14 results on '"KACJAN ŽGAJNAR, Katarina"'
Search Results
2. Kakovost vode v Cerkniškem jezeru v odvisnosti od sezone in vodnega režima
- Author
Kacjan Žgajnar, Katarina and Gaberščik, Alenka
- Subjects
udc:556.55:574.5:582.542(497.4Cerkniško jezero)(043.2) ,modelling ,presihajoče jezero ,hranila ,modeliranje ,vodni režim ,nutrients ,water regime ,intermittent lake ,kakovost vode ,makrofiti ,water quality ,macrophytes - Published
- 2020
3. Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in Slovenian children daycare centres
- Author
Dovjak, Mateja, Kacjan Žgajnar, Katarina, Košir, Mitja, Kristl, Živa, and Pajek, Luka
- Published
- 2017
4. Analiza parametrov delovnega okolja v ortotični in protetični delavnici: študija primera
- Author
Besal, Tina, Jereb, Gregor, and Kacjan Žgajnar, Katarina
- Published
- 2017
5. Vpliv hrupa v vrtcu na stres pri vzgojnem osebju v predšolskih oddelkih
- Author
Kacjan Žgajnar, Katarina and Bilban, Marjan
- Subjects
udc:37.011.3-051:159.944(043.3) ,šole ,occupational medicine ,Slovenia ,schools ,fiziološki stres ,child preschool ,noise occupational ,psihični stres ,stress physiological ,stress psychological ,hrup na delovnem mestu ,hidrokortizon ,Slovenija ,hydrocortisone ,predšolski otrok ,medicina dela - Published
- 2016
6. Ergonomic burdens and harms at the workplace of accountants
- Author
Govekar, Kaja, Kacjan Žgajnar, Katarina, and Oder, Martina
- Published
- 2016
7. Vloga sanitarnih inženirjev pri vzpostavljanju boljših delovnih pogojev zaposlenih v vrtcu: The role of sanitary engineers in creating better working conditions for kindergarten employees
- Author
Kacjan Žgajnar, Katarina, Kump, Teja, and Strah, Branka
- Published
- 2014
8. Analysis of sanitary-technical and hygienic conditions of Slovenian kindergartens and proposed measures
- Author
Dovjak, Mateja, Galičič, An, Kacjan Žgajnar, Katarina, Pajek, Luka, and Zoran, Urška
- Published
- 2013
9. Analysis of sanitary-technical and hygienic conditions of Slovenian kindergartens and proposed measures.
- Author
KACJAN ŽGAJNAR, Katarina, GALIČIČ, An, ZORAN, Urška, PAJEK, Luka, and DOVJAK, Mateja
- Subjects
- *
KINDERGARTEN facilities , *CHILDREN'S health , *PLAYROOMS , *SCHOOL hygiene , *SCHOOL lighting , *REVERBERATION time , *SCHOOL building acoustics , *EDUCATION - Abstract
Most children in early childhood spend approximately one third of the day in kindergartens. Therefore, it is essential that their stay in an educational institution is comfortable and without adverse health effects. Statistical data over the last decade show that the amount of enrolled children in kindergartens has increased. The problem of overcrowded kindergartens is usually solved by changing the existing norms for class sizes, or with alternative spaces that do not serve the original purpose. According to EU Directives, kindergartens are among building facilities that have to be renovated. The purpose of the paper was to analyse sanitary-technical and hygienic conditions of the selected playrooms of kindergartens and to define measures. Real-state conditions were evaluated in 35 playrooms of 16 kindergartens in the Central Slovenian region. The main emphasis was on the used materials, their cleaning capability, room acoustics, natural daylight, safety and comfort issues, as well on their possible adverse health effects. The combination of observation, measurements and calculations of reverberation time, and comparison with regulation demands was carried out. In many playrooms sanitary-technical and hygienic conditions did not fulfil regulation demands. Irregularities are mainly related to improper installation of final coverings, to low parapet heights and total opening area of windows, poor hygienic conditions, and selection of materials that may present health risks. Calculated and measured reverberation times deviated from optimal values. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
10. Tveganja na delovnem mestu laboratorijskega zobnega protetika
- Author
Doneva, Ilinka and Kacjan Žgajnar, Katarina
- Subjects
physical risks ,kemična tveganja ,diploma theses ,kovinsko-porcelanske prevleke ,metal-porcelain coatings ,additive technologies ,udc:616.31 ,aditivne tehnologije ,laboratory dental prosthetics ,laboratorijska zobna protetika ,chemical risks ,diplomska dela ,fizikalna tveganja - Abstract
Uvod: Fizikalni in kemični dejavniki v delovnem okolju so glavni povzročitelji poklicnih bolezni, lahko pa povzročijo tudi bolezen nepoklicne etiologije in bistveno vplivajo na produktivnost delavca. Delo laboratorijskega zobnega protetika je natančno, ustvarjalno, zahteva ročno spretnost, odgovornost in zbranost, zato so na delovnem mestu pomembni delovno okolje ter fizikalni dejavniki: toplotno okolje, osvetljenost, hrup in vibracije. Široka paleta materialov, ki se danes uporabljajo v zobozdravstvu, ima škodljive učinke pri zaužitju ali vdihavanju, delujejo lokalno, sistemsko s takojšnjim ali kasnejšim učinkom. Kemični dejavniki tveganja pri delu laboratorijskega zobnega protetika so: kovine iz dentalnih zlitin, prosti delci kristalnega silicijevega dioksida. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti dejavnike tveganja v delovnem okolju, ki vplivajo na laboratorijskega izvajalca. Metode dela: V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela je povzeta strokovna literatura v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku s področja laboratorijske zobne protetike in veljavna slovenska zakonodaja. Rezultati: Izdelali smo kovinsko-porcelansko prevleko in kovinsko-porcelanski mostiček. Kovinsko ogrodje je bilo izdelano po sodobni digitalni tehnologiji z računalniško podprtim oblikovanjem, računalniško podprto izdelavo in selektivnim laserskim taljenjem. Razprava in zaključek: Z digitalno tehnologijo smo se izognili nekaterim škodljivim postopkom pri izdelavi izdelka. Tam, kjer se škodljivim tveganjem nismo mogli izogniti, pa smo uporabljali previdnostne ukrepe za zaščito med delom. Introduction: Physical and chemical agents in the work environment are the main causes of occupational diseases, they can also cause non-occupational diseases and have a significant impact on worker productivity. The work of a laboratory dental prosthetics is meticulous and creative, it requires manual dexterity, a sense of responsibility and concentration, therefore, it is important to have a workplace that considers the work environment and physical factors: thermal environment, lighting, noise, and vibrations.The wide range of materials used in dentistry today have harmful effects when ingested or inhaled, both locally and systemically with immediate or delayed effects. Chemical risk factors for laboratory dental prosthetics include metals from dental alloys free particles of crystalline silica. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma thesis is to present the risk factors in the working environment that affect laboratory workers. Methods of work: The theoretical part of the thesis summarises the literature in Slovene and English languages in the field of laboratory dental prosthetics and the current Slovenian legislation. Results: We have produced a metal-porcelain coating and a metal-porcelain bridge. The framework was made using the according to modern digital technology with computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing and selective laser melting. Discussion and conclusion: With digital technology, we have avoided some harmful processes in the manufacture of our product. Where harmful risks could not be avoided, we have taken precautions to protect ourselves at work.
- Published
- 2022
11. Dvigovanje bremen v delovnem okolju kot dejavnik tveganja za nosečnico in plod
- Author
Štucin, Neža and Kacjan Žgajnar, Katarina
- Subjects
loads ,delovno mesto ,dvigovanje ,workplace ,bremena ,pregnancy ,lifting ,tveganje ,nosečnica ,risk - Abstract
Uvod: V diplomskem delu smo predstavili vpliv dvigovanja bremen na delovnem mestu in vpliv na žensko ter plod. Izpostavljenost dvigovanju težkih bremen poveča tveganje za neugodne izide nosečnosti. Privede lahko do sprememb v rasti in razvoju ploda, pelvične in/ali medenične bolečine, spontanega splava, prezgodnjega poroda, mrtvorojenosti. Delodajalec je dolžen ukrepati takoj, ko ga delavka obvesti o nosečnosti. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati poznavanje posledic dvigovanja bremen med ženskami. Zanima nas tudi odziv delodajalca ter poznavanje pravic. Metode dela: V teoretičnem delu je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom domače in tuje strokovne in znanstvene literature v knjigah, zbornikih in člankih. Literaturo smo iskali v spletnih podatkovnih bazah Medline, PubMed, CINAHL, Proquest, ScienceDirect, Google učenjak. V drugem delu diplomskega dela je bila uporabljena kvantitativna metoda z vprašalnikom, ki smo ga posredovali s pomočjo spletne strani 1ka. Posredovali smo jo v Facebook skupine z naslovom Nosečka forum in Mamice Poljanske doline. Vprašalnik je bil namenjen ženskam v zadnjem trimesečju nosečnosti ali mamicam, ki so rodile v preteklem letu. Vprašalnik je bil sestavljen iz dvajsetih vprašanj, ki smo jih postavili na podlagi pregleda literature. Rezultati: Vse ženske v naši raziskavi (N=216), ki so bile med nosečnostjo zaposlene, so svojega delodajalca o nosečnosti obvestile. Večina jih je mnenja, da se je delodajalec na novico odzval pozitivno in da je skrbel za njihovo ter otrokovo varnost. Skoraj vse so bile pred in med nosečnostjo izpostavljene vsaj enemu dejavniku tveganja za njeno in otrokovo zdravje. Delodajalci in nadrejeni so nosečnico s pravicami seznanili le v skupno 15 %. Dve tretjini jih med nosečnostjo ni bilo v bolniškem staležu. 72 % jih med nosečnostjo ni imelo težav. Večina jih ni nikoli izračunala mase enkratnega bremena in vsote bremen, ki jih dvignejo dnevno. Skoraj vse dvigujejo bremena tudi v svojem prostem času. Razprava in zaključek: Informacije o pravicah so od delodajalcev in nadrejenih pridobile le v redkih primerih. Ženske se teže dvignjenih bremen ne zavedajo, saj se le redko vprašajo, kakšno težo vsakodnevno dvigujejo. Babica lahko tekom prenatalnega obdobja vpliva na samo področje dvigovanja bremen na delovnem mestu. Ženske bi lahko v šolah za starše in dispanzerjih poučevali o dovoljeni teži in načinu dvigovanja. Introduction: In the literature review we researched the impact of lifting heavy loads on the workplace and the impact of lifting on the woman and fetus. With heavy lifting the chances of negative outcomes on pregnancy increases. Lifting can lead to changes in fetal growth and development, pelvic and/or pelvic pain, miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth. The employer is obliged to act as soon as the worker informs him of the pregnancy. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate knowledge of the consequences of lifting heavy loads among pregnant women. We are also interested in an employer response and knowledge of rights during pregnancy. Methods: In theoretical part we used a descriptive method with a review of domestic and foreign, professional and scientific literature in books, proceedings and articles. We searched for the literature in databases as Medline, PubMed, CINAHL, Proquest, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar. In the second part of the diploma we used the quantitative method. We used the questionnaire, which was submitted through the website 1ka. The questionnair was sent to Facebook groups Nosečka forum and Mamice Poljanske doline. It was meant for women in last trimester of pregnancy and for those who gave birth in the past year. The questionnaire consisted of twenty questions that were asked based on the literature review. Results: All women in our study (N=216) who were employed during pregnancy told about pregnancy to their employer. In most cases employer responded positively to the news and that it took care of her and her child's safety. Almost all of them were exposed to at least one risk factor before and during pregnancy. Only 15% of pregnant women have been informed of their rights by employers and superiors. Two thirds of them were not on sick leave during pregnancy. 72% had no helath problems during pregnancy. Most have never calculated the mass of a one-time load and the sum of the loads they lift on a daily basis. Almost all of them lift loads even in their spare time. Discussion and conclusion: In most cases, employers responded positively to the news about preganncy. Women believe that both her and her child's safety have been taken care of during pregnancy. Women have rarely obtained information about rights from employers and superiors. Women are not aware of the weight of the lifted loads, as they rarely imagine the weight they lift on a daily basis. Midwife can have influence to lifting on work during preganancy. This things can be tought during schools for parents and doctors visits.
- Published
- 2019
12. Povezanost tjelesne aktivnosti s čimbenicima unutarnjeg i vanjskog okoliša
- Author
Brumnić, Vesna, Lešer, Vladka, Kvas, Andreja, and Kacjan Žgajnar, Katarina
- Subjects
tjelesna aktivnost, vanjski čimbenici okoliša, unutarnji čimbenici okoliša - Abstract
Uvod: Nedostatna tjelesnaaktivnost je veliki problemu Hrvatskoj i svijetu, što povećava broj morbiditeta, ekonomska opterećenja zdravstvenog sustava i mortalitet. Različiti unutarnji i vanjskifaktori okoliša djeluju na razinu bavljenja tjelesnom aktivnošću. Ovim istraživanjem želi se provjeriti učestalost bavljenja tjelesnom aktivnošću radno aktivne populacije, stavove o nekim psihosocijalnim čimbenicima okoliša koji mogu utjecati na razinu bavljenja tjelesnom aktivnošću, skor percipiranja prednosti i prepreka za provođenje tjelesne aktivnosti te istražiti povezanost pojedinih varijabli.Metode: Istraživanje je provedeno u rujnu 2017. strukturiranim upitnikom putem web ankete na uzorku od 62 ispitanika. Za ispitivanje razine tjelesne aktivnosti primijenjen jemeđunarodni upitnikIPAQ –SF.Rezultati:Intenzivnu tjelesnu aktivnost provodi 33, 9% ispitanika. Ispitanike s metaboličkim poremećajima više interesiraju informacije o važnosti bavljenjatjelesnom aktivnošću i utjecaju zdravog načina života na zdravlje (p < 0, 027, p < 0, 029), ali su manje zainteresirani za provođenje tjelesne aktivnosti uslobodno vrijeme (p < 0, 024). Pušači su tjelesno aktivniji (p < 0, 030). Ispitanici iz Osječko baranjske županije više percipiraju prepreke za bavljenje tjelesnim aktivnostima od ostalih ispitanika (p
- Published
- 2018
13. The exposure of preschool children to technology and its relationship to children’s play
- Author
Gričar, Nevenka, Bartolac, Andreja, Sangster Jokić, Claire A., Kacjan Žgajnar, Katarina, and Starc, Andrej
- Subjects
preschool children ,sensory needs ,play ,occupational therapy ,modern technology - Abstract
Introduction: Sensory input represents "food" for the nervous system. Among all sensory systems, the tactile, vestibular and proprioceptive systems are the most fundamental for the development of the various skills crucial for the optimal performance of daily occupations. As new technology becomes increasingly available to children of preschool age, the question arises how this affects the development of these basic sensory systems through various forms of play. This study, conducted in Slovenia and Croatia, aims to answer the question: What is the relationship between the frequency of technology use and participation in sensory-rich play based activities among preschool children? Methods: This pilot study adopted a quantitative approach in which data was collected cross-sectionally through the dissemination of an online questionnaire. This questionnaire was designed for the purpose of this research using the open source application for online surveys 1KA. Study participants were recruited via a ‘snowball’ method using simple random sampling. To participate in the survey, parents of preschool children aged between 2 and 6 years were invited by e-mail or via the Facebook social network. The research took place during the period from October 10th, 2017 to November 11th, 2017. The data collected was quantitatively analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Using descriptive statistics, the findings indicate that preschool aged children spend far greater amounts of time using various types of technology than what is currently recommended by the American Association of Pediatrics and what is deemed a reasonable limit by their parents. Furthermore, the findings demonstrate that children who spend more time using media are significantly less involved in sensory-rich play activities than children who spend less time using technological devices. Discussion: Presently, research regarding technology use and play among preschool children is insufficient and inconclusive (DeShetler, 2014). As occupational therapists, we recognize that active participation in the everyday occupation of play is an important contributor to children’s health and development. By shedding further light on the relationship between technology use and play, we hope that the present study will support further work in promoting play. Based on the findings of our research, we also plan to develop guidelines for parents of preschool children, if necessary, regarding the importance of taking into account sensory needs in their children’s development.
- Published
- 2018
14. Patient empowerment in the digital era through the eyes of healthcare students
- Author
Peterlin, Judita, Jukic, Tomislav, Starc, Andrej, Kacjan Žgajnar, Katarina, and Starc, Andrej
- Subjects
InformationSystems_GENERAL ,education ,healthcare education ,knowledge management ,e-learning - Abstract
Introduction: Based on the conceptualization of empowerment, we present a study of the perception of healthcare students regarding their empowerment as patients in the contemporary healthcare system. More emphasis is given on stress management and well-being at the workplace through safe and suitable use of technology. Personal relationships with doctors might be lost as a result of the Internet and e-health services, which is an ethical dilemma. Methods: A survey was used as the main research method in addition to description. The sample was composed of 30 students from three healthcare study streams, attending the course entitled Management in healthcare. Results: The research indicates that smart technologies have strengthened the influence of patients and assigned them a more balanced place in the healthcare system. Technology also enables patients to have more self-regulation and self- control. Discussion: The evolution of healthcare education in line with the use of the Internet in healthcare settings is discussed.
- Published
- 2018
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