Introduction: Balance and gait are key factors in healthy aging. Existing research indicates that the Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) can offer objective measures to distinguish between deficits and improvements in dynamic postural-control related to lower extremity injury and induced fatigue. Therefore, SEBT is taken into consideration due to its low cost, ease of use, validity, and reliability. Additionally, the testing pattern is reflected in daily activities that are comparable. The research that is currently available indicates that no study has utilised or employed the SEBT with an older population. Furthermore, neither the reference value nor the normalised data for this test are available. Aim: To establish and provide a reference value of SEBT and its relationship with age and gender in older adults. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in MYAS-GNDU, Department of Sports Sciences and Medicine, Amritsar, Punjab, India, and a convenience sample of 139 subjects were included after obtaining written informed consent and screening through inclusion and exclusion criteria. The sample consisted of 70 men and 69 women, age 55-65 years. The subjects were approached from the different locations of the Punjab. Following the documentation of subject characteristics and subjective data sheet, each participants limb length was measured. Afterward in each of the test directions, each participant completed four practice and three recorded reaches. Testing was done in each of the eight directions. Results: The mean age and height of participants was 60.78±2.70 years and 167.64±9.86 cm. The normative values of the SEBT among older age adults were represented in mean scores and standard deviations. The different reach distances recorded for each direction were expressed as a percentage of leg length. The maximum reach distance was observed on posteromedial direction for both right and left side. Conversely, the shortest reach distance is observed on lateral and posterolateral directions in both the sides. Conclusion: The present study has established normative performance values for the SEBT in older adults. These values can be used to identify the balance deficits among older adults. Normative data are crucial for researchers and physicians alike. It may be easier to identify and treat balance issues of a person or group of people who have much poorer balance than a healthy individual of the same age. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]