67 results on '"Kučina Softić, Sandra"'
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2. Promišljanje prostora za učenje za studente u digitalnom dobu
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra
- Abstract
U prezentaciji održanoj na Međunarodnoj konferencijo o digitalnoj transformaciji u obrazovanju i primjenama umjetne inteligencije nastoji se doći do odgovora na pitanje je li tradicionalna fizička učionica za današnje učenike i studente još uvijek najbolji prostor za učenje te jesmo li spremni nešto promijeniti u sustavu obrazovanja?
- Published
- 2023
3. ABC radionica : ABC metoda za dizajn nastave
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra and Radobolja, Tona
- Abstract
ABC radionica namijenjena je nastavnicima, prvenstveno u sustavu visokog obrazovanja i pomaže im da pomoću ABC metode osmisle novi ili unaprijede postojeći kolegij ili studijski program. Nastavnici, na zabavan i jednostavan način, rade u grupama na e-kolegiju definirajući vrstu i način provedbe pojedine aktivnosti (bilo u učionici ili online) koje su potrebne da se postignu ishodi učenja.
- Published
- 2023
4. (Ne)moguća misija: obrazovanje za digitalno doba
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra
- Abstract
Prezentacija donosi pregled obrazovanja u digitalnom dobu, što je obrazovanje 4.0 te kako je online nastava odgovorila na izazove pandemije. Predstavljen je novi Akcijski plan za digitalno obrazovanje 2021.-2027. te je prodiskutirano što nam donosi budućnost.
- Published
- 2023
5. Providing digital environment for digitally enhanced teaching and learning for HEI and schools
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra
- Subjects
E-learning centre ,digital transformation ,CEU - Abstract
The presentation addresses the role of E-learning Centre@SRCE digital transformation of HE.
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra, primary, Čičko, Tea, additional, Kvočić, Petra, additional, and Radobolja, Tona, additional
- Published
- 2023
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7. Supporting digital education in pandemic – SRCE perspective
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra
- Subjects
digital education ,CEU ,e-learning - Abstract
The presentation brings information about the E-learning Centre at SRCE that has provided support to teachers, students and higher education institutions successfully during pandemic and nowadays.
- Published
- 2022
8. Podrška nastavnicima u digitalnom obrazovanju
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra
- Abstract
Prezentacija donosi informacije o načinima na koji Centar za e-učenje (CEU) Sveučilišnog računskog centra (Srce) u Zagrebu pruža sustavnu podršku nastavnicima pri digitalnoj transformaciji visokog obrazovanja.
- Published
- 2022
9. Podrška Centra za e-učenje Srca digitalnom obrazovanju
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra
- Abstract
Predavanjem je predstavljen rad Centra za e-učenje, koji u sklopu Srca funkcionira već petnaest godina i predstavlja vodeću organizaciju u regiji, koja promovira digitalnu transformaciju u visokoškolskom obrazovanju. Aktivnosti Centra obuhvaćaju infrastrukturnu podršku kreiranju i realiziranju e-kolegija putem Merlin platforme za cijeli visokoškolski sustav u Hrvatskoj, promociju otvorenog pristupa i otvorenih obrazovnih sadržaja te sudjelovanje u različitim međunarodnim projektima kojima se potiče međuinstitucijska suradnja u obrazovanju.
- Published
- 2022
10. Svjetionik u oluji: podrška u digitalnom obrazovanju
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra and Radobolja, Tona
- Abstract
Prezentacija je sastavni dio radionice čiji cilj je bio raspraviti s nastavnicima kakva im je podrška potrebna u pripremi inovativne nastave podržane digitalnim tehnologijama. U okviru radionice prezentirani su segmenti podrške koja je nastavnicima dostupna te s njima donijeti i zaključci o vrsti potrebne podrške. Važnost sustavne i dostupne podrške nastavnicima u primjeni digitalnih tehnologija više je nego ikada postala očita tijekom pandemije. Na osnovu stečenih iskustava sada je vrijeme da se definiraju načini podrške nastavnicima u cilju stjecanja digitalnih kompetencija kako bi znali kako integrirati digitalne tehnologije u obrazovni proces. U raspravi s nastavnicima definirano je koja i kakva im je podrška potrebna za stjecanje digitalnih kompetencija, ali i kvalitetnu implementaciju digitalnih tehnologija u obrazovni proces. Centar za e-učenje Srca 2022. godine obilježava 15. obljetnicu svojeg djelovanja i podrške nastavnicima, studentima i obrazovnim ustanovama u primjeni digitalnih tehnologija u obrazovnom procesu. Na osnovu bogatog iskustva s ovom prezentacijom su, zajedno s nastavnicima, prepoznati najbolji načini podrške koja je potrebna da nastavnici stekli neophodne digitalne kompetencije koje će primijeniti u nastavi.
- Published
- 2022
11. ABC method for online course design – from f2f to online workshop in Croatian perspective
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra and Radobolja, Tona
- Subjects
digital technologies ,online courses ,e-learning centre ,online courses design ,course design ,support to teachers ,ABC ,CEU ,ABC learning design method - Abstract
Implementation of digital technologies into the educational process is not new but has significantly increased with the pandemic of COVID-19 because of the lockdown and sudden move to the online environment. The majority of teachers do not have the knowledge and skills to know how to properly implement digital technologies into teaching and learning, and neither they have time to search for digital technologies or to learn how to use them. Therefore, organized support and training in the use of digital technologies are very important, enabling teachers to focus on the course subject and with help of trained support staff find the proper way how to implement them into their teaching. A number of training courses and workshops related to digital education are available to teachers, and one of them that has proven to be of high value is the ABC LD Workshop designed by University College London colleagues. Based on Diane Laurillards’ Conversational Framework, this engaging, hands-on curriculum development workshop enables teachers to get a new perception and understanding of what an e-course could look like. Based on participation in the Erasmus+ project the ABCtoVLE and gained experience, the E-learning Centre at SRCE team adapted this workshop for the Croatian educational environment and later designed it to be held online aiming to provide teachers with handson, just what they need training so they can easier get around the online environment and provide a high-quality learning experience to students.
- Published
- 2022
12. Use of OER in Teaching and Learning
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra
- Subjects
open educational resources ,OER ,open educational practices ,open education ,e-learning - Abstract
The presentation explains the potential and importance of open educational resources (OERs), especially in relation to open education as a long-term solution to ensuring equitable, inclusive access to effective educational resources and learning opportunities and open educational practices (OEP). The presentation focuses on the use of OER in terms of defining "openness" and explaining the permissions that are granted to users (5R activities), while also giving an insight on how to share your work.
- Published
- 2022
13. How did we support education in pandemic – the role of the e-learning centre
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra, Radobolja, Tona, and Martinović, Zvonko
- Subjects
Merlin ,virtual learning environment ,higher education ,e-learning ,CEU - Abstract
A presentation provides with insights about the role of the National Centre for E-learning in Higher Education as well as about its successfully support to HEI when pandemic started.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra, primary, Lasić-Lazić, Jadranka, additional, and Tropša, Vlado, additional
- Published
- 2022
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15. Obrazovanje nakon pandemije – staro ili novo 'normalno'?
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra
- Abstract
Transformacija obrazovnog okruženja potaknuta je krizom i hitnom nastavom na daljinu, dovodeći do rapidne primjene različitih tehnologija, a time i novih mogućnosti za provođenje online nastave u redovnim okolnostima. Prezentacija daje osvrt na organizaciju i provedbu obrazovanja u periodu pandemije, s naglaskom na povezane usluge Srca te prikazuje novi Akcijski plan za digitalno obrazovanje u postpandemijskom vremenu (2021 – 2027.)
- Published
- 2022
16. E-učenje i online tečajevi
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra and Radobolja, Tona
- Abstract
Prezentacija daje uvid u mogućnosti poboljšanja kvalitete nastave primjenom novih koncepata i tehnologija uz širu razradu teme, od pojma e-učenja i vrsta, od mješovitih i hibridnih oblika do hitne nastave na daljinu. Poseban fokus je stavljen na sadržaj, dizajn i opcije online tečajeva na primjeru sustava Merlin koji razvija i održava Centar za e-učenje Srca kao nacionalno središte podrške primjeni novih tehnologija u obrazovanju na visokoškolskoj razini.
- Published
- 2022
17. Otvoreni obrazovni sadržaji u nastavi – zašto, kako, kada?
- Author
Jurak, Tamara and Kučina Softić, Sandra
- Abstract
Cilj prezentacije je približiti nastavnicima i svima koji se bave obrazovanjem što su to otvoreni obrazovni sadržaji i zašto ih koristiti, kako koristiti obrazovne materijale drugih autora i kako postaviti svoje materijale u otvoreni pristup te upoznati s postupkom postavljanja vlastitih materijala u otvoreni pristup i čemu služe Creative Commons licencije. Izlaganje daje odgovor na pitanja poput smije li se nečije djelo (članak, slika) koristiti za potrebe kolegija ili kako nastavne materijale učiniti dostupnim drugima uz zaštitu svojeg autorskog prava.
- Published
- 2022
18. E-learning Centre @ SRCE - Supporting HE Teachers in Digital Education
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra
- Subjects
teachers training ,e-learning Centre ,digital competences ,OER ,e-learning - Abstract
This presentation took part within the meeting on the project Project "AMED - Advancing higher education in Maldives through E- learning Development", approved by Erasmus+ programme, coordinated by Faculty of Organization and Informatics. The presentation details the role of E-learning Centre within Srce (University of Zagreb University Computing Centre) in rising awareness and dissemination about E-learning, providing the infrastructure as well as high quality, easily accessible and sustainable support, trainings and materials for HE institutions, teachers and students. The presentation sets focus on the pandemic and post-pandemic period with reflection on present situation and changes caused by crisis that in a way induced digital transformation in the terms of e-learning.
- Published
- 2022
19. How did we support education in pandemic - role of the E-learning centre
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra and Radobolja, Tona
- Subjects
online education ,digital technologies ,e-learning centre ,organized support - Abstract
The world is still facing a pandemic that has changed the lives of all of us, it has changed the way we live, work, learn. This period is difficult and challenging, but at the same time we have encountered many opportunities and situations that have opened new vistas and spawned new experiences. We need to recognize what we have learned, what should be done better, what we want education to look like and what actions should be taken from now on. In addition to the disorder, the pandemic also highlighted a number of interesting and provocative topics, such as how online teaching can work and be of the same quality as classroom teaching; why teachers really need digital skills to be able to teach in a new way and why is support to teachers, students and higher education institutions in the implementation of digital technologies very important part in the shaping education for digital age. In this paper we present importance of organized support to online teaching and learning and implementation of digital technologies in educational process. The E-learning Centre at SRCE has provided support to teachers, students and higher education institutions successfully during pandemic and nowadays. In this paper we bring their case study.
- Published
- 2022
20. Teachers’ digital competences as a key factor for the digital transformation of education
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra
- Subjects
teachers’ digital competences ,higher education ,digital transformation ,ICT ,e-learning ,continuous professional development - Abstract
Many factors influence teachers’ attitude toward using information and communications technology (ICT) and e-learning and their implantation in the educational process. Teachers are reluctant to embrace new things if they are not acquainted with them or do not have complete information. Those who have some knowledge and experience in the application of ICT and e-learning are more open to their integration. The COVID-19 pandemic was unexpected, and no one was prepared for it, especially those teachers who did not use ICT and e-learning. In a short period of time teachers had to embrace digital technologies in order to ensure continuation of educational processes. In surveys carried out during the pandemic, teachers find that their digital competences have increased based largely on the use of ICT and e-learning technologies. Two years after the start of the pandemic, surveys are showing that teachers have good knowledge of e-learning applications in the educational process, but they need professional development in the use of ICT and e-learning more than in digital pedagogies. Yet, their use of ICT and e-learning technologies during the pandemic is predominantly in videoconferencing tools to ensure the continuation of live lectures, and in the use of learning management systems (LMS) for dissemination of information about the course, learning materials and communication. Research results indicate that there are no significant changes in the use of LMS since before the pandemic. Experience gained during the pandemic is not in online education, but mostly in emergency remote teaching whereby teachers used basic technologies in order to ensure the continuation of educational processes. It can be concluded that lack of digital competence influences teachers’ readiness for use of digital technologies and their perception of the possibilities and benefits digital technologies can bring to education. It can also explain why teachers are going back to classroom teaching or an online/classroom hybrid as an addition to teaching and learning. Teachers’ digital confluence can significantly influence the process of digital transformation of education, as competent teachers will be able to provide high-quality education. It has become evident that digital technologies are unavoidable in the educational process and their implementation is important for enhancing its quality. Accordingly, teachers’ continuing professional development must become an integral part of their career, not just an opportunity for those who are interested.
- Published
- 2022
21. DIGITOOLS - the future of open digital education
- Author
Banek Zorica, Mihaela, Cavanagh, Jerald, Kučina Softić, Sandra, Odak, Marko, and Stojanovski, Jadranka
- Subjects
DIGITOOLS, COVID-19, Higher education, e-learning - Abstract
The Multiplier Events will see the participation of stakeholders, international experts, and academia. The aim of this regional multiplier event is to bring the results of the research conducted within the DIGITOOLS project. The workshop will also discuss the future of digital education in universities and European frameworks in the field of digital education. Special focus is on the role of Universities in the effective implementation of digital learning, Open educational resources and open access to resources. The crisis generated by the COVID 19 pandemic has forced European universities to move their teaching activities to the online environment. Although most Higher Education Institutions have implemented E-Learning platforms years ago, the teaching staff are now experiencing difficulties in using these platforms and in creating and adapting the course content, needed to quickly adapt to a fast evolving and complex situation. DIGITOOLS is a project aimed at introducing enhanced digital tools and methods to help university staff deliver quality education through online means. The DIGITOOLS project will develop five Intellectual Outputs which will support the teaching staff from Higher Education Institutions to acquire the skills and competencies needed to create and deliver high quality online courses, including blended teaching. The role of university libraries will be crucial in this project, as they will have to adapt their services and provide digital learning materials as well as information and digital skills training, both to teaching staff and students. As a result of the DIGITOOLS project, the universities will be able to provide, through teaching staff and libraries, high quality online training courses, with a focus on subject – specific teaching. The project brings together seven Higher Education Institutions and one consulting SME, specialized in digitization, from seven countries and will focus on the implementation of online and blended teaching, encouraging, at every step, the unitary practice.
- Published
- 2022
22. SRCE: Supporting HE in Digital Transformation - The Case of Supporting HE Teachers in Digital Education
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra
- Subjects
teachers training ,Merlin ,SRCE ,digital competences ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,OER ,e-infrastructure ,E-learning Centre ,e-learning - Abstract
This presentation took part within the kick-off meeting of the project “Assessing the digital readiness of higher education in Croatia”, agreed between the Croatian Ministry for Education and Science, the OECD Higher Education Policy Team and the European Commission’s Directorate General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM). The presentation elaborates the role of SRCE (University of Zagreb University Computing Centre) as the architect of the e-infrastructure of the entire system of science and higher education of the Republic of Croatia, competence centre for information and communication technologies as well as the centre for education and support in the area of ICT application. The main focus is set on the E-learning Centre at SRCE and high quality, easily accessible and sustainable support that it provides to higher education institutions, teachers and students, reflecting on present situation and education in post-pandemic.
- Published
- 2021
23. Izazovi provođenja visokoškolske nastave u online okruženju
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra
- Abstract
Izlaganje donosi kratak osvrt na izazove u poučavanju i učenju na početku pandemije virusa COVID-19 te pojašnjava pojmove e-učenja, hitne nastave na daljinu, online nastave i oblike sinkrone i asinkrone nastave. Također, donosi smjernice o tome kako osigurati kvalitetnu nastavu u online okruženju te govori o podršci koju nastavnicima pruža Centar za e-učenje Srca.
- Published
- 2021
24. Online nastava nisu samo učionička predavanja online
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra
- Abstract
Izlaganje donosi kratak osvrt na izazove u poučavanju i učenju na početku pandemije virusa COVID-19 te pojašnjava pojmove e-učenja, hitne nastave na daljinu, online nastave i oblike sinkrone i asinkrone nastave. Također, donosi smjernice o tome kako osigurati kvalitetnu nastavu u online okruženju te govori o podršci koju nastavnicima pruža Centar za e-učenje Srca.
- Published
- 2021
25. O čemu govorimo kada govorimo o e-učenju i online nastavi?
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra
- Abstract
U izlaganju su pojašnjeni oblici učenja prema načinu i intenzitetu korištenja informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija, a koje je definirao T. Bates, najveći živući stručnjak za e-učenje. Veliki naglasak stavljen je na novi pojam hitna nastava (emergency remote teaching) koji se odnosi na privremenu promjenu trenutnog oblika nastave u online okruženje korištenjem dostupnih alata, kao početno a ne kontinuirano rješenje.
- Published
- 2020
26. Digitalne kompetencije nastavnika za primjenu e-učenja u visokom obrazovanju
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra, Lasić-Lazić, Jadranka, Banek Zorica, Mihaela, Pavlina, Krešimir, and Balaban, Igor
- Subjects
digitalne kompetencije ,informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije (ICT) ,visoko obrazovanje ,nastavnik ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Organization and Informatics ,udc:37(043.3) ,e-učenje ,e-učenje, informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije (ICT), digitalne kompetencije, visoko obrazovanje, nastavnik, poučavanje i učenje ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Organizacija i informatika ,Education ,information and communication technologies (ICT) ,higher education ,poučavanje i učenje ,teaching and learning ,teacher ,Obrazovanje ,e-learning ,digital competencies - Abstract
Digitalne tehnologije danas su sastavni dio našeg društva, a razvoj informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija je jedna od najvećih revolucija u sferi ljudske komunikacije i upravljanja informacijama. Informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije utječu na sve aspekte društva, tako i na učenje, poučavanje i istraživanje dajući potencijal za inovativnost, za bolji i veći razvoj vještina potrebnih za tržište rada. U obrazovnom sustavu danas imamo učenike i studente koji su rođeni u 21. stoljeću i koji danas imaju neograničen pristup informacijama, koji se svakodnevno služe digitalnim tehnologijama i koji više ne žele pasivno slušati i memorirati servirane informacije. Oni očekuju da će izaći iz obrazovnog sustava sa znanjima i vještinama koje su im potrebne da budu zapošljivi na tržištu rada, da su u stanju se dalje usavršavati i da su u mogućnosti aktivno sudjelovati u društvu. Stoga je potrebno provesti promjene u načinu i metodama poučavanja i učenja ne samo u sustavu visokog obrazovanja, nego na svim razinama obrazovanja. Digitalne tehnologije mogu obogatiti iskustvo učenja, donose nove i inovativne mogućnosti poučavanja i učenja, omogućavaju podizanje kvalitete obrazovnog procesa kao i bolje postizanje ishoda učenja. Europska komisija kontinuirano ističe važnost obrazovanja te mogućnosti digitalnih tehnologija u unaprjeđenju kvalitete obrazovnog procesa, većoj dostupnosti i inkluzivnosti obrazovanja i obrazovnih sadržaja, te stjecanju novih znanja, vještina i kompetencija. Već s Lisabonskom strategijom1, zatim nizom dokumenata vezanih uz obrazovanje pa sve do Akcijskog plana za digitalno obrazovanje (Europska komisija, 2018) Europska komisija nastoji podići svijest zemalja članica i svih koji se bave obrazovanjem o važnosti primjene digitalnih tehnologija u procesu poučavanja i učenja na svim razinama obrazovanja, ali i potrebe da se nastavnici kontinuirano usavršavaju, da imaju digitalne kompetencije i budu inovativni. Na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu sustavna implementacija e-učenja započela je 2007. godine donošenjem Strategije e-učenja. Pri tome je e-učenje definirano kao sinonim za novo, moderno i kvalitetno obrazovanje. Sustavna implementacije e-učenja na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu koja je tada započela, donijela je nove izazove i za uprave visokoškolskih ustanova i za nastavnike. Pred nastavnikom je novi izazov, osim što treba poznavati tehnologiju, mora biti i kompetentan pronaći način kako je integrirati u nastavu, a pri tome se i uloga nastavnika mijenja. S ovom premisom krenulo se u razradu teze o važnosti i potrebi digitalnih kompetencija nastavnika gledajući prvenstveno potrebe nastavnika na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu, ali i svih nastavnika u sustavu visokog obrazovanja. Hipoteze istraživanja usmjerene su prema digitalnim kompetencijama nastavnika za primjenu e-učenja, te programima usavršavanja i osposobljavanja vezano uz ICT i e-učenje te dostupnosti tehnologija i alata e-učenja te podrške u njihovoj primjeni i implementaciji u obrazovni proces. Tijekom istraživanja uzeta su u obzir i iskustva stečena u dugogodišnjem radu doktoranda u visokom obrazovanju te radu u Centru za e-učenje u Srcu koji djeluje kao središnje mjesto za sustavnu implementaciju i podršku e-učenju na Sveučilištu, te pruža podršku nastavnicima, sastavnicama i studentima u radu s tehnologijama e-učenja i njihovoj primjeni u nastavi, i održava sveučilišnu platformu za e-učenje i virtualno okruženje za e-učenje. Rad je rezultirao istraživačkim izvješćem o digitalnim kompetencijama nastavnika Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, pa će u praktičnom smislu rezultati koristiti upravi Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i upravama sastavnica Sveučilišta vezano uz usavršavanje nastavnika u digitalnim kompetencija kao i sustavnom kontinuiranom stručnog usavršavanju nastavnika. Rezultati se svakako biti od koristi i Centru za e-učenje u Srcu i centrima za e-učenje na sastavnicama kako bi mogli promišljati i unaprijediti podršku nastavnicima. U radu se željelo istražiti koliko digitalne kompetencije utječu na prihvaćanje e-učenja i njegovu integraciju u obrazovni proces, koji je stav nastavnika prema e-učenju te koje digitalne kompetencije su im potrebne kako bi na kvalitetan način primijenili e-učenje u nastavi. Također se željelo istražiti koliko nedostatak digitalnih kompetencija utječe na nastavnike i njihovu spremnost i motivaciju da integriraju digitalne tehnologije i nove načine poučavanja u obrazovni proces. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja uočeni su čimbenici i varijable koje utječu na spremnost i motivaciju nastavnika u sustavu visokog obrazovanja u primjeni e-učenja u nastavi. Znanstveni doprinos rada sastoji se u teorijskom i istraživačkom dijelu. U teorijskom dijelu napravljen je opširan osvrt na stručnu domaću i stranu literaturu te je dan doprinos vezano uz metodologije provođenja stručnog usavršavanja nastavnika u digitalnim kompetencijama. Istraživanje, provedeno kao potpora teorijskom dijelu, pokazalo je da nastavnici na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu u velikom postotku imaju pozitivan stav prema primjeni ICT i tehnologija e-učenja u nastavi, da dostupnost tehnologija i alata e-učenja te podrška u njihovoj primjeni pozitivno utječu na motivaciju nastavnika za implementaciju e-učenja u obrazovni proces te da je stav nastavnika pozitivniji ako je stanje na ustanovi povoljno prema ICT i tehnologijama e-učenja. Pri tome većina nastavnika smatra da su digitalno kompetentni za primjenu e-učenja u nastavi u visokom obrazovanju, ali im je potrebno stručno osposobljavanje vezano uz digitalnu pedagogiju te nešto manje u suvremenim tehnologijama. Međutim razina primjene digitalnih tehnologija u nastavi je relativno niska, većinom se koriste kako dodatak nastavi. Ujedno je istraživanje potvrdilo važnost sustavnog i kontinuiranog stručnog usavršavanja nastavnika te stvaranja okruženja za suradnju u kojem nastavnici imaju podršku i poticaj da budu što bolji nastavnici. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali i da je sustavna i kvalitetna podrška nastavnicima u primjeni ICT i tehnologija e-učenja vrlo važna, ali i isto tako i prepoznavanje i vrednovanje rada u nastavi. Analiza literature i postojećih istraživanja također ukazuje da je usavršavanje nastavnika u korištenju i primjeni digitalnih tehnologija ključan faktor za kvalitetu obrazovnog procesa te može znatno unaprijediti studentsko postignuće. Kontinuirano usavršavanje nastavnika još uvijek nije obavezno niti osigurano na većini visokoškolskih ustanova te se u radu razmatraju i okviri za digitalne kompetencije kao i modeli stručnog usavršavanja nastavnika u digitalnim kompetencijama. Time se otvara mogućnost za redefiniranje polazišta i unaprjeđenje edukacije nastavnika za primjenu e-učenja u nastavi. Na kraju rada dane su preporuke za organizaciju i provedbu kontinuiranog stručnog usavršavanja nastavnika na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu., Digital technologies are an integral part of our society today, and the development of information and communication technologies is one of the biggest revolutions in the field of human communication and information management. Information and communication technologies affect all aspects of society, as well as learning, teaching and research, giving the potential for innovation, for better and greater development of skills needed for the labour market. In the education system today, we have students born in the 21st century who have unlimited access to information today, who use digital technologies on a daily basis, and who no longer want to passively listen and memorize information served. They expect to leave the education system with the knowledge and skills they need to be employable in the labour market, to be able to be lifelong learners and to be able to actively participate in society. Therefore, it is necessary to implement changes in the ways and methods of teaching and learning not only in the higher education system, but at all levels of education. Digital technologies can enrich the learning experience, bring new and innovative teaching and learning opportunities, improve the quality of the educational process and better achieve learning outcomes. New technologies bring new opportunities for teaching and learning, and in addition to being an expert in subject field, the teacher needs to monitor development of ICT and get acquainted with them as well as to have a good pedagogical background to know how to implement them in the educational process. The teacher is facing a great challenge, he/she is expected to be competent in using new technologies, to be able to apply them to the educational process and to introduce new teaching methods. They are expected, practically overnight, to have all the knowledge and competencies needed to take on the new role of mentor, coordinator and facilitator of the educational process. There is increasing pressure on the teacher who is expected to have all the necessary knowledge, but no one asks do they have it, what are the conditions in which they work when it comes to teaching and how they will acquire the necessary knowledge and competencies to fulfil all expectations. The idea and reflections about the topic of doctoral thesis are based on the challenges that higher education teachers encounter today regarding the teaching and implementation of e-learning, as well as on author’s experiences for more than 15 years in working with and supporting teachers in implementation of e-learning in the educational process. In this research, primarily the experience of teachers at the University of Zagreb was monitored and investigated. The topic of the doctoral thesis is conceptualized in seven chapters and conclusions. The second chapter describes the development of the today’s environment and the relationship between information and communication technologies, higher education and teachers. This chapter begins with the information technologies revolution, then reflect on the knowledge society and the networked society and the concept of digital transformation. In this context, teachers view in a networked society has been provided. The third chapter describes the environment in which the research is conducted and observed - the higher education system in Croatia and the University of Zagreb and the situation related to e-learning. The process of systematic implementation of e-learning at the University of Zagreb is described, taking into account available strategies and performed analyses in relation to e-learning. Chapter four gives a definition of e-learning and describes the forms of e-learning according to the manner and intensity of use of information and communication technologies, and explains the possibilities of e-learning application in higher education. This chapter also outlines the factors that influence the adoption and integration of ICT and e-learning in teaching. In addition to a detailed review of the available literature on this topic, personal, institutional and cultural factors and technical factors have been addressed as the most influential on teachers' attitude to implement e-learning in the educational process. In addition to these, identified are also factors that influence the participation of university teachers in professional development. Finally, an example of teacher training in the field of e-learning is given - an example of the E-Learning Centre at SRCE. The fifth chapter titled Teachers’ Digital Competencies provides a definition of digital competence and elaborate the topic, taking into account various relevant sources. Digital competences are discussed from the aspect of higher education teachers, looking at what digital competencies teachers need and how important they are for implementing technologies in the educational process and applying new teaching methods. This chapter also addresses the frameworks for teachers’ digital competences, especially highlighting the DigiCompEdu Framework adopted by the European Commission, which is comprehensive and tailored to the needs of teachers at all levels of education. This framework can help teachers assess and develop digital competencies, while highlighting the six different phases that are typical of developing teachers' digital competencies. In addition, this framework also provides a tool that teachers can use to self-assess their digital competencies. The following section also elaborates the process of integrating digital technologies into the educational process. The stages by which teachers adopt technology and the challenges teachers face in using and successfully implementing e-learning in teaching are presented and explained. The importance of the pedagogical aspect is particularly emphasized in this chapter, although this section has been presented in previous chapters. This chapter also deals with the teachers’ training in digital competences, starting with the concept of teacher training, and provides an overview of existing documents and reports dealing with the professional development of teachers in education, especially in higher education. Finally, a review of existing teacher training programs is given and recommendations are made for the organization of teacher training in the digital competences needed for e-learning implementation. Chapter six presents the research methodology. This chapter provides a theoretical starting point for research, explains the purpose of the research, and provides a list of issues discussed in the research. Here are set out the research hypotheses, research methodology, how the research was conducted and how the data were collected. This section gives a clear insight into the research settings, and in particular explains the process of preparing and conducting the survey towards the teachers of the University of Zagreb as one of the research methods and its analysis. Chapter seven goes on to the previous chapters and provides an analysis of the results of the survey in several sections, from demographic data presentation, analysis of e-learning applications in teaching, technology support to teachers, and teacher training in ICT and e-learning technologies. The results are presented textually and through tables and charts using MS Excel, the programming language R and the programming language Statistica. The chapter eighth provides the final consideration and reflection and overview of the doctoral thesis. In addition, directions for possible activities related to the acquisition of teachers' competence for the application of e-learning in higher education are given. The dissertation ends with a comprehensive list of literature and an annex in which the questionnaire was used to conduct the survey. The scientific contribution of the doctoral thesis consists of theoretical and research part. In the theoretical part, an extensive review of the professional domestic and international literature has been made, and contributions have been made regarding the methodologies for conducting teacher professional development in digital competences. The research, conducted in support of the theoretical part, showed that teachers at the University of Zagreb in a large percentage have a positive attitude towards the application of ICT and e-learning technologies in teaching, that the availability of e-learning technologies and tools and the support in their application have a positive influence on motivation teachers for the implementation of e-learning in the educational process and that the attitude of teachers is more positive if the situation in the institution is favourable to ICT and e-learning technologies. Most teachers find that they are digitally competent to apply e-learning in higher education teaching, but they need professional training in digital pedagogy and, to a lesser extent, modern technologies. However, the level of application of digital technologies in teaching is relatively low, mostly they are used as an addition to teaching. At the same time, the research confirmed the importance of systematic and continuous professional development of teachers and the creation of a collaborative environment in which teachers have the support and incentive to be as good teachers as possible. The results of the research showed that systematic and quality support for teachers in the application of ICT and e-learning technologies is very important, but also recognition and evaluation of teaching. An analysis of the literature and existing research indicates that teacher training in use and application of digital technologies is a key factor for the quality of the educational process and can significantly improve student achievement. Continuous teacher training is not yet mandatory or secured at most higher education institutions, and digital competency frameworks and models of teacher professional development in digital competencies are also discussed. This opens up the opportunity to redefine the starting point and improve teacher education for the application of e-learning in teaching. At the end of the paper, recommendations for the organization and implementation of continuous professional development of teachers at the University of Zagreb are given.
- Published
- 2020
27. E-učenje sinonim za novo, moderno i kvalitetno obrazovanje
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra
- Subjects
e-učenje - Abstract
E-učenje je sastavni i integralni dio procesa obrazovanja. Sustavno uvođenje e-učenja doprinosi kvaliteti sveučilišnog obrazovanja koje se temelji na ishodima učenja sa studentima u središtu obrazovnog procesa kao i razvoju prikladnih i inovativnih metoda poučavanja i učenja koje će podići motivaciju studenata za studiranje te kreativan i istraživački rad. Među novijim dokumentima koje je izdala Europska komisija nalazi se i Renewed Agenda for Higher Education (2017) koja u fokus stavlja izazove digitalizacije, ključnu ulogu edukatora i potrebu za kvalitetno dizajniranim obrazovnim programima. Osim toga Europska komisija ističe i ključnu ulogu visokog obrazovanja u današnjem društvu jer digitalne tehnologije čine poslove fleksibilnijima i kompleksnijima te se od zaposlenika očekuju vještine 21. stoljeća. U Akcijskom planu za digitalno obrazovanje koji je donijela Europska komisija u siječnju 2018. ističe se važnost boljeg iskorištavanja digitalne tehnologije za poučavanje i učenje te navodi niz koraka koje je potrebno provesti da se iskoristi puni potencijal digitalne tehnologije za poboljšanje obrazovanja. Srce kao središnja infrastrukturna ustanova cjelokupnog sustava znanosti i visokog obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske pruža savjetodavnu i obrazovnu podršku institucijama i pojedincima iz akademske i istraživačke zajednice pri primjeni informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije u procesu obrazovanja i istraživanja. Centar za e-učenje Srca već 11 godina radi na sustavnoj podršci ustanovama, nastavnicima i studentima u sustavu visokog obrazovanje, ali i ostalima u obrazovnom sustavu pri upotrebi tehnologija i alata za e-učenje. Centar za e-učenje Srca danas djeluje kao nacionalni centar za e-učenje u sustavu visokog obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Osim tehnologija koje su dostupne korisnicima kao što je sustav Merlin, na kojem se za ak. godinu 2018./2019. nalazi preko 12.500 e-kolegija, posebna pažnja u radu posvećuje se podršci korisnicima, posebice nastavnicima, kojima je kvalitetna podrška Centra svakodnevno osigurana i dostupna putem helpdeska, kroz tečajeve (učioničke i online) i radionice, priručnike i animacije, individualne konzultacije te zajedničke projekte s nastavnicima na razvoju njihovih kolegija
- Published
- 2019
28. Why digital badges matter? (SRCE experience)
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra, Birkić, Tamara, Rako, Sabina, Jandrić, Irena, and Radobolja, Tona
- Subjects
digital badges ,Moodle ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,Digital badges, open badges, micro credentials, skills, competences, assessment ,ComputerApplications_COMPUTERSINOTHERSYSTEMS ,e-learning - Abstract
Prezentacija o implementaciji digitalnih znački u Sveučilišnom računskom centru (Srce) Sveučilišta u Zagrebu., Presentation about implementation of digital badges at University of Zagreb University Computing Center (Srce).
- Published
- 2019
29. From good strategy to successful implementation of e-learning – view from an E-learning Centre (case of the University of Zagreb)
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra
- Subjects
ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION - Abstract
E-learning Centre, established at SRCE in 2007, is a central point for support to institutions, teachers and students in implementation of e-learning that performs the tasks of the University Office for e-learning.
- Published
- 2018
30. Open Education and Open Educational Resources
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra, Rako, Sabina, and Hebrang Grgić, Ivana
- Subjects
open educational resources ,digital badges ,oer ,open education ,creative commons - Abstract
The main objective of open education is to encourage affordable, equitable, inclusive and quality education, i.e. to remove obstacles associated with the inability to learn. Obstacles may be related to financial constraints, physical disabilities, belonging to a particular minority group, language differences or insufficient levels of knowledge that prevent access to certain educational programmes. One way of removing these obstacles is to make Open Educational Resources (OER), i.e. open content for learning and teaching, more available. In order to make educational materials publicly available and ensure their wide application, there is the issue of copyright, that has to be clearly defined and the Creative Commons licence seems to be an appropriate answer to it. Positive movements are only possible using a systematic approach in creating open educational resources, i.e. developing Open Educational Practices. The European Commission has recognized the importance of these topics and has adopted a number of policies to encourage open education. Although the obstacles still exist, there are examples of good practice in the development of open educational publications in Croatia, such as the example of the University Computing Centre Srce of the University of Zagreb.
- Published
- 2018
31. Teachers' Digital Competencies for E-learning Application in Higher Education
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra and Josep M. Duart, András Szűcs
- Subjects
ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,e-learning, teachers, higher education, digital competencies - Abstract
New technologies bring new opportunities for teaching and learning, asking the teacher to keep up with time and technology and to try out new methods and apply them in a proper and highquality way in the educational process. But with a growing number of tools and technologies, teachers often lose the battle because they cannot keep track with all the news, inform themselves about them and figure out how to integrate them into the educational process. Johannesen and Eide (2000) point out that the application of information and communication technologies in the education process needs to be carefully planned and devised to be set in the pedagogical context. Teachers are expected to have good pedagogical knowledge and to know how to integrate new technology into teaching. But technology brings new levels of complexity and demands new knowledge and skills. It is primarily upon teachers to realize what kind of digital competencies they have and how much training do they need in order to be efficient in e-learning implementation into educational process. In this research it was investigated what is the attitude of the teachers at the University of Zagreb toward e-learning and what digital competencies they need to be able to apply e-learning into their teaching. Results showed that teachers have a positive attitude towards ICT and e-learning application in educational process, yet they need support and training to use new technologies in a more innovative and efficient way.
- Published
- 2018
32. E-učenje kao katalizator cjeloživotnog obrazovanja
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra
- Subjects
e-učenje, cjeloživotno obrazovanje - Abstract
Informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije su postale u vrlo kratkom vremenu osnovni element modernog društva što dovodi do sve većih zahtjeva za stjecanjem digitalnih vještina i kompetencija. Sve je više poslova koji zahtijevaju poznavanje ICT-a, a velik dio građana EU još uvijek nema razvijene osnovne digitalne vještine. Stoga jedan od prioriteta u obrazovanju postaje prilagodba obrazovanja digitalnim tehnologijama i digitalnom svijetu. U tom kontekstu e-učenje postaje sastavni i integralni dio procesa obrazovanja. E-učenje donosi čitav niz prednosti u obrazovni proces, od vremenske i prostorne fleksibilnosti u poučavanju i učenju, kao i u pristupu ažurnim i aktualnim multimedijskim i interaktivnim nastavnim materijalima, zatim mogućnosti prilagodbe osobnom stilu učenja, omogućavanje kolaborativnog učenja i stjecanje vještina projektnog i timskog rada pa do dostupnosti širem krugu polaznika. Danas svatko od nas sve češće poseže za otvorenim online obrazovnim materijalima, tečajevima i programima. No mogućnost učenja bilo kada, bilo gdje, kroz manje modularne segmente onoga što nas zanima postala je naša svakidašnjica, a tehnologije e- učenja katalizator i neophodan dio današnjeg cjeloživotnog obrazovanja. Srce kao središnja infrastrukturna ustanova cjelokupnog sustava znanosti i visokog obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske pruža savjetodavnu i obrazovnu podršku institucijama i pojedincima iz akademske i istraživačke zajednice pri primjeni informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije u procesu obrazovanja i istraživanja. Centar za e-učenje Srca već deset godina uspješno pruža podršku ustanovama, nastavnicima i studentima ali i ostalima u obrazovnom sustavu pri upotrebi tehnologija i alata za e-učenje.
- Published
- 2017
33. EUNIS 2016: Creating Virtual Learning Environment for Higher Education Institutions
- Author
Martinović, Zvonko, Kučina Softić, Sandra, and Mušica, Vedran
- Subjects
Mahara ,Adobe Connect ,IT infrastructure ,VLE ,Moodle ,user support - Abstract
University of Zagreb, University Computing Centre (SRCE) has a central role in the systematic implementation of e-learning not only at the University of Zagreb but also at other higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia. Providing a stable and rich Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for a large number of teachers and students is an extensive and challenging task. The process of setting up and maintaining a VLE consists out of three important components: software, infrastructure and user support. Each of these components is essential for a smooth running system and providing good user experience. In this paper we will present our experience in building and maintaining a VLE at the University of Zagreb, University Computing Centre SRCE since 2007.
- Published
- 2016
34. Integration of Virtual Learning Environment into the Educational Process
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra, Ćorić Samardžija, Ana, Moreira Teixeira, Antonio, Szucs, Andras, and Mazar, Ildiko
- Subjects
Merlin ,virtual learning environment ,e-learning ,support to teachers ,VLE ,Virtual learning environment ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,E-learning Centre - Abstract
Virtual learning environment can have an important role in the learning and teaching process. But its implementation into the educational process depends on teachers’ knowledge about technology and ways how to integrate it into educational process. In this paper the results of higher education teachers’ satisfaction with the VLE Merlin and its support are presented. VLE Merlin is set of learning platforms for higher education in Croatia which is maintained by the E-learning Centre at SRCE.
- Published
- 2016
35. Results of Croatian National Higher Education Survey on Use of ICT and E-learning
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra, Ćorić Samardžija, Ana, Hunjak, Tihomir, Kirinić, Valentina, and Konecki, Mario
- Subjects
national survey ,teachers’ attitude ,higher education ,e-learning ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION - Abstract
The use of ICT within higher education has grown rapidly over the last decades. The universities across the world are embracing new technologies hoping that they will improve the teaching and learning with these actions. However, the situation regarding the use of ICT within Croatian educational process still varies. Within this paper we will present some of the results of the Croatian national survey at higher education level regarding ICT and e- learning application in educational process. The primary focus of this paper is the situation regarding ICT and e-learning usage at the higher education institutions in Croatia and attitudes of management and teachers towards ICT and e-learning from the perspectives of vice-deans for academic affairs.
- Published
- 2016
36. Creating Virtual Learning Environment for Higher Education Institutions
- Author
Martinović, Zvonko, Kučina Softić, Sandra, and Mušica, Vedran
- Subjects
VLE ,Moodle ,Mahara ,Adobe Connect ,IT infrastructure ,user support - Abstract
University of Zagreb, University Computing Centre (SRCE) has a central role in the systematic implementation of e-learning not only at the University of Zagreb but also at other higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia. Providing a stable and rich Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for a large number of teachers and students is an extensive and challenging task. The process of setting up and maintaining a VLE consists out of three important components: software, infrastructure and user support. Each of these components is essential for a smooth running system and providing good user experience. In this paper we will present our experience in building and maintaining a VLE at the University of Zagreb, University Computing Centre SRCE since 2007.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Ćorić Samardžija, Ana, primary, Kučina Softić, Sandra, additional, and Martinović, Zvonko, additional
- Published
- 2017
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38. Time to Assess Learning Outcomes in E-learning - TALOE Web Tool
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra, Gil-Jaurena, I., Soeiro, A., Falcao, R., Lossenko, J., and Moreira Teixeira, A., Syucs, A., Mazar, I.
- Subjects
ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,Learning ,outcomes ,e-learning ,assessment methods - Abstract
TALOE (Time to Assess Learning Outcomes in E-learning) is a two-year project co-funded under the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme, approaching the e-assessment concept by using technology for assessing students’ learning. TALOE's main goal is to develop a web-based platform to help teachers and trainers decide which e-assessment strategies to use in their online courses. This tool is aimed to raise teachers’ awareness about the variety of e-assessment strategies in order to improve the quality of the learning process. The main idea is that teachers will describe the learning outcome of their course or module and the TALOE platform will analyse them and provide a suitable e-assessment strategy that is consistent with the intended learning. In this paper achieved results in the project so far will be presented, with the emphasis on the development of the TALOE web tool.
- Published
- 2015
39. E-course developments projects-working with teachers
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra, Radobolja, Tona, and Turpie, Michael
- Subjects
e-course ,e-learning ,support - Abstract
Information and communication technologies are already starting to have a transformative effect on higher education. New and innovative technologies have become a driver for major changes in people’s professional and personal lives. They have changed the way we work, interact, learn and access knowledge. E-learning has moved into the mainstream of educational design and can provide ways to enhance the quality of the learning experience. In the process of implementation of e-learning in higher education it is very important to give support to teachers engaged in e-learning activities, motivate them and challenge them to think in a new way. When thinking of using ICT and e-learning technologies in their teaching, teachers are often unsure which technology to use, how to use it and sometimes they are unable to find time for it in their busy schedules. Therefore, it is important to provide appropriate, high quality and sustainable support to teachers.
- Published
- 2015
40. Planning an educational program for IT professionals based on blended learning model
- Author
Rako, Sabina, Kučina Softić, Sandra, Dobrenić, Dobrisa, Marić, Ivan, Bekić, Zoran, Ho, Curtis, and Lin, Grace
- Subjects
IT professionals ,blended learning model - Abstract
Blended learning models are formed by combining face-to-face and online learning activities. According to the classification by Twigg (2003), blended learning models can be categorized as follows: replacement, supplemental, emporium or buffet. The University Computing Centre (SRCE) is in the process of developing a non-formal educational program, primarily for IT professionals (system administrators) working in higher-education institutions in Croatia entitled edu4IT. During the planning phase, all issues, such as learners' characteristics, difficulty level, program modularity, availability, organizational resources, etc., have been taken into consideration in order to identify the most effective method for delivering content. In this paper, we will present in detail our approach and concept of the first level of the educational program edu4IT, “System Administrator 1”, based on the selected blended learning model (replacement or flipped classroom).
- Published
- 2015
41. Teacher's Technology Use and Attitude Towards E-learning in Higher Education
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra, Moreira Teixiera, A., Szucs, A., and Mazar, I.
- Subjects
ICT ,higher education ,e-learning ,teacher's attitude ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION - Abstract
Today, teachers are confronted with two big challenges: with the need to learn about new technologies and how to integrate them into the teaching and learning process, and with the need to change course design from content-oriented to active and engaging learning settings. This is not an easy process as teachers are faced with technologies with which the most of them are not familiar. Numerous studies have been dealing with teachers' problems in accepting new technologies, focusing mainly on the how to use technology and only lately on its integration into the teaching and learning process. Studies show that successful implementation of educational technologies depends largely on the attitudes of educators and that their attitude is a major enabling/disabling factor in the adoption of technology (Albirini 2006 ; Mahdizadeh et al. 2008 ; Al-Zaidiyeen et al. 2010 ; Krishnakumar and Rajesh Kumar 2011 ; Babić 2012). The research examined, from the perspective of teachers at the University of Zagreb, their attitude towards ICT and e-learning in higher education. The research found that teachers have a positive attitude towards e-learning. Permanent and reliable organized support and promotion of e-learning has contributed to this attitude. Teachers find that ICT and e-learning enable education adjusted to meet the needs of today’s students, collaborative learning, better achievement of learning outcomes and knowledge management. A small number of them think that ICT and e-learning merely represent more work for teachers, that they underestimate teachers’ role in the education process and that they have no impact on teaching and learning. This confirms that teachers’ attitude towards technology influences their perception of the usefulness of technology and how it can be integrated into teaching.
- Published
- 2015
42. TALOE web tool - which e-assessment strategies to choose
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra and ICWE GmbH
- Subjects
e-assessment ,learning outcomes ,TALOE - Abstract
The TALOE web tool is envisaged to be used by teachers and educators either to check if the existing assessment methods of their course or module are in line with stated learning outcomes or, to be advised on the most appropriate assessment methods for the existing course or module.
- Published
- 2015
43. New web tool to support assessment of learning, application of case studies and debate about results
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra
- Subjects
e-learning ,assessment methods ,learning outcomes ,TALOE ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION - Abstract
The learning outcomes are becoming fundamental for structuring the standards and guidelines of quality assessment in higher education and continuing education institutions worldwide. In this context, the assessment of learning outcomes becomes a crucial process sin education system. With ICT increasingly used in education, new opportunities for teaching, learning and assessment has been developed. Within the TALOE project practical tool has been developed to promote the consistency between e-courses/modules and electronic forms of assessment. Aim of the tool is to help teachers of online courses to decide which e-assessment practices are adequate for their courses and if they are in alignment with defined learning outcomes.
- Published
- 2015
44. Institution’s role in sustainability of the e-learning application
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra, Bekić, Zoran, Szucs, Andras, and Paulsen, Morten F.
- Subjects
E-learning ,Higher Education - Abstract
The e-learning is seen as an efficient tool in the reform of higher education and modernisation of the universities to the needs of the 21st century. In order to implement ICT and e-learning technologies, universities need to create a vision of the desired end state and develop an e-learning strategy with proposed measures in that direction. Traditional, research oriented universities, like the University of Zagreb, have to find the way to implement new technologies in traditional values of the university education and ensure the success of the set goals in the implementation process. The aim of this paper is to describe institution’s role in the e-learning application and analyse situation of the e-learning implementation at the University of Zagreb. Implementation process was monitored through surveys which provided data on starting position and views on e-learning and present status on e-learning application five years later. Based on received results, the university management is able to get a general picture on the implementation process, detect weak points and set the next steps in the systematic implementation process.
- Published
- 2013
45. From Track and field to e-Track and field
- Author
Babić, Vesna, Kučina Softić, Sandra, and Min, Zhu
- Subjects
ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,E-learning ,Higher Education Curriculum ,Experiences in Sport/Kinesiology Area - Abstract
While searching for the improved communication between and with students, as well as for the improved lecture quality of Track and field course, the pilot project designed to implement sports contents into the e-learning system, Merlin, was designed with the support of e- learning Center SRCE employees. This pilot project applied to course track and field-walking and running, is a new type of course presentation at the Faculty of Kinesiology. Although the course concept remained traditional, Track and field course has been enriched with "virtual world" contents. Due to the courses valorization system at the Faculty of Kinesiology, the student activity on e-learning system Merlin could not, and still cannot, serve as a reference guide for student activity, which is very specific at the Faculty of Kinesiology, and even more so, in sports courses.
- Published
- 2012
46. Od dobre strategije do uspješne primjene e-učenja - pogled iz Srca
- Author
Bekić, Zoran, Kučina Softić, Sandra, Čičin Šain, Marina, Uroda, Ivan, Turčić Prstačić, Ivana, and Sluganović, Ivanka
- Subjects
e-učenje strategija sveučilište - Abstract
Na popisu značajnih rezultata koje je Srce ostvarilo u proteklih 40 godina svakako su i oni vezani uz dovođenje i primjenu novih tehnologija u sveučilišnoj nastavi. U ovom radu prikazuje se proces izrade i donošenja, te sadržaj i struktura Strategije e-učenja Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, koja je nastala kao rezultat koordinatorske uloge Srca u Tempus projektu EQIBELT. Analiziraju se prednosti i nedostaci predmetne strategije, pri čemu se polazi od iskustava i analize rezultata njezine trogodišnje implementacije.
- Published
- 2011
47. Opportunities and Challenges of Using E-Portfolio in Higher Education
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra, Martinović, Zvonko, Perišić Pintek, Tona, Bekić, Zoran, Szucs, Andras, and Paulsen, Morten F.
- Subjects
e-learning e-portfolio higher education - Abstract
One of e-learning tools that were recognized as valuable in enhancement of the quality of teaching and learning and orientation towards student-centred learning is e-portfolio. E-portfolio can have several purposes in education, from storing learners’ work, recording achievements, for presentation and marketing purposes, to becoming valuable learning activity in education process. It has been present for a decade and its benefits in education were immediately recognized with predictions for prominent future. But today, it is still being rediscovered, explained and introduced despite some really good examples of use. There is still a need for explanation of e-portfolio issue and its purpose. The University of Zagreb started with the process of e-portfolio implementation in 2008. Here are presented reflections on the implementation progress. The aim of this paper is to summarise opportunities and challenges of using e-portfolio in higher education.
- Published
- 2011
48. Enhancing E-learning Implementation with organized E-learning Support
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra and Alan Tait, Andras Szucs
- Subjects
e-learning ,organized support - Abstract
Implementation of ICT and its use in teaching and learning in higher education have become standard component of many university courses. But, as these courses multiply, institutions have to face another important and unavoidable question: whether and how to provide continuing and sustainable support. This paper addresses the issue of enhancement of e-learning implementation with organized e-learning support. The support issue is becoming critical to the continued growth and success of e-learning implementation. In the paper presented is how E-learning Centre at the University Computing Centre supports users in e-learning at the University of Zagreb. The University of Zagreb is traditional university which has to cope with challenges of the 21st century and at the same time face the risk of losing its status of the premier educational institution in Croatia. The University of Zagreb decided to take certain steps towards embracing new technologies considering them as an efficient tool in the realisation of quality changes within the Bologna process. Systematic implementation of e-learning at the University of Zagreb started in 2007, with the University E-learning Strategy. Central unit at the university level which provides assistance in implementation of e-learning is E-learning Centre at the University Computing Centre. E-learning Centre was established in 2007 as a unit within University Computing Centre. Some of the basic objectives of the Centre are rendering support to teachers and students, communication and cooperation with schools through their local e-learning teams, ensuring and providing generally accessible e-learning platform and ensuring joint/centralized resources required for application of e-learning and finally, but not less important, promotion and dissemination of information about e-learning. These objectives are described in details in paper. Periodically, surveys are performed on the status of e-learning implementation at the University of Zagreb and some of the results are presented in paper. The paper concludes with some observations on the role of organized support in e-learning implementation process and experience gathered by E-learning Centre in supporting users in e-learning at the University of Zagreb.
- Published
- 2010
49. Measuring the Application of E-learning at the University of Zagreb
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra, Canay, J. Raul, Franco, Javier, and Rey, Pedro J.
- Subjects
e-learning strategy ,university management ,survey - Abstract
E-learning is seen as an efficient tool in reform of higher education linked to Bologna process as well as in modernization of university. In order to implement e-learning, universities need to create a vision of the desired end state and develop e-learning strategy with proposed measures in that direction. Traditional, research oriented universities, like University of Zagreb, have to find the way how to maintain traditional values of university education and how to synergize them with the new kind of knowledge and skills. The aim of this paper is to describe and analyze situation on e-learning implementation at University of Zagreb and results of its progress. Implementation process was monitored through surveys which provided data on starting position and view on e-learning and present status of e-learning application. Based on received results university management was able to detect weak points and set next steps in the implementation process.
- Published
- 2009
50. Measuring the Impact of E-learning Strategy
- Author
Kučina Softić, Sandra, Bekić, Zoran, Bastiens, Theo, Dron, Jon, and Xin, Cindy
- Subjects
e-learning strategy ,higher education - Abstract
The paper presents survey results on the expectations, implementation and level of usage of e-learning at the University of Zagreb. After adoption of university e-learning strategy and following strategic direction to systematic implementation of e-learning, surveys have been performed on yearly basis. The aim of surveys was to measure changes and level of awareness and usage of e-learning in teaching and learning processes. Based on survey results, it was possible to determine the impact of e-learning strategy at the schools of the University of Zagreb. Received results were the basis for the decision on further steps on e-learning implementation.
- Published
- 2009
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