24 results on '"Kölle, Julia"'
Search Results
2. Performance Assessment of Three Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes.
- Author
Kölle, Julia, Eichenlaub, Manuel, Mende, Jochen, Link, Manuela, Vetter, Beatrice, Safary, Elvis, Pleus, Stefan, Haug, Cornelia, and Freckmann, Guido
- Published
- 2024
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3. Benefits of Usability Evaluation in the Development Process of Diabetes Technologies Using the Example of a Continuous Glucose Monitoring System Prototype
- Author
Beltzer, Anne, primary, Kölle, Julia, additional, Gil Miró, Marta, additional, Pleus, Stefan, additional, Krauss, Collin, additional, Haug, Cornelia, additional, Safary, Elvis, additional, Vetter, Beatrice, additional, and Freckmann, Guido, additional
- Published
- 2024
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4. Hildegard von Bingen. Liber simplicis medicinae
- Author
Kölle, Julia, primary
- Published
- 2021
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5. Versteinertes Blut. Heilig-Blut-Säulen in der flämischen Malerei um 1500
- Author
Kölle, Julia, primary
- Published
- 2018
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6. Targeted deletion of NFAT-Interacting-Protein-(NIP) 45 resolves experimental asthma by inhibiting Innate Lymphoid Cells group 2 (ILC2)
- Author
Koch, Sonja, Knipfer, Lisa, Kölle, Julia, Mirzakhani, Hooman, Graser, Anna, Zimmermann, Theodor, Kiefer, Alexander, Melichar, Volker O., Rascher, Wolfgang, Papadopoulos, Nikolaos G., Rieker, Ralf J., Raby, Benjamin A., Weiss, Scott T., Wirtz, Stefan, and Finotto, Susetta
- Published
- 2019
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7. sj-docx-1-dst-10.1177_19322968231159657 – Supplemental material for Performance Assessment of Three Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes
- Author
Kölle, Julia, Eichenlaub, Manuel, Mende, Jochen, Link, Manuela, Vetter, Beatrice, Safary, Elvis, Pleus, Stefan, Haug, Cornelia, and Freckmann, Guido
- Subjects
111708 Health and Community Services ,FOS: Clinical medicine ,111199 Nutrition and Dietetics not elsewhere classified ,Medicine ,FOS: Health sciences ,110306 Endocrinology - Abstract
Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-dst-10.1177_19322968231159657 for Performance Assessment of Three Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes by Julia Kölle, Manuel Eichenlaub, Jochen Mende, Manuela Link, Beatrice Vetter, Elvis Safary, Stefan Pleus, Cornelia Haug and Guido Freckmann in Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology
- Published
- 2023
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8. Performance Assessment of Three Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes
- Author
Kölle, Julia, primary, Eichenlaub, Manuel, additional, Mende, Jochen, additional, Link, Manuela, additional, Vetter, Beatrice, additional, Safary, Elvis, additional, Pleus, Stefan, additional, Haug, Cornelia, additional, and Freckmann, Guido, additional
- Published
- 2023
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9. User Performance Evaluation and System Accuracy Assessment of Four Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems With Color Coding of Measurement Results
- Author
Pleus, Stefan, primary, Baumstark, Annette, additional, Schauer, Sebastian, additional, Kölle, Julia, additional, Jendrike, Nina, additional, Mende, Jochen, additional, Haug, Cornelia, additional, and Freckmann, Guido, additional
- Published
- 2022
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10. Targeted deletion of Interleukin-3 results in asthma exacerbations
- Author
Kölle, Julia, primary, Zimmermann, Theodor, additional, Kiefer, Alexander, additional, Rieker, Ralf J., additional, Xepapadaki, Paraskevi, additional, Zundler, Sebastian, additional, Papadopoulos, Nikolaos G., additional, and Finotto, Susetta, additional
- Published
- 2022
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11. The role of Interleukin-3 in allergic asthma
- Author
Kölle, Julia
- Subjects
ddc:570 - Abstract
Asthma bronchiale ist eine chronisch entzündliche Erkrankung der Atemwege, die weltweit ca. 339 Millionen Menschen betrifft. Der Kontakt der Bronchien mit ansonsten harmlosen Reizen löst auf Grund einer Atemwegshyperreagibilität (AHR) eine Entzündung der bronchialen Schleimhaut aus, die mit einer erhöhten Schleimsekretion, einer Schleimhautschwellung und Spasmen der Bronchialmuskulatur einhergeht und zu einer Atemwegsobstruktion führt. Die der Krankheit zugrunde liegenden immunologischen Mechanismen sind dabei sehr vielschichtig und komplex und variieren je nach Asthmaform und -ausprägung. In der Akutphase eines allergischen Asthmaanfalls kommt es durch den Kontakt mit Allergenen zur Quervernetzung von IgE-gebundenen Fc Rezeptoren auf der Oberfläche von Mastzellen und Basophilen, was die Ausschüttung verschiedenster Entzündungsmediatoren wie z.B. Histamin zur Folge hat. Es folgt eine Überempfindlichkeitsreaktion vom Typ I, welche mit der Aktivierung von TH2, TH9 und TH17 Zellen und der Rekrutierung von Entzündungszellen (u.a. Eosinophile) in die Lunge einhergeht. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte daher der Beitrag des Zytokins Interleukin-3 (IL 3) an der Entstehung und dem Verlauf des allergischen Asthmas eingehender untersucht werden. In verschiedenen Studien konnte bereits gezeigt werden, dass eine erhöhte Expression von IL 3 in der Lunge im Rahmen bronchialer Infektionen im frühen Kindesalter und bestimmte Polymorphismen im IL3 Gen mit einem erhöhten Risiko einhergehen, an Asthma zu erkranken. Weiterhin konnte eine erhöhte IL3 Expression in der Lunge von Asthmatikern beobachtet werden. Zusammen mit den Ergebnissen aus weiteren Studien zu anderweitigen inflammatorischen Erkrankungen sprechen diese Erkenntnisse für eine Beteiligung von IL 3 an der immunologischen Reaktion von Asthma. Um die Rolle des IL 3 im allergischen Asthma näher zu untersuchen, wurde zunächst die IL 3 Sekretion, sowie die Expression seines Rezeptors in Proben aus der europaweiten Kohortenstudie PreDicta (Post-infectious immune reprogramming and its association with persistence and chronicity of respiratory allergic diseases) analysiert. Dabei konnte bestätigt werden, dass PBMCs (peripheral blood mononuclear cells) von an Asthma erkrankten Kindern im Vergleich zu gesunden Kontrollkindern eine erhöhte IL 3 Sekretion aufweisen, und dass diese mit der Lungenfunktion der Kinder und damit mit der Schwere der Erkrankung korreliert. Des Weiteren konnte beobachtet werden, dass die Sekretion der Zytokine IL 10 und IL 13 ebenfalls mit der Lungenfunktion sowie mit der IL-3 Sekretion direkt korrelierten. Die Expression des IL3Ra ist dabei auf PBMCs und die des IL3Rb auf Vollblutzellen im Vergleich zu den Kontrollkindern erhöht. Für eine genauere Analyse der Rolle des IL 3 im allergischen Asthma, wurden Wildtyp (WT) und IL 3 defiziente (IL 3-/-) Mäuse in einem Ovalbumin (OVA)-induzierten Asthmamodell verglichen. Der Vergleich der WT und IL 3-/- Mäuse im OVA-induzierten Asthmamodell zeigte, dass Tiere ohne IL 3 Expression eine veränderte AHR, eine erhöhte Infiltration der Lunge mit Entzündungszellen und ein erhöhtes IgE-Serumlevel aufwiesen. Die erhöhte bronchiale Entzündung ging dabei zwar nicht mit einer veränderten Mukusproduktion, dafür aber mit einer erhöhten Eosinophilie in IL 3-/- Mäusen einher. Die Entwicklung der Mastzellen sowie der Basophilen war durch die Defizienz von IL 3 nicht beeinflusst. Während IL 3 auf die Differenzierung von CD4+ T Zellen und TH2 Zellen ebenso keinen Einfluss hatte, wurde die Zytokinsekretion maßgeblich von der An- bzw. Abwesenheit von IL 3 beeinflusst. So nahm die IL 5 Sekretion in der BALF (Bronchoalveolarlavage Flüssigkeit), als auch die IL 5, IL 13, und GM CSF Sekretion in Lungenzellen von IL 3-/- Mäusen signifikant im Vergleich zum WT zu. Die Sekretion von IL 4 und IL 6 war hingegen durch das Fehlen von IL 3 deutlich inhibiert. Die Vermutung, dass die veränderte Zytokinsekretion an einer veränderten Expression der entsprechenden STAT-Proteine (Signal Transducer and Activators of Transcription) liegen könnte, welche mit der Bindung der Zytokine im Rahmen der intrazellulären Signalweiterleitung aktiviert bzw. phosphoryliert werden, konnte allerdings nicht bestätigt werden. Allerdings konnte beobachtet werden, dass eine Defizienz im IL 3 Gen in naiven Mäusen mit einer erhöhten STAT5-Phosphorylierung und einer inhibierten STAT3 Expression einhergeht. Die Analyse des IL 3 Rezeptors selbst ergab, dass beide Rezeptorketten durch die Abwesenheit von IL 3 im Asthma herunterreguliert werden. Eine weitere an der Immunpathogenese des Asthma bronchiale beteiligte Zellpopulation stellen die sogenannten type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2) dar. Im Rahmen der Arbeit konnte zwar gezeigt werden, dass einer der Hauptaktivatoren dieser Zellen, IL 25, in der BALF von IL 3-/- Mäuse im Asthma erhöht ist, allerdings konnte kein Unterschied im Anteil der ILC2s beobachtet werden. Im Gegensatz dazu wurde die Expression des IL3Rs auf ILC2s durch die Abwesenheit von IL 3 in OVA behandelten Tieren inhibiert. Für die Induktion des allergischen Asthmas in Mäusen können verschiedene Allergene verwendet werden. Um einen näheren klinischen Bezug herstellen zu können, wurde der Phänotyp der IL 3-/- Maus auch in einem HDM-induzierten Asthmamodell untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich ein ähnlicher Phänotyp, wobei zwar die AHR durch die IL 3 Defizienz wie zuvor beeinflusst wurde, allerdings konnten keine Unterschiede in Bezug zum Entzündungsgrad der Lunge, der Mukusproduktion und dem IgE-Serumlevel beobachtet werden. Das erhöhte Level an IL 5, sowie die Inhibition der IL 6 Sekretion in der Lunge konnten hingegen bestätigt werden. Die Therapie des allergischen Asthmas beruht auch heutzutage noch überwiegend auf der eher symptomatischen Behandlung, wobei bei schweren Krankheitsverläufen Immuntherapien mit inhibierenden Antikörpern Anwendung finden. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse aus den Studien mit IL 3 defizienten Mäusen im OVA-Modell, welche daraufhin deuten, dass eine höhere IL 3 Konzentration mit einer Besserung der Asthmasymptome und damit einer Auflösung der Entzündung einhergehen, wurde die intranasale Applikation von rekombinantem IL 3 als Therapieansatz geprüft. Die Analysen zeigten allerdings keine eindeutige Besserung des Asthmaphänotyps. So konnte nur beobachtet werden, dass, im Vergleich zu nur mit OVA behandelten Mäusen, der Anteil inflammatorischer Eosinophilen ab- und die IL 6 Sekretion zunahm. Zusammengefasst führt eine IL 3 Defizienz in Mäusen zu einer verstärkten Immunreaktion im experimentellen allergischen Asthma, welche mit einer erhöhte IgE-Serum-Konzentration, einer erhöhten Entzündung in der Lunge und einer veränderten Sekretion von TH2-Zytokinen einhergeht. Die erhöhte IL 5, IL 13, IL 25 und GM CSF-Sekretion und die verminderte IL 4 und IL 6 Sekretion in Abwesenheit von IL 3 führt zu einer Immunreaktion, deren genauen Mechanismen noch weiterer Studien bedarf. Insgesamt konnte sowohl in humanen als auch in murinen Studien gezeigt werden, dass IL 3 ein interessantes Target in der Immunpathogenese des Asthma bronchiale darstellt. Asthma bronchiale is a chronic-inflammatory disease of the airways that affects millions of people worldwide. Due to airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) the contact of the bronchi with otherwise harmless antigens triggers an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. This is associated with increased mucus production, airway remodeling and bronchospasms that lead to airway obstructions. The underlying immunological mechanisms are heterogeneous, complex and vary depending on the form and endotype of the asthma. During the early phase reaction, allergen re-exposure triggers the cross-linking of IgE antibodies, which are bound to their specific Fcε receptor on mast cells and basophils. This leads to the release of pre-formed inflammatory mediators such as histamine. The type I hypersensitivity reaction caused by these mediators implicate the recruitment of TH2, TH9 and TH17 cells as well as other inflammatory cells (e.g. eosinophils) into the site of lung inflammation. The present study aimed to elucidate the contribution of the cytokine interleukin-3 (IL-3) in the development and the course of allergic asthma. Different studies showed that the increased expression of IL-3 in the context of bronchial infections in early childhood, as well as certain polymorphisms in the IL3 gen, are associated with an increased risk of developing asthma later in life. Additionally, increased IL-3 expression in the lung of asthmatic patients were observed. Along with the results from further studies on inflammatory diseases, these findings suggest a role of IL-3 in the immunological response of asthma. To investigate this hypothesis, the secretion of IL-3 and its receptor expression was analyzed using samples from the translational study PreDicta (Post-infectious immune reprogramming and its association with persistence and chronicity of respiratory allergic diseases). It could be confirmed that the PBMCs (peripheral blood mononuclear cells) from asthmatic children exhibit an increased IL-3 secretion compared to healthy control children. Furthermore, the increased IL-3 secretion correlated directly with a better lung function and thus with the asthma severity. Moreover, the secretion of the cytokines IL-10 and IL-13 correlated also with the lung function as well as with the IL-3 secretion. Compared to healthy control children, the expression of the IL3Ra was more pronounced in the PBMCs and the IL3Rb in whole blood cells of asthmatic children. To analyze the role of IL-3 in allergic asthma in more detail, wildtype (WT) and IL-3 deficient (IL-3-/-) mice were subjected to an Ovalbumin (OVA) induced model of allergic asthma. Comparing WT and IL-3-/- mice in the OVA-induced asthma model, it was shown that mice lacking IL-3 expression exhibited an altered AHR, an increased lung infiltration with inflammatory cells and an increased IgE serum level. The increased bronchial inflammation was not associated with an altered mucus production, but with an increased eosinophilia in IL-3-/- mice. Thereby the differentiation of mast cells and basophils were not affected by the deficiency of IL-3. Furthermore, IL-3 had no influence on the differentiation of CD4+ T cells or TH2 cells, but their cytokine secretion was markedly influenced by the presence or absence of IL-3. The IL-5 secretion in the BALF (bronchoalveolar lavage fluid), as well as the IL-5, IL-13, and GM-CSF secretion in the lungs was significantly increased in IL-3-/- mice compared to WT mice. However, the secretion of IL-4 and IL-6 was significantly inhibited by the lack of IL-3. The assumption that the changed cytokine secretion could be due to a changed expression of the corresponding STAT (Signal Transducer and Activators of Transcription) proteins, which are phosphorylated by the binding of the cytokines to their receptors and the intracellular signal transmission, could not be confirmed. Instead of this it could be shown, that in untreated mice, the lack of IL-3 was accompanied by an increased STAT5 phosphorylation and a decreased STAT3 expression. The analysis of the IL-3 receptor expression exhibited an inhibition of both receptor chains in the absence of IL-3 itself. Another relevant cell population which is involved in the immunopathogenesis of bronchial asthma is the so-called type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s). Although the present study could show that one of the main activators of these cells, IL-25, is increased in the BALF of asthmatic IL-3-/- mice, no differences in the proportion of the ILC2s could be observed. In contrast, the expression of the IL-3 receptor chains was inhibited on ILC2s by the lack of IL-3 in OVA treated mice. For the induction of allergic asthma in murine models, various allergens could be used. In order to get a closer clinical relationship, the phenotype of the IL-3-/- mouse was also examined in an HDM-induced asthma model. Although the AHR was altered by the deficiency of IL-3 as before, no differences in lung inflammation, mucus production or IgE serum level could be observed. However, the increased level of IL-5 and the inhibition of the IL-6 secretion in the lungs could be confirmed. The treatment of allergic asthma is still based mainly on the cure of the symptoms, whereby immunotherapies with inhibiting antibodies are used for the treatment of severe and uncontrolled asthma. The studies with the IL-3 deficient mice in the OVA-induced asthma model suggest that a higher IL-3 concentration is accompanied with a resolution of the inflammation and the asthma symptoms- Based on these results an intranasal treatment with recombinant IL-3 during the OVA-protocol was examined. However, the analysis showed no distinct improvement in the asthma phenotype. It could only be observed that, compared to mice treated only with OVA, the proportion of inflammatory eosinophils decreased and the IL-6 secretion increased. In conclusion, IL-3 deficiency in mice lead to an enhanced immune response in experimental allergic asthma, associated with an increased IgE serum level, an increased lung inflammation and an altered secretion of TH2 cytokines. Thereby the increased secretion of IL-5, IL-13, IL-25 and GM-CSF, and the decreased IL-4 and IL-6 secretion in the absence of IL-3, lead to an altered immune response whose exact mechanisms require further investigations. Overall, both human and murine studies have shown that IL-3 is an interesting target in the immunopathogenesis of bronchial asthma.
- Published
- 2022
12. sj-docx-1-dst-10.1177_19322968221141926 – Supplemental material for User Performance Evaluation and System Accuracy Assessment of Four Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems With Color Coding of Measurement Results
- Author
Pleus, Stefan, Baumstark, Annette, Schauer, Sebastian, Kölle, Julia, Jendrike, Nina, Mende, Jochen, Haug, Cornelia, and Freckmann, Guido
- Subjects
111708 Health and Community Services ,FOS: Clinical medicine ,111199 Nutrition and Dietetics not elsewhere classified ,Medicine ,FOS: Health sciences ,110306 Endocrinology - Abstract
Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-dst-10.1177_19322968221141926 for User Performance Evaluation and System Accuracy Assessment of Four Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems With Color Coding of Measurement Results by Stefan Pleus, Annette Baumstark, Sebastian Schauer, Julia Kölle, Nina Jendrike, Jochen Mende, Cornelia Haug and Guido Freckmann in Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology
- Published
- 2022
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13. Regulatory eosinophils induce the resolution of experimental arthritis and appear in remission state of human rheumatoid arthritis
- Author
Andreev, Darja, primary, Liu, Mengdan, additional, Kachler, Katerina, additional, Llerins Perez, Mireia, additional, Kirchner, Philipp, additional, Kölle, Julia, additional, Gießl, Andreas, additional, Rauber, Simon, additional, Song, Rui, additional, Aust, Oliver, additional, Grüneboom, Anika, additional, Kleyer, Arnd, additional, Cañete, Juan D, additional, Ekici, Arif, additional, Ramming, Andreas, additional, Finotto, Susetta, additional, Schett, Georg, additional, and Bozec, Aline, additional
- Published
- 2020
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14. Respiratory infections regulated blood cells IFN‐β‐PD‐L1 pathway in pediatric asthma
- Author
Kölle, Julia, primary, Haag, Patricia, additional, Vuorinen, Tytti, additional, Alexander, Kiefer, additional, Rauh, Manfred, additional, Zimmermann, Theodor, additional, Papadopoulos, Nikolaos G., additional, and Finotto, Susetta, additional
- Published
- 2020
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15. Respiratory infections regulated blood cells IFN‐β‐PD‐L1 pathway in pediatric asthma
- Author
Kölle, Julia, Haag, Patricia, Vuorinen, Tytti, Alexander, Kiefer, Rauh, Manfred, Zimmermann, Theodor, Papadopoulos, Nikolaos G., and Finotto, Susetta
- Subjects
lcsh:Immunologic diseases. Allergy ,human rhinovirus ,Interferon-beta ,Ligands ,Asthma ,B7-H1 Antigen ,PD‐L1 ,Child, Preschool ,Leukocytes, Mononuclear ,Humans ,ddc:610 ,lcsh:RC581-607 ,Child ,Respiratory Tract Infections ,IFNβ ,Original Research ,pediatric asthma - Abstract
Background Respiratory infections, in general, and rhinovirus infection specifically are the main reason for asthma exacerbation in children and programmed cell death protein 1 ligand (PD‐L1) expression inhibits T cell responses. Objective Could the interferon (IFN) type I expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) improve disease exacerbation in pediatric asthma? Results Here we found increased level of PD‐L1 messenger RNA (mRNA) in total blood cells isolated from preschool children with virus‐induced asthma, with lower percentage of forced expiratory volume in 1 second and with high serum levels of the C‐reactive‐protein. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance These data indicate that, in the presence of infection in the airways of preschool children, worse asthma is associated with induced PD‐L1 mRNA expression in blood cells. Further, type I IFN, IFN‐β, a cytokine that is involved in the clearance of infections, was found to be associated with a better lung function in asthmatic children. These data suggest that improving peripheral blood IFN type I expression in PBMCs in pediatric asthma could improve disease exacerbation due to suppressing PD‐L1 expression in blood cells., Here we found increased level of programmed cell death protein 1 ligand (PD‐L1) messenger RNA (mRNA) in total blood cells isolated from preschool children with virus‐induced asthma, with lower percentage of forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1%) and with high serum levels of the C‐reactive‐protein (CRP).Further, the activation of regulatory elements that induce interferon‐β (IFNβ), a cytokine that is involved in immunity of infections, was found to be associated with better lung function in asthmatic children.Finally, IFN‐β released by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) was found associated with an induced expression of PD‐L1 mRNA in control but no asthmatic children.
- Published
- 2020
16. Regulatory eosinophils induce the resolution of experimental arthritis and appear in remission state of human rheumatoid arthritis.
- Author
Andreev, Darja, Mengdan Liu, Kachler, Katerina, Perez, Mireia Llerins, Kirchner, Philipp, Kölle, Julia, Gießl, Andreas, Rauber, Simon, Rui Song, Aust, Oliver, Grüneboom, Anika, Kleyer, Arnd, Cañete, Juan D., Ekici, Arif, Ramming, Andreas, Finotto, Susetta, Schett, Georg, Bozec, Aline, Liu, Mengdan, and Llerins Perez, Mireia
- Abstract
Objectives: Eosinophils possess pro-inflammatory functions in asthma. However, our recent studies have suggested that innate lymphoid cells type 2 (ILC2s) and eosinophils have proresolving properties in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Nothing is known yet about the mechanisms determining the double-edged role of eosinophils. Therefore, we investigated whether asthma, a paradigm eosinophilic disease, can elicit resolution of chronic arthritis.Methods: Ovalbumin-triggered eosinophilic asthma was combined with K/BxN serum-induced arthritis, where lung and synovial eosinophil subsets were compared by single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq). To investigate the involvement of the ILC2-interleukin-5 (IL-5) axis, hydrodynamic injection (HDI) of IL-25 and IL-33 plasmids, IL-5 reporter mice and anti-IL-5 antibody treatment were used. In patients with RA, the presence of distinct eosinophil subsets was examined in peripheral blood and synovial tissue. Disease activity of patients with RA with concomitant asthma was monitored before and after mepolizumab (anti-IL-5 antibody) therapy.Results: The induction of eosinophilic asthma caused resolution of murine arthritis and joint tissue protection. ScRNA-seq revealed a specific subset of regulatory eosinophils (rEos) in the joints, distinct from inflammatory eosinophils in the lungs. Mechanistically, synovial rEos expanded on systemic upregulation of IL-5 released by lung ILC2s. Eosinophil depletion abolished the beneficial effect of asthma on arthritis. rEos were consistently present in the synovium of patients with RA in remission, but not in active stage. Remarkably, in patients with RA with concomitant asthma, mepolizumab treatment induced relapse of arthritis.Conclusion: These findings point to a hitherto undiscovered proresolving signature in an eosinophil subset that stimulates arthritis resolution. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2021
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17. Immunoregulatory role of acid sphingomyelinase in allergic asthma
- Author
Sopel, Nina, primary, Kölle, Julia, additional, Dumendiak, Sonja, additional, Koch, Sonja, additional, Reichel, Martin, additional, Rhein, Cosima, additional, Kornhuber, Johannes, additional, and Finotto, Susetta, additional
- Published
- 2019
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18. Proteolysis of mature HIV-1 p6 Gag protein by the insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) regulates virus replication in an Env-dependent manner
- Author
Hahn, Friedrich, Schmalen, Adrian, Setz, Christian, Friedrich, Melanie, Schlößer, Stefan, Kölle, Julia, Spranger, Robert, Rauch, Pia, Fraedrich, Kirsten, Reif, Tatjana, Karius-Fischer, Julia, Balasubramanyam, Ashok, Henklein, Petra, Fossen, Torgils, and Schubert, Ulrich
- Subjects
RNA viruses ,Molecular biology ,T-Lymphocytes ,viruses ,lcsh:Medicine ,Virus Replication ,Pathology and Laboratory Medicine ,Insulysin ,gag Gene Products, Human Immunodeficiency Virus ,Biochemistry ,Virions ,Database and Informatics Methods ,Endocrinology ,Immunodeficiency Viruses ,Medizinische Fakultät ,Medicine and Health Sciences ,Insulin ,lcsh:Science ,Cells, Cultured ,SIV ,Medical Microbiology ,Viral Pathogens ,Viruses ,Pathogens ,Sequence Analysis ,Research Article ,Bioinformatics ,Viral Structure ,DNA construction ,Research and Analysis Methods ,Microbiology ,Sequence Motif Analysis ,Virology ,Retroviruses ,Humans ,ddc:610 ,Microbial Pathogens ,Diabetic Endocrinology ,Lentivirus ,lcsh:R ,Organisms ,Gene Products, env ,Biology and Life Sciences ,HIV ,Hormones ,Viral Replication ,Molecular biology techniques ,Proteolysis ,HIV-2 ,Plasmid Construction ,HIV-1 ,lcsh:Q ,HeLa Cells - Abstract
There is a significantly higher risk for type II diabetes in HIV-1 carriers, albeit the molecular mechanism for this HIV-related pathology remains enigmatic. The 52 amino acid HIV-1 p6 Gag protein is synthesized as the C-terminal part of the Gag polyprotein Pr55. In this context, p6 promotes virus release by its two late (L-) domains, and facilitates the incorporation of the viral accessory protein Vpr. However, the function of p6 in its mature form, after proteolytic release from Gag, has not been investigated yet. We found that the mature p6 represents the first known viral substrate of the ubiquitously expressed cytosolic metalloendopeptidase insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE). IDE is sufficient and required for degradation of p6, and p6 is approximately 100-fold more efficiently degraded by IDE than its eponymous substrate insulin. This observation appears to be specific for HIV-1, as p6 proteins from HIV-2 and simian immunodeficiency virus, as well as the 51 amino acid p9 from equine infectious anaemia virus were insensitive to IDE degradation. The amount of virus-associated p6, as well as the efficiency of release and maturation of progeny viruses does not depend on the presence of IDE in the host cells, as it was shown by CRISPR/Cas9 edited IDE KO cells. However, HIV-1 mutants harboring IDE-insensitive p6 variants exhibit reduced virus replication capacity, a phenomenon that seems to depend on the presence of an X4-tropic Env. Furthermore, competing for IDE by exogenous insulin or inhibiting IDE by the highly specific inhibitor 6bK, also reduced virus replication. This effect could be specifically attributed to IDE since replication of HIV-1 variants coding for an IDE-insensitive p6 were inert towards IDE-inhibition. Our cumulative data support a model in which removal of p6 during viral entry is important for virus replication, at least in the case of X4 tropic HIV-1.
- Published
- 2017
19. The Unresolved Role of Interferon-λ in Asthma Bronchiale
- Author
Sopel, Nina, Pflaum, Andreas, Kölle, Julia, and Finotto, Susetta
- Subjects
lcsh:Immunologic diseases. Allergy ,rhinovirus ,exacerbation ,Medizinische Fakultät ,epithelial cell ,Immunology ,Review ,interferon ,ddc:610 ,asthma ,lcsh:RC581-607 - Abstract
Asthma bronchiale is a disease of the airways with increasing incidence, that often begins during infancy. So far, therapeutic options are mainly symptomatic and thus there is an increasing need for better treatment and/or prevention strategies. Human rhinoviruses (HRVs) are a major cause of asthma exacerbations and might cause acute wheezing associated with local production of pro-inflammatory mediators resulting in neutrophilic inflammatory response. Viral infections induce a characteristic activation of immune response, e.g., TLR3, 4, 7, 8, 9 in the endosome and their downstream targets, especially MyD88. Moreover, other cytoplasmic pattern recognition molecules (PRMs) like RIG1 and MDA5 play important roles in the activation of interferons (IFNs) of all types. Depending on the stimulation of the different PRMs, the levels of the IFNs induced might differ. Recent studies focused on Type I IFNs in samples from control and asthma patients. However, the administration of type I IFN-α was accompanied by side-effects, thus this possible therapy was abandoned. Type III IFN-λ acts more specifically, as fewer cells express the IFN-λ receptor chain 1. In addition, it has been shown that asthmatic mice treated with recombinant or adenoviral expressed IFN-λ2 (IL–28A) showed an amelioration of symptoms, indicating that treatment with IFN-λ might be beneficial for asthmatic patients.
- Published
- 2017
20. The Unresolved Role of Interferon-λ in Asthma Bronchiale
- Author
Sopel, Nina, primary, Pflaum, Andreas, additional, Kölle, Julia, additional, and Finotto, Susetta, additional
- Published
- 2017
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21. Immunhistochemische Charakterisierung von sporadischen und entzündungsassoziierten Karzinomvorstufen bei Colitis ulcerosa
- Author
Kölle, Julia
- Subjects
Coloncarcinom ,Colitis ulcerosa ,Medizinische Fakultät ,Immunhistochemie ,ddc:610 - Abstract
Hintergründe und Ziele: Das Kolorektale Karzinom (CRC) stellt mit einer Inzidenz von 570.000 Fällen pro Jahr eine der häufigsten Karzinomerkrankungen dar. Patienten mit Colitis ulcerosa weisen ein deutlich höheres Risiko auf, an einem CRC zu erkranken. In dieser Studie wurden Vorstufen des Kolonkarzinoms bei Colitis-Patienten auf verschiedene molekulare Marker hin untersucht. Dabei wurden zum einen die Eigenschaften von klassischen Adenomen denen der serratierten Polypen gegenübergestellt. Zum anderen wurden sporadische Läsionen mit den entzündungs-assoziierten IEN verglichen. Hinsichtlich der molekularen Marker wurden drei inhaltliche Schwerpunkte gesetzt, Malignitätsmarker, DNA-Reparaturmechanismen und Differenzierungsmarker. Material und Methoden: 182 Läsionen von 139 Patienten mit Colitis-ulcerosa wurden immunhistochemisch analysiert und nach der prozentualen Anfärbung der Läsion und der Intensität bewertet. Statistische Auswertungen erfolgten mit T-Tests für unabhängige Stichproben sowie univariater Varianzanalysen (ANOVA) mit Posthoctests (Dunnett T3). P-Werte
- Published
- 2013
22. Oxygen-dependent regulation of c-di-GMP synthesis by SadC controls alginate production inPseudomonas aeruginosa
- Author
Schmidt, Annika, primary, Hammerbacher, Anna Silke, additional, Bastian, Mike, additional, Nieken, Karen Jule, additional, Klockgether, Jens, additional, Merighi, Massimo, additional, Lapouge, Karine, additional, Poschgan, Claudia, additional, Kölle, Julia, additional, Acharya, K. Ravi, additional, Ulrich, Martina, additional, Tümmler, Burkhard, additional, Unden, Gottfried, additional, Kaever, Volkhard, additional, Lory, Stephen, additional, Haas, Dieter, additional, Schwarz, Sandra, additional, and Döring, Gerd, additional
- Published
- 2016
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23. Oxygen-dependent regulation of c-di- GMP synthesis by SadC controls alginate production in P seudomonas aeruginosa.
- Author
Schmidt, Annika, Hammerbacher, Anna Silke, Bastian, Mike, Nieken, Karen Jule, Klockgether, Jens, Merighi, Massimo, Lapouge, Karine, Poschgan, Claudia, Kölle, Julia, Acharya, K. Ravi, Ulrich, Martina, Tümmler, Burkhard, Unden, Gottfried, Kaever, Volkhard, Lory, Stephen, Haas, Dieter, Schwarz, Sandra, and Döring, Gerd
- Subjects
PSEUDOMONAS aeruginosa ,EFFECT of oxygen on bacteria ,GUANYLIC acid ,ALGINATES ,BIOSYNTHESIS - Abstract
P seudomonas aeruginosa produces increased levels of alginate in response to oxygen-deprived conditions. The regulatory pathway(s) that links oxygen limitation to increased synthesis of alginate has remained elusive. In the present study, using immunofluorescence microscopy, we show that anaerobiosis-induced alginate production by planktonic PAO1 requires the diguanylate cyclase ( DGC) SadC, previously identified as a regulator of surface-associated lifestyles. Furthermore, we found that the gene products of PA4330 and PA4331, located in a predicted operon with sadC, have a major impact on alginate production: deletion of PA4330 ( odaA, for oxygen-dependent alginate synthesis activator) caused an alginate production defect under anaerobic conditions, whereas a PA4331 ( odaI, for oxygen-dependent alginate synthesis inhibitor) deletion mutant produced alginate also in the presence of oxygen, which would normally inhibit alginate synthesis. Based on their sequence, OdaA and OdaI have predicted hydratase and dioxygenase reductase activities, respectively. Enzymatic assays using purified protein showed that unlike OdaA, which did not significantly affect DGC activity of SadC, OdaI inhibited c-di- GMP production by SadC. Our data indicate that SadC, OdaA and OdaI are components of a novel response pathway of P . aeruginosa that regulates alginate synthesis in an oxygen-dependent manner. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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24. User Performance Evaluation and System Accuracy Assessment of Four Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems With Color Coding of Measurement Results.
- Author
Pleus S, Baumstark A, Schauer S, Kölle J, Jendrike N, Mende J, Haug C, and Freckmann G
- Subjects
- Humans, Adult, Female, Male, Color, Middle Aged, Reproducibility of Results, Diabetes Mellitus blood, Young Adult, Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring instrumentation, Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring standards, Blood Glucose analysis
- Abstract
Background: Blood glucose monitoring systems (BGMSs) are a cornerstone in diabetes management. They have to provide sufficiently accurate results in the hands of lay users, particularly in insulin-treated patients. The aim of this study was user performance evaluation and system accuracy assessment of four BGMSs with color coding of results., Methods: Study procedures were based on ISO 15197:2013. User performance evaluation included data from 100 participants, each of whom used every system with one reagent lot. Study personnel observed user techniques. For the system accuracy assessment, 100 capillary samples were obtained for measurement in duplicate with each of three reagent system lots per system, resulting in 600 results per system., Results: All assessed BGMSs exhibited a sufficient level of accuracy, with small differences between them. In the user performance evaluation, study personnel observed the smallest total number of user errors with Contour Next (Ascensia), followed by Accu-Chek Instant (Roche), Medisafe Fit Smile (Terumo), and OneTouch Ultra Plus Reflect (LifeScan). Approximately 90% of participants stated that a consistent color scheme, eg, for low blood glucose (BG) values, should be used across all BGMSs. There was no clear preference among the four tested BGMSs regarding the specific way of displaying color coding., Conclusions: The four BGMSs assessed in this study showed only small differences in an overall sufficient level of accuracy. User handling errors, as observed by study personnel, differed between the systems., Competing Interests: Declaration of Conflicting InterestsThe author(s) declared the following potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: GF is general manager and medical director of the IfDT (Institut für Diabetes-Technologie Forschungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH an der Universität Ulm, Ulm, Germany), which carries out clinical studies on the evaluation of BGMS, CGMS and other diabetes technology on its own initiative and on behalf of various companies. GF/IfDT have received speakers’ honoraria or consulting fees from Abbott, Ascensia, Berlin Chemie, Beurer, BOYDSense, CRF Health, Dexcom, i-SENS, Lilly, Metronom, MySugr, Novo Nordisk, Pharmasens, Roche, Sanofi, Sensile, Terumo, and Ypsomed.SP, AB, SS, JK, NJ, JM, and CH are employees of the IfDT.
- Published
- 2024
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