The following text offers an innovative teaching proposal. Its main aim is to show that the issues of sophistic and rhetoric can be introduced in first years’ senior high school subject called Philosophy and that doing so is totally convenient in order to develop several scopes and competences determined by the curricular decree. With that goal in our mind, first, in its introduction, this research clarifies which its structure, motivation, state of the art and main aim are. Second, it makes reference to the goals, competences and subjects determined by the current academic decree, so as to show which the theoretical basis and framework of this proposal are. Third, the sophistic movement and rhetoric are introduced from a historical point of view, highlighting some of the concepts related to them and introducing the main themes discussed by them. Fourth, the text offers some ideas concerning how to teach the issue of the sophistic movement and how to strengthen students’ rhetorical skills by means of some key texts, material and activities. Finally, the text infers several conclusions; it would be also interesting to point out this among the conclusions: by means of the topics chosen and the activities and methodology proposed, not only would some of the aims, competences and contents related to the subject called Philosophy be developed, but many of the abilities, as well, that must be reinforced in an indirect way by the ensemble of subjects during the whole senior high school.Through the analysis of all these issues, it should be possible to create some specific educational proposals to be developed in classroom. That is, this work is presented with the scope of being a useful and inspiring material for creating teaching units about sophistic and rhetoric.LABURPENAOndoko testuak proposamen didaktiko berritzaile bat eskaintzen du. Xede nagusia litzateke agerian uztea mugimendu sofistikoaren eta erretorikaren gaiak Batxilergoko lehen mailako Filosofia ikasgaian txerta daitezkeela, eta hori egitea oso aproposa litzatekela curriculum dekretuak zehazten dituen hainbat helburueta konpetentzia garatze aldera. Xede horrekin, lehenik eta behin, sarreran, estu honen egitura, motibazioa, status quaestionis-a eta helburu nagusia zehazten dira. Bigarrenik, egungo curriculum dekretuak finkatutako helburu, konpetentzia eta gai nagusiei erreferentzia egiten zaie, gure proposamenaren oinarri teorikoa eta esparrua agerian utziz. Hirugarrenik, mugimendu sofistikoa eta erretorika aurkezten ditugu ikuspegi historiko batetatik, eurekin estuki lotutako hainbat kontzeptu nabarmenduz eta sofistek landu zituzten gai nagusiei sarrera eginez. Laugarrenik, testu honek hainbat ideia eskaintzen ditu mugimendu sofistikoa eta erretorika klasean nolalandu ahal den iradokiz eta testu, material eta jarduera jakin batzuen bitartez ikasleen gaitasun erretorikoak nolaindar daitezkeen erakutsiz. Azkenik, esandakotik hainbat ondorio ateratzen dira: hautatutako gaien bitartez eta proposatutako jarduera eta metodologiaren bidez, Filosofia ikasgaiari dagozkion hainbat gai, konpetentzia eta eduki zehatz garatzeaz gain, Batxilergo osoan zehar irakasgai guztien elkarrekintzaren bitartez zeharka indartu behar diren zenbait gaitasun landuko lirateke. Gure proposamenaren laguntzaz, posible izan beharko litzateke eskolan garatzeko moduko unitate didaktiko zehatzak sortzea. Hau da, fistikaren eta erretorikaren gaineko unitate didaktiko zehatzak sortzeko lagungarria izan daitekeen material gisa aurkezten da testu hau.GAKO-HITZAK: Filosofia, irakaskuntza, bigarren hezkuntza, mugimendu sofistikoa, erretorika.