61 results on '"Julio Arrizabalaga"'
Search Results
2. Open Access of COVID-19-related publications in the first quarter of 2020: a preliminary study based in PubMed [version 2; peer review: 2 approved, 1 approved with reservations]
- Author
Olatz Arrizabalaga, David Otaegui, Itziar Vergara, Julio Arrizabalaga, and Eva Méndez
- Subjects
Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Background: The COVID-19 outbreak has made funders, researchers and publishers agree to have research publications, as well as other research outputs, such as data, become openly available. In this extraordinary research context of the SARS CoV-2 pandemic, publishers are announcing that their coronavirus-related articles will be made immediately accessible in appropriate open repositories, like PubMed Central (PMC), agreeing upon funders’ and researchers’ instigation. Methods: This work uses Unpaywall, OpenRefine and PubMed to analyse the level of openness of the papers about COVID-19, published during the first quarter of 2020. It also analyses Open Access (OA) articles published about previous coronavirus (SARS CoV-1 and MERS CoV) as a means of comparison. Results: A total of 5,611 COVID-19-related articles were analysed from PubMed. This is a much higher amount for a period of 4 months compared to those found for SARS CoV-1 and MERS during the first year of their first outbreaks (337 and 125 articles, respectively). Regarding the levels of openness, 97.4% of the SARS CoV-2 papers are freely available; similar rates were found for the other coronaviruses. Deeper analysis showed that (i) 68.3% of articles belong to an undefined Bronze category; (ii) 72.1% of all OA papers don’t carry a specific license and in all cases where there is, half of them do not meet Open Access standards; (iii) there is a large proportion that present a copy in a repository, in most cases in PMC, where this trend is also observed. These patterns were found to be repeated in most frequent publishers: Elsevier, Springer and Wiley. Conclusions: Our results suggest that, although scientific production is much higher than during previous epidemics and is open, there is a caveat to this opening, characterized by the absence of fundamental elements and values on which Open Science is based, such as licensing.
- Published
- 2020
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3. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Biodonostia-OSI Donostialdea: un modelo de innovación
- Author
Arantza Abad, Julián de Frutos, Sandra Ahedo, Olatz Arrizabalaga, Ainize Iriondo, Marisabel Arzamendi, Amaia Del Villar, Itziar Vergara, Julio Arrizabalaga, and José Manuel Ladrón de Guevara
- Subjects
diferenciación ,conocimiento ,innovación ,valorización ,productos/servicios ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Los Institutos de Investigación Sanitaria (IIS) son una apuesta estratégica que se configura como el entorno idóneo para desarrollar una investigación traslacional de excelencia. En las Unidades de Apoyo a la Innovación (UAI) de estos IIS, se trabaja principalmente en la identificación y evaluación del conocimiento susceptible de valorización generado en sus Grupos de Investigación y en todo el entorno de los Hospitales-Organizaciones Sanitarias Integradas (OSIs). Las actividades que desarrolla el IIS Biodonostia están alineadas con la Estrategia de Investigación e Innovación en Salud 2020, así como con el ámbito Biociencias-Salud dentro de la Estrategia RIS3 Euskadi. El Instituto persigue desarrollar estrategias transversales de Especialización/Diferenciación (Envejecimiento y Medicina Personalizada) y Orientación al mercado y a resultados en salud (Innovación), que movilizan los recursos del propio Instituto y de la OSI Donostialdea para el desarrollo de actividades de I+D+i, con la colaboración de los Sistemas Empresarial, Científico-Tecnológico y de Formación Profesional. Estas actividades se enfocan al paciente en particular y a la sociedad en general, aprovechando el conocimiento del Sistema aplicado a salud. La colaboración del Instituto con este Sistema, permite que sea considerado como un agente de promoción económica que puede trasladar el valor al paciente, teniendo impacto en nuestro territorio. De esta forma, se complementan las capacidades de los Sistemas Empresarial, Científico-Tecnológico y de Formación Profesional de Euskadi a favor de la salud, de la mejora del desempeño del propio Sistema Sanitario y de la generación de riqueza con el fin de conseguir inversión para Proyectos de I+D+i. Concretamente, relacionado con la estrategia transversal de Orientación al mercado y a resultados en salud (Innovación), el Instituto apuesta como vía de diferenciación por la innovación en el ámbito quirúrgico, con el fin de aumentar su visibilidad como centro de referencia (Biomodelos y Bio-impresión a través de la creación de una Unidad Mixta de Impresión 3D, Simulación y Realidad Virtual, Aumentada y Mixta), con el que los agentes tecnológicos colaboren en el desarrollo de Proyectos de Innovación que respondan a las necesidades de la población. Los resultados obtenidos, muestran el modelo de Instituto enfocado a la Innovación: 1- Establecimiento de un procedimiento sistemático diseñado para la puesta en marcha de iniciativas innovadoras que faciliten su implementación: 114 ideas generadas durante 2017, todas ellas en ejecución. 2- Bottom Up (Convocatoria Intra-Mural de Proyectos de Innovación de la OSI Donostialdea): Iniciativa que pretende fomentar el diseño y planificación de nuevos productos/servicios en respuesta a las necesidades del Sistema. Se presentan 35-40 solicitudes/año de las que 15-20 resultan financiadas con un presupuesto total de aproximadamente 200 mil€. 3- Actividades de Innovación dirigidas a conseguir que los resultados de I+D+i provenientes de la colaboración público-privada lleguen a la sociedad: 49 Contratos de Transferencia firmados en el periodo 2013-2017, siendo los ingresos totales: 1.630.243,45€. La Estrategia diseñada ha creado un contexto interno que promueve que todas las personas innoven y emprendan aprovechando el potencial del conocimiento de personas y organizaciones del entorno, gestionando ideas y proyectos para materializarlas en productos, servicios o alternativas al modelo actual.
- Published
- 2019
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4. Integrating research: the case of aging in a health research institute
- Author
Itziar Vergara, Ander Matheu, and Julio Arrizabalaga
- Subjects
research ,aging ,strategy ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Introduction: When integrated care is conceptualized and assessed, health research has to be included in the whole picture. Health research needs to be considered when defining health policies, when building health systems and when setting health professionals’ daily agenda. This is the only way of building a culture of research and of reassuring the impact of public financed research projects in population health outcomes. One of the structures chosen to facilitate the integration of research into health organizations are the Health Research Institutes. The aim of this kind of structure, promoted by Carlos III Health Institute, is to develop high quality basic, epidemiological and clinical research to be easily transferred to health systems, to patients and to society. Biodonostia Health Research Institute (Biodonostia HRS) was the first of its kind at the Basque Country to be recognized. Description of policy context and objective: Besides the development of the existing seven research areas at Biodonostia HRI, in 2013 a strategy for aging research was defined in order to facilitate the emergence of knew knowledge and the collaboration among already settled research groups. Every group was invited to participate and a number of already existing research lines related to aging were identified and new ones were proposed. The development of the new area was based solely on the interest of researchers of targeting aging within their area of expertise, the interest of collaborating with other groups and the decided support from the Institute. Some of the defined research lines were: biology of aging, neurodegeneration, oncogeriatry and frailty (biomarkers and management at primary care). Targeted population: The invitation to be a part of this new strategy was oriented to all the existing groups, but once those were involved, it got wider: the health system (OSI Donostialdea, OSI Bidasoa, Osakidetza general directorate, Health Department of the Basque Country Government), the social system (Diputación de Gipuzkoa and Matía Institute), Technology Centers (Tecnalia, Cidetec, among others) and the Economy Department of the Basque Country Government. Highlights and Comments on transferability: The main highlights have taken place a different levels: at the macro level, this transversal area has been framed in the Basque Country Smart Specialization Strategy and the European International Partnership of Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA) and at CIBERFES, the national network of research on frailty and aging. At a meso level, the results generated are being considered for the development of Osakidetza’s Strategic Plan, specifically the Program for the care of the elderly. And, finally, at the micro level, the activities developed have helped to involve a high number of health professionals in research related tasks. Conclusions: A Health Research Institute is able to define research strategies and policies that may act as triggers to enhance already existing activity and to make emerge new one, creating a network of collaboration and with capacity to impact health services provision and population health outcomes.
- Published
- 2019
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5. Diverse Large HIV-1 Non-subtype B Clusters Are Spreading Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Spain
- Author
Elena Delgado, Sonia Benito, Vanessa Montero, María Teresa Cuevas, Aurora Fernández-García, Mónica Sánchez-Martínez, Elena García-Bodas, Francisco Díez-Fuertes, Horacio Gil, Javier Cañada, Cristina Carrera, Jesús Martínez-López, Marcos Sintes, Lucía Pérez-Álvarez, Michael M. Thomson, The Spanish Group for the Study of New HIV Diagnoses, Josefa Muñoz, María Carmen Nieto, María Zuriñe Zubero, Silvia Hernáez-Crespo, Luis Elorduy Otazua, Leyre López Soria, Koldo Agirrebengoa, María José López de Goicoechea, José Mayo, Gustavo Cilla, Julio Arrizabalaga, José Antonio Iribarren, María Jesús Bustinduy, María Julia Echevarría, María Jesús Lezaun, José Joaquín Portu, Carmen Gómez-González, Ana Mariño, Patricia Ordóñez, Hortensia Álvarez, Nieves Valcarce, Ángeles Cañizares, María Ángeles Castro, María Amparo Coira, José López-Álvarez, Ramón Rabunal, Juan García-Costa, Ricardo Fernández-Rodríguez, Raúl Rodríguez-Pérez, Jorge Guitián, Antonio Ocampo, Celia Miralles, Sonia Pérez-Castro, Matilde Trigo, Julio Diz-Arén, María Ángeles Pallarés, Carmen Ezpeleta Baquedano, Aitziber Aguinaga, María Gracia Ruiz de Alda, Jorge del Romero, Carmen Rodríguez, Mar Vera, Óscar Ayerdi, María Isabel García-Arata, Santiago Prieto-Menchero, Esther Culebras, Iciar Rodríguez-Avial, Raquel Téllez, Miguel Górgolas, Manuel Fernández-Guerrero, Olalla Calabia, Rosa García-Delgado, Sara María Quevedo, Lucía Puente, Manuel Álamo, Alfonso Alfange, Sara de la Fuente, Carmen Hinojosa, Carlos Dueñas, Begoña Monteagudo, Edita Sánchez, Carmen Ramos Sánchez, Pablo Bachiller, Helmuth Guillén, Teresa Martínez-Domínguez, Rosa Martínez-González, José Ramón Blanco, Miriam Blasco, Ana María Martínez-Sapiña, Diego Ortega Larrea, César Gómez-Hernando, José Largo-Pau, Fernando Buñuel, and Ana Infante
- Subjects
HIV-1 ,molecular epidemiology ,phylogeny ,phylodynamics ,men who have sex with men ,subtypes ,Microbiology ,QR1-502 - Abstract
In Western Europe, the HIV-1 epidemic among men who have sex with men (MSM) is dominated by subtype B. However, recently, other genetic forms have been reported to circulate in this population, as evidenced by their grouping in clusters predominantly comprising European individuals. Here we describe four large HIV-1 non-subtype B clusters spreading among MSM in Spain. Samples were collected in 9 regions. A pol fragment was amplified from plasma RNA or blood-extracted DNA. Phylogenetic analyses were performed via maximum likelihood, including database sequences of the same genetic forms as the identified clusters. Times and locations of the most recent common ancestors (MRCA) of clusters were estimated with a Bayesian method. Five large non-subtype B clusters associated with MSM were identified. The largest one, of F1 subtype, was reported previously. The other four were of CRF02_AG (CRF02_1; n = 115) and subtypes A1 (A1_1; n = 66), F1 (F1_3; n = 36), and C (C_7; n = 17). Most individuals belonging to them had been diagnosed of HIV-1 infection in the last 10 years. Each cluster comprised viruses from 3 to 8 Spanish regions and also comprised or was related to viruses from other countries: CRF02_1 comprised a Japanese subcluster and viruses from 8 other countries from Western Europe, Asia, and South America; A1_1 comprised viruses from Portugal, United Kingom, and United States, and was related to the A1 strain circulating in Greece, Albania and Cyprus; F1_3 was related to viruses from Romania; and C_7 comprised viruses from Portugal and was related to a virus from Mozambique. A subcluster within CRF02_1 was associated with heterosexual transmission. Near full-length genomes of each cluster were of uniform genetic form. Times of MRCAs of CRF02_1, A1_1, F1_3, and C_7 were estimated around 1986, 1989, 2013, and 1983, respectively. MRCA locations for CRF02_1 and A1_1 were uncertain (however initial expansions in Spain in Madrid and Vigo, respectively, were estimated) and were most probable in Bilbao, Spain, for F1_3 and Portugal for C_7. These results show that the HIV-1 epidemic among MSM in Spain is becoming increasingly diverse through the expansion of diverse non-subtype B clusters, comprising or related to viruses circulating in other countries.
- Published
- 2019
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6. Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Largest HIV-1 CRF02_AG Outbreak in Spain: Evidence for Onward Transmissions
- Author
Evangelia-Georgia Kostaki, Andreas Flampouris, Timokratis Karamitros, Natalia Chueca, Marta Alvarez, Paz Casas, Belen Alejos, Angelos Hatzakis, Federico Garcia, Dimitrios Paraskevis, CoRIS, Santiago Moreno, Inma Jarrín, David Dalmau, Maria Luisa Navarro, Maria Isabel González, Jose Luis Blanco, Rafael Rubio, Jose Antonio Iribarren, Félix Gutiérrez, Francesc Vidal, Juan Berenguer, Juan González, Belén Alejos, Victoria Hernando, Cristina Moreno, Carlos Iniesta, Luis Miguel Garcia Sousa, Nieves Sanz Perez, M Ángeles Muñoz-Fernández, Isabel María García-Merino, Irene Consuegra Fernández, Coral Gómez Rico, Jorge Gallego de la Fuente, Paula Palau Concejo, Joaquín Portilla, Esperanza Merino, Sergio Reus, Vicente Boix, Livia Giner, Carmen Gadea, Irene Portilla, María Pampliega, Marcos Díez, Juan Carlos Rodríguez, José Sánchez-Payá, Juan Luis Gómez, Jehovana Hernández, María Remedios Alemán, María del Mar Alonso, María Inmaculada Hernández, Felicitas Díaz-Flores, Dácil García, Ricardo Pelazas, Ana López Lirola, José Sanz Moreno, Alberto Arranz Caso, Cristina Hernández Gutiérrez, María Novella Mena, Federico Pulido, Otilia Bisbal, Asunción Hernando, Lourdes Domínguez, David Rial Crestelo, Laura Bermejo, Mireia Santacreu, José Antonio Iribarren, Julio Arrizabalaga, María José Aramburu, Xabier Camino, Francisco Rodríguez-Arrondo, Miguel Ángel von Wichmann, Lidia Pascual Tomé, Miguel Ángel Goenaga, Ma Jesús Bustinduy, Harkaitz Azkune, Maialen Ibarguren, Aitziber Lizardi, Xabier Kortajarena, Mar Masiá, Sergio Padilla, Andrés Navarro, Fernando Montolio, Catalina Robledano, Joan Gregori Colomé, Araceli Adsuar, Rafael Pascual, Marta Fernández, Elena García, José Alberto García, Xavier Barber, Juan Carlos López Bernaldo de Quirós, Isabel Gutiérrez, Margarita Ramírez, Belén Padilla, Paloma Gijón, Teresa Aldamiz-Echevarría, Francisco Tejerina, Francisco José Parras, Pascual Balsalobre, Cristina Diez, Leire Pérez Latorre, Joaquín Peraire, Consuelo Viladés, Sergio Veloso, Montserrat Vargas, Miguel López-Dupla, Montserrat Olona, Anna Rull, Esther Rodríguez-Gallego, Verónica Alba, Marta Montero Alonso, José López Aldeguer, Marino Blanes Juliá, María Tasias Pitarch, Iván Castro Hernández, Eva Calabuig Muñoz, Sandra Cuéllar Tovar, Miguel Salavert Lletí, Juan Fernández Navarro, Jose Miguel Molina, Juan González-garcia, Francisco Arnalich, José Ramón Arribas, Jose Ignacio Bernardino de la Serna, Juan Miguel Castro, Luis Escosa, Pedro Herranz, Victor Hontañón, Silvia García-Bujalance, Milagros García López-Hortelano, Alicia González-Baeza, Maria Luz Martín-Carbonero, Mario Mayoral, Maria Jose Mellado, Rafael Esteban Micán, Rocio Montejano, María Luisa Montes, Victoria Moreno, Ignacio Pérez-Valero, Berta Rodés, Talia Sainz, Elena Sendagorta, Natalia Stella Alcáriz, Eulalia Valencia, José Ramón Blanco, José Antonio Oteo, Valvanera Ibarra, Luis Metola, Mercedes Sanz, Laura Pérez-Martínez, Angels Jaén, Montse Sanmartí, Mireia Cairó, Javier Martinez-Lacasa, Pablo Velli, Roser Font, Mariona Xercavins, Noemí Alonso, Jesús Repáraz, María Gracia Ruiz de Alda, María Teresa de León Cano, Beatriz Pierola Ruiz de Galarreta, Ignacio de los Santos, Jesús Sanz Sanz, Ana Salas Aparicio, Cristina Sarriá Cepeda, Lucio Garcia-Fraile Fraile, Enrique Martín Gayo, José Luis Casado, Fernando Dronda, Ana Moreno, María Jesús Pérez Elías, Cristina Gómez Ayerbe, Carolina Gutiérrez, Nadia Madrid, Santos del Campo Terrón, Paloma Martí, Uxua Ansa, Sergio Serrano, María Jesús Vivancos, Enrique Bernal, Alfredo Cano, Antonia Alcaraz García, Joaquín Bravo Urbieta, Ángeles Muñoz, Maria Jose Alcaraz, Maria del Carmen Villalba, Federico García, José Hernández, Alejandro Peña, Leopoldo Muñoz, David Vinuesa, Clara Martinez-Montes, Fernando García, Carlos Guerrero-Beltran, Jorge Del Romero, Carmen Rodríguez, Teresa Puerta, Juan Carlos Carrió, Mar Vera, Juan Ballesteros, Oskar Ayerdi, Antonio Antela, Elena Losada, Antonio Aguilera, Melchor Riera, María Peñaranda, María Leyes, Ma Angels Ribas, Antoni A Campins, Carmen Vidal, Francisco Fanjul, Javier Murillas, Francisco Homar, Jesús Santos, Crisitina Gómez Ayerbe, Isabel Viciana, Rosario Palacios, Carmen María González, Pompeyo Viciana, Nuria Espinosa, Luis Fernando López-Cortés, Daniel Podzamczer, Elena Ferrer, Arkaitz Imaz, Juan Tiraboschi, Ana Silva, María Saumoy, Julián Olalla, Alfonso del Arco, Javier de la torre, José Luis Prada, José María García de Lomas Guerrero, Javier Pérez Stachowski, Concepción Amador, Onofre Juan Martínez, Francisco Jesús Vera, Lorena Martínez, Josefina García, Begoña Alcaraz, Amaya Jimeno, Angeles Castro Iglesias, Berta Pernas Souto, Alvaro Mena de Cea, Carlos Galera, Helena Albendin, Aurora Pérez, Asunción Iborra, Antonio Moreno, Maria Angustias Merlos, Asunción Vidal, Inés Suárez-García, Eduardo Malmierca, Patricia González-Ruano, Dolores Martín Rodrigo, Mohamed Omar Mohamed-Balghata, Juan A Pineda, Juan Macías, Miguel Thomson, Elena Delgado, Sonia Benito, and Vanessa Montero
- Subjects
HIV-1 ,CRF02_AG ,Spain ,regional dispersal ,spatiotemporal characteristics ,Microbiology ,QR1-502 - Abstract
Background and Aim: The circulating recombinant form 02_AG (CRF02_AG) is the predominant clade among the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) non-Bs with a prevalence of 5.97% (95% Confidence Interval-CI: 5.41–6.57%) across Spain. Our aim was to estimate the levels of regional clustering for CRF02_AG and the spatiotemporal characteristics of the largest CRF02_AG subepidemic in Spain.Methods: We studied 396 CRF02_AG sequences obtained from HIV-1 diagnosed patients during 2000–2014 from 10 autonomous communities of Spain. Phylogenetic analysis was performed on the 391 CRF02_AG sequences along with all globally sampled CRF02_AG sequences (N = 3,302) as references. Phylodynamic and phylogeographic analysis was performed to the largest CRF02_AG monophyletic cluster by a Bayesian method in BEAST v1.8.0 and by reconstructing ancestral states using the criterion of parsimony in Mesquite v3.4, respectively.Results: The HIV-1 CRF02_AG prevalence differed across Spanish autonomous communities we sampled from (p < 0.001). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that 52.7% of the CRF02_AG sequences formed 56 monophyletic clusters, with a range of 2–79 sequences. The CRF02_AG regional dispersal differed across Spain (p = 0.003), as suggested by monophyletic clustering. For the largest monophyletic cluster (subepidemic) (N = 79), 49.4% of the clustered sequences originated from Madrid, while most sequences (51.9%) had been obtained from men having sex with men (MSM). Molecular clock analysis suggested that the origin (tMRCA) of the CRF02_AG subepidemic was in 2002 (median estimate; 95% Highest Posterior Density-HPD interval: 1999–2004). Additionally, we found significant clustering within the CRF02_AG subepidemic according to the ethnic origin.Conclusion: CRF02_AG has been introduced as a result of multiple introductions in Spain, following regional dispersal in several cases. We showed that CRF02_AG transmissions were mostly due to regional dispersal in Spain. The hot-spot for the largest CRF02_AG regional subepidemic in Spain was in Madrid associated with MSM transmission risk group. The existence of subepidemics suggest that several spillovers occurred from Madrid to other areas. CRF02_AG sequences from Hispanics were clustered in a separate subclade suggesting no linkage between the local and Hispanic subepidemics.
- Published
- 2019
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7. Características epidemiológicas de las nuevas infecciones causadas por el VIH comparadas con los casos de sida: La epidemia de VIH/ sida en el País Vasco Epidemiological characteristics of new HIV infections compared with AIDS cases: The HIV/AIDS epidemic in the Basque Country [Spain]
- Author
Daniel Zulaika, Koldo Agirrebengoa, Ander Andía, Julio Arrizabalaga, José María Bustillo, Mari Mar Cámara, Jesús Corral, Mari Carmen Orive, Julio Goikoetxea, José Antonio Iribarren, Josefina López de Munain, José Manuel Lorenzo, María José Martín Gudino, Eduardo Martínez, José Mayo, Joseba Portu, Francisco Javier Rodríguez, Rafael Silvariño, and Zuriña Zubero
- Subjects
Epidemiología ,Vigilancia ,Infección por el VIH ,Sida ,País Vasco ,Epidemiology ,Surveillance ,HIV infections ,AIDS ,Basque Country ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Objetivo: Describir las características epidemiológicas de los nuevos diagnósticos de infección por el VIH en el período 1997-2001 y comparlas con los casos de sida (1991-2001). Métodos: Se han recogido retrospectivamente los datos de las nuevas infecciones por el VIH ocurridas en el País Vasco (1997-2001) y se han comparado con los casos de sida (1991-2001). Resultados: Se han diagnosticado 912 nuevas infecciones por el VIH. El diagnóstico de VIH coincidió con el de sida en 299 (32,8%) de las nuevas infecciones. Las relaciones heterosexuales han sido el mecanismo de transmisión más frecuente, seguido de la transmisión por vía parenteral y las relaciones homosexuales y bisexuales, con diferencias significativas (pObjective: To describe the epidemiological characteristics of new cases of HIV infection diagnosed from 1997-2001 and compare them with AIDS cases (1991-2001). Methods: Data were retrospectively collected on new cases of HIV infection detectad in the Basque Country (1997-2001) and were compared with AIDS cases (1991-2001). Results: A total of 912 new cases of HIV infection were diagnosed. In 299 of the new cases (32.8%), HIV and AIDS were diagnosed simultaneously. The most common mechanism of transmission was heterosexual transmission, followed by intravenous and homo/bisexual transmission. Significant epidemiological differences (p
- Published
- 2004
8. Open Access of COVID-19-related publications in the first quarter of 2020: a preliminary study based in PubMed [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations, 1 not approved]
- Author
Olatz Arrizabalaga, David Otaegui, Itziar Vergara, Julio Arrizabalaga, and Eva Méndez
- Subjects
Research Article ,Articles ,Open Access ,Publishing ,Pandemic ,COVID-19 ,Scholarly communication ,PubMed ,OA analysis. - Abstract
Background: The COVID-19 outbreak has made funders, researchers and publishers agree to have research publications, as well as other research outputs, such as data, become openly available. In this extraordinary research context of the SARS CoV-2 pandemic, publishers are announcing that their coronavirus-related articles will be made immediately accessible in appropriate open repositories, like PubMed Central, agreeing upon funders’ and researchers’ instigation. Methods: This work uses Unpaywall, OpenRefine and PubMed to analyse the level of openness of articles about COVID-19, published during the first quarter of 2020. It also analyses Open Access (OA) articles published about previous coronavirus (SARS CoV-1 and MERS CoV) as a means of comparison. Results: A total of 5,611 COVID-19-related articles were analysed from PubMed. This is a much higher amount for a period of 4 months compared to those found for SARS CoV-1 and MERS during the first year of their first outbreaks (335 and 116 articles, respectively). Regarding the levels of openness, 88.8% of the SARS CoV-2 papers are freely available; similar rates were found for the other coronaviruses. Deeper analysis showed that (i) 67.4% of articles belong to an undefined Bronze category; (ii) 76.4% of all OA papers don’t carry any license, followed by 10.4% which display restricted licensing. These patterns were found to be repeated in the three most frequent publishers: Elsevier, Springer and Wiley. Conclusions: Our results suggest that, although scientific production is much higher than during previous epidemics and is open, there is a caveat to this opening, characterized by the absence of fundamental elements and values on which Open Science is based, such as licensing.
- Published
- 2020
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9. Immune Response and Reactogenicity After Immunization With a Suboptimal Two-Dose mRNA Vaccine Followed by a Full Vaccination With a Standard mRNA Vaccine Compared to a Prime-Boost Regimen of a Standard mRNA Vaccine: A Multicenter Cohort Study
- Author
Ana Ascaso, Javier García-Pérez, María Teresa Pérez Olmeda, Eunate Arana, Itziar Vergara, Carla Pérez-Ingidua, Mercedes Bermejo, María Castillo de la Osa, Natale Imaz-Ayo, Ioana Riaño Fernández, Oliver Astasio González, Francisco Díez-Fuertes, Susana Meijide, Julio Arrizabalaga, Lourdes Hernández Gutiérrez, Humberto Erick de la Torre-Tarazona, Alberto Mariano Lázaro, Emilio Vargas Castrillón, José Alcamí Pertejo, and Antonio Portolés
- Published
- 2022
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10. Open Access of COVID-19-related publications in the first quarter of 2020: a preliminary study based in PubMed
- Author
David Otaegui, Eva Méndez, Olatz Arrizabalaga, Itziar Vergara, and Julio Arrizabalaga
- Subjects
0106 biological sciences ,Open science ,PubMed ,History ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,Research context ,Pneumonia, Viral ,Library science ,01 natural sciences ,Scholarly communication ,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology ,Access to Information ,03 medical and health sciences ,Open Access ,Betacoronavirus ,0302 clinical medicine ,010608 biotechnology ,Pandemic ,Humans ,030212 general & internal medicine ,General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics ,License ,Pandemics ,030304 developmental biology ,Publishing ,0303 health sciences ,Pubmed ,General Immunology and Microbiology ,business.industry ,SARS-CoV-2 ,Publications ,COVID-19 ,General Medicine ,Articles ,OA analysis ,Quarter (United States coin) ,Biblioteconomía y Documentación ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Covid-19 ,business ,Coronavirus Infections ,Research Article - Abstract
Background: The COVID-19 outbreak has made funders, researchers and publishers agree to have research publications, as well as other research outputs, such as data, become openly available. In this extraordinary research context of the SARS CoV-2 pandemic, publishers are announcing that their coronavirus-related articles will be made immediately accessible in appropriate open repositories, like PubMed Central (PMC), agreeing upon funders’ and researchers’ instigation. Methods: This work uses Unpaywall, OpenRefine and PubMed to analyse the level of openness of the papers about COVID-19, published during the first quarter of 2020. It also analyses Open Access (OA) articles published about previous coronavirus (SARS CoV-1 and MERS CoV) as a means of comparison. Results: A total of 5,611 COVID-19-related articles were analysed from PubMed. This is a much higher amount for a period of 4 months compared to those found for SARS CoV-1 and MERS during the first year of their first outbreaks (337 and 125 articles, respectively). Regarding the levels of openness, 97.4% of the SARS CoV-2 papers are freely available; similar rates were found for the other coronaviruses. Deeper analysis showed that (i) 68.3% of articles belong to an undefined Bronze category; (ii) 72.1% of all OA papers don’t carry a specific license and in all cases where there is, half of them do not meet Open Access standards; (iii) there is a large proportion that present a copy in a repository, in most cases in PMC, where this trend is also observed. These patterns were found to be repeated in most frequent publishers: Elsevier, Springer and Wiley. Conclusions: Our results suggest that, although scientific production is much higher than during previous epidemics and is open, there is a caveat to this opening, characterized by the absence of fundamental elements and values on which Open Science is based, such as licensing.
- Published
- 2020
11. A case-control study of non-AIDS-defining cancers in a prospective cohort of HIV-infected patients
- Author
Cristina Sarasqueta, José Antonio Iribarren, Miguel Montejo, Josune Goicoetxea, Francisco Rodríguez Arrondo, M. Asunción García, Julio Arrizabalaga, Sofía Ibarra, Joseba Portu, Maialen Ibarguren, Harkaitz Azcune, Koldo Aguirrebengoa, Miguel Ángel Goenaga, Muñoz J, Eduardo Martínez, Luis Metola, Rafael Silvariño, Xabier Camino, Oscar Ferrero, Elena Bereciartua, María Jesús Bustinduy, Miguel A. Von Wichmann, and Grupo SEINORTE
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Incidence (epidemiology) ,Case-control study ,medicine.disease ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Internal medicine ,Cohort ,Medicine ,Anal cancer ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Skin cancer ,business ,Lung cancer ,Prospective cohort study ,Cohort study - Abstract
Introduction We present a case-control study of non-AIDS-defining cancers (NADCs) in a cohort of HIV-infected patients where we value the incidence, survival and prognostic factors of mortality. Methods All NADCs diagnosis conducted from 2007 to 2011 in 7 hospitals were collected prospectively, with a subsequent follow up until December 2013. A control group of 221 HIV patients without a diagnosis of cancer was randomly selected. Results Two hundred and twenty-one NADCs were diagnosed in an initial cohort of 7067 HIV-infected patients. The most common were: hepatocellular carcinoma 20.5%, lung 18.7%, head and neck 11.9% and anal 10.5%. The incidence rate of NADCs development was 7.84/1000 people-year. In addition to ageing and smoking, time on ART (OR 1.11; 95% CI 1.05–1.17) and PI use (OR 1.72; 95% CI 1.0–2.96) increased the risk of developing a NADC. During follow-up 53.42% died, with a median survival time of 199.5 days. In the analysis of the prognostic factors of mortality the low values of CD4 at tumour diagnosis (OR 0.99; 95% CI 0.99–1.0; p = 0.033), and the previous diagnosis of AIDS (OR 2.06; 95% CI 1.08–3.92) were associated with higher mortality. Conclusions Predictors of NADCs in our cohort were age, smoking, CD4 lymphocytes and time on ART. Mortality is high, with NADC risk factors being low CD4 count and previous diagnosis of AIDS.
- Published
- 2018
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12. Estudio caso-control de tumores no definitorios de sida en una cohorte prospectiva de pacientes infectados por el VIH
- Author
Miguel A. Von Wichmann, Julio Arrizabalaga, Cristina Sarasqueta, Miguel Ángel Goenaga, Luis Metola, Eduardo Martínez, Rafael Silvariño, Sofía Ibarra, Oscar Ferrero, Elena Bereciartua, Miguel Montejo, Josune Goicoetxea, Koldo Aguirrebengoa, Muñoz J, Harkaitz Azcune, Xabier Camino, Francisco Rodríguez Arrondo, Joseba Portu, María Jesús Bustinduy, M. Asunción García, Maialen Ibarguren, and José Antonio Iribarren
- Subjects
Gynecology ,03 medical and health sciences ,medicine.medical_specialty ,0302 clinical medicine ,business.industry ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,medicine ,030212 general & internal medicine ,General Medicine ,business - Abstract
Resumen Introduccion Presentamos un estudio caso-control de tumores no definitorios de sida (TNDS) en una cohorte de pacientes infectados por el VIH en la que valoramos las tasas de incidencia, supervivencia y factores pronosticos de mortalidad. Metodos Se recogieron de forma prospectiva en 7 hospitales, los diagnosticos de TNDS realizados de 2007 a 2011, con seguimiento posterior hasta diciembre de 2013. Se seleccionaron de forma aleatoria un grupo control de 221 pacientes VIH sin diagnostico de cancer. Resultados Se diagnosticaron 221 TNDS en una cohorte inicial de 7.067 pacientes VIH. Los mas frecuentes: hepatocarcinoma 20,5%, pulmon 18,7%, cabeza y cuello 11,9% y anal 10,5%. La tasa de incidencia de desarrollo de TNDS fue de 7,84/1.000 pacientes-ano. Ademas de la edad y el tabaco, el tiempo en TAR (OR 1,11; IC 95% 1,05-1,17) y el uso de IP (OR 1,72; IC 95% 1,0-2,96) aumentaron el riesgo de desarrollar un TNDS. Durante el seguimiento fallecieron el 53,42%, con una mediana de supervivencia de 199,5 dias. En el analisis de los factores pronosticos de mortalidad, los valores bajos de CD4 en el momento del diagnostico del tumor (OR 0,99; IC 95% 0,99-1,0; p = 0,033) y el diagnostico previo de sida (OR 2,06; IC 95% 1,08-3,92) se asociaron con una mayor mortalidad. Conclusiones Los predictores de TNDS en nuestra cohorte fueron la edad, el consumo de tabaco, los linfocitos CD4 y el mayor tiempo en TAR. La mortalidad es alta, siendo factores de riesgo los CD4 bajos en el momento del diagnostico del TNDS y el diagnostico previo de sida.
- Published
- 2018
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13. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Biodonostia-OSI Donostialdea: un modelo de innovación
- Author
Itziar Vergara, José Manuel Ladrón de Guevara, Julio Arrizabalaga, Julián de Frutos, Sandra Ahedo, Olatz Arrizabalaga, Arantza Abad, Ainize Iriondo, Amaia Del Villar, and Marisabel Arzamendi
- Subjects
lcsh:R5-920 ,Health (social science) ,innovación ,productos/servicios ,Sociology and Political Science ,diferenciación ,conocimiento ,valorización ,Health Policy ,lcsh:Medicine (General) - Abstract
Los Institutos de Investigacion Sanitaria (IIS) son una apuesta estrategica que se configura como el entorno idoneo para desarrollar una investigacion traslacional de excelencia. En las Unidades de Apoyo a la Innovacion (UAI) de estos IIS, se trabaja principalmente en la identificacion y evaluacion del conocimiento susceptible de valorizacion generado en sus Grupos de Investigacion y en todo el entorno de los Hospitales-Organizaciones Sanitarias Integradas (OSIs). Las actividades que desarrolla el IIS Biodonostia estan alineadas con la Estrategia de Investigacion e Innovacion en Salud 2020, asi como con el ambito Biociencias-Salud dentro de la Estrategia RIS3 Euskadi. El Instituto persigue desarrollar estrategias transversales de Especializacion/Diferenciacion (Envejecimiento y Medicina Personalizada) y Orientacion al mercado y a resultados en salud (Innovacion), que movilizan los recursos del propio Instituto y de la OSI Donostialdea para el desarrollo de actividades de I+D+i, con la colaboracion de los Sistemas Empresarial, Cientifico-Tecnologico y de Formacion Profesional. Estas actividades se enfocan al paciente en particular y a la sociedad en general, aprovechando el conocimiento del Sistema aplicado a salud. La colaboracion del Instituto con este Sistema, permite que sea considerado como un agente de promocion economica que puede trasladar el valor al paciente, teniendo impacto en nuestro territorio. De esta forma, se complementan las capacidades de los Sistemas Empresarial, Cientifico-Tecnologico y de Formacion Profesional de Euskadi a favor de la salud, de la mejora del desempeno del propio Sistema Sanitario y de la generacion de riqueza con el fin de conseguir inversion para Proyectos de I+D+i. Concretamente, relacionado con la estrategia transversal de Orientacion al mercado y a resultados en salud (Innovacion), el Instituto apuesta como via de diferenciacion por la innovacion en el ambito quirurgico, con el fin de aumentar su visibilidad como centro de referencia (Biomodelos y Bio-impresion a traves de la creacion de una Unidad Mixta de Impresion 3D, Simulacion y Realidad Virtual, Aumentada y Mixta), con el que los agentes tecnologicos colaboren en el desarrollo de Proyectos de Innovacion que respondan a las necesidades de la poblacion. Los resultados obtenidos, muestran el modelo de Instituto enfocado a la Innovacion: 1- Establecimiento de un procedimiento sistematico disenado para la puesta en marcha de iniciativas innovadoras que faciliten su implementacion: 114 ideas generadas durante 2017, todas ellas en ejecucion. 2- Bottom Up (Convocatoria Intra-Mural de Proyectos de Innovacion de la OSI Donostialdea): Iniciativa que pretende fomentar el diseno y planificacion de nuevos productos/servicios en respuesta a las necesidades del Sistema. Se presentan 35-40 solicitudes/ano de las que 15-20 resultan financiadas con un presupuesto total de aproximadamente 200 mil€. 3- Actividades de Innovacion dirigidas a conseguir que los resultados de I+D+i provenientes de la colaboracion publico-privada lleguen a la sociedad: 49 Contratos de Transferencia firmados en el periodo 2013-2017, siendo los ingresos totales: 1.630.243,45€. La Estrategia disenada ha creado un contexto interno que promueve que todas las personas innoven y emprendan aprovechando el potencial del conocimiento de personas y organizaciones del entorno, gestionando ideas y proyectos para materializarlas en productos, servicios o alternativas al modelo actual.
- Published
- 2019
14. Integrating research: the case of aging in a health research institute
- Author
Ander Matheu, Julio Arrizabalaga, and Itziar Vergara
- Subjects
Strategic planning ,Government ,education.field_of_study ,lcsh:R5-920 ,Health (social science) ,research ,Sociology and Political Science ,business.industry ,Health Policy ,Population ,aging ,Context (language use) ,Population health ,Public relations ,Integrated care ,Social system ,strategy ,business ,education ,lcsh:Medicine (General) ,Health department - Abstract
Introduction: When integrated care is conceptualized and assessed, health research has to be included in the whole picture. Health research needs to be considered when defining health policies, when building health systems and when setting health professionals’ daily agenda. This is the only way of building a culture of research and of reassuring the impact of public financed research projects in population health outcomes. One of the structures chosen to facilitate the integration of research into health organizations are the Health Research Institutes. The aim of this kind of structure, promoted by Carlos III Health Institute, is to develop high quality basic, epidemiological and clinical research to be easily transferred to health systems, to patients and to society. Biodonostia Health Research Institute (Biodonostia HRS) was the first of its kind at the Basque Country to be recognized. Description of policy context and objective: Besides the development of the existing seven research areas at Biodonostia HRI, in 2013 a strategy for aging research was defined in order to facilitate the emergence of knew knowledge and the collaboration among already settled research groups. Every group was invited to participate and a number of already existing research lines related to aging were identified and new ones were proposed. The development of the new area was based solely on the interest of researchers of targeting aging within their area of expertise, the interest of collaborating with other groups and the decided support from the Institute. Some of the defined research lines were: biology of aging, neurodegeneration, oncogeriatry and frailty (biomarkers and management at primary care). Targeted population: The invitation to be a part of this new strategy was oriented to all the existing groups, but once those were involved, it got wider: the health system (OSI Donostialdea, OSI Bidasoa, Osakidetza general directorate, Health Department of the Basque Country Government), the social system (Diputacion de Gipuzkoa and Matia Institute), Technology Centers (Tecnalia, Cidetec, among others) and the Economy Department of the Basque Country Government. Highlights and Comments on transferability: The main highlights have taken place a different levels: at the macro level, this transversal area has been framed in the Basque Country Smart Specialization Strategy and the European International Partnership of Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA) and at CIBERFES, the national network of research on frailty and aging. At a meso level, the results generated are being considered for the development of Osakidetza’s Strategic Plan, specifically the Program for the care of the elderly. And, finally, at the micro level, the activities developed have helped to involve a high number of health professionals in research related tasks. Conclusions: A Health Research Institute is able to define research strategies and policies that may act as triggers to enhance already existing activity and to make emerge new one, creating a network of collaboration and with capacity to impact health services provision and population health outcomes.
- Published
- 2019
15. THU-477-Sumoylation/acetylation drives forward oncogenic role of LKB1 in Liver
- Author
María L. Martínez-Chantar, Matías A. Avila, José M. Mato, Manuel S. Rodriguez, Julio arrizabalaga, Naiara Beraza, Onintza Carlevaris, Virginia Gutiérrez-de Juan, Irene Díaz-Moreno, Lucía Barbier Torres, Imanol Zubiete-Franco, César Martín, Diego F. Calvisi, Antonio Díaz-Quintana, Edurne Berra, Jorge Simón, P.F. Tussy, Marta Varela-Rey, Marina Serrano-Macia, Teresa C. Delgado, Juan Luis Garcia Rodriguez, Fernando Lopitz Otsoa, Patricia Aspichueta, Sergio López de Davalillo, David Fernández-Ramos, and Adolfo Beguiristain Gomez
- Subjects
Hepatology ,Acetylation ,Chemistry ,SUMO protein ,Cell biology - Published
- 2019
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16. Prevalence of HLA-B*5701 in HIV-Infected Patients in Spain (Results of the EPI Study)
- Author
Daniel Podzamczer, Julio Arrizabalaga, Federico Pulido, Antonio Ocampo, R. Dal-Re, Melchor Riera, J.L. Castañer, Felipe Rodríguez-Alcantara, M. Pascual-Bernaldez, and José Sanz
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,education.field_of_study ,business.industry ,Concordance ,Population ,Infectious Diseases ,Abacavir ,Internal medicine ,Immunology ,Epidemiology ,medicine ,Hiv infected patients ,Pharmacology (medical) ,Allele ,education ,business ,medicine.drug ,Genetic association ,Hla b 5701 - Abstract
Background: A hypersensitivity reaction (HSR) is associated with abacavir (ABC), a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor. Genetic association of ABC HSR with the presence of HLA-B*5701 has been demonstrated in PREDICT-1 study, showing a prevalence of 5.6% in HIV-infected population. However the prevalence of this allele in HIV-infected patients in Spain has not been established yet. Method: This is a cross-sectional epidemiological study that included 1,198 patients in 74 centers that serve the HIV-infected population of Spain. HLA-B*5701 was checked both in the hospital lab and one central lab, showing an overall prevalence of this allele of 6%. Results: HLA-B*5701 was most prevalent in Caucasian population (6.5%). Concordance between the local and central lab was very high for positive and negative results (95.7% and 99.3%, respectively). Conclusion: These aspects define this test as a useful tool for the management of HIV-infected patients.
- Published
- 2009
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17. La infectología en Europa y América
- Author
Juan Berenguer, Javier Garau, José M. Gatell, Jesús Rodríguez-Baño, and Julio Arrizabalaga
- Subjects
Microbiology (medical) - Abstract
La disciplina de enfermedades infecciosas es reconocida como especialidad clinica en la practica totalidad de los paises de la Union Europea, asi como en los EE. UU., Canada y la mayoria de los paises hispanoamericanos. Aunque los planes de formacion en los distintos paises europeos son heterogeneos, la Seccion de Enfermedades Infecciosas de la Union Europea de Especialidades Medicas (UEMS) trabaja para su armonizacion. El European Board in Infectious Diseases, que data de 1998, recomienda una duracion total del periodo de especializacion de 6 anos, similar al de otras especialidades medicas (2 anos de formacion troncal y 4 de formacion especializada). La actividad asistencial en enfermedades infecciosas en los hospitales de los distintos paises se asemeja, en cuanto a cartera de servicios, a la que existe en los centros espanoles. En este articulo se revisan los programas formativos, la actividad asistencial y la actividad cientifica en la disciplina de enfermedades infecciosas en los distintos paises.
- Published
- 2008
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18. Tuberculosis en la comarca del Bajo Deba (Guipúzcoa) en el período 1995-2006
- Author
Julio Arrizabalaga and Alberto M.ª García-Zamalloa
- Subjects
Microbiology (medical) ,business.industry ,Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) ,Medicine ,business ,medicine.disease_cause ,Humanities - Abstract
Introduccion La comarca del Bajo Deba comunico la incidencia mas elevada de la comunidad autonoma vasca en el Proyecto Multicentrico de Investigacion en Tuberculosis (PMIT) realizado en Espana en 1996-1997. Analizamos las caracteristicas clinicas y epidemiologicas de la poblacion tuberculosa diagnosticada en nuestra comarca en el periodo en estudio. Metodos Estudio ambispectivo observacional. Resultados Se han diagnosticado 584 pacientes; 509 casos han sido de localizacion respiratoria, y 75 casos, extrarrespiratorios. La tasa media de incidencia por ano ha sido 64,5 casos por 100.000 habitantes (91,6 en 1995-1998; 34,9 en 2003-2006). La tasa media de casos baciliferos ha sido 20,7 por 100.000 y ano (33,8 en 1995-1998; 12,9 en 2003-2006). El grupo etario mas afectado en el cuatrienio 1995-1998 fue el de 15-24 anos (tasa de incidencia media de 199,4 casos por 100.000 y por ano); en 2003-2006 lo ha sido el de mayores de 75 anos (121,1 casos por 100.000 y por ano). Se hallaban coinfectados por el VIH 53 pacientes (9%) (porcentaje medio anual del 11,6% en 1995-1998; el 7% en 2003-2006). Se ha obtenido un cultivo de Lowenstein positivo en 431 pacientes (73,8%). La resistencia a isoniacida ha sido del 1,4% de entre 287 cepas analizadas y no se ha detectado multirresistencia. Nueve pacientes eran inmigrantes (1,5%). El cumplimiento del tratamiento en el Bajo Deba en el periodo 1995-2006 ha sido satisfactorio en 505 pacientes (86,4%), mientras en la provincia de Guipuzcoa lo era en 1.956 de 2.525 pacientes diagnosticados y tratados en el mismo lapso de tiempo (77,5%) (p Conclusiones La comarca del Bajo Deba presenta una alta incidencia de tuberculosis en el periodo estudiado. La evolucion epidemiologica ha sido positiva con disminucion de la incidencia de tuberculosis, de la contagiosidad, de la coinfeccion por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH), y con desplazamiento de las mayores tasas de enfermedad desde los grupos jovenes a la tercera edad. La resistencia a tuberculostaticos y la inmigracion no han tenido un papel determinante en la epidemiologia. El porcentaje de casos confirmados microbiologicamente ha sido alto y el cumplimiento del tratamiento, satisfactorio.
- Published
- 2008
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19. Executive summary: Prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections and other coinfections in HIV-infected patients: May 2015
- Author
José Sanz Moreno, Federico Pulido, Joan A. Caylà, Carlos Barros, Vicente Estrada, José Ma Miró, Pilar Miralles, José Luis Pérez Arellano, Miguel Torralba, Félix Gutiérrez, Melchor Riera, Hernando Knobel, Pere Domingo, Ma Jesús Pérez Elías, Antonio Antela, Rafael Rubio, Miguel A. Von Wichmann, Daniel Podzamczer, José Antonio Iribarren, Eulalia Valencia, M. J. Téllez, Josu Baraia-Etxaburu, Concha Amador, José Pérez Molina, Inés Rubio Pérez, Julián Olalla, Fernando Lozano, Francisco Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Esteban Ribera, Jaime Locutura, Juan Emilio Losa, Agustín Muñoz, Jesús Sanz, JM Llibre, Koldo Aguirrebengoa, Joaquín Portilla, Miguel Santin, Jose R. Arribas, Pablo Bachiller, Juan Berenguer, Santiago Moreno, Agustín Ocampo, José López Aldeguer, Josep Mallolas, Piedad Arazo, Celia Miralles, Juan Carlos López Bernaldo de Quirós, Antonio Rivero, Eduardo Malmierca, and Julio Arrizabalaga
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Microbiology (medical) ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Opportunistic infection ,AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections ,medicine.medical_treatment ,030106 microbiology ,HIV Infections ,Opportunistic Infections ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Pharmacotherapy ,Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) ,Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome ,Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome ,parasitic diseases ,Parasitic Diseases ,Humans ,Medicine ,Opportunistic infections ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Sida ,Intensive care medicine ,biology ,Coinfection ,business.industry ,Immunosuppression ,Bacterial Infections ,biology.organism_classification ,medicine.disease ,HIV infection ,AIDS ,Mycoses ,Virus Diseases ,Immunology ,business - Abstract
Opportunistic infections continue to be a cause of morbidity and mortality in HIV-infected patients. They often arise because of severe immunosuppression resulting from poor adherence to antiretroviral therapy, failure of antiretroviral therapy, or unawareness of HIV infection by patients whose first clinical manifestation of AIDS is an opportunistic infection. The present article is an executive summary of the document that updates the previous recommendations on the prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections in HIV-infected patients, namely, infections by parasites, fungi, viruses, mycobacteria, and bacteria, as well as imported infections. The article also addresses immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome. This document is intended for all professionals who work in clinical practice in the field of HIV infection. (C) 2016 Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. and Sociedad Espanola de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2016
20. Recomendaciones de GESIDA/Plan Nacional sobre el Sida respecto al tratamiento antirretroviral en pacientes adultos infectados por el VIH (octubre 2004)
- Author
Esteban Martínez, Esteve Ribera, José María Kindelán, Bonaventura Clotet, José Antonio Iribarren, Montserrat Tuset, Pompeyo Viciana, Lourdes Chamorro, Julio Arrizabalaga, Juan R. González, José López-Aldeguer, Rosa Polo, Juan Berenguer, Grupo de Estudio de Sida, Juan Miguel Santamaría, Santiago Moreno, Antonio Antela, Ferran Segura, Pablo Labarga, José M. Miró, Rafael Rubio, and José M. Gatell
- Subjects
Microbiology (medical) ,Pediatrics ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Pregnancy ,biology ,business.industry ,Evidence-based medicine ,biology.organism_classification ,medicine.disease ,Asymptomatic ,Clinical trial ,Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) ,Cohort ,medicine ,medicine.symptom ,Sida ,business ,Viral load - Abstract
OBJECTIVE: This consensus document is an update of antiretroviral therapy (ART) recommendations for adult patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). METHODS: To formulate these recommendations, a panel composed of members of the Grupo de Estudio de Sida (GESIDA; AIDS Study Group) and the Plan Nacional sobre el Sida (PNS; Spanish AIDS Plan) reviewed the advances in current understanding of the pathophysiology of HIV, the safety and efficacy findings from clinical trials, and the results from cohort and pharmacokinetic studies published in biomedical journals or presented at scientific meetings over the last years. Three levels of evidence were defined according to the source of the data: randomized studies (level A), cohort or case-control studies (level B), and expert opinion (level C). The decision to recommend, consider or not recommend ART was established in each of these situations. RESULTS: ART consisting of at least three drugs is currently the initial treatment of choice for chronic HIV infection. These regimens should include 2 NRTI + 1 NNRTI or 2 NRTI + 1 PI. Initiation of ART is recommended in patients with symptomatic HIV infection. In asymptomatic patients, initiation of ART is recommended on the basis of CD4+ lymphocyte counts per L and plasma viral load, as follows: 1) Therapy should be started in patients with CD4+ counts of 350 cells/µL. The initial objective of ART is to achieve an undetectable viral load. Adherence to therapy plays an essential role in maintaining the antiviral response. Because of the development of cross resistance, therapeutic options are limited when ART fails. Genotype studies are useful in these cases. Toxicity is a limiting factor in the use of ART, although the benefits outweigh the risks. In addition, the criteria for the use of ART are discussed in situations of acute infection, pregnancy, and post-exposure prophylaxis, and in the management of co-infection of HIV with HCV or HBV. CONCLUSIONS: CD4+ lymphocyte count is the most important reference factor for initiating ART in asymptomatic patients. The large number of available drugs, the increased sensitivity of tests to monitor viral load, and the possibility to determine viral resistance is leading to a more individualized approach to therapy.
- Published
- 2004
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21. Prevención de las infecciones oportunistas en pacientes adultos y adolescentes infectados por el VIH. Recomendaciones de GESIDA/Plan Nacional sobre el Sida. Año 2003
- Author
Juan Berenguer, Fernando Laguna, José López-Aldeguer, Santiago Moreno, José R Arribas, Julio Arrizabalaga, Josu Baraia, José Luis Casado, Jaime Cosín, Rosa Polo, Juan González-García, José A Iribarren, José Mª Kindelán, Juan C López-Bernaldo de Quirós, Rogelio López-Vélez, Juan F Lorenzo, Fernando Lozano, Josep Mallolas, José Mª Miró, Federico Pulido, and Esteban Ribera
- Subjects
Microbiology (medical) - Published
- 2004
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22. Recomendaciones de GESIDA/Plan Nacional sobre el Sida respecto al tratamiento antirretroviral en pacientes adultos infectados por el VIH (octubre 2004)
- Author
Lourdes Chamorro, Rosa Polo, Montserrat Tuset, Antonio Antela, Ferran Segura, Pompeyo Viciana, Esteban Martínez, José M. Gatell, Juan Miguel Santamaría, José López-Aldeguer, José AntonioIribarren, Rafael Rubio, Pablo Labarga, Juan R. González, Bonaventura Clotet, Julio Arrizabalaga, J. M. Miró, Juan Berenguer, Santiago Moreno, Esteve Ribera, and José María Kindelán
- Subjects
Microbiology (medical) - Abstract
Objetivo Efectuar una puesta al dia de las recomendaciones sobre el tratamiento antirretroviral (TAR) para los adultos infectados por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH). Metodos Estas recomendaciones se han consensuado por un comite del Grupo de Estudio de Sida (GESIDA) y del Plan Nacional sobre el Sida (PNS). Para ello se han revisado los avances en la fisiopatologia del VIH, los resultados de eficacia y seguridad de ensayos clinicos, estudios de cohortes y de farmacocinetica, publicados en revistas biomedicas o presentados en congresos en los ultimos anos. Se han definido tres niveles de evidencia segun la procedencia de los datos: estudios aleatorizados (nivel A), de cohortes o de caso-control (nivel B), u opinion de expertos (nivel C). En cada una de las situaciones se ha establecido recomendar, considerar o no recomendar el TAR. Resultados En el momento actual, el TAR con combinaciones de al menos tres farmacos constituye el tratamiento de inicio de eleccion de la infeccion cronica por el VIH. Estas pautas deben incluir dos inhibidores de la transcriptasa inversa analogos de nucleosidos (ITIAN) mas un no nucleosido (ITINN) o dos ITIAN mas un inhibidor de la proteasa (IP). En los pacientes con una infeccion por VIH sintomatica se recomienda iniciar TAR. En los pacientes asintomaticos el inicio de TAR se basara en la cifra de linfocitos CD4+/μl y en la carga viral plasmatica (CVP): a) en pacientes con linfocitos CD4+ 350 cel./μl se puede diferir el inicio del TAR. El objetivo del TAR inicial es lograr una CVP indetectable. La adherencia al TAR tiene un papel fundamental en la duracion de la respuesta antiviral. Las opciones terapeuticas en los fracasos del TAR son limitadas por la aparicion de resistencias cruzadas. Los estudios genotipicos en estos casos son de utilidad. La toxicidad es un factor limitante del TAR, aunque los beneficios superan los posibles perjuicios. Tambien se discuten los criterios de TAR de la infeccion aguda, embarazo y profilaxis postexposicion, y el manejo de la coinfeccion por el VIH y los virus de la hepatitis C y B (VHC y VHB). Conclusiones La cifra de linfocitos CD4+ es el factor de referencia mas importante para iniciar el TAR en pacientes asintomaticos. Por otra parte, el numero considerable de farmacos disponibles, los metodos de monitorizacion mas sensibles (CVP), y la posibilidad de determinar las resistencias hacen que las estrategias terapeuticas sean mucho mas individualizadas.
- Published
- 2004
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23. Prognosis and Clinical Evaluation of Infection Caused by Rhodococcus equi in HIV-Infected Patientsa
- Author
Elisa Peérez-Cecilia, Juan Flores, Joseé L. Villanueva, M. Eulalia Valencia, Mariéa Leyes, Joseé M. Pen˜a, Manuel Torres-Tortosa, Juan Gaélvez, Carmen Quereda, and Julio Arrizabalaga
- Subjects
Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine ,medicine.medical_specialty ,education.field_of_study ,biology ,business.industry ,Population ,Cavitary pneumonia ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,biology.organism_classification ,medicine.disease ,Pneumonia ,Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) ,Internal medicine ,Bacteremia ,Immunology ,medicine ,Sputum ,Rhodococcus equi ,medicine.symptom ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,Complication ,business ,education - Abstract
Objective To assess the clinical characteristics and the factors that influenced the prognosis of patients with HIV and infection caused by Rhodococcus equi . Design Observational, multicenter study in 29 Spanish general hospitals. Setting These hospitals comprised a total of 20,250 beds for acute patients and served a population of 9,716,880 inhabitants. Patients All patients with HIV and diagnosed R equi infection until September 1998. Results During the study period, 19,374 cases of AIDS were diagnosed. Sixty-seven patients were included (55 male patients; mean ± SD age, 31.7 ± 5.8 years). At the time of diagnosis of R equi infection, the mean CD4+ lymphocyte count was 35/μL (range, 1 to 183/μL) and the stage of HIV infection was A3 in 10.4% of patients, B3 in 31.3%, C3 in 56.7%, and unknown in 1.5%. R equi was most commonly isolated in sputum (52.2%), blood cultures (50.7%), and samples from bronchoscopy (31.3%). Chest radiographic findings were abnormal in 65 patients (97%). Infiltrates were observed in all of them, with cavitations in 45 patients. The most active antibiotics against the strains isolated were vancomycin, amikacin, rifampicin, imipenem, ciprofloxacin, and erythromycin. After a mean follow-up of 10.7 ± 12.8 months, 23 patients (34.3%) died due to causes related to R equi infection and 6 other patients showed evidence of progression of the infection. The absence of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) was independently associated with mortality related to R equi infection (relative risk, 53.4; 95% confidence interval, 1.7 to 1,699). Survival of patients treated with HAART was much higher than that of patients who did not receive this therapy. Conclusions Infection by R equi is an infrequent, opportunistic complication of HIV infection and occurs during advanced stages of immunodepression. In these patients, it leads to a severe illness that usually causes a bacteremic, cavitary pneumonia, although HAART can improve the prognosis.
- Published
- 2003
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24. Recomendaciones de GESIDA/Plan Nacional sobre el Sida respecto al tratamiento antirretroviral en pacientes adultos infectados por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana en el año 2002
- Author
Rafael M. Rubio, Juan Berenguer, Montserrat Tuset, Esteban Martínez, Luis Guerra, Santiago Moreno, Fernando Laguna, Juan R. González, José M. Gatell, José M. Miró, Juan Miguel Santamaría, B Clotet, Julio Arrizabalaga, José Antonio Iribarren, Antonio Antela, Pompeyo Viciana, and F. Parras
- Subjects
Microbiology (medical) - Abstract
Objetivo Efectuar una puesta al dia de las recomendaciones sobre el tratamiento antirretroviral (TAR) para los adultos infectados por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH). Metodos Estas recomendaciones se han consensuado por un comite del Grupo de Estudio de Sida (GESIDA) y del Plan Nacional sobre el Sida (PNS). Para ello, se han revisado los avances en la fisiopatologia del VIH, los resultados de eficacia y seguridad de ensayos clinicos, estudios de cohortes y de farmacocinetica, publicados en revistas biomedicas o presentados en congresos en los ultimos anos. Se han definido tres niveles de evidencia segun la procedencia de los datos: estudios aleatorizados (nivel A), de cohortes o de caso-control (nivel B) u opinion de expertos (nivel C). En cada una de las situaciones se ha establecido recomendar, considerar o no recomendar el TAR. Resultados En el momento actual, el TAR con combinaciones de al menos 3 farmacos constituye el tratamiento de eleccion de la infeccion cronica por el VIH. En los pacientes con una infeccion por VIH sintomatica se recomienda iniciar el TAR. En los pacientes asintomaticos el inicio de TAR se basara en la cifra de linfocitos CD4+/μl y en la carga viral plasmatica (CVP): a) en pacientes con linfocitos CD4+ 350 cel./μl se puede diferir el inicio del TAR. El objetivo del TAR es lograr una CVP indetectable. La adherencia al TAR tiene un papel en la durabilidad de la respuesta antiviral. Las opciones terapeuticas en los fracasos del TAR son limitadas por la aparicion de resistencias cruzadas. Los estudios genotipicos en estos casos son de utilidad. La toxicidad es un factor limitante del TAR. Tambien se discuten los criterios de TAR de la infeccion aguda, embarazo y profilaxis postexposicion, y el manejo de la coinfeccion por el VIH y los virus de las hepatitis B y C (VHC y VHB). Conclusiones En la actualidad existe una actitud mas conservadora para iniciar el TAR que en recomendaciones previas. La cifra de linfocitos CD4+ es el factor de referencia mas importante para iniciar el TAR en pacientes asintomaticos. Por otra parte, el numero considerable de farmacos disponibles, los metodos de monitorizacion mas sensibles (CVP) y la posibilidad de determinar las resistencias hacen que las estrategias terapeuticas sean mucho mas individualizadas.
- Published
- 2002
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25. Molecular Evidence of Homosexual Transmission of HIV Type 2 in Spain
- Author
Julio Arrizabalaga, Berta Rodés, Emilio Pérez-Trallero, Gustavo Cilla, and Vincent Soriano
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Molecular Sequence Data ,Immunology ,HIV Infections ,Disease cluster ,Genes, env ,Genetic analysis ,White People ,Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) ,Virology ,Epidemiology ,medicine ,Cluster Analysis ,Humans ,Homosexuality, Male ,Gene ,Aged ,Genetics ,biology ,Phylogenetic tree ,Sequence Analysis, RNA ,virus diseases ,RNA-Directed DNA Polymerase ,Middle Aged ,biology.organism_classification ,medicine.disease ,Infectious Diseases ,Spain ,HIV-2 ,Lentivirus ,Viral disease - Abstract
Eight HIV-2-infected Caucasian men living in the same geographical area in Gipuzkoa (northern Spain) have been identified in the last 5 years. HIV-2 infection in this area is uncommon, and no other cases of HIV-2 infection have been found after extensive testing for HIV-1/2 antibodies. Epidemiological data suggested a possible link among the identified subjects, with homosexual contact being the most likely way of transmission. A genetic analysis of four of the subjects, from whom specimens were available, was conducted. Phylogenetic and signature pattern studies of the reverse transcriptase (RT) and env genes supported a single source of infection. Interindividual nucleotide variability ranged from 2.4 to 4.8% in the RT region and from 5.2 to 6.1% in the env gene, whereas the mean divergence between patient and control strains was 9.8 and 18.3%, respectively. The nucleotide and amino acid signature patterns were closely related in viruses from the four examined individuals. This is the first report of a cluster of HIV-2 infections with genetic sequence data support. The singularity of this cluster should alert clinicians on the possibility of HIV-2 outside endemic areas.
- Published
- 2001
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26. Administración de factor estimulante de colonias de granulocitos en pacientes con infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana y neutropenia prolongada
- Author
Gabriel Txoperena, Miguel A. Von Wichmann, José Antonio Iribarren, F Rodríguez-Arrondo, Xabier Camino, and Julio Arrizabalaga
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Microbiology (medical) - Abstract
Fundamentos. La neutropenia persistente es frecuente en pacientes infectados por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) con inmunodepresion grave. El factor estimulante de colonias de granulocitos (G-CSF) induce la proliferacion y diferenciacion de los precursores de los granulocitos. Nuestro objetivo ha sido valorar la respuesta a la terapia con G-CSF en pacientes con infeccion avanzada por VIH y neutropenia prolongada. Metodos. Revision retrospectiva entre el 1-12-92 y el 30-1-98 de los episodios con un recuento de neutrofilos menor de 1.000 x 106/litro, durante al menos 7 dias y que en algun momento han evolucionado a cifras menores de 500 x 106/litro. Resultados. Se estudian 36 episodios. En 9 de ellos se realizo tratamiento con G-CSF con una mediana de duracion de 9 (3-76) semanas. El numero de episodios de neutropenia que precisaron ingresar por fiebre relacionada con la misma fue significativamente menor entre los que recibieron G-CSF frente a los que no lo hicieron (22,2% frente al 66,7%). CONCLUSION. En este estudio, el menor riesgo de ingreso por fiebre y neutropenia se asocia significativamente con la administracion de G-CSF en pacientes con recuentos de neutrofilos menores de 500 x 106/litro, con una buena tolerancia al tratamiento.
- Published
- 2001
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27. A randomized study comparing triple versus double antiretroviral therapy or no treatment in HIV-1-infected patients in very early stage disease: the Spanish Earth-1 study
- Author
Imma Grau, Miró Jm, Felipe García, B Clotet, Maria A. Sambeat, Daniel Podzamczer, Anna Cruceta, Teresa Gallart, David Dalmau, Tomás Pumarola, Joan Romeu, Julio Arrizabalaga, Gatell Jm, William A. O'Brien, Hernando Knobel, and J.L. Gómez-Sirvent
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Anti-HIV Agents ,Palatine Tonsil ,Immunology ,CD4-CD8 Ratio ,HIV Infections ,Gastroenterology ,Zidovudine ,Zalcitabine ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,Immunology and Allergy ,Viremia ,Didanosine ,Ritonavir ,business.industry ,Stavudine ,Lamivudine ,CD4 Lymphocyte Count ,Regimen ,Infectious Diseases ,Spain ,HIV-1 ,RNA, Viral ,Drug Therapy, Combination ,Female ,business ,Viral load ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Most current guidelines state that antiretroviral therapy should be considered for HIV-infected patients with plasma HIV RNA5000-10000 copies/ml and CD4 cells500 x 10(6) cells/l. However, there is increasing concern about whether this is the optimal point to begin treatment or whether it is better to delay the initiation to more advanced stages.To study the immunological and virological benefits of starting antiretroviral therapy at these early stages.A total of 161 HIV-infected asymptomatic patients with CD4 cell count500 x 10(6) cells/l and viral load10000 copies/ml were randomly assigned to one of five treatment groups: no treatment, twice daily zidovudine and thrice daily zalcitabine (ZDV-ddC), twice daily zidovudine and didanosine (ZDV-ddI), twice daily stavudine and didanosine (D4T-ddI), or a twice daily three-drug regimen with stavudine and lamivudine and ritonavir. The endpoints were progression to350 x 10(6) cells/l CD4 cells, to500 x 10(6) cells/l with either two Centers for Disease Control class B symptoms or an increase of viral load0.5 log10 copies/ml above baseline, or to AIDS or death. In various substudies, the lymphoid tissue and cerebrospinal fluid viral load, development of genotypic resistance, proliferative responses to mitogens and cytomegalovirus, and HIV-1 specific antigens and other immunophenotypic markers were also analysed.Progression rates to study endpoints within 1 year were greater in the control group (31%) than in all groups receiving antiretroviral therapy pooled together (5%; estimated hazard ratio 7.41; 95% confidence interval 5.72-74.55; P0.001). The peak mean viral load decrease was greater in the three-drug group when compared with any of the three groups with a two-drug regimen (2.32, 1.65, 1.72 and 1.84, respectively; Por = 0.001). At 1 year, viral load remained below 20 copies/ml in 30 out of 33 patients in the three-drug group (91%) and in only eight out of 94 patients (9%) in two-drug groups (P = 0.001). The peak mean increase in CD4 cells was also greater in the three-drug group than in the double treatment arms (259 versus 85, 144 and 145 x 10(6) cells/l, respectively; P = 0.001). By comparison, 36% of patients in the three-drug group regimen had to change the therapy as a result of adverse events. Substudies were performed in 60 patients recruited at two sites. Tonsillar tissue HIV RNA was measured in seven patients (two in the two-drug groups and five in the three-drug group) in whom plasma HIV RNA was20 copies/ml at 1 year. It was 15151 and 133333 copies/mg tissue in the two patients from the two-drug group,40 copies/mg tissue in four patients in the three-drug group, and 485 copies/mg in one patient in the three-drug group. At 1 year there was a mean increase of 4.21+/-2.94% in CD8+CD38+ cells in the control group and a decrease of 9.48+/-3.36% in the two-drug groups (P = 0.01), and 19.87+/-3.64 in the three-drug group (P = 0.001 and P = 0.05, for comparisons with control group and two-drug groups, respectively). Although proliferative responses to cytomegalovirus antigens were significantly greater in those receiving antiretroviral therapy, response to HIV-1 p24 antigen was not detected in any patient in either treatment group.This study supports the recommendation to start antiretroviral therapy with a three-drug combination during very early stages of HIV-1 disease, at least if viral load is above a cut-off point (10000 copies/ml in our study). The risk of progression was sevenfold higher in non-treated patients at 8 months of follow-up. Some immune system parameters improved toward normal values after 1 year of antiretroviral therapy, but the proliferative response of CD4 T lymphocytes against the p24 HIV-1 antigen was not recovered. Therapeutic approaches with more potent, better-tolerated and more convenient regimens will increasingly favour early intervention with antiretroviral t
- Published
- 1999
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28. Prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections and other coinfections in HIV-infected patients: May 2015
- Author
Juan Berenguer, Santiago Moreno, Agustín Ocampo, Federico Pulido, José Ma Miró, José Sanz Moreno, Inés Rubio Pérez, Félix Gutiérrez, Julio Arrizabalaga, Melchor Riera, Jose R. Arribas, Pablo Bachiller, Miguel A. Von Wichmann, Eulalia Valencia, José López Aldeguer, Rafael Rubio, Carlos Barros, Daniel Podzamczer, M. J. Téllez, Joan A. Caylà, Pilar Miralles, Vicente Estrada, Josu Baraia-Etxaburu, Ma Jesús Pérez Elías, Miguel Torralba, Antonio Antela, Hernando Knobel, José Antonio Iribarren, Pere Domingo, José Pérez Molina, Concha Amador, Juan Emilio Losa, Francisco Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Agustín Muñoz, Jesús Sanz, Jaime Locutura, José Luis Pérez Arellano, Josep Mallolas, Piedad Arazo, Celia Miralles, JM Llibre, Julián Olalla, Juan Carlos López Bernaldo de Quirós, Fernando Lozano, Koldo Aguirrebengoa, Antonio Rivero, Joaquín Portilla, Miguel Santin, Esteban Ribera, and Eduardo Malmierca
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Microbiology (medical) ,medicine.medical_specialty ,AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections ,medicine.medical_treatment ,030106 microbiology ,HIV Infections ,Opportunistic Infections ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Pharmacotherapy ,Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome ,Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) ,Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome ,Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active ,Parasitic Diseases ,medicine ,Humans ,Hiv infected patients ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Sida ,Intensive care medicine ,Mycobacterium Infections ,biology ,Coinfection ,business.industry ,Immunosuppression ,Bacterial Infections ,biology.organism_classification ,medicine.disease ,Mycoses ,Virus Diseases ,Immunology ,business - Abstract
Despite the huge advance that antiretroviral therapy represents for the prognosis of infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), opportunistic infections (OIs) continue to be a cause of morbidity and mortality in HIV-infected patients. OIs often arise because of severe immunosuppression resulting from poor adherence to antiretroviral therapy, failure of antiretroviral therapy, or unawareness of HIV infection by patients whose first clinical manifestation of AIDS is an OI. The present article updates our previous guidelines on the prevention and treatment of various OIs in HIV-infected patients, namely, infections by parasites, fungi, viruses, mycobacteria, and bacteria, as well as imported infections. The article also addresses immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome.
- Published
- 2016
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29. Restoration of T Cell Responses to Toxoplasma gondii after Successful Combined Antiretroviral Therapy in Patients with AIDS with Previous Toxoplasmic Encephalitis
- Author
Marylène, Lejeune, José M, Miró, Elisa, De Lazzari, Felipe, García, Xavier, Claramonte, Esteban, Martínez, Esteban, Ribera, Julio, Arrizabalaga, José R, Arribas, Pere, Domingo, Elena, Ferrer, Montserrat, Plana, María-Eugenia, Valls, Daniel, Podzamczer, Tomás, Pumarola, Alain, Jacquet, Josep, Mallolas, José M, Gatell, Teresa, Gallart, and Michèle, Haumont
- Subjects
Microbiology (medical) ,Adult ,Male ,Anti-HIV Agents ,T cell ,Lymphocyte ,Antigens, Protozoan ,CD38 ,Interferon-gamma ,Antigen ,T-Lymphocyte Subsets ,Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active ,parasitic diseases ,medicine ,Humans ,Cell Proliferation ,Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ,biology ,business.industry ,Toxoplasma gondii ,T lymphocyte ,Middle Aged ,biology.organism_classification ,Virology ,CD4 Lymphocyte Count ,Infectious Diseases ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Toxoplasmosis, Cerebral ,Immunology ,Female ,Immunocompetence ,business ,Toxoplasma ,CD8 - Abstract
Background. It is unknown whether a Toxoplasma gondii-specific T cell response is restored after successful combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) in patients with AIDS and current or previous toxoplasmic encephalitis (TE). Methods. We performed a multicenter cross-sectional study with 17 healthy T. gondii-positive human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1-uninfected individuals and 90 patients coinfected with HIV-1 and T. gondii distributed in 5 groups according to their CD4(+) T cell counts and T. gondii infection (with or without current or previous TE). We investigated the lymphocyte proliferative response (LPR) and interferon (IFN)-gamma production in response to T. gondii soluble antigen extract (SATg) and as CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell subsets. Results. SATg-specific LPR and IFN-gamma production were not observed in many of the most immunosuppressed patients (CD4(+) T cell count, 200 cells/mu L) who presented with TE and had already stopped secondary TE prophylaxis. Similar results were found in immunocompetent asymptomatic patients who did not receive TE prophylaxis. The predictors of SATg-specific T cell responses and IFN-gamma production were a cART-mediated increase in CD4(+) T cell count and LPR to phytohemagglutinin and viral suppression and a decrease in the activated (CD38(+)) CD8(+) T cell count, respectively. Conclusions. cART restores T. gondii-specific CD4 T cell responses in most patients with AIDS who had previous TE. Our data support the safety of withdrawing TE prophylaxis when the CD4 1 T cell count returns to levels >200 cells/mu L.
- Published
- 2011
30. CD8+CD38+ and CD8+DR+ Peripheral Blood Lymphoid Subsets of HIV-Infected Intravenous Drug Abusers Correlate with CD4+ Cell Counts and Proliferation to Mitogens
- Author
Pilar Echaniz, Julio Arrizabalaga, José Antonio Iribarren, and Emilio Cuadrado
- Subjects
Antigens, Differentiation, T-Lymphocyte ,CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes ,Cellular immunity ,Time Factors ,CD8 Antigens ,Immunology ,HIV Infections ,CD38 ,Biology ,Lymphocyte Activation ,Asymptomatic ,Virus ,Pathogenesis ,Leukocyte Count ,CD57 Antigens ,Antigens, CD ,T-Lymphocyte Subsets ,Immunopathology ,medicine ,Humans ,ADP-ribosyl Cyclase ,Substance Abuse, Intravenous ,Membrane Glycoproteins ,HLA-DR Antigens ,ADP-ribosyl Cyclase 1 ,Antigens, Differentiation ,Regression Analysis ,Viral disease ,medicine.symptom ,CD8 - Abstract
Twenty-nine intravenous drug abusers (ivda), with asymptomatic HIV infection at entry, were sequentially studied at 4- to 6-month intervals for variable follow-up periods (mean, 19.6 months). Two of them progressed to AIDS and another one fell into the IV-C2 stage of the CDC classification at the end of the study. CD8 + lymphoid subsets (CD57 + , CD38 + , and HLA-DR + ) were sequentially analyzed in peripheral blood samples along the follow-up. Both absolute number and percentage of cells within these subsets were found significantly increased over those observed in normal controls. Minor changes were appreciated throughout the follow-up CD8 + CD38 + and CD8 + DR + cells increased slightly ( P + CD57 + subset did not change significantly. In order to determine whether abnormalities in these subsets are associated with immune dysfunction, we looked for correlation between the quantification of CD8 + subpopulations and other parameters of cellular immunity. Percentage of CD8 + CD38 + or CD8 + DR + cells inversely correlates with absolute number of CD4 + cells ( P + subset also correlates with the proliferative response to mitogens in lymphoid cultures. Thus, the enumeration of these populations of CD8 + cells may provide some additional information about the immune status of HIV-infected ivda.
- Published
- 1993
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31. Immune Reconstitution in Severely Immunosuppressed Antiretroviral-Naive HIV Type 1-Infected Patients Using a Nonnucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor-Based or a Boosted Protease Inhibitor-Based Antiretroviral Regimen: Three-Year Results (The Advanz Trial): A Randomized, Controlled Trial
- Author
José M, Miró, Christian, Manzardo, Judith, Pich, Pere, Domingo, Elena, Ferrer, José R, Arribas, Esteban, Ribera, Julio, Arrizabalaga, Montserrat, Loncá, Anna, Cruceta, Elisa, de Lazzari, Montserrat, Fuster, Daniel, Podzamczer, Montserrat, Plana, José M, Gatell, and Sara, Villar
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Efavirenz ,Anti-HIV Agents ,Immunology ,HIV Infections ,CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes ,Pharmacology ,Biology ,Gastroenterology ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Zidovudine ,Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome ,immune system diseases ,Indinavir ,Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active ,Virology ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,Aged ,Reverse-transcriptase inhibitor ,virus diseases ,Lamivudine ,HIV Protease Inhibitors ,Middle Aged ,Viral Load ,medicine.disease ,CD4 Lymphocyte Count ,Regimen ,Treatment Outcome ,Infectious Diseases ,chemistry ,HIV-1 ,RNA, Viral ,Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors ,Female ,Ritonavir ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Late diagnosis of HIV-1 infection is quite frequent in Western countries. Very few randomized clinical trials to determine the best antiretroviral treatment in patients with advanced HIV-1 infection have been performed. To compare immune reconstitution in two groups of very immunosuppressed (less than 100 CD4(+) cells/microl), antiretroviral-naive HIV-1-infected adults, 65 patients were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive zidovudine + lamivudine + efavirenz (group A, 34 patients) or zidovudine + lamivudine + ritonavir-boosted indinavir (group B, 31 patients). The median (interquartile range) CD4(+) cell increase after 12 and 36 months was +199 (101, 258) and +299 (170, 464) cells/microl in the efavirenz arm and +136 (57, 235) and +228 (119, 465) cells/microl in the ritonavir-boosted indinavir arm (p0.05 for all time points). The proportion (95% confidence interval) of patients achieving HIV-1 RNA levels under 50 copies/ml was significantly greater in the efavirenz arm at 3 years by the intention-to-treat analysis [59% (41%, 75%) vs. 23% (10%, 41%)], whereas no differences were found in the on-treatment analysis. Immune activation (CD8(+)CD38(+) and CD8(+)CD38DR(+) T cells) was significantly lower for the efavirenz arm from month 6 to month 24. Adverse events were more frequent in the ritonavir-boosted indinavir arm. Almost all cases of disease progression and death were observed in the first year of treatment, with no significant differences between the two arms (p = 0.79 by the log-rank test). At 1 and 3 years, the immune reconstitution induced by an efavirenz-based regimen in very immunosuppressed patients was at least as potent as that induced by a ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor-based antiretroviral regimen.
- Published
- 2010
32. [The infectious disease specialty in Europe and America]
- Author
Jesús, Rodríguez-Baño, Julio, Arrizabalaga, Juan, Berenguer, Javier, Garau, and José María, Gatell
- Subjects
Europe ,Canada ,Infectious Disease Medicine ,Certification ,Latin America ,Education, Medical, Graduate ,Hospital Departments ,Curriculum ,Health Surveys ,Research Personnel ,Societies, Medical ,United States - Abstract
Infectious Diseases is a recognised clinical specialty in almost all European countries, in the United States of America, Canada and most countries in Central and South America. Even though the training programs are heterogeneous in the different European countries, the Infectious Diseases section of the UEMS (European Union of Medical Specialties) is working to harmonise them. In 1998, the European Board of Infectious Diseases recommended a 6-year training period, similar to that of other medical specialties, including 2 years of general internal medicine training and 2 years of specific training. The clinical activity and services provided by Infectious Diseases units in Spanish hospitals is similar to that in other countries. In this article, training programs, clinical activity and scientific activities in Infectious Diseases in the different countries is reviewed.
- Published
- 2009
33. [Tuberculosis in the Bajo Deba area (Guipúzcoa, Spain) from 1995 to 2006]
- Author
Alberto M, García-Zamalloa and Julio, Arrizabalaga
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Adolescent ,Infant ,Middle Aged ,Spain ,Child, Preschool ,Humans ,Tuberculosis ,Female ,Prospective Studies ,Child ,Aged ,Retrospective Studies - Abstract
Within the Multicenter Project on Tuberculosis Research performed in Spain in 1996-1997, the Bajo Deba Area reported the highest incidence of tuberculosis in the Basque Country. We analyzed the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the tuberculosis population diagnosed in our area during the period of 1995 to 2006.Ambispective, observational study.A total of 584 patients were diagnosed with tuberculosis. The disease affected the respiratory tract in 509 cases and other sites in 75 cases. The mean annual incidence rate of tuberculosis was 64.5 cases per 100 000 inhabitants (91.6 in 1995-1998; 34.9 in 2003-2006). The mean annual incidence rate of smear-positive patients was 20.7 cases per 100 000 inhabitants (33.8 in 1995-1998; 12.9 in 2003-2006). The 15 to 24-year-old group was the most highly affected during the period of 1995 to 1998 (mean annual incidence rate 199.4 cases per 100 000); in contrast, the75-year-old group was the most highly affected during the period of 2003 to 2006 (121.1 cases per 100 000 inhabitants). Fifty-three patients were co-infected by HIV (9%) (yearly mean of 11.6% in 1995-1998 and 7% in 2003-2006). Löwenstein culture was positive in 431 cases (73.8%). Resistance to isoniazid was detected in 1.4% out of a total of 287 strains tested, and multidrug resistance was not observed. Nine patients were immigrants (1.5%). Treatment completion was greater in our area (505 patients, 86.4%), as compared to that recorded in the Guipuzcoa province during the same period (1956 of 2525 patients, 77.5%) (P.01).The Bajo Deba Area presented a high incidence of tuberculosis in the 1995 to 2006 period. Epidemiological trends showed a progressive decrease in the number of tuberculosis patients, with a shift from younger to older persons as the most highly affected age group. The impact of drug resistance and immigration was negligible on tuberculosis rates. The percentage of microbiologically confirmed cases was high. Treatment completion was satisfactory.
- Published
- 2008
34. Effectiveness and safety of simplification therapy with once-daily tenofovir, lamivudine, and efavirenz in HIV-1-infected patients with undetectable plasma viral load on HAART
- Author
Koldo Aguirrebengoa, Echevarría S, Javier Uriz, Julio Arrizabalaga, Piedad Arazo, Ángel Chocarro, M. Carmen Fariñas, Javier Pinilla, José Antonio Iribarren, Galo Peralta, P Ferrer, Maria-Luisa Álvarez, Daniel García-Palomo, Pablo Labarga, María-José Muñoz-Sánchez, Santiago Letona, and José A. Oteo
- Subjects
Adult ,Cyclopropanes ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Efavirenz ,Tenofovir ,Anti-HIV Agents ,Organophosphonates ,HIV Infections ,Gastroenterology ,Treatment Refusal ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Internal medicine ,Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active ,Medicine ,Humans ,Pharmacology (medical) ,Triglycerides ,Reverse-transcriptase inhibitor ,business.industry ,Adenine ,virus diseases ,Lamivudine ,Middle Aged ,Patient Acceptance of Health Care ,Viral Load ,Virology ,Benzoxazines ,CD4 Lymphocyte Count ,Clinical trial ,Regimen ,Infectious Diseases ,Cholesterol ,Treatment Outcome ,chemistry ,Tolerability ,Alkynes ,RNA, Viral ,Female ,business ,Viral load ,medicine.drug - Abstract
To evaluate the effectiveness and tolerability of a simplification regimen with tenofovir DF (TDF), lamivudine (3TC), and efavirenz (EFV) in HAART-experienced HIV-1-infected subjects with sustained viral suppression.Patients with HIV-1 RNA200 copies/mL during the previous 6 months and who switched their current twice-daily or three-times-daily HAART to a simplified once-daily regimen of TDF (300 mg), 3TC (300 mg), and EFV (600 mg) were included.154 patients (70% males, mean age 42 years) were included. Previous HAART included a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI)-based regimen in 55% of the patients and a thymidine analog in 87%. The percentage of patients with viral load200 copies/mL in the intent-to-treat (ITT) data set was 83% at 6 months and 75% at 12 months (98% and 96%, respectively, in the on-treatment [OT] analysis). Five patients (3%) were identified as virologic failures according to the study protocol. The mean CD4 T-cell count increased significantly 12 months after simplification (from 570 to 632 cells/mm3; p.01). At 12 months, mean triglyceride levels decreased from 233 to 170 mg/dL (p.01) and mean cholesterol levels decreased from 205 to 189 mg/dL (p.01). Thirty-three patients (21%) discontinued the study treatment prior to completing the 12-month follow-up.Simplification to a once-daily regimen containing TDF, 3TC, and EFV is virologically and immunologically effective, well-tolerated, and safe with benefits in the lipid profile in the majority of patients.
- Published
- 2007
35. [Paludism due to Plasmodium falciparum in visitors to the Dominican Republic]
- Author
José Antonio, Iribarren, María Jesús, Bustinduy, María Julia, Echeverría, Eduardo, Gaminde, Julio, Arrizabalaga, Xabier, Camino, and Cristina, Aguirre
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Antimalarials ,Travel ,Dominican Republic ,Plasmodium falciparum ,Animals ,Humans ,Female ,Malaria, Falciparum ,Middle Aged - Abstract
We present two cases of P. falciparum malaria in visitors to tourist resorts on the East Coast of the Dominican Republic, traditionally believed to be an area without risk of malaria. In both patients the malaria was severe (with 20% parasitization in one) and there was a long interval between the onset of symptoms and diagnosis. These cases are possibly related (along with a further 17 reports by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) to an increase in the population of Anopheles sp as a consequence of increased rainfall and floods provoked by a hurricane in September 2004, as well as to the presence of a semi-immune population (Haitian immigrants working in the construction and tourist sectors). Both physicians and patients should be aware of this outbreak so that adequate precautions can be taken and early diagnoses can be made.
- Published
- 2005
36. [Spanish GESIDA/Nacional AIDS Plan Recommendations for antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected Adults (October 2004)]
- Author
José Antonio, Iribarren, Pablo, Labarga, Rafael, Rubio, Juan, Berenguer, José M, Miró, Antonio, Antela, Juan, González, Santiago, Moreno, Julio, Arrizabalaga, Lourdes, Chamorro, Bonaventura, Clotet, José M, Gatell, José, López-Aldeguer, Esteban, Martínez, Rosa, Polo, Montserrat, Tuset, Pompeyo, Viciana, Juan Miguel, Santamaría, José María, Kindelán, Esteve, Ribera, and Ferrán, Segura
- Subjects
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ,HIV ,HIV Infections ,Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical ,Anti-Retroviral Agents ,Pregnancy ,Acute Disease ,Chronic Disease ,Drug Resistance, Viral ,Disease Progression ,Humans ,Patient Compliance ,Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors ,Drug Interactions ,Drug Therapy, Combination ,Female ,Protease Inhibitors - Abstract
This consensus document is an update of antiretroviral therapy (ART) recommendations for adult patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).To formulate these recommendations, a panel composed of members of the Grupo de Estudio de Sida (GESIDA; AIDS Study Group) and the Plan Nacional sobre el Sida (PNS; Spanish AIDS Plan) reviewed the advances in current understanding of the pathophysiology of HIV, the safety and efficacy findings from clinical trials, and the results from cohort and pharmacokinetic studies published in biomedical journals or presented at scientific meetings over the last years. Three levels of evidence were defined according to the source of the data: randomized studies (level A), cohort or case-control studies (level B), and expert opinion (level C). The decision to recommend, consider or not recommend ART was established in each of these situations.ART consisting of at least three drugs is currently the initial treatment of choice for chronic HIV infection. These regimens should include 2 NRTI + 1 NNRTI or 2 NRTI + 1 PI. Initiation of ART is recommended in patients with symptomatic HIV infection. In asymptomatic patients, initiation of ART is recommended on the basis of CD4+ lymphocyte counts per L and plasma viral load, as follows: 1) Therapy should be started in patients with CD4+ counts of200 cells/microL; 2) Therapy should be started in most patients with CD4+ counts of 200-350 cells/microL, although it can be delayed when CD4+ count persists at around 350 cells/microL and viral load is low; and 3) Initiation of therapy can be delayed in patients with CD4+ counts of350 cells/microL. The initial objective of ART is to achieve an undetectable viral load. Adherence to therapy plays an essential role in maintaining the antiviral response. Because of the development of cross resistance, therapeutic options are limited when ART fails. Genotype studies are useful in these cases. Toxicity is a limiting factor in the use of ART, although the benefits outweigh the risks. In addition, the criteria for the use of ART are discussed in situations of acute infection, pregnancy, and post-exposure prophylaxis, and in the management of co-infection of HIV with HCV or HBV.CD4+ lymphocyte count is the most important reference factor for initiating ART in asymptomatic patients. The large number of available drugs, the increased sensitivity of tests to monitor viral load, and the possibility to determine viral resistance is leading to a more individualized approach to therapy.
- Published
- 2004
37. [Epidemiological characteristics of new HIV infections compared with AIDS cases. The HIV/AIDS epidemic in the Basque Country]
- Author
Daniel, Zulaika, Koldo, Agirrebengoa, Ander, Andía, Julio, Arrizabalaga, José María, Bustillo, Mari Mar, Cámara, Jesús, Corral, Mari Carmen, Orive, Julio, Goikoetxea, José Antonio, Iribarren, Josefina, López de Munain, José Manuel, Lorenzo, María José, Martín Gudino, Eduardo, Martínez, José, Mayo, Joseba, Portu, Francisco Javier, Rodríguez, Rafael, Silvariño, and Zuriña, Zubero
- Subjects
Male ,Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ,Spain ,Population Surveillance ,Humans ,Female ,HIV Infections ,Retrospective Studies - Abstract
To describe the epidemiological characteristics of new cases of HIV infection diagnosed from 1997-2001 and compare them with AIDS cases (1991-2001).Data were retrospectively collected on new cases of HIV infection detected in the Basque Country (1997-2001) and were compared with AIDS cases (1991-2001).A total of 912 new cases of HIV infection were diagnosed. In 299 of the new cases (32.8%), HIV and AIDS were diagnosed simultaneously. The most common mechanism of transmission was heterosexual transmission, followed by intravenous and homo/bisexual transmission. Significant epidemiological differences (p0.001) were found with regard to AIDS cases.Sexual transmission has replaced intravenous drug use as the most common mechanism of HIV transmission. A large percentage of patients were simultaneously diagnosed with HIV and AIDS, indicating the need for new prevention strategies.
- Published
- 2004
38. Prevention of opportunistic infections in adult and adolescent patients with HIV infection. GESIDA/National AIDS Plan guidelines, 2004 [correction]
- Author
Juan, Berenguer, Fernando, Laguna, José, López-Aldeguer, Santiago, Moreno, José R, Arribas, Julio, Arrizabalaga, Josu, Baraia, José Luis, Casado, Jaime, Cosín, Rosa, Polo, Juan, González-García, José A, Iribarren, José Ma, Kindelán, Juan C, López-Bernaldo de Quirós, Rogelio, López-Vélez, Juan F, Lorenzo, Fernando, Lozano, Josep, Mallolas, José Ma, Miró, Federico, Pulido, and Esteban, Ribera
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections ,Adolescent ,HIV Infections ,Bacterial Infections ,Anti-Infective Agents ,Mycoses ,Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active ,Cytomegalovirus Infections ,Parasitic Diseases ,Humans ,Drug Interactions ,Female - Abstract
To provide an update of guidelines from the Spanish AIDS Study Group (GESIDA) and the National AIDS Plan (PNS) committee on the prevention of opportunistic infections in adult and adolescent HIV-infected patients.These consensus recommendations have been produced by a group of experts from GESIDA and/or the PNS after reviewing the earlier document and the scientific advances in this field in the last years. The system used by the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the United States Public Health Service has been used to classify the strength and quality of the data.This document provides a detailed review of the measures for the prevention of infections caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites in the context of HIV infection. Recommendations are given for preventing exposure and for primary and secondary prophylaxis for each group of pathogens. In addition, criteria are established for the withdrawal of prophylaxis in patients who respond well to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART).HAART is the best strategy for the prevention of opportunistic infections in HIV-positive patients. Nevertheless, prophylaxis is still necessary in countries with limited economic resources, in highly immunodepressed patients until HAART achieves beneficial effects, in patients who refuse to take or who cannot take HAART, in those in whom HAART is not effective, and in the small group of infected patients with inadequate recovery of CD4+ T lymphocyte counts despite good inhibition of HIV replication.
- Published
- 2004
39. Características epidemiológicas de las nuevas infecciones causadas por el VIH comparadas con los casos de sida: La epidemia de VIH/ sida en el País Vasco
- Author
María José Martín Gudino, Koldo Agirrebengoa, Julio Goikoetxea, José María Bustillo, Zuriña Zubero, José Manuel Lorenzo, Joseba Portu, Rafael Silvariño, Julio Arrizabalaga, Francisco Rodríguez, Eduardo Martínez, Jose Mayo, Daniel Zulaika, Ander Andía, Jesús Corral, Mari Carmen Orive, Josefina López de Munain, Mari Mar Cámara, and José Antonio Iribarren
- Subjects
AIDS ,País Vasco ,Surveillance ,Epidemiology ,Sida ,Vigilancia ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Basque Country ,Epidemiología ,Infección por el VIH ,HIV infections - Abstract
ResumenObjetivoDescribir las características epidemiológicas de los nuevos diagnósticos de infección por el VIH en el período 1997- 2001 y comparlas con los casos de sida (1991-2001).MétodosSe han recogido retrospectivamente los datos de las nuevas infecciones por el VIH ocurridas en el País Vasco (1997-2001) y se han comparado con los casos de sida (1991- 2001).ResultadosSe han diagnosticado 912 nuevas infecciones por el VIH. El diagnóstico de VIH coincidió con el de sida en 299 (32,8%) de las nuevas infecciones. Las relaciones heterosexuales han sido el mecanismo de transmisión más frecuente, seguido de la transmisión por vía parenteral y las relaciones homosexuales y bisexuales, con diferencias significativas (p < 0,001) respecto a los casos de sida.ConclusionesLa transmisión sexual ha reemplazado al consumo de drogas por vía parenteral como mecanismo más frecuente de transmisión del VIH. Hay un alto porcentaje de pacientes con diagnóstico simultáneo de VIH y sida. Estos datos indican la necesidad de realizar nuevas estrategias de prevención.SummaryObjectiveTo describe the epidemiological characteristics of new cases of HIV infection diagnosed from 1997-2001 and compare them with AIDS cases (1991-2001).MethodsData were retrospectively collected on new cases of HIV infection detected in the Basque Country (1997-2001) and were compared with AIDS cases (1991-2001).ResultsA total of 912 new cases of HIV infection were diagnosed. In 299 of the new cases (32.8%), HIV and AIDS were diagnosed simultaneously. The most common mechanism of transmission was heterosexual transmission, followed by intravenous and homo/bisexual transmission. Significant epidemiological differences (p < 0.001) were found with regard to AIDS cases.ConclusionsSexual transmission has replaced intravenous drug use as the most common mechanism of HIV transmission. A large percentage of patients were simultaneously diagnosed with HIV and AIDS, indicating the need for new prevention strategies.
- Published
- 2004
40. Clinical course and prognostic factors of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in patients treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy
- Author
Pere Domingo, Verónica de Miguel, Manuel Márquez, José Mallolas, Fernando Dronda, Juan Berenguer, Julio Arrizabalaga, Pilar Miralles, Gesida, Fernando Laguna, Rafael Rubio, F Rodríguez-Arrondo, Esteban Ribera, Josu Miren Baraia-Etxaburu, and José Lacruz Rodrigo
- Subjects
Microbiology (medical) ,Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Cohort Studies ,Internal medicine ,Immunopathology ,Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active ,medicine ,Humans ,Sida ,Chemotherapy ,Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ,Slow virus ,biology ,business.industry ,Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy ,Leukoencephalopathy, Progressive Multifocal ,Odds ratio ,medicine.disease ,biology.organism_classification ,Prognosis ,Confidence interval ,Surgery ,Infectious Diseases ,Female ,Complication ,business - Abstract
We analyzed survival rates, neurologic function, and prognostic factors for 118 consecutive patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-associated progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in 11 hospitals throughout Spain. Seventy-five patients (63.6%) remained alive for a median of 114 weeks (2.2 years) after diagnosis of PML. Neurologic function of the survivors was categorized as cure or improvement in 33, stabilization or worsening in 40, and unknown in 2. The baseline CD4+ cell count was the only variable found with prognostic significance. The odds ratio of death was 2.71 (95% confidence interval, 1.19-6.15) for patients with CD4+ cell counts of100 cells/microL, compared with patients who had CD4+ cell counts ofor =100 cells/microL. One-third of patients with PML died despite receipt of HAART; neurologic function improved in approximately one-half of the survivors. A CD4+ cell count of100 cells/microL was associated with higher mortality.
- Published
- 2002
41. [Recommendations of the Spanish AIDS Study Group (GESIDA) and the National Aids Plan (PNS) for antiretroviral treatment in adult patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection in 2002]
- Author
Rafael, Rubio, Juan, Berenguer, José M, Miró, Antonio, Antela, José Antonio, Iribarren, Juan, González, Luis, Guerra, Santiago, Moreno, Julio, Arrizabalaga, Buenaventura, Clotet, José M, Gatell, Fernando, Laguna, Esteban, Martínez, Francisco, Parras, Juan Miguel, Santamaría, Montserrat, Tuset, and Pompeyo, Viciana
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ,Anti-HIV Agents ,Pregnancy ,Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active ,Drug Resistance, Viral ,Infant, Newborn ,Humans ,Female ,HIV Infections - Abstract
To provide an update of recommendation on antiretroviral treatment (ART) in HIV-infected adults.Methods. These recommendations have been agreed by consensus by a committee of the spanish AIDS Study Group (GESIDA) and the National AIDS Plan. To do so, advances in the physiopathology of AIDS and the results on efficacy and safety in clinical trials, cohort and pharmacokinetics studies published in biomedical journals or presented at congresses in the last few years have been reviewed. Three levels of evidence have been defined according to the data source: randomized studies (level A), case-control or cohort studies (level B) and expert opinion (level C). Whether to recommend, consider, or not to recommend ART has been established for each situation.Currently, ART with combinations of at least three drugs constitutes the treatment of choice in chronic HIV infection. In patients with symptomatic HIV infection, initiation of ART is recommended. In asymptomatic patients initiation of ART should be based on the CD41/mL lymphocyte count and on the plasma viral load (PVL): a) in patients with CD41 lymphocytes200 cells/mL, initiation of ART is recommended; b) in patients with CD41 lymphocytes between 200 and 300 cells/mL, initiation of ART should, in most cases, be recommended; however, it could be delayed when the CD41 lymphocyte count remains close to 350 cells/mL and the PVL is low, and c) in patients with CD41 lymphocytes350 cells/mL, initiation of ART can be delayed. The aim of ART is to achieve an undetectable PVL. Adherence to ART plays a role in the durability of the antiviral response. Because of the development of cross-resistance, the therapeutic options in treatment failure are limited. In these cases, genotypic analysis is useful. Toxicity limits ART. The criteria for ART in acute infection, pregnancy and postexposure prophylaxis and in the management of coinfection with HIV and hepatitis C and B virus are controversial.The current approach to initiating ART is more conservative than in previous recommendations. In asymptomatic patients, the CD41 lymphocyte count is the most important reference factor for initiating ART. Because of the considerable number of drugs available, more sensitive monitoring methods (PVL) and the possibility of determining resistance, therapeutic strategies have become much more individualized.
- Published
- 2002
42. Comparison of twice-daily stavudine plus once- or twice-daily didanosine and nevirapine in early stages of HIV infection: the scan study
- Author
David Dalmau, Ferran Segura, J.L. Gómez-Sirvent, Julio Arrizabalaga, M. Aranda, Joan Romeu, Teresa Gallart, E. Ferrer, Anna Cruceta, Hernando Knobel, Miró Jm, Felipe García, Tomás Pumarola, Gatell Jm, and Maria A. Sambeat
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Nevirapine ,Anti-HIV Agents ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Immunology ,Palatine Tonsil ,HIV Infections ,Pilot Projects ,Gastroenterology ,T-Lymphocyte Subsets ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Immunology and Allergy ,Humans ,Adverse effect ,Sida ,Didanosine ,Chemotherapy ,biology ,business.industry ,Stavudine ,Drug Resistance, Microbial ,Viral Load ,biology.organism_classification ,Surgery ,CD4 Lymphocyte Count ,Infectious Diseases ,HIV-1 ,RNA, Viral ,Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors ,Drug Therapy, Combination ,Viral disease ,business ,Viral load ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Objectives: To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of once-daily didanosine and nevirapine plus twice-daily stavudine versus twice-daily administration of all three drugs. Methods: This open-label, randomized, multicentre study enrolled 94 antiretroviral-naive patients with chronic HIV infection, CD4+ cell counts > 500 × 10 6 cells/l, and viral loads > 5000 copies/ml. Patients were treated with either 40 mg stavudine (twice daily) plus 400 mg didanosine (once daily) and 400 mg nevirapine (once daily) or 40 mg stavudine (twice daily) plus 200 mg didanosine (twice daily) and 200 mg nevirapine (twice daily). Results: After 12 months, 68% of patients who received twice-daily didanosine and nevirapine had viral loads < 200 copies/ml in the intention-to-treat and 79% in the on-treatment analysis, respectively. The corresponding values for patients treated with didanosine and nevirapine, taken once-daily, were 73 and 85%. The percentages of patients in each group with viral loads < 5 copies/ml at 12 months were 40% (once daily ) and 45% (twice daily) for the intention-to-treat analysis. Five of 11 patients (45%) with plasma viral loads < 5 copies/ml at 12 months had detectable virus in tonsillar tissue. Genotypic resistance to nevirapine was noted in seven of the 14 patients with detectable viral load at month 12. Mean changes in CD4+ cell counts for patients treated with stavudine plus once- or twice-daily didanosine and nevirapine were 154 and 132 × 10 6 cells/I, respectively. Treatment was interrupted due to adverse events in seven patients (8%) (four who received once-daily didanosine and nevirapine and three treated with twice-daily doses). Conclusions: The combination of twice-daily stavudine plus once-daily didanosine and nevirapine was as safe and well tolerated as twice-daily administration of all three agents. Both regimens were equally effective in reducing viral loads and in increasing CD4+ cell counts.
- Published
- 2000
43. P1915 Immunological reconstitution in severely immunosuppressed antiretroviral-naïve patients (<100 CD4+T cells/mm 3) using a non–nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor–based or boosted protease inhibitor–based ART regimen:3–year results
- Author
M. Plana, Daniel Podzamczer, Jose R. Arribas, Montserrat Lonca, Pere Domingo, Esteve Ribera, E. De Lazzari, J Pich, Miró Jm, and Julio Arrizabalaga
- Subjects
Microbiology (medical) ,Regimen ,Infectious Diseases ,business.industry ,Antiretroviral naive ,Medicine ,Pharmacology (medical) ,Protease inhibitor (pharmacology) ,General Medicine ,business ,Virology ,Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor - Published
- 2007
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44. AIDS-associated cryptosporidiosis with antral narrowing. A new case
- Author
José Antonio Iribarren, López P, M. A. Von Wichmann, F Rodríguez-Arrondo, Alzate Lf, Agustin Castiella, C. Lobo, and Julio Arrizabalaga
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Pediatrics ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Pathology ,Antrum pyloricum ,Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ,AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections ,business.industry ,Gastroenterology ,Cryptosporidiosis ,medicine.disease ,Radiography ,Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) ,Pyloric Antrum ,Medicine ,Humans ,business ,Protozoal disease - Published
- 1998
45. Paludismo por Plasmodium falciparum en viajeros a República Dominicana
- Author
Eduardo Gaminde, Cristina Aguirre, José Antonio Iribarren, María Jesús Bustinduy, Xabier Camino, Echeverría Mj, and Julio Arrizabalaga
- Subjects
Microbiology (medical) ,Geography ,Humanities ,Malaria falciparum - Abstract
Se presentan 2 casos de paludismo por Plasmodium falciparum en viajeros a centros turisticos de la costa este de Republica Dominicana, considerados clasicamente como libres de riesgo de paludismo. En ambos casos, se trato de pacientes con paludismo grave (con una parasitacion del 20% en uno de ellos), con un tiempo largo entre el inicio de la sintomatologia y el diagnostico. Es posible que estos casos (junto con otros 17 comunicados por los Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]) esten relacionados con un aumento en la poblacion de Anopheles sp. como consecuencia del aumento de lluvias e inundaciones provocados por el paso de un huracan en septiembre de 2004, junto con la existencia de poblacion semiinmune (inmigrantes haitianos trabajando en la construccion y el sector turistico). Es muy importante que tanto los medicos como los pacientes sean conscientes de este brote para facilitar la toma adecuada de precauciones y un diagnostico precoz.
- Published
- 2005
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46. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Cholangitis in a HIV Patient
- Author
Julio Arrizabalaga, M. A. Von Wichmann, López P, José Antonio Iribarren, Agustin Castiella, and F Rodríguez-Arrondo
- Subjects
Hepatology ,business.industry ,Pseudomonas aeruginosa ,Gastroenterology ,Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) ,Medicine ,business ,medicine.disease_cause ,Microbiology - Published
- 1998
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47. cholangitis in a HIV patient
- Author
López P, Julio Arrizabalaga, Agustin Castiella, F Rodríguez-Arrondo, M Vonwichmann, and José Antonio Iribarren
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Hepatology ,business.industry ,Internal medicine ,Gastroenterology ,Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) ,Medicine ,business ,medicine.disease_cause - Published
- 1998
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48. Candidal Meningitis in HIV-infected Patients: Treatment with Fluconazole
- Author
Koldo Aguirrebengoa, F Rodríguez-Arrondo, M. A. Von Wichmann, José Antonio Iribarren, A De Arce, Miguel Ángel Goenaga, and Julio Arrizabalaga
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Microbiology (medical) ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Antifungal Agents ,Opportunistic infection ,Mucocutaneous Candidiasis ,Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,Sida ,Fluconazole ,Mycosis ,AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections ,General Immunology and Microbiology ,biology ,business.industry ,Candidiasis ,General Medicine ,biology.organism_classification ,medicine.disease ,Meningitis, Fungal ,Infectious Diseases ,Immunology ,Chemoprophylaxis ,Female ,business ,Meningitis ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Although mucocutaneous candidiasis is a common occurrence in HIV-infected patients, candidal meningitis is uncommon. We report 3 cases of candidal meningitis in HIV-positive patients, all intravenous drug abusers, and we discuss the clinical course and outcome, the treatment with fluconazole and possible prophylaxis.
- Published
- 1998
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49. Tratamiento antirretroviral en pacientes con inmunodeficiencia avanzada
- Author
José M. Miró, Julio Arrizabalaga, Omar Sued, and José Antonio Iribarren
- Subjects
business.industry ,Medicine ,General Medicine ,business ,Humanities - Published
- 2006
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50. Effectiveness and Safety of Simplification Therapy with Once-Daily Tenofovir, Lamivudine, and Efavirenz in HIV-1—Infected Patients with Undetectable Plasma Viral Load on HAART.
- Author
Julio Arrizabalaga, Piedad Arazo, Koldo Aguirrebengoa, Daniel García-Palomo, Ángel Chocarro, Pablo Labarga, María-José Muñoz-Sánchez, Santiago Echevarría, José Oteo, Javier Uriz, Santiago Letona, M. Carmen Fariñas, Galo Peralta, Javier Pinilla, Pedro Ferrer, Maria-Luisa Álvarez, and José Iribarren
- Abstract
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness and tolerability of a simplification regimen with tenofovir DF (TDF), lamivudine (3TC), and efavirenz (EFV) in HAART-experienced HIV-1—infected subjects with sustained viral suppression. Method: Patients with HIV-1 RNA <200 copies/mL during the previous 6 months and who switched their current twice-daily or three-times-daily HAART to a simplified once-daily regimen of TDF (300 mg), 3TC (300 mg), and EFV (600 mg) were included. Results: 154 patients (70% males, mean age 42 years) were included. Previous HAART included a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI)-based regimen in 55% of the patients and a thymidine analog in 87%. The percentage of patients with viral load <200 copies/mL in the intent-to-treat (ITT) data set was 83% at 6 months and 75% at 12 months (98% and 96%, respectively, in the on-treatment [OT] analysis). Five patients (3%) were identified as virologic failures according to the study protocol. The mean CD4 T-cell count increased significantly 12 months after simplification (from 570 to 632 cells/mm
3 ; p < .01). At 12 months, mean triglyceride levels decreased from 233 to 170 mg/dL (p < .01) and mean cholesterol levels decreased from 205 to 189 mg/dL (p < .01). Thirty-three patients (21%) discontinued the study treatment prior to completing the 12-month follow-up. Conclusion: Simplification to a once-daily regimen containing TDF, 3TC, and EFV is virologically and immunologically effective, well-tolerated, and safe with benefits in the lipid profile in the majority of patients. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2007
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