Background: According to the 2007 European Society of Hypertension guidelines, measurement of arterial stiffness (AS) is recommended in patients with arterial hypertension (HT). The carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) appears to be the “gold standard” for evaluation on vascular changes in these patients. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) has been incorporated to other devices used for assessment of Augmentation index (AI). The aim of this study was to assess the concordance of PWV measured using Complior and Sphygmocor devices. Material and methods: PWV was measured on a single visit, using both devices in a group of 67 patients, 38 females (57%),54 (80%) were hipertensives under treatment; mean age 59,9±10,48, BMI 28,7±4,2 Kg/m2; SBP 134±16,6 mmHg.; DBP 79±12 mmHg.; SBPa 124,3±16,6 mmHg,;DBPa 81,2±11,7 mmHg. Results: PWV measured using Complior (11, 2±2, 2m/s) was significantly higher than that obtained using Sphygmocor (9, 5±2, 4m/s). The correlations of the PWV assessed with the Complior with the values obtained using Sphygmocor was r=0, 73. The correlation coefficient was higher for women (r=0, 80) as compared to men (r=0, 59). The Bland-Altman plot indicated that the discrepancies between the two methods depend on the VOP values. The higher the value, the higher the discrepancies. Conclusions: If the gold standard to measure the PWV is the Complior device, assessment of PWV using other devices needs to be carefully evaluated.