10 results on '"Kivistik, Carmen"'
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2. Resistance of freshwater sediment bacterial communities to salinity disturbance and the implication for industrial salt discharge and climate change-based salinization
- Author
Tammert, Helen, primary, Kivistik, Carmen, additional, Kisand, Veljo, additional, Käiro, Kairi, additional, and Herlemann, Daniel P. R., additional
- Published
- 2023
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3. Impact of disturbance and dietary shift on gastrointestinal bacterial community and its invertebrate host system.
- Author
Kivistik, Carmen, Tammert, Helen, Kisand, Veljo, Käiro, Kairi, and Herlemann, Daniel P. R.
- Subjects
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INVERTEBRATE communities , *BACTERIAL communities , *SCENEDESMUS obliquus , *GUT microbiome , *BIOFILMS , *GREEN algae , *FRESHWATER biodiversity - Abstract
The gut microbiome is one of the most important sites of host–microbe interactions, however, mechanisms governing the responses of host‐associated microbes to changing environmental conditions are poorly understood. To address this, we investigated individual and combined effects of dietary changes and increase in salinity (from freshwater to salinity 3) or antibiotic concentration on the gastrointestinal bacterial community of the aquatic snail Ampullaceana balthica. In parallel, the energy reserves of the host were quantified. A change of natural food source to biofilm forming green algae Scenedesmus obliquus as well as the combined treatment of salinity and S. obliquus decreased the richness and changed the composition of the A. balthica gastrointestinal bacterial community. In these treatments Pseudomonas became the dominant bacterium. However, energy reserves of the host were higher in these treatments compared to the reference aquaria specimens and the combined treatment of antibiotics with S. obliquus. The presence of antibiotics inhibited the dominance of Pseudomonas and resulted in lower energy reserves despite S. obliquus feeding. Therefore the host seems to be able to adapt and replace its bacterial community composition to respond to mild changes in salinity and food source. Antibiotics in the water can disturb this self‐regulating mechanism. Our study underlines the ability of aquatic macroinvertebrates to respond to sudden changes in food source and mild shifts in salinity. Moreover, it emphasizes the strong impact of the food source on the gastrointestinal microbiome and the importance of generalists during disturbance. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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4. Distinct stages of the intestinal bacterial community of Ampullaceana balthica after salinization
- Author
Kivistik, Carmen, primary, Käiro, Kairi, additional, Tammert, Helen, additional, Sokolova, Inna M., additional, Kisand, Veljo, additional, and Herlemann, Daniel P. R., additional
- Published
- 2022
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5. Impact of disturbance and dietary shift on gastrointestinal bacterial community and its invertebrate host system
- Author
Kivistik, Carmen, primary, Tammert, Helen, additional, Kisand, Veljo, additional, Käiro, Kairi, additional, and Herlemann, Daniel P. R., additional
- Published
- 2022
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6. The impact of environmental disturbances on the gastrointestinal bacterial community and the viability of aquatic gastropods
- Author
Kivistik, Carmen, Herlemann, Daniel Philipp Ralf, Käiro, Kairi, Tammert, Helen, Beier, Sara (opponent), and Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
- Subjects
dissertations ,inland waterbodies ,snails ,Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid) ,dissertatsioonid ,teod ,microbiome ,digestive tract ,siseveekogud ,Green University (thesis is related to EMÜ Green University iniciative’s aims) ,seedekulgla ,mikrobioom ,environmental degradations ,keskkonnahäiringud - Abstract
A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Sciences and Applied Biology. Väitekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks keskkonnateaduse ja rakendusbioloogia erialal. The freshwater salinization caused by global climate change and anthropogenic activities has received increasing attention in recent decades. Coastal freshwater areas and inland water bodies are affected by agriculture, road salt usage, urbanization and resource extraction, which increase the concentration of dissolved ions in freshwaters. Water salinity is an important factor distributing species along the salinity gradient according to their evolutionary adaptation. As a result of freshwater salinization, the habitats and the species composition are changing. The organisms' resistance to environmental changes can be facilitated by symbiosis with microorganisms. The gut bacterial community supports the digestion, plays a role in the immune control, reproduction and development, and increases the hosts' resistance to environmental disturbances. In this thesis, the impact of increased water salinity and antibiotic concentration solely and in combination with food source change on the gut bacterial community of freshwater organisms was examined. In parallel, the energy reserves of the host were measured, for estimating how organism copes with the stressful occurrences. It was found that the rise in water salinity can affect the gut microbiome, if the salinity increase exceeds the tolerable threshold (salinity ~3). Therefore, the disturbance intensity has the strongest impact on the gut microbiome. Salinity increase to 3 combined with an easily digestible, carbohydrate-rich food source resulted in the highest host's energy level. However, this combination had the strongest effect on gut bacterial diversity, by increasing the abundance of generalists and reducing overall bacterial richness. In order to find out from which source the gut colonizing bacteria come from, the water bacterioplankton and the biofilm (food source) bacterial community were examined. It turned out that the influence of water bacterioplankton was minimal, and the gut microbiome was more similar to food source, which is likely the main source of bacteria colonizing the digestive tract. The results of this work suggest that aquatic invertebrates and their gut microbiome can successfully tolerate mild salinization, even with changes in the food source. Globaalsete kliimamuutuste ja inimtegevusega kaasnev mageveekogude soolastumine on viimaste aastakümnete jooksul pälvinud aina rohkem tähelepanu. Nii mageveelised siseveekogud kui ka merre suubuvate jõgede suudmealad on mõjutatud põllumajandusest, tee soolamisest, linnastumisest ja maavarade kaevandamisest tekkivatest kõrvalsaadusest, mis tõstavad magevees lahustunud ioonide kontsentratsiooni. Veekogu soolsus on oluline faktor, mis jaotab liigid soolsuse gradiendil vastavalt nende evolutsioonilisele kohanemisele. Mageveekogude soolastumise tagajärjel muutuvad elupaigad ja nende ökosüsteemide liikide kooslus. Organismi vastupanuvõimet keskkonnamuutustele võib hõlbustada sümbioos mikroorganismidega. Seedekulgla bakterite kooslus toetab organismi seedimist, mängib rolli organismi immunsuskontrollis, paljunemisel ja arengul ning suurendab peremeesorganimsi vastupanuvõimet keskkonnamuutustele. Antud töös käsitleti veekogu soolsuse, antibiootikumide sisalduse ning toidubaasi muutustest tulenevat mõju magevee tigude seedekulgla bakterite kooslusele. Nende tegurite mõju uuriti nii eraldiseisvalt kui ka omavahel kombineeritult. Paralleelselt hinnati peremeesorganismi energiavarusid, mis annab aimu, kuidas organism keskkonnamuutustest tingitud stressiga toime tuleb. Töö tulemusena leiti, et magevee soolastumine mõjutab organismi seedekulgla mikrobioomi, kui soolsuse tõus ületab talutava soolsuse läve (tigude puhul soolsus ~3). Soolsuse tõus kombineeritult kergesti seeditava ja süsivesikuterikka toiduallikaga tõstis generalistide arvukust ja vähendas üldist bakterite mitmekesisust soolestikus. Selleks et teada saada millisest allikast seedekulglat koloniseerivad bakterid pärinevad uuriti nii vee bakterioplanktonit kui ka toiduallikaks oleva biofilmi bakterite kooslust. Ilmnes, et peremeesorganismi ümbritseva vee bakterioplanktoni mõju seedekulgla mikrobioomi moodustamisel on minimaalne, ning soolestiku mikrobioom sarnanes biofilmi bakterite koosluses, seega peamine allikas seedetrakti koloniseerivate bakteritele on toiduobjekt. Antud töö tulemused viitavad sellele, et magevee teod ja nende soolestiku mikrobioom suudavad kerget soolastumist, sealhulgas koos toiduallika muutustega edukalt taluda. Publication of this thesis is supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences.
- Published
- 2022
7. Impact of Salinity on the Gastrointestinal Bacterial Community of Theodoxus fluviatilis
- Author
Kivistik, Carmen, primary, Knobloch, Jan, additional, Käiro, Kairi, additional, Tammert, Helen, additional, Kisand, Veljo, additional, Hildebrandt, Jan-Peter, additional, and Herlemann, Daniel P. R., additional
- Published
- 2020
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8. EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL Põllumajandus-ja keskkonnainstituut
- Author
Kivistik, Carmen
- Published
- 2018
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9. Toksilised sinivetikad Eesti suurjärvedes
- Author
Kivistik, Carmen, Panksep, Kristel, and Hüdrobioloogia ja kalandus
- Subjects
tsüanotoksiinid ,Võrtsjärv ,magistritööd ,polümeraasahelreaktsioon ,Peipsi järv - Abstract
Magistritöö Vee ja maismaa ökosüsteemide rakendusbioloogia erialal Kliima soojenemise ja jätkuva eutrofeerumise tagajärjel on tsüanobakterite ehk sinivetikate poolt põhjustatud veeõitsengud sagenenud. Õitsengut põhjustavate liikide seas võivad esineda toksilised tüved. Tsüanotoksiine sisaldava vee allaneelamine võib põhjustada tõsiseid terviseprobleeme, seetõttu on oluline anda hinnanguid suplus- ja joogivee ohutusele. Traditsiooniliselt hinnatakse veeõitsengute toksilisust vetikate biomassi ja liigilise koosseisu alusel. Kuna toksilised ja mittetoksilised tüved on morfoloogiliselt identsed, ei ole mikroskoobi abil neid võimalik teineteisest eristada. Töö eesmärgiks on peamiste mikrotsüstiine ja anatoksiine tootvate sinivetikate tuvastamine ja arvukuse hindamine molekulaarsete meetoditega Peipsi järve ja Võrtsjärve 2011–2016 aastate vegetatsiooniperioodil (mai-oktoober) kogutud proovidest. Toksiliste genotüüpide ja arvukuse hindamiseks kasutati polümeraasi ahelreaktsiooni meetodit (PCR) ja reaalaja kvantitatiivset polümeraasi ahelreaktsiooni meetodit (qPCR). Töös uuritud toksiine tootvatest perekondadest Microcystis, Dolichospermum ning Planktothrix on olulisim toksiliste genotüüpide koguarvu moodustumisel perekond Microcystis, moodustades > 90% toksiinigeenide koguarvukusest. Töös uuritud aastate vältel täheldati märkimisväärseid väärtusi mikrotsüstiini kodeeriva Mcy geenikoopiate arvukuses, mis küündis kohati lausa üle 1000 000 koopiani proovi kohta. Sellest tulenevalt võib eeldada, et tsüanotoksiinid on ohuks ka Peipsi järves, eriti õitsengumassi akumuleerumisel ranna-aladele. Suurt rolli toksiliste genotüüpide esinemisel mängivad ilmastikutingimused, toksiliste genotüüpide arvukuse maksimumid esinesid Peipsi järve puhul augustikuus ning Võrtsjärves juulis, kus veetemperatuurid ületasid 20° C. Cyanobacterial blooms have become more frequent due to the climate change and eutrophication. There can be also toxic genotypes among bloom forming genera. Cyanotoxins can be harmful to human health and animals. These toxins may cause liver and gastrointestinal tract diseases, neurological disorders and in extreme cases even death. Traditionally, potentially toxic cyanobacteria have been evaluated with a microscope, but unfortunately, toxic and nontoxic genotypes are morphologically identical and thus it is not possible to distinguish them with microscope. The aim of this study was to detect and quantify potentially toxic genotypes of cyanobacteria in Lake Peipsi and Võrtsjärv through the vegetation period (May-October) in years 2011–2016 using molecular methods. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used for the detection and realtime polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) for the quantification of potentially toxic genotypes. The results showed that the main dominant of the studied genus is Microcystis, forming > 90% of detected toxic genotypes. Significant values of Mcy gene copies, which at times reached over 1,000,000 copies in a sample, were observed over the studied years. According to that, it can be assumed that significant concentrations of cyanotoxins could be found also in Lake Peipsi, in particular, during the accumulation of potentially toxic cyanobacterial biomass to the coastal areas. This study revealed that during the vegetation period, weather plays a major role in the total biomass of phytoplankton, including cyanobacteria. As a result, the abundance of toxic cyanobacteria is also influenced by the spring temperature rise and temperature drop in autumn. It is noted that cyanobacterial biomass peaks occur during the warmest periods. In this study, cyanobacteria were generally dominant during the warmest months of the vegetation period. In Lake Peipsi, the maximum number of toxic genotypes occurred in August and in Võrtsjärv in July, where the water temperatures exceeded 20 °C.
- Published
- 2018
10. Atmosfäärireostuse roll Eesti väikejärvede toiteainebilansis
- Author
Kivistik, Carmen and Kõiv, Toomas
- Subjects
atmosfäär ,valgalad ,bakalaureusetööd ,saastekoormus ,Eesti ,toitained ,järved - Abstract
Väikejärvede seisundi dünaamika jälgib ilma ning laiemas plaanis ka kliimamuutusi, ometi on atmosfääri kaudu transporditavatele biogeenidele toiteainebilanssides kahetsusväärselt vähe tähelepanu pööratud. Vaid meie suurjärvede Peipsi ja Võrtsjärve ainebilansis on atmosfääri kaudu saabuvad lämmastiku ja fosfori vood oma koha leidnud. Antud bakalaureusetöö peamine eesmärk on välja selgitada, kas atmosfäärireostusena saabuvate toiteainete roll võib suletud valgalaga järvede puhul olla toiteainetebilansis tähtsamal kohal kui valgala kaudu saabuvatel. Töös on kasutatud Eesti riikliku keskkonnaseire andmeid, täpsemalt Saarejärve kompleksseire ning Eesti väikejärvede seire andmeid aastatel 2010-2013. Valgala toiteainetekoormuse hindamisel on kasutusel Keskkonnaseire maakattetüüpide andmed ning arvutusel kasutatud Arvo Iitali toiteainetekoormuse koefitsente. Töö tulemustest ilmneb selgesti, et suure veepeegli pindalaga järved või suletud ning väikese valgalaga järvede puhul võivad atmosfääri kaudu transporditavad ainekogused ületada sissevoolude kaudu saabuvaid mitmekordselt. Vaadelses uuritud aastate keskmist atmosfäärse päritoluga lämmastiku sissekande tulemusti on suurim sissekanne Suurlahel 27295,6 kg/a, ülejäänute, väiksema peegelpinnaga järvede seast suurima sissekandega on aga Tõhela järv 1791,2 kg/a ja Pühajärv 1639,4 kg/a. Vaadeldes Fosfori atmosfäärse sissekande uuritud aastate keskmist tulemust on samuti Suurlaht suurima koormusega 1565,4 kg/a. Väiksemate veepeegli pindaladega järvesest aga on suurte sissekannetega Kooru järv 247 kg/a, ning Tõhela järv 117,8 kg/a. Väikseima atmosfäärse fosfori sissekandega järv on aga Nohipalo Valgõjärv, vaid 2,3 kg/a. Nagu ka eelpool mainitud, ei panda suurt rõhku väikejärvede puhul atmosfäärse päritoluga toiteainete leviku uurimisele, ometi on see mitme järve puhul oluline. The status dynamics of the small lakes depend on weather and climate change, however, the atmospheric biogenes input in the lake nutrient budget have got woefully little attention. Only in our great lakes, in lake Peipsi and lake Võrtsjärv, the atmospheric nitrogen and phosphorus flows have found their place. The main aim of the thesis is to find out if atmospheric nutrient input could be dominant in some of the Estonian small lakes nutrient budget. In this study there were examined 11 of the Estonian continuously monitored small lakes and their nurtiend budgets in 2010 - 2013. The atmospheric 4 input to the lake were compared to the catchment area inflow. Arvo Iital´s coeficents were used for the evaluation of the drainage area land covers. It appears clearly in the results, that, in the lakes with large surface area, or with closed, and a small drainage area, the atmospheric input may exceed many times the quantities of the drainage area inflow. The greatest atmospheric phosphorus and nitrogen input average result is in Suurlaht 27295,6 kg/a. Other examinated lakes with smaller surface area had also great atmospheric nitrogen inputs, like in lake Tõhela 179,1 kg/a and Pühajärv 1639,4 kg/a. In addition to Surlaht 1565,4 kg/a the atmospheric phosphorus input numbers were high in lake Kooru 247 kg/a aga lake Tõhela 117,8 kg/a. The smallest atmospheric phosphorus input were in Nohipalo Valgõjärv 2,3 kg/a. As also mentioned above, there are not a great emphasis on the surveys of the small lake atmospheric nutrient input, however, it is important in some of the lakes nutrient budget.
- Published
- 2016
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