319 results on '"K H, Jungbluth"'
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2. Aktuelle chirurgische Onkologie : Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Dr. med. h.c. mult. F. Linder
- Author
A. Encke, K. H. Jungbluth, H.-D. Röher, M. Trede, A. Encke, K. H. Jungbluth, H.-D. Röher, and M. Trede
- Subjects
- Surgery, Oncology
- Published
- 2013
3. Perioperative Antibiotikaprophylaxe bei Hüftoperationen
- Author
P. Kupka, J. V. Wening, K. H. Jungbluth, Norbert M. Meenen, and A. Katzer
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,medicine ,Surgery ,business - Abstract
Eine der schwerwiegendsten Komplikationen unfallchirurgischer Operationen ist die postoperative Osteitis. Um dieses Risiko auf ein Minimum zu reduzieren, wird bei Gelenkeingriffen eine perioperative Antibiotikaprophylaxe allgemein empfohlen. Als Kriterien fur die Eignung einer Substanz als Prophylaktikum gelten unter anderem das Wirkspektrum im Hinblick auf die zu erwartenden Keime, die Verweildauer im Organismus und das Penetrationsvermogen in das gefahrdete Gewebe. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden bei 30 Patienten, die sich aufgrund einer medialen Schenkelhalsfraktur der Implantation einer Huftgelenktotalendoprothese unterziehen musten, die systemischen und lokalen Wirkspiegel nach einmaliger intravenoser Gabe von 1500 mg Cefuroxim in Abhangigkeit vom Zeitpunkt der Verabreichung untersucht. Die Analyse der Gewebe- und Serumproben erfolgte mittels Hochdruck-Flussigkeitschromatographie (HPLC). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, das die Gewebespiegel des Intermediar-Cephalosporins nach einmaliger Verabreichung im Durchschnitt auch nach vier Stunden noch einem Mehrfachen der minimalen Hemmkonzentration (MHK) des haufigsten Keimes, Staphylococcus aureus, entsprechen. Der optimale Zeitpunkt fur die gewahlte Applikationsform liegt unmittelbar praoperativ, und die gemessenen Konzentrationen legen nahe, das eine mehrfach wiederholte Verabreichung von Cefuroxim im Sinne einer Kurzzeitprophylaxe nicht erforderlich ist.
- Published
- 1996
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4. Selbstverletzungen — Chirurgische Aspekte
- Author
A. Katzer, H. C. Möller, Klaus Püschel, J. V. Wening, S. R. Schaaf, and K. H. Jungbluth
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Injury control ,business.industry ,Accident prevention ,medicine ,Poison control ,Surgery ,business - Abstract
Psychiatrisch-psychoanalytische Theorien erklaren das Phanomen „Selbstverletzung“ bislang nur unbefriedigend. Zugleich wenden sich die Patienten haufig auch nicht primar an einen Psychiater, sondern an Chirurgen, Hautarzte, Gynakologen oder Allgemeinmediziner, so das es sich hier um ein interdisziplinares Problem handelt. Da die allgemeine arztliche Kenntnis uber selbstinduzierte Krankheiten bezuglich deren Erkennung und der erforderlichen therapeutischen Masnahmen vergleichsweise gering ist, erfahren diese Patienten haufig keine adaquate psychiatrische Mit- oder Weiterbetreuung oder erhalten sogar die Moglichkeit, den Selbstverletzungsakt an den Mediziner zu delegieren. Haufige Folgen sind in Anbetracht der hartnackigen Chronifizierungstendenz der Storung schwere, teils irreversible, teils iatrogen mitinduzierte korperliche Beeintrachtigungen und damit letztlich auch enorme finanzielle Belastungen der Kostentrager.
- Published
- 1996
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5. Nachweis der Sehne des Musculus plantaris longus — bildgebende diagnostik und anatomisches Korrelat
- Author
K. H. Jungbluth, J. V. Wening, A. Katzer, F. Phillips, and D. E. Lorke
- Subjects
Tomography x ray computed ,business.industry ,Medicine ,Surgery ,Ultrasonography ,Nuclear medicine ,business - Abstract
Die Plantarissehne ist sowohl sonographisch als auch durch Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) und Computertomographie (CT) von der Insertion am Kalkaneus bis zur Grenze vom mittleren zum distalen Drittel des Unterschenkels identifizierbar. Aufgrund der anatomischen Gegebenheiten (umgebende Fettgewebsschicht) eignen sich die Schnittebenen auf Syndesmosen- und Sprunggelenkniveau zur Sehnendarstellung am besten. Vor Eingriffen, bei denen die Plantarissehne als freies oder gestieltes Transplantat verwendet werden soll, besteht die Moglichkeit, die Sehne mit Norm- und Grosenvarianten bildgebend darzustellen und dadurch unnotige, frustrane Eingriffe an der Entnahmestelle zu vermeiden. Zum praoperativen Nachweis der Plantarissehne ist die Sonographie in der Hand des Geubten das Mittel der Wahl. Bei zweifelhaften Sonographiebefunden oder mangelnder Erfahrung empfehlen sich die MRT oder CT. Eine Bestimmung des Sehnenquerschnitts ist ab einem Querdurchmesser von etwa 2 bis 3 mm mit allen genannten Verfahren moglich.
- Published
- 1996
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6. Electromyographic investigations after operative treatment of ruptured knee ligaments — a retrospective analysis of defined injuries patterns
- Author
J. V. Wening, H. C. Möller, W. Eickhoff, A. Katzer, K. H. Jungbluth, and S. Brockmann
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Medicine ,Surgery ,business - Abstract
An 52 Probanden (funf Gruppen, Durchschnittsalter 32,8 Jahre) wurden die Aktivitaten der Oberschenkelmuskulatur durchschnittlich 61,2 Wochen nach Kniebandoperationen mit kutan abgeleiteten Elektromyogrammen (EMG) bei Kniebeugen und isometrischen Kontraktionsubungen (100 N, 200 N, 300 N) untersucht. Die einzelnen Gruppen setzten sich aus Patienten mit Rekonstruktion des vorderen Kreuzbandes (n=13), Naht des medialen Seitenbandes (n=12), Rekonstruktion beider Bander (n=21) und mit autologem oder alloplastischem Ersatz (n=6) des vorderen Kreuzbandes zusammen. Eine Kontrollgruppe bestand aus 17 gesunden Probanden. Die verstarkten und gefilterten EMG-Analogsignale der acht abgeleiteten Muskeln liesen sich digitalisiert mit einem hierfur entwickelten Auswertungsprogramm analysieren. Nach dem jeweiligen Untersuchungsgang wurden so fur jeden einzelnen abgeleiteten Oberschenkelmuskel der verschiedenen Patientengruppen die vier Kenngrosen „Integral, Amplitudenhohensumme, Peaksumme und Amplitudenmittelwert“ berechnet. Beim Vergleich der Ergebnisse sprechen gruppenrelevante Kriterien in den EMG-Aufzeichnungen fur differenzierte, ligamentomuskulare Schutzreflexe. Vice versa lassen sich Tendenzen fur gruppenspezifische Verteilungsmuster operativ versorgter Kniebandverletzungen an den Muskelaktivitaten im EMG ablesen.
- Published
- 1996
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7. Cruciate ligament injuries in children. Clinical results
- Author
K. H. Jungbluth, G. Mathiak, J. V. Wening, and M. Mathiak
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,medicine ,Surgery ,business - Abstract
Im Verlauf von 19 Jahren wurden 21 Kinder aufgrund einer vorderen oder hinteren Kreuzbandruptur in der Abteilung fur Unfall- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie des Universitatskrankenhauses Hamburg-Eppendorf operiert. Eine Ergebnisuberprufung, gestutzt auf poliklinische Daten sowie eine Nachuntersuchung von zwolf der 21 Patienten, erfolgte im Mittel 5,5 Jahre nach der operativen Versorgung. Die Nachuntersuchung beinhaltete die klinische Untersuchung, eine Untersuchung mit dem Kniearthrometer KT-1000, Rontgenaufnahmen und eine Kniegelenksonographie. Die anschliesende Ergebnisauswertung mit Hilfe von Scores bestatigte die uberwiegend guten bis sehr guten Ergebnisse. Langfristig ist eine prospektive Multicenterstudie zu initiieren, um statistisch fundierte, effiziente Behandlungsmethoden fur diese Verletzung im Kindesalter zu etablieren.
- Published
- 1995
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8. Erfahrungen mit der Plattenosteosynthese bei der Behandlung peri-und subprothetischer Femurfrakturen
- Author
M. Berkhoff, A. Katzer, Norbert M. Meenen, and K. H. Jungbluth
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,medicine ,Surgery ,business - Abstract
Die Plattenosteosynthese stellt in unserer Abteilung ein bewahrtes Verfahren zur Versorgung von Femurfrakturen bei liegender Huftgelenkstotalendoprothese (TEP) beim uber 70jahrigen Menschen dar, selbst wenn geringgradige Lockerungszeichen der Prothese vorliegen. Die Vorteile sind in einer vergleichsweise schonenden Versorgung mit standardisierter Technik und akzeptabler Erfolgsquote zu sehen. Dies hat insofern Bedeutung, als die operative Versorgung der oft multimorbiden Patienten in vielen chirurgischen Kliniken ohne Vorbereitungsphase erfolgen kann. Handelt es sich um jungere Patienten und symptomatische TEP-Lockerungen, wird immer ein einzeitiger Prothesenwechsel angestrebt. Daher mus in jedem Fall ein individuelles Therapiekonzept entwickelt werden, das neben der speziellen Frakturform auch den Allgemeinzustand und das Alter der Patienten berucksichtigt.
- Published
- 1995
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9. Besteht in der unfallchirurgischen Notaufnahme ein erhöhtes Infektionsrisiko für das medizinische Personal durch unbekannt HIV-positive Patienten?
- Author
G. Fröschle, K. H. Jungbluth, G. Mathiak, and J. V. Wening
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Emergency admission ,Sports medicine ,business.industry ,virus diseases ,Disease ,medicine.disease ,Positive patient ,Increased risk ,Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) ,Informed consent ,Emergency medicine ,Medicine ,Surgery ,business ,Trauma surgery - Abstract
In the trauma emergency room 212 patients were asked--according to German law--for a blood sample for HIV-testing. Nine (4.2%) victims rejected the test, another 3 (1,4%) did not meet the study criteria since they were previously known to be HIV-positive or suffering from AIDS disease. None of the finally tested 200 patients was HIV-positive. On an anonymous questionnaire that was handed out additionally, 64% of the patients said they would accept HIV-testing without consent prior to operative treatment. 49% would reject HIV-testing without consent in non-operative treatment.
- Published
- 1995
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10. KT-1000 kneearthrometer testing in injuries of the posterior cruciate ligament compared to stress radiography
- Author
J. V. Wening, G. Mathiak, and K. H. Jungbluth
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Medicine ,Surgery ,business - Abstract
18 Patienten mit einer operativ versorgten Ruptur des hinteren Kreuzbandes wurden im Rahmen einer Nachuntersuchung zwei bis 13 Jahre nach der Operation vergleichend mit dem Kniearthrometer KT-1000 und radiologisch im Scheuba-Halteapparat untersucht. Die Messungen ergaben, das beide Methoden eine hohe Aussagekraft bezuglich hinterer Instabilitaten haben und sich in ihrer Aussage in 89% der Falle decken. In 11% der Falle fand sich eine Diskrepanz im Ubergangsbereich zwischen einer „+”-und „++”-Schulade in der Klassifikation nach Hughston et al. [5]. Da jedoch die Untersuchung im Scheuba-Halteapparat eine Strahlenbelastung mit sich bringt, stellt die Objektivierung einer hinteren Schublade mit dem KT-1000-Kniearthrometer eine in der Aussage sichere Alternative zur radiologischen Schubladenbestimmung dar.
- Published
- 1995
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11. Zur Morphologie der operative versorgten Densfraktur
- Author
Günter Delling, K. H. Jungbluth, V. Wening, and Michael Amling
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,medicine ,Surgery ,business - Abstract
Die trabekulare Mikroarchitektur der Densbasis stellt eine strukturelle Besonderheit dar und ist eine der Grundlagen der Frakturtypen II und III nach Anderson u. D'Alonzo [5]. Eine Verschraubung fuhrt, wie an einem klinischen Beispiel (Typ II) mit Sektion untersucht werden konnte, zu einer ausgedehnten Mikroalteration von Trabekeln innerhalb des Axis und einer lokalen Zerstorung der spongiosen Mikroarchitektur. Durch den gleichzeitigen Kompressionsdruck entsteht eine Verdichtung der Knochenmasse im Frakturbereich. Dieser Vorgang scheint, neben der Primarstabilisation, die intraossare Konsolidierung uber eine Erhohung der Knochenmasse und Induktion von Mikrokallusformationen in der Densbasis zu begunstigen. Werden zur Stabilisation zwei AO-Kleinfragmentspongiosaschrauben verwendet (Rotationsstabilitat), konnen bei schmalem, intrakortikalen Transversaldurchmesser des Dens Gewindeanteile die Kortikalis durchschneiden. Dieser Vorgang erscheint klinisch und biomechanisch tolerabel und von untergeordneter Relevanz, kann aber durch Auswahl von Schrauben mit kleinerem Gewindedurchmesser vermieden werden.
- Published
- 1994
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12. Zur bildgebenden Darstellung alloplastischen Bandmaterials. Eine In-vivo und In-vitro-Untersuchung am Beispiel Kevlar
- Author
A. Kratzer, J. V. Wening, M. Hahn, V. Nicolas, and K. H. Jungbluth
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Medicine ,Surgery ,business - Abstract
Weer das Nativrontgenbild noch das CT oder MRT ermoglichen eine direkte Beurteilung von Kevlar®-49 nach intraartikularer Implantation. Im Tierexperiment last sich der Kunstbandverlauf allenfalls im Rahmen der Bindegewebseinsprossung nachvollziehen. Im Vergleich zum CT resultiert durch das NMR eine deutlich verbesserte Darstellung von Weichteilstrukturen, ein Nachweis der Prothesenkontinuitat selbst ist aber ebenfalls nicht moglich. Erst durchgehende Bindegewebsstrukturen kommen zweifelsfrei zur Darstellung und ermoglichen indirekt eine Beurteilung des Implantates, aus dessen Form, wie auch beim naturlichen Kreuzband, Ruckschlusse auf die Integritat gezogen werden konnen. Wie aus anatomischen Praparaten ersichtlich ist, wird der geringe Abstand zwischen beiden Schenkeln der verwendeten Kevlar®-49-Zwei-Bundelprothese innerhalb der ersten acht Wochen nach Implantation bindegewebig uberbruckt [5], so das durch die bildgebenden Verfahren innerhalb des Gelenkes nur ein Strang darstellbar ist.
- Published
- 1994
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13. Der Effekt von synthetischer Hydroxylapatitkeramik auf Langzeitkulturen isolierter Chondrozyten
- Author
K. H. Jungbluth, D. E. Lorke, T. T. Jüres, M. Dallek, Norbert M. Meenen, and P. Adamietz
- Subjects
Hydroxyapatite ceramics ,Cell division ,Cell growth ,business.industry ,Cellular differentiation ,Medicine ,Surgery ,Matrix (biology) ,Cell adhesion ,Cell shape ,business ,Cell aggregation ,Cell biology - Abstract
This study deals with the influence of hydroxyapatite-ceramic on long-term cultures of rabbit articular chondrocytes. By additioni of granules of this material into the culture wells improval of cell proliferation by factor 12 over a period of twelve weeks is found. More important is the maintaining of the status of differentiation of the chondrocytes, documented by immunoidentification of the expressed collagen I production over collagen II as marker for chondrocytes. In controls without addition of hydroxyapatite-ceramic there is a dynamic increase of collagen I production over the culture period and morphological alteration of the cell shape leading to fibroblast-like cells. As this dedifferentiation is the main problem concerning chondrocytes long-term cultures, the addition of HAC into the culture medium is a simple and effective method enhancing the productivity of the culture system. Moreover this experimental design with chondrocytes as cells familiar with mineralized matrix gives an important proof of the excellent cytocompatibility of the hydroxyapatite-ceramic used in this study.
- Published
- 1993
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14. Zum Verhalten künstlich erzeugter Epiphysenfugendefekte beim Kaninchen
- Author
M. Dallek, K. H. Jungbluth, B. Rudolph, and Norbert M. Meenen
- Subjects
Transplantation ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,business.industry ,Cartilage ,Medicine ,Surgery ,Anatomy ,business ,Groove (joinery) - Abstract
Bei 48 funf Wochen alten Kaninchen beiderlei Geschlechts wurden die Veranderungen einer 2 mm messenden Lasion in der distalen Femurepiphysenfuge, die von der medialen Wange des Femurcondylus in Verlaufsrichtung der Extremitat durch die Fuge eingebracht worden sind, histologisch untersucht. Die konstante Reaktion im Defekt zeigt sich in der Entwicklung einer knochernen Bruckenbildung zwischen Epi- und Metaphyse. In unserer Studie wurden die experimentell gesetzten Defekte mit autologem (Gruppe A) oder bei −80°C tiefgefrorenem homologen Ulnaepiphysenfugenknorpel (Gruppe B) aufgefullt: Nach Totung der Tiere wurden die entnommenen distalen Femora in der aufsteigenden Alkoholreihe entfettet und dehydriert. Anschliesend erfolgte Einbettung in Methacrylsauremethylester und Aufbereitung von 5 μm dicken Serienschnitten mit dem Jung Mikrotom und Farbung der Praparate mit Azur-Eosin bzw., Alcianblau nach van Gieson. Die autologen Knorpeltransplantate waren bei zwei Drittel der Praparate in der Lage, eine Teilverblockung zwischen Epi- und Metaphyse zu verhindern, der homologe Epiphysenfugenknorpel nur zu 4%.
- Published
- 1993
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15. Excision of the radial head following multiple or comminuted fracture
- Author
J. V. Wening, B. Wobig, and K. H. Jungbluth
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,medicine ,Surgery ,business - Abstract
An der Abteilung Unfall-und Wiederherstellungschirurgie des Universitatskrankenhauses Eppendorf wurde in der Zeit von 1974 bis 1989 bei 39 Verletzten mit Radiuskopfchentrummer,-mehrfragmentfrakturen, ausgedehnten Radiuskopfchenmeisel- und kombinierten Kondylen-Radiuskopfchen-Frakturen eine Radiuskopfchenresektion durchgefuhrt. Anhand der Krankenakten, aktueller Anamnese, funktioneller Untersuchung und Rontgenaufnahmen konnten langfristige klinisch-funktionelle Ergebnisse von 22 Patienten mit einem durch-schnittlichen postoperativen Beobachtungszeitraum von 7,8 Jahren kontrolliert werden, wobei sich 22,8% gute, 63,6% befriedigende und 13,6% schlechte Resultate in Abhangigkeit von der Ausgangssituation (isolierte/kombinierte Radiuskopfchenfrakturen) zeigten. Spatfolgen sind der Cubitus valgus, die Verschiebung des Radius nach proximal sowie eine reduzierte grobe Kraft der Hand. Trotz dieser Veranderungen fiel, das klinisch-funktionelle Ergebnis langfristig, uberwiegend gut bis befriedigend aus. In der Literatur verfugbare Ergebnisse uber den alloplastischen Ersatz des Radiuskopfchens zeigen vergleichbare Resultate. Anhand der gegenwartigen Erfahrungen fur die isolierten Radiuskopfchenverletzungen scheint die Resektion der einfachere Weg zu sein. Komplexere Verletzungen erfordern ein Uberdenken des gewahlten Behandlungskonzeptes.
- Published
- 1993
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16. Repair and reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament by the ?Sandwich technique?
- Author
R. Apel, K. H. Jungbluth, J. V. Wening, and Matthias W. Hoffmann
- Subjects
Pathology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Anterior cruciate ligament ,Fat pad ,Methods ,medicine ,Animals ,Orthopedics and Sports Medicine ,Anterior Cruciate Ligament ,Infrapatellar fat pad ,business.industry ,Mesenchymal stem cell ,Angiography ,Histology ,General Medicine ,Anatomy ,musculoskeletal system ,Microradiography ,Tendon ,surgical procedures, operative ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Microangiography ,Ligament ,Surgery ,Rabbits ,business ,human activities - Abstract
The effect of complete ensheathment of the repaired or reconstructed anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in the infrapatellar fat pad was studied in a rabbit model. Four to 16 weeks after repair of a transected ACL or insertion of an autologous tendon graft these tissues were evaluated by histology and microangiography. Following ACL repair a high incidence of ligament atrophy was evident in both the ensheathed (43%) and the non-ensheathed control (54%) group. In functional ligaments a similar sequence of remodelling events was evident in both the ensheathed and the non-ensheathed group: infiltration of the transected area by mesenchymal cells, maturation of these cells to fibroblasts, and increasing organization of newly formed collagen fibres. An initial hypervascular reaction was followed by a decrease in the number and an increase in the longitudinal orientation of blood vessels. Despite a similar sequence of remodelling events, however, this process was considerably accelerated in repaired ligaments ensheathed with infrapatellar fat pad compared with non-ensheathed controls. At 16 weeks only the ensheathed repaired ACL resembled the normal ACL morphologically, even though it was still hypercellular. The tendon autograft followed a similar course from an initially avascular and acellular tissue towards a structure similar to the normal ACL. In the ensheathed ligaments and tendon grafts vascular and cellular ingrowth as well as subsequent maturation were again accelerated. This effect may be attributable to improved revascularization and cell repopulation, as well as protection from synovial fluid by the surrounding fat pad.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
- Published
- 1993
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17. Die isolierte Fraktur des Volkmannschen Dreiecks—ein eigenständiges Verletzungsbild
- Author
K. H. Jungbluth, D. E. Lorke, Norbert M. Meenen, M. Dallek, and M. Westerhoff
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Fracture fixation ,Medicine ,Surgery ,business - Abstract
Wir berichten uber 25 Falle der seltenen isolierten Fraktur des Volkmannschen Dreiecks, die im Zeitraum vom acht Jahren an unserer Abteilung behandelt wurden. Unfallmechanismus ist ein schnelles Wegrutschen des Fuses in Spitzfusstellung mit abschliesender Stauchung des Talus in das dorsolaterale Gelenkeck. Die gespannte hintere Syndesmose reist knochern die abgedruckte dorsale Tibiakante aus, wobei es sich meist um kleine Aurisse mit geringer Beteiligung der Gelenkflache handelt. Ligamentar mitverletzt werden die vordere Syndesmose und partiell die Membrana interossea. Fibulare und mediale Zusatzlasionen traten in unserem Krankengut nicht auf. Das posterolaterale Kantendreieck heilt in der Regel knochern zuverlassig unter Ruhigstellung und dreiwochiger Entlastung. Selten erfordern dislozierte grose Fragmente eine operative Versorgung. Die Nachuntersuchung, die im Mittel 4,7 Jahre nach dem Unfall durchgefuhrt wurde, zeigt mehrheitlich gute bis sehr gute Langzeitergebnisse.
- Published
- 1993
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18. Fettpolsterzeichen und Supinatorfettlinie bei Kubitaltraumen
- Author
K. H. Jungbluth, L Wolf, S. W. Dihlmann, and Norbert M. Meenen
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Sports medicine ,business.industry ,Radiography ,Elbow ,Anatomy ,Diagnostic aid ,Fat pad ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Reference values ,Fat pad sign ,medicine ,Surgery ,medicine.symptom ,business - Abstract
The fat pad sign and the supinator fat line (SFL) are valuable diagnostic aids in the evaluation of bony cubital injuries. A total of 377 lateral X-rays of the elbow joint-including 121 fractures--were investigated. The supinator fat line exhibited bar-like and bird-like configurations in 55.9% and 41.8% of healthy test subjects, respectively. In the presence of a fracture, a wavy configuration, directed downwards from, or running parallel to, the upper edge of the radius, was seen in 95% of the cases. If in the event of an injury to the elbow a wavy configuration is seen in association with a positive anterior and/or posterior fat pad sign, bony involvement of the joint-forming elements may justifiably be suspected.
- Published
- 1992
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19. Fluoreszenzspektroskopische Gewebeidentifikation zur gezielten Gewebeabtragung mit dem Excimerlaser (308 nm)
- Author
R. Jahn, W. Neu, M. Dressel, B. Körber, H. U. Langendorff, R. Nyga, and K. H. Jungbluth
- Subjects
Excimerlaser , Laserablation , Fluoreszenzspektroskopie - Abstract
Während des Ablationsvorganges entsteht bei jedem Laserschuß eine Fluoreszenzstrahlung, deren Spektrum von der chemischen Zusammensetzung des bestrahlten Gewebes bestimmt wird. Die Fluoreszenzstrahlung wird durch die gleiche Faser in umgekehrter Richtung geleitet, durch die orthograd der Laserstrahl geführt wird. Ein optischer Vielkanalanalysator speichert die gewebetypischen Kurven und stellt die Spektren gleichzeitig auf einem Monitor dar. Damit wird es möglich, über die charakteristische Fluoreszenzstrahlung eine gezielte Laserablation durchzuführen, wobei ein Computer die Arbeit des Lasers überwacht und steuert, um so eine ungewollte Bestrahlung (z.B. von Nerven, Gefäßen oder Spinalmark) zu verhindern. Wir spektoskopierten simultan zur Ablation mit dem Excimerlaser (308 nm) Knochen, hyalinen Gelenkknorpel, Meniskus, Sehnen, Muskulatur und Spinalmark. Es stellten sich für jedes Gewebe spezifische Kurven dar, die nicht nur vom Kalkgehalt. sondern auch von den jeweiligen Proteinanteilen bestimmt waren. Der Einfluß des umgebenden Mediums wurde an Luft, in Kochsalzlösung und in Blut getestet. An der Weiterentwicklung dieser Methode mit Hilfe eines durchstimmbaren Farbstofflasers zur Resonanzfluoreszenzspektroskopie im "Ablationsplasma" arbeiten wir zur Zeit.
- Published
- 2009
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20. Compound fractures of the lower leg: clinical experiences and concept of treatment in multiple injury patients
- Author
J V Wening, B Skruodies, H Schöntag, and K H Jungbluth
- Subjects
General Medicine - Published
- 1990
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21. Die horizontale Patellaluxation
- Author
F. Grabbe, H. U. Langendorff, and K. H. Jungbluth
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Sports medicine ,business.industry ,Dislocation (syntax) ,Medicine ,Surgery ,business - Abstract
Die horizontale Patellaluxation ist ein sehr seltenes Ereignis und in der Literatur nur wenig beschrieben. Anhand eines 35 Jahre alten Pkw-Fahrers werden Verletzungsmechanismus und therapeutisches Vorgehen diskutiert.
- Published
- 1990
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22. Histomorphologische Untersuchungen zur Entstehung der Condylus-radialis-humeri-Fraktur im Wachstumsalter
- Author
K. H. Jungbluth and M. Dallek
- Subjects
business.industry ,Fracture (mineralogy) ,Medicine ,Surgery ,Anatomy ,business - Published
- 1990
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23. Cytotoxicity and Mutagenicity of Kevlar An In-vitro Evaluation
- Author
H. Marquardt, A. Katzer, J. V. Wening, and K. H. Jungbluth
- Subjects
Chemistry ,Biomedical Engineering ,Kevlar ,Cytotoxicity ,Molecular biology ,In vitro - Published
- 2009
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24. Serum cholesterol is elevated in patients with Achilles tendon ruptures
- Author
K.-H. Jungbluth, G. Mathiak, J. V. Wening, L. F. Neville, and M. Mathiak
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Reoperation ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Radiography ,Hypercholesterolemia ,Blood lipids ,Achilles Tendon ,Risk Assessment ,Recurrence ,medicine ,Humans ,Orthopedics and Sports Medicine ,Aged ,Retrospective Studies ,Ultrasonography ,Rupture ,Achilles tendon ,business.industry ,Ultrasound ,Retrospective cohort study ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,Plastic Surgery Procedures ,Surgery ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Cholesterol ,Orthopedic surgery ,Female ,Achilles tendon rupture ,medicine.symptom ,Ankle ,business ,Follow-Up Studies - Abstract
Forty-one patients were analyzed after surgical treatment of Achilles tendon ruptures. The following parameters served as the outcome measure: (1) duration of wearing cast, (2) length of hospital stay, (3) outpatient treatment, (4) time of absence from work, (5) complications, (6) re-rupture rate, (7) subjective evaluation by patients, (8) scar condition, (9) ability to stand on tiptoes, (10) Thompson test, (11) movement of talocrural joint, (12) circumference data of lower extremity, (13) radiographs, (14) power measurement of the ankle (in kg), (15) ultrasound examination, (16) blood cholesterol levels, (17) scoring by Trillat's score. Surgical treatment achieved an excellent or good outcome in 91% of patients as evidenced by the Trillat score. Furthermore, cholesterol levels were found to be elevated in 83% of patients. Given the good results, surgical treatment of Achilles tendon ruptures is recommended, but patients of status post-Achilles tendon rupture should be checked for high cholesterol levels. In the future, controlled, prospective trials need to prove a correlation between Achilles tendon rupture and a pathological blood lipid status.
- Published
- 1999
25. [Etiology of cerebral perfusion disorder in patients with severe craniocerebral trauma]
- Author
J, Deneke, G, Fröschle, P, Schmitt, J V, Wening, and K H, Jungbluth
- Subjects
Adult ,Aged, 80 and over ,Male ,Adolescent ,Intracranial Pressure ,Brain ,Infant ,Blood Pressure ,Middle Aged ,Prognosis ,Brain Ischemia ,Child, Preschool ,Humans ,Female ,Glasgow Coma Scale ,Child ,Aged - Abstract
In 53 patients with severe head injury, a decline of the cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) was distinguished related to its cause, i.e., by a rise in intracranial pressure (ICP), a decline in the mean arterial pressure (MAP) or both. The mean Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) was 1.6 in patients with elevated ICP, 3.8 in those with decreased MAP and 2.7 when impaired CPP was due to both. It is concluded that in cases of decreased CPP, elevated ICP is the main cause of secondary brain injury and poor outcome, independent of the circulatory condition, whereas an isolated decline in the MAP does not show any influence on functional outcome.
- Published
- 1999
26. [Trendy inline skating sports. Pattern of injuries and groups at risk]
- Author
R E, Hilgert, M, Dallek, H, Radonich, and K H, Jungbluth
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Adolescent ,Incidence ,Middle Aged ,Causality ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Risk Factors ,Child, Preschool ,Germany ,Skating ,Athletic Injuries ,Humans ,Female ,Prospective Studies ,Child ,Retrospective Studies - Abstract
One hundred and eighty-two patients presented with 200 inline-skating injuries over a 30-month period. Of these, 14% were admitted to hospital, 10% required operative treatment. Fractures (49%), contusions/lacerations (27%) and capsular/ligamentuous injuries (16%) were the most prevalent types of injury. Children had an even higher risk of sustaining fractures (62%). Falling on the extended arm caused 44% of all injuries. Thirteen percent resulted from torque mechanisms of the leg, whereas direct trauma to elbow or knee (5% each) were uncommon injury mechanisms. Injuries of the elbow, forearm, wrist and hand accounted for 55.5% of all cases and 71% of all fractures. Head (13%), knee (9.5%) and ankle (9%) were other regions frequently involved. Protective equipment was often used only for uninjured regions, whereas the injured regions had most often been left unprotected.
- Published
- 1998
27. Ursachen zerebraler Perfusionsstörungen bei Patienten mit schwerem Schädel-Hirn-Trauma
- Author
J. V. Wening, G. Fröschle, K.-H. Jungbluth, P. Schmitt, and J. Deneke
- Subjects
Mean arterial pressure ,Severe head injury ,business.industry ,musculoskeletal, neural, and ocular physiology ,Glasgow Outcome Scale ,Anesthesia ,Circulatory system ,Medicine ,In patient ,Cerebral perfusion pressure ,business ,Intracranial pressure - Abstract
In 53 patients with severe head injury, a decline of the cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) was distinguished related to its cause, i.e., by a rise in intracranial pressure (ICP), a decline in the mean arterial pressure (MAP) or both. The mean Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) was 1.6 in patients with elevated ICP, 3.8 in those with decreased MAP and 2.7 when impaired CPP was due to both. It is concluded that in cases of decreased CPP, elevated ICP is the main cause of secondary brain injury and poor outcome, independent of the circulatory condition, whereas an isolated decline in the MAP does not show any influence on functional outcome.
- Published
- 1998
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28. State of the Art — Indikationen zur Lasertrennung auf dem Gebiet der traumatologischen Hartgewebschirurgie
- Author
Gerhard Müller, Th. Ertl, K. H. Jungbluth, R. Jahn, J. Beuthan, and H. P. Berlien
- Abstract
Die jahrelangen Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Laserknochenchirurgie lasen nun- mehr die Tendenz zur Favorisierung einer bestimmten Wellenlanger erkennen. Der Er:YAG-Laser mit der Wellenlange 2.940 nm beweist, unter Beachtung spezieller Arbeitsparameter deutlich seine Uberlegenheit gegenuber allen bislang in der klinischen Praxis eingefuhrten Laserarten.
- Published
- 1998
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29. [Perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis in hip operations. Penetration into bone, capsule tissue and cartilage exemplified by cefuroxime]
- Author
A, Katzer, J V, Wening, P, Kupka, N M, Meenen, and K H, Jungbluth
- Subjects
Aged, 80 and over ,Cartilage, Articular ,Male ,Cefuroxime ,Metabolic Clearance Rate ,Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip ,Antibiotic Prophylaxis ,Middle Aged ,Cephalosporins ,Femoral Neck Fractures ,Injections, Intravenous ,Humans ,Female ,Hip Joint ,Tissue Distribution ,Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid ,Aged - Abstract
The most serious complication of accident surgery is postoperative osteitis. At the same time, perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis is generally recommended in order to reduce the rate of infection in joint surgery. The criteria for the suitability of a substance as prophylaxis include inter alia the activity spectrum with respect to the expected microorganisms, its retention time in the body and its ability to penetrate the endangered tissue. In the present study, the systemic and local activity levels after a single i.v. dose of 1500 mg cefuroxime was investigated in relation to the time of administration in 30 patients who had to undergo total hip replacement owing to a medial fracture of the neck of the femur. The tissue and serum samples were analyzed by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The results show that the tissue levels of the intermediary cephalosporin after an i.v. single shot dose are on average still several times higher than the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the most frequent bacterium. Staphylococcus aureus, as late as 4 hours after application. The optimal time for the administration form selected was immediately prior to the operation and the concentrations measured suggest that several repeat doses of cefuroxime for short-term prophylaxis are not necessary.
- Published
- 1997
30. [Injuries to the growth plates]
- Author
K H, Jungbluth, M, Dallek, and N M, Meenen
- Subjects
Fracture Healing ,Male ,Fractures, Bone ,Adolescent ,Child, Preschool ,Humans ,Infant ,Salter-Harris Fractures ,Female ,Growth Plate ,Child ,Prognosis ,Body Height - Published
- 1997
31. [Self-induced injuries--surgical aspects]
- Author
A, Katzer, S R, Schaaf, J V, Wening, H C, Möller, K, Püschel, and K H, Jungbluth
- Subjects
Adult ,Diagnosis, Differential ,Male ,Patient Care Team ,Factitious Disorders ,Physician-Patient Relations ,Psychoanalytic Theory ,Self Mutilation ,Humans ,Munchausen Syndrome ,Female ,Combined Modality Therapy - Abstract
So far, psychiatric-psychoanalytic theories have been able to explain the phenomenon "self-injury" only unsatisfactorily. Moreover, the patients do not turn to a psychiatrist in the first place, but to surgeons, dermatologists, gynecologists or general practitioners. This is therefore an interdisciplinary problem. Since general medical knowledge is relatively unhelpful in diagnosing self-inflicted disease and its treatment, these patients often do not receive adequate psychiatric co-management or further care or indeed often get the chance to delegate the act of self-injury to the physician. In view of the sustained tendency for the disorder to chronify, this frequently results in severe, partly irreversible and sometimes iatrogenically co-induced physical impairments. In the final analysis, it also leads to enormous financial burdens for the agencies which bear the costs.
- Published
- 1997
32. [Rotator cuff rupture. Vascular supply and collagen fiber processes as pathogenetic factors]
- Author
A, Katzer, J V, Wening, H U, Becker-Männich, D E, Lorke, and K H, Jungbluth
- Subjects
Aged, 80 and over ,Rupture ,Microcirculation ,Muscles ,Infant, Newborn ,Arteries ,Middle Aged ,Rotator Cuff Injuries ,Rotator Cuff ,Humans ,Female ,Collagen ,Microscopy, Polarization ,Infant, Premature ,Aged - Abstract
Light and polarization microscopic appraisal of the pathways of fibers and blood vessels in the region of the rotator cuff shows branches of the suprascapular artery. These initially radiate into the insertion tendon parallel to the muscle fibers. They do not continue there, i.e. the vessel branches have blind endings, or they branch and anastomose with each other. Outliers of the transverse branch of the anterior circumflex artery of the humerus come from lateral (from the direction of the deltoid muscle). They pass from the bony insertion of the supraspinatus tendon into the tendon plate, but only run together with the fibers for a short distance. Consequently, a zone low in vessels or free of vessels can be constantly demonstrated under a magnifying glass in the course of the supraspinatus and to a small extent also of the infraspinatus in the fetus or neonate as well as in the adult in the region of the zone of interweaving of the tendinous muscle outlier with the capsule at length magnification. In the genesis of rotator cuff rupture, the presence of hypovascularity must be considered to be a predisposing factor which is present from birth onwards. It affects the clinical course during the process of aging as the point of least resistance in consequence of arteriosclerosis, collagen degeneration physiological wear and tear friction at the lower surface of the acromion and inflammatory swellings of the subacromial bursa.
- Published
- 1997
33. [Intracranial pressure monitoring in patients with severe craniocerebral injury]
- Author
J, Deneke, G, Fröschle, A, Prause, J V, Wening, M, Claussen, and K H, Jungbluth
- Subjects
Adult ,Aged, 80 and over ,Male ,Adolescent ,Intracranial Pressure ,Multiple Trauma ,Transducers ,Middle Aged ,Prognosis ,Brain Injuries ,Child, Preschool ,Humans ,Female ,Glasgow Coma Scale ,Child ,Aged ,Monitoring, Physiologic ,Retrospective Studies - Abstract
After severe head injury intracranial pressure (ICP) must be measured continuously for management to assess and maintain the cerebral perfusion. Therefore in our hospital epidural transducers are used. To prove the efficiency of this method in a 12-month period the clinical courses of 23 patients with intracranial pressure transducers were analysed retrospectively. Eighteen patients survived, 5 of them without residuals, 13 with residuals and 2 remained in coma. In 14 patients secondary rises of intracranial pressure were observed between days 3 and 6 post injury. The mean ICP value of the survivors revealed 25 mm Hg. whereas the expired showed 60 mm Hg. In 17 patients the measurements were considered as reliable, 6 measurements were not reliable, which included 1 of the 5 patients who died. One transduce was displaced, another one showed a hemorrhage at the drill hole. There was no infection.
- Published
- 1997
34. Release of daunorubicin from polymethylmethacrylate for the improvement of the local growth control of bone metastasis animal experiments
- Author
G W, Fröschle, J, Mählitz, H U, Langendorff, E, Achilles, J, Pollock, and K H, Jungbluth
- Subjects
Mice ,Antibiotics, Antineoplastic ,Methotrexate ,Daunorubicin ,Tumor Cells, Cultured ,Animals ,Humans ,Methylmethacrylates ,Mice, Nude ,Bone Neoplasms ,Rats, Wistar ,Rats - Abstract
Bone metastases are a sign of advanced tumor disease. Surgical therapy is only occasionally curative. Therefore, the therapeutic goals are a limited surgical excision, immediate mobilization, effective stabilization and the avoidance of local recurrence. We investigated the effect of the anthracycline daunorubicin (DNR) in conjunction with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) in vitro and in animal experiments for regional control of bone metastases. Previous experiments of local chemotherapy in bone metastases using methotrexate (MTX) were done by Langendorff and Hernigou. In our own experiments we improved the release of daunorubicin from polymethylmethacrylate in vitro and in vivo up to 90% by adding mannitol. In in vivo experiments we investigated the combination of DNR and PMMA in athymic nude mice and Wistar rats. Cells from human breast cancer, bronchial carcinoma, nephroma, and soft tissue sarcoma were subcutaneously implanted bilaterally under the dorsal skin of nude mice. After reaching a diameter of 0.5 cm, the tumors were marginally excised, leaving microscopic tumor residuum behind. The tumor cavities were either filled with PMMA or alternatively with DNR-PMMA. The goal was to avoid tumor recurrence in the DNR-PMMA filled resection cavities. The number of recurrences was significantly lower in the DNR-PMMA treated animals, except in the breast cancer group. Additionally we implanted a rat sarcoma intrafemorally into Wistar rats. After 17 days the tumor was marginally excised and the resection cavity was filled with either DNR-PMMA or PMMA alone. The therapeutic goal was to prevent local recurrence. Histological and pharmacological tests concerning toxicity and drug distribution within the body completed the study. We concluded that the addition of daunorubicin to PMMA supplements surgical resection. We were able to reduce the number of, or delay recurrences in our animal models. Systemic side effects could be minimized despite the achievement of high local drug concentrations.
- Published
- 1997
35. [Pathologic humeral fracture in secondary osteosarcoma of the humerus: a rare complication of osteodystrophia deformans Paget]
- Author
A, Katzer, W D, Beecken, N M, Meenen, K H, Jungbluth, and G, Delling
- Subjects
Aged, 80 and over ,Osteosarcoma ,Fractures, Spontaneous ,Humans ,Bone Neoplasms ,Female ,Humerus ,Osteitis Deformans ,Combined Modality Therapy ,Medical Futility ,Aged - Abstract
Pathological fracture in histologically proven post-Paget osteosarcoma of the humerus is a rare complication. Due to individual requests as well as age and comorbidity, a course of primary palliative treatment was chosen in the present case. Survival time after diagnosis was 9 months and the patient died of a tumor-independent disease. Even in combined treatment, consisting of surgery and (neo-)adjuvant radio-/chemotherapy, prognosis of osteosarcomas secondary to Paget's disease remains very disappointing. Therefore, in treatment of this highly lethal tumor the patient's individual requests and personal situation often require more consideration than in many other malignancies.
- Published
- 1997
36. [Measuring epidural intracranial pressure in patients with severe craniocerebral trauma]
- Author
J, Deneke, G, Fröschle, J V, Wening, and K H, Jungbluth
- Subjects
Adult ,Epidural Space ,Male ,Intracranial Pressure ,Brain Injuries ,Transducers ,Humans ,Female ,Glasgow Coma Scale ,Intracranial Hypertension ,Sensitivity and Specificity ,Monitoring, Physiologic - Abstract
In 30 patients with severe head injury (SHI), intracranial pressure (ICP) was monitored using epidural transducers. In 22 patients, the measurements were reliable, with average values of 19.4 mmHg in the survivors and 64.6 mmHg in those who died. It is concluded that epidural measurement of ICP provides a helpful method for the management of SHI and to control the indication for CT scans.
- Published
- 1997
37. Der Er:YAG Laser (2.940 μM) — Eine neue Perspektive für die Minimal-invasive Knochenchirurgie
- Author
K.-H. Jungbluth and R. Jahn
- Published
- 1997
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38. Ethische Probleme in der Unfallchirurgie
- Author
K. H. Jungbluth
- Abstract
Verglichen mit anderen Bereichen der Medizin ist die Unfallchirurgie derzeit durch ethische Probleme wenig belastet. Sittlich-moralische Gefahrdungen, wie sie sich beispielsweise aus der Genmanipulation ergeben, belasten derzeit weder die unfallchirurgische Forschung noch deren klinische Anwendung. Konfliktstoff kommt daher weniger aus unserer chirurgischen Fachdisziplin selbst, als vielmehr von ausen durch die Wandlungen der Gesellschaft und ihrer Wertvorstellungen.
- Published
- 1997
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39. Epidurale Hirndruckmessung bei Patienten mit schwerem Schädel-Hirn-Trauma
- Author
K.-H. Jungbluth, G. Fröschle, J. Deneke, and J. V. Wening
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Severe head injury ,business.industry ,musculoskeletal, neural, and ocular physiology ,Anesthesia ,fungi ,medicine ,business ,humanities ,Intracranial pressure ,Surgery - Abstract
In 30 patients with severe head injury (SHI), intracranial pressure (ICP) was monitored using epidural transducers. In 22 patients, the measurements were reliable, with average values of 19.4 mmHg in the survivors and 64.6 mmHg in those who died. It is concluded that epidural measurement of ICP provides a helpful method for the management of SHI and to control the indication for CT scans.
- Published
- 1997
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40. In-vitro-Auswaschverhalten vs. in-vivo-Degradation von Hydroxylapatit-Keramik
- Author
M. Dallek, N. Meenen, K. H. Jungbluth, and U. Saalfeld
- Published
- 1997
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41. [Violence against the elderly from the trauma surgery viewpoint]
- Author
A, Witthohn, N M, Meenen, and K H, Jungbluth
- Subjects
Aged, 80 and over ,Diagnosis, Differential ,Male ,Risk Factors ,Frail Elderly ,Germany ,Humans ,Wounds and Injuries ,Female ,Elder Abuse ,Physical Examination ,Aged - Abstract
Violent attacks on people are becoming of ever greater importance in accident surgery emergency treatment. Especially in the international literature, much attention is paid to intentional injuries inflicted on children, handicapped people, helpless and elderly people. The present study will focus on the diagnosis and risk factors as well as the consequences of physical abuse and neglect of the elderly. In particular, we should like to draw attention to possible injury patterns which should not be missed during thorough examination in the emergency admission department. In view of the possibly large number of unreported cases, we deliberately dispensed with statistical analysis of our patients treated as emergencies in order not to make light of the problem nor to overestimate its significance.
- Published
- 1996
42. [Electromyography studies of surgically managed knee ligament ruptures. A retrospective analysis of defined injury patterns]
- Author
J V, Wening, A, Katzer, S, Brockmann, H C, Möller, W, Eickhoff, and K H, Jungbluth
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Motor Neurons ,Electromyography ,Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries ,Medial Collateral Ligament, Knee ,Neural Inhibition ,Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted ,Knee Injuries ,Muscular Atrophy ,Postoperative Complications ,Microcomputers ,Isometric Contraction ,Humans ,Female ,Anterior Cruciate Ligament ,Range of Motion, Articular ,Retrospective Studies - Abstract
In 52 patients (5 groups, average age 32.8 years) with operative treatment of knee ligament injuries cutaneous electromyograms (EMG) under dynamic and isometric conditions (100 N, 200 N, 300 N) were performed in an average of 61.2 weeks postoperatively. The subgroups consisted of 13 patients with operative reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), 12 after reconstruction of the medial collateral ligament (MCL), 21 after combined ACL and MCL reconstruction and 6 patients with autologous or alloplastic ligament replacement, respectively. The control group consisted of seventeen young adults without a history of knee joint injuries. The intensified and filtered analogous signals of 8 investigated thigh muscles were digitalized and analysed with help of a specially developed computer program. In summary, group specific EMG-criteria reveal distinct ligamentomuscular inhibitory reflexes and, vice versa, EMG activities of thigh muscles may indicate tendencies for group specific criterion after operatively treated knee ligament injuries.
- Published
- 1996
43. [Surgery of bone metastases in advanced age?]
- Author
F, Grabbe, G, Fröschle, M, Waldenhoff, and K H, Jungbluth
- Subjects
Aged, 80 and over ,Male ,Palliative Care ,Bone Neoplasms ,Fracture Fixation, Intramedullary ,Survival Rate ,Fracture Fixation, Internal ,Fractures, Spontaneous ,Postoperative Complications ,Treatment Outcome ,Cause of Death ,Humans ,Female ,Hip Prosthesis ,Aged - Abstract
Twenty-seven patients over 70 years of age (1990-1995, n = 100) achieved a stabilisation of skeletal metastasis; preventive (10), or after pathological fracture (17). Medullary pins were preferred to compound osteosynthesis. In all cases the operation was of a palliative nature, but resulted in considerable relief from pain, facilitated nursing or even improved ability to walk. Thus old age is not an indication against palliative stabilisation of skeletal metastasis.
- Published
- 1996
44. Versorgung komplexer Verletzungen von Unterarm und Hand
- Author
P. A. W. Ostermann, A. Ekkernkamp, B. Honervogt, G. Muhr, D. Richter, M. Hahn, H.-J. Andreß, R. Schwab, H. Hertlein, G. Lob, G. Regel, H. C. Pape, K. Kuhn, H. Tscherne, R. Hierner, P. Brenner, A. Berger, R. Slodicka, R. Friedel, C. Dorow, A. Mahlfeld, M. Sitte, O. Sölch, E. Markgraf, C. Tesch, O. Oetke, T. Wessinghage, K.-H. Jungbluth, G. Germann, Th. Raff, B. Bickert, M. Sauerbier, H. Hammer, H. Voßmann, M. Mentzel, Th. Ebinger, H. Hoss, L. Kinzl, P. Preisser, K. Rudolf, B.-D. Partecke, R. B. Brauer, K. Becker, W. Weiß, M. Dirking, K.-D. Werber, Ch. Chylarecki, Ch. Bettag, G. Hierholzer, E. Rzesacz, U. Culemann, A. Illgner, H. Reilmann, Ch. Weißer, A. Weckbach, U. Breitenbach, M. Dienst, G. Wozasek, D. Seligson, W. J. Kasperczyk, J. Meier, O. Kwasny, M. Fuchs, U. Horas, M. Kappus, M. Börner, M. Wenning, D. Von Der Heide, K.-H. Müller, E. Lenz, G. Hoffmann, K. Neumann, P. Graf, R. Gröner, M. Geishauser, E. Biemer, Th. Rudy, H. Burchard, P. Stanković, M. Stürmer, H. Troeger, R. Fricker, M. Jakob, G. Möllenhoff, and M. Walz
- Published
- 1996
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45. Skelettmetastasenchirurgie im hohen Lebensalter?
- Author
M. Waldenhoff, F. Grabbe, K. H. Jungbluth, and G. Froschle
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Osteosynthesis ,Medullary cavity ,business.industry ,medicine ,Skeletal metastasis ,business ,Pathological ,Surgery - Abstract
Twenty-seven patients over 70 years of age (1990–1995, n = 100) achieved a stabilisation of skeletal metastasis; preventive (10), or after pathological fracture (17). Medullary pins were preferred to compound osteosynthesis. In all cases the operation was of a palliative nature, but resulted in considerable relief from pain, facilitated nursing or even improved ability to walk. Thus old age is not an indication against palliative stabilisation of skeletal metastasis.
- Published
- 1996
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46. Laser Research in Trauma Surgery — Orientated Towards Special Indications
- Author
K. H. Jungbluth and R. Jahn
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,business.industry ,law ,Cartilage ,Medicine ,Biological tissue ,Meniscus (anatomy) ,business ,Laser ,Trauma surgery ,law.invention ,Surgery - Abstract
Trauma surgery includes operations on soft and hard biological tissue (bone, cartilage). Especially clean cutting of bone or meniscus cartilage remained difficult, because of undesirable thermal side effects. Numerous tests with several lasers show different gross and histological effects.
- Published
- 1996
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47. Poster
- Author
J. Andermar, H.-J. Helling, J. Koebke, D. Von Mallek, P. Landwehr, K. E. Rehm, A. Badke, C. Eingartner, M. Pütz, D. Höntzsch, G. Böhringer, M. Schädel-Höpfner, T. Lemke, L. Gotzen, Ch. Böllinger, C. Neumann, M. Jakob, M. Nerlich, E. Brück, E. Ziring, J. Petermann, St. D. Cook, J. P. Ryaby, H. D. Heckman, Th. K. Kristiansen, C. Dorow, H. Herrmann, R. Friedel, E. Markgraf, B. Evers, H. Gerngroß, Ch. Feld, J. Lömker, J. Schmitt, M. Künneke, H. Göricke, I. Celik, W. Lorenz, F. Baumgaertel, J. Zelder, H. Finkemeier, M. Schnabel, J. Schlegel, V. H. Frankel, F. Mohr, M. Bondartschuk, Th. Beier, Ch. Meyer, St. Hein, Th. Friess, F. Albrecht, R. H. Gahr, D. Löhn, W. Göllnitz, U. Socha, L. Arens, S. Giggel, Ch. Stroh, S. Goldhahn, J. Goldhahn, H. Mothes, O. Bach, J. Grüber, A. Stahlenbrecher, F. Döhling, L. Dziwisch, H.-J. Gühne, Ch. Oeri, U. Affolter, U. Haug, C. Willy, J. D. Heckman, J. McCabe, J. Frey, M. Helm, J. Hauke, L. Lampl, K.-H. Bock, M. Hessmann, F. Morgenthal, St. Höck, D. Schumacher, Th. Mohr, P. Dörsel, A. Ingnatius, D. Reif, L. Claes, B. Ishaque, N. Ishaque, I. Augele, H. Kienapfel, K. J. Klose, I. Ivanovic, R. Nikcevic, G. N. Jukema, M. Settner, H.-J. Böhm, G. Hierholzer, A. Katzer, N. M. Meenen, U. Saalfeld, J. Fink, K. H. Jungbluth, Ch. Krettek, P. Schandelmaier, B. Könemann, H. Tscherne, J. Laule, E. Lindhorst, H. A. B. Miller, G. A. Taylor, M. N. Magin, O. Paar, H. J. Erli, R. Mährlein, M. Kalt, H. Schmelzeisen, K. Meyer, R. Schmidt, H. P. Becker, R. Minholz, J. P. Schröder, A. Uhrmacher, H. D. Möller, P. Angele, M. Maghsudi, C. Müller, H.-S. Neumann, H. Rieger, W. Klein, L. Olivier, F. Neudeck, St. Assenmacher, K.-P. Schmit-Neuerburg, Ch. Paul, T. Hüfner, H. Rötterink, T. Pohlemann, F. Rentsch, H. Gebauer, F. G. Scherf, J. Rudolf, M. A. Scherer, W. Schwarz, K. Herfeldt, St. V. Gumppenberg, J. Maurer, E. Brug, Th. A. Schildhauer, C. Josten, A. Ekkernkamp, G. Muhr, A. Schmelz, D. Nestle, B. Schmitz, L. Kinzl, I. Schmidt, F. Marx, H.-Ch. Scholle, Ch. Anders, U. Smolenski, D. Rosenbaum, M. Röderer, G. Schmoz, E. Lorz, J. Höpner, F. Fröhlich, R. Schnettler, E. Dingeldein, K. Donath, E. Scola, L. Kleine, J. Meyer, J. Sterk, E. Strauss, W. Oppenheim, R. Petrucelli, J. Szita, T. Laczkó, A. Renner, T. Bodzay, W. Usikow, Ch. Hofmann, S. Voss, W. Kaffenberger, M. Wennmacher, M. Fell, A. Meißner, R. Rahmanzadeh, H.-J. Wilke, E. Wischhöfer, P. Lankes, P. Schmoll, B. Wittner, U. Holz, E. M. Walthers, and A. Junge
- Published
- 1996
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48. Induktion der Heilung: Weichteile — Knochen — Gelenke
- Author
J. D. Heckman, B. Decker, I. Gürtner, St. M. Perren, J. P. Ryaby, W. Fleischmann, P. Adamietz, St. Rehart, Ch. Lattermann, M. Bischoff, L. Zichner, C. Dorow, A. Berger, J. Frey, T. Gerich, G. Muhr, U. Bosch, A. Rüter, Ch. Krettek, H. Tscherne, W. Friedl, R. Kang, C. H. Evans, M. Grotz, H. Herrmann, K. H. Jungbluth, I. Schmidt, S. Riedel, K. M. Stürmer, M. Kremer, Ch. Josten, F. Fu, M. Hahn, Th. Rack, N. Meenen, P. Lobenhoffer, H. Stützle, J. Liebau, U. Becker, I. Rösch, W. Küsswetter, A. Weinberg, K. Wolf, H. Feifel, E. Markgraf, W. Prellwitz, N. Pallua, H. G. Machens, H. P. Lobenhoffer, P. M. Rommens, G. Herr, E. Lang, M. Markmiller, A. Ekkernkamp, G. Möllenhoff, K. Wilhelm, J. McCabe, J. Holz, H.-E. Schratt, L. Schweiberer, S. Tepic, W. Braun, Th. Gaertner, M. Schieker, and P. Trudrung
- Published
- 1996
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49. [Diagnosis and therapy of cruciate ligament injuries in childhood. Clinical results]
- Author
J V, Wening, G, Mathiak, M, Mathiak, and K H, Jungbluth
- Subjects
Adult ,Joint Instability ,Male ,Adolescent ,Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries ,Knee Injuries ,Postoperative Complications ,Treatment Outcome ,Humans ,Female ,Posterior Cruciate Ligament ,Anterior Cruciate Ligament ,Range of Motion, Articular ,Child ,Follow-Up Studies - Abstract
In 19 years 21 children were operated upon anterior or posterior ligament ruptures. Follow-up based on policlinical data and 12 out of 21 patients were tested on follow-up (average follow-up time: 5.5 years). We made notes of the clinical data of an examination with the knee-arthrometer KT-1000 as well as of radiologic and sonographic methods. The subsequent scoring revealed mostly good to very good results. Still, in the long run it would be desirable to perform a prospective multicenter study to obtain statistically relevant data to give advice for ideal surgical treatment of ligamentous knee injuries in children.
- Published
- 1995
50. [Behavior of artificially-induced epiphyseal groove defects. 3: Transplantation of autologous and homologous rib cartilage in Göttingen minipigs. Findings after a 16 week interval]
- Author
M, Dallek, N M, Meenen, and K H, Jungbluth
- Subjects
Male ,Cartilage ,Swine ,Animals ,Salter-Harris Fractures ,Swine, Miniature ,Transplantation, Homologous ,Growth Plate ,Transplantation, Autologous ,Follow-Up Studies - Abstract
Drillholes of 8 mm diameter were made through the epiphyseal cartilage of the distal femora in 20 6-week-old Göttingen minipigs. The defects were filled with autologous or with homologous cartilage. This was intended to prevent epi-metaphyseal osseous bridge formation. If of appropriate size and location, the latter would lead to subsequent misgrowth. In group A (autologous costal cartilage), at all drillholes the transplanted costal cartilage can prevent ossification of the defect. An epiphyseal boundary lamella was formed over the transplant which precluded penetration of vessels into the defect. In group B (homologous costal cartilage), the transplanted costal cartilage showed a tendency to mineralization in all preparations at the 20 drillholes available. The cartilage was integrated into the primary cancellous bone developing within the defect. An epiphyseal boundary lamella had not formed in the period of the experiment (in contrast to autogenous transplantation). These investigations show that autologous costal cartilage is superior to homologous costal cartilage in the potential clinical application of costal cartilage transplants in the treatment of Brodie abscesses or post-traumatic epiphyseodeses.
- Published
- 1995
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