34 results on '"Katarzyna, Parzych"'
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2. 'Hagiological Patronage' – a Theological Reflection on the Traces of Memory of Blessed Dorothy of Mątowy (in Poland)
- Author
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz
- Subjects
Dorothy of Mątowy ,recluse ,Warmia ,Żuławy ,Pomezania ,mysticism ,Moral theology ,BV4625-4780 ,Doctrinal Theology ,BT10-1480 - Abstract
The article presents the issue of holiness shown in the patronage of a medieval mystic and recluse living in Prussia (today's northern Poland). The study is included in the current reflection on the teaching of Francis on the universal call to holiness. The aim of the undertaken research is to define the relevance of the model of holiness presented by Blessed Dorota of Mątowy (1347-1394). The arguments are based on two sets of information: a map of Dorota's Polish places of worship and a work describing her life by Jan of Kwidzyn. Most signs of the cult of the recluse can be found in the following towns: Mątowy Wielkie, Kwidzyn, Elbląg, Gdańsk, Dorotowo, Koszalin. There are churches dedicated to Bl. Dorothy, and her images. In the liturgical calendar, the mystic is mentioned in the Archdiocese of Warmia and Gdańsk as well as in the Diocese of Elbląg and Koszalin-Kołobrzeg. The fame of her holiness developed immediately after her death. The beatification process was initiated several times and the cult was approved in 1976. The charism of Dorota is characterized by the love of God, penance, pilgrimage and steadfastness in faith. Spirituality developed according to this model and is close to the needs of Catholics living in dioceses where she is remembered. It is legitimate for these local churches to promote the Dorothean model of piety as appropriate to correlate the spiritual needs of contemporary Christians with the universal call to holiness.
- Published
- 2023
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3. Omówienia i Sprawozdania
- Author
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz, Maria Piechocka-Kłos, and Ewa Czaplicka
- Subjects
Wydział Teologii UWM w Olsztynie ,Dni Interdyscyplinarne ,Warmińskie Seminarium Hagiologiczne ,św. Anna ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Abstract
Omówienia i sprawozdania są częścią tomu, obejmującą omówienie jednej książki i dwóch wydarzeń naukowych. Są to: - Święta Anna w wierze, pobożności i sztuce – dawniej i dziś. Perspektywa uniwersalna i regionalna, red. Ewelina M. Mączka, Sylwia Mikołajczak, Olsztyn 2021, ss. 313 - Sprawozdanie z XIV Międzynarodowego Warmińskiego Seminarium Hagiologicznego pt. Święci Cyryl i Metody w wierze, pobożności, teologii i sztuce – dawniej i dziś (perspektywa uniwersalna i regionalna) (Saints Cyril and Methodius in faith, piety, theology and art – then and today (universal and regional perspective)), Wydział Teologii UWM w Olsztynie, 4 listopada 2022 r. - 23. Dni Interdyscyplinarne na Wydziale Teologii UWM w Olsztynie, 7–8 listopada 2022 r.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz
- Subjects
Mikołaj Kopernik ,De revolitionibus ,Marian Borzyszkowski ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Abstract
W archiwach oraz publikacjach naukowych środowiska warmińskiego można znaleźć wiele materiałów dotyczących osoby i dzieła Mikołaja Kopernika. Wśród nich są opracowania ks. prof. Mariana Borzyszkowskiego (1935-2001), znawcy źródeł średniowiecznej teologii i filozofii. Ksiądz Profesor był, podobnie jak Mikołaj Kopernik, członkiem Kapituły Warmińskiej z siedzibą we Fromborku. W dorobku Księdza Profesora obejmującym 159 opublikowanych opracowań (monografie, artykuły, recenzje i sprawozdania) znajduje się 15 (w tym 12 na łamach rocznika „Studia Warmińskie”) tekstów, będących artykułami recenzyjnymi i naukowymi, w których jest podjęta tematyka dotycząca najsławniejszego Kanonika Warmińskiego. W publikacji znajduje się niemieckojęzyczna wersja tekstu autorstwa ks. prof. Mariana Borzyszkowskiego, pt. „Kirche und De revolutionibus Nikolaus Kopernikus”, powstały z okazji obchodów 500-lecia urodzin Mikołaja Kopernika i wygłoszony w Elblągu, w kościele św. Mikołaja, 16 września 1973 r.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz
- Subjects
Sacrament of marriage ,marriage vows ,wedding ,ritual ,Catholic teaching ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Abstract
This paper presents the question of the dynamics of the sacrament of marriage arising from the wedding vows according to the rite celebrated in the Catholic liturgy. The aim of the paper is to explain what it means to celebrate the sacrament of marriage every day, not only on the wedding day. The theme is developed based on the concept of ritual as a phenomenon involving the activities of introducing a person to a new state of life in society. According to researchers, ritual perpetuates certain values in culture and human consciousness. In the light of theological sources, in Christian rituals, marriage is a theological reality. This means that the sacrament of marriage involves the rite of a man and a woman making four promises concerning their future life together and including their relationship with God. These pledges are a promise of fidelity, love, honesty and accompanying the other person for the rest of their lives, which means ‘dialogue of life’. Sacramentality, on the other hand, signifies a guarantee of access to God’s grace, which is necessary to build a family community according to the Gospel. The sacrament of marriage appears here as a Christian ritual celebrated that commemorates every moment of life together, with references to the grace given by God. Looking at the sacrament of marriage as a ritual makes it possible to see two dimensions of the dynamics of the marital relationship: a horizontal relationship, involving the dialogue between the spouses, and a vertical relationship, involving the dialogue of the spouses with God. Viewed in this way, Christian marriage is a reality unfolding in the individual lives of persons, as well as socially and ecclesiastically.
- Published
- 2023
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6. »Sanctity of life« as a familiological issue in the statements of Pope Francis
- Author
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz
- Subjects
family ,Amoris Laetitia ,Francis ,Gaudete et Exsultate ,holiness ,Laudato Sì ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Abstract
The article presents a theological analysis of Pope Francis’ statements on the sanctity of life with reference to familiological issues. The aim of the research undertaken is to show the value of human life resulting from the relationship between the elements that create the created reality and with God. According to Francis, holiness is closeness to God and the ‘divine space’ in which all creation exists and functions. The sanctity of »life« is shown by the Pope in the following aspects: 1) theological – as an expression of the integration of creation with God, 2) social – as the principle of existence and relations, and 3) defensive – as an imperative to defend the life of every human being. The family is presented by the Pope as a sanctuary of life, a place of sanctifying love and a school of holiness. The conclusions resulting from the theological analysis of papal statements indicate the need for a ‘familiological turn’ encompassing the space of culture and civilization of the contemporary world. Such a turn is necessary for the good of the man for whom the family is the first social circle. The sanctity of life in the familiological area is the principle that defines the sacredness of the family and the determinant of intra-family relationships that develop love.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Wiesław Block and Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz
- Subjects
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Published
- 2021
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- Author
Małgorzata Laskowska, Regina Jakubėnas, Agnieszka Krajewska-Werecka, Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz, and Ewelina M. Mączka
- Subjects
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Published
- 2021
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9. Bi-directional cell-pericellular matrix interactions direct stem cell fate
- Author
Silvia A. Ferreira, Meghna S. Motwani, Peter A. Faull, Alexis J. Seymour, Tracy T. L. Yu, Marjan Enayati, Dheraj K. Taheem, Christoph Salzlechner, Tabasom Haghighi, Ewa M. Kania, Oommen P. Oommen, Tarek Ahmed, Sandra Loaiza, Katarzyna Parzych, Francesco Dazzi, Oommen P. Varghese, Frederic Festy, Agamemnon E. Grigoriadis, Holger W. Auner, Ambrosius P. Snijders, Laurent Bozec, and Eileen Gentleman
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Science - Abstract
3D hydrogels have provided information on the physical requirements of stem cell fate, but the contribution of interactions with the pericellular environment are under-explored. Here the authors show that pericellular matrix secreted by human bone marrow stromal cells (hMSC) embedded in a HA-based hydrogel contribute to hMSC fate.
- Published
- 2018
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10. Hagiologia „aspektowa' jako perspektywa integracji badań teologicznych i nieteologicznych
- Author
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz
- Subjects
multidyscyplinarność badań ,transdyscyplinarność badań ,innowacyjność ,hagiologia ,święty ,świętość ,Moral theology ,BV4625-4780 ,Doctrinal Theology ,BT10-1480 - Abstract
W artykule jest opisana hagiologia aspektowa jako propozycja nowej dyscypliny wywodzącej się z hagiologii klasycznej. Teza jest rozwinięta w pięciu punktach: opis warmiński badań hagiologicznych, rozróżnienie pojęć – hagiologia klasyczna i aspektowa; hagiologiczna specjalizacja w ‘aspekcie’ (tu jest przedstawiony szkic systematyzacji hagiologii aspektowej w porównaniu z klasyczną: przedmiot, źródła, cel badań, badania podstawowe), multidyscyplinarność i transdyscyplinarność hagiologii aspektowej oraz innowacyjność jej badań. Przedmiotem badań hagiologii klasycznej jest świętość jako kwestia badana w źródłach objawionych oraz w etosie religijnym kandydatów na ołtarze. Przedmiot badań hagiologii aspektowej zawiera elementy sacrum znajdujące się w kulturze oraz należące do źródeł dyscyplin spoza dziedziny nauk teologicznych. Sacrum w kulturze powinno być przebadane różnymi metodami specjalistycznymi, dlatego badania nad tym przedmiotem są interdyscyplinarne. Korelacja badań interdyscyplinarnych badań specjalistycznych domaga się utworzenia dwóch zespołów badawczych: transdyscyplinarnego i multidyscyplinarnego. Koncentracja nad przedmiotem hagiologicznym jako wspólnym dla różnych dyscyplin teologicznych i spoza teologii prowadzi do utworzenia samodzielnej specjalizacji – którą autor artykułu nazywa „hagiologią aspektową”. Rozwój badań w ramach hagiologii aspektowej ma charakter otwarty na potrzeby społeczne i gospodarcze (czyli innowacyjny) z zachowaniem wymiaru proludzkiego.
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Edward Wiszowaty, Maksym Adam Kopiec, Eugeniusz Sakowicz, and Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz
- Subjects
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Abstract
W tej części znajdują się omówienia czterech publikacji: 1) Anna Zellma, ks. Wojsław Czupryński, ks. Hubert Tryk, Rekolekcje szkolne jako forma ewangelizacji dzieci, młodzieży i dorosłych. Wy-dawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie, Olsz-tyn 2018, ss. 138. 2) Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz, Stanisław Kuprjaniuk (red.), Matka Boża Gietrzwałdzka w wierze, pobożności, teologii i sztuce – dawniej i dziś. Perspektywa uniwersalna i regionalna, Olsztyn 2018, ss. 320. 3) Maksym Adam Kopiec OFM, Nie lękajcie się Prawdy! Nieustanna nowość encykliki „Veritatis splendor” Świętego Jana Pawła II, SQL, Olsztyn 2018, ss. 161. 4) Edward Fiała, Homo iudicans. Sądzenie jako degradacja osoby, „Teoria i Praktyka Interpretacji” nr 7. Seria pod redakcją Edwarda Fiały, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2018, ss. 172. Jest też jedno sprawozdanie: 3. Międzynarodowe Sympozjum Familiologiczne pt. „Ekologia a rodzina” w kontekście integracji badań nauk humanistycznych i empirycznych (UWM w Olsztynie, 27–28 maja 2019 r.).
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz
- Subjects
Fatima, Marian apparitions, visionaries, interdisciplinary research, historico-salvific theology ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Abstract
This paper presents a theological analysis of the content of the Fatima message, carried out according to hagiological assumptions. The analysis of Fatima sources, taking into account the aspect of hagiological research, made it possible to claim that holiness granted by Divine grace grows in a human being at the stage of his or her earthly life. Human history should develop the salvific course through cooperation between the human being and God upon the principle of dialogical relations. In the dialogue of salvation, God gives His grace to a human being, which is necessary to create a culture favouring the development of humanity, i.e. humanizing. Dialogical activity means acting in accordance with the theological hierarchy of values. The effects of dialogical cooperation are perceived in humanism favouring the improvement of humanity in the human person, humanity modelled on the humanity of Jesus Christ. The Marian aspect in the hagiological perspective is seen as a guideline showing the right direction of required historico-salvific changes.
- Published
- 2018
13. II Międzynarodowe Sympozjum Familiologiczne pt. Biznes rodzinny w kontekście integracji nauk humanistycznych, ekonomii i gospodarki, Olsztyn: 11–12 czerwca 2018 r.
- Author
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz and Maksym Adam Kopiec
- Subjects
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Abstract
Sprawozdanie z konferencji
- Published
- 2018
14. XVIII Dni Interdyscyplinarne na Wydziale Teologii Uniwersytetu Warmińsko- Mazurskiego w Olsztynie, pt. Rodzina – Naród – Bezpieczeństwo, 12–13 czerwca 2017 r.
- Author
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz
- Subjects
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Abstract
Sprawozdanie z konferencji
- Published
- 2018
15. Gietrzwałdzkie Dni Nauki i Sztuki, 6–7 listopada 2017 r.
- Author
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz
- Subjects
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Abstract
Sprawozdanie z konferencji
- Published
- 2018
16. „Fenomen świętego' wśród antropologicznych uwarunkowań wiary religijnej
- Author
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz
- Subjects
faith ,virtue ,charisma ,cult of saints ,christian ethos ,Education - Abstract
Autor omawia „fenomen świętego” jako element należący do przestrzeni wiary religijnej. Według biblijnego przekazu, Bóg szuka człowieka i prowadzi do spotkania ze sobą. Ze strony człowieka warunkiem tego spotkania jest wiara. Wiara jest cnotą i charyzmatem. Cnota służy zbawieniu człowieka, a także prowadzi do osobistego spotkania z Bogiem. Charyzmat uzdalnia do pracy na rzecz wspólnoty eklezjalnej. Wiara rozwija się w środowisku „ludzkim”, na które składa się wspólnota, działania edukacyjne oraz osobiste życie religijne. Święci należą do ludzkiego środowiska wiary, jako bohaterowie cnót chrześcijańskich, nauczyciele wiary i cudotwórcy. Beatyfikacja i kanonizacja wskazuje na charyzmat wiary zmarłego chrześcijanina. „Fenomen świętego” wyraża chrześcijański etos oraz nadrzędność życia wiecznego wobec doczesnego. Oznacza też istnienie relacji między żywymi i zmarłymi.
- Published
- 2016
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17. Man in the 'Splendour of Divinity.' The Hagiological Interpretation of 'spousal love' in line with John Paul II’s Theology of the Body
- Author
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz
- Subjects
Ethos ,Divinity ,Phenomenon ,Field (Bourdieu) ,Human life ,Philosophy ,Interpretation (philosophy) ,General Medicine ,General Chemistry ,Sanctification ,Theology - Abstract
The article presents the theological interpretation of the phenomenon of spousal love in terms of examining its correlations with the call to holiness. This study belongs to the field of hagiological research aiming at developing a new concept that defines arguments in the Church’s strategy concerning the defence of every human life. The analysis concerns the statements and philosophical writings of Karol Wojtyła and then John Paul II on spousal love and the dependence of the person and his actions on the Truth and Good. The Christological-soteriological aspect of spousal love as conditioning the sanctification of the person has been indicated. The axiological conditions related to the Christological assumption have been termed as “the Splendour of Divinity,” identifying it with the space of the salvific influence on a person, sanctified by Christ’s spousal love and called to develop an ethos based on this love.
- Published
- 2020
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18. 'Dialog' i 'dialogiczność' jako narzędzia teologii
- Author
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz
- Subjects
General Medicine ,General Chemistry - Abstract
Dialogiczne myślenie w teologii odkrywa wewnętrzną harmonię rzeczywistości stworzonej uwarunkowaną dialogiką relacji osoby Boskiej z osobą ludzką.
- Published
- 2020
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19. Personalistyczne podstawy humanizmu chrześcijańskiego. Zarys problematyki
- Author
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz
- Subjects
General Medicine ,General Chemistry - Abstract
Humanizm chrześcijański określa postawę poznawczą i praktyczną. Istotne jest tu zwrócenie uwagi na zrównoważenie twórczości kulturowej ze wspólnotową. Przeakcentowanie jednego wymiaru wprowadza dysproporcje w relacje społeczne i kulturowe, powodując zagubienie w nadmiarze jednego oraz szkody z powodu deficytu drugiego. W tym zakresie humanizm chrześcijański jawi się jako postawa badawcza w odniesieniu do dynamiki przemian w strukturach społecznych i gospodarczych.
- Published
- 2020
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20. Sperancyjny aspekt teologii dialogu w encyklice 'Spe salvi' Benedykta XVI
- Author
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz
- Subjects
nadzieja chrześcijańska ,encyklika Spe salvi ,teologia dialogu ,humanizm ,Moral theology ,BV4625-4780 ,Doctrinal Theology ,BT10-1480 - Abstract
Dialog według współczesnej humanistyki jest wydarzeniem komunikacji, które oznacza osobowe spełnienie w aktywności relacyjnej. Pośrednim momentem między pojęciem dialogu i rzeczywistym dialogiem jest nadzieja. Bez nadziei - dialog umiera. Bez dialogu - ludzkie istnienie jest zagubione w jałowej lub destrukcyjnej samotności. Encyklika Benedykta XVI „Spe salvi” dostarcza treści, które pomagają dookreślić teologiczny status nadziei w dialogice. Głębsza refleksja nad koncepcją nadziei zbawienia w „Spe salvi” pozwala na stwierdzenie, że nadzieja wskazuje na moment odpowiadający za rozwój dramaturgii dialogicznej. Teologia dialogu definiuje model metody badawczej. Nadzieja definiuje zbawczą kategorię w historii człowieka. W perspektywie teologii dialogu i historii zbawienia, nadzieja zbawienia jest kategorią dialogiczną. Nadzieja to naturalne doświadczenie ludzkie. Benedykt XVI zauważa, że ludzkie aspiracje realizowane bez odniesienia do religijnych wartości, nie spełniają ludzkich oczekiwań. Prawdziwa nadzieja czyni człowieka szczęśliwym. Wymaga trwania przy Chrystusie oraz odważnego wprowadzania wartości ewangelicznych do życia codziennego. Benedykt XVI akcentuje konieczność „uzdrowienia" nadziei. Kultura współczesna eliminuje, wypacza i zniekształca nadzieję zbawienia, a przez to prowadzi życie ludzkie donikąd. "Uzdrowienie" nadziei zbawienia jest uprawianiem teologii dialogu.
- Published
- 2012
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21. Author Correction: Bi-directional cell-pericellular matrix interactions direct stem cell fate
- Author
Silvia A. Ferreira, Meghna S. Motwani, Peter A. Faull, Alexis J. Seymour, Tracy T. L. Yu, Marjan Enayati, Dheraj K. Taheem, Christoph Salzlechner, Tabasom Haghighi, Ewa M. Kania, Oommenp P. Oommen, Tarek Ahmed, Sandra Loaiza, Katarzyna Parzych, Francesco Dazzi, Oommen P. Varghese, Frederic Festy, Agamemnon E. Grigoriadis, Holger W. Auner, Ambrosius P. Snijders, Laurent Bozec, and Eileen Gentleman
- Subjects
Science - Abstract
The original version of this Article contained an error in the author affiliations. The affiliation of Marjan Enayati with ‘Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Cardiovascular Research at the Center for Biomedical Research, Medical University of Vienna, Austria' was inadvertently omitted. This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.
- Published
- 2018
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22. Sakramentalność małżeństwa w relacji do ludzkiej egzystencji
- Author
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz
- Subjects
General Medicine ,General Chemistry - Abstract
Artykuł odpowiada na pytanie o specyfikę urzeczywistniania się egzystencji Jezusa w życiu małżonków sakramentalnych. Sakrament małżeństwa tworzy nową komórkę wspólnoty eklezjalnej. Małżonkowie sakramentalni wdrażają w swoje życie naukę Jezusa przez naśladowanie Jego etosu miłości. Dlatego zasadne jest stwierdzenie, że konkretyzacja egzystencji Jezusa w życiu małżonków sakramentalnych jest działaniem „in Persona Ecclesiae”.
- Published
- 2020
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23. 'Sumienie eklezjalne' w blasku prawdy, dobra i zbawienia
- Author
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz and Maksym Kopiec
- Subjects
General Medicine ,General Chemistry - Abstract
Artykuł przedstawia kwestię sumienia eklezjalnego jako osobowej przestrzeni, w której człowiek wierzący dokonuje oceny swojej działalności eklezjotwórczej. Kształtowanie sumienia wiernych w formacie eklezjalnym jest zgodne z teandryczną i zarazem misyjną naturą Kościoła. Zagadnienie jest ukazane na bazie trzech dokumentów papieskich: Veritatis splendor, Caritas in veritate, Lumen fidei. Źródła te wyjaśniają związki między absolutną Prawdą, Dobrem i Miłością jako transcendentaliami warunkującymi indywidualny proces zbawienia człowieka.
- Published
- 2020
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24. Seminarium maryjne i mariologiczne „Matka Boża w wierze, kulcie, teologii i sztuce. Perspektywa regionalna i uniwersalna'
- Author
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz and Jacek Jezierski
- Subjects
Moral theology ,BV4625-4780 ,Doctrinal Theology ,BT10-1480 - Published
- 2011
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25. Systems level profiling of chemotherapy-induced stress resolution in cancer cells reveals druggable trade-offs
- Author
Aristeidis Chaidos, Paolo Piazza, Daria Capece, Kevin Blighe, Alexandros P. Siskos, Lucy Penfold, Denise Thiel, Elena López-Jiménez, Martin Kaiser, Valentina S. Caputo, Katarzyna Parzych, Diego A. Oyarzún, Zijing Liu, Hector C. Keun, Guido Franzoso, Ambrosius P. Snijders, Hibah A Al-Sadah, Mauricio Barahona, Anastasios Karadimitris, Vesela Encheva, Paula Saavedra-García, Xiaobei Xiong, Holger W. Auner, Monica Roman-Trufero, Yirun Miao, Marilena Christoforou, Amgen (Europe) GmbH, Cancer Research UK, Imperial Health Charity, Engineering & Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC), Bloodwise, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust- BRC Funding, Medical Research Council (MRC), and Syngenta Ltd
- Subjects
Medical Sciences ,Systems Analysis ,Proteome ,Physiological ,Druggability ,Antineoplastic Agents ,Computational biology ,Biology ,Stress ,Cell Line ,Transcriptome ,Stress, Physiological ,Cell Line, Tumor ,Neoplasms ,Metabolome ,Autophagy ,GCN2 ,Metabolism ,Myeloma ,Proteasome ,Proteostasis ,Humans ,Mitochondria ,Multiple Myeloma ,Proteasome Inhibitors ,Proteolysis ,Multidisciplinary ,Tumor ,proteostasis ,Lipid metabolism ,Biological Sciences ,myeloma ,proteasome ,Cancer cell ,metabolism - Abstract
Significance Cancer therapies often fail to cure patients because a proportion of tumor cells withstand the toxic effects of chemotherapy. How surviving cancer cells recover from sublethal drug-induced stress is not known, but given that cellular resources are finite, stress resolution may come at the expense of less essential systems. Here, we studied the global cellular events of stress buildup and resolution in the bone marrow cancer, multiple myeloma, after proteasome inhibition, a commonly used therapeutic approach. Using a temporal multiomics approach, we delineate the unexpectedly complex and protracted changes myeloma cells undergo during stress resolution and demonstrate that recovering cells are more vulnerable to specific insults than acutely stressed cells. Thus, the findings may provide avenues for optimizing cancer therapies., Cancer cells can survive chemotherapy-induced stress, but how they recover from it is not known. Using a temporal multiomics approach, we delineate the global mechanisms of proteotoxic stress resolution in multiple myeloma cells recovering from proteasome inhibition. Our observations define layered and protracted programs for stress resolution that encompass extensive changes across the transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome. Cellular recovery from proteasome inhibition involved protracted and dynamic changes of glucose and lipid metabolism and suppression of mitochondrial function. We demonstrate that recovering cells are more vulnerable to specific insults than acutely stressed cells and identify the general control nonderepressable 2 (GCN2)-driven cellular response to amino acid scarcity as a key recovery-associated vulnerability. Using a transcriptome analysis pipeline, we further show that GCN2 is also a stress-independent bona fide target in transcriptional signature-defined subsets of solid cancers that share molecular characteristics. Thus, identifying cellular trade-offs tied to the resolution of chemotherapy-induced stress in tumor cells may reveal new therapeutic targets and routes for cancer therapy optimization.
- Published
- 2021
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26. Inflammatory transcriptome profiling of human monocytes exposed acutely to cigarette smoke.
- Author
William R Wright, Katarzyna Parzych, Damian Crawford, Charles Mein, Jane A Mitchell, and Mark J Paul-Clark
- Subjects
Medicine ,Science - Abstract
BACKGROUND:Cigarette smoking is responsible for 5 million deaths worldwide each year, and is a major risk factor for cardiovascular and lung diseases. Cigarette smoke contains a complex mixture of over 4000 chemicals containing 10(15) free radicals. Studies show smoke is perceived by cells as an inflammatory and xenobiotic stimulus, which activates an immune response. The specific cellular mechanisms driving cigarette smoke-induced inflammation and disease are not fully understood, although the innate immune system is involved in the pathology of smoking related diseases. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPLE FINDINGS:To address the impact of smoke as an inflammagen on the innate immune system, THP-1 cells and Human PBMCs were stimulated with 3 and 10% (v/v) cigarette smoke extract (CSE) for 8 and 24 hours. Total RNA was extracted and the transcriptome analysed using Illumina BeadChip arrays. In THP-1 cells, 10% CSE resulted in 80 genes being upregulated and 37 downregulated by ≥1.5 fold after 8 hours. In PBMCs stimulated with 10% CSE for 8 hours, 199 genes were upregulated and 206 genes downregulated by ≥1.5 fold. After 24 hours, the number of genes activated and repressed by ≥1.5 fold had risen to 311 and 306 respectively. The major pathways that were altered are associated with cell survival, such as inducible antioxidants, protein chaperone and folding proteins, and the ubiquitin/proteosome pathway. CONCLUSIONS:Our results suggest that cigarette smoke causes inflammation and has detrimental effects on the metabolism and function of innate immune cells. In addition, THP-1 cells provide a genetically stable alternative to primary cells for the study of the effects of cigarette smoke on human monocytes.
- Published
- 2012
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27. Eugeniusz Sakowicz, Krzysztof Sakowicz, Religie świata – świat religii, Polihymnia, Lublin 2009, t. 1: Religioznawstwo, ss. 164; t. 2: Religie ludów pierwotnych, ss. 84; t. 3: Religie niechrześcijańskie w Polsce, ss. 120
- Author
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz
- Subjects
Education - Published
- 2010
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28. An engineered, quantifiable in vitro model for analysing the effect of proteostasis-targeting drugs on tissue physical properties
- Author
Sandra, Loaiza, Silvia A, Ferreira, Tamara M, Chinn, Alex, Kirby, Elena, Tsolaki, Camilla, Dondi, Katarzyna, Parzych, Adam P, Strange, Laurent, Bozec, Sergio, Bertazzo, Martin A B, Hedegaard, Eileen, Gentleman, and Holger W, Auner
- Subjects
Proteasome Endopeptidase Complex ,Bone Regeneration ,Osteoblasts ,Tissue Engineering ,Tissue Scaffolds ,Proteasome ,VCP/p97 ,Cell Culture Techniques ,Cell Differentiation ,Mesenchymal Stem Cells ,Cancer diagnosis and therapy ,Biophysical Phenomena ,Article ,Atomic force microscopy ,Drug Development ,Valosin Containing Protein ,Cell Line, Tumor ,Proteolysis ,Raman spectroscopy ,Proteostasis ,Humans - Abstract
Cellular function depends on the maintenance of protein homeostasis (proteostasis) by regulated protein degradation. Chronic dysregulation of proteostasis is associated with neurodegenerative and age-related diseases, and drugs targeting components of the protein degradation apparatus are increasingly used in cancer therapies. However, as chronic imbalances rather than loss of function mediate their pathogenesis, research models that allow for the study of the complex effects of drugs on tissue properties in proteostasis-associated diseases are almost completely lacking. Here, to determine the functional effects of impaired proteostatic fine-tuning, we applied a combination of materials science characterisation techniques to a cell-derived, in vitro model of bone-like tissue formation in which we pharmacologically perturbed protein degradation. We show that low-level inhibition of VCP/p97 and the proteasome, two major components of the degradation machinery, have remarkably different effects on the bone-like material that human bone-marrow derived mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSC) form in vitro. Specifically, whilst proteasome inhibition mildly enhances tissue formation, Raman spectroscopic, atomic force microscopy-based indentation, and electron microscopy imaging reveal that VCP/p97 inhibition induces the formation of bone-like tissue that is softer, contains less protein, appears to have more crystalline mineral, and may involve aberrant micro- and ultra-structural tissue organisation. These observations contrast with findings from conventional osteogenic assays that failed to identify any effect on mineralisation. Taken together, these data suggest that mild proteostatic impairment in hMSC alters the bone-like material they form in ways that could explain some pathologies associated with VCP/p97-related diseases. They also demonstrate the utility of quantitative materials science approaches for tackling long-standing questions in biology and medicine, and could form the basis for preclinical drug testing platforms to develop therapies for diseases stemming from perturbed proteostasis or for cancer therapies targeting protein degradation. Our findings may also have important implications for the field of tissue engineering, as the manufacture of cell-derived biomaterial scaffolds may need to consider proteostasis to effectively replicate native tissues.
- Published
- 2018
29. The HDAC6 inhibitor C1A modulates autophagy substrates in diverse cancer cells and induces cell death
- Author
Maciej Kaliszczak, Eric O. Aboagye, Erich van Hechanova, Yunqing Li, Hibah A Al-Sadah, Katarzyna Parzych, Holger W. Auner, and Cancer Research UK
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Cancer Research ,ANTITUMOR-ACTIVITY ,PROTEIN ,Hydroxamic Acids ,Mice ,0302 clinical medicine ,HISTONE DEACETYLASE 6 ,DRUG ,Mice, Inbred BALB C ,Vorinostat ,Cell Death ,Chemistry ,Bortezomib ,Oncology ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Heterografts ,Female ,Life Sciences & Biomedicine ,medicine.drug ,Programmed cell death ,Immunoglobulins ,Mice, Nude ,BORTEZOMIB ,Antineoplastic Agents ,Article ,MECHANISMS ,Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-myc ,03 medical and health sciences ,Cell Line, Tumor ,medicine ,Autophagy ,Animals ,Humans ,1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis ,Oncology & Carcinogenesis ,COMBINATION ,Cell Proliferation ,N-MYC ,Science & Technology ,Cell growth ,KINASE INHIBITOR ,HDAC6 ,Rats ,REGULATES AGGRESOME FORMATION ,Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors ,030104 developmental biology ,Proteasome ,Cancer cell ,Proteasome inhibitor ,Cancer research ,ras Proteins - Abstract
Background Cytosolic deacetylase histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) is involved in the autophagy degradation pathway of malformed proteins, an important survival mechanism in cancer cells. We evaluated modulation of autophagy-related proteins and cell death by the HDAC6-selective inhibitor C1A. Methods Autophagy substrates (light chain-3 (LC-3) and p62 proteins) and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress phenotype were determined. Caspase-3/7 activation and cellular proliferation assays were used to assess consequences of autophagy modulation. Results C1A potently resolved autophagy substrates induced by 3-methyladenine and chloroquine. The mechanism of autophagy inhibition by HDAC6 genetic knockout or C1A treatment was consistent with abrogation of autophagosome–lysosome fusion, and decrease of Myc protein. C1A alone or combined with the proteasome inhibitor, bortezomib, enhanced cell death in malignant cells, demonstrating the complementary roles of the proteasome and autophagy pathways for clearing malformed proteins. Myc-positive neuroblastoma, KRAS-positive colorectal cancer and multiple myeloma cells showed marked cell growth inhibition in response to HDAC6 inhibitors. Finally, growth of neuroblastoma xenografts was arrested in vivo by single agent C1A, while combination with bortezomib slowed the growth of colorectal cancer xenografts. Conclusions C1A resolves autophagy substrates in malignant cells and induces cell death, warranting its use for in vivo pre-clinical autophagy research.
- Published
- 2018
30. Integrated Systems Level Examination of Proteasome Inhibitor Stress Recovery in Myeloma Cells Reveals Druggable Vulnerabilities Linked to Multiple Metabolic Processes
- Author
Katarzyna Parzych, Holger W. Auner, Martin Kaiser, Lucy Penfold, Hector C. Keun, Kevin Blighe, Hibah A Al-Sadah, Xiaobei Xiong, Zijing Liu, Elena López-Jiménez, Vesela Encheva, Diego A. Oyarzún, Paolo Piazza, Denise Thiel, Ambrosius P. Snijders, Mauricio Barahona, Valentina S. Caputo, and Paula Saavedra-García
- Subjects
Stress recovery ,biology ,Immunology ,Druggability ,Cell Biology ,Hematology ,medicine.disease ,Biochemistry ,Carfilzomib ,Cell biology ,Gene expression profiling ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Ubiquitin ,chemistry ,Proteome ,biology.protein ,medicine ,Proteasome inhibitor ,Multiple myeloma ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Proteasome inhibitors (PIs) form the backbone of multiple myeloma (MM) treatment regimens used at diagnosis and relapse, but their clinical benefit is limited by varying degrees of resistance. The mechanisms that protect MM cells (MMCs) from PI-induced cell death are only partly understood, and experimental resistance studies often rely on the prolonged exposure of MMCs to relatively low levels of PIs. However, patients receive PI doses that result in high but short plasma peaks. Given that each PI dose reduces a patient's MMC load until a plateau is reached, one can assume that each PI dose kills some MMCs by triggering overwhelming stress. This proposition implies that a proportion of MMCs not only survive but also resolve PI-induced stress. We hypothesised that the mechanisms of PI-induced stress recovery require a redistribution of cellular resources, and that this process triggers specific recovery-associated and potentially druggable vulnerabilities. To test this hypothesis, we obtained a global systems-level view of the cellular response to proteasome inhibition by performing a multi-omics 10-day time-course experiment. To mimic in vivo pharmacokinetics and anti-MM effects, RPMI-8226 MMCs were treated with a 1h pulse of carfilzomib (CFZ; 750nmol/L), which reduced the number of viable MMCs to a nadir of approximately 50% on day +2, followed by a return to pretreatment baseline levels of viable cells by day +6. Levels of ubiquitinated proteins as a readout of effective proteasome inhibition peaked on day +1 and returned to baseline levels on day +6. Samples for transcriptome analysis by RNA-seq, proteome analysis by a multiplexed tandem mass tag (TMT)-based approach, and global metabolomic profiling by ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectroscopy (LC-MS) were collected 2h prior to the CFZ pulse (day 0) and on days +1, +2, +4, +6, +8, and +10. The results demonstrate extensive and kinetically complex changes of the MMC transcriptome, proteome and metabolome that did not fully return to baseline by day +10. Conventional and advanced computational analyses of RNA-seq data (including biological homogeneity score-validated graph-based clustering of temporal patterns combined with gene enrichment and KEGG/GO pathway analysis) revealed different patterns of involvement of multiple and functionally diverse pathways. Perhaps most notably, RNA-seq data revealed extensive metabolic pathway responses while cells were dying and throughout recovery. Consistently, metabolomic profiling by LC-MS showed wide-ranging metabolite changes. These included rapid intracellular depletion of glucose, which was paralleled by the accumulation of lactate and pyruvate and lasted until day +8. Consistently, the major glucose uptake regulator TXNIP stood out as upregulated during recovery, which was accompanied by the predicted downregulation of the glucose transporter GLUT1. These findings were confirmed by real-time PCR and immunoblotting in RPMI-8226 and other MMC lines. Moreover, pharmacological inhibition of glucose and lactate metabolising enzymes and transmembrane transport enhanced MMC killing by CFZ, confirming profound and druggable changes in glucose and energy metabolism during PI stress recovery. We also observed prolonged depletion of a number of amino acids, including glutamine, which was paralleled by depletion of glutamate and TCA cycle intermediates. Moreover, we found RNA-seq and real-time PCR/immunoblot-based evidence for an amino acid response (AAR) during stress recovery that was driven by the amino acid sensing kinase GCN2 (EIF2AK4). The preclinical GCN2 inhibitor GCN2iB was effective at blocking the AAR and enhanced MMC killing in a panel of CFZ-treated MMC lines. This effect was particularly pronounced during the intermediate stages of recovery, in line with the kinetics of amino acid depletion and the AAR. Thus, our observations define the complex and prolonged cellular responses that characterise the recovery of MMCs from proteasome inhibition. They reveal wide-ranging metabolic changes that persist far beyond immediate stress survival and highlight the dependence of MMCs on the GCN2-driven AAR to overcome PI stress. The findings demonstrate that the mechanisms of PI recovery trigger druggable vulnerabilities, providing the basis for ongoing investigations into sequential therapeutic interventions to enhance responses to PIs. Disclosures Caputo: GSK: Research Funding. Kaiser:Abbvie, Celgene, Takeda, Janssen, Amgen, Abbvie, Karyopharm: Consultancy; Celgene, Janssen: Research Funding; Takeda, Janssen, Celgene, Amgen: Honoraria, Other: Travel Expenses. Auner:Karyopharm: Consultancy; Takeda: Consultancy; Amgen: Other: Consultancy and Research Funding.
- Published
- 2019
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31. Pharmacology and therapeutic potential of pattern recognition receptors
- Author
Peter M. George, D. Crawford, Katarzyna Parzych, William R. Wright, Timothy Gatheral, Lucy Bailey, Jane A. Mitchell, Mark J. Paul-Clark, and Daniel M. Reed
- Subjects
Inflammation ,Pharmacology ,Innate immune system ,Lipopolysaccharide ,Pathogen-associated molecular pattern ,Toll-Like Receptors ,Pattern recognition receptor ,Biology ,Conserved sequence ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Immune system ,chemistry ,Receptors, Pattern Recognition ,Immunology ,medicine ,Animals ,Humans ,Pharmacology (medical) ,medicine.symptom ,Receptor - Abstract
Pharmacologists have used pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) for decades as a stimulus for studying mediators involved in inflammation and for the screening of anti-inflammatory compounds. However, in the view of immunologists, LPS was too non-specific for studying the mechanisms of immune signalling in infection and inflammation, as no receptors had been identified. This changed in the late 1990s with the discovery of the Toll-like receptors. These 'pattern recognition receptors' (PRRs) were able to recognise highly conserved sequences, the so called pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) present in or on pathogens. This specificity of particular PAMPs and their newly defined receptors provided a common ground between pharmacologists and immunologists for the study of inflammation. PRRs also recognise endogenous agonists, the so called danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), which can result in sterile inflammation. The signalling pathways and ligands of many PRRs have now been characterised and there is no doubt that this rich vein of research will aid the discovery of new therapeutics for infectious conditions and chronic inflammatory disease.
- Published
- 2012
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32. Inadequate fine-tuning of protein synthesis and failure of amino acid homeostasis following inhibition of the ATPase VCP/p97
- Author
Katarzyna Parzych, Sandra Loaiza, F. Porsch, Holger W. Auner, Tamara M. Chinn, Hector C. Keun, Eileen Gentleman, Maurits F. Kleijnen, Anastasios Karadimitris, Z. Chen, Gabriel N. Valbuena, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust- BRC Funding, WELLCOME TRUST, and CRUK
- Subjects
Cancer Research ,VALOSIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN ,Valosin-containing protein ,Eukaryotic Initiation Factor-2 ,Immunology ,Apoptosis ,mTORC1 ,Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Complex 1 ,UBIQUITIN-PROTEASOME SYSTEM ,Protein degradation ,TRANSLATIONAL CONTROL ,Models, Biological ,Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience ,ENDOPLASMIC-RETICULUM STRESS ,Amino acid homeostasis ,Cell Line, Tumor ,Protein Phosphatase 1 ,Homeostasis ,Humans ,Amino Acids ,Enzyme Inhibitors ,Phosphorylation ,Nuclear protein ,Adenosine Triphosphatases ,biology ,TOR Serine-Threonine Kinases ,EXPRESSION LEVEL ,INITIATION-FACTOR EIF2-ALPHA ,Nuclear Proteins ,Cell Biology ,AAA proteins ,Up-Regulation ,Cell biology ,Proteostasis ,CELL-DEATH ,Proteasome ,Biochemistry ,Multiprotein Complexes ,Protein Biosynthesis ,biology.protein ,ELEVATED EXPRESSION ,Original Article ,DISEASE RECURRENCE ,Proteasome Inhibitors ,AAA-ATPASE ,Signal Transduction - Abstract
The cellular mechanisms that control protein degradation may constitute a non-oncogenic cancer cell vulnerability and, therefore, a therapeutic target. Although this proposition is supported by the clinical success of proteasome inhibitors in some malignancies, most cancers are resistant to proteasome inhibition. The ATPase valosin-containing protein (VCP; p97) is an essential regulator of protein degradation in multiple pathways and has emerged as a target for cancer therapy. We found that pharmacological depletion of VCP enzymatic activity with mechanistically different inhibitors robustly induced proteotoxic stress in solid cancer and multiple myeloma cells, including cells that were insensitive, adapted, or clinically resistant to proteasome inhibition. VCP inhibition had an impact on two key regulators of protein synthesis, eukaryotic initiation factor 2α (eIF2α) and mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), and attenuated global protein synthesis. However, a block on protein translation that was itself cytotoxic alleviated stress signaling and reduced cell death triggered by VCP inhibition. Some of the proteotoxic effects of VCP depletion depended on the eIF2α phosphatase, protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 15A (PPP1R15A)/PP1c, but not on mTORC1, although there appeared to be cross-talk between them. Thus, cancer cell death following VCP inhibition was linked to inadequate fine-tuning of protein synthesis and activity of PPP1R15A/PP1c. VCP inhibitors also perturbed intracellular amino acid levels, activated eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2α kinase 4 (EIF2AK4), and enhanced cellular dependence on amino acid supplies, consistent with a failure of amino acid homeostasis. Many of the observed effects of VCP inhibition differed from the effects triggered by proteasome inhibition or by protein misfolding. Thus, depletion of VCP enzymatic activity triggers cancer cell death in part through inadequate regulation of protein synthesis and amino acid metabolism. The data provide novel insights into the maintenance of intracellular proteostasis by VCP and may have implications for the development of anti-cancer therapies.
- Published
- 2015
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33. Inflammatory Transcriptome Profiling of Human Monocytes Exposed Acutely to Cigarette Smoke
- Author
Katarzyna Parzych, Mark J. Paul-Clark, Damian Crawford, Jane A. Mitchell, Charles A. Mein, and William R. Wright
- Subjects
Pulmonology ,MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASES ,EPITHELIAL-CELL TRANSCRIPTOME ,NORMALIZATION METHODS ,lcsh:Medicine ,Cardiovascular ,Monocytes ,Transcriptome ,0302 clinical medicine ,Gene Regulatory Networks ,OXIDATIVE STRESS ,ALVEOLAR MACROPHAGES ,lcsh:Science ,0303 health sciences ,DIFFERENTIAL GENE-EXPRESSION ,Principal Component Analysis ,Multidisciplinary ,Smoking ,Genomics ,3. Good health ,Databases as Topic ,CARDIOVASCULAR-DISEASE ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Science & Technology - Other Topics ,Medicine ,Tumor necrosis factor alpha ,medicine.symptom ,Research Article ,Signal Transduction ,TOBACCO-SMOKE ,General Science & Technology ,Immune Cells ,Immunology ,Inflammation ,HEME OXYGENASE-1 GENE ,Biology ,Peripheral blood mononuclear cell ,OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY-DISEASE ,Cell Line ,03 medical and health sciences ,Immune system ,Downregulation and upregulation ,MD Multidisciplinary ,medicine ,Humans ,Interleukin 8 ,030304 developmental biology ,Innate immune system ,Science & Technology ,MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES ,Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha ,Gene Expression Profiling ,lcsh:R ,Interleukin-8 ,Gene Expression Regulation ,lcsh:Q ,Heme Oxygenase-1 - Abstract
Background Cigarette smoking is responsible for 5 million deaths worldwide each year, and is a major risk factor for cardiovascular and lung diseases. Cigarette smoke contains a complex mixture of over 4000 chemicals containing 1015 free radicals. Studies show smoke is perceived by cells as an inflammatory and xenobiotic stimulus, which activates an immune response. The specific cellular mechanisms driving cigarette smoke-induced inflammation and disease are not fully understood, although the innate immune system is involved in the pathology of smoking related diseases. Methodology/Principle findings To address the impact of smoke as an inflammagen on the innate immune system, THP-1 cells and Human PBMCs were stimulated with 3 and 10% (v/v) cigarette smoke extract (CSE) for 8 and 24 hours. Total RNA was extracted and the transcriptome analysed using Illumina BeadChip arrays. In THP-1 cells, 10% CSE resulted in 80 genes being upregulated and 37 downregulated by ≥1.5 fold after 8 hours. In PBMCs stimulated with 10% CSE for 8 hours, 199 genes were upregulated and 206 genes downregulated by ≥1.5 fold. After 24 hours, the number of genes activated and repressed by ≥1.5 fold had risen to 311 and 306 respectively. The major pathways that were altered are associated with cell survival, such as inducible antioxidants, protein chaperone and folding proteins, and the ubiquitin/proteosome pathway. Conclusions Our results suggest that cigarette smoke causes inflammation and has detrimental effects on the metabolism and function of innate immune cells. In addition, THP-1 cells provide a genetically stable alternative to primary cells for the study of the effects of cigarette smoke on human monocytes.
- Published
- 2012
34. Abstract 1261: Comprehensive failure of intracellular protein homeostasis kills myeloma and solid cancer cells following VCP/p97 inhibition
- Author
Heather P. Harding, Katarzyna Parzych, Holger W. Auner, Tamara M. Chinn, Sandra Loaiza, David Ron, Philippa C. May, Anastasios Karadimitris, Florentina Porsch, and Christoph Driessen
- Subjects
Cancer Research ,Programmed cell death ,Oncology ,Kinase ,Cancer cell ,Unfolded protein response ,mTORC1 ,Biology ,Protein degradation ,Intracellular ,AAA proteins ,Cell biology - Abstract
Introduction: Intracellular protein homeostasis requires a well-controlled protein degradation machinery to clear damaged and old proteins and to replenish intracellular amino acid pools. Cancer cells may be particularly susceptible to agents that disrupt protein degradation because of unbalanced protein levels related to gain or loss of genetic material, high protein turnover, or high-level production of specific proteins such as Ig in multiple myeloma (MM). The AAA ATPase VCP (p97) is a master regulator of protein degradation that has been implicated in oncogenesis. Small molecule VCP inhibition (VCP-i) rapidly activates caspases in cancer cells, induces endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, and has anti-tumor activity in murine xenograft models. A phase 1 trial of VCP-i in relapsed MM has recently opened. Methods: We investigated the cellular mechanisms that govern VCP-i mediated cancer cell death in MM cell lines including bortezomib-adapted AMO1 cells, MM cells from patients with bortezomib-resistant MM, as well as lung cancer (A549) and osteosarcoma (Saos2) cells. Results: The ATP-competitive inhibitor DBeQ and the allosteric inhibitor NMS873 induced cell line as well as primary MM cell death at similar low micromolar concentrations independently of bortezomib sensitivity. DBeQ and NMS873 caused phosphorylation of eIF2alpha in a time- and dose-dependent manner and resulted in strong transcriptional and translational up-regulation of ATF4, CHOP and GADD34. VCP-i also increased expression of ER chaperones BiP and p58IPK. Inhibition of eIF2alpha de-phosphorylation with guanabenz reduced S6 phosphorylation, a marker of protein translation, and increased A549 and OPM2 cell survival early (8h) after VCP-i. Direct inhibition of protein translation with cycloheximide also decreased early VCP-i mediated cell death. Using MEFs deficient in eIF2alpha kinases we show that eIF2alpha phosphorylation following VCP-i depends on both the unfolded protein response mediator PERK and the nutrient sensor GCN2. We found that DBeQ induces GCN2 phosphorylation in parallel with loss of mTORC1 signalling, induction of the key autophagy factor p62, and accumulation of LC3-II. DBeQ also induced a rapid decrease in free intracellular L-amino acids. Depletion of selected amino acids in the cell culture medium increased cell death and mRNA levels of CHOP and GADD34 following VCP-i with DBeQ or NMS873, but not following induction of ER stress with tunicamycin. Conclusion: Collectively, these data show that both ATP-competitive and allosteric VCP-i effectively kills cancer cells independently of bortezomib sensitivity. Disrupting VCP function induces early cell death via inappropriate eIF2alpha-regulated protein translation downstream of GADD34. VCP-i also depletes the intracellular free amino acid pool, resulting in cell death despite compensatory catabolic processes. Citation Format: Katarzyna Parzych, Sandra Loaiza, Tamara M. Chinn, Philippa May, Florentina Porsch, Anastasios Karadimitris, Christoph Driessen, Heather P. Harding, David Ron, Holger W. Auner. Comprehensive failure of intracellular protein homeostasis kills myeloma and solid cancer cells following VCP/p97 inhibition. [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research; 2015 Apr 18-22; Philadelphia, PA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2015;75(15 Suppl):Abstract nr 1261. doi:10.1158/1538-7445.AM2015-1261
- Published
- 2015
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