13 results on '"KAYA, Cumali"'
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2. Investigation of the protective effects of different forms of selenium in freezing dog semen: Comparison of nanoparticle selenium and sodium selenite.
- Author
Esin, Burcu, Kaya, Cumali, Akar, Melih, and Çevik, Mesut
- Subjects
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FROZEN semen , *NANOPARTICLES , *SODIUM selenite , *SELENIUM , *GLUTATHIONE peroxidase , *SELENOPROTEINS , *CELL membranes , *SEMEN - Abstract
This study aimed to investigate the protective effects of nanoparticle selenium (SeNP) and sodium selenite (SS) on preventing oxidative stress during the freezing process of dog semen. A total of six dogs were used in the study. The ejaculate was collected from dogs three times at different times by massage method. A total of 18 ejaculates were used and each ejaculate was divided in five experimental groups. The experimental groups were designed to tris extender containing no antioxidants control, 1 μg/mL SeNP1, 2 μg/mL SeNP2, and 1 μg/mL SS1 and 2 μg/mL SS2. Extended semen were equilibrated for 1 h at 4°C, then frozen in liquid nitrogen vapour and stored in liquid nitrogen (~−196°C). After thawing, semen samples were evaluated in terms of CASA motility and kinematic parameters, spermatozoa plasma membrane integrity and viability (HE Test), spermatozoa morphology (SpermBlue) and DNA fragmentation (GoldCyto). Antioxidant enzyme activity (glutathione peroxidase; GPX, superoxide dismutase; SOD, catalase; CAT) and lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde; MDA) were evaluated in frozen–thawed dog sperm. When the results were evaluated statistically, the progressive motility, VCL, and VAP kinematic parameters in the SeNP1 group were significantly higher than the control group after thawing (p <.05). The highest ratio of plasma membrane integrity and viable spermatozoa was observed in the SeNP1 group, but there was no statistical difference found between the groups (p >.05). Although the ratio of total morphological abnormality was observed to be lower in all groups to which different selenium forms were added, compared to the control group, no statistical difference was found. Spermatozoa tail abnormality was significantly lower in the SeNP1 group than in the control and SS2 group (p <.05). The lowest ratio of fragmented DNA was observed in the SeNP1 group, but there was no statistical difference was found between the groups (p >.05). Although there was no statistical difference between the groups in the evaluation of sperm antioxidant profile, the highest GPX, SOD and CAT values and the lowest lipid peroxidation values were obtained in the SeNP1 group. As a result, it was determined that 1 μg/mL dose of SeNP added to the tris‐based extender in dog semen was beneficial on spermatological parameters, especially sperm kinematic properties and sperm morphology, and therefore nanoparticle selenium, a nanotechnology product, made a significant contribution to the freezing of dog semen. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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3. Melatonin Administration Enhances Testicular Volume, Testicular Blood Flow, Semen Parameters and Antioxidant Status during the Non-Breeding Season in Bafra Rams.
- Author
Akar, Melih, Çevik, Mesut, Kocaman, Adem, Kaya, Cumali, Esin, Burcu, and Björkman, Stefan
- Subjects
BLOOD flow ,OXIDANT status ,SEMEN analysis ,RAMS ,TESTIS physiology ,SEMEN - Abstract
Simple Summary: Our study aimed to understand how melatonin affects reproductive parameters in Bafra rams during the non-breeding season. One group of rams received melatonin implants, while another served as the control. We measured testicular volume, blood flow, and semen quality over several weeks. The results showed that melatonin increased testicular size and blood flow. This suggests that providing melatonin implants before the non-breeding season may improve reproductive capacity. Our objectives were to investigate the effects of exogenous melatonin on testicular volume (TV), testicular blood flow (TBF), and semen quality in Bafra rams during the non-breeding season. One group of rams (MEL, n = 5) received a 36 mg melatonin implant twice, with 30 days in between, while the other group (CON, n = 5) served as the control. TBF, TV, and semen quality parameters were determined at three-week intervals starting three weeks before until twelve weeks after the first melatonin implant. Testicular blood flow was determined in the supratesticular (STA) and marginal testicular artery (MA) using color Doppler ultrasound. Semen was collected and evaluated, and the total oxidative status (TOS) and total antioxidative status (TAS) was determined using an ELISA. The MEL group had increased (p < 0.05) TV between the sixth and twelfth week after the start of treatment. Overall, the MEL group had lower resistance and pulsatility indexes (p < 0.05) between the third and ninth week, although there was no difference (p > 0.05) between the two groups in most semen quality parameters. However, TAS concentrations increased (p < 0.05) in the MEL group compared with the CON. The results of this study show that exogenous melatonin in the non-breeding season significantly increased both TBF and TV in Bafra rams. Therefore, giving rams implants with 36 mg melatonin twice at least one month prior to the non-breeding season is expected to improve testicular size and function and reproductive capacity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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4. Testiküler doku kriyoprezervasyonu
- Author
KAYA, Cumali, AKAR, Melih, AKAL, Eser, ÇEVİK, Mesut, OMÜ, Veteriner Fakültesi, Klinik Bilimler Bölümü, Kaya, Cumali, Akar, Melih, Akal, Eser, and Çevik, Mesut
- Subjects
kriyoprezervasyon ,puberty ,Fen ,Infertility,Cryopreservation,Puberty,Testicular tissue ,Science ,infertilite ,testiküler doku ,İnfertilite,Kriyoprezervasyon,Puberta,Testiküler doku ,puberta ,testicular tissue ,cryopreservation ,infertility - Abstract
ÖZETBiyolojik dokuların vücut dışında canlılıklarını kaybetmeden yıllar boyunca saklanabilmesi kriyoprezervasyon aracılığıyla gerçekleştirilebilmektedir. Kriyoprezervasyon yoluyla dondurulacak hücreler, spermatogenezisi devam eden sağlıklı ve fertil hayvanlardan uygun metotlarla toplanarak elde edilebilmektedir. Günümüzde, erkek hayvanlardan suni vajen, elektroejakülatör, el ile yapılan manipülasyonlar ve epididimal işlemler sonucu elde edilen spermanın kriyoprezervasyonu ile üreme alanda başarılı sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Ancak çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı infertilite problemi olan hayvanlarda, vahşi hayvan türlerinde ve henüz pubertaya ulaşamamış hayvanlarda sperma direkt olarak elde edilemediğinden, genetik materyalin korunması ve saklanabilmesi için farklı tekniklerin arayışı içerisine girilmiştir. Testiküler dokunun kriyoprezervasyonu, farklı hayvan türlerinde üreme kapasitesinin korunmasını ve nesli tükenmekte olan türler ile henüz pubertaya ulaşmamış hayvanlarda gametlerin uzun yıllar saklanabilmesine olanak sağlayan bir yöntemdir. Bu yöntemle testiküler dokulardan elde edilen spermatozoonlar veya spermatogonial kök hücreler in vitro koşullarda gelişimini tamamlayabilir ve suni tohumlama ya da in vitro fertilizasyon gibi yardımcı üreme uygulamalarında kullanılabilir. Son 30 yılda, çeşitli türlerde başarılı sonuçların alındığı testiküler doku kriyoprezervasyonu henüz optimum materyallerin ve dondurma protokollerinin geliştirilememesinden dolayı detaylı araştırmalara açık ve reprodüktif alanda başarılı ilerlemelere sebep olabilecek bir konu olma özelliği taşımaktadır., Biological tissues can be stored for many years without losing their viability outside the body through cryopreservation. Cells to be frozen by cryopreservation can be collected by appropriate methods from healthy and fertile animals whose spermatogenesis continues. Today, successful results have been obtained in the reproductive field with the cryopreservation of sperm obtained from male animals as a result of artificial vagina, electroejaculator, manual manipulations and epididymal procedures. However, since sperm cannot be obtained directly in animals with infertility problems due to various reasons, wild animal species and animals that have not yet reached puberty, different techniques have been sought to protect and preserve the genetic material. Cryopreservation of testicular tissue is a method that allows the preservation of reproductive capacity in different animal species and the preservation of gametes for many years in endangered species and animals that have not yet reached puberty. With this method, spermatozoons or spermatogonial stem cells obtained from testicular tissues can complete their development in vitro and can be used in assisted reproductive applications such as artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization. In the last 30 years, testicular tissue cryopreservation, in which successful results have been obtained in various types, is open to detailed researches due to the fact that optimum materials and freezing protocols have not been developed yet and is a subject that can lead to successful advances in the reproductive field.
- Published
- 2021
5. Diseases transmission via semen in cattle: importance and control strategies
- Author
Kaya, Cumali, Akar, Melih, Demirci, Mehmet, OMÜ, Veteriner Fakültesi, Klinik Bilimler Bölümü, Kaya, Cumali, Akar, Melih, and Demirci, Mehmet
- Subjects
disease ,cattle ,transmission ,kontrol ,sığır ,semen ,sperma ,bulaşma ,control ,hastalık - Abstract
Tam Metin / Full Text Disease transmission via semen is an extremely adversarial situation in terms ofanimal husbandry and reproductive productivity. Artificial insemination is the most widely usedmethod in reproductive biotechnology. The main purpose of artificial insemination is to makegenetic improvements. Millions of semen doses produce and distributed throughout the world.With this method, semen obtained both domestically and abroad affects animal husbandrythroughout the country. Therefore, absolutely semen should be free from all kinds of diseasefactors. Control strategies should be determined and implemented in the entire process, fromsemen procurement to storage. Serious measures should be taken in semen production facilities;breeding animals should be checked regularly. Semen obtained from breeding animals in spermstations should be investigated for various pathogens. Care should be taken to vaccinate theanimals, and disease-free herds should be created. The purpose of this review is to review theimportance of diseases via semen and the determination of control strategies. Sperma yoluyla hastalık bulaşması, hayvancılık ve üreme verimliliği açısından son derece olumsuz bir durumdur. Suni tohumlama, üreme biyoteknolojileri arasında yaygın olarak kullanılan yöntemdir. Suni tohumlamanın temel amacı genetik iyileştirme sağlamaktır. Milyonlarca doz sperma dünya çapında üretilmekte ve dağıtılmaktadır. Bu yöntemle hem yurt içinden hem de yurt dışından elde edilen sperma ile tüm ülke genelinde hayvancılık etkilenmektedir. Bu nedenle sperma her türlü hastalık faktöründen ari olmalıdır. Spermanın alınması, işlenmesi ve depolanmasına kadar tüm süreçte kontrol stratejileri belirlenmeli ve uygulanmalıdır. Sperma üretim tesislerinde ciddi önlemler alınmalı, damızlık hayvanlar düzenli olarak kontrol edilmelidir. Sperma üretim istasyonlarında damızlık hayvanlardan elde edilen sperma, çeşitli patojenler yönünden düzenli olarak taranmalıdır. Hayvanların aşılanmasına özen gösterilmeli ve hastalıktan ari sürüler oluşturulması sağlanmalıdır. Bu derlemenin amacı sperma yoluyla bulaşan hastalıkların ve kontrol stratejilerinin önemini değerlendirmektir.
- Published
- 2021
6. Dondurulmuş-Çözdürülmüş Boğa Spermasında Hızlı ve Yavaş Çözdürmenin Spermatolojik Parametreler ve Toluidin Mavisi Boyama ile Kromatin Kondenzasyonunun Belirlenmesi Üzerine Etkisi
- Author
ESİN, Burcu, primary, AKAR, Melih, primary, TAĞRIKULU, Merve Deniz, primary, KAYA, Cumali, primary, and ÇEVİK, Mesut, primary
- Published
- 2022
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7. Comparison of the effects of different thawing methods on post-thaw sperm characteristics of buffalo bull semen
- Author
AKAL, Eser, primary, SELÇUK, Murat, additional, ESİN, Burcu, additional, AKAR, Melih, additional, and KAYA, Cumali, additional
- Published
- 2021
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8. Diseases Transmission Via Semen: Importance and Control Strategies
- Author
KAYA, Cumali, AKAR, Melih, and YALÇIN, Burcu
- Subjects
endocrine system ,fluids and secretions ,Fen ,urogenital system ,Science ,Control,disease,semen,transmission ,Bulaşma,hastalık,kontrol,sperma ,urologic and male genital diseases - Abstract
Disease transmission via semen is an extremely adversarial situation in terms of animal husbandry and reproductive productivity. Artificial insemination is the most widely used method in reproductive biotechnology. The main purpose of artificial insemination is to make genetic improvement. Millions of semen doses produce and distributed throughout the world. With this method, semen obtained both domestically and abroad affects animal husbandry throughout the country. Therefore, absolutely semen should be free from all kinds of disease factors. Control strategies should be determined and implemented in the entire process, from semen procurement to storage. Serious measures should be taken in semen production facilities; breeding animals should be checked regularly. Semen obtained from breeding animals in sperm stations should be investigated for various pathogens. Care should be taken to vaccinate the animals, and disease-free herds should be created. The purpose of this review is to review the importance of diseases via semen and the determination of control strategies., ÖzetSperma yoluyla hastalık bulaşması, hayvancılık ve üreme verimliliği açısından son derece olumsuz bir durumdur. Suni tohumlama, üreme biyoteknolojileri arasında yaygın olarak kullanılan yöntemdir. Suni tohumlamanın temel amacı genetik iyileştirme sağlamaktır. Milyonlarca doz sperma dünya çapında üretilmekte ve dağıtılmaktadır. Bu yöntemle hem yurt içinden hem de yurt dışından elde edilen sperma ile tüm ülke genelinde hayvancılık etkilenmektedir. Bu nedenle sperma her türlü hastalık faktöründen ari olmalıdır. Spermanın alınması, işlenmesi ve depolanmasına kadar tüm süreçte kontrol stratejileri belirlenmeli ve uygulanmalıdır. Sperma üretim tesislerinde ciddi önlemler alınmalı, damızlık hayvanlar düzenli olarak kontrol edilmelidir. Sperma üretim istasyonlarında damızlık hayvanlardan elde edilen sperma, çeşitli patojenler yönünden düzenli olarak taranmalıdır. Hayvanların aşılanmasına özen gösterilmeli ve hastalıktan ari sürüler oluşturulması sağlanmalıdır. Bu derlemenin amacı sperma yoluyla bulaşan hastalıkların ve kontrol stratejilerinin önemini değerlendirmektir.
- Published
- 2021
9. Hastalıkların Sperma Yoluyla Bulaşması: Önemi ve Kontrol Stratejileri
- Author
KAYA, Cumali, primary, AKAR, Melih, additional, and YALÇIN, Burcu, additional
- Published
- 2021
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10. Evaluation of Current Antioxidant Profile in Semen
- Author
AKAR, Melih, primary, KAYA, Cumali, additional, and ÇEVİK, Mesut, additional
- Published
- 2021
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11. Testicular Tissue Cryopreservation
- Author
KAYA, Cumali, primary, AKAR, Melih, additional, AKAL, Eser, additional, and ÇEVİK, Mesut, additional
- Published
- 2021
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12. The Effects of Fast and Slow Thawing on Spermatological Parameters and Detect of Chromatin Condensation by Toluidine Blue Staining in Frozen-Thawed Bull Sperm.
- Author
ESİN, Burcu, AKAR, Melih, TAĞRIKULU, Merve Deniz, KAYA, Cumali, and ÇEVİK, Mesut
- Subjects
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- Published
- 2022
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13. Evaluation of current antioxidant profile in semen
- Author
Melih Akar, Cumali Kaya, Mesut Çevik, OMÜ, Veteriner Fakültesi, Klinik Bilimler Bölümü, Akar, Melih, Kaya, Cumali, and Çevik, Mesut
- Subjects
Ziraat, Sütçülük ve Hayvan Bilimleri ,Antioxidant ,antioxidant ,Chemistry ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Semen ,Agriculture, Dairy and Animal Science ,medicine.disease_cause ,cryopreservation ,Cryopreservation ,Andrology ,spermatozoa ,Antioxidant,Cryopreservation,Oxidative Stress,Spermatozoa ,medicine ,oxidative stress ,Current (fluid) ,Oxidative stress - Abstract
The freezing and storage of the sperm are used cryopreservation of germplasm in livestock breeding, genetic improvement of indigenous species, preservation of rare races, successful tolerance to environmental changes and international germplasm exchanges. Both the freezing and thawing process causes large changes in the volume of the cell fluid. Spermatozoon removes most of its cytoplasm at differentiation stages and lacks the cytoplasmic component that contains antioxidants that counteract the harmful effect of reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation. Therefore, the sensitivity of spermatozoa to lipid peroxidation increases during the freezing and thawing of the sperm, which creates a significant mechanical stress on the cell membrane. Oxidative stress is caused by oxygen and oxygen-derived oxidants, commonly known as ROS, and is known as an imbalance between the ability of biological systems to easily detoxify or repair damaged reagents. Uncontrolled ROS production, which exceeds the antioxidant capacity of seminal plasma, causes oxidative stress that is harmful to spermatozoa. All cellular components, including lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, and sugars, are potential targets of oxidative stress. Antioxidants control the chemical degradation of the substrate caused by oxidation, neutralizing free radicals, thereby it is used to minimize the risk of damage to spermatozoa during cryopreservation.
- Published
- 2021
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