Jafarzadeh, S., Schiavo, L. A. C., Fedun, V., Solanki, S. K., Stangalini, M., Calchetti, D., Verth, G., Jess, D. B., Grant, S. D. T., Ballai, I., Gafeira, R., Keys, P. H., Fleck, B., Morton, R. J., Browning, P. K., Silva, S. A., Appourchaux, T., Gandorfer, A., Gizon, L., Hirzberger, J., Kahil, F., Suárez, D. Orozco, Schou, J., Strecker, H., Iniesta, J. C. del Toro, Valori, G., Volkmer, R., and Woch, J.
Solar pores are intense concentrations of magnetic flux that emerge through the Sun's photosphere. When compared to sunspots, they are much smaller in diameter and hence can be impacted and buffeted by neighbouring granular activity to generate significant magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) wave energy flux within their confines. However, observations of solar pores from ground-based telescope facilities may struggle to capture subtle motions synonymous with higher-order MHD wave signatures due to seeing effects produced in the Earth's atmosphere. Hence, we have exploited timely seeing-free and high-quality observations of four small magnetic pores from the Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (PHI) on board the Solar Orbiter spacecraft. Through acquisition of data under stable observing conditions, we have been able to measure the area fluctuations and horizontal displacements of the solar pores. Cross correlations between perturbations in intensity, area, line-of-sight velocity, and magnetic fields, coupled with the first-time application of novel Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) techniques on the boundary oscillations, provide a comprehensive diagnosis of the embedded MHD waves as sausage and kink modes. Additionally, the previously elusive m = 2 fluting mode is identified in the most magnetically isolated of the four pores. An important consideration lies in how the identified wave modes contribute towards the transfer of energy into the upper solar atmosphere. We find that the four pores examined have approximately 56%, 72%, 52%, and 34% of their total wave energy associated with the identified sausage modes, and around 23%, 17%, 39%, and 49% to their kink modes, respectively, while the first pore also has around an 11% contribution linked to the fluting mode. This study marks the first-time identification of concurrent sausage, kink, and fluting MHD wave modes in solar magnetic pores., Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics