Design of the simulator for Korea MultiPurpose Satellite is presented. Functions and characteristics of Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite simulator are discussed. Anomaly simulation and resolution service for ground control system support by using the satellite simulator is presented. Introduction KOrean Multi-Purpose SATellite-1(KOMPSAT1) had been launched in 1999 and it is operated by Mission Control Element(MCE) developed by Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute. KOMPSAT-1 MCE has been verified by the successful operation of KOMPSAT-1 from Launch and Early Orbit Phase(LEOP) to normal operation phases. Currently, we are developing MCE for KOMPSAT-2, which is equipped Multi-Spectral Camera (1m panchromatic and 4m multi-spectral band) and scheduled to launch in 2004. Mission Control Element is consist of satellite operations subsystem(SOS), mission analysis and planning subsystem(MAPS), telemetry, tracking, and command subsystem(TTC), and satellite * Senior Research Staff, Member AIAA † Project Manager ‡ Director simulator subsystem(SIM). Figure 1 depicts MCE system configuration. In this paper, we present design method of SIM and discuss anomaly simulation and resolution services for ground control system support by using simulation and analysis capability of SIM. Simulator Overview Figure 2 shows the H/W Configuration of SIM. SIM is equipped on a PC server. SIM communicates with the other MCE subsystems (i.e. SOS, TTC, and MAPS) using TCP/IP protocol via LAN. In Table 1, hardware specification of SIM is summarized. The PC server contains GUI and VR(Virtual Reality) for the control and analysis of simulation. External Ground Stations TM SIGNAL TC SIGNAL KOMPSAT-2 satellite IGS Site Launch Site s-band IRPE Primary MCE TTC MAPS SOS SIM Weather Source Figure 1 Configuration of KOMPSAT-2 MCE Figure 2 H/W Configuration and KOMPSAT-2 SIM 20th AIAA International Communication Satellite Systems Conference and Exhibit 12-15 May 2002, Montreal, Quebec, Canada AIAA 2002-1891 Copyright © 2002 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. Table 1 Hardware Specification of SIM Element Specification Main Computer Main Memory (above 1GB) Hard disk (above 20G *2 ) Above 1.0GHz Intel CPU Display Device Color graphic monitor (21”) Ext. Interface Ethernet LAN transceiver Simulator Functions and Design Simulator Functions Figure 3 shows SIM software functional configuration. User operates and controls SIM via GUI. SIM software is consist of kernel for simulation management, external interfaces to TTC, SOS, and MAPS, SC Model and ground station, and Flight Software (FSW). GUI also contains anaysis and display tools. Main functions of SIM are: TM/TC Process simulation Flight software simulation Attitude, orbit, and space environments simulation Simulation data display Static simulation support VR display Simulation playback Real time connection support to satellite operation subsystem (SOS) With the above functions, SIM may be used for operator training, anomaly simulation, static simulation for TC validation, attitude and orbit motion analyses, and etc. SIM S/C MODEL SIMULATOR KERNEL GUI SIM Operator Ext. I/F sos Ground Simulation TC Simulated TM MAPS Orbit Propagation Data Remaining Fuel Data FSW TM Data TC Data TM PKT TC PKT Tracking Data TTC Reference time data Figure 3 Software Functional Configurations Simulator Design Some concerns are required to consider for the development of satellite simulator: Hardware system modeling method, flight software simulation, selection of simulator platform, design methodology, and so on. Since a software only simulator has a limitation in modeling hardware of the target system, a hardware in the loop(HIL) simulator is frequently used to achieve required performances. Flight software simulation is critical for simulation of satellite operations. The selection of the simulator platform is important for simulation performance and reliability. Simulator design methodology is critical especially for a satellite that is composed of very complicate subsystems in order to establish an efficient development environment High fidelity modeling and simulation requires co-work environment of multi number of experts. For a satellite modeling and development of a simulator, HW subsystem experts, SW engineers, and dynamics experts need to work together in limited time period. Therefore, an effective communication method for the experts and unified modeling and design tools are required for successful development. The object-oriented methodology may provide a solution to this difficulty in development of a high fidelity satellite simulator. The object-oriented methodology generally provides a good co-work environment with effective communication method. In addition to this, objectoriented methodology may provide reusability, expandability, and reliability. Unified Modeling Language(UML) is used for analysis and design process. UML provides effective tool for designing software system in unified format for developers. 9 Design process are summarized as followings: 1. Use-Case Modeling 2. Domain Analysis 3. Architecture Design 4. Class Design In Figure 4, the Use-Case diagram for SIM is provided. Use-Case diagram is a result of Use-Case modeling which is a realization of functions of the system in the view point of users. Domain Analysis performs how the Use-Case is realized in model. Domain Analysis is expressed by Class Diagram, which describes how these classes interact with each other. Figure 5 and 6 shows that the class diagram of Simulation Control and Model Simulation as examples of Domain Analysis, respectively. In Domain Analysis, objects are extracted based on Use-Case Realization process. Architecture design in logical view describes the system software architecture by defining components, packages, and processes, and their interfaces and dependencies. Figure 7 shows the SIM subsystem packages. In Table 2, package descriptions are provided. Class Design defines and describes all the operations and attributes (variables, parameters, etc) of the classes. Figure 8 shows classes in Simulation Manager package. login (from login) terminate (from login) init data load (from i nit data) ini t data edit (from i nit data) init data setup (f rom setup) mode setup (f rom setup) initialize (f ro m contro l) stop (from con trol) generate new SDT page (from sdt process) SDT alphanumeric display (from sdt process) SDT plot display (from sdt process) celestial track display (f rom d isplay) ground track display (f rom d isplay) VR display (f rom d isplay) data conversion (from tools) model setup (f rom setup) anomaly setup (f rom setup) t c generation (f rom tc process) tc transmittion (from tc process) generate new TM page (from tm process) TM plot display (from tm process) update TC/TM (from tools) playback conversion (from tools) file filter (from tools) unit conversion (from tools) TM alphanumeric display (from tm process) pause (from control) Operator (f rom Use Case View) generate SDT (from simulate) generate TM (from simulate) run (from control) Figure 4 Use Case Diagram of SIM CKInitDataMgr IKModel IKTMMgr IKRDU IKOBC IKECU IKSDTMgr KScheduler KTimer