201 results on '"J.M. Borrego"'
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- Author
M.A. Soler Oliva, B. Ramos Barragán, I. Sanchís Haba, E. Sánchez Domínguez, A. Adsuar Gómez, A. González Calle, A.M. Hernández Fernández, E. Gutiérrez Cantero, M. García de la Borbolla, and J.M. Borrego Domínguez
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Medicine ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Published
- 2023
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F. Rodríguez-Mora, A. González-Calle, B. Ramos-Barragán, E. Gutiérrez-Carretero, A. de Alarcón-González, R. Luque-Márquez, A. Adsuar-Gómez, A. Soler-Oliva, I. Sanchis-Haba, and J.M. Borrego-Domínguez
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Medicine ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Published
- 2023
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I. Sanchís Haba, B. Ramos Barragán, M.A. Soler Oliva, A. de Alarcón González, E. Gutiérrez Carretero, and J.M. Borrego Domínguez
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Medicine ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Published
- 2023
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5. 306. Incremento de la presión pulmonar basal posterior a una cirugía cardíaca valvular
- Author
M.J. Eslava, C. Pardo, S. Pardo, C. Juvin, P. Camacho, F. Murillo, and J.M. Borrego
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Medicine ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
La hipertensión pulmonar (HTP) está asociada a mayor morbimortalidad quirúrgica. Nos propusimos determinar la prevalencia de un aumento de la presión sistólica arterial pulmonar (PSAP) posterior a la cirugía cardíaca valvular (CCV) y valorar su impacto sobre morbilidad y estancia hospitalaria. Métodos: Pacientes sometidos a CCV en nuestro centro, desde enero de 2009 - diciembre de 2010. Se recolectaron los datos sobre sus características clínicas y evolución postoperatoria intrahospitalaria. Las variables ecocardiográficas se registraron antes y después de la CCV. Resultados: Un total de 466 pacientes fueron intervenidos de CCV, de los cuales 23 (4,93%) cursaron con prótesis normofuncionantes e incremento de la PSAP post-CCV, que fue estadísticamente significativo, con una media para la PSAP pre-CCV de 37,2 ± 7,1 mmHg y para la PSAP post-CCV de 52,1 ± 6,7 mmHg (p
- Published
- 2012
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6. 160. The skirt principle como metodología aplicada en la reparación de las válvulas auriculoventriculares
- Author
A. González Calle, A. Adsuar Gómez, J.M. Borrego Domínguez, and A.R. Hosseinpour
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Medicine ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
Una de las claves para obtener éxito en la reparación valvular mitral es la adecuada valoración del defecto anatómico y/o funcional de dicha válvula. A pesar de la gran aportación que la Eco 3D ha supuesto en el análisis valvular, la valoración quirúrgica continúa siendo un punto determinante en el proceso de reparación valvular. Esta valoración quirúrgica se realiza fundamentalmente siguiendo los principios propuestos por Carpentier en la década de 1980. Pero en determinadas ocasiones el mecanismo del fallo valvular puede ser difícil de entender, o múltiple y abigarrado. En tales circunstancias es más difícil, para cirujanos sin gran experiencia, llevar a cavo una reparación valvular satisfactoria. Nosotros hemos desarrollado un método sencillo para la reparación de las válvulas auriculoventriculares (AV), que denominamos The Skirt Principle. Este método consta de cinco puntos que permiten realizar un análisis y una ejecución sistemática en el proceso de reparación, haciéndola más asequible y reproducible. Material y métodos: Siguiendo este método hemos realizado 28 reparaciones valvulares mitrales en pacientes adultos y otras tantas tricúspides y de válvulas AV comunes en lactantes con defecto septal AV, desde mediados de 2009, con muy buen resultado en todos los casos. Conclusión: Presentamos el Principio de la Falda como concepto y como método sistemático para llevar a cabo la valoración y la reparación de cualquier válvula AV de una forma sencilla y reproducible, permitiendo reparar con éxito incluso válvulas con defectos complejos y múltiples.
- Published
- 2012
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7. 355. Experiencia inicial en el implante valvular aórtico transcatéter: resultados a corto y largo plazo
- Author
C. Pardo, M.J. Eslava, P. Camacho, F. Murillo, A. Martínez, and J.M. Borrego
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Medicine ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
El implante valvular aórtico transcatéter (IVAT ) es una nueva técnica quirúrgica para pacientes con alto riesgo. Conocer sus resultados clínicos a corto y largo plazo, determinar la estancia hospitalaria, evolución de la clase funcional (CF) y tasa de reingresos hospitalarios por causa cardiovascular (CV) fueron nuestros objetivos. Métodos: Nosotros presentamos nuestra experiencia inicial con IVAT. Se incluyeron todos los pacientes sometidos a IVAT desde septiembre de 2010 – diciembre de 2011. Se recolectaron las características clínicas de los pacientes y su evolución postoperatoria con un seguimiento prospectivo de 30 días – 15 meses. Resultados: Un total de 24 pacientes fueron elegidos para IVAT, 6 (25%) vía transapical, 16 (66,6%) vía transfemoral, y 2 (8,3%) necesitaron reemplazo quirúrgico. La media para el EuroSCORE logístico fue de 8,26%. Las complicaciones cardíacas más frecuentes fueron bloqueo auriculoventricular (BAV) completo (13,6%) e insuficiencia periprotésica igual o superior a II/ IV en 2 (9%) pacientes. Otras complicaciones fueron: renales (40,91%), infecciosas (18,1%), vasculares (9%), respiratorias (9%) y neuropatías (22%). La mediana de la estancia postoperatoria en unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) fue 3,5, y la total de 9 días. Se observó una relación lineal entre complicaciones cardíacas y estancia hospitalaria prolongada en UCI y total, y entre complicaciones vasculares con politransfusión. La mortalidad a 30 días fue de 9%. Posterior a un seguimiento de 30 días – 15 meses, la sobrevida fue de 95% en CF I/IV el 80% de los pacientes, y II/IV el 20% (New York Heart Association [NYHA]). Ningún paciente tuvo reingresos por causa CV. Conclusiones: En nuestra experiencia, el IVAT ha demostrado mejorar la CF de los pacientes con estenosis aórtica grave, con excelentes resultados a largo plazo, constituyendo una alternativa para pacientes con alto riesgo quirúrgico.
- Published
- 2012
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8. 161. Necrosis por presión del septo de salida ventricular causado por dos implantes adyacentes
- Author
A. González Calle, A.R. Hosseinpour, A. Adsuar Gómez, E. Ruiz Solano, C. Pardo Pardo, and J.M. Borrego Domínguez
- Subjects
Medicine ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
Exponer el caso de un paciente de 30 años con historia previa de cirugía de Ross-Konno a los 10 años, angioplastia dilatación con stent del homoinjerto pulmonar estenótico y sustitución valvular aórtica con prótesis mecánica, que desarrolló necrosis por presión de los tejidos situados entre ambas estructuras, el stent pulmonar y la prótesis mecánica aórtica. Como resultado se había formado un defecto comunicando ambos tractos de salida ventriculares, derecho e izquierdo. Además, el paciente tenía una doble lesión grave del homoinjerto pulmonar. Material y métodos: Para la corrección del defecto fue necesaria una cirugía compleja, con hipotermia profunda y parada circulatoria. Además, se procedió a la sustitución del homoinjerto pulmonar. Resultado: El curso del postoperatorio se desarrolló sin complicaciones. La ecocardiografía mostraba un buen resultado, con ausencia de comunicación entre ambos tractos de salida ventriculares, ausencia de fuga periprotésica aórtica y homoinjerto con válvula competente con un gradiente pico de 12 mmHg. Conclusiones: Esta complicación ilustra que los tejidos entre dos dispositivos duros y con movimiento uno conrespecto al otro pueden desarrollar necrosis por presión y fricción y, consecuentemente, perforación. Probablemente, hubiera sido preferible sustituir el homoinjerto pulmonar con stent en el momento de la sustitución valvular aórtica.
- Published
- 2012
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9. 231. Cirugía cardíaca en adultos con cardiopatías congénitas: ¿qué pacientes y patologías intervenimos actualmente?
- Author
E.C. Ruiz-Solano, A. González-Calle, A. Adsuar-Gómez, C. Pardo-Pardo, C.E. Juvin, I. Bibiloni-Lage, R. Hosseinpour, and J.M. Borrego-Domínguez
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Medicine ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
Describir el comportamiento clinicoepidemiológico de los pacientes congénitos, adultos, intervenidos de cirugía cardíaca en nuestro hospital. Material y métodos: Se incluyeron todos los pacientes igual o mayores de 16 años de edad sometidos a cirugía cardíaca congénita desde enero de 2008 - diciembre de 2011. Analizamos las características de los mismos incluyendo datos epidemiológicos y ecocardiográficos, patologías más comunes, morbilidad pre y postoperatoria, mortalidad y estancia media. Resultados: Un total de 62 pacientes fueron operados por nuestro servicio en el periodo de enero de 2008 - diciembre de 2011. Un 53,2% (33/62) eran varones y la misma proporción se encontraba entre la segunda y tercera décadas de la vida. Un 32,3% (20/62) había sido intervenido previamente. La patología más común fue el defecto del septo interauricular (41,8%). La mediana de estancia en la unidad de cuidados intensivos fue de 3 días (rango intercuartílico 2 días, mínimo 0 y máximo 20 días), y la de la estancia hospitalaria global de 8 días (rango intercuartílico 3 días, mínimo 2 y máximo 25 días). El 88,7% de los intervenidos se mantuvo libre de complicaciones. La mortalidad global fue del 6,5% (4/62). El 84,5% de los pacientes se encontraba asintomático al momento de la revisión postoperatoria. Conclusiones: La cirugía congénita sobre pacientes adultos representa una actividad de relevancia en la cirugía cardíaca de hoy día. Nuestros resultados evidencian que este tipo de intervenciones se puede llevar a cabo con una baja morbimortalidad.
- Published
- 2012
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10. 344. Cirugía mínimamente invasiva como alternativa en la intervención sobre válvula mitral
- Author
E.C. Ruiz-Solano, A. Hernández-Fernández, I. Bibiloni-Lage, A. Adsuar-Gómez, E. Gutiérrez-Carretero, C.A. Pardo-Pardo, C.E. Juvin, and J.M. Borrego-Domínguez
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Medicine ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
Describir los resultados de la cirugía mínimamente invasiva de los pacientes intervenidos de la válvula mitral en nuestro centro. Materiales y métodos: Se incluyeron todos los pacientes sometidos a cirugía sobre la válvula mitral por técnica de Heart-port Access o robotizada desde abril de 2008 – octubre de 2011, analizando los datos epidemiológicos y los resultados técnicos, así como morbimortalidad de los mismos. Resultados: Se analizaron un total de 23 pacientes operados con la técnica descrita entre abril de 2008 – octubre de 2011. El 73,9% (17/23) eran mujeres y el resto varones, estando el 43% (10/23) de ellos entre los 60–69 años, seguido por un 26,1% (6/23) en la cuarta década de la vida. El 43,5% (10/23) padecía de una doble lesión valvular. Los tiempos medios de circulación extracorpórea y anoxia fueron de 159 min (rango 90–269) y 102 min (rango 48–163), respectivamente. En 8,7% (2/23) se tuvo que convertir a vía convencional. La mediana de estancia en la unidad de cuidados intensivos y en planta de hospitalización poscirugía fue de 8 días, con rangos de 2–65 y 0–25 días en cada caso. La mortalidad global fue de 4,3% (1/23). El 81,8% de todos los intervenidos se encontraba asintomático al momento de la revisión posquirúrgica. Conclusiones: Nuestra serie presenta unos resultados equiparables al abordaje clásico. Superada la curva de aprendizaje inicial, la cirugía mínimamente invasiva ofrece una recuperación más rápida frente a la técnica convencional en los pacientes intervenidos de sustitución valvular mitral.
- Published
- 2012
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11. 122. Ecocardiografía transesofágica tridimensional en tiempo real en el estudio de la regurgitación mitral de etiología compleja
- Author
C. Pardo Pardo, F. López Pardo, I. Bibiloni, E. Ruiz Solano, C. Juvin, J.M. Borrego Domínguez, and A. González Calle
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Medicine ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
La ecocardiografía transesofágica tridimensional en tiempo real (ETE3DTR) proporciona un plus de calidad en la valoración anatómica y funcional de la válvula mitral regurgitante en relación con la ecocardiografía transesofágica bidimensional (ETE2D) convencional. Su aportación es aún mayor en casos de regurgitación mitral de etiología compleja, con la suma de varios mecanismos causantes de la disfunción valvular. Material y métodos: Presentamos 3 casos de insuficiencia mitral por endocarditis sometidos a cirugía de reparación valvular mitral. En los tres, a los daños ocasionados por el proceso infeccioso sobre la válvula se asocian además otros mecanismos causantes de la insuficiencia valvular. Todos fueron evaluados por ETE2D y ETE3DTR antes de la cirugía de reparación valvular mitral. Resultados: La ETE3DTR mejoró de forma notable la visualización de la anatomía de la válvula mitral. La ETE3DTR se ha demostrado superior a la ETE2D en cuanto a la información que aporta en el análisis del defecto valvular causado por la endocarditis, la detección de vegetaciones y las complicaciones sobreañadidas. Conclusiones: Según nuestra experiencia, la ETE3DTR es enormemente útil en la valoración de toda insuficiencia mitral con vistas a una reparación valvular, y especialmente en aquellos pacientes con regurgitación mitral de etiología múltiple y abigarrada. Mejora los hallazgos obtenidos con la ETE2D, proporciona una visualización casi real de la válvula, aportando al cirujano una información de gran relevancia para una adecuada reparación.
- Published
- 2012
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12. 164. Extracción endovascular de dispositivos cardíacos infectados
- Author
E. Gutiérrez Carretero, A. Hernández Fernández, J.M. Borrego Domínguez, A. Alarcón, J. Eslava, I. Bibiloni Lage, E. Ruiz Solano, and N. Romero Rodríguez
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Medicine ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
La tasa de infección publicada en la literatura para implantes de marcapasos y desfibriladores es del 1-7%, siendo en nuestro hospital de 1,5% para marcapasos y 3% para desfibrilador automático implantable (DAI), con una mortalidad del 10%. En un estudio realizado por la Sociedad Andaluza de Enfermedades Infecciosas sobre seis hospitales andaluces, se han detectado 243 infecciones de MP/DAI entre 1998-2008, de las cuales un 44,5% han sido infecciones locales y en un 55,5% infecciones sistémicas, con afectación de electrodos. Demostrar una reducción de mortalidad y una alta tasa de curación con técnicas endovasculares para la extracción de dispositivos intracardíacos infectados. Metodología: Se realiza la extracción completa de sistemas infectados mediante la utilización de estiletes de contratracción y vainas de radiofrecuencia. Resultados: Con tratamiento médico conservador se ha conseguido un 12% de curaciones, con un 60% de recidiva y un 30% de mortalidad. Con extracción quirúrgica mediante esternotomía y circulación extracorpórea (CEC) se consigue la curación del 86%, pero con una alta mortalidad, del 14%. Con la extracción por técnicas endovasculares con estiletes de contratracción y vainas de radiofrecuencia, se consigue un 95% de curaciones con una mortalidad inferior al 2%. En el último año, en el HUVR se han realizado en 46 pacientes con una curación total del 96 y 0% de mortalidad. Conclusión: Las técnicas endovasculares con estiletes y vainas de radiofrecuencia constituyen un método seguro y eficaz con altas tasas de curación y escasa mortalidad.
- Published
- 2010
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13. 128. Seudoaneurisma aórtico gigante con fístula pulmonar tras cirugía de bentall-de bono
- Author
E. Gutiérrez Carretero, A. Hernández Fernández, J.M. Borrego Domínguez, M.aJ. Eslava, P. Camacho Laraña, I. Bibiloni Lage, E. Ruiz Solano, and N. Romero Rodríguez
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Medicine ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
Mujer de 57 años intervenida hace 4 años por aneurisma de aorta ascendente e insuficiencia aórtica grave, realizándose cirugía Bentall - De Bono. La paciente ingresó en situación de edema agudo de pulmón, anemia, anasarca, hipotensión y oligoanuria. Se realiza ecocardiograma transesofágico que revela gran seudoaneurisma aórtico (PsA) de 80 mm que rodea por completo el tubo aórtico, parcialmente trombosado con flujo sistodiastólico, compresión de aurícula izquierda e insuficiencia periprotésica moderada. La angiotomografía computarizada confirma tal hallazgo y revela una gran compresión de aurícula derecha y arteria pulmonar. La paciente se reinterviene entrado en circulación extracorpórea total por vasos femorales previa a la apertura esternal. Se encuentra gran PsA que comprime y desplaza la arteria pulmonar hacia la izquierda, y en su apertura se observa desinserción parcial del ostium de la arteria coronaria derecha como causa del PsA, sin insuficiencia periprotésica y una fístula entre el PsA - arteria pulmonar derecha. Se procede a la resección de PsA, cierre de fístula pulmonar mediante arteriotomía transversa de arteria pulmonar y resutura del ostium coronario derecho. Tras evolución favorable, la enferma fue dada de alta hospitalaria con revisión al mes sin incidencias. La técnica Bentall - De Bono modificada ha demostrado ser segura y de elección para todas las enfermedades de la válvula aórtica y aorta ascendente. La dehiscencia de sutura es la causa más frecuente de PsA, siendo la presencia de fístula entre PsA y AP excepcional.
- Published
- 2010
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14. 92. Desarrollo y resultados iniciales de un programa de cirugía cardíaca robótica. ¿Qué hemos aprendido?
- Author
J.M. Borrego Domínguez, A. Hernández Fernández, E. Gutiérrez Carretero, A. Adsuar, M. Bertomeu Cornejo, I. Bibiloni Lage, E. Ruiz Solano, J.C. Luis Navarro, M.J.a Eslava, and N. Romero Rodríguez
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Medicine ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
A principios de 2008 nuestro servicio se incorporó a un estudio cuyo objetivo era la evaluación de efectividad y seguridad de la cirugía cardíaca robótica (Da Vinci) e inició el diseño e implementación de un programa de cirugía cardíaca asistida por Da Vinci en nuestro Hospital. Metodología y resultados: Se presentan 11 procedimientos de cirugía cardíaca asistida por Da Vinci realizados en nuestro hospital siguiendo un programa de entrenamiento previamente diseñado: cinco casos de sustitución valvular mitral (SVM), cuatro de cirugía coronaria sin circulación extracorpórea (CEC) y dos cierres de comunicación interauricular (CIA). En los casos de cirugía con CEC ésta se realizó periféricamente y el clampaje aórtico mediante clamp transtorácico. La cirugía se realizó mediante dos puertos para los brazos del robot y una minitoracotomía anterolateral derecha que se utilizó como tercer puerto para la cámara y puerto de trabajo para introducción de prótesis mitral y anudado de hilos. En la SVM no hubo ningún caso de reconversión ni otras complicaciones mayores asociadas al procedimiento mínimamente invasivo. Los tiempos de CEC (187,56 min) y de anoxia (113,56 ± 35 min) han sido más largos de lo habitual en cirugía convencional. Los dos cierres de CIA se completaron con éxito mediante este procedimiento robótico sin incidencias aunque con mayores tiempos operatorios. En el caso de la cirugía coronaria sin CEC hemos completado la primera fase del proyecto de entrenamiento diseñado, la disección robótica de la arteria mamaria izquierda (AMI) para después continuar con la anastomosis manual de la AMI a ADA sin CEC. Conclusiones: La cirugía cardíaca asistida por Da Vinci puede facilitar los procedimientos mínimamente invasivos, siendo segura y de similares resultados a la convencional. Es fundamental diseñar un programa de entrenamiento por fases para su desarrollo y una adecuada selección de los pacientes para la curva de aprendizaje. Con esto se consigue que, aunque con tiempos operatorios mayores, no presente aumento de la morbimortalidad frente a las técnicas consolidadas.
- Published
- 2010
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15. 126. Resultados en cirugía mitral mínimamente invasiva. ventajas e inconvenientes de la técnica de clampaje transtorácico
- Author
A. Hernández Fernández, J.M. Borrego Domínguez, E. Gutiérrez Carretero, A. Adsuar Gómez, M. Bertomeu Cornejo, I. Bibiloni Lage, E. Ruiz Solano, N. Romero Rodríguez, and M.ªJ. Eslava
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Medicine ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
Actualmente, en cirugía mitral mínimamente invasiva (CMMI) se está abandonando el uso del clampaje endoaórtico mediante balón debido a su mayor coste y mayor frecuencia de complicaciones (disección aórtica, dislocación de balón, más sangrado, mayores tiempos operatorios y mayor índice de problemas vasculares periféricos). Presentamos una serie inicial de CMMI (Heart Port) utilizando una técnica de clampaje alternativa mediante clamp transtorácico (técnica de Chitwood). Material y metodología: En 14 pacientes se ha realizado sustitución valvular mitral (SVM) mediante CMMI a través de minitoracotomía derecha y con circulación extracorpórea (CEC) periférica utilizando clampaje transtorácico. El EuroS-CORE medio fue de 3,55 ± 1,08, y en todos las casos se completó la SVM aislada mínimamente invasiva sin reconversión con tiempo CEC: 134,67 ± 34,53 min y tiempo anoxia: 95,23 ± 78 min. No hay mortalidad ni complicaciones mayores en la serie. En ningún caso observamos disección aórtica, mala protección miocárdica o neurológica ni complicaciones vasculares periféricas o necesidad de reconstrucción femoral, que son algunas de las complicaciones más frecuentes descritas con el uso del balón endoaórtico. Una paciente al año se ha reoperado por dehiscencia mitral no evidenciada anteriormente. Conclusiones: Consideramos que la CMMI es una técnica segura, con resultados similares a la convencional, y que evita al paciente el trauma quirúrgico asociado a la esternotomía. En nuestra experiencia el clampaje transtorácico puede aportar ventajas durante la curva de aprendizaje, simplificándola, y presenta menor índice de complicaciones que el balón endoaórtico. Su principal desventaja es que su uso está limitado en las reoperaciones mitrales por las adherencias mediastínicas.
- Published
- 2010
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16. A practical analysis for decelerated growth processes to get physically meaningful kinetic parameters from classical nucleation and growth theory despite of overgrowth
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J.S. Blázquez, R. Caballero-Flores, A.F. Manchón-Gordón, J.M. Borrego, and C.F. Conde
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Materials Chemistry ,Ceramics and Composites ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials - Published
- 2023
17. Influence of hot compaction on microstructure and magnetic properties of mechanically alloyed Fe(Co)-based amorphous compositions
- Author
J.S. Blázquez, J.M. Borrego, Mihai Stoica, A. Conde, Victorino Franco, and Jhon J. Ipus
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Diffraction ,Materials science ,Mechanical Engineering ,Metallurgy ,Alloy ,Metals and Alloys ,Compaction ,chemistry.chemical_element ,engineering.material ,Microstructure ,Amorphous phase ,Amorphous solid ,Condensed Matter::Materials Science ,chemistry ,Mechanics of Materials ,Materials Chemistry ,engineering ,Composite material ,Supercooling ,Boron - Abstract
Amorphous Fe75Nb10B15 and (Fe70Co30)75Nb10B15 alloys were prepared by mechanical alloying from the elemental constituents and hot compacted at different temperatures within the supercooled liquid region. After compaction, the microstructure studied by X-ray diffraction shows an increase in the crystalline fraction for both compositions. Magnetic properties and magnetic entropy change of compacted samples of the Co-free alloy were enhanced with respect to the powder sample, meanwhile, a deterioration in these properties was observed for the Co containing alloy after compaction. Both changes could be ascribed to an enrichment in boron in the amorphous phase.
- Published
- 2015
18. Analysis of the Magnetocaloric Effect in Powder Samples Obtained by Ball Milling
- Author
Victorino Franco, Jhon J. Ipus, J.S. Blázquez, C.F. Conde, J.M. Borrego, L.M. Moreno-Ramírez, Sergio Lozano-Perez, and A. Conde
- Subjects
Structural material ,Materials science ,Metallic materials ,Metallurgy ,Demagnetizing field ,Magnetic refrigeration ,Curie temperature ,Thermodynamics ,Peak value ,Cooling capacity ,Ball mill - Abstract
Since the discovery of the giant magnetocaloric effect (MCE) close to room temperature in FeRh and particularly in Gd5Si2Ge2 compounds, the study of this phenomenon has experienced an exponential growth. Among the different techniques used to produce magnetocaloric materials, ball milling has been shown as a very versatile one and presents several advantages over other preparation techniques (e.g., easy scale-up to industrial production). Although a general decrease of the peak value of the magnetic entropy change is observed for milled samples, it can be compensated by the large broadening of the MCE peak, leading to an increase of the refrigeration capacity. In this short review, several aspects inherent to powder samples affecting MCE will be discussed, such as the relevant effect of the demagnetizing field, the possible multiphase character, and the presence of Curie temperature distributions. In mechanically alloyed samples, the two latter factors are typically affected by the degree of integration of the different starting constituents.
- Published
- 2015
19. Study of phases evolution in high-coercive MnAl powders obtained through short milling time of gas-atomized particles
- Author
J.S. Blázquez, J. Camarero, N. López, A. Conde, Victorino Franco, J.M. Borrego, Laura H. Lewis, J. Rial, Alberto Bollero, Jia Yan Law, Luke G. Marshall, M. Villanueva, Northeastern University (US), Comunidad de Madrid, Junta de Andalucía, Department of Energy (US), and Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España)
- Subjects
Materials science ,Permanent magnets ,Annealing (metallurgy) ,02 engineering and technology ,01 natural sciences ,Strain ,Ball milling ,0103 physical sciences ,Magnetic properties ,Materials Chemistry ,Ball mill ,010302 applied physics ,Mechanical Engineering ,Nanostructured materials ,Metallurgy ,Metals and Alloys ,Coercivity ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,Microstructure ,MnAl alloys ,Ferromagnetism ,Mechanics of Materials ,Magnet ,Technological advance ,0210 nano-technology - Abstract
Gas-atomized MnAl particles constituted nominally of only ε- and γ-phases, i.e. no content of the ferromagnetic L1-type τ-phase, have been used to study the evolution of phases during short time of high-energy milling and subsequent annealing. Milling for 3 min is sufficient to begin formation of the τ-MnAl phase. A large coercivity of 4.9 kOe has been obtained in milled powder after annealing at 355 °C for 10 min. The large increase in coercivity, by comparison with the lower value of 1.8 kOe obtained for the starting material after the same annealing conditions, is attributed to the combined formation of the τ-MnAl and β-Mn phases and the creation of a very fine microstructure with grain sizes on the order of 20 nm. Correlation between morphology, microstructure and magnetic properties of the rapidly milled MnAl powders constitutes a technological advance to prepare highly coercive MnAl powders., The gas-atomized powders were provided by Prof. Ian Baker, Dartmouth College where they were produced via a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy, Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) through REACT program contract no. DE-AR0000188. This research has been funded by MINECO (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation): ENMA-National project (MAT2014-56955-R) and Northeastern University, MINECO through M-era.Net Programme: NEXMAG project (PCIN-2015-126) and Regional Government (Comunidad de Madrid): NANOFRONTMAG (Ref. S2013/MIT-2850), MINECO (project MAT2013-45165-P) and the PAI of the Regional Government of Andalucía. N. López acknowledges MINECO for the “Promoción de Empleo Joven” (PEJ-2014) in the frame of Sistema Nacional de Garantía Juvenil and funding by FSE and IEJ.
- Published
- 2017
20. Grinding and particle size selection as a procedure to enhance the magnetocaloric response of La(Fe,Si)13 bulk samples
- Author
L.M. Moreno-Ramírez, Jhon J. Ipus, A. Conde, J.M. Borrego, J.S. Blázquez, Victorino Franco, European Commission, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), and Junta de Andalucía
- Subjects
010302 applied physics ,Diffraction ,Materials science ,Annealing (metallurgy) ,Mechanical Engineering ,Metallurgy ,Magnetocaloric effect ,Metals and Alloys ,Analytical chemistry ,02 engineering and technology ,General Chemistry ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,01 natural sciences ,La(Fe,Si)13 ,Mössbauer spectrometry ,Grinding ,Mechanics of Materials ,Bulk samples ,0103 physical sciences ,Materials Chemistry ,Magnetic refrigeration ,Particle size ,Ingot ,0210 nano-technology ,Mossbauer spectrometry - Abstract
The magnetocaloric effect of La(Fe,Si) samples deteriorates with the presence of secondary phases. However, it is highly challenging to produce single phase samples by conventional procedures and purification requires long annealing time. We propose grinding and particle size selection of non-optimal starting samples as procedure to enhance the magnetocaloric response. In this study a starting multiphase LaFeSi ingot was grinded and sieved to select three different particle size ranges. X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectrometry reveal that all samples mainly contain fcc-La(Fe,Si) and bcc-Fe(Si) phases. Microstructural and magnetic results show that the fcc-La(Fe,Si) phase fraction increases for samples with the smallest average particle size, increasing their magnetocaloric response in a factor larger than three with respect to that of the bulk sample., This work was supported by the Spanish MINECO and EU FEDER (projects MAT2013-45165-P and MAT2016-77265-R) and the PAI of the Regional Government of Andalucía. L.M. Moreno-Ramírez acknowledges a FPU fellowship from the Spanish MECD.
- Published
- 2017
21. Structural relaxation in Fe(Co)SiAlGaPCB amorphous alloys
- Author
J.M. Borrego, C.F. Conde, A. Conde, Judy S. Kim, J.S. Blázquez, Sergio Lozano-Perez, Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física de la Materia Condensada, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España, European Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), Junta de Andalucía, and ESTEEM (Formación Europea en Seguridad para la Movilidad Europea)
- Subjects
Exothermic reaction ,Materials science ,Amorphous metal ,Annealing (metallurgy) ,Mechanical Engineering ,Enthalpy relaxation ,Enthalpy ,Metals and Alloys ,Thermodynamics ,Calorimetry ,Atmospheric temperature range ,Amorphous solid ,Amorphous materials ,Condensed Matter::Materials Science ,Crystallography ,Mechanics of Materials ,Materials Chemistry ,Curie temperature ,Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) ,Glass transition - Abstract
The structural relaxation of multicomponent Fe(Co)SiAlGaPCB amorphous alloys was investigated calorimetrically for annealed samples over a wide temperature range below the glass transition temperature. Upon heating, the annealed samples exhibit an endothermic reaction (enthalpy relaxation) starting around the annealing temperature and continuing over a temperature range of about 50-140 K, that it is followed by a broad exothermic reaction. Changes in the heat flow curves with annealing temperature and time were analyzed. Experimental values of the overall enthalpy change, ΔH, the peak temperature of the difference in heat flow between the annealed and the as-quenched samples, Tp, and Curie temperature, TC, were fitted by exponential functions including two relaxation times. Values of the two relaxation times are the same for different annealing temperatures regardless the considered property. Saturation values of these magnitudes show a linear dependence with the inverse of the annealing temperature. Tiny domains (2-3 nm in diameter) in the matrix observed by spherical aberration corrected high-resolution transmission electron microscopy could be attributed to some medium-range order in the atomic structure of these quenched alloys. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MAT 2010-20537 European Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) MAT 2010-20537 Junta de Andalucía P10-FQM-6462 ESTEEM 312483 - ESTEEM2
- Published
- 2014
22. Short-term Use of Ventricular Assist Device in a Patient With Restrictive Cardiomyopathy: A Case Report
- Author
C.A. Rojas-Bermúdez, F. Rodríguez-Mora, R. Hinojosa-Perez, J.M. Borrego-Domínguez, A. Herruzo-Aviles, E.M. Cantero-Pérez, and A. Adsuar-Gómez
- Subjects
Adult ,Cardiomyopathy, Restrictive ,Transplantation ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Ventricular cavity ,business.industry ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Cardiogenic shock ,Cardiomyopathy ,Restrictive cardiomyopathy ,medicine.disease ,Pulmonary hypertension ,Internal medicine ,Ventricular assist device ,cardiovascular system ,medicine ,Cardiology ,Humans ,Female ,Surgery ,In patient ,Heart-Assist Devices ,cardiovascular diseases ,business - Abstract
The CentriMag (Levitronix LLC, Waltham, MA, USA) ventricular assist device is a centrifugal pump designed for short-term support in patients with cardiogenic shock. In patients with restrictive physiology, there is some concern about the use of these devices due a very small ventricular cavity. We review the evolution of a 32-year-old woman with restrictive cardiomyopathy, moderate pulmonary hypertension, and severe biventricular systo-diastolic dysfunction in whom a biventricular Centrimag device was implanted due to a progressive clinical worsening.
- Published
- 2018
23. ChemInform Abstract: Analysis of the Magnetocaloric Effect in Powder Samples Obtained by Ball Milling
- Author
Jhon J. Ipus, C.F. Conde, Sergio Lozano-Perez, L.M. Moreno-Ramírez, J.S. Blázquez, J.M. Borrego, A. Conde, and Victorino Franco
- Subjects
Chemistry ,Demagnetizing field ,Magnetic refrigeration ,Thermodynamics ,Curie temperature ,General Medicine ,Peak value ,Cooling capacity ,Ball mill ,Degree (temperature) - Abstract
Since the discovery of the giant magnetocaloric effect (MCE) close to room temperature in FeRh and particularly in Gd5Si2Ge2 compounds, the study of this phenomenon has experienced an exponential growth. Among the different techniques used to produce magnetocaloric materials, ball milling has been shown as a very versatile one and presents several advantages over other preparation techniques (e.g., easy scale-up to industrial production). Although a general decrease of the peak value of the magnetic entropy change is observed for milled samples, it can be compensated by the large broadening of the MCE peak, leading to an increase of the refrigeration capacity. In this short review, several aspects inherent to powder samples affecting MCE will be discussed, such as the relevant effect of the demagnetizing field, the possible multiphase character, and the presence of Curie temperature distributions. In mechanically alloyed samples, the two latter factors are typically affected by the degree of integration of the different starting constituents.
- Published
- 2016
24. Magnetic and structural characterization of Mo-Hitperm alloys with different Fe/Co ratio
- Author
Dušan Janičkovič, J.S. Blázquez, A. Conde, C.F. Conde, J.M. Borrego, and Peter Švec
- Subjects
Materials science ,Mechanical Engineering ,Alloy ,Metallurgy ,Metals and Alloys ,Analytical chemistry ,engineering.material ,Microstructure ,Grain size ,Nanocrystalline material ,Amorphous solid ,law.invention ,Magnetic shape-memory alloy ,Mechanics of Materials ,law ,Materials Chemistry ,engineering ,Curie temperature ,Crystallization - Abstract
The influence of the Co content on the microstructure and magnetic behaviour of a series of amorphous and nanocrystalline (FeCo)79Mo8Cu1B12 alloys is reported. Changes in the magnetic properties provoked by the microstructural evolution upon different thermal treatments of as-cast samples are analyzed as well. Kinetics of nanocrystallization process can be described by an isokinetic approach. As the Co content in the alloy increases, the Curie temperature of the amorphous as-cast samples increases while the crystallization onset temperature decreases. The crystalline volume fraction as well as the mean grain size of the nanocrystals at the end of the nanocrystallization process are slightly higher for the lowest Co content alloy but smaller than in similar Hitperm Mo-free alloys. The average magnetic field and the average isomer shift of the as-cast samples show a linear increase with two slopes with the Co content of the alloy. The same tendency is found for the saturation magnetization. Combined TEM, XRD, and MS data indicate the presence of Mo atoms in the nanocrystals. At the end of the nanocrystallization process the softest magnetic behaviour corresponds to the lowest Co content alloy. The second crystallization process provokes a magnetic hardening of these alloys.
- Published
- 2011
25. Structural ordering and magnetic properties of arc-melted FeGa alloys
- Author
A. Conde, C.F. Conde, Stefan Roth, J.S. Blázquez, J.M. Borrego, and Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física de la Materia Condensada
- Subjects
B-Order/disorder transformations ,Diffraction ,Materials science ,B-Magnetic properties ,Field (physics) ,Condensed matter physics ,Magnetic moment ,Mechanical Engineering ,Metals and Alloys ,A-Magnetic intermetallics ,General Chemistry ,Crystal structure ,F-Mössbauer spectroscopy ,Lattice constant ,Mechanics of Materials ,Atom ,Materials Chemistry ,Hyperfine structure ,Mossbauer spectrometry - Abstract
X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectrometry and magnetic properties have been performed on FeGa arc-melted binary alloys in order to study the compositional dependence of the structural ordering and magnetic properties of these alloys. The average magnetic hyperfine field at 300 K decreases with increasing Ga content as does the average magnetic moment per Fe atom and a linear dependence between both quantities is found for Ga content up to 20 at. %. The substitution of Fe by Ga atoms increases the lattice parameter and causes a change in the order of the crystal structure that has been modelled using a binomial distribution method. The effect of Ga atoms as near neighbours of Fe on the average magnetic hyperfine field is evaluated
- Published
- 2007
26. Actuación fisioterápica tras la valoración pericial de las lesiones de columna vertebral
- Author
P. Borrego Jiménez, P.S. Borrego Jiménez, P.A. Borrego Jiménez, M.F. Lorenzo Gómez, and J.M. Borrego Jiménez
- Subjects
Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation - Abstract
Resumen Las valoraciones periciales realizadas en pacientes con lesiones vertebrales es de por si sumamente dificil, exigiendo completos conocimientos de anatomia, funcional y patologica, y sus diferentes posibilidades diagnosticas. A pesar de que la principal causa del peritaje es el dolor, resulta coincidente con la causa primaria de derivacion a fisioterapia por lesiones de columna vertebral traumaticas. Este trabajo pretende analizar la repercusion de la participacion del fisioterapeuta tras la valoracion pericial, bien en primera instancia, o bien como continuacion de un primer ciclo iniciado antes de la peritacion.
- Published
- 2007
27. Análisis psicométrico del Cuestionario de Discapacidad del Dolor Lumbar de Oswestry
- Author
M.L. Sáez Regidor, P.A. Borrego Jiménez, P. Borrego Jiménez, P.S. Borrego Jiménez, and J.M. Borrego Jiménez
- Subjects
Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation - Abstract
Resumen La utilizacion de sistemas de medicion y valoracion de la discapacidad requieren la validacion por los sistemas psicometricos mas habituales. El presente estudio analiza la fiabilidad del denominado Cuestionario del Dolor Lumbar de Oswestry, instrumento de medicion del grado de discapacidad de la lesion referida, utilizando una muestra de 26 pacientes, y analizando la consistencia interna de los items de los cuestionarios aplicados mediante el coeficiente α de Cronbach (Teoria Clasica de los Tests). Los resultados revelan la aproximacion a los estudios ya publicados y ponen de manifiesto las posibilidades expresas de nuevas validaciones en muestras superiores, incluso por medio de otras teorias psicometricas.
- Published
- 2005
28. Characterization of 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layers by Microwave Photoconductivity Decay
- Author
R. J. Kumar, Peter Almern Losee, Can Hua Li, J.M. Borrego, T. Paul Chow, Joseph Seiler, Ishwara B. Bhat, and Ronald J. Gutmann
- Subjects
Materials science ,business.industry ,Mechanical Engineering ,Photoconductivity ,PIN diode ,Carrier lifetime ,Conductivity ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Epitaxy ,Laser ,law.invention ,Mechanics of Materials ,law ,Optoelectronics ,General Materials Science ,business ,Excitation ,Microwave - Abstract
A Microwave Photoconductivity Decay (M-PCD) technique which senses changes insample conductivity as carriers recombine following excitation by a laser pulse, has been used to determine the minority carrier recombination lifetime from the decay rate of carriers in 4H-SiC epitaxial layers. Decay times varying from 60 ns to 500 ns have been measured, with the decay increasing with thickness. Device simulations show that I-V characteristics of pin diodes fabricated with these epitaxial layers are compatible with the observed decay times.
- Published
- 2005
29. Study of the short-range order of FeCoSiAlGaPCB amorphous alloys by EXAFS spectroscopy
- Author
Golden Kumar, J.M. Borrego, C.F. Conde, A. Conde, Agnès Traverse, and Stefan Roth
- Subjects
Amorphous metal ,Materials science ,Absorption spectroscopy ,Silicon ,Mössbauer effect ,Extended X-ray absorption fine structure ,chemistry.chemical_element ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials ,Amorphous solid ,law.invention ,Crystallography ,chemistry ,law ,Crystallization ,Mossbauer spectrometry - Abstract
The short-range order of (Fe x Co y B z C u ) 80 Si 3 Al 5 Ga 2 P 10 with x = 5 – 70 , y = 0 – 63 , z = 5 – 12 and u = 0 – 5 amorphous alloys has been investigated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The existence of some chemical preferences leading the B atoms to locate near Fe atoms and Si atoms near Co atoms can be concluded which allows to explain the small increase of the short-range order previously found for these alloys in the Co-rich side by Mossbauer spectrometry. Co and Fe neighbourhood in the amorphous was found to be similar to that of the crystalline phases formed during the primary crystallization.
- Published
- 2005
30. Mössbauer study of FeCoSiAlGaPCB amorphous alloys
- Author
Stefan Roth, A. Conde, Jean-Marc Greneche, Jürgen Eckert, C.F. Conde, and J.M. Borrego
- Subjects
Condensed Matter::Materials Science ,Materials science ,Nuclear magnetic resonance ,Amorphous metal ,Magnetic moment ,Ferromagnetism ,Mössbauer spectroscopy ,Analytical chemistry ,General Physics and Astronomy ,Curie temperature ,Hyperfine structure ,Mossbauer spectrometry ,Magnetic field - Abstract
A Mossbauer spectrometry and magnetic study have been performed on FeCoSiAlGaPCB amorphous alloys in order to get information about the variations in the atomic short range order with the substitution of Fe by Co. The decrease of the Curie temperature with decreasing Fe content was analyzed in the framework of the molecular field theory. The average hyperfine magnetic field at 77 K decreases linearly with increasing Co content as does the average magnetic moment per transition metal atom and a linear dependence between both quantities is found. The standard deviation of the hyperfine magnetic field distribution at 77 K does not change with Fe substitution and the average isomer shift increases linearly with the Co content of the alloy. The hyperfine magnetic field distributions show a bimodal character that evidences the presence of two types of Fe environments in the as-cast alloys.
- Published
- 2004
31. Recombination parameters for antimonide-based semiconductors using the radio frequency photoreflectance technique
- Author
G. Nichols, R. J. Kumar, C. A. Wang, Partha S. Dutta, Ramon U. Martinelli, Ronald J. Gutmann, and J.M. Borrego
- Subjects
business.industry ,Chemistry ,Photoconductivity ,Doping ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Epitaxy ,Molecular physics ,Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials ,Active layer ,Auger ,Optics ,Semiconductor ,Antimonide ,Materials Chemistry ,Spontaneous emission ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,business - Abstract
Radio-frequency (RF) photoreflectance measurements and one-dimensional device simulations have been used to evaluate bulk and surface recombination parameters in doubly capped, 0.50–0.59-eV, p-type InGaAsSb epitaxial materials. The InGaAsSb lifetime structures with variable active-layer thicknesses are used to extract the surface recombination velocity (SRV), while samples with different active-layer doping concentrations have been used to determine the Auger and radiative recombination coefficients. The RF photoreflectance measurements and analysis are compatible with a radiative recombination coefficient (B) of approximately 3×10−11 cm3/s, Auger coefficient (C) of 1×10−28 cm6/s, and SRV of ∼103 cm/s or lower for 0.50–0.59 eV, doubly capped, p-type InGaAsSb epitaxial layers.
- Published
- 2004
32. Glass-forming ability and crystallization behavior of Co62−xFexNb6Zr2B30 (x=0,16) amorphous alloys with large supercooled liquid region
- Author
Stefan Roth, A. Conde, H. Grahl, C.F. Conde, J.M. Borrego, A. Ostwald, and Jürgen Eckert
- Subjects
Amorphous metal ,Materials science ,Metallurgy ,Zirconium alloy ,General Physics and Astronomy ,Thermodynamics ,Condensed Matter::Disordered Systems and Neural Networks ,law.invention ,Condensed Matter::Soft Condensed Matter ,Condensed Matter::Materials Science ,Devitrification ,Fragility ,Differential scanning calorimetry ,law ,Crystallization ,Glass transition ,Supercooling - Abstract
The kinetics of the glass transition and the crystallization process of Co62−xFexNb6Zr2B30 (x=0,16) amorphous alloys with large supercooled liquid region was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry. The dependence of the glass transition on the heating rate was analyzed in terms of the Vogel–Fulcher–Tamman equation. The glass-forming ability of these alloys is discussed with respect to the width of the supercooled liquid region, the reduced glass transition temperature, and the fragility parameter. The studied alloys are found to be rather strong glass formers. The crystalline phases formed after the devitrification are identified by means of x-ray diffraction and thermomagnetic measurements. The complicated crystallization process requiring long-range atomic rearrangements seems to contribute to the high stability of the supercooled liquid against crystallization.
- Published
- 2002
33. Relationship between mechanical amorphization and boron integration during processing of FeNbB alloys
- Author
Sergio Lozano-Perez, J.S. Blázquez, A. Conde, Victorino Franco, Jhon J. Ipus, C.F. Conde, J.M. Borrego, and Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física de la Materia Condensada
- Subjects
Diffraction ,Materials science ,C. Mechanical alloying and milling ,Mechanical Engineering ,Metallurgy ,Alloy ,Metals and Alloys ,Intermetallic ,chemistry.chemical_element ,General Chemistry ,engineering.material ,Microstructure ,Amorphous solid ,Matrix (chemical analysis) ,chemistry ,B. Magnetic properties ,Mechanics of Materials ,Mössbauer spectroscopy ,Materials Chemistry ,engineering ,Boron - Abstract
Fe75Nb10B15 alloys were prepared by mechanical alloying using different boron powders (crystalline B, commercial amorphous B, optimized amorphous B and intermetallic FeB) in the initial mixture in order to study the boron incorporation into the Fe matrix and its influence on the amorphization of the alloys. Another composition with the same Fe/Nb ratio but without boron was prepared in order to differentiate between the influence of B and Nb in the evolution of microstructure and magnetic properties. Amorphization of samples was followed by X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy, concluding that only B-containing alloys develop an amorphous phase, while for the B-free alloy a supersaturated solid solution was observed as the final microstructure. Nb is rapidly incorporated into the matrix whereas remaining B inclusions are found at the end of the explored milling range for all B-containing samples. The amount of dissolved boron into the amorphous matrix was estimated from magnetic measurements, being the alloy prepared using FeB powder the one that most effectively dissolves this element. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2014
34. Magnetocaloric effect of Co62Nb6Zr2B 30 amorphous alloys obtained by mechanical alloying or rapid quenching
- Author
J.M. Borrego, J.S. Blázquez, Victorino Franco, A. Conde, L. M. Moreno, and Jhon J. Ipus
- Subjects
Amorphous metal ,Materials science ,Metallurgy ,Zirconium alloy ,General Physics and Astronomy ,Field dependence ,Thermodynamics ,Amorphous solid ,law.invention ,Refrigerant ,law ,Magnetic refrigeration ,Curie temperature ,Crystallization - Abstract
Amorphous samples of nominal composition Co62Nb 6Zr2B30 have been prepared using mechanical alloying (MA) and rapid quenching (RQ) techniques. Differences appear in Curie temperature and the phases developed after crystallization. Refrigerant capacity is enhanced 20% in the MA-sample with respect to that of RQ-sample. Neglecting the demagnetizing factor of powder samples significantly affects the exponent n characterizing the field dependence of the maximum magnetic entropy change. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.
- Published
- 2014
35. Crystallization of Co-containing Finemet alloys
- Author
C.F. Conde, J.M. Borrego, A. Conde, and Jean-Marc Greneche
- Subjects
Diffraction ,Amorphous metal ,Materials science ,Metallurgy ,Analytical chemistry ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Nanocrystalline material ,Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials ,law.invention ,Amorphous solid ,law ,Materials Chemistry ,Ceramics and Composites ,Crystallite ,Crystallization ,Hyperfine structure ,Mossbauer spectrometry - Abstract
Fe 73.5− x Co x Si 13.5 B 9 Cu 1 Nb 3 ( x =13.5 and 60 at.%) materials with different volumetric fractions of nanometer-sized (Fe, Co)Si crystallites produced by controlled crystallization of the amorphous alloy, were studied by combining 57 Fe Mossbauer spectrometry (MS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The crystalline fractions were first estimated and the compositions of both the amorphous residual phase and the nanocrystalline phase were modelled. The composition of the (Fe, Co)Si nanosized crystals does not change with the crystalline fraction but depends on the amorphous composition. Lattice parameters, hyperfine fields and Curie temperatures data are consistent with the proposed composition.
- Published
- 2001
36. Nanocrystallite compositions for Al- and Mo-containing Finemet-type alloys
- Author
A. Conde, J.M. Borrego, M. Frost, Mike R. J. Gibbs, Iain Todd, Jose Javier Saiz Garitaonandia, Jose Manuel Barandiaran, Jean-Marc Greneche, and Hywel A. Davies
- Subjects
Materials science ,Annealing (metallurgy) ,Composite number ,Metallurgy ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Nanocrystalline material ,Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials ,law.invention ,Amorphous solid ,Crystallography ,Devitrification ,law ,Mössbauer spectroscopy ,Materials Chemistry ,Ceramics and Composites ,Crystallite ,Crystallization - Abstract
New composite soft magnetic alloys in the compositional series Fe73.5−xAlxSi13.5B9Cu1Mo3 were recently obtained by partial thermal devitrification of amorphous ribbons. We report the results of Mossbauer and X-ray diffraction (XRD) investigations of nanocrystalline alloys containing 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 at.% Al, following annealing at 560°C for 1 h. The results indicate that most of the Si and Al are located in the cubic-DO3Fe(Si,Al) crystallites, after the primary crystallization is achieved.
- Published
- 2001
37. Structural relaxation processes in FeSiB-Cu(Nb, X), X=Mo, V, Zr, Nb glassy alloys
- Author
J.M. Borrego, C.F. Conde, and A. Conde
- Subjects
Exothermic reaction ,Materials science ,Annealing (metallurgy) ,Mechanical Engineering ,Kinetics ,Enthalpy ,Relaxation (NMR) ,Thermodynamics ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Amorphous phase ,Condensed Matter::Materials Science ,Nuclear magnetic resonance ,Mechanics of Materials ,Curie temperature ,General Materials Science - Abstract
Structural relaxation in FeSiB-Cu(NbX) alloys is evidenced by enthalpy release exothermic DSC maxima and by changes in the Curie temperature of the amorphous phase upon annealing. A monotonic increase in T C with annealing temperature and time is found and the equilibrium T C values show a linear dependence with the inverse of the annealing temperature. An uniformly linear log (time) kinetics results and the relaxation time decreases exponentially as the annealing temperature increases.
- Published
- 2001
38. Photon recycling and recombination processes in 0.53 eV p-type InGaAsSb
- Author
C. A. Wang, G. W. Charache, P. F. Baldasaro, Ronald J. Gutmann, J.M. Borrego, S. Saroop, and T. Donovan
- Subjects
Auger effect ,Chemistry ,Doping ,General Physics and Astronomy ,Heterojunction ,Carrier lifetime ,Epitaxy ,Gallium arsenide ,symbols.namesake ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,symbols ,Spontaneous emission ,Atomic physics ,Recombination - Abstract
Transient radio frequency photoreflectance measurements were performed on 0.53 eV p-type InGaAsSb double heterostructures, grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy on lattice matched GaSb substrates, for determining excess carrier lifetime. Direct evidence of photon recycling was observed by changing the GaSb backsurface reflectivity and observing the change in excess carrier lifetime. Consistent with theory developed for this type of structure, effective lifetimes increased by 30%–40% when the backsurface was changed from an absorbing to a reflecting surface. The theory develops a closed-form expression for the total radiative recombination rate, starting with continuity equations for both excess minority carriers and the photon density. Lifetime measurements in these p-InGaAsSb structures with different doping concentrations and epitaxial layer thicknesses allow the extraction of minority carrier recombination parameters. Measurements indicate a value for the radiative recombination coefficient of B=...
- Published
- 2001
39. Thermodynamic analysis of thermophotovoltaic efficiency and power density tradeoffs
- Author
J. E. Raynolds, D. M. DePoy, J.M. Borrego, G. W. Charache, C. T. Ballinger, T. Donovan, and P. F. Baldasaro
- Subjects
Work (thermodynamics) ,Materials science ,General Physics and Astronomy ,Thermodynamics ,Engineering physics ,symbols.namesake ,Thermophotonics ,Thermophotovoltaic ,Radiator (engine cooling) ,symbols ,Energy transformation ,Carnot cycle ,Power density ,Diode - Abstract
This report presents an assessment of the efficiency and power density limitations of thermophotovoltaic (TPV) energy conversion systems for both ideal (radiative limited) and practical (defect-limited) systems. Thermodynamics is integrated into the unique physics of TPV conversion, and used to define the intrinsic tradeoff between power density and efficiency. The results of the analysis reveal that the selection of diode band gap sets a limit on achievable efficiency well below the traditional Carnot level. In addition it is shown that filter performance dominates diode performance in any practical TPV system and determines the optimum band gap for a given radiator temperature. It is demonstrated that for a given radiator temperature, lower band-gap diodes enable both higher efficiency and power density when spectral control limitations are included. The goal of this work is to provide a better understanding of the basic system limitations that will enable successful long-term development of TPV energy conversion technology.
- Published
- 2001
40. Hipotiroidismo y daño miocárdico en donantes cardíacos
- Author
Antonio Ordóñez, Julio Marqués, Ángel Martínez Martínez, José Luis Serrera, J.M. Borrego, and José Eduardo López Haldón
- Subjects
business.industry ,Medicine ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Humanities - Abstract
Introduccion y objetivos La muerte cerebral es capaz de provocar disfuncion contractil del miocardio e hipotiroidismo. Dicha disfuncion miocardica es un factor limitante al considerar el corazon del donante para trasplante. Se ha demostrado que el dano miocardico es el mecanismo a traves del cual se establece la disfuncion contractil en los donantes. Por otro lado, se ha invocado al hipotiroidismo como un factor causal primordial en las alteraciones cardiovasculares que acontecen en los sujetos en muerte cerebral. No se conoce si existe alguna relacion entre este hipotiroidismo y el dano miocardico que aparecen en la muerte cerebral. En este estudio cuantificamos el dano miocardico y el estado hormonal tiroideo en un grupo de donantes y analizamos si existe una relacion entre hipotiroidismo y el dano del musculo cardiaco. Pacientes y metodo En el suero de 45 donantes se cuantificaron troponinas T e I como marcadores de dano miocardico, asi como hormonas tiroideas. Se analizo la correlacion entre las troponinas y el estado tiroideo. Resultados Una o ambas troponinas estaban elevadas en 19 donantes (42,2%). El hipotiroidismo fue muy frecuente, ya que estuvo presente en 39 donantes (86,7%). No hubo correlacion alguna entre ninguna de las troponinas y las concentraciones de triyodotironina. Conclusiones El hipotiroidismo y el dano miocardico son frecuentes en los donantes en muerte cerebral, sin que exista asociacion alguna entre ambas alteraciones.
- Published
- 2001
41. Devitrification process of FeSiBCuBbX nanocrystalline alloys: Mössbauer study of the intergranular phase
- Author
J.M. Borrego, C.F. Conde, A. Conde, V. A. Peña-Rodríguez, and Jean-Marc Greneche
- Subjects
Devitrification ,Materials science ,Diffusion process ,Condensed matter physics ,Magnetic domain ,Annealing (metallurgy) ,Mössbauer spectroscopy ,Metallurgy ,General Materials Science ,Intergranular corrosion ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Hyperfine structure ,Nanocrystalline material - Abstract
Mossbauer experiments were performed at room temperature using different experimental configurations on several series of nanocrystalline FeSiBCuNbX alloys (X = Zr, Nb, Mo and V) obtained after annealing treatments of melt-spun ribbons. The refinement of Mossbauer spectra allows the kinetics and the local structural rearrangement mechanisms associated with the nanocrystallization process to be compared. The hyperfine field distributions of the intergranular phase show the emergence of a bimodal behaviour that becomes significantly more pronounced from volumetric crystalline fractions estimated at ~20-25%, regardless of the nature of the substituting element. The hyperfine field distribution can be described by means of two Gaussian components, consistent with of a two-cluster-like model. Such a behaviour can be attributed to the presence of iron-rich and iron-poor zones within the intergranular phase, resulting from the diffusion process. These mechanisms are found to be independent of the nature of X. In addition, strong in-plane magnetic structures are evidenced for Nb-, Mo-, and V-based systems while the magnetic domains tend to be randomly distributed in Zr-based nanocrystalline alloys.
- Published
- 2000
42. [Untitled]
- Author
V. A. Peña-Rodríguez, A. Conde, Jean-Marc Greneche, and J.M. Borrego
- Subjects
Nuclear and High Energy Physics ,Materials science ,Condensed matter physics ,Annealing (metallurgy) ,Intergranular corrosion ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics ,Nanocrystalline material ,Spectral line ,Amorphous solid ,Condensed Matter::Materials Science ,Crystallography ,Mossbauer spectra ,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry ,Hyperfine structure ,Relevant information - Abstract
We propose a method to describe accurately Mossbauer spectra recorded on nanocrystalline FINEMET-type alloys by means of two independent components. The validity of the fitting procedure is controlled by comparing hyperfine characteristics of spectra recorded under different experimental configurations. In addition, the reliability of the fitting model is discussed from spectra obtained on nanocrystalline alloys resulting from different annealing treatments, i.e., with different crystalline contents. Such a method allows us to estimate more accurately the crystalline fraction and to refine the values of hyperfine parameters, both their annealing temperature and time dependencies, the hyperfine field distribution characteristic of the intergranular component and the magnetic texture. Finally, their changes versus crystalline fraction provide relevant information to describe the nanocrystallization process occurring during the transformation from the amorphous into the nanocrystalline state in the case of FINEMET alloys.
- Published
- 2000
43. Recombination processes in doubly capped antimonide-based quaternary thin films
- Author
G. W. Charache, S. Saroop, Christine A. Wang, J.M. Borrego, and Ronald J. Gutmann
- Subjects
Materials science ,business.industry ,Photoconductivity ,Doping ,General Physics and Astronomy ,Substrate (electronics) ,Gallium arsenide ,Active layer ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,chemistry ,Thermophotovoltaic ,Antimonide ,Optoelectronics ,Thin film ,business - Abstract
Recombination processes in antimonide-based materials for thermophotovoltaic (TPV) devices have been investigated using a radio-frequency (rf) photoreflectance technique, in which a Nd–YAG pulsed laser is used to excite excess carriers, and the short-pulse response and photoconductivity decay are monitored with an inductively coupled noncontacting rf probe. Both lattice-matched AlGaAsSb and GaSb have been used to double cap InGaAsSb active layers to evaluate bulk lifetime and surface recombination velocity with different active layer thicknesses. With an active layer doping of 2×1017 cm−3, effective bulk lifetimes of 95 ns and surface recombination velocities of 1900 cm/s have been obtained. As the laser intensity is increased the lifetime decreases, which is attributed to radiative recombination under these high-level injection conditions. Similar measurements have been taken on both TPV device structures and starting substrate materials for comparison purposes.
- Published
- 1999
44. InGaAsSb thermophotovoltaic diode: Physics evaluation
- Author
L. R. Danielson, Christine A. Wang, D. M. DePoy, Dmitri Z. Garbuzov, H. K. Choi, M. Freeman, G. W. Charache, P. F. Baldasaro, V. B. Khalfin, Ronald J. Gutmann, J.M. Borrego, Ramon U. Martinelli, and S. Saroop
- Subjects
Physics ,Electron mobility ,business.industry ,Band gap ,General Physics and Astronomy ,Carrier lifetime ,Photodiode ,law.invention ,Gallium arsenide ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,chemistry ,law ,Thermophotovoltaic ,Optoelectronics ,business ,Diode ,Dark current - Abstract
The hotside operating temperatures for many projected thermophotovoltaic (TPV) conversion system applications are approximately 1000 °C, which sets an upper limit on the TPV diode band gap of 0.6 eV from efficiency and power density considerations. This band gap requirement has necessitated the development of new diode material systems never previously considered for energy generation. To date, InGaAsSb quaternary diodes grown lattice matched on GaSb substrates have achieved the highest performance. In this article we relate observed diode performance to electro-optical properties such as minority carrier lifetime, diffusion length, and mobility and provide initial links to microstructural properties. This analysis has bounded potential diode performance improvements. For the 0.53 eV InGaAsSb diodes used in this analysis (active layer doping is 2×1017 cm−3) the dark current density measured is 2×10−5 A/cm2 versus a potential Auger and/or a radiative limit of 2×10−6 A/cm2 (no photon recycling), and an abso...
- Published
- 1999
45. Antimonide-based devices for thermophotovoltaic applications
- Author
G. W. Charache, J.M. Borrego, Ishwara B. Bhat, Collin Hitchcock, and Ronald J. Gutmann
- Subjects
Materials science ,Passivation ,business.industry ,Carrier lifetime ,Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials ,Gallium arsenide ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,chemistry ,Thermophotovoltaic ,Antimonide ,Optoelectronics ,Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,business ,Dark current ,Common emitter - Abstract
Thermophotovoltaic (TPV) devices have been fabricated using ternary and quaternary layers grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) on GaSb substrates. GaInSb ternary devices were grown with buffer layers to accommodate the lattice mismatch, and GaInAsSb quaternary devices were grown with lattice-matched compositions. Improved devices are obtained when optical absorption occurs in the p-layer due to the longer minority carrier diffusion length. Thick emitter p/n devices are limited by surface recombination, with highest quantum efficiency and lowest dark current being achieved with epitaxially grown surface passivation layers on lattice-matched MOVPE quaternaries. Thin emitter/thick base, n/p devices are very promising since surface passivation is less critical than for p-emitter devices.
- Published
- 1999
46. An in situ synchrotron study of nanocrystallization in (Fe,Cr)-Si-B(-Cu-Nb) alloys
- Author
J.M. Borrego, A. Conde, María José Capitán, M. Millán, J. L. Joulaud, and C.F. Conde
- Subjects
Materials science ,Amorphous metal ,Annealing (metallurgy) ,Analytical chemistry ,Synchrotron Radiation Source ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Grain size ,Nanocrystalline material ,Synchrotron ,law.invention ,Crystallography ,law ,Volume fraction ,Crystallite - Abstract
The nanocrystallization process in (Fe73.5-x Crx)Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3 (x = 0,3 and 5) amorphous alloys has been studied by in-situ X-ray diffraction, using a synchrotron radiation source. The nanocrystalline volume fraction and the mean grain size of the (Fe, Si) crystallites were estimated from an intensity profile analysis of the main diffraction maximum. Cr alloying lowers the crystalline fraction for the same annealing conditions. The mean size of the crystallites initially increases with increasing annealing time but the growth rate slows down and a saturation value of about 12 nm is reached. The Si content of the (Fe, Si) phase initially correlates with the concentration in the as-cast glassy alloy but a final value of about 21 at.% Si is reached. The transformation kinetics are described by an Avrami exponent below unity, as usually found for Finemet alloys.
- Published
- 1998
47. Is an Emergency Heart Transplantation Justified?
- Author
A. González, R. Hinojosa, E. Lage, Alejandro Adsuar, A. Hernández, E Gutierrez, J.M. Borrego, and Antonio Ordóñez
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Cardiomyopathy ,Humans ,Medicine ,Decompensation ,Survival analysis ,Retrospective Studies ,Heart transplantation ,Transplantation ,business.industry ,Mortality rate ,Body Weight ,Reproducibility of Results ,Retrospective cohort study ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Survival Analysis ,Tissue Donors ,Surgery ,Treatment Outcome ,Circulatory system ,Emergency medicine ,Heart Transplantation ,Female ,Emergencies ,business - Abstract
Introduction. Emergency heart transplantation remains an important controversy due to the shortage of donors and the previously demonstrated results inferior to other patients. These recipients display a worse clinical status and their donors are more often considered suboptimal. Nevertheless, it is the only therapeutic option for patients with advanced cardiomyopathy and acute decompensation with no response to other therapies. We compared results among the emergency indication with those of elective transplants. Methods. We analyzed the 213 patients who underwent cardiac transplantation in our center up to December 2004 to compare emergency with elective heart transplantations for preoperative and surgical variables as well as outcomes. Results. A higher percentage of emergency patients were New York Heart Association class IV, displayed renal dysfunction, and were women. Regarding donors, a higher percentage were over 40 years of age. No differences were observed in the early and first-year mortality or morbidity rates, although we noted a greater 5-year mortality rate among emergency cases. Conclusions. In our center emergency heart transplantation was associated with only slightly worse results compared with elective transplantations. Both donors and recipients should be carefully selected to improve results.
- Published
- 2006
48. Infections in Cardiac Transplant Recipients: Clinical and Microbiological Characteristics and Consequences
- Author
J.M. Borrego, E. Lage, M. Jiménez-Jambrina, Antonio Hernandez, Antonio Ordóñez, A. Cayuela, S. Gómez-Moreno, and José Miguel Cisneros
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Congenital cytomegalovirus infection ,Bacteremia ,Infections ,Postoperative Complications ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,Surgical Wound Infection ,Prospective Studies ,Survival rate ,Transplantation ,business.industry ,Incidence (epidemiology) ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,Pneumonia ,Etiology ,Heart Transplantation ,Female ,Complication ,business - Abstract
Infections are one of the main complications that cause morbidity and mortality in cardiac transplant recipients. We sought to establish the incidence of infections, identify the predisposing factors and determine their consequences.A prospective study of 30 patients who received cardiac transplantations in our hospital from July 2003 to May 2005.Of the 30 transplant recipients, 93.3% were men (average age, 48 years); the average age of the women was 53 years. The incidence of infection was 70%: 21 episodes of infection. The main clinical symptoms were bacteriemia (28%), pneumonia (19%), and surgical wound infections (14%). The etiology of the infection, as established in 12 cases (57%), was bacterial (66%), viral (25%), or fungal (9%). The most common microorganisms were cytomegalovirus and coagulase-negative staphylococcus. None of the donors had a history of infection. There was a higher frequency of serious complications, such as renal failure (12.9%), respiratory insufficiency (9.6%), and multiorgan failure (9.6%) among patients with versus without infections (P.05). The 1-year survival rate of patients with infections was similar to that of patients with no infections (83% vs 88%, P = NS).The incidence of infections was 70%. Bacteremia, pneumonia, and surgical wound infections occurred most frequently. Cytomegalovirus and coagulase-negative staphylococcus were the most frequent microorganisms. Patients with infections had the most serious complications, but their survival rate was similar to that of patients free of this complication.
- Published
- 2006
49. Modulation spectroscopy characterization of InP and GaAs solar cells
- Author
J.M. Borrego and R.G. Rodrigues
- Subjects
Theory of solar cells ,Materials science ,business.industry ,Photovoltaic system ,Biasing ,Condensed Matter::Mesoscopic Systems and Quantum Hall Effect ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials ,Characterization (materials science) ,law.invention ,Optics ,Modulation ,law ,Impurity ,Electric field ,Solar cell ,Materials Chemistry ,Optoelectronics ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,business - Abstract
We used modulation spectroscopy to characterize InP and GaAs photovoltaic solar cells. The clear-cut Franz-Keldysh oscillations displayed by solar cell modulation spectra make it possible to directly measure the electric field at the p-n junction of typical devices. Byperforming this measurement under different bias conditions, the impurity concentration in the base of the solar cells was obtained. Measurements were made both using electrical modulation and electrical bias and, alternatively, using contactless optical modulation and optical bias.
- Published
- 1997
50. The systemic vasodilatory action of protamine: is it inhibited or mediated by heparin?
- Author
P. Garcia Tejero, A. Ordoñez Fernández, J. Perez Bernal, J.M. Borrego Domínguez, R. Hinojosa, J. Lopez Hidalgo, and A. Hernández Fernández
- Subjects
Protamine sulfate ,Endothelium ,Hemodynamics ,Vasodilation ,In Vitro Techniques ,Pharmacology ,Potassium Chloride ,medicine.artery ,medicine ,Animals ,Aorta, Abdominal ,Protamines ,Aorta ,Dose-Response Relationship, Drug ,biology ,Heparin ,business.industry ,Heparin Antagonists ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,Pulmonary hypertension ,Protamine ,Acetylcholine ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Vasoconstriction ,Anesthesia ,biology.protein ,Endothelium, Vascular ,Rabbits ,business ,medicine.drug - Abstract
The administration of protamine to neutralize the circulating heparin is common practice in cardiovascular surgery. The use of this drug is some-times associated with hemodynamic alterations of varying degree and intensity (systemic hypotension, pulmonary hypertension and even cardiogenic shock). An intrinsic action of protamine has been suggested to be the cause of these vascular reactions. This action is blocked when protamine forms a complex with heparin, although in other cases it appears that the heparin-protamine complex is the factor responsible for these hemodynamic alterations. The aim of this experimental study was to characterize the vasodilatory action of protamine on the systemic circulation, determining whether or not it is dose-dependent; to analyze the role of endothelium; and to evaluate whether this vasodilatory effect is modified by the presence of heparin. Materials and methods. The abdominal aorta was dissected from eight New Zealand rabbits and then sectioned into vascular rings for study in an organ chamber. Mechanical disruption of endothelium was performed on some rings (n = 14). Once submaximal contraction was reached (ClK 80 mM), protamine sulfate with a final concentration in the organ chamber of 80–400 μg/ml was added to one of the groups (n = 12). In the second group (n = 12), equal con-centrations of protamine were tested in the presence of heparin at a final concentration of 100 U/ml. Results. The mean vasodilatation reached in the group of rings exposed only to protamine was 95.4±1.5% with respect to the submaximal contraction induced with ClK. In the second study group, the rings were exposed to protamine at equally increasing concentrations (80–400 μg/ml) but with the presence of heparin in the organ chamber. The mean vasodilatation in this group was 90±1.5. No statistically significant differences in vasodilatation were found between this group and the protamine without heparin group. On the other hand, in the endothelium-denuded rings (n = 14) exposed to isolated protamine and to protamine-heparin, no vasodilatory response was observed. Conclusion. Our results show that the administration in vitro of protamine induces endothelium-dependent vasodilatation of the systemic circulation. Likewise, this relaxing effect mediated through endothelium is not blocked when protamine forms a complex with heparin in comparable concentrations of both drugs. Based on these preliminary findings, we believe that in highrisk patients the prevention of systemic vasodilatation and cardiovascular collapse produced by protamine should move towards the use of other substances that can neutralize the anticoagulant effect of heparin or towards pre-medication guidelines that prevent these secondary effects in the case of protamine administration.
- Published
- 1997
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