Uvod: Lijekom obloženi baloni (DEB) predstavljaju novu tehnološku platformu u području perkutane koronarne intervencije. Jedina prihvaćena indikacija za njihovu uporabu je liječenje in-stent stenoze, a za sve ostale indikacije nema jasnog konsenzusa. Cilj: Evaluirati upotrebu DEB-a u rutinskoj kliničkoj praksi u Republici Hrvatskoj. Metode: Restrospektivni nerandomizirani multicentrični registar svih liječenih bolesnika u sedam hrvatskih centara između veljače 2011. i siječnja 2014. godine. Podatci su sakupljeni uvidom u dostupnu medicinsku dokumentaciju. Nije bilo kliničkih niti angiografskih isključnih kriterija, niti pisanog zajedničkog protokola za indikacije niti praćenje bolesnika. Praćena su velika nepovoljna događanja (MACE) definirana kao kombinacija srčane smrti, infarkta miokarda na tretiranoj krvnoj žili (MI) ili klinički indicirane reintervencije na tretiranoj krvnoj žili TLR za sve bolesnike tijekom iste hospitalizacije, nakon 6 mjeseci kliničkog praćenja te dostupni angiografski podatci. Rezultati: Kod 248 bolesnika tretirane su 284 lezije. Najčešća indikacija bila je in-stent restenoza u 31,4% bolesnika, u 21,4% bolesnika DEB je implantiran u žilama manjim od 2,75 mm, a ostale indikacije su bile: lezije veće od 2,8 mm, bifurkacije, ostijalne lezije, kronične totalne okluzije (redom: 11,3%; 11,3%; 7,3%; 1,6% ). U 39 bolesnika (15,6%) nakon prethodne implantacije običnih metalnih stentova (BMS) rađena je postdilatacija DEB-om. MACE su se tijekom hospitalizacije javili u 1,6% bolesnika: 1 smrt (0,4%), 3 akutne tromboze (1,2%), 1 MI (0,4%). Nakon 6 mjeseci praćenja dostupni su podatci za 83 bolesnika (33%). U 6% bolesnika je rađena TLR, a nije bilo registriranih smrti niti akutnih infarkta miokarda. Angiografska kontrola nakon 6 mjeseci učinjena je u 55 bolesnika (22%). U 69% bolesnika nalaz je opisivan kao potpuno uredan, nesignifikantna stenoza opisana je u 20% bolesnika, a u 11% bolesnika je opisana stenoza u rasponu od >50% do potpune okluzije. Zaključak: Naše kliničko iskustvo u svakodnevoj kliničkoj praksi pokazuje da se DEB u Hrvatskoj koristi u najvećem slučaju u prihvaćenim indikacijama in-stent restenoze, ali i u velikom postotku i za indikacije za koje ne postoji jasni konsenzus u literaturi. Akutni angiografski rezultati i rani klinički ishodi su odlični, a uporaba DEB-a je izrazito sigurna., Introduction: Drug-eluting balloons (DEB) represent a new technological platform in the area of percutaneous coronary interventions. The only accepted indication for their use is the treatment of in-stent stenosis, with no clear consensus for all other indications. Aim: To evaluate the use of DEB in routine clinical practice in Croatia. Methods: Retrospective nonrandomized multicentric register of all treated patients in seven Croatian centers in the time frame from February 2011 to January 2014. The data were collected from available medical documents. There were no clinical or angiographic exclusion criteria, nor was there any written common protocol for indications or for for the clinical follow up of patients. Major adverse cardiac events (MACE) were monitored. MACE were defined as the combination of cardiac death, development of myocardial infarction (MI) on treated vessel, and/or target lesion revascularization (TLR) for all patients during the same hospitalization, following a 6-month clinical observation and through available angiographic data. Results: 248 patients were treated for 284 lesions. The most common indication was the in-stent restenosis present in 31.4% of the patients, for 21.4% of the patients DEB was implanted in vessels smaller than 2.75 mm, and other indications were: lesions larger than 2.8 mm, bifurcations, ostial lesion, chronic total occlusions (11.3%; 11.3%; 7.3%; 1.6% respectively). On 39 patients (15.6%) following the previous implantation of bare metal stents (BMS), postdilatation with DEB was conducted. MACE during hospitalization appeared in 1.6% of the patients: 1 death (0.4%), 3 acute thromboses (1.3%), 1 MI (0.4%). Following the 6 month long observation, data is available for 83 patients (33%). TLR was performed on 6% of the patients, and there were no registered deaths or acute myocardial infarctions. Angiographic follow-up was performed on 55 patients (22%) after 6 months. In 69% of the patients the findings were described as completely clean, insignificant stenosis was described for 20% of the patients, and for 11% of the patients a stenosis to the amount of >50% of full occlusion was described. Conclusion: Our clinical experience in everyday clinical practice shows that in Croatia DEB is mostly used in cases of accepted indications of in-stent re-stenosis, but also to a great percentage for indications for which no clear consensus exists in literature. Acute angiographic results and early clinical results are excellent, and the use of DEB is highly safe.