30 results on '"K. ht"'
Search Results
2. Controlled biodegradation of PCL electrospun nanofiber-based scaffolds: OP-054
- Author
Le, K HT, Giannitelli, S M, and Kim, G-M
- Published
- 2011
3. Cooperative interactions of PTEN deficiency and RAS activation in melanoma metastasis
- Author
Nogueira, C, Kim, K-H, Sung, H, Paraiso, K HT, Dannenberg, J-H, Bosenberg, M, Chin, L, and Kim, M
- Published
- 2010
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4. Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 328 diseases and injuries for 195 countries, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
- Author
Vos T. a, Abajobir A. A. d, Abbafati C. h, Abbas K. M. i, Abate K. H., Abd-Allah F. j, Abdulle A. M. k, Abebo T. A. l, Abera S. F. m, r Aboyans, V. s Abu-Raddad, L. J. t Ackerman, I. N. u Adamu, A. A. x Adetokunboh, O. z Afarideh, M. cl, Afshin A. a, Agarwal, S. K. aa, Aggarwal, R. ab, Agrawal, A. ac, ad Agrawal, S. ag, Ahmad Kiadaliri, A. ah, Ahmadieh, H. aj, am Ahmed, M. B. an, Aichour, A. N. ap, I. aq, M. T. E. ar, Aiyar S. a, Akinyemi, R. O. as, at Akseer, N. au, Al Lami, F. H. ay, Alahdab, F. az, ba Al-Aly, Z. bb, Alam, K. bc, bg bi, N. bj, Alam T. a, Alasfoor, D. bk, Alene, K. A. bl, bo Ali, R. bw, Alizadeh-Navaei, R. bx, Alkerwi, A. by, Alla, F. bz, Allebeck, P. dh, Allen C. a, Al-Maskari, F. ca, Al-Raddadi, R. cb, Alsharif, U. cd, Alsowaidi, S. ca, Altirkawi, K. A. ce, Amare, A. T. cf, ch Amini, E. cj, ck Ammar, W. cz, Amoako, Y. A. da, Andersen, H. H. db, Antonio, C. A. T. dd, Anwari, P. de, Ärnlöv, J. df, dj Artaman, A. dk, Aryal, K. K. dl, dm Asayesh, H. dn, Asgedom S. W. q, Assadi, R. do, Atey T. M. q, Atnafu, N. T. dp, Atre, S. R. dq, ds Avila-Burgos, L. dt, Avokpaho, E. F. G. A. du, dv Awasthi, A. dw, Ayala Quintanilla, B. P. dx, Ba Saleem, H. O. dz, Bacha, U. ea, Badawi, A. aw, eb Balakrishnan, K. ec, Banerjee, A. ed, Bannick M. S. a, Barac, A. eg, Barber R. M. a, Barker-Collo, S. L. ei, Bärnighausen, T. ej, el em, Barquera, S. dt, Barregard, L. en, Barrero, L. H. eo, Basu, S. ep, Battista, B. eq, Battle, K. E. bq, Baune, B. T. cf, Bazargan-Hejazi, S. er, es Beardsley, J. et, Bedi, N. eu, Beghi, E. ev, Béjot, Y. ew, Bekele, B. B. bm, ex Bell, M. L. ey, Bennett, D. A. bs, Bensenor, I. M. fb, Benson J. a, Berhane, A. fc, Berhe D. F. n, fe Bernabé, E. fi, Betsu B. D. q, Beuran, M. fj, fk Beyene, A. S. fl, Bhala, N. fn, fo Bhansali, A. fp, Bhatt, S. fq, Bhutta, Z. A. au, fu Biadgilign, S. fv, Bienhoff K. a, Bikbov, B. fw, Birungi, C. ef, Biryukov S. a, Bisanzio, D. bt, Bizuayehu, H. M. fy, Boneya, D. J. fx, Boufous, S. fz, Bourne, R. R. A. gd, Brazinova, A. ge, Brugha, T. S. gf, Buchbinder R. u, gg Bulto, L. N. B. fm, Bumgarner B. R. a, Butt, Z. A. gh, Cahuana-Hurtado, Cameron, E. br, Car, M. ft, gi Carabin, H. gj, Carapetis, J. R. gk, Cárdenas, R. gl, Carpenter, D. O. gm, Carrero, J. J. dg, Carter A. a, Carvalho, F. gn, Casey D. C. a, Caso, V. gr, Castañeda-Orjuela, C. A. gs, gt Castle, C. D. a Catalá-López, F. gu, gv Chang, H. -Y. gw, gx Chang, J. -C. gy, Charlson F. J. a, d gz, Chen, H. ha, Chibalabala, M. hb, Chibueze, C. E. hc, Chisumpa, V. H. hd, he Chitheer, A. A. hf, Christopher, D. J. hg, Ciobanu, L. G. cf, Cirillo, M. hh, Colombara D. a, Cooper, C. bu, hi hj, Cortesi, P. A. hk, Criqui, M. H. hm, Crump, J. A. hn, Dadi, A. F. bn, hp Dalal, K. hq, Dandona L. a, ag Dandona, R. a ag, Das Neves, J. go, Davitoiu, D. V. fj, De Courten, B. w, De Leo, D. hr, Degenhardt L. a, ga Deiparine, S. a Dellavalle, R. P. hs, Deribe, K. ht, Des Jarlais, D. C. hw, hx Dey, S. ae, Dharmaratne, S. D. hy, Dhillon, P. K. ag, Dicker D. a, Ding, E. L. ej, Djalalinia, S. hz, H. P. ia, Dorsey, E. R. ib, Dos Santos, K. P. B. ic, Douwes-Schultz D. a, Doyle, K. E. bp, id Driscoll, T. R. bh, Dubey, M. ie, Duncan, B. B. if, ig El-Khatib, Z. Z. dh, ih Ellerstrand, J. d Enayati, A. ii, Endries, A. Y. ij, Ermakov, S. P. ik, il Erskine, H. E. a d, gz Eshrati, B. im, in Eskandarieh, S. io, Esteghamati, A. cl, Estep K. a, Fanuel, F. B. B. ip, iq Farinha, C. S. E. S. ir, is Faro, A. it, Farzadfar, F. ck, Fazeli, M. S. eq, Feigin, V. L. iu, Fereshtehnejad, S. -M. df, Fernandes, J. C. iv, Ferrari A. J. a, Feyissa, T. R. iw, Filip, I. ix, Fischer, F. iy, Fitzmaurice C. a, b iz, Flaxman A. D. a, Flor, L. S. ja, jb Foigt, N. jc, Foreman K. J. a, Franklin, R. C. jd, Fullman N. a, Fürst, T. fq, je jg, Furtado, J. M. jh, Futran N. D. c, Gakidou E. a, Ganji, M. cy, Garcia-Basteiro, A. L. ji, jj Gebre, T. jk, Gebrehiwot, T. T. ao, Geleto, A. fm, jl Gemechu, B. L. jm, Gesesew, H. A. ao, hp Gething, P. W. bv, Ghajar, A. cm, Gibney, K. B. jn, Gill, P. S. jo, Gillum, R. F. jp, Ginawi, I. A. M. jq, Giref, A. Z. hv, Gishu, M. D. fm, jr Giussani, G. ev, Godwin W. W. a, Gold A. L. a, Goldberg E. M. a, Gona, P. N. js, Goodridge, A. jt, Gopalani, S. V. ju, Goto, A. jv, Goulart, A. C. ez, jw Griswold, M. a Gugnani, H. C. jx, Gupta, R. jy, R. jz, T. ka, kb Gupta, V. kc, Hafezi-Nejad, N. cl, Hailu, A. D. hu, kf Hailu, G. B. q kg, Hamadeh, R. R. kh, Hamidi, S. ki, Handal, A. J. kj, Hankey, G. J. kk, kl km, Hao, Y. kn, Harb, H. L. cz, Hareri, H. A. hv, Haro, J. M. ko, Harvey J. a, Hassanvand, M. S. cn, Havmoeller, R. di, Hawley C. a, Hay, R. J. br, fi kp, Hay S. I. a, Henry N. J. a, Heredia-Pi, I. B. dt, Heydarpour, P. co, Hoek, H. W. ff, kq Hoffman, H. J. ks, Horita, N. ku, Hosgood, H. D. kb, Hostiuc, S. fj, Hotez, P. J. kv, Hoy, D. G. kw, Htet, A. S. dm, kx Hu, G. ky, Huang, H. kz, Huynh C. a, Iburg, K. M. lb, Igumbor, E. U. lc, ld Ikeda, C. a Irvine, C. M. S. a Jacobsen, K. H. le, Jahanmehr, N. ak, Jakovljevic M. B. a, lf Jassal, S. K. hl, Javanbakht, M. lg, Jayaraman, S. P. lh, Jeemon, P. af, li Jensen, P. N. c Jha, V. bw, lj Jiang, G. lk, John, D. ll, Johnson C. O. a, Johnson S. C. a, Jonas, J. B. lm, Jürisson, M. ln, Kabir, Z. lo, Kadel, R. lp, Kahsay A. q, Kamal, R. lq, Kan, H. ls, Karam, N. E. lt, Karch, A. lu, lv Karema, C. K. jf, lw Kasaeian, cp Kassa, G. M. fy, Kassaw, N. A. hv, Kassebaum N. J. a, lx Kastor, A. ie, Katikireddi, S. V. ly, Kaul, A. lz, Kawakami, N. ma, Keiyoro, P. N. mb, mc Kengne, A. P. me, mg rz, Keren, A. mh, Khader, Y. S. mi, Khalil I. A. a, Khan, E. A. mj, Khang, Y. -H. mk, ml Khosravi, A. ck, mm Khubchandani, J. mn, Kieling, C. if, mo Kim, D. mp, Kim P. a, Kim, Y. J. mq, Kimokoti, R. W. mr, Kinfu, Y. ms, Kisa, A. mt, Kissimova-Skarbek, K. A. mv, Kivimaki, M. ee, mw Knudsen, A. K. kd, mz Kokubo, Y. nb, Kolte, D. nc, Kopec, J. A. nd, Kosen, S. ne, Koul, P. A. nf, Koyanagi, A. ng, Kravchenko, M. nh, Krishnaswami, S. ni, Krohn K. J. a, Kuate Defo, B. nj, Kucuk Bicer, B. nk, Kumar, G. A. ag, P. ie, S. nl, Kyu H. H. a, Lal, D. K. ag, Lalloo R. e, Lambert, N. nm, Lan, Q. nn, Larsson, A. no, Lavados, P. M. np, Leasher, J. L. nq, Lee, J. -T. ns, P. H. nt, Leigh, J. bi, Leshargie, C. T. fy, Leung J. c, d Leung, R. nu, Levi, M. nv, Y. nw, Y. nx, Li Kappe, D. a Liang, X. ny, Liben, M. L. oa, Lim S. S. a, Linn, S. ob, Liu A. a, Liu P. Y. a, Liu, S. nx, Y. oc, Lodha, R. aa, Logroscino, G. od, London, S. J. oe, Looker, K. J. of, Lopez, A. D. bd, Lorkowski, S. og, oh Lotufo, P. A. fb, Low, N. oi, Lozano R. a, dt Lucas, T. C. D. br, Macarayan, E. R. K. ek, Magdy Abd El Razek, H. ok, M. ol, Mahdavi, M. cq, om Majdan, M. on, Majdzadeh, R. cr, oo Majeed, A. fr, Malekzadeh, R. cs, Malhotra, Malta, D. C. op, Mamun, A. A. oq, Manguerra H. a, Manhertz T. a, Mantilla A. d, Mantovani LG, Mapoma, C. C. hd, Marczak L. B. a, Martinez-Raga, J. he, ot Martins-Melo, F. R. ou, Martopullo I. a, März, W. ov, ow Mathur, M. R. ag, ef Mazidi, M. ox, McAlinden, C. oy, oz McGaughey, M. a McGrath, J. J. f la, McKee, M. pa, McNellan C. a, Mehata, S. pb, Mehndiratta, M. M. pc, Mekonnen, T. C. pd, Memiah, P. pe, Memish, Z. A. pf, pg Mendoza, W. ph, Mengistie, M. A. ao, Mengistu D. T. o, Mensah, G. A. kt, Meretoja, A. be, pi Meretoja, T. J. my, pj Mezgebe, H. B. q Micha, R. pk, Millear A. a, Miller, T. R. pm, pn Mills, E. J. po, Mirarefin M. a, pp Mirrakhimov, E. M. pq, pr Misganaw, A. a Mishra, S. R. g ps, Mitchell, P. B. gc, Mohammad, K. A. pt, pu Mohammadi, A. pv, Mohammed K. E. o, Mohammed, S. em, pw Mohanty, S. K. ie, Mokdad A. H. a, Mollenkopf S. K. a, Monasta, L. py, Hernandez, J. M. dt, Montico, M. py, Moradi-Lakeh, M. qa, Moraga, P. qd, Mori, R. qe, Morozoff C. a, Morrison S. D. c, Moses M. a, Mountjoy-Venning C. a, Mruts, K. B. fd, Mueller, U. O. qh, Muller K. a, Murdoch, M. E. qi, Murthy, G. V. S. ae, pa Musa, K. I. qj, Nachega J. B. z, qk ql, Nagel, G. qm, Naghavi M. a, Naheed, A. qn, Naidoo, K. S. qq, Naldi, L. qr, Nangia, V. qs, Natarajan, G. qt, Negasa, D. E. fm, Negoi, I. fj, fk Negoi, R. I. fj, Newton, C. R. qu, Ngunjiri, J. W. qv, Nguyen, C. T. ia, Nguyen G. a, Nguyen M. a, Q. L. ia, T. H. ia, Nichols E. a, Ningrum, D. N. A. qw, qx Nolte, S. cc, qy Nong, V. M. ia, Norrving, B. ai, Noubiap, J. J. N. mg, ra O'Donnell, M. J. rb, Ogbo, F. A. rc, I. -H. re, Okoro, A. rf, Oladimeji, O. rg, Olagunju, A. T. cg, rh ri, T. O. rj, rl Olsen, H. E. a Olusanya, B. O. rm, Olusanya, J. O. rm, Ong K. a, Opio, J. N. rn, Oren, E. ro, Ortiz, A. rp, Osgood-Zimmerman A. a, Osman, M. rq, uc Owolabi, M. O. rr, rs Pa, M. rt, Pacella, R. E. ru, Pana, A. rv, Panda, B. K. ie, Papachristou, C. rw, Park, E. -K. rx, Parry C. D. y, ry Parsaeian, M. ck, ct Patten, S. B. sa, Patton, G. C. bf, Paulson K. a, Pearce, N. pa, Pereira, D. M. sc, Perico, N. fw, Pesudovs, K. hp, Peterson, C. B. dc, Petzold, M. sd, se Phillips, M. R. oc, sf Pigott, D. M. a Pillay, J. D. sg, Pinho C. a, Plass, D. sh, Pletcher M. A. a, Popova, S. ax, Poulton, R. G. ho, Pourmalek, F. nd, Prabhakaran, D. li, Prasad, N. si, N. M. sj, sk Purcell, C. a Qorbani, M. sl, Quansah, R. sm, sn Rabiee, R. H. S. dh, Radfar, A. so, Rafay, A. sp, sq Rahimi, K. bw, Rahimi-Movaghar, A. cu, V. cv, Rahman, M. sr, M. H. U. ie, Rai, R. K. ss, Rajsic, S. st, Ram, U. ie, Ranabhat, C. L. su, sv Rankin, Z. a Rao, P. V. sw, sx Rao, P. C. a Rawaf, S. ft, Ray S. E. a, Reiner R. C. a, Reinig N. a, Reitsma M. B. a, Remuzzi, G. fw, sy sz, Renzaho, A. M. N. rd, Resnikoff, S. gb, Rezaei, S. ta, Ribeiro, A. L. dd, tb Ronfani, Roshandel, G. cs, tc Roth, G. A. a Roy, A. aa, Rubagotti, E. td, Ruhago, G. M. te, Saadat, S. cv, Sadat N. a, Safdarian, M. cv, Safi, S. al, Safiri, S. tf, Sagar, Sahathevan, R. tg, th Salama, J. a Salomon, J. A. ej, Salvi, S. S. ti, Samy, A. M. tj, Sanabria, J. R. tk, tl Santomauro, D. a d, gz Santos, I. S. fa, Santos, J. V. gp, Santric Milicevic, M. M. eh, Sartorius, B. md, qo Satpathy, M. tn, Sawhney, M. tk, Saxena, Schmidt, M. I. if, Schneider, I. J. C. to, Schöttker, B. tp, tq Schwebel, D. C. tr, Schwendicke, F. ts, Seedat S. z, Sepanlou, S. G. cs, Servan-Mori, E. E. dt, Setegn, T. ci, Shackelford K. A. a, Shaheen, A. tt, Shaikh, M. A. tu, Shamsipour, M. cw, Shariful Islam, S. M. qn, tv Sharma, J. tw, Sharma, R. tx, She, J. lr, Shi, P. pl, Shields C. a, Shigematsu, M. ty, tz Shinohara, Y. ua, Shiri, R. mx, Shirkoohi, R. cx, Shirude S. a, Shishani, K. ub, Shrime, M. G. uc, Sibai, A. M. ud, Sigfusdottir, I. D. ue, Silva, D. A. S. uf, J. P. gq, Silveira, D. G. A. ug, Singh, J. A. tr, N. P. uh, Sinha, D. N. ui, uj Skiadaresi, E. uk, ul Skirbekk, V. kr, na Slepak, E. L. a Sligar, A. a Smith, D. L. a Smith, M. a Sobaih, B. H. A. ce, um Sobngwi, E. un, uo Sorensen, R. J. D. a Sousa, T. C. M. up, Sposato, L. A. rk, Sreeramareddy, C. T. uq, Srinivasan V. a, Stanaway J. D. a, Stathopoulou, V. ur, Steel, N. us, ut Stein, D. J. mf, uu Stein, M. B. hm, Steiner C. a, Steiner, T. J. fs, uv Steinke, S. uw, Stokes, M. A. qz, Stovner, L. J. uv, ux Strub, B. a Subart, M. a Sufiyan, M. B. px, Suliankatchi Abdulkader, R. uy, Sunguya, B. F. te, Sur P. J. a, Swaminathan, S. uz, Sykes, B. L. va, Sylte D. O. a, Tabarés-Seisdedos, R. gu, Taffere G. R. p, Takala, J. S. vb, vc Tandon, N. aa, Tavakkoli, M. vd, Taveira, N. ve, vf Taylor, H. R. bg, Tehrani-Banihashemi, A. pz, qb Tekelab, T. iw, Temam Shifa, G. hv, ij Terkawi, A. S. vg, vh vi, Tesfaye D. J. l, Tesssema, B. bn, Thamsuwan O. a, Thomas K. E. a, Thrift A. G. v, Tiruye, T. Y. fy, Tobe-Gai, R. vk, Tollanes, M. C. kf, vl Tonelli, M. sb, Topor-Madry, R. mu, vm Tortajada, M. os, vn Touvier, M. vo, Tran, B. X. dr, vp Tripathi, S. Troeger, C. a Truelsen, T. vq, Tsoi D. a, Tuem K. B. q, Tuzcu, E. M. vj, Tyrovolas, S. vr, Ukwaja, K. N. vs, Undurraga, E. A. vt, Uneke, C. J. vu, Updike R. a, Uthman, O. A. vv, Uzochukwu, B. S. C. vw, Van Boven, J. F. M. fg, Varughese, S. hg, Vasankari, T. vx, Venkatesh, S. vy, Venketasubramanian, N. vz, Vidavalur, R. wa, Violante, F. S. wb, Vladimirov, S. K. wc, Vlassov, V. V. wd, Vollset S. E. a, ke mz, Wadilo, F. iq, Wakayo, T. ao, Wang, Y. -P. we, Weaver M. a, Weichenthal, S. wf, Weiderpass, E. dg, wg wh, wi Weintraub, R. G. bg, wj wk, Werdecker, A. qf, Westerman, R. qg, wl Whiteford, H. A. a d, gz Wijeratne, T. bg, wm Wiysonge, C. S. z wn, Wolfe, C. D. A. fh, wo Woodbrook, R. a Woolf, A. D. wp, Workicho, A. ao, Wulf Hanson, S. a Xavier, D. wr, G. ws, Yadgir S. a, Yaghoubi, M. qc, wt Yakob, B. qp, Yan, L. L. wu, Yano, Y. wv, P. nx, Yimam, H. H. dp, Yip, P. ww, wx Yonemoto, N. wy, Yoon, S. -J. nr, Yotebieng, M. wz, xa Younis, M. Z. xb, Zaidi, Z. xc, Zaki, M. E. S. xd, Zegeye, E. A. qq, xe Zenebe, Z. M. q Zhang, X. xf, xg Zhou, M. a nx, Zipkin B. a, Zodpey, Zuhlke, L. J. xg, Murray C. J. L. a, Cell biology, Rehabilitation Medicine, Vos, T, Abajobir, A, Abbafati, C, Abbas, K, Abate, K, Abd-Allah, F, Abdulle, A, Abebo, T, Abera, S, R, A, Abu-Raddad, V, Ackerman, L, Adamu, I, Adetokunboh, A, Afarideh, O, M., C, Afshin, A, Agarwal, S. K., A, Aggarwal, R., A, Agrawal, A., A, Ad, A, S., A, Ahmad, K, Ahmadieh, H., A, Am, A, M. B., A, Aichour, A. N., A, I., A, M. T. E., A, Aiyar, S, Akinyemi, R. O., A, At, A, N., A, Av, Al, L, F. H., A, Alahdab, F., A, Ba, A, Z., B, Alam, K., B, Bg, B, N., B, Alam, T, Alasfoor, D., B, Alene, K. A., B, Bo, A, R., B, Alizadeh-Navaei, Alkerwi, A., B, Alla, F., B, Allebeck, P., D, Allen, C, Al-Maskari, F., C, Al-Raddadi, R., C, Alsharif, U., C, Alsowaidi, S., C, Altirkawi, K. A., C, Amare, A. T., C, Ch, A, E., C, Ck, A, W., C, Amoako, Y. A., D, Andersen, H. H., D, Antonio, C. A. T., D, Anwari, Ärnlöv, J., D, Dj, A, A., D, Aryal, K. K., D, Dm, A, H., D, Asgedom, S, Assadi, R., D, Atey, T, Atnafu, N. T., D, Atre, S. R., D, Ds, A, L., D, Avokpaho, E. F. G. A., D, Dv, A, Ayala, Q, B. P., D, Dy, Ba, S, H. O., D, Bacha, U., E, Badawi, Eb, B, K., E, Banerjee, A., E, Bannick, M, Barac, Barber, R, Barker-Collo, S. L., E, Bärnighausen, T., E, El, E, Barquera, S., D, Barregard, L., E, Barrero, L. H., E, Basu, S., E, Battista, B., E, Battle, K. E., B, Baune, B. T., C, Bazargan-Hejazi, Es, B, J., E, Bedi, N., E, Beghi, E., E, Béjot, Y., E, Bekele, B. B., B, Ex, B, M. L., E, Bennett, D. A., B, Bensenor, I. M., F, Benson, J, Berhane, A., F, Berhe, D, Fe, B, E., F, Betsu, B, Beuran, M., F, Fk, B, A. S., F, Bhala, N., F, Fo, B, Bhatt, S., F, Bhutta, Z. A., A, Fu, B, Bienhoff, K, Bikbov, B., F, Birungi, C., E, Biryukov, S, Bisanzio, Bizuayehu, H. M., F, Boneya, D. J., F, Boufous, Bourne, R. R. A., G, Brazinova, A., G, Brugha, T. S., G, Buchbinder, R, Gg, B, L. N. B., F, Bumgarner, B, Butt, Z. A., G, Cahuana-Hurtado, Cameron, E., B, Car, Gi, C, H., G, Carapetis, J. R., G, Cárdenas, R., G, Carpenter, D. O., G, Carrero, J. J., D, Carter, A, Carvalho, F., G, Casey, D, Caso, V., G, Castañeda-Orjuela, C. A., G, Gt, C, Catalá-López, C, Gv, C, H. -Y., G, Gx, C, J. -C., G, Charlson, F, D, G, Chen, H., H, Chibalabala, M., H, Chibueze, C. E., H, Chisumpa, V. H., H, He, C, A. A., H, Christopher, D. J., H, Ciobanu, L. G., C, Cirillo, Colombara, D, Cooper, C., B, Hi, H, Cortesi, P. A., H, Criqui, M. H., H, Crump, J. A., H, Dadi, A. F., B, Hp, D, K., H, Dandona, L, Ag, D, R. a., A, Das, N, J., G, Davitoiu, D. V., F, De, C, B., W, De, L, D., H, Degenhardt, L, Ga, D, Dellavalle, S, R. P., H, Deribe, Hu, Des, J, D. C., H, Hx, D, Dharmaratne, S. D., H, Dhillon, P. K., A, Dicker, D, Ding, E. L., E, Djalalinia, S., H, Do, H. P., I, Dorsey, E. R., I, Dos, S, K. P. B., I, Douwes-Schultz, D, Doyle, Id, D, T. R., B, Dubey, M., I, Duncan, B. B., I, Ig, E, Z. Z., D, Ih, E, Enayati, J, A., I, Endries, A. Y., I, Ermakov, S. P., I, Il, E, H. E. a., D, Gz, E, B., I, In, E, S., I, Esteghamati, A., C, Estep, K, Fanuel, F. B. B., I, Iq, F, C. S. E. S., I, Is, F, Farzadfar, Fazeli, M. S., E, Feigin, V. L., I, Fereshtehnejad, S. -M., D, Fernandes, J. C., I, Ferrari, A, Feyissa, T. R., I, Filip, I., I, Fischer, F., I, Fitzmaurice, C, B, I, Flaxman, A, Flor, L. S., J, Jb, F, N., J, Foreman, K, Franklin, R. C., J, Fullman, N, Fürst, T., F, Je, J, Furtado, J. M., J, Futran, N, Gakidou, E, Ganji, Garcia-Basteiro, A. L., J, Jj, G, T., J, Gebrehiwot, T. T., A, Geleto, Jl, G, B. L., J, Gesesew, H. A., A, Hp, G, P. W., B, Ghajar, Gibney, K. B., J, Gill, P. S., J, Gillum, R. F., J, Ginawi, I. A. M., J, Giref, A. Z., H, Gishu, M. D., F, Jr, G, G., E, Godwin, W, Gold, A, Goldberg, E, Gona, P. N., J, Goodridge, A., J, Gopalani, S. V., J, Goto, Goulart, A. C., E, Jw, G, Gugnani, M, H. C., J, Gupta, R., J, T., K, Kb, G, V., K, Hafezi-Nejad, N., C, Hailu, A. D., H, Kf, H, G. B. q., K, Hamadeh, R. R., K, Hamidi, S., K, Handal, A. J., K, Hankey, G. J., K, Kl, K, Hao, Y., K, Harb, H. L., C, Hareri, H. A., H, Haro, J. M., K, Harvey, J, Hassanvand, M. S., C, Havmoeller, Hawley, C, Hay, R. J., B, Fi, K, Hay, S, Henry, N, Heredia-Pi, I. B., D, Heydarpour, P., C, Hoek, H. W., F, Kq, H, H. J., K, Horita, N., K, Hosgood, H. D., K, Hostiuc, Hotez, P. J., K, Hoy, D. G., K, Htet, A. S., D, Kx, H, G., K, Huang, H., K, Huynh, C, Iburg, K. M., L, Igumbor, E. U., L, Ld, I, Irvine, C, Jacobsen, C, K. H., L, Jahanmehr, Jakovljevic, M, Lf, J, S. K., H, Javanbakht, M., L, Jayaraman, S. P., L, Jeemon, P., A, Li, J, Jha, P, V., B, Lj, J, G., L, John, D., L, Johnson, C, Johnson, S, Jonas, J. B., L, Jürisson, Kabir, Z., L, Kadel, R., L, Kahsay, A, Kamal, Kan, H., L, Karam, N. E., L, Karch, A., L, Lv, K, C. K., J, Lw, K, Cp, K, G. M., F, Kassaw, N. A., H, Kassebaum, N, Lx, K, Katikireddi, S. V., L, Kaul, Kawakami, N., M, Keiyoro, P. N., M, Mc, K, A. P., M, Mg, R, Keren, A., M, Khader, Y. S., M, Khalil, I, Khan, E. A., M, Khang, Y. -H., M, Ml, K, Mm, K, J., M, Kieling, C., I, Mo, K, D., M, Kim, P, Kim, Y. J., M, Kimokoti, R. W., M, Kinfu, Y., M, Kisa, Kissimova-Skarbek, K. A., M, Kivimaki, M., E, Mw, K, A. K., K, Mz, K, Y., N, Kolte, D., N, Kopec, J. A., N, Kosen, S., N, Koul, P. A., N, Koyanagi, A., N, Kravchenko, M., N, Krishnaswami, Krohn, K, Kuate, D, B., N, Kucuk, B, Kumar, G. A., A, P., I, Kyu, H, Lal, D. K., A, Lalloo, R, Lambert, N., N, Lan, Q., N, Larsson, Lavados, P. M., N, Leasher, J. L., N, Lee, J. -T., N, P. H., N, Leigh, J., B, Leshargie, C. T., F, Leung, J, D, L, R., N, Levi, Li, Nz, Li, K, Liang, D, X., N, Liben, M. L., O, Lim, S, Linn, S., O, Liu, A, Liu, P, Liu, Y., O, Lodha, Logroscino, G., O, London, S. J., O, Looker, K. J., O, Lopez, A. D., B, Lorkowski, Oh, L, P. A., F, Low, N., O, Lozano, R, Dt, L, T. C. D., B, Macarayan, E. R. K., E, Oj, Magdy Abd El, R, H., O, M., O, Mahdavi, Om, M, Majdzadeh, Oo, M, Malekzadeh, Malhotra, Malta, D. C., O, Mamun, A. A., O, Manguerra, H, Manhertz, T, Mantilla, A, Mantovani, L, Mapoma, C. C., H, Marczak, L, Martinez-Raga, J., H, Ot, M, F. R., O, Martopullo, I, März, W., O, Ow, M, M. R., A, Ef, M, Mcalinden, C., O, Oz, M, Mcgrath, M, J. J. f., L, Mckee, M., P, Mcnellan, C, Mehata, S., P, Mehndiratta, M. M., P, Mekonnen, T. C., P, Memiah, P., P, Memish, Z. A., P, Pg, M, W., P, Mengistie, M. A., A, Mengistu, D, Mensah, G. A., K, Meretoja, Pi, M, T. J., M, Pj, M, Micha, H, R., P, Millear, A, Miller, T. R., P, Pn, M, E. J., P, Mirarefin, M, Pp, M, E. M., P, Pr, M, Mishra, A, S. R. g., P, Mitchell, P. B., G, Mohammad, K. A., P, Pu, M, A., P, Mohammed, K, Mohammed, Pw, M, S. K., I, Mokdad, A, Mollenkopf, S, Monasta, L., P, Hernandez, J. M., D, Montico, Moradi-Lakeh, M., Q, Moraga, P., Q, Mori, R., Q, Morozoff, C, Morrison, S, Moses, M, Mountjoy-Venning, C, Mruts, K. B., F, Mueller, U. O., Q, Muller, K, Murdoch, M. E., Q, Murthy, G. V. S., A, Pa, M, K. I., Q, Nachega, J, Qk, Q, Nagel, G., Q, Naghavi, M, Naheed, A., Q, Naidoo, K. S., Q, Naldi, L., Q, Nangia, V., Q, Natarajan, Negasa, D. E., F, Negoi, I., F, Fk, N, R. I., F, Newton, C. R., Q, Ngunjiri, J. W., Q, Nguyen, C. T., I, Nguyen, G, Nguyen, M, Q. L., I, T. H., I, Nichols, E, Ningrum, D. N. A., Q, Qx, N, Qy, N, V. M., I, Norrving, B., A, Noubiap, J. J. N., M, Ra, O, M. J., R, Ogbo, F. A., R, Oh, I. -H., R, Okoro, A., R, Oladimeji, O., R, Olagunju, Rh, R, T. O., R, Rl, O, Olusanya, H, B. O., R, Olusanya, J. O., R, Ong, K, Opio, J. N., R, Oren, E., R, Ortiz, Osgood-Zimmerman, A, Osman, M., R, Uc, O, M. O., R, Rs, P, Pacella, R. E., R, Pana, Panda, B. K., I, Papachristou, C., R, Park, E. -K., R, Parry, C, Ry, P, Ct, P, S. B., S, Patton, G. C., B, Paulson, K, Pearce, N., P, Pereira, D. M., S, Perico, Pesudovs, Peterson, C. B., D, Petzold, M., S, Se, P, M. R., O, Sf, P, Pillay, D, J. D., S, Pinho, C, Plass, D., S, Pletcher, M, Popova, Poulton, R. G., H, Pourmalek, F., N, Prabhakaran, Prasad, N., S, N. M., S, Sk, P, Qorbani, C, Quansah, R., S, Sn, R, R. H. S., D, Radfar, A., S, Rafay, Sq, R, Rahimi-Movaghar, V., C, Rahman, M. H. U., I, Rai, R. K., S, Rajsic, S., S, Ram, U., I, Ranabhat, C. L., S, Sv, R, Rao, Z, P. V., S, Sx, R, Rawaf, P, Ray, S, Reiner, R, Reinig, N, Reitsma, M, Remuzzi, G., F, Sy, S, Renzaho, A. M. N., R, Resnikoff, S., G, Rezaei, S., T, Ribeiro, A. L., D, Tb, R, Roshandel, G., C, Tc, R, Roy, G, Rubagotti, E., T, Ruhago, G. M., T, Saadat, Sadat, N, Safdarian, Safi, Safiri, Sagar, Sahathevan, R., T, Th, S, Salomon, J, J. A., E, Salvi, S. S., T, Samy, A. M., T, Sanabria, J. R., T, Tl, S, D, D, Gz, S, I. S., F, Santos, J. V., G, Tm, Santric, M, M. M., E, Sartorius, B., M, Qo, S, M., T, Sawhney, Saxena, Schmidt, M. I., I, Schneider, I. J. C., T, Schöttker, B., T, Tq, S, D. C., T, Schwendicke, F., T, Seedat, S, Sepanlou, S. G., C, Servan-Mori, E. E., D, Setegn, T., C, Shackelford, K, Shaheen, A., T, Shaikh, M. A., T, Shamsipour, Shariful, I, S. M., Q, Tv, S, J., T, Sharma, She, J., L, Shi, Shields, C, Shigematsu, Tz, S, Y., U, Shiri, R., M, Shirkoohi, Shirude, S, Shishani, K., U, Shrime, M. G., U, Sibai, A. M., U, Sigfusdottir, I. D., U, Silva, D. A. S., U, J. P., G, Silveira, D. G. A., U, Singh, J. A., T, N. P., U, Sinha, D. N., U, Uj, S, E., U, Ul, S, Na, S, Sligar, E, Smith, A, Smith, D, Sobaih, M, B. H. A., C, Um, S, Uo, S, Sousa, R, T. C. M., U, Sposato, L. A., R, Sreeramareddy, C. T., U, Srinivasan, V, Stanaway, J, Stathopoulou, V., U, Steel, N., U, Ut, S, D. J., M, Uu, S, M. B., H, Steiner, C, Steiner, T. J., F, Uv, S, S., U, Stokes, M. A., Q, Stovner, L. J., U, Ux, S, Subart, B, Sufiyan, M, M. B., P, Suliankatchi, A, R., U, Sunguya, B. F., T, Sur, P, Swaminathan, Sykes, B. L., V, Sylte, D, Tabarés-Seisdedos, Taffere, G, Takala, J. S., V, Vc, T, Tavakkoli, M., V, Taveira, N., V, Vf, T, H. R., B, Tehrani-Banihashemi, Qb, T, T., I, Jl, Temam, S, G., H, Ij, T, A. S., V, Vh, V, Tesfaye, D, Tesssema, B., B, Thamsuwan, O, Thomas, K, Thrift, A, Tiruye, T. Y., F, Tobe-Gai, R., V, Tollanes, M. C., K, Vl, T, Topor-Madry, Vm, T, Vn, T, Tran, B. X., D, Vp, T, Truelsen, C, T., V, Tsoi, D, Tuem, K, Tuzcu, E. M., V, Tyrovolas, S., V, Ukwaja, K. N., V, Undurraga, E. A., V, Uneke, C. J., V, Updike, R, Uthman, O. A., V, Uzochukwu, B. S. C., V, Van, B, J. F. M., F, Varughese, Vasankari, Venkatesh, Venketasubramanian, Vidavalur, R., W, Violante, F. S., W, Vladimirov, S. K., W, Vlassov, V. V., W, Vollset, S, Ke, M, Wadilo, Wakayo, T., A, Wang, Y. -P., W, Weaver, M, Weichenthal, S., W, Weiderpass, E., D, Wg, W, Wi, W, R. G., B, Wj, W, Werdecker, Westerman, Wl, W, H. A. a., D, Gz, W, T., B, Wm, W, C. S. z., W, Wolfe, C. D. A., F, Wo, W, Woolf, R, A. D., W, Workicho, Wq, Wulf, H, Xavier, S, D., W, Xu, G., W, Yadgir, S, Yaghoubi, Wt, Y, B., Q, Yan, L. L., W, Yano, Y., W, Ye, P., N, Yimam, Yip, P., W, Wx, Y, N., W, Yoon, S. -J., N, Yotebieng, M., W, Xa, Y, M. Z., X, Zaidi, Z., X, Zaki, M. E. S., X, Zegeye, E. A., Q, Xe, Z, Zhang, Z, X., X, Xg, Z, M. a., N, Zipkin, B, Zodpey, Zuhlke, L. J., X, Murray, C, Viðskiptadeild (HR), School of Business (RU), Háskólinn í Reykjavík, Reykjavik University, Vos, Theo, Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu, Abbafati, Cristiana, Abbas, Kaja M., Abate, Kalkidan Hassen, Abd-Allah, Foad, Abdulle, Abdishakur M., Abebo, Teshome Abuka, Abera, Semaw Ferede, Aboyans, Victor, Abu-Raddad, Laith J., Ackerman, Ilana N., Adamu, Abdu Abdullahi, Adetokunboh, Olatunji, Afarideh, Mohsen, Afshin, Ashkan, Agarwal, Sanjay Kumar, Aggarwal, Rakesh, Agrawal, Anurag, Agrawal, Sutapa, Ahmad Kiadaliri, Aliasghar, Ahmadieh, Hamid, Ahmed, Muktar Beshir, Aichour, Amani Nidhal, Aichour, Ibtihel, Aichour, Miloud Taki Eddine, Aiyar, Sneha, Akinyemi, Rufus Olusola, Akseer, Nadia, Al Lami, Faris Hasan, Alahdab, Fare, Al-Aly, Ziyad, Alam, Khurshid, Alam, Noore, Alam, Tahiya, Alasfoor, Deena, Alene, Kefyalew Addi, Ali, Raghib, Alizadeh-Navaei, Reza, Alkerwi, Ala'a, Alla, Françoi, Allebeck, Peter, Allen, Christine, Al-Maskari, Fatma, Al-Raddadi, Rajaa, Alsharif, Ubai, Alsowaidi, Shirina, Altirkawi, Khalid A., Amare, Azmeraw T., Amini, Erfan, Ammar, Walid, Amoako, Yaw Ampem, Andersen, Hjalte H., Antonio, Carl Abelardo T., Anwari, Palwasha, Ärnlöv, Johan, Artaman, Al, Aryal, Krishna Kumar, Asayesh, Hamid, Asgedom, Solomon W., Assadi, Reza, Atey, Tesfay Mehari, Atnafu, Niguse Tadele, Atre, Sachin R., Avila-Burgos, Leticia, Avokpaho, Euripide Frinel G. Arthur, Awasthi, Ashish, Ayala Quintanilla, Beatriz Paulina, Ba Saleem, Huda Omer, Bacha, Umar, Badawi, Alaa, Balakrishnan, Kalpana, Banerjee, Amitava, Bannick, Marlena S., Barac, Aleksandra, Barber, Ryan M., Barker-Collo, Suzanne L., Bärnighausen, Till, Barquera, Simon, Barregard, Lar, Barrero, Lope H., Basu, Sanjay, Battista, Bob, Battle, Katherine E., Baune, Bernhard T., Bazargan-Hejazi, Shahrzad, Beardsley, Justin, Bedi, Neeraj, Beghi, Ettore, Béjot, Yannick, Bekele, Bayu Begashaw, Bell, Michelle L., Bennett, Derrick A., Bensenor, Isabela M., Benson, Jennifer, Berhane, Adugnaw, Berhe, Derbew Fikadu, Bernabé, Eduardo, Betsu, Balem Demtsu, Beuran, Mircea, Beyene, Addisu Shunu, Bhala, Neeraj, Bhansali, Anil, Bhatt, Samir, Bhutta, Zulfiqar A., Biadgilign, Sibhatu, Bienhoff, Kelly, Bikbov, Bori, Birungi, Charle, Biryukov, Stan, Bisanzio, Donal, Bizuayehu, Habtamu Mellie, Boneya, Dube Jara, Boufous, Soufiane, Bourne, Rupert R.A., Brazinova, Alexandra, Brugha, Traolach S., Buchbinder, Rachelle, Bulto, Lemma Negesa Bulto, Bumgarner, Blair R., Butt, Zahid A., Cahuana-Hurtado, Lucero, Cameron, Ewan, Car, Mate, Carabin, Hélène, Carapetis, Jonathan R., Cárdenas, Rosario, Carpenter, David O., Carrero, Juan Jesu, Carter, Austin, Carvalho, Felix, Casey, Daniel C., Caso, Valeria, Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A., Castle, Chris D., Catalá-López, Ferrán, Chang, Hsing-Yi, Chang, Jung-Chen, Charlson, Fiona J., Chen, Honglei, Chibalabala, Mirriam, Chibueze, Chioma Ezinne, Chisumpa, Vesper Hichilombwe, Chitheer, Abdulaal A., Christopher, Devasahayam Jesuda, Ciobanu, Liliana G., Cirillo, Massimo, Colombara, Danny, Cooper, Cyru, Cortesi, Paolo Angelo, Criqui, Michael H., Crump, John A., Dadi, Abel Fekadu, Dalal, Koustuv, Dandona, Lalit, Dandona, Rakhi, Das Neves, José, Davitoiu, Dragos V., De Courten, Barbora, De Leo, Diego, Degenhardt, Louisa, Deiparine, Selina, Dellavalle, Robert P., Deribe, Kebede, Des Jarlais, Don C., Dey, Subhojit, Dharmaratne, Samath D., Dhillon, Preet Kaur, Dicker, Daniel, Ding, Eric L., Djalalinia, Shirin, Do, Huyen Phuc, Dorsey, E. Ray, Dos Santos, Kadine Priscila Bender, Douwes-Schultz, Dirk, Doyle, Kerrie E., Driscoll, Tim R., Dubey, Manisha, Duncan, Bruce Bartholow, El-Khatib, Ziad Ziad, Ellerstrand, Jerisha, Enayati, Ahmadali, Endries, Aman Yesuf, Ermakov, Sergey Petrovich, Erskine, Holly E., Eshrati, Babak, Eskandarieh, Sharareh, Esteghamati, Alireza, Estep, Kara, Fanuel, Fanuel Belayneh Bekele, Farinha, Carla Sofia E. Sa, Faro, André, Farzadfar, Farshad, Fazeli, Mir Sohail, Feigin, Valery L., Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad, Fernandes, João C., Ferrari, Alize J., Feyissa, Tesfaye Regassa, Filip, Irina, Fischer, Florian, Fitzmaurice, Christina, Flaxman, Abraham D., Flor, Luisa Sorio, Foigt, Nataliya, Foreman, Kyle J., Franklin, Richard C., Fullman, Nancy, Fürst, Thoma, Furtado, Joao M., Futran, Neal D., Gakidou, Emmanuela, Ganji, Morsaleh, Garcia-Basteiro, Alberto L., Gebre, Teshome, Gebrehiwot, Tsegaye Tewelde, Geleto, Ayele, Gemechu, Bikila Lencha, Gesesew, Hailay Abrha, Gething, Peter W., Ghajar, Alireza, Gibney, Katherine B., Gill, Paramjit Singh, Gillum, Richard F., Ginawi, Ibrahim Abdelmageem Mohamed, Giref, Ababi Zergay, Gishu, Melkamu Dedefo, Giussani, Giorgia, Godwin, William W., Gold, Audra L., Goldberg, Ellen M., Gona, Philimon N., Goodridge, Amador, Gopalani, Sameer Vali, Goto, Atsushi, Goulart, Alessandra Carvalho, Griswold, Max, Gugnani, Harish Chander, Gupta, Rahul, Gupta, Rajeev, Gupta, Tanush, Gupta, Vipin, Hafezi-Nejad, Nima, Hailu, Alemayehu Desalegne, Hailu, Gessessew Bugssa, Hamadeh, Randah Ribhi, Hamidi, Samer, Handal, Alexis J., Hankey, Graeme J., Hao, Yuantao, Harb, Hilda L., Hareri, Habtamu Abera, Haro, Josep Maria, Harvey, Jame, Hassanvand, Mohammad Sadegh, Havmoeller, Rasmu, Hawley, Caitlin, Hay, Roderick J., Hay, Simon I., Henry, Nathaniel J., Heredia-Pi, Ileana Beatriz, Heydarpour, Pouria, Hoek, Hans W., Hoffman, Howard J., Horita, Nobuyuki, Hosgood, H. Dean, Hostiuc, Sorin, Hotez, Peter J., Hoy, Damian G., Htet, Aung Soe, Hu, Guoqing, Huang, Hsiang, Huynh, Chantal, Iburg, Kim Moesgaard, Igumbor, Ehimario Uche, Ikeda, Chad, Irvine, Caleb Mackay Salpeter, Jacobsen, Kathryn H., Jahanmehr, Nader, Jakovljevic, Mihajlo B., Jassal, Simerjot K., Javanbakht, Mehdi, Jayaraman, Sudha P., Jeemon, Panniyammakal, Jensen, Paul N., Jha, Vivekanand, Jiang, Guohong, John, Denny, Johnson, Catherine O., Johnson, Sarah Charlotte, Jonas, Jost B., Jürisson, Mikk, Kabir, Zubair, Kadel, Rajendra, Kahsay, Amaha, Kamal, Ritul, Kan, Haidong, Karam, Nadim E., Karch, André, Karema, Corine Kakizi, Kasaeian, Amir, Kassa, Getachew Mullu, Kassaw, Nigussie Assefa, Kassebaum, Nicholas J., Kastor, Anshul, Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal, Kaul, Anil, Kawakami, Norito, Keiyoro, Peter Njenga, Kengne, Andre Pascal, Keren, Andre, Khader, Yousef Saleh, Khalil, Ibrahim A., Khan, Ejaz Ahmad, Khang, Young-Ho, Khosravi, Ardeshir, Khubchandani, Jagdish, Kieling, Christian, Kim, Daniel, Kim, Pauline, Kim, Yun Jin, Kimokoti, Ruth W., Kinfu, Yohanne, Kisa, Adnan, Kissimova-Skarbek, Katarzyna A., Kivimaki, Mika, Knudsen, Ann Kristin, Kokubo, Yoshihiro, Kolte, Dhaval, Kopec, Jacek A., Kosen, Soewarta, Koul, Parvaiz A., Koyanagi, Ai, Kravchenko, Michael, Krishnaswami, Sanjay, Krohn, Kristopher J., Kuate Defo, Barthelemy, Kucuk Bicer, Burcu, Kumar, G. Anil, Kumar, Pushpendra, Kumar, Sanjiv, Kyu, Hmwe H., Lal, Dharmesh Kumar, Lalloo, Ratilal, Lambert, Nkurunziza, Lan, Qing, Larsson, Ander, Lavados, Pablo M., Leasher, Janet L., Lee, Jong-Tae, Lee, Paul H., Leigh, Jame, Leshargie, Cheru Tesema, Leung, Janni, Leung, Ricky, Levi, Miriam, Li, Yichong, Li, Yongmei, Li Kappe, Darya, Liang, Xiaofeng, Liben, Misgan Legesse, Lim, Stephen S., Linn, Shai, Liu, Angela, Liu, Patrick Y., Liu, Shiwei, Liu, Yang, Lodha, Rakesh, Logroscino, Giancarlo, London, Stephanie J., Looker, Katharine J., Lopez, Alan D., Lorkowski, Stefan, Lotufo, Paulo A., Low, Nicola, Lozano, Rafael, Lucas, Timothy C.D., Macarayan, Erlyn Rachelle King, Magdy Abd El Razek, Hassan, Magdy Abd El Razek, Mohammed, Mahdavi, Mahdi, Majdan, Marek, Majdzadeh, Reza, Majeed, Azeem, Malekzadeh, Reza, Malhotra, Rajesh, Malta, Deborah Carvalho, Mamun, Abdullah A., Manguerra, Helena, Manhertz, Treh, Mantilla, Ana, Mantovani, Lorenzo G., Mapoma, Chabila C., Marczak, Laurie B., Martinez-Raga, Jose, Martins-Melo, Francisco Rogerlândio, Martopullo, Ira, März, Winfried, Mathur, Manu Raj, Mazidi, Mohsen, McAlinden, Colm, McGaughey, Madeline, McGrath, John J., McKee, Martin, McNellan, Claire, Mehata, Suresh, Mehndiratta, Man Mohan, Mekonnen, Tefera Chane, Memiah, Peter, Memish, Ziad A., Mendoza, Walter, Mengistie, Mubarek Abera, Mengistu, Desalegn Tadese, Mensah, George A., Meretoja, Atte, Meretoja, Tuomo J., Mezgebe, Haftay Berhane, Micha, Renata, Millear, Anoushka, Miller, Ted R., Mills, Edward J., Mirarefin, Mojde, Mirrakhimov, Erkin M., Misganaw, Awoke, Mishra, Shiva Raj, Mitchell, Philip B., Mohammad, Karzan Abdulmuhsin, Mohammadi, Alireza, Mohammed, Kedir Endri, Mohammed, Shafiu, Mohanty, Sanjay K., Mokdad, Ali H., Mollenkopf, Sarah K., Monasta, Lorenzo, Hernandez, Julio Montañez, Montico, Marcella, Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar, Moraga, Paula, Mori, Rintaro, Morozoff, Chloe, Morrison, Shane D., Moses, Mark, Mountjoy-Venning, Cliff, Mruts, Kalayu Birhane, Mueller, Ulrich O., Muller, Kate, Murdoch, Michele E., Murthy, Gudlavalleti Venkata Satyanarayana, Musa, Kamarul Imran, Nachega, Jean B., Nagel, Gabriele, Naghavi, Mohsen, Naheed, Aliya, Naidoo, Kovin S., Naldi, Luigi, Nangia, Vinay, Natarajan, Gopalakrishnan, Negasa, Dumessa Edessa, Negoi, Ionut, Negoi, Ruxandra Irina, Newton, Charles R., Ngunjiri, Josephine Wanjiku, Nguyen, Cuong Tat, Nguyen, Grant, Nguyen, Minh, Nguyen, Quyen Le, Nguyen, Trang Huyen, Nichols, Emma, Ningrum, Dina Nur Anggraini, Nolte, Sandra, Nong, Vuong Minh, Norrving, Bo, Noubiap, Jean Jacques N., O'Donnell, Martin J., Ogbo, Felix Akpojene, Oh, In-Hwan, Okoro, Anselm, Oladimeji, Olanrewaju, Olagunju, Andrew Toyin, Olagunju, Tinuke Oluwasefunmi, Olsen, Helen E., Olusanya, Bolajoko Olubukunola, Olusanya, Jacob Olusegun, Ong, Kanyin, Opio, John Nelson, Oren, Eyal, Ortiz, Alberto, Osgood-Zimmerman, Aaron, Osman, Majdi, Owolabi, Mayowa O., Pa, Mahesh, Pacella, Rosana E., Pana, Adrian, Panda, Basant Kumar, Papachristou, Christina, Park, Eun-Kee, Parry, Charles D., Parsaeian, Mahboubeh, Patten, Scott B., Patton, George C., Paulson, Katherine, Pearce, Neil, Pereira, David M., Perico, Norberto, Pesudovs, Konrad, Peterson, Carrie Beth, Petzold, Max, Phillips, Michael Robert, Pigott, David M., Pillay, Julian David, Pinho, Christine, Plass, Dietrich, Pletcher, Martin A., Popova, Svetlana, Poulton, Richie G., Pourmalek, Farshad, Prabhakaran, Dorairaj, Prasad, Narayan, Prasad, Noela M., Purcell, Carrie, Qorbani, Mostafa, Quansah, Reginald, Rabiee, Rynaz H.S., Radfar, Amir, Rafay, Anwar, Rahimi, Kazem, Rahimi-Movaghar, Afarin, Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa, Rahman, Mahfuzar, Rahman, Mohammad Hifz Ur, Rai, Rajesh Kumar, Rajsic, Sasa, Ram, Usha, Ranabhat, Chhabi Lal, Rankin, Zane, Rao, Paturi Vishnupriya, Rao, Puja C., Rawaf, Salman, Ray, Sarah E., Reiner, Robert C., Reinig, Nikola, Reitsma, Marissa B., Remuzzi, Giuseppe, Renzaho, Andre M.N., Resnikoff, Serge, Rezaei, Satar, Ribeiro, Antonio L., Ronfani, Luca, Roshandel, Gholamreza, Roth, Gregory A., Roy, Ambuj, Rubagotti, Enrico, Ruhago, George Mugambage, Saadat, Soheil, Sadat, Nafi, Safdarian, Mahdi, Safi, Sare, Safiri, Saeid, Sagar, Rajesh, Sahathevan, Ramesh, Salama, Joseph, Salomon, Joshua A., Salvi, Sundeep Santosh, Samy, Abdallah M., Sanabria, Juan R., Santomauro, Damian, Santos, Itamar S., Santos, João Vasco, Santric Milicevic, Milena M., Sartorius, Benn, Satpathy, Maheswar, Sawhney, Monika, Saxena, Sonia, Schmidt, Maria Inê, Schneider, Ione J.C., Schöttker, Ben, Schwebel, David C., Schwendicke, Falk, Seedat, Soraya, Sepanlou, Sadaf G., Servan-Mori, Edson E., Setegn, Tesfaye, Shackelford, Katya Anne, Shaheen, Amira, Shaikh, Masood Ali, Shamsipour, Mansour, Shariful Islam, Sheikh Mohammed, Sharma, Jayendra, Sharma, Rajesh, She, Jun, Shi, Peilin, Shields, Chloe, Shigematsu, Mika, Shinohara, Yukito, Shiri, Rahman, Shirkoohi, Reza, Shirude, Shreya, Shishani, Kawkab, Shrime, Mark G., Sibai, Abla Mehio, Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora, Silva, Diego Augusto Santo, Silva, João Pedro, Silveira, Dayane Gabriele Alve, Singh, Jasvinder A., Singh, Narinder Pal, Sinha, Dhirendra Narain, Skiadaresi, Eirini, Skirbekk, Vegard, Slepak, Erica Leigh, Sligar, Amber, Smith, David L., Smith, Mari, Sobaih, Badr H.A., Sobngwi, Eugene, Sorensen, Reed J.D., Sousa, Tatiane Cristina Morae, Sposato, Luciano A., Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T., Srinivasan, Vinay, Stanaway, Jeffrey D., Stathopoulou, Vasiliki, Steel, Nichola, Stein, Dan J., Stein, Murray B., Steiner, Caitlyn, Steiner, Timothy J., Steinke, Sabine, Stokes, Mark Andrew, Stovner, Lars Jacob, Strub, Bryan, Subart, Michelle, Sufiyan, Muawiyyah Babale, Suliankatchi Abdulkader, Rizwan, Sunguya, Bruno F., Sur, Patrick J., Swaminathan, Soumya, Sykes, Bryan L., Sylte, Dillon O., Tabarés-Seisdedos, Rafael, Taffere, Getachew Redae, Takala, Jukka S., Tandon, Nikhil, Tavakkoli, Mohammad, Taveira, Nuno, Taylor, Hugh R., Tehrani-Banihashemi, Arash, Tekelab, Tesfalidet, Temam Shifa, Girma, Terkawi, Abdullah Sulieman, Tesfaye, Dawit Jember, Tesssema, Belay, Thamsuwan, Ornwipa, Thomas, Katie E., Thrift, Amanda G., Tiruye, Tenaw Yimer, Tobe-Gai, Ruoyan, Tollanes, Mette C., Tonelli, Marcello, Topor-Madry, Roman, Tortajada, Miguel, Touvier, Mathilde, Tran, Bach Xuan, Tripathi, Suryakant, Troeger, Christopher, Truelsen, Thoma, Tsoi, Derrick, Tuem, Kald Beshir, Tuzcu, Emin Murat, Tyrovolas, Stefano, Ukwaja, Kingsley N., Undurraga, Eduardo A., Uneke, Chigozie Jesse, Updike, Rachel, Uthman, Olalekan A., Uzochukwu, Benjamin S. Chudi, Van Boven, Job F.M., Varughese, Santosh, Vasankari, Tommi, Venkatesh, S., Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy, Vidavalur, Ramesh, Violante, Francesco S., Vladimirov, Sergey K., Vlassov, Vasiliy Victorovich, Vollset, Stein Emil, Wadilo, Fiseha, Wakayo, Tolassa, Wang, Yuan-Pang, Weaver, Marcia, Weichenthal, Scott, Weiderpass, Elisabete, Weintraub, Robert G., Werdecker, Andrea, Westerman, Ronny, Whiteford, Harvey A., Wijeratne, Tissa, Wiysonge, Charles Shey, Wolfe, Charles D.A., Woodbrook, Rachel, Woolf, Anthony D., Workicho, Abdulhalik, Wulf Hanson, Sarah, Xavier, Deni, Xu, Gelin, Yadgir, Simon, Yaghoubi, Mohsen, Yakob, Bereket, Yan, Lijing L., Yano, Yuichiro, Ye, Pengpeng, Yimam, Hassen Hamid, Yip, Paul, Yonemoto, Naohiro, Yoon, Seok-Jun, Yotebieng, Marcel, Younis, Mustafa Z., Zaidi, Zoubida, Zaki, Maysaa El Sayed, Zegeye, Elias Asfaw, Zenebe, Zerihun Menlkalew, Zhang, Xueying, Zhou, Maigeng, Zipkin, Ben, Zodpey, Sanjay, Zuhlke, Liesl Joanna, and Murray, Christopher J.L.
- Subjects
Dánarmein ,People with disabilities ,Heilsufar ,Dánartíðni ,Langlífi ,Age disdtribution ,Diseases ,Socioeconomic factors ,Population aging ,Bakverkir ,Heilbrigðisstefna ,Population growth ,Psychology ,Women ,Low back pain ,Mortality ,Health Estimates Reporting ,Public health systems ,medicine (all) ,Konur ,Tölfræði ,Heilsugæsla ,Aldraðir ,Sjúkdómar ,Global burden of disease/statistics and numerical data ,Wounds and injuries ,Health care ,Fatlaðir ,Respiratory infections ,Men ,Þjóðir ,Staðtölur ,Öndunarfærasjúkdómar ,Heilbrigðisþjónusta ,Health policy ,Lýðfræði ,Sálfræði ,World health ,Áverkar ,Karlar ,Health service ,Dental caries ,Félagshagfræði ,Mannfjöldi ,Older people ,Fólksfjölgun ,Cause of death/trends ,Heilbrigðiskerfi ,Tannskemmdir - Abstract
Background As mortality rates decline, life expectancy increases, and populations age, non-fatal outcomes of diseases and injuries are becoming a larger component of the global burden of disease. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016) provides a comprehensive assessment of prevalence, incidence, and years lived with disability (YLDs) for 328 causes in 195 countries and territories from 1990 to 2016. Methods We estimated prevalence and incidence for 328 diseases and injuries and 2982 sequelae, their non-fatal consequences. We used DisMod-MR 2.1, a Bayesian meta-regression tool, as the main method of estimation, ensuring consistency between incidence, prevalence, remission, and cause of death rates for each condition. For some causes, we used alternative modelling strategies if incidence or prevalence needed to be derived from other data. YLDs were estimated as the product of prevalence and a disability weight for all mutually exclusive sequelae, corrected for comorbidity and aggregated to cause level. We updated the Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a summary indicator of income per capita, years of schooling, and total fertility rate. GBD 2016 complies with the Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting (GATHER). Findings Globally, low back pain, migraine, age-related and other hearing loss, iron-deficiency anaemia, and major depressive disorder were the five leading causes of YLDs in 2016, contributing 57.6 million (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 40.8-75.9 million [7.2%, 6.0-8.3]), 45.1 million (29.0-62.8 million [5.6%, 4.0-7.2]), 36.3 million (25.3-50.9 million [4.5%, 3.8-5.3]), 34.7 million (23.0-49.6 million [4.3%, 3.5-5.2]), and 34.1 million (23.5-46.0 million [4.2%, 3.2-5.3]) of total YLDs, respectively. Age-standardised rates of YLDs for all causes combined decreased between 1990 and 2016 by 2.7% (95% UI 2.3-3.1). Despite mostly stagnant age-standardised rates, the absolute number of YLDs from non-communicable diseases has been growing rapidly across all SDI quintiles, partly because of population growth, but also the ageing of populations. The largest absolute increases in total numbers of YLDs globally were between the ages of 40 and 69 years. Age-standardised YLD rates for all conditions combined were 10.4% (95% UI 9.0-11.8) higher in women than in men. Iron-deficiency anaemia, migraine, Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, major depressive disorder, anxiety, and all musculoskeletal disorders apart from gout were the main conditions contributing to higher YLD rates in women. Men had higher age-standardised rates of substance use disorders, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and all injuries apart from sexual violence. Globally, we noted much less geographical variation in disability than has been documented for premature mortality. In 2016, there was a less than two times difference in age-standardised YLD rates for all causes between the location with the lowest rate (China, 9201 YLDs per 100 000, 95% UI 6862-11943) and highest rate (Yemen, 14 774 YLDs per 100 000, 11 018-19 228). Interpretation The decrease in death rates since 1990 for most causes has not been matched by a similar decline in age-standardised YLD rates. For many large causes, YLD rates have either been stagnant or have increased for some causes, such as diabetes. As populations are ageing, and the prevalence of disabling disease generally increases steeply with age, health systems will face increasing demand for services that are generally costlier than the interventions that have led to declines in mortality in childhood or for the major causes of mortality in adults. Up-todate information about the trends of disease and how this varies between countries is essential to plan for an adequate health-system response., Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the National Institute on Aging and the National Institute of Mental Health of the National Institutes of Health.
- Published
- 2017
5. Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 328 diseases and injuries for 195 countries, 1990-2016: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
- Author
Vos T., A, Abajobir A. A., D, Abbafati C., H, Abbas K. M., I, Abate, K, Abd-Allah F., J, Abdulle A. M., K, Abebo T. A., L, Abera S. F., M, R, A, V., S, L. J., T, I. N., U, A. A., X, O., Z, M., C, Afshin A., A, Agarwal, S. K., A, Aggarwal, R., A, Agrawal, A., A, Ad, A, S., A, Ahmad, K, Ahmadieh, H., A, Am, A, M. B., A, Aichour, A. N., A, I., A, M. T. E., A, Aiyar S., A, Akinyemi, R. O., A, At, A, N., A, Av, Al, L, F. H., A, Alahdab, F., A, Ba, A, Z., B, Alam, K., B, Bg, B, N., B, Alam T., A, Alasfoor, D., B, Alene, K. A., B, Bo, A, R., B, Alizadeh-Navaei, Alkerwi, A., B, Alla, F., B, Allebeck, P., D, Allen C., A, Al-Maskari, F., C, Al-Raddadi, R., C, Alsharif, U., C, Alsowaidi, S., C, Altirkawi, K. A., C, Amare, A. T., C, Ch, A, E., C, Ck, A, W., C, Amoako, Y. A., D, Andersen, H. H., D, Antonio, C. A. T., D, Anwari, Ärnlöv, J., D, Dj, A, A., D, Aryal, K. K., D, Dm, A, H., D, Asgedom S. W., Q, Assadi, R., D, Atey T. M., Q, Atnafu, N. T., D, Atre, S. R., D, Ds, A, L., D, Avokpaho, E. F. G. A., D, Dv, A, Ayala, Q, B. P., D, Dy, Ba, S, H. O., D, Bacha, U., E, Badawi, Eb, B, K., E, Banerjee, A., E, Bannick M. S., A, Barac, Barber R. M., A, Barker-Collo, S. L., E, Bärnighausen, T., E, El, E, Barquera, S., D, Barregard, L., E, Barrero, L. H., E, Basu, S., E, Battista, B., E, Battle, K. E., B, Baune, B. T., C, Bazargan-Hejazi, Es, B, J., E, Bedi, N., E, Beghi, E., E, Béjot, Y., E, Bekele, B. B., B, Ex, B, M. L., E, Bennett, D. A., B, Bensenor, I. M., F, Benson J., A, Berhane, A., F, Berhe D. F., N, Fe, B, E., F, Betsu B. D., Q, Beuran, M., F, Fk, B, A. S., F, Bhala, N., F, Fo, B, Bhatt, S., F, Bhutta, Z. A., A, Fu, B, Bienhoff K., A, Bikbov, B., F, Birungi, C., E, Biryukov S., A, Bisanzio, Bizuayehu, H. M., F, Boneya, D. J., F, Boufous, Bourne, R. R. A., G, Brazinova, A., G, Brugha, T. S., G, Buchbinder R., U, Gg, B, L. N. B., F, Bumgarner B. R., A, Butt, Z. A., G, Cahuana-Hurtado, Cameron, E., B, Car, Gi, C, H., G, Carapetis, J. R., G, Cárdenas, R., G, Carpenter, D. O., G, Carrero, J. J., D, Carter A., A, Carvalho, F., G, Casey D. C., A, Caso, V., G, Castañeda-Orjuela, C. A., G, Gt, C, C. D., A, Gv, C, H. -Y., G, Gx, C, J. -C., G, Charlson F. J., A, D, G, Chen, H., H, Chibalabala, M., H, Chibueze, C. E., H, Chisumpa, V. H., H, He, C, A. A., H, Christopher, D. J., H, Ciobanu, L. G., C, Cirillo, Colombara D., A, Cooper, C., B, Hi, H, Cortesi, P. A., H, Criqui, M. H., H, Crump, J. A., H, Dadi, A. F., B, Hp, D, K., H, Dandona L., A, Ag, D, Das, N, J., G, Davitoiu, D. V., F, De, C, B., W, De, L, D., H, Degenhardt L., A, Ga, D, R. P., H, Deribe, Hu, Des, J, D. C., H, Hx, D, Dharmaratne, S. D., H, Dhillon, P. K., A, Dicker D., A, Ding, E. L., E, Djalalinia, S., H, Do, H. P., I, Dorsey, E. R., I, Dos, S, K. P. B., I, Douwes-Schultz D., A, Doyle, Id, D, T. R., B, Dubey, M., I, Duncan, B. B., I, Ig, E, Z. Z., D, Ih, E, A., I, Endries, A. Y., I, Ermakov, S. P., I, Il, E, H. E., A, Gz, E, B., I, In, E, S., I, Esteghamati, A., C, Estep K., A, Fanuel, F. B. B., I, Iq, F, C. S. E. S., I, Is, F, Farzadfar, Fazeli, M. S., E, Feigin, V. L., I, Fereshtehnejad, S. -M., D, Fernandes, J. C., I, Ferrari A. J., A, Feyissa, T. R., I, Filip, I., I, Fischer, F., I, Fitzmaurice C., A, B, I, Flaxman A. D., A, Flor, L. S., J, Jb, F, N., J, Foreman K. J., A, Franklin, R. C., J, Fullman N., A, Fürst, T., F, Je, J, Furtado, J. M., J, Futran N. D., C, Gakidou E., A, Ganji, Garcia-Basteiro, A. L., J, Jj, G, T., J, Gebrehiwot, T. T., A, Geleto, Jl, G, B. L., J, Gesesew, H. A., A, Hp, G, P. W., B, Ghajar, Gibney, K. B., J, Gill, P. S., J, Gillum, R. F., J, Ginawi, I. A. M., J, Giref, A. Z., H, Gishu, M. D., F, Jr, G, G., E, Godwin W. W., A, Gold A. L., A, Goldberg E. M., A, Gona, P. N., J, Goodridge, A., J, Gopalani, S. V., J, Goto, Goulart, A. C., E, Jw, G, M., A, H. C., J, Gupta, R., J, T., K, Kb, G, V., K, Hafezi-Nejad, N., C, Hailu, A. D., H, Kf, H, G. B., Q, Hamadeh, R. R., K, Hamidi, S., K, Handal, A. J., K, Hankey, G. J., K, Kl, K, Hao, Y., K, Harb, H. L., C, Hareri, H. A., H, Haro, J. M., K, Harvey J., A, Hassanvand, M. S., C, Havmoeller, Hawley C., A, Hay, R. J., B, Fi, K, Hay S. I., A, Henry N. J., A, Heredia-Pi, I. B., D, Heydarpour, P., C, Hoek, H. W., F, Kq, H, H. J., K, Horita, N., K, Hosgood, H. D., K, Hostiuc, Hotez, P. J., K, Hoy, D. G., K, Htet, A. S., D, Kx, H, G., K, Huang, H., K, Huynh C., A, Iburg, K. M., L, Igumbor, E. U., L, Ld, I, C., A, C. M. S., A, K. H., L, Jahanmehr, Jakovljevic M. B., A, Lf, J, S. K., H, Javanbakht, M., L, Jayaraman, S. P., L, Jeemon, P., A, Li, J, P. N., C, V., B, Lj, J, G., L, John, D., L, Johnson C. O., A, Johnson S. C., A, Jonas, J. B., L, Jürisson, Kabir, Z., L, Kadel, R., L, Kahsay A., Q, Kamal, Kan, H., L, Karam, N. E., L, Karch, A., L, Lv, K, C. K., J, Lw, K, Cp, K, G. M., F, Kassaw, N. A., H, Kassebaum N. J., A, Lx, K, Katikireddi, S. V., L, Kaul, Kawakami, N., M, Keiyoro, P. N., M, Mc, K, A. P., M, Mg, R, Keren, A., M, Khader, Y. S., M, Khalil I. A., A, Khan, E. A., M, Khang, Y. -H., M, Ml, K, Mm, K, J., M, Kieling, C., I, Mo, K, D., M, Kim P., A, Kim, Y. J., M, Kimokoti, R. W., M, Kinfu, Y., M, Kisa, Kissimova-Skarbek, K. A., M, Kivimaki, M., E, Mw, K, A. K., K, Mz, K, Y., N, Kolte, D., N, Kopec, J. A., N, Kosen, S., N, Koul, P. A., N, Koyanagi, A., N, Kravchenko, M., N, Krishnaswami, Krohn K. J., A, Kuate, D, B., N, Kucuk, B, Kumar, G. A., A, P., I, Kyu H. H., A, Lal, D. K., A, Lalloo R., E, Lambert, N., N, Lan, Q., N, Larsson, Lavados, P. M., N, Leasher, J. L., N, Lee, J. -T., N, P. H., N, Leigh, J., B, Leshargie, C. T., F, Leung J., C, D, L, R., N, Levi, Li, Nz, Li, K, D., A, X., N, Liben, M. L., O, Lim S. S., A, Linn, S., O, Liu A., A, Liu P. Y., A, Liu, Y., O, Lodha, Logroscino, G., O, London, S. J., O, Looker, K. J., O, Lopez, A. D., B, Lorkowski, Oh, L, P. A., F, Low, N., O, Lozano R., A, Dt, L, T. C. D., B, Macarayan, E. R. K., E, Oj, Magdy Abd El, R, H., O, M., O, Mahdavi, Om, M, Majdzadeh, Oo, M, Malekzadeh, Malhotra, Malta, D. C., O, Mamun, A. A., O, Manguerra H., A, Manhertz T., A, Mantilla A., D, Mantovani, L, Mapoma, C. C., H, Marczak L. B., A, Martinez-Raga, J., H, Ot, M, F. R., O, Martopullo I., A, März, W., O, Ow, M, M. R., A, Ef, M, Mcalinden, C., O, Oz, M, J. J., F, Mckee, M., P, McNellan C., A, Mehata, S., P, Mehndiratta, M. M., P, Mekonnen, T. C., P, Memiah, P., P, Memish, Z. A., P, Pg, M, W., P, Mengistie, M. A., A, Mengistu D. T., O, Mensah, G. A., K, Meretoja, Pi, M, T. J., M, Pj, M, H. B., Q, R., P, Millear A., A, Miller, T. R., P, Pn, M, E. J., P, Mirarefin M., A, Pp, M, E. M., P, Pr, M, S. R., G, Mitchell, P. B., G, Mohammad, K. A., P, Pu, M, A., P, Mohammed K. E., O, Mohammed, Pw, M, S. K., I, Mokdad A. H., A, Mollenkopf S. K., A, Monasta, L., P, Hernandez, J. M., D, Montico, Moradi-Lakeh, M., Q, Moraga, P., Q, Mori, R., Q, Morozoff C., A, Morrison S. D., C, Moses M., A, Mountjoy-Venning C., A, Mruts, K. B., F, Mueller, U. O., Q, Muller K., A, Murdoch, M. E., Q, Murthy, G. V. S., A, Pa, M, K. I., Q, Nachega J. B., Z, Qk, Q, Nagel, G., Q, Naghavi M., A, Naheed, A., Q, Naidoo, K. S., Q, Naldi, L., Q, Nangia, V., Q, Natarajan, Negasa, D. E., F, Negoi, I., F, Fk, N, R. I., F, Newton, C. R., Q, Ngunjiri, J. W., Q, Nguyen, C. T., I, Nguyen G., A, Nguyen M., A, Q. L., I, T. H., I, Nichols E., A, Ningrum, D. N. A., Q, Qx, N, Qy, N, V. M., I, Norrving, B., A, Noubiap, J. J. N., M, Ra, O, M. J., R, Ogbo, F. A., R, Oh, I. -H., R, Okoro, A., R, Oladimeji, O., R, Olagunju, Rh, R, T. O., R, Rl, O, B. O., R, Olusanya, J. O., R, Ong K., A, Opio, J. N., R, Oren, E., R, Ortiz, Osgood-Zimmerman A., A, Osman, M., R, Uc, O, M. O., R, Rs, P, Pacella, R. E., R, Pana, Panda, B. K., I, Papachristou, C., R, Park, E. -K., R, Parry C. D., Y, Ry, P, Ct, P, S. B., S, Patton, G. C., B, Paulson K., A, Pearce, N., P, Pereira, D. M., S, Perico, Pesudovs, Peterson, C. B., D, Petzold, M., S, Se, P, M. R., O, Sf, P, D. M., A, J. D., S, Pinho C., A, Plass, D., S, Pletcher M. A., A, Popova, Poulton, R. G., H, Pourmalek, F., N, Prabhakaran, Prasad, N., S, N. M., S, Sk, P, Quansah, R., S, Sn, R, R. H. S., D, Radfar, A., S, Rafay, Sq, R, Rahimi-Movaghar, V., C, Rahman, M. H. U., I, Rai, R. K., S, Rajsic, S., S, Ram, U., I, Ranabhat, C. L., S, Sv, R, Z., A, P. V., S, Sx, R, P. C., A, Ray S. E., A, Reiner R. C., A, Reinig N., A, Reitsma M. B., A, Remuzzi, G., F, Sy, S, Renzaho, A. M. N., R, Resnikoff, S., G, Rezaei, S., T, Ribeiro, A. L., D, Tb, R, Roshandel, G., C, Tc, R, Rubagotti, E., T, Ruhago, G. M., T, Saadat, Sadat N., A, Safdarian, Safi, Safiri, Sagar, Sahathevan, R., T, Th, S, J., A, J. A., E, Salvi, S. S., T, Samy, A. M., T, Sanabria, J. R., T, Tl, S, Gz, S, I. S., F, Santos, J. V., G, Tm, Santric, M, M. M., E, Sartorius, B., M, Qo, S, M., T, Sawhney, Saxena, Schmidt, M. I., I, Schneider, I. J. C., T, Schöttker, B., T, Tq, S, D. C., T, Schwendicke, F., T, Seedat S., Z, Sepanlou, S. G., C, Servan-Mori, E. E., D, Setegn, T., C, Shackelford K. A., A, Shaheen, A., T, Shaikh, M. A., T, Shamsipour, Shariful, I, S. M., Q, Tv, S, J., T, Sharma, She, J., L, Shi, Shields C., A, Shigematsu, Tz, S, Y., U, Shiri, R., M, Shirkoohi, Shirude S., A, Shishani, K., U, Shrime, M. G., U, Sibai, A. M., U, Sigfusdottir, I. D., U, Silva, D. A. S., U, J. P., G, Silveira, D. G. A., U, Singh, J. A., T, N. P., U, Sinha, D. N., U, Uj, S, E., U, Ul, S, Na, S, E. L., A, D. L., A, B. H. A., C, Um, S, Uo, S, R. J. D., A, T. C. M., U, Sposato, L. A., R, Sreeramareddy, C. T., U, Srinivasan V., A, Stanaway J. D., A, Stathopoulou, V., U, Steel, N., U, Ut, S, D. J., M, Uu, S, M. B., H, Steiner C., A, Steiner, T. J., F, Uv, S, S., U, Stokes, M. A., Q, Stovner, L. J., U, Ux, S, M. B., P, Suliankatchi, A, R., U, Sunguya, B. F., T, Sur P. J., A, Swaminathan, Sykes, B. L., V, Sylte D. O., A, Tabarés-Seisdedos, Taffere G. R., P, Takala, J. S., V, Vc, T, Tavakkoli, M., V, Taveira, N., V, Vf, T, H. R., B, Tehrani-Banihashemi, Qb, T, T., I, Jl, Temam, S, G., H, Ij, T, A. S., V, Vh, V, Tesfaye D. J., L, Tesssema, B., B, Thamsuwan O., A, Thomas K. E., A, Thrift A. G., V, Tiruye, T. Y., F, Tobe-Gai, R., V, Tollanes, M. C., K, Vl, T, Topor-Madry, Vm, T, Vn, T, Tran, B. X., D, Vp, T, T., V, Tsoi D., A, Tuem K. B., Q, Tuzcu, E. M., V, Tyrovolas, S., V, Ukwaja, K. N., V, Undurraga, E. A., V, Uneke, C. J., V, Updike R., A, Uthman, O. A., V, Uzochukwu, B. S. C., V, Van, B, J. F. M., F, Varughese, Vasankari, Venkatesh, Venketasubramanian, Vidavalur, R., W, Violante, F. S., W, Vladimirov, S. K., W, Vlassov, V. V., W, Vollset S. E., A, Ke, M, Wadilo, Wakayo, T., A, Wang, Y. -P., W, Weaver M., A, Weichenthal, S., W, Weiderpass, E., D, Wg, W, Wi, W, R. G., B, Wj, W, Werdecker, Westerman, Wl, W, Gz, W, T., B, Wm, W, C. S., Z, Wolfe, C. D. A., F, Wo, W, A. D., W, Workicho, Wq, Wulf, H, D., W, Xu, G., W, Yadgir S., A, Yaghoubi, Wt, Y, B., Q, Yan, L. L., W, Yano, Y., W, Ye, P., N, Yimam, Yip, P., W, Wx, Y, N., W, Yoon, S. -J., N, Yotebieng, M., W, Xa, Y, M. Z., X, Zaidi, Z., X, Zaki, M. E. S., X, Zegeye, E. A., Q, Xe, Z, Z. M., Q, X., X, Xg, Z, Zipkin B., A, Zodpey, Zuhlke, L. J., X, Murray C. J. L., A, Vos T. a, Abajobir A. A. d, Abbafati C. h, Abbas K. M. i, Abate K. H., Abd-Allah F. j, Abdulle A. M. k, Abebo T. A. l, Abera S. F. m, r Aboyans, V. s Abu-Raddad, L. J. t Ackerman, I. N. u Adamu, A. A. x Adetokunboh, O. z Afarideh, M. cl, Afshin A. a, S. K. aa, R. ab, A. ac, ad Agrawal, S. ag, Ahmad Kiadaliri, A. ah, H. aj, am Ahmed, M. B. an, A. N. ap, I. aq, M. T. E. ar, Aiyar S. a, R. O. as, at Akseer, N. au, av, Al Lami, F. H. ay, F. az, ba Al-Aly, Z. bb, K. bc, bg bi, N. bj, Alam T. a, D. bk, K. A. bl, bo Ali, R. bw, R. bx, A. by, F. bz, P. dh, Allen C. a, F. ca, R. cb, U. cd, S. ca, K. A. ce, A. T. cf, ch Amini, E. cj, ck Ammar, W. cz, Y. A. da, H. H. db, C. A. T. dd, P. de, J. df, dj Artaman, A. dk, K. K. dl, dm Asayesh, H. dn, Asgedom S. W. q, R. do, Atey T. M. q, N. T. dp, S. R. dq, ds Avila-Burgos, L. dt, E. F. G. A. du, dv Awasthi, A. dw, Ayala Quintanilla, B. P. dx, dy, Ba Saleem, H. O. dz, U. ea, A. aw, eb Balakrishnan, K. ec, A. ed, Bannick M. S. a, A. eg, Barber R. M. a, S. L. ei, T. ej, el em, S. dt, L. en, L. H. eo, S. ep, B. eq, K. E. bq, B. T. cf, S. er, es Beardsley, J. et, N. eu, E. ev, Y. ew, B. B. bm, ex Bell, M. L. ey, D. A. bs, I. M. fb, Benson J. a, A. fc, Berhe D. F. n, fe Bernabé, E. fi, Betsu B. D. q, M. fj, fk Beyene, A. S. fl, N. fn, fo Bhansali, A. fp, S. fq, Z. A. au, fu Biadgilign, S. fv, Bienhoff K. a, B. fw, C. ef, Biryukov S. a, D. bt, H. M. fy, D. J. fx, S. fz, R. R. A. gd, A. ge, T. S. gf, Buchbinder R. u, gg Bulto, L. N. B. fm, Bumgarner B. R. a, Z. A. gh, E. br, M. ft, gi Carabin, H. gj, J. R. gk, R. gl, D. O. gm, J. J. dg, Carter A. a, F. gn, Casey D. C. a, V. gr, C. A. gs, gt Castle, C. D. a Catalá-López, F. gu, gv Chang, H. -Y. gw, gx Chang, J. -C. gy, Charlson F. J. a, d gz, H. ha, M. hb, C. E. hc, V. H. hd, he Chitheer, A. A. hf, D. J. hg, L. G. cf, M. hh, Colombara D. a, C. bu, hi hj, P. A. hk, M. H. hm, J. A. hn, A. F. bn, hp Dalal, K. hq, Dandona L. a, ag Dandona, R. a ag, Das Neves, J. go, D. V. fj, De Courten, B. w, De Leo, D. hr, Degenhardt L. a, ga Deiparine, S. a Dellavalle, R. P. hs, K. ht, hu, Des Jarlais, D. C. hw, hx Dey, S. ae, S. D. hy, P. K. ag, Dicker D. a, E. L. ej, S. hz, H. P. ia, E. R. ib, Dos Santos, K. P. B. ic, Douwes-Schultz D. a, K. E. bp, id Driscoll, T. R. bh, M. ie, B. B. if, ig El-Khatib, Z. Z. dh, ih Ellerstrand, J. d Enayati, A. ii, A. Y. ij, S. P. ik, il Erskine, H. E. a d, gz Eshrati, B. im, in Eskandarieh, S. io, A. cl, Estep K. a, F. B. B. ip, iq Farinha, C. S. E. S. ir, is Faro, A. it, F. ck, M. S. eq, V. L. iu, S. -M. df, J. C. iv, Ferrari A. J. a, T. R. iw, I. ix, F. iy, Fitzmaurice C. a, b iz, Flaxman A. D. a, L. S. ja, jb Foigt, N. jc, Foreman K. J. a, R. C. jd, Fullman N. a, T. fq, je jg, J. M. jh, Futran N. D. c, Gakidou E. a, M. cy, A. L. ji, jj Gebre, T. jk, T. T. ao, A. fm, jl Gemechu, B. L. jm, H. A. ao, hp Gething, P. W. bv, A. cm, K. B. jn, P. S. jo, R. F. jp, I. A. M. jq, A. Z. hv, M. D. fm, jr Giussani, G. ev, Godwin W. W. a, Gold A. L. a, Goldberg E. M. a, P. N. js, A. jt, S. V. ju, A. jv, A. C. ez, jw Griswold, M. a Gugnani, H. C. jx, R. jy, R. jz, T. ka, kb Gupta, V. kc, N. cl, A. D. hu, kf Hailu, G. B. q kg, R. R. kh, S. ki, A. J. kj, G. J. kk, kl km, Y. kn, H. L. cz, H. A. hv, J. M. ko, Harvey J. a, M. S. cn, R. di, Hawley C. a, R. J. br, fi kp, Hay S. I. a, Henry N. J. a, I. B. dt, P. co, H. W. ff, kq Hoffman, H. J. ks, N. ku, H. D. kb, S. fj, P. J. kv, D. G. kw, A. S. dm, kx Hu, G. ky, H. kz, Huynh C. a, K. M. lb, E. U. lc, ld Ikeda, C. a Irvine, C. M. S. a Jacobsen, K. H. le, N. ak, Jakovljevic M. B. a, lf Jassal, S. K. hl, M. lg, S. P. lh, P. af, li Jensen, P. N. c Jha, V. bw, lj Jiang, G. lk, D. ll, Johnson C. O. a, Johnson S. C. a, J. B. lm, M. ln, Z. lo, R. lp, Kahsay A. q, R. lq, H. ls, N. E. lt, A. lu, lv Karema, C. K. jf, lw Kasaeian, cp Kassa, G. M. fy, N. A. hv, Kassebaum N. J. a, lx Kastor, A. ie, S. V. ly, A. lz, N. ma, P. N. mb, mc Kengne, A. P. me, mg rz, A. mh, Y. S. mi, Khalil I. A. a, E. A. mj, Y. -H. mk, ml Khosravi, A. ck, mm Khubchandani, J. mn, C. if, mo Kim, D. mp, Kim P. a, Y. J. mq, R. W. mr, Y. ms, A. mt, K. A. mv, M. ee, mw Knudsen, A. K. kd, mz Kokubo, Y. nb, D. nc, J. A. nd, S. ne, P. A. nf, A. ng, M. nh, S. ni, Krohn K. J. a, Kuate Defo, B. nj, Kucuk Bicer, B. nk, G. A. ag, P. ie, S. nl, Kyu H. H. a, D. K. ag, Lalloo R. e, N. nm, Q. nn, A. no, P. M. np, J. L. nq, J. -T. ns, P. H. nt, J. bi, C. T. fy, Leung J. c, d Leung, R. nu, M. nv, Y. nw, Y. nx, nz, Li Kappe, D. a Liang, X. ny, M. L. oa, Lim S. S. a, S. ob, Liu A. a, Liu P. Y. a, S. nx, Y. oc, R. aa, G. od, S. J. oe, K. J. of, A. D. bd, S. og, oh Lotufo, P. A. fb, N. oi, Lozano R. a, dt Lucas, T. C. D. br, E. R. K. ek, oj, Magdy Abd El Razek, H. ok, M. ol, M. cq, om Majdan, M. on, R. cr, oo Majeed, A. fr, R. cs, D. C. op, A. A. oq, Manguerra H. a, Manhertz T. a, Mantilla A. d, Mantovani LG, C. C. hd, Marczak L. B. a, J. he, ot Martins-Melo, F. R. ou, Martopullo I. a, W. ov, ow Mathur, M. R. ag, ef Mazidi, M. ox, McAlinden, C. oy, oz McGaughey, M. a McGrath, J. J. f la, McKee, M. pa, McNellan C. a, S. pb, M. M. pc, T. C. pd, P. pe, Z. A. pf, pg Mendoza, W. ph, M. A. ao, Mengistu D. T. o, G. A. kt, A. be, pi Meretoja, T. J. my, pj Mezgebe, H. B. q Micha, R. pk, Millear A. a, T. R. pm, pn Mills, E. J. po, Mirarefin M. a, pp Mirrakhimov, E. M. pq, pr Misganaw, A. a Mishra, S. R. g ps, P. B. gc, K. A. pt, pu Mohammadi, A. pv, Mohammed K. E. o, S. em, pw Mohanty, S. K. ie, Mokdad A. H. a, Mollenkopf S. K. a, L. py, J. M. dt, M. py, M. qa, P. qd, R. qe, Morozoff C. a, Morrison S. D. c, Moses M. a, Mountjoy-Venning C. a, K. B. fd, U. O. qh, Muller K. a, M. E. qi, G. V. S. ae, pa Musa, K. I. qj, Nachega J. B. z, qk ql, G. qm, Naghavi M. a, A. qn, K. S. qq, L. qr, V. qs, G. qt, D. E. fm, I. fj, fk Negoi, R. I. fj, C. R. qu, J. W. qv, C. T. ia, Nguyen G. a, Nguyen M. a, Q. L. ia, T. H. ia, Nichols E. a, D. N. A. qw, qx Nolte, S. cc, qy Nong, V. M. ia, B. ai, J. J. N. mg, ra O'Donnell, M. J. rb, F. A. rc, I. -H. re, A. rf, O. rg, A. T. cg, rh ri, T. O. rj, rl Olsen, H. E. a Olusanya, B. O. rm, J. O. rm, Ong K. a, J. N. rn, E. ro, A. rp, Osgood-Zimmerman A. a, M. rq, uc Owolabi, M. O. rr, rs Pa, M. rt, R. E. ru, A. rv, B. K. ie, C. rw, E. -K. rx, Parry C. D. y, ry Parsaeian, M. ck, ct Patten, S. B. sa, G. C. bf, Paulson K. a, N. pa, D. M. sc, N. fw, K. hp, C. B. dc, M. sd, se Phillips, M. R. oc, sf Pigott, D. M. a Pillay, J. D. sg, Pinho C. a, D. sh, Pletcher M. A. a, S. ax, R. G. ho, F. nd, D. li, N. si, N. M. sj, sk Purcell, C. a Qorbani, M. sl, R. sm, sn Rabiee, R. H. S. dh, A. so, A. sp, sq Rahimi, K. bw, A. cu, V. cv, M. sr, M. H. U. ie, R. K. ss, S. st, U. ie, C. L. su, sv Rankin, Z. a Rao, P. V. sw, sx Rao, P. C. a Rawaf, S. ft, Ray S. E. a, Reiner R. C. a, Reinig N. a, Reitsma M. B. a, G. fw, sy sz, A. M. N. rd, S. gb, S. ta, A. L. dd, tb Ronfani, G. cs, tc Roth, G. A. a Roy, A. aa, E. td, G. M. te, S. cv, Sadat N. a, M. cv, S. al, S. tf, R. tg, th Salama, J. a Salomon, J. A. ej, S. S. ti, A. M. tj, J. R. tk, tl Santomauro, D. a d, gz Santos, I. S. fa, J. V. gp, tm, Santric Milicevic, M. M. eh, B. md, qo Satpathy, M. tn, M. tk, M. I. if, I. J. C. to, B. tp, tq Schwebel, D. C. tr, F. ts, Seedat S. z, S. G. cs, E. E. dt, T. ci, Shackelford K. A. a, A. tt, M. A. tu, M. cw, Shariful Islam, S. M. qn, tv Sharma, J. tw, R. tx, J. lr, P. pl, Shields C. a, M. ty, tz Shinohara, Y. ua, R. mx, R. cx, Shirude S. a, K. ub, M. G. uc, A. M. ud, I. D. ue, D. A. S. uf, J. P. gq, D. G. A. ug, J. A. tr, N. P. uh, D. N. ui, uj Skiadaresi, E. uk, ul Skirbekk, V. kr, na Slepak, E. L. a Sligar, A. a Smith, D. L. a Smith, M. a Sobaih, B. H. A. ce, um Sobngwi, E. un, uo Sorensen, R. J. D. a Sousa, T. C. M. up, L. A. rk, C. T. uq, Srinivasan V. a, Stanaway J. D. a, V. ur, N. us, ut Stein, D. J. mf, uu Stein, M. B. hm, Steiner C. a, T. J. fs, uv Steinke, S. uw, M. A. qz, L. J. uv, ux Strub, B. a Subart, M. a Sufiyan, M. B. px, Suliankatchi Abdulkader, R. uy, B. F. te, Sur P. J. a, S. uz, B. L. va, Sylte D. O. a, R. gu, Taffere G. R. p, J. S. vb, vc Tandon, N. aa, M. vd, N. ve, vf Taylor, H. R. bg, A. pz, qb Tekelab, T. iw, jl, Temam Shifa, G. hv, ij Terkawi, A. S. vg, vh vi, Tesfaye D. J. l, B. bn, Thamsuwan O. a, Thomas K. E. a, Thrift A. G. v, T. Y. fy, R. vk, M. C. kf, vl Tonelli, M. sb, R. mu, vm Tortajada, M. os, vn Touvier, M. vo, B. X. dr, vp Tripathi, S. Troeger, C. a Truelsen, T. vq, Tsoi D. a, Tuem K. B. q, E. M. vj, S. vr, K. N. vs, E. A. vt, C. J. vu, Updike R. a, O. A. vv, B. S. C. vw, Van Boven, J. F. M. fg, S. hg, T. vx, S. vy, N. vz, R. wa, F. S. wb, S. K. wc, V. V. wd, Vollset S. E. a, ke mz, F. iq, T. ao, Y. -P. we, Weaver M. a, S. wf, E. dg, wg wh, wi Weintraub, R. G. bg, wj wk, A. qf, R. qg, wl Whiteford, H. A. a d, gz Wijeratne, T. bg, wm Wiysonge, C. S. z wn, C. D. A. fh, wo Woodbrook, R. a Woolf, A. D. wp, A. ao, wq, Wulf Hanson, S. a Xavier, D. wr, G. ws, Yadgir S. a, M. qc, wt Yakob, B. qp, L. L. wu, Y. wv, P. nx, H. H. dp, P. ww, wx Yonemoto, N. wy, S. -J. nr, M. wz, xa Younis, M. Z. xb, Z. xc, M. E. S. xd, E. A. qq, xe Zenebe, Z. M. q Zhang, X. xf, xg Zhou, M. a nx, Zipkin B. a, L. J. xg, Murray C. J. L. a, Vos T., A, Abajobir A. A., D, Abbafati C., H, Abbas K. M., I, Abate, K, Abd-Allah F., J, Abdulle A. M., K, Abebo T. A., L, Abera S. F., M, R, A, V., S, L. J., T, I. N., U, A. A., X, O., Z, M., C, Afshin A., A, Agarwal, S. K., A, Aggarwal, R., A, Agrawal, A., A, Ad, A, S., A, Ahmad, K, Ahmadieh, H., A, Am, A, M. B., A, Aichour, A. N., A, I., A, M. T. E., A, Aiyar S., A, Akinyemi, R. O., A, At, A, N., A, Av, Al, L, F. H., A, Alahdab, F., A, Ba, A, Z., B, Alam, K., B, Bg, B, N., B, Alam T., A, Alasfoor, D., B, Alene, K. A., B, Bo, A, R., B, Alizadeh-Navaei, Alkerwi, A., B, Alla, F., B, Allebeck, P., D, Allen C., A, Al-Maskari, F., C, Al-Raddadi, R., C, Alsharif, U., C, Alsowaidi, S., C, Altirkawi, K. A., C, Amare, A. T., C, Ch, A, E., C, Ck, A, W., C, Amoako, Y. A., D, Andersen, H. H., D, Antonio, C. A. T., D, Anwari, Ärnlöv, J., D, Dj, A, A., D, Aryal, K. K., D, Dm, A, H., D, Asgedom S. W., Q, Assadi, R., D, Atey T. M., Q, Atnafu, N. T., D, Atre, S. R., D, Ds, A, L., D, Avokpaho, E. F. G. A., D, Dv, A, Ayala, Q, B. P., D, Dy, Ba, S, H. O., D, Bacha, U., E, Badawi, Eb, B, K., E, Banerjee, A., E, Bannick M. S., A, Barac, Barber R. M., A, Barker-Collo, S. L., E, Bärnighausen, T., E, El, E, Barquera, S., D, Barregard, L., E, Barrero, L. H., E, Basu, S., E, Battista, B., E, Battle, K. E., B, Baune, B. T., C, Bazargan-Hejazi, Es, B, J., E, Bedi, N., E, Beghi, E., E, Béjot, Y., E, Bekele, B. B., B, Ex, B, M. L., E, Bennett, D. A., B, Bensenor, I. M., F, Benson J., A, Berhane, A., F, Berhe D. F., N, Fe, B, E., F, Betsu B. D., Q, Beuran, M., F, Fk, B, A. S., F, Bhala, N., F, Fo, B, Bhatt, S., F, Bhutta, Z. A., A, Fu, B, Bienhoff K., A, Bikbov, B., F, Birungi, C., E, Biryukov S., A, Bisanzio, Bizuayehu, H. M., F, Boneya, D. J., F, Boufous, Bourne, R. R. A., G, Brazinova, A., G, Brugha, T. S., G, Buchbinder R., U, Gg, B, L. N. B., F, Bumgarner B. R., A, Butt, Z. A., G, Cahuana-Hurtado, Cameron, E., B, Car, Gi, C, H., G, Carapetis, J. R., G, Cárdenas, R., G, Carpenter, D. O., G, Carrero, J. J., D, Carter A., A, Carvalho, F., G, Casey D. C., A, Caso, V., G, Castañeda-Orjuela, C. A., G, Gt, C, C. D., A, Gv, C, H. -Y., G, Gx, C, J. -C., G, Charlson F. J., A, D, G, Chen, H., H, Chibalabala, M., H, Chibueze, C. E., H, Chisumpa, V. H., H, He, C, A. A., H, Christopher, D. J., H, Ciobanu, L. G., C, Cirillo, Colombara D., A, Cooper, C., B, Hi, H, Cortesi, P. A., H, Criqui, M. H., H, Crump, J. A., H, Dadi, A. F., B, Hp, D, K., H, Dandona L., A, Ag, D, Das, N, J., G, Davitoiu, D. V., F, De, C, B., W, De, L, D., H, Degenhardt L., A, Ga, D, R. P., H, Deribe, Hu, Des, J, D. C., H, Hx, D, Dharmaratne, S. D., H, Dhillon, P. K., A, Dicker D., A, Ding, E. L., E, Djalalinia, S., H, Do, H. P., I, Dorsey, E. R., I, Dos, S, K. P. B., I, Douwes-Schultz D., A, Doyle, Id, D, T. R., B, Dubey, M., I, Duncan, B. B., I, Ig, E, Z. Z., D, Ih, E, A., I, Endries, A. Y., I, Ermakov, S. P., I, Il, E, H. E., A, Gz, E, B., I, In, E, S., I, Esteghamati, A., C, Estep K., A, Fanuel, F. B. B., I, Iq, F, C. S. E. S., I, Is, F, Farzadfar, Fazeli, M. S., E, Feigin, V. L., I, Fereshtehnejad, S. -M., D, Fernandes, J. C., I, Ferrari A. J., A, Feyissa, T. R., I, Filip, I., I, Fischer, F., I, Fitzmaurice C., A, B, I, Flaxman A. D., A, Flor, L. S., J, Jb, F, N., J, Foreman K. J., A, Franklin, R. C., J, Fullman N., A, Fürst, T., F, Je, J, Furtado, J. M., J, Futran N. D., C, Gakidou E., A, Ganji, Garcia-Basteiro, A. L., J, Jj, G, T., J, Gebrehiwot, T. T., A, Geleto, Jl, G, B. L., J, Gesesew, H. A., A, Hp, G, P. W., B, Ghajar, Gibney, K. B., J, Gill, P. S., J, Gillum, R. F., J, Ginawi, I. A. M., J, Giref, A. Z., H, Gishu, M. D., F, Jr, G, G., E, Godwin W. W., A, Gold A. L., A, Goldberg E. M., A, Gona, P. N., J, Goodridge, A., J, Gopalani, S. V., J, Goto, Goulart, A. C., E, Jw, G, M., A, H. C., J, Gupta, R., J, T., K, Kb, G, V., K, Hafezi-Nejad, N., C, Hailu, A. D., H, Kf, H, G. B., Q, Hamadeh, R. R., K, Hamidi, S., K, Handal, A. J., K, Hankey, G. J., K, Kl, K, Hao, Y., K, Harb, H. L., C, Hareri, H. A., H, Haro, J. M., K, Harvey J., A, Hassanvand, M. S., C, Havmoeller, Hawley C., A, Hay, R. J., B, Fi, K, Hay S. I., A, Henry N. J., A, Heredia-Pi, I. B., D, Heydarpour, P., C, Hoek, H. W., F, Kq, H, H. J., K, Horita, N., K, Hosgood, H. D., K, Hostiuc, Hotez, P. J., K, Hoy, D. G., K, Htet, A. S., D, Kx, H, G., K, Huang, H., K, Huynh C., A, Iburg, K. M., L, Igumbor, E. U., L, Ld, I, C., A, C. M. S., A, K. H., L, Jahanmehr, Jakovljevic M. B., A, Lf, J, S. K., H, Javanbakht, M., L, Jayaraman, S. P., L, Jeemon, P., A, Li, J, P. N., C, V., B, Lj, J, G., L, John, D., L, Johnson C. O., A, Johnson S. C., A, Jonas, J. B., L, Jürisson, Kabir, Z., L, Kadel, R., L, Kahsay A., Q, Kamal, Kan, H., L, Karam, N. E., L, Karch, A., L, Lv, K, C. K., J, Lw, K, Cp, K, G. M., F, Kassaw, N. A., H, Kassebaum N. J., A, Lx, K, Katikireddi, S. V., L, Kaul, Kawakami, N., M, Keiyoro, P. N., M, Mc, K, A. P., M, Mg, R, Keren, A., M, Khader, Y. S., M, Khalil I. A., A, Khan, E. A., M, Khang, Y. -H., M, Ml, K, Mm, K, J., M, Kieling, C., I, Mo, K, D., M, Kim P., A, Kim, Y. J., M, Kimokoti, R. W., M, Kinfu, Y., M, Kisa, Kissimova-Skarbek, K. A., M, Kivimaki, M., E, Mw, K, A. K., K, Mz, K, Y., N, Kolte, D., N, Kopec, J. A., N, Kosen, S., N, Koul, P. A., N, Koyanagi, A., N, Kravchenko, M., N, Krishnaswami, Krohn K. J., A, Kuate, D, B., N, Kucuk, B, Kumar, G. A., A, P., I, Kyu H. H., A, Lal, D. K., A, Lalloo R., E, Lambert, N., N, Lan, Q., N, Larsson, Lavados, P. M., N, Leasher, J. L., N, Lee, J. -T., N, P. H., N, Leigh, J., B, Leshargie, C. T., F, Leung J., C, D, L, R., N, Levi, Li, Nz, Li, K, D., A, X., N, Liben, M. L., O, Lim S. S., A, Linn, S., O, Liu A., A, Liu P. Y., A, Liu, Y., O, Lodha, Logroscino, G., O, London, S. J., O, Looker, K. J., O, Lopez, A. D., B, Lorkowski, Oh, L, P. A., F, Low, N., O, Lozano R., A, Dt, L, T. C. D., B, Macarayan, E. R. K., E, Oj, Magdy Abd El, R, H., O, M., O, Mahdavi, Om, M, Majdzadeh, Oo, M, Malekzadeh, Malhotra, Malta, D. C., O, Mamun, A. A., O, Manguerra H., A, Manhertz T., A, Mantilla A., D, Mantovani, L, Mapoma, C. C., H, Marczak L. B., A, Martinez-Raga, J., H, Ot, M, F. R., O, Martopullo I., A, März, W., O, Ow, M, M. R., A, Ef, M, Mcalinden, C., O, Oz, M, J. J., F, Mckee, M., P, McNellan C., A, Mehata, S., P, Mehndiratta, M. M., P, Mekonnen, T. C., P, Memiah, P., P, Memish, Z. A., P, Pg, M, W., P, Mengistie, M. A., A, Mengistu D. T., O, Mensah, G. A., K, Meretoja, Pi, M, T. J., M, Pj, M, H. B., Q, R., P, Millear A., A, Miller, T. R., P, Pn, M, E. J., P, Mirarefin M., A, Pp, M, E. M., P, Pr, M, S. R., G, Mitchell, P. B., G, Mohammad, K. A., P, Pu, M, A., P, Mohammed K. E., O, Mohammed, Pw, M, S. K., I, Mokdad A. H., A, Mollenkopf S. K., A, Monasta, L., P, Hernandez, J. M., D, Montico, Moradi-Lakeh, M., Q, Moraga, P., Q, Mori, R., Q, Morozoff C., A, Morrison S. D., C, Moses M., A, Mountjoy-Venning C., A, Mruts, K. B., F, Mueller, U. O., Q, Muller K., A, Murdoch, M. E., Q, Murthy, G. V. S., A, Pa, M, K. I., Q, Nachega J. B., Z, Qk, Q, Nagel, G., Q, Naghavi M., A, Naheed, A., Q, Naidoo, K. S., Q, Naldi, L., Q, Nangia, V., Q, Natarajan, Negasa, D. E., F, Negoi, I., F, Fk, N, R. I., F, Newton, C. R., Q, Ngunjiri, J. W., Q, Nguyen, C. T., I, Nguyen G., A, Nguyen M., A, Q. L., I, T. H., I, Nichols E., A, Ningrum, D. N. A., Q, Qx, N, Qy, N, V. M., I, Norrving, B., A, Noubiap, J. J. N., M, Ra, O, M. J., R, Ogbo, F. A., R, Oh, I. -H., R, Okoro, A., R, Oladimeji, O., R, Olagunju, Rh, R, T. O., R, Rl, O, B. O., R, Olusanya, J. O., R, Ong K., A, Opio, J. N., R, Oren, E., R, Ortiz, Osgood-Zimmerman A., A, Osman, M., R, Uc, O, M. O., R, Rs, P, Pacella, R. E., R, Pana, Panda, B. K., I, Papachristou, C., R, Park, E. -K., R, Parry C. D., Y, Ry, P, Ct, P, S. B., S, Patton, G. C., B, Paulson K., A, Pearce, N., P, Pereira, D. M., S, Perico, Pesudovs, Peterson, C. B., D, Petzold, M., S, Se, P, M. R., O, Sf, P, D. M., A, J. D., S, Pinho C., A, Plass, D., S, Pletcher M. A., A, Popova, Poulton, R. G., H, Pourmalek, F., N, Prabhakaran, Prasad, N., S, N. M., S, Sk, P, Quansah, R., S, Sn, R, R. H. S., D, Radfar, A., S, Rafay, Sq, R, Rahimi-Movaghar, V., C, Rahman, M. H. U., I, Rai, R. K., S, Rajsic, S., S, Ram, U., I, Ranabhat, C. L., S, Sv, R, Z., A, P. V., S, Sx, R, P. C., A, Ray S. E., A, Reiner R. C., A, Reinig N., A, Reitsma M. B., A, Remuzzi, G., F, Sy, S, Renzaho, A. M. N., R, Resnikoff, S., G, Rezaei, S., T, Ribeiro, A. L., D, Tb, R, Roshandel, G., C, Tc, R, Rubagotti, E., T, Ruhago, G. M., T, Saadat, Sadat N., A, Safdarian, Safi, Safiri, Sagar, Sahathevan, R., T, Th, S, J., A, J. A., E, Salvi, S. S., T, Samy, A. M., T, Sanabria, J. R., T, Tl, S, Gz, S, I. S., F, Santos, J. V., G, Tm, Santric, M, M. M., E, Sartorius, B., M, Qo, S, M., T, Sawhney, Saxena, Schmidt, M. I., I, Schneider, I. J. C., T, Schöttker, B., T, Tq, S, D. C., T, Schwendicke, F., T, Seedat S., Z, Sepanlou, S. G., C, Servan-Mori, E. E., D, Setegn, T., C, Shackelford K. A., A, Shaheen, A., T, Shaikh, M. A., T, Shamsipour, Shariful, I, S. M., Q, Tv, S, J., T, Sharma, She, J., L, Shi, Shields C., A, Shigematsu, Tz, S, Y., U, Shiri, R., M, Shirkoohi, Shirude S., A, Shishani, K., U, Shrime, M. G., U, Sibai, A. M., U, Sigfusdottir, I. D., U, Silva, D. A. S., U, J. P., G, Silveira, D. G. A., U, Singh, J. A., T, N. P., U, Sinha, D. N., U, Uj, S, E., U, Ul, S, Na, S, E. L., A, D. L., A, B. H. A., C, Um, S, Uo, S, R. J. D., A, T. C. M., U, Sposato, L. A., R, Sreeramareddy, C. T., U, Srinivasan V., A, Stanaway J. D., A, Stathopoulou, V., U, Steel, N., U, Ut, S, D. J., M, Uu, S, M. B., H, Steiner C., A, Steiner, T. J., F, Uv, S, S., U, Stokes, M. A., Q, Stovner, L. J., U, Ux, S, M. B., P, Suliankatchi, A, R., U, Sunguya, B. F., T, Sur P. J., A, Swaminathan, Sykes, B. L., V, Sylte D. O., A, Tabarés-Seisdedos, Taffere G. R., P, Takala, J. S., V, Vc, T, Tavakkoli, M., V, Taveira, N., V, Vf, T, H. R., B, Tehrani-Banihashemi, Qb, T, T., I, Jl, Temam, S, G., H, Ij, T, A. S., V, Vh, V, Tesfaye D. J., L, Tesssema, B., B, Thamsuwan O., A, Thomas K. E., A, Thrift A. G., V, Tiruye, T. Y., F, Tobe-Gai, R., V, Tollanes, M. C., K, Vl, T, Topor-Madry, Vm, T, Vn, T, Tran, B. X., D, Vp, T, T., V, Tsoi D., A, Tuem K. B., Q, Tuzcu, E. M., V, Tyrovolas, S., V, Ukwaja, K. N., V, Undurraga, E. A., V, Uneke, C. J., V, Updike R., A, Uthman, O. A., V, Uzochukwu, B. S. C., V, Van, B, J. F. M., F, Varughese, Vasankari, Venkatesh, Venketasubramanian, Vidavalur, R., W, Violante, F. S., W, Vladimirov, S. K., W, Vlassov, V. V., W, Vollset S. E., A, Ke, M, Wadilo, Wakayo, T., A, Wang, Y. -P., W, Weaver M., A, Weichenthal, S., W, Weiderpass, E., D, Wg, W, Wi, W, R. G., B, Wj, W, Werdecker, Westerman, Wl, W, Gz, W, T., B, Wm, W, C. S., Z, Wolfe, C. D. A., F, Wo, W, A. D., W, Workicho, Wq, Wulf, H, D., W, Xu, G., W, Yadgir S., A, Yaghoubi, Wt, Y, B., Q, Yan, L. L., W, Yano, Y., W, Ye, P., N, Yimam, Yip, P., W, Wx, Y, N., W, Yoon, S. -J., N, Yotebieng, M., W, Xa, Y, M. Z., X, Zaidi, Z., X, Zaki, M. E. S., X, Zegeye, E. A., Q, Xe, Z, Z. M., Q, X., X, Xg, Z, Zipkin B., A, Zodpey, Zuhlke, L. J., X, Murray C. J. L., A, Vos T. a, Abajobir A. A. d, Abbafati C. h, Abbas K. M. i, Abate K. H., Abd-Allah F. j, Abdulle A. M. k, Abebo T. A. l, Abera S. F. m, r Aboyans, V. s Abu-Raddad, L. J. t Ackerman, I. N. u Adamu, A. A. x Adetokunboh, O. z Afarideh, M. cl, Afshin A. a, S. K. aa, R. ab, A. ac, ad Agrawal, S. ag, Ahmad Kiadaliri, A. ah, H. aj, am Ahmed, M. B. an, A. N. ap, I. aq, M. T. E. ar, Aiyar S. a, R. O. as, at Akseer, N. au, av, Al Lami, F. H. ay, F. az, ba Al-Aly, Z. bb, K. bc, bg bi, N. bj, Alam T. a, D. bk, K. A. bl, bo Ali, R. bw, R. bx, A. by, F. bz, P. dh, Allen C. a, F. ca, R. cb, U. cd, S. ca, K. A. ce, A. T. cf, ch Amini, E. cj, ck Ammar, W. cz, Y. A. da, H. H. db, C. A. T. dd, P. de, J. df, dj Artaman, A. dk, K. K. dl, dm Asayesh, H. dn, Asgedom S. W. q, R. do, Atey T. M. q, N. T. dp, S. R. dq, ds Avila-Burgos, L. dt, E. F. G. A. du, dv Awasthi, A. dw, Ayala Quintanilla, B. P. dx, dy, Ba Saleem, H. O. dz, U. ea, A. aw, eb Balakrishnan, K. ec, A. ed, Bannick M. S. a, A. eg, Barber R. M. a, S. L. ei, T. ej, el em, S. dt, L. en, L. H. eo, S. ep, B. eq, K. E. bq, B. T. cf, S. er, es Beardsley, J. et, N. eu, E. ev, Y. ew, B. B. bm, ex Bell, M. L. ey, D. A. bs, I. M. fb, Benson J. a, A. fc, Berhe D. F. n, fe Bernabé, E. fi, Betsu B. D. q, M. fj, fk Beyene, A. S. fl, N. fn, fo Bhansali, A. fp, S. fq, Z. A. au, fu Biadgilign, S. fv, Bienhoff K. a, B. fw, C. ef, Biryukov S. a, D. bt, H. M. fy, D. J. fx, S. fz, R. R. A. gd, A. ge, T. S. gf, Buchbinder R. u, gg Bulto, L. N. B. fm, Bumgarner B. R. a, Z. A. gh, E. br, M. ft, gi Carabin, H. gj, J. R. gk, R. gl, D. O. gm, J. J. dg, Carter A. a, F. gn, Casey D. C. a, V. gr, C. A. gs, gt Castle, C. D. a Catalá-López, F. gu, gv Chang, H. -Y. gw, gx Chang, J. -C. gy, Charlson F. J. a, d gz, H. ha, M. hb, C. E. hc, V. H. hd, he Chitheer, A. A. hf, D. J. hg, L. G. cf, M. hh, Colombara D. a, C. bu, hi hj, P. A. hk, M. H. hm, J. A. hn, A. F. bn, hp Dalal, K. hq, Dandona L. a, ag Dandona, R. a ag, Das Neves, J. go, D. V. fj, De Courten, B. w, De Leo, D. hr, Degenhardt L. a, ga Deiparine, S. a Dellavalle, R. P. hs, K. ht, hu, Des Jarlais, D. C. hw, hx Dey, S. ae, S. D. hy, P. K. ag, Dicker D. a, E. L. ej, S. hz, H. P. ia, E. R. ib, Dos Santos, K. P. B. ic, Douwes-Schultz D. a, K. E. bp, id Driscoll, T. R. bh, M. ie, B. B. if, ig El-Khatib, Z. Z. dh, ih Ellerstrand, J. d Enayati, A. ii, A. Y. ij, S. P. ik, il Erskine, H. E. a d, gz Eshrati, B. im, in Eskandarieh, S. io, A. cl, Estep K. a, F. B. B. ip, iq Farinha, C. S. E. S. ir, is Faro, A. it, F. ck, M. S. eq, V. L. iu, S. -M. df, J. C. iv, Ferrari A. J. a, T. R. iw, I. ix, F. iy, Fitzmaurice C. a, b iz, Flaxman A. D. a, L. S. ja, jb Foigt, N. jc, Foreman K. J. a, R. C. jd, Fullman N. a, T. fq, je jg, J. M. jh, Futran N. D. c, Gakidou E. a, M. cy, A. L. ji, jj Gebre, T. jk, T. T. ao, A. fm, jl Gemechu, B. L. jm, H. A. ao, hp Gething, P. W. bv, A. cm, K. B. jn, P. S. jo, R. F. jp, I. A. M. jq, A. Z. hv, M. D. fm, jr Giussani, G. ev, Godwin W. W. a, Gold A. L. a, Goldberg E. M. a, P. N. js, A. jt, S. V. ju, A. jv, A. C. ez, jw Griswold, M. a Gugnani, H. C. jx, R. jy, R. jz, T. ka, kb Gupta, V. kc, N. cl, A. D. hu, kf Hailu, G. B. q kg, R. R. kh, S. ki, A. J. kj, G. J. kk, kl km, Y. kn, H. L. cz, H. A. hv, J. M. ko, Harvey J. a, M. S. cn, R. di, Hawley C. a, R. J. br, fi kp, Hay S. I. a, Henry N. J. a, I. B. dt, P. co, H. W. ff, kq Hoffman, H. J. ks, N. ku, H. D. kb, S. fj, P. J. kv, D. G. kw, A. S. dm, kx Hu, G. ky, H. kz, Huynh C. a, K. M. lb, E. U. lc, ld Ikeda, C. a Irvine, C. M. S. a Jacobsen, K. H. le, N. ak, Jakovljevic M. B. a, lf Jassal, S. K. hl, M. lg, S. P. lh, P. af, li Jensen, P. N. c Jha, V. bw, lj Jiang, G. lk, D. ll, Johnson C. O. a, Johnson S. C. a, J. B. lm, M. ln, Z. lo, R. lp, Kahsay A. q, R. lq, H. ls, N. E. lt, A. lu, lv Karema, C. K. jf, lw Kasaeian, cp Kassa, G. M. fy, N. A. hv, Kassebaum N. J. a, lx Kastor, A. ie, S. V. ly, A. lz, N. ma, P. N. mb, mc Kengne, A. P. me, mg rz, A. mh, Y. S. mi, Khalil I. A. a, E. A. mj, Y. -H. mk, ml Khosravi, A. ck, mm Khubchandani, J. mn, C. if, mo Kim, D. mp, Kim P. a, Y. J. mq, R. W. mr, Y. ms, A. mt, K. A. mv, M. ee, mw Knudsen, A. K. kd, mz Kokubo, Y. nb, D. nc, J. A. nd, S. ne, P. A. nf, A. ng, M. nh, S. ni, Krohn K. J. a, Kuate Defo, B. nj, Kucuk Bicer, B. nk, G. A. ag, P. ie, S. nl, Kyu H. H. a, D. K. ag, Lalloo R. e, N. nm, Q. nn, A. no, P. M. np, J. L. nq, J. -T. ns, P. H. nt, J. bi, C. T. fy, Leung J. c, d Leung, R. nu, M. nv, Y. nw, Y. nx, nz, Li Kappe, D. a Liang, X. ny, M. L. oa, Lim S. S. a, S. ob, Liu A. a, Liu P. Y. a, S. nx, Y. oc, R. aa, G. od, S. J. oe, K. J. of, A. D. bd, S. og, oh Lotufo, P. A. fb, N. oi, Lozano R. a, dt Lucas, T. C. D. br, E. R. K. ek, oj, Magdy Abd El Razek, H. ok, M. ol, M. cq, om Majdan, M. on, R. cr, oo Majeed, A. fr, R. cs, D. C. op, A. A. oq, Manguerra H. a, Manhertz T. a, Mantilla A. d, Mantovani LG, C. C. hd, Marczak L. B. a, J. he, ot Martins-Melo, F. R. ou, Martopullo I. a, W. ov, ow Mathur, M. R. ag, ef Mazidi, M. ox, McAlinden, C. oy, oz McGaughey, M. a McGrath, J. J. f la, McKee, M. pa, McNellan C. a, S. pb, M. M. pc, T. C. pd, P. pe, Z. A. pf, pg Mendoza, W. ph, M. A. ao, Mengistu D. T. o, G. A. kt, A. be, pi Meretoja, T. J. my, pj Mezgebe, H. B. q Micha, R. pk, Millear A. a, T. R. pm, pn Mills, E. J. po, Mirarefin M. a, pp Mirrakhimov, E. M. pq, pr Misganaw, A. a Mishra, S. R. g ps, P. B. gc, K. A. pt, pu Mohammadi, A. pv, Mohammed K. E. o, S. em, pw Mohanty, S. K. ie, Mokdad A. H. a, Mollenkopf S. K. a, L. py, J. M. dt, M. py, M. qa, P. qd, R. qe, Morozoff C. a, Morrison S. D. c, Moses M. a, Mountjoy-Venning C. a, K. B. fd, U. O. qh, Muller K. a, M. E. qi, G. V. S. ae, pa Musa, K. I. qj, Nachega J. B. z, qk ql, G. qm, Naghavi M. a, A. qn, K. S. qq, L. qr, V. qs, G. qt, D. E. fm, I. fj, fk Negoi, R. I. fj, C. R. qu, J. W. qv, C. T. ia, Nguyen G. a, Nguyen M. a, Q. L. ia, T. H. ia, Nichols E. a, D. N. A. qw, qx Nolte, S. cc, qy Nong, V. M. ia, B. ai, J. J. N. mg, ra O'Donnell, M. J. rb, F. A. rc, I. -H. re, A. rf, O. rg, A. T. cg, rh ri, T. O. rj, rl Olsen, H. E. a Olusanya, B. O. rm, J. O. rm, Ong K. a, J. N. rn, E. ro, A. rp, Osgood-Zimmerman A. a, M. rq, uc Owolabi, M. O. rr, rs Pa, M. rt, R. E. ru, A. rv, B. K. ie, C. rw, E. -K. rx, Parry C. D. y, ry Parsaeian, M. ck, ct Patten, S. B. sa, G. C. bf, Paulson K. a, N. pa, D. M. sc, N. fw, K. hp, C. B. dc, M. sd, se Phillips, M. R. oc, sf Pigott, D. M. a Pillay, J. D. sg, Pinho C. a, D. sh, Pletcher M. A. a, S. ax, R. G. ho, F. nd, D. li, N. si, N. M. sj, sk Purcell, C. a Qorbani, M. sl, R. sm, sn Rabiee, R. H. S. dh, A. so, A. sp, sq Rahimi, K. bw, A. cu, V. cv, M. sr, M. H. U. ie, R. K. ss, S. st, U. ie, C. L. su, sv Rankin, Z. a Rao, P. V. sw, sx Rao, P. C. a Rawaf, S. ft, Ray S. E. a, Reiner R. C. a, Reinig N. a, Reitsma M. B. a, G. fw, sy sz, A. M. N. rd, S. gb, S. ta, A. L. dd, tb Ronfani, G. cs, tc Roth, G. A. a Roy, A. aa, E. td, G. M. te, S. cv, Sadat N. a, M. cv, S. al, S. tf, R. tg, th Salama, J. a Salomon, J. A. ej, S. S. ti, A. M. tj, J. R. tk, tl Santomauro, D. a d, gz Santos, I. S. fa, J. V. gp, tm, Santric Milicevic, M. M. eh, B. md, qo Satpathy, M. tn, M. tk, M. I. if, I. J. C. to, B. tp, tq Schwebel, D. C. tr, F. ts, Seedat S. z, S. G. cs, E. E. dt, T. ci, Shackelford K. A. a, A. tt, M. A. tu, M. cw, Shariful Islam, S. M. qn, tv Sharma, J. tw, R. tx, J. lr, P. pl, Shields C. a, M. ty, tz Shinohara, Y. ua, R. mx, R. cx, Shirude S. a, K. ub, M. G. uc, A. M. ud, I. D. ue, D. A. S. uf, J. P. gq, D. G. A. ug, J. A. tr, N. P. uh, D. N. ui, uj Skiadaresi, E. uk, ul Skirbekk, V. kr, na Slepak, E. L. a Sligar, A. a Smith, D. L. a Smith, M. a Sobaih, B. H. A. ce, um Sobngwi, E. un, uo Sorensen, R. J. D. a Sousa, T. C. M. up, L. A. rk, C. T. uq, Srinivasan V. a, Stanaway J. D. a, V. ur, N. us, ut Stein, D. J. mf, uu Stein, M. B. hm, Steiner C. a, T. J. fs, uv Steinke, S. uw, M. A. qz, L. J. uv, ux Strub, B. a Subart, M. a Sufiyan, M. B. px, Suliankatchi Abdulkader, R. uy, B. F. te, Sur P. J. a, S. uz, B. L. va, Sylte D. O. a, R. gu, Taffere G. R. p, J. S. vb, vc Tandon, N. aa, M. vd, N. ve, vf Taylor, H. R. bg, A. pz, qb Tekelab, T. iw, jl, Temam Shifa, G. hv, ij Terkawi, A. S. vg, vh vi, Tesfaye D. J. l, B. bn, Thamsuwan O. a, Thomas K. E. a, Thrift A. G. v, T. Y. fy, R. vk, M. C. kf, vl Tonelli, M. sb, R. mu, vm Tortajada, M. os, vn Touvier, M. vo, B. X. dr, vp Tripathi, S. Troeger, C. a Truelsen, T. vq, Tsoi D. a, Tuem K. B. q, E. M. vj, S. vr, K. N. vs, E. A. vt, C. J. vu, Updike R. a, O. A. vv, B. S. C. vw, Van Boven, J. F. M. fg, S. hg, T. vx, S. vy, N. vz, R. wa, F. S. wb, S. K. wc, V. V. wd, Vollset S. E. a, ke mz, F. iq, T. ao, Y. -P. we, Weaver M. a, S. wf, E. dg, wg wh, wi Weintraub, R. G. bg, wj wk, A. qf, R. qg, wl Whiteford, H. A. a d, gz Wijeratne, T. bg, wm Wiysonge, C. S. z wn, C. D. A. fh, wo Woodbrook, R. a Woolf, A. D. wp, A. ao, wq, Wulf Hanson, S. a Xavier, D. wr, G. ws, Yadgir S. a, M. qc, wt Yakob, B. qp, L. L. wu, Y. wv, P. nx, H. H. dp, P. ww, wx Yonemoto, N. wy, S. -J. nr, M. wz, xa Younis, M. Z. xb, Z. xc, M. E. S. xd, E. A. qq, xe Zenebe, Z. M. q Zhang, X. xf, xg Zhou, M. a nx, Zipkin B. a, L. J. xg, and Murray C. J. L. a
- Abstract
Background As mortality rates decline, life expectancy increases, and populations age, non-fatal outcomes of diseases and injuries are becoming a larger component of the global burden of disease. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016) provides a comprehensive assessment of prevalence, incidence, and years lived with disability (YLDs) for 328 causes in 195 countries and territories from 1990 to 2016. Methods We estimated prevalence and incidence for 328 diseases and injuries and 2982 sequelae, their non-fatal consequences. We used DisMod-MR 2.1, a Bayesian meta-regression tool, as the main method of estimation, ensuring consistency between incidence, prevalence, remission, and cause of death rates for each condition. For some causes, we used alternative modelling strategies if incidence or prevalence needed to be derived from other data. YLDs were estimated as the product of prevalence and a disability weight for all mutually exclusive sequelae, corrected for comorbidity and aggregated to cause level. We updated the Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a summary indicator of income per capita, years of schooling, and total fertility rate. GBD 2016 complies with the Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting (GATHER). Findings Globally, low back pain, migraine, age-related and other hearing loss, iron-deficiency anaemia, and major depressive disorder were the five leading causes of YLDs in 2016, contributing 57·6 million (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 40·8-75·9 million [7·2%, 6·0-8·3]), 45·1 million (29·0-62·8 million [5·6%, 4·0-7·2]), 36·3 million (25·3-50·9 million [4·5%, 3·8-5·3]), 34·7 million (23·0-49·6 million [4·3%, 3·5-5·2]), and 34·1 million (23·5-46·0 million [4·2%, 3·2-5·3]) of total YLDs, respectively. Age-standardised rates of YLDs for all causes combined decreased between 1990 and 2016 by 2·7% (95% UI 2·3-3·1). Despite mostly stagnant age-standardised rates, the absolute number of YLDs from non-c, Background As mortality rates decline, life expectancy increases, and populations age, non-fatal outcomes of diseases and injuries are becoming a larger component of the global burden of disease. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016) provides a comprehensive assessment of prevalence, incidence, and years lived with disability (YLDs) for 328 causes in 195 countries and territories from 1990 to 2016. Methods We estimated prevalence and incidence for 328 diseases and injuries and 2982 sequelae, their non-fatal consequences. We used DisMod-MR 2.1, a Bayesian meta-regression tool, as the main method of estimation, ensuring consistency between incidence, prevalence, remission, and cause of death rates for each condition. For some causes, we used alternative modelling strategies if incidence or prevalence needed to be derived from other data. YLDs were estimated as the product of prevalence and a disability weight for all mutually exclusive sequelae, corrected for comorbidity and aggregated to cause level. We updated the Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a summary indicator of income per capita, years of schooling, and total fertility rate. GBD 2016 complies with the Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting (GATHER). Findings Globally, low back pain, migraine, age-related and other hearing loss, iron-deficiency anaemia, and major depressive disorder were the five leading causes of YLDs in 2016, contributing 57·6 million (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 40·8-75·9 million [7·2%, 6·0-8·3]), 45·1 million (29·0-62·8 million [5·6%, 4·0-7·2]), 36·3 million (25·3-50·9 million [4·5%, 3·8-5·3]), 34·7 million (23·0-49·6 million [4·3%, 3·5-5·2]), and 34·1 million (23·5-46·0 million [4·2%, 3·2-5·3]) of total YLDs, respectively. Age-standardised rates of YLDs for all causes combined decreased between 1990 and 2016 by 2·7% (95% UI 2·3-3·1). Despite mostly stagnant age-standardised rates, the absolute number of YLDs from non-c
- Published
- 2017
6. Etude des stratégies résidentielles autour des plateformes aéroportuaires (cas étudiés : Lyon – Bron et Marseille - Provence)
- Author
Didier Desponds, Laure Cazeaux, Jean-Baptiste Frétigny, Laboratoire Mobilités, Réseaux, Territoires, Environnements (MRTE), Université de Cergy Pontoise (UCP), Université Paris-Seine-Université Paris-Seine, Université Paris-Seine, Etude financée par l'ACNUSA (Autorité de Contrôle des Nuisances Aéroportuaires). Montant 83,5 K€ HT., Laboratoire MRTE, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, ACNUSA, and Desponds, Didier
- Subjects
Airport area ,Nuisances sonores ,Plateforme aéroportuaire ,Noise pollution ,[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geography ,Mode d'habiter ,Way of living ,Stratégie résidentielle ,[SHS.GEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Geography ,Residential strategy ,Environmental justice ,Justice environnementale - Abstract
Ce rapport résulte d'un avenant à l'étude précédente réalisée pour le même commanditaire et portant sur les plateformes aéroportuaires de Paris-CDG, Paris-Orly et Toulouse-Blagnac.; L'étude vise à comprendre la manière dont les ménages vivant à proximité des plateformes aéroprtuaires appréhendent celles-ci dans leur stratégie résidentielle. Les plateformes aéroportuaires contribuent-elles à renforcer les mécanismes de sélection socio-spatiale, du fait des nuisances, en particulier sonores, qu'elles génèrent ? L'étude réalisée pour le compte de l'ACNUSA comporte trois phases : une étude des données statistiques (Insee et DGFiP), permettant d'appréhender l'évolution des profils des ménages résidant dans les zones plus ou moins fortement impactées par les plateformes aéroportuaires ; un questionnaire adimnistrée par voie postale auprès de ménages ayant effectué une mobilité résidentielle récente dans une zone-tampon de 5 kilomètres autour du PGS (Plan de Gêne sonore) de ces plateformes et des entretiens en face à face (45 pour Lyon-Bron et 4 pour Marseille-Provence) réalisés aurprès d'une partie des personnes ayant répondu au questionnaire.
- Published
- 2019
7. Evolutionary dynamics of whole-body regeneration across planarian flatworms.
- Author
Vila-Farré M, Rozanski A, Ivanković M, Cleland J, Brand JN, Thalen F, Grohme MA, von Kannen S, Grosbusch AL, Vu HT, Prieto CE, Carbayo F, Egger B, Bleidorn C, Rasko JEJ, and Rink JC
- Subjects
- Animals, Transcriptome, Phylogeny, RNA, Planarians genetics, Planarians metabolism
- Abstract
Regenerative abilities vary dramatically across animals. Even amongst planarian flatworms, well-known for complete regeneration from tiny body fragments, some species have restricted regeneration abilities while others are almost entirely regeneration incompetent. Here, we assemble a diverse live collection of 40 planarian species to probe the evolution of head regeneration in the group. Combining quantification of species-specific head-regeneration abilities with a comprehensive transcriptome-based phylogeny reconstruction, we show multiple independent transitions between robust whole-body regeneration and restricted regeneration in freshwater species. RNA-mediated genetic interference inhibition of canonical Wnt signalling in RNA-mediated genetic interference-sensitive species bypassed all head-regeneration defects, suggesting that the Wnt pathway is linked to the emergence of planarian regeneration defects. Our finding that Wnt signalling has multiple roles in the reproductive system of the model species Schmidtea mediterranea raises the possibility that a trade-off between egg-laying, asexual reproduction by fission/regeneration and Wnt signalling drives regenerative trait evolution. Although quantitative comparisons of Wnt signalling levels, yolk content and reproductive strategy across our species collection remained inconclusive, they revealed divergent Wnt signalling roles in the reproductive system of planarians. Altogether, our study establishes planarians as a model taxon for comparative regeneration research and presents a framework for the mechanistic evolution of regenerative abilities., (© 2023. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2023
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8. Effects of Cane Use and Position on Performance of the Sit-to-Stand Task in Stroke Patients.
- Author
Li TC, Tu KH, Shiue HS, and Lin MR
- Subjects
- Aged, Cross-Over Studies, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Muscle, Skeletal physiology, Physical Therapy Modalities, Movement physiology, Postural Balance physiology, Stroke Rehabilitation methods, Weight-Bearing physiology
- Abstract
Objective: The aim of the study was to examine the effect of cane use and cane positions on the sit-to-stand performance of stroke patients., Design: In a crossover study, 30 stroke patients performed sit-to-stand test in seven situations in a random sequence: without a cane, three positions with a regular cane (parallel to the ankle, parallel to the 5th toe, and 10 cm in front of the 5th toe), and the same three positions with a quad cane. The peak vertical ground reaction force and maximum vertical cane support force during sit-to-stand were recorded., Results: Using a cane significantly reduced the peak ground reaction force by 3% to 9% of body weight compared with that without a cane (P = 0.000-0.023). Different cane positions strongly influenced the maximum cane support force and peak ground reaction force. When the cane was closer to the ankle, the maximal cane support force increased by 6.7% to 8.6% of body weight, which resulted in a decrease in the peak ground reaction force., Conclusions: Both types of cane reduced lower limbs' load during sit to stand. When the cane was closer to the trunk, the load on legs was lessened, whereas the load on the upper limb increased. Upper limb's load during sit to stand was greater when using quad cane than using regular cane.
- Published
- 2018
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9. Multiparameter mechanical and morphometric screening of cells.
- Author
Masaeli M, Gupta D, O'Byrne S, Tse HT, Gossett DR, Tseng P, Utada AS, Jung HJ, Young S, Clark AT, and Di Carlo D
- Subjects
- Animals, Biophysics, Cell Count, Fibroblasts cytology, Humans, Hydrodynamics, Mice, Microfluidic Analytical Techniques, Microfluidics, Phenotype, Rheology, Embryonic Stem Cells cytology, Flow Cytometry, Machine Learning
- Abstract
We introduce a label-free method to rapidly phenotype and classify cells purely based on physical properties. We extract 15 biophysical parameters from cells as they deform in a microfluidic stretching flow field via high-speed microscopy and apply machine-learning approaches to discriminate different cell types and states. When employing the full 15 dimensional dataset, the technique robustly classifies individual cells based on their pluripotency, with accuracy above 95%. Rheological and morphological properties of cells while deforming were critical for this classification. We also show the application of this method in accurate classifying cells based on their viability, drug screening and detecting populations of malignant cells in mixed samples. We show that some of the extracted parameters are not linearly independent, and in fact we reach maximum classification accuracy by using only a subset of parameters. However, the informative subsets could vary depending on cell types in the sample. This work shows the utility of an assay purely based on intrinsic biophysical properties of cells to identify changes in cell state. In addition to a label-free alternative to flow cytometry in certain applications, this work, also can provide novel intracellular metrics that would not be feasible with labeled approaches (i.e. flow cytometry)., Competing Interests: D.D., D.R.G., H.T. and the Regents of the University of California have financial interests in CytoVale Inc. which is commercializing deformability cytometry technology.
- Published
- 2016
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10. Trace elements in native and improved paddy rice from different climatic regions of Sri Lanka: implications for public health.
- Author
Diyabalanage S, Navarathna T, Abeysundara HT, Rajapakse S, and Chandrajith R
- Abstract
Background: Samples of 226 new improved and 21 indigenous rice ( Oryza sativa L.) varieties were collected from the rice fields in three climatic zones of Sri Lanka and concentrations of 18 trace elements (Li, B, Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Sr, Mo, Cd, Ba, Pb and Bi) were measured giving particular emphasis on Se, Cd and As using ICP-MS. The two way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) method was employed to identify the differences in composition among rice from different climatic zones., Results: The mean values obtained for both white and red rice were Se (36; 25 µg/kg), As (42; 45 µg/kg) and Cd (70; 123 µg/kg) on dry weight basis. However mean content of Se, As and Cd of native rice varieties were 69, 74 and 33 µg/kg, respectively. Statistical interpretations showed that in the majority of cases, there was a significant difference in Cd content among climatic zones whereas Se and Pb show differences between white and red rice varieties. Arsenic did not indicate any significant difference either between rice types or among climatic regions. Notably Se and As contents in indigenous rice were higher than that of improved rice types. To assess the safety of dietary of intake, daily intake of Se, Cd and As by rice were calculated. Non-gender specific Estimated Daily Intake (EDI) of Se, Cd and As consuming improved rice are 9.31, 24.1 and 12.2 µg day
-1 , respectively., Conclusions: Since over 50 % of daily meals of people contain rice or rice based products, Se intake is expected to be deficient among the Sri Lankan population.- Published
- 2016
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11. A Bayesian Approach to Identifying New Risk Factors for Dementia: A Nationwide Population-Based Study.
- Author
Wen YH, Wu SS, Lin CR, Tsai JH, Yang P, Chang YP, and Tseng KH
- Subjects
- Age Factors, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Cataract epidemiology, Craniocerebral Trauma epidemiology, Depression epidemiology, Diabetes Mellitus epidemiology, Female, Hearing Loss epidemiology, Humans, Male, Odds Ratio, Residence Characteristics, Risk Factors, Sex Factors, Socioeconomic Factors, Taiwan epidemiology, Vascular Diseases epidemiology, Bayes Theorem, Dementia epidemiology
- Abstract
Dementia is one of the most disabling and burdensome health conditions worldwide. In this study, we identified new potential risk factors for dementia from nationwide longitudinal population-based data by using Bayesian statistics.We first tested the consistency of the results obtained using Bayesian statistics with those obtained using classical frequentist probability for 4 recognized risk factors for dementia, namely severe head injury, depression, diabetes mellitus, and vascular diseases. Then, we used Bayesian statistics to verify 2 new potential risk factors for dementia, namely hearing loss and senile cataract, determined from the Taiwan's National Health Insurance Research Database.We included a total of 6546 (6.0%) patients diagnosed with dementia. We observed older age, female sex, and lower income as independent risk factors for dementia. Moreover, we verified the 4 recognized risk factors for dementia in the older Taiwanese population; their odds ratios (ORs) ranged from 3.469 to 1.207. Furthermore, we observed that hearing loss (OR = 1.577) and senile cataract (OR = 1.549) were associated with an increased risk of dementia.We found that the results obtained using Bayesian statistics for assessing risk factors for dementia, such as head injury, depression, DM, and vascular diseases, were consistent with those obtained using classical frequentist probability. Moreover, hearing loss and senile cataract were found to be potential risk factors for dementia in the older Taiwanese population. Bayesian statistics could help clinicians explore other potential risk factors for dementia and for developing appropriate treatment strategies for these patients.
- Published
- 2016
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12. Increased Risk of Intracranial Hemorrhage in Patients With Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension: A Nationwide Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study.
- Author
Lin LT, Tsui KH, Cheng JT, Cheng JS, Huang WC, Liou WS, and Tang PL
- Subjects
- Adult, Age Factors, Case-Control Studies, Female, Follow-Up Studies, Humans, Incidence, Obesity epidemiology, Pre-Eclampsia epidemiology, Pregnancy, Recurrence, Retrospective Studies, Risk Factors, Taiwan epidemiology, Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced epidemiology, Intracranial Hemorrhage, Hypertensive epidemiology
- Abstract
Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) may be a major predictor of pregnancy-associated intracranial hemorrhage (ICH). However, the relationship between PIH and long-term ICH risk is unknown.The objective of the study was to determine the association between PIH and ICH and to identify the predictive risk factors.Patients with newly diagnosed PIH were recruited from the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database. PIH patients were divided into gestational hypertension (GH) and preeclampsia groups. The 2 groups were separately compared with matched cohorts of patients without PIH based on age and date of delivery. The occurrence of ICH was evaluated in both cohorts. The overall observational period was from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2013.Among the 23.3 million individuals registered in the National Health Insurance Research Database, 28,346 PIH patients, including 7390 with GH and 20,956 with preeclampsia, were identified. The incidences of ICH were increased in both groups (incidence rate ratio [IRR] = 3.72 in the GH group, 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.63-3.81, P < 0.0001 and IRR = 8.21 in the preeclampsia group, 95% CI 8.12-8.31, P < 0.0001, respectively). In addition, according to the results of stratification of follow-up years, both groups were associated with a highest risk of ICH at 1 to 5 years of follow-up (IRR = 11.99, 95% CI 11.16-12.88, P < 0.0001 and IRR = 21.83, 95% CI 21.24-22.44, P < 0.0001, respectively). After adjusting for age, parity, severity of PIH, number of PIH occurrences, gestational age, and comorbidities in the multivariate survival analysis using Cox regression model, age ≥30 years (hazard ratio [HR] 1.99, 95% CI 1.27-3.10, P = 0.0026), patients with preeclampsia (HR 2.18, 95% CI 1.22-3.90, P = 0.0089), multiple PIH occurrences (HR 4.08, 95% CI 1.85-9.01, P = 0.0005), hypertension (HR 4.51, 95% CI 1.89-10.74, P = 0.0007), and obesity (HR 7.21, 95% CI 1.58-32.84, P = 0.0107) were independent risk factors for the development of ICH among patients with PIH.Patients with PIH, especially those with older age, preeclampsia, and multiple PIH occurrences, may have an increased risk of developing ICH later in life.
- Published
- 2016
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13. Economic Evaluation Study (Cheer Compliant) Laser Prostatectomy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Outcomes and Cost-effectiveness.
- Author
Hsu YC, Lin YH, Chou CY, Hou CP, Chen CL, Chang PL, and Tsui KH
- Subjects
- Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Hospital Costs, Humans, Length of Stay, Male, Middle Aged, Postoperative Complications epidemiology, Prostatectomy statistics & numerical data, Prostatic Hyperplasia economics, Quality of Life, Retrospective Studies, Severity of Illness Index, Transurethral Resection of Prostate statistics & numerical data, Treatment Outcome, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Prostatectomy economics, Prostatic Hyperplasia surgery, Transurethral Resection of Prostate economics
- Abstract
To determine which surgical treatment for lower urinary tract symptoms, which is suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is more cost-effective and yields a better patient's preference. Treatment outcome, cost, and perioperative complications to assess the treatment effectiveness of using laser prostatectomy as a treatment for BPH were investigated in this study.This retrospective study included 100 patients who underwent transurethral resection of prostate (TUR-P) and another 100 patients who received high-powered 120 W (GreenLight HPS) laser prostatectomy between 2005 and 2011.International Prostate Symptom Score and uroflow parameters were collected before the surgery and the uroflow and postvoiding residual volumes were evaluated before treatment and at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months after treatment. The results of 100 treatments after HPS laser prostatectomy were compared with the results of 100 patients who received TUR-P from the same surgeon. Complication rates and admission costs were analyzed.From 2005 to 2011, 200 consecutive patients underwent endoscopic surgery. Study participants were men with BPH with mean age of 71.3 years old. The peak flow rate went from 8.47 to 15.83 mL/s for 3 months after laser prostatectomy. Laser therapy groups showed better improvement in symptom score, shortened length of stay, and quality of life score when compared with those of TUR-P procedures. The estimated cost for laser prostatectomy was high when compared with cost of any other TUR-P procedural option at Chang Gung Hospital (P = 0.001). All admission charges were similar except for the cost of the laser equipment and accessories (mainly the laser fiber) (P = 0.001). Due to this cost of equipment, it increased the total admission charges for the laser group and therefore made the cost for the laser group higher than that of the TUR-P group.Perioperative complications, such as the need for checking for bleeding, urinary retention rate or urosepsis rate within 30 days after the surgery, held no significant differences between both groups.Compared with alternative treatment options, laser prostatectomy of the prostate is clinically effective but yields a high cost of treatment for symptomatic BPH.
- Published
- 2016
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14. Using a Harmonic Scalpel "Drilling and Clamping" Method to Implement Zero Ischemic Robotic-assisted Partial Nephrectomy: An Observation Case Report Study.
- Author
Hou CP, Lin YH, Hsu YC, Chen CL, Chang PL, and Tsui KH
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Nephrectomy adverse effects, Postoperative Complications, Prospective Studies, Robotic Surgical Procedures adverse effects, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Treatment Outcome, Ischemia prevention & control, Kidney blood supply, Kidney Neoplasms surgery, Nephrectomy methods, Robotic Surgical Procedures methods
- Abstract
Robot-assisted partial nephrectomy (RAPN) has gradually become a popular minimally invasive nephron-sparing surgical option for small renal tumors. Ischemic injury should be minimized because it impacts renal function outcomes following partial nephrectomy. Herein, the authors detail the technique and present initial perioperative outcomes of our novel harmonic scalpel "drilling and clamping" method to implement zero-ischemic RAPN. The authors prospectively collected baseline and perioperative data of patients who underwent zero ischemic RAPN performed by our harmonic scalpel "drilling and clamping" method. From April 2012 to December 2014, a total of 19 consecutive zero ischemic RAPN procedures were performed by a single surgeon. For 18 of the 19 patients, RAPN using our harmonic scalpel "Drilling and Clamping" method was successfully completed without the need for hilar clamping. The median tumor size was 3.4 cm (range: 1.8-6.2); operative time was 3.2 hours (range: 1.9-4.5); blood loss was 100 mL (range: 30-950); and postoperative hospital stay was 4 days (3-26). One patient required intraoperative blood transfusion. Two patients had intra or postoperative complications: 1 was converted to traditional laparotomy because of massive bleeding, whereas another had postoperative stress ulcer. Pathology confirmed renal cell carcinoma in 13 patients (63.2%), angiomyolipoma in 6 patients: (31.5%), and oncocytoma in 1 patient (5.3%). Mean pre- and postoperative serum creatinine (0.82 mg/dL and 0.85 mg/dL, respectively), estimated glomerular filtration rate (84.12 and 82.18, respectively), and hemoglobin (13.27 g/dL and 12.71 g/dL, respectively) were comparable. The authors present a novel zero-ischemic technique for RAPN. They believe that this technique is feasible and reproducible., Competing Interests: The authors have no funding and conflicts of interest to disclose.
- Published
- 2016
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15. Physicians' adherence to acute coronary syndrome prescribing guidelines in Vietnamese hospital practice: a cross-sectional study.
- Author
Nguyen T, Nguyen TH, Pham HT, Nguyen TT, Huynh KM, Vo PT, Pham TT, and Taxis K
- Abstract
Objectives: To determine the extent of physicians' adherence to prescribing guidelines for acute coronary syndrome in Vietnamese hospitals., Methods: Retrospective cross-sectional study of medical records of all patients with ACS admitted to two public hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, from January to December 2013. Percentages of eligible patients receiving guideline-recommended medications were determined. Factors associated with non-adherence were identified using multivariate logistic regression., Results: Overall, 711 medical records were reviewed and 284 patients fulfilled inclusion criteria (mean age 64 years; 69.4% male). Of those patients eligible for treatment, aspirin was prescribed for 97.9% at arrival and 96.3% at discharge; dual antiplatelet therapy was prescribed for 92.3% at arrival and 91.7% at discharge; loading doses were prescribed for 79.5% (aspirin) and 55.8% (clopidogrel); beta blockers were prescribed for 58.7% at arrival and 76.7% at discharge; angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (ACEI/ARB) were prescribed for 89.1% at arrival or discharge; and statins were prescribed for 94.1% at arrival and 90.7% at discharge. Patients undergoing an invasive procedure were more likely to receive guideline-recommended medications at discharge: dual antiplatelet therapy (OR 3.77; 95% CI 1.23-11.52), beta blocker (OR 3.95; 95% CI 1.86-8.40) and ACEI/ARB (OR 4.01; 95% CI 1.30-12.41). Ninety of the excluded patients were discharged without completing treatment., Conclusions: In general, physicians closely adhered to ACS prescribing guidelines in Vietnamese hospital practice. Prescribing of beta blockers and clopidogrel loading doses was probably suboptimal. Why patients do not complete treatment needs to be investigated., (© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2015
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16. Rapid inertial solution exchange for enrichment and flow cytometric detection of microvesicles.
- Author
Dudani JS, Gossett DR, Tse HT, Lamm RJ, Kulkarni RP, and Carlo DD
- Abstract
Exosomes, nanosized membrane-bound vesicles released by cells, play roles in cell signaling, immunology, virology, and oncology. Their study, however, has been hampered by difficulty in isolation and quantification due to their size and the complexity of biological samples. Conventional approaches to improved isolation require specialized equipment and extensive sample preparation time. Therefore, isolation and detection methods of exosomes will benefit biological and clinical studies. Here, we report a microfluidic platform for inline exosome isolation and fluorescent detection using inertial manipulation of antibody-coated exosome capture beads from biological fluids.
- Published
- 2015
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17. Continuous-flow cytomorphological staining and analysis.
- Author
Tan AP, Dudani JS, Arshi A, Lee RJ, Tse HT, Gossett DR, and Di Carlo D
- Subjects
- Automation, Body Fluids cytology, Breast Neoplasms pathology, Cell Line, Tumor, Cell Nucleus metabolism, Cell Nucleus pathology, Colorimetry, Female, Flow Cytometry, Fluorescent Dyes chemistry, Humans, MCF-7 Cells, Microfluidic Analytical Techniques instrumentation, Mitosis, Microfluidic Analytical Techniques methods
- Abstract
Cells suspended in bodily fluids are routinely analyzed by cytopathologists as a means of diagnosing malignancies and other diseases. The physical and morphological properties of these suspended cells are evaluated in making diagnostic decisions, which often requires manual concentration, staining, and washing procedures to extract information about intracellular architecture. The need to manually prepare slides for analysis by a cytopathologist is a labor-intensive process, which is ripe for additional automation to reduce costs but also to potentially provide more repeatable and improved accuracy in diagnoses. We have developed a microfluidic system to perform several steps in the preparation of samples for cytopathology that (i) automates colorimetric staining on-chip, and (ii) images cells in flow, as well as provides (iii) additional quantitative analyses of captured images to aid cytopathologists. A flow-through approach provides benefits by allowing staining and imaging to be performed in a continuous, integrated manner, which also overcomes previous challenges with in-suspension colorimetric staining. We envision such a tool may reduce costs and aid cytopathologists in identifying rare or characteristic cells of interest by providing isolated images along with quantitative metrics on single cells from various rotational angles, allowing efficient determination of disease etiology.
- Published
- 2014
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18. Quantitative diagnosis of malignant pleural effusions by single-cell mechanophenotyping.
- Author
Tse HT, Gossett DR, Moon YS, Masaeli M, Sohsman M, Ying Y, Mislick K, Adams RP, Rao J, and Di Carlo D
- Subjects
- Area Under Curve, Humans, Phenotype, Pleural Effusion, Malignant pathology, Biomarkers, Tumor analysis, Pleural Effusion, Malignant diagnosis
- Abstract
Biophysical characteristics of cells are attractive as potential diagnostic markers for cancer. Transformation of cell state or phenotype and the accompanying epigenetic, nuclear, and cytoplasmic modifications lead to measureable changes in cellular architecture. We recently introduced a technique called deformability cytometry (DC) that enables rapid mechanophenotyping of single cells in suspension at rates of 1000 cells/s-a throughput that is comparable to traditional flow cytometry. We applied this technique to diagnose malignant pleural effusions, in which disseminated tumor cells can be difficult to accurately identify by traditional cytology. An algorithmic diagnostic scoring system was developed on the basis of quantitative features of two-dimensional distributions of single-cell mechanophenotypes from 119 samples. The DC scoring system classified 63% of the samples into two high-confidence regimes with 100% positive predictive value or 100% negative predictive value, and achieved an area under the curve of 0.86. This performance is suitable for a prescreening role to focus cytopathologist analysis time on a smaller fraction of difficult samples. Diagnosis of samples that present a challenge to cytology was also improved. Samples labeled as "atypical cells," which require additional time and follow-up, were classified in high-confidence regimes in 8 of 15 cases. Further, 10 of 17 cytology-negative samples corresponding to patients with concurrent cancer were correctly classified as malignant or negative, in agreement with 6-month outcomes. This study lays the groundwork for broader validation of label-free quantitative biophysical markers for clinical diagnoses of cancer and inflammation, which could help to reduce laboratory workload and improve clinical decision-making.
- Published
- 2013
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19. Pinched-flow hydrodynamic stretching of single-cells.
- Author
Dudani JS, Gossett DR, Tse HT, and Di Carlo D
- Subjects
- Biomechanical Phenomena drug effects, Cell Size drug effects, HeLa Cells, Humans, Jurkat Cells, MCF-7 Cells, Marine Toxins, Microfluidic Analytical Techniques instrumentation, Oxazoles pharmacology, Single-Cell Analysis, Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate analogs & derivatives, Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate pharmacology, Hydrodynamics
- Abstract
Reorganization of cytoskeletal networks, condensation and decondensation of chromatin, and other whole cell structural changes often accompany changes in cell state and can reflect underlying disease processes. As such, the observable mechanical properties, or mechanophenotype, which is closely linked to intracellular architecture, can be a useful label-free biomarker of disease. In order to make use of this biomarker, a tool to measure cell mechanical properties should accurately characterize clinical specimens that consist of heterogeneous cell populations or contain small diseased subpopulations. Because of the heterogeneity and potential for rare populations in clinical samples, single-cell, high-throughput assays are ideally suited. Hydrodynamic stretching has recently emerged as a powerful method for carrying out mechanical phenotyping. Importantly, this method operates independently of molecular probes, reducing cost and sample preparation time, and yields information-rich signatures of cell populations through significant image analysis automation, promoting more widespread adoption. In this work, we present an alternative mode of hydrodynamic stretching where inertially-focused cells are squeezed in flow by perpendicular high-speed pinch flows that are extracted from the single inputted cell suspension. The pinched-flow stretching method reveals expected differences in cell deformability in two model systems. Furthermore, hydraulic circuit design is used to tune stretching forces and carry out multiple stretching modes (pinched-flow and extensional) in the same microfluidic channel with a single fluid input. The ability to create a self-sheathing flow from a single input solution should have general utility for other cytometry systems and the pinched-flow design enables an order of magnitude higher throughput (65,000 cells s(-1)) compared to our previously reported deformability cytometry method, which will be especially useful for identification of rare cell populations in clinical body fluids in the future.
- Published
- 2013
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20. Hydrodynamic stretching of single cells for large population mechanical phenotyping.
- Author
Gossett DR, Tse HT, Lee SA, Ying Y, Lindgren AG, Yang OO, Rao J, Clark AT, and Di Carlo D
- Subjects
- Animals, Biomarkers, Biomechanical Phenomena, Blotting, Western, Cell Culture Techniques, Cell Differentiation physiology, Embryonic Stem Cells physiology, HeLa Cells physiology, Humans, Image Processing, Computer-Assisted, Leukocytes, Mononuclear physiology, Mice, Microfluidic Analytical Techniques, NIH 3T3 Cells, Sensitivity and Specificity, Statistics, Nonparametric, Elasticity physiology, Embryonic Stem Cells cytology, HeLa Cells cytology, Immunophenotyping methods, Leukocytes, Mononuclear cytology
- Abstract
Cell state is often assayed through measurement of biochemical and biophysical markers. Although biochemical markers have been widely used, intrinsic biophysical markers, such as the ability to mechanically deform under a load, are advantageous in that they do not require costly labeling or sample preparation. However, current techniques that assay cell mechanical properties have had limited adoption in clinical and cell biology research applications. Here, we demonstrate an automated microfluidic technology capable of probing single-cell deformability at approximately 2,000 cells/s. The method uses inertial focusing to uniformly deliver cells to a stretching extensional flow where cells are deformed at high strain rates, imaged with a high-speed camera, and computationally analyzed to extract quantitative parameters. This approach allows us to analyze cells at throughputs orders of magnitude faster than previously reported biophysical flow cytometers and single-cell mechanics tools, while creating easily observable larger strains and limiting user time commitment and bias through automation. Using this approach we rapidly assay the deformability of native populations of leukocytes and malignant cells in pleural effusions and accurately predict disease state in patients with cancer and immune activation with a sensitivity of 91% and a specificity of 86%. As a tool for biological research, we show the deformability we measure is an early biomarker for pluripotent stem cell differentiation and is likely linked to nuclear structural changes. Microfluidic deformability cytometry brings the statistical accuracy of traditional flow cytometric techniques to label-free biophysical biomarkers, enabling applications in clinical diagnostics, stem cell characterization, and single-cell biophysics.
- Published
- 2012
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21. Phenotypic and genomic diversity of Lactobacillus plantarum strains isolated from various environmental niches.
- Author
Siezen RJ, Tzeneva VA, Castioni A, Wels M, Phan HT, Rademaker JL, Starrenburg MJ, Kleerebezem M, Molenaar D, and van Hylckama Vlieg JE
- Subjects
- Animals, Cluster Analysis, DNA, Bacterial genetics, Humans, Molecular Sequence Data, RNA, Ribosomal, 16S genetics, Biodiversity, Environment, Genome, Bacterial, Lactobacillus plantarum genetics, Lactobacillus plantarum isolation & purification, Phenotype
- Abstract
Lactobacillus plantarum is a ubiquitous microorganism that is able to colonize several ecological niches, including vegetables, meat, dairy substrates and the gastro-intestinal tract. An extensive phenotypic and genomic diversity analysis was conducted to elucidate the molecular basis of the high flexibility and versatility of this species. First, 185 isolates from diverse environments were phenotypically characterized by evaluating their fermentation and growth characteristics. Strains clustered largely together within their particular food niche, but human fecal isolates were scattered throughout the food clusters, suggesting that they originate from the food eaten by the individuals. Based on distinct phenotypic profiles, 24 strains were selected and, together with a further 18 strains from an earlier low-resolution study, their genomic diversity was evaluated by comparative genome hybridization against the reference genome of L. plantarum WCFS1. Over 2000 genes were identified that constitute the core genome of the L. plantarum species, including 121 unique L. plantarum-marker genes that have not been found in other lactic acid bacteria. Over 50 genes unique for the reference strain WCFS1 were identified that were absent in the other L. plantarum strains. Strains of the L. plantarum subspecies argentoratensis were found to lack a common set of 24 genes, organized in seven gene clusters/operons, supporting their classification as a separate subspecies. The results provide a detailed view on phenotypic and genomic diversity of L. plantarum and lead to a better comprehension of niche adaptation and functionality of the organism.
- Published
- 2010
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22. Rat bite fever.
- Author
Gaastra W, Boot R, Ho HT, and Lipman LJ
- Subjects
- Animals, Humans, Rats, Rat-Bite Fever microbiology, Spirillum, Streptobacillus
- Abstract
Rat bite fever (RBF) is a bacterial zoonosis for which two causal bacterial species have been identified: Streptobacillis moniliformis and Spirillum minus. Haverhill fever (HF) is a form of S. moniliformis infection believed to develop after ingestion of contaminated food or water. Here the infectious agents, their host species, pathogenicity (virulence factors and host susceptibility), diagnostic methods, therapy, epidemiology, transmission and prevention are described. Special emphasis is given on information from the field of laboratory animal microbiology and suggestions for future research.
- Published
- 2009
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23. [Arcobacter, a possible new pathogenic bacterium for humans].
- Author
Hoi HT, Lipman LJ, and Gaastra IW
- Subjects
- Animals, Disease Reservoirs veterinary, Food Contamination analysis, Food Contamination prevention & control, Humans, Virulence, Arcobacter growth & development, Arcobacter pathogenicity, Food Microbiology, Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections transmission, Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections veterinary, Zoonoses
- Published
- 2008
24. The introduction of Arcobacter spp. in poultry slaughterhouses.
- Author
Ho HT, Lipman LJ, and Gaastra W
- Subjects
- Animals, Arcobacter growth & development, Equipment Contamination, Feces microbiology, Female, Food Microbiology, Genotype, Male, Polymerase Chain Reaction, Prevalence, Water Microbiology, Abattoirs, Arcobacter isolation & purification, Chickens microbiology, Food Contamination analysis, Intestines microbiology
- Abstract
Despite the presence high levels of Arcobacter spp. on chicken carcasses, the source of arcobacter contamination in slaughterhouses still remains unclear. It has been hypothesised in the literature that Arcobacter species that contaminate carcasses originate in in-plant slaughterhouses and/or supply water. The present study aimed to determine the source of Arcobacter contamination in two poultry slaughterhouses in The Netherlands. Carcasses and intestinal tracts from 3 hen flocks and 2 broiler flocks were collected. Water draining off carcasses during processing in 2 slaughterhouses and supply water in one slaughterhouse were also taken. For one flock, cloacal swabs and faecal samples were taken on the farm before slaughtering. ERIC-PCR was applied to study the genetic diversity and relationship among the isolates. No Arcobacter spp. were found in the supply water but on almost all of the sampled carcasses and in carcass-draining-off water arcobacters were identified. Arcobacter spp. were detected in the gut systems of chickens, ranging from 20% to 85% in hens and 3.3% and 51% in broilers. Similar ERIC-PCR genotypes were detected in gut contents as well as on carcasses from the same flock. The present study demonstrated that Arcobacter spp. can be detected in chicken intestines at slaughter and could be brought in this way into slaughterhouses where the bacteria contaminate carcasses during processing.
- Published
- 2008
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25. Arcobacter spp. possess two very short flagellins of which FlaA is essential for motility.
- Author
Ho HT, Lipman LJ, Wösten MM, van Asten AJ, and Gaastra W
- Subjects
- Amino Acid Sequence, Arcobacter metabolism, Arcobacter ultrastructure, Base Sequence, Cloning, Molecular, DNA, Bacterial genetics, Flagellin metabolism, Flagellin ultrastructure, Microscopy, Electron, Molecular Sequence Data, Phylogeny, Polymerase Chain Reaction, Sequence Alignment, Sequence Analysis, DNA, Arcobacter genetics, Flagellin genetics
- Abstract
Like Campylobacter and Helicobacter spp., Arcobacter spp. possess two flagellin genes (flaA and flaB) located adjacent to each other. The aim of this study was to characterize the flagellin proteins of Arcobacter spp., because these proteins are known virulence factors in the Epsilonproteobacteria, to which these three species belong. With the exception of Arcobacter nitrofigilis, Arcobacter flagellins are almost half the size of those in other Epsilonproteobacteria. Arcobacter flagellin proteins lack a large part of the variable central region. The low homology observed among flagellins of different Arcobacter species indicates genetic heterology between the members of this genus. Unlike in other Epsilonproteobacteria, the transcription of flagellin genes is not regulated by sigma 28- or sigma 54-dependent promoters, which suggests that transcription must be regulated in a different way in Arcobacter spp. Mutational studies revealed that only FlaA is needed for the motility of Arcobacter spp. Quantitative PCR analysis showed that transcription of flaB is higher at 30 degrees C than at 37 degrees C. Mutation of flaB had no effect on motility or on flaA transcription while mutation of flaA abolished motility and increased the transcription of flaB. These results underline that the genus Arcobacter is an unusual taxon in the epsilon subdivision of the Proteobacteria.
- Published
- 2008
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26. Dogs as vectors of Streptobacillus moniliformis infection?
- Author
Wouters EG, Ho HT, Lipman LJ, and Gaastra W
- Subjects
- Animals, Base Sequence, Cloning, Molecular, Disease Reservoirs veterinary, Humans, Molecular Sequence Data, Mouth microbiology, Polymerase Chain Reaction methods, Polymerase Chain Reaction veterinary, Rat-Bite Fever transmission, Zoonoses, Bites and Stings veterinary, Dog Diseases transmission, Dogs microbiology, Rat-Bite Fever veterinary, Risk Assessment, Streptobacillus isolation & purification
- Abstract
Rat bite fever is a bacterial zoonosis transmitted through the bite of rats. One of the two etiological agents that cause rat bite fever is Streptobacillus moniliformis. Rat bite fever is rare and very likely under diagnosed but occurs worldwide. Other animals, like dogs and cats that have mouthed a rat are often mentioned in the literature as potential risks for the attraction of rat bite fever. However, rat bite fever caused by the bite of a dog or cat has very seldom been documented. Therefore, to identify the possible risk for humans to become infected with S. moniliformis after having been bitten by a dog that has been in contact with rats, the presence of S. moniliformis in the mouth of these dogs was tested with molecular methods. Swabs taken from the mouth of 18 dogs with proven contacts with rats were tested for the presence of S. moniliformis DNA by PCR. An amplicon of the right size was obtained in 10 of the 18 dogs. Nucleotide sequencing of five amplicons of PCR positive samples demonstrated the presence of S. moniliformis DNA in the mouth of three dogs. A bite by these dogs therefore might infect humans with S. moniliformis and cause rat bite disease.
- Published
- 2008
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27. Interaction of Arcobacter spp. with human and porcine intestinal epithelial cells.
- Author
Ho HT, Lipman LJ, Hendriks HG, Tooten PC, Ultee T, and Gaastra W
- Subjects
- Animals, Arcobacter isolation & purification, Bacterial Adhesion, Caco-2 Cells, Cell Line, Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections immunology, Humans, Interleukin-8 immunology, Intestinal Mucosa cytology, Sus scrofa, Swine, Arcobacter pathogenicity, Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections microbiology, Interleukin-8 biosynthesis, Intestinal Mucosa immunology, Intestinal Mucosa microbiology
- Abstract
Little is known about the pathogenic mechanisms or potential virulence factors of Arcobacter spp. The aim of the study described here was to obtain more insights in the pathogenicity mechanisms of Arcobacter spp. by testing their ability to adhere to, invade and induce interleukin-8 expression in human Caco-2 and porcine IPI-2I cell lines. Eight Arcobacter strains were tested. Four strains were obtained from a culture collection, and represent the four Arcobacter spp. known to be associated with animals and humans. The other four strains were field isolates from the amniotic fluid of sows and from newborn piglets. All eight Arcobacter strains were able to adhere to both cell lines, and induced interleukin-8 production as early as 2 h after a 1h incubation period. This production was still increased 6 h postinfection. Differences in the cell association of the eight strains were obvious, with A. cibarius showing the highest adhesion ability. Invasion of intestinal epithelial cells was only observed for A. cryaerophilus strains. No correlation between invasiveness or strong adhesion of the tested strains and the level of interleukin-8 induction was observed.
- Published
- 2007
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28. Adaptation of archaeological techniques in forensic mass grave exhumation: the experience of 'Chemmani' excavation in northern Sri Lanka.
- Author
Ruwanpura PR, Perera UC, Wijayaweera HT, and Chandrasiri N
- Subjects
- Disasters, Humans, Pilot Projects, Sri Lanka, Archaeology methods, Exhumation methods, Forensic Anthropology methods, Forensic Pathology methods, Human Rights Abuses
- Abstract
There have been several mass grave excavations in Sri Lanka during the period of 1995 to 1998. Excavation of mass graves in the Chemmani area of northern peninsula of the country took place in September 1999, after about 5 years of the incident. Six graves with 1 to 6 bodies in each were identified and excavated in accordance with archaeological methods modified to suit the requirements of forensic exhumations. The experience gathered from excavation of those sites revealed the importance of archaeological methods in mass grave exhumations. For the first time in our forensic history, services of archaeologists and soil experts were used in the Chemmani exhumation. Their knowledge was found useful in locating the pit, pedestalling, and collection of human remains without causing any damage and artefacts, and in recording of the data.
- Published
- 2006
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29. Arcobacter, what is known and unknown about a potential foodborne zoonotic agent!
- Author
Ho HT, Lipman LJ, and Gaastra W
- Subjects
- Animals, Arcobacter classification, Arcobacter isolation & purification, Drug Resistance, Bacterial, Food Contamination, Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections drug therapy, Humans, Phylogeny, Virulence, Water Microbiology, Arcobacter pathogenicity, Food Microbiology, Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections transmission, Meat microbiology, Zoonoses
- Abstract
Since the introduction of the genus Arcobacter in 1991, the association of Arcobacter butzleri, Arcobacter cryaerophilus and Arcobacter skirrowii with humans and animals has been clearly established. These bacteria have been detected world wide in products of animal origin and in healthy animals as well as in surface water. A fourth species Arcobacter cibarius was recently discovered on chicken carcasses. Although evidence was found for the connection of Arcobacter spp. with human and animal illness, Arcobacter spp. can be pathogens, opportunistic pathogens and commensals. Their potential as zoonotic foodborne and waterborne agents, the routes of transmission and the pathogenic mechanisms of these bacteria are largely unknown. Production of toxins or other virulence factors has not been demonstrated but adhesive and/or invasive properties were apparent. Antibiotic resistance is present in Arcobacter strains to significant levels. The tools to genetically access Arcobacter-like transformation of strains, construction of mutants are not yet available. Nor have genes (i.e. potential virulence factors) been cloned, expressed and characterized in other host organisms. Therefore those interested in the microbiology of these organisms eagerly await publication of the complete nucleotide sequence of the Arcobacter genome. The abundant presence of four Arcobacter species in foods of animal origin and the recovery of these bacteria from surface and drinking water suggest an important role of these bacteria as foodborne or waterborne agent and possibly as zoonotic agent.
- Published
- 2006
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30. The LLT1 receptor induces IFN-gamma production by human natural killer cells.
- Author
Mathew PA, Chuang SS, Vaidya SV, Kumaresan PR, Boles KS, and Pham HT
- Subjects
- Antibodies, Monoclonal metabolism, Cell Line, Tumor, Cytotoxicity Tests, Immunologic, Dimerization, Dose-Response Relationship, Immunologic, Humans, Interferon-gamma metabolism, Lectins, C-Type metabolism, Lymphocyte Activation, Receptors, Cell Surface metabolism, Interferon-gamma biosynthesis, Killer Cells, Natural immunology, Killer Cells, Natural metabolism, Lectins, C-Type physiology, Receptors, Cell Surface physiology
- Abstract
Natural killer cell functions are regulated by signals through activating and inhibitory receptors. These receptors belong to the immunoglobulin superfamily or the lectin superfamily. We have previously identified a lectin-like transcript, LLT1, expressed in human NK cells. In the present study, we have generated a monoclonal antibody, L9.7, that specifically binds LLT1 receptor and studied the functional role of LLT1 in human NK cells. Binding of mAb L9.7 to surface LLT1 induced IFN-gamma production, but did not modulate cytotoxicity by YT cells, a human NK cell line. We further demonstrate that in resting NK cells as well as in IL-2 activated NK cells LLT1 induced IFN-gamma production, but not cytotoxicity. Excess amounts of L9.7 mAb failed to increase natural or antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytolytic activity, whereas minimal amounts achieved maximal production of IFN-gamma by YT and activated NK cells. These findings further support the separation of signaling pathways that regulate cytotoxicity and IFN-gamma production in resting as well as activated NK cells.
- Published
- 2004
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