Polypyrrole (PPY) electrode was obtained by electrochemical oxidative polymerization of pyrrole on graphite electrode from aqueous electrolyte containing 0.1 mol dm(-3) pyrrole monomer and 1.0 mol dm(-3) HCl. Polymerization was achieved at the constant current density of 2 mA cm(-2) during 1 h. The estimated active mass of PPY (assuming that the maximal doping degree of 0.33 was achieved and the polymerization efficiency of 100%) was 14 mg. Electrochemical characterization of PPY electrode was performed by galvanostatic experiments of charge (doping) and discharge (dedoping) with different current densities in the range between 0.5 and 1.5 mA cm(-2). The experiments were performed in aqueous electrolyte containing 2.0 mol dm(-3) NH4Cl and 1.1 mol dm(-3) ZnCl2. Based on galvanostatic charge/discharge curves, following parameters of PPY electrode were evaluated: discharge capacity, specific discharge capacity, charge capacity, specific charge capacity, and Columbic efficiency. Both charge and discharge capacities were dependent on charge/discharge currents. The values decreased by increasing charge/discharge current, except for the lowest current density where Columbic efficiency exceeded 100%, which was explained by involvement of cations, from the electrolyte, in the doping process. An electrochemical cell in which PPY electrode served as a cathode and zinc electrode as the anode with an aqueous electrolyte containing 2.0 mol dm(-3) NH4Cl and 1.1 mol dm(-3) ZnCl2, was formed and relevant electrochemical and electrical parameters of the cell were estimated and discussed. Charge of the Zn|PPY cell was dependent on the charge/discharge current. Charge of the cell started between 0.5 and 0.7 V and proceeded up to 1.5 V, while the open circuit voltage of the fully discharged cell was 1.3 V. Specific discharge capacity of Zn|PPY cell, calculated based on discharge times, ranged from 95 to 70 mA h g(-1), decreasing linearly with increasing discharge current density. On the other hand, calculated values of the theoretical capacity of the Zn|PPY cell was 105 mA g(-1), meaning that practically 90% of the theoretical capacity can be achieved by discharging the cell with low current densities, while 67% of the theoretical capacity was obtained with the highest used current density. Based on Ragon parameters, the estimated values of specific energy that ranged between 46 and 68 W h kg(-1), and the specific power between 125 and 380 W kg(-1), Zn|PPY cell might be classified as a "supercapattery".