To evaluate the relative efficiency of coirpith as an organic manuresubstitute in combination with various levels of inorganic fertilizers, a pot culture experiment was conducted with bhendi as the test crop in red soil. Bhendi, a green pod vegetable, is an economically important crop which is a common source of vitamins, proteins and minerals. In comparison with the control, the application of composted coirpith at the rate of 15 t ha -1 with the recommended dose of NPK and the application of composted coirpith at the rate of 12.5 tha -1 with N 5 kg ha -1 and 100% P and K significantly enhanced biometric parameters, such as plant height, root volume, plant fresh weight and plant dry weight, and yield parameters, such as number of pods per plant, length of pods, fresh weight of pods and circumference of pods. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]