The MQ-4C Triton is categorised as a Specific Type-A Uncrewed Aerial System (UAS) under the Defence Aviation Safety Regulations (DASR). The DASR requires that such systems comply with initial and continuing airworthiness regulations to the extent that it makes a direct and meaningful contribution to safety. For Triton - a large UAS designed to a tailored set of airworthiness standards and required to operate in shared airspace - the decision on what, and how, elements of the DASR will be applied is non-trivial. Further complicating matters is the absence of formal Recognition from the Defence Aviation Safety Authority (DASA) of the United States Navy (USN) as a competent organisation for the design of UAS, thus preventing the simple absorption of technical data and information from the manufacturer. In order to address this, the AIR7000 Phase 1B Project Office has undertaken a comprehensive analysis and tailoring of DASR Part 21 and Part M, and conducted an internal due-diligence assessment of the USN. This tailoring and assessment, overlaid with the Defence Seven Step risk management framework, forms the basis of design safety as part of systemic risk mitigation for Triton. The result is 'small-c' certification applied to the Triton design and 'small-r' recognition applied to the USN for UAS, all of which is driven by the need to eliminate and mitigate risk So Far As Reasonably Practicable (SFARP). To that end, this presentation will provide an overview of the DASR tailoring process, examine its key artefacts and outcomes, and describe how the absence of formal Recognition has been addressed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]