29 results on '"JAMNIK, Anton"'
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2. Paul Tillich’s Theological Circle Betwen Fear and the Courage to Be
- Author
Jamnik, Anton and Jamnik, Anton
- Abstract
One of the attempts of establishing the contemporary ethics is Paul Tillich's very existential analysis and evaluation of the courage to be. In man's encounter or rather existential confrontation with the threat of nonbeing, revealed in the categories of space and time, determination and freedom, and especially in experiencing guilt, absurdity, fear, doubts, and other limitations of being, there is an opportunity to ask a question about the meaning of life and searching for sources of power in order to accept and surpass all these challenges. At the same time, Tillich uses this as an opportunity to ask questions about God, or rather about Being-itself, which provides the power to accept all tensions and anxieties of being. Religion thus means to accept being accepted. Based on this relationship or rather the acceptance of the Being-itself, the courage to be is born in a man, when he, realising and accepting his own finality, surpasses the notion and opens himself up to Infinity. This infinity of Being-itself is not something abstract but it realises itself as Love, from which man gets courage to live in love, power, and justice., Jedan od pokušaja utemeljenja suvremene etike jest i vrlo egzistencijalna analiza Paula Tillicha i vrjednovanje hrabrosti biti. U čovjekovu susretu ili, bolje reći, egzistencijalnom sučeljavanju s prijetnjom nepostojanja, koja se otkriva u kategorijama prostora i vremena, određenja i slobode, a posebice u doživljaju krivnje, apsurda, straha, dvojbi i drugih ograničenja bitka, dobivamo priliku zapitati se o smislu života i traženju izvora snage kako bi se prihvatili i nadvladali svi ti izazovi. Istodobno se Tillich time koristi kao prilikom za postavljanje pitanja o Bogu, odnosno o samom Bitku, koji daje moć prihvaćanja svih napetosti i tjeskoba bitka. Religija stoga znači prihvatiti biti prihvaćen. Na temelju toga odnosa, odnosno prihvaćanja samoga Bitka, u čovjeku se rađa hrabrost za biti, kada on, spoznavši i prihvativši vlastitu konačnost, nadilazi pojam i otvara se Beskraju. Ta beskrajnost samoga Bitka nije nešto apstraktno, već se ostvaruje kao Ljubav, iz koje čovjek dobiva hrabrost da živi u ljubavi, moći i pravdi.
- Published
- 2022
3. Rawls' Theory of Justice as Fairness
- Author
Jamnik, Anton, primary
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
- Abstract
Reconciliation is a process with philosophical and theological foundations. They complement each other, as it is of crucial importance to trust in the work of the Holy Spirit, along with human endeavours. It is the Holy Spirit who can truly liberate the human heart from all negative thoughts and hatred. Reconciliation does not imply forgetting about past events, it has to do with internal liberation which manifests itself in forgiveness, mutual respect and the sincere wish to create new relations. In the words of St. John Paul II, reconciliation is a sign of internal strength, freedom and courage, but most of all it is the work of God. And so the human perspective of reconciliation, which is of equal importance, complements the theological perspective, which leads to a new level of life quality. Every human being in this world, in all their fragility, is in desperate need of forgiveness. This need presents itself in a person’s humility and in their capacity to accept sincerely the forgiveness of their fellow humans and God. At the same time, every human being is expected to exercise forgiveness, as this is the only way to stop the vicious circle of vengeance and hatred. Reconciliation happens on both the personal and the structural level. If the latter is unfair, it is impossible to achieve a new quality of relations within a society. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
5. Rawlsova teorija pravednosti kao pravičnosti: filozofsko-teološka interpretacija
- Author
Jamnik, Anton
- Subjects
pravednost ,liberalizam ,vrlina ,teologija ,sekularizacija ,justice ,liberalism ,virtue ,theology ,secularization - Abstract
John Rawls is one of the greatest philosophers in the field of moral theory and a representative of moderate liberalism. The main idea behind his work A Theory of Justice, published in 1971, is justice as fairness, or rather establishing a society in which social security of each individual would be guaranteed, with special emphasis on the care of those who are less privileged (social principle). In forming his moral theory he leans on Kant a great deal, on the tradition of the social contract, and he places the deontological moral against the utilitarian (teleological) one. The fact that in his theory he included a number of virtues typical of the Judeo-Christian tradition – fairness in choosing the principles of a just society, dignity of every human, the original position which means an ideal position (the Garden of Eden), the social principle (poor Lazarus), emphasizing mutual agreement (Babylon or Pentecost) – has encouraged a lively discussion among theologians. The absence of metaphysics, the fact, that these virtues are present in Rawls’ liberal theory in their secularised form, points to a certain ambiguity or even contradiction: on the one hand, it means a certain search within the liberalism itself (in a way scared of itself), while on the other hand liberalism with its method and starting points denies the possibility of recognizing certain virtues and their arguments., John Rawls jedan je od najvećih filozofa u području moralne teorije i predstavnik umjerenog liberalizma. Glavna ideja njegovog djela Teorija pravde, objavljenog 1971. godine, je pravednost kao pravičnost, odnosno uspostavljanje društva u kojem bi bila zajamčena socijalna sigurnost svakog pojedinca, s posebnim naglaskom na brigu o onima koji su manje privilegirani (socijalna načelo). Pri formiranju svoje moralne teorije mnogo se oslanja na Kanta, na tradiciju društvenog ugovora, a deontološki moral stavlja nasuprot utilitarnom (teleološkom). Činjenica da je u svoju teoriju uključio brojne vrline tipične za judeokršćansku tradiciju – pravičnost u odabiru načela pravednog društva, dostojanstvo svakog čovjeka, izvorni položaj koji znači idealan položaj (rajski vrt), socijalno načelo (siromašni Lazar), naglašavajući međusobni dogovor (Babilon ili Pedesetnica) – potaknulo je živu raspravu među teolozima. Odsutnost metafizike, činjenica da su ove vrline prisutne u Rawlsovoj liberalnoj teoriji u njihovom sekulariziranom obliku, ukazuje na određenu dvosmislenost ili čak proturječnost: s jedne strane to znači određeno pretraživanje unutar samog liberalizma (na neki način uplašenog od sebe), dok s druge strane liberalizam svojom metodom i polazištima poriče mogućnost prepoznavanja određenih vrlina i njihovih argumenata.
- Published
- 2021
6. Rawls' Theory of Justice as Fairness: Philosophical – Theological Interpretation
- Author
Jamnik, Anton and Jamnik, Anton
- Abstract
John Rawls is one of the greatest philosophers in the field of moral theory and a representative of moderate liberalism. The main idea behind his work A Theory of Justice, published in 1971, is justice as fairness, or rather establishing a society in which social security of each individual would be guaranteed, with special emphasis on the care of those who are less privileged (social principle). In forming his moral theory he leans on Kant a great deal, on the tradition of the social contract, and he places the deontological moral against the utilitarian (teleological) one. The fact that in his theory he included a number of virtues typical of the Judeo-Christian tradition – fairness in choosing the principles of a just society, dignity of every human, the original position which means an ideal position (the Garden of Eden), the social principle (poor Lazarus), emphasizing mutual agreement (Babylon or Pentecost) – has encouraged a lively discussion among theologians. The absence of metaphysics, the fact, that these virtues are present in Rawls’ liberal theory in their secularised form, points to a certain ambiguity or even contradiction: on the one hand, it means a certain search within the liberalism itself (in a way scared of itself), while on the other hand liberalism with its method and starting points denies the possibility of recognizing certain virtues and their arguments., John Rawls jedan je od najvećih filozofa u području moralne teorije i predstavnik umjerenog liberalizma. Glavna ideja njegovog djela Teorija pravde, objavljenog 1971. godine, je pravednost kao pravičnost, odnosno uspostavljanje društva u kojem bi bila zajamčena socijalna sigurnost svakog pojedinca, s posebnim naglaskom na brigu o onima koji su manje privilegirani (socijalna načelo). Pri formiranju svoje moralne teorije mnogo se oslanja na Kanta, na tradiciju društvenog ugovora, a deontološki moral stavlja nasuprot utilitarnom (teleološkom). Činjenica da je u svoju teoriju uključio brojne vrline tipične za judeokršćansku tradiciju – pravičnost u odabiru načela pravednog društva, dostojanstvo svakog čovjeka, izvorni položaj koji znači idealan položaj (rajski vrt), socijalno načelo (siromašni Lazar), naglašavajući međusobni dogovor (Babilon ili Pedesetnica) – potaknulo je živu raspravu među teolozima. Odsutnost metafizike, činjenica da su ove vrline prisutne u Rawlsovoj liberalnoj teoriji u njihovom sekulariziranom obliku, ukazuje na određenu dvosmislenost ili čak proturječnost: s jedne strane to znači određeno pretraživanje unutar samog liberalizma (na neki način uplašenog od sebe), dok s druge strane liberalizam svojom metodom i polazištima poriče mogućnost prepoznavanja određenih vrlina i njihovih argumenata.
- Published
- 2021
7. Liberalism and Code of Ethics in Local Self-Government and Management
- Author
Jamnik, Anton, primary
- Published
- 2021
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8. Med upanjem kot darom in iluzijami samozadostnega subjekta
- Author
Jamnik, Anton, primary
- Published
- 2021
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9. Ethical Code in the Public Accounting Profession
- Author
Jamnik, Anton and Jamnik, Anton
- Abstract
This paper discusses the ethical responsibility that should govern any kind of profession, and focuses on analyzing the ethical code in the public accountant performance. The Code of Professional Conduct of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) is the primary source of guidance for accountants in public practice, and the article discusses the purposes the code serves. It also analyzes various situations where the code must be appliedand demonstrates the way this is carried out. Finally, the author describes the code’s problems and the way he believes they can be overcome to make the profession more trustworthy., El artículo versa sobre la responsabilidad ética que debe regir en todo tipo de profesión, y se centra en el análisis del código ético en el desempeño del contador público. El Código de Conducta Profesional del Instituto Americano de Contadores Públicos Certificados (AICPA)es la guía primaria de los contadores públicos en ejercicio público, y el artículo expone los usos a los que sirve el código. Asimismo, el autor analiza distintas situaciones en que el código debe ser aplicado y explica el modo en que se realiza. Para finalizar, Jamnik describe los problemas que encuentra en el código y el modo en que considera que podrían solucionarse para hacer que la profesión sea más fidedigna.
- Published
- 2019
10. The Question of Ethical Decision in Marketing and Ethics
- Author
Jamnik, Anton and Jamnik, Anton
- Abstract
While marketing is associated with negative practices that involve exploitation and dishonesty, Anton Jamnik states the need for creating an ethical theory for it. The article attempts both to provide a brief overview of the main currents on marketing ethics’ literature and to participate in its development. The author analyses the ethical challenges that will come up in the future from three different sources: technological innovations, the influence of global competition and the expansion of marketing activities into non-traditional business areas. This will require the development of a realistic normative ethics. To conclude, he argues that marketing ethics should analyze to what extent it has been successful to solve the ethical challenges of today’s world., Mientras que el marketing está asociado con prácticas negativas que involucran la explotación y la deshonestidad, Anton Jamnik afirma la necesidad de crear una teoría ética para éste. El artículo intenta brindar, por un lado, un breve bosquejo de las principales corrientes de la literatura de la ética del marketing y, por otro, participar de su desarrollo. El autor analiza los desafíos éticos que sur girán en el futuro, provenientes de tres fuentes distintas: las innovaciones tecnológicas, la influencia de la competencia global y la expansión de las actividades de mercado en áreas no tradicionales. Esto requerirá el desarrollo de una ética normativa realista. Para concluir, explica que la ética del marketing debería analizar hasta qué punto ha sido exitosa a la hora de resolver los desafíos éticos del mundo actual.
- Published
- 2019
11. Conference Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Conference 'Future World by 2050'
- Author
Vican, Dijana, Nikša Alfirević, Pavičić, Jurica, Primož Pevcin, Bateman, Milford, Sherratt, Lesley, Jamnik, Anton, Tomić, Daniel, Saša Stjepanović, Ladasic, Ines Karagianni, Belullo, Alen, Ivančić, Moris, Máté Pap, Homolya, Dániel, Učkar, Dean, Benazić, Manuel, Peša, Anita Radman, Pisačić, Marica Klarić, Mladineo, Luka, Bobanović, Moira Kostić, Novak, Maja, Medica, Antonela Frank, Pavlović, Danijela Križman, Rakitovac, Kristina Afrić, Nataša Urošević, Cigir, Kadriye, Lacmanović, Sabina, Danijela Križman Pavlović, Morena Paulišić, and Katarina Kostelić
- Abstract
The global business environment is facing many significant challenges, and this was the guideline for our 8th International Scientific Conference “Future World by 2050”, held in Pula, Croatia from 1st to 3rd June, 2017. The aim was to bring together researchers, scientists, and students to exchange and share their experiences, views, new ideas, and research results on all aspects of Economics, and to discuss the prac-tical challenges encountered and the solutions proposed. The focus of this eighth conference was to explore how economics, as a sci-ence, will face global challenges in the future; challenges such as poverty, aging popu-lation, (un)employment, (dis)integration, environmental catastrophes, innovations, etc. Through six sessions: Socioeconomic Challenges of the Future World; Economics; Finance and Accounting; Marketing and Management; Tourism; and Innovation and Competitive-ness, theparticipants discussed the presented research findings, and we are sure that the presented ideas and suggestions were priceless to all participants. Our thoughts were also inspired by appreciated keynote speeches delivered by Prof. Soumitra Sharma, emeritus professor from Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Dr. Nawazish Mirza from S P Jain School of Global Management, Dubai Campus, UAE, and Dr. Daphna Kariv from School of Business, Administration, the College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS), Rishon Lezion, Israel, which gave participants educa-tive and valuable insights into the necessary considerations on the present that will be reflected in the future as well. Two panel discussions on future business and in-novation opportunities were dedicated to both practice and examples from different countries, and gave us the opportunity to bring science closer to the local community. Huge effort was given to the selection process of received papers. Sixteen papers were selected altogether to be published in this Conference Proceedings Book; other selected papers will also be published in one of our scientific journals: “Economic Research” and “Review of Innovation and Competitiveness”. These Proceedings represent the work of contributors to the 8th International Scientific Conference “Future World by 2050”, and the selected papers reflect the truly global research of our future world. On behalf of the Program and Organizing Committee, we would like to thank all the authors, keynote speakers and panelists. Their high competence, enthusiasm, dedication and knowledge enabled us to successfully complete the con-ference and prepare these Conference Proceedings in which, we are sure, you will find important topics and issues that will give you new insights and a glimpse into the future. Editors Danijela Križman Pavlović, Morena Paulišić , Katarina Kostelić
- Published
- 2018
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12. Etični imperativ med transcendenco postmoderne in imanenco liberalizma
- Author
Jamnik, Anton
- Published
- 2018
- Author
- Abstract
In our global world again religious beliefs play a fundamental role in the make-up of a cultural group and of a society. This is due to the fact that religious beliefs give definition to a society as a whole, or better, to the specific social group existing within it. This ‘definition’ consists in the shaping of behavior, of one’s way of thinking, and of common values, both in terms of the relationship between the human being and the Divine sphere, and that which regards the relationships between the human being and the world, others, and himself. In the first case, that is, the relationship between the individual and the One, we can consider religion in a strict sense, while, in the second case, the individual’s relationships with the world, others, and himself have to do with the inherent ethical aspects of these religious beliefs. Finally, in globalization we have to move in the direction of acknowledging the fact that there are some ethical aspects that are shared by various religious groups. In order to carry out this task, we must be aware that through the way itself, in which the possible comparison between religions, and through the manner of communication, can we open up a common space: a space that works because specific ethical principles are carried out. Only in this way, is it possible to open paths to the achievement of universal sharing among religions in the time of globalization. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
14. Razumevanje sekularne dobe pri Charlesu Taylorju kot napetost med imanenco in transcendenco.
- Author
Jamnik, Anton
- Published
- 2023
15. Medkulturni dialog ima temelje v verskem pluralizmu
- Author
Jamnik, Anton
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Jamnik, Anton
- Subjects
BUSINESS ethics ,INDUSTRIAL management ,STAKEHOLDERS ,CODES of ethics ,ETHICS - Abstract
One might rightly ask "Why should managers be ethical?" What are the new challenges in business ethics and economics? The short answer would be that society expects managers to be ethical and that managers should be responsive to the expectations of society and stakeholders if they wish to maintain their legitimacy as agents in society. From a moral philosophy perspective, managers should be ethical because it is the right thing to do. We should go beyond these simple, but appropriate, answers, however, and point out some other reasons why ethical behavior and practice is warranted: • Shared values build trust. • Consistency leads to predictability in planning. • Predictability is essential for crisis management. • Confidence in such rewards builds loyalty. • Companies are as good as their people. • Consumers care about values. • Shareholders also care about values. • Ethical leadership forestalls oppressive regulation. • Effective partnerships depend on common values. • Ethics is a form of insurance. • An examination of these reasons suggests two broad categories of justification: • Society and stakeholders expect managers to do what is right, fair and just. It is in organisations' and managers' best interests to be ethical. From the experience of Europe, and especially big changes in Eastern Europe, I would like to also provide some frameworks of ethical decision making which seek to identify the various steps involved in arriving at ethical decisions: An individual must, first, perceive an ethical problem. An individual seeks to identify various alternative actions that might solve the problem and what their consequences would be. Two kinds of evaluations take place: one looks to the inherent rightness or wrongness of each alternative (deontological considerations) and one considers the probability and desirability of the consequences of each alternative, as well as the importance to the relevant stakeholders (teleological considerations). These two evaluations are merged to form a single ethical judgment. Such ethical judgments impact on a person's behaviour through the intervening variable of his or her intentions which may, however, differ (due to other preferred consequences) from what he or she judged to be ethical. The resulting behaviour may vary from the individual's prior intentions and ethical judgments, depending on the extent to which the individual actually exerts control in the enactment of an intention in a particular situation. Personal characteristics, as well as organisational, industrial, professional and cultural environments, directly influence steps 1-3 above. Although my article addresses several problems of theory, it ends on a constructive note. Identifying the obstacles to reconciling the described perspectives can be an important step towards finding and developing a coherent normative theory for business (for related arguments, see Swanson (1995, 1999)). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
17. Accountants’ ethical perceptions from several perspectives: evidence from Slovenia
- Author
Odar, Marjan, primary, Jerman, Mateja, additional, Jamnik, Anton, additional, and Kavčič, Slavka, additional
- Published
- 2017
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18. Komunitarna etika kot odgovor na človekovo osamljenost in izgubljenost, ki sta posledica liberalizma
- Author
Jamnik, Anton
- Published
- 2013
19. Ethical code in the public accounting profession
- Author
Jamnik, Anton
- Subjects
Fil: Jamnik, Anton. Univerza v Ljubljani. Teološka fakulteta; Eslovenia Abstract: This paper discusses the ethical responsibility that should govern any kind of profession, and focuses on analyzing the ethical code in the public accountant performance. The Code of Professional Conduct of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) is the primary source of guidance for accountants in public practice, and the article discusses the purposes the code serves. It also analyzes various situations where the code must be applied and demonstrates the way this is carried out. Finally, the author describes the code’s problems and the way he believes they can be overcome to make the profession more trustworthy. Resumen: El artículo versa sobre la responsabilidad ética que debe regir en todo tipo de profesión, y se centra en el análisis del código ético en el desempeño del contador público. El Código de Conducta Profesional del Instituto Americano de Contadores Públicos Certificados (AICPA) es la guía primaria de los contadores públicos en ejercicio público, y el artículo expone los usos a los que sirve el código. Asimismo, el autor analiza distintas situaciones en que el código debe ser aplicado y explica el modo en que se realiza. Para finalizar, Jamnik describe los problemas que encuentra en el código y el modo en que considera que podrían solucionarse para hacer que la profesión sea más fidedigna.
- Published
- 2012
20. The question of ethical decision in marketing and ethics
- Author
Jamnik, Anton
- Subjects
Fil: Jamnik, Anton. Univerza v Ljubljani. Teološka fakulteta; Eslovenia Resumen: Mientras que el marketing está asociado con prácticas negativas que involucran la explotación y la deshonestidad, Anton Jamnik afirma la necesidad de crear una teoría ética para éste. El artículo intenta brindar, por un lado, un breve bosquejo de las principales corrientes de la literatura de la ética del marketing y, por otro, participar de su desarrollo. El autor analiza los desafíos éticos que sur girán en el futuro, provenientes de tres fuentes distintas: las innovaciones tecnológicas, la influencia de la competencia global y la expansión de las actividades de mercado en áreas no tradicionales. Esto requerirá el desarrollo de una ética normativa realista. Para concluir, explica que la ética del marketing debería analizar hasta qué punto ha sido exitosa a la hora de resolver los desafíos éticos del mundo actual. Abstract: While marketing is associated with negative practices that involve exploitation and dishonesty, Anton Jamnik states the need for creating an ethical theory for it. The article attempts both to provide a brief overview of the main currents on marketing ethics’ literature and to participate in its development. The author analyses the ethical challenges that will come up in the future from three different sources: technological innovations, the influence of global competition and the expansion of marketing activities into non-traditional business areas. This will require the development of a realistic normative ethics. To conclude, he argues that marketing ethics should analyze to what extent it has been successful to solve the ethical challenges of today’s world.
- Published
- 2011
21. Sodobni iskalec med vagabundom in romarjem
- Author
Jamnik, Anton
- Published
- 2010
22. Cerkev pričevalka človekovega dostojanstva in skupnega dobrega v liberalistični družbi
- Author
Jamnik, Anton
- Published
- 2005
23. Ethical code in the public accounting profession
- Author
Jamnik, Anton and Jamnik, Anton
- Published
- 2011
24. Business Ethics in Financial Sector
- Author
Jamnik, Anton, primary
- Published
- 2011
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25. The challenge of business ethics - management and the question of ethics
- Author
Jamnik, Anton, primary
- Published
- 2011
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26. Razumevanje sekularne dobe pri Charlesu Taylorju kot napetost med imanenco in transcendenco
- Author
Muršič Klenar, Matjaž and Jamnik, Anton
- Subjects
čudenje ,transcendenca ,communion ,komunitarizem ,awe ,secular age ,sekularizacija ,lepota ,immanence ,beauty ,secularization ,občestvo ,udc:2-1Taylor C.:17(043.3) ,imanenca ,communitarianism ,Charles Taylor ,transcendence ,sekularna doba - Abstract
Disertacija Razumevanje sekularne dobe pri Charlesu Taylorju kot napetost med imanenco in transcendenco obravnava razumevanje sekularizacije, kot ga v svoji misli poda kanadski filozof Charles Taylor. Osredotočamo se predvsem na napetost, ki v sekularni dobi nastane med zgolj imanentnim razumevanjem resničnosti, dobrega in smisla ter različnimi vzgibi, ki jih človek doživlja v svojem življenju in mu kažejo na presežnost – transcendenco. Ob analizi splošnih teorij sekularizacije podamo Taylorjev izvirni pogled na sekularno dobo, ki se posebej osredotoča na spremenjene pogoje verovanja. Začetke teh sprememb Taylor postavi v čas reforme, ko se po njegovem odstranijo braniki pred nevero: odčaranje sveta, premik od skupnosti k posamezniku, umik antistrukture, premik od predstave časa kot kairos v predstavo kot kronos, ter premik iz pogleda, ki razume stvarstvo kot kozmos v pogled, ki ga razume kot vesolje, torej tehnično. To ima za posledico vzpostavitev modernega moralnega reda in ekskluzivnega humanizma, ki svet zapreta v imanentni okvir. Ta je na videz zaprt za transcendenco. Taylor pokaže, da sekularna doba ni zaprta za transcendenco, ampak se zaradi spremenjenih pogojev vere odprejo tudi nove možnosti religijskih in svetovnonazorskih pogledov, ki so po njegovem v sekularni dobi enakopravni. Posledica pluralnosti v sekularni dobi je, da je posameznikovo stališč, naj bo utemeljeno na presežnem ali sekularnem, nenehno izzvano. To vodi človeka na pot iskanja, v katerem se odpirajo nove poti, oziroma nove oblike, ki vodijo do presežnega. Novi prostor presežnega se odpira v izkustvu čudenja in lepote, ter znotraj obrednosti in skupnosti. Občutje, ki ga vzbudi napetost prek naštetih vzgibov, ki jih doživlja, se na najbolj celostni način uresniči prav znotraj skupnosti, kjer človek doživlja presežno prek skupnega dobrega, socialnega vidika medsebojne odgovornosti in dialoga. Ob aplikaciji Taylorjeve teorije sekularizacije na konkretno družbo in izzive Cerkve pokažemo, da je pri novih oblikah duhovnih iskanj (preseganje zgolj imanentnega), vidik občestvenosti, socialne razsežnosti in dialoga tisti, ki se dopolnjuje v poudarkih papeža Frančiška, ko govori o pomenu vesoljnega bratstva. The dissertation Understanding of the Secular Age by Charles Taylor as a Tension Between Immanence and Transcendence deals with the concept of secularization according to the Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor. It mainly focuses on the tension that emerges in the secular age between the merely immanent understanding of reality, goodness and meaning, and the various impulses that people experience in life which reveal transcendence. Taylor’s original perspective on the secular age, which focuses particularly on the changing conditions of belief, is presented by analyzing the general theories of secularization. Taylor traces back the origins of these changes to the Reform, when, according to him, the obstacles to unbelief were removed: the disenchantment of the world, the shift from communities to individuals, the removal of anti-structure, the shift of the concept of time from kairos to chronos, and the shift of the concept of genesis from cosmos to universe, in mechanistic terms. This results in the creation of the Modern Moral Order and exclusive humanism that lock the world in the immanent frame, which seemingly closes the transcendent window. Taylor shows that the secular age is not closed to transcendence, as the changing conditions of belief also open up new options for religious worldviews, which are equal in the secular age. The consequence of pluralism in the secular age is that the position of individuals – be it transcendental or secular – is continuously challenged. This guides people to the search for a path, where different directions or new forms open up that lead to transcendence. A new place for transcendence unlocks with the experience of awe and beauty as well as within ritual acts and community. The feeling, caused by tension through the listed impulses that people experience, realizes itself in the most holistic way within the community, where one experiences transcendence through the common good, the social aspect of mutual responsibility, and dialogue. Applying Taylor's theory of secularization to our society and to the challenges of the Church shows that with different types of spiritual practices (beyond the merely immanent), the aspect of communion, social dimension, and dialogue complements Pope Francis' emphasis on the importance of universal brotherhood.
- Published
- 2023
27. Vprašanje zla v filozofiji in njegova združljivost z Božjo naravo
- Author
Kolar, Aleksander and Jamnik, Anton
- Subjects
logični problem zla ,zlo ,vprašanje zla ,združljivost ,udc:111.84:27-14(043.2) ,God's nature ,the question of evil ,compatibility ,evil ,the logical problem of evil ,Božja narava - Abstract
Diplomsko seminarsko delo se tako posveča vprašanju oz. problemu zla in njegove možnosti združenja z Božjo naravo. Zlo kot tako je logično, evidenčno in drugače problematično in v nasprotju z Bogom in njegovo naravo, ki je dobra, vsemogočna, vsevedna, vseprisotna in popolna. Tako se besedilo posveča temu razmerju oz. odnosu, kako lahko združimo zlo skupaj z Božjo naravo in zakaj Bog sam ne uniči zla. Delo tako opredeli kaj je zlo, nato pokaže nekaj ključnih lastnosti Božje narave ter v zadnjem delu poskuša pokazati, kako sta oba koncepta združljiva. Diplomsko seminarsko delo predstavi tezo, ki zagovarja, da je mogoče združiti Božjo naravo in njene atribute z zlom. Delo se poglablja v različne možnosti, ki raziskujejo področje logičnega problema zla in njegovo rešitev, ki pa vodi v teoretični soobstoj dveh poglavitnih konceptov v tej diplomski seminarski nalogi. Besedilo torej poskuša najbolje predstaviti kako je mogoče združiti koncept zla, ki se detajlno opiše in razloži v prvem delu, kjer pokažemo, ali zlo obstaja, ali ne, navedemo nekaj argumentov , ki zagovarjajo eno in drugo stran, ter podamo delovno definicijo zla, V drugem delu se poskuša predstaviti Božja narava ter prikazati, kateri so glavni atributi te narave Boga v zadnjem delu, tretjem, pa poskušamo, kot že rečeno, ta dva koncepta združiti in pokazati nekatere rešitve za opisan logični problem zla. The article addresses the problem of evil and its possible compatibility with God's nature. Wickedness is logically, evidently, and otherwise problematic as contrary to God and his nature, which is good, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and perfect. Thus, the text focuses on this relation or relationship, how we can combine evil with God's nature and why God does not destroy evil himself. The work thus defines what wickedness is and then shows some primary features of God's essence, and the last part tries to show how both concepts are compatible. The text presents a thesis arguing it is possible to combine God's nature and its attributes with evil. The work delves into various possibilities that explore the area of the logical problem of evil and its solution, which leads to the theoretical coexistence of the two main concepts in this thesis. The text tries to best present how it is possible to combine the concept of evil which we described and explained in detail in the first part. We show whether evil exists or it doesn't, give some arguments that defend one side and the other, and offer a working definition of evil. In the second part, we try to present the nature of God and show the main characteristics of that nature. In the third part, as already mentioned, we try to combine these two concepts and offer some solutions to the logical problem of evil described above.
- Published
- 2022
28. Liberalistično pojmovanje pravičnosti
- Author
Močnik, Primož and Jamnik, Anton
- Subjects
udc:329.12:177.9(043.2) ,pravičnost ,komunitarizem ,politična filozofija ,etika ,diplomske naloge ,liberalizem ,svoboda ,družbena etika - Published
- 2016
29. Pojmovanje sekularizacije pri Charlesu Taylorju
- Author
Muršič Klenar, Matjaž and Jamnik, Anton
- Subjects
relativizem ,udc:2-1Taylor C.(043.2) ,pluralizem ,individualizem ,magistrske naloge ,sekularizacija ,človekovo dostojanstvo ,sekularizem ,filozofija religije - Published
- 2015
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