55 results on '"Jurisdikcija"'
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2. Reform of Civil Procedural Legislation of Ukraine and Problems of its Implementation.
- Author
Shtefan, Olena
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2022
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3. Anti suit injunction samprata ir taikymas Europos Sąjungos valstybių narių ir Lietuvos civiliniame procese.
- Author
Doržinkevič, Artur
- Abstract
Copyright of Law / Teise is the property of Vilnius University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
KREŠIĆ, Milenko
- Abstract
Copyright of Croatica Christina Periodica is the property of Croatica Christiana Periodica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Ališauskas, Raimondas
- Subjects
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TRADE regulation , *TARIFF , *NATIONAL security , *INTERNATIONAL trade , *CONFLICT management , *DISPUTE resolution - Abstract
This article provides a detailed overview of the national security excep- tions within the legal system of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The topic sparks new debate among practitioners and scholars because international trade faces a grow- ing number of restrictions when states justify their actions on the grounds of national security, although such actions sometimes hide not only political but also commercial interests of individual governments and several sectors of the economy. The mentioned examples include trade restrictions related to the Russia–Ukraine conflict, the conflict of Qatar with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and several other countries in the region, and deci- sions by the US president on additional import duties on steel and aluminium. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the resolution of these international trade restrictions is shifting from diplomatic formats to ad hoc litigation under WTO dispute settlement procedures. The first ruling in the history of the WTO in a case con- cerning the application of the national security exception came to pass in the case of Rus- sia – Transit Traffic (Ukraine) on 26 April 2019, following the adoption of the arbitra- tion panel report by the WTO Dispute Settlement Body. This ruling fills a gap in WTO jurisprudence, which is wide enough on many other issues of international trade law. In addition to the content of specific legal provisions, this article analyzes the lat- est WTO dispute settlement proceedings, which look into the application of national security exceptions. This article also aims to answer the question of the legitimacy of application of national security exemptions, and to define the scope of national security exceptions in international trade law. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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6. Mednarodnopravna vprašanja pri reševanju migrantov v Sredozemskem morju
- Author
Bajt, Kristijan and Sancin, Vasilka
- Subjects
obveznost reševanja na morju ,law of the sea ,pravo morja ,migranti ,mednarodno pravo beguncev ,načelo nevračanja ,migrants ,human rights ,refugee law ,jurisdiction ,duty to render assistance ,principle of non-refoulement ,udc:341.215.4-054.7(262)(043.2) ,jurisdikcija ,človekove pravice - Abstract
Izjemno povečan migrantski val v Evropo, ki se je začel leta 2015, je pokazal, da je upravljanje migracij Ahilova tetiva temeljnih vrednot Evropske unije (EU). Kriza solidarnosti je povzročila, da so države članice EU ob Sredozemskem morju, prevzele največje breme novih prihodov, zato je kljub številnim tragedijam na morju EU kmalu začela zaostrovati imigracijsko politiko. To magistrsko diplomsko delo obravnava varstvo oseb v stiski na morju, ki ga ureja več podpanog mednarodnega prava. Obseg varstva bo včasih odvisen od statusa, ki ga oseba uživa po mednarodnem pravu. Na morju bo za jurisdikcijo in posledično oblastno ravnanje držav, kot je prestrezanje ladij pomembno, v katerem morskem pasu se migrantska ladja nahaja. Medtem, ko je v teritorialnem morju država suverena in uživa široko polje pooblastil, na odprtem morju velja načelo svobode odprtega morja, kjer se jurisdikcija izvršuje na podlagi pravila ladjine zastave, vojaška ladja pa bo lahko posegla v tujo ladjo le izjemoma. Eden najpomembnejših institutov prava morja je obveznost reševanja oseb v stiski na morju, ne glede na državljanstvo ali status take osebe. Težave se pojavijo pri uresničevanju te obveznosti v praksi, kot tudi pri izkrcanju rešenih oseb na varno. Evropske države niso navdušene nad sprejemom, zato s tretjimi državami sklepajo bilateralne sporazume, na podlagi katerih slednje prevzamejo breme prevzema teh ljudi. Čeprav se v praksi varstvo teh oseb ne uresničuje v zadostni meri, je moja izhodiščna hipoteza, da je mednarodnopravni okvir varstva dovolj natančen, da do izigravanj pravil ne bi smelo prihajati. The massive migrant wave to Europe which began in 2015 has shown that migration control is the Achilles' heel of the EUs core values. The crisis of solidarity forced coastal member states to accept the majority of the new arrivals, and despite numerous tragedies at sea, EU soon began to tighten its immigration policy. This Master's thesis deals with the protection of persons in distress at sea, which is governed by several sub-branches of international law. The extent of protection will sometimes depend on the status a person enjoys under international law. In order for a State to exercise its jurisdiction, such as intercepting a migrant ship, it is important to identify the maritime zone in which the ship is located. While in the territorial sea, the State is sovereign and enjoys a wide field of powers, on the high seas, the principle of the freedom of the high seas applies, where jurisdiction is exercised on the basis of the ship's flag rule, and a warship will only be able to interfere with a foreign ship in exceptional circumstances. One of the most important institutes of the law of the sea is the obligation to rescue persons in distress at sea, regardless of their nationality or status. Problems arise in implementing this obligation in practice, as well as in disembarking rescued persons to safety. European countries are not keen on taking them in, so they enter into bilateral agreements with third countries, under which the latter take on the burden of receiving them. Although, in practice, the protection of these persons is not satisfactory, my initial hypothesis is that the international legal framework for protection is sufficiently precise that there should be no circumvention of the relevant rules.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Rūta Bučinskaitė
- Subjects
Jurisdiction ,Europos Sąjunga / European Union ,Tarptautinė teisė / International law ,Teismai. Teismų praktika / Courts. Case-law ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Law ,Political science ,Jurisdikcija ,media_common.cataloged_instance ,European commission ,European union ,Enforcement ,Europos Sąjungos teisė / European Union law ,Bendradarbiavimas / Cooperation ,media_common - Abstract
The paper deals with a new Regulation No. 1215/2012, having come into force on 10 January 2015, on jurisdiction and recognition and enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters. Since the rules on those matters were included in the previous Regulation at the EU level, the article reveals the proposals made for its amendment, as well as the accepted proposals. It also attempts to evaluate whether the new rules that came into force shall guarantee the effective recognition and enforcement of judgements. The paper identifies the problems which shall not be solved by the newly adopted rules. KEYWORDS: European Union, Regulation No. 1215/2012, European Commission, co-operation in civil and commercial matters, jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of judgements. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/tbb.v72i3.1165
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
VIDALI, Andrew
- Abstract
Through a in-depth examination of the Venetian legislation between the 1410s and the 1540s, this paper aims to highlight the relations which bounded the banishment penalty to the conflict and jurisdictional dimension that animated the Mainland domain in the Italian peninsula. In this way, the several stages which marked the confrontation between two different juridical mentalities will be drawn, while the impact of this process' outcome within the lagoon conflict-system will be shown by analysing some cases which happened in the early XVIth century Venice. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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9. Interesi obalne države u pomorskom nadzoru
- Author
Axel Luttenberger and Damir Zec
- Subjects
obalna država ,pomorski nadzor ,upravljanje pomorskim prometom ,jurisdikcija ,coastal state ,maritime surveillance ,vessel traffic management ,Law - Abstract
Pomorski nadzor provodi obalna država radi povećanja sigurnosti pomorske plovidbe i zaštite vlastitih interesa, a ta djelatnost povezana je i s upravljanjem pomorskim prometom, pa obuhvaća prikupljanje podataka o pomorskim objektima i pomorskom prometu, davanje podataka pomorskim objektima, pružanje plovidbenih savjeta i podrške u plovidbi, kao i organizaciju plovidbe i upravljanje pomorskim prometom. Autori naglašavaju da je za zadovoljavajuću razinu sigurnosti plovidbe važna međuovisnost interesa obalne države i interesa broda u plovidbi, te da je izuzetan napredak tehnologije i iskazana volja međunarodne pomorske zajednice omogućila obalnim državama odnosno državama pripadnosti broda značajan uvid u stanje prometa u svako doba odnosno u svim uvjetima. U radu se daje pregled postojećih sustava izvještavanja i tehnoloških postignuća, naglašava da su rezultat takvog tehnološkog razvoja zahtjevi obalnih država da aktivnije sudjeluju u upravljanju prometa i da učinkovitije osnažuju međunarodne i nacionalne propise. Analiziraju se i rješenja Europske unije, uz isticanje pitanja povjerljivosti i razmjene podataka u toj oblasti. Pozornost autora je usmjerena na utjecaj novih tehnoloških sustava te mogućnosti i ograničenja obalne države u oživotvorenju postojećih pravnih propisa u području nadzora odnosno na potrebu predlaganja novih pravnih rješenja usklađenih s najnovijim razvojem tehnologije za nadzor i upravljanje plovidbom, naročito za prostor izvan granica nacionalne jurisdikcije.
- Published
- 2010
10. Concept and application of 'anti suit injunction' in civil proceedings of European Union member states and Lithuania
- Author
Doržinkevič, Artur
- Subjects
Teismai. Teismų praktika / Courts. Case-law ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Jurisdikcija ,Paralelinis bylinėjimasis ,Tarptautinis civilinis procesas ,Vokietija (Germany) ,Prancūzija (France) - Abstract
Straipsnyje analizuojama "anti suit injunction" samprata, ištakos ir taikymas. "Anti suit injunction" yra teismo įpareigojimas, draudžiantis šaliai pradėti ar tęsti civilinę bylą kitos valstybės teisme. Šiame straipsnyje autorius atkreipia dėmesį į "anti suit injunction" taikymą Europos Sąjungos valstybėse narėse ir Lietuvos civiliniame procese. Susiklosto situacijų, kai Europos Sąjungos valstybėms narėms tenka susidurti su bendrosios teisės tradicijos valstybių specifiniais institutais, o vienas iš jų – "anti suit injunction". Nors Europos Sąjungos Teisingumo Teismas yra išaiškinęs, kad pagal Europos Sąjungos teisę draudžiama taikyti "anti suit injunction", kontinentinės teisės tradicijos valstybių (Vokietijos ir Prancūzijos) teismų praktika rodo, kad "anti suit injunction" gali būti taikomas tuo atveju, kai bylose nėra taikoma Europos Sąjungos teisė. Todėl po Jungtinės Karalystės išstojimo iš Europos Sąjungos teismai gali susidurti su "anti suit injunction" taikymu. Autorius teigia, kad Vokietijos ir Prancūzijos teismų praktikos pavyzdžiai gali būti naudojami siekiant pritaikyti "anti suit injunction" pagal Lietuvos teisę. Vien tai, kad Lietuvos įstatymai nenumato "anti suit injunction" taikymo galimybės, nereiškia, kad Lietuvos teismai negali priimti nutarčių, kurios savo pobūdžiu atitinka "anti suit injunction" institutą. This article analyzes the concept, origins and application of "anti suit injunction". An "anti suit injunction" is a court order enjoining that party from commencing or continuing a civil proceeding in a foreign country. In this article, the author focuses on the concept of "anti suit injunction" and its application in the European Union. There are situations where the Member States of the European Union have to deal with the specific instruments of the common law tradition, one of which is "anti suit injunction". Although the Court of Justice of the European Union prohibits the application of "anti suit injunction" under EU law, the case law of civil law systems (Germany and France) shows that it is possible to apply "anti suit injunction". Thus, following United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union, the application of the "anti suit injunction" is likely to be encountered more often. The author argues that the case law of Germany and France provides an opportonity to apply "anti suit injunction" under Lithuanian law. The mere fact that Lithuanian law does not regulate an application of "anti suit injunction" does not mean that Lithuanian courts cannot issue rulings which, by their nature, correspond to the purpose of "anti suit injunction".
- Published
- 2022
11. Jurisdikcijas noteikšana pārrobežu mantojuma lietās
- Author
Laviņa, Laura, Kucina, Irēna, and Latvijas Universitāte. Juridiskā fakultāte
- Subjects
Mantošanas regula ,tiesa ,jurisdikcija ,notārs ,Juridiskā zinātne - Abstract
Autore maģistra darbā “Jurisdikcijas noteikšana pārrobežu mantojuma lietās” pievērš uzmanību aktualitātēm un problēmjautājumiem, kas saistīti ar Eiropas Savienības Mantošanas regulas izpratni un piemērošanu. Dalībvalstis joprojām sastopas ar jurisdikcijas noteikšanas grūtībām pārrobežu mantojuma lietās, par ko liecina Eiropas Savienības Tiesā iesniegto prejudiciālo jautājumu skaits. Tādēļ galvenais darba mērķis ir rast skaidru pieeju jurisdikcijas noteikšanai, gan notāram vedot pārrobežu mantojuma lietu, gan tiesai risinot strīdu. Ņemot vērā nozīmīgās domstarpības par jurisdikcijas noteikšanu pārrobežu mantojuma lietā, autore pievēršas šim Latvijas tiesību doktrīnā maz pētītajam problēmjautājumam un plaši analizē jaunāko tiesu praksi. Pētījuma rezultātā autore ir izvirzījusi vairākus secinājumus un izstrādājusi shēmu jurisdikcijas noteikšanai pārrobežu mantojuma lietās. Maģistra darbs ir rakstīts latviešu valodā un sastāv no anotācijas latviešu un angļu valodā, trīs nodaļām, secinājumiem, izmantotās literatūras saraksta un pielikumiem. Tā kopējais apjoms ir 65 lpp., The author of the master’s thesis “Determining Jurisdiction in Cross-Border Succession Cases” highlights issues around the understanding and application of the EU Succession Regulation. Member states still face difficulties in determining jurisdiction in cross-border successions, as shown by the number of preliminary references made to the European Court of Justice. The main goal of this paper is therefore to find a clear approach to determining jurisdiction whenever a notary conducts a cross-border succession case or a court hears a dispute. Given the significant controversy over how to determine jurisdiction in a cross-border succession case, the author highlights this particular issue, which has been little studied in the doctrine of Latvian law, and extensively analyses the latest case law. As a result of this research, the author has drawn several conclusions and designed a scheme for determining jurisdiction in cross-border succession cases. The master’s thesis is written in Latvian and consists of an annotation in Latvian and English, three chapters, a summary, a reference list, and appendices. Its total length is 65 pages.
- Published
- 2022
12. Starptautiskās Krimināltiesas jurisdikcija pār Romas starptautiskās krimināltiesas statūtus neratificējušām valstīm
- Author
Dejus, Dāvis, Broks, Edmunds, and Latvijas Universitāte. Juridiskā fakultāte
- Subjects
komplementaritātes princips ,Romas Starptautiskās krimināltiesas statūti ,proprio motu ,Starptautiskā krimināltiesa ,jurisdikcija ,Juridiskā zinātne - Abstract
Darbā aprakstīta Starptautiskās krimināltiesas jurisdikcija un tās izpausmes attiecībā uz Romas Starptautiskās krimināltiesas statūtus neratificējušām valstīm un to pilsoņiem. Darba ietvaros tiek analizēti Starptautiskās krimināltiesas jurisdikcijas pamati, kā Starptautiskās krimināltiesas jurisdikcija tiek attiecināta uz dalībvalstīm, kā atsevišķu valstu nacionālie normatīvie akti spēj ietekmēt Starptautiskās krimināltiesas jurisdikciju, kā arī tas, kādos veidos Starptautiskās krimināltiesas jurisdikcija ir attiecināma uz Romas statūtus neratificējušām valstīm. Darba ietvaros pētīti gan Latvijas, gan ārvalstu autoru publikācijas, Romas Starptautiskās krimināltiesas statūti, kā arī Starptautiskās krimināltiesas prokuroru ziņojumi un tiesas lēmumi, kuros skatīti ar Starptautiskās krimināltiesas jurisdikciju saistīti jautājumi., The Bachelor thesis reviews the jurisdiction of International Criminal Court and its extension to countries that have not joined the Rome International Criminal Court Statute and their nationals. As part of this thesis grounds of International Criminal Court jurisdiction, the applications of International Criminal Court jurisdiction on the member states of the Rome statute, the possible impact on International Criminal Court jurisdiction due to domestic legislation by certain non-member states of the Rome statute, as well as the means with which its jurisdiction can be applied to non-member states of the Rome statute were analysed. Thesis includes research of Latvian and foreign author publications, Rome International Criminal Court Statute, as well as reports by Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court and International Criminal Court decisions, which have dealt with the issues regarding the Court’s jurisdiction.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Valtere, Laura
- Subjects
INVESTMENT treaties ,EUROPEAN Convention on Human Rights ,JURISDICTION ,HUMAN rights ,INVESTMENTS - Abstract
Since the Bilateral Investment Treaty (hereinafter BIT) is the most important and the most effective investment rights' protection measure, the most significant obstacle to successful investment rights' protection in the territory of the Crimea is the BIT jurisdiction. The Ukraine can refer to force majeure protection as well as not having the jurisdiction, giving the reason that the Ukraine is not exercising effective control in Crimea. Russia can reject its signed BITs jurisdiction in Crimea. The argument for rejection could be that at the BIT conclusion moment, Crimea was not a part of Russia and thereby the BIT jurisdiction is not referable to Crimea. If the investor - claimant's state did not recognize the annexation of Crimea, arbitration's acquiesce of jurisdiction in accordance with the BIT is ambiguous. Russian investors in Crimea have lost their foreign status and thereby the UkraineRussia BIT protection. Generally, there is a small possibility of using the BITs concluded by Russia or the Ukraine. The most favourable for Russian investors is the European Court of Human Rights protection. Considering the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, it is possible to attribute the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms jurisdiction to Russian investment rights' violation in Crimea. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
14. Domicils – Eiropas Savienības tiesību aktu izpratnē
- Author
Briedis, Renārs, Kucina, Irēna, and Latvijas Universitāte. Juridiskā fakultāte
- Subjects
Pilsonība ,Domicils ,Jurisdikcija ,Pastāvīgā dzīvesvieta ,Regula ,Juridiskā zinātne - Abstract
Maģistra darba tēma ir saistīta ar personas domicila izpēti, kopsakarā ar Eiropas Savienības tiesību aktiem. Darba ietvaros tiks analizēta domicila jēdziena izpratne, kā viena no personas teritoriālās piederības noteikšanas kritērijiem, saistībā ar jurisdikcijas noteikšanu Eiropas Savienības tiesību aktos. Darba sākumā tiks sniegts ieskats domicila jēdziena vēsturiskajā izcelsmē, tā attīstība līdz mūsdienām un vieta starptautiskajās privāttiesībās. Kopsakarībā ar domicila jēdzienu tiks izvērtēti arī citi ar personas teritoriālo piederību saistītie jēdzieni - pilsonība, pastāvīgā uzturēšanās vieta, deklarētā dzīvesvieta, rezidence u.c., nolūkā konstatēt atšķirības starp šiem jēdzieniem. Darba ietvaros tiks izvērtēta domicila jēdziena interpretācija, saistībā ar jurisdikcijas noteikšanu, ievērojot literatūrā, tiesu praksē un citos dokumentos norādītās atziņas. Darba ietvaros tiks analizēti jautājumi, kādi radušies nacionālajām tiesām, kādēļ tās vērsušās ar prejudiciālu jautājumu Eiropas Savienības Tiesā. Darba beigās - kopsavilkumā, tā autors apkopos būtiskākos secinājumus, saistībā ar domicila konceptu un tā vienotu izpratni Eiropas Savienības tiesību aktu regulējumā., The topic of the master's thesis is related to the research of a person's domicile, in connection with the legal acts of the European Union. The paper will analyze the understanding of the concept of domicile as one of the criteria for determining a person's territorial affiliation, in connection with the determination of jurisdiction in European Union law. The beginning of the work will provide an insight into the historical origin of the concept of domicile, its development to the present day and its place in private international law. In connection with the concept of domicile, other concepts related to a person's territorial affiliation will also be assessed, such as citizenship, permanent residence, declared place of residence, residence, etc., in order to identify differences between these concepts. Within the framework of the work, the interpretation of the concept of domicile in connection with the determination of jurisdiction will be evaluated, taking into account the findings indicated in the literature, case law and other documents. The work will analyze the issues that have arisen for national courts and why they have referred a question to the Court of Justice of the European Union. At the end of the work - in summary, its author will summarize the most important conclusions related to the concept of domicile and its common understanding in the framework of European Union law.
- Published
- 2021
15. Non-judicial divorces and the Brussels II bis regulation: to apply or not apply?
- Author
Katažyna Bogdzevič, Natalija Kaminskienė, and Laima Vaigė
- Subjects
Tarptautinė teisė / International law ,Teisininkai / Legal profession ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,Pripažinimas ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,jurisdiction ,private divorce ,private international law ,Jurisdikcija ,notaries ,K1-7720 ,recognition ,Šeimos teisė / Family law - Abstract
This paper aims to analyse the international consequences of private divorces, which are available in several European countries. Particular attention is drawn to the amendments suggested by the Lithuanian legislator, which intend to transfer certain functions of the courts to notaries. In particular, Lithuanian notaries would have competence in the dissolution of marriage provided there is mutual consent between spouses. The authors discuss how private divorces are regulated in different countries, whether the amendments suggested by the Lithuanian legislator would introduce a “private divorce” into Lithuanian law, and what the implications of private divorce are in private international law. In particular, the scope of application of the Brussels II bis Regulation is addressed. As yet, there is no consensus as to whether the Regulation applies to private divorces. However, the analysis in this paper shows that it would be beneficial to include such divorces in the above-mentioned Regulation. This would ensure a greater legal certainty for international couples.
- Published
- 2021
16. Archbishop Stadler and Organization of Geek-catholic Pastoral Care in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Author
Milenko Krešić
- Subjects
History ,Greek Catholics ,Bosnia and Herzegovina ,archbishop Stadler ,bishop Drohobeczky ,archbishop Scheptyzkyj ,Holy See ,jurisdiction ,Austro-Hungarian administration ,Religious studies ,Grkokatolici ,Bosna i Hercegovina ,nadbiskup Stadler ,biskup Drohobeczky ,nadbiskup Scheptyzkyj ,jurisdikcija ,austrougarska administracija - Abstract
U radu se obrađuje problematika uređenja dušobrižništva za katolike istočnog obreda, odnosno za grkokatolike u Bosni i Hercegovini u vrijeme Austrougarske Monarhije s naglaskom na ulozi nadbiskupa Stadlera u rješavanju tog problema. Većina grkokatolika u BiH za vrijeme Austrougarske Monarhije bili su doseljenici Rusini iz Galicije. Rad je podijeljen u osam poglavlja u kojima se problematika obrađuje od prvog pokušaja uređenja grkokatoličkog dušobrižništva na razmeđu 19. i 20. stoljeća do njegova konačnog uređenja imenovanjem generalnog vikara za ovdašnje grkokatolike (1910.), odnosno uspostavom Apostolske administrature (1914.) sa svim problemima koji su pratili taj proces. Glavni akteri u rješavanju te problematike bili su nadbiskup Stadler i austrougarska administracija., The author analyzes circumstances and processes regarding the organization of pastoral care for the Greek-Catholic believers in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the times of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Special attention is put on the role of archbishop Stadler regarding finding the solution to this issue. Greek-Catholic Rusyns immigrated to Bosnia and Herzegovina at the end of the nineteenth century. According to the official Austro-Hungarian records in 1910, there were 8000 inhabited in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This article is divided into eight chapters. In the first chapter, the author describes the first attempts to arrange pastoral care for the Greek-Catholics at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and the problem of the jurisdiction over the Greek-Catholics in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The second chapter contains a description of the mission of Andrej Schepyzki, archbishop of Lviv, who in 1902 has visited Greek Catholics in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the author of the third and fourth chapters analyzes the endeavors of archbishop Stadler regarding this issue. Namely, Stadler wanted to establish a Greek-Catholic bishopric, or at least an Apostolic administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Such a solution demanded cooperation and agreement with the Austro-Hungarian administration. Still, though the Austro-Hungarian administration was not against Stadler’s idea, they objected it because of political and financial reasons. The fifth chapter discusses the question of jurisdiction over the Greek-Catholics in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and this issue was solved by decree of the Holy See, according to which jurisdiction over them was assigned to the local ordinary of the Roman liturgy, and not to the Greek-Catholic bishop in Križevci. In the sixth chapter, the author elaborates the negative reaction of the local Greek-Catholics to the decree of the Holy See, and Stadler’s efforts to adequately solve this problem together with the Austro-Hungarian administration. The Holy See and archbishop of Lviv Scheptyzkyj were adequately involved in these processes and a compromising – but temporary – the solution was achieved when J. Žuka, Rusyn Greek-Catholic priest, was appointed to the position of general vicar of the Roman rite bishop in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Later in 1914, this issue was finally solved by establishing the Apostolic administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina. With this solution problem of priests, who would perform pastoral care, was resolved by bringing more Greek-Catholic priests from Galicia, and this issue is described in the last two chapters of the article.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
- Subjects
NATIONAL territory ,AIRSPACE (International law) ,LAW enforcement - Abstract
Copyright of Latgale National Economy Research is the property of City Unity College Nicosia, Rezekne Academy of Technologies and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
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18. Kierownictwo Sądu Okręgowego w Wilnie w okresie funkcjonowania Zarządu Cywilnego Ziem Wschodnich — szkice biograficzne
- Author
Diana Maksimiuk
- Subjects
Civil Administration of the Eastern Lands ,Teisininkai / Legal profession ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region) ,Teisės istorija / History of law ,Jurisdikcija ,Judges ,Judiciary ,Vilniaus klausimas ,Rytinių žemių civilinė administracija - Abstract
Im November 1918 erlangte Polen die Unabhangigkeit zuruck. Dies war je- doch Beginn des Aufbaus der Grenzen des wiedergeborenen Staates. Bevor das Vilniuser Gebiet im Jahre 1922 an Polen angeschlossen wurde, wurde die Macht uber diese Region von 1919 bis 1920 durch die Polnische Armee und durch die polnische Verwaltung, die als Zivilverwaltung der ostlichen Gebiete tatig war, ausgeubt. In ihrem Rahmen wurde die polnische Gerichtsbarkeit geschaffen, deren Funktionieren in der angenommenen Form den bolschewistischen Einmarsch im Sommer 1920 unterbrach und beendete.
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Softić, Sakib
- Subjects
CRIMINAL law ,TRANSNATIONAL crime ,INTERNATIONAL law ,SUPPRESSION of evidence ,CRIMINAL justice system - Abstract
Copyright of Legal Thought / Pravna Misao is the property of Legal Thought / Pravna Misao and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Vashchuk, Dmitriy
- Subjects
SOCIAL history ,SIXTEENTH century ,PUBLIC officers ,PUBLIC administration ,JURISDICTION ,SOCIAL evolution ,SOCIAL systems ,COMPETENT authority ,CIVIL service ,HISTORY - Abstract
Copyright of Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis is the property of Klaipeda University, Institute of Baltic Region History & Archaeology and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2007
- Author
Kamenkovas, Viktoras
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In the article the author analyses the order in the economic courts of the Republic of Belarus as concerns the area of economic legal relations due to the defence of rights and legal interest of foreign natural and legal persons and persons whom the citizenship has not been granted. The main legal principals determined in the economic cases where the foreign persons take part in have been provided in the Procedural Code of Economic Cases of the Republic of Belarus. The author made a comparison between the Procedural Code of Economic Cases of the Republic of Belarus passed in 1998 and the new Procedural Code of Economic Cases of the Republic of Belarus passed in 2004 for the economic courts of the Republic of Belarus due to the jurisdiction of foreign persons. The novelties have been emphasized in the new code. In the article the author draws his attention to the analysis of the competence of the economic courts of the Republic of Belarus described in the Procedural Code of Economic Cases. The expansion due to the competence of the economic courts while trying the economic cases, where the foreign persons take part in, has been emphasized. The exceptional competence of the economic courts is being analysed as well as the party's right to change the court competence provided by the laws, i.e., the court competence provided by the laws can be changed on the basis of the prorogational or derogational agreement. The prorogational agreement is applied when the parties agree to hand extrajudicial cases to be tried in the economic court. The derogational agreement is applied when the parties agree to hand triable cases to be tried in the other court. The article describes the persons owing judicial immunity, the conditions of the application of the immunity, the peculiarities of the application and effect of the international agreements. The article in principle analyses the jurisdiction of the economic courts of the Republic of Belarus due to the cases where the foreign persons take part in pursuant to the legal acts. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2007
22. Mantošanas regulas piemērošana, vedot mantojuma lietu pie Latvijas notāra un ar to saistītie problēmjautājumi
- Author
Gorina, Dana, Zīle, Kristīne, and Latvijas Universitāte. Juridiskā fakultāte
- Subjects
Mantošanas regula ,mirušā pastāvīgā dzīvesvieta nāves brīdī ,tiesa ,jurisdikcija ,piemērojamais likums ,Juridiskā zinātne - Abstract
Bakalaura darbā ir pētīta Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes Regulas (ES) Nr. 650/2012 (2012. gada 4. jūlijs) par jurisdikciju, piemērojamiem tiesību aktiem, nolēmumu atzīšanu un izpildi un publisku aktu akceptēšanu un izpildi mantošanas lietās un par Eiropas mantošanas apliecības izveidi jeb Mantošanas regulas piemērošanas problemātika gadījumos, kad mantojuma lieta tiek vesta pie Latvijas notāra. Darba mērķis ir analizēt Mantošanas regulas būtiskākos jēdzienus, Mantošanas regulas atbilstību tās sākotnējiem mērķiem, kā arī izpētīt ar kādiem izaicinājumiem ir jāsaskaras Mantošanas regulas piemērotājiem Latvijā un sniegt atbilstošus risinājumus, lai atvieglotu Mantošanas regulas piemērošanu. Ņemot vērā to, ka Mantošanas regula ir piemērojama tikai kopš 2015. gada 17. augusta, vēl nav pieejama plaša tiesu prakse šīs regulas piemērošanā un vēl aizvien ir neskaitāmi neatbildēti jautājumi. Darba noslēgumā ir izvirzīti vairāki secinājumi saistībā ar Mantošanas regulā ietverto jēdzienu piemērošanu Latvijā, par šajā regulā sniegtā regulējuma nepilnībām un nepieciešamību papildināt nacionālo regulējumu., The Bachelor’s thesis contains analysis of application issues of Regulation (EU) No 650/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments in matters of succession and on the creation of a European Certificate of Succession or Succession regulation, when inheritance case is conducted by a Latvian notary. The aim of this thesis is to analyze most important terms of the Succession regulation, the relevance of the Succession Regulation to its initial purposes, as well as to explore the challenges faced by those applying the Succession regulation in Latvia and suggest appropriate solutions to facilitate the application of the Succession regulation. Taking the view that Succession regulation is applicable only from 17 August 2015, extensive case law on the application of this regulation is not available and there are still countless open issues. As a result of the research author reaches several conclusions about the application of terms incorporated into Succession regulation, about regulatory failures of this regulation and the necessity to complement national regulation.
- Published
- 2020
23. Pārrobežu mantojuma lietu vešana pie Latvijas notāra: teorija, prakse, problēmjautājumi
- Author
Laviņa, Laura, Zīle, Kristīne, and Latvijas Universitāte. Juridiskā fakultāte
- Subjects
Mantošanas regula ,Pārrobežu mantošana ,jēdziens ,jurisdikcija ,Juridiskā zinātne ,notāri - Abstract
Bakalaura darbs “Pārrobežu mantojuma lietu vešana pie Latvijas notāra: teorija, prakse, problēmjautājumi” sniedz plašu ieskatu par pārrobežu mantojuma lietu vešanu tiesisko regulēju Eiropas Savienībā un tā piemērošanu Latvijā, vedot mantojuma lietas. Galvenais darba mērķis ir izpētīt notāra funkcijas un lomu pārrobežu mantojuma lietās, kā arī apskatīt problēmjautājumus, ar kuriem notāriem nākas saskarties, piemērojot gan Eiropas Savienības, gan nacionālos tiesību aktus. Plašais Eiropas Savienības regulējums par mantojuma pārrobežu lietām tiek salīdzināts ar nacionālo tiesisko regulējumu, tādējādi izvērtējot, vai pastāv trūkumi vai neatbilstība starp šiem tiesiskajiem regulējumiem. Darbā plaši tiek pētīts jēdziena “tiesa” tvērums, lai noskaidrotu, vai Latvijas notārs ir uzskatāms par tiesu Mantošanas regulas izpratnē. Pētījuma rezultātā autore secina, ka Latvijas notārs nav uzskatāms par “tiesu” Mantošanas regulas izpratnē, līdz ar to notāram pārrobežu mantojuma lietā jurisdikcija ir jānosaka atbilstoši Notariāta likuma 324.2 pantam. Atslēgvārdi: pārrobežu mantošana, Mantošanas regula, notāri, jurisdikcija, jēdziens “tiesa”., Bachelor’s Thesis “Cross-border inheritance cases settled by Latvian notary: theory, practice and current issues” provides broad insight on the current issues of the cross-border inheritance legal regulations in European Union and its application in Latvia when conducting inheritance cases. The main aim of research is to evaluate the practise and role of a notary in cross-border inheritance cases, as well as to conclude issues met by notaries when applying both European Union and national law. The broad European Union regulation on cross-border successions is compared with the national legal framework, thus assessing whether there are drawbacks or inconsistencies between these legal frameworks. In research the scope of the term “court” is extensively studied to find out whether a notary in Latvia is considered as a “court” within the meaning of the Succession regulation. As a result of the research, the author concludes that a notary in Latvia is not considered as a “court” within the meaning of the Succession regulation, thus a notary in cross-border inheritance case must determine jurisdiction according to Article 324.2 of the Notary law. Keywords: cross-border inheritance, Succession regulation, notaries, jurisdiction, the concept of “court”.
- Published
- 2020
24. Criminal offences on darknet and their (in)effective prosecution
- Author
Brlič, Vesna and Šepec, Miha
- Subjects
memex ,undercover investigative measures ,electronic device search ,»honeypot« pasti ,electronic evidence ,TOR ,temni splet ,udc:343.3/.7:004.056.53(043.3) ,honeypot traps ,jurisdiction ,NIT ,elektronski dokazi ,preiskava elektronskih naprav ,prikriti preiskovalni ukrepi ,cybercrime ,jurisdikcija ,kibernetska kriminaliteta ,darknet - Abstract
Temni splet je virtualni prostor, ki omogoča izvrševanje kaznivih dejanj na daljavo po vsem svetu na relativno preprost in anonimen način. Enostaven dostop, težka identifikacija uporabnikov, pestra ponudba blaga in storitev, možnost plačevanja le-teh s kripto valutami ter neuspešen kazenski pregon so okoliščine, zaradi katerih je temni splet s svojimi črnimi virtualnimi tržnicami postal zlata jama za izvršitelje kaznivih dejanj. Kripto valute ob potrebnem znanju in zadostni previdnosti uporabnika namreč skoraj popolnoma onemogočajo preiskovanje kaznivih dejanj s pomočjo toka denarja. Izvršitelji kaznivih dejanj pa vendarle niso edini uporabniki temnega speta, razlogov za njegovo uporabo je več in niso nujno kriminalne narave. Tako ga uporabljajo novinarji, prebivalci držav, v katerih oblast onemogoča dostop do informacij iz zunanjega sveta ali z njimi manipulira, in osebe, ki želijo brskati po običajnih spletnih straneh z večjo mero anonimnosti. Sprva skrajno neučinkovit kazenski pregon kaznivih dejanj na temnem spletu se je v zadnjih letih bistveno izboljšal. Za to so v največji meri zaslužni razvoj tehnološko sofisticiranih orodij za identifikacijo uporabnikov, prilagoditev zakonodaje za uporabo le-teh s strani organov pregona in večletne izkušnje na tem področju. Ker tehnologija je in vedno bo korak pred pravom, je pomembno, da se zakonodaja, zlasti na področju prikritih preiskovalnih ukrepov, ki so pri kibernetskih kaznivih dejanjih nepogrešljivi, tudi pravočasno prilagaja tehnološkim spremembam. Kibernetska kriminaliteta je aktualna tema, o kateri se je v Sloveniji do sedaj vse premalo govorilo. Tudi za slovenska sodišča so kazniva dejanja na temnem spletu relativno nepoznana. Z njimi se sicer že nekaj časa soočajo sodišča drugod po svetu, v Združenih državah Amerike je tako prišlo že do vrste obsodilnih sodb, v Evropski uniji pa imajo tovrstne izkušnje predvsem nemška in nizozemska sodišča. Dark Net is a virtual space that enables committing crimes in anonymity, at a distance and with worldwide reach. Easy access, difficult identification of its users, diverse offer of goods and services, accepting cryptocurrency payments and unsuccessful prosecution are factors that make Darknet with its dark virtual markets a criminal paradise. By using cryptocurrencies wisely and cautiously, prosecution of criminal offences through money flow can be almost entirely prevented. Nevertheless, criminals are not the only users of Darknet, there are many reasons for its use that are not necessarily of criminal nature. It is used by journalists, citizens of countries where governments prevent access to or manipulate with information from the outside world, and other individuals who simply want to browse ordinary webpages in a more anonymous way. In the last few years, formerly ineffective criminal prosecution of such offences has evidently improved, mostly due to technologycally sophisticated tools for users’ identification, legislation alignment to enable use of such tools for prosecution purposes and multiannual experience. Technology is and always will be a step ahead of the law. Therefore it is crucial that the legislation, especially regarding undercover investigative measures which are indispensable part of cyber crime investigation, adapts timely to rapid technological changes. Cyber crime is a pressing issue, unfortunately in Slovenia much less discussed as it should be. Courts all around the world, on the other hand, have been facing this issue for a while now, in the United States of America for instance, there has been many convictions. As far as the European Union is concerned, such cases are more or less limited to Germany and the Netherlands.
- Published
- 2019
25. Eksternalizacija kontrole migracij v Evropski uniji
- Author
Kolman, Katja and Zagorc, Saša
- Subjects
partnerstva za mobilnost ,mobility partnerships ,sporazumi o ponovnem sprejemu ,pravica do azila ,načelo nevračanja ,Evropska unija ,readmission agreements ,Eksternalizacija kontrole migracij ,the right to asylum ,Externalisation of migration controls ,jurisdiction ,principle of non-refoulement ,jurisdikcija ,sodelovanje s tretjimi državami pri kontroli migracij ,European Union ,varstvo človekovih pravic ,migration control cooperation with third countries ,protection of human rights - Abstract
Magistrska naloga obravnava vprašanje eksternalizacije kontrole migracij v Evropski uniji (EU), tj. vprašanje premika kontrole migracij zunaj meja držav članic EU, vključno s prenosom kontrole na druge akterje. Namen naloge je predstaviti koncept eksternalizacije kontrole migracij in tveganja, ki jih tovrstne politike prinašajo na področju varstva človekovih pravic. Prvi del se ukvarja s samim konceptom eksternalizacije kontrole migracij, z akterji, ki delujejo na tem področju, ter načini, s katerimi se zasleduje eksternalizacijska agenda. Predstavljene so tudi nekatere glavne prednosti in slabosti tovrstnih politik. Drugi del izhaja iz predpostavke, da v okviru eksternalizacije kontrole migracij obstajajo določena tveganja za kršitve človekovih pravic s strani EU in/ali držav članic ali tretjih držav. Pri tem so predstavljena tudi nekatera glavna tveganja. Preko analize sporazumov o ponovnem sprejemu in političnih deklaracij v okviru partnerstev za mobilnost, ki jih je sklenila EU s tretjimi državami, naloga preverja, če instrumente, ki služijo tudi eksternalizaciji kontrole migracij na ravni EU, spremljajo zadostna varovala za spoštovanje človekovih pravic in mednarodnega azilnega prava v praksi. V nadaljevanju so predstavljene (omejene) možnosti za vzpostavitev odgovornosti EU in/ali držav članic po mednarodnem pravu v primeru kršitev človekovih pravic. Posebej so obravnavane možnosti posameznikov za litigacijo pred Evropskim sodiščem za človekove pravice in Sodiščem Evropske unije kot tudi nekatere glavne procesne ovire, na katere lahko pri tem naletijo. Sklepno se naloga ukvarja z vprašanjem eksternalizacije kontrole migracij v prihodnje. The master's thesis discusses the issue of the externalisation of migration controls in the European Union (EU), i. e. the question of moving migration controls beyond the borders of the EU Member States, including by transferring them to other actors. The aim of the thesis is to present the concept of the externalisation of migration controls as well as the risks that such policies entail for the protection of human rights. The first part deals with the concept of the externalisation of migration controls, the actors involved in it and the ways in which the externalisation agenda is pursued. Moreover, the thesis presents some main strengths and weaknesses of such policies. The second part works on the assumption that the externalisation of migration controls entails certain risks for human rights violations by the EU and/or the Member States or third countries. Some main risks are presented. The thesis examines whether EU instruments, which serve also for externalisation purposes, contain adequate safeguards for the respect of human rights and international asylum law in practice by analysing EU readmission agreements and political declarations establishing mobility partnerships between the EU and third countries. Furthermore, the thesis explores the (limited) possibilities for establishing the responsibility of the EU and/or Member States for human rights violations under international law. It discusses the litigation possibilities that individuals have before the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union as well as some main procedural obstacles that they may encounter before both fora. Lastly, the thesis addresses the future development of the externalisation of migration controls.
- Published
- 2019
26. Mantošanas regulas piemērošana pārrobežu mantojuma lietās
- Author
Kalnciema, Patrīcija, Kačevska, Inga, and Latvijas Universitāte. Juridiskā fakultāte
- Subjects
Mantošanas regula ,Eiropas mantošanas apliecība ,jurisdikcija ,pastāvīgā dzīvesvieta ,pārrobežu mantojums ,Juridiskā zinātne - Abstract
Maģistra darbā tiek aplūkota Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes regula (ES) Nr.650/2012 par jurisdikciju, piemērojamiem tiesību aktiem, nolēmumu atzīšanu un izpildi un publisku aktu akceptēšanu un izpildi mantošanas lietās un par Eiropas mantošanas apliecības izveidi jeb Mantošanas regula. Darba mērķis ir analizēt regulas darbības pamatprincipus un piemērošanas aspektus, un analīzes gaitā konstatēt nepilnības regulas tiesiskajā regulējumā un piedāvāt iespējamos risinājumus. Maģistra darbā ir četras nodaļas. Pirmajā nodaļā tiek apskatīti regulas mērķi, tvērums un definīcijas, īpaši analizējot pastāvīgās dzīvesvietas jēdzienu. Analīzes rezultātā autore izstrādājusi regulas piemērošanas shēmu. Otrajā nodaļā tiek risināti jurisdikcijas jautājumi, analizējot Eiropas Savienības un Latvijas tiesiskā regulējuma mijiedarbību. Trešajā nodaļā tiek apskatīta piemērojamo tiesību aktu izvēles problemātika un risināti jurisdikcijas un piemērojamo tiesību aktu harmonizācijas jautājumi, savukārt ceturtajā nodaļā aplūkota Eiropas mantošanas apliecības izveides procedūra un pārrobežu mantošanas procesa ieguvumi un sarežģījumi saistībā ar to., In Master’s Thesis, the European Parliament and Council regulation (EU) No.650/2012 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments in matters of succession and on the creation of a European Certificate of Succession or the Succession regulation is being viewed. The aim of the Thesis is to analyze the fundamental principles of functioning and application aspects of the regulation and to establish any deficiencies in the legal framework of the regulation during the analyzing, and to propose possible solutions. There are four chapters in the Master’s Thesis. In the first chapter, the aims, scope and definitions of the regulation are being examined, specifically analyzing the concept of habitual residence. In the result of the analysis author has drafted an application scheme of the regulation. In the second chapter questions regarding jurisdiction are being addressed by analyzing the interaction between the legal frameworks of European Union and Latvia. In the third chapter, problems regarding choice of applicable law are being viewed and questions regarding the harmonization of jurisdiction and applicable law are being addressed, whereas in the fourth chapter the procedure of establishing European Certificate of Succession and the benefits and complications as to cross-border succession in relation to it are being examined.
- Published
- 2019
27. Teritoriālais princips
- Author
Brūvere, Liene, Vīnkalna, Evija, and Latvijas Universitāte. Juridiskā fakultāte
- Subjects
teritorija ,persona ,noziedzīgs nodarījums ,jurisdikcija ,valstis ,Juridiskā zinātne - Abstract
Bakalaura darba temats ir "Teritoriālais princips". Teritoriālais princips ir iekļauts Krimināllikumā un arī citos likumos, kuri Latvijas teritorijā bija spēkā līdz Krimināllikumam. Ārvalstu normatīvajos aktos arī ir regulēts teritoriālais princips, kā arī starptautiskajās krimināltiesībās ir savs regulējums. Tāpēc bakalaura darbā tiks pētīta teritoriālā principa regulējuma vēsturiskā attīstība, principa izpratne Latvijas krimināltiesībās un starptautiskajās krimināltiesībās. Teritoriālā principa regulējums Krimināllikumā tiks salīdzināts ar ārvalstu normatīvo aktu regulējumu. Darba mērķis ir izzināt teritoriālā principa būtību, kā arī salīdzināt Krimināllikumā iekļauto regulējumu ar ārvalstu likumos iekļautajiem regulējumiem. Viens no bakalaura darba uzdevumiem ir noskaidrot, kāda nozīme krimināltiesībās ir teritoriālajam principam, u.c. uzdevumi. Teritoriālā principa regulējumā ir daudz neskaidrības, sākot jau ar to, uz cik lielu personu loku tas ir attiecināms, kādas teritorijas ietvaros un beidzot ar to, uz kādu personu loku teritoriālais princips neattiecas. Darba rezultātā autore ir nonākusi pie secinājumiem par teritoriālā principa regulējuma būtību, atklājusi dažādas problēmas, kuras ir atrodamas pašreizējajā regulējumā, kā arī piedāvājusi risinājumus šo problēmu novēršanai., Bachelor thesis topic is "territorial principle". The Territorial Principle is included in the Criminal Law and other laws that were in force in the territory of Latvia until the Criminal Law. Foreign law also regulates the territorial principle, and territorial principle also has its own regulations in international criminal law. Therefore, the historical development of territorial principle regulation, understanding of the principle in Latvian criminal law and international criminal law will be studied in the Bachelor's paper. The regulation of the territorial principle in the Criminal Law will be compared with the regulation of foreign normative acts. The main goals of the work are to find out the essence of the territorial principle, as well as to compare the regulation included in the Criminal Law with the regulations included in the foreign laws. One of the tasks of a bachelor's thesis is to find out what the role of a territorial principle in criminal law is. There are many uncertainties in the regulation of the territorial principle, starting with the extent to which it is applicable, within what territory and to which group of persons the territorial principle does not apply. As a result of the work, the author has come to conclusions on the essence of the regulation of the territorial principle, revealed various problems that can be found in the current regulation, as well as offered solutions to the problems.
- Published
- 2019
28. Determining jurisdiction and the applicable law in cross-border unfair competition and unfair commercial practices cases
- Author
Rohová, Iveta and Sehnálek, David
- Subjects
jurisdiction ,on-line torts ,unfair competition ,veljavno pravo ,private international law ,zasebno mednarodno pravo ,nepoštene poslovne prakse ,jurisdikcija ,applicable law ,nepoštena konkurenca ,udc:343.533+347.919:061.1EU ,unfair commercial practices - Abstract
The free movement of goods promotes cross-border transactions. Computerization of services and intensified use of the Internet also contribute to the development of trade within the EU. Problems that could once be addressed almost exclusively or at least prevailingly at a national level currently assume cross-border character. This is also true in the case of regulation of unfair competition and unfair commercial practices. Whereas the substantive regulation of unfair competition in both EU and domestic law is quite common in scientific literature, its aspects in private international law are often neglected. Since the EU law has to a large extent replaced national conflict-of-law and procedural rules with unified EU provisions, this article focuses on the EU regulations Rome II and Brussels I bis with the emphasis put on the latter. The aim of this article is to review the rules determining jurisdiction (and the applicable law) on the basis of legal doctrine, current legislation and case law of the Court of Justice of the EU. Attention also will be paid to both off-line and on-line situations, as well as to the specifics of consumer protection in the context of unfair competition and unfair commercial practices.
- Published
- 2018
29. Jurisdikcija noziedzīgiem nodarījumiem kibertelpā
- Author
Brants, Ričards, Krastiņš, Uldis, and Latvijas Universitāte. Juridiskā fakultāte
- Subjects
kibernoziegums ,kibertelpa ,jurisdikcija ,starptautisks noziegums ,Juridiskā zinātne - Abstract
Pasaulē pirmās iezīmes ar datoriem saistītajos noziegumos parādījās jau 19.gadsimta sākumā, taču attiecīgā noziedzīgā nodarījuma uzplaukums bija novērojams 20.gadsimta vidū, kad notika tehnoloģiju attīstība un parādījās pirmā zinātniskā informācija par jauniem noziedzīgiem nodarījumiem, kas tika dēvēti par ”datornoziegumiem”. Līdz ar notiekošo attīstību tika konstatēta problemātika, kas liedza nodarījuma savlaicīgu un kvalitatīvu izskatīšanu. Viena no šīm problēmām ir jurisdikcijas noteikšana pār kibernoziegumiem, kas arī tika pētīta darba gaitā. Lai atrisinātu šo problēmu tika izvirzīts mērķis, konstatēt iespējamos šķēršļus nosakot valstu jurisdikciju kibernozieguma gadījumā un piedāvāt risinājumus, lai no tiem izvairītos. Un lai sasniegtu mērķi, darba uzdevumi bija iepazīties ar pētījuma tēmas teorētisko literatūru, sniegt vispārēju kibernozieguma raksturojumu un noteikt kibernozieguma sastāvu. Kā arī, apskatot tiesu praksi, normatīvos aktus un zinātniskos rakstus, veikt jurisdikcijas principu analīzi. Darba rezultātā tiek secināts, ka domstarpības valstu starpā mazinātos, ja jurisdikciju pār noziedzīgo nodarījumu ļautu piemērot tai valstij, zem kuras karoga ir reģistrēts domēna vārds. Taču apzinoties, ka ne visi kibernoziegumi var tikt vērsti pret mājas lapām, kā nākamie risinājumi tika izvirzīti, Konvencijas par kibernoziegumiem satura papildināšana un atsevišķu kibernoziegumu atzīšana par jus cogens normām., In the world the first signs of computer crimes appeared already in the early 19th century, but the prosecution of the offense was observed in the 20th century. When technological advances and the first scientific information on new criminal offenses known as "computer crime" appeared. As a result of ongoing developments, a problem was identified that prevents timely and qualitative processing of the violation. One of these problems is jurisdiction over cybercrime, which was also studied in this work. To solve this problem, the aim was to identify possible barriers to establishment of jurisdiction and to propose solutions to avoid them. To achieve the goal, the task was to get acquainted with theoretical literature of the research, to provide a comprehensive characterization of cybercrime and to determine the composition of cybercrime. As well as reviewing judicial practices, normative acts and scientific articles, to conduct an analysis of the principles of jurisdiction. As a result of the work it is concluded that the disagreement between the countries would be reduced if the jurisdiction over the crime would be applied to the country under whose flag the registered domain name is. However, knowing that not all cybercrime can target websites, the next solutions were put forward – to add certain rules to the content of the Convention on Cybercrime and the recognition of certain cybercrimes as jus cogens rules.
- Published
- 2018
30. Kriminālatbildība par nelikumīgām darbībām ar automatizētām datu apstrādes sistēmas resursu ietekmēšanas ierīcēm un tās sistēmas traucēšanu
- Author
Janukovičs, Einārs, Hamkova, Diāna, and Latvijas Universitāte. Juridiskā fakultāte
- Subjects
programmatūra ,kibernoziegumi ,kibertelpa ,jurisdikcija ,Juridiskā zinātne - Abstract
Maģistra darba mērķis ir analizēt kriminālatbildību par automatizētas datu apstrādes sistēmas ietekmēšanas ierīcēm un darbības, kas var ietekmēt sistēmu. Lai sasniegtu pētāmā darba mērķi, tiek apskatīts kibernozieguma institūta starptautiskais regulējuma saturs, analizēti iemesli kibernozieguma institūta straujai attīstībai krimināltiesību nozarē. Analizēti Krimināllikuma 243.-244.pantā paredzētie noziedzīgā nodarījuma sastāvi, konstatētas problēmas Krimināllikuma 243.-244.pantu piemērošanai un piedāvāti risinājumi šo noziedzīgo nodarījumu kvalifikācijai un norobežošanai no citiem noziedzīgiem nodarījumiem, kas paveikti automatizētās datu apstrādes sistēmās, salīdzināti un analizēti ārvalstu Krimināllikumu normas, un tiesu prakse. Zinātniskā pētījuma rezultātā autors secina, ka būtu nepieciešams grozīt un papildināt atsevišķas Krimināllikuma normas, lai pilnvērtīgi varētu piemērot Krimināllikuma 243.-244.pantu. Kā arī likumdevējam dot skaidrojumu dažu pantu dispozīcijās ietvērtajiem jēdzieniem, piepildot tos ar saturu., Master’s thesis objective is to analyze the criminal liability of automated data processing systems influencing devices and actions that may affect the system. In order to achieve the objective of research work international institute of cyber crime is reviewed, analyzed reasons for rapid development of cyber crime in criminal institute. Contents of Section 243 and Section 244 of The Criminal Law are analyzed. Identifies problems for Section 243 and Section 244 application and provides solutions to the offense classification and delimitation from other crimes commited against from the automated data processing systems, compared and analyzed foreign Crimal Law and cases. Researche led the author to conclude that it would be necessary to amend and supplement certain provisions of the Criminal Law in order to fully be able to apply Section 243 and Section 244. As well the legislature should give an explanation of certain articles of disposition of the concept of filling them with content so law adopter could properly classified criminal offenses.
- Published
- 2018
31. Briseles I-bis regulas risinājumi un nepilnības
- Author
Ančs, Pauls, Kucina, Irēna, and Latvijas Universitāte. Juridiskā fakultāte
- Subjects
Briseles režīms ,tiesas izvēles vienošanās ,šķīrējtiesa ,jurisdikcija ,ekzekvatūra ,Juridiskā zinātne - Abstract
Šajā maģistra darbs pētītas izmaiņas Briseles I regulā, kuras savā Priekšlikumā Briseles I regulas reformai izvirzīja Eiropas Komisija. Šis Priekšlikums rezultējās tagadējā Briseles I-bis regulā. Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot, vai galvenās četras no Priekšlikumā minētajām problēmām ir atrisināts, un vai to vietā nav nākušas kādas citas. Pētījuma rezultātā secināts, ka ekzekvatūras atcelšana bijusi lielākoties veiksmīga, vienošanos par jurisdikciju efektivitāti ir palielināta, kā arī daļēji īstenots mērķis apturēt paralēlas tiesvedības un torpedēšanas tiesvedības attiecībā uz šķīrējtiesām., In this master’s thesis the author researches the changes in Brussels I Regulation that were proposed in European Commission’s Proposal for reforms of Brussels I Regulation. The Proposal resulted in what is now known as Brussels I-bis Regulation. The goal of the research is to find out, whether the main four issues indicated in the Proposal have been solved, and if other issues have taken their place. The research ends with conclusions that the abolishment of exequatur has been mainly successful, the efectiveness of choice-of-court agreements has been increased and the goal to stop parallel proceedings and torpedo proceedings in relation to arbitrations.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Žunko, Anže and Tratnik, Matjaž
- Subjects
provisional measure ,ICJ ,jurisdiction ,udc:341.4(043.2) ,Meddržavno sodišče ,competence ,prima facie pristojnost ,prima facie jurisdiction ,jurisdikcija ,pristojnost ,ratione ,začasni ukrepi ,International Court of Justice - Abstract
Enkratnost Meddržavnega Sodišča v Haagu si je mogoče razlagati na več načinov. Bodisi v smeri, da je edino sodišče v svetu, ki ima moč odločati med državami kot subjekti mednarodnega prava, torej v sporih, kjer kot stranki nastopata državi bodisi po njegovi sestavi ali po izdajanju začasnih ukrepov. Meddržavno sodišče v Haagu ima torej moč sprejeti ter izdati kakršenkoli začasni ukrep, če meni, da bi se z njim zavarovale pravice ali interesi stranke ali da s sprejetjem le-tega ne bi poslabšali že nastale situacije ter preprečili nadaljnjo škodo. Vprašanje izdajanja začasnih ukrepov je tesno povezano z jurisdikcijo Meddržavnega sodišča v Haagu (pristojnost soditi v konkretnem primeru). Kadar je pred Meddržavnim sodiščem v Haagu vložena tožba s strani tožnika, v kateri tožnik tudi zahteva izdajo začasnih ukrepov, Meddržavno sodišče v Haagu zadevo začne obravnavati prednostno, ker z izdajo začasnega ukrepa ne sme odlašati, saj z vsakim zamujenim dnem eni izmed strank nastaja nepopravljiva škoda, ki bi jo naj preprečili z začasnim ukrepom, dokler ne bi bila izdana dokončna meritorna sodna odločba, ki stranki zavezuje k spoštovanju le-te. Kadar Meddržavno sodišče v Haagu dobi v odločanje zadevo, v kateri bi naj izdalo tudi začasne ukrepe, samo sebi ni dolžno zadostiti vsem strogim kriterijem, po katerih bi bilo pristojno o zadevi odločati meritorno, pač pa je dovolj, da pristojnost utemelji zgolj prima facie, torej na določenem temelju pristojnosti oziroma v pristojnosti na prvi pogled. Na podlagi prima facie pristojnosti, ki v bistvu sploh ni prava oblika pristojnosti, je Meddržavno sodišče v Haagu zaradi nujnosti vseeno pristojno izdati začasni ukrep. Skozi primere sodne prakse Meddržavnega sodišča v Haagu bo moč videti, da temu toženec največkrat ugovarja, torej da Sodišče ni pod nobenim pogojem pristojno izdati začasne ukrepe . The uniqueness of the International Court of Justice, is possible to interpreted in several ways. Either in the direction that it is the only court in the World, which has power to decide between countries, either by its composition or by its power to issue the provisional measures, which are binding for both of the parties. International Court of Justice therefore has the power to accept and issue any provisional measure, if it considers that provisional measure will protect the rights or interest of the client or in order to deteriorate the situation and prevent the further damage. The issue of provisional measures is very closely linked to the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice (the competence to judge in the present case). When before the International Court of Justice, the action is brought by the plaintiff, where the plaintiff also requires the issuance of provisional measures, the International Court of Justice, dealt with the case urgently. Urgently whereas the provisional measure must not be delayed, because with each passing day of one of the parties is created irreparable damage that would be prevented with a provisional measure, until a final judgment of merits is not issued. International Court of Justice does not have to necessarily satisfied to all the strict conditions on which the jurisdiction is find. It is enough that the International Court of Justice satisfy the basis on which the jurisdiction might be found (prima facie jurisdiction). Prima facie jurisdiction, is actually not a real form of jurisdiction, however it is enough to start proceeding about the provisional measures because of their urgency. Through the examples of cases of the International Court of Justice it will be possible to see that very often the defendant contends that the International Court of Justice has not the power regardless the prima facie jurisdiction to decides about the case, consequently that the Court has no jurisdiction under any circumstances on which the provisional measures may be issued.
- Published
- 2016
33. Wymiar sprawiedliwości Polskiego Państwa Podziemnego na Wileńszczyźnie w latach II wojny światowej
- Author
Jarosław Wołkonowski
- Subjects
Teismai. Teismų praktika / Courts. Case-law ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region) ,Lenkų pasipriešinimas ,Teisės istorija / History of law ,Jurisdikcija ,Kolaboravimas ,Kariuomenė / Army ,Lenkų pogrindžio teisė ,Mirties nuosprendžiai ,General Medicine ,Tarptautiniai konfliktai. Karai / International conflicts. Wars ,Vilnija - Abstract
The Polish underground jurisdiction in Vilnius Region during World War II consisted of two structures – Wojskowe Sądy Specjalne (WSS), connected with the underground Home Army (Armia Krajowa) and Sąd Karny Specjalny (SKS), connected with the underground civil administration. They were established in 1942 and 1943. The Polish underground jurisdiction played very important role – it was created to establish Polish justice on the occupied by the Nazis territory. Vilnius Region had complicated ethnical and political structure at this time. These problems were used by Soviet and Nazi occupants to suppress Polish underground. There were many individuals who collaborated with the occupant’s authorities. The documents concerning individual cases have not been preserved, so it’s difficult to find out how many criminal trials have taken place. According to information form press and other sources there were about 100 cases in WSS, but the number of cases in SKS is unknown. During the Soviet occupation only one death sentence was enforced. During the Nazi occupation 1942-44 the number of enforced death sentences increased to 11. Those who were sentenced were accused of collaboration with Gestapo or NKWD. You should also mention that 5 death sentences could not be enforced, because the sentenced traitors escaped. Some of the traitors took part in Ponary massacre, where 100 thousand of civilians were executed. There are some controversies in two cases, because the death sentences were connected with political views of the accused persons. Generally, the sentences were legal and correct.
- Published
- 2007
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34. Ārzonu jurisdikcijās reģistrēto kompāniju izveides izdevīgums
- Author
Ziemele, Kristīne, Oļevskis, Grigorijs, and Latvijas Universitāte. Ekonomikas un vadības fakultāte
- Subjects
beznodokļu zona ,ārzona ,Ekonomika ,jurisdikcija ,ārzonā reģistrēta kompānija - Abstract
Bakalaura darba „Ārzonu jurisdikcijās reģistrēto kompāniju izveides izdevīgums” autore ir Kristīne Ziemele. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir, noskaidrojot ārzonu jēdzienu un jurisdikcijas izvēli ietekmējošos faktorus, izvērtēt ārzonu kompāniju reģistrēšanas izdevīgumu, salīdzinot Latvijā reģistrētu mikrouzņēmumu ar Kaimanu salās reģistrētu ārzonu kompāniju. Darba trīs daļās secīgi tiek analizēta informācija par ārzonu jurisdikciju veidošanos un būtību, kā arī tiek aplūkoti ārzonu jurisdikcijas izvēli ietekmējošie faktori un tiek vērtēts ārzonu kompāniju reģistrēšanas izdevīgums uz konkrētas jurisdikcijas un Latvijas piemēra pamata., The author of the Bachelor Thesis The expediency of the companies registered in offshores is Kristine Ziemele. The purpose of the Thesis to evaluate the expediency of the companies registered in offshores through determining the concept of offshore and the factors influencing the decision making process on the jurisdiction by comparing a microentrepreneurship registered in Latvia to a limited liability company registered in Cayman Islands. In the three parts of the Thesis the information about the formation and the essence of the offshore jurisdictions is analysed as well as the factors influencing the decision making process on the jurisdiction are overlooked and the evaluation of the expediency of the companies registered in offshores has been given using an example of the specific jurisdiction and Latvia as a basis.
- Published
- 2015
35. Kriminālatbildība par patvaļīgu piekļūšanu automatizētai datu apstrādes sistēmai
- Author
Janukovičs, Einārs, Hamkova, Diāna, and Latvijas Universitāte. Juridiskā fakultāte
- Subjects
Kibertelpa ,Jurisdikcija ,Informācijas sistēma ,Patvaļīga piekļuve automatizētai datu apstrādes sistēmai ,Kibernoziegumi ,Juridiskā zinātne - Abstract
Krimināllikuma 241.pantā ietvertais noziedzīgais nodarījums regulē atbildību par patvaļīgu piekļūšanu automatizētai datu aizsardzības sistēmai, bet praksē nereti tiek novērots, ka uz šo nodarījumu un nodarījumu grupu prakse vēl svārstās un nav īstas skaidrības kā kvalificēt šos nodarījumus. Krimināllikumā pastāv sodi par līdzīgiem nodarījumiem, kuri tiek regulēti dažādās nodaļās. Latvijas tiesām arī nav īstas skaidrības kā sodīt personas, kuras izdarījušas šo noziedzīgo nodarījumu ārvalstīs, kamēr tās atrodas Latvijas teritorijā. Tiks doti piemērotākie risinājumi, lai praksē varētu veiksmīgāk kvalificēt šo noziedzīgo nodarījumu., Criminal law article 241 included Criminal responsibility for unauthorized access to automated data processing system, but in practice are often observed, that on this offense and offense group practice is still fluctuating and there is no real clarity as to the classification of these offenses as the Latvian Criminal Law. In Criminal Law are penalties for similar offenses which are regulated in different chapters. And the Latvian courts do not have a real clarity as to punish the person who committed the offense abroad while the person is in Latvian territory. Will be given the most appropriate solutions to be more successful in practice to gualify the offense.
- Published
- 2015
36. Unification of judicial practice concerning parental responsibility in the European Union – challenges applying regulation Brussels II bis
- Author
Kristina Pranevičienė
- Subjects
child abduction ,Sociology and Political Science ,Unification ,Jurisdiction ,1980 hague convention on international child abduction ,parental responsibility ,Žmogaus teisės / Human rights ,Šeimos teisė / Family law ,Vaikai / Children ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,jurisdiction ,brussels ii bis ,Political science ,Law ,Jurisdikcija ,media_common.cataloged_instance ,European union ,brussels ii a ,Europos Sąjungos teisė / European Union law ,Vaikų grobimas ,media_common - Abstract
The article briefly describes international legislation in parental responsibility matters and focuses on the Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 of 27 November 2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, repealing Regulation (EC) No 1347/2000 (in practice called Brussels II a or Brussels II bis). The essay reveals and analyses the difficulties which occur while hearing parental responsibility cases within the European Union. Particular attention is given to special cases which were difficult to resolve for the national courts of the Republic of Lithuania. Also, the practice of the Court of Justice of the European Union is examined. The guidelines on how to avoid the problems of establishing jurisdiction are given. The relations of 1980 Hague Convention on international child abduction and Regulations Brussels II bis are revealed and the reasons for adoption of the Regulation are highlighted. The article also proposes improvements for Article 15 of the Regulation and the effective application of a modified forum non conveniens doctrine in parental responsibility cases.
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Sintič, Jasna and Bratina, Borut
- Subjects
Geldwäsche ,bilaterale Vereinbarung ,offshor podjetje ,IBC ,davčna konkurenca ,davčna evazija ,Steuerkonkurrenz ,Steuerparadies ,davčni raj ,offshore center ,pranje denarja ,Resident unternehmen ,načelo svetovnega dohodka ,jurisdikcija ,Gerichtsstand ,udc:336.22 ,Offshore –Gesellschaft ,nerezidenčno podjetje ,davčna utaja ,Prinzip des Weltweiten Einkommens ,Steuerhinterziehung ,rezidenčno podjetje ,Steuergeheimnis ,dvostranski dogovor ,OECD ,davčna oaza ,Steuerevasion ,Steueroase ,Gebietsfremde unternehmen ,davčna tajnost - Abstract
Davčne oaze so države, ki za dobičke, dohodke in premoženje ne zaračunavajo davkov ali pa je njihova davčna stopnja bistveno nižja kot v državah s tradicionalno obdavčitvijo. To so države s tako imenovanih privilegiranim davčnim statusom in so velika konkurenca tradicionalnim državam, ki brez pobiranja davkov ne bi mogle obstajati. Prav tukaj se pojavi problem, ko denar zaradi previsokih davkov pobegne v davčno prijaznejšo državo. Značilnost davčne oaze je torej posebni davčni režim, ki uporabnikom omogoča, da se izognejo nekaterim ali celo vsem vrstam davka, saj nekatere davčne oaze ne poznajo niti obdavčitve posameznika, ter so izvzete iz sistema davka na dodano vrednost. Proučili smo, katere so najbolj znane davčne oaze, ter njihovo geografsko in funkcionalno delitev. Opisali smo oblike uporabe offshore podjetij, ki imajo za razliko navadnih rezidenčnih podjetij možnost zmanjšanja davčne obveznosti. V svetu uporabljajo mala, srednje velika in velika podjetja davčne oaze na vseh področjih mednarodnega poslovanja. Primerjali smo tri evropske (Gibraltar, Jersey in Liechtenstein) in tri karibske (Bahami, Kajmanski otoki in Britanski Deviški otoki) davčne oaze iz vidika njihove obdavčitve in drugih značilnosti. Izpostavili smo problematiko pranja denarja in ukrepe za preprečevanje pranja denarja, ki predstavlja vedno večjo zaskrbljenost držav pri spopadanju s tem problemom. Problem pa predstavlja tudi davčna konkurenca, proti kateri se borijo številne mednarodne organizacije, kot je na primer OECD. V okviru EU potekajo številne aktivnosti za odpravo škodljivih davčni praks. Predstavili smo tudi stališče Slovenije in stališče davčnih zavezancev do davčnih oaz. Steueroasen sind Länder, die für Gewinne, Einkommen und Vermögen kein Steuer abrechnen oder sind ihre Steuersätze deutlich niedriger als in den Ländern mit traditioneller Steuerung. Das sind Länder mit dem sogenannten privilegierten Steuerstatus, die als große Konkurrenz gegen den traditionellen Ländern, die ohne Steuererhebung nicht existieren könnten, auftreten. Gerade hier zeigt sich das Problem, wenn Aufgrund von zu hohen Steuern, das Geld ins steuerfreundliche Land entkommt. Merkmal der Steueroasen ist eine Sonderregelung, die es den Benutzern ermöglicht, einige oder sogar alle Arten von Steuern zu vermeiden, weil einige Steueroasen nicht die Besteuerung von physischen Personen kennen und sind auch aus der Umsatzsteuerung ausgenommen. Wir haben die bekanntesten Steueroasen untersucht, welche es sind und deren geographische und funktionale Teilung dargestellt. Wir haben die Arten von Offshore-Gesellschaften beschrieben, welche im Gegensatz zu gewöhnlichen Resident Unternehmen die Möglichkeit haben, ihre Steuern zu senken. In der Welt benutzen kleine, mittlere und große Unternehmen die Steueroasen in allen Bereichen des internationalen Geschäfts. Wir haben drei europäische (Gibraltar, Jersey und Liechtenstein) und drei karibische (Bahamas, Cayman Islands und der British Virgin Islands) Steueroasen verglichen, aus der Sicht von deren Besteuerung und anderen Eigenschaften. Wir setzen das Thema Geldwäsche und Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der Geldwäsche, die immer größere Sorge für viele Staaten, bei Bekämpfung dieses Problems vorstellen, auf. Das Problem ist auch Steuerkonkurrenz, gegen die, eine Reihe von Internationale Organisationen wie OECD kämpfen. Innerhalb der EU laufen viele Aktivitäten gegen schädliche Steuerpraktiken. Wir stellen die slowenische Meinung und die Meinung der Steuerzahler von Steueroasen dar.
- Published
- 2012
38. Đorđe Bubalo, Katarina Mitrović, Radmila Radić, Jurisdikcija katoličke crkve u Sremu, Beograd 2010
- Author
Mladineo, Goran
- Subjects
Jurisdikcija ,Katolička crkva ,Srijem - Abstract
Prikaz knjige Đ. Bubala, K. Mitrović i R. Radić o jurisdikciji Katoličke crkve u Srijemu kroz povijest.
- Published
- 2010
39. Ekumensko čitanje crkvenih otaca i asimetrično jedinstvo Crkve
- Author
Tomo Vukšić
- Subjects
crkvena tradicija ,katolici ,pravoslavci ,protestanti ,“formula Ratzinger” ,elementi crkvenosti ,karizma ,jurisdikcija ,narav prvenstva ,asimetrično jedinstvo - Abstract
Teologija crkvenih otaca zajednička je baština svih kršćana i, kao dio crkvene tradicije koja je starija od svih razlika, predstavlja poveznicu među razdijeljenim Crkvama i crkvenim zajednicama koja se sastoji od velikoga duhovnog, kulturnog i apostolskog bogatstva. Stoga uopće nije neobično što je u novije vrijeme, koje je na teološkom planu obilježeno pojačanim nastojanjima oko ponovne uspostave jedinstva među kršćanima, u teološkoj znanosti sve češća pojava da se spise crkvenih otaca čita također iz ekumenske perspektive. S tim su naglaskom, nakon kratkoga prikaza načela instrukcije Inspectis dierum, u ovom članku prikazana stajališta, ideje i teološke interpretacije – katkad vrlo slične a katkad suprotstavljene – nekih katoličkih, pravoslavnih i protestantskih teologa. Zamjećuje se njihova konstatacija da je prvo tisućljeće kršćanstva bilo takvo razdoblje da ga se, usprkos podjelama koje su stvarno postojale, može smatrati vremenom “jedne” Crkve, u kojoj se to jedinstvo, međutim, teološki tumačilo i stvarno živjelo u različitom stupnju i obliku, posebice ako se vodi računa o složenosti tumačenja karizmatskoga i kanonskoga elementa jedinstva, a da se istodobno to isto jedinstvo nije napustilo. Potom se, polazeći od onoga što je u novijoj teologiji poznato kao „formula Ratzinger“, ne zaboravljajući ni dogmu ni jurisdikciju, i vodeći računa o teološkom načelu elementa Ecclesiae, u članku raspravlja o ideji asimetričnoga jedinstva Crkve, upravo na osnovi teologije crkvenih otaca i iskustva prvoga tisućljeća., Theology of the Church Fathers is common patrimony of all Christians and, as a part of Church tradition, older then any difference, represents a link between divided Churches and ecclesial communities, made of a large spiritual, cultural and apostolic treasure. Thus it is not uncommon that in recent times, marked by strengthened efforts in theological field with regards to reestablishing unity among Christians, in theological science it is more and more common that the Church Fathers’ works are read from ecumenical perspective. With that emphasized, after a brief review of the principles of Inspectis dierum instruction, this article presents standpoints, ideas and theological interpretations – at times very similar, and at other times confronted – of certain Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant theologians. One can see their ascertainments that the first millennium of Christianity was such age, that, despite divisions which had really existed, it can be considered a time of “one” Church within which, however, that unity was theologically interpreted and was really lived in different degrees and forms, particularly having in mind the complexity of charismatical and canonical element of unity, and at the same time not abandoning that unity. Then, beginning with that, which is in recent theology known as “Ratzinger formula”, and not forgetting neither dogma nor jurisdiction, and having in mind theological principle elementa Ecclesiae, the article discusses the idea of asymmetrical unity of the Church, based on the very theology of the Church Fathers and experience of the first millennium.
- Published
- 2010
- Author
Luttenberger, Axel, Zec, Damir, Radolf, Davorin, and Rudolf, Davorin
- Subjects
obalna država ,pomorski nadzor ,upravljanje pomorskim prometom ,jurisdikcija ,maritime surveillance ,vessel traffic management ,coastal state ,lcsh:Law ,lcsh:K - Abstract
Pomorski nadzor provodi obalna država radi povećanja sigurnosti pomorske plovidbe i zaštite vlastitih interesa, a ta djelatnost povezana je i s upravljanjem pomorskim prometom, pa obuhvaća prikupljanje podataka o pomorskim objektima i pomorskom prometu, davanje podataka pomorskim objektima, pružanje plovidbenih savjeta i podrške u plovidbi, kao i organizaciju plovidbe i upravljanje pomorskim prometom. Autori naglašavaju da je za zadovoljavajuću razinu sigurnosti plovidbe važna međuovisnost interesa obalne države i interesa broda u plovidbi, te da je izuzetan napredak tehnologije i iskazana volja međunarodne pomorske zajednice omogućila obalnim državama odnosno državama pripadnosti broda značajan uvid u stanje prometa u svako doba odnosno u svim uvjetima. U radu se daje pregled postojećih sustava izvještavanja i tehnoloških postignuća, naglašava da su rezultat takvog tehnološkog razvoja zahtjevi obalnih država da aktivnije sudjeluju u upravljanju prometa i da učinkovitije osnažuju međunarodne i nacionalne propise. Analiziraju se i rješenja Europske unije, uz isticanje pitanja povjerljivosti i razmjene podataka u toj oblasti. Pozornost autora je usmjerena na utjecaj novih tehnoloških sustava te mogućnosti i ograničenja obalne države u oživotvorenju postojećih pravnih propisa u području nadzora odnosno na potrebu predlaganja novih pravnih rješenja usklađenih s najnovijim razvojem tehnologije za nadzor i upravljanje plovidbom, naročito za prostor izvan granica nacionalne jurisdikcije.
- Published
- 2010
- Author
Kovačević, Melisa and Heričko, Marjan
- Subjects
taksonomija ,podporna orodja ,poslovno poročanje ,udc:004.434:005(043.2) ,XML ,OpenERP ,support tools ,taxonomy ,specification ,jurisdiction ,XBRL ,business reporting ,jurisdikcija ,specifikacija - Abstract
V diplomskem delu smo predstavili uporabo jezika za poslovno poročanj - eXtensible Business Reporting Language. Opisali smo XBRL specifikacijo in predstavili XBRL taksonomijo in primerek dokumenta. Taksonomije so zbirke značk ali slovarjev, za katere skrbijo lokalni oddelki konzorcija XBRL, tako imenovane jurisdikcije. Preučili smo prednosti XBRL in njegove potencialne uporabnike. Predstavili smo podporna orodja in opisali njihove osnovne karakteristike ter primerjavu. V praktičnem delu smo na odprtokodni rešitvi OpenERP implementirali podporo jeziku XBRL. In this diploma thesis, we presented the use of business reporting language - eXtensible Business Reporting Language. We described the XBRL specification and presented the XBRL taxonomy and instance document. Taxonomies are collections of badges or dictionaries, where local departments of the XBRL consortiu is responsible for it so-called jurisdiction. We have considered the benefits of XBRL and its potential users. On the other hand, we presented support tools and described their basic characteristics and comparison between them. In practical work we implemented open source solutions OpenERP for XBRL language support.
- Published
- 2009
42. XIII-XX a. Lietuvos teisinės sistemos istorija
- Author
Machovenko, Jevgenij, Kūris, Egidijus, Nekrošius, Vytautas, Mikelėnas, Valentinas, Marcijonas, Antanas, Justickis, Viktoras, Jarašiūnas, Egidijus, Vėlyvis, Stasys, and Vilnius University
- Subjects
Jurisprudence ,Teisės istorija ,History of law ,Teisinė sistema ,Jurisdikcija ,Legislation ,history of law ,legal system ,legislation ,jurisdiction ,jurisprudence ,Legal system ,Teisėkūra ,Jurisprudencija ,Law ,Jurisdiction - Abstract
In the present work the author reviews the two scientific monographs and twenty scientific articles in which the history of the Lithuanian legal system is investigated. The author aspires to elucidate how did the main subsystems of the Lithuanian legal system – legislation, jurisdiction and jurisprudence – appeared and developed up to the end of the 20th century in the context of evolution of the Western legal tradition. The basic methods of research used in the works are historical, comparative and teleological. The main theses of the reviewed scientific monographs and articles are these: The law of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL) was created by the Government on the basis of the national Lithuanian law and some elements of the custom Slav law. Substitution of the custom Slav law for the Lithuanian public and private law took place in those provinces in the 14th-16th centuries. The custom Slav law hampered forming of the system of law of the GDL. It was created finally in the middle of the 16th century. The law of the GDL was a medieval estate law. Estate is a legal phenomenon and law determines signs and features of any estate. Main sign of any estate is rights leaved to him by law and protected by state. Estate system, that is an organization of society into classes rigidly divided for political purposes and defined primarily by law, is based on a legal inequality of estates. Any estate is a stable order closed to outsiders. In order to belong to estate any person must correspond to certain conditions determined by law. At the same time any person can belong to a few different social groups but only to one estate. The estate system of the GDL was formed finally in the middle of the 16th century. It was defined by the Second Statute of Lithuania and consisted of four estates: nobility, clergy, peasantry and townspeople. The nobility and the clergy were privileged. They governed the state and exploited bondsmen. In the towns which obtained the Magdeburg Law the townsmen were free, but haven’t political rights and privileges. The author believes that all persons were subjects of medieval law of Lithuania, but their legal capacity was not equal. This inequality was determined by law. Volume of legal capacity of these persons depended upon their age, sex, citizenship, religion and estate. It could be changed in accordance with law. Under certain conditions loss of legal capacity also was able. Collective subjects of law were the GDL itself (not its government bodies or officials), the people of Lithuania as a political unit (not estates or ethnographic nations), political confederations of noblemen (if they were sanctioned by the Grand Duke), self-governing territorial units (counties, towns, etc.), guilds organized by craftsmen and merchants and self-governing religions communities. The author believes that a land-ownership in the GDL was divided. Two persons held the same land. One of them was an immediate owner, the second was a superior owner of the land. An immediate owner’s right to dispose the land was limited by a superior owner’s rights to this land. In the 14th-first half of the 16th century an ancestral land was the main form of land-ownership in the GDL. At first an ancestral land was owned without obligation of vassalage. Since the beginning of the 16th century an owner of an ancestral land was obliged to military service from his land. Since the 14th century a benefice was the second form of feudal land-ownership in the GDL. Gradually a benefice turned into a feud. In 1566 the Second Statute of Lithuania gave the equal rights to all owners of ancestral lands and feuds. They got the freedom to dispose all their lands, but were obliged to military service from their real estate. In the middle of the 16th century the domain of the Grand Duke was divided into the State lands and Throne lands. The Grand Duke’s freedom to dispose these lands was limited. Up to the middle of the 16th century there were no permanent circuit courts for land disputes in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. All state courts heard land cases in their permanent quarters and moved in locality to survey borders only if it was very necessary. The Government of the GDL stimulated activity of arbitration and village courts and set them to resolve land disputes in locality. The first permanent circuit court (Sub-Chamber court) for boundary disputes was established in every county during the court reform in 1564-1566. Up to the middle of the 16th century jurisdiction of the Church determined by canons was very wide and came into collision with jurisdiction of the State. Besides clergymen and other subjects of the Church spiritual courts prosecuted noblemen, peasants and townsfolk. Competence of secular and spiritual courts was delimited clearly by the Third Statute of Lithuania. In accordance with this Statute spiritual courts could prosecute noblemen, peasants and townsfolk only if a certain case was bound up with religion or marriage. The medieval conception of formal evidences existed and dominated in the GDL from the 13th century up to the 18th century. The court was passive because all evidences were collected and produced by the plaintiff or by the defendant, and legal force of any evidence was determined by Lithuanian custom law and by the Lithuanian Statutes. The author believes that compurgators were not eye-witnesses of crime or event, there testified on oath only about good name of somebody. Compurgators swore together with plaintiff or defendant. Witnesses testified to or against somebody without oath. The legal status of witnesses and compurgators determined by the Lithuanian custom law and the First Lithuanian Statute was partly corrected by the Second and the Third Lithuanian Statutes in 1566 and 1588. Dietsky office appeared in the Ancient Slav State about the 11th century. From the 13th century onwards this office functioned in the GDL. Vizh office was instituted in the end of the 15th century or in the beginning of the 16th century in the GDL. Dietsky and Vizh were court officers executed judgements. Vizh was also official witness in criminal and civil cases. Vozny office was established in the GDL during the judicial reform in 1564-1566. Vozny was an important official of a court of law. He used to be elected by county noblemen. His duty was to inspect damages, wounds, and to witness at a trial. He was an executor of court’s sentences. The number of lawyers who took scholastic degrees increased in the GDL in the 16th century. They developed legal terminology, introduced the written form of contracts and elaborated many legal acts. The Lithuanian Statutes should be regarded as the acme of progressive legal theoretical thought and practical activity. They surmounted the codification of the legislation of the GDL and brought the country to the leading position among other European countries. Yet the high standard, progressive spirit and intrinsic humanistic ideas by themselves did not mean that the Statutes were properly applied. In the 16th century, the lack of qualified lawyers complicated application of the Lithuanian Statutes. The legal sophistication of judges was often rather poor. Even members of the Lithuanian Tribunal of the GDL were not professional lawyers. The requirement constituted in the Lithuanian Statutes that only nobility were eligible to the position of judges was hardly observed because for a long time there had been not a single law school or college in the GDL. Why the Faculty of Law had not been founded in the Vilnius Jesuits’ Academy before 1641? The author believes that the problem may be viewed in the context of international relations between the Kingdom of Poland and the GDL. In the year of the foundation of Vilnius University, one more event important for the legal development of GDL took place: creation of the highest appeal court – Lithuanian Tribunal. Polish landlords did not tolerate the steps strengthening the statehood of Lithuania. Creation of the Lithuanian Tribunal was a difficult victory of the GDL nobility. It is quite possible that concession to the University of Krakow and recognition of Polish monopoly in preparing lawyers were the cost paid for the mentioned victory. It seemed then more important to have their own appeal court than to prepare lawyers in the GDL. In the one article the author aspires to elucidate what was a medieval university – integral part of the town or feudal benefice, what were professors ant students – full fledged citizens of the town or aliens, and what were courts of the university – State or private, secular or ecclesiastical. The author established that any university in the Middle Ages was a self-governing professional corporation similar with guild or craft. Doctors and scholars (like merchants or craftsmen) elected rector and some others officials who governed and administered justice. Mostly university was an integral part of the town; professors ant students could exercise their rights on an equality with citizens of the town. Sometimes university was ruled by the Bishop or King as a feudal benefice independent from the town magistrates and courts (in this case the relations between town citizens and students were exceptionally strained). A very ample jurisdiction was allowed to the Rector’s court, extending to all civil cases and all criminal cases except such as involved mutilation (in those criminal cases the jurisdiction of the town Magistrates, King‘s or Bishop’s judges was recognized). Rector was required to suppress quarrels between students and townsmen, or among the students themselves. If Rector failed to punish offenders, a scholar or doctor was amenable to the town Magistrates, King‘s or Bishop’s judges. The Bishop always reserved to himself spiritual jurisdiction over professors ant students. An appellate civil jurisdiction was reserved to the town Magistrates, King‘s or Bishop’s judges. It should be recognized that the legal system
- Published
- 2009
43. Pitanje metropolitskog, vikarijatskog i nad-biskupskog položaja Salonitanske crkve
- Author
Musa, Ivica and Kovačić S., Višić Ljubić E., Dukić J.
- Subjects
organizacija Crkve ,Salona ,jurisdikcija - Abstract
Položaj antičke salonitanske Crkve na razmeđu velikih političkih cjelina nudi hipotetsku komparaciju s metropolitanskim i suprametropolitanskim crkvenim središtima antičke Crkve. Salonitanska Crkva jedno vrijeme ostvaruje mogući vikarijatski status u odnosu na rismku katedru.
- Published
- 2008
44. Jungtinių Tautų Tarptautinio Teisingumo Teismo kompetencija ir jurisdikcija
- Author
Skiauterytė, Simona, Žalimas, Dainius, and Vilnius University
- Subjects
Ginčų tarp valstybių sprendimas ,Konsultacinės išvados ,Jurisdikcija ,Tarptautinis Teisingumo Teismas ,Fakultatyvinė išlyga ,Kompetencija - Abstract
Tarptautinis Teisingumo Teismas (TTT) – tai pagrindinė Jungtinių Tautų Organizacijos teisminė institucija, nuolatinis teismas, kuris nagrinėja jam valstybių perduotus teisinius ginčus ir teikia Jungtinių Tautų institucijų bei kitų įgaliotų įstaigų prašymu konsultacines išvadas. Teismas gali nagrinėti ir spręsti ginčus tik tais atvejais, kai valstybės išreiškia sutikimą dėl jo jurisdikcijos. Toks sutikimas gali būti išreikštas tiesiogiai dėl tam tikro ginčo ar iš anksto tam tikroms ginčų rūšims; Tarptautinio Teisingumo Teismo Statutas taip pat nustato valstybių galimybę pripažinti Teismo privalomąją jurisdikciją vienašalėmis deklaracijomis su išlygomis ar be jų. Visos valstybės Jungtinių Tautų Organizacijos narės yra Tarptautinio Teisingumo Teismo Statuto dalyvės ir gali kreiptis į Teismą, tačiau tik nedidelis valstybių skaičius yra pripažinęs jo privalomąją jurisdikciją ir tai...Teisingumo Teismas taip pat turi teisę teikti konsultacines išvadas teisės klausimais, kai to prašo Jungtinių Tautų Saugumo Taryba ar Generalinė Asamblėja; konsultacinių išvadų taip pat gali prašyti ir kitos Jungtinių Tautų institucijos bei įstaigos, kai jos turi Generalinės Asamblėjos joms suteiktus įgaliojimus. Teismo pateiktos konsultacinės išvados – tai autoritetinga Teismo nuomonė dėl tarptautinės teisės principų taikymo konkrečioms situacijoms, dėl kurių kreipiamasi į Teismą, ir jos nėra privalomos. Tarptautinis Teisingumo Teismas padarė svarbų indėlį skatindamas taikius ginčų sureguliavimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, is a standing tribunal to which States may bring their disputes, and which is empowered to give advirsory opinions to United Nations organs and specialized agencies. No dispute can be the subject of a decision of the Court unless the States parties to it have consented to the Court‘s jurisdiction over that specific dispute, or over a class of disputes of which that dispute is one. The consent may be given either directly in respect of a specific dispute, or in advance in respect of a defined class or category of diputes; the Statute of the Court also provides for acceptance of a general compulsory jurisdiction by simple declaration, wich may however be subject to reservations. All members of the United Nations are automatically parties to the ICJ Statute and enjoy access to the Court, but its compulsory jurisdiction is accepted by only but a fairly small number of States, and for most part with reservations that limit effective jurisdiction to certain classes of dispute. The Court is further empowered to give advirsory opinions on legal questions at the request of the Security Council or the General Assembly; such opinions may also be requested by other organs and agencies autherized by the General Assembly. Advirsory opinions are not binding but are authoritative statements of the principles of international law applying to the speciffic situations on which the advice of the Court... [to full text]
- Published
- 2007
45. Jurisdiction 'starosty' of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the second half of the 15th - the first third of the 16th centuries (on the example of Volhyn land)
- Subjects
Volhyn land ,Medieval official ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Lietuva ,Jurisdikcija ,Seniūnai ,Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (Lietuva ,LDK ,Grand Duchy of Lithuania ,GDL) ,Jurisdiction ,Volynė - Abstract
Straipsnyje aptariamos seniūno (starosta) jurisdikcijos problemos LDK XV a. antrojoje pusėje - XVI a. pirmajame trečdalyje. Seniūnas tuo metu buvo vienas svarbiausių Volynės žemės valdininkų, skiriamas Lietuvos Didžiojo kunigaikščio. Aptariamuoju laikotarpiu seniūno teisiniai įgaliojimai buvo nustatyti juridiniuose įstatymų aktuose, vadinamuose ustavna zemska gramota. Šie aktai buvo leidžiami ir tvirtinami Lietuvos Didžiojo kunigaikščio ir galiojo vietinėse žemėse. Straipsnio autoriaus pateikiamoje medžiagoje akcentuojama, kad remiantis minėtais aktais seniūnas buvo svarbiausias asmuo to meto Volynės žemės teismą praktikoje. The article is devoted to the problem of jurisdiction of 'starosta' (a medieval official) during the second half of the 15'h - the first third of the 16lh century. 'Starosta' was one from the most important officials in the Volhyn land. He was designated by the Great Lithuanian Duke. During this period the judicial duties of 'starosta' were regulated by the norms of legislative acts named 'ustavnazems 'kagramota' issued by great Lithuanian duke in their home policy. An author shows in his materials, that according to these documents 'starosta' was the main person at the time of legal proceedings.
- Published
- 2007
46. Crkvena jurisdikcija i stanje sakralnih objekata na opatijskom području u XVI. stoljeću
- Author
Štoković, Alojz
- Subjects
crkva ,jurisdikcija ,Pula - Abstract
Iako je pulska biskupija pokrivala najveći dio prostora smještenog na Mletačkom dijelu, dio prostora se nalazio i u sklopu Habsburške monarhija. To je tijerkom više stoljeća stvaralo određene poteškoće u ostvarivanju njene crkvene ali i civilne vlasti.
- Published
- 2007
47. Interneto teisės identifikavimo problema
- Author
Kiauzaris, Donatas, Petrauskas, Rimantas, Norvaišas, Saulius, Adomėnas, Petras Gailutis, Rotomskis, Irmantas, Dzemydienė, Dalė, Rudzkienė, Vitalija, Augustinaitis, Arūnas, Kiškis, Mindaugas, Nanartavičienė, Rasa, Keras, Antanas, and Mykolas Romeris University
- Subjects
Interneto teisė ,Interneto teisės reguliavimas ,Jurisdikcija ,Internet law ,Law ,Jurisdiction ,Internet law regulation - Abstract
Magistriniame darbe nagrinėjama interneto teisės termino vartojimo tikslingumas, bei įvardijamos šio termino galimos alternatyvos, kurios sutinkamos moksliniuose darbuose. Apžvelgiami interneto teisei būdingi principai, jų teisinė paskirtis, bei įtaka. Vadovaujantis teisės teorijos sukurtais teisės šakos identifikavimo reikalavimais, iškeliama hipotezė, jog interneto teisė esanti atskira kompleksinė teisės šaka, bei pateikiamas šios teisės šakos apibrėžimas. Siekiant patvirtinti iškeltą hipotezę įvardijamos identifikacinės problemos (reguliavimo, jurisdikcijos) su kuriomis susiduria interneto teisė, ją taikant visuomeniniuose santykiuose, o taip pat šių problemų galimus sprendimus. Nustatoma ir pagrindžiama interneto teisės vieta teisės sistemoje ir jos vidinė struktūra. Trumpai aptariama Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų, bei Lietuvos Respublikos teisinė praktika susijusi su interneto teise, bei galimi veiksmai siekiant padidinti šios teisės veikimo efektyvumą. In Master’s Thesis discusses internet law term usage tendencies and expediency. Also it is setting forth the alternatives of this term which can be met in scholar studies. There is given review of basic internet law’s principles, their judicial purpose and influence. Main axes of internet law identification are requirements created by law theory and depending on them there have been raised hypothesis that internet law is a separate complexical law branch. There are shortly described Lithuanian and United State’s law practice based on internet law and the possibilities of raising the effectiveness of this law.
- Published
- 2006
48. Prijedlog dopuna i izmjena javnopravnih odredbi nacrta Pomorskog zakonika Republike Hrvatske
- Author
Barić-Punda, Vesna and Rudolf, Davorin, ml.
- Subjects
polazna crta ,vanjski pojas ,suverenost ,suverena prava ,jurisdikcija ,pravo mora ,gospodarski pojas ,zaštita i očuvanje morskog okoliša ,progon (stranog broda) - Abstract
Autori su u ovome radu predložili dopune i izmjene dijela javnopravnih odredbi Nacrta prijedloga Pomorskog zakonika Republike Hrvatske koje se posebice odnose na korekciju sadašnjih ravnih polaznih crta od kojih se mjeri širina teritorijalnoga mora Republike Hrvatske, proglašenje vanjskoh pojasa (contiguous zone), preciznije reguliranje zaštite i očuvanja morskog okoliša, unošenje odredbi o privremenom razgraničenju morskih i podmorskih prostora Republike Hrvatske sa susjednim državama, pretvaranje zaštićenog ekološko-ribolovnog pojasa u gospodarski pojas u skladu s Konvencijom UN o pravu mora iz 1982., te preciziranje uvijeta neprekinutosti progona stranih brodova. Svi su prijedlozi valjano pravno obrazloženi i argumentirani. Kod prijedloga za korekciju ravnih polaznih crta od kojih se mjeri širina teritorijalnog mora Republike Hrvatske autori drže da je pogodan timing za djelomičnu izmjenu ravnih polaznih crta upravo donošenje novog Pomorskog zakonika.
- Published
- 2004
49. Restrictive theory of state immunity and its application in the Republic of Lithuania
- Author
Balevičienė, Kristina
- Subjects
Teismai. Teismų praktika / Courts. Case-law ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Acta jure gestionis ,Jurisdikcija ,Acta jure imperii ,Valstybės imunitetas ,Europos Sąjungos teisė / European Union law ,Riboto valstybės imuniteto doktrina - Abstract
XX a. antroje pusėje dauguma pasaulio valstybių atsisakė absoliutaus valstybės imuniteto ir savo įstatymuose ir teismų praktikoje įtvirtino riboto valstybės imuniteto doktriną. Remiantis šia doktrina, valstybė privatiniuose teisniuose santykiuose dalyvauja lygiais pagrindais su kitais asmenimis ir imunitetu nesinaudoja. Lietuvos Respublikos 1964 m. redakcijos civilinio proceso kodeksas įtvirtino absoliutaus valstybės imuniteto doktriną. Ši teisės norma – tai TSRS laikų palikimas, nebeatitikęs pasikeitusių visuomeninių santykių ir pasikeitusios politinės ir ekonominės nepriklausomos Lietuvos santvarkos. 1998 m. Lietuvos Aukščiausiasis Teismas priėmė nutartį civilinėje byloje V. Stukonis prieš JAV ambasadą, kurioje įtvirtino riboto valstybės imuniteto principą. Šioje nutartyje buvo nurodytos pagrindinės riboto valstybės imuniteto doktrinos gairės, tokios kaip valstybės veiksmų skirstymas į acta jure gestionis ir acta jure imperii. Tačiau Lietuvos Respublikos teismų praktika valstybės imuniteto teisinio reglamentavimo srityje kol kas yra negausi. Tik trys civilinės bylos pasiekė Lietuvos Aukščiausiąjį Teismą, todėl Lietuvos teismai dar nesusidūrė su daugeliu riboto valstybės imuniteto doktrinos taikymo problemų, su kuriomis teko susidurti kitų valstybių teismams. Šiame straipsnyje trumpai apžvelgiama riboto valstybės imuniteto doktrinos raida, nurodomos pagrindinės šios doktrinos taikymo problemos, su kuriomis susidūrė kitų valstybių teismai, taip pat nurodomi šių problemų sprendimo būdai. Straipsnyje taip pat analizuojama Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo praktika, pateikiami siūlymai, kaip tobulinti esamą teisinį reglamentavimą. Most of the states abandoned the theory of absolute immunity since the fifties. The restrictive theory of state immunity is declared in both statutory and case law. Under the restrictive theory of state immunity, the immunity of the sovereign is recognized with regard to sovereign or public acts of a state, but not with respect to private acts. But the Civil Procedure Code of The Republic of Lithuania, passed in 1964, stated the rule of absolute immunity. This rule was the inheritance of the USSR times not matching changed social relations and political and economic state system of Lithuania. In 1998 The Supreme Court of Lithuania made the decision in civil case V. Stukonis v. USA embassy, in which stated the restrictive theory of state immunity. The decision indicated the main landmarks of the restrictive theory such as the distinction between acta jure imperii or sovereign acts and acta jure gestionis or private, non-sovereign acts. Though the Lithuanian case law in the field of state immunity is still scanty. Only three civil cases have reached the Supreme Court so Lithuanian courts have not faced most of the problems of applying the restrictive state immunity that the courts of other states had. The article presents a short overview of the development of the restrictive state immunity doctrine indicating the main problems of applying the doctrine that the courts of other states were confronted of, also presenting the solutions of these problems. The article analyzes certain aspects of Lithuanian Supreme Court case law, proposes improvements of the existing legal regulation.
- Published
- 2004
50. Izuzeće od građanske jurisdikcije
- Author
Čuveljak, Jelena
- Subjects
izuzeće ,građanska jurisdikcija ,građanski ,jurisdikcija ,imunitet - Abstract
Autorica u ovom radu analizira problematiku mogućih izuzeća u slučajevima civilne jurisdikcije.
- Published
- 2001
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