74 results on '"Julià-Sapé M"'
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2. Strategies for annotation and curation of translational databases: the eTUMOUR project
- Author
Julià-Sapé M, Lurgi M, Mier M, Estanyol F, Rafael X, Candiota AP, Barceló A, García A, Martínez-Bisbal MC, Ferrer-Luna R, Moreno-Torres Á, Celda B, and Arús C
- Abstract
The eTUMOUR (eT) multi-centre project gathered in vivo and ex vivo magnetic resonance (MR) data, as well as transcriptomic and clinical information from brain tumour patients, with the purpose of improving the diagnostic and prognostic evaluation of future patients. In order to carry this out, among other work, a database--the eTDB--was developed. In addition to complex permission rules and software and management quality control (QC), it was necessary to develop anonymization, processing and data visualization tools for the data uploaded. It was also necessary to develop sophisticated curation strategies that involved on one hand, dedicated fields for QC-generated meta-data and specialized queries and global permissions for senior curators and on the other, to establish a set of metrics to quantify its contents. The indispensable dataset (ID), completeness and pairedness indices were set. The database contains 1317 cases created as a result of the eT project and 304 from a previous project, INTERPRET. The number of cases fulfilling the ID was 656. Completeness and pairedness were heterogeneous, depending on the data type involved.
- Published
- 2012
3. Non-invasive grading of astrocytic tumours from the relative contents of myo-inositol and glycine measured by in vivo mrs
- Author
Ana Paula Candiota, Majós C, Julià-Sapé M, Cabañas M, Jj, Acebes, Moreno-Torres A, Jr, Griffiths, and Arús C
- Subjects
lcsh:Medical physics. Medical radiology. Nuclear medicine ,Pathology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy ,Biopsy ,lcsh:R895-920 ,Glycine ,Contrast Media ,Astrocytoma ,Statistics, Nonparametric ,Choline ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Nuclear magnetic resonance ,In vivo ,medicine ,Humans ,Inositol ,Astrocytoma - Magnetic resonance (MR), spectroscopy ,Astrocytoma - Magnetic resonance (MR) ,Grading (tumors) ,Spectroscopy ,Analysis of Variance ,Perchlorates ,Brain Neoplasms ,Phantoms, Imaging ,business.industry ,Non invasive ,Creatine ,medicine.disease ,In vitro ,chemistry ,Neoplasm Grading ,business ,Anaplastic astrocytoma ,Glioblastoma - Abstract
Altres ajuts: INTERPRET (EU-IST1999-10310). This work was also partially funded by the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red - Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina, which is an initiative of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain) co-funded by EU FEDER funds. MRI and MRS are established methodologies for evaluating intracranial lesions. One MR spectral feature suggested for in vivo grading of astrocytic tumours is the apparent myo-Inositol (mI) intensity (ca 3.55ppm) at short echo times, although glycine (gly) may also contribute in vivo to this resonance. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively evaluate the mI + gly contribution to the recorded spectral pattern in vivo and correlate it with in vitro data obtained from perchloric acid extraction of tumour biopsies. Patient spectra (n = 95) at 1.5T at short (20-31 ms) and long (135-136 ms) echo times were obtained from the INTERPRET MRS database (http://gabrmn.uab.es/interpretvalidateddb/). Phantom spectra were acquired with a comparable protocol. Spectra were automatically processed and the ratios of the (mI + gly) to Cr peak heights ((mI + gly)/Cr) calculated. Perchloric acid extracts of brain tumour biopsies were analysed by high-resolution NMR at 9.4T. The ratio (mI + gly)/Cr decreased significantly with astrocytic grade in vivo between low-grade astrocytoma (A2) and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). In vitro results displayed a somewhat different tendency, with anaplastic astrocytomas having significantly higher (mI + gly)/Cr than A2 and GBM. The discrepancy between in vivo and in vitro data suggests that the NMR visibility of glycine in glial brain tumours is restricted in vivo.
- Published
- 2011
4. From raw data to data-analysis for magnetic resonance spectroscopy - the missing link: JMRUI2XML
- Author
Mocioiu, V, Ortega-Martorell, S, Olier, I, Jablonski, M, Starcukova, J, Lisboa, P, Arús, C, Julià-Sapé, M, Mocioiu, V, Ortega-Martorell, S, Olier, I, Jablonski, M, Starcukova, J, Lisboa, P, Arús, C, and Julià-Sapé, M
- Abstract
© 2015 Mocioiu et al. Background: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy provides metabolic information about living tissues in a non-invasive way. However, there are only few multi-centre clinical studies, mostly performed on a single scanner model or data format, as there is no flexible way of documenting and exchanging processed magnetic resonance spectroscopy data in digital format. This is because the DICOM standard for spectroscopy deals with unprocessed data. This paper proposes a plugin tool developed for jMRUI, namely jMRUI2XML, to tackle the latter limitation. jMRUI is a software tool for magnetic resonance spectroscopy data processing that is widely used in the magnetic resonance spectroscopy community and has evolved into a plugin platform allowing for implementation of novel features. Results: jMRUI2XML is a Java solution that facilitates common preprocessing of magnetic resonance spectroscopy data across multiple scanners. Its main characteristics are: 1) it automates magnetic resonance spectroscopy preprocessing, and 2) it can be a platform for outputting exchangeable magnetic resonance spectroscopy data. The plugin works with any kind of data that can be opened by jMRUI and outputs in extensible markup language format. Data processing templates can be generated and saved for later use. The output format opens the way for easy data sharing- due to the documentation of the preprocessing parameters and the intrinsic anonymization - for example for performing pattern recognition analysis on multicentre/multi-manufacturer magnetic resonance spectroscopy data. Conclusions: jMRUI2XML provides a self-contained and self-descriptive format accounting for the most relevant information needed for exchanging magnetic resonance spectroscopy data in digital form, as well as for automating its processing. This allows for tracking the procedures the data has undergone, which makes the proposed tool especially useful when performing pattern recognition analysis. Moreover, th
- Published
- 2015
5. Classification of brain tumours from MR spectra: the INTERPRET collaboration and its outcomes
- Author
Julià‐Sapé, M., primary, Griffiths, J. R., additional, Tate, R. A., additional, Howe, F. A., additional, Acosta, D., additional, Postma, G., additional, Underwood, J., additional, Majós, C., additional, and Arús, C., additional
- Published
- 2015
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6. Millora de la diagnosi no invasiva dels tumors cerebrals humans
- Author
Julià Sapé, M. Margarita, Arús i Caraltó, Carles, and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Bioquímica i Biologia Molecular
- Subjects
Ciències Experimentals ,Ressonància magnètica ,Tumors cerebrals ,Espectroscòpia - Abstract
Propòsit: Millorar la caracterització no invasiva dels tumors cerebrals mitjançant la tècnica de l'espectroscopia de ressonància magnètica de protó.Per a assolir aquest objectiu, es van realitzar tres estudis, amb els següents objectius: Estudi 1) Generar una base de dades accessible per Internet, que contingui dades clíniques i espectroscòpiques completament validades de pacients afectats per tumors cerebrals. Estudi 2) Determinar la influència del temps d'eco utilitzat en l'adquisició en la posterior classificació dels espectres de tumours cerebrals humans. Per això es va comparar l'encert obtingut en la classificació tumoral utilitzant dos temps d'eco diferents (30 ms and 136 ms). Estudi 3) Estimar l'encert de la interpretació de les imatges de ressonància en la classificació dels tumors cerebrals, tant en termes de tipus com de grau de malignitat tumoral.Mètodes: Estudi 1) Totes les dades dels pacients que van entrar al projecte INTERPRET (International Network for Pattern Recognition of Tumours Using Magnetic Resonance, http://azizu.uab.es/INTERPRET ) es van guardar a una base de dades accessible per Internet (iDB). Les dades dels pacients es van seleccionar utilitzant la interfície de preguntes de la base de dades. Els criteris que es van seguir van ser que el cas tingués un espectre adquirit a 1.5 T mitjançant la tècnica de volum senzill i temps d'eco curt (20-32 ms) sobre una àrea nodular del tumor, que el volum d'adquisició hagués estat posicionat dins de la mateixa regió de la qual es va prendre posteriorment la biòpsia diagnòstica, i que l'espectre a temps d'eco curt no hagués estat descartat per artefactes d'adquisició o altres raons, i que un comitè de neuropatòlegs haguéssin arribat a consens diagnòstic. Quan els espectres es van obtenir de voluntaris normals, o éren d'abscessos o de metàstasis provades clínicament, no es va requerir biòpsia.Estudi 2) Es van sel·leccionar de manera retrospectiva cent cinquanta-un estudis de pacients amb tumors cerebrals (37 meningiomas, 12 astrocitomes de baix grau, 16 astrocitomes d'alt grau, 54 glioblastomes i 32 metastasis) d'una sèrie de trescents setanta-vuit exàmens de masses cerebrals anòmales d'un dels centres col.laboradors d'INTERPRET dintre del projecte MEDIVO. Es va realitzar espectroscopia de volum senzill a temps d'eco 30 ms i 136 ms en tots els casos. Es van normalitzar les àrees integrades de nou ressonàncies d'interès. Els espectres dels tumors es van classificar mitjançant anàlisi discriminant en quatre grups: meningioma, astrocitoma de baix grau, astrocitoma d'alt grau i glioblastomes juntament amb metastasis. Es va aval.luar el resultat de l'anàlisi discriminant a cadascun dels temps d'eco utilitzant el mètode de deixar un cas fora.Estudi 3) L'acord entre la classificació radiològica i el diagnòstic histopatològic es va aval·luar retrospectivament, utilitzant dades retrospectives de trescents noranta-tres pacients de tumors cerebrals que estàven guardats a la base de dades multicèntrica del projecte INTERPRET. Es va crear una ontologia per a poder definir l'acord entre diagnòstics. Cada categoria tumoral es va comparar bilateralment amb els diagnòstics histopatològics corresponents. Es van calcul.lar els valors de sensibilitat, especificitat, valors predictius positiu i negatiu, juntament amb els intervals de confiança del 95% de Wilson.Resultats: Estudi 1) Es va obtenir un subgrup de trescents quatre casos (vint-i-dos voluntaris normals i dos-cents vuitanta-dos pacients). Aquests casos es van migrar a una altra base de dades accessible per internet (base de dades validada). Estudi 2) La classificació dels tumors va ser lleugerament millor a temps d'eco curt (123 [81%] de 151 casos classificats correctament) que a temps d'eco llarg (118 [78%] de 151 casos classificats correctament). Els meningiomes van ser l'únic grup pel qual es va obtenir una millor sensibilitat i especificitat a temps d'eco llarg. Els resultats van millorar quan ambdós temps d'eco es consideràven simultàniament: el diagnòstic suggerit va ser correcte en 105 (94%) de 112 casos quan el resultat predit a ambdós temps d'eco era el mateix. Es va suggerir el diagnòstic correcte almenys a un temps d'eco en 136 (90%) casos de 151. 3) Quan els radiòlegs informen estudis d'imatge, són molt específics (85.2-100%) a l'hora de caracteritzar el grau i el tipus de tumor. La seva sensibilitat varia depenent del tipus i el grau, separadament i en combinació. En les categories àmplies (neuroepitelial, llinatge meningeal) vàren ser molt sensibles mentre que quan es va considerar còm s'informava el tipus detallat i el grau la sensibilitat variava, essent la més alta en els meningiomes de baix grau (sensibilitat 100%, intèrval de confiança, 96.2-100.0%) i la més baixa pels meningiomes d'alt grau (sensibilitat, 0.0%, intèrval de confiança, 0.0-65.8%) i els oligodendrogliomes de baix grau (sensibilitat, 15%, intèrval de confiança, 5.2-36.0%). La sensibilitat en la detecció dels tumors d'orígen neuroepitel.lial es va relacionar de manera inversa amb la precisió en la manera de descriure el grau i l'orígen cel.lular del tumor. "Glioma" era una classificació radiològica freqüent, associada a una més alta sensibilitat a la seva categoria corresponent. El valor predictiu positiu va variar entre categories, assolint en general valors per sobre de la prevalença dels tumors respectius en aquesta base de dades. El valor predictiu negatiu va ser alt a totes les categories analizades (69.8-100%).Conclusions: La base de dades validada compleix amb les regul.lacions ètiques i és representativa de la població que estudia. És accessible a neuroradiòlegs arreu del món que vulguin utilitzar la informació que dóna l'espectroscopia per tal d'ajudar en el diagnòstic no invasiu dels tumors cerebrals. El temps d'eco curt dóna una classificació lleugerament millor que el temps d'eco llarg, i els resultats milloren quan ambdós temps d'eco es consideren de manera simultània. Els meningiomes són l'únic grup tumoral en el qual el temps d'eco llarg és lleugerament millor que el temps d'eco curt.Els valors predictius positiu i negatiu que es van obtenir es poden utilitzar com a estimadors de les probabilitats a posteriori per a la caracterització dels tumors cerebrals mitjançant les imatges de ressonància en la base de dades INTERPRET. A més a més, es va fer palesa la necessitat d'augmentar la sensibilitat en la categorització de la majoria de tumors cerebrals, mantenint l'alta especificitat, especialment en la diferenciació entre tumors glials d'alt i baix grau, especialment amb tècniques associades a la imatge, com l'espectroscopia de ressonància magnètica de protó., Purpose: To improve the non-invasive characterisation of brain tumours with 1H-MRS (proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy).For this, three studies were performed, with the following objectives: 1) To generate an Internet-accessible database that contains validated in-vivo MR spectra and clinical data of brain tumour patients. 2) To determine the influence of the TE used in brain tumour classification by comparing the performance of spectra obtained at two different TE (30 ms and 136 ms). 3) To estimate the accuracy of routine MRI in the classification of brain tumours both in terms of cell type and grade of malignancy.Methods: Study 1) All data from patients entering the INTERPRET project (International Network for Pattern Recognition of Tumours Using Magnetic Resonance, http://azizu.uab.es/INTERPRET ) were stored in a web-accessible database (iDB) and selected using its query functionality. Criteria for selection were that the case had a single voxel (SV) short-echo (20-32 ms) 1.5 T spectrum acquired from a nodular region of the tumour, that the voxel had been positioned in the same region as where subsequent biopsy was obtained, that the short-echo spectrum had not been discarded because of acquisition artefacts or other reasons, and that a histopathological diagnosis was agreed among a committee of neuropathologists. When the spectra were obtained from normal volunteers or were of abscesses or clinically proven metastases, biopsy was not required.Study 2) One hundred fifty-one studies of patients with brain tumours from the MEDIVO project (37 meningiomas, 12 low grade astrocytomas, 16 anaplastic astrocytomas, 54 glioblastomas, and 32 metastases) were retrospectively selected from a series of 378 consecutive examinations of brain masses. Single voxel proton MR spectroscopy at TE 30 ms and 136 ms was performed with point-resolved spectroscopy in all cases. Fitted areas of nine resonances of interest were normalized to water. Tumours were classified into four groups (meningioma, low grade astrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, and glioblastoma-metastases) by means of linear discriminant analysis. The performance of linear discriminant analysis at each TE was assessed by using the leave-one-out method.Study 3) Retrospective assessment of agreement between radiological classification and histopathological diagnosis was carried out using records of 393 brain tumour patients stored in a multi-centre database from the INTERPRET project. An ontology for agreement definition was devised. Each tumour category was bilaterally compared to the corresponding histopathological diagnoses by dichotomisation. Sensitivity (SE), Specificity (SP), Positive (PPV) and Negative Predictive (NPV) values and their Wilson's 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated.Results: Study 1) A subset of 304 cases (22 normal volunteers and 282 tumour patients) was obtained. These cases were migrated to a web-accessible database (validated-DB). Study 2) Tumour classification was slightly better at short TE (123 [81%] of 151 cases correctly classified) than at long TE (118 [78%] of 151 cases correctly classified). Meningioma was the only group that showed higher sensitivity and specificity at long TE. Improved results were obtained when both TE were considered simultaneously: the suggested diagnosis was correct in 105 (94%) of 112 cases when both TE agreed, whereas the correct diagnosis was suggested by at least one TE in 136 (90%) of 151 cases. Study 3) In routine radiological reporting of MRI examinations, tumour types and grades were classified with high SP (85.2-100%); SE varied, depending on type and grade, alone or in combination. Recognition of broad categories (neuroepithelial, meningeal) was highly sensitive whereas it diverged when both detailed type and grade were considered, being highest in low-grade meningioma (SE=100%, CI=96.2-100.0%) and lowest in high-grade meningioma (SE=0.0%, CI=0.0-65.8%) and low-grade oligodendroglioma (SE=15%, CI=5.2-36.0%). In neuroepithelial tumours SE was inversely related to precision in reporting of grade and cellular origin; "glioma" was a frequent radiological classification associated with a higher SE in the corresponding category. PPV varied among categories being in general above their prevalence in this dataset. NPV was high in all categories (69.8-100%).Conclusions: The validated-DB complies with ethics regulations and represents the population studied. It is accessible by neuroradiologists willing to use information provided by MRS to help in the non-invasive diagnosis of brain tumours. Short TE provides slightly better tumour classification, and results improve when both TE are considered simultaneously. Meningioma was the only tumour group in which long TE performed better than short TE. PPV and NPV provided for routine MRI characterisation of brain tumours may be used as estimates of post-test probabilities of diagnostic accuracy achieved by MRI in the database studied. The need for non-invasively increasing SE in categorization of most brain tumour types while retaining high SP, especially in the differentiation of high and low-grade glial tumour classes has been targeted.
- Published
- 2006
7. A novel semi-supervised methodology for extracting tumor type-specific MRS sources in human brain data
- Author
Ortega-Martorell, S, Ruiz, H, Vellido, A, Olier, I, Romero, E, Julià-Sapé, M, Martín, JD, Jarman, IH, Arús, C, Lisboa, PJG, Ortega-Martorell, S, Ruiz, H, Vellido, A, Olier, I, Romero, E, Julià-Sapé, M, Martín, JD, Jarman, IH, Arús, C, and Lisboa, PJG
- Abstract
Background: The clinical investigation of human brain tumors often starts with a non-invasive imaging study, providing information about the tumor extent and location, but little insight into the biochemistry of the analyzed tissue. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy can complement imaging by supplying a metabolic fingerprint of the tissue. This study analyzes single-voxel magnetic resonance spectra, which represent signal information in the frequency domain. Given that a single voxel may contain a heterogeneous mix of tissues, signal source identification is a relevant challenge for the problem of tumor type classification from the spectroscopic signal. Methodology/Principal Findings: Non-negative matrix factorization techniques have recently shown their potential for the identification of meaningful sources from brain tissue spectroscopy data. In this study, we use a convex variant of these methods that is capable of handling negatively-valued data and generating sources that can be interpreted as tumor class prototypes. A novel approach to convex non-negative matrix factorization is proposed, in which prior knowledge about class information is utilized in model optimization. Class-specific information is integrated into this semi-supervised process by setting the metric of a latent variable space where the matrix factorization is carried out. The reported experimental study comprises 196 cases from different tumor types drawn from two international, multi-center databases. The results indicate that the proposed approach outperforms a purely unsupervised process by achieving near perfect correlation of the extracted sources with the mean spectra of the tumor types. It also improves tissue type classification. Conclusions/Significance: We show that source extraction by unsupervised matrix factorization benefits from the integration of the available class information, so operating in a semi-supervised learning manner, for discriminative source identification and brain
- Published
- 2013
8. Multiproject–multicenter evaluation of automatic brain tumor classification by magnetic resonance spectroscopy
- Author
García-Gómez, J., Luts, J., Julià-Sapé, M., Krooshof, P.W.T., Tortajada, S., Robledo, J., Melssen, Willem, Fuster-García, E., Olier, I., Postma, G.J., Monleón, D., Moreno-Torres, À., Pujol, J., Candiota, A.P., Martínez-Bisbal, M., Suykens, J., Buydens, L., Celda, B., Huffel, S. van, Arús, C., Robles, M., García-Gómez, J., Luts, J., Julià-Sapé, M., Krooshof, P.W.T., Tortajada, S., Robledo, J., Melssen, Willem, Fuster-García, E., Olier, I., Postma, G.J., Monleón, D., Moreno-Torres, À., Pujol, J., Candiota, A.P., Martínez-Bisbal, M., Suykens, J., Buydens, L., Celda, B., Huffel, S. van, Arús, C., and Robles, M.
- Abstract
Contains fulltext : 75361.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)
- Published
- 2009
9. Multiproject-multicenter evaluation of automatic brain tumor classification by magnetic resonance spectroscopy
- Author
García-Gómez, JM, Luts, J, Julià-Sapé, M, Krooshof, P, Tortajada, S, Robledo, JV, Melssen, W, Fuster-García, E, Olier, I, Postma, G, Monleón, D, Moreno-Torres, A, Pujol, J, Candiota, AP, Martínez-Bisbal, MC, Suykens, J, Buydens, L, Celda, B, Van Huffel, S, Arús, C, Robles, M, García-Gómez, JM, Luts, J, Julià-Sapé, M, Krooshof, P, Tortajada, S, Robledo, JV, Melssen, W, Fuster-García, E, Olier, I, Postma, G, Monleón, D, Moreno-Torres, A, Pujol, J, Candiota, AP, Martínez-Bisbal, MC, Suykens, J, Buydens, L, Celda, B, Van Huffel, S, Arús, C, and Robles, M
- Abstract
Justification: Automatic brain tumor classification by MRS has been under development for more than a decade. Nonetheless, to our knowledge, there are no published evaluations of predictive models with unseen cases that are subsequently acquired in different centers. The multicenter eTUMOUR project (2004-2009), which builds upon previous expertise from the INTERPRET project (2000-2002) has allowed such an evaluation to take place. Materials and Methods: A total of 253 pairwise classifiers for glioblastoma, meningioma, metastasis, and low-grade glial diagnosis were inferred based on 211 SV short TE INTERPRET MR spectra obtained at 1.5 T (PRESS or STEAM, 20-32 ms) and automatically pre-processed. Afterwards, the classifiers were tested with 97 spectra, which were subsequently compiled during eTUMOUR. Results: In our results based on subsequently acquired spectra, accuracies of around 90% were achieved for most of the pairwise discrimination problems. The exception was for the glioblastoma versus metastasis discrimination, which was below 78%. A more clear definition of metastases may be obtained by other approaches, such as MRSI + MRI. Conclusions: The prediction of the tumor type of in-vivo MRS is possible using classifiers developed from previously acquired data, in different hospitals with different instrumentation under the same acquisition protocols. This methodology may find application for assisting in the diagnosis of new brain tumor cases and for the quality control of multicenter MRS databases. © 2008 The Author(s).
- Published
- 2009
10. Development of robust discriminant equations for assessing subtypes of glioblastoma biopsies
- Author
Castells, X, primary, Acebes, J J, additional, Majós, C, additional, Boluda, S, additional, Julià-Sapé, M, additional, Candiota, A P, additional, Ariño, J, additional, Barceló, A, additional, and Arús, C, additional
- Published
- 2012
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11. Robust discrimination of glioblastomas from metastatic brain tumors on the basis of single‐voxel 1H MRS
- Author
Vellido, A., primary, Romero, E., additional, Julià‐Sapé, M., additional, Majós, C., additional, Moreno‐Torres, À., additional, Pujol, J., additional, and Arús, C., additional
- Published
- 2011
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12. Non-invasive grading of astrocytic tumours from the relative contents of myo-inositol and glycine measured by in vivo mrs
- Author
Candiota, A P, primary, Majós, C, additional, and Julià-Sapé, M, additional
- Published
- 2011
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13. Proton MR Spectroscopy Provides Relevant Prognostic Information in High-Grade Astrocytomas
- Author
Majós, C., primary, Bruna, J., additional, Julià-Sapé, M., additional, Cos, M., additional, Camins, Á., additional, Gil, M., additional, Acebes, J.J., additional, Aguilera, C., additional, and Arús, C., additional
- Published
- 2010
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14. Proton MR Spectroscopy Improves Discrimination between Tumor and Pseudotumoral Lesion in Solid Brain Masses
- Author
Majós, C., primary, Aguilera, C., additional, Alonso, J., additional, Julià-Sapé, M., additional, Castañer, S., additional, Sánchez, J.J., additional, Samitier, Á., additional, León, A., additional, Rovira, Á., additional, and Arús, C., additional
- Published
- 2008
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15. Robust discrimination of glioblastomas from metastatic brain tumors on the basis of single-voxel 1H MRS.
- Author
Vellido, A., Romero, E., Julià-Sapé, M., Majós, C., Moreno-Torres, À., Pujol, J., and Arús, C.
- Abstract
This article investigates methods for the accurate and robust differentiation of metastases from glioblastomas on the basis of single-voxel
1 H MRS information. Single-voxel1 H MR spectra from a total of 109 patients (78 glioblastomas and 31 metastases) from the multicenter, international INTERPRET database, plus a test set of 40 patients (30 glioblastomas and 10 metastases) from three different centers in the Barcelona (Spain) metropolitan area, were analyzed using a robust method for feature (spectral frequency) selection coupled with a linear-in-the-parameters single-layer perceptron classifier. For the test set, a parsimonious selection of five frequencies yielded an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.86, and an area under the convex hull of the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.91. Moreover, these accurate results for the discrimination between glioblastomas and metastases were obtained using a small number of frequencies that are amenable to metabolic interpretation, which should ease their use as diagnostic markers. Importantly, the prediction can be expressed as a simple formula based on a linear combination of these frequencies. As a result, new cases could be straightforwardly predicted by integrating this formula into a computer-based medical decision support system. This work also shows that the combination of spectra acquired at different TEs (short TE, 20-32 ms; long TE, 135-144 ms) is key to the successful discrimination between glioblastomas and metastases from single-voxel1 H MRS. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2012
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16. Spectral Prototype Extraction for dimensionality reduction in brain tumour diagnosis
- Author
Sandra Ortega-Martorell, Olier, I., Vellido, A., Julià-Sapé, M., and Arús, C.
17. A machine learning pipeline for supporting differentiation of glioblastomas from single brain metastases
- Author
Mocioiu, V., Barros, N. M. P., Sandra Ortega-Martorell, Slotboom, J., Knecht, U., Arús, C., Vellido, A., Julià-Sapé, M., Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Ciències de la Computació, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. SOCO - Soft Computing
- Subjects
Adaptive boosting ,Pipelines ,Informàtica::Intel·ligència artificial::Aprenentatge automàtic [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Linear discriminant analysis ,Decision trees ,Brain metastasis ,Complex networks ,Extraction ,Discriminant analysis ,RC0254 ,Nonnegative matrix factorization ,Knowledge extraction ,Logistic regressions ,Source extraction ,Machine learning ,Medical practice ,Aprenentatge automàtic ,Pathology ,Face recognition ,Factorization ,QA ,Medical domains ,Neural networks - Abstract
Machine learning has provided, over the last decades, tools for knowledge extraction in complex medical domains. Most of these tools, though, are ad hoc solutions and lack the systematic approach that would be required to become mainstream in medical practice. In this brief paper, we define a machine learning-based analysis pipeline for helping in a difficult problem in the field of neuro-oncology, namely the discrimination of brain glioblastomas from single brain metastases. This pipeline involves source extraction using k-Meansinitialized Convex Non-negative Matrix Factorization and a collection of classifiers, including Logistic Regression, Linear Discriminant Analysis, AdaBoost, and Random Forests.
18. MRSI-based molecular imaging of therapy response to temozolomide in preclinical glioblastoma using source analysis
- Author
Delgado-Goñi, T, Ortega-Martorell, S, Ciezka, M, Olier, I, Candiota, AP, Julià-Sapé, M, Fernández, F, Pumarola, M, Lisboa, PJ, and Arús, C
- Subjects
RC0254 ,R1 - Abstract
Characterization of glioblastoma (GB) response to treatment is a key factor for improving patients' survival and prognosis. MRI and magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) provide morphologic and metabolic profiles of GB but usually fail to produce unequivocal biomarkers of response. The purpose of this work is to provide proof of concept of the ability of a semi-supervised signal source extraction methodology to produce images with robust recognition of response to temozolomide (TMZ) in a preclinical GB model. A total of 38 female C57BL/6 mice were used in this study. The semi-supervised methodology extracted the required sources from a training set consisting of MRSI grids from eight GL261 GBs treated with TMZ, and six control untreated GBs. Three different sources (normal brain parenchyma, actively proliferating GB and GB responding to treatment) were extracted and used for calculating nosologic maps representing the spatial response to treatment. These results were validated with an independent test set (7 control and 17 treated cases) and correlated with histopathology. Major differences between the responder and non-responder sources were mainly related to the resonances of mobile lipids (MLs) and polyunsaturated fatty acids in MLs (0.9, 1.3 and 2.8 ppm). Responding tumors showed significantly lower mitotic (3.3 ± 2.9 versus 14.1 ± 4.2 mitoses/field) and proliferation rates (29.8 ± 10.3 versus 57.8 ± 5.4%) than control untreated cases. The methodology described in this work is able to produce nosological images of response to TMZ in GL261 preclinical GBs and suitably correlates with the histopathological analysis of tumors. A similar strategy could be devised for monitoring response to treatment in patients. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
19. Classification of brain tumours from MR spectra: the INTERPRET collaboration and its outcomes.
- Author
Julià‐Sapé, M., Griffiths, J. R., Tate, R. A., Howe, F. A., Acosta, D., Postma, G., Underwood, J., Majós, C., and Arús, C.
- Published
- 2016
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20. Non-negative matrix factorisation methods for the spectral decomposition of MRS data from human brain tumours
- Author
Ortega-Martorell Sandra, Lisboa Paulo JG, Vellido Alfredo, Julià-Sapé Margarida, and Arús Carles
- Subjects
Computer applications to medicine. Medical informatics ,R858-859.7 ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Abstract
Abstract Background In-vivo single voxel proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (SV 1H-MRS), coupled with supervised pattern recognition (PR) methods, has been widely used in clinical studies of discrimination of brain tumour types and follow-up of patients bearing abnormal brain masses. SV 1H-MRS provides useful biochemical information about the metabolic state of tumours and can be performed at short (< 45 ms) or long (> 45 ms) echo time (TE), each with particular advantages. Short-TE spectra are more adequate for detecting lipids, while the long-TE provides a much flatter signal baseline in between peaks but also negative signals for metabolites such as lactate. Both, lipids and lactate, are respectively indicative of specific metabolic processes taking place. Ideally, the information provided by both TE should be of use for clinical purposes. In this study, we characterise the performance of a range of Non-negative Matrix Factorisation (NMF) methods in two respects: first, to derive sources correlated with the mean spectra of known tissue types (tumours and normal tissue); second, taking the best performing NMF method for source separation, we compare its accuracy for class assignment when using the mixing matrix directly as a basis for classification, as against using the method for dimensionality reduction (DR). For this, we used SV 1H-MRS data with positive and negative peaks, from a widely tested SV 1H-MRS human brain tumour database. Results The results reported in this paper reveal the advantage of using a recently described variant of NMF, namely Convex-NMF, as an unsupervised method of source extraction from SV1H-MRS. Most of the sources extracted in our experiments closely correspond to the mean spectra of some of the analysed tumour types. This similarity allows accurate diagnostic predictions to be made both in fully unsupervised mode and using Convex-NMF as a DR step previous to standard supervised classification. The obtained results are comparable to, or more accurate than those obtained with supervised techniques. Conclusions The unsupervised properties of Convex-NMF place this approach one step ahead of classical label-requiring supervised methods for the discrimination of brain tumour types, as it accounts for their increasingly recognised molecular subtype heterogeneity. The application of Convex-NMF in computer assisted decision support systems is expected to facilitate further improvements in the uptake of MRS-derived information by clinicians.
- Published
- 2012
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21. The INTERPRET Decision-Support System version 3.0 for evaluation of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy data from human brain tumours and other abnormal brain masses
- Author
Mercadal Guillem, Julià-Sapé Margarida, Pérez-Ruiz Alexander, Olier Iván, Majós Carles, and Arús Carles
- Subjects
Computer applications to medicine. Medical informatics ,R858-859.7 ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Abstract
Abstract Background Proton Magnetic Resonance (MR) Spectroscopy (MRS) is a widely available technique for those clinical centres equipped with MR scanners. Unlike the rest of MR-based techniques, MRS yields not images but spectra of metabolites in the tissues. In pathological situations, the MRS profile changes and this has been particularly described for brain tumours. However, radiologists are frequently not familiar to the interpretation of MRS data and for this reason, the usefulness of decision-support systems (DSS) in MRS data analysis has been explored. Results This work presents the INTERPRET DSS version 3.0, analysing the improvements made from its first release in 2002. Version 3.0 is aimed to be a program that 1st, can be easily used with any new case from any MR scanner manufacturer and 2nd, improves the initial analysis capabilities of the first version. The main improvements are an embedded database, user accounts, more diagnostic discrimination capabilities and the possibility to analyse data acquired under additional data acquisition conditions. Other improvements include a customisable graphical user interface (GUI). Most diagnostic problems included have been addressed through a pattern-recognition based approach, in which classifiers based on linear discriminant analysis (LDA) were trained and tested. Conclusions The INTERPRET DSS 3.0 allows radiologists, medical physicists, biochemists or, generally speaking, any person with a minimum knowledge of what an MR spectrum is, to enter their own SV raw data, acquired at 1.5 T, and to analyse them. The system is expected to help in the categorisation of MR Spectra from abnormal brain masses.
- Published
- 2010
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22. SpectraClassifier 1.0: a user friendly, automated MRS-based classifier-development system
- Author
Julià-Sapé Margarida, Olier Iván, Ortega-Martorell Sandra, and Arús Carles
- Subjects
Computer applications to medicine. Medical informatics ,R858-859.7 ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Abstract
Abstract Background SpectraClassifier (SC) is a Java solution for designing and implementing Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS)-based classifiers. The main goal of SC is to allow users with minimum background knowledge of multivariate statistics to perform a fully automated pattern recognition analysis. SC incorporates feature selection (greedy stepwise approach, either forward or backward), and feature extraction (PCA). Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis is the method of choice for classification. Classifier evaluation is performed through various methods: display of the confusion matrix of the training and testing datasets; K-fold cross-validation, leave-one-out and bootstrapping as well as Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves. Results SC is composed of the following modules: Classifier design, Data exploration, Data visualisation, Classifier evaluation, Reports, and Classifier history. It is able to read low resolution in-vivo MRS (single-voxel and multi-voxel) and high resolution tissue MRS (HRMAS), processed with existing tools (jMRUI, INTERPRET, 3DiCSI or TopSpin). In addition, to facilitate exchanging data between applications, a standard format capable of storing all the information needed for a dataset was developed. Each functionality of SC has been specifically validated with real data with the purpose of bug-testing and methods validation. Data from the INTERPRET project was used. Conclusions SC is a user-friendly software designed to fulfil the needs of potential users in the MRS community. It accepts all kinds of pre-processed MRS data types and classifies them semi-automatically, allowing spectroscopists to concentrate on interpretation of results with the use of its visualisation tools.
- Published
- 2010
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23. Early pseudoprogression and progression lesions in glioblastoma patients are both metabolically heterogeneous.
- Author
Ungan G, Pons-Escoda A, Ulinic D, Arús C, Ortega-Martorell S, Olier I, Vellido A, Majós C, and Julià-Sapé M
- Subjects
- Humans, Follow-Up Studies, Retrospective Studies, Dacarbazine therapeutic use, Chemoradiotherapy methods, Disease Progression, Magnetic Resonance Imaging methods, Glioblastoma therapy, Glioblastoma drug therapy, Brain Neoplasms therapy, Brain Neoplasms drug therapy
- Abstract
The standard treatment in glioblastoma includes maximal safe resection followed by concomitant radiotherapy plus chemotherapy and adjuvant temozolomide. The first follow-up study to evaluate treatment response is performed 1 month after concomitant treatment, when contrast-enhancing regions may appear that can correspond to true progression or pseudoprogression. We retrospectively evaluated 31 consecutive patients at the first follow-up after concomitant treatment to check whether the metabolic pattern assessed with multivoxel MRS was predictive of treatment response 2 months later. We extracted the underlying metabolic patterns of the contrast-enhancing regions with a blind-source separation method and mapped them over the reference images. Pattern heterogeneity was calculated using entropy, and association between patterns and outcomes was measured with Cramér's V. We identified three distinct metabolic patterns-proliferative, necrotic, and responsive, which were associated with status 2 months later. Individually, 70% of the patients showed metabolically heterogeneous patterns in the contrast-enhancing regions. Metabolic heterogeneity was not related to the regions' size and only stable patients were less heterogeneous than the rest. Contrast-enhancing regions are also metabolically heterogeneous 1 month after concomitant treatment. This could explain the reported difficulty in finding robust pseudoprogression biomarkers., (© 2024 The Authors. NMR in Biomedicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2024
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24. Advances in the Use of Deep Learning for the Analysis of Magnetic Resonance Image in Neuro-Oncology.
- Author
Pitarch C, Ungan G, Julià-Sapé M, and Vellido A
- Abstract
Machine Learning is entering a phase of maturity, but its medical applications still lag behind in terms of practical use. The field of oncological radiology (and neuro-oncology in particular) is at the forefront of these developments, now boosted by the success of Deep-Learning methods for the analysis of medical images. This paper reviews in detail some of the most recent advances in the use of Deep Learning in this field, from the broader topic of the development of Machine-Learning-based analytical pipelines to specific instantiations of the use of Deep Learning in neuro-oncology; the latter including its use in the groundbreaking field of ultra-low field magnetic resonance imaging.
- Published
- 2024
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25. A comparison of non-negative matrix underapproximation methods for the decomposition of magnetic resonance spectroscopy data from human brain tumors.
- Author
Ungan G, Arús C, Vellido A, and Julià-Sapé M
- Subjects
- Humans, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy methods, Algorithms, Brain Neoplasms pathology, Meningioma, Meningeal Neoplasms
- Abstract
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is an MR technique that provides information about the biochemistry of tissues in a noninvasive way. MRS has been widely used for the study of brain tumors, both preoperatively and during follow-up. In this study, we investigated the performance of a range of variants of unsupervised matrix factorization methods of the non-negative matrix underapproximation (NMU) family, namely, sparse NMU, global NMU, and recursive NMU, and compared them with convex non-negative matrix factorization (C-NMF), which has previously shown a good performance on brain tumor diagnostic support problems using MRS data. The purpose of the investigation was 2-fold: first, to ascertain the differences among the sources extracted by these methods; and second, to compare the influence of each method in the diagnostic accuracy of the classification of brain tumors, using them as feature extractors. We discovered that, first, NMU variants found meaningful sources in terms of biological interpretability, but representing parts of the spectrum, in contrast to C-NMF; and second, that NMU methods achieved better classification accuracy than C-NMF for the classification tasks when one class was not meningioma., (© 2023 The Authors. NMR in Biomedicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2023
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26. Using Single-Voxel Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data Acquired at 1.5T to Classify Multivoxel Data at 3T: A Proof-of-Concept Study.
- Author
Ungan G, Pons-Escoda A, Ulinic D, Arús C, Vellido A, and Julià-Sapé M
- Abstract
In vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) has two modalities, single-voxel (SV) and multivoxel (MV), in which one or more contiguous grids of SVs are acquired., Purpose: To test whether MV grids can be classified with models trained with SV., Methods: Retrospective study. Training dataset: Multicenter multiformat SV INTERPRET, 1.5T. Testing dataset: MV eTumour, 3T. Two classification tasks were completed: 3-class (meningioma vs. aggressive vs. normal) and 4-class (meningioma vs. low-grade glioma vs. aggressive vs. normal). Five different methods were tested for feature selection. The classification was implemented using linear discriminant analysis (LDA), random forest, and support vector machines. The evaluation was completed with balanced error rate (BER) and area under the curve (AUC) on both sets. The accuracy in class prediction was calculated by developing a solid tumor index (STI) and segmentation accuracy with the Dice score., Results: The best method was sequential forward feature selection combined with LDA, with AUCs = 0.95 (meningioma), 0.89 (aggressive), 0.82 (low-grade glioma), and 0.82 (normal). STI was 66% (4-class task) and 71% (3-class task) because two cases failed completely and two more had suboptimal STI as defined by us., Discussion: The reasons for failure in the classification of the MV test set were related to the presence of artifacts.
- Published
- 2023
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27. Extraction of artefactual MRS patterns from a large database using non-negative matrix factorization.
- Author
Hernández-Villegas Y, Ortega-Martorell S, Arús C, Vellido A, and Julià-Sapé M
- Subjects
- Artifacts, Humans, Pattern Recognition, Automated methods, Quality Control, Algorithms, Brain Neoplasms pathology
- Abstract
Despite the success of automated pattern recognition methods in problems of human brain tumor diagnostic classification, limited attention has been paid to the issue of automated data quality assessment in the field of MRS for neuro-oncology. Beyond some early attempts to address this issue, the current standard in practice is MRS quality control through human (expert-based) assessment. One aspect of automatic quality control is the problem of detecting artefacts in MRS data. Artefacts, whose variety has already been reviewed in some detail and some of which may even escape human quality control, have a negative influence in pattern recognition methods attempting to assist tumor characterization. The automatic detection of MRS artefacts should be beneficial for radiology as it guarantees more reliable tumor characterizations, as well as the development of more robust pattern recognition-based tumor classifiers and more trustable MRS data processing and analysis pipelines. Feature extraction methods have previously been used to help distinguishing between good and bad quality spectra to apply subsequent supervised pattern recognition techniques. In this study, we apply feature extraction differently and use a variant of a method for blind source separation, namely Convex Non-Negative Matrix Factorization, to unveil MRS signal sources in a completely unsupervised way. We hypothesize that, while most sources will correspond to the different tumor patterns, some of them will reflect signal artefacts. The experimental work reported in this paper, analyzing a combined short and long echo time
1 H-MRS database of more than 2000 spectra acquired at 1.5T and corresponding to different tumor types and other anomalous masses, provides a first proof of concept that points to the possible validity of this approach., (© 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.)- Published
- 2022
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28. Unraveling response to temozolomide in preclinical GL261 glioblastoma with MRI/MRSI using radiomics and signal source extraction.
- Author
Núñez LM, Romero E, Julià-Sapé M, Ledesma-Carbayo MJ, Santos A, Arús C, Candiota AP, and Vellido A
- Subjects
- Animals, Brain Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Cell Line, Tumor, Glioblastoma diagnostic imaging, Humans, Machine Learning, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Male, Mice, Retrospective Studies, Temozolomide therapeutic use, Treatment Outcome, Xenograft Model Antitumor Assays, Brain Neoplasms drug therapy, Glioblastoma drug therapy, Pattern Recognition, Automated methods, Temozolomide administration & dosage
- Abstract
Glioblastoma is the most frequent aggressive primary brain tumor amongst human adults. Its standard treatment involves chemotherapy, for which the drug temozolomide is a common choice. These are heterogeneous and variable tumors which might benefit from personalized, data-based therapy strategies, and for which there is room for improvement in therapy response follow-up, investigated with preclinical models. This study addresses a preclinical question that involves distinguishing between treated and control (untreated) mice bearing glioblastoma, using machine learning techniques, from magnetic resonance-based data in two modalities: MRI and MRSI. It aims to go beyond the comparison of methods for such discrimination to provide an analytical pipeline that could be used in subsequent human studies. This analytical pipeline is meant to be a usable and interpretable tool for the radiology expert in the hope that such interpretation helps revealing new insights about the problem itself. For that, we propose coupling source extraction-based and radiomics-based data transformations with feature selection. Special attention is paid to the generation of radiologist-friendly visual nosological representations of the analyzed tumors.
- Published
- 2020
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29. Robust Conditional Independence maps of single-voxel Magnetic Resonance Spectra to elucidate associations between brain tumours and metabolites.
- Author
Casaña-Eslava RV, Ortega-Martorell S, Lisboa PJ, Candiota AP, Julià-Sapé M, Martín-Guerrero JD, and Jarman IH
- Subjects
- Algorithms, Bayes Theorem, Humans, Metabolomics methods, Brain metabolism, Brain Neoplasms metabolism, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy methods
- Abstract
The aim of the paper is two-fold. First, we show that structure finding with the PC algorithm can be inherently unstable and requires further operational constraints in order to consistently obtain models that are faithful to the data. We propose a methodology to stabilise the structure finding process, minimising both false positive and false negative error rates. This is demonstrated with synthetic data. Second, to apply the proposed structure finding methodology to a data set comprising single-voxel Magnetic Resonance Spectra of normal brain and three classes of brain tumours, to elucidate the associations between brain tumour types and a range of observed metabolites that are known to be relevant for their characterisation. The data set is bootstrapped in order to maximise the robustness of feature selection for nominated target variables. Specifically, Conditional Independence maps (CI-maps) built from the data and their derived Bayesian networks have been used. A Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is built from CI-maps, being a major challenge the minimization of errors in the graph structure. This work presents empirical evidence on how to reduce false positive errors via the False Discovery Rate, and how to identify appropriate parameter settings to improve the False Negative Reduction. In addition, several node ordering policies are investigated that transform the graph into a DAG. The obtained results show that ordering nodes by strength of mutual information can recover a representative DAG in a reasonable time, although a more accurate graph can be recovered using a random order of samples at the expense of increasing the computation time., Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
- Published
- 2020
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30. Anti-tumour immune response in GL261 glioblastoma generated by Temozolomide Immune-Enhancing Metronomic Schedule monitored with MRSI-based nosological images.
- Author
Wu S, Calero-Pérez P, Villamañan L, Arias-Ramos N, Pumarola M, Ortega-Martorell S, Julià-Sapé M, Arús C, and Candiota AP
- Subjects
- Animals, B7-H1 Antigen metabolism, Cell Line, Tumor, Glioblastoma diagnostic imaging, Glioblastoma pathology, Humans, Immunologic Memory drug effects, Mice, Inbred C57BL, Tumor Burden drug effects, Administration, Metronomic, Antineoplastic Agents, Alkylating administration & dosage, Antineoplastic Agents, Alkylating therapeutic use, Glioblastoma drug therapy, Glioblastoma immunology, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Temozolomide administration & dosage, Temozolomide therapeutic use
- Abstract
Glioblastomas (GB) are brain tumours with poor prognosis even after aggressive therapy. Improvements in both therapeutic and follow-up strategies are urgently needed. In previous work we described an oscillatory pattern of response to Temozolomide (TMZ) using a standard administration protocol, detected through MRSI-based machine learning approaches. In the present work, we have introduced the Immune-Enhancing Metronomic Schedule (IMS) with an every 6-d TMZ administration at 60 mg/kg and investigated the consistence of such oscillatory behaviour. A total of n = 17 GL261 GB tumour-bearing C57BL/6j mice were studied with MRI/MRSI every 2 d, and the oscillatory behaviour (6.2 ± 1.5 d period from the TMZ administration day) was confirmed during response. Furthermore, IMS-TMZ produced significant improvement in mice survival (22.5 ± 3.0 d for controls vs 135.8 ± 78.2 for TMZ-treated), outperforming standard TMZ treatment. Histopathological correlation was investigated in selected tumour samples (n = 6) analyzing control and responding fields. Significant differences were found for CD3+ cells (lymphocytes, 3.3 ± 2.5 vs 4.8 ± 2.9, respectively) and Iba-1 immunostained area (microglia/macrophages, 16.8% ± 9.7% and 21.9% ± 11.4%, respectively). Unexpectedly, during IMS-TMZ treatment, tumours from some mice (n = 6) fully regressed and remained undetectable without further treatment for 1 mo. These animals were considered "cured" and a GL261 re-challenge experiment performed, with no tumour reappearance in five out of six cases. Heterogeneous therapy response outcomes were detected in tumour-bearing mice, and a selected group was investigated (n = 3 non-responders, n = 6 relapsing tumours, n = 3 controls). PD-L1 content was found ca. 3-fold increased in the relapsing group when comparing with control and non-responding groups, suggesting that increased lymphocyte inhibition could be associated to IMS-TMZ failure. Overall, data suggest that host immune response has a relevant role in therapy response/escape in GL261 tumours under IMS-TMZ therapy. This is associated to changes in the metabolomics pattern, oscillating every 6 d, in agreement with immune cycle length, which is being sampled by MRSI-derived nosological images., (© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.)
- Published
- 2020
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31. Cancer metabolism in a snapshot: MRS(I).
- Author
Julià-Sapé M, Candiota AP, and Arús C
- Subjects
- Animals, Choline metabolism, Humans, Hydrogen-Ion Concentration, Metabolome, Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Neoplasms therapy, Succinic Acid metabolism, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Neoplasms metabolism, Neoplasms pathology
- Abstract
The contribution of MRS(I) to the in vivo evaluation of cancer-metabolism-derived metrics, mostly since 2016, is reviewed here. Increased carbon consumption by tumour cells, which are highly glycolytic, is now being sampled by
13 C magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) following the injection of hyperpolarized [1-13 C] pyruvate (Pyr). Hot-spots of, mostly, increased lactate dehydrogenase activity or flow between Pyr and lactate (Lac) have been seen with cancer progression in prostate (preclinical and in humans), brain and pancreas (both preclinical) tumours. Therapy response is usually signalled by decreased Lac/Pyr13 C-labelled ratio with respect to untreated or non-responding tumour. For therapeutic agents inducing tumour hypoxia, the13 C-labelled Lac/bicarbonate ratio may be a better metric than the Lac/Pyr ratio.31 P MRSI may sample intracellular pH changes from brain tumours (acidification upon antiangiogenic treatment, basification at fast proliferation and relapse). The steady state tumour metabolome pattern is still in use for cancer evaluation. Metrics used for this range from quantification of single oncometabolites (such as 2-hydroxyglutarate in mutant IDH1 glial brain tumours) to selected metabolite ratios (such as total choline to N-acetylaspartate (plain ratio or CNI index)) or the whole1 H MRSI(I) pattern through pattern recognition analysis. These approaches have been applied to address different questions such as tumour subtype definition, following/predicting the response to therapy or defining better resection or radiosurgery limits., (© 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.)- Published
- 2019
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32. Quality of clinical brain tumor MR spectra judged by humans and machine learning tools.
- Author
Kyathanahally SP, Mocioiu V, Pedrosa de Barros N, Slotboom J, Wright AJ, Julià-Sapé M, Arús C, and Kreis R
- Subjects
- Algorithms, Brain diagnostic imaging, Humans, Quality Control, Brain Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted methods, Machine Learning, Magnetic Resonance Imaging methods
- Abstract
Purpose: To investigate and compare human judgment and machine learning tools for quality assessment of clinical MR spectra of brain tumors., Methods: A very large set of 2574 single voxel spectra with short and long echo time from the eTUMOUR and INTERPRET databases were used for this analysis. Original human quality ratings from these studies as well as new human guidelines were used to train different machine learning algorithms for automatic quality control (AQC) based on various feature extraction methods and classification tools. The performance was compared with variance in human judgment., Results: AQC built using the RUSBoost classifier that combats imbalanced training data performed best. When furnished with a large range of spectral and derived features where the most crucial ones had been selected by the TreeBagger algorithm it showed better specificity (98%) in judging spectra from an independent test-set than previously published methods. Optimal performance was reached with a virtual three-class ranking system., Conclusion: Our results suggest that feature space should be relatively large for the case of MR tumor spectra and that three-class labels may be beneficial for AQC. The best AQC algorithm showed a performance in rejecting spectra that was comparable to that of a panel of human expert spectroscopists. Magn Reson Med 79:2500-2510, 2018. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine., (© 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.)
- Published
- 2018
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33. Metronomic treatment in immunocompetent preclinical GL261 glioblastoma: effects of cyclophosphamide and temozolomide.
- Author
Ferrer-Font L, Arias-Ramos N, Lope-Piedrafita S, Julià-Sapé M, Pumarola M, Arús C, and Candiota AP
- Subjects
- Administration, Metronomic, Animals, Brain Neoplasms pathology, Cause of Death, Cell Line, Tumor, Cyclophosphamide pharmacology, Dacarbazine administration & dosage, Dacarbazine pharmacology, Dacarbazine therapeutic use, Diffusion, Female, Glioblastoma pathology, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Mice, Inbred C57BL, Temozolomide, Treatment Outcome, Tumor Burden drug effects, Brain Neoplasms drug therapy, Cyclophosphamide administration & dosage, Cyclophosphamide therapeutic use, Dacarbazine analogs & derivatives, Glioblastoma drug therapy, Immunocompetence
- Abstract
Glioblastoma (GBM) causes poor survival in patients even when applying aggressive treatment. Temozolomide (TMZ) is the standard chemotherapeutic choice for GBM treatment, but resistance always ensues. In previous years, efforts have focused on new therapeutic regimens with conventional drugs to activate immune responses that may enhance tumor regression and prevent regrowth, for example the "metronomic" approaches. In metronomic scheduling studies, cyclophosphamide (CPA) in GL261 GBM growing subcutaneously in C57BL/6 mice was shown not only to activate antitumor CD8
+ T-cell response, but also to induce long-term specific T-cell tumor memory. Accordingly, we have evaluated whether metronomic CPA or TMZ administration could increase survival in orthotopic GL261 in C57BL/6 mice, an immunocompetent model. Longitudinal in vivo studies with CPA (140 mg/kg) or TMZ (range 140-240 mg/kg) metronomic administration (every 6 days) were performed in tumor-bearing mice. Tumor evolution was monitored at 7 T with MRI (T2 -weighted, diffusion-weighted imaging) and MRSI-based nosological images of response to therapy. Obtained results demonstrated that both treatments resulted in increased survival (38.6 ± 21.0 days, n = 30) compared with control (19.4 ± 2.4 days, n = 18). Best results were obtained with 140 mg/kg TMZ (treated, 44.9 ± 29.0 days, n = 12, versus control, 19.3 ± 2.3 days, n = 12), achieving a longer survival rate than previous group work using three cycles of TMZ therapy at 60 mg/kg (33.9 ± 11.7 days, n = 38). Additional interesting findings were, first, clear edema appearance during chemotherapeutic treatment, second, the ability to apply the semi-supervised source analysis previously developed in our group for non-invasive TMZ therapy response monitoring to detect CPA-induced response, and third, the necropsy findings in mice cured from GBM after high TMZ cumulative dosage (980-1400 mg/kg), which demonstrated lymphoma incidence. In summary, every 6 day administration schedule of TMZ or CPA improves survival in orthotopic GL261 GBM with respect to controls or non-metronomic therapy, in partial agreement with previous work on subcutaneous GL261., (Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.)- Published
- 2017
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34. Metabolomics of Therapy Response in Preclinical Glioblastoma: A Multi-Slice MRSI-Based Volumetric Analysis for Noninvasive Assessment of Temozolomide Treatment.
- Author
Arias-Ramos N, Ferrer-Font L, Lope-Piedrafita S, Mocioiu V, Julià-Sapé M, Pumarola M, Arús C, and Candiota AP
- Abstract
Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common aggressive primary brain tumor in adults, with a short survival time even after aggressive therapy. Non-invasive surrogate biomarkers of therapy response may be relevant for improving patient survival. Previous work produced such biomarkers in preclinical GBM using semi-supervised source extraction and single-slice Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI). Nevertheless, GBMs are heterogeneous and single-slice studies could prevent obtaining relevant information. The purpose of this work was to evaluate whether a multi-slice MRSI approach, acquiring consecutive grids across the tumor, is feasible for preclinical models and may produce additional insight into therapy response. Nosological images were analyzed pixel-by-pixel and a relative responding volume, the Tumor Responding Index ( TRI ), was defined to quantify response. Heterogeneous response levels were observed and treated animals were ascribed to three arbitrary predefined groups: high response (HR, n = 2), TRI = 68.2 ± 2.8%, intermediate response (IR, n = 6), TRI = 41.1 ± 4.2% and low response (LR, n = 2), TRI = 13.4 ± 14.3%, producing therapy response categorization which had not been fully registered in single-slice studies. Results agreed with the multi-slice approach being feasible and producing an inverse correlation between TRI and Ki67 immunostaining. Additionally, ca. 7-day oscillations of TRI were observed, suggesting that host immune system activation in response to treatment could contribute to the responding patterns detected., Competing Interests: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
- Published
- 2017
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35. Brain metabolic pattern analysis using a magnetic resonance spectra classification software in experimental stroke.
- Author
Jiménez-Xarrié E, Davila M, Candiota AP, Delgado-Mederos R, Ortega-Martorell S, Julià-Sapé M, Arús C, and Martí-Fàbregas J
- Subjects
- Animals, Brain diagnostic imaging, Brain Ischemia diagnostic imaging, Brain Ischemia metabolism, Creatine metabolism, Inositol metabolism, Lactic Acid metabolism, Lipid Metabolism, Male, Metabolome, Metabolomics methods, Rats, Sprague-Dawley, Sensitivity and Specificity, Stroke diagnostic imaging, Stroke metabolism, Brain metabolism, Brain Ischemia classification, Image Processing, Computer-Assisted methods, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Software, Stroke classification
- Abstract
Background: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) provides non-invasive information about the metabolic pattern of the brain parenchyma in vivo. The SpectraClassifier software performs MRS pattern-recognition by determining the spectral features (metabolites) which can be used objectively to classify spectra. Our aim was to develop an Infarct Evolution Classifier and a Brain Regions Classifier in a rat model of focal ischemic stroke using SpectraClassifier., Results: A total of 164 single-voxel proton spectra obtained with a 7 Tesla magnet at an echo time of 12 ms from non-infarcted parenchyma, subventricular zones and infarcted parenchyma were analyzed with SpectraClassifier ( http://gabrmn.uab.es/?q=sc ). The spectra corresponded to Sprague-Dawley rats (healthy rats, n = 7) and stroke rats at day 1 post-stroke (acute phase, n = 6 rats) and at days 7 ± 1 post-stroke (subacute phase, n = 14). In the Infarct Evolution Classifier, spectral features contributed by lactate + mobile lipids (1.33 ppm), total creatine (3.05 ppm) and mobile lipids (0.85 ppm) distinguished among non-infarcted parenchyma (100% sensitivity and 100% specificity), acute phase of infarct (100% sensitivity and 95% specificity) and subacute phase of infarct (78% sensitivity and 100% specificity). In the Brain Regions Classifier, spectral features contributed by myoinositol (3.62 ppm) and total creatine (3.04/3.05 ppm) distinguished among infarcted parenchyma (100% sensitivity and 98% specificity), non-infarcted parenchyma (84% sensitivity and 84% specificity) and subventricular zones (76% sensitivity and 93% specificity)., Conclusion: SpectraClassifier identified candidate biomarkers for infarct evolution (mobile lipids accumulation) and different brain regions (myoinositol content).
- Published
- 2017
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36. From raw data to data-analysis for magnetic resonance spectroscopy--the missing link: jMRUI2XML.
- Author
Mocioiu V, Ortega-Martorell S, Olier I, Jablonski M, Starcukova J, Lisboa P, Arús C, and Julià-Sapé M
- Subjects
- Humans, Algorithms, Electronic Data Processing statistics & numerical data, Image Processing, Computer-Assisted methods, Magnetic Resonance Imaging methods, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy methods, Software
- Abstract
Background: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy provides metabolic information about living tissues in a non-invasive way. However, there are only few multi-centre clinical studies, mostly performed on a single scanner model or data format, as there is no flexible way of documenting and exchanging processed magnetic resonance spectroscopy data in digital format. This is because the DICOM standard for spectroscopy deals with unprocessed data. This paper proposes a plugin tool developed for jMRUI, namely jMRUI2XML, to tackle the latter limitation. jMRUI is a software tool for magnetic resonance spectroscopy data processing that is widely used in the magnetic resonance spectroscopy community and has evolved into a plugin platform allowing for implementation of novel features., Results: jMRUI2XML is a Java solution that facilitates common preprocessing of magnetic resonance spectroscopy data across multiple scanners. Its main characteristics are: 1) it automates magnetic resonance spectroscopy preprocessing, and 2) it can be a platform for outputting exchangeable magnetic resonance spectroscopy data. The plugin works with any kind of data that can be opened by jMRUI and outputs in extensible markup language format. Data processing templates can be generated and saved for later use. The output format opens the way for easy data sharing- due to the documentation of the preprocessing parameters and the intrinsic anonymization--for example for performing pattern recognition analysis on multicentre/multi-manufacturer magnetic resonance spectroscopy data., Conclusions: jMRUI2XML provides a self-contained and self-descriptive format accounting for the most relevant information needed for exchanging magnetic resonance spectroscopy data in digital form, as well as for automating its processing. This allows for tracking the procedures the data has undergone, which makes the proposed tool especially useful when performing pattern recognition analysis. Moreover, this work constitutes a first proposal for a minimum amount of information that should accompany any magnetic resonance processed spectrum, towards the goal of achieving better transferability of magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies.
- Published
- 2015
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37. Robustness of equations that define molecular subtypes of glioblastoma tumors based on five transcripts measured by RT-PCR.
- Author
Castells X, Acebes JJ, Majós C, Boluda S, Julià-Sapé M, Candiota AP, Ariño J, Barceló A, and Arús C
- Subjects
- Adipokines genetics, Chitinase-3-Like Protein 1, Galectin 1 genetics, Humans, Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3 genetics, Lectins genetics, Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction, Glioblastoma genetics
- Abstract
Glioblastoma (Gb) is one of the most deadly tumors. Its molecular subtypes are yet to be fully characterized while the attendant efforts for personalized medicine need to be intensified in relation to glioblastoma diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. Several molecular signatures based on gene expression microarrays were reported, but the use of microarrays for routine clinical practice is challenged by attendant economic costs. Several authors have proposed discriminant equations based on RT-PCR. Still, the discriminant threshold is often incompletely described, which makes proper validation difficult. In a previous work, we have reported two Gb subtypes based on the expression levels of four genes: CHI3L1, LDHA, LGALS1, and IGFBP3. One Gb subtype presented with low expression of the four genes mentioned, and of MGMT in a large portion of the patients (with anticipated high methylation of its promoter), and mutated IDH1. Here, we evaluate the robustness of the equations fitted with these genes using RT-PCR values in a set of 64 cases and importantly, define an unequivocal discriminant threshold with a view to prognostic implications. We developed two approaches to generate the discriminant equations: 1) using the expression level of the four genes mentioned above, and 2) using those genes displaying the highest correlation with survival among the aforementioned four ones, plus MGMT, as an attempt to further reduce the number of genes. The ease of equations' applicability, reduction in cost for raw data, and robustness in terms of resampling-based classification accuracy warrant further evaluation of these equations to discern Gb tumor biopsy heterogeneity at molecular level, diagnose potential malignancy, and prognosis of individual patients with glioblastomas.
- Published
- 2015
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38. Molecular imaging coupled to pattern recognition distinguishes response to temozolomide in preclinical glioblastoma.
- Author
Delgado-Goñi T, Julià-Sapé M, Candiota AP, Pumarola M, and Arús C
- Subjects
- Animals, Antineoplastic Agents, Alkylating administration & dosage, Antineoplastic Agents, Alkylating analysis, Antineoplastic Agents, Alkylating pharmacokinetics, Apoptosis, Brain metabolism, Brain Neoplasms chemistry, Brain Neoplasms pathology, Cell Line, Tumor, Dacarbazine administration & dosage, Dacarbazine analysis, Dacarbazine pharmacokinetics, Dacarbazine therapeutic use, Drug Administration Schedule, Female, Glioblastoma chemistry, Glioblastoma pathology, Metabolome, Mice, Mice, Inbred C57BL, Mitosis, Temozolomide, Tumor Burden, Antineoplastic Agents, Alkylating therapeutic use, Brain Neoplasms drug therapy, Dacarbazine analogs & derivatives, Glioblastoma drug therapy, Magnetic Resonance Imaging methods, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy methods, Pattern Recognition, Automated
- Abstract
Non-invasive monitoring of response to treatment of glioblastoma (GB) is nowadays carried out using MRI. MRS and MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) constitute promising tools for this undertaking. A temozolomide (TMZ) protocol was optimized for GL261 GB. Sixty-three mice were studied by MRI/MRS/MRSI. The spectroscopic information was used for the classification of control brain and untreated and responding GB, and validated against post-mortem immunostainings in selected animals. A classification system was developed, based on the MRSI-sampled metabolome of normal brain parenchyma, untreated and responding GB, with a 93% accuracy. Classification of an independent test set yielded a balanced error rate of 6% or less. Classifications correlated well both with tumor volume changes detected by MRI after two TMZ cycles and with the histopathological data: a significant decrease (p < 0.05) in the proliferation and mitotic rates and a 4.6-fold increase in the apoptotic rate. A surrogate response biomarker based on the linear combination of 12 spectral features has been found in the MRS/MRSI pattern of treated tumors, allowing the non-invasive classification of growing and responding GL261 GB. The methodology described can be applied to preclinical treatment efficacy studies to test new antitumoral drugs, and begets translational potential for early response detection in clinical studies., (Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.)
- Published
- 2014
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39. Multicentre evaluation of the INTERPRET decision support system 2.0 for brain tumour classification.
- Author
Julià-Sapé M, Majós C, Camins À, Samitier A, Baquero M, Serrallonga M, Doménech S, Grivé E, Howe FA, Opstad K, Calvar J, Aguilera C, and Arús C
- Subjects
- Algorithms, Brain Neoplasms classification, Humans, Observer Variation, Pattern Recognition, Automated methods, Reproducibility of Results, Retrospective Studies, Sensitivity and Specificity, Spain, Biomarkers, Tumor analysis, Brain Neoplasms diagnosis, Brain Neoplasms metabolism, Decision Support Systems, Clinical, Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted methods, Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy methods
- Abstract
In a previous study, we have shown the added value of (1) H MRS for the neuroradiological characterisation of adult human brain tumours. In that study, several methods of MRS analysis were used, and a software program, the International Network for Pattern Recognition of Tumours Using Magnetic Resonance Decision Support System 1.0 (INTERPRET DSS 1.0), with a short-TE classifier, provided the best results. Since then, the DSS evolved into a version 2.0 that contains an additional long-TE classifier. This study has two objectives. First, to determine whether clinicians with no experience of spectroscopy are comparable with spectroscopists in the use of the system, when only minimum training in the use of the system was given. Second, to assess whether or not a version with another TE is better than the initial version. We undertook a second study with the same cases and nine evaluators to assess whether the diagnostic accuracy of DSS 2.0 was comparable with the values obtained with DSS 1.0. In the second study, the analysis protocol was flexible in comparison with the first one to mimic a clinical environment. In the present study, on average, each case required 5.4 min by neuroradiologists and 9 min by spectroscopists for evaluation. Most classes and superclasses of tumours gave the same results as with DSS 1.0, except for astrocytomas of World Health Organization (WHO) grade III, in which performance measured as the area under the curve (AUC) decreased: AUC = 0.87 (0.72-1.02) with DSS 1.0 and AUC = 0.62 (0.55-0.70) with DSS 2.0. When analysing the performance of radiologists and spectroscopists with respect to DSS 1.0, the results were the same for most classes. Having data with two TEs instead of one did not affect the results of the evaluation., (Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.)
- Published
- 2014
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40. A novel semi-supervised methodology for extracting tumor type-specific MRS sources in human brain data.
- Author
Ortega-Martorell S, Ruiz H, Vellido A, Olier I, Romero E, Julià-Sapé M, Martín JD, Jarman IH, Arús C, and Lisboa PJ
- Subjects
- Brain Neoplasms pathology, Humans, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Algorithms, Brain pathology, Brain Neoplasms diagnosis, Statistics as Topic methods
- Abstract
Background: The clinical investigation of human brain tumors often starts with a non-invasive imaging study, providing information about the tumor extent and location, but little insight into the biochemistry of the analyzed tissue. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy can complement imaging by supplying a metabolic fingerprint of the tissue. This study analyzes single-voxel magnetic resonance spectra, which represent signal information in the frequency domain. Given that a single voxel may contain a heterogeneous mix of tissues, signal source identification is a relevant challenge for the problem of tumor type classification from the spectroscopic signal., Methodology/principal Findings: Non-negative matrix factorization techniques have recently shown their potential for the identification of meaningful sources from brain tissue spectroscopy data. In this study, we use a convex variant of these methods that is capable of handling negatively-valued data and generating sources that can be interpreted as tumor class prototypes. A novel approach to convex non-negative matrix factorization is proposed, in which prior knowledge about class information is utilized in model optimization. Class-specific information is integrated into this semi-supervised process by setting the metric of a latent variable space where the matrix factorization is carried out. The reported experimental study comprises 196 cases from different tumor types drawn from two international, multi-center databases. The results indicate that the proposed approach outperforms a purely unsupervised process by achieving near perfect correlation of the extracted sources with the mean spectra of the tumor types. It also improves tissue type classification., Conclusions/significance: We show that source extraction by unsupervised matrix factorization benefits from the integration of the available class information, so operating in a semi-supervised learning manner, for discriminative source identification and brain tumor labeling from single-voxel spectroscopy data. We are confident that the proposed methodology has wider applicability for biomedical signal processing.
- Published
- 2013
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41. Robust discrimination of glioblastomas from metastatic brain tumors on the basis of single-voxel (1)H MRS.
- Author
Vellido A, Romero E, Julià-Sapé M, Majós C, Moreno-Torres Á, Pujol J, and Arús C
- Subjects
- Biomarkers, Tumor analysis, Brain Chemistry, Brain Neoplasms chemistry, Glioblastoma secondary, Humans, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy methods, Protons, Reproducibility of Results, Sensitivity and Specificity, Algorithms, Brain Neoplasms diagnosis, Brain Neoplasms secondary, Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted methods, Glioblastoma chemistry, Glioblastoma diagnosis, Pattern Recognition, Automated methods
- Abstract
This article investigates methods for the accurate and robust differentiation of metastases from glioblastomas on the basis of single-voxel (1)H MRS information. Single-voxel (1)H MR spectra from a total of 109 patients (78 glioblastomas and 31 metastases) from the multicenter, international INTERPRET database, plus a test set of 40 patients (30 glioblastomas and 10 metastases) from three different centers in the Barcelona (Spain) metropolitan area, were analyzed using a robust method for feature (spectral frequency) selection coupled with a linear-in-the-parameters single-layer perceptron classifier. For the test set, a parsimonious selection of five frequencies yielded an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.86, and an area under the convex hull of the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.91. Moreover, these accurate results for the discrimination between glioblastomas and metastases were obtained using a small number of frequencies that are amenable to metabolic interpretation, which should ease their use as diagnostic markers. Importantly, the prediction can be expressed as a simple formula based on a linear combination of these frequencies. As a result, new cases could be straightforwardly predicted by integrating this formula into a computer-based medical decision support system. This work also shows that the combination of spectra acquired at different TEs (short TE, 20-32 ms; long TE, 135-144 ms) is key to the successful discrimination between glioblastomas and metastases from single-voxel (1)H MRS., (Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.)
- Published
- 2012
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42. Prospective diagnostic performance evaluation of single-voxel 1H MRS for typing and grading of brain tumours.
- Author
Julià-Sapé M, Coronel I, Majós C, Candiota AP, Serrallonga M, Cos M, Aguilera C, Acebes JJ, Griffiths JR, and Arús C
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Neoplasm Grading, Prospective Studies, Protons, Reproducibility of Results, Sensitivity and Specificity, Biomarkers, Tumor analysis, Brain Neoplasms metabolism, Brain Neoplasms pathology, Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted methods, Magnetic Resonance Imaging methods, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy methods
- Abstract
The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether single-voxel (1)H MRS could add useful information to conventional MRI in the preoperative characterisation of the type and grade of brain tumours. MRI and MRS examinations from a prospective cohort of 40 consecutive patients were analysed double blind by radiologists and spectroscopists before the histological diagnosis was known. The spectroscopists had only the MR spectra, whereas the radiologists had both the MR images and basic clinical details (age, sex and presenting symptoms). Then, the radiologists and spectroscopists exchanged their predictions and re-evaluated their initial opinions, taking into account the new evidence. Spectroscopists used four different systems of analysis for (1)H MRS data, and the efficacy of each of these methods was also evaluated. Information extracted from (1)H MRS significantly improved the radiologists' MRI-based characterisation of grade IV tumours (glioblastomas, metastases, medulloblastomas and lymphomas) in the cohort [area under the curve (AUC) in the MRI re-evaluation 0.93 versus AUC in the MRI evaluation 0.85], and also of the less malignant glial tumours (AUC in the MRI re-evaluation 0.93 versus AUC in the MRI evaluation 0.81). One of the MRS analysis systems used, the INTERPRET (International Network for Pattern Recognition of Tumours Using Magnetic Resonance) decision support system, outperformed the others, as well as being better than the MRI evaluation for the characterisation of grade III astrocytomas. Thus, preoperative MRS data improve the radiologists' performance in diagnosing grade IV tumours and, for those of grade II-III, MRS data help them to recognise the glial lineage. Even in cases in which their diagnoses were not improved, the provision of MRS data to the radiologists had no negative influence on their predictions., (Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.)
- Published
- 2012
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43. Improving the classification of brain tumors in mice with perturbation enhanced (PE)-MRSI.
- Author
Simões RV, Ortega-Martorell S, Delgado-Goñi T, Le Fur Y, Pumarola M, Candiota AP, Martín J, Stoyanova R, Cozzone PJ, Julià-Sapé M, and Arús C
- Subjects
- Animals, Blood Glucose metabolism, Brain Neoplasms blood, Brain Neoplasms pathology, Female, Glioblastoma blood, Glioblastoma pathology, Histocytochemistry, Hyperglycemia metabolism, Male, Mice, Mice, Inbred C57BL, Mice, Transgenic, Oligodendroglioma blood, Oligodendroglioma pathology, Pattern Recognition, Automated methods, Brain Neoplasms classification, Glioblastoma classification, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy methods, Oligodendroglioma classification
- Abstract
Classifiers based on statistical pattern recognition analysis of MRSI data are becoming important tools for the non-invasive diagnosis of human brain tumors. Here we investigate the potential interest of perturbation-enhanced MRSI (PE-MRSI), in this case acute hyperglycemia, for improving the discrimination between mouse brain MRS patterns of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), oligodendroglioma (ODG), and non-tumor brain parenchyma (NT). Six GBM-bearing mice and three ODG-bearing mice were scanned at 7 Tesla by PRESS-MRSI with 12 and 136 ms echo-time, during euglycemia (Eug) and also during induced acute hyperglycemia (Hyp), generating altogether four datasets per animal (echo time + glycemic condition): 12Eug, 136Eug, 12Hyp, and 136Hyp. For classifier development all spectral vectors (spv) selected from the MRSI matrix were unit length normalized (UL2) and used either as a training set (76 GBM spv, four mice; 70 ODG spv, two mice; 54 NT spv) or as an independent testing set (61 GBM spv, two mice; 31 ODG, one mouse; 23 NT spv). All Fisher's LDA classifiers obtained were evaluated as far as their descriptive performance-correctly classified cases of the training set (bootstrapping)-and predictive accuracy-balanced error rate of independent testing set classification. MRSI-based classifiers at 12Hyp were consistently more efficient in separating GBM, ODG, and NT regions, with overall accuracies always >80% and up to 95-96%; remaining classifiers were within the 48-85% range. This was also confirmed by user-independent selection of training and testing sets, using leave-one-out (LOO). This highlights the potential interest of perturbation-enhanced MRSI protocols for improving the non-invasive characterization of preclinical brain tumors., (This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012)
- Published
- 2012
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44. Convex non-negative matrix factorization for brain tumor delimitation from MRSI data.
- Author
Ortega-Martorell S, Lisboa PJ, Vellido A, Simões RV, Pumarola M, Julià-Sapé M, and Arús C
- Subjects
- Animals, Mice, Models, Biological, Sensitivity and Specificity, Brain Neoplasms pathology, Glioblastoma pathology, Magnetic Resonance Imaging methods, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy methods, Pattern Recognition, Automated methods
- Abstract
Background: Pattern Recognition techniques can provide invaluable insights in the field of neuro-oncology. This is because the clinical analysis of brain tumors requires the use of non-invasive methods that generate complex data in electronic format. Magnetic Resonance (MR), in the modalities of spectroscopy (MRS) and spectroscopic imaging (MRSI), has been widely applied to this purpose. The heterogeneity of the tissue in the brain volumes analyzed by MR remains a challenge in terms of pathological area delimitation., Methodology/principal Findings: A pre-clinical study was carried out using seven brain tumor-bearing mice. Imaging and spectroscopy information was acquired from the brain tissue. A methodology is proposed to extract tissue type-specific sources from these signals by applying Convex Non-negative Matrix Factorization (Convex-NMF). Its suitability for the delimitation of pathological brain area from MRSI is experimentally confirmed by comparing the images obtained with its application to selected target regions, and to the gold standard of registered histopathology data. The former showed good accuracy for the solid tumor region (proliferation index (PI)>30%). The latter yielded (i) high sensitivity and specificity in most cases, (ii) acquisition conditions for safe thresholds in tumor and non-tumor regions (PI>30% for solid tumoral region; ≤5% for non-tumor), and (iii) fairly good results when borderline pixels were considered., Conclusions/significance: The unsupervised nature of Convex-NMF, which does not use prior information regarding the tumor area for its delimitation, places this approach one step ahead of classical label-requiring supervised methods for discrimination between tissue types, minimizing the negative effect of using mislabeled voxels. Convex-NMF also relaxes the non-negativity constraints on the observed data, which allows for a natural representation of the MRSI signal. This should help radiologists to accurately tackle one of the main sources of uncertainty in the clinical management of brain tumors, which is the difficulty of appropriately delimiting the pathological area.
- Published
- 2012
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45. Non-invasive grading of astrocytic tumours from the relative contents of myo-inositol and glycine measured by in vivo MRS.
- Author
Candiota AP, Majós C, Julià-Sapé M, Cabañas M, Acebes JJ, Moreno-Torres A, Griffiths JR, and Arús C
- Subjects
- Analysis of Variance, Biopsy, Choline metabolism, Contrast Media, Creatine metabolism, Humans, Neoplasm Grading, Perchlorates, Phantoms, Imaging, Statistics, Nonparametric, Astrocytoma metabolism, Astrocytoma pathology, Brain Neoplasms metabolism, Brain Neoplasms pathology, Glycine metabolism, Inositol metabolism, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy methods
- Abstract
MRI and MRS are established methodologies for evaluating intracranial lesions. One MR spectral feature suggested for in vivo grading of astrocytic tumours is the apparent myo-lnositol (ml) intensity (ca 3.55 ppm) at short echo times, although glycine (gly) may also contribute in vivo to this resonance. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively evaluate the ml + gly contribution to the recorded spectral pattern in vivo and correlate it with in vitro data obtained from perchloric acid extraction of tumour biopsies. Patient spectra (n = 95) at 1.5T at short (20-31 ms) and long (135-136 ms) echo times were obtained from the INTERPRET MRS database (http://gabrmn.uab.eslinterpretvalidateddbl). Phantom spectra were acquired with a comparable protocol. Spectra were automatically processed and the ratios of the (ml + gly) to Cr peak heights ((ml + gly)/Cr) calculated. Perchloric acid extracts of brain tumour biopsies were analysed by high-resolution NMR at 9.4T. The ratio (ml + gly)/Cr decreased significantly with astrocytic grade in vivo between low-grade astrocytoma (A2) and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). In vitro results displayed a somewhat different tendency, with anaplastic astrocytomas having significantly higher (ml + gly)/Cr than A2 and GBM. The discrepancy between in vivo and in vitro data suggests that the NMR visibility of glycine in glial brain tumours is restricted in vivo.
- Published
- 2011
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46. Incremental Gaussian Discriminant Analysis based on Graybill and Deal weighted combination of estimators for brain tumour diagnosis.
- Author
Tortajada S, Fuster-Garcia E, Vicente J, Wesseling P, Howe FA, Julià-Sapé M, Candiota AP, Monleón D, Moreno-Torres A, Pujol J, Griffiths JR, Wright A, Peet AC, Martínez-Bisbal MC, Celda B, Arús C, Robles M, and García-Gómez JM
- Subjects
- Databases, Factual, Humans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Brain Neoplasms diagnosis, Computational Biology methods, Discriminant Analysis
- Abstract
In the last decade, machine learning (ML) techniques have been used for developing classifiers for automatic brain tumour diagnosis. However, the development of these ML models rely on a unique training set and learning stops once this set has been processed. Training these classifiers requires a representative amount of data, but the gathering, preprocess, and validation of samples is expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, for a classical, non-incremental approach to ML, it is necessary to wait long enough to collect all the required data. In contrast, an incremental learning approach may allow us to build an initial classifier with a smaller number of samples and update it incrementally when new data are collected. In this study, an incremental learning algorithm for Gaussian Discriminant Analysis (iGDA) based on the Graybill and Deal weighted combination of estimators is introduced. Each time a new set of data becomes available, a new estimation is carried out and a combination with a previous estimation is performed. iGDA does not require access to the previously used data and is able to include new classes that were not in the original analysis, thus allowing the customization of the models to the distribution of data at a particular clinical center. An evaluation using five benchmark databases has been used to evaluate the behaviour of the iGDA algorithm in terms of stability-plasticity, class inclusion and order effect. Finally, the iGDA algorithm has been applied to automatic brain tumour classification with magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and compared with two state-of-the-art incremental algorithms. The empirical results obtained show the ability of the algorithm to learn in an incremental fashion, improving the performance of the models when new information is available, and converging in the course of time. Furthermore, the algorithm shows a negligible instance and concept order effect, avoiding the bias that such effects could introduce., (Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2011
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47. Compatibility between 3T 1H SV-MRS data and automatic brain tumour diagnosis support systems based on databases of 1.5T 1H SV-MRS spectra.
- Author
Fuster-Garcia E, Navarro C, Vicente J, Tortajada S, García-Gómez JM, Sáez C, Calvar J, Griffiths J, Julià-Sapé M, Howe FA, Pujol J, Peet AC, Heerschap A, Moreno-Torres A, Martínez-Bisbal MC, Martínez-Granados B, Wesseling P, Semmler W, Capellades J, Majós C, Alberich-Bayarri A, Capdevila A, Monleón D, Martí-Bonmatí L, Arús C, Celda B, and Robles M
- Subjects
- Brain Neoplasms metabolism, Humans, Protons, Sensitivity and Specificity, Brain Neoplasms diagnosis, Databases, Factual, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy methods, Pattern Recognition, Automated methods
- Abstract
Object: This study demonstrates that 3T SV-MRS data can be used with the currently available automatic brain tumour diagnostic classifiers which were trained on databases of 1.5T spectra. This will allow the existing large databases of 1.5T MRS data to be used for diagnostic classification of 3T spectra, and perhaps also the combination of 1.5T and 3T databases., Materials and Methods: Brain tumour classifiers trained with 154 1.5T spectra to discriminate among high grade malignant tumours and common grade II glial tumours were evaluated with a subsequently-acquired set of 155 1.5T and 37 3T spectra. A similarity study between spectra and main brain tumour metabolite ratios for both field strengths (1.5T and 3T) was also performed., Results: Our results showed that classifiers trained with 1.5T samples had similar accuracy for both test datasets (0.87 ± 0.03 for 1.5T and 0.88 ± 0.03 for 3.0T). Moreover, non-significant differences were observed with most metabolite ratios and spectral patterns., Conclusion: These results encourage the use of existing classifiers based on 1.5T datasets for diagnosis with 3T (1)H SV-MRS. The large 1.5T databases compiled throughout many years and the prediction models based on 1.5T acquisitions can therefore continue to be used with data from the new 3T instruments.
- Published
- 2011
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48. On the relevance of automatically selected single-voxel MRS and multimodal MRI and MRSI features for brain tumour differentiation.
- Author
Postma GJ, Luts J, Idema AJ, Julià-Sapé M, Moreno-Torres A, Gajewicz W, Suykens JA, Heerschap A, Van Huffel S, and Buydens LM
- Subjects
- Analysis of Variance, Brain Chemistry, Brain Neoplasms metabolism, Brain Neoplasms pathology, Diagnosis, Differential, Discriminant Analysis, Humans, Meningioma diagnosis, Meningioma metabolism, Meningioma pathology, Neoplasm Metastasis pathology, Statistics, Nonparametric, Brain Neoplasms diagnosis, Computational Biology methods, Image Processing, Computer-Assisted methods, Magnetic Resonance Imaging methods
- Abstract
In order to evaluate the relevance of magnetic resonance (MR) features selected by automatic feature selection techniques to build classifiers for differential diagnosis and tissue segmentation two data sets containing MR spectroscopy data from patients with brain tumours were investigated. The automatically selected features were evaluated using literature and clinical experience. It was observed that a significant part of the automatically selected features correspond to what is known from the literature and clinical experience. We conclude that automatic feature selection is a useful tool to obtain relevant and possibly interesting features, but evaluation of the obtained features remains necessary., (Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2011
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49. Proton MR spectroscopy provides relevant prognostic information in high-grade astrocytomas.
- Author
Majós C, Bruna J, Julià-Sapé M, Cos M, Camins A, Gil M, Acebes JJ, Aguilera C, and Arús C
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Prevalence, Prognosis, Protons, Reproducibility of Results, Risk Assessment, Risk Factors, Sensitivity and Specificity, Spain epidemiology, Survival Analysis, Survival Rate, Astrocytoma diagnosis, Astrocytoma mortality, Brain Neoplasms diagnosis, Brain Neoplasms mortality, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy methods, Proportional Hazards Models
- Abstract
Background and Purpose: There is a large range of survival times in patients with HGA that can only be partially explained by histologic grade and clinical aspects. This study aims to retrospectively assess the predictive value of single-voxel (1)H-MRS regarding survival in HGA., Materials and Methods: Pretreatment (1)H-MRS in 187 patients with HGA produced 180 spectra at STE (30 ms) and 182 at LTE (136 ms). Patients were dichotomized into 2 groups according to survival better or worse than the median. The spectra of the 2 groups were compared using the Mann-Whitney U test. The points on the spectrum with the most significant differences were selected for discriminating patients with good and poor prognosis. Thresholds were defined with ROC curves, and survival was analyzed by using the Kaplan-Meier method and the Cox proportional hazards model., Results: Four points on the spectrum showed the most significant differences: 0.98 and 3.67 ppm at STE; and 0.98 and 1.25 ppm at LTE (P between <.001 and .011). These points were useful for stratifying 2 prognostic groups (P between <.001 and .003, Kaplan-Meier). The Cox forward stepwise model selected 3 spectroscopic variables: the intensity values of the points 3.67 ppm at STE (hazard ratio, 2.132; 95% CI, 1.504-3.023), 0.98 ppm at LTE (hazard ratio, 0.499; 95% CI, 0.339-0.736), and 1.25 ppm at LTE (hazard ratio, 0.574; 95% CI, 0.368-0.897)., Conclusions: (1)H-MRS is of value in predicting the length of survival in patients with HGA and could be used to stratify prognostic groups.
- Published
- 2011
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50. Development of a predictor for human brain tumors based on gene expression values obtained from two types of microarray technologies.
- Author
Castells X, Acebes JJ, Boluda S, Moreno-Torres A, Pujol J, Julià-Sapé M, Candiota AP, Ariño J, Barceló A, and Arús C
- Subjects
- Humans, Membrane Glycoproteins genetics, Membrane Proteins genetics, Nerve Tissue Proteins genetics, Norepinephrine Plasma Membrane Transport Proteins genetics, Brain Neoplasms genetics, Gene Expression Profiling, Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis methods
- Abstract
Development of molecular diagnostics that can reliably differentiate amongst different subtypes of brain tumors is an important unmet clinical need in postgenomics medicine and clinical oncology. A simple linear formula derived from gene expression values of four genes (GFAP, PTPRZ1, GPM6B, and PRELP) measured from cDNA microarrays (n = 35) have distinguished glioblastoma and meningioma cases in a previous study. We herein extend this work further and report that the above predictor formula showed its robustness when applied to Affymetrix microarray data acquired prospectively in our laboratory (n = 80) as well as publicly available data (n = 98). Importantly, GFAP and GPM6B were both retained as being significant in the predictive model upon using the Affymetrix data obtained in our laboratory, whereas the other two predictor genes were SFRP2 and SLC6A2. These results collectively indicate the importance of the expression values of GFAP and GPM6B genes sampled from the two types of microarray technologies tested. The high prediction accuracy obtained in these instances demonstrates the robustness of the predictors across microarray platforms used. This result would require further validation with a larger population of meningioma and glioblastoma cases. At any rate, this study paves the way for further application of gene signatures to more stringent biopsy discrimination challenges.
- Published
- 2010
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