182 results on '"K. Vahedi"'
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2. Rivaroxaban or aspirin for patent foramen ovale and embolic stroke of undetermined source: a prespecified subgroup analysis from the NAVIGATE ESUS trial
- Author
Scott E Kasner, Balakumar Swaminathan, Pablo Lavados, Mukul Sharma, Keith Muir, Roland Veltkamp, Sebastian F Ameriso, Matthias Endres, Helmi Lutsep, Steven R Messé, J David Spence, Krassen Nedeltechev, Kanjana Perera, Gustavo Santo, Veronica Olavarria, Arne Lindgren, Shrikant Bangdiwala, Ashkan Shoamanesh, Scott D Berkowitz, Hardi Mundl, Stuart J Connolly, Robert G Hart, N Abdelhamid, D Abdul Rahman, M Abdul-Saheb, P Abreu, M Abroskina, F Abu Ahmad, S Accassat, M Acciaresi, A Adami, N Ahmad, F Ahmed, M Alberto Hawkes, F Alemseged, A Ali, R Altavilla, L Alwis, P Amarenco, S Amaro, LE Amaya Sanchez, A Amelia Pinto, SF Ameriso, H Amin, T Amino, AK Amjad, E Anagnostou, G Andersen, C Anderson, DC Anderson, M Andrea Falco, F Andres Mackinnon, D Andreu, M Androulakis, M Angel Gamero, G Angel Saredo, R Angeles Diaz, M Angels Font, S Anticoli, A Arauz, AA Arauz Gongora, P Araya, JF Arenillas Lara, S Arias Rivas, M Arnold, S Augustin, W Avelar, E Azevedo, V Babikian, A Bacellar, K Badalyan, HJ Bae, EM Baez Martinez, H Bagelmann, P Bailey, Z Bak, M Baker, A Balazs, D Baldaranov, I Balogun, T Balueva, Z Bankuti, M Bar, A Baranowska, J Bardutzky, S Barker Trejo, J Barlinn, F Baronnet, C Barroso, M Barteys, T Bartolottiova, A Barulin, M Bas, S Bashir, V Basile, R Bathe-Peters, R Bathula, C Batista, H Batur Caglayan, P Baumgartner, R Bazan, O Bazhenova, M Beaudry, J Beer, Y Behnam, C Beilei, A Beinlich, Y Bejot, A Belkin, OR Benavente, A Benjamin, V Berardi, D Bereczki, SD Berkowitz, J Berlingieri, W Berrios, J Berrouschot, M Bhandari, M Bhargavah, H Bicker, T Bicsak, M Bilik, D Bindila, J Birchenall, L Birnbaum, T Black, D Blacker, D Blacquiere, C Blanc-Labarre, C Blank, B Blazejewska-Hyzorek, S Bloch, E Bodiguel, E Bogdanov, L Boos, L Borcsik, N Bornstein, S Bouly, G Braga, I Bragado, MC Bravi, C Brokalaki, W Brola, R Brouns, D Bruce, J Brzoska-Mizgalska, B Buck, M Buksinska-Lisik, J Burke, M Burn, G Bustamante, L Cabrejo, K Cai, S Cajaraville, M Calejo, D Calvet, J Campillo, E Campos Costa, P Camps, H Can Alaydin, E Candeloro, C Canepa, CG Cantu Brito, M Cappellari, C Carcel, P Cardona Portela, F Cardoso, M Carek, M Carletti, J Carlos Portilla, P Caruso, I Casado-Naranjo, P Castellini, D Castro, F Castro Meira, A Cavallini, N Cayuela Caudevilla, S Cenciarelli, C Cereda, P Cerrone, A Chakrabarti, P Chaloulos-Iakovidis, A Chamorro, D Chandrasena, DI Chang, C Che, J Chembala, J Chen, Z Chen, T Chen, H Chen, X Chen, G Chen, L Chen, S Chen, B Cheripelli, M Chin, E Chiquete Anaya, M Chorazy, H Christensen, T Christensen, L Christian, F Chu, CS Chung, W Clark, R Clarke, S Claverie, E Clemente Agostoni, B Clissold, J Coelho, D Cohen, S Colakoglu, D Collas, R Condurso, SJ Connolly, D Consoli, C Constantin, AB Constantino Silva, L Contardo, A Corlobe, M Correia, C Correia, E Cortijo Garcia, B Coull, S Coutts, S Coveney, P Cras, R Crols, S Crozier, A Csanyi, L Csiba, K Csontos, R Csuha, L Cui, L Cunha, S Curtze, M Czerska, A Czlonkowska, M Czurko, M Czuryszkiewicz, M Dagnino, C Dai, A Daineko, G Dalek, D Damgaard, A Danese, K Dani, V Danku, W Dario Toledo, A Dávalos, A De Havenon, J De Keyser, N De Klippel, J De La Torre, A De Pauw, A De Smedt, R De Torres, MM De Vries Basson, J Dearborn, R Deganutto, M Degeorgia, I Deguchi, A Del Giudice, C Delcourt, R Delgado-Mederos, G Della Marca, B Delpont, S Deltour, DL Demets, M Dennis, J Desai, J Devine, I Dhollander, MT Di Mascio, M Diaconu, F Diaz Otero, J Dietzel, E Diez-Tejedor, N Ding, J Ding, M Diomedi, P Dioszeghy, M Distefano, V Domigo, E Dorodnicov, D Dossi, F Doubal, I Druzenko, P Du, J Du, T Duman, Y Duodu, D Dutta, L Dylewicz, J Eckstein, E Ehrensperger, S Ehrlich, G Einer Allende, B Elena Halac, S Elyas, M Endres, JM Engelbrecht, S Engelter, M Epinat, F Eren, M Esbjornsson, B Escribano, I Escudero, B Esisi, B Essa, M Esterbauer, N Evans, D Eveson, S Fabio, L Fang, S Fanta, M Fares, M Fatar, K Faust, A Favate, F Fazekas, M Federica Denaro, A Fedin, P Felipe Amaya, J Feng, K Ferencova, M Fernanda Gilli, MD Fernandez, PN Fernandez Pirrone, J Fernandez Vera, J Ferrari, A Ferreira, G Ferreira Junior, M Fidler, D Field, T Field, C Figueroa, J Fiksa, A Filipov, A Firstenfeld, L Fisch, U Fischer, M Fisselier, U Fiszer, F Fluri, G Fortea, K Fotherby, A Fraczek, E France, G Freitas, S Frey, M Frick, A Friedman, M Friedrich, G Frisullo, W Fryze, B Fuentes Gimeno, H Fujigasaki, K Fukuyama, A Furlan, G Furlanis, J Furnace, M Gabriel, E Gabriel Reich, RJ Gagliardi, F Galati, E Galli Giqueauk, A Gallina, E Gallinella, J Gallo, S Gangadharan, Y Gao, R Garcia Lopez, A Garcia Pastor, SM Garcia Sanchez, M Garnauf, P Garnier, D Gasecki, K Gasic, K Gasiorek, S Gasser, M Gaugg, M Gebreyohanns, K Gebura, J Geng, M Geniz Clavijo, K Georg Haeusler, R Geran, M Geremek, Z Gerocs, D Ghia, D Giannandrea, F Giatsidis, JA Gien Lopez, A Gil Nunez, L Gimenez, E Giralt, A Glabinski, D Gladstone, M Gliem, M Gluszkiewicz, R Goddeau, E Gogoleva, M Gokce, D Goldemund, K Golikov, A Gomes Neto, M Gomez Schneider, M Gomez-Choco, M Gomis, JF Gongora-Rivera, Y Gonysheva, L Gonzalez, ME Gonzalez Toledo, M Gottschal, I Gozdzik, S Grabowski, S Graf, D Green, D Greer, T Gregorio, S Greisenegger, I Greshnova, M Griebe, M Grzesik, J Guan, S Guarda, A Gueguen, C Guidoux, P Guillermo Povedano, B Guillon, V Guiraudg, G Gunathilagan, N Guryanova, V Gusev, G Gustavo Persi, R Gutiérrez, P Guyler, N Gyuker, V Hachinski, A Hajas, H Hallevi, G Hankey, GJ Hankey, L Hanouskova, L Hao, K Haraguchi, Y Haralur Sreekantaiah, S Haratz, D Hargroves, K Harkness, P Harmel, M Harrasser, RG Hart, M Harvey, R Hasan, Y Hasegawa, A Hassan, M Hattori, A Hatzitolios, M Hauk, T Hayashi, H Hayhoe, VS Hedna, M Heine, V Held, S Hellwig, J Henkner, N Henninger, S Hermans, J Hernandez, D Herrero, M Hervieu-Begue, R Herzig, L Hicken, M Hieber, M Hill, M Hirose, MC Hobeanu, B Hobson, M Hochstetter, J Hoe Heo, M Hoffmann, C Holmstedt, P Hon, KS Hong, Y Honma, A Horev, G Horgan, L Horvath, M Horvath, C Hoyer, D Huang, H Huang, B Huber, J Huhtakangas, M Hussain, S Igarashi, AM Iglesias Mohedano, J Ignacio Tembl, M Impellizzeri, Y Inanc, P Ioli, A Irina Aniculaesei, K Ishida, R Itabashi, H Iversen, A Jagolino, K Jakab, S Jander, H Janka, J Jankovych, J Jansen, L Jasek, M Javier Alet, L Javor, X Jin, P Jing, B Joachim, M Joan Macleod, M Johnson, J Jose Martin, C Joyner, K Judit Szabo, A Jun-Oconnell, R Jura, B Kaczorowska, J Kadlcikova, T Kahles, N Kakaletsis, I Kakuk, K Kalinowska, K Kaminska, C Kaneko, I Kanellos, P Kapeller, K Kapica-Topczewska, O Karasz, M Karlinski, JE Karlsson, K Kasa, E Kashaeva, SE Kasner, M Kaste, J Kasza, A Katalin Iljicsov, M Katsurayama, S Kaur, M Kawanishi, S Kaygorodtseva, K Ke, A Kei, J Keilitz, J Kellner, P Kelly, S Kelly, D Kemlink, M Kerekgyarto, I Keskinarkaus, D Khairutdinova, A Khanna, A Khaw, M Kholopov, C Khoumri, S Kirpicheva, H Kirshner, K Kitagawa, S Kittner, R Kivioja, F Klein, D Kleindorfer, T Kleinig, P Klivenyi, S Knecht, Y Kobayashi, A Kobayashi, M Koch, L Koehler, M Koivu, V Kolianov, I Koltsov, T Kondo, I Konkov, S Kopecky, E Korompoki, J Korpela, K Kosarz-Lanczek, A Koutroubi, K Kovacs, T Kovacs, H Kovacs, K Kowalczyk, M Kowalska, D Krajickova, M Kral, C Krarup Hansen, J Kraska, S Krebs, V Krejci, C Kremer, R Kreuzpointer, M Krzyzanowska, D Kucken, A Kulakowska, J Kunzmann, N Kurenkova, A Kuris, I Kurkowska-Jastrzebska, N Kurtenkova, O Kurushina, G Kusnick, M Kustova, T Kuwashiro, J Kwan Cha, A Lago, M Lagutenko, B Lajos, J Lambeck, C Lamy, A Landolfi, S Lanfranconi, W Lang, LB Lara Lezama, B Lara Rodriguez, T Largo, A Lasek-Bal, L Latte, V Lauer, P Lavados, R Le Bouc, R Leal Cantu, H Lechner, K Lecouturier, S Leder, J Lee, BC Lee, A Leger, E Leira, I Leisse, R Leker, G Lembo, L Lenskaya, J Leyden, G Li, M Li, S Li, J Li, G Liamis, H Liang, Z Liang, N Ligot, H Lin, R Lindert, A Lindgren, M Linna, T Litwin, K Liu, X Liu, L Llull, B Lohninger, M Longoni, C Loomis, D Lopes, M Lopez Fernandez, N Lopez Garza, A Lord, S Louw, R Lovasz, T Lowenkopf, Z Lu, SC Lubke-Detring, R Luder, S Lujan, B Luo, L Lupinogina, G Luschin, H Lutsep, A Lvova, J Ly, G.M. Grosse, H Ma, C Ma, M Machado, C Machado, S Macher, J Machetanz, F Macian-Montoro, E Mackey, A Mackey, G Maclean, J Maestre-Moreno, A Magadan, T Magyar, A Mahagney, A Majid, A Majjhoo, K Makaritsis, J Mandzia, M Mangas Guijarro, D Mangion, E Manios, S Mann, L Manning, C Manno, J Manuel Garcia, V Maqueda, M Mar Castellanos, M Mar Freijo, C Marando, S Marcela Lepera, J Marcos Couto, G Maria Bruera, L Maria Greco, A Maria Lorenzo, S Maria Obmann, A Maria Roa, C Marini, I Marinkovic, G Mario Sumay, C Mario Torres, M Marko, S Markova, H Markus, R Marsh, E Marsili, M Marta Esnaola, J Marta Moreno, J Marti-Fabregas, S Martina Angelocola, P Martínez Sánchez, N Martinez-Majander, S Martins, O Marzelik, S Mastrocola, G Matamala, A Matoltsy, B Matosevic, S Matsumoto, A Maud, G Mauri Cabdevila, Z May, Y Mayasi, A Mayr, T Mazzoli, K Mcarthur, L Mccullough, CE Medina Pech, F Medlin, M Mehdiratta, S Mehta, D Mehta, B Mehta, M Melis, E Melnikova, B Mendez, T Mendonca, JJ Mengual Chirifie, N Menon, A Mensch, E Meseguer, S Messe, K Metcalf, N Meyer, F Michas, N Micheletti, R Mikulik, H Milionis, B Miller, T Milling, C Minelli, J Minhas, M Minns, D Mircea, S Mishra, A Mismas, A Mistri, N Mitrovic, H Miyake, B Modrau, A Moey, C Molina, J Molina, A Molis, J Moller, S Molnar, F Moniche, C Monosi, V Monzani, M Moonis, R Morais, L Morales, A Morales, D Morar-Precup, F Moreton, C Moro, E Morozova, M Morton, T Morvan, E Morvan, T Motko, A Mowla, E Mozhejko, G Muddegowda, O Mudhar, T Mueller, C Muhl, KW Muir, H Mundl, S Munoz, C Murphy, S Murphy, A Murtuzova, T Musuka, J Mutzenbach, M Myint, W Mysliwy, M Naccarato, G Naeije, Y Nagakane, I Natarajan, D Navaratnam, A Nave, B Nazliel, K Nedeltchev, J Nel, H Nell, R Nemeth, L Nemeth, O Neto, K Ng, J Ngeh, L Nicolas Chialvo, T Nieminen, M Nikkanen, J Nikl, M Nikoforova, S Nishino, Y Nishiyama, X Njovane, S Nogawa, F Nombela, B Norrving, K Nosek, B Nowak, E Nowakowska-Sledz, G Ntaios, H Numminen, F Nunez, M Obadia, S Oberndorfer, A Obrezan, J Ochiai, W Oczkowski, MJ O'Donnell, A Odyniec, K Oh, M Ohira, Y Okamoto, M Okpala, S Okubo, L Olah, V Olavarria, J Oleszek, N Onat Demirci, V Ondar, G Ongun, K Ooyama, V Orosz, R Ortiz, G Osseby, E Österlund-Tauriala, C Ovesen, S Ozcekic Demirhan, J Ozdoba-Rot, S Ozturk, E Ozyurt, M Pablo Grecco, G Pablo Povedano, M Paciaroni, C Padiglioni, J Pagola, W Palasik, G Panczel, L Panos, G Papadopoulos, E Papadopoulou, A Papagiannis, V Papavasileiou, M Papina, JR Pardo De Donlebun, V Parisi, JM Park, J Pasten, N Patel, O Pavlik, M Pawelczyk, WF Peacock, H Pei, T Peisker, LF Pena Sedna, A Penn, S Pentek, E Pepper, L Pereira, K Perera, Y Perez, S Perez, P Perez Leguizamon, M Pernicka, R Perry, A Persico, Y Pesant, S Peska, D Peters, G Peters, L Pettigrew, T Phan, S Philippi, T Phinney, F Pico, A Pidal, B Piechowski-Jozwiak, A Pieroni, S Pineiro, V Piras, N Pizova, J Polanco, M Polin, A Polyakov, E Polychronopoulou, A Polymeris, D Popov, A Poppe, P Postorino, C Pozzerese, M Pradhan, L Prats, E Prazdnichkova, B Prendl, M Pretorius, P Profice, S Prokopenko, E Pudov, V Pujol Lereis, G Punzo Bravo, F Purroy, J Qiu, X Qu, V Quenardelle, H Quesada Garcia, L Radrizzani, A Radtke, T Raffelsberger, JM Ramirez Moreno, C Ramos-Estebanez, A Rani, P Rapantova, K Rashed, A Rasheed Nihara, J Rasmussen, L Redondo Robles, M Reif, P Reiner, P Rekova, A Renu, M Repetto, P Reyes, S Reyes Morales, JH Rha, J Ribeiro, S Ricci, C Richard, R Rigual, C Rinaldi, C Riveira Rodriguez, B Rizzato, TG Robinson, A Rocco, M Rodrigues, G Rodriguez, A Rodriguez Campello, F Rodriguez Lucci, M Rodriguez Yanez, C Roesler, C Roffe, R Roine, S Roine, A Roldan, F Romana Pezzella, M Romano, JS Roos, C Rosso, C Rostrup Kruuse, Y Roth, R Roukens, L Roveri, D Rozanski, J Rozniecki, C Rozsa, S Rudilosso, G Ruiz Ares, A Ruiz Franco, G Rum, J Ruuskanen, I Rybinnik, K Ryota, J Saarinen, V Saavedra, C Sabben, A Sabet, D Sagris, J Sahlas, N Sakai, P Salamanca, P Salgado, S Salig, T Salletmayr, M Salnikov, O Samoshkina, Y Samson, D Sanak, M Sànchez Cerón, P Santalucia, M Santamaria Cadavid, P Santiago, G Santo, B Sanz Cuesta, J Sargento, A Sarraj, K Sas, A Sas, O Satoshi, S Satsoglou, N Sattar, S Savitz, C Savopoulos, J Saw, M Sawicka, R Sawyer, T Scandura, N Schillinger, J Schindler, F Schlachetzki, I Schneider, R Schuppner, J Schurig, CJ Schwarzbach, M Sebejova, G Seidel, L Sekaran, D Selcuk, J Selvarajah, A Semerano, J Semjen, D Semushina, S Sen, M Seok Park, J Serena, O Serhat Tokgoz, W Serles, F Serrano, M Sevin, L Seynaeve, S Shah, N Shamalov, T Shang, M Sharma, A Sharrief, M Shazam Hussain, I Shchukin, W Shen, E Shepeleva, I Shinsuke, A Shmonin, A Shoamanesh, A Shuaib, A Shulga, G Sibolt, I Sibon, I Sicilia, M Siebert, E Sieczkowska, C Sila, AA Silva, D Silva, P Silva, Y Silva, M Silvestrini, Z Simony, A Simpkins, B Singh, D Sinha, I Sipos, O Skoda, P Skowron, M Skowronska, B Sliwinska, J Slonkova, A Smolkin, A Smyth, P Sobolewski, A Sobota, SI Sohn, M Soldatov, I Solganov, L Soloveva, E Solovyeva, N Sonntag, P Soors, M Sorgun, C Soriano, D Spence, K Spengos, L Sposato, G Staaf, K Stadler, L Stakhovskaya, K Stamatelopoulos, S Steinert, I Stetkarova, M Stiehm, R Stocker, J Stoinski, A Stoll, G Stotts, A Stumpp, P Sucapane, T Suenaga, X Sun, S Sundararajan, J Sung Kim, H Suzuki, N Svaneborg, G Szasz, W Szczuchniak, S Szczyrba, N Szegedi, A Szekely, Z Szewczyk, G Szilagyi, S Szlufik, K Szoboszlai, L Szpisjak, R Sztajzel, L Sztriha, SE Ta Wil, J Taggeselle, K Takamatsu, M Takao, W Taki, S Takizawa, M Talahma, A Tamayo, J Tan, D Tanne, A Tapanainen, T Tapiola, J Tarasiuk, T Tatlisumak, A Tayal, S Tcvetkova, P Teal, J Tejada Garcia, H Tejada Meza, D Tenora, M Terceno, A Terentiou, S Tezcan, D Thaler, A Thomson, E Thouvenot, M Tiainen, I Timberg, S Timsit, A Tinchon, D Tirschwell, C Togay Isikay, K Tokunaga, M Tolino, C Toloza, G Tomelleri, K Tomoyuki, LM Tomppo, Z Tong, L Tong, D Toni, J Torres, C Tossavainen, G Toth, A Tountopoulou, E Touze, M Tovar, K Toyoda, S Trillo, A Trommer, D Tropepi, D Tryambake, H Tu, S Tuetuencue, R Tumova, O Tumpula, G Turc, A Tutaj, J Tynkkynen, S Uchiyama, U Uchwat, L Uhrinyakova, R Ulku Acar, D Uluduz Ugurlu, X Urra, S Urui, M Usero Ruiz, D Vaclavik, K Vahedi, A Valikovics, J Valpas, P Van Acker, W Van Daele, G Vanderschueren, L Vanina Jure, R Varela, Z Varga, J Varvat, N Varvyanskaya, A Vasco Salgado, P Vasko, L Vass, S Vassilopoulou, I Vastagh, P Vazquez, L Vecsei, R Veltkamp, M Venti, M Verdugo, V Verocai, M Veronica Marroquin, C Veronica Simonsini, T Veverka, M Vigl, A Vila, C Vilar, JA Villanueva Osorio, J Virta, E Vitkova, B Voglsperger, J Volna, PA Von Weitzel-Mudersbach, N Vora, I Voznyuk, A Wach-Klink, A Wacongne, D Walters, Y Wang, J Wang, L Wang, X Wang, W Wang, N Wang, D Wang, H Wang, W Warnack, K Wartenberg, R Waters, M Waters, T Webb, J Weber, G Weiss, K Weissenborn, JI Weitz, B Weller, G Wen, G Weng, P Werner, D Werring, P Wester, W Whiteley, R Whiting, T Wijeratne, C Willems, L Wilson, C Wilson, T Winder, J Windt, A Winkler, A Winska-Tereszkiewicz, A Wisniewska, M Wittayer, A Wlodek, A Wojnarowska-Arendt, M Wolf, V Wolff, C Wolter, A Wong, H Wook Nah, H Worthmann, W Wu, S Wu, S Wunderlich, H Wurzinger, DG Wyse, B Xiao, W Xiaopeng, A Ximenez-Carrillo, L Xiong, Y Xiong, W Xiong, Y Xu, J Xu, Z Xu, B Yalo, T Yamada, M Yamasaki, L Yang, Y Yang, X Yang, Q Yang, B Yang, J Yang, I Yasuhiro, M Yee Lam, C Yegappan, S Yip, E Ylikallio, P Ylikotila, A Yongwon Jin, BW Yoon, Y Yoshida, L Yperzeele, H Yuan, H Yuasa, J Zalewska, C Zanferrari, E Zapata, D Zboznovits, I Zelenka, C Zhang, B Zhang, S Zhang, M Zhang, X Zhang, J Zhang, L Zhao, O Zhirnova, L Zhou, J Zielinska-Turek, I Zinchenko, M Ziomek, A Zitzmann, R Zweifler, J Zwiernik, Yperzeele, Laetitia, and NAVIGATE ESUS Investigators
- Subjects
Male ,International Cooperation ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,antiplatelet therapy ,law.invention ,Neurology (clinical) ,ischemic stroke ,anticoagulation ,Cohort Studies ,0302 clinical medicine ,Randomized controlled trial ,Rivaroxaban ,law ,Stroke ,education.field_of_study ,Aspirin ,Anticoagulant ,Settore BIO/14 ,Middle Aged ,3. Good health ,Treatment Outcome ,N/A ,Cardiology ,Platelet aggregation inhibitor ,Settore MED/26 - Neurologia ,Female ,medicine.drug ,medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.drug_class ,MEDLINE ,Population ,Foramen Ovale, Patent ,Subgroup analysis ,Article ,Statistics, Nonparametric ,03 medical and health sciences ,Double-Blind Method ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,education ,Aged ,business.industry ,medicine.disease ,Human medicine ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors ,Factor Xa Inhibitors - Abstract
Background: \ud Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a contributor to embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS). Subgroup analyses from previous studies suggest that anticoagulation could reduce recurrent stroke compared with antiplatelet therapy. We hypothesised that anticoagulant treatment with rivaroxaban, an oral factor Xa inhibitor, would reduce the risk of recurrent ischaemic stroke compared with aspirin among patients with PFO enrolled in the NAVIGATE ESUS trial.\ud \ud Methods: \ud NAVIGATE ESUS was a double-blinded, randomised, phase 3 trial done at 459 centres in 31 countries that assessed the efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban versus aspirin for secondary stroke prevention in patients with ESUS. For this prespecified subgroup analysis, cohorts with and without PFO were defined on the basis of transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) and transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE). The primary efficacy outcome was time to recurrent ischaemic stroke between treatment groups. The primary safety outcome was major bleeding, according to the criteria of the International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. The primary analyses were based on the intention-to-treat population. Additionally, we did a systematic review and random-effects meta-analysis of studies in which patients with cryptogenic stroke and PFO were randomly assigned to receive anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy.\ud \ud Findings: \ud Between Dec 23, 2014, and Sept 20, 2017, 7213 participants were enrolled and assigned to receive rivaroxaban (n=3609) or aspirin (n=3604). Patients were followed up for a mean of 11 months because of early trial termination. PFO was reported as present in 534 (7·4%) patients on the basis of either TTE or TOE. Patients with PFO assigned to receive aspirin had a recurrent ischaemic stroke rate of 4·8 events per 100 person-years compared with 2·6 events per 100 person-years in those treated with rivaroxaban. Among patients with known PFO, there was insufficient evidence to support a difference in risk of recurrent ischaemic stroke between rivaroxaban and aspirin (hazard ratio [HR] 0·54; 95% CI 0·22–1·36), and the risk was similar for those without known PFO (1·06; 0·84–1·33; pinteraction=0·18). The risks of major bleeding with rivaroxaban versus aspirin were similar in patients with PFO detected (HR 2·05; 95% CI 0·51–8·18) and in those without PFO detected (HR 2·82; 95% CI 1·69–4·70; pinteraction=0·68). The random-effects meta-analysis combined data from NAVIGATE ESUS with data from two previous trials (PICSS and CLOSE) and yielded a summary odds ratio of 0·48 (95% CI 0·24–0·96; p=0·04) for ischaemic stroke in favour of anticoagulation, without evidence of heterogeneity.\ud \ud Interpretation: \ud Among patients with ESUS who have PFO, anticoagulation might reduce the risk of recurrent stroke by about half, although substantial imprecision remains. Dedicated trials of anticoagulation versus antiplatelet therapy or PFO closure, or both, are warranted.\ud \ud Funding: \ud Bayer and Janssen.
- Published
- 2018
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3. Recommandations formalisées d’experts pour la prise en charge de l’AVC en réanimation : hypertension intracrânienne (HTIC)
- Author
F. Proust, T. Geeraerts, and K. Vahedi
- Subjects
Neurology ,Neurology (clinical) - Abstract
Resume Cet article a pour objectif de decrire l’argumentaire qui a permis l’elaboration des recommandations formalisees d’experts concernant le champ « hypertension intracrânienne » (HTIC) pour la prise en charge de l’accident vasculaire cerebral (AVC) en reanimation. Il decrit la physiopathologie, les modalites de depistage et les traitements possibles, tant medicaux que chirurgicaux.
- Published
- 2012
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4. Atassie episodiche
- Author
F. Riant, K. Vahedi, and E. Tournier-Lasserve
- Subjects
media_common.quotation_subject ,Art ,Humanities ,media_common - Published
- 2012
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5. Ataxies épisodiques
- Author
F. Riant, K. Vahedi, and E. Tournier-Lasserve
- Published
- 2011
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6. Do patients have any special medical or rehabilitation difficulties after a craniectomy for malignant cerebral infarction during their hospitalization in a physical medicine and rehabilitation department?
- Author
E. Guettard, Marie-Germaine Bousser, K. Vahedi, Alain Yelnik, Isabelle V. Bonan, N. Bradai, L. Mandon, Laboratoire Mouvement Sport Santé (M2S), École normale supérieure - Cachan (ENS Cachan)-Université de Rennes 1 (UR1), Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Brest (UBO)-Université de Rennes 2 (UR2), Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Biologie et Santé de Rennes ( Biosit : Biologie - Santé - Innovation Technologique ), Service de neurologie [Univ. Paris VII], Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Hôpital Lariboisière-Fernand-Widal [APHP], Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP), École normale supérieure - Cachan (ENS Cachan)-Université de Rennes (UR)-Université de Brest (UBO)-Université de Rennes 2 (UR2)-Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Biologie et Santé de Rennes ( Biosit : Biologie - Santé - Innovation Technologique ), Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Hôpital Lariboisière-Fernand-Widal [APHP], Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7), Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (APHP)-Hôpital Lariboisière-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7), and Auger, Clément
- Subjects
Male ,Complications ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Brain Edema ,Comorbidity ,Accident vasculaire cérébral ,Postoperative Complications ,0302 clinical medicine ,Orthopedics and Sports Medicine ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Stroke ,Craniotomy ,Encephalocele ,Rehabilitation ,Cerebral infarction ,Infarction, Middle Cerebral Artery ,Middle Aged ,Functional Independence Measure ,3. Good health ,Intracranial Embolism ,Infarctus sylvien malin ,Middle cerebral artery ,Brain Damage, Chronic ,Female ,Malignant middle cerebral artery infarction ,Adult ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Hospital Departments ,Rééducation ,03 medical and health sciences ,Physical medicine and rehabilitation ,craniectomy ,medicine.artery ,Craniectomie ,medicine ,Humans ,Surgical Wound Infection ,Retrospective Studies ,Inpatients ,business.industry ,Retrospective cohort study ,Recovery of Function ,Length of Stay ,Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,malignant cerebral ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
Objectives To observe whether medical complications, the evolution of neurological disorders and dependence and/or the discharge destinations are different for patients treated by craniectomy for malignant cerebral infarction in the middle cerebral artery compared to patients treated medically for severe or malignant cerebral infarction in the same cerebral territory, during their hospitalization in a physical medicine and rehabilitation department. Patients and methods This retrospective study compared patients treated by craniectomy for malignant cerebral infarction in the middle cerebral artery and patients treated medically for severe or malignant cerebral infarction in the same cerebral territory. Patients were paired according to age, lesion side and hospitalization period. Results Twelve patients treated by craniectomy (age 43 ± 10.44) were paired with 12 patients treated medically (age 49 ± 7.66). The two groups were comparable in terms of general undesirable medical events. The medical events related to craniectomy are described. The evolution of patient deficiencies, the length of the hospital stay (194 ± 118.93 days vs 152 ± 94.64 days), the Functional Independence Measure at discharge (87 ± 21.28 vs 95 ± 22.19) and the number of direct home discharges (7 vs 9) did not significantly differ between groups. Discussion and conclusion No more medical problems were observed in the patients treated by craniectomy than in the patients treated medically, except for the medical events specifically related to craniectomy, which extended the hospital stay but had no major repercussions.
- Published
- 2010
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7. Elicited repetitive daily blindness: A new phenotype associated with hemiplegic migraine and SCN1A mutations
- Author
Alain Gaudric, K. Vahedi, D. Le Fort, M.-G. Bousser, Oriane Trouillard, M. A. Morris, Christel Depienne, P. Chaine, Florence Riant, E. Tournier-Lasserve, and Eric LeGuern
- Subjects
Male ,Proband ,Adolescent ,Migraine with Aura ,Molecular Sequence Data ,Mutation, Missense ,Nerve Tissue Proteins ,Amaurosis Fugax ,medicine.disease_cause ,Sodium Channels ,Recurrence ,ATP1A2 ,medicine ,Humans ,Missense mutation ,Amino Acid Sequence ,Familial hemiplegic migraine ,Genetics ,Mutation ,Cerebellar ataxia ,Genetic heterogeneity ,medicine.disease ,Phenotype ,Circadian Rhythm ,Pedigree ,NAV1.1 Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel ,Female ,Neurology (clinical) ,medicine.symptom ,Psychology ,Sequence Alignment ,Neuroscience - Abstract
Objective: Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) is a genetically heterogeneous disorder in which three genes, CACNA1A , ATP1A2 , and SCN1A , are currently known to be involved. FHM is occasionally associated with other neurologic symptoms such as cerebellar ataxia or epileptic seizures. A unique eye phenotype of elicited repetitive daily blindness (ERDB) has also been reported to be cosegregating with FHM in a single Swiss family. Methods: We report an additional family in whom the proband had, in addition to FHM, typical ERDB. In this family and the previously reported Swiss family, the whole coding region of the SCN1A gene was screened after exclusion of mutation in CACNA1A and ATP1A2 genes. Results: We identified two novel SCN1A mutations (c.4495T>C/p.Phe1499Leu and c.4467G>C/p.Gln1489His missense substitutions) in exons 24 and 23, respectively, segregating with the disease in all living affected members. Both mutations were absent from 180 healthy Caucasian controls and were located in an intracellular loop highly conserved throughout evolution. Conclusion: We report new clinical data supporting cosegregation of familial hemiplegic migraine and the new eye phenotype of elicited repetitive daily blindness and two novel SCN1A mutations as the underlying genetic defect in two unrelated families. SCN1A encodes the voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.1 that is highly expressed in the CNS including the retina. This remarkably stereotyped new eye phenotype has clinical characteristics of abnormal propagation of the retinal electrical signal that may be a retinal spreading depression. These results suggest that SCN1A mutations, which alter neuronal brain excitability, may occasionally alter retinal cell excitability.
- Published
- 2009
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8. Linéaire ou kystique : une revue iconographique des aspects tomodensitométriques de la pneumatose intestinale de l’adulte
- Author
M Pocard, P. Malzy, K Vahedi, S Martin-Grivaud, Roland Rymer, F Duchat, P. Soyer, Lounis Hamzi, and Mourad Boudiaf
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Abdominal pain ,Radiological and Ultrasound Technology ,Bowel infarction ,business.industry ,medicine.medical_treatment ,food and beverages ,medicine.disease ,Gastroenterology ,Pneumoperitoneum ,Mesenteric ischemia ,Pathognomonic ,Internal medicine ,Laparotomy ,Pneumatosis Cystoides Intestinalis ,medicine ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,medicine.symptom ,Pneumatosis intestinalis ,business - Abstract
Pneumatosis intestinalis is a rare condition, which is defined by the presence of gas within the bowel wall. In adult patients, pneumatosis intestinalis can be depicted in various circumstances. Owing to the routine use of CT to investigate patients with abdominal pain, pneumatosis intestinalis can be seen as an incidental finding or can be observed in association with a life-threatening disease such as bowel infarction. On CT images, pneumatosis intestinalis can display two different appearances; one that has a cystic or bubbly appearance can be considered as a chronic pneumatosis and is suggestive for a benign cause while the other, which has a linear appearance can be considered as a symptom and is more frequently secondary to a life-threatening cause. However, none of these two CT characteristics can be considered pathognomonic for any of these two categories of causes. In such situations, the analysis of the location, extent and, if any, associated findings may help to differentiate between benign and life-threatening causes. In these patients who present with abdominal signs that mimic symptoms that would warrant surgical exploration, the analysis of associated findings is critical to rule out a life-threatening cause of pneumatosis intestinalis and to obviate the need for unnecessary laparotomy. In adult patients with a known specific disease such as celiac disease, chronic pseudointestinal obstruction or other chronic diseases, even with accompanying pneumoperitoneum, pneumatosis intestinalis does not uniformly mandate surgical exploration. This pictorial review presents the more and the less common pneumatosis intestinalis CT features in adult patients, with the aim of making the reader more familiar with this potentially misleading sign.
- Published
- 2008
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9. Infarctus cérébral: stratégie de prise en charge précoce et de reperfusion en urgence
- Author
K. Vahedi
- Subjects
Emergency Medicine ,Emergency Nursing - Abstract
Resume Les accidents vasculaires cerebraux (AVC) sont une pathologie frequente et grave, touchant chaque annee environ 120 000 nouveaux patients en France. Une prise en charge specialisee dans une structure hospitaliere dediee (unite neurovasculaire) des les premieres heures du debut des signes neurologiques, permet d'ameliorer le pronostic des AVC a la fois en termes de mortalite et de recuperation fonctionnelle. Dans le cas d'une ischemie cerebrale, le benefice de la recanalisation arterielle par le recombinant du tissu plasminogene activateur, administre par voie intraveineuse en extreme urgence, moins de trois heures apres le debut des signes cliniques, permet d'augmenter d'un tiers la probabilite de recuperation sans sequelles neurologiques ou avec des sequelles minimes sans modifier la mortalite. La fenetre des trois heures est extremement courte pour permettre a tous les patients victimes d'un accident ischemique cerebral qui n'auraient par ailleurs pas de contre-indications au traitement thrombolytique d'en beneficier. Il est probable que dans un futur proche cette fenetre therapeutique de trois heures sera depassee grâce a de nouveaux thrombolytiques, des techniques de desobstruction mecanique et surtout a la selection des patients basee sur l'imagerie par resonance magnetique cerebrale. Cet examen, indique en urgence devant tout patient suspect d'un AVC, permet de selectionner le patient chez qui il existe une zone de penombre ischemique encore recuperable et permet de mieux evaluer le risque hemorragique.
- Published
- 2006
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10. Analysis of deformation behaviour of the large diameter pipe by U-O bending process
- Author
Gholamhossein Liaghat, A. Sajedinejad, B. Ahmadimehr, K. Vahedi, R. Mahshid, and H. Moslemi Naeini
- Subjects
Engineering ,Bending (metalworking) ,business.industry ,Numerical analysis ,Metals and Alloys ,Process (computing) ,Structural engineering ,Deformation (meteorology) ,Blank ,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering ,Computer Science Applications ,Modeling and Simulation ,Ceramics and Composites ,business ,Large diameter - Abstract
Large diameter pipes that are made by the U-O bending process, before an expanding operation, should have sufficient material and the required profile. Therefore an analysis of condition in each forming operation is necessary in order to obtain an optimum condition under the low O-shape forming load. In this paper, a forming analysis algorithm for the pipe profile from U-formed blank to circular pipe is presented. In order to obtain the realistic behaviour in the deformation process, a theoretical analysis is made for the elastic, linear work-hardening material. In this analysis the U-shaped blank is divided into some elements and the deformation of each element is analysed by considering the history of deformation. The result obtained from forming of a blank profile has been presented and then compared to the present data reported by other researchers. Good agreements between them show the validity of the program developed.
- Published
- 2006
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11. Role of COL4A1 in Small-Vessel Disease and Hemorrhagic Stroke
- Author
Saskia E. van Mil, Marie-Germaine Bousser, K. Vahedi, John P. Sundberg, Jeffrey H. Miner, Elisabeth Tournier-Lasserve, Pascale Massin, Peter Heutink, Simon W. M. John, Douglas B. Gould, and F. Campbell Phalan
- Subjects
Collagen Type IV ,Male ,Pathology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Retinal Artery ,Mutant ,Disease ,medicine.disease_cause ,Central nervous system disease ,Mice ,Renal Artery ,Risk Factors ,Stress, Physiological ,Glomerular Basement Membrane ,medicine ,Animals ,Humans ,Genetic Predisposition to Disease ,Stroke ,Cerebral Hemorrhage ,Intracerebral hemorrhage ,Mutation ,Vascular disease ,business.industry ,Microcirculation ,Brain ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,Mice, Mutant Strains ,Pedigree ,Mice, Inbred C57BL ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Female ,business ,Blood vessel - Abstract
Small-vessel diseases of the brain underlie 20 to 30 percent of ischemic strokes and a larger proportion of intracerebral hemorrhages. In this report, we show that a mutation in the mouse Col4a1 gene, encoding procollagen type IV alpha1, predisposes both newborn and adult mice to intracerebral hemorrhage. Surgical delivery of mutant mice alleviated birth-associated trauma and hemorrhage. We identified a COL4A1 mutation in a human family with small-vessel disease. We concluded that mutation of COL4A1 may cause a spectrum of cerebrovascular phenotypes and that persons with COL4A1 mutations may be predisposed to hemorrhage, especially after environmental stress.
- Published
- 2006
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12. Gastroentéropathies exsudatives
- Author
X. Dray, K. Vahedi, S. Rousseau, A. Lavergne-Slove, M. Boudiaf, and P. Marteau
- Published
- 2006
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13. A 3-month double-blind randomised study comparing an olive oil- with a soyabean oil-based intravenous lipid emulsion in home parenteral nutrition patients
- Author
Gilbert Bereziat, A. Le Brun, D. Evard, V. Pérennec, F. Joly, D. Roux-Haguenau, Bernard Messing, Philippe Atlan, and K. Vahedi
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_classification ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,food.ingredient ,business.industry ,Lymphocyte ,Phospholipid ,food and beverages ,Medicine (miscellaneous) ,Soybean oil ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Oleic acid ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Parenteral nutrition ,food ,Essential fatty acid ,chemistry ,Biochemistry ,medicine ,Fatty acid elongation ,Food science ,business ,Polyunsaturated fatty acid - Abstract
Intravenous lipid emulsions (ILE) have demonstrated advantages including prevention of essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiency; however, too much EFA can down regulate fatty acid elongation leading to an imbalance of nutritional compounds in plasma and cell membranes. An olive oil-based ILE containing long-chain triacylglycerols (LCT) with a low content (20 %) of PUFA was administered for home parenteral nutrition (HPN) and compared with a conventional soyabean oil-based ILE (PUFA content, 60 %). Thirteen patients (26–92 years) with stable intestinal failure were randomised after a 1-month run-in period with a medium-chain triacylglycerols–LCT-based ILE, to receive 3 months of HPN with either olive oil- (n6) or soyabean oil-based (n7) ILE. The nutritional impact and safety of HPN, oral intakes and absorption rates, phospholipid fatty acids in plasma and lymphocyte cell membrane were assessed. The only clinical event reported was one case of pneumonia (soya group). In both groups, 20 : 3n-9:20:4n-6 ratios remained within normal ranges (0·03–0·07). There was a significant increase of γ-linolenic acid (γ-LA) in plasma and lymphocyte cell membrane (P=0·02) and of oleic acid in plasma (PP=0·02), but neither with fat intakes nor with fat absorption rates. In conclusion, plasma and lymphocyte EFA pattern remained in normal ranges without EFA deficiency with both lipid emulsions, despite a lower content ofn-3 andn-6 series with the olive oil-based ILE.
- Published
- 2005
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14. Place de la chirurgie dans le traitement des accidents ischémiques cérébraux
- Author
K. Vahedi
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Neurology ,business.industry ,medicine ,Neurology (clinical) ,business - Abstract
Resume La place de la chirurgie dans le traitement des accidents ischemiques cerebraux reste a ce jour tres controversee. L'indication de la chirurgie se discute le plus souvent en extreme urgence quand l’œdeme ischemique entraine une hypertension intracrânienne majeure mettant en jeu le pronostic vital immediat du patient du fait d’un risque d’engagement temporal ou d’hydrocephalie aigue. Aucun medicament antiœdemateux n’a en effet demontre, a ce jour, son efficacite pour diminuer efficacement et durablement l’œdeme ischemique qui est maximal entre le 2 e et le 5 e jour apres l’infarctus. Au cours des infarctus hemispheriques œdemateux et compressifs (« infarctus sylviens malins ») dont le pronostic est effroyable (deces par engagement temporal dans 70-80 % des cas), une reduction de la mortalite apres une hemicrâniectomie decompressive a ete suggeree. Ce traitement consiste en la realisation d’un large volet crânien en regard de la zone d’infarctus associee a une ouverture de la dure-mere. Cependant cette chirurgie reste encore tres discutee du fait de l'absence de groupes controles, d'evaluation prospective du handicap residuel et de la qualite de vie a long terme des patients. De ce fait, plusieurs etudes randomisees evaluant l’interet de l’hemicrâniectomie dans les infarctus sylviens malins sont en cours dans plusieurs pays dont la France (etude DECIMAL). Il est capital d’inclure un maximum de patients dans ces etudes randomisees car actuellement, l'indication chirurgicale hors protocole d’un infarctus sylvien malin ne se pose qu'au cas par cas, apres discussion avec le neurochirurgien et le plus souvent tardivement chez un patient dont l'etat neurologique est grave du fait d'une hypertension intracrânienne majeure et prolongee. Dans les infarctus œdemateux et compressif du cervelet, l'œdeme ischemique peut etre responsable d'une compression du tronc cerebral puis d'une hydrocephalie aigue et conduire au deces du patient. Une intervention de derivation ventriculaire est le plus souvent proposee pour permettre d'ameliorer rapidement le pronostic vital immediat du patient, en normalisant la pression intracrânienne. Mais la encore les modalites d'intervention chirurgicale (delai, methode) n'ont pas ete clairement etablies par des etudes bien conduites.
- Published
- 2005
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15. Clinical Impact of Capsule Endoscopy Compared to Push Enteroscopy: 1-Year Follow-Up Study
- Author
J. C. Saurin, M. Delvaux, K. Vahedi, J. L. Gaudin, J. Villarejo, C. Florent, G. Gay, and T. Ponchon
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,1 year follow up ,Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal ,law.invention ,Predictive Value of Tests ,Capsule endoscopy ,law ,Intestine, Small ,medicine ,Push enteroscopy ,Humans ,False Positive Reactions ,Prospective Studies ,Prospective cohort study ,False Negative Reactions ,Aged ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Gastroenterology ,Gold standard (test) ,Middle Aged ,Surgery ,Endoscopy ,Intestinal Diseases ,Treatment Outcome ,Predictive value of tests ,Female ,Radiology ,Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage ,business ,Algorithms ,Follow-Up Studies - Abstract
BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS The long-term outcome for patients with obscure bleeding after capsule endoscopy (CE) is still unclear. In this study, the clinical outcome was used as the gold standard to determine the sensitivity and specificity of CE and push enteroscopy (PE) in the diagnosis of small-bowel lesions in patients with obscure bleeding. PATIENTS AND METHODS Fifty-eight patients from a previous prospective study (comparing PE and CE) were included; the patients were contacted after 1 year. The final diagnosis, bleeding status, new gastrointestinal examinations, and treatments performed were recorded. On the basis of these data, each case was classified into true/false positive or true/false negative findings at PE and CE. The results were compared with the initial classification of lesions observed at CE: highly relevant (P2) and less relevant (P0, P1) lesions. RESULTS Follow-up data were available for 56 patients. According to the defined true/false positive and negative cases, the sensitivity and specificity values for CE and PE were 92 % and 48 %, and 80 % and 69 %, respectively ( P < 0.01 for the difference between CE and PE). Highly relevant (P2) lesions observed at CE were more frequently classified into true-positive cases (15 of 18 versus seven of 22; P < 0.01) and led more frequently to therapeutic decisions (11 of 18 versus five of 22; P = 0.02) in comparison with less relevant lesions (P0, P1). CONCLUSIONS CE is a highly sensitive examination for the detection of small-bowel lesions in patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding, with a specificity lower than that of PE when the clinical outcome is used as the gold standard.
- Published
- 2005
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16. Stratégie diagnostique et thérapeutique devant un diverticule duodénal hémorragique à propos de deux cas. Revue de la littérature
- Author
Arnaud Alves, F Richet, Yves Panis, K Vahedi, M.J. Laisné, S Avit-Miossec, and P. Valleur
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Duodenal diverticulum ,medicine.disease ,digestive system ,Asymptomatic ,digestive system diseases ,Endoscopy ,Diverticulosis ,Surgery ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,otorhinolaryngologic diseases ,medicine ,Duodenum ,Upper gastrointestinal bleeding ,medicine.symptom ,business - Abstract
Host of the duodenal diverticulum are asymptomatic and located on the second part of the duodenum; these diverticula may induce major haemorrhage on rare occasions. We report on two patients who presented with massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding originating from a duodenal diverticulum. One patient was successfully treated by endoscopy and the other patient required diverticulectomy with successful outcome.
- Published
- 2004
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17. Osteoporosis in Patients on Long-Term Home Parenteral Nutrition: A Longitudinal Study
- Author
K. Vahedi, B. Messing, Martine Cohen-Solal, F. Joly, L D'Aoust, C. Baudoin, and M-C de Vernejoul
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Time Factors ,Adolescent ,Bone density ,Bone disease ,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism ,Population ,Osteoporosis ,Body Mass Index ,Bone Density ,Internal medicine ,Prevalence ,medicine ,Humans ,Orthopedics and Sports Medicine ,Longitudinal Studies ,Prospective Studies ,Child ,education ,Aged ,Femoral neck ,Bone mineral ,education.field_of_study ,business.industry ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,Intestinal Diseases ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Child, Preschool ,Female ,Cortical bone ,Parenteral Nutrition, Home ,business ,Body mass index - Abstract
The prevalence of osteoporosis was investigated in 88 patients with intestinal failure (IF). Osteoporosis was found in 67%, dependent of body mass index and age when IF occurred. In 56 patients on HPN, followed prospectively, changes in bone density were dependent on the duration of HPN; older patients had a higher increase. Introduction: It has been suggested that low bone mass and negative bone balance may occur in adult patients receiving home parenteral nutrition (HPN). The aim of this study was to assess prospectively the prevalence of osteoporosis in intestinal failure (IF) patients and the changes in bone mineral density in those on long-term HPN and to analyze the factors that may influence the occurrence and evolution of osteoporosis. Materials and Methods: Bone mineral density was measured at the lumbar spine and femoral neck in 88 IF patients. Results: At the first bone mineral density determination (baseline), the prevalence of osteoporosis was 67% in this population (median age, 52 years). Ten percent of the patients with osteoporosis experienced fragility fractures. Osteoporosis was independent of age and gender but occurred earlier in patients who had received corticosteroids. At baseline, the lumbar Z-score was positively correlated mainly to body mass index and age when IF occurred; these two parameters explained 34% of the Z-score. Repeated measurements were performed in 56 patients during long-term HPN (mean duration, 5.5 ± 1.2 years). The changes in Z-score at the lumbar spine were dependent on the age when IF occurred and on the duration of HPN, with a synergistic effect between them. The older the patients, the higher the increase in Z-score during HPN. Conclusion: HPN had no deleterious effect on cortical bone and actually improved trabecular bone in patients whose intestinal disease started after the age of 21 years.
- Published
- 2003
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18. Hydrostatic balloon dilatation of Crohn's strictures
- Author
K. Vahedi, Robert Modigliani, Yoram Bouhnik, J. Villarejo, Matthieu Allez, Jean-Marc Sabate, Marc Lémann, and Jean-Marc Gornet
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Hepatology ,Hydrostatic balloon ,business.industry ,Perforation (oil well) ,Treatment outcome ,Gastroenterology ,Ileum ,Anastomosis ,Surgery ,Balloon dilatation ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Concomitant ,medicine ,Pharmacology (medical) ,Radiology ,Proximal jejunum ,business - Abstract
Aim To evaluate the safety and long-term efficacy of per-endoscopic hydrostatic balloon dilatation in a retrospective series of patients with Crohn's disease. Methods Thirty-eight patients had balloon dilatation for intestinal symptomatic strictures which were located as follows: ileo-colonic (26) or colocolic (2) anastomosis, colon (4), ileum (3), proximal jejunum (1) and ileo-caecal valve (5); three patients had two strictures accessible to dilatation. The mean length of the strictures was 2.1 cm (s.d., 0.3 cm). Results Thirty-two of the 38 patients were successfully dilated and followed for a median of 22.8 months (0.2-103 months) until surgery or last news. The probabilities of obstructive symptom recurrence were 36% at 1 year and 60% at 5 years. Twelve patients had a second dilatation, and three a third. The probabilities of surgery for stricture were 26% at 1 year and 43% at 5 years. Results were not influenced by age, sex, activity of the disease, passage of the stricture by the colonoscope or concomitant medical therapies. Complications occurred in 9.4% of the 53 dilatation sessions, with only one perforation. Conclusions Hydrostatic balloon dilatation is effective for Crohn's symptomatic strictures, and can avoid or postpone surgery, with an acceptable rate of complications.
- Published
- 2003
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19. Evaluation l'efficacité de la polypectomie par entéroscopie double ballon et analyse médico-économique
- Author
G Rahmi, MA Vinet, E Samaha, G Gay, K Vahedi, M Delvaux, H Lamouliatte, JC Saurin, T Ponchon, M Le Rhun, D Coumaros, P Bichard, T Manière, M Esvan, G Chatellier, and C Cellier
- Subjects
business.industry ,Gastroenterology ,Medicine ,business ,Humanities - Published
- 2015
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- Author
H. Chabriat, K. Vahedi, A. Joutel, E. Tournier-Lasserve, and M. G. Bousser
- Subjects
Neurology (clinical) ,General Medicine - Published
- 1997
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21. Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy: a clinicopathological and genetic study of a Swiss family
- Author
E Tournier-Lasserve, V B Arifi, Claudio L. Bassetti, Hans H. Jung, M Arnaboldi, J M Burgunder, and K Vahedi
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Pathology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Genetic Linkage ,Subcortical dementia ,Angiopathy ,Leukoencephalopathy ,Chromosome 19 ,medicine ,Humans ,CADASIL ,Vascular dementia ,Stroke ,business.industry ,Cerebral infarction ,Brain ,Cerebral Infarction ,Cerebral Arteries ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,Pedigree ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,Female ,Surgery ,Cerebral Arterial Diseases ,Neurology (clinical) ,business ,Switzerland ,Research Article - Abstract
This paper reports a Swiss family affected by a cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) linked to chromosome 19q12. In three generations several members of this family had recurrent stroke-like episodes and, some developed subcortical dementia, migraine-like headaches, and depression. The clinically affected family members had multiple subcortical infarcts and diffuse leukoencephalopathy on MRI. Necropsy of one patient showed a distinctive non-amyloid and non-atherosclerotic angiopathy of small cerebral and leptomeningeal arteries with concentric depositions of a basophilic granular material replacing the smooth muscle cells of the media. Linkage analysis with five chromosome 19 markers spanning the estimated CADASIL interval showed the absence of any recombinant and positive Lod scores, highly suggestive of linkage of this condition to the CADASIL locus. CADASIL might be an underestimated cause of familial stroke and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of hereditary stroke.
- Published
- 1995
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22. Suivi à long terme des patients ayant un saignement digestif inexpliqué avec une lésion à la capsule endoscopique et traités durant une entéroscopie
- Author
G Rahmi, K Vahedi, G Gay, M Delvaux, H Lamouliatte, B Filoche, JC Saurin, M Lehrun, T Ponchon, D Coumaros, P Bichard, D Lamarque, T Maniere, E Samaha, G Chatellier, and C Cellier
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Gastroenterology ,Medicine ,business - Published
- 2012
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23. Fourth meeting of the European Neurological Society 25–29 June 1994 Barcelona, Spain
- Author
H. Hattig, C. Delli Pizzi, M. C. Addonizio, Michelle Davis, A. R. Giovagnoli, L. Florensa, M. Roth, J. de Kruijk, Francisco Lacruz, Ph. Dewailly, A. Toygar, C. Avendano, P.P. De Deyn, J. F. Hurtevent, F. Lomeila, T. W. Wong, Gordon T. Plant, M. Bud, H. J. Willison, DH Miller, D. W. Langdon, R. Cioni, J. Servan, A. Kaygisiz, E. Racadot, D. B. Schens, E. Picciola, L. Falip, C. Bouchard, J. Jotova, A. Jorge-Santamaria, P. Misra, A. Dufour, C. P. Panagopoulos, A. Venneri, B. Sredni, B. Angelard, M. Janelidze, M. Carreno, J. Obenberger, J. Pouget, H. W. Moser, R. Kaufmann, J. A. Molina, D. Linden, A. Martin Urda, E. Uvestad, A. Krone, J. P. Cochin, J. Mallecourt, A. Cambon-Thomsen, K. Violleau, P. Osschmann, A. M. Durocher, E. Bussaglia, D. M. Danielle, H. Efendi, C. Van Broeckhoven, K. G. Jordan, W. Rautenberg, C. Iniguez, J. M. Delgado, Graham Watson, M. Lawden, Gareth J. Barker, K. Stiasny, James T. Becker, G. Campanella, E. Peghi, A. Poli, A. Haddad, T. Yamawaki, Giacomo P. Comi, S. Sotgiu, B. Ersmark, A. Pomes, M. Ziegler, P. Ferrante, P. Ruppi, H. KuÇukoglu, R. Bouton, U. K. Rinne, P. Vieregge, M. Dary, P. Giunti, Peter J. Goadsby, S. Jung, E. Secor, A. Steinberg, N. Vila, M. A. Hernandez, M. Cursi, A. Enqelhardt, A. Engelhardt, J. Veitch, F. Di Silverio, F. Arnaud, B. Neundörfer, R. Brucher, Dominique Caparros-Lefebvre, B. Meyer, Marianne Dieterich, M. H. Snidaro, R. Gomez, R. Cerbo, M. Ragno, J. M. Vance, S. Nemni, A. Caliskan, F. Barros, I. Velcheva, D. Ceballos-Baumann, V. Barak, A. Avila, N. Antonova, F. Resche, S. Pappata, L. Varela, S. R. Silveira Santos, A. Cammarota, L. Naccache, Y. Nara, E. Tournier-Lasserves, R. Mobner, T. Chase, A. Ensenyat, J. Ulrich, G. Giegerich, M. Rother, M. Revilla, N. Nitschke, K. Honczarenko, E. Basart Tarrats, J. Blin, B. Jacob, J. Santamaria, S. Knezevic, J. L. Castillo, M. Antem, J. Colomer, O. Busse, Didier Hannequin, S. Carrier, J. B. Ruidavets, C. Rozman, J. Bogoussslavsky, J. Pascual Calvet, E. Monros, J. M. Polo, M. Zucconl, Javier Muruzabal, R. R. Allen, R. Rivolta, K. Haugaard, A. Nespolo, K. Hoang-Xuang, G. Bussone, T. Avramidis, E. Corsini, Christiana Franke, T. Vinogradova, H. Boot, K. Vestergaard, G. H. Jansen, N. Argentino, M. Raltzig, W. Linssen, Mark B. Pepys, P. Roblot, L. Lauritzen, E. Fainardi, D. Morin, T. X. Arbizu Urdiain, J. Wollenhaupt, S. Bostantjopoulou, G. Pavesi, A. D. Forman, Giovanni Fabbrini, D. Jean, J. J. Archelos, M. I. Blanchs, M. Del Gobbo, Anna Carla Turconi, Ch. Derouesné, Elio Scarpini, A. Visbeck, P. Castejon, J. P. Renou, F. Mounier-Vehier, G. Potagas, Ch. Duyckaerts, A. Filla, R. Schneider, G. Ronen, K. Nagata, J. P. Vedel, A. Henneberg, G. van Melle, C. Baratti, H. Knott, M. C. Prevett, A. Bes, B. Metin, Jos V. Reempts, L. Martorell, Mefkure Eraksoy, H. O. Handwerker, D. S. Younger, O. Oktem, D. Frongillo, C. Soriano-Soriano, L. Niehaus, F. Zipp, A. Tartaro, S Newman, R. H. Browne, P. Davous, R. Sanchez, M. Muros, M. E. Kornhuber, A. Lavarone, M. Mohr, M. R. Garcia, S. Russell, H. Kellar-Wood, M. R. Tola, B. Ostermeyer, Ch. Tzekov, K. Sartor, E. B. Ringelstein, P. P. Gazzaniga, Paul Krack, H. Fidaner, H. Rico, T. Dbaiss, F. Alameda, E. Torchiana, L. Rumbach, I. Charques, J. M. Bogaard, C. D. Frith, L. J. Rappelle, R. Brenner, A. Joutel, K. Fuxe, G. HÄcker, M. J. Blaser, J. Valls-SolÇ, G. Ulm, M. Alberdi, A. Bock, F. W. Bertelsmann, U. Wieshmann, J. Visa, J. R. Lupski, D. D'Amico, L. M. P. Ramos, A. A. Vanderbark, R. Horn, M. Warmuth, Dietmar Kühne, Mark S. Palmer, C. Ehrenheim, E. Canga, S. Viola, O. Scarpino, P. Naldi, R. Almeida, A. A. Raymond, J. Gamez, Stephan Arnold, A. DiGiovanni, J. Dalmau, C. C. Chari, H. F. Beer, J. C. Koetsier, J. Iriarte, E. Yunis, J. Casadevall, E. Le Guern, E. Stenager, S. R. Benbadis, J. M. Warter, F. Burklin, I. Theodorou, L. Johannesen, G. A. Graveland, X. Leclerc, I. Vecchio, L. Ozelius, G. Nicoletti, R. K. Gherardi, E. Esperet, M. L. Delodovici, F. Cattin, F. Paiau, Giorgio Sacilotto, C. A. J. Broere, D. Chavdarov, J. P. Willmer, C. H. Hawkes, Th. Naegele, E. Ellie, E. Dartigues, M. J. Guardiola, S. Hesse, Z. Levic, Marco Rovaris, P. Saugeir-Veber, B. A. Yaqub, H. F. Durwen, R. Larumbe, J. Ballabrina, M. Sendtner, J. Röther, M. Horstink, C. Kluglein, M.P. Montesi, H. Apaydin, J. Montoya, E. Waubant, Ch. Verellen-Dunoulin, A. Nicolai, J. Lopez-Delval, R. Lemon, G. Cantinho, E. Granieri, A. Zeviani, Wolfgang H. Oertel, U. Ficola, V. Di Piero, V. Fragola, K. Sabev, M. V. Guitera, I. Turki, F. Bolgert, P. Ingrand, J. M. Gobernado, L. M. E. Grimaldi, S. Baybas, B. Eymard, Y. Rolland, Y. Robitaille, Ta. Pampols, P. J. Koehler, A. Carroacedo, J. Vilchez, S. Di Vittorio, I. R. Rise, T. Nagy, M. Kuffner, E. Palazzini, A. Ott, J. Pruim, T. X. Arbizu, E. Manetti, C. Cervera, S. Felber, G. Gursoy, J. Scholz, G. A. Buscaino, M. S. Chen, A. Pascual, J. Hazan, J. U. Gajda, J. G. Cea, G. Bottini, G. Damalik, F. Le Doze, G. Bonaldi, J. M. Hew, C. Messina, A. M. Kennedy, J. M. Carney, N. M. F. Murray, M. Parent, M. Koepp, V. Dimova, D. De Leo, K. Jellinger, G. Salemi, S. Mientus, M. L. Hansen, F. Mazzucchelli, J. Vieth, M. Mauri, E. Bartels, L. Johannsen, C. Humphreys, J. Emile, D. N. Landon, E. Kansu, R. Sanchez-Pernaute, Rsj Frackowiak, M. Gonzalez Torres, L. Oller, C. Machedo, J. Kother, M. Billiard, H. Durak, T. Schindler, A. Frank, A. Uncini, A. Sbriccoli, C. Farinas, D. W. Paty, N. Fast, A. T. Zangaladze, A. Kerkhofs, J. M. Pino Garcia, I. De la Fuente, B. Marini, L. Gomez, I. Rubio, Alessandra Bardoni, C. Brodie, P. Acin, U. Sliwka, S. A. Hawkins, S. Tardieu, F. Vitullo, J. M. Pereira Monteino, R. Gagliardi, T. Jezewski, A. Cano, T. Lempert, F. Abad Alegria, G. Rotondo, D. Ince, C. Martinez Parra, Y. Huang, H. Luders, Y. Steinvil, F. G. A. Van Der Meche, R. Bianchi, A. Sanchez, T. Sevilla, J. M. Ketelslegers, A. Domzal-Stryga, M. Pandolfo, M. O. Josse, K. W. Neff, I. Blanco, G. W. Bruyn, O. W. Witte, J. L. Thibault, G. Andersen, J. Pariset, A. Marcone, R. J. M. Lane, A. Hofman, M. Verin, T. Matilla, P. Bedoucha, J. Roche, M. Lai, M. Collard, A. Ugarte, F. Gallecho, D. Silbersweig, C. Kennard, J. P. Azulay, T. W. Ho, P. L. I. Dellemijn, R. Girardello, F. Baas, B. Voss, F. Rozenberg, E. M. Brocker, V. Stanev, A. A. J. Soeterboek, A. Marra, A. Rey, E. Ertem, M. Sawradewicz-Rybak, J. De Keyser, P. Cavallari, F. Proust, Y. Chevalier, H. C. Hansen, D. Leys, C. A. Davie, K. Hoang-Xuan, C. Bairati, H. van Crevel, Thomas T. Warner, B. Bompais, A. Dobbeleir, T Campbell, C. Macko, C. J. M. Klijn, M. Dussallant, T. P. Berlit, W. Rozenbaum, M. J. van den Bent, W. A. Rocca, M. Muller, H. Hundemer, U. Zifko, M. Campera, F. Drislane, D. Ranoux, T. M. Kloss, Anil Kumar, I. Ruolt, C. Bargnani, B. Marescau, N. A. Losseff, S. Notermans, B. Kint, E. T. Burke, C. Aykut, J. Matias Guiu, P. Maquet, T. Drogendijk, M. Leone, K. von Ammon, M. Pepeliarska, C. Prados, L. DiGiamberardino, T. Logtenberg, G. Lenoir, I. Castaldo, Damhaut, M. Radionova, G. Sirabian, R. Navon, Giovanni Antonini, K. Al Moutaery, E. Chamas, R. Schönhuber, M. Giannini, B. Debilly, I. Labatut, H. Henon, J. A. Egido, M. Baudrimont, J. N. Lorenzo, J. E. C. Bromberg, R. Antonacci, J. J. Vilchez, T. Moulin, B. Rautenstrauss, Giovanni Meola, J. Noth, S Mammi, P. Laforet, F. Lopez, C. Gehring, S. Bort, G. Rancurel, D. Decamps, S. Kostadinova, Y. Shapira, B. Neundoerfer, D. Chavrot, M. Solimena, J. P. Salier, W. Deberdt, R. Hoff-Jörgensen, A. Messina, S. Meairs, G. Rosoklija, E. Nelis, I. Bertran, C. Ertekin, J. Lohmeyer, Mitermayer Galvao dos Reis, L. Calo, E. Maccagnano, A. P. Hays, J. Verlooy, M. G. Forno, T. Blanco, L. Bail, Gabriella Silvestri, J. Montero, F. Bertrand, R. T. Ghnassia, C. Besses, T. Sereghy, F. Shalit, G. Bogliun, S. Braghi, St. Baykouchev, C. Franke, A. Lasa, L. C. Archard, J. Kriebel, S. Shaunak, M. Nocito, Alexander Tsiskaridze, E. Manfredini, T. Seigal, David G. Gadian, M. Barlas, J. D. Degos, C. Seeber, J. Caemert, J. L. Mas, R. B. Pepinsky, M. G. D'Angelo, N. Baumann, S. Yorifuji, H. P. Endtz, M. A. Cassatella, R. A. C. Hughes, V. Golzi, A. Bittencourt, A. Ferreira, M. Sanson, C. Alper, M. Vermeulen, M. A. A. van Walderveen, E. Alexiou, C. H. Lucas, M. Fiorelli, Y. N. Debbink, R. Gil, S. Congia, T. Banerjee, J. M. Bouchard, A. N. Pinto, A. Ceballos-Baumann, G. Grollier, P. I. M. Schmitz, M. D. Catata, N. Lahat, N. S. Rao, P. Papathanasopoulos, J. Valls-Solé, D. Claus, G. Schroter, A. Castro, C. Videbaek, R. Martinez Dreke, A. D. Platts, M. Hermesl, A. C. PeÇanha-Martins, M. Cardoso Silva, P. Masnou, M. J. A. Tanner, Ch. Confavreux, B. Mishu, H. Rasmussen, L. Valenciano, Carlo Pozzilli, S. W. Li, V. Salzman, Y. Vashtang, Massimo Franceschi, M. Severo, G. Deuschl, S. Setien, G. Mariani, A. Protti, J. Castillo, M. J. B. Taphoorn, M. Frontali, I. Milonas, D. Decoq, J. A. Navarro, S. Castellvi-Pel, C. Ertikin, M. Urtasun, Y. Lajat, B. E. Kendall, E. Verdu, B. Gueguen, E. Boisen, R. Couderc, A Danek, JM Stevens, F. Nicoli, L. Feltri, M. L. Vazquez-Andre, J. A. Morgan-Hughes, L. D'Angelo, F. Y. Liew, L. F. Pascual, J. Patrignani Ochoa, Vittorio Martinelli, J. Cophignon, L. Zhang, S. Martin, J. F. Meder, H. C. Buschmann, L. Bertin, J. van Gijn, A. Barreiro, A. Cools, C. Leon, A. Berod, E. A. Anllo, E. Zanette, L. Petrov, R. Barona, B. Gallicchio, P. J. Cozzone, N. Diederich, G. Cancel, L. Schelosky, P. Orizaola, K. Yulug, S. Ozer, Valeria A. Sansone, B. Guiraud-Chaumeil, K. Voigt, P. Labauge, M. Eoli, J. Zhu, J. Aguirre, M. Ferrarini, B. Zyluk, E. Planas, A. Cadilha, C. Tortorella, H. Bismuth, C. E. Counsell, A. Laun, A. Ferlini, Rio J. Montalban, N. Biary, L. Becker, M. Fardeau, M. Poloni, V. M. S. de Bruin, C. Fornada, J. Barros, E. Ganzmann, E. Touze, D. Wallach, J. Peila, H. Fujimura, M. T. Iba-Zizen, G. Macchi, C. Villoslada, R. Gouider, Ph. Rondepierre, P. Grummich, P. Chiodi, C. Conte, M. Michels, P. Annunziata, G. Semana, C. Sommer, J. Vajsar, D. Zekin, J. Kulisevsky, David G. Munoz, B. Jacotot, M. Magoni, A. Luxen, T. Garcia-Silva, S. Di Cesare, Christophe Tzourio, M. Gomori, I. Picomell, L. Santoro, F. Villa, Giovanni Pennisi, T. Ribalta, J. M. Molto, L. Marzorati, P. Loiseau, F. Gemignani, A. Gironell, J. Wissel, A. Prusinski, F. Cailloux, P. Villanueva-Hemandez, P. Cozzone, T. Del Ser, J. Sans-Sabrafen, M. Zappia, P. W. A. Willems, G. Tchernia, D. Gardeur, R. Bauer, F. Palomo, H. Metz, S. Lamoureux, C. Chastang, I. Reinhard, A. Goldfarb, S. Harder, Jordi Río, C. Ozkara, E. Tekinsoy, P. Vontobell, J. De Recondo, M. Rabasa, L. Lacomblez, F. Boon, Dgt Thomas, V. Palma, Renato Mantegazza, A. Dervis, M. Nueckel, B. YalÇinerner, I. Duran, G. Dalla Volta, A. Zubimendi, J. Pinheiro, A. Marbini, Xavier Montalban, H. Wekerle, X. Pereira Monteino, F. Crespo, F. Koskas, N. Battistini, C. Ruiz, H. Offner, J. de Pommery, P. Kanovsky, J. Y. Barnett, J. Pardo, G. Tomei, R. Rene, H. M. Lokhorst, P. Thajeb, H. Bilgin, D. McGehee, R. Fahsold, L. Morgante, Katie Sidle, C. Delwaide, M. N. Diaye, P. H. Rice, A. Creange, C. Sabev, K. Stephan, K. WeilBenborn, G. Magnani, L. Grymonprez, F. Cardellach, M. Kaps, N. G. Meco, F. Vega, V. Bonifati, A. Desomer, M. Baldy-Moulinier, G. Kvale, F. J. Authier, B. Yegen, T. Ho, J. M. Rozet, E. A. Cabanis, L. Bruce, L. Ambrosoli, M. A. Petrella, M. Hernandez, P. Timmings, H. B. van der Worp, F. Mahieux, A. Urbano-Marquez, D. A. Krendel, A. A. Garcia, R. Divari, R. Michalowicz, M. R. Piedmonte, M. Bondavalli, M. Zanca, P. F. Ippel, Onofre Combarros, B. Tavitian, E. Hirsch, I. Anastasopoulos, A. Roses, A. Köhler, P. Vienna, V. Timmerman, P. Sergi, F. Cornelio, A. Di Pasquale, R. Verleger, S. Castellvirel, J. Proano, B. van Moll, F. Rubio, W. Hacke, I. Lavenu, L. Zetta, M. W. Tas, N. Bittmann, M. Bonamini, O. R. Hommes, V. Dousset, N. Afsar, S. Belal, R. R. Myers, J. Goes, Giuseppe Vita, E. Clementi, V. G. Karepov, M. Jueptner, A Vincent, P. Emmrich, Th. Heb, A. Caballo, J. Gallego, T. Mokrusch, C. Perla, L. Gebuhrer, O. Titlbach, Alessandro Prelle, A. Czlonkowska, M. Russo, D. Hadjiev, T. S. Chkhikvishvili, M. Oehlschlager, G. Becker, I. Günther, E. N. Stenager, J. Garcia Agundez, J. Casademont, J. Batlle, S. Podobnik-Sarkanji, C. Alonso-Villaverde, B. Delaguillaume, B. Genc, B. Mazoyer, A. Rodriguez-Al-barino, Ch. Hilger, B. Ferrero, R. Price, W. Grisold, L. Fuhry, D. Oulbani, D. Ewing, A. Petkov, W. Walther, A. Gokyigit, John Newsom-Davis, J. Tayot, D. Seliak, G. Pelliccioni, D. Campagne, K. Kessler, F. Boureau, D. Perani, J. P. N'Guyen, N. Tchalucova, B. A. Antin-Ozerkis, C. Lacroix, B. D. Aronovich, I. H. Jenkins, E. A. dos Reis, M. Hortells, H. M. Meinck, H. Ch. Buschmann, S. C. J. M. Jacobs, T. Wetter, P. Creissard, N. Martinez, J. Weidenfeldl, H. J. Sturenburg, G. Damlacik, V. Gracia, J. C. Turpin, A. Pou-Serradell, J. P. Vincent, T. Gagoshidze, U. Ozkutlu, M. McLeod, K. Siegfried, I. Tchaoussoglou, J. Hildebrand, S. Kowalska, M. C. Picot, G. Galardin, L. Crevits, F. Andreetta, S. Larumbe-Lobalde, G. de la Sierra, J. C. Alvarez-Cermeno, R. J. Seitz, P. L. Oey, L. Ptacek, A. M. J. Paans, A. Wirrwar, A. Schmied, J. Uilchez, H. Tounsi, D. Hipola, V. Avoledo, Y. Hirata, P. Vermersch, T. M. Aisonobe, J. Valls-SoIè, H. Staunton, J. Dichgans, R. Karabudak, I. Dones, G. Porta, E. Janssens, Maria Martinez, J. M. Fernandez-Real, R. Villagra, Y. Yoshino, C. Kabus, K. Schimrigk, I. Girard-Buttaz, F. Piccoli, F. Aichner, P. Zuchegna, S. M. Al Deeb, F. Bono, N. Busquets, A. Jobert, Patrizia Ciscato, M. Martin, L. Polman, S. Darbra, V. Le Cam-Duchez, F. Baldissera, B. Baykan-Kurt, D. Guez, M. Bratoeva, H. Matsui, M. Mila, H. Perron, L. Bjorge, G. Husby, Steven T. DeKosky, D. R. Cornblath, J. M. Gabriel, J. J. Poza, Y. Wu, A. Toscano, R. P. Kleyweg, J. Kuhnen, S. O. Confort-Gouny, A. Barcelo, A. M. Conti, C. Fiol, C. Steichen-Wiehn, J. Rodes, M. Cavenaile, C. Vedeler, M. Drlicek, C. Argentino, M. L. Peris, A. Cervello, A. Z. GinaÏ, S. Yancheva, D. Passingham, S. Aoba, D. L. Lopez, T. Rechlin, K. Sonka, L. Grazzi, V. Folnegovic-Smalc, Maurizio Moggio, S. Rivaud, F. G. I. Jennekens, C. H. Hartard, H. Meierkord, G. Stocklin, M. D. Catala, W. C. McKay, E. Salmon, C. Navarro, I. Pastor, L. Canafoglia, M. De Braekeleer, P. K. Thomas, C. Mocellini, C. Pierre-Jerome, M. C. Dalakas, P. Pollak, M. Levivier, Niall Quinn, G. E. Rivolta, Z. Tunca, H. Zeumer, J. Garcia Tena, St. Guily, P. Gaudray, Johannes Kornhuber, V. Petrunjashev, R. Montesanti, R. J. Abbott, H. Petit, G. Kiteva-Trencevska, F. Carletto, C. Ramo, I. M. Pino, P. Beau, G. F. Mennuni, F. Moschian, F. Meneghini, B. Zdziarska, B. Fontaine, C. Stephens, G. Meco, K. Reiners, G. Badlan, M. Sessa, I. Degaey, S. M. Hassan, C. Albani, F. Caroeller, M. Schroeder, G. Savettieri, A. Novelletto, R. Kurita, P. Oschmann, I. Plaza, M. Oliveres, Simone Spuler, A. Molins, M. Schwab, J. R. Kalden, C. P. Gennaula, Y. Baklan, O. Picard, J. M. Léger, B. Mokri, E. Ghidoni, M. Jacob, D. Deplanque, W. JÄnisch, C. De Andres, P. De Deyn, G. Guomundsson, B. Herron, J. Barado, J. L. Gastaut, Guglielmo Scarlato, F. Poron, Nicola Jones, H. Teisserenc, C. P. Hawkins, A. J. Steck, H. C. Chandler, S. Blanc, J. H. Faiss, Jm. Soler Insa, I. Sarova-Ponchas, M. Malberin, A. Sackmann, G. De Vuono, K. Kaiser-Rub, K. Badhia, E. Szwabowska-Orzeszko, S. Ramm, C. Jodice, G. Franck, J. Marta-Moreno, R. Sciolla, C. Fritz, A. Attaccalite, F. Weber, E. Neuman, M. Cannata, A. Rodriguez, I. Nachainkin, R. Raffaele, T. S. Yu, N. Losseff, E. Fabrizio, C. Khati, M. Keipes, M. P. Ortega, M. Ramos-Alvarez, E. Brambilla, A. Tarasov, K. H. Wollinsky, O. B. Paulson, F. Boller, G. Bozzato, H. Wagnur, R. Canton, D. Testa, E. Kutluaye, M. Calopa, D. Smadja, G. Malatesta, F. Baggi, A. Stracciari, G. Daral, G. Avanzini, J. Perret, J. Arenas, P. Boon, I. Gomes, A. Vortmeyer, P. Cesaro, S. Venz, E. Bernd Ringelstein, N. Milani, D. Laplane, P. Seibel, E. Tournier-Lasserve, Alexis Brice, L. Motti, E. Wascher, R. J. Abbot, F. Miralles, A. Turon, P. De Camilli, G. Luz, G. C. Guazzi, S. Tekin, F. Lesoin, T. Kryst, N. Lannoy, F. Gerstenbrand, S. Ballivet, H. A. M. van Diemen, J. Lopez-ArLandis, P. Bell, A. Silvani, M. A. Garcia, S. Vorstrup, D. Langdon, S. Ueno, B. Sander, V. Ozurk, C. Gurses, P. Berlit, J. M. Martinez-Lage, M. Treacy, S. O. Rodiek, S. Cherninkova, J. Grimaud, P. Marozzi, K. Hasert, S. Goldman, S. H. Ingwersen, A. Taghavy, T. Roig, R. Harper, I. Sarova-Pinchas, Anthony H.V. Schapira, R. Lebtahi, A. Vidaller, B. Stankov, D. Link, J. p. Malin, V. Petrova, Ludwig Kappos, J. L. Ochoa, T. Torbergsen, M. Carpo, M. Donato, Simon Shorvon, J. Mieszkowski, J. Perez-Serra, Raymond Voltz, G. Comi, S. Rafique, A. Perez-Sempere, N. Khalfallah, S. Bailleul, M. Borgers, S. Banfi, S. Mossman, A. Laihinen, G. Filippini, R. A. Grunewald, E. Stern, H. D. Herrmann, A. G. Droogan, P. Xue, A. Grilo, L. La Mantia, J. H. J. Wokke, S. Pizzul, Kie Kian Ang, S. Rapaport, W. Szaplyko, B. Romero, P. Brunet, A. Albanese, C. Davie, V. Crespi, F. Birklein, H. Sharif, L. Jose, D. Auer, N. Heye, Martin N. Rossor, C. E. Henderson, M. J. Koepp, J. Rubio, P. L. Baron, S. Mahal, Juha O. Rinne, J. I. Emparanza, S. E. C. Davies, Frederik Barkhof, M. Riva, R. E. Brenner, B. A. Pope, Lemaire, E. Dupont, D. Ulbricht, G. C. Pastorino, R. Retska, E. Chroni, A. Danielli, V. Malashkhia, T. Canet, J. C. Garcia-Valdecasas, J. Serena, R. A. Pfeiffer, B. Wirk, B. Muzzetto, V. Caruso, M. L. Giros, A. Ming Wang, E. L. E. Guern, F. Bille-Turg, Y. Satoh, C. H. Franke, M. Ait-Kaci-Ahmed, D. Genis, T. Pasierski, D. Riva, M. Panisset, A. Chamorro, P.A. van Doorn, S. Schellong, H. Hamer, F. Durif, P. Krauseneck, Y. Bahou, B. A. Pickut, M. Rijnites, H. Nyland, G. Jager, L. L. Serra, A. Rohl, X. P. Li, O. Arena, Hubert Kwieciński, N. Milpied, M. C. Bourdel, S. Assami, L. Law, J. Moszkowski, J. W. Thorpe, M. Aguennouz, R. Martin, D. Hoffmann, P. Morris, A. Destée, D. J. Charron, U. Senin, A. P. SempereE, M. Dreyfus, A. L. Benabid, M. Gomez, S. Heindle, M. C. Morel-Kopp, M. Hennerici, A. I. Santos, M. Djannelidze, N. Artemis, John Collinge, T. Rundek, M. Y. Voloshin, P. de Castro, Th. Wiethege, D. A. S. Compston, D. Schiffer, A. J. Hughes, D. Jimenez, V. Parlato, A. Papadimitriou, J. M. Gergaud, R. Sterzi, J. Arpa, G. de Pinieux, F. Buggle, P. Gimbergues, H. Ruottinen, R. Marzella, W. Koehler, Y. Yurekli, A. Haase, Z. Privorkin, G. K. Harvey, B. Chave, A. J. Grau, E. M. Stadlan, J. List, C. Zorzi, B.W. van Oosten, P. Derkinderen, B. Casati, J. M. Maloteaux, K. Vahedi, W. L. J. van Putten, J. C. Sabourin, D. Lorenzetti, Plenevaux, J. W. B. Moll, A. Morento Fernandez, M. Lema, M. A. Horsfleld, P. De Jongh, S. Gikova, K. Kutluk, Monique M.B. Breteler, P. Saddier, A. Berbinschi, R. E. Cull, P. Echaniz, H. Kober, C. Minault, V. Kramer, A. L. Edal, S. Passero, T. Eckardt, K. E. Davies, A. Salmaggi, R. Kaiser, A. A. Grasso, Claudio Mariani, G. Egersbach, Hakan Gurvit, O. Dereeper, C. Vital, L. Wrabetz, A. Vecino, M. Aguilar, G. Bielicki, H. Becher, J. Castro, S. Iotti, M. G. Natali-Sora, E. Berta, S. Carlomagno, L. Ayuso-Peralta, P. H. Rondepierre, I. Bonaventura, B. V. Deuren, N. Van Blercom, M. Sciaky, J. Faber, M. Alberoni, M. Nieto, F. Sellal, C. Stelmasiak, M. Takao, J. Bradley, D. Zegers de Beyl, H. Porsche, G. Goi, H. Pongratz, F. Chapon, S. Happe, Robin S. Howard, B. Weder, S. Vlaski-Jekic, J. M. Ferro, R. Nemni, A. Daif, Herbert Budka, W. Van Paesschen, B. Waldecker, F. Carceller, J. Lacau, F. Soga, J. Peres Serra, E. Timmerman, A. M. vd Vliet, J. L. Emparanza, N. Vanacore, A. Pizzuti, N. Marti, A. Davalos, N. Ayraud, U. Zettl, J. Vivancos, Z. Katsarou, H. M. Mehdorn, G. Geraud, M. Merlini, M. Schröter, A. Ebner, M. Lanteri-Minet, R. Soler, G. P. Anzola, S. L. Hauser, L. Cahalon, S. DiDonato, R. Cantello, M. Marchau, J. Gioanni, F. Heidenreich, J. Manuel Martinez Lage, P. Descoins, F. Woimant, J. F. Campo, M. H. Verdier-taillefer, M. S. F. Barkhof, G. J. Kemp, A. O. Ceballos-Baumann, J. Berciano, M. Guidi, Tarek A. Yousry, B. Chandra, A. Rapoport, P. Canhao, A. Spitzer, T. Maeda, J. M. Pereira Monteiro, V. Paquis, Th. Mokrusch, F. J. Arrieta, I. Sangla, F. Canizares-Liebana, Lang Chr, André Delacourte, V. Fetoni, P. Kovachev, D. Kidd, L. Ferini-Strambi, E. Donati, E. Idman, A. Chio, C. Queiros, D. Michaelis, S. Boyacigil, A. Rodrigo, S. M. Yelamos, B. Chassande, P. Louwen, C. Tranchant, E. Ciafalon, A. Lombardo, A. Twijnstra, A. L. Fernandez, H. Kott, A. Cannas, N. Zsurger, T. Zileli, E. Metin, P. C. Bain, G. Fromont, B. Tedesi, A. Liberani, X. Navarro, M. C. Rowbotham, V. Hachinski, F. Cavalcanti, W. Rostene, R. M. Gardiner, F. Gonzalez, B. Köster, E. A. van der Veen, J. P. Lefaucheur, C. Marescaux, D. Boucquey, E. Parati, S. Yamaguchi, A. S. Orb, R. Grant, G. D. P. Smith, P. Goethals, M. Haguenau, G. Georgiev, I. N. van Schaik, Guy A. Rouleau, E. Iceman, G. Fayet, M. G. Kaplitt, C. Baracchini, H. Magnusson, G. Meneghetti, N. Malichard, M. L. Subira, D. Mancia, A. Berenguer, D. Navarrete Palau, H. Franssen, G. Kiziltan, M. P. Lopez, J. Montalt, S. Norby, R. Piedra Crespo, T. L. Rothstein, R. Falip, B. YalÇiner, F. Chedru, I. W. Thorpe, F. W. Heatley, D. S. C. Ochoa, C. Labaune, M. Devoti, O. Lider, Jakob Korf, N. Suzuki, E. A. Maguire, A. Moulignier, J. C. van Swieten, F. Monaco, J. Cartron, A. Steck, B. Uludag, M. Alexandra, H. Reichmann, T. Rossi, L. E. Claveria, A. M. Crouzel, M. A. Mena, J. Gasnault, J. W. Kowalski, S. I. Mellgren, V. Feigin, L. Demisch, J. Montalban, J. Renato, J. Mathieu, N. Goebels, L. Bava, K. Kunre, M. Pulik, S. Di Donato, C. Tzekov, H. Veldman, S. Giménez-Roldan, B. Lechevalier, L. Redondo, B. Pillon, M. Gugenheim, E. Roullet, J. M. Valdueza, C. Gori, H. J. Friedrich, L. de Saint Martin, F. Block, E. Basart, M. Heilmann, B. Becq Giraudon, C. Rodolico, G. Stevanin, Elizabeth K. Warrington, A. T. M. Willemsen, K. Kunze, C. Ben Hamida, M. Alam, J. R. ùther, A. Battistel, G. Della Marca, Richard S. J. Frackowiak, F. Palau, T. Brandt, Chicoutimi, L. Bove, L. Callea, A. Jaspert, T. Klopstock, K. Fassbender, Alan J. Thomas, A. Ferbert, V. Nunes, Douglas Russell, P. Garancini, C. Sanz-Sebastian, O. Santiag, G. Dhaenens, G. Seidel, I. Savic, A. Florea-Strat, M. Rousseaux, N. Catala, E. O'Sullivan, M. J. Manifacier, H. Kurtel, T. Mendel, P. Chariot, M. Salas, D. Brenton, R. Lopez, J. Thorpe, Jimmy D. Bell, E. Hofmann, E. Botia, J. Pacquereau, A. Struppler, C. d'Aniello, D. Conway, A. Garcia-Merino, K. Toyooka, S. Hodgkinson, E. Ciusani, Stefano Bastianello, A. Andrade Filho, M. Zaffaroni, G. Pleiffer, F. Coria, A. Schwartz, D. Baltadjiev, I. Rother, K. Joussen, J. Touchon, K. Kutlul, P. Praamstra, H. Sirin, S. Richard, C. Mariottu, L. Frattola, S. T. Dekesky, G. Wieneke, M. Chatel, O. Godefroy, C. Desnuelle, S. OzckmekÇi, C. H. Zielinski, P. van Deventer, S. Jozwiak, I. Galan, J. M. Grau, V. Vieira, T. A. Treves, S. Ertan, A. Pujol, S. Blecic, E. M. Zanette, F. Ceriani, W. Camu, L. Aquilone, A. Benomar, F. Greco, A. Pascual-Leone Pascual, T. Yanagihara, F. A. Delfino, R. Damels, S. Merkelbach, J. Beltran, A. Barrientos, S. Brugge, B. Hildebrandt-Müller, M. H. Nascimento, M. Rocchi, F. Cervantes, E. Castelli, R. M. Pressler, S. Yeil, A. del Olmo, J. L. Herranz, L. J. Kappelle, Y. Demir, N. Inoue, R. Hershkoviz, A. Luengo, S. Bien, F. Viallet, P. Malaspina, G. De Michele, G. Nolfe, P. Adeleine, T. Liehr, G. Fenelon, H. Masson, Kailash P. Bhatia, W. Haberbosch, S. Mederer, R. S. J. Frackowiak, Tanya Stojkovic, S. Previtali, A. E. Harding, W. Kohler, N. P. Quin, T. R. Marra, J. P. Moisan, A. Melchor, M. L. Viguera, Mary G. Sweeney, G. L. Romani, J. Hezel, R. A. Dierckx, R. Torta, A. Kratzer, T. Pauwels, D. Decoo, Adriana Campi, Neil Kitchen, J. Haas, U. Neubauer, J. J. Merland, A. Yagiz, A. Antonuzzo, A. Zangaladze, J. Parra, Pablo Martinez-Lage, D. J. Brooks, S. Hauser, R. Di Pierri, M. Campero, R. Caldarelli-Stefano, A. M. Colangelo, J. L. Pozo, C. Estol, F. Picard, A. Palmieri, J. Massons, JT Phillips, G. B. Groozman, R. Pentore, L. M. Ossege, C. Bayon, Hans-Peter Hartung, R. Konyalioglu, R. Lampis, D. Ancri, M. Miletta, F. J. Claramonte, W. Retz, F. Hentges, JM Cooper, M. Cordes, M. Limburg, M. Brock, G. R. Coulton, K. Helmke, Rosa Larumbe, A. Ohly, F. Landgraf, A. M. Drewes, Claudia Trenkwalder, M. Keidel, T. Segura, C. Scholz, J. HÄgele, D. Baudoin-Martin, P. Manganelli, J. Valdueza, M. Farinotti, U. Zwiener, M. P. Schiavalla, Y. P. Young, O. Barlas, G. Hertel, E. H. Weiss, M. Eiselt, A. Lossos, M. Bartoli, L. Krolicki, W. Villafana, W. Peterson, Nicoletta Meucci, C. Agbo, R. Luksch, F. Fiacco, G. Ponsot, M. Lopez, Howard L. Weiner, M. D. Alonso, K. Petry, Sanjay M. Sisodiya, P. Giustini, S. Tyrdal, R. Poupon, J. Blanke, P. Oubary, A. A. Kruize, H. Trabucchi, R. R. C. Stewart, H. Grehl, B. M. Kulig, V. Vinhas, D. Spagnoli, B. Mahe, J. Tatay, C. Hess, M. D. Albadalejo, G. Birbamer, M. Alonso, F. Valldeoriola, J. Figols, I. Wirguin, E. Diez Tejedor, C. S. Weiller, L.H. van den Berg, P. Barreiro, L. Pianese, S. Cocozza, R. Kohnen, E. Redolfi, F. Faralli, G. Gosztonyl, A. J. Gur, A. Keyser, V. Fichter-Gagnepain, B. Wildemann, E. Omodeo-Zorini, Gregoire, J. Schopohl, F. Fraschini, G. Wunderlich, B. Jakubowska, F. P. Serra, N. B. Jensen, O. Delattre, C. Leno, A. Dario, P. Grafe, F. Graus, M. C. Vigliani, J. L. Dobato, Philip N. Hawkins, R. Marés, A. Rimola, N. Meussi, G. Aimard, W. Hospers, A. M. Robertson, C. Kaplan, W. Lamadé, Karen E. Morrison, Amadio, E. Kieffer, F. Dromer, P. Bernasconi, M. Repeto, Davide Pareyson, Jeremy Rees, A. Guarneri, P. Odin, P. Bouche, L. Nogueira, J. Munoz, L. Leocani, M. J. Arcusa, R. S. J. Frackowiack, John S. Duncan, D. Karacostas, D. Edwin, I. Costa, M. Menetrey, P. Grieb, A. M. Salvan, S. Cunha, P. Merel, P. Pfeiffer, A. Astier, F. Federico, A. Mrabet, M. G. Buzzi, L. Knudsen, I. F. Pye, L. Falqui, C. R. Hornig, C. E. Shaw, C. Brigel, T. C. Britton, R. Codoceo, T. Pampols, Vincent J. Cunningham, N. Archidiacono, G. Chazot, J. B. Posner, L. L. O. Befalo, M. Monclus, C. Cabezas, H. Moser, H. Stodal, J. Ley-Pozo, L. Brusa, R. Di Mascio, P. Giannini, J. Fernandez, R. Santiago Luis, J. Garcia Tigera, J. Wilmink, P. Pignatelli, M. El Amrani, V. Lucivero, M. Baiget, R. Lodi, P. H. Cabre, L. Grande, A. Korczyn, R. Fahlbusch, C. Milanese, W. Huber, J. Susseve, H. C. Nahser, K. Mondrup, X. O. Breakefield, J. Sarria, T. H. Vogt, A. Alessandri, M. Daffertshofer, I. Nelson, M. L. Monticelli, O. Dammann, G. G. Farnarier, G. Felisari, A. Quattrini, A. Boiardi, P. Mazetti, H. Liu, J. Duarte, M. E. Gaunt, H. Strik, N. Yulug, A. Urman, J. Posner, Aida Suarez Gonzalez, Ma. L. Giros, Z. Matkovic, D. Kompf, A. D. Korczyn, A. Steinbrecher, R. Wenzel, M. C. de Rijk, R. Doronzo, J. Julien, O. Hasegawa, M. Kramer, V. Collado-Scidel, M. Alonso de Lecinana, L. Dell'Arciprete, S. Rapuzzi, S. Bahar, H. Willison, M. T. Ramacci, J.J. Martin, Lopez-Bresnahan, C. Malapani, R. Haaxma, T. Rosenberg, J. Patrignani, R. Vichi, Martin R. Farlow, J. Roquer, L. Krols, M. Pimenta, C. Bucka, U. Klose, M. Roberts, J. Salas-Puig, R. Ghnassia, A. Mercuri, C. Maltempo, I. Tournev, P. Homeyer, D. Caparros-Lefevre, E. P. O. Sullivan, T. Vashadze, Ph. Lyrer, A. Deltoro, H. Kondo, M. Steinling, A. Graham, G. C. Miescher, A. Pace, D. Branca, G. Avello, H. H. Kornhuber, D. Fernandes, H. Friedrich, R. Chorao, H. O. Lüders, R. T. Bax, J. A. Macias, N. Yilmaz, J. Veroust, M. Miller, S. Confort-Gouny, J. L. Sastre, D. Servello, G. Boysen, S. Koeppen, V. Planté-Bordeneuve, H. Albrecht, R. H. M. King, G. Orkodashili, R. Doornbos, H. Toyooka, V. Larrue, M. Sabatelli, K. Williams, M. Stevens, V. Maria, M. Comabella, C. Lammers, R. M. L. Poublon, E. Tizzano, P. Pazzaglia, F. Zoeller, M. B. Delisle, J. P. Goument, J. M. Minderhoud, A. Sghirlanzoni, V. Meininger, M. Al Deeb, C. Bertelt, A. Cagni, A. Algra, F. Morales, K. A. Flugel, M. Maidani, M. Noya, Z. Seidl, U. Roelcke, D. Cannata, E. Katiane EmbiruÇu, E. M. Wicklein, K. Willmes, L. Hanoglu, J. F. Pellissier, Yves Agid, E. Cuadrado, S. Brock, D. Maimone, Z. G. Nadareishvili, E. Matta, S. Hilmi, V. Assuerus, F. Lomena, R. Springer, F. Cabrera-Valdivia, Oscar L. Lopez, M. Casazza, F. Vivancos, Ralf Gold, T. Crawford, B. Moulard, M. Poisson, W. l. McDonald, D. E. Grobbe, Alan Connelly, H. Ozcan, S. Abeta, H. Severo Ochoa, A. C. van Loenen, E. Libson, M. J. Marti, B. George, C. Ferrarese, B. Jacobs, L. Divano, T. Ben-Hur, A. L. Bootsma, V. Martinez, A. Conti, R. P. Maguire, B. Schmidt, D. M. Campos, D. A. Guzman, E. Meary, C. Richart, P. B. Christensen, T. Schroeder, Massimo Zeviani, K. Jensen, R. Aliaga, S. Seitz-Dertinger, J. W. Griffin, C. Fryze, H. Baas, S. Braun, A. M. Porrini, B. Yemez, M. J. Sedano, C. Creisson, A. Del Santo, A. Mainz, R. Kay, S. Livraghi, R. de Waal, D. Macgregor, H. Hefter, R. Garghentino, U. Ruotsalainen, M. Matsumoto, M. G. Beaudry, P. M. Morrison, J. C. Petit, C. Walon, Ph. Chemouilli, F. Henderson, R. Massa, A. Cruz Martinez, U. Liska, F. Hecht, Ernst Holler, V. S. de Bruin, B. B. Sheitman, S. M. Bentzen, C. Bayindir, F. Pallesta, P. E. Roland, J. Parrilla, P. Zunker, L. F. Burchinskaya, G. Mellino, S. Ben Ayed, D. Bonneau, P. Nowacki, M. Goncalves, P. Riederer, N. Mavroudakis, J. Togores, L. Rozewicz, S. Robeck, Y. Perez Gilabert, L. Rampello, A. Rogopoulos, S. Martinez, F. Schildermans, C. Radder, P. B. Hedlund, J. Cambier, M. Aabed, G. D. Jackson, P. Gasparini, P. Santacruz, J. Vandevivere, H. Dural, A. Mantel, W. Dorndorf, N. Ediboglu, A. Lofgren, J. Bogousslavsky, P. Thierauf, L. Goullard, R. Maserati, B. Moering, M. Ryba, J. Serra, G. G. Govan, A. Pascual-Leone, S. Schaeffer, M. R. Rosenfeld, A. P. Correia, K. Ray Chaudhuri, L. Campbell, R. Spreafico, B. Genetet, A. M. Tantot, R. A. G. Hughes, J. A. Vidal, G. Erkol, J. Y. Delattre, B. Yaqub, B. K. Hecht, E. Mayayo, Ph. Scheltens, J. Corral, M. Calaf, L. Henderson, C. Y. Li, U. Bogdahn, R. Sanchez-Roy, M. Navasa, J. Ballabriga, G. Broggi, T. Gudeva, C. Rose, J. Vion-Dury, J. A. Gastaut, J. Pniewski, Nicola J. Robertson, G. Kohncke, M. Billot, S. Gok, E. Castellli, F. Denktas, P. Bazzi, F. Spinelli, I. F. Moseley, C. D. Mardsen, B. Barbiroli, O. M. Koriech, A. Miller, Hiroaki Yoshikawa, F. X. Borruat, J. Zielasek, P. Le Coz, J. Pascual, A. Drouet, L. T. Giron, F. Schondube, R. Midgard, M. Alizadeh, M. Liguori, Lionel Ginsberg, L. Harms, C. Tilgner, G. Tognoni, F. Molteni, Mar Tintoré, M. Psylla, C. Goulon-Goeau, M. V. Aguilar, Massimo Filippi, K. H. Mauritz, Thomas V. Fernandez, C. Basset, S. Rossi, P. Meneses, B. Jandolo, T. Locatelli, D. Shechtcr, C. Magnani, R. Ferri, Bruno Dubois, J. M. Warier, S. Berges, F. Idiman, M. Schabet, R. R. Diehl, P. D'aurelio, M. Musior, Reinhard Hohlfeld, P. Smeyers, M. Olivé, A. Riva, C. A. Broere, N. Egund, S. Franceschetti, V. Bonavita, Nicola Canal, E. Timmermans, M. Ruiz, S. Barrandon, G. Vasilaski, B. Deweer, L. Galiano, S. F. T. M. de Bruijn, L. Masana, A. Goossens, B. Heye, K. Lauer, Heinz Gregor Wieser, Stephen R. Williams, B. Garavaglia, A. P. Sempere, F. Grigoletto, P. Poindron, R. Lopez-Pajares, I. Leite, T. A. McNell, C. Caucheteur, J. M. Giron, A. D. Collins, P. Freger, J. Sanhez Del Rio, D. A. Harn, K. Lindner, S. S. Scherer, G. Serve, M. Juncadella, X. Estivill, R. Binkhorst, M. Anderson, B. Tekinsoy, C. Sagan, T. Anastopoulos, G. Japaridze, S. Guillou, F. Erminio, Jon Sussman, P. G. Oomes, D. S. Rust, S. Mascheroni, O. Berger, M. Peresson, K. V. Toyka, T. W. Polder, M. Huberman, B. Arpaci, H. Ramtami, I. Martinez, Ph. Violon, P. P. Gazzaniga Pozzill, R. Ruda, P. Auzou, J. Parker, S. P. Morrissey, Jiahong Zhu, F. Rotondi, P. Baron, W. Schmid, P. Doneda, M. Spadaro, M. C. Nargeot, I. Banchs, J.S.P. van den Berg, R. Ferrai, M. Robotti, M. Fredj, Pedro M. Rodríguez Cruz, B. Erne, D. G. Piepgras, M. C. Arne-Bes, J. Escudero, C. Goetz, A. R. Naylor, M. Hallett, O. Abramsky, E. Bonifacio, L. E. Larsson, R. Pellikka, P. Valalentino, D. Guidetti, B. Buchwald, C. H. Lücking, D. Gauvreau, F. Pfaff, A. Ben Younes-Chennoufi, R. Kiefer, R. Massot, K. A. Hossmann, L. Werdelin, P. J. Baxter, U. Ziflo, S. Allaria, C. D. Marsden, M. Cabaret, S. P. Mueller, E. Calabrese, R. Colao, S. I. Bekkelund, M. Yilmaz, O. Oktem-Tanor, R. Gine, M. E. Scheulen, J. Beuuer, A. Melo, Z. Gulay, M. D. Have, C. Frith, D. Liberati, J. Gozlan, P. Rondot, Ch. Brunholzl, M. Pocchiari, J. Pena, L. Moiola, C. Salvadori, A. Cabello, T. Catarci, S. Webb, C. Dettmers, N. A. Gregson, Alexandra Durr, F. Iglesias, U. Knorr, L. Ferrini-Strambi, F. Kruggel, P. Allard, A. Coquerel, P. Genet, F. Vinuels, C. Oberwittler, A. Torbicki, P. Leffers, B. Renault, B. Fauser, C. Ciano, G. Uziel, J. M. Gibson, F. Anaya, C. Derouesné, C. N. Anagnostou, M. Kaido, W. Eickhoff, G. Talerico, M. L. Berthier, A. Capdevila, M. Alons, D. Rezek, E. Wondrusch, U. Kauerz, D. Mateo, M. A. Chornet, Holon, N. Pinsard, I. Doganer, E. Paoino, H. Strenge, C. Diaz, J. R. Brasic, W. Heide, I. Santilli, W. M. Korn, D. Selcuki, M. J. Barrett, D. Krieger, T. Leon, T. Houallah, M. Tournilhac, C. Nos, D. Chavot, F. Barbieri, F. J. Jimenez-Jimenez, J. Muruzabal, K. Poeck, A. Sennlaub, L. M. Iriarte, L. G. Lazzarino, C. Sanz, P. A. Fischer, S. D. Shorvon, R. Hoermann, F. Delecluse, M. Krams, O. Corabianu, F. H. Hochberg, Christopher J. Mathias, B. Debachy, C. M. Poser, L. Delodovici, A. Jimenez-Escrig, F. Baruzzi, F. Godenberg, D. Cucinotta, P. J. Garcia Ruiz, K. Maier-Hauff, P. R. Bar, R. Mezt, R. Jochens, S. Karakaneva, C. Roberti, E. Caballero, Joseph E. Parisi, M. Zamboni, T. Lacasa, B. Baklan, J. C. Gautier, J. A. Martinez-Matos, W. Pollmann, G. Thomas, L. Verze, E. Chleide, R. Alvarez Sala, I. Noel, E. Albuisson, O. Kastrup, S. I. Rapoport, H. J. Braune, H. Lörler, M. Le Merrer, A. Biraben, S. Soler, S. J. Taagholt, U. Meyding-Lamadé, K. Bleasdale-Barr, Isabella Moroni, Y. Campos, J. Matias-Guiu, G. Edan, M. G. Bousser, John B. Clark, J. Garcia de Yebenes, N. K. Olsen, P. Hitzenberger, S. Einius, Aj Thompson, Ch. J. Vecht, T. Crepin-Leblond, Klaus L. Leenders, A. Di Muzio, L. Georgieva, René Spiegel, K. Sabey, D. Ménégalli, J. Meulstee, U. Liszka, P. Giral, C. Sunol, J. M. Espadaler, A. D. Crockar, K. Varli, G. Giraud, P. J. Hülser, A. Benazzouz, A. Reggio, M. Salvatore, K. Genc, M. Kushnir, S. Barbieri, J. Ph. Azulay, M. Gianelli, N. Bathien, A. AlMemar, F. Hentati, I. Ragueneau, F. Chiarotti, R. C. F. Smits, A. K. Asbury, F. Lacruz, B. Muller, Alan J. Thompson, Gordon Smith, K. Schmidt, C. Daems Monpeun, Juergen Weber, A. Arboix, G. R. Fink, A. M. Cobo, M. Ait Kaci Ahmed, E. Gencheva, Israel-Biet, G. Schlaug, P. De Jonghe, Philip Scheltens, K. Toyka, P. Gonzalez-Porque, A. Cila, J. M. Fernandez, P. Augustin, J. Siclia, S. Medaglini, D. E. Ziogas, A. Feve, L. Kater, G. J. E. Rinkel, D. Leppert, Rüdiger J. Seitz, S. Ried, C. Turc-Carel, G. Smeyers, F. Godinho, M. Czygan, M. Rijntjes, E. Aversa, M. Frigo, Leif Østergaard, J. L. Munoz Blanco, A. Cruz-Matinez, J. De Reuck, C. Theillet, T. Barroso, V. Oikonen, Florence Lebert, M. Kilinc, C. Cordon-Cardon, G. Stoll, E. Thiery, F. Pulcinelli, J. Solski, M. Schmiegelow, L. J. Polman, P. Fernandez-Calle, C. Wikkelso, M. Ben Hamida, M. Laska, E. Kott, W. Sulkowski, C. Lucas, N. M. Bornstein, D. Schmitz, M. W. Lammers, A. de Louw, R. J. S. Wise, P. A. van Darn, C. Antozzi, P. Villanueva, P. H. E. Hilkens, C. Constantin, W. Ricart, A. Wolf, M. Gamba, P. Maguire, Alessandro Padovani, B. M. Patten, Marie Sarazin, H. Ackermann, L. Durelli, S. Timsit, Sebastian Jander, B. W. Scheithauer, G. Demir, J. P. Neau, P. Barbanti, A. Brand, N. AraÇ, V. Fischer-Gagnepain, R. Marchioli, G. Serratrice, C. Maugard-Louboutin, G. T. Spencer, D. Lücke, G. Mainardi, K. Harmant Van Rijckevorsel, G. B. Creel, R. Manzanares, Francesco Fortunato, A. May, J. Workman, K. Johkura, E. Fernandez, Carlo Colosimo, L. Calliauw, L. Bet, Félix F. Cruz-Sánchez, M. Dhib, H. Meinardi, F. Carrara, J. Kuehnen, C. Peiro, H. Lassmann, K. Skovgaard Olsen, A. McDonald, L. Sciulli, A. Cobo, A. Monticelli, B. Conrad, J. Bagunya, J. Benitez, V. Desnizza, B. Dupont, O. Delrieu, D. Moraes, J. J. Heimans, F. Garcia Rio, M. Matsumto, A. Fernandez, R. Nermni, R. Chalmers, M. J. Marchau, F. Aguado, P. Velupillai, P. J. Martin, P. Tassan, V. Demarin, A. Engelien, T. Gerriets, Comar, J. L. Carrasco, J. P. Pruvo, A. Lopez de Munain, D. Pavitt, J. Alarcon, Chris H. Polman, B. Guldin, N. Yeni, Hartmut Brückmann, N. Wilczak, H. Szwed, R. Causaran, G. Kyriazis, M. E. Westarp, M. Gasparini, N. Pecora, J. M. Roda, E. Lang, V. Scaioli, David R. Fish, D. Caputo, O. Gratzl, R. Mercelis, A. Perretti, G. Steimetz, I. Link, C. Rigoletto, A. Catafau, G. Lucotte, M. Buti, G. Fagiolari, A. Piqueras, C. Godinot, J. C. Meurice, Erodriguez J. Dominigo, F. Lionnet, H. Grzelec, David J. Brooks, P. M. G. Munro, F. X. Weilbach, M. Maiwald, W. Split, B. Widjaja-Cramer, V. Ozturk, J. Colas, E. Brizioli, J. Calleja, L. Publio, M. Desi, R. Soffietti, P. Cortinovis-Tourniaire, E. F. Gonano, G. Cavaletti, S. Uselli, K. Westerlind, H. Betuel, C. O. Dhiver, H. Guggenheim, M. Hamon, R. Fazio, P. Lehikoinen, A. Esser, B. Sadzot, G. Fink, Angelo Antonini, D. Bendahan, V. Di Carlo, G. Galardi, A. F. Boller, M. Aksenova, Del Fiore, V. de la Sayette, H. Chabriat, A. Nicoletti, A. Dilouya, M. L. Harpin, E. Rouillet, J. Stam, A. Wolters, M. R. Delgado, Eduardo Tolosa, G. Said, A. J. Lees, L. Rinaldi, A. Schulze-Bonhage, MA Ron, C. Lefebvre, E. W. Radü, R. Alvarez, M. L. Bots, P. Reganati, S. Palazzi, A. Poggi, N. J. Scolding, V. Sazdovitch, T. Moreau, E. Maes, M. A. Estelies, P. Petkova, Jose-Felix Marti-Masso, G De La Meilleure, N. Mullatti, M. Rodegher, N. C. Notermans, T. A. T. Warner, S. Aktan, J. P. Louboutin, L. Volpe, C. Scheidt, W. Aust, C. M. Wiles, U. Schneider, S. K. Braekken, W. R. Willems, K. Usuku, Peter M. Rothwell, C. Talamon, M. L. Sacchetti, A. Codina, M. H. Marion, A. Santoro, J. Roda, A. Bordoni, D. J. Taylor, S. Ertas, H. H. Emmen, J. Vichez, V. BesanÇon, R. E. Passingham, M. L. Malosio, A. Vérier, M. Bamberg, A. W. Hansen, E. Mostacero, G. Gaudriault, Marie Vidailhet, B. Birebent, K. Strijckmans, F. Giannini, T. Kammer, I. Araujo, J. Nowicki, E. Nikolov, A. Hutzelmann, R. Gherardi, J. Verroust, L. Austoni, A. Scheller, A. Vazquez, S. Matheron, H. Holthausen, J. M. Gerard, M. Bataillard, S. Dethy, V. H. Patterson, V. Ivanez, N. P. Hirsch, F. Ozer, M. Sutter, C. Jacomet, M. Mora, Bruno Colombo, A. Sarropoulos, T. H. Papapetropoulos, M. Schwarz, D. S. Dinner, N. Acarin, B. Iandolo, J. O. Riis, P. R. J. Barnes, F. Taroni, J. Kazenwadel, L. Torre, A. Lugaresi, I. L. Henriques, S. Pauli, S. Alfonso, Pedro Quesada, A. S. T. Planting, J. M. Castilla, Thomas Gasser, M. Van der Linden, A. Alfaro, E. Nobile-Orazio, G. Popova, W. Vaalburg, F. G. A. van der Mech, L. Williams, F. Medina, J. P. Vernant, J. Yaouanq, B. Storch-Hagenlocher, A. Potemkowski, R. Riva, M. H. Mahagne, M. Ozturk, Ve. Drory, N. Konic, C. Jungreis, A. Pou Serradell, J. L. Gauvrit, G. J. Chelune, S. Hermandez, T. Dingus, L. Hewer, Ch. Koch, M. N. Metz-Lutz, G. Parlato, M. Sinaki, Charles Pierrot-Deseilligny, H. C. Diener, J. Broeckx, J. Weill-Fulazza, M. L. Villar, M. Rizzo, O. Ganslandt, C. Duran, N. A. Fletcher, G. Di Giovacchino, Susan T. Iannaccone, C. Kolig, N. Fabre, H. A. Crockard, Rita Bella, M. Tazir, E. Papagiannuli, K. Overgaard, Emma Ciafaloni, I. Lorenzetti, F. Viader, P. A. H. Millac, I. Montiel, L. H. Visser, M. Palomar, P. L. Murgia, H. Pedersen, Rafael Blesa, S. Seddigh, W. O. Renier, I. Lemahieu, H. M. L. Jansen, L. Rosin, J. Galofre, K. Mattos, M. Pondal, G. M. Hadjigeorgiou, D. Francis, L. Cantin, D. Stegeman, M. Rango, A. B. M. F. Karim, S. Schraff, B. Castellotti, I. Iriarte, E. Laborde, T. J. Tjan, R. Mutani, D. Toni, B. Bergaasco, J. G. Young, C. Klotzsch, A. Zincone, X. Ducrocq, M. Uchuya, O. J. Kolar, A. Quattrone, T. Bauermann, Nereo Bresolin, J. Vallée, B. C. Jacobs, A. Campos, Werner Poewe, J. A. Villanueva, A. W. Kornhuber, A. Malafosse, E. Diez-Tejedor, G. Jungreia, M. J. A. Puchner, A. Komiyama, O. Saribas, V. Volpini, L. Geremia, S. Bressi, A. Nibbio, Timothy E. Bates, T. z. Tzonev, E. Ideman, G. A. Damlacik, G. Martino, G. Crepaldi, T. Martino, Kjell Någren, E. Idiman, D. Samuel, J. M. Perez Trullen, Y. van der Graaf, J. O. Thorell, M. J. M. Dupuis, E. Sieber, R. D'Alessandro, C. Cazzaniga, J. Faiss, A. Tanguy, A. Schick, I. Hoksergen, A. Cardozo, R. Shakarishvili, G. K. Wennlng, J. L. Marti-Vilalta, J. Weissenbach, I. L. Simone, Amalia C. Bruni, Darius J. Adams, C. Weiller, A. Pietrangeli, F. Croria, C. Vigo-Pelfrey, Patricia Limousin, A. Ducros, G. Conti, O. Lindvall, E. Richter, M. Zuffi, A. Nappo, T. Riise, J. Wijdenes, M. J. Fernandez, J. Rosell, P. Vermersh, S. Servidei, M. S. C. Verdugo, F. Gouttiere, W. Solbach, M. Malbezin, I. S. Watanabe, A. Tumac, W. I. McDonald, D. A. Butterfield, P. P. Costa, F. deRino, F. Bamonti, J. M. Cesar, C. H. Lahoz, I. Mosely, M. Starck, M. H. Lemaitre, K. M. Stephan, S. Tex, R. Bokonjic, I. Mollee, L. Pastena, M. Gutierrez, F. Boiler, M. C. Martinez-Para, M. Velicogna, O. Obuz, A. Grinspan, M. Guarino, L. M. Cartier, E. Ruiz, D. Gambi, S. Messina, M. Villa, Michael G. Hanna, J. Valk, Leone Pascual, M. Clanet, Z. Argov, B. Ryniewicz, E. Magni, B. Berlanga, K. S. Wong, C. Gellera, C. Prevost, F. Gonzalez-Huix, R. Petraroli, J. E. G. Benedikz, I. Kojder, C. Bommelaer, L. Perusse, M. R. Bangioanni, Guy M. McKhann, A. Molina, C. Fresquet, E. Sindern, Florence Pasquier, M. J. Rosas, M. Altieri, O. Simoncini, M. Koutroumanidis, C. A. F. Tulleken, M. Dary-Auriol, S. Oueslati, H. Kruyer, I. Nishisho, C. R. Horning, A. Vital, G. V. Czettritz, J. Ph. Neau, B. Mihout, A. Ameri, M. Francis, S. Quasthoff, D. Taussig, S. Blunt, P. Valentin, C. Y. Gao, O. Heinzlef, H. d'Allens, C. Coudero, M. Erfas, G. Borghero, P. J. Modrego Pardo, M. C. Patrosso, N. L. Gershfeld, P. A. J. M. Boon, O. Sabouraud, M. Lara, J. Svennevig, G. L. Lenzi, A. Barrio, H. Villaroya, JosÇ M. Manubens, O. Boespflug-Tanguy, M. Carreras, D. A. Costiga, J. P. Breux, S. Lynn, C. Oliveras Ley, A. G. Herbaut, J. Nos, C. Tornali, Y. A. Hekster, J. L. Chopard, J. M. Manubens, P. Chemouilli, A. Jovicic, F. Dworzak, S. Smirne, S. E. Soudain, B. Gallano, D. Lubach, G. Masullo, G. Izquierdo, A. Pascual Leone Pascual, A. Sessa, V. Freitas, O. Crambes, L. Ouss, G. W. Van Dijk, P. Marchettini, P. Confalonieri, M. Donaghy, A. Munnich, M. Corbo, and M. E. L. van der Burg
- Subjects
Neurology ,business.industry ,Media studies ,Library science ,Medicine ,Neurology (clinical) ,business - Published
- 1994
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24. Accuracy of computed tomographic colonography in a nationwide multicentre trial, and its relation to radiologist expertise
- Author
M Boudiaf, Philippe Bouillet, S Hamonic, M Tissier, M A Pierredon-Foulogne, C Marcus, J M Josselin, C Ridereau-Zins, H Laumonier, J Keruhel, F Riou, A L Pelletier, Thierry Ponchon, Antoine Charachon, A Le Sidaner, B Diris, M Djabbari, J A Seyrig, S Ficarelli, M Giraud-Cohen, M Veyrac, H Lamouliatte, F Ramaholimihaso, A M Zagdanski, Yoram Bouhnik, K Vahedi, Denis Heresbach, D Luet, Y Gandon, Centre de recherche en économie et management (CREM), Université de Caen Normandie (UNICAEN), Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-Université de Rennes 1 (UR1), Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Service d'hépato-gastro-entérologie [Rennes] = Gastroenterology [Rennes], CHU Pontchaillou [Rennes], and Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-Université de Rennes (UR)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Multivariate analysis ,Colorectal cancer ,Population ,education ,Video Recording ,Colonic Polyps ,Colonoscopy ,radiologist expertise ,030218 nuclear medicine & medical imaging ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Positive predicative value ,Humans ,Medicine ,Computed Tomographic Colonography ,neoplasms ,Aged ,Univariate analysis ,education.field_of_study ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Gastroenterology ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,[SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and Finance ,computed tomographic colonography ,digestive system diseases ,3. Good health ,Clinical trial ,Occult Blood ,Education, Medical, Continuing ,Female ,030211 gastroenterology & hepatology ,Clinical Competence ,France ,Radiology ,Colorectal Neoplasms ,Epidemiologic Methods ,business ,Colonography, Computed Tomographic - Abstract
Impact factor : 9.357; International audience; Objective Reports on the accuracy of computed tomographic colonography (CTC) mainly involve series from expert institutions. The aims of this study were to assess CTC accuracy in a nationwide population and to relate it to radiologist performance in their initial training. Design Nationwide multicentre trial. Setting Twenty-eight radiologists, working in 26 mostly academic clinical units, were involved in the study after having attended a formal specialised 2-day training session on CTC. They worked through a training set of 52 cases with automatic feedback after an attempt at each case. Patients The study enrolled 845 patients with average and high risk of colorectal cancer, 737 of whom had both complete CTC and videocolonoscopy data, which constituted the dataset. Interventions Patients underwent same-day CTC followed by videocolonoscopy with segmental unblinding of CTC results. Main outcome measures Sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values for detection of polyps ≥6 mm in per-patient and per-lesion analyses of CTC without computer-aided detection. Results Sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values for patients with polyps ≥6 mm were 69% (95% CI 61% to 77%), 91% (95% CI 89% to 94%), 67% (95% CI 59% to 74%) and 92% (95% CI 90% to 94%), respectively. Univariate analysis showed that the detection rate for polyps ≥6 mm was linked to neither radiologist case volume nor number of polyps, but was related to sensitivity achieved in the training set. Pooled sensitivity was 72% (95% CI 63% to 80%) versus 51% (95% CI 40% to 60%) for radiologists achieving above and below median sensitivity in the training set (61%), respectively. Multivariate analysis showed that sensitivity for polyps ≥6 mm in the training set was the only remaining significant predictive factor for subsequent performance. Conclusions Radiologist sensitivity CTC for detection of polyps ≥6 mm in training was the sole independent predictor for subsequent sensitivity in detection of such polyps.
- Published
- 2011
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25. [Experts' recommendations for stroke management in intensive care: intracranial hypertension]
- Author
K, Vahedi, F, Proust, and T, Geeraerts
- Subjects
Critical Care ,Resuscitation ,Neurosurgery ,Brain Edema ,Decompression, Surgical ,Brain Ischemia ,Stroke ,Intensive Care Units ,Humans ,Hypnotics and Sedatives ,Anticonvulsants ,Intracranial Hypertension ,Cerebral Hemorrhage ,Monitoring, Physiologic - Abstract
This article aims to describe the arguments underlying the experts' recommendations for management of stroke patients in the intensive unit, focusing on intracranial hypertension. This article describes the pathophysiology, diagnostic methods and therapeutic options for intracranial hypertension after stroke, including medical and surgical management.
- Published
- 2010
26. [Hereditary episodic ataxia]
- Author
F, Riant, K, Vahedi, and E, Tournier-Lasserve
- Subjects
Humans ,Spinocerebellar Degenerations - Abstract
Episodic ataxia (EA) designates a group of autosomal dominant channelopathies that manifest as paroxysmal attacks of imbalance and incoordination. EA conditions are clinically and genetically heterogeneous. Seven types of EA have been reported so far but the majority of clinical cases result from two recognized entities.Episodic ataxia type 1 (EA1) is characterized by brief episodes of ataxia and dysarthria, and interictal myokymia. Onset occurs during the first two decades of life. Associated epilepsy has been reported in some EA1 patients. EA1 is caused by mutations of the KCNA1 gene coding for the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.1. Mutation is mostly missense mutations. Acetazolamide, a carbonic-anhydrase inhibitor, may reduce the frequency and severity of the attacks in some but not all affected individuals. Episodic ataxia type 2 (EA2) is characterized by episodes lasting longer than in EA1, that manifest by ataxia, dysarthria, vertigo, and also, in most of the cases, an interictal nystagmus. Other clinical features as developmental delay or epilepsy can be present in some patients. Brain MRI shows frequently a vermian atrophy. Onset occurs typically in childhood or early adolescence, but can sometimes be in adulthood. EA2 is caused by mutations in CACNA1A, a gene coding for the neuronal voltage-gated calcium channel Cav1.1. For two-thirds of the cases, mutations lead to a stop codon. This type is most often responsive to acetazolamide that reduces the frequency and severity of attacks, but does not appear to prevent the progression of interictal symptoms.This article summarizes current knowledge on episodic ataxia type 1 and 2 and describes briefly the other types of EA.Molecular analysis of KCNA1 or CACNA1A provides a confirmation of the diagnosis of EA1 and EA2. Other types remain rare phenotypic variants. Among them, only two genes have been identified: CACNB4 in EA5 and SLC1A3 in EA6 and mutations have been found in a very few cases. No mutation can be detected in some familial cases of episodic ataxia, suggesting further heterogeneity.
- Published
- 2010
27. Evaluation de la rentabilité diagnostique et thérapeutique de l'entéroscopie double ballon chez les patients présentant une lésion de l'intestin grêle diagnostiquée par vidéocapsule endoscopique
- Author
G Rahmi, K Vahedi, G Gay, H Lamouliatte, B Filoche, JC Saurin, M Lerhun, T Ponchon, D Coumaros, P Bichart, D Lamarque, T Maniere, G Chatellier, and C Cellier
- Subjects
business.industry ,Gastroenterology ,Medicine ,business ,Nuclear medicine - Published
- 2010
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28. [Management of ileal stenosis in patients with Crohn's disease]
- Author
J, Coelho, P, Soyer, K, Pautrat, M, Boudiaf, K, Vahedi, S, Reignier, P, Valleur, and P, Marteau
- Subjects
Diagnosis, Differential ,Treatment Outcome ,Crohn Disease ,Ileal Diseases ,Risk Factors ,Humans ,Drug Therapy, Combination ,Laparoscopy ,Glucocorticoids ,Risk Assessment ,Severity of Illness Index ,Immunosuppressive Agents ,Intestinal Obstruction - Abstract
Stenosis is the most frequent complication during Crohn's disease. The lesion can be inflammatory, or due to a fibrosing or neoplastic process. The medical treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs is usually sufficient as first line treatment; fibrous lesions require endoscopic or surgical procedures while neoplastic lesions require surgery. A multidisciplinary approach (radiologic, medical, surgical and endoscopic) is needed. In a first part, we discuss the definition of stenosis and the modalities of imaging (particularly MRI) and of treatment (particularly with TNFalpha antagonists). Then we expose the strategy for the management of the most frequent clinical situations: occlusion, ileal inflammatory stenosis, stenosis of an ileocolonic anastomosis and chronic fibrous stenosis. The treatment decision takes into account the results of radiological assessment, CRP level and the effects of the previous treatments.
- Published
- 2009
29. [Linear or bubbly: a pictorial review of CT features of intestinal pneumatosis in adults]
- Author
P, Soyer, S, Martin-Grivaud, M, Boudiaf, P, Malzy, F, Duchat, L, Hamzi, M, Pocard, K, Vahedi, and R, Rymer
- Subjects
Adult ,Aged, 80 and over ,Male ,Young Adult ,Adolescent ,Humans ,Female ,Middle Aged ,Tomography, X-Ray Computed ,Pneumatosis Cystoides Intestinalis ,Aged - Abstract
Pneumatosis intestinalis is a rare condition, which is defined by the presence of gas within the bowel wall. In adult patients, pneumatosis intestinalis can be depicted in various circumstances. Owing to the routine use of CT to investigate patients with abdominal pain, pneumatosis intestinalis can be seen as an incidental finding or can be observed in association with a life-threatening disease such as bowel infarction. On CT images, pneumatosis intestinalis can display two different appearances; one that has a cystic or bubbly appearance can be considered as a chronic pneumatosis and is suggestive for a benign cause while the other, which has a linear appearance can be considered as a symptom and is more frequently secondary to a life-threatening cause. However, none of these two CT characteristics can be considered pathognomonic for any of these two categories of causes. In such situations, the analysis of the location, extent and, if any, associated findings may help to differentiate between benign and life-threatening causes. In these patients who present with abdominal signs that mimic symptoms that would warrant surgical exploration, the analysis of associated findings is critical to rule out a life-threatening cause of pneumatosis intestinalis and to obviate the need for unnecessary laparotomy. In adult patients with a known specific disease such as celiac disease, chronic pseudointestinal obstruction or other chronic diseases, even with accompanying pneumoperitoneum, pneumatosis intestinalis does not uniformly mandate surgical exploration. This pictorial review presents the more and the less common pneumatosis intestinalis CT features in adult patients, with the aim of making the reader more familiar with this potentially misleading sign.
- Published
- 2008
30. Collagenous gastritis
- Author
X. Dray, S. Reignier, K. Vahedi, A. Lavergne-Slove, and P. Marteau
- Subjects
Adult ,Diagnosis, Differential ,Consanguinity ,Gastric Mucosa ,Biopsy ,Gastritis ,Gastroscopy ,Gastroenterology ,Humans ,Female ,Collagen ,Capillaries - Published
- 2007
31. Clinical and brain MRI follow-up study of a family with COL4A1 mutation
- Author
E. Tournier-Lasserve, Pascale Massin, Monique Boukobza, M.-G. Bousser, K. Vahedi, and Douglas B. Gould
- Subjects
Adult ,Collagen Type IV ,Genetic Markers ,Male ,Pathology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,DNA Mutational Analysis ,Disease ,Asymptomatic ,White matter ,Fatal Outcome ,medicine ,Dementia ,Humans ,Genetic Predisposition to Disease ,Perivascular space ,Stroke ,Aged ,Cerebral Hemorrhage ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Dementia, Vascular ,Microcirculation ,Brain ,Magnetic resonance imaging ,Cerebral Arteries ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Mutation (genetic algorithm) ,Mutation ,Disease Progression ,Female ,Neurology (clinical) ,medicine.symptom ,business ,Follow-Up Studies - Abstract
Objective: To better delineate the clinical spectrum and the natural history of COL4A1 mutations, a newly defined genetic cause of small vessel disease including the brain and retina. Methods: Clinical and brain MRI follow-up study of a family with COL4A1 mutation. Results: During a 7-year period, two affected members died from intracranial hemorrhage. Four other members had a COL4A1 mutation (age ranges 25 to 74 years). None reported stroke or retinal hemorrhage or hematuria and none had dementia according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV criteria. Follow-up brain MRI showed grade 3 diffuse leukoencephalopathy in three out of four patients. All had dilated perivascular spaces and three out of four had silent microbleeds mainly in the deep white matter. MRI signal abnormalities did not change in severity, number, or location between baseline and follow-up imaging. Conclusions: COL4A1 mutation carriers have great diversity in the clinical expression of the disease within the same family. Some affected family members may remain asymptomatic during several years of follow-up and have no evidence of progression of vascular changes on brain MRI. GLOSSARY: FSE = T2 fast spin echo; GE = gradient echo; PVS = perivascular spaces; TE = echo time; TI = inversion time; TR = repetition time.
- Published
- 2007
32. [Celiac disease in adults in 2006]
- Author
P, Marteau, K, Vahedi, and A, Lavergne-Slove
- Subjects
Adult ,Celiac Disease ,Humans - Published
- 2006
33. Résultats et impact thérapeutique de l'examen par vidéo-capsule endoscopique dans les saignements digestifs inexpliqués
- Author
K. Vahedi and X. Dray
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Gastroenterology ,medicine ,business - Published
- 2006
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34. Contributors
- Author
Aninda B. Acharya, Harold P. Adams, Lama Al-Khoury, Adria Arboix, Roland N. Auer, Issam A. Awad, Alison E. Baird, Henry J.M. Barnett, Oscar Benavente, Bernard R. Bendok, Jeffrey R. Binder, Julien Bogousslavsky, Alan S. Boulos, Marie-Germaine Bousser, Michael Brainin, Robin L. Brey, Joseph P. Broderick, John C.M. Brust, Agata Calderone, Louis R. Caplan, H. Chabriat, Angel Chamorro, Sunghee Cho, Dennis W. Choi, Bruce M. Coull, Edward J. Cunningham, Turgay Dalkara, Patricia H. Davis, Stephen M. Davis, Ted M. Dawson, Valina L. Dawson, Gregory J. del Zoppo, H.C. Diener, Marco R. Di Tullio, Bruce H. Dobkin, Geoffrey A. Donnan, Mitchell S.V. Elkind, J. Paul Elliott, Timo Erkinjuntti, Frank M. Faraci, Giora Feuerstein, J. Max Findlay, Ian G. Fleetwood, Karen L. Furie, Anthony J. Furlan, Jean Claude Gautier, Dimitrios Georgiadis, Y. Pierre Gobin, Mark P. Goldberg, Steven Goldstein, Steven M. Greenberg, James C. Grotta, Robert L. Grubb, Lee R. Guterman, Werner Hacke, John Hallenbeck, Gerhard F. Hammann, Andreas Hartmann, Kazuo Hashi, Donald D. Heistad, Michael Hennerici, Juha Hernesniemi, Daniel B. Hier, Randall T. Higashida, Shunichi Homma, Kazuhiro Hongo, L. Nelson Hopkins, George Howard, Virginia Howard, Daniel Huddle, Raymond M.M. Hupperts, Costantino Iadecola, Bernard Infeld, Sriram S. Iyer, A. Joutel, Teresa Jover, Charles A. Jungreis, Mary A. Kalafut, Carlos S. Kase, Scott E. Kasner, Markku Kaste, Chelsea S. Kidwell, Louis J. Kim, Stanley H. Kim, J. Philip Kistler, Shigeaki Kobayashi, Lise A. Labiche, Catherine Lamy, C. Geoff Lau, Michael T. Lawton, Ronald M. Lazar, G. Michael Lemole, Peter D. Le Roux, Elad I. Levy, Jan Lodder, Patrick D. Lyden, H. Ma, R. Loch Macdonald, Philippe Maeder, B. Elaine Marchak, Joanne Markham, Randolph S. Marshall, J.L. Marti-Vilalta, Jean-Louis Mas, Henning Mast, Junichi Masuda, Marc R. Mayberg, Stephen Meairs, Alexander David Mendelow, J.P. Mohr, Lewis B. Morgenstern, Michael A. Moskowitz, Junpei Nitta, Jun Ogata, Adetokunbo A. Oyelese, Yuko Y. Palesch, Arthur M. Pancioli, Andrew T. Parsa, Bartlomiej Piechowski-Jóźwiak, John Pile-Spellman, William J. Powers, Adnan I. Qureshi, Bruce R. Ransom, Howard A. Riina, Risto O. Roine, Antti Ronkainen, Gary S. Roubin, Tanja Rundek, Ralph L. Sacco, Ronald J. Sattenberg, Jeffrey Saver, Herrmann-Christian Schumacher, Stefan Schwab, David G. Sherman, Gerald Silverboard, Monica Simionescu, Christopher G. Sobey, Robert A. Solomon, Robert F. Spetzler, Christian Stapf, Gary K. Steinberg, Cathie Sudlow, Barbara C. Tilley, Danilo Toni, E. Tournier-Lasserve, K. Vahedi, G. Edward Vates, Jiri J. Vitek, Masahiko Wanibuchi, Steven Warach, Charles P. Warlow, Bryce Weir, Giora Weisz, Babette B. Weksler, K. M.A. Welch, H. Richard Winn, Philip A. Wolf, Andrew R. Xavier, Abutaher M. Yahia, Takenori Yamaguchi, Akira Yamaura, Hidenori Yokota, Joseph M. Zabramski, Allyson R. Zazulia, R. Suzanne Zukin, and Richard M. Zweifler
- Published
- 2004
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35. [Diagnostic and therapeutic strategy in duodenal diverticular bleeding: report of two cases and review of the literature]
- Author
S, Avit-Miossec, A, Alves, K, Vahedi, Y, Panis, M J, Laisné, F, Richet, and P, Valleur
- Subjects
Aged, 80 and over ,Male ,Diverticulosis, Colonic ,Humans ,Female ,Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage ,Aged - Abstract
Host of the duodenal diverticulum are asymptomatic and located on the second part of the duodenum; these diverticula may induce major haemorrhage on rare occasions. We report on two patients who presented with massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding originating from a duodenal diverticulum. One patient was successfully treated by endoscopy and the other patient required diverticulectomy with successful outcome.
- Published
- 2003
36. Diagnostic value of endoscopic capsule in patients with obscure digestive bleeding: blinded comparison with video push-enteroscopy
- Author
J-C, Saurin, M, Delvaux, J-L, Gaudin, I, Fassler, J, Villarejo, K, Vahedi, A, Bitoun, J-M, Canard, J C, Souquet, T, Ponchon, C, Florent, and G, Gay
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Lesion ,medicine ,Humans ,Single-Blind Method ,Prospective Studies ,Intestinal varices ,Aged ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,Vascular disease ,business.industry ,Gastroenterology ,Capsule ,Endoscopy ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Marsupialization ,Occult ,Surgery ,Intestinal Diseases ,Female ,medicine.symptom ,business ,Complication ,Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage - Abstract
BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS This study was designed to prospectively compare the diagnostic yield of the M2A endoscopic capsule with that of video push-enteroscopy in exploring the small intestine in patients with obscure digestive bleeding. PATIENTS AND METHODS Patients with either occult or overt obscure digestive bleeding and a negative endoscopic work-up underwent a double intestinal investigation, with video push-enteroscopy and a wireless capsule, performed blindly by separate examiners. The diagnostic yield for each technique was defined as the frequency of detection of clinically relevant intestinal lesions, i. e. those having the potential for bleeding. RESULTS 60 patients (27 men, 33 women; age 58 +/- 18 years; hemoglobin 9.4 +/- 2.5 g/dl) were included, 32 with occult and 28 with overt bleeding. Results were analyzed for 58 patients, who completed both examinations. Lesions were detected in 43 patients: with both techniques in 19, only by capsule in 21, and, conversely, only by push-enteroscopy in 3 ( P = 0.04). Final diagnoses were as follows: a P2 lesion with high bleeding potential in 28 patients (19 angiomata, 6 ulcerations, 2 tumors, 1 case of intestinal varices); a P1 lesion with intermediate bleeding potential in 15 patients (2 patients with mucosal erosions, 13 patients with mucosal red spots); and there were normal findings from 15 procedures. No procedure induced any complication. CONCLUSION The use of the wireless endoscopy capsule detects significantly more clinically relevant intestinal lesions than video push-enteroscopy in patients with obscure digestive bleeding, raising the diagnostic yield to 67.2 %. Its influence on the clinical outcome for patients needs further investigation.
- Published
- 2003
37. [Celiac disease of the adult]
- Author
K, Vahedi, Y, Bouhnik, and C, Matuchansky
- Subjects
Adult ,Celiac Disease ,Glutens ,Biopsy ,Genetic Diseases, Inborn ,Humans ,Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal ,Autoimmune Diseases ,Diet - Published
- 2001
38. [Unusual disorder: CADASIL]
- Author
K, Vahedi and M G, Bousser
- Subjects
Dementia, Multi-Infarct ,Brain ,Humans ,Female ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,Aged - Published
- 2000
39. Ischaemic stroke in a sportsman who consumed MaHuang extract and creatine monohydrate for body building
- Author
Pierre Amarenco, K Vahedi, V Domigo, and M.-G. Bousser
- Subjects
Weakness ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Creatine ,medicine.disease ,Duplex scanning ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Blood pressure ,chemistry ,Anesthesia ,Aphasia ,medicine ,Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) ,Creatine Monohydrate ,medicine.symptom ,business ,Letters to the Editor ,Stroke ,Cerebral angiography - Abstract
We report the first case of extensive cerebral infarct in a young sportsman consuming high doses of MaHuang extract and creatine monohydrate. This should alert the sport community to possible serious adverse effects of energy supplements. A 33 year old man had a severe aphasia on awakening in the morning of 23 January 1999. He did not complain of headache or of other symptoms. He was referred to our department on 26 January 1999. He had a Wernicke aphasia with a slight right sided face and arm weakness and a right Babinski sign. His blood pressure was 140/60 and his pulse 54 per minute. Brain CT showed signs of extensive left middle cerebral artery infarct. Cervical ultrasound duplex scanning and cerebral angiography were normal. Cerebral …
- Published
- 2000
40. Syndrome de Moyamoya: prise en charge périopératoire
- Author
V. Reina, A. Redondo, L. Benayoun, S. Stefanizzi, K. Vahedi, G. Dib, C. Gobron, and E. Mireau
- Subjects
Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) - Published
- 2007
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41. Hemicrâniectomie décompressive précoce dans les infarctus sylviens malins : méta-analyse de trois études multicentriques européennes (DECIMAL, DESTINY, HAMLET)
- Author
K. Vahedi, E. Vicaut, and M.-G. Bousser
- Subjects
Neurology ,Neurology (clinical) - Published
- 2007
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42. Sea-blue histiocyte syndrome in bone marrow secondary to total parenteral nutrition
- Author
C. Bigorgne, Jacques Diebold, Josée Audouin, Bernard Rio, A. Le Tourneau, B. Messing, Thierry Jo Molina, and K Vahedi
- Subjects
Cancer Research ,Pathology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Cytopenia ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,Sea-Blue Histiocyte Syndrome ,Hepatosplenomegaly ,Hematology ,Biology ,medicine.disease ,Staining ,Bone marrow examination ,Fats ,Histiocytosis ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Parenteral nutrition ,Oncology ,Bone Marrow ,medicine ,Humans ,Parenteral Nutrition, Total ,Bone marrow ,medicine.symptom ,Bone Marrow Diseases ,Histiocyte - Abstract
Clinical and hematological abnormalities can occur in patients receiving intravenous fat emulsions as part of a long-term parenteral nutrition; they consist of hepatosplenomegaly and peripheral blood cytopenia(s). These abnormalities lead to bone marrow examination which revealed numerous macrophages laden with blue staining pigment granules and separate lipid vacuoles, presenting the typical histochemical characteristics of sea-blue histiocytes. Thus, long-term parenteral nutrition including fat-emulsion sources may represent a further condition in addition to the wide variety of disorders which can be associated with sea-blue histiocytosis. Moreover, in view of its clinical and morphological presentation, this storage pathological state could be compared with the so-called sea-blue histiocyte syndrome described by Silverstein and colleagues.
- Published
- 1998
43. La maladie coeliaque de l'adulte: ce n'est pas que pour les enfants
- Author
P. Marteau, K. Vahedi, and A. Lavergne-Slove
- Subjects
Medical Laboratory Technology ,Biochemistry (medical) ,Analytical Chemistry - Published
- 2006
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44. La maladie cœliaque de l'adulte en 2006
- Author
K. Vahedi, A. Lavergne-Slove, and P. Marteau
- Subjects
business.industry ,Gastroenterology ,Internal Medicine ,Medicine ,business - Published
- 2006
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45. Non steady state metabolism of acetate in humans: preliminary study
- Author
B. Flourie, Michel Krempf, K. Vahedi, Bernard Messing, B. Rakotoambimina, E. Pouteau, and Revues Inra, Import
- Subjects
[SDV.AEN] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food and Nutrition ,Non steady state ,Biochemistry ,[SDV.BDD] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Development Biology ,Metabolism ,Biology ,[SDV.BDLR] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Reproductive Biology - Published
- 1997
46. An additional monogenic disorder that masquerades as multiple sclerosis
- Author
K, Vahedi, E, Tournier-Lasserve, H, Chabriat, and M G, Bousser
- Subjects
Multiple Sclerosis ,Brain ,Humans ,Cerebral Arterial Diseases ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Published
- 1996
47. Clinical spectrum of CADASIL: a study of 7 families. Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy
- Author
H, Chabriat, K, Vahedi, M T, Iba-Zizen, A, Joutel, A, Nibbio, T G, Nagy, M O, Krebs, J, Julien, B, Dubois, and X, Ducrocq
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Genetic Linkage ,Mood Disorders ,Migraine Disorders ,Diffuse Cerebral Sclerosis of Schilder ,Cerebral Infarction ,Syndrome ,Middle Aged ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,Brain Ischemia ,Pedigree ,Cerebrovascular Disorders ,Humans ,Dementia ,Female ,Age of Onset ,Aged - Abstract
Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) is an inherited arterial disease of the brain recently mapped to chromosome 19. We studied 148 subjects belonging to seven families by magnetic resonance imaging and genetic linkage analysis. 45 family members (23 males and 22 females) were clinically affected. Frequent signs were recurrent subcortical ischaemic events (84%), progressive or stepwise subcortical dementia with pseudobulbar palsy (31%), migraine with aura (22%), and mood disorders with severe depressive episodes (20%). All symptomatic subjects had prominent signal abnormalities on MRI with hyperintense lesions on T2-weighted images in the subcortical white-matter and basal ganglia which were also present in 19 asymptomatic subjects. The age at onset of symptoms was mean 45 (SD [10-6]) years, with attacks of migraine with aura occurring earlier in life (38.1 [8.03] years) than ischaemic events (49.3 [10.7] years). The mean age at death was 64.5 (10.6) years. On the basis of MRI data, the penetrance of the disease appears complete between 30 and 40 years of age. Genetic analysis showed strong linkage to the CADASIL locus for all seven families, suggesting genetic homogeneity. CADASIL is a hereditary cause of stroke, migraine with aura, mood disorders and dementia. The diagnosis should be considered not only in patients with recurrent small subcortical infarcts leading to dementia, but also in patients with transient ischaemic attacks, migraine with aura or severe mood disturbances, whenever MRI reveals prominent signal abnormalities in the subcortical white-matter and basal ganglia. Clinical and MRI investigations of family members are then crucial for the diagnosis which can be confirmed by genetic linkage analysis. The disease is probably largely undiagnosed.
- Published
- 1995
48. Horizontal eye movement disorders after posterior vermis infarctions
- Author
P Amarenco, K Vahedi, S. Rivaud, and Charles Pierrot-Deseilligny
- Subjects
Adult ,genetic structures ,Eye Movements ,Eye disease ,Smooth pursuit ,Lesion ,Central nervous system disease ,Cerebellar Diseases ,medicine ,Humans ,Aged ,business.industry ,Eye movement ,Anatomy ,Cerebral Infarction ,medicine.disease ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,Electrooculography ,Saccade ,Reflex ,Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) ,medicine.symptom ,Vestibulo–ocular reflex ,business ,Research Article - Abstract
The horizontal saccade, smooth pursuit, and vestibulo-ocular reflex gains were recorded in 19 patients with cerebellar infarction documented with MRI, and in a group of control subjects. Bilateral saccade hypometria and a decrease in ipsilateral smooth pursuit gain were found only in patients with a lesion affecting the posterior vermis. These results in humans support experimental findings suggesting that the posterior vermis controls both saccade accuracy and smooth pursuit velocity.
- Published
- 1995
49. Recidive anastomotique de la maladie de crohn apres resection ileocolique : evaluation par enteroscanner
- Author
Xavier Dray, V. Placé, Mourad Boudiaf, Philippe Marteau, M. Aout, Eric Vicaut, Roland Rymer, P. Soyer, K Vahedi, and Lounis Hamzi
- Subjects
Radiological and Ultrasound Technology ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging - Abstract
Objectifs Determiner la valeur de l’enteroscanner dans le diagnostic de recidive anastomotique apres resection ileocolique au cours de la maladie de Crohn (MC). Materiels et methodes Apres approbation par un comite d’ethique, les enteroscanners de 40 patients consecutifs (17 hommes, 23 femmes) âges de 41 ans, suspects de recidive anastomotique de MC etaient etudies par deux lecteurs independants. Les comparaisons etaient effectuees par analyses univariee et multivariee. Le diagnostic final etait obtenu par l’index d’activite (CDAI), le score de Rutgeerts et l’anatomopathologie. Resultats L’agrement interobservateur etait excellent (Kappa = 0,81-1). En analyse univariee, la recidive etait correlee a la stratification (OR = 83,339 ; p Conclusion L’enteroscanner fournit des donnees morphologiques robustes qui permettent de differencier une recidive anastomotique d’une stenose cicatricielle apres anastomose ileocolique au cours de la MC.
- Published
- 2009
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50. Asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis. Risk stratification and management
- Author
K. Vahedi
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Neurology ,business.industry ,Internal medicine ,Risk stratification ,medicine ,Cardiology ,Neurology (clinical) ,Asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis ,business - Published
- 2007
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