Korhonen, Taija, Fonsén, Elina, Ahtiainen, Raisa, Fonsén, Elina, Ahtiainen, Raisa, Heikkinen, Kirsi-Marja, Heikonen, Lauri, Strehmel, Petra, Tamir, Emanuel, Kasvatus- ja opetusalan johtajuuden tutkimus- ja koulutusryhmä KAJO, Kasvatustieteiden osasto, Helsingin yliopiston Koulutuksen arviointikeskus HEA, and Diversity, multilingualism and social justice in education
The daily life of early childhood education and care (ECE) in Finland changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020. The pandemic has had a significant impact on society at many levels, and it also has affected the work and workload of ECE leaders and the realisation of leadership. The aim of this research was to investigate ECE leadersʼ views on pedagogical leadership from the perspective of opportunities and challenges during exceptional times. The research uses the conceptualisation of broad-based pedagogical leadership as an analytical framework. The data consisted of the responses of ECE leaders (n = 492) to an electronic survey conducted in February 2021. There were several sections in the questionnaire, and in our research, we focused on two open questions concerning pedagogical leadership. In their responses, ECE leaders dealt with contrasting experiences of exceptional time leadership. Some leaders perceived that there was more time for pedagogical leadership than before; some felt the opposite. The widespread use of digital devices and programs that allowed distance working, meetings, and education brought significant changes to ECE. The success of strategic pedagogical leadership contributed to the development of practices and pedagogy; distance education was developed in many centres. The leaders highlighted the importance of leading the staff to ensure their wellbeing, professional competence, and capacity building.