljanog sustava kvalitete (akreditirani prema normi 17025, ovlašteni od odgovarajućeg Ministarstva, sa potvrdom tehničke osposobljenosti, te u sustavu velikih ili malih vinarija). Pripremljenim uzorcima vina testirana je homogenost i stabilnost što je potvrđeno odgovarajućom statističkom obradom podataka. U uzorku je ispitivano deset parametara: relativna gustoća, alkoholna jakost, suhi ekstrakt, reducirajući šećeri, pepeo, pH, ukupna kiselost, hlapiva kiselost, slobodni i ukupni sumporni dioksid. Metode određivanja bile su slobodan izbor laboratorija. Iz rezultata dobivenih za 10 ispitivanih parametara izračunate su z-vrijednosti i za većinu laboratorija se bile niske, čak i za parametre koji su određivani različitim metodama.
- Published
- 2008
21. Dynamics of glycerol and D-gluconic acid content in wines from late harvest
- Author
Kubanović, Veronika, Petric, Ivana Vladimira, Bukovčan, Renata, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana., Eder, Reinhard, Berger, Jean-Luc, and Bertrand, Alain, Tusseau, Dominique.
- Subjects
digestive, oral, and skin physiology ,food and beverages ,glycerol ,D-gluconic acid ,late harvest - Abstract
The ratio of glycerol to D-gluconic acid indicates the "quality" of the rot, with high ratios for Noble Rot and lower ratios for Sour Rot. The aim of this work was to investigate dynamic of glycerol and D-gluconic acid content in wines from late harvest, selected harvest, berries selection, dry berry selection and ice wine of ten different cultivars. Total of 54 Croatian wines from late harvest (vintage 2005, 2006 and 2007) were investigated. Glycerol and D-gluconic acid content were measured enzymatically by spectrophotometry method. Glycerol content ranged from 4.3 g/L for late harvest wine to 23.1 g/L for dry berry selection wine. D-gluconic acid content range from 1.3 g/L for late harvest wine up to 8.2 g/L for dry berry selection wine. The most pronounced cultivar in glycerol and D-gluconic acid production was cv. Gewürtztraminer. Ratio of glycerol to D-gluconic acid fluctuated between harvests, cultivars and vintages and ranged from 2.7 to 15.4. Highest ration was found in cv. Chardonnay ice wine indicated dominant Noble Rot.
- Published
- 2008
22. Comparison of reference and rapid methods used in wine analysis
- Author
Majurdžić, Maja, Kubanović, Veronika, Bukovčan, Renata, Banović, Mara, and Ćurić, Duška
- Subjects
food and beverages ,reference and rapid methods ,wine analysis - Abstract
Reference methods assigned by the European Communities for determination of wine quality parameters are work and time consuming. Because of that and economic reason, numbers of European laboratories rather use rapid methods whose accuracy is not equal to the reference methods but rather is lower. Consequence of different methods usage in different laboratories is often difference of results. Authorized laboratories for wine quality control are usually obligated to use reference methods while laboratories for production process control can use rapid methods with recommendation to evaluate their results by participation in interlaboratory comparisons. The goal of this work was to compare reference and rapid methods on Croatian wines analysis. Investigation was carried out on 40 Croatian wines originated from different parts of the Republic of Croatia, differing in color (20 white, 20 red) and content of reducing sugars (dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet, sweet). The following parameters were determined: relative density, alcoholic strength, total dry extract, reducing sugars, total acidity, ash, free and total SO2. The obtained results showed significant positive correlation for all investigated parameters for both reference and rapid methods.
- Published
- 2008
23. Evaluation of wine consumation trought Croatian tourist supply
- Author
Petric, Vladimira-Ivana, Bedek, Željka, Kubanović, Veronika, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana., Minguez, Sanches, and Tusseau, Dominique.
- Subjects
tourism ,wine consumption ,young people - Abstract
Correlation between wine production and tourism is useful for both sides. Integration of wine producers in scope of tourism, can increase direct wine sale, which is more profitable than other, more complicated and more expensive distribution ways. Since the awareness of high quality of our wines at the global level is rather low, building awareness about that quality through tourism, can provoke export opportunity and better international reputation of Croatian wines. The aim of this study was to identify the profile of wine consumer, consumption habits during their summer holidays and their familiarity with Croatian autochthonous cultivars. The experimental design included distribution of questionnaire of tourist consumption habits (tourist is a person who is staying at desired destination at least seven days) at different spots (airport, bus-station, rail-station). Number of 303 examinees were involved in the survey. General results can be presented as: even 86 % of examinees spent summer holiday at Adriatic coast, 62 % were men, 45 % were foreigners, while 45 % were younger then 25. Consumption habits during holiday are: 44 % examinees occasionally drunk wine, 48 % when going out and 33 % with meal. Most frequently tourists were buying wine by their own choice. Most tasted red wines were Plavac mali and Babic, while white wines were Welsh Riesling and Chardonnay. 52 % examinees consumed quality wine while for 13% the quality category was irrelevant. For wine selection, the price was important for even 64% examinees, but nevertheless 60 % examinees presumed that quality of Croatian wines match the price. The knowledge about Croatian autochthonous cultivars was very poor. In relating to socio-demographic characteristics and consumption predisposition, results of this survey are indicative for creation qualitative individual approach and providing targeted information for costumers.
- Published
- 2007
24. Relationship between polyphenols and antioxidant capacity of aged Croatian 'Babić' wines
- Author
Kubanović, Veronika, Bukovčan, Renata, Kovačević-Ganić, Karin, Kaštelanac, Dragica, Gašparec-Skočić, Lj., Bertrand, Alain, and Tusseau, Dominique
- Subjects
babić wine ,antioxidant capacity ,polyphenols - Abstract
Most famous red wine from the Karst relief of central Dalmatia is made from autochthonous Babić cultivar planted on rocky terraces of Primošten. Red wine is an excellent source of various classes of polyphenols with different biological activities. Recently, it has been argued that younger red wines could provide different polyphenols than older wines, because polyphenols extensively polymerize by time. However, there have been very few studies concerning the polyphenolic composition of aged red wines, and thus there is a lack of knowledge concerning the wine polyphenolics composition having undergone aging. Essential elements such as Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn, mainly associated with an antioxidative enzymes active site, are very important in cellular metabolism. Therefore, our interest was to evaluate the polyphenolics composition and the level of Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn elements in Babić wines (vintage 2000-2005) and to exam their relationship with antioxidant capacity. Total phenol, total anthocyanins and total flavanols content were measured using spectrophotometry. Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn elements were determined by ICP-OES. The total antioxidant activity (TAA) was obtained by DPPH radical scavenging assay and -carotene bleaching (BCB) method. Values of total phenols (3726-2624 mg/L gallic acid equivalents), total anthocyanins (412-114mg/L) and total flavanols (815-235 mg/L cathechin equivalents) were plotted against TAA. Corresponding correlation coefficients (r2) obtained for total phenols were 0.9176 and 0.9794 ; for total anthocyanins 0.9439 and 0.9964 ; for total flavanols 0.9624 and 0.9187 (DPPH and BCB methods, respectively) indicating strong relationship between these polyphenolic compounds and TAA. By contrast, selected elements concentration appeared to provide minor contribution to TAA. It may be concluded that Babić wines might be of a particular nutritional interest in moderate daily intake, because of its high antioxidant capacity.
- Published
- 2007
25. Vinske ceste u funkciji ruralnog turizma i poduzetništva
- Author
Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana, Bedek, Željka, Kubanović, Veronika, Milat, Vinko., and Robert Baćac
- Subjects
ruralni turizam ,vinske ceste ,vino ,proizvođač ,poduzetnik - Abstract
Uspostavljanje vinskih cesta tamo gdje ne postoje i unapređivanje sadržaja usluga i ponude na već postojećim vinskim cestama, jedan je oblik aktivnosti koje znatno mogu pridonjeti razvitku ruralnih područja u republici Hrvatskoj. Vinsku cestu moguće je stvoriti samo u vinorodnim područjima, uz uvjet da postoji zanimanje samih vinogradara i vinara. Vinska cesta, osim što povezuje proizvođače, pruža mnoge druge koristi i posebne mogućnosti od marketiških učinaka pa sve do izravnih financijskih rezultata. U Republici Hrvatskoj postoje vinske ceste različitog stupnja razvijenosti i integriranosti u turističkoj ponudi područja na kojem se nalaze.
- Published
- 2007
26. Polyphenol content and total antioxidant activity of Portugizac noir vivi novelli
- Author
Alpeza, Ivana, Kubanović, Veronika, Bukovčan, Renata, Kovačević-Ganić, Karin, Kaštelanac, Dragica, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana., Minguez, Sanches, and Tusseau, Dominique.
- Subjects
portugizac wine ,antioxidant activity ,polyphenolics - Abstract
Portugizac noir (synonyms of blauer portugieser, oportorebe, portugal, portugalka, portugais bleu, mavrovna rana, oporto) according to a number of quotations is transferred from Portugal to Austria, which is not confirmed by modern amphelography. A cultivar corresponding to Portugizac noir cannot be found in the old vineyards in Portugal. This cultivar is grown in Austria and Hungary for a long time and from there was expanded to other European wine-growing countries. Distinctive growth of Portugizac noir is present in Germany, some in France and Romania and less in Moldavia, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Forty years ago, it was most abundant red cultivar in continental region of Croatia, but today its production is small. Portugizac noir is early cultivar that ripen in the first epoch, has characteristic of a good fertilization and high yield. By application of appropriate amphelotechnical and technological procedure in cellar, portugizac noir brings fresh, good color, soft, velvety wines, especially drinkable as a young. In last years, there is additional investment in application of new scientific knowledge in production of Portugizac brand as young wine with recognizable quality. Our interest was to evaluate the phenolic composition of eighteen Portugizac black wines (vintage 2005) and to exam their relationship to the antioxidant activity. Total phenol, total anthocyanins and total flavanols content were measured using spectrophotometry. The total antioxidant activity (TAA) was obtained by DPPH radical scavenging assay. Obtained results are indicating a strong relationship between phenolic compounds and TAA. The wines TAA average was similar, from which can be speculated that aging is main factor influencing antioxidant activity of red wines.
- Published
- 2006
27. Relationship between polyphenol compounds and total antioxidant capacity of Croatian Dingač wine
- Author
Kubanović, Veronika, Bukovčan, Renata, Kovačević-Ganić, Karin, Kaštelanac, Dragica, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana, Minguez, Sanches, and Tusseau, Dominique
- Subjects
Dingač wine ,antioxidant capacity ,essential elements ,polyphenols - Abstract
Dalmatia has a long and established tradition in winemaking, dating from ancient times, and nowadays is the main red wine production area in Croatia. Famous Croatian wine Dingač is made from the indigenous autochthonous Plavac Mali grape variety grown in the limited Dingač locality on the steep hillsides of the Pelješac Peninsula. Red wine is an excellent source of various classes of polyphenols, with different biological activities. It is believed that antioxidant properties of red wines are linked to the total polyphenol content, rather than individual. Recently, it has been argued that younger red wines could provide different phenolic antioxidants than older wines, because phenolic compounds extensively polymerize by time. However, there have been very few studies concerning the polyphenolic composition of aged red wines, and thus there is a lack of knowledge concerning the composition of polyphenolic antioxidants in wines having undergone aging. Therefore, it was our interest to evaluate the polyphenolic composition of Dingač wines (vintage 1998-2004) and to exam their relationship to antioxidant capacity. Total phenol, total flavanol, and total anthocyanin content were measured using spectrophotometry. The total antioxidant activity (TAA) was obtained by DPPH radical scavenging assay and -carotene bleaching (BCB) method. Corresponding correlation coefficients (r2) obtained for total phenols were 0.8555 and 0.9033 ; for total anthocyanins 0.9870 and 0.9868 ; for total flavanols 0.9880 and 0.9258 (DPPH and BCB methods, respectively) indicating strong relationship between these phenolic compounds and TAA regarding the vintage. It may be concluded that Dingač wines might be of a particular nutritional interest in moderate daily intake, because they showed in vitro high antioxidant capacity.
- Published
- 2006
28. Utjecaj opterećenja trsa na kakvoću vina cv. graševina bijela
- Author
Hruškar, Miodrag, Jakobović, Snježana, Bukovčan Renata, Alpeza, Ivana and Kubanović, Veronika, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana, Živković, Pero
- Subjects
graševina ,kakvoća mošta i vina ,opterećenje trsa ,prinos - Abstract
Uobičajeni uzgojni oblik u vinogorju Kutjevo je dvokrak, tj. "bordoški uzgoj". Kod povećanog broja trsova po jedinici površine prelazi se na uzgojni oblik Guyot, a vrlo gusti sklop uvjetuje još izraženiju rezidbu (po trsu svega 8 pupova). Kod nekih sorti vinove loze je to opravdano jer mogu dati rod na prvim pupovima od baze, međutim za graševinu je poznato da ona najveći rod daje od petog do devetog pupa. Pokus je postavljen na dva uzgojna oblikarezidbe (dvokrak s 24 pupa i kratki rez sa 8 pupova po trsu). Određeni su ampelografski parametri i provedena je fizikalno-kemijska analiza mošta i vina. Prinos je kod kratke rezidbe trostruko niži u odnosu na dugu rezidbu. Slador je u grožđu bio viši kod kratke rezidbe što je rezultiralo višim sadržajem alkohola i ekstrakta u vinu. U vinu duge rezidbe bio je viši sadržaj ukupne kiselosti, kalija i kalcija.
- Published
- 2006
29. Određivanje makro i mikroelemenata u vinima plavca malog metodom ICP-OES
- Author
Bukovčan, Renata, Kubanović, Veronika, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana., Jovanović, Sonja, and Kovačević, Vlado.
- Subjects
ICP-OES ,vina plavac mali ,podrijetlo vina ,makro ,mikro elementi - Abstract
Makro i mikro elementi zauzimaju sve značajnije mjesto u utvrđivanju gografskog podrijetla vina. Na osamnaest vina plavca malog sa poluotoka Pelješca i otoka Brača i Lastiva određivani su makro i mikro elementi. U svim ispitivanim vinima sadržaj arsena, kadmija i kobalta bio je ispod limita detekcije što ukazuje na ekološko gospodarenje u vinogradu. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da postoji razlika u distribuciji i makro i mikro elemenata u vinima plavca malog podrijetlom s poluotoka Pelješca i otoka Brača i Lastova. Moguće je razlikovati podrijetlo vina prema koncentracijama makro elemenata K, Na i Mg kao i prema koncentracijama mikro elementa Fe.
- Published
- 2006
30. Ispitivanje hlapivih spojeva u rakijama metodom plinske kromatografije
- Author
Varga, Tatjana, Kubanović, Veronika, Bukovčan, Renata, Kaštelanac, Dragica, Petric, Ivana Vladimira, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana., Jovanović, Sonja, and Kovačević, Vlado.
- Subjects
hlapivi spojevi ,plinska kromatografija ,rakija - Abstract
Esteri, aldehidi i alkoholi kao nus-proizvodi alkoholne fermentacije, najodgovorniji su za formiranje arome jakih alkoholnih pića a njihova količina specificira kvalitetu ovih proizvoda. Na deset rakija podrijetlom od grožđa i vina iz različitih regija Hrvatske provedeno je određivnje hlapivih spojeva: metanola, aldehida, estera i viših alkohola metodom plinske kromatografije. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju da se rakije dobivene od grožđa ili vina, razlikuju u koncentracijama istraživanih hlapivih spojeva, što može biti uvjetovano različitim sirovnama, uvjetima skladištenja za vrijeme fermentacije, tehnološkim postupcima proizvodnje i dozrijevanja.
- Published
- 2006
31. Influence of rootstock, bud number and harvest time on macro and micro elements of Malvasia istriana wine
- Author
Bukovčan, Renata, Kovačević-Ganić, Karin, Kubanović, Veronika, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana, Peršurić, Đordano, Sladonja, Barbara., and Sladonja, Barbara
- Subjects
food and beverages ,Malvasia istriana ,rootstock ,bud number ,harvest time ,macro ,micro elemets ,makro i mikro elementi ,ICP-OES - Abstract
Malvasia istriana (Vitis vinifera L.) the most important autochtonous grape cultivar grown in Croatia viticulture sub-region od Istria, has a great potential to produce high-quality white wines. The objective of this work was to study the influence of rootstock, bud number and harvest time on the content of macro and micro elements of Malvasia istriana wine. This study was performed on eight wines produced from Malvasai istriana grafted on two rootstocks (Kober 5BB, 420A) with different bud number (20, 30, 40 buds per vine) and different harvest time (early, normal, late stage of maturity). The measurents were performed with a seequential inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer, Optima 2000. In all treatments content of arsenic and cadmium were below limit detection indicating quite ecological vineyard management. Rootstock Kober 5BB showed the best results of K, Al, Fe, Zn and MN accumulation at late harvest, indicating K as potential indicator of harvest time. The same tendency was obtained in case of highest bud number (40) at late harvest. Rootstock 420A did not significantly influence the accumulation of elements in different harvest time and bud number, putting that way Kober 5BB as a dominant rootstock. In regard to Al, Fe, Zn and Mn content, Malvasia wines presents good additional source of these essential trace elemnts in diet.
- Published
- 2005
32. Međulaboratorijska usporedna analiza vina i jakih alkoholnih pića u Republici Hrvatskoj
- Author
Kubanović, Veronika, Kaštelanac, Dragica, Bukovčan, Renata, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana, and Margeta, Karmen
- Subjects
međulaboratorijska usporedna analiza ,vino ,jaka alkoholna pića - Abstract
Analitički laboratorij može osigurati visoku kavoću rada samo ako djeluje u sklopu sustava kakvoće. Ispitni laboratorij HRZVV akreditiran je prema normi HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2000, za područje ispitivanja kakvoće vina i jakih alkoholnih pića (JAP). Laboratorij je pokrenuo provedbu usporedne analize među laboratorijima u Hrvatskoj. Tako je 2003. godine obavljena prva usporedna analiza u kojoj je sudjelovalo 12 laboratorija koji se bave kontrolom kakvoće vina i JAP-a. Statistički obrađeni rezultati pokazali su da postoji dobro slaganje među laboratorijima. Godine 2004. nastavljena je usporedna analiza sa dvostruko većim brojem laboratorija. Međulaboratorijska usporedna analiza korisna je za sve sudionike te motivira uključivanje još većeg broja sudionika, možda i na široj regionalnoj razini.
- Published
- 2005
33. Determination of ash content in Croatian wines by empirical equation
- Author
Kubanović, Veronika, Bukovčan, Renata, Puhek, Tatjana, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana., Eder, Reinhard, Berger, Jean-Luc, Bertrand, Alain, and Tusseau, Dominique.
- Subjects
ash content ,conductometry ,gravimetry - Abstract
Ash content is an obligatory indicator for certified wines to be placed on market. The official method for determination of ash content is simple but time-consuming. The possibility of fast determination of ash content from given conductivity, alcohol and total dry extract was examined on 252 samples of Croatian white and red wines. Based on experimental data the empirical equation for ash content calculation is proposed. The values calculated by this equation were compared to experimentally determined values obtained by official gravimetric method. When differences in ash content between the experimental and calculated values were up to 10 %, calculated ash content by proposed equation is found to be satisfactory for 83 % of samples, while for literature equation it was only 60 %. Based on the results of this study, proposed equation can be applied for ash content evaluation in Croatian wines.
- Published
- 2004
34. Prednosti akreditiranog laboratorija
- Author
Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana, Kubanović, Veronika, Kaštelanac, Dragica., and Radić, Jure
- Subjects
sustav kvalitete ,akreditacija ,HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2000 - Abstract
Akreditirani laboratorij obavlja ispitivanje kakvoće prema najvišim standardima, nalazi se u prednosti pred drugim laboratorijima i stječe međunarodno priznanje o tehničkoj osposobljenosti. Akreditacija je velika i stalna obaveza za laboratorij koja zahtjeva stalan rad prema prihvaćenim standardima, kao i dalje prihvaćanje novih standarda i novih međunarodno priznatih metoda. Akreditacija je službeno priznanje osposobljenosti laboratorija što omogućuje naručiteljima izbor pouzdanog ispitivanja.
- Published
- 2003
35. Authentication of Croatian wines
- Author
Kubanović, Veronika, Christoph, Norbert, Roßmann, Andreas, Kozina, Bernard, Alpeza, Ivana, Majdak, Ana, and Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana.
- Subjects
wine ,geographical origin ,SNIF-NMR ,IRMS - Abstract
The identification of the geographical origin and authenticity of Croatian wines by specific analytical methods is of importance for wine consumers and producers and the official wine control, because it will provide significant criteria for guaranteeing the protection of controlled origin, quality and authenticity. In the European Union (EU) since 1992 a data bank of stable isotope data of authentic wines produced in EU Member States has to be established each year, following the regulations No 2348/91, respectively the actual regulation No 2729/2000. Croatia as country outside the EU started to create an equivalent data bank of such analytical data of authentic wine samples in 1999. A study was carried out with two of the economically most important Croatian cultivars, Welsh Riesling (the most disperse continental white cultivar) and Plavac Mali (dominant red cultivar of Dalmatia) from two Croatian vine-growing regions. Croatia, small by surface but pedologically and climatically diverse, offers interesting possibilities for studying the influence of this diversity on the stable isotope ratios in molecules of natural products. Each cultivar samples were collected from five different locations. Samples of fresh grapes from the vintages of 1999 and 2000 were taken and processed into wine in accordance with the actual EU regulation No 2729/2000. The stable isotope ratios (D/H)I and (D/H)II of the wine ethanol were determined by SNIF-NMRÔ method ( 2H-NMR spectroscopy), the 13C/12C isotope ratio of wine ethanol and the 18O/16O isotope ratio of wine water by isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS). In addition traditional chemical wine analysis of different compounds including colour pigments of red varieties and a sensory evaluation of the wines was performed for a later successful and complete authentication. The results of stable isotope ratios of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon show that a significant separation of wines originating from the southern costal regions from those produced in the continental regions is possible. The significant enrichment of the heavier isotopes in wines of the southern vine-growing areas is a result of their geographical origin and its specific climate. The preliminary results are of crucial importance for Croatia as a wine producing and exporting country, in order to have a control on authenticity and quality equivalent to the EU.
- Published
- 2001
36. Wine quality control in Croatia
- Author
Kubanović, Veronika and Ivan Pejić, Nikola Mirošević
- Subjects
wine ,quality control ,analytical methods - Abstract
To complete protection of wine producers and consumers, the sophisticated quality control of wine and other products of grape and wine are essential. For the Croatian Institute of Viticulture and Enology that was leading principle to establish the laboratory for such a control in late 1997. The main task of the laboratory is to provide analytical certificate for the wine before they go to national or international market. Quality and correctness of the wine are defined by analytical parameters listed in the Croatian Law and Croatian Regulation on wine. The positive results of traditional chemical wine analysis and sensory evaluation togheter are indicaters of wine correctness. In case taht there are some indications for possible wine adulterations the list of studied parameters is expanded. From that reason a sequential analyzer is installed with enzimatic methods for acids and glycerol determination. To determine volatile acids, aldehydes, esters and higher alcohols in wine and spirit drinks GC/FID is in full function. To detect frauds such as unnatural aroma compounds or the origin of glycerol the GC/MS method is introduced. Detection of anthocyanins, acids and sugars profiles by HPLC is available. As a future member of EU, yet Croatia as wine producing county will be asked to look into wine's geographical origin or adulteration with sugar or water which requests the most sophisticated the stable isotope analysis, specially NMR and IRMS.
- Published
- 2000
37. Special analytical methods for authentication of wine
- Author
Christoph, Norbert, Rossman, Andreas, Kubanović, Veronika, and Ivan Pejić, Nikola Mirošević
- Subjects
wine authentication ,stable isotope analysis ,interpretation of stable isotope results - Abstract
Wine authentication is the analytical process by which a wine is verified as in compliance with its label description (category of quality, geographical origin, year of vintage, garpe variety). The proof of authenticity or the detection od adulteration or decration which pretend a better than the real quality, are main official tasks of wine quality control and consumer protection. During the last years, analytical methods have been improved in this field. Some of them stable isotope analysis of ethanol, sugar, and water in grape must and wine by SNIF-NMR (2H-NMR), δ 13C-, and δ 18O-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS), have been adapted as official methods by the OIV and the EU and ply a key role in detecting adulteration like addition of water, sweetening with sugars or inadmissible chaptalization. Results of stable isotope analysis of authenitc and commercial wines from the EU and countries outside the EU show that it is important to continue and to expand the model of the EU wine databank, started 1990. Among conventional methods analysis, chromatographic ones like GC-MS of volatile compoundes or HPLC analysis of color pigments are also important tools for detection of adulteration. Nevertheless traditional chemical wine analysis and sensorial evaluation are necessary for a successful and complete authentication, too.
- Published
- 2000
38. Wine Offer in Istrian Wine Cellars
- Author
Peršurić, Đordano, Ilak Peršurić, Anita Silvana, Težak, Ana, and Kubanović, Veronika
- Subjects
Croatia ,Istra ,wine offer - Abstract
Viticulture in Istra is considered as a pillar in the agricultural economy. Wine tourism is present in Istra in the last two decades. along with the establishement of wine roads. There are three existing wine roads in Istra. One of the activities on the wine road is wine tasting. From the perspective of the family farms it is a service that offers the farm product (wine) directly to consumers. We questionned farmers on Istrian wine roads and partners in Vinistra (the Istrian association of vine and wine producers). We examined the wine offer and concluded that most wine cellars offer wines like Malvazija istarska. Teran from autochthonous varieties and Chardonnay. Cabernet Sauvignon from introduced grape varieties. Very few wine cellars offer wines like Muscat. Borgonja. Hrvatica or other. Also issues like consumers preferences and possible solutions of echancing the wine offer and wine roads of Istra in general were refered.
- Published
- 2009
39. Viticulture productivity and land inequality in Croatia
- Author
Šergo, Zdravko, Poropat amorino, Ilak Peršurić, Anita Silvana, and Kubanović, Veronika
- Subjects
viticulture ,land distribution ,gini coefficient ,OLS estimation ,Croatia - Abstract
This paper examines the relationship of land distribution and viticulture productivity across counties in Croatia by utilizing data on the distribution of operational family farm size within counties calculated by the Agricultural Survey (2003). The negative relationship between overall land distribution and agricultural productivity is consistent with the productivity advantages of farms operated primarily with family labor, something documented by several lines of research. A number of authors (Johnston & Kilby 1975, Johnston & Clark 1982, Tomich, Kilby & Johnston 1995) examined the variability between unimodal (or equitable) and bimodal (or unequal) agrarian structures among countries. The aim of the paper was to analyze quantitatively production characteristics of viticulture output per hectare based on Cobb-Douglas production function augmented by Gini coefficient and family farm holding size. Obtained elasticity’ s results were estimated by OLS estimation. This paper has quantified the effect of land distribution on cross-county viticultural productivity by using statistical data regarding the Gini coefficient for the size of operational land in use holdings within counties. The distribution of land among family holdings is computed by Gini coefficients for the size distribution of land within 21 Croatia's counties and Zagreb city using data about land size in ha weighted by distinctive cohort variability (from category less than 1.5 ha to over 20 ha). Our results show that the Gini coefficient and the diversity of viticulture productivity degree across counties were in a significant negative relationship. This effect persists even after controlling for, first land in use as a proxy for family holding size, and second for inputs use as a the capital– labor ratio. These results support our hypothesis on the advantages of unimodal or broad-based distributions of plough land in the oligopolistic structure of viticultural production within Croatia.
- Published
- 2009
40. Study of chemical and sensory profile of selected autochthonous Croatian wines
- Author
Maletić, Edi, Karoglan Kontić, Jasminka, Preiner, Darko, Jeromel, Ana, Patz, C.D., Dietrich, H., and Kubanović, Veronika
- Subjects
digestive, oral, and skin physiology ,food and beverages ,autochthonous red wine ,chemical composition ,sensory properties - Abstract
Chemical composition, together with sensory analyses is one of the most important quality criteria for fruit products. In grape it is influenced by numerous factors such as maturity, variety, growing region and year. Grapevine has been grown in Croatia since ancient times, especially in the Dalmatian vine growing region where at the end of 19th century, it was possible to find several hundred cultivars, and most of them were considered to be autochthonous. So the aim of this study was to determine chemical and sensory characteristics of some autochthonous red wines and to investigate for the first time their antioxidative capacity. In the period from 2002-2005 in all tested wines basic chemical analysis, shikimic acid, total phenol content, anthocyanin profile and antioxidative capacity were done. Wines were also sensory tested by descriptive method. Wines made from Glavinuša variety had the highest alcohol content ranging from 14, 3 up to 15, 6 %vol. Glycerol and total phenol concentration was the highest in wines made from Dobričić variety. Marked variation was noted in individual anthocyanin content, with malvidin-3-monoglucoside as major compound in all analysed wines. All tested wines showed some variation in shikimic acid concentration ranging from 5 up to 17 g/l while the total phenol content was between 11393 and 3264 mg/l. Results indicate that all wines had well-marked antioxidative capacity and monomeric index showed some differences in monomeric and polymeric anthocyanin content between analysed wines ranging from 2 to 9. On the basis of sensory data all tested wines showed very good enological properties, especially wines from Dobričić and Rogoznička variety.
- Published
- 2009
41. Need of implementation of trade mark for Dalmatian Plavac in Croatia
- Author
Kolega, Ante, Milat, Vinko, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana., and Kubanović, Veronika.
- Subjects
trade mark ,plavac mali ,wine ,dalmatian ,quality - Abstract
Plavac Mali is the most important Croatian autochthon cultivar of red grape vine. It is leading cultivar in subregion of Central and Southern Dalmatia, especially on the islands and Pelješac peninsula. Producers and consumers have shown the need for the implementation of the unique trade mark for wine produced from the cultivar Plavac mali. Our aspiration is to give basic parameters to make the trade mark for wine produced from the cultivar Plavac Mali. We believe that the trade mark will obtain higher market value of wine, increase confidence of consumers and increase production and trade of Dalmatian Plavac. It will ensure the stability of quality and safety of producers and consumers in the virtue of wine Dalmatian Plavac. Research methods are based on present knowledge of quality and value of positions, climate value and wine growers that are producing grape of cultivar Plavac mali. Implementation of trade mark is endorsed by present awards and recognitions of wine quality from cultivar Plavac mali on domestic and foreign exhibitions. Trade mark will tighten consumers trust in the name and the mark Dalmatinski plavac, and it will strengthen affection towards cultivar and specific position. Higher and constant quality with larger production series and trade mark application will ensure substantial economics effects through increase of wine price, on producers and consumers satisfaction.
- Published
- 2009
42. Wine marketing trends in the Republic of Croatia
- Author
Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana, Bedek, Željka, Banić, Blaženka., and Kubanović, Veronika.
- Subjects
market ,quality ,trend ,consumers - Abstract
The aim of this article is to display trends in wine market trading on the Croatian market. This article investigates wine market trading in the seven-year period, from 2002 to 2008, through different categories of wine (table, quality and top-quality). Domestic and imported wines are in circulation on the Croatian wine market. A growth trend has been detected in quality of Croatian wines and consumption of quality and top quality wines. The growth of imported wine trading has been detected in recent years, indicating openness of the Croatian wine market. This article is based on the data and records regulated by Croatian Wine Act (Official Gazette 96/03), and it does not concern wine market trading routes. This research was conducted by gathering data (primary and secondary), and analyzing it with mathematical and statistical methods. Tendencies in Croatian wine market trading, consumer perception and the openness of Croatian wine market are shown in research results.
- Published
- 2009
43. Establishment of vineyard cadastre in the Republic of Croatia by GIS technology
- Author
Mihaljević, Branka, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana., and Kubanović, Veronika.
- Subjects
viticulture ,vineyard cadastre ,GIS - Abstract
In Croatia, viticulture is important economic branch, even thou in some of its fields there is no alternative. Therefore, setting up the quality management system into production environment of this economic branch is imperative in the Republic of Croatia. The aim of this work is to demonstrate methodology of establishment of vineyard cadastre in Croatia. Vineyard cadastre is record about real and potential vineyards areas. Establishment and incorporation of vineyard cadastre is obligation defined by Wine Act (Official Gazette 96/03) and also with EU acquis. For setting up of vineyard cadastre, digital ortophotographs, vectors cadastral plans, relief digital model, digital pedological maps as sources are used as well as register of grape, wine and fruit wine producers. From above sources, all important data are gained, and on the basis of them, surveillance, monitoring and planning all activities in viticulture and wine production are done. Interpretation and analysis of mentioned sources is carried by using the GIS technology.
- Published
- 2009
44. Market liberization and Croatian wine production
- Author
Kovačić, Damir, Grgić, Ivo, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana., and Kubanović, Veronika.
- Subjects
liberization ,wine ,export ,import ,Croatia - Abstract
The subject of investigation is forecast of the most important trends on domestic wine market. In study expert survey was used. 50 examinees from field of viticulture and enology participated in survey. By means of structured survey intuitive and multidisciplinary forecast was obtained for period 2009 to 2014. Regardless of Croatia accession to EU, it is expected an increase sale of foreign wines on Croatian market. The increase of wine import will be mostly influenced by wine sale in supermarkets, strong exporter logistics, favorably ratio price/quality import wines and also their good image. Imported wines will take the biggest part in middle price segment but the least in highly low-cost segment. The most of experts observing that domestic wine production needs transition period in next five years in form of successive harmonization of import contingent. Important role in protection and support of domestic production should further hold government due to fight black market, production stimulation, domestic wine sales and marketing and by organizing joint market. Competitiveness of domestic wine production is possible increase by improvement of production technology and wine nourishment, image building of Croatian wines, by consumer’ s education about wine (joint wine marketing) and by stronger wine advertising. Market linearization will provoke export of Croatian wines. In that case occasions for export are mediocre. The biggest obstructers for export are weak marketing, small producing capacity and small domestic wine production. From exported markets the most perspective is, EU market, regional market and market with limited private production.
- Published
- 2009
45. Presentation summaries and final papers: 32nd World Congress of vine and wine of the OIV
- Author
Kubanović, Veronika
- Subjects
viticulture ,enology ,economy ,safety and health - Abstract
In Presentation Summaries (32nd World Congress of Vine and Wine, Zagreb, 28. June - 03. July 2009, organized by Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, under the auspices of International Organization for vine and wine-OIV) scientific papers of domestic and international scientists are published. The subjects of papers are divided into four sessions with different sub-sessions: viticulture (genetical biodiversity of Vitis sp., viticulture techniques and sustainability for table and wine grape), enology (wine technology and innovation, microbiology in wine making, analytical methods and wine quality control), economy (geographical origin-impact on consumption, significance of wine branding, wine and rural development) and safety and health (wine traceability and consumers safety, grape and wine products: nutrition value and health benefits).
- Published
- 2009
46. Variations in the composition of acids in grapes of autochthonous Croatian varieties during the drying process in the production of the dessert wine Prošek
- Author
Preiner, Darko, Karoglan Kontić, Jasminka, Tupajić, Pavica, Marković, Zvjezdana, Maletić, Edi, and Kubanović, Veronika
- Subjects
dessert wine prošek ,autochthonous Croatian varieties ,drying process of grapes ,malic acid ,tartaric acid - Abstract
According to the scientific literature, the autochthonous varieties of grapevine Maraština, Glavinuša, Plavina and Lasina used to be the basis for the production of prošek, traditional Dalmatian dessert wine. The production of the famous wine has been neglected and recently the work on its revitalization has begun. With the objective of determining the suitability of the varieties mentioned above for this production technology, the studies were conducted in three production years (2005-2007). About 200 kg of grapes were harvested from each variety at full maturity, in typical wine-growing areas. Depending on the variety, the drying process lasted on average 15 – 20 days. Dried grapes were processed and the dessert wine, prošek was produced. The present study illustrates variations in the content of the acids most abundant in grapes (tartaric acid and malic acid) during the drying process, as well as their content in must, which represents one of the important factors of quality and organoleptic characteristics of the future dessert wine. The analysis of the composition of acids in grapes was conducted in three phases: during harvest, on partially dried grapes (7-10 days after the drying) and at the end of the drying process. Sugar in grapes was determined according to the areometric method (ºOe). Total acidity was determined using a titration method, pH value by pH-meter, while tartaric and malic acids were determined by liquid chromatography. In order to determine real, metabolic variations of the composition of acids (those which are not the consequence of the concentration of single compounds due to the dehydration of grapes), the acid content was expressed by comparing the measured concentrations of single acids to the concentration of sugar ((g/lxºOe-1)x100). During the drying process, all the varieties included in the study showed a decrease in their acid content. The largest average decrease in the three-year period was registered in the variety Lasina, while the smallest one was found in Glavinuša. The tartaric acid content in Lasina dropped by 61, 3% (from 7, 48 to 2, 90 (g/lxºOe-1)x100), while in Glavinuša it dropped by 45, 3% (from 5, 31 to 2, 91 (g/lxºOe-1)x100). All the varieties showed a slight decrease in the malic acid content ranging from the maximum of 40, 6% in the Lasina variety (from 1, 80 to 1, 09 (g/lxºOe-1)x100) to the minimum of 11, 8% (from 1, 07 to 0, 94 (g/lxºOe-1)x100) in the Glavinuša variety.
- Published
- 2009
47. Phenolic content and antioxidant capacity in organic and conventional red wine Babić
- Author
Kovačević Ganić, Karin, Gracin Leo, Komes, Draženka, Banović, Mara, Ćurko, Natka, and Kubanović, Veronika
- Subjects
Antioxidant activity ,Anthocyanins ,Organic wine ,Polyphenols - Abstract
The latest tendencies in food suggest a greater preference among consumers for healthy, environmentally friendly food. In the field of organic wine, the elaboration of the product from grapes grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, insecticides, and other pest control substances is important. The aim of present work was to study the phenolics composition and antioxidant capacity of organic and conventional red wine made from Croatian native grape variety Babić (Vitis vinifera L.). Phenolics were determined by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD). The total antioxidant capacity of wine was measured using three different methods: 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging, 2, 2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothialozine-6-sulfonic acid) radical cation (ABTS۰ +) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). Organic wine was shown to have the highest content of total polyphenols, averaging 2485 mg/L. The total anthocyanins content in conventional and organic wine was 412.22± 8.32 mg/L and 428.16± 5.15 mg/L, respectively. Malvidin-3-glucoside was the major anthocyanins, with content of 142.02± 1.12 in conventional wine and 157.12± 1.33 mg/L in organic wine. No significant differences were observed in the antioxidant activity of organic and conventional wine.
- Published
- 2009
48. Effect of Slope on the Copper Distribution of Vineyard Soils
- Author
Kisic, Ivica, Jurisic, Aleksandra, Zgorelec, Zeljka, Mesic, Milan i Basic, Ferdo, and Kubanović, Veronika
- Subjects
soil ,copper ,vineyard ,slope ,organic matter - Abstract
In order to control vine diseases Cu-based fungicides have been applied to vineyards, which resulted into increased Cu concentrations in vineyard soils. The goal of this research was to define influence of slope inclination on the total copper content in organic vineyards. Two organic vineyard soils were investigated near Zelina, Croatia in September 2008. From the top to the bottom, at the slope length of 85 m and 15 % of slope inclination, five profiles were opened at each vineyard. The profiles were divided into four layers (0-7, 7-15, 15-30 and 30- 50 cm). Soil pH was measured in 1M KCl suspension (1:2.5), whereas total C, N and S were determined by dry combustion method. Soil samples for total copper analysis were extracted with aqua regia and determined by AAS. On the first vineyard the whole area had an average soil pH of 7.27. Compared to the deeper layers significantly higher Cu content was determined in the surface soil layers (0-7 cm). The highest total Cu content was determined at the lowest profile location (fifth profile) on depth of 15-30 cm (394 mg/kg). On the first vineyard Cu content decreased with soil depth, except on fifth profile, where total Cu content slightly increased. It indicates that the slope, i.e. water erosion is one of the crucial factors for determined Cu content. Very strong correlation was found between organic matter content and total Cu content (R2 = 0.77). At the second location, three profiles were opened in the vineyard (top and middle of the hill) and two were opened at the pasture (bottom of the hill). There are some differences in investigated chemical properties between vineyard soil and pasture soil. The average total Cu content (36 mg/kg) in pasture soils samples is below threshold values according to Croatian Low (NN 15/92). On the second vineyard, total Cu content decreased with increasing profile depth. The highest (273 mg/kg) and the lowest (51 mg/kg) total Cu contents were determined at second soil profile on depth of 0-7 cm and 30-50 cm, respectively.
- Published
- 2009
49. Sustainability of small wine producers in the Republic of Croatia through changes of estate structure
- Author
Tratnik, Miroslav, Gašparec-Skočić, Ljiljana, Milat, Vinko, Kangjera, Helena., and Kubanović, Veronika.
- Subjects
small wine producers ,globalization ,estate structure - Abstract
Small wine producers are an important segment of Croatian production structure in the field of viticulture. On the other hand, globalization designs our present much more then any other modern process. If globalization (Taylor, 2002) is, in short, defined as a process in which “ globalization is global convergence prices of goods” , then the question of production cost becomes the central question solved through economies of scale (the size of production unit). Therefore, the question (i) of small producers sustainability in globalization conditions and (ii) fragmented Croatian estate structure, and along with (iii) efficiency of stimulation policy, and (iv) trends in concentration of viticulture estate structure, are the subject of this work. In this article, data sources from CIVV and CAEI were used, and the data was evaluated by methods of descriptive statistics with special emphasis on Gini coefficient nonlinearity. Based on ad hoc quantification (average changes rate), changes of number of vineyards, area up to 0.5 ha and those of 100 ha, an increase in the number of both categories is noticed. However, dynamics of yearly increase of the number of vineyards up to 0.5 ha is 4.3 times bigger then of that those over 100 ha. According to present dynamics of concentration in Croatian viticulture, the process will be slow and long. Particularly, the high dynamics of increase in number vineyards, area up to 0.5 ha, is encouraging, but also worrying in terms of tendency. The encouraging aspect is the possibility of adequate organization through cooperatives or viti-vini clusters as organized-business forms, while the worrying aspect is the possibility of, by means of stimulation policy measures, encouraging only up to date "non-winegrowers" to enter this production, and them being exclusively motivated by the stimulation part of stimulation policy.
- Published
- 2009
50. Volatile compounds in the production process of Croatian traditional sweet wine Prošek
- Author
Budić-Leto, Irena, Pezo, Ivan, Zdunić, Goran, Ćurko, Natka, Tomić-Potrebuješ, Iva, Banović, Mara, and Kubanović, Veronika
- Subjects
fungi ,food and beverages ,prošek ,sweet wine ,fermentation ,volatile compounds ,dried grapes, fermentation, Prošek, sweet wine, volatile compounds - Abstract
In the coastal region of Croatia, and especially in Dalmatia, the production of dessert (sweet) wine Prošek has a long tradition. Prošek is highly appreciated for its pleasant, sweet taste and complex aroma. Its production is challenging and expensive because it is limited to small amounts due to special conditions (variety, growing area, harvest year, technology). Several hundreds of compounds take part in creating the aroma of wine, which are present in different concentrations and have different sensory impact on the overall quality of the wine. The aim of this work was to identify and quantify the basic volatile compounds during the production of sweet wine Prošek: (i) drying of grapes, (ii) alcohol fermentation, and (iii) ageing for 6 months after the fermentation. Gas chromatograph with flame ionisation detector (GC-FID) was used in this study. For the preparation of samples, solid phase microextraction (SPME) was applied. Significantly higher concentrations of acetaldehydes, some higher alcohols, ethyl acetate, ethyl hexanoate and ethyl decanoate were determined in dried grapes than in the fresh grapes. During fermentation, a high increase in the concentration of acetic acid was observed. In the 6-month-old Prošek, an increase of acetate esters (ethyl acetate, isoamyl acetate and 2-phenyl ethyl acetate) was observed, as well as the increase of other ethyl esters (ethyl lactate, ethyl hexanoate, ethyl octanoate and ethyl decanoate), out of which 2-phenyl ethyl acetate, ehtyl lactate and ethyl octanoate have not been identified neither in fresh nor dried grapes. The highest concentration of esters determined in Prošek was that of ethyl acetate and ethyl lactate.
- Published
- 2009
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