Job satisfaction levels and factors affecting them were studied for four flying squadrons of the 7th BMW, Carswell AFB, Texas. A questionnaire--composed of Hackman-Oldham Job Diagnostic Survey, the Hoppock Measure of Job Satisfaction, organizational climate, and biographical questions--was administered. Job satisfaction levels and other factors were found to be significantly different among the squadrons. When the different crew positions were examined, job satisfaction level differences were found only between pilots and the navigators and electronic warfare officers. Pilots, radar navigators, and gunners seemed to be fairly satisfied with their jobs, while co-pilots, navigators and electronic warfare officers were less satisfied, especially the latter who were the lowest and significantly different from the other crew positions on most of the different factors of job satisfaction measured. Overall, the 7th BMW personnel preceived that their job satisfaction stemmed from their own personal feelings about the job itself rather than from the objective characteristics of the job.