386 results on '"Kozačinski, Lidija"'
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2. Izazovi identifikacije živih, ali neuzgojivih patogena iz hrane
- Author
Tušek, Željka, Vukšić, Mladenka, Mikuš, Tomislav, Kozačinski, Lidija, Tušek, Željka, Vukšić, Mladenka, Mikuš, Tomislav, and Kozačinski, Lidija
- Abstract
U ovome stručnom radu opisano je stanje određenih mikroorganizama koji su živi, no nisu uzgojivi (eng. viable but non-culturable - VBNC), te problemi nemogućnosti identificiranja navedenih mikroorganizama klasičnim metodama. Oni se u takvim uvjetima mijenjaju u stanje u kojem ih je nemoguće identificirati, pa samim time predstavljaju opasnost za ljudsko zdravlje. U radu se opisuju i metode za koje je istraženo da identificiraju patogene, s namjerom smanjivanja njihove prisutnosti u hrani., This paper describes the condition of certain microorganisms in which they are alive, but are not culturable (VBNC, viable but non-culturable). Also, the problem of not being able to identify such bacteria by classical methods is described, since bacteria react to adverse conditions such as conditions used during food processing and other and enter a state in which they cannot be identified, and thus present a danger to human health. Here are described methods that have been investigated and proven to identify pathogens, in order to reduce their number in food., In diesem Beitrag wird der Zustand bestimmter Mikroorganismen beschrieben, die zwar lebensfähig, aber nicht kultivierbar sind (engl. VBNC, viable but non-culturable). Außerdem wird das Problem beschrieben, dass solche Bakterien mit klassischen Methoden nicht identifiziert werden können, da sie auf ungünstige Bedingungen, wie z. B. bei der Lebensmittelverarbeitung, reagieren und in einen Zustand übergehen, in dem sie nicht mehr identifiziert werden können und somit eine Gefahr für die menschliche Gesundheit darstellen. Hier werden Methoden beschrieben, die untersucht wurden und sich bewährt haben, um Krankheitserreger zu identifizieren und ihre Anzahl in Lebensmitteln zu reduzieren, Este documento describe la condición de ciertos microorganismos en la que están vivos, pero no son cultivables (ing. VPNC, viable but non-culturable, viables pero no cultivables). Además, se describe el problema de no poder identificar tales bacterias mediante métodos clásicos, ya que las bacterias reaccionan a condiciones adversas como las condiciones utilizadas durante el procesamiento de alimentos y otras, y entran en un estado en el que no pueden ser identificadas, y por lo tanto representan un peligro para la salud humana. Aquí se describen métodos que han sido investigados y probados para identificar patógenos, con el fin de reducir su número en los alimentos., Questo articolo scientifico descrive la condizione di certi microrganismi vitali ma non coltivabili (in inglese: viable but non-culturable - VBNC) e il problema legato all'impossibilità di identificare tali microrganismi utilizzando i metodi classici. In tali condizioni, essi si trasformano in uno stato in cui è impossibile identificarli e quindi rappresentano un pericolo per la salute umana. L'articolo descrive, inoltre, i metodi studiati per identificare gli agenti patogeni, con l'obiettivo di ridurne la presenza negli alimenti.
- Published
- 2024
3. Management of animal by-products in the Republic of Croatia
- Author
Lovasić, Josipa, primary, Kozačinski, Lidija, additional, and Cvrtila, Željka, additional
- Published
- 2023
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4. Gospodarenje životinjskim nusproizvodima u Republici Hrvatskoj
- Author
Lovasić, Josipa, Kozačinski, Lidija, Cvrtila, Željka, Lovasić, Josipa, Kozačinski, Lidija, and Cvrtila, Željka
- Abstract
Zbrinjavanje nusproizvoda životinjskog podrijetla u Republici Hrvatskoj nedovoljno je naglašena problematika s obzirom na količinu nusproizvoda koja svakodnevno nastaje i rizike koje nosi po zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Upravo zato potrebno ju je promatrati kroz aspekte higijene, epidemiologije, epizootiologije, ekologije i ekonomije. Pravilni i efikasni načini gospodarenja životinjskim nusproizvodima elaborirani su detaljnom legislativom na temelju koje se vrlo strogo kontroliraju. Uvedena kategorizacija životinjskih nusproizvoda omogućila je bolji sustav njihovog sakupljanja, prevoženja, sljedivosti, skladištenja, prerade i iskorištavanja. Agroproteinka d.d. koncesionar je za zbrinjavanje nusproizvoda životinjskog podrijetla kategorije 1 i 2, a zbrinjava i vrlo velike količine nusproizvoda životinjskog podrijetla kategorije 3. Principima rada koji se temelje na modernim tehnologijama, Agroproteinka d.d. zadovoljava sve uvjete za gospodarenje nusproizvodima propisane od strane Europske Unije i Republike Hrvatske, a podržava i principe ekološkog postupanja s nusproizvodima, jednako kao i principe kružnog gospodarenja. Prikupljanje životinjskih nusproizvoda potpomognuto širokom mrežom sabirališta, brzo i prikladno prevoženje, efektivne i provjerene metode prerade te plasiranje kvalitetnih proizvoda dobivenih preradom životinjskih nusproizvoda u druge industrije samo su neki od pozitivnih aspekata kroz koje se promatra poslovanje tvrtke. Široka paleta mogućnosti iskorištavanja proizvoda koji su dobiveni preradom životinjskih nusproizvoda podupire činjenicu da se nusproizvode životinjskog podrijetla može i treba smatrati vrlo vrijednom sirovinom/energentom, a ne otpadom. Odgovorno gospodarenje životinjskim nusproizvodima ključ je u održavanju zdravlja ljudske i životinjske populacije te važna karika u smanjenju zagađenja okoliša, odnosno smanjenju opterećenja čitavog ekosustava., Managing animal by-products in the Republic of Croatia is a problem not enough emphasized regarding the amount of by-products created every day and the risks they present for human and animal health. Therefore, it needs to be observed through aspects of hygiene, epidemiology, epizootiology, ecology and economy. Correct and efficient ways of managing animal by-products are elaborated through detailed law documentation and are therefore strictly controlled. The categorisation of animal by-products enabled a better system of their collection, transportation, monitoring, storaging, processing and exploitation. Agroproteinka d.d. is the concessionaire for management of category 1 and 2 animal by-products, but the company also manages a large amount of category 3 animal by-products. Agroproteinka d.d. fulfills all standards for management of animal by-products defined by the European Union and the Republic of Croatia. This is enabled through modern technologies on which the principles of working with these by-products are based on. The company also uses ecological methods for managing animal by-products and supports the principles of circular management. The collecting process of animal by-products supported by a wide network of collecting spots, suitable transportation, efficient and proven methods of processing and providing high quality products for other industries are some of the positive aspects of the company's work. There is a wide range of possibilities for exploitation of products obtained by processing animal by-products.. Previously stated supports the fact that animal by-products are a valuable source of energy. Therefore, they should not be considered as waste. Responsible management is the key to maintaining a healthy human and animal population, and is also an important step in reduction of environmental pollution and reducing the pressure on the entire ecosystem., Die Handhabung tierischer Nebenprodukte in der Republik Kroatien ist ein Problem, das angesichts der Menge der täglich anfallenden Nebenprodukte und der damit verbundenen Risiken für die Gesundheit von Mensch und Tier nicht genug betont wird. Daher muss es unter hygienischen, epidemiologischen, epizootiologischen, ökologischen und wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten betrachtet werden. Der korrekte und effiziente Umgang mit tierischen Nebenprodukten wurde durch eine detaillierte Gesetzesdokumentation ausgearbeitet und ist daher streng kontrolliert. Die Kategorisierung der tierischen Nebenprodukte ermöglichte ein besseres System für ihre Sammlung, Beförderung, Überwachung, Lagerung, Verarbeitung und Verwertung. Agroproteinka d.d. ist der Konzessionär für die Handhabung von tierischen Nebenprodukten der Kategorien 1 und 2, aber das Unternehmen verwaltet auch eine große Menge an tierischen Nebenprodukten der Kategorie 3. Agroproteinka d.d. erfüllt alle von der Europäischen Union und der Republik Kroatien festgelegten Standards für die Handhabung von tierischen Nebenprodukten. Dies wird durch moderne Technologien ermöglicht, auf denen die Prinzipien des Umgangs mit diesen Nebenprodukten beruhen. Das Unternehmen wendet außerdem ökologische Methoden für den Umgang mit tierischen Nebenprodukten an und unterstützt die Grundsätze der Kreislaufwirtschaft. Das Sammeln von tierischen Nebenprodukten, unterstützt durch ein breites Netz von Sammelstellen, geeignete Transportmöglichkeiten, effiziente und bewährte Verarbeitungsmethoden und die Bereitstellung hochwertiger Produkte für andere Branchen sind einige der positiven Aspekte der Tätigkeit des Unternehmens. Es gibt eine breite Palette von Möglichkeiten zur Verwertung von Produkten, die durch die Verarbeitung tierischer Nebenprodukte gewonnen werden. Die bereits erwähnte Tatsache, dass tierische Nebenprodukte eine wertvolle Energiequelle sind, wird durch die vorangegangenen Ausführungen bestätigt. Sie sollten daher nicht als Abfal, La gestión de subproductos animales en la República de Croacia es un problema que no se enfatiza lo suficiente en cuanto a la cantidad de subproductos creados diariamente y los riesgos que representan para la salud humana y animal. Por lo tanto, es necesario observar desde los aspectos de higiene, epidemiología, epizootiología, ecología y economía. Se han elaborado formas correctas y eficientes de gestionar los subproductos animales a t ravés de una detallada documentación legal y, p or lo t anto, están estrictamente controlados. La categorización de los subproductos animales ha permitido un mejor sistema de recogida, transporte, monitoreo, almacenamiento, procesamiento y aprovechamiento. Agroproteinka S. A. es el concesionario para la gestión de subproductos animales de categoría 1 y 2, pero la empresa también gestiona una gran cantidad de subproductos animales de categoría 3. Gracias a las tecnologías modernas en las que se basan los principios de trabajo con estos subproductos, Agroproteinka S. A. cumple con todos los estándares para la gestión de subproductos animales definidos por la Unión Europea y la República de Croacia. La empresa también utiliza métodos ecológicos para gestionar los subproductos animales y apoya los principios de gestión circular. El proceso de recogida de subproductos animales cuenta con una amplia red de puntos de recogida, transporte adecuado, métodos eficientes y probados de procesamiento y suministro de productos de alta calidad para otras industrias, lo cual son algunos de los aspectos positivos del trabajo de la empresa. Existe una amplia gama de posibilidades para la explotación de los productos obtenidos mediante el procesamiento de subproductos animales, lo que apoya el hecho de que los subproductos animales son una valiosa materia prima/fuente de energía, y no la basura. Por lo tanto, no deberían considerarse como residuos. Una gestión responsable es clave para mantener una población humana y animal saludable, y también es un pa, Lo smaltimento dei sottoprodotti di origine animale nella Repubblica di Croazia è un problema poco sottolineato, vista la quantità di sottoprodotti che ogni giorno viene prodotta e i rischi che essi comportano per la salute umana e animale. Ecco perché è necessario osservarlo attraverso gli aspetti igienico, epidemiologico, epizootico, ecologico ed economico. Modalità corrette ed efficienti di gestione dei sottoprodotti di origine animale sono state elaborate da una legislazione dettagliata che prevede anche meccanismi di controllo molto rigorosi. La categorizzazione introdotta per i sottoprodotti di origine animale ha consentito un migliore sistema di raccolta, trasporto, tracciabilità, stoccaggio, lavorazione e utilizzo. Agroproteinka d.d. (S.p.A.) ha in concessione lo smaltimento di sottoprodotti di origine animale di categoria 1 e 2 e smaltisce anche grandi quantità di sottoprodotti di origine animale di categoria 3. Utilizzando nel proprio lavoro le tecnologie più avanzate, Agroproteinka d.d. soddisfa tutte le condizioni per la gestione dei sottoprodotti prescritte dall’Unione europea e dalla Repubblica di Croazia, nel pieno rispetto dei principi della gestione ecologica e della gestione circolare dei sottoprodotti. La raccolta di sottoprodotti di origine animale supportata da un’ampia rete di punti di raccolta, trasporti rapidi e adeguati, metodi di lavorazione efficaci e collaudati e la commercializzazione di prodotti di qualità ottenuti dalla lavorazione di sottoprodotti di origine animale in altri comparti industriali sono solo alcuni degli aspetti positivi attraverso i quali viene vista l’attività dell’azienda. L’ampia gamma di possibilità di utilizzo dei prodotti ottenuti dalla lavorazione di sottoprodotti di origine animale conferma il fatto che i sottoprodotti di origine animale possono e devono essere considerati una materia prima e una risorsa energetica molto preziosa e non certamente un rifiuto. La gestione responsabile dei sottoprodotti di origine
- Published
- 2023
5. The influence of the addition of Agaricus bisporus to the diet on the volatile profile of lamb meat
- Author
Cvrtila, Željka, Šporec, Anita, Kozačinski, Lidija, Mikuš, Tomislav, Njari, Bela, Bratulić, Mario, Špoljarić, Daniel, Popović, Maja, Cvrtila, Željka, Šporec, Anita, Kozačinski, Lidija, Mikuš, Tomislav, Njari, Bela, Bratulić, Mario, Špoljarić, Daniel, and Popović, Maja
- Abstract
The aim of the research was to qualitatively determine volatile aroma compounds in the M. longissimus dorsi of lambs. The research included a total of 30 lamb carcasses divided into three groups. The animals were fed with a regular commercial feed mixture, which was supplemented with chopped dried or fresh common mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) in various proportions. Volatile compounds were determined using headspace solid-phase microextraction, coupled with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The identified compounds are classified into the following chemical groups: aldehydes, esters, alcohols, amino acids, peptides, lactones, ketones, fatty acids, complex organic compounds, ethers and furans. Further research is needed to determine whether the differences between the groups in the volatile compounds identified affect the acceptability of lamb meat to consumers., Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi hlapljive aromatične spojeve u M. longissimus dorsi janjadi hranjene komercijalnom krmnom smjesom, kojoj je dodavan suhi ili nasjeckani svježi pripravak plemenite pečurke (Agaricus bisporus) u različitim omjerima. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno ukupno 30 klaonički obrađenih tupova janjadi podijeljeno u tri skupine. Hlapljivi spojevi određeni su korištenjem mikroekstrakcije u čvrstoj fazi u kombinaciji s plinskom kromatografijom/masenom spektrometrijom. Identificirani spojevi mogu se razvrstati u sljedeće kemijske skupine: aldehidi, esteri, alkoholi, aminokiseline, peptidi, laktoni, ketoni, masne kiseline, složeni organski spojevi, eteri i furani. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja kako bi se utvrdilo utječu li razlike u identificiranim hlapljivim spojevima između skupina na prihvatljivost janjećeg mesa za potrošače.
- Published
- 2023
6. Inovacija proizvoda HRZZ projekta “Inovativni funkcionalni proizvodi od janjećeg mesa“
- Author
Shek Vugrovečki, Ana, Popović, Maja, Cvrtila, Željka, Kardum, Matko, Kiš, Goran, Kozačinski, Lidija, Mikuš, Tomislav, Milinković Tur, Suzana, Vidošević, Ante, Mršić, Gordan, Njari, Bela, Pajurin, Luka, Poljičak Milas, Nina, Žderić Savatović, Zrinka, Šimpraga, Miljenko, Špoljarić, Branimira, Živković, Mario, Hrković Porobija, Amina, Vince, Silvijo, Vlahović, Ksenija, Žura Žaja, Ivona, Špoljarić, Daniel, Shek Vugrovečki, Ana, Popović, Maja, Cvrtila, Željka, Kardum, Matko, Kiš, Goran, Kozačinski, Lidija, Mikuš, Tomislav, Milinković Tur, Suzana, Vidošević, Ante, Mršić, Gordan, Njari, Bela, Pajurin, Luka, Poljičak Milas, Nina, Žderić Savatović, Zrinka, Šimpraga, Miljenko, Špoljarić, Branimira, Živković, Mario, Hrković Porobija, Amina, Vince, Silvijo, Vlahović, Ksenija, Žura Žaja, Ivona, and Špoljarić, Daniel
- Abstract
U ovom radu predstaviti će se jedinstvenost inovacije istraživanja provedenih u okviru HRZZ projekta “Inovativni funkcionalni proizvodi od janjećeg mesa“ (IP-2016-06-3685). Naime, uvjerenja smo da naša projektna inovacija, koja je prvenstveno rezultat znanja stečenog kroz proces istraživanja projekta, može predstavljati i instrument za povećanje konkurentnost i pokretanje razvoja poduzeća te tako pridonijeti gospodarskom i društvenom boljitku R. Hrvatske., This paper will present the uniqueness of the research innovation carried out within the framework of Croatian science foundation (CSF) project “INNOVATIVE FUNCTIONAL LAMB MEAT PRODUCTS" (IP-2016-06-3685). Namely, we believe that our project innovation, which is primarily the result of the knowledge gained through the project research process, can also be an instrument for increasing competitiveness and stimulating business development, thus contributing to Croatia's economic and social wellbeing., In diesem Beitrag wird die Einzigartigkeit der Forschungsinnovation vorgestellt, die im Rahmen des Projekts der Kroatischen Stiftung für Wissenschaft (HRZZ) "INNOVATIVE FUNKTIONELLE LAMMFLEISCHPRODUKTE" (IP-2016-06-3685) durchgeführt wurde. Wir glauben nämlich, dass unsere Projektinnovation, die in erster Linie das Ergebnis der im Rahmen des Forschungsprozesses des Projekts gewonnenen Erkenntnisse ist, auch ein Instrument zur Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und zur Förderung der Unternehmensentwicklung sein und somit zum wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Wohlergehen Kroatiens beitragen kann., Este documento presentará la singularidad de la innovación investigadora llevada a cabo en el marco del proyecto de la Fundación Científica de Croacia "Productos funcionales innovadores a partir de carne de cordero" (IP-2016-06-3685). Es decir, estamos convencidos de que la innovación de nuestro proyecto, que es principalmente el resultado del conocimiento adquirido a través del proceso de investigación del proyecto, también puede representar un instrumento para aumentar la competitividad e estimular el desarrollo de las empresas, contribuyendo así al bienestar económico y social de la República de Croacia., Questo documento presenterà l’unicità dell’innovazione delle ricerche svolte nell’ambito del progetto HRZZ “Prodotti funzionali innovativi a base di carne di agnello” (IP-2016-06-3685). Siamo, infatti, convinti che la nostra innovazione, che è innanzitutto il risultato delle conoscenze acquisite attraverso il processo di ricerca condotto nel corso del progetto, possa rappresentare anche uno strumento per aumentare la competitività e avviare lo sviluppo delle imprese, contribuendo così al miglioramento economico e sociale del Repubblica di Croazia.
- Published
- 2023
7. Enterotoxigenic and Antimicrobic Susceptibility Profile of Staphylococcus aureus Isolates from Fresh Cheese in Croatia.
- Author
Ljevaković-Musladin, Ivana, Kozačinski, Lidija, Krilanović, Marija, Vodnica Martucci, Marina, Lakić, Mato, Grispoldi, Luca, and Cenci-Goga, Beniamino T.
- Subjects
STAPHYLOCOCCUS aureus ,FOOD poisoning ,CHEESE ,FOODBORNE diseases ,RAW milk ,EGG yolk ,ENTEROTOXINS ,MILK microbiology - Abstract
Certain Staphylococcus aureus strains harbour staphylococcal enterotoxin genes and hence can produce enterotoxin during their growth in food. Therefore, food can be a source of staphylococcal food poisoning, one of the most common food-borne diseases worldwide. Epidemiological data show that S. aureus is often present in raw milk cheeses, and consequently, cheeses are often the source of staphylococcal food poisoning outbreaks. The aim of this study was to determine the phenotypic characteristics of S. aureus isolates from fresh cheese, including antibiotic susceptibility; the presence of classical sea-see enterotoxin genes through molecular methods; and the isolate's ability to produce SEA-SEE enterotoxins in vitro through reversed passive latex agglutination. A total of 180 coagulase-positive staphylococci were isolated from 18 out of 30 cheese samples, and 175 were confirmed as S. aureus through latex agglutination and API STAPH tests. All isolates possessed phenotypic characteristics typical for S. aureus, with certain variations in the egg yolk reaction (18.3% of the isolates showed a weak reaction and 28% no reaction at all) and haemolysis pattern (36.6% of the isolates produced double-haemolysis and 4.6% were non-haemolytic). Antibiotic resistance was observed in 1.1% of the isolates and to mupirocin only. Real-time PCR detected the sec gene in 34 (19.4%) isolates, but most isolates (80.6%) were not enterotoxigenic. For all 34 (19.4%) strains that carried the sec gene, the RPLA method detected the production of the SEC enterotoxin in vitro. For those enterotoxigenic strains, the possibility of enterotoxin production in fresh cheese could not be ruled out. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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8. Inovacija proizvoda HRZZ projekta “Inovativni funkcionalni proizvodi od janjećeg mesa“
- Author
Shek Vugrovečki, Ana, primary, Špoljarić, Daniel, additional, Žura Žaja, Ivona, additional, Vlahović, Ksenija, additional, Vince, Silvijo, additional, Vidošević, Ante, additional, Živković, Mario, additional, Špoljarić, Branimira, additional, Šimpraga, Miljenko, additional, Žderić Savatović, Zrinka, additional, Poljičak Milas, Nina, additional, Pajurin, Luka, additional, Njari, Bela, additional, Hrković Porobija, Amina, additional, Mršić, Gordan, additional, Milinković Tur, Suzana, additional, Kozačinski, Lidija, additional, Kiš, Goran, additional, Kardum, Matko, additional, Cvrtila, Željka, additional, Popović, Maja, additional, and Mikuš, Tomislav, additional
- Published
- 2023
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9. novacija proizvoda HRZZ projekta 'Inovativni funkcionalni proizvodi od janjećeg mesa'
- Author
Shek Vugrovečki, Ana, Popović, Maja, Cvrtila, Željka, Kardum, Matko, Kiš, Goran, Kozačinski, Lidija, Mikuš, Tomislav, Milinković Tur, Suzana, Vidošević, Ante, Mršić, Gordan, Njari, Bela, Pajurin, Luka, Poljičak Milas, Nina, Žderić Savatović, Zrinka, Šimpraga, Miljenko, Špoljarić, Branimira, Živković, Branimira, Hrković Porobija, Amina, Vince, Silvijo, and Žura Žaja, Ivona, Špoljarić, Daniel
- Subjects
inovacija, funkcionalni prototip, HRZZ - Abstract
U ovom radu predstaviti će se jedinstvenost inovacije istraživanja provedenih u okviru HRZZ projekta “Inovativni funkcionalni proizvodi od janjećeg mesa“ (IP-2016-06-3685). Naime, uvjerenja smo da naša projektna inovacija, koja je prvenstveno rezultat znanja stečenog kroz proces istraživanja projekta, može predstavljati i instrument za povećanje konkurentnost i pokretanje razvoja poduzeća te tako pridonijeti gospodarskom i društvenom boljitku R. Hrvatske.
- Published
- 2023
10. Utjecaj dodatka Agaricus bisporus u hranidbu na profil hlapljivih spojeva arome janjećeg mesa
- Author
Cvrtila, Željka, Šporec, Anita, Kozačinski, Lidija, Mikuš, Tomislav, Njari, Bela, Bratulić, Mario, Špoljarić, Daniel, and Popović, Maja
- Subjects
janjeće meso ,pripravak plemenite pečurke Agaricus bisporus ,hlapljivi spojevi arome ,lamb meat ,dry supplement ,Agaricus bisporus ,volatile aroma compounds - Abstract
The aim of the research was to qualitatively determine volatile aroma compounds in the M. longissimus dorsi of lambs. The research included a total of 30 lamb carcasses divided into three groups. The animals were fed with a regular commercial feed mixture, which was supplemented with chopped dried or fresh common mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) in various proportions. Volatile compounds were determined using headspace solid-phase microextraction, coupled with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The identified compounds are classified into the following chemical groups: aldehydes, esters, alcohols, amino acids, peptides, lactones, ketones, fatty acids, complex organic compounds, ethers and furans. Further research is needed to determine whether the differences between the groups in the volatile compounds identified affect the acceptability of lamb meat to consumers., Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi hlapljive aromatične spojeve u M. longissimus dorsi janjadi hranjene komercijalnom krmnom smjesom, kojoj je dodavan suhi ili nasjeckani svježi pripravak plemenite pečurke (Agaricus bisporus) u različitim omjerima. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno ukupno 30 klaonički obrađenih tupova janjadi podijeljeno u tri skupine. Hlapljivi spojevi određeni su korištenjem mikroekstrakcije u čvrstoj fazi u kombinaciji s plinskom kromatografijom/masenom spektrometrijom. Identificirani spojevi mogu se razvrstati u sljedeće kemijske skupine: aldehidi, esteri, alkoholi, aminokiseline, peptidi, laktoni, ketoni, masne kiseline, složeni organski spojevi, eteri i furani. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja kako bi se utvrdilo utječu li razlike u identificiranim hlapljivim spojevima između skupina na prihvatljivost janjećeg mesa za potrošače.
- Published
- 2023
11. Influence of the addition of Agaricus bisporus in the diet on the volatile profile of lamb meat
- Author
Cvrtila, Željka, Šporec, Anita, Kozačinski, Lidija, Mikuš, Tomislav, Njari, Bela, Bratulić, Mario, Špoljarić, Daniel, and Popović, Maja
- Subjects
lamb meat, dry supplement, Agaricus bisporus, volatile aroma compounds - Abstract
The aim of the research was to qualitatively determine volatile aroma compounds in M. longissimus dorsi of lambs. The research included a total of 30 lamb carcasses divided into three groups. Animals were fed with a regular commercial feed mixture, which was supplemented with dried or chopped fresh common mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) in various proportions. Volatile compounds were determined using headspace solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The identified compounds can be classified into the following chemical groups: aldehydes, esters, alcohols, amino acids, peptides, lactones, ketones, fatty acids, complex organic compounds, ethers and furans. Further research is needed to determine whether differences in the identified volatile compounds between groups affect the acceptability of lamb meat to consumers.
- Published
- 2023
12. Rizici konzumacije brašna od cvrčaka
- Author
Rakić, Frane, primary, Cvrtila, Željka, additional, Kozačinski, Lidija, additional, and Mikuš, Tomislav, additional
- Published
- 2022
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13. Rizici konzumacije brašna od cvrčaka
- Author
Rakić, Frane, Mikuš, Tomislav, Kozačinski, Lidija, Cvrtila, Željka, Rakić, Frane, Mikuš, Tomislav, Kozačinski, Lidija, and Cvrtila, Željka
- Abstract
Posljednjih godina došlo je do povećanja intenzivnog uzgoja insekata u EU, a posljedično i do njihove uporabe kao ljudske, odnosno stočne hrane. Postoji niz opasnosti u vezi s mogućim rizicima u proizvodnji, preradi i konzumaciji ovog alternativnog izvora proteina. Cilj ovoga rada bio je opisati moguće rizike konzumiranja takvih proizvoda, In recent years, there has been an increase in intensive farming of insects and subsequntly raise in their usage as human food or animal feed. There are a number of concerns regarding the possible risks in producing, processing and consuming this alternative source of protein. The aim of this study was to describe the potential risks of consuming such products., In den letzten Jahren hat die intensive Zucht von Insekten zugenommen und damit auch ihre Verwendung als Nahrungs- und Futtermittel. Es gibt eine Reihe von Bedenken hinsichtlich der möglichen Risiken bei der Herstellung, der Verarbeitung und dem Verzehr dieser alternativen Proteinquelle. Ziel dieser Studie war es, die potenziellen Risiken des Verzehrs solcher Produkte zu beschreiben., En los últimos años, ha habido un aumento en la cría intensiva de insectos en la UE y, en consecuencia, su uso como alimento humano y animal. Hay una serie de peligros asociados con los posibles riesgos en la producción, procesamiento y consumo de esta fuente alternativa de proteína. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir los posibles riesgos del consumo de esos productos., Negli ultimi anni si è registrato un aumento dell’allevamento intensivo di insetti nell’UE e, di conseguenza, del loro utilizzo nell’alimentazione umana e come mangime per gli animali. Esistono numerosi pericoli associati a possibili rischi nella produzione, lavorazione e consumo di questa fonte alternativa di proteine. Lo scopo di questo lavoro consiste nel descrivere i possibili rischi del consumo di tali prodotti.
- Published
- 2022
14. Prednosti i nedostaci nekih metoda za omamljivanje Crustacea
- Author
Jurenec, Dragica, Kozačinski, Lidija, Mikuš, Tomislav, Jurenec, Dragica, Kozačinski, Lidija, and Mikuš, Tomislav
- Abstract
Za razliku od kralježnjaka, rakovi posjeduju segmentiran živčani sustav stoga ih jednostavnom traumom u samo jednu točku nije moguće kvalitetno omamiti ili usmrtiti, što predstavlja temeljnu postavku suvremenog shvaćanja brzog klanja uz minimalnu bol i patnju. Danas se u svijetu pa tako i kod nas i dalje koriste vrlo tradicionalne metode usmrćivanja i/ili omamljivanja rakova poput trganja, uboda oštrim predmetom, hlađenja i sl., od kojih mnoge ne zadovoljavaju tražene suvremene parametre brze smrti praćene minimalnom boli i patnjom. Posljednjih je godina došlo do razvoja jedne vrlo efikasne i kvalitetne metode za omamljivanje rakova sa stajališta zaštite i dobrobiti životinja pod nazivom Crustastun™. U ovom preglednom radu predstavljene su prednosti i nedostatci najpristupačnijih i najčešće korištenih metoda za omamljivanje/usmrćivanje rakova. Sve su navedene metode uspoređene sa Crustastun™ metodom., Unlike vertebrates, crabs have a segmented nervous system, so they cannot be stunned or killed by a simple trauma at just one point, which is the basic premise of the modern understanding of rapid slaughter with minimal pain and suffering. Today, in the world and in our country traditional methods of killing and / or stunning crabs are still used, such as tearing, spiking, cutting, cooling, etc., many of which do not meet the required modern parameters of rapid death accompanied by minimal pain and suffering. In recent years, there has been the development of a very efficient and high-quality method for stunning crabs from the point of view of animal protection and welfare named Crustastun™. This review presents several traditional stunning and killing methods alongside with their advantages and disadvantages and compare them to Crustastun™ method.crabs, welfare, stunning, killing, meat quality, Im Gegensatz zu Wirbeltieren haben Krebse ein segmentiertes Nervensystem, so dass sie nicht durch ein einfaches Trauma an einem Punkt betäubt oder getötet werden können, was die Grundvoraussetzung für das moderne Verständnis einer schnellen Schlachtung mit minimalen Schmerzen und Leiden ist. Heutzutage werden weltweit und in unserem Land immer noch traditionelle Methoden zur Tötung und/oder Betäubung von Krebsen angewandt, wie z. B. Zerrreißen, Durchstechen mit einem scharfen Gegenstand, Schneiden, Kühlen usw., von denen viele nicht den geforderten modernen Parametern eines schnellen Todes bei minimalen Schmerzen und Leiden entsprechen. In den letzten Jahren wurde ein aus Sicht des Tierschutzes sehr effizientes und qualitativ hochwertiges Verfahren zur Betäubung v on K rebsen n amens C rustastun™ e ntwickelt. I n d ieser A rbeit w erden v erschiedene t raditionelle Betäubungs- und Tötungsmethoden mit ihren Vor- und Nachteilen vorgestellt und mit der Crustastun™-Methode verglichen., A diferencia de los vertebrados, los crustáceos tienen un sistema nervioso segmentado, por lo que no pueden ser aturdidos o matados por un simple trauma en un solo punto, que es la premisa básica de la comprensión moderna de la matanza rápida con el mínimo dolor y sufrimiento. Hoy en día, en el mundo y en nuestro país, todavía se utilizan métodos muy tradicionales de sacrificio y/o aturdimiento de cangrejos, tales como desgarramiento, picaduras con objetos cortantes, enfriamiento, etc., muchos de los cuales no cumplen con los parámetros modernos exigidos de muerte rápida, acompañada de mínimo dolor y sufrimiento. En los últimos años, se ha desarrollado un método muy eficiente y de alta calidad para el aturdimiento de cangrejos desde el punto de vista de la protección y el bienestar animal, llamado Crustastun ™. Esta revisión presenta las ventajas y desventajas de los métodos más accesibles y comúnmente utilizados para aturdir/matar los crustáceos. Todos los métodos anteriormente mencionados fueron comparados con el método Crustastun™., A differenza dei vertebrati, i crostacei hanno un sistema nervoso segmentato, quindi non possono essere storditi o uccisi da un semplice trauma in un solo punto, che è la premessa di base del moderno modo di intendere l’uccisione rapida con dolore e sofferenza ridotti al minimo. Oggi, nel mondo e nel nostro Paese, si utilizzano ancora metodi molto tradizionali per uccidere e/o s tordire i crostacei, come la lacerazione, la puntura con oggetti appuntiti, il raffreddamento, ecc., molti dei quali non soddisfano i moderni parametri richiesti per una morte r apida accompagnata da dolore e sofferenza minimi. Negli ultimi anni s’è sviluppato un metodo molto efficace e virtuoso per lo stordimento dei crostacei dal punto di vista della tutela e del benessere degli animali chiamato Crustastun ™. In questo articolo vengono presentati i vantaggi e gli svantaggi delle tecniche più accessibili e comunemente usate per stordire/uccidere i crostacei. Tutti i metodi di cui sopra sono stati confrontati con il metodo Crustastun ™.
- Published
- 2022
15. Influence of the addition of white button mushroom supplement in the diet on the sensory and technological properties of lamb meat
- Author
Mikuš, Tomislav, Cvrtila, Željka, Kozačinski, Lidija, Kiš, Goran, Špoljarić, Daniel, Popović, Maja, Raspor, Peter, Vovk, Irena, Ovca, Andrej, Smole Možina, Sonja, Butinar, Bojan, and Jevšnik, Mojca
- Subjects
lamb meat, sensory, technological properties, white button mushroom - Abstract
The aim of this study was to determine the technological and sensory properties of m. longissimus dorsiin lambs. The Lička pramenka lambs were reared traditionally and fed with voluminous and concentrate feed with the addition of the dry or chopped fresh Agraricus bisporus as a supplement in different percentages. A feeding experiment was conducted on 30 lambs divided into three groups. The carcasses were sampled 0 and 24h after slaughter. The av erage slaughter weight was 10.40 kg - in the control group, 12.29 kg in group 2 and 11.99 kg in group 3. The pH ranged from an average of 6.95 in control and group 3 to 6.72 in group 2. After 24 hours, a decrease in pH was recorded (control group 5.38, gro up 2 5.52 and group 3 5.74). The values of the colour parameters (CIE L * a * b *) were - L* control group 61.20 ; group 2. 55.92 and group 3. 59.53, a* parameter was 5.22 in the control, 3.95 in group 2 and 4.68 in group 3, while b* was 3.46 in the control , 1.24 in group 2 and 1.39 in group 3. The sensory evaluation confirmed that the meat showed the characteristics of colour, smell and taste of young lamb meat. The meat was light pink in colour, sparsely covered with adipose tissue. The smell and taste in the cooking and roasting samples were specific to the lamb meat. For determination of oxidative stability with thiobarbiturate test (TBARS) and fat content, samples were collected on days 0, 3, and 6. As anticipated TBARS values were increased from day 0 to day 6, and there were no significant differences between groups 2 and 3. Cholesterol in the meat of the control group was high (31.95 mg/100g), which is significantly higher than the values found in the meat of group 2 (9.63 mg/100g) and group 3 (95.2 mg /100 g). In conclusion, by adding this specific supplement to the lambs' diet, the meat retained all the positive sensory and technological properties with reduced cholesterol levels
- Published
- 2022
16. Utjecaj higijene u proizvodnji na broj kvasaca i plijesni te održivost mliječnih proizvoda
- Author
Mikuš, Tomislav, Biljan, Josipa, Cvrtila, Željka, Zadravec, Manuela, Kozačinski, Lidija, and Bašić, Zoran
- Subjects
mliječni proizvodi, održivost, pohrana, kontaminacija, kvasci - Abstract
Cilj rada bio je istražiti održivost fermentiranih mliječnih proizvoda od pasteriziranog (jogurt) i nepasteriziranog mlijeka (vrhnje) u uvjetima pohrane u hladnjaku na različitim temperaturnim uvjetima (+4 °C i +12 °C). Oba proizvoda proizvedena su u OPG-u, od mlijeka koje se dobiva iz vlastite proizvodnje. Provedene su senzorička, fizikalno-kemijska (pH), te mikrobiološka pretraga kvasaca i plijesni. Proizvodi su uzorkovani 1., 3., 7. i 14. dan pohrane. U senzoričkoj pretrazi jogurta i vrhnja nisu utvrđena značajnija odstupanja u ocjenjivanim parametrima tijekom 7 dana pohrane pa su miris i okus bili svojstveni vrsti proizvoda a konzistencija gusta, tekuća. Tek posljednjeg dana vrhnje (+12 °C) nije bilo pogodno za testiranje zbog izmijenjenih senzoričkih svojstava. Praćenjem pH utvrđeno je da su vrijednosti u jogurtu ostale gotovo identične na obje temperature pohrane (4, 49-4, 47 ; 4, 49-4, 43), vrijednosti u vrhnju su rasle na +4 °C (4, 61- 4, 75), a na +12 °C je mjerenje zaustavljeno zbog kvarenja posljednjeg dana. Mikrobiološkom pretragom porast kvasaca u vrhnju utvrđen je već od prvog, a u jogurtu od trećeg dana pokusa. U obje vrste uzoraka na +4 °C utvrđene su vrste Torulaspora quercuum, Pichia fermentans, Galactomyces candidus (Geotrichum), dok su na +12 °C utvrđeni još i Candida intermedia, Galactomyces geotrichum, te plijesan Penicillium sp. Navedeni nalaz sugerira kako su uzorci kontaminirani tijekom proizvodnje, te samim time im je narušena održivost, ali i sigurnost.
- Published
- 2022
17. The effect of addition of olive oil on the sensory and aroma quality of dry-ripened lamb sausages
- Author
Mikuš, Tomislav, Cvrtila, Željka, Kozačinski, Lidija, Šporec, Anita, Bratulić, Mario, Špoljarić, Daniel, Popović, Maja, Raspor, Peter, Vovk, Irena, Ovca, Andrej, Smole Možina, Sonja, Butinar, Bojan, and Jevšnik, Mojca
- Subjects
lamb meat ,dry-cured sausage ,olive oil ,substitution - Abstract
The aim of this paper was to replace traditionally used pork and lard with meat from specially reared lambs and olive oil, in order to produce a dry sausage with a preferable fatty acid composition while retaining positive sensory characteristics. Lička pramenka lambs were fed with a specific feed supplement containing various percentages of Agraricus bisporus . Three recipes of dry sausages were produced – 1 Beef/Lamb/Lard ; 2 Lamb/Beef/Lard/Olive oil/Bread ; 3 Po rk/Beef/Lamb/Pork backfat. All three sausages underwent the same technological production process. The pH decreased with ripening time, ranging from 5.54 to 5.92 depending on the sausage, while water activity decreased to 0.756 and 0.824 respectively. Sens ory analysis was performed by professional evaluators. The parameters that were evaluated were: appearance (0 - 15), cross - section (0 - 20) and smell and taste (0 - 25) with a possible maximum number of 60 points. The results of the sensory analysis were as foll ows: sausage 1 - 52.36 ; sausage 2 - 56.06 ; and sausage 3 - 56.32 points. Volatile aroma compounds were identified by the solid‐phase microextraction (SPME) combined with gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC‐MS). A total of approximately 60 volatile com pounds were detected by GC‐MS, of which nearly 50 per cent were major volatile compounds mutual for all sausage samples. The most of identified compounds are complex terpenoids like aroma compounds such as α - Phellandrene, Linalool, γ - Terpinene, p - Cymene, D - Limonene, 3 - Carene and Humulene. These compounds are characteristic volatile aroma compounds of numerous herbs and spices and contribute to the overall aroma profile of prepared lamb sausages. The cholesterol level was affected by the raw material composi tion of sausages. The lowest value was 64 mg/100 g in the sausage sample 2. To conclude, the substitution of meat and pork/lard with lamb and olive oil enhanced the sensory of the dry sausage, and at the same time, it successfully improved the fatty acid composition of the product.
- Published
- 2022
18. Legislative framework for meat inspection system in Croatia
- Author
Hengl, Brigita, Zdolec, Nevijo, Juras, Mirela, Mandek, Siniša, Kiš, Tomislav, Kozačinski, Lidija, Antunović, Boris, Carrasco Jiménez, Elena, Guldimann, Claudia, Johler, Sophia, Sperner, Brigitte, and Blagojević, Bojan
- Subjects
meat inspection ,legislation ,Croatia - Abstract
This paper describes the changes in the Croatian regulations and harmonisation with European Union (EU) legislation in the field of meat inspection, before and after 2013, when Croatia joined EU. Namely, in the last 30 years, the legislative framework of the meat inspection system in Croatia has changed several times. In 1997, the Veterinary Act (OG 70/1997) stipulated that veterinary health inspection in slaughterhouses is carried out by authorised veterinarians (AVs) employed in veterinary organisations to which state authorities have been delegated, while officinal veterinarians are employed by government and have a broader spectrum of duties. The AV performed the veterinary examinations to determine the safety of products of animal origin, and only they, and not the food business operators (FBOs), were responsible in the case of any non-compliance. The conditions that AVs had to fulfil were a diploma from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, a certificate of completion of the State Professional Examination (SPE) for Veterinary Inspector, and at least three years of professional experience after passing the SPE. The next Veterinary Act (OG 41/2007) brought changes in the meat inspection in the framework of official controls of food of animal origin by dividing regulations between this Act and the Food Act (OG 46/2007), and introduced the term “control bodies” for veterinary organisations with delegated state authorities. An AV then had at least two years of professional experience, a license (issued by the Croatian Veterinary Chamber after completing one year of professional practice) and the SPE certificate (issued by the Minister of Agriculture). The Food Act introduced a shift of responsibility in the case of non-compliances to FBOs, at all stages of production, processing and distribution. The Veterinary Act of 2013 (OG 82/2013) implemented Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 in the Croatian legislative framework, but did not bring any changes related to meat inspection. The State Inspectorate Act (OG 115/2018) introduced significant changes in the organisation, as all inspections involved in the food safety system were merged, with the exception of fisheries inspections. The Act on official controls and other official activities performed to ensure the application of food and feed law, rules on animal health and welfare, plant health and plant protection products (OG 52/2021) implemented the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2017/625. The State Inspectorate was introduced as the Competent Authority for different areas of official controls, and “delegated bodies” as the local competent authorities performing meat inspection. At the same time, amendments to the Veterinary Act (OG 52/2021) changed the requirements for AVs. The development of the legal framework over the years had less impact on the methodology of meat inspection, so riskbased meat inspection did not play a role in practice. However, since 2013, in cooperation with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Croatian Veterinary Chamber, continuous training programs have been organised for AVs, based on the EFSA scientific opinions (2011- 2013) on public health hazards posed by meat and its control in meat chain.
- Published
- 2022
19. Inovacija HRZZ projekta 'Inovativni funkcionalni proizvodi od janjećeg mesa' (IP-2016-06-3685) u stupnju razvoja funkcionalnog laboratorijskog prototipa
- Author
Popović, Maja, Cvrtila, Željka, Kardum , Matko, Kiš, Goran, Kozačinski, Lidija, Mikuš, Tomislav, Milinković Tur, Suzana, Mršić, Gordan, Njari, Bela, Pajurin, Luka, Poljičak Milas, Nina, Shek Vugrovečki, Ana, Šimpraga, Miljenko, Špoljarić, Branimira, Živković, Mario, Hrković Porobija, Amina, Vince, Silvijo, Vlahović, Ksenija, Žura Žaja, Ivona, and Špoljarić, Daniel
- Subjects
inovativna janjetina, lička pramenka, plemenita pečurka - Abstract
Inovacije i kreativnost od iznimne su važnosti za gospodarski rast i razvoj duštva Hrvatske. U Europskoj Uniji pa tako i republici Hrvatskoj, trokut znanja između obrazovanja, istraživanja i inovacija čine temelj za postizanje sinergijskih učinaka ulaganja u znanost i inovacije iz nacionalnih, regionalnih i međunarodnih fondova. U ovom radu opisati ćemo jedinstvenost inovacije istraživanja provedenih u okviru HRZZ projekta “Inovativni funkcionalni proizvodi od janjećeg mesa“ (IP-2016-06- 3685). Rezultati projektnih istraživanja ukazuju da je janjad pasmine lička pramenka kojoj je u dnevni obrok bila umješana biomasa bijele i/ili smeđe plemenite pečurke bila dobrog zdravlja te se tom inovativnom tehnologijom uzgoja i hranjenja janjadi proizvela janjetina sniženog udjela kolesterola, povoljnog masnokiseliskog i aroma sastava te su sa pet inovativnih receptura proizvedeni funkcionalni polutrajni i trajni proizvodi od janječeg mesa.
- Published
- 2022
20. Effects of dietary supplementation with mushroom Agaricus bisporus on health and meat quality parameters of lambs
- Author
Kiš, Goran, Pajurin, Luka, Špoljarić, Daniel, Špoljarić, Branimira, Kozačinski, Lidija, Cvrtila, Željka, Širić, Ivan, Popović, Maja, Čeh, Tatjana, and Kapun, Stanko
- Subjects
Agaricus bisporus, dietary supplementation, lambs, health, meat quality - Abstract
The consequences of the ban on the use of antibiotics as growth promoters are manifested in lower food utilization and reduced production, thus in increased morbidity and mortality of animals. It is, therefore, necessary to find alternative sustainable methods of controlling stressors on animal health inappropriate feeding systems. It is generally known that fungi contain active molecules of antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, hypolipemic, antithrombotic, hypotensive, and symbiotic effects. Mushroom Agaricus bisporus is one of the most commonly grown mushroom species in the world. Good nutritional characteristics, low in fat and high in protein and carbohydrates, the most common of which are dietary fiber, make them a very acceptable food not only for humans but also for domestic animals intended for human consumption (Atila, 2021). Agaricus bisporus can serve as a good and economical source of antioxidants in the diet. Its extracts have significant antioxidant activity, which is largely attributed to polyphenolic compounds, but also the presence of α-tocopherol and β-tocopherol, carotenoids, ascorbic acid, and ergothioneine. It contains a favorable amount of minerals that are an important component of serum antioxidant enzymes and indicators of lipid peroxidation and therefore have an important function in the antioxidant defense mechanism. The favorable content of vitamins also significantly contributes to the antioxidant defense mechanism because these vitamins are effective fat-soluble antioxidants and thus protect fatty substances from oxidation or oxidative stress. On the model of monogastric animals, Agaricus bisporus feed supplement showed: faster growth, lower food conversion, less disease, and better survival rate of animals. This work aims to determine whether we can get the same results in the ruminants feed supplementation, to determine the influence of mushroom Agaricus bisporus on the health and quality of lamb meat. Based on the results of several studies on lambs of the autochthonous Croatian sheep breed Lička pramenka feed with the addition of dried and fresh prepared Agaricus Bisporus in proportions of 1.5 and 2.0 additional feed mixture it is evident that mushroom added as a dietary supplement improves animal health (decreased serum glucose and cholesterol levels and increased T-lymphocyte and B-lymphocyte counts) and productivity. The content of fat and cholesterol in lamb meat was reduced, more vaccenic acid, omega-7, conjugated linoleic acid precursors were found, which have multiple beneficial effects on the health of consumers of such animal products, and the oxidative stability of meat was improved
- Published
- 2022
21. Staphylococcus aureus and its enterotoxins in domestic cheese
- Author
Ljevaković-Musladin, Ivana and Kozačinski, Lidija
- Subjects
ELISA ,RPLA ,staphylococcal enterotoxins - Abstract
Epidemiological and scientific data show that Staphylococcus aureus is often found in raw milk cheeses. Certain strains of S. aureus produce enterotoxins during their growth in favorable conditions in food, which are causative agents of staphylococcal food poisoning. Compliance with the food safety criteria for staphylococcal enterotoxins in cheese has to be investigated whenever levels of coagulase-positive staphylococci exceed 105 cfu/g. The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of S. aureus and staphylococcal enterotoxins in domestic cheeses produced in the Dubrovnik area, as well as the in vitro enterotoxin production ability of S. aureus isolates. Out of 30 analysed cheese samples, 18 samples (60 %) were highly contaminated (average 6.9x105 cfu/g) with S. aureus strains. In 17 cheese samples (56.7 %), the S. aureus number was above legal safety criteria. However, staphylococcal enterotoxins were not detected in any of the cheese samples. A total of 175 S. aureus isolates were collected from 18 cheese samples and confirmed by a latex agglutination test. Enterotoxin production in vitro was detected in 37 isolates (21.1 %) by the ELISA method (VIDAS SET2). In 34 out of 37 isolates, the reversed passive latex agglutination (RPLA) method detected the production of staphylococcal enterotoxin C. Enterotoxigenic strains originated from 8 cheese samples of two cheese manufacturers. Although highly contaminated, even with enterotoxigenic strains, staphylococcal enterotoxins were not detected, indicating that the intrinsic characteristics of cheese play an important role in enterotoxin production. However, isolated strains possess enterotoxigenic potential so enterotoxin production in cheeses cannot be ruled out.
- Published
- 2022
22. Influence of dietary supplementation with mushroom Agaricua bisporus on health and meat quality of lambs
- Author
Kiš, Goran, Pajurin, Luka, Špoljarić, Daniel, Šporaljić, Branimira, Kozačinski, Lidija, Mikuš, Tomislav, Kljak, Kristina, and Popović, Maja
- Subjects
dietary supplementation, Agaricua bisporus, lambs - Abstract
Introduction - The risks of using antibiotics as growth promoters in animal feed for human health have led to a ban on their use in the European Union. The consequences of the ban on the use of antibiotics as growth promoters are manifested in lower food utilization and reduced production, thus in increased morbidity and mortality of animals. It is, therefore, necessary to find alternative sustainable methods of controlling stressors on animal health inappropriate feeding systems. It is generally known that mushrooms contain active molecules of antifungal, anti- inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, hypolipemic, antithrombotic, hypotensive, and symbiotic effects (indirect probiotic/direct prebiotic). Mushroom Agaricus bisporus is one of the most commonly grown mushroom species in the world. Good nutritional characteristics, low in fat and high in protein and carbohydrates, the most common of which are dietary fiber, make them a very acceptable food not only for humans but also for domestic animals intended for human consumption. Its extracts have significant antioxidant activity, which is largely attributed to polyphenolic compounds, but also the presence of α-tocopherol and β-tocopherol, carotenoids, ascorbic acid, and ergothioneine. It contains a favorable amount of minerals that are an important component of serum antioxidant enzymes and indicators of lipid peroxidation and therefore have an important function in the antioxidant defense mechanism. The favorable content of vitamins also significantly contributes to the antioxidant defense mechanism because these vitamins are effective fat-soluble antioxidants and thus protect fatty substances from oxidation or oxidative stress. On the model of monogastric animals, mushroom feed supplement showed: faster growth, lower food conversion, less disease, and better survival rate of animals. This work aims to determine whether we can get the same results in the ruminants feed supplementation, to determine the influence of Agaricus bisporus on the health and quality of lamb meat. Material and methods - This study was conducted on 45 lambs, autochthonous Croatian sheep breeds, Lika pramenka. Lambs were divided into three groups and fed voluminous and concentrate with the addition of 1, 5% dried and fresh mushrooms. The lambs were clinically examined, their welfare was assessed, and their blood was withdrawn for further hematological analyses. After 35 days, the lambs were slaughtered and meat samples (m. longissimus dorsi) were sent for chemical analysis, fatty acid and cholesterol content, and thiobarbitut test (TBARS) as indicators of oxidative stability of meat. Results and discussion - Based on the results of several studies on lambs of the autochthonous Croatian sheep breed Lika pramenka feed with the supplementation of dried and fresh prepared Agaricus Bisporus in proportions of 1.5% additional feed mixture it is evident that mushroom added as dietary supplement improves animal health (decreased serum glucose and cholesterol levels and increased T-lymphocyte and B-lymphocyte counts) and productivity. The content of fat and cholesterol in lamb meat was reduced, more vaccenic acid, omega-7, conjugated linoleic acid precursors were found, which have multiple beneficial effects on the health of consumers of such animal products, and the oxidative stability of meat was improved. Adding fresh and dried button mushrooms to the diet increased (p≤0.05) the amount of fat in lamb meat (1.10 vs. 1.62 g/100g) but did not differ statistically from the control group. TBARS values were expected to increase from day 0 to day 6 (0.1 vs. 1.4) and differ significantly from day three between lamb meat fed a standard meal and a fresh mushroom meal (0.97 vs. 0.86), while the dry mushroom meal had no significant differences between the two lamb groups. Conclusion - Adding mushrooms to lamb’s diet had a positive effect on animal health. It affected fat, cholesterol, and fatty acid composition of meat and increased the oxidative stability of meat.
- Published
- 2022
23. Funkcionalni pokazatelji u mesu divljači
- Author
Gross-Bošković, Andrea, Kozačinski, Lidija, Mikuš, Tomislav, Bošković, Ivica, Majić, Ivana, and Antunović, Zvonko
- Subjects
meso divljači ,kvaliteta ,funkcionalni pokazatelji - Abstract
Meso divljači predstavlja nutritivno vrijednu namirnicu, obzirom na nizak sadržaj masti, kolesterola i kalorija, ali značajan izvor bjelančevina, kalija, fosfora, željeza, cinka, vitamina B12 i polinezasićenih masnih kiselina, uz poželjan aminokiselinski sastav. Sadržaj masti kreće se od
- Published
- 2022
24. Microbiological and physicochemical quality of honey in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Author
Landeka, Viktor, primary, Cvrtila, Željka, additional, Kozačinski, Lidija, additional, Drmać, Maja, additional, Sesar, Ana, additional, and Aljičević, Mufida, additional
- Published
- 2022
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25. Prednosti i nedostaci nekih metoda za omamljivanje Crustacea
- Author
Jurenec, Dragica, primary, Kozačinski, Lidija, additional, and Mikuš, Tomislav, additional
- Published
- 2022
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26. Inovacija proizvoda HRZZ projekta "Inovativni funkcionalni proizvodi od janjećeg mesa".
- Author
Vugrovečki, Ana Shek, Popović, Maja, Cvrtila, Željka, Kardum, Matko, Kiš, Goran, Kozačinski, Lidija, Mikuš, Tomislav, Tur, Suzana Milinković, Vidošević, Ante, Mršić, Gordan, Njari, Bela, Pajurin, Luka, Milas, Nina Poljičak, Savatović, Zrinka Žderić, Šimpraga, Miljenko, Špoljarić, Branimira, Živković, Mario, Porobija, Amina Hrković, Vince, Silvijo, and Vlahović, Ksenija
- Subjects
LAMB (Meat) ,MEAT ,WELL-being ,BUSINESS development ,CROATS ,SHEEP farming - Abstract
Copyright of MESO is the property of Zadruzna Stampa D.D. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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27. Utjecaj dodatka pripravka plemenite pečurke u hranidbi na kemijski i masnokiselinski sastav mesa janjadi
- Author
Kozačinski, Lidija, primary, Popović, Maja, additional, Špoljarić, Daniel, additional, Pleadin, Jelka, additional, Njari, Bela, additional, Mikuš, Tomislav, additional, and Cvrtila, Željka, additional
- Published
- 2021
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28. Prehrambene specifičnosti proteina i masti u kobiljem mlijeku u odnosu na humano i kravlje mlijeko
- Author
Končurat, Ana, primary, Kozačinski, Lidija, additional, Bilandžić, Nina, additional, Sukalić, Tomislav, additional, and Cvetnić, Željko, additional
- Published
- 2021
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29. Occurrence, enterotoxin production and antimicrobic susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus isolates from domestic cheeses in the Dubrovnik area
- Author
Ljevaković-Musladin, Ivana, primary, Vodnica-Martucci, Marina, additional, Krilanović, Marija, additional, and Kozačinski, Lidija, additional
- Published
- 2021
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30. Procjena histoloških i histokemijskih analiza uzoraka poluopnastog mišića stražnje strane natkoljenice (musculus semimembranosus) janjadi hranjene uz dodatak svježe biomase plemenite pečurke (Agaricus bisporus)
- Author
Popović, Maja, primary, Špoljarić, Daniel, additional, Žura Žaja, Ivona, additional, Vlahović, Ksenija, additional, Vince, Silvijo, additional, Špoljarić, Branimira, additional, Šimpraga, Miljenko, additional, Shek Vugrovečki, Ana, additional, Poljičak Milas, Nina, additional, Pajurin, Luka, additional, Njari, Bela, additional, Mršić, Goran, additional, Milinković Tur, Suzana, additional, Mikuš, Tomislav, additional, Kozačinski, Lidija, additional, Kiš, Goran, additional, Cvrtila, Željka, additional, Čurković, Snježana, additional, Leiner, Denis, additional, Mihelić, Damir, additional, Vuković, Snježana, additional, and Pavić, Mirela, additional
- Published
- 2021
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31. Halofilni vibriji u školjkašima kao potencijalno patogeni uzročnici zoonoza u ljudi
- Author
Džafić, Natalija, primary, Kvrgić, Kristina, additional, Kozačinski, Lidija, additional, and Humski, Andrea, additional
- Published
- 2021
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32. Agaricus bisporus as a functional dietary supplement in animal feed
- Author
Špoljarić , Daniel, Pajurin , Luka, Špoljarić , Branimira, Vince , Silvijo, Shek-Vugrovečki , Ana, Žura Žaja , Ivona, Kozačinski , Lidija, Hrković-Porobija , Amina, and Popović , Maja
- Subjects
Agaricus bisporus ,functional feed supplement ,veterinary medicine - Abstract
Agaricus bisporus belongs to the group of functional food supplements for both humans and domestic animals intended for human consumption. Due to the presence of bioactive ingredients such as polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, essential amino acids, peptides, glycoproteins, nucleosides, triterpenoids, lectins, fatty acids and their derivatives for these fungi are known anti- inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, hepatoprotective, anti- diabetic, hypolipemic, antithrombotic, hypotensive and synbiotic effects. On the model of monogastric animals kept in controlled, intensive production and fed with the Agaricus bisporus feed supplement showed: faster growth, lower food conversion, less disease, better survival rate of animals, increased leukocyte count, decreased serum cholesterol and glucose levels, reduced Escherichia coli and enterobacteria count in rectal smears as well as increase in the number of Lactobacillus spp. Based on the results obtained to date from the Croatian Science Foundation project “ Innovative functional lamb meat products “ (IP- 2016-06-3685) it is evident that the button mushroom added as a feed supplement for polygastric animals also has a positive effect on animal health and productivity as well as meat quality and aroma profile. It can be concluded that Agaricus bisporus in animals has a potential effect as growth promoters and scientifically proven applicable value as natural, functional feed supplement that can represent a commercially new and innovative product as functional food for humans. This study has been fully supported by the Croatian Science Foundation under the project “Innovative functional lamb meat products” (HRZZ‐IP‐06‐2016‐3685).
- Published
- 2021
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33. Utjecaj dodatka pripravka plemenite pečurke u hranidbi na kemijski i masnokiselinski sastav mesa janjadi
- Author
Kozačinski, Lidija, Cvrtila, Željka, Mikuš, Tomislav, Njari, Bela, Pleadin, Jelka, Špoljarić, Daniel, Popović, Maja, Kozačinski, Lidija, Cvrtila, Željka, Mikuš, Tomislav, Njari, Bela, Pleadin, Jelka, Špoljarić, Daniel, and Popović, Maja
- Abstract
Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi osnovni kemijski i masnokiselinski sastav te udio kolesterola m. longissimus dorsi janjadi hranjene voluminoznom krmom i koncentratom, kojima je u različitim omjerima dodavan suhi pripravak plemenite pečurke odnosno usitnjena svježa pečurka. Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno ukupno 30 klaonički obrađenih trupova janjadi podijeljeno u tri skupine. U svrhu utvrđivanja kvalitete, nakon klanja s trupova uzeti su uzorci (m. longissimus dorsi) za senzornu ocjenu mesa janjadi te određivanje kemijskog i masnokiselinskog sastava te kolesterola., The aim of this study was to determine the basic chemical and fatty acid composition and cholesterol content of m. longissimus dorsi in lambs. The lambs were fed with voluminous feed and concentrate with addition of the dry or chopped fresh champignon in different proportions. The research was conducted on 30 lamb carcasses divided into three groups. After slaughter, samples (m. longissimus dorsi) were taken from the carcasses for sensory evaluation and determination of chemical and fatty acid composition and cholesterol., Ziel dieser Studie war es, die chemische Grundzusammensetzung, die Fettsäurezusammensetzung und den Cholesteringehalt des M. longissimus dorsi von Lämmern zu bestimmen. Die Lämmer wurden mit voluminösem Futter und Kraftfutter mit Zusatz von trockenem oder gehacktem frischem Champignon in unterschiedlichen Anteilen gefüttert. Die Untersuchung wurde an 30 Lammschlachtkörpern durchgeführt, die in drei Gruppen aufgeteilt waren. Nach der Schlachtung wurden den Schlachtkörpern Proben (m. longissimus dorsi) entnommen, um sie sensorisch zu bewerten und die chemische und Fettsäurezusammensetzung sowie das Cholesterin zu bestimmen., El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la composición química y la composición de ácidos grasos básicas, tanto como el contenido de colesterol en el músculo longissimus dorsi de los corderos alimentados con pienso voluminoso y el concentrado, a los que se les había añadido una preparación seca de champiñones comunes o de champiñón fresco picado en diferentes proporciones. El estudio cubrió un total de 30 canales de cordero procesados en matadero, divididos en tres grupos. Con el fin de determinar la calidad, después del sacrificio fueron tomadas las muestras de los canales (músculo longissimus dorsi ) para la evaluación sensorial de la carne de cordero y para la determinación de la composición química, la composición de ácidos grasos y de colesterol., La ricerca aveva come scopo quello di accertare la composizione chimica e di acidi grassi base e la percentuale di colesterolo del m. longissimus dorsi degli agnelli nutriti con mangime concentrato e non (“voluminous feed”), con l’aggiunta in differenti proporzioni di un preparato di prataioli secchi o di prataioli freschi sminuzzati. La ricerca ha compreso un totale di 30 carcasse d’agnello macellate suddivise in tre gruppi. Al fine di accertarne la qualità, dopo la macellazione dalla carcassa sono stati prelevati campioni di m. longissimus dorsi per la valutazione organolettica della carne d’agnello e per determinarne la composizione chimica e di acidi grassi e la percentuale di colesterolo.
- Published
- 2021
34. Dynamics of Animal Welfare Officer Training in Croatia from 2015 to 2019
- Author
Kozačinski, Lidija, Njari, Bela, Buković Šošić, Branka, Gašpar, Anđelko, Mikuš, Tomislav, Mikuš, Tomislav, and Ostović, Mario
- Subjects
Training, Animal Welfare Officer, Croatia - Abstract
Experience from around the world shows that for the humane treatment of animals in slaughterhouses, next to the corresponding legislature, the education of personnel is indispensable. Beside on farm procedures, the most critical points for securing the animal welfare in the meat production, are handling during the loading and unloading, and all procedures regarding stunning and bleeding of the animals. European Commission (EC) recognized the problem and in 2009 published Reg. (EU) 1099/2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing (Reg. 1099), which gave measurable parameters and introduced some substantial innovations in this field of animal protection. Reg. 1099 introduced novelty such as animal welfare officer, the certificate of eligibility, the compulsory assessment of stunning and the standard operating procedures (SOP) of the stunning phase. The goal of this paper was to present development and dynamics of Animal Welfare Officer Training in Croatia during last five years (2015 – 2019).
- Published
- 2020
35. Utjecaj dodavanja plemenite pečurke (Agaricus bisporus) u obroke na oksidativnu stabilnost mesa janjadi ličke pramenke
- Author
Kiš, Goran, Mikuš, Tomislav, Kozačinski, Lidija, Cvrtila, Željka, Pajurin, Luka, Špoljarić, Danijel, Špoljarić, Branimira, Vince, Silvijo, Kljak, Kristina, and Popović, Maja
- Subjects
plemenita pečurka, oksidativna stabilnost mesa, TBARS, lička pramenka - Abstract
Poznato je djelovanje dodavanja plemenite pečurke (Agaricus bisporus) hrani za životinje kao promotora zdravlja i proizvodnosti domaćih životinja. Dokazano je da dodavanje plemenite pečurke obrocima za ovce snižava kolesterol, no nije poznat i učinak na kvalitativne osobine mesa. Stoga je cilj ovog rada utvrditi utjecaj dodavanja plemenite pečurke u obroke na oksidativnu stabilnost mesa janjadi. Kao pokazatelj oksidativne stabilnosti mesa koristio se tiobarbiturni test (TBARS). Osamnaest janjadi, pasmine lička pramenka, bilo je podijeljeno u tri jednake skupine (kontrolna, te pokusne skupine s dodatkom 2% svježe i suhe plemenite pečurke). Nakon pokusnog perioda od 35 dana uzeti su uzorci mesa, te je određen udio masti i TBARS 0., 3., i 6. dan. Utjecaj dodavanje svježe : suhe plemenite pečurke imao je statistički značajan utjecaj (p≤0, 05) na količinu masti u mesu janjadi (11, 0 : 16, 2), no nije se statistički razlikovao od kontrolne skupine. Vrijednosti TBARS-a očekivano su rasle od 0. do 6. dana (0, 1 : 1, 4), te se značajno se razlikuju u vrijednostima 3. dan, između mesa janjadi hranjenih standardnim obrokom i obrokom sa svježim gljivama (0, 97 : 0, 86), dok kod obroka sa suhim gljivama nije bilo značajnih razlika između niti jedne grupe janjadi. Zaključujemo da dodavanje plemenite pečurke u obroke janjadi djeluje na promjene oksidativne stabilnosti mesa, no budući da su najmanje vrijednosti TBARS-a bile kod janjadi s najnižim sadržajem masti, te navedene razlike nisu bile statistički značajne između kontrolne skupine i pokusnih, daljnja istraživanja u objašnjenju dobivenih rezultata biti će potrebna.
- Published
- 2020
36. Abundance, density and coverage estimation of Thymus pulegioides L. on the pastures surrounding Velika Crkvina
- Author
Pajurin, Luka, primary, Pavlak, Marina, additional, Popović, Maja, additional, Kozačinski, Lidija, additional, Cvrtila, Željka, additional, Mršić, Gordan, additional, Špoljarić, Branimira, additional, Šegota, Vedran, additional, Vince, Silvijo, additional, Vlahović, Ksenija, additional, Kiš, Goran, additional, and Špoljarić, Daniel, additional
- Published
- 2020
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37. Mikrobna stabilnost kobasičarskih proizvoda sa smanjenim udjelom soli
- Author
Zemljak, Lidija, primary, Madić, Josip, additional, Kozačinski, Lidija, additional, Popijač, Vesna, additional, Huber, Andreja Đurica, additional, and Ranilović, Jasmina, additional
- Published
- 2020
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38. Fizikalno kemijska svojstva kakvoće mesa zagorskog purana
- Author
Bregović, Rosana, primary, Cvrtila, Željka, additional, Kozačinski, Lidija, additional, Pintić, Vinko, additional, Jelen, Tatjana, additional, Tušek, Tatjana, additional, and Marenčić, Dejan, additional
- Published
- 2020
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39. Utjecaj metoda za omamljivanje i usmrćivanje na kvalitetu mesa riba
- Author
Mikuš, Tomislav, primary, Kozačinski, Lidija, additional, and Ostović, Mario, additional
- Published
- 2020
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40. Mikrobiološka i fizikalno-kemijska svojstva autohtone trajne kobasice od kokošjeg mesa
- Author
Zdolec, Nevijo, primary, Cvrtila, Željka, additional, Mazija, Hrvoje, additional, Dobranić, Vesna, additional, Kozačinski, Lidija, additional, Lešić, Tina, additional, Pleadin, Jelka, additional, Kazazić, Snježana, additional, Mikuš, Tomislav, additional, and Kiš, Marta, additional
- Published
- 2020
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41. Occurrence, enterotoxin production and antimicrobic susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus isolates from domestic cheeses in the Dubrovnik area.
- Author
Ljevaković-Musladin, Ivana, Vodnica-Martucci, Marina, Krilanović, Marija, and Kozačinski, Lidija
- Subjects
ENTEROTOXINS ,STAPHYLOCOCCUS aureus ,CHEESE varieties ,RAW milk cheese ,AGGLUTINATION tests - Abstract
Copyright of Veterinarska Stanica is the property of Croatian Veterinary Institute and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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42. Microbiological profile of sheep carcasses at slaughter
- Author
Kegalj, Andrijana, Marković, Martina, Vrdoljak, Marija, Kozačinski, Lidija, and Mioč, Boro
- Subjects
trupovi ,aerobne mezofilne bakterije ,Enterobacteriaceae ,higijena ,carcasses ,total aerobic mesophilic bacteria ,hygiene - Abstract
Uvođenje HACCP (engl. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) sustava kao i sustava upravljanja kvalitetom u klaonicama rezultiralo je znatno povećanim zahtjevima vezanim uz mikrobiološki profil trupova. Naime, biološki su rizici vezani uz mikrobiološko onečišćenje trupa što je kroz HACCP prepoznato kao jedna od kritičnih kontrolnih točaka (engl. Critical Control Points). Mikrobiološki kontaminacija trupa može biti posljedica bolesti, odnosno kontakta mesa s mesom zaražene ili bolesne životinje te neodgovarajuće higijene tijekom rukovanja, skladištenja i prerade mesa. Najosjetljivija faza iz aspekta zaštite mesa od mikrobiološkog onečišćenja je primarna obrada trupa. Suvremene se klaonice, zbog razvoja tržišta mesa i mesnih prerađevina moraju kontinuirano prilagođavati zahtjevnim higijenskim standardima distribucije mesa. Kako bi se spriječila kontaminacija mesa, tijekom njegove prerade, a i u prometu, vrlo je važno redovito primjenjivati postupke čišćenja, pranja i dezinfekcije radnih površina, alata, opreme, a i ruku radnika. Za mikrobiološko praćenje trupova, Uredba 2073/2005 Europske komisije propisuje određivanje ukupnog broja aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija kao pokazatelja higijene i Enterobacteriaceae kao pokazatelja fekalne kontaminacije te određuje mikrobiološke kriterije uspješnosti za uzorke dobivene destruktivnim tehnikama uzorkovanja iako se zbog praktičnosti u mesnoj industriji češće koriste nedestruktivne tehnike. Osim mikrobiološkog profila trupova u klaonicama se redovito uzimaju brisevi upotrijebljenog alata i površina za mikrobiološku analizu. Kod mikrobiološkog utvrđivanja metodom briseva procjena se higijene površina uglavnom zasniva na određivanju ukupnog broja aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija i enterobakterija po cm2., The introduction of the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) system, and quality management system in abattoirs, has significantly increased the requirements concerning the microbiological profile of carcasses. HACCP has recognised that biological risks are related to microbiological contamination of carcasses, and this has been set as a critical control point. Microbiological contamination of the carcass can be a consequence of disease, i.e. contact of meat with the meat of infected or diseased animals, or from inadequate hygiene during the handling, storage and processing of meat. The most sensitive phase, in terms of protecting meat from microbiological contamination, is the primary processing of the carcass. Modern abattoirs, also involved in the production of meat and meat products, must continually adapt to the demanding hygiene standards for meat distribution. In order to prevent meat contamination during processing and transport, it is very important to apply regular cleaning, washing and disinfection of work surfaces, tools, equipment, and the hands of workers. For microbiological monitoring of carcasses, Regulation 2073/2005 of the European Commission specifies the total number of aerobic mesophilic bacteria as a hygiene indicator, and of Enterobacteriaceae as an indicator of faecal contamination. It also lays down the microbiological performance criteria for samples obtained by destructive sampling techniques, though non-destructive techniques are preferred due to the practicality of the meat industry. Swab samples of used tools and work surfaces are taken regularly, along with examining the microbiological profile of carcasses for microbiological analysis at abattoirs. In microbiological determination using the swab method, the assessment of surface hygiene is based on determining the total number of aerobic mesophilic bacteria and enterobacteria per square centimetre.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Pajurin, Luka, Cvrtila, Željka, Mikuš, Tomislav, Kozačinski, Lidija, Vlahović, Ksenija, Špoljarić, Daniel, Kiš, Goran, Čop, Maja Jelena, Bačić, Ivana, Šegota, Vedran, and Popović, Maja
- Subjects
terpenes, lamb meat, chromatography - Abstract
Identification and monitoring of specific plant biomarkers in animal products and tissues can relate to feed and nutrition whereby lamb meat fed with pasturage contains more phenols, terpenes, indoles and sulfur compounds. Aromatic herbs, as part of hey/pasturage botanical composition, can affect sheep’s / lamb’s health, quality and aroma profile with their bioactive molecules. Numerous studies have confirmed a better aroma, color and quality of lamb meat and a more favorable composition of fatty acids. It all points to the possibility of producing functional lamb meat. During May, June and July 2019 on the pastures of GEA-COM Ltd. (Crkvina) there was a noticeable occurrence of Matricaria perforata and Thymus pulegioides, both of them rich in terpenes and terpenoids. Therefore, within the scope of the research, the content of aromatic hydrocarbons and derivatives in Matricaria perforata and Thymus pulegioides is determined using GC-MS analysis. The chemical composition of the Matricaria perforata identified by gas chromatographic and mass spectrometric data is listed: naphthalene, phenanthrene, benzophenone, trans-anethole, β-farnesene, aromadendrine, α-bisabolol, matricarin. Constituents found in Thymus pulegioides were α-Pinene, Camphene, β-Pinene, Myrcene, Eucalyptol, Carene, β-Ocimene, allo-Ocimene, Bornyl Acetate, α-Copaene, β-Bourbonen, Caryophyllene, β-Cubeben, α-Bergamotene, Germacrene D, Bicyclogermacrene, α-Farnesene, δ-Cadinene, Spathulenol, Caryophyllene Oxide. Since the breeding and feeding system of lambs on GEA-COM Ltd. farm may have significant influence on lamb meat aroma or on the composition of volatile compounds, it is the project's (HRZZ ; IP-2016-06-3685) interest to determine chemical composition (terpenes) of aromatic herbs from Crkvina pastures. Results could contribute to a better understanding of the environmental impact (plant flora) on the quality and aroma of Lika pramenka lamb meat.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Zdolec, Nevijo, Kiš, Marta, Mikuš, Tomislav, Zadravec, Manuela, Ostović, Mario, Dobranić, Vesna, Kozačinski, Lidija, Cvrtila, Željka, and Harapin, Ivica
- Subjects
hrana životinjskog podrijetla, apatogene bakterije, antimikrobna rezistencija - Abstract
Pojava antimikrobne rezistencije (AMR) posljednjih je desetljeća među vodećim javnozdravstvenim problemima u svijetu. Genezu njenog razvoja nalazimo u nekritičkoj primjeni antibiotika u poljoprivredi, akvakulturi, veterinarskoj i humanoj medicini. Kontrola, nadzor i smanjenje ove javnozdravstvene prijetnje mora se temeljiti na sveobuhvatnom pristupu u okviru koncepta Jednog zdravlja (One Health), odnosno Jednog Poljoprivredno-Prehrambenog zdravlja (One Agri-Food Health). U tom smislu doprinos nepatogene mikroflore iz hrane životinjskog podrijetla u prijenosu antimikrobne rezistencije kroz prehrambeni lanac nije u potpunosti poznat. Naime, problem antimikrobne rezistencije se razumljivo veže uz patogene bakterije i uzročnike zoonoza, dok područje istraživanja antimikrobne rezistencije apatogene mikroflore nije sagledano kroz lanac hrane. Naša dosadašnja istraživanja obuhvatila su ispitivanja osjetljivosti/otpornosti bakterija mliječne kiseline (uključujući enterokoka) i koagulaza-negativnih stafilokoka iz hrane životinjskog podrijetla, a dio rezultata se prikazuje ovim predavanjem.
- Published
- 2019
45. Procjena dobrobiti ličke pramenke na farmi GEA- COM d.o.o
- Author
Mikuš, Tomislav, Kozačinski, Lidija, Cvrtila, Željka, Pajurin, Luka, Jelenčić, Dina, Živković, Mario, Vince, Silvijo, Shek Vugrovečki, Ana, Žura Žaja, Ivona, Špoljarić, Daniel, Mršić, Gordan, Popović, Maja, and Špoljarić, Branimira
- Subjects
AWIN protokol ,procjena ,dobrobit ,ovce - Abstract
U svijetu se uzgaja preko milijardu ovaca, a većina se njih drži u ekstenzivnim uvjetima, odnosno provode barem dio godine na pašnjacima bez posebno bliskog kontakta s ljudima. Dobrobit ovaca od iznimnog je značaja za kvalitetu njihovog mesa, te je stoga vrlo važno procijeniti dobrobit tijekom proizvodnje pouzdanim i lako provedivim metodama. U ovom je radu dobrobit ovaca procijenjena uz pomoć mobilne aplikacije AWIN protokola za procjenu dobrobiti ovaca na farmi tvrtke GEA-COM d.o.o., te je prikazano nekoliko pokazatelja dobrobiti temeljenih na životinjama. Tijekom razdoblja istraživanja dobrobit ovaca u navedenom uzgoju poboljšavala se, a glavni su razlozi tome promjene u načinu držanja i hranidbe ovaca (puštanje na ispašu i dodatak koncentrata) koji su doveli do više razine dobrobiti pojedinačnih životinja, a posljedično i cijelog stada.
- Published
- 2019
46. Procjena dobrobiti ovaca prema AWIN protokolu na farmi GEA-COM d.o.o
- Author
Mikuš, Tomislav, Kozačinski, Lidija, Cvrtila, Željka, Pajurin, Luka, Jelenčić, Dina, Živković, Mario, Vince, Silvijo, Shek Vugrovečki, Ana, Žura Žaja, Ivona, Špoljarić, Daniel, Mršić, Gordan, Popović, Maja, Špoljarić, Branimira, and Harapin, Ivica
- Subjects
AWIN protokol, dobrobit, ovce - Abstract
U svijetu se uzgaja preko milijardu ovaca, a većina se njih drži u ekstenzivnim uvjetima, odnosno provode barem dio godine na pašnjacima bez posebno bliskog kontakta s ljudima. Dobrobit ovaca od iznimnog je značaja za kvalitetu njihovog mesa, te je stoga vrlo važno procijeniti dobrobit tijekom proizvodnje pouzdanim i lako provedivim metodama. U ovom je radu dobrobit ovaca procijenjena uz pomoć mobilne aplikacije AWIN protokola za procjenu dobrobiti ovaca na farmi tvrtke GEA-COM d.o.o., te je prikazano nekoliko pokazatelja dobrobiti temeljenih na životinjama. Tijekom razdoblja istraživanja dobrobit ovaca u navedenom uzgoju poboljšavala se, a glavni su razlozi tome promjene u načina držanja ovaca (puštanje na ispašu i dodatak koncentrata) koji su doveli do više razine dobrobiti pojedinačnih životinja, a posljedično i cijelog stada.
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Cvrtila, Željka, Popović, Maja, Pajurin, Luka, Jelenčić, Dina, Kozačinski, Lidija, Vlahović, Ksenija, Špoljarić, Branimira, Kiš, Goran, Gordan Mršić, Gordan, Špoljarić, Daniel, and Harapin, Ivica
- Subjects
paša ,ovca ,terpen - Abstract
Paša je najbolja i najjeftinija hrana za ovce koju one, u odnosu na druge domaće životinje najučinkovitije iskorištavaju. S obzirom da na farmi GEA-COM d.o.o. držanje ovaca ne uključuje selidbu životinja tijekom zimskih mjeseci već se one drže u stajskim prostorima, važno je odrediti kemijski sastav i energetsku vrijednost paše i sijena s pašnjaka područja Crkvine, što je jedan od ciljeva projekta HRZZ (IP-2016-06-3685). Brojna dosadašnja istraživanja potvrđuju bolju aromu, boju i kvalitetu mesa janjadi te povoljniji sastav masnih kiselina, što sve zajedno upućuje na mogućnost proizvodnje funkcionalnog mesa janjadi. Svi kemijski spojevi u biljci i interakcije među njima, pridonose biološkoj aktivnosti pojedinih eteričnih ulja, odnosno njihovih komponenti. Prema tome, istraživanje kemijskog sastava, posebno terpena biljaka s pašnjaka s područja Crkvine doprinijet će boljem razumijevanju utjecaja okoline (biljna flora) na kvalitetu i aromu janjetine pasmine Lička pramenka.
- Published
- 2018
48. The impact of different housing systems on table eggs quality
- Author
Ivanković, Maroje, Kozačinski, Lidija, Mikuš, Tomislav, Dobranić, Vesna, Cvrtila, Željka, Nagy, Joszef, and Popelka, Peter
- Subjects
laying hens, welfare, eggs, quality - Abstract
Chicken eggs are biologically high value foods and the human organism utilises their nutritional value at a high percentage. In 2017 EU produced 6 394 520 Tonnes (T) of eggs which is almost the same as in 2016 (6 393 170 T). Croatian market on the other hand had a rapid growth as amount produced in 2017 (36 700 T) was 18.4% more than in 2016 (31 000 T). To be able to sustain the demands of modern production, laying hen farming systems have considerably modified the welfare status of poultry, constraining hens to perform under conditions very different from those in nature. But, in recent years the growing interest of consumers regarding the environmental sustainability, animal welfare, and “ethical quality” of food originating from animal has favoured studies directed to identify less intensive and more animal-friendly production systems. The aim of this paper was to determine the influence of different poultry housing systems on egg quality. The study included the determination of egg quality from egg laying hens of different ages, originating from free, floor and cage systems, to a total of 60 samples. Free range eggs weighed the most (averaging 59, 35 g) and in comparison to cage raising system, measuring higher egg index (75, 29 : 74, 30) and a thicker shell (0, 44 : 0, 43 mm). The water amount was highest, and theprotein amount was lowestin free range eggs. Eggs from the aspect of their production characteristics and quality in terms of chemical composition recorded higher values in conventional cages in comparison to free range, while eggs originating from free range and enriched cage systems recorded higher values from a poultry welfare stand point.
- Published
- 2018
49. Relativna zastupljenost CD45+ limfoidnih stanica u kobiljem mlijeku
- Author
Končurat, Ana, Kozačinski, Lidija, Popović, Maja, Benić, Miroslav, Cvrtila, Željka, Sukalić, Tomislav, and Volarić, Vera
- Subjects
kobilje mlijeko, CD45+ limfoidne stanice - Abstract
Primjenom metode protočne citometrije određena je relativna zastupljenost CD45+ limfoidnih stanica u uzorcima kobiljeg mlijeka tijekom laktacijskog perioda od šest mjeseci. U razdoblju od 10. do 180. dana laktacije pretražen je 61 uzorak mlijeka od 15 hrvatskih hladnokrvnih kobila. Korištena su primarna protutijela proizvedena na miševima, specifična za ljude i konje, obilježena fluorescein izotiocijanatom. CD45 biljeg karakterističan je za sve leukocite, a u ovom istraživanju određen je udio limfocita, monocita i granulocita. CD45+ limfociti variraju od 21, 3% do 45, 7%, granulociti postupno rastu od 24, 7 do 30, 2% dok su monociti tijekom cijele laktacije zastupljeni sa prosječnih 4, 3%. Dobiven je uvid u imunološka zbivanja u mliječnoj žlijezdi kobila, koja upućuju na dobro zdravstveno stanje vimena.
- Published
- 2018
50. Mikrobiološka ispravnost kuhinjske soli na tržištu
- Author
Bartol, Ana-Marija, primary, Kozačinski, Lidija, additional, Mrkonjić Fuka, Mirna, additional, and Zdolec, Nevijo, additional
- Published
- 2019
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