Poslovni bonton se razlikuje od trga do trga. Mednarodni tržnik mora obvladati osnove poslovnega bontona v vsakem kulturnem okolju, ne glede na to, ali se na poslovno pot podaja prvič ali ne. Znati se mora soočiti z drugačno kulturo, vrednotami, prepričanji. Uspešnost mednarodnega tržnika je velikokrat posledica spoštovanja poslovnega bontona tuje kulture. V mednarodnem poslovanju je tveganje, ki izhaja iz kulturnega okolja neke države relativno visoka. Kulturno okolje tujega trga je sestavljeno iz družbenih organizacij in ustanov, norm in vrednot, religije, jezika, izobraževalnega sistema, umetnosti in estetike ter materialne kulture. Trženje in kultura se najbolj povezujeta skozi komunikacijo, poslovni bonton in organizacijsko upravljanje. V poslovnem bontonu sta ključna spoštovanje in upoštevanje drugačnosti. Mednarodni tržnik bo večkrat del konfliktov, saj so drugačne kulture pogosto težko sprejemljive. Zato je dobro, da posluje profesionalno, pošteno, potrpežljivo, in da upošteva poslovni bonton tuje kulture. Ključne sestavine poslovnega bontona so prvi vtis, verbalna in neverbalna komunikacija, poslovna oblačila in urejenost posameznika, pozdravljanje, poslovni sestanki, poslovni obed in poslovna darila. Kultura Rusije je pod močnim vplivom nekdanjega sovjetskega političnega režima. Zaradi tranzicije države se ruski poslovni bonton v primerjavi s poslovnim bontonom Japonske in Indije še vedno spreminja. Ruski poslovneži cenijo medosebne odnose, pravičnost ter poslovne partnerje, ki dobro govorijo njihov jezik. Vodja jim pomeni vse, medtem pa podrejeni v določenih podjetjih težko izražajo svoja mnenja. Japonci cenijo pripadnost svoji kulturi, delujejo timsko, spoštujejo hierarhijo, so potrpežljivi, posredni in gostoljubni. Indijci poskušajo vsako družinsko vrednoto povezati s poslovnimi vrednotami. Vzorec družinskega življenja prenašajo v poslovni svet, in podobno kot Japonci, strogo spoštujejo hierarhične ravni. V indiji imata spoštovanje avtoritete in ustvarjanje dolgoročnih odnosov s poslovnimi partnerji zelo pomembno vlogo. Business etiquette differentiates from market to market. An international marketer has to master the fundamentals of business etiquette in each cultural environment, regardless he embarks on the business trip fort he fisrt time or not. He has to be able to confront with different culture, values and beliefs. The successfulness of an international marketer is often the consequence of the respect of the business etiquette of foreign culture. In international business is the risk, which arises from the cultural environment of the country, relatively high. The cultural environment of a foreign market consists of social organisations and institutions, norms and values, religion, language, educational system, arts, aesthetics and, material culture. The marketing and the culture are the most through communication, business etiquette and organisation management. The key in the business etiquette are the respect and the observance of difference. An international marketer will be many times a part of conflict situations, since the different cultures are often being difficult to accept. Therefore it is good that he is doing business professionally, fairly and that he is considering the business etiquette of a foreign culture. The key ingredients of a business etiquette are the first impression, verbal and non-verbal communication, business clothing and the tidiness of an individual, the manners of greeting, business meetings, dining, etiquette and business gifts. The Russian culture is under the strong impact of former Sovjet policital regime. Because of the country's transition the Russian business etiquette, in comparison to the Japanese and the Indian one, is still changing. The Russian businessmen appreciate interpersonal relations, fairness and business partners who speak their language well. A leader means everything to them, whilst the subordinates in certain companies hardly express their opinions. The Japanese value the belonging to their culture, act in teams, respect hierarhy, are patient, indirect and hospitable. The Indians attempt to tie each family value to business values. They transmit the pattern of a family life in the business world and. Similarly as the Japanese, strictly respect the hierarchical levels. The respect of the authority and long-term relationships building with business partners have very important role in India.