Face detection is an important problem in computer vision research and applications are getting trending due to the advancement in the file of machine learning and computer vision. This research proposed a face detection method based on an enhanced Multi-Task Convolution Neural Network (MTCNN) and improves the network of MTCNN, creates a neural network model based on MTCNN using Python, and cascades to increase the accuracy of face location in difficult scenarios. In this research paper, we evaluated the performance of three famous face detector models on CPU-based machines. MTCNN and DLIB based detectors are designed for GPU-based machines, {"references":["P. Viola and M. Jones, \"Robust real-time face detection,\" in Proceedings Eighth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. ICCV 2001, 2005. [2]\tA. Benzaoui, H. Bourouba, and A. 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