Stefan Illy, Andrea Bertinetti, Gaetano Aiello, Heinrich P. Laqua, Francois Legrand, Jean-Philippe Hogge, Chuanren Wu, Alexander Marek, J. Genoud, Konstantinos A. Avramidis, Alberto Lcggieri, B. Marletaz, F. Fanale, Ioannis Gr. Pagonakis, George P. Latsas, Sebastian Ruess, T.A. Scherer, Stefano Alberti, Jianbo Jin, Zisis C. Ioannidis, Tomasz Rzesnicki, Thomas Franke, Manfred Thumm, Fabian Wilde, Minh Quang Tran, Dimitrios V. Peponis, Ioannis Chclis, John Jelonnek, Rodolphe Marchesin, Philipp T. Brücker, Paco Sanchez, Jérémie Dubray, Damien Fasel, Ferran Albaiar, Gerd Gantenbein, Ioannis G. Tigelis, Martin Obermaier, Alex Bruschi, Laura Savoldi, A. Zisis, Tobias Ruess, Dirk Strauss, Saul Garavaglia, Philippe Thouvenin, and Gustavo Granucci
In Europe, the research and development with main focus on achieving robust industrial designs of series gyrotrons for electron cyclotron heating and current drive of today's nuclear fusion experiments and towards a future DEMOnstration fusion power plant is constantly progressing. The R&D is following two different paths. Both are complementing each other: Firstly, it is the adaption of the physical design and basic mechanical construction of the reliably operating 140 GHz, 1 MW CW (spec.: 920 kW, 1800 s) gyrotron of the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X), Greifswald, Germany. With regards to time and costs it is the target to perform reliable developments of fusion gyrotrons with advanced specifications for today's plasma fusion experiments. Main focus is on the development of the first EU 170 GHz, 1 MW CW (3600 s) gyrotron for the installation in ITER, Cadarache, France. Another adaption is the dual-frequency 126/84 GHz 1 MW (2 s) gyrotron upgrade for the medium size TCV tokamak, Lausanne, Switzerland. Finally, it is the upgrade of the W7-X gyrotron design towards an RF output power per unit of up to 1.5 MW and possible dual-frequency operation by keeping the basic mechanical construction. Additional to the proven design it allows to fit the new 1.5 MW gyrotron into the already existing infrastructure and to reuse existing W7-X gyrotron auxiliaries, e. g. the high-power voltage supply (HV PS) and the superconducting (SC) magnet. The second R&D path is defined by the complementary approach with regards to development risks towards a future gyrotron which shall fulfil the significant more advanced specifications of a future EU DEMO. The starting point is the 2 MW EU/KIT coaxial-cavity gyrotron design. Main requirements are an RF output power of 2 MW CW at above 200 GHz, multiple operating frequencies, frequency step-tunability and a total efficiency above 60 %.