203 results on '"Kojo, T"'
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2. Defining the applicable pathway of laccase pre-treatment in the bio-mineral processing of double refractory gold ores based on carbonaceous matter characterization
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Mendoza, Diego M., Ichinose, Hirofumi, Sakai, Ryotaro, Konadu, Kojo T., Cindy, and Sasaki, Keiko
- Published
- 2024
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3. Effects of empagliflozin on progression of chronic kidney disease: a prespecified secondary analysis from the empa-kidney trial
- Author
Staplin, N, Haynes, R, Judge, PK, Wanner, C, Green, JB, Emberson, J, Preiss, D, Mayne, KJ, Ng, SYA, Sammons, E, Zhu, D, Hill, M, Stevens, W, Wallendszus, K, Brenner, S, Cheung, AK, Liu, ZH, Li, J, Hooi, LS, Liu, WJ, Kadowaki, T, Nangaku, M, Levin, A, Cherney, D, Maggioni, AP, Pontremoli, R, Deo, R, Goto, S, Rossello, X, Tuttle, KR, Steubl, D, Petrini, M, Seidi, S, Landray, MJ, Baigent, C, Herrington, WG, Abat, S, Abd Rahman, R, Abdul Cader, R, Abdul Hafidz, MI, Abdul Wahab, MZ, Abdullah, NK, Abdul-Samad, T, Abe, M, Abraham, N, Acheampong, S, Achiri, P, Acosta, JA, Adeleke, A, Adell, V, Adewuyi-Dalton, R, Adnan, N, Africano, A, Agharazii, M, Aguilar, F, Aguilera, A, Ahmad, M, Ahmad, MK, Ahmad, NA, Ahmad, NH, Ahmad, NI, Ahmad Miswan, N, Ahmad Rosdi, H, Ahmed, I, Ahmed, S, Aiello, J, Aitken, A, AitSadi, R, Aker, S, Akimoto, S, Akinfolarin, A, Akram, S, Alberici, F, Albert, C, Aldrich, L, Alegata, M, Alexander, L, Alfaress, S, Alhadj Ali, M, Ali, A, Alicic, R, Aliu, A, Almaraz, R, Almasarwah, R, Almeida, J, Aloisi, A, Al-Rabadi, L, Alscher, D, Alvarez, P, Al-Zeer, B, Amat, M, Ambrose, C, Ammar, H, An, Y, Andriaccio, L, Ansu, K, Apostolidi, A, Arai, N, Araki, H, Araki, S, Arbi, A, Arechiga, O, Armstrong, S, Arnold, T, Aronoff, S, Arriaga, W, Arroyo, J, Arteaga, D, Asahara, S, Asai, A, Asai, N, Asano, S, Asawa, M, Asmee, MF, Aucella, F, Augustin, M, Avery, A, Awad, A, Awang, IY, Awazawa, M, Axler, A, Ayub, W, Azhari, Z, Baccaro, R, Badin, C, Bagwell, B, Bahlmann-Kroll, E, Bahtar, AZ, Bains, D, Bajaj, H, Baker, R, Baldini, E, Banas, B, Banerjee, D, Banno, S, Bansal, S, Barberi, S, Barnes, S, Barnini, C, Barot, C, Barrett, K, Barrios, R, Bartolomei Mecatti, B, Barton, I, Barton, J, Basily, W, Bavanandan, S, Baxter, A, Becker, L, Beddhu, S, Beige, J, Beigh, S, Bell, S, Benck, U, Beneat, A, Bennett, A, Bennett, D, Benyon, S, Berdeprado, J, Bergler, T, Bergner, A, Berry, M, Bevilacqua, M, Bhairoo, J, Bhandari, S, Bhandary, N, Bhatt, A, Bhattarai, M, Bhavsar, M, Bian, W, Bianchini, F, Bianco, S, Bilous, R, Bilton, J, Bilucaglia, D, Bird, C, Birudaraju, D, Biscoveanu, M, Blake, C, Bleakley, N, Bocchicchia, K, Bodine, S, Bodington, R, Boedecker, S, Bolduc, M, Bolton, S, Bond, C, Boreky, F, Boren, K, Bouchi, R, Bough, L, Bovan, D, Bowler, C, Bowman, L, Brar, N, Braun, C, Breach, A, Breitenfeldt, M, Brettschneider, B, Brewer, A, Brewer, G, Brindle, V, Brioni, E, Brown, C, Brown, H, Brown, L, Brown, R, Brown, S, Browne, D, Bruce, K, Brueckmann, M, Brunskill, N, Bryant, M, Brzoska, M, Bu, Y, Buckman, C, Budoff, M, Bullen, M, Burke, A, Burnette, S, Burston, C, Busch, M, Bushnell, J, Butler, S, Büttner, C, Byrne, C, Caamano, A, Cadorna, J, Cafiero, C, Cagle, M, Cai, J, Calabrese, K, Calvi, C, Camilleri, B, Camp, S, Campbell, D, Campbell, R, Cao, H, Capelli, I, Caple, M, Caplin, B, Cardone, A, Carle, J, Carnall, V, Caroppo, M, Carr, S, Carraro, G, Carson, M, Casares, P, Castillo, C, Castro, C, Caudill, B, Cejka, V, Ceseri, M, Cham, L, Chamberlain, A, Chambers, J, Chan, CBT, Chan, JYM, Chan, YC, Chang, E, Chant, T, Chavagnon, T, Chellamuthu, P, Chen, F, Chen, J, Chen, P, Chen, TM, Chen, Y, Cheng, C, Cheng, H, Cheng, MC, Ching, CH, Chitalia, N, Choksi, R, Chukwu, C, Chung, K, Cianciolo, G, Cipressa, L, Clark, S, Clarke, H, Clarke, R, Clarke, S, Cleveland, B, Cole, E, Coles, H, Condurache, L, Connor, A, Convery, K, Cooper, A, Cooper, N, Cooper, Z, Cooperman, L, Cosgrove, L, Coutts, P, Cowley, A, Craik, R, Cui, G, Cummins, T, Dahl, N, Dai, H, Dajani, L, D'Amelio, A, Damian, E, Damianik, K, Danel, L, Daniels, C, Daniels, T, Darbeau, S, Darius, H, Dasgupta, T, Davies, J, Davies, L, Davis, A, Davis, J, Davis, L, Dayanandan, R, Dayi, S, Dayrell, R, De Nicola, L, Debnath, S, Deeb, W, Degenhardt, S, DeGoursey, K, Delaney, M, DeRaad, R, Derebail, V, Dev, D, Devaux, M, Dhall, P, Dhillon, G, Dienes, J, Dobre, M, Doctolero, E, Dodds, V, Domingo, D, Donaldson, D, Donaldson, P, Donhauser, C, Donley, V, Dorestin, S, Dorey, S, Doulton, T, Draganova, D, Draxlbauer, K, Driver, F, Du, H, Dube, F, Duck, T, Dugal, T, Dugas, J, Dukka, H, Dumann, H, Durham, W, Dursch, M, Dykas, R, Easow, R, Eckrich, E, Eden, G, Edmerson, E, Edwards, H, Ee, LW, Eguchi, J, Ehrl, Y, Eichstadt, K, Eid, W, Eilerman, B, Ejima, Y, Eldon, H, Ellam, T, Elliott, L, Ellison, R, Epp, R, Er, A, Espino-Obrero, M, Estcourt, S, Estienne, L, Evans, G, Evans, J, Evans, S, Fabbri, G, Fajardo-Moser, M, Falcone, C, Fani, F, Faria-Shayler, P, Farnia, F, Farrugia, D, Fechter, M, Fellowes, D, Feng, F, Fernandez, J, Ferraro, P, Field, A, Fikry, S, Finch, J, Finn, H, Fioretto, P, Fish, R, Fleischer, A, Fleming-Brown, D, Fletcher, L, Flora, R, Foellinger, C, Foligno, N, Forest, S, Forghani, Z, Forsyth, K, Fottrell-Gould, D, Fox, P, Frankel, A, Fraser, D, Frazier, R, Frederick, K, Freking, N, French, H, Froment, A, Fuchs, B, Fuessl, L, Fujii, H, Fujimoto, A, Fujita, A, Fujita, K, Fujita, Y, Fukagawa, M, Fukao, Y, Fukasawa, A, Fuller, T, Funayama, T, Fung, E, Furukawa, M, Furukawa, Y, Furusho, M, Gabel, S, Gaidu, J, Gaiser, S, Gallo, K, Galloway, C, Gambaro, G, Gan, CC, Gangemi, C, Gao, M, Garcia, K, Garcia, M, Garofalo, C, Garrity, M, Garza, A, Gasko, S, Gavrila, M, Gebeyehu, B, Geddes, A, Gentile, G, George, A, George, J, Gesualdo, L, Ghalli, F, Ghanem, A, Ghate, T, Ghavampour, S, Ghazi, A, Gherman, A, Giebeln-Hudnell, U, Gill, B, Gillham, S, Girakossyan, I, Girndt, M, Giuffrida, A, Glenwright, M, Glider, T, Gloria, R, Glowski, D, Goh, BL, Goh, CB, Gohda, T, Goldenberg, R, Goldfaden, R, Goldsmith, C, Golson, B, Gonce, V, Gong, Q, Goodenough, B, Goodwin, N, Goonasekera, M, Gordon, A, Gordon, J, Gore, A, Goto, H, Gowen, D, Grace, A, Graham, J, Grandaliano, G, Gray, M, Greene, T, Greenwood, G, Grewal, B, Grifa, R, Griffin, D, Griffin, S, Grimmer, P, Grobovaite, E, Grotjahn, S, Guerini, A, Guest, C, Gunda, S, Guo, B, Guo, Q, Haack, S, Haase, M, Haaser, K, Habuki, K, Hadley, A, Hagan, S, Hagge, S, Haller, H, Ham, S, Hamal, S, Hamamoto, Y, Hamano, N, Hamm, M, Hanburry, A, Haneda, M, Hanf, C, Hanif, W, Hansen, J, Hanson, L, Hantel, S, Haraguchi, T, Harding, E, Harding, T, Hardy, C, Hartner, C, Harun, Z, Harvill, L, Hasan, A, Hase, H, Hasegawa, F, Hasegawa, T, Hashimoto, A, Hashimoto, C, Hashimoto, M, Hashimoto, S, Haskett, S, Hauske, SJ, Hawfield, A, Hayami, T, Hayashi, M, Hayashi, S, Hazara, A, Healy, C, Hecktman, J, Heine, G, Henderson, H, Henschel, R, Hepditch, A, Herfurth, K, Hernandez, G, Hernandez Pena, A, Hernandez-Cassis, C, Herzog, C, Hewins, S, Hewitt, D, Hichkad, L, Higashi, S, Higuchi, C, Hill, C, Hill, L, Himeno, T, Hing, A, Hirakawa, Y, Hirata, K, Hirota, Y, Hisatake, T, Hitchcock, S, Hodakowski, A, Hodge, W, Hogan, R, Hohenstatt, U, Hohenstein, B, Hooi, L, Hope, S, Hopley, M, Horikawa, S, Hosein, D, Hosooka, T, Hou, L, Hou, W, Howie, L, Howson, A, Hozak, M, Htet, Z, Hu, X, Hu, Y, Huang, J, Huda, N, Hudig, L, Hudson, A, Hugo, C, Hull, R, Hume, L, Hundei, W, Hunt, N, Hunter, A, Hurley, S, Hurst, A, Hutchinson, C, Hyo, T, Ibrahim, FH, Ibrahim, S, Ihana, N, Ikeda, T, Imai, A, Imamine, R, Inamori, A, Inazawa, H, Ingell, J, Inomata, K, Inukai, Y, Ioka, M, Irtiza-Ali, A, Isakova, T, Isari, W, Iselt, M, Ishiguro, A, Ishihara, K, Ishikawa, T, Ishimoto, T, Ishizuka, K, Ismail, R, Itano, S, Ito, H, Ito, K, Ito, M, Ito, Y, Iwagaitsu, S, Iwaita, Y, Iwakura, T, Iwamoto, M, Iwasa, M, Iwasaki, H, Iwasaki, S, Izumi, K, Izumi, T, Jaafar, SM, Jackson, C, Jackson, Y, Jafari, G, Jahangiriesmaili, M, Jain, N, Jansson, K, Jasim, H, Jeffers, L, Jenkins, A, Jesky, M, Jesus-Silva, J, Jeyarajah, D, Jiang, Y, Jiao, X, Jimenez, G, Jin, B, Jin, Q, Jochims, J, Johns, B, Johnson, C, Johnson, T, Jolly, S, Jones, L, Jones, S, Jones, T, Jones, V, Joseph, M, Joshi, S, Judge, P, Junejo, N, Junus, S, Kachele, M, Kadoya, H, Kaga, H, Kai, H, Kajio, H, Kaluza-Schilling, W, Kamaruzaman, L, Kamarzarian, A, Kamimura, Y, Kamiya, H, Kamundi, C, Kan, T, Kanaguchi, Y, Kanazawa, A, Kanda, E, Kanegae, S, Kaneko, K, Kang, HY, Kano, T, Karim, M, Karounos, D, Karsan, W, Kasagi, R, Kashihara, N, Katagiri, H, Katanosaka, A, Katayama, A, Katayama, M, Katiman, E, Kato, K, Kato, M, Kato, N, Kato, S, Kato, T, Kato, Y, Katsuda, Y, Katsuno, T, Kaufeld, J, Kavak, Y, Kawai, I, Kawai, M, Kawase, A, Kawashima, S, Kazory, A, Kearney, J, Keith, B, Kellett, J, Kelley, S, Kershaw, M, Ketteler, M, Khai, Q, Khairullah, Q, Khandwala, H, Khoo, KKL, Khwaja, A, Kidokoro, K, Kielstein, J, Kihara, M, Kimber, C, Kimura, S, Kinashi, H, Kingston, H, Kinomura, M, Kinsella-Perks, E, Kitagawa, M, Kitajima, M, Kitamura, S, Kiyosue, A, Kiyota, M, Klauser, F, Klausmann, G, Kmietschak, W, Knapp, K, Knight, C, Knoppe, A, Knott, C, Kobayashi, M, Kobayashi, R, Kobayashi, T, Koch, M, Kodama, S, Kodani, N, Kogure, E, Koizumi, M, Kojima, H, Kojo, T, Kolhe, N, Komaba, H, Komiya, T, Komori, H, Kon, SP, Kondo, M, Kong, W, Konishi, M, Kono, K, Koshino, M, Kosugi, T, Kothapalli, B, Kozlowski, T, Kraemer, B, Kraemer-Guth, A, Krappe, J, Kraus, D, Kriatselis, C, Krieger, C, Krish, P, Kruger, B, Ku Md Razi, KR, Kuan, Y, Kubota, S, Kuhn, S, Kumar, P, Kume, S, Kummer, I, Kumuji, R, Küpper, A, Kuramae, T, Kurian, L, Kuribayashi, C, Kurien, R, Kuroda, E, Kurose, T, Kutschat, A, Kuwabara, N, Kuwata, H, La Manna, G, Lacey, M, Lafferty, K, LaFleur, P, Lai, V, Laity, E, Lambert, A, Langlois, M, Latif, F, Latore, E, Laundy, E, Laurienti, D, Lawson, A, Lay, M, Leal, I, Lee, AK, Lee, J, Lee, KQ, Lee, R, Lee, SA, Lee, YY, Lee-Barkey, Y, Leonard, N, Leoncini, G, Leong, CM, Lerario, S, Leslie, A, Lewington, A, Li, N, Li, X, Li, Y, Liberti, L, Liberti, ME, Liew, A, Liew, YF, Lilavivat, U, Lim, SK, Lim, YS, Limon, E, Lin, H, Lioudaki, E, Liu, H, Liu, J, Liu, L, Liu, Q, Liu, X, Liu, Z, Loader, D, Lochhead, H, Loh, CL, Lorimer, A, Loudermilk, L, Loutan, J, Low, CK, Low, CL, Low, YM, Lozon, Z, Lu, Y, Lucci, D, Ludwig, U, Luker, N, Lund, D, Lustig, R, Lyle, S, Macdonald, C, MacDougall, I, Machicado, R, MacLean, D, Macleod, P, Madera, A, Madore, F, Maeda, K, Maegawa, H, Maeno, S, Mafham, M, Magee, J, Mah, DY, Mahabadi, V, Maiguma, M, Makita, Y, Makos, G, Manco, L, Mangiacapra, R, Manley, J, Mann, P, Mano, S, Marcotte, G, Maris, J, Mark, P, Markau, S, Markovic, M, Marshall, C, Martin, M, Martinez, C, Martinez, S, Martins, G, Maruyama, K, Maruyama, S, Marx, K, Maselli, A, Masengu, A, Maskill, A, Masumoto, S, Masutani, K, Matsumoto, M, Matsunaga, T, Matsuoka, N, Matsushita, M, Matthews, M, Matthias, S, Matvienko, E, Maurer, M, Maxwell, P, Mazlan, N, Mazlan, SA, Mbuyisa, A, McCafferty, K, McCarroll, F, McCarthy, T, McClary-Wright, C, McCray, K, McDermott, P, McDonald, C, McDougall, R, McHaffie, E, McIntosh, K, McKinley, T, McLaughlin, S, McLean, N, McNeil, L, Measor, A, Meek, J, Mehta, A, Mehta, R, Melandri, M, Mené, P, Meng, T, Menne, J, Merritt, K, Merscher, S, Meshykhi, C, Messa, P, Messinger, L, Miftari, N, Miller, R, Miller, Y, Miller-Hodges, E, Minatoguchi, M, Miners, M, Minutolo, R, Mita, T, Miura, Y, Miyaji, M, Miyamoto, S, Miyatsuka, T, Miyazaki, M, Miyazawa, I, Mizumachi, R, Mizuno, M, Moffat, S, Mohamad Nor, FS, Mohamad Zaini, SN, Mohamed Affandi, FA, Mohandas, C, Mohd, R, Mohd Fauzi, NA, Mohd Sharif, NH, Mohd Yusoff, Y, Moist, L, Moncada, A, Montasser, M, Moon, A, Moran, C, Morgan, N, Moriarty, J, Morig, G, Morinaga, H, Morino, K, Morisaki, T, Morishita, Y, Morlok, S, Morris, A, Morris, F, Mostafa, S, Mostefai, Y, Motegi, M, Motherwell, N, Motta, D, Mottl, A, Moys, R, Mozaffari, S, Muir, J, Mulhern, J, Mulligan, S, Munakata, Y, Murakami, C, Murakoshi, M, Murawska, A, Murphy, K, Murphy, L, Murray, S, Murtagh, H, Musa, MA, Mushahar, L, Mustafa, R, Mustafar, R, Muto, M, Nadar, E, Nagano, R, Nagasawa, T, Nagashima, E, Nagasu, H, Nagelberg, S, Nair, H, Nakagawa, Y, Nakahara, M, Nakamura, J, Nakamura, R, Nakamura, T, Nakaoka, M, Nakashima, E, Nakata, J, Nakata, M, Nakatani, S, Nakatsuka, A, Nakayama, Y, Nakhoul, G, Naverrete, G, Navivala, A, Nazeer, I, Negrea, L, Nethaji, C, Newman, E, Ng, TJ, Ngu, LLS, Nimbkar, T, Nishi, H, Nishi, M, Nishi, S, Nishida, Y, Nishiyama, A, Niu, J, Niu, P, Nobili, G, Nohara, N, Nojima, I, Nolan, J, Nosseir, H, Nozawa, M, Nunn, M, Nunokawa, S, Oda, M, Oe, M, Oe, Y, Ogane, K, Ogawa, W, Ogihara, T, Oguchi, G, Ohsugi, M, Oishi, K, Okada, Y, Okajyo, J, Okamoto, S, Okamura, K, Olufuwa, O, Oluyombo, R, Omata, A, Omori, Y, Ong, LM, Ong, YC, Onyema, J, Oomatia, A, Oommen, A, Oremus, R, Orimo, Y, Ortalda, V, Osaki, Y, Osawa, Y, Osmond Foster, J, O'Sullivan, A, Otani, T, Othman, N, Otomo, S, O'Toole, J, Owen, L, Ozawa, T, Padiyar, A, Page, N, Pajak, S, Paliege, A, Pandey, A, Pandey, R, Pariani, H, Park, J, Parrigon, M, Passauer, J, Patecki, M, Patel, M, Patel, R, Patel, T, Patel, Z, Paul, R, Paulsen, L, Pavone, L, Peixoto, A, Peji, J, Peng, BC, Peng, K, Pennino, L, Pereira, E, Perez, E, Pergola, P, Pesce, F, Pessolano, G, Petchey, W, Petr, EJ, Pfab, T, Phelan, P, Phillips, R, Phillips, T, Phipps, M, Piccinni, G, Pickett, T, Pickworth, S, Piemontese, M, Pinto, D, Piper, J, Plummer-Morgan, J, Poehler, D, Polese, L, Poma, V, Postal, A, Pötz, C, Power, A, Pradhan, N, Pradhan, R, Preiss, E, Preston, K, Prib, N, Price, L, Provenzano, C, Pugay, C, Pulido, R, Putz, F, Qiao, Y, Quartagno, R, Quashie-Akponeware, M, Rabara, R, Rabasa-Lhoret, R, Radhakrishnan, D, Radley, M, Raff, R, Raguwaran, S, Rahbari-Oskoui, F, Rahman, M, Rahmat, K, Ramadoss, S, Ramanaidu, S, Ramasamy, S, Ramli, R, Ramli, S, Ramsey, T, Rankin, A, Rashidi, A, Raymond, L, Razali, WAFA, Read, K, Reiner, H, Reisler, A, Reith, C, Renner, J, Rettenmaier, B, Richmond, L, Rijos, D, Rivera, R, Rivers, V, Robinson, H, Rocco, M, Rodriguez-Bachiller, I, Rodriquez, R, Roesch, C, Roesch, J, Rogers, J, Rohnstock, M, Rolfsmeier, S, Roman, M, Romo, A, Rosati, A, Rosenberg, S, Ross, T, Roura, M, Roussel, M, Rovner, S, Roy, S, Rucker, S, Rump, L, Ruocco, M, Ruse, S, Russo, F, Russo, M, Ryder, M, Sabarai, A, Saccà, C, Sachson, R, Sadler, E, Safiee, NS, Sahani, M, Saillant, A, Saini, J, Saito, C, Saito, S, Sakaguchi, K, Sakai, M, Salim, H, Salviani, C, Sampson, A, Samson, F, Sandercock, P, Sanguila, S, Santorelli, G, Santoro, D, Sarabu, N, Saram, T, Sardell, R, Sasajima, H, Sasaki, T, Satko, S, Sato, A, Sato, D, Sato, H, Sato, J, Sato, T, Sato, Y, Satoh, M, Sawada, K, Schanz, M, Scheidemantel, F, Schemmelmann, M, Schettler, E, Schettler, V, Schlieper, GR, Schmidt, C, Schmidt, G, Schmidt, U, Schmidt-Gurtler, H, Schmude, M, Schneider, A, Schneider, I, Schneider-Danwitz, C, Schomig, M, Schramm, T, Schreiber, A, Schricker, S, Schroppel, B, Schulte-Kemna, L, Schulz, E, Schumacher, B, Schuster, A, Schwab, A, Scolari, F, Scott, A, Seeger, W, Segal, M, Seifert, L, Seifert, M, Sekiya, M, Sellars, R, Seman, MR, Shah, S, Shainberg, L, Shanmuganathan, M, Shao, F, Sharma, K, Sharpe, C, Sheikh-Ali, M, Sheldon, J, Shenton, C, Shepherd, A, Shepperd, M, Sheridan, R, Sheriff, Z, Shibata, Y, Shigehara, T, Shikata, K, Shimamura, K, Shimano, H, Shimizu, Y, Shimoda, H, Shin, K, Shivashankar, G, Shojima, N, Silva, R, Sim, CSB, Simmons, K, Sinha, S, Sitter, T, Sivanandam, S, Skipper, M, Sloan, K, Sloan, L, Smith, R, Smyth, J, Sobande, T, Sobata, M, Somalanka, S, Song, X, Sonntag, F, Sood, B, Sor, SY, Soufer, J, Sparks, H, Spatoliatore, G, Spinola, T, Squyres, S, Srivastava, A, Stanfield, J, Staylor, K, Steele, A, Steen, O, Steffl, D, Stegbauer, J, Stellbrink, C, Stellbrink, E, Stevenson, A, Stewart-Ray, V, Stickley, J, Stoffler, D, Stratmann, B, Streitenberger, S, Strutz, F, Stubbs, J, Stumpf, J, Suazo, N, Suchinda, P, Suckling, R, Sudin, A, Sugamori, K, Sugawara, H, Sugawara, K, Sugimoto, D, Sugiyama, H, Sugiyama, T, Sullivan, M, Sumi, M, Suresh, N, Sutton, D, Suzuki, H, Suzuki, R, Suzuki, Y, Swanson, E, Swift, P, Syed, S, Szerlip, H, Taal, M, Taddeo, M, Tailor, C, Tajima, K, Takagi, M, Takahashi, K, Takahashi, M, Takahashi, T, Takahira, E, Takai, T, Takaoka, M, Takeoka, J, Takesada, A, Takezawa, M, Talbot, M, Taliercio, J, Talsania, T, Tamori, Y, Tamura, R, Tamura, Y, Tan, CHH, Tan, EZZ, Tanabe, A, Tanabe, K, Tanaka, A, Tanaka, N, Tang, S, Tang, Z, Tanigaki, K, Tarlac, M, Tatsuzawa, A, Tay, JF, Tay, LL, Taylor, J, Taylor, K, Te, A, Tenbusch, L, Teng, KS, Terakawa, A, Terry, J, Tham, ZD, Tholl, S, Thomas, G, Thong, KM, Tietjen, D, Timadjer, A, Tindall, H, Tipper, S, Tobin, K, Toda, N, Tokuyama, A, Tolibas, M, Tomita, A, Tomita, T, Tomlinson, J, Tonks, L, Topf, J, Topping, S, Torp, A, Torres, A, Totaro, F, Toth, P, Toyonaga, Y, Tripodi, F, Trivedi, K, Tropman, E, Tschope, D, Tse, J, Tsuji, K, Tsunekawa, S, Tsunoda, R, Tucky, B, Tufail, S, Tuffaha, A, Turan, E, Turner, H, Turner, J, Turner, M, Tye, YL, Tyler, A, Tyler, J, Uchi, H, Uchida, H, Uchida, T, Udagawa, T, Ueda, S, Ueda, Y, Ueki, K, Ugni, S, Ugwu, E, Umeno, R, Unekawa, C, Uozumi, K, Urquia, K, Valleteau, A, Valletta, C, van Erp, R, Vanhoy, C, Varad, V, Varma, R, Varughese, A, Vasquez, P, Vasseur, A, Veelken, R, Velagapudi, C, Verdel, K, Vettoretti, S, Vezzoli, G, Vielhauer, V, Viera, R, Vilar, E, Villaruel, S, Vinall, L, Vinathan, J, Visnjic, M, Voigt, E, von-Eynatten, M, Vourvou, M, Wada, J, Wada, T, Wada, Y, Wakayama, K, Wakita, Y, Walters, T, Wan Mohamad, WH, Wang, L, Wang, W, Wang, X, Wang, Y, Wanninayake, S, Watada, H, Watanabe, K, Watanabe, M, Waterfall, H, Watkins, D, Watson, S, Weaving, L, Weber, B, Webley, Y, Webster, A, Webster, M, Weetman, M, Wei, W, Weihprecht, H, Weiland, L, Weinmann-Menke, J, Weinreich, T, Wendt, R, Weng, Y, Whalen, M, Whalley, G, Wheatley, R, Wheeler, A, Wheeler, J, Whelton, P, White, K, Whitmore, B, Whittaker, S, Wiebel, J, Wiley, J, Wilkinson, L, Willett, M, Williams, A, Williams, E, Williams, K, Williams, T, Wilson, A, Wilson, P, Wincott, L, Wines, E, Winkelmann, B, Winkler, M, Winter-Goodwin, B, Witczak, J, Wittes, J, Wittmann, M, Wolf, G, Wolf, L, Wolfling, R, Wong, C, Wong, E, Wong, HS, Wong, LW, Wong, YH, Wonnacott, A, Wood, A, Wood, L, Woodhouse, H, Wooding, N, Woodman, A, Wren, K, Wu, J, Wu, P, Xia, S, Xiao, H, Xiao, X, Xie, Y, Xu, C, Xu, Y, Xue, H, Yahaya, H, Yalamanchili, H, Yamada, A, Yamada, N, Yamagata, K, Yamaguchi, M, Yamaji, Y, Yamamoto, A, Yamamoto, S, Yamamoto, T, Yamanaka, A, Yamano, T, Yamanouchi, Y, Yamasaki, N, Yamasaki, Y, Yamashita, C, Yamauchi, T, Yan, Q, Yanagisawa, E, Yang, F, Yang, L, Yano, S, Yao, S, Yao, Y, Yarlagadda, S, Yasuda, Y, Yiu, V, Yokoyama, T, Yoshida, S, Yoshidome, E, Yoshikawa, H, Young, A, Young, T, Yousif, V, Yu, H, Yu, Y, Yuasa, K, Yusof, N, Zalunardo, N, Zander, B, Zani, R, Zappulo, F, Zayed, M, Zemann, B, Zettergren, P, Zhang, H, Zhang, L, Zhang, N, Zhang, X, Zhao, J, Zhao, L, Zhao, S, Zhao, Z, Zhong, H, Zhou, N, Zhou, S, Zhu, L, Zhu, S, Zietz, M, Zippo, M, Zirino, F, and Zulkipli, FH
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4. Impact of primary kidney disease on the effects of empagliflozin in patients with chronic kidney disease: secondary analyses of the EMPA-KIDNEY trial
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Judge, PK, Staplin, N, Mayne, KJ, Wanner, C, Green, JB, Hauske, SJ, Emberson, JR, Preiss, D, Ng, SYA, Roddick, AJ, Sammons, E, Zhu, D, Hill, M, Stevens, W, Wallendszus, K, Brenner, S, Cheung, AK, Liu, ZH, Li, J, Hooi, LS, Liu, WJ, Kadowaki, T, Nangaku, M, Levin, A, Cherney, D, Maggioni, AP, Pontremoli, R, Deo, R, Goto, S, Rossello, X, Tuttle, KR, Steubl, D, Massey, D, Landray, MJ, Baigent, C, Haynes, R, Herrington, WG, Abat, S, Abd Rahman, R, Abdul Cader, R, Abdul Hafidz, MI, Abdul Wahab, MZ, Abdullah, NK, Abdul-Samad, T, Abe, M, Abraham, N, Acheampong, S, Achiri, P, Acosta, JA, Adeleke, A, Adell, V, Adewuyi-Dalton, R, Adnan, N, Africano, A, Agharazii, M, Aguilar, F, Aguilera, A, Ahmad, M, Ahmad, MK, Ahmad, NA, Ahmad, NH, Ahmad, NI, Ahmad Miswan, N, Ahmad Rosdi, H, Ahmed, I, Ahmed, S, Aiello, J, Aitken, A, AitSadi, R, Aker, S, Akimoto, S, Akinfolarin, A, Akram, S, Alberici, F, Albert, C, Aldrich, L, Alegata, M, Alexander, L, Alfaress, S, Alhadj Ali, M, Ali, A, Alicic, R, Aliu, A, Almaraz, R, Almasarwah, R, Almeida, J, Aloisi, A, Al-Rabadi, L, Alscher, D, Alvarez, P, Al-Zeer, B, Amat, M, Ambrose, C, Ammar, H, An, Y, Andriaccio, L, Ansu, K, Apostolidi, A, Arai, N, Araki, H, Araki, S, Arbi, A, Arechiga, O, Armstrong, S, Arnold, T, Aronoff, S, Arriaga, W, Arroyo, J, Arteaga, D, Asahara, S, Asai, A, Asai, N, Asano, S, Asawa, M, Asmee, MF, Aucella, F, Augustin, M, Avery, A, Awad, A, Awang, IY, Awazawa, M, Axler, A, Ayub, W, Azhari, Z, Baccaro, R, Badin, C, Bagwell, B, Bahlmann-Kroll, E, Bahtar, AZ, Bains, D, Bajaj, H, Baker, R, Baldini, E, Banas, B, Banerjee, D, Banno, S, Bansal, S, Barberi, S, Barnes, S, Barnini, C, Barot, C, Barrett, K, Barrios, R, Bartolomei Mecatti, B, Barton, I, Barton, J, Basily, W, Bavanandan, S, Baxter, A, Becker, L, Beddhu, S, Beige, J, Beigh, S, Bell, S, Benck, U, Beneat, A, Bennett, A, Bennett, D, Benyon, S, Berdeprado, J, Bergler, T, Bergner, A, Berry, M, Bevilacqua, M, Bhairoo, J, Bhandari, S, Bhandary, N, Bhatt, A, Bhattarai, M, Bhavsar, M, Bian, W, Bianchini, F, Bianco, S, Bilous, R, Bilton, J, Bilucaglia, D, Bird, C, Birudaraju, D, Biscoveanu, M, Blake, C, Bleakley, N, Bocchicchia, K, Bodine, S, Bodington, R, Boedecker, S, Bolduc, M, Bolton, S, Bond, C, Boreky, F, Boren, K, Bouchi, R, Bough, L, Bovan, D, Bowler, C, Bowman, L, Brar, N, Braun, C, Breach, A, Breitenfeldt, M, Brettschneider, B, Brewer, A, Brewer, G, Brindle, V, Brioni, E, Brown, C, Brown, H, Brown, L, Brown, R, Brown, S, Browne, D, Bruce, K, Brueckmann, M, Brunskill, N, Bryant, M, Brzoska, M, Bu, Y, Buckman, C, Budoff, M, Bullen, M, Burke, A, Burnette, S, Burston, C, Busch, M, Bushnell, J, Butler, S, Büttner, C, Byrne, C, Caamano, A, Cadorna, J, Cafiero, C, Cagle, M, Cai, J, Calabrese, K, Calvi, C, Camilleri, B, Camp, S, Campbell, D, Campbell, R, Cao, H, Capelli, I, Caple, M, Caplin, B, Cardone, A, Carle, J, Carnall, V, Caroppo, M, Carr, S, Carraro, G, Carson, M, Casares, P, Castillo, C, Castro, C, Caudill, B, Cejka, V, Ceseri, M, Cham, L, Chamberlain, A, Chambers, J, Chan, CBT, Chan, JYM, Chan, YC, Chang, E, Chant, T, Chavagnon, T, Chellamuthu, P, Chen, F, Chen, J, Chen, P, Chen, TM, Chen, Y, Cheng, C, Cheng, H, Cheng, MC, Ching, CH, Chitalia, N, Choksi, R, Chukwu, C, Chung, K, Cianciolo, G, Cipressa, L, Clark, S, Clarke, H, Clarke, R, Clarke, S, Cleveland, B, Cole, E, Coles, H, Condurache, L, Connor, A, Convery, K, Cooper, A, Cooper, N, Cooper, Z, Cooperman, L, Cosgrove, L, Coutts, P, Cowley, A, Craik, R, Cui, G, Cummins, T, Dahl, N, Dai, H, Dajani, L, D'Amelio, A, Damian, E, Damianik, K, Danel, L, Daniels, C, Daniels, T, Darbeau, S, Darius, H, Dasgupta, T, Davies, J, Davies, L, Davis, A, Davis, J, Davis, L, Dayanandan, R, Dayi, S, Dayrell, R, De Nicola, L, Debnath, S, Deeb, W, Degenhardt, S, DeGoursey, K, Delaney, M, DeRaad, R, Derebail, V, Dev, D, Devaux, M, Dhall, P, Dhillon, G, Dienes, J, Dobre, M, Doctolero, E, Dodds, V, Domingo, D, Donaldson, D, Donaldson, P, Donhauser, C, Donley, V, Dorestin, S, Dorey, S, Doulton, T, Draganova, D, Draxlbauer, K, Driver, F, Du, H, Dube, F, Duck, T, Dugal, T, Dugas, J, Dukka, H, Dumann, H, Durham, W, Dursch, M, Dykas, R, Easow, R, Eckrich, E, Eden, G, Edmerson, E, Edwards, H, Ee, LW, Eguchi, J, Ehrl, Y, Eichstadt, K, Eid, W, Eilerman, B, Ejima, Y, Eldon, H, Ellam, T, Elliott, L, Ellison, R, Emberson, J, Epp, R, Er, A, Espino-Obrero, M, Estcourt, S, Estienne, L, Evans, G, Evans, J, Evans, S, Fabbri, G, Fajardo-Moser, M, Falcone, C, Fani, F, Faria-Shayler, P, Farnia, F, Farrugia, D, Fechter, M, Fellowes, D, Feng, F, Fernandez, J, Ferraro, P, Field, A, Fikry, S, Finch, J, Finn, H, Fioretto, P, Fish, R, Fleischer, A, Fleming-Brown, D, Fletcher, L, Flora, R, Foellinger, C, Foligno, N, Forest, S, Forghani, Z, Forsyth, K, Fottrell-Gould, D, Fox, P, Frankel, A, Fraser, D, Frazier, R, Frederick, K, Freking, N, French, H, Froment, A, Fuchs, B, Fuessl, L, Fujii, H, Fujimoto, A, Fujita, A, Fujita, K, Fujita, Y, Fukagawa, M, Fukao, Y, Fukasawa, A, Fuller, T, Funayama, T, Fung, E, Furukawa, M, Furukawa, Y, Furusho, M, Gabel, S, Gaidu, J, Gaiser, S, Gallo, K, Galloway, C, Gambaro, G, Gan, CC, Gangemi, C, Gao, M, Garcia, K, Garcia, M, Garofalo, C, Garrity, M, Garza, A, Gasko, S, Gavrila, M, Gebeyehu, B, Geddes, A, Gentile, G, George, A, George, J, Gesualdo, L, Ghalli, F, Ghanem, A, Ghate, T, Ghavampour, S, Ghazi, A, Gherman, A, Giebeln-Hudnell, U, Gill, B, Gillham, S, Girakossyan, I, Girndt, M, Giuffrida, A, Glenwright, M, Glider, T, Gloria, R, Glowski, D, Goh, BL, Goh, CB, Gohda, T, Goldenberg, R, Goldfaden, R, Goldsmith, C, Golson, B, Gonce, V, Gong, Q, Goodenough, B, Goodwin, N, Goonasekera, M, Gordon, A, Gordon, J, Gore, A, Goto, H, Gowen, D, Grace, A, Graham, J, Grandaliano, G, Gray, M, Greene, T, Greenwood, G, Grewal, B, Grifa, R, Griffin, D, Griffin, S, Grimmer, P, Grobovaite, E, Grotjahn, S, Guerini, A, Guest, C, Gunda, S, Guo, B, Guo, Q, Haack, S, Haase, M, Haaser, K, Habuki, K, Hadley, A, Hagan, S, Hagge, S, Haller, H, Ham, S, Hamal, S, Hamamoto, Y, Hamano, N, Hamm, M, Hanburry, A, Haneda, M, Hanf, C, Hanif, W, Hansen, J, Hanson, L, Hantel, S, Haraguchi, T, Harding, E, Harding, T, Hardy, C, Hartner, C, Harun, Z, Harvill, L, Hasan, A, Hase, H, Hasegawa, F, Hasegawa, T, Hashimoto, A, Hashimoto, C, Hashimoto, M, Hashimoto, S, Haskett, S, Hawfield, A, Hayami, T, Hayashi, M, Hayashi, S, Hazara, A, Healy, C, Hecktman, J, Heine, G, Henderson, H, Henschel, R, Hepditch, A, Herfurth, K, Hernandez, G, Hernandez Pena, A, Hernandez-Cassis, C, Herzog, C, Hewins, S, Hewitt, D, Hichkad, L, Higashi, S, Higuchi, C, Hill, C, Hill, L, Himeno, T, Hing, A, Hirakawa, Y, Hirata, K, Hirota, Y, Hisatake, T, Hitchcock, S, Hodakowski, A, Hodge, W, Hogan, R, Hohenstatt, U, Hohenstein, B, Hooi, L, Hope, S, Hopley, M, Horikawa, S, Hosein, D, Hosooka, T, Hou, L, Hou, W, Howie, L, Howson, A, Hozak, M, Htet, Z, Hu, X, Hu, Y, Huang, J, Huda, N, Hudig, L, Hudson, A, Hugo, C, Hull, R, Hume, L, Hundei, W, Hunt, N, Hunter, A, Hurley, S, Hurst, A, Hutchinson, C, Hyo, T, Ibrahim, FH, Ibrahim, S, Ihana, N, Ikeda, T, Imai, A, Imamine, R, Inamori, A, Inazawa, H, Ingell, J, Inomata, K, Inukai, Y, Ioka, M, Irtiza-Ali, A, Isakova, T, Isari, W, Iselt, M, Ishiguro, A, Ishihara, K, Ishikawa, T, Ishimoto, T, Ishizuka, K, Ismail, R, Itano, S, Ito, H, Ito, K, Ito, M, Ito, Y, Iwagaitsu, S, Iwaita, Y, Iwakura, T, Iwamoto, M, Iwasa, M, Iwasaki, H, Iwasaki, S, Izumi, K, Izumi, T, Jaafar, SM, Jackson, C, Jackson, Y, Jafari, G, Jahangiriesmaili, M, Jain, N, Jansson, K, Jasim, H, Jeffers, L, Jenkins, A, Jesky, M, Jesus-Silva, J, Jeyarajah, D, Jiang, Y, Jiao, X, Jimenez, G, Jin, B, Jin, Q, Jochims, J, Johns, B, Johnson, C, Johnson, T, Jolly, S, Jones, L, Jones, S, Jones, T, Jones, V, Joseph, M, Joshi, S, Judge, P, Junejo, N, Junus, S, Kachele, M, Kadoya, H, Kaga, H, Kai, H, Kajio, H, Kaluza-Schilling, W, Kamaruzaman, L, Kamarzarian, A, Kamimura, Y, Kamiya, H, Kamundi, C, Kan, T, Kanaguchi, Y, Kanazawa, A, Kanda, E, Kanegae, S, Kaneko, K, Kang, HY, Kano, T, Karim, M, Karounos, D, Karsan, W, Kasagi, R, Kashihara, N, Katagiri, H, Katanosaka, A, Katayama, A, Katayama, M, Katiman, E, Kato, K, Kato, M, Kato, N, Kato, S, Kato, T, Kato, Y, Katsuda, Y, Katsuno, T, Kaufeld, J, Kavak, Y, Kawai, I, Kawai, M, Kawase, A, Kawashima, S, Kazory, A, Kearney, J, Keith, B, Kellett, J, Kelley, S, Kershaw, M, Ketteler, M, Khai, Q, Khairullah, Q, Khandwala, H, Khoo, KKL, Khwaja, A, Kidokoro, K, Kielstein, J, Kihara, M, Kimber, C, Kimura, S, Kinashi, H, Kingston, H, Kinomura, M, Kinsella-Perks, E, Kitagawa, M, Kitajima, M, Kitamura, S, Kiyosue, A, Kiyota, M, Klauser, F, Klausmann, G, Kmietschak, W, Knapp, K, Knight, C, Knoppe, A, Knott, C, Kobayashi, M, Kobayashi, R, Kobayashi, T, Koch, M, Kodama, S, Kodani, N, Kogure, E, Koizumi, M, Kojima, H, Kojo, T, Kolhe, N, Komaba, H, Komiya, T, Komori, H, Kon, SP, Kondo, M, Kong, W, Konishi, M, Kono, K, Koshino, M, Kosugi, T, Kothapalli, B, Kozlowski, T, Kraemer, B, Kraemer-Guth, A, Krappe, J, Kraus, D, Kriatselis, C, Krieger, C, Krish, P, Kruger, B, Ku Md Razi, KR, Kuan, Y, Kubota, S, Kuhn, S, Kumar, P, Kume, S, Kummer, I, Kumuji, R, Küpper, A, Kuramae, T, Kurian, L, Kuribayashi, C, Kurien, R, Kuroda, E, Kurose, T, Kutschat, A, Kuwabara, N, Kuwata, H, La Manna, G, Lacey, M, Lafferty, K, LaFleur, P, Lai, V, Laity, E, Lambert, A, Langlois, M, Latif, F, Latore, E, Laundy, E, Laurienti, D, Lawson, A, Lay, M, Leal, I, Lee, AK, Lee, J, Lee, KQ, Lee, R, Lee, SA, Lee, YY, Lee-Barkey, Y, Leonard, N, Leoncini, G, Leong, CM, Lerario, S, Leslie, A, Lewington, A, Li, N, Li, X, Li, Y, Liberti, L, Liberti, ME, Liew, A, Liew, YF, Lilavivat, U, Lim, SK, Lim, YS, Limon, E, Lin, H, Lioudaki, E, Liu, H, Liu, J, Liu, L, Liu, Q, Liu, X, Liu, Z, Loader, D, Lochhead, H, Loh, CL, Lorimer, A, Loudermilk, L, Loutan, J, Low, CK, Low, CL, Low, YM, Lozon, Z, Lu, Y, Lucci, D, Ludwig, U, Luker, N, Lund, D, Lustig, R, Lyle, S, Macdonald, C, MacDougall, I, Machicado, R, MacLean, D, Macleod, P, Madera, A, Madore, F, Maeda, K, Maegawa, H, Maeno, S, Mafham, M, Magee, J, Mah, DY, Mahabadi, V, Maiguma, M, Makita, Y, Makos, G, Manco, L, Mangiacapra, R, Manley, J, Mann, P, Mano, S, Marcotte, G, Maris, J, Mark, P, Markau, S, Markovic, M, Marshall, C, Martin, M, Martinez, C, Martinez, S, Martins, G, Maruyama, K, Maruyama, S, Marx, K, Maselli, A, Masengu, A, Maskill, A, Masumoto, S, Masutani, K, Matsumoto, M, Matsunaga, T, Matsuoka, N, Matsushita, M, Matthews, M, Matthias, S, Matvienko, E, Maurer, M, Maxwell, P, Mazlan, N, Mazlan, SA, Mbuyisa, A, McCafferty, K, McCarroll, F, McCarthy, T, McClary-Wright, C, McCray, K, McDermott, P, McDonald, C, McDougall, R, McHaffie, E, McIntosh, K, McKinley, T, McLaughlin, S, McLean, N, McNeil, L, Measor, A, Meek, J, Mehta, A, Mehta, R, Melandri, M, Mené, P, Meng, T, Menne, J, Merritt, K, Merscher, S, Meshykhi, C, Messa, P, Messinger, L, Miftari, N, Miller, R, Miller, Y, Miller-Hodges, E, Minatoguchi, M, Miners, M, Minutolo, R, Mita, T, Miura, Y, Miyaji, M, Miyamoto, S, Miyatsuka, T, Miyazaki, M, Miyazawa, I, Mizumachi, R, Mizuno, M, Moffat, S, Mohamad Nor, FS, Mohamad Zaini, SN, Mohamed Affandi, FA, Mohandas, C, Mohd, R, Mohd Fauzi, NA, Mohd Sharif, NH, Mohd Yusoff, Y, Moist, L, Moncada, A, Montasser, M, Moon, A, Moran, C, Morgan, N, Moriarty, J, Morig, G, Morinaga, H, Morino, K, Morisaki, T, Morishita, Y, Morlok, S, Morris, A, Morris, F, Mostafa, S, Mostefai, Y, Motegi, M, Motherwell, N, Motta, D, Mottl, A, Moys, R, Mozaffari, S, Muir, J, Mulhern, J, Mulligan, S, Munakata, Y, Murakami, C, Murakoshi, M, Murawska, A, Murphy, K, Murphy, L, Murray, S, Murtagh, H, Musa, MA, Mushahar, L, Mustafa, R, Mustafar, R, Muto, M, Nadar, E, Nagano, R, Nagasawa, T, Nagashima, E, Nagasu, H, Nagelberg, S, Nair, H, Nakagawa, Y, Nakahara, M, Nakamura, J, Nakamura, R, Nakamura, T, Nakaoka, M, Nakashima, E, Nakata, J, Nakata, M, Nakatani, S, Nakatsuka, A, Nakayama, Y, Nakhoul, G, Naverrete, G, Navivala, A, Nazeer, I, Negrea, L, Nethaji, C, Newman, E, Ng, TJ, Ngu, LLS, Nimbkar, T, Nishi, H, Nishi, M, Nishi, S, Nishida, Y, Nishiyama, A, Niu, J, Niu, P, Nobili, G, Nohara, N, Nojima, I, Nolan, J, Nosseir, H, Nozawa, M, Nunn, M, Nunokawa, S, Oda, M, Oe, M, Oe, Y, Ogane, K, Ogawa, W, Ogihara, T, Oguchi, G, Ohsugi, M, Oishi, K, Okada, Y, Okajyo, J, Okamoto, S, Okamura, K, Olufuwa, O, Oluyombo, R, Omata, A, Omori, Y, Ong, LM, Ong, YC, Onyema, J, Oomatia, A, Oommen, A, Oremus, R, Orimo, Y, Ortalda, V, Osaki, Y, Osawa, Y, Osmond Foster, J, O'Sullivan, A, Otani, T, Othman, N, Otomo, S, O'Toole, J, Owen, L, Ozawa, T, Padiyar, A, Page, N, Pajak, S, Paliege, A, Pandey, A, Pandey, R, Pariani, H, Park, J, Parrigon, M, Passauer, J, Patecki, M, Patel, M, Patel, R, Patel, T, Patel, Z, Paul, R, Paulsen, L, Pavone, L, Peixoto, A, Peji, J, Peng, BC, Peng, K, Pennino, L, Pereira, E, Perez, E, Pergola, P, Pesce, F, Pessolano, G, Petchey, W, Petr, EJ, Pfab, T, Phelan, P, Phillips, R, Phillips, T, Phipps, M, Piccinni, G, Pickett, T, Pickworth, S, Piemontese, M, Pinto, D, Piper, J, Plummer-Morgan, J, Poehler, D, Polese, L, Poma, V, Postal, A, Pötz, C, Power, A, Pradhan, N, Pradhan, R, Preiss, E, Preston, K, Prib, N, Price, L, Provenzano, C, Pugay, C, Pulido, R, Putz, F, Qiao, Y, Quartagno, R, Quashie-Akponeware, M, Rabara, R, Rabasa-Lhoret, R, Radhakrishnan, D, Radley, M, Raff, R, Raguwaran, S, Rahbari-Oskoui, F, Rahman, M, Rahmat, K, Ramadoss, S, Ramanaidu, S, Ramasamy, S, Ramli, R, Ramli, S, Ramsey, T, Rankin, A, Rashidi, A, Raymond, L, Razali, WAFA, Read, K, Reiner, H, Reisler, A, Reith, C, Renner, J, Rettenmaier, B, Richmond, L, Rijos, D, Rivera, R, Rivers, V, Robinson, H, Rocco, M, Rodriguez-Bachiller, I, Rodriquez, R, Roesch, C, Roesch, J, Rogers, J, Rohnstock, M, Rolfsmeier, S, Roman, M, Romo, A, Rosati, A, Rosenberg, S, Ross, T, Roura, M, Roussel, M, Rovner, S, Roy, S, Rucker, S, Rump, L, Ruocco, M, Ruse, S, Russo, F, Russo, M, Ryder, M, Sabarai, A, Saccà, C, Sachson, R, Sadler, E, Safiee, NS, Sahani, M, Saillant, A, Saini, J, Saito, C, Saito, S, Sakaguchi, K, Sakai, M, Salim, H, Salviani, C, Sampson, A, Samson, F, Sandercock, P, Sanguila, S, Santorelli, G, Santoro, D, Sarabu, N, Saram, T, Sardell, R, Sasajima, H, Sasaki, T, Satko, S, Sato, A, Sato, D, Sato, H, Sato, J, Sato, T, Sato, Y, Satoh, M, Sawada, K, Schanz, M, Scheidemantel, F, Schemmelmann, M, Schettler, E, Schettler, V, Schlieper, GR, Schmidt, C, Schmidt, G, Schmidt, U, Schmidt-Gurtler, H, Schmude, M, Schneider, A, Schneider, I, Schneider-Danwitz, C, Schomig, M, Schramm, T, Schreiber, A, Schricker, S, Schroppel, B, Schulte-Kemna, L, Schulz, E, Schumacher, B, Schuster, A, Schwab, A, Scolari, F, Scott, A, Seeger, W, Segal, M, Seifert, L, Seifert, M, Sekiya, M, Sellars, R, Seman, MR, Shah, S, Shainberg, L, Shanmuganathan, M, Shao, F, Sharma, K, Sharpe, C, Sheikh-Ali, M, Sheldon, J, Shenton, C, Shepherd, A, Shepperd, M, Sheridan, R, Sheriff, Z, Shibata, Y, Shigehara, T, Shikata, K, Shimamura, K, Shimano, H, Shimizu, Y, Shimoda, H, Shin, K, Shivashankar, G, Shojima, N, Silva, R, Sim, CSB, Simmons, K, Sinha, S, Sitter, T, Sivanandam, S, Skipper, M, Sloan, K, Sloan, L, Smith, R, Smyth, J, Sobande, T, Sobata, M, Somalanka, S, Song, X, Sonntag, F, Sood, B, Sor, SY, Soufer, J, Sparks, H, Spatoliatore, G, Spinola, T, Squyres, S, Srivastava, A, Stanfield, J, Staylor, K, Steele, A, Steen, O, Steffl, D, Stegbauer, J, Stellbrink, C, Stellbrink, E, Stevenson, A, Stewart-Ray, V, Stickley, J, Stoffler, D, Stratmann, B, Streitenberger, S, Strutz, F, Stubbs, J, Stumpf, J, Suazo, N, Suchinda, P, Suckling, R, Sudin, A, Sugamori, K, Sugawara, H, Sugawara, K, Sugimoto, D, Sugiyama, H, Sugiyama, T, Sullivan, M, Sumi, M, Suresh, N, Sutton, D, Suzuki, H, Suzuki, R, Suzuki, Y, Swanson, E, Swift, P, Syed, S, Szerlip, H, Taal, M, Taddeo, M, Tailor, C, Tajima, K, Takagi, M, Takahashi, K, Takahashi, M, Takahashi, T, Takahira, E, Takai, T, Takaoka, M, Takeoka, J, Takesada, A, Takezawa, M, Talbot, M, Taliercio, J, Talsania, T, Tamori, Y, Tamura, R, Tamura, Y, Tan, CHH, Tan, EZZ, Tanabe, A, Tanabe, K, Tanaka, A, Tanaka, N, Tang, S, Tang, Z, Tanigaki, K, Tarlac, M, Tatsuzawa, A, Tay, JF, Tay, LL, Taylor, J, Taylor, K, Te, A, Tenbusch, L, Teng, KS, Terakawa, A, Terry, J, Tham, ZD, Tholl, S, Thomas, G, Thong, KM, Tietjen, D, Timadjer, A, Tindall, H, Tipper, S, Tobin, K, Toda, N, Tokuyama, A, Tolibas, M, Tomita, A, Tomita, T, Tomlinson, J, Tonks, L, Topf, J, Topping, S, Torp, A, Torres, A, Totaro, F, Toth, P, Toyonaga, Y, Tripodi, F, Trivedi, K, Tropman, E, Tschope, D, Tse, J, Tsuji, K, Tsunekawa, S, Tsunoda, R, Tucky, B, Tufail, S, Tuffaha, A, Turan, E, Turner, H, Turner, J, Turner, M, Tye, YL, Tyler, A, Tyler, J, Uchi, H, Uchida, H, Uchida, T, Udagawa, T, Ueda, S, Ueda, Y, Ueki, K, Ugni, S, Ugwu, E, Umeno, R, Unekawa, C, Uozumi, K, Urquia, K, Valleteau, A, Valletta, C, van Erp, R, Vanhoy, C, Varad, V, Varma, R, Varughese, A, Vasquez, P, Vasseur, A, Veelken, R, Velagapudi, C, Verdel, K, Vettoretti, S, Vezzoli, G, Vielhauer, V, Viera, R, Vilar, E, Villaruel, S, Vinall, L, Vinathan, J, Visnjic, M, Voigt, E, von-Eynatten, M, Vourvou, M, Wada, J, Wada, T, Wada, Y, Wakayama, K, Wakita, Y, Walters, T, Wan Mohamad, WH, Wang, L, Wang, W, Wang, X, Wang, Y, Wanninayake, S, Watada, H, Watanabe, K, Watanabe, M, Waterfall, H, Watkins, D, Watson, S, Weaving, L, Weber, B, Webley, Y, Webster, A, Webster, M, Weetman, M, Wei, W, Weihprecht, H, Weiland, L, Weinmann-Menke, J, Weinreich, T, Wendt, R, Weng, Y, Whalen, M, Whalley, G, Wheatley, R, Wheeler, A, Wheeler, J, Whelton, P, White, K, Whitmore, B, Whittaker, S, Wiebel, J, Wiley, J, Wilkinson, L, Willett, M, Williams, A, Williams, E, Williams, K, Williams, T, Wilson, A, Wilson, P, Wincott, L, Wines, E, Winkelmann, B, Winkler, M, Winter-Goodwin, B, Witczak, J, Wittes, J, Wittmann, M, Wolf, G, Wolf, L, Wolfling, R, Wong, C, Wong, E, Wong, HS, Wong, LW, Wong, YH, Wonnacott, A, Wood, A, Wood, L, Woodhouse, H, Wooding, N, Woodman, A, Wren, K, Wu, J, Wu, P, Xia, S, Xiao, H, Xiao, X, Xie, Y, Xu, C, Xu, Y, Xue, H, Yahaya, H, Yalamanchili, H, Yamada, A, Yamada, N, Yamagata, K, Yamaguchi, M, Yamaji, Y, Yamamoto, A, Yamamoto, S, Yamamoto, T, Yamanaka, A, Yamano, T, Yamanouchi, Y, Yamasaki, N, Yamasaki, Y, Yamashita, C, Yamauchi, T, Yan, Q, Yanagisawa, E, Yang, F, Yang, L, Yano, S, Yao, S, Yao, Y, Yarlagadda, S, Yasuda, Y, Yiu, V, Yokoyama, T, Yoshida, S, Yoshidome, E, Yoshikawa, H, Young, A, Young, T, Yousif, V, Yu, H, Yu, Y, Yuasa, K, Yusof, N, Zalunardo, N, Zander, B, Zani, R, Zappulo, F, Zayed, M, Zemann, B, Zettergren, P, Zhang, H, Zhang, L, Zhang, N, Zhang, X, Zhao, J, Zhao, L, Zhao, S, Zhao, Z, Zhong, H, Zhou, N, Zhou, S, Zhu, L, Zhu, S, Zietz, M, Zippo, M, Zirino, F, and Zulkipli, FH
- Published
- 2024
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5. Improving gold recovery in carbonaceous gold ores using naphthalene sulphonate as a blanking agent
- Author
Owusu, Clement K., Konadu, Kojo T., Acquah, Gertrude, Mends, Emmanuel Atta, Amankwah, Richard K., and Sasaki, Keiko
- Published
- 2023
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6. Multiple laccase-mediator system treatments for carbonaceous matter degradation in double refractory gold ore
- Author
Cindy, Mendoza, Diego M., Konadu, Kojo T., Ichinose, Hirofumi, and Sasaki, Keiko
- Published
- 2023
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7. Enzymatic degradation of carbonaceous matter in contrasting South African refractory gold ores using cell-free spent medium from Phanerochaete chrysosporium
- Author
Konadu, Kojo T., Makaula, Didi X., Smart, Mariette, Cindy, Mendoza, Diego M., Opitz, Elaine, Harrison, Susan T.L., and Sasaki, Keiko
- Published
- 2023
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8. Sulfidic gold ore leaching by cysteine in the presence of Na2SO3
- Author
Konadu, Kojo T. and Sasaki, Keiko
- Published
- 2023
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9. Significance of Fe contents on the surface of the gold ores in gold leaching by thiourea and ethylene thiourea
- Author
Sasaki, Keiko, Suyama, Ikumi, Aoki, Yuji, Konadu, Kojo T., Cindy, Chuaicham, Chitiphon, Miki, Hajime, and Hirajima, Tsuyoshi
- Published
- 2023
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10. Laccase-mediator system for enzymatic degradation of carbonaceous matter in the sequential pretreatment of double refractory gold ore from Syama mine, Mali
- Author
Sakai, Ryotaro, Mendoza, Diego M., Konadu, Kojo T., Cindy, Aoki, Yuji, Hirajima, Tsuyoshi, Ichinose, Hirofumi, and Sasaki, Keiko
- Published
- 2022
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11. Degradation of powder activated carbon by laccase-mediator system: Model experiments for the improvement of gold recovery from carbonaceous gold ore
- Author
Mendoza, Diego M., Ichinose, Hirofumi, Konadu, Kojo T., and Sasaki, Keiko
- Published
- 2021
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12. Carbonaceous matter degradation by fungal enzyme treatment to improve Ag recovery from an Au-Ag-bearing concentrate
- Author
Mendoza, Diego M., Konadu, Kojo T., Aoki, Yuji, Kameya, Misato, and Sasaki, Keiko
- Published
- 2021
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13. Biological pretreatment of carbonaceous matter in double refractory gold ores: A review and some future considerations
- Author
Konadu, Kojo T., Mendoza, Diego M., Huddy, Robert J., Harrison, Susan T.L., Kaneta, Takashi, and Sasaki, Keiko
- Published
- 2020
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14. Effect of carbonaceous matter on bioleaching of Cu from chalcopyrite ore
- Author
Konadu, Kojo T., Sakai, Ryotaro, Mendoza, Diego M., Chuaicham, Chitiphon, Miki, Hajime, and Sasaki, Keiko
- Published
- 2020
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15. Transformation of the carbonaceous matter in double refractory gold ore by crude lignin peroxidase released from the white-rot fungus
- Author
Konadu, Kojo T., Harrison, Susan T.L., Osseo-Asare, Kwadwo, and Sasaki, Keiko
- Published
- 2019
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16. Sequential pretreatment of double refractory gold ore (DRGO) with a thermophilic iron oxidizing archeaon and fungal crude enzymes
- Author
Konadu, Kojo T., Huddy, Robert J., Harrison, Susan T.L., Osseo-Asare, Kwadwo, and Sasaki, Keiko
- Published
- 2019
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17. Possible quantum numbers of the pentaquark \Theta^+(1540) in QCD sum rules
- Author
Gubler, P., Jido, D., Kojo, T., Nishikawa, T., and Oka, M.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
The QCD sum rule technique is employed to investigate pentaquark states with strangeness S = +1 and IJ^P = 0,1/2^\pm, 1,1/2^\pm, 0,3/2^\pm, 1,3/2^\pm. Throughout the calculation, emphasis is laid on the establishment of a valid Borel window, which corresponds to a region of the Borel mass, where the operator product expansion converges and the presumed ground state pole dominates the sum rules. Such a Borel window is achieved by constructing the sum rules from the difference of two independent correlators and by calculating the operator product expansion up to dimension 14. Furthermore, we discuss the possibility of the contamination of the sum rules by possible KN scattering states. As a result, we conclude that the 0,3/2^+ state seems to be the most probable candidate for the experimentally observed \Theta^+(1540), while we also obtain states with 0,1/2^-, 1,1/2^-, 1,3/2^+ at somewhat higher mass regions., Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables; typos corrected, reference added. Published in Phys. Rev. D
- Published
- 2009
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18. Spin-3/2 Pentaquark in QCD Sum Rules
- Author
Gubler, P., Jido, D., Kojo, T., Nishikawa, T., and Oka, M.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
The QCD sum rule method is formulated for the strangeness +1 pentaquark baryon with isospin I=0 and spin-parity J^P = 3/2^\pm. The spin-3/2 states are considered to be narrower than the spin-1/2 ones, and thus may provide a natural explanation for the experimentally observed narrow width of \Theta^+. In order to obtain reliable results in QCD sum rule calculations, we stress the importance of establishing a wide Borel window, where convergence of the operator product expansion and sufficient low-mass strength of the spectral function are guaranteed. To this end, we employ the difference of two independent correlators so that the high-energy continuum contribution is suppressed. The stability of the physical quantities against the Borel mass is confirmed within the Borel window. It is found that the sum rule gives positive evidence for the (I, J^P) = (0, 3/2^+) state with a mass of about 1.4 \pm 0.2 GeV, while we cannot extract any evidence for the (0, 3/2^-) state., Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. To be published in Phys. Rev. D
- Published
- 2009
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19. Kinetics of thermal degradation of a Japanese oil sand
- Author
Alade, Olalekan S., Sasaki, Kyuro, Sugai, Yuichi, Konadu, Kojo T., Ansah, Eric O., Ademodi, Bayo, and Ueda, Ryo
- Published
- 2018
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20. Bio-modification of carbonaceous matter in gold ores: Model experiments using powdered activated carbon and cell-free spent medium of Phanerochaete chrysosporium
- Author
Konadu, Kojo T., Sasaki, Keiko, Kaneta, Takashi, Ofori-Sarpong, Grace, and Osseo-Asare, Kwadwo
- Published
- 2017
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21. The Renewal of Nuclear Power in Finland
- Author
M. Kojo, T. Litmanen
- Published
- 2015
22. DNA amplification using phi29 DNA polymerase validates gene polymorphism analysis from buccal mucosa samples
- Author
Taniguchi, R., Masaki, C., Murashima, Y., Makino, M., Kojo, T., Nakamoto, T., and Hosokawa, R.
- Published
- 2011
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23. Sulfidic Gold Ore Leaching by Cysteine in the Presence of Na2so3
- Author
Kojo T. Konadu and Keiko Sasaki
- Subjects
History ,Polymers and Plastics ,Materials Chemistry ,Metals and Alloys ,Business and International Management ,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering - Published
- 2022
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24. Significance of Acid Washing after Biooxidation of Sulfides in Sequential Biotreatment of Double Refractory Gold Ore from the Syama Mine, Mali
- Author
Diego M. Mendoza, Kojo T. Konadu, Keiko Sasaki, Cindy, and Ryotaro Sakai
- Subjects
Phanerochaete chrysosporium ,Gold cyanidation ,Chemistry ,enzymatic degradation of carbonaceous matter ,Extraction (chemistry) ,chemistry.chemical_element ,Geology ,Lignin peroxidase ,Mineralogy ,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology ,Decomposition ,Acidianus brierleyi ,biooxidation of sulfides ,Manganese peroxidase ,double refractory gold ore ,HCl washing ,Clay minerals ,Carbon ,Dissolution ,QE351-399.2 ,Nuclear chemistry - Abstract
Environmentally friendly pretreatment of double refractory gold ores (DRGO) to improve gold recovery without emitting pollutant gas is challenging. Sequential biotreatment, including iron-oxidizing microorganisms to decompose sulfides, followed by the enzymatic decomposition of carbonaceous matter, was recently developed. The effect of acid washing by 1 M HCl for 24 h between two bioprocesses was evaluated using a real double refractory gold ore from the Syama mines, Mali, which includes 24 g/t of Au and 5.27 wt% of carbon with a relatively higher graphitic degree. The addition of the acid washing process significantly improved gold recovery by cyanidation to yield to 84.9 ± 0.7% from 64.4 ± 9.2% (n = 2). The positive effects of acid washing can be explained by chemical alteration of carbonaceous matter to facilitate the accessibility for lignin peroxidase (LiP) and manganese peroxidase (MnP) in cell-free spent medium (CFSM), although the agglomeration was enhanced by an acid attack to structural Fe(III) in clay minerals. Sequential treatment of DRGO basically consists of the oxidative dissolution of sulfides and the degradation of carbonaceous matter prior to the extraction of gold; however, the details should be modified depending on the elemental and mineralogical compositions and the graphitic degree of carbonaceous matter.
- Published
- 2021
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25. Significance of Acid Washing after Biooxidation of Sulfides in Sequential Biotreatment of Double Refractory Gold Ore from the Syama Mine, Mali
- Author
Cindy, Cindy, primary, Sakai, Ryotaro, additional, Mendoza, Diego M., additional, Konadu, Kojo T., additional, and Sasaki, Keiko, additional
- Published
- 2021
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26. Chiral symmetry in quarkyonic matter
- Author
Kojo, T.
- Published
- 2012
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27. Carbonaceous matter degradation by fungal enzyme treatment to improve Ag recovery from an Au-Ag-bearing concentrate
- Author
Misato Kameya, Yuji Aoki, Kojo T. Konadu, Diego M. Mendoza, and Keiko Sasaki
- Subjects
Microorganism ,Sequential biotreatment ,02 engineering and technology ,010501 environmental sciences ,engineering.material ,01 natural sciences ,020501 mining & metallurgy ,Adsorption ,Enzymatic degradation of carbonaceous matter ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Oxide minerals ,Gold cyanidation ,biology ,Chemistry ,Mechanical Engineering ,Hessite ,Ore concentrate ,General Chemistry ,Recovery loss ,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology ,biology.organism_classification ,0205 materials engineering ,Control and Systems Engineering ,engineering ,Carbonaceous gold -silver ore ,Phanerochaete ,Degradation (geology) ,Mineral liberation analysis (MLA) ,Nuclear chemistry - Abstract
Sequential treatment was applied to carbonaceous Au-Ag-bearing ore concentrate to maximize the Au and Ag recovery. In the preliminary test, the present carbonaceous ore had well liberated and exposed type of gold grains, which are not refractory, but included mainly three types of Ag presented as electrum, hessite (Ag2Te) and Ag-bearing other minerals. Au recovery was ∼100% without any treatment, meanwhile Ag recovery was only 33.3%. The sequential treatment comprises two oxidation steps: (a) mixed culture of iron- and sulfur-oxidizing microorganisms at pH 1.2, followed by (b) cell-free spent medium (CFSM) at pH 4.0 from a white rot-fungus, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, which includes lignin-degrading enzymes. As a result, Ag recovery was 55.5% after the first step and greatly improved to ∼100%, including the dissolved Ag+ concentration in the first step of acid treatment. Although the acidophilic iron-oxidizing microorganisms were inhibited by dissolved Ag+ and Cd2+ ions, the strong acidic conditions dissolved hessite and Ag-bearing oxide minerals. However, the remaining carbonaceous matter acted to sorb Ag(CN)2− in cyanidation, causing the recovery loss. In the next step the lignin-degrading enzymes degraded carbonaceous matter in the ore. This step is necessary to avoid the adsorption of Ag(CN)2− on graphitic carbonaceous matter, leading a mostly perfect recovery of the remaining Ag in the solid residues, without necessity of alkaline washing. The sequential treatment including enzymatic lignin-degrading process was also effective in carbonaceous silver ore avoiding the emission of air pollutants.
- Published
- 2021
28. Biotechnological Approaches to Facilitate Gold Recovery from Double Refractory Gold Ores
- Author
Keiko Sasaki and Kojo T. Konadu
- Subjects
Chemistry ,InformationSystems_INFORMATIONSTORAGEANDRETRIEVAL ,0211 other engineering and technologies ,Nanotechnology ,02 engineering and technology ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,0210 nano-technology ,GeneralLiterature_REFERENCE(e.g.,dictionaries,encyclopedias,glossaries) ,Refractory (planetary science) ,021102 mining & metallurgy - Abstract
Double refractory gold ore (DRGO) not only include ppt levels of gold grains locked in sulfide minerals but also a problematic amount of carbonaceous matter. This causes a significant recovery loss of gold during cyanidation because of the strong affinity of the Au(CN)2− with the carbonaceous matter. Combustion decreases the carbonaceous matter content, but also emits pollutant gases like CO2, SO2 and As2O3. Therefore, environmentally-friendly solutions have been explored by using biotechnology. Due to the very small amount of the above targets in the ore, it is challenging to show evidential changes in solid-phase before and after the biomineral processing of DRGO. This chapter introduces the mineralogical and chemical changes in the various solid residues produced during a sequential biotreatment, consisting of the liberation of gold from sulfides by an iron-oxidizer and decomposition of carbonaceous matter by lignin-degrading enzymes (lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase, laccase) secreted from a white rot-fungus, which successfully improved of gold recovery to over 90%. In addition, further development of biotechnology in the recovery of gold from DRGO is addressed.
- Published
- 2020
29. Biological pretreatment of carbonaceous matter in double refractory gold ores: A review and some future considerations
- Author
Diego M. Mendoza, Kojo T. Konadu, Takashi Kaneta, Susan T.L. Harrison, Keiko Sasaki, and Robert J. Huddy
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_classification ,Laccase ,Sulfide ,0211 other engineering and technologies ,Metals and Alloys ,02 engineering and technology ,Lignin peroxidase ,Decomposition ,Preg-robbing ,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering ,Sulfide minerals ,020401 chemical engineering ,chemistry ,Chemical engineering ,Manganese peroxidase ,Reagent ,Carbonaceous matter ,Materials Chemistry ,Bioreactor ,0204 chemical engineering ,Lignin-degrading enzymes ,Double refractory gold ore ,Pretreatment ,021102 mining & metallurgy - Abstract
The pretreatment of carbonaceous material in double refractory gold ores (DRGO) is necessary to decrease preg-robbing of gold and maximize gold recovery. DRGO contains of carbonaceous matter and gold grains encapsulated in sulfide minerals, which typically results in very poor gold recovery. However, there is growing interest in DRGO because some estimates show that it makes up about a third of the total available gold for production by mining. This can be achieved by chemical and biological techniques, however, the chemical techniques like flotation, surface passivation and chemical oxidation have received more extensive study and either have to be retooled or modified to be applied to the carbonaceous matter in the DRGO. In comparison, the biological techniques are relatively unknown with significant gaps in the knowledge about the bio-treatment mechanism, byproducts and avenues for scaling up like bioreactor design. This study reviews the enzymatic pretreatment of DRGO to facilitate gold recovery and minimize reagent consumption. It focuses on the potential for application of oxidative enzymes like lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase and laccase to pretreat carbonaceous matter in DRGO with or without an additional step of sulfide oxidation and addresses characterization of byproducts of the enzymatic decomposition. Further, potential bioreactor configurations for the enzymatic decomposition without direct contact of ore with microorganisms are considered, both in terms of understanding the mechanisms within the pretreatment and in terms of application.
- Published
- 2020
30. Kinetics of thermal degradation of a Japanese oil sand
- Author
Kojo T. Konadu, Eric O. Ansah, Yuichi Sugai, Olalekan S. Alade, Kyuro Sasaki, Bayo Ademodi, and Ryo Ueda
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_classification ,Volatilisation ,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment ,020209 energy ,Process Chemistry and Technology ,Organic Chemistry ,Analytical chemistry ,Mineralogy ,02 engineering and technology ,Activation energy ,Kinetic energy ,Combustion ,Decomposition ,Catalysis ,Fuel Technology ,Hydrocarbon ,020401 chemical engineering ,chemistry ,Geochemistry and Petrology ,lcsh:TP690-692.5 ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,Organic matter ,0204 chemical engineering ,Water content ,lcsh:Petroleum refining. Petroleum products - Abstract
Thermal degradation characteristics of a Japanese oil sand at different heating rates (10, 20, and 30 °C/min), and 30 ml/min air flow rate have been investigated. The kinetic parameters have been calculated based on three stages of weight loss and/or the conversion of the sample. These include, stage 1 (SI): volatilization of moisture content and the light hydrocarbon (20–227 °C), stage 2 (SII): combustion of heavy hydrocarbon (227–527 °C), and stage 3 (SIII): oxidative decomposition of carbonaceous organic matter (502–877 °C). The results showed that the rate of change of the oil sand conversion with time dαdt was affected by the heating rate. The time taken by the system to reach 0.99 conversion was observed as 85, 50, and 35 min at the heating rates of 10, 20, and 30 °C/min, respectively. The frequency factor, A, at SI was between 0.09 and 0.54 min−1, while the activation energy, Ea, was 11.2–12.5 KJmol−1 (the percentage weight loss, Wt, was 0–3.6 %w/w; and the conversion, α, was 0–0.2.). At SII, the values of A and Ea were 2.1–5.5 min−1 and 17.6–19 KJmol−1, respectively (Wt = 3.1–15.88 %w/w; α = 0.17–0.86.). The value of A at SIII was 5.5E11–1.1E13 min−1, while Ea was 160–200 KJmol−1 (Wt = 15.33–17.99 %w/w; and α = 0.84–0.99). Keywords: Thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), Thermal degradation, Heating rates, Kinetics parameters
- Published
- 2018
31. Increase in the Potential of Osteoblasts to Support Bone Resorption by Osteoclasts In Vitro in Response to Roughness of Bone Surface
- Author
Matsunaga, T., Inoue, H., Kojo, T., Hatano, K., Tsujisawa, T., Uchiyama, C., and Uchida, Y.
- Published
- 1999
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32. Enzymatic Pre-Treatment of Carbonaceous Matter in Preg-Robbing Gold Ores: Effect of Ferrous Ion Additives
- Author
Keiko Sasaki, Kwadwo Asare Osseo-Asare, Kojo T. Konadu, and Takashi Kaneta
- Subjects
Pre treatment ,Chemistry ,Metallurgy ,02 engineering and technology ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics ,020501 mining & metallurgy ,Ion ,Ferrous ,0205 materials engineering ,Robbing ,General Materials Science ,Gold ore ,Carbonaceous matter - Abstract
The bio-treatment of double refractory gold ores (DRGO) to reduce preg-robbing needs to account for the heterogeneity of the ore so as to acquire a much more complete picture of the system. To this end, the effects of ferrous ion additives on the degradation of powdered activated carbon (PAC) by cell-free spent medium (CFSM) was studied. Au(CN)2- adsorption and Raman spectrometric results suggest that the ferrous salt could have possibly reacted with some biogenic hydrogen peroxide to aid in the degradation of PAC. The bio-treatment produced mixed solid residues containing some partially degraded aromatic compounds which were soluble in alkaline solutions. Ultimately, biodegradation of PAC using CFSM in the presence of 50 µM FeSO4.7H2O for 7 days followed by washing with 3 mM NaOH reduced Au(CN)2- uptake by 80%.
- Published
- 2017
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33. Desmoplastic malignant melanoma of the uterine cervix: a rare primary malignancy in the uterus mimicking a sarcoma
- Author
Ishikura, H, Kojo, T, Ichimura, H, and Yoshiki, T
- Published
- 1998
34. Bio-Modification of Carbonaceous Matters in Gold Ore: Model Experiments Using Powdered Activated Charcoal and Cell-Free Extracts of Phanerochaete chrysosporium
- Author
Keiko Sasaki, Kojo T. Konadu, Takashi Kaneta, G. Ofori-Sarpong, and Kwadwo Osseo-Asare
- Subjects
Materials science ,biology ,Gold cyanidation ,General Engineering ,biology.organism_classification ,Decomposition ,Activated charcoal ,Biotransformation ,medicine ,Organic chemistry ,Phanerochaete ,Bond cleavage ,Chrysosporium ,Nuclear chemistry ,Activated carbon ,medicine.drug - Abstract
The detailed mechanism behind the bio-decomposition of carbonaceous matter in refractroy goold ore byPhanerocheate chrysosporiumto facilitate improved cyanidation of gold is as yet undersdtood. To gain a better understanding of this mechanism, the present work model experiments using powdery activated carbon (PAC) and cell-free extracts ofP.chrysosporiumto simulate and focus on the biotransformation of carbonaceous matters in refractory gold ores. The results of solid characterization using SEM and XRD indicated a more non-uniform surface and smaller crystal sizes for PAC treaded with cell-free extracts for 72 hours. The significant decomposition of aromatic compounds into aliphatic compounds were observed in13C-NMR and FTIR results for the high ratio of cell-free extract volume to mass of PAC. This results support the theory that one of the fundamental mechanisms behind the bio-decomposition process is aromatic bond cleavage by biomolecules produced byP.chrysosporium.
- Published
- 2015
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35. Proceedings of RIKEN BNL Resarch Center Workshop: Fluctuations, Correlations and RHIC Low Energy Runs
- Author
Karsch, F., primary, Kojo, T., additional, Mukherjee, S., additional, Stephanov, M., additional, and Xu, N., additional
- Published
- 2011
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36. Effect of surface roughness on proliferation and alkaline phosphatase expression of rat calvarial cells cultured on polystyrene
- Author
Hatano, K, Inoue, H, Kojo, T, Matsunaga, T, Tsujisawa, T, Uchiyama, C, and Uchida, Y
- Published
- 1999
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37. Relationship between cognitive dysfunction and striatal uptake of 123I-FP-CIT in patients with Parkinson’s disease
- Author
Sawada, H., primary, Takahashi, M., additional, Inaba, A., additional, Kojo, T., additional, and Orimo, S., additional
- Published
- 2017
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38. Enzymatic Pre-Treatment of Carbonaceous Matter in Preg-Robbing Gold Ores: Effect of Ferrous Ion Additives
- Author
Konadu, Kojo T., primary, Sasaki, Keiko, additional, Osseo-Asare, Kwadwo, additional, and Kaneta, Takashi, additional
- Published
- 2017
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39. QCD in Stars
- Author
Kojo, T., primary
- Published
- 2017
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40. The Fall of the Tragic Hero: A Critique of the 'Hubristic Principle'
- Author
Richard V. Cudjoe, Peter Kojo T. Grant, and Jonathan Asante Otchere
- Subjects
Literature ,Hubris ,biology ,business.industry ,Philosophy ,media_common.quotation_subject ,biology.organism_classification ,Hamartia ,Thyestes ,Justice (virtue) ,HERO ,Prosperity ,Fall of man ,business ,Tragic hero ,media_common - Abstract
The idea of attaching moral depravity to the fall of the tragic heroes (according to Aristotle, those men who enjoy prosperity and high reputation like Oedipus and Thyestes etc.) did not start with the three tragic poets, namely; Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, but rather it dates back even to Homer. This idea is, of course, influenced by the old Greek tradition of Koros, Hubris, Nemesis and Ate. The totality of this traditional view and its application is equated to the phrase ‘hubristic principle’, in the scheme of this work. The hubristic principle makes specific that the fall of the hero is as a result of a sin or wrong that he committed. The commission of this wrong must not go unpunished. In effect, the hand of Justice, what they call nemesis, no matter how delayed must fall on the hero. The problem is how then do you reconcile situations where the fall of the hero is not his making? In other words, where do you place undeserved misfortune that befalls the hero? Apparently, it is this inadequacy of the hubristic syndrome that Aristotle proposes hamartia (Greek, for error) as the appropriate means in accounting for the fall of the tragic hero. This paper discusses first, the hubristic principle and its application and second, assesses the reliability of the theory in accounting for the fall of the tragic hero.
- Published
- 2011
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41. Analysis of Factors Associated with Abortion in Japan.
- Author
Kojo, T., primary, Ae, R., additional, Tsuboi, S., additional, Nakamura, Y., additional, and Kitamura, K., additional
- Published
- 2015
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42. A Disease Map of Male Suicide in Japan and its Association with Socioeconomic Factors.
- Author
Tsuboi, S., primary, Kotani, K., additional, Aoyama, Y., additional, Ae, R., additional, Kojo, T., additional, Tsogzolbaatar, E. O., additional, Takamura, H., additional, and Nakamura, Y., additional
- Published
- 2015
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43. Epidemiologic Features of Human Prion Diseases in Japan: A Prospective 14-year Surveillance.
- Author
Ae, R., primary, Kojo, T., additional, Tsuboi, S., additional, Aoyama, Y., additional, Kotani, K., additional, Takamura, H., additional, Tsogzolbaatar, E. O., additional, Yamada, M., additional, Mizusawa, H., additional, and Nakamura, Y., additional
- Published
- 2015
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44. Rift Valley fever outbreak--Kenya, November 2006-January 2007
- Author
Nguku, P., Sharif, S., Omar, A., Nzioka, C., Muthoka, P., Njau, J., Dahiye, A., Galgalo, T., Mwihia, J., Njoroge, J., Limo, H., Mutiso, J., Kalani, R., Sheikh, A., Nyikal, J., Mutonga, D., Omollo, J., Guracha, A., Muindi, J., Amwayi, S., Langat, D., Owiti, D., Mohammed, A., Musaa, J., Sang, R., Breiman, R., Njenga, K., Feikin, D., Katz, M., Burke, H., Nyaga, P., Ackers, M., Gikundi, S., Omballa, V., Nderitu, L., Wamola, N., Wanjala, R., Omulo, S., Richardson, J., Schnabel, D., Martin, S., Hoel, D., Hanafi, H., Weiner, M., Onsongo, J., Kojo, T., Duale, M., Hassan, A., Dabaar, M., Njuguna, C., Yao, M., Grein, T., Formenty, P., Telfer, B., Lepec, R., Feldmann, H., Grolla, A., Wainwright, S., Lederman, E., Farnon, E., Rao, C., Kapella, B.K., and Gould, H.
- Subjects
Care and treatment ,Causes of ,Forecasts and trends ,Market trend/market analysis ,Epidemics -- Kenya -- Forecasts and trends -- Care and treatment ,Rift valley fever -- Causes of -- Care and treatment -- Forecasts and trends ,Rift Valley fever -- Causes of -- Care and treatment -- Forecasts and trends - Abstract
In mid-December 2006, several unexplained fatalities associated with fever and generalized bleeding were reported to the Kenya Ministry of Health (KMOH) from Garissa District in North Eastern Province (NEP). By [...]
- Published
- 2007
45. Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement
- Author
Kojo, T., primary
- Published
- 2012
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46. P1-361 History of child abuse and self-injurious behaviour
- Author
Tsuboi, S., primary, Ae, R., additional, Kojo, T., additional, Yoshida, H., additional, and Nakamura, Y., additional
- Published
- 2011
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- Author
Gubler, P., primary, Oka, M., additional, Jido, D., additional, Kojo, T., additional, and Nishikawa, T., additional
- Published
- 2009
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- Author
Ueno, I., primary and Kojo, T., additional
- Published
- 2006
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49. Multi-Channel Waveform Sampling ASIC for Animal PET System
- Author
Shimazoe, K., primary, Yeom, Jy., additional, Takahashi, H., additional, Kojo, T., additional, Minamikawa, Y., additional, Fujita, K., additional, and Murayama, H., additional
- Published
- 2006
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50. The role of user involvement in requirements quality and project success
- Author
Kujala, S., primary, Kauppinen, M., additional, Lehtola, L., additional, and Kojo, T., additional
- Published
- 2005
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