49 results on '"Krystian Szadkowski"'
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2. An Autonomist Marxist Perspective on Productive and Un-productive Academic Labour
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
Capital ,Academic Labour ,Marx ,Higher Education ,Productive/Unproductive Labour ,Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 ,Communities. Classes. Races ,HT51-1595 - Abstract
This text starts with a diagnosis of the inadequacy of the dispossession theory for the analysis of the relationship between capital involved in academic publishing and academic labour. It assumes that it is necessary to develop a Marxian theory of productive and unproductive labour within the field of higher education. For this purpose, an Autonomist Marxist perspective on productive labour is proposed, to facilitate analysis of the contemporary subsumption of academic labour under capital, and to organise resistance against it. The essence of this approach is rooted in an exposition of the two-sided perspective on Marxist categories of the critique of political economy. It is used here to approximate the concept of directly productive academic labour and to indicate its apparent limitations. The next step is to present a view on the systemic productivity of academic labour. This is the only way to address the issue of truly productive academic work in the Marxian sense, and the obstacles standing in the way to its full implementation, the key to which is the smooth functioning of capitalist measurement exercised within the field of science and higher education.
- Published
- 2019
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3. Ontologia polityczna w badaniach szkolnictwa wyższego – indywidualna, publiczna, wspólna
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski and Jakub Krzeski
- Subjects
szkolnictwo wyższe ,ontologia polityczna ,przyszłość uniwersytetu ,metoda ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Academies and learned societies ,AS1-945 - Abstract
Niniejszy tekst przedstawia trzy dominujące narracje na temat uniwersytetu w kryzysie, jak również możliwe scenariusze dla przyszłego uniwersytetu, które się z nich wyłaniają. Nacisk położony zostaje na trzy różne ontologie, które podtrzymują wspominane dyskursy: indywidualną, publiczną i tego, co wspólne. W celu odsłonięcia ukrytych przesłanek, które oddziałują na wspominane dyskusje, wprowadzona zostaje metoda ontologii politycznej. Krytyczna analiza ontologicznych założeń, wspierających wizję przyszłego uniwersytetu, pokazuje, że dwa pierwsze hegemoniczne modele, choć przedstawiane jako alternatywy, w istocie wiąże założenie statyczności sektora. Dlatego też niniejszy artykuł przedstawia ontologię relacji opierającą się na tym, co wspólne, jako sposób wyrwania się z klinczu wywołanego hegemonią dyskursów o prywatnym i publicznym charakterze uniwersytetu.
- Published
- 2019
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4. To, co wspólne w szkolnictwie wyższym – ujęcie analityczne
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
to, co wspólne ,dobra wspólne ,dobro wspólne ,krytyczne badania szkolnictwa wyższego ,ontologia polityczna ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Academies and learned societies ,AS1-945 - Abstract
Niniejszy artykuł dostarcza mapy trzyelementowego zestawu pojęciowego z porządku tego, co wspólne (dobra wspólnego, dóbr wspólnych oraz tego, co wspólne) w odniesieniu do szkolnictwa wyższego. Robi to przy pomocy metody ontologii politycznej. Omawia powyższe trzy pojęcia w odniesieniu do sześciu wymiarów rzeczywistości szkolnictwa wyższego (ontologii, polityki, stosunków własności, zasad ładu akademickiego, korzyści oraz finansowania). Tym samym nie tylko przedstawia systematyczne ujęcie szkolnictwa wyższego widziane przez pryzmat tego, co wspólne, ale również wyjaśnia istotowe (a niekiedy subtelne) różnice między samymi pojęciami. Co więcej podejmuje również zwięźle kwestie różnic między pojęciami z porządku tego, co wspólne, a tymi z porządku tego, co publiczne. Wreszcie, artykuł stara się udzielić wglądu w to, co ten konkretny zestaw pojęciowy może zaoferować badaczom w zakresie myślenia i projektowania alternatywy dla szkolnictwa wyższego w jego dzisiejszym kształcie.
- Published
- 2019
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5. Między autonomią a podporządkowaniem. Problemy metodologiczne analizy (pół)peryferyjnych systemów nauki
- Author
Jakub Krzeski and Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
gra peryferyjna ,Bourdieu ,Wallerstein ,centrum ,peryferia ,produkcja wiedzy ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Academies and learned societies ,AS1-945 - Abstract
Niniejszy artykuł stanowi jeden z głosów w dyskusji nad półperyferyjnym charakterem systemów produkcji naukowej, dla której pretekstem była publikacja książki Gra peryferyjna Tomasza Warczoka i Tomasza Zaryckiego. Autorzy skupiają się w nim na metodologicznych wyzwaniach stojących przed analizą charakteru systemów nauki z perspektywy globalnego podziału pracy. Jako możliwe rozwiązanie dotychczasowych trudności wskazują na konieczność symetrycznej syntezy propozycji teoretycznych Pierre’a Bourdieu i Immanuela Wallersteina. Z jednej strony pozwoli to uniknąć sprowadzenia zjawisk w polu nauki wyłącznie do poziomu ekonomicznego, z drugiej zaś da szansę przemyśleć zależność, w jakiej pozostają do siebie nauka i gospodarka. Dopiero tak skonstruowana rama teoretyczna daje możliwość uchwycenia mechanizmów wytwarzania hierarchizujących podziałów w globalnej nauce takich jak ten na centrum i peryferia.
- Published
- 2018
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6. Postoperaistyczne spojrzenie na pracę produkcyjną i nieprodukcyjną w nauce i szkolnictwie wyższym
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
kapitał ,praca produkcyjna i nieprodukcyjna ,praca akademicka ,szkolnictwo wyższe ,Marks ,Social Sciences - Abstract
W niniejszym tekście punkt wyjścia stanowi niewystarczalność teorii wywłaszczenia do analizy trwałej relacji między kapitałem wydawniczym i pracą akademicką, wobec czego koniecznością jest rozwinięcie Marksowskiej teorii pracy produkcyjnej i nieprodukcyjnej w polu nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego. W tym celu zaproponowano postoperaistyczne spojrzenie na pracę produkcyjną, które umożliwia analizę zjawiska współczesnego podporządkowania pracy akademickiej kapitałowi, jak również prowadzony względem niego opór. Istotę tego podejścia najłatwiej określić poprzez ekspozycję dwustronnej perspektywy na Marksowskie kategorie z zakresu krytyki ekonomii politycznej. Została ona tu wykorzystana do przybliżenia koncepcji bezpośrednio produkcyjnej pracy akademickiej, jak również wskazania na jej wyraźne ograniczenia, w kolejnym zaś kroku do prezentacji systemowego ujęcia produkcyjności pracy akademickiej. Tylko w ten sposób bowiem można postawić kwestię prawdziwie produkcyjnej pracy akademickiej w sensie Marksowskim oraz blokad stojących na drodze do jej pełnej realizacji, z których kluczową jest niezakłócone funkcjonowanie kapitalistycznej miary w obszarze nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego.
- Published
- 2015
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7. Czym są marksistowskie badania szkolnictwa wyższego?
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski and Jakub Krzeski
- Subjects
critique ,crisis ,critical higher education research ,Marxism ,method ,Social Sciences - Abstract
In this short introduction to the thematic issue of Theoretical Practice we draw on the Marxist concept of critique to explain how Marxist higher education research could be understood as a constituting practice within-against-beyond the contemporary university in crisis.
- Published
- 2015
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8. Towards a university as an institution of the common: Critical and Marxist Higher Education research in context / Para uma universidade como instituição do comum...
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski and Felipe Ziotti Narita
- Subjects
Common ,Marxism ,Higher education research ,Comum ,Pesquisa em ensino superior ,Marxismo ,University ,Universidade ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Entrevista com Krystian Szadkowski coordenada por Felipe Ziotti Narita (Unesp). Szadkowski é doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade Adam Mickiewicz (Polônia). Trabalha na Cadeira da UNESCO em Pesquisa Institucional e Política de Ensino Superior. Foi pesquisador do Instituto de Pesquisa Education International (Bélgica) e da Fundação Marie Curie (2010-2013). Editor-chefe da revista acadêmica "Theoretical Practice" (polonês/inglês) e managing editor da revista polonesa "Ciência e Ensino Superior". Membro do Centro de Políticas Públicas da Universidade Adam Mickiewicz. Seus interesses de pesquisa estão concentrados em sistemas de ensino superior e marxismo. É co-editor do volume "Joy Forever: political economy of social creativity" (MayFly, 2014). * * * Interview with Krystian Szadkowski coordinated by Felipe Ziotti Narita (São Paulo State University - Unesp). Szadkowski received a PhD in Philosophy from Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland). He works at UNESCO Chair in Institutional Research and Higher Education Policy. Former researcher at the Education International Research Institute (Belgium) and Marie Curie Fellow (2010-2013). Editor-in-chief of the academic journal "Theoretical Practice" (Polish/English) and managing editor of "Science and Higher Education" (Polish). Member of the Center for Public Policy at Adam Mickiewicz University. His research interests cover higher education systems and Marxism. Recently he co-edited a volume "Joy Forever. Political economy of social creativity" (MayFly, 2014).
- Published
- 2015
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9. Crisis of Law of Value and the Real Subsumption of Labor under Capital. Questions for Michael Hardt.
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
Social Sciences - Abstract
Crisis of Law of Value and the Real Subsumption of Labor under Capital. Questions for Michael Hardt,
- Published
- 2015
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10. Społeczne konstruowanie doskonałości w warunkach kapitalizmu akademickiego
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
Academic capitalism, new public governmentalism, enterpreneurship. ,Ethics ,BJ1-1725 - Abstract
Recenzja książki Richarda Müncha / Review of Richard Münch´s book Academic Capitalism. Universities in the Global Struggle for Excellence (2014).
- Published
- 2015
11. Wszystko musi się zmienić, żeby mogło pozostać takie samo. Praca i wartość we współczesnym kapitalizmie
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
granice ,ograniczenia ,kapitał ,praca ,krytyka ekonomii politycznej ,Marks ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Tekst stanowi problemowe wprowadzenie do numeru Praktyki Teoretycznej poświęconego pracy i wartości we współczesnym kapitalizmie
- Published
- 2015
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12. Powracająca przemoc kapitału
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
Social Sciences - Abstract
Wstęp do numeru Praktyki Teoretycznej "Akumulacja przez wywłaszczenie".
- Published
- 2015
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13. Kto i jak pracuje na uniwersytecie?
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
Social Sciences - Published
- 2013
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14. Post-operaist readings of Marxian ‘Fragment on Machines' in the light of their critiques.
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
postoperaizm ,Marks ,Negri ,Virno ,Vercellone ,krytyka ekonomii politycznej ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Text undertakes a much needed contextual and critical reading of Marxian„Fragment on Machines” from the Grundrisse. The crucial thesis states that despitethe seeming crisis of the post-operaist Marxism, theoretical intuitions formulatedby thinkers like Negri, Virno, Vercellone are still valid. Three various but interrelatedtypes of post-operaist reading are presented here in detail to support theargument: the political, the philosophical and the historico-economical. In thelast part of the paper they are confronted with three main lines of critique of thepost-operaist readings: the philological, the political-economic and the „political”.Through such a confrontation some of the arguments are refuted and reevaluated.
- Published
- 2013
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15. Uniwersytet jako przestrzeń modulacji i molekularnego oporu
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
Social Sciences - Abstract
Recenzja: G. Raunig, Factories of Knowledges, Industries of Creativity, tłum. A. Derie, posł. A. Negri, Los Angeles 2013
- Published
- 2013
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16. The Crisis of the University and the Revolt of Living Knowledge
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
Social Sciences - Abstract
Recenzja ksiązki: G. Roggero, The Production of Living Knowledge: the Crisis of the University and the Transformation of Labor in Europe and North America, Philadelphia 2011
- Published
- 2012
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17. interview with Andrzej W. Nowak by Krystian Szadkowski.
- Author
Andrzej Nowak and Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
uniwersytet ,polska transformacja ustrojowa ,zmiany w strukturze szkolnictwa wyższego ,neoliberalizm ,ruchy studenckie ,Social Sciences - Abstract
- Published
- 2010
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18. Poza uniwersytet-fabrykę. Warunki funkcjonowania „transnarodowego stowarzyszenia kapitałów' w szkolnictwie wyższym
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
transnarodowe stowarzyszenie kapitałów ,szkolnictwo wyższe ,marksizm ,wartość ,praca niematerialna ,miara ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Academies and learned societies ,AS1-945 - Abstract
W krytycznych badaniach nad szkolnictwem wyższym dużo miejsca w ostatnim czasie poświęcono dyskusji nad – bardziej retoryczną niż analityczną – figurą uniwersytetu jako fabryki. W założeniu miał być to sposób na skupienie niczym w soczewce wszystkich negatywnych zmian odczuwanych przez kadrę akademicką, a związanych ze współczesnymi transformacjami instytucji uniwersytetu. W rzeczywistości jednak przyczyniło się to przede wszystkim do hipostazowania mechanizmów właściwych dla prywatnych przedsiębiorstw na warunki pracy w uczelniach publicznych, uniemożliwiając wyjaśnienie zachodzących w nich procesów. W niniejszym artykule zaproponowano bardziej systemowe ujęcie stosunków zawiązywanych między kapitałem a pracą w krajobrazie szkolnictwa wyższego. W tym celu wprowadzono i skontekstualizowano figurę transnarodowego stowarzyszenia kapitałów. Nacisk został położony na analizę jednej z jego frakcji, mianowicie kapitału handlowego, rozumianego jako oligopolistyczne transnarodowe wydawnictwa naukowe. W artykule ukazano podstawowe warunki funkcjonowania tej frakcji, wiążąc je z rozwojem globalnych rankingów uniwersytetów, a także wykorzystano narzędzia oferowane przez postoperaizm, w celu ukazania relacji zawiązywanej przez kapitał handlowy z pracą akademicką jako ogólnej postaci relacji między kapitałem a pracą biopolityczną, w której kluczową funkcję pełni zdolność kapitału do ustanawiania ram pomiaru.
- Published
- 2015
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19. Teza o hybrydyzacji tego, co publiczne i tego, co prywatne w szkolnictwie wyższym oraz jej konsekwencje. Próba krytyki
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
hybrydyzacja ,szkolnictwo wyższe ,to ,prywatne ,co publiczne ,badania nad szkolnictwem wyższym ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Academies and learned societies ,AS1-945 - Abstract
W niniejszym tekście, złożonym z trzech osobnych części, wskazuje się na problematyczność wysuwanej przez badaczy szkolnictwa wyższego tezy o hybrydyzacji tego, co publiczne i tego, co prywatne w kontekście współczesnych przemian sektora. W pierwszej z części pochodząca ze słownika liberalnej teorii polityki i klasycznej ekonomii politycznej para pojęciowa tego, co publiczne i tego, co prywatne została przedstawiona i sproblematyzowana w odniesieniu do rzeczywistości szkolnictwa wyższego. W drugiej, najrozleglejszej, zgodnie z metodą analizy glonakalnej zarysowanej przez Marginsona i Rhoadesa (2002), przedstawiono globalne, krajowe i lokalne procesy przyczyniające się według głównonurtowych badaczy szkolnictwa wyższego do hybrydyzacji porządków tego, co prywatne i tego, co publiczne we współczesnych systemach szkolnictwa wyższego. Część ostatnia, stanowiąca podsumowanie artykułu i zbierająca wnioski z analizy, odnosi się krytycznie do wysuwanej przez badaczy szkolnictwa wyższego tezy o hybrydyzacji i wskazuje na jej analityczne i praktyczne ograniczenia.
- Published
- 2015
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20. Podstawowe sprzeczności podporządkowanego kapitałowi szkolnictwa wyższego. W stronę systematyzacji
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
dobro wspólne ,szkolnictwo wyższe ,uniwersytet ,subsumcja ,kapitał ,to ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Academies and learned societies ,AS1-945 - Abstract
W niniejszym artykule badamy szczegółowo cztery główne sprzeczności współczesnego szkolnictwa wyższe podporządkowanego kapitałowi. Robimy to oparciu o zarówno wcześniejsze wyniki badań, jak i przy wykorzystaniu marksistowskich i autonomistycznych ram teoretycznych rozwiniętych przez autorów takich, jak Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri czy Gigi Roggero i stosowanych niedawno w krytycznych badaniach nad szkolnictwem wyższym. Sprzeczności zostały podzielone na dwie główne kategorie: sprzeczności pozorne (to, co publiczne i to, co prywatne; oligarchia akademicka i kapitał) oraz sprzeczności realne (poddana rozkładowi forma tego, co wspólne i dobro wspólne; dobro wspólne i kapitał). Zostały one omówione w odpowiednio w odniesieniu do współczesnej rzeczywistości szkolnictwa wyższego. W ostatniej części artykułu zwięźle omawiamy istniejące warunki wstępne dla ustanowienia post-kapitalistycznego uniwersytetu regulowanego według logiki dobra wspólnego.
- Published
- 2015
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21. The Long Shadow of Doctoral Candidate Status. Case Study - Poland
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
Education - Abstract
The aim of this article is to provide an empirical and theoretical background in support of the thesis that in contemporary Polish public higher education institutions, especially in the massified sector of teaching-oriented disciplines, one of the side effects of the growing enrolment (between 2004-2012) in doctoral programmes has been a decrease in the internal labour costs of institutions. The instrumentalization of these enrolments by public institutions has clearly had negative effect on the lives and career paths of doctoral candidates, understood here as a deprivation of their capabilities for work and for having a voice, mediated through their ambiguous "in-between" status. In the final part of the article a qualitative case study of a doctoral programme in Education, at one of the medium-size, medium-prestige universities in the North of Poland is presented and analysed. The article concludes that the status of doctoral candidates should be determined one way or the other (as workers or students) – this is a task for empirically-informed higher education policy in Poland in the years to come.
- Published
- 2014
22. How Inclusive Are the International Conferences? Attending Conferences in an Unequal World.
- Author
Güleda Dogan, Zehra Taskin, Emanuel Kulczycki, and Krystian Szadkowski
- Published
- 2023
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23. Uniwersytet to akcelerator podziałów klasowych – z Andrzejem W. Nowakiem rozmawia Krystian Szadkowski
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
Social Sciences - Published
- 2010
24. Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin as highly cited researchers? Historical bibliometrics study.
- Author
Emanuel Kulczycki, Wladyslaw Marek Kolasa, and Krystian Szadkowski
- Published
- 2021
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25. Creating evaluative homogeneity: Experience of constructing a national journal ranking
- Author
Jakub Krzeski, Krystian Szadkowski, and Emanuel Kulczycki
- Subjects
Library and Information Sciences ,Education - Abstract
The study investigates the process of creating evaluative homogeneity within a performance-based research funding system. It does so in reference to the experience of creating a national journal ranking in Poland in 2019. It refers to the cases of two disciplines: biology and history. The use of this case is justified by its unique character, that is creating the ranking through means of both bibliometric indicators and expert panels. We therefore asked: What guided the actors who participated in the process of creating the ranking through the use of bibliometric indicators when introducing changes to its initial form? To answer this question, a mixed-methods approach was used. First, we conducted a quantitative analysis of changes made to the ranking during the consecutive steps of its creation. Second, we conducted a qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews regarding actors’ motivations. By reflecting on the qualitative analysis along with the results of the quantitative part, this study reveals the extent to which actors impacted the form evaluative homogeneity took within the system. It further argues that this is dictated by how actors position themselves in relation to two opposing forces: those favouring the homogenization of research and those maintaining its heterogeneity. As these forces remain imbalanced, the study concludes with a call for further exploration of the interplay between the forces of homogenization and heterogenization and how the tensions between them are mediated within a performance-based research funding system.
- Published
- 2022
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26. Conceptualizing capitalist transformations of universities: Marx’s relevance for higher education research
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski and Jakub Krzeski
- Subjects
Literature and Literary Theory - Published
- 2022
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27. Identifying top researchers in highly metricized academia: two discursive strategies of senior officials in Poland
- Author
Stanisław Krawczyk, Krystian Szadkowski, and Emanuel Kulczycki
- Subjects
Research evaluation ,Subjectivity ,Linguistics and Language ,Focus (computing) ,Heteronomy ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Context (language use) ,Engineering ethics ,Sociology ,Social Sciences (miscellaneous) ,Autonomy ,Education ,media_common - Abstract
Our study examines the discursive construction of academic subjectivity within the context of the current reforms of academia, driven by the forces of economization and metricization. We focus in p...
- Published
- 2021
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28. The public good and higher education in Poland
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
Higher education ,business.industry ,Global public good ,Political science ,Public good ,Public administration ,Set (psychology) ,business ,Education - Abstract
This paper contributes to the debate on the varieties of national manifestations of the public good(s) in higher education. Drawing on a set of 33 semi-structured interviews (with politicians, univ...
- Published
- 2021
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29. The common good and academic freedom in Poland
- Author
Jakub Krzeski and Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
Law ,Political science ,Academic freedom ,Education - Published
- 2021
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30. The future is always-already now: Instituent praxis and the activist university
- Author
Jakub Krzeski and Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
Praxis ,media_common.quotation_subject ,05 social sciences ,050301 education ,Context (language use) ,Environmental ethics ,06 humanities and the arts ,Education ,060104 history ,Power (social and political) ,Political science ,0601 history and archaeology ,0503 education ,media_common - Abstract
In this paper, we place the issue of university activism in the context of constituent and constituted power. By this we mean the ever-present danger that activists’ demands will be co-opted and concurrently deactivated. To mitigate this risk, we develop a set of conceptual tools that enables thinking about the activist university in terms of instituent praxis; that is, an open process of co-becoming of an institution and its actors through the continuous co-production of rules that drive their actions. Contrary to the view of the university as something instituted, the activist university that we propose emphasises the possibility of sustaining the process of acting and its underlying rules, rather than the result of the act. The activist university is understood here as a crack that leaves the instituted university open every time the self-production of its subject emerges by the self-transformation of the actors in the very course of their activities. We observe a chance for grounding instituent praxis in the ontological shift in thinking the activist university from being to co-becoming, as this will allow for reclaiming the future for the university and its broader ecology.
- Published
- 2021
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31. Intellectual Property
- Author
Paul Rekret and Krystian Szadkowski
- Published
- 2022
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32. Conceptualizing capitalist transformations: Marx’s relevance for higher education research
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski and Jakub Krzeski
- Subjects
SocArXiv|Education ,bepress|Education ,SocArXiv|Education|Higher Education ,bepress|Education|Higher Education - Abstract
This article opens a space for dialogue between Marxism and the field of higher education research. First, it demonstrates to what extent Marx is present in the theoretical and methodological discussions within the field and it examines the reasons behind his absence, i.e., the development of two perspectives regarding capitalist transformations, namely academic capitalism and exceptionalism. Second, it introduces Marx’s method of critique, conceived as the integrity of three different analytical moments and it further explicates how those moments can be translated into the general research program. It does so in reference to a) ontological assumptions; b) sector’s political economy; c) students and academic protests; d) ideas about the alternative. Finally, it uses those four areas to reflect on the key differences between Marx’s critique and the two perspectives discussed. By doing so it opens up paths for further dialogue between Marxism and higher education research.
- Published
- 2021
33. In, Against, and Beyond: A Marxist Critique for Higher Education in Crisis
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski and Jakub Krzeski
- Subjects
Philosophy ,Higher education ,business.industry ,Political science ,General Social Sciences ,Marxist philosophy ,Positive economics ,business - Abstract
This article introduces a general framework for the critique of the university in crisis that originates in the Marxist tradition. After indicating the limitations of current proposals regarding th...
- Published
- 2019
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34. Capital in Higher Education : A Critique of the Political Economy of the Sector
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski and Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
- Marxian economics, Education, Higher--Political aspects, Education, Higher--Economic aspects
- Abstract
This book offers a systematic, sectoral, and in-depth Marxist perspective on the critique of political economy of higher education. It proposes an original method of analysis of higher education as a field of capitalist production, grounded at the intersection of mainstream higher education research and contemporary debates in Marxist theories. At the same time, it imbues a political perspective based on the embedding of higher education within the wider social network of antagonistic relations that traverse the capitalist economy at large.
- Published
- 2023
35. The Palgrave International Handbook of Marxism and Education
- Author
Richard Hall, Inny Accioly, Krystian Szadkowski, Richard Hall, Inny Accioly, and Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
- Education--Philosophy, Socialism and education
- Abstract
The Palgrave International Handbook of Marxism and Education is an international and interdisciplinary volume, which provides a thorough and precise engagement with emergent developments in Marxist theory in both the global South and North. Drawing on the work of authoritative scholars and practitioners, the handbook explicitly shows how these developments enable a rich historical and material understanding of the full range of education sectors and contexts. The handbook proceeds in a spirit of openness and dialogue within and between various conceptions and traditions of Marxism and brings those conceptions into dialogue with their critics and other anti-capitalist traditions. As such, it contributes to the development of Marxist analyses that push beyond established limits, by engaging with fresh perspectives and views that disrupt established perspectives.
- Published
- 2023
36. Has the University become surplus to requirements? Or is another university possible?
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski and Richard Hall
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,Philosophy ,History ,University ,crisis ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Sociology and Political Science ,Anthropology ,hegemony ,Global East ,imagination - Abstract
This article contends that the University has become a place that has no socially-useful role beyond the reproduction of capital, such that it has become an anti-human project. The argument pivots around the bureaucratic university’s desire for surplus, and its relationship to the everyday, academic reality of feeling surplus to requirements. In defining the contours of this contradiction, inside the normalisation of political economic crisis, we question whether there still exists space for an academic method or mode of subjectivation. We also critique the ability of the University in the global North to bring itself into relation with the epistemological sensibilities of the South and the East, which can treat other ways of seeing and praxis with dignity and respect. In grappling with the idea of surplus, and the everyday and structural ways in which its production is made manifest, we seek to ask whether another university is possible?
- Published
- 2021
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37. Local use of metrics for the research assessment of academics: The case of Poland
- Author
Franciszek Krawczyk, Kinga Ciereszko, Marek Hołowiecki, Krystian Szadkowski, Emanuel Kulczycki, and Ewa A. Rozkosz
- Subjects
Research evaluation ,Research assessment ,Public Administration ,Higher education ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,bibliometric indicators ,050301 education ,local use ,humanities ,eye diseases ,Education ,research evaluation ,metric fixation ,0502 economics and business ,Regional science ,assessment procedures ,Poland ,business ,0503 education ,Productivity ,050203 business & management - Abstract
This article discusses the use of bibliometric indicators for the assessment of individual academics. We focused on national indicators for the assessment of productivity in Polish higher education institutions. We analysed whether institutions (N = 768) adopted national templates for their own sets of criteria for intra-institutional evaluations. This study combined an analysis of internal policy documents with semi-structured interviews with deans from institutions in different fields of science. Our findings showed that, despite their high levels of institutional autonomy, the majority of institutions adopted the national criteria for the evaluation of individual academics. This article concludes with recommendations for reducing the negative consequences of local use of national indicators for the assessment of researchers. This work was financially supported by the National Science Centre in Poland (Grant Number UMO-2017/26/E/HS2/00019).
- Published
- 2020
38. The common in higher education: a conceptual approach
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
Higher education ,business.industry ,Corporate governance ,media_common.quotation_subject ,05 social sciences ,050301 education ,Altruism ,Education ,Epistemology ,Politics ,Order (exchange) ,0502 economics and business ,Ontology ,Sociology ,business ,Set (psychology) ,Commons ,0503 education ,050203 business & management ,media_common - Abstract
This article provides a map of the three-element conceptual set of the common (the common good, the commons, and the common) in reference to higher education. It does so using a method of political ontology. It discusses the three concepts in reference to the six dimensions of higher education reality (ontology, politics, ownership, governance, benefits, and finance). Thus, it not only presents a systematic view of higher education reality as seen through the lenses of the common but also explains the substantial (and in some cases, subtler) differences between the concepts themselves. Moreover, it addresses briefly the differences between the concepts from the order of the common and those from the order of the public. Finally, the article seeks to offer an insight into what this particular conceptual set may provide the researchers in terms of thinking through, and designing an alternative to the current predicament of higher education.
- Published
- 2018
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39. Higher education and the common good
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
Higher education ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,05 social sciences ,050301 education ,Gender studies ,Education ,0502 economics and business ,Sociology ,Dream ,business ,0503 education ,050203 business & management ,media_common - Abstract
Higher Education and the Common Good is the second recent inspirational monograph by Simon Marginson, director of the Centre for Global Higher Education. His earlier book, The Dream Is Over: The Cr...
- Published
- 2018
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40. Czym są marksistowskie badania szkolnictwa wyższego?
- Author
Jakub Krzeski and Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,History ,critical higher education research ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Sociology and Political Science ,Higher education ,business.industry ,Social Sciences ,Epistemology ,Philosophy ,crisis ,Anthropology ,Marxism ,critique ,method ,Marxist philosophy ,Sociology ,business - Abstract
In this short introduction to the thematic issue of Theoretical Practice we draw on the Marxist concept of critique to explain how Marxist higher education research could be understood as a constituting practice within-against-beyond the contemporary university in crisis.
- Published
- 2015
41. Towards a university as an institution of the common: Critical and Marxist Higher Education research in context / Para uma universidade como instituição do comum
- Author
Felipe Ziotti Narita and Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
Comum ,Higher education ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Public policy ,Context (language use) ,Pesquisa em ensino superior ,lcsh:Education (General) ,Institution ,Marxist philosophy ,Sociology ,General Environmental Science ,media_common ,International research ,University ,business.industry ,Higher education policy ,Management ,Common ,Institutional research ,Marxismo ,Higher education research ,Marxism ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,business ,lcsh:L7-991 ,Humanities ,Universidade - Abstract
Entrevista com Krystian Szadkowski coordenada por Felipe Ziotti Narita (Unesp). Szadkowski é doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade Adam Mickiewicz (Polônia). Trabalha na Cadeira da UNESCO em Pesquisa Institucional e Política de Ensino Superior. Foi pesquisador do Instituto de Pesquisa Education International (Bélgica) e da Fundação Marie Curie (2010-2013). Editor-chefe da revista acadêmica "Theoretical Practice" (polonês/inglês) e managing editor da revista polonesa "Ciência e Ensino Superior". Membro do Centro de Políticas Públicas da Universidade Adam Mickiewicz. Seus interesses de pesquisa estão concentrados em sistemas de ensino superior e marxismo. É co-editor do volume "Joy Forever: political economy of social creativity" (MayFly, 2014). A reailzação da entrevista contou com o apoio de Eric Blanc. Interview with Krystian Szadkowski coordinated by Felipe Ziotti Narita (São Paulo State University - Unesp). Szadkowski received a PhD in Philosophy from Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland). He works at UNESCO Chair in Institutional Research and Higher Education Policy. Former researcher at the Education International Research Institute (Belgium) and Marie Curie Fellow (2010-2013). Editor-in-chief of the academic journal "Theoretical Practice" (Polish/English) and managing editor of "Science and Higher Education" (Polish). Member of the Center for Public Policy at Adam Mickiewicz University. His research interests cover higher education systems and Marxism. Recently he co-edited a volume "Joy Forever. Political economy of social creativity" (MayFly, 2014). The interview was published with the support of Eric Blanc.
- Published
- 2015
42. Higher Education Systems and Institutions, Poland
- Author
Marek Kwiek and Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
05 social sciences ,050301 education ,0509 other social sciences ,050905 science studies ,0503 education - Published
- 2018
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43. The University of the Common: Beyond the Contradictions of Higher Education Subsumed under Capital
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
Higher education ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,05 social sciences ,050301 education ,Capitalism ,Corporatization ,New public management ,Capital (economics) ,Political science ,0502 economics and business ,Institution ,Marxist philosophy ,Social science ,Positive economics ,Marketization ,business ,0503 education ,050203 business & management ,media_common - Abstract
Most of the contemporary critical narratives on the crisis of the university have one prevalent feature. They all remain within the conceptual horizon delineated by the liberal philosophy and political economy with their modern binary opposition of the public and the private. Corporatization, commodification, privatization, marketization, and the expansion of academic capitalism within the walls of the university are therefore most often contrasted with the desired strengthening of the public character of the HE institution or its re-publicization. Yet, at the same time, most of the higher education researchers observe that public universities affected by the reforms tailored according to the paradigm of “New Public Management” are increasingly becoming hybrids, and the boundaries between the public and the private are getting completely blurred. Instead of remaining within this theoretical dead end, this chapter takes another route and introduces the common as a concept and as a perspective in higher education research and sees this hybridization as a framework for the organization and management of relations between higher education and capital, corresponding to the needs of the latter’s valorization and accumulation. Four main contradictions of the contemporary higher education subsumed under capital are analyzed and explored here. The chapter does so with the use of general Marxian and Autonomist Marxist theoretical frameworks developed by authors like Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri, and Gigi Roggero, which have been applied recently to critical higher education research. The contradictions are divided into two main categories: the apparent contradictions (the public vs. the private, academic oligarchy vs. capital) and the real contradictions (corrupted form of the common vs. the common, the common vs. capital). They are discussed respectively with reference to contemporary higher education reality in crisis. The final part of the chapter discusses the alternative, that is the already existing preconditions for establishing a post-capitalist university regulated according to the logic of the common, which is an alternative way of regulation of social relations of production, distribution, exchange and consumption and a different form of wealth which focuses on social needs rather than maximization of profits.
- Published
- 2017
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44. Towards an Orthodox Marxian Reading of Subsumption(s) of Academic Labour
- Author
Krystian, Szadkowski
- Subjects
higher education ,Marxism ,subsumption ,Academic Labour ,critical university studies - Abstract
This paper deploys an orthodox Marxian reading of the concept of subsumption of labour under capital. It does so through a brief, critical overview of the components of the Marxian conceptual instrument of subsumption of labour under capital (formal, real, hybrid and ideal subsumption). Recapitulating Marx’s concept, it sheds some light on the consequences of such a reading as a way of understanding the current transformation of the global higher education sector into a capitalist production sector per se. The reconstruction is then considered here as an attempt to approximate the specifics of the subsumption of labour under capital within the higher education sector. Moreover, the paper aims at showing that a discussion of the university dominated by capital with reference to the functioning or constituting of markets does not provide real opportunities for the understanding and solution of such problems as precarization, exploitation or acceleration of academic work. Thus, it joins a wider stream of Marxist higher education research and could be seen as a conceptual contribution to a critique of the political economy of higher education.
- Published
- 2016
45. Dobro wspólne jako nie-kapitalistyczna forma bogactwa. Antonia Negriego teza o kryzysie prawa wartości i jej konsekwencje
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski and UAM w Poznaniu
- Subjects
prawo wartości ,Marks ,Negri ,operaizm ,teoria wartości ,dobro wspólne ,postoperaizm - Abstract
The core aspect of Antonio Negri’s political philosophy and the reading of “Marx beyond Marx”, that is the thesis on the crisis of law of value, was analyzed here in details. Thesis that Negri’s altermodern humanism, at least since the end of the 1960’s, is developing in the strict interrelationship with the thesis on the crisis of law of value was proposed. Together with an ontological assumption that we are living in the era of real subsumption of society under capital it creates the conceptual matrix of the project of the common. The main parts of this text explored the following problems: a) the context of the formulation of the thesis on the crisis of law of value; b) the meaning of the law of value in the Marx’s theory; c) Marxist debate on the status of law of value in socialism with reference to its usefulness for the projects of the alternative to capitalism; d) core aspects of the thesis; e) its consequences for the new theories of exploitation, antagonism and value for the present state of the development of capitalism. The aim of the text is to show the political meaning of the thesis of on the crisis of the law of value.
- Published
- 2014
46. Kryzys uniwersytetu i rewolta żywej wiedzy
- Author
Krystian Szadkowski
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,Philosophy ,History ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Sociology and Political Science ,Anthropology - Published
- 2012
47. Joy Forever
- Author
Michal Kozlowski, Agnieszka Kurant, Jan Sowa, Krystian Szadkowski, Kuba Szreder, Hans Abbing, Joanna Bednarek, Luc Boltanski, Isabelle Bruno, Neil Cummings, Diedrich Diederichsen, Freee Art Collective, Isabelle Graw, Alexander Neumann, John Roberts, Gigi Roggero, Martha Rosler, Massimiliano Tomba, Marina Vishmidt, Precarious Workers Collective, Carrot Workers Collective, Stevphen Shukaitis, Michal Kozlowski, Agnieszka Kurant, Jan Sowa, Krystian Szadkowski, Kuba Szreder, Hans Abbing, Joanna Bednarek, Luc Boltanski, Isabelle Bruno, Neil Cummings, Diedrich Diederichsen, Freee Art Collective, Isabelle Graw, Alexander Neumann, John Roberts, Gigi Roggero, Martha Rosler, Massimiliano Tomba, Marina Vishmidt, Precarious Workers Collective, Carrot Workers Collective, and Stevphen Shukaitis
- Abstract
THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF SOCIAL CREATIVITY The book published by F/SUW in cooperation with MayFly Books gathers papers based on presentations at the conference Labour of the Multitudes? Political Economy of Social Creativity, organized in Warsaw in October 2011. It includes contributions by renowned thinkers and artists, including Luc Boltanski, Neil Cummings, Diedrich Diederichsen, Isabelle Graw, Massimiliano Tomba, Stevphen Shukaitis, and Martha Rosler, among many others. The title Joy Forever refers to the false promise of a common happiness, constantly played out by the proponents of the creative class and creative economy – the very promise that since Romanticism has been ascribed to art itself, a vow which remains unfulfilled. The aim of F/SUW’s publication is to scrutinize the false promises of distributed creativity as an ideology of cognitive capitalism. The authors devote themselves to critical examination of the structural links between art, creativity, labour and the creation of value under contemporary relations of production. Some of them do not stop at a critical diagnosis but go further, reflecting upon potential alternatives to the status quo. The book covers more than the issues of a narrowly understood art world, despite the fact that it pays a lot of attention to them. Art is conceived here as a social lab, where innovative ways of organizing of labour, socializing both for labour and through labour, as well as different types of production, speculation, generation and accumulation and appropriation of value are experimented with and tested., https://www.librarystack.org/joy-forever/?ref=unknown
- Published
- 2014
48. Economists are wrong!: the Warsaw Manifesto 2011
- Author
Kozłowski, Michał, Kurant, Agnieszka, Sowa, Janek, Krystian, Szadkowski, Szreder, Kuba, Hewitt, Andrew, Beech, Dave, Jordan, Mel, Kozłowski, Michał, Kurant, Agnieszka, Sowa, Janek, Krystian, Szadkowski, Szreder, Kuba, Hewitt, Andrew, Beech, Dave, and Jordan, Mel
- Abstract
Is art an economic activity? Should art be independent of economic pressures? Is the value of art to be determined separately from its value as a commodity? can we apply the Marxist labour theory of value to art? To consider the question of value in art from a Marxist perspective is, on the face of it, to invoke two kinds of philistinism. Marx tells us that value is twofold with use-value and exchange value forming a contradictory unity of value. There is no third kind of value. So, if art is supposed to be useless and priceless, how can a Marxist engage seriously with art and with only use-value and exchange value as tools? This work was originally published in Polish as an outcome of the international conference The Labour of the Multitude? The Political Economy of Social Creativity held in Warsaw, 20-22 of October 2011. Organisers of the conference were: Free/Slow University of Warsaw, Bęc Zmiana Foundation, University of Warsaw, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland.
- Published
- 2014
49. Economists are wrong!: the Warsaw Manifesto 2011
- Author
Andrew Hewitt, Dave Beech, Mel Jordan, Kozłowski, Michał, Kurant, Agnieszka, Sowa, Janek, Krystian, Szadkowski, and Szreder, Kuba
- Abstract
Is art an economic activity? Should art be independent of economic pressures? Is the value of art to be determined separately from its value as a commodity? can we apply the Marxist labour theory of value to art? To consider the question of value in art from a Marxist perspective is, on the face of it, to invoke two kinds of philistinism. Marx tells us that value is twofold with use-value and exchange value forming a contradictory unity of value. There is no third kind of value. So, if art is supposed to be useless and priceless, how can a Marxist engage seriously with art and with only use-value and exchange value as tools? This work was originally published in Polish as an outcome of the international conference The Labour of the Multitude? The Political Economy of Social Creativity held in Warsaw, 20-22 of October 2011. Organisers of the conference were: Free/Slow University of Warsaw, Bęc Zmiana Foundation, University of Warsaw, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland.
- Published
- 2014
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