36 results on '"Information society--Congresses"'
Search Results
2. Well-Being in the Information Society: When the Mind Breaks : 9th International Conference, WIS 2022, Turku, Finland, August 25–26, 2022, Proceedings
- Author
Hongxiu Li, Maehed Ghorbanian Zolbin, Robert Krimmer, Jukka Kärkkäinen, Chenglong Li, Reima Suomi, Hongxiu Li, Maehed Ghorbanian Zolbin, Robert Krimmer, Jukka Kärkkäinen, Chenglong Li, and Reima Suomi
- Subjects
- Well-being--Congresses, Mental health--Congresses, Information society--Congresses
- Abstract
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Well-Being in the Information Society, WIS 2022, held in Turku, Finland, in August 2022. The 14 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 17 submissions. The proceedings are structured in four sections as follows: mental well-being and e-health; social media and well-being; innovative solution for well-being in the information society; driving well-being in the information society.
- Published
- 2022
3. Society 5.0 : First International Conference, Society 5.0 2021, Virtual Event, June 22–24, 2021, Revised Selected Papers
- Author
Aurona Gerber, Knut Hinkelmann, Aurona Gerber, and Knut Hinkelmann
- Subjects
- Information society--Congresses, Human-computer interaction--Congresses, Artificial intelligence--Social aspects--Congresses
- Abstract
This book constitutes revised and selected papers from the First International Conference on Society 5.0, Society 5.0 2021, held virtually in June 2021. The 12 full papers and 3 short papers presented in this volume were thoroughly reviewed and selected from the 54 qualified submissions. The papers discuss topics on application of the fourth industrial revolution innovations (e.g. Internet of Things, Big Data, Artificial intelligence, and the sharing economy) in healthcare, mobility, infrastructure, politics, government, economy and industry.
- Published
- 2021
4. Transfer und Transformation von Wissen
- Author
Matthias Ballod and Matthias Ballod
- Subjects
- Information society--Congresses
- Abstract
Wissenstransfer und Wissenstransformation sind zentrale Herausforderungen in der Wissensgesellschaft. Die fortschreitende Fragmentierung von Wissensdomänen und die eingeschränkte Zugänglichkeit von Wissensressourcen sind nur zwei gegenläufige Tendenzen. Umso mehr rücken funktionale Aspekte von Wissenskonstruktion und Wissenskonstitution in den Blickpunkt. Dieser Band bündelt ausgewählte transdisziplinäre Perspektiven und Positionen des Themenfeldes.
- Published
- 2020
5. Boîtes noires et gilets jaunes : Regards croisés sur la socialité à l'ère de l'anthropocène
- Author
Jean-François Petit, Vincent Puig, Vincent Laquais, Jean-François Petit, Vincent Puig, and Vincent Laquais
- Subjects
- Socialization--Congresses, Group identity--Congresses, Social interaction--Technological innovations --, Other (Philosophy)--Congresses, Information society--Congresses
- Abstract
La période actuelle de l'anthropocène se caractérise par un bouleversement des équilibres systémiques. Cette situation nouvelle analysée par l'IRI et Ars Industrialis fait apparaître des questions nouvelles qui concernent, notamment, les réseaux sociaux, l'architecture du web, la gouvernementalité algorithmique, la contribution comme question politique, technologique et économique. Ces analyses croisent celles élaborées pendant trois ans au sein du groupe PHILOPRAT concernant l'identité collective dans une société d'individus, le statut des émotions et des peurs, l'enjeu des normes, le posthumanisme et le transhumanisme, le Buen Vivir et la capacitation, les Biens communs et les Commons.
- Published
- 2019
6. Challenges and Opportunities for Knowledge Organization in the Digital Age
- Author
Ribeiro, Fernanda, Cerveira, Maria Elisa, Ribeiro, Fernanda, and Cerveira, Maria Elisa
- Subjects
- Information society--Congresses, Information organization--Congresses, Information science--Congresses
- Abstract
The 15th International ISKO Conference has been held in Porto (Portugal) under the topic Challenges and opportunities for KO in the digital age. ISKO has been organizing biennial international conferences since 1990, in order to promote a space for debate among Knowledge Organization (KO) scholars and practitioners all over the world. The topics under discussion in the 15th International ISKO Conference are intended to cover a wide range of issues that, in a very incisive way, constitute challenges, obstacles and questions in the field of KO, but also highlight ways and open innovative perspectives for this area in a world undergoing constant change, due to the digital revolution that unavoidably moulds our society. Accordingly, the three aggregating themes, chosen to fit the proposals for papers and posters to be submitted, are as follows: 1 – Foundations and methods for KO; 2 – Interoperability towards information access; 3 – Societal challenges in KO. In addition to these themes, the inaugural session includes a keynote speech by Prof. David Bawden of City University London, entitled Supporting truth and promoting understanding: knowledge organization and the curation of the infosphere.
- Published
- 2018
7. Datengesellschaft : Einsichten in die Datafizierung des Sozialen
- Author
Daniel Houben, Bianca Prietl, Daniel Houben, and Bianca Prietl
- Subjects
- Information society--Congresses
- Abstract
Daten sind überall. Mit den jüngsten Digitalisierungsschüben durchdringen Daten(technologien) zunehmend jede Nische des Sozialen und entfalten auch in bislang nicht-quantifizierten oder informationstechnisch erschlossenen Bereichen eine transformative Qualität. Der Band fragt daher sowohl nach den Auswirkungen dieser Datafizierung auf die Gegenwartsgesellschaft als auch nach den sozialen und kulturellen Voraussetzungen der Produktion, Kommunikation und Nutzung von Daten bzw. digitalen Datentechnologien. Im Zentrum der Beiträge steht dementsprechend das Verhältnis von Datafizierung und gesellschaftlicher Entwicklung.
- Published
- 2018
8. Creating Space in the Fifth Estate
- Author
Janet Fulton, Editor, Phillip McIntyre, Editor, Janet Fulton, Editor, and Phillip McIntyre, Editor
- Subjects
- Digital media--Congresses, Information society--Congresses
- Abstract
Creating Space in the Fifth Estate explores what is new and valued about the digital media environment. The deep and far-reaching changes that are being wrought by the digital revolution are as radical in their effect as the impact of the industrial revolution was in the nineteenth century. While the long-term significance of these changes is uncertain, the nature of the power of differing forms of media offers interesting possibilities for research, as does the potential for a new mainstream space that shares characteristics with older loci of power. This space is not, as this book suggests, merely a space for journalistic endeavors, as shown by contributions here examining a diverse range of communication practices and forms including blogs, journalism, social media, digital literary magazines, disruptive twitter campaigns, and online music production.The book asks a number of questions. What exactly is the fifth estate? What are the power structures that exist there? What is the relationship between the fourth and fifth estates? What do we lose and what do we gain in that transition? How does the fifth estate change various forms of communication? How does the fifth estate constitute new communities and social movements? What about traditional forms that are still finding their niche in the new world? What actions do we as communicators and communication scholars now need to engage with? Why is it important? Creating Space in the Fifth Estate is accessible to scholars and students in a range of academic disciplines, including communication and media studies, sociology, cultural studies, and the arts. It will also appeal to those who work in the media and communication industries.
- Published
- 2017
9. Algorithmuskulturen : Über die rechnerische Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit
- Author
Robert Seyfert, Jonathan Roberge, Robert Seyfert, and Jonathan Roberge
- Subjects
- Algorithms--Social aspects--Congresses, Information society--Congresses, Technological innovations--Social aspects--Congresses, Big data--Social aspects--Congresses
- Abstract
Hochfrequenzhandel, Google-Ranking, Filterbubble - nur drei aktuelle Beispiele der Wirkmacht von Algorithmen. Der Band versammelt Beiträge, die sich mit dem historischen Auftauchen und der mittlerweile allgegenwärtigen Verbreitung von Algorithmen in verschiedenen Bereichen des sozialen Lebens beschäftigen. Sie nehmen die Wechselbeziehungen algorithmischer und nicht-algorithmischer Akteure und deren Bedeutungen für unseren Alltag und unsere Sozialbeziehungen in den Blick und gehen den Mechanismen nach, mit denen Algorithmen - selbst Produkte eines spezifischen Weltzugangs - die Wirklichkeit rahmen, während sie zugleich die Art und Weise organisieren, wie Menschen über Gesellschaft denken. Die Beiträge beinhalten Fallstudien zu Sozialen Medien, Werbung und Bewertung, aber auch zu mobilen Sicherheitsinfrastrukturen wie z.B. Drohnen.
- Published
- 2017
10. Social Informatics: Past, Present and Future
- Author
Pnina Fichman, Editor, Howard Rosenbaum, Editor, Pnina Fichman, Editor, and Howard Rosenbaum, Editor
- Subjects
- Information society--Congresses, Information technology--Social aspects--Congresses
- Abstract
Social Informatics: Past, Present and Future is a collection of twelve papers that provides a state-of-the-art review of 21st century social informatics. Two papers review the history of social informatics, and show that its intellectual roots can be found in the late 1970s and early'80s and that it emerged in several different locations around the world before it coalesced in the US in the mid-1990s. The evolution of social informatics is described under four periods: foundational work, development and expansion, a robust period of coherence, and a period of diversification that continues today. Five papers provide a view of the breadth and depth of contemporary social informatics, demonstrating the diversity of theoretical and methodological approaches that can be used. A further five papers explore the future of social informatics and offer provocative and disparate visions of its trajectory, ranging from arguments for a new philosophical grounding for social informatics, to calls for a social informatics based on practice thinking and materiality.This book presents a view of SI that emphasizes the core relationship among people, ICT and organizational and social life from a perspective that integrates aspects of social theory and demonstrates clearly that social informatics has never been a more necessary research endeavor than it is now.
- Published
- 2014
11. Online Communities and Social Computing : 5th International Conference, OCSC 2013, Held As Part of HCI International 2013, Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 21-26, 2013, Proceedings
- Author
A. Ant Ozok, Panayiotis Zaphiris, A. Ant Ozok, and Panayiotis Zaphiris
- Subjects
- Computer systems--Social aspects--Congresses, Interactive computer systems--Social aspects--, Social media--Congresses, Information society--Congresses, System design--Congresses, Computer systems, Social media
- Abstract
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Online Communities and Social Computing, OCSC 2013, held as part of the 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2013, held in Las Vegas, USA in July 2013, jointly with 12 other thematically similar conferences. The total of 1666 papers and 303 posters presented at the HCII 2013 conferences was carefully reviewed and selected from 5210 submissions. These papers address the latest research and development efforts and highlight the human aspects of design and use of computing systems. The papers accepted for presentation thoroughly cover the entire field of human-computer interaction, addressing major advances in knowledge and effective use of computers in a variety of application areas. The total of 49 contributions was carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the OCSC proceedings. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: user behavior and experience in online social communities; learning and gaming communities; society, business and health; designing and developing novel online social experiences.
- Published
- 2013
12. Social Informatics : Third International Conference, SocInfo 2011, Singapore, October 6-8, 2011, Proceedings
- Author
Anwitaman Datta, Stuart Shulman, Baihua Zheng, Shou-De Lin, Aixin Sun, Ee-Peng Lim, Anwitaman Datta, Stuart Shulman, Baihua Zheng, Shou-De Lin, Aixin Sun, and Ee-Peng Lim
- Subjects
- Information technology--Social aspects--Congre, Information society--Congresses
- Abstract
This book constitutes the proceedings of the Third International Conference on Social Informatics, SocInfo 2011, held in Singapore in October 2011. The 15 full papers, 8 short papers and 13 posters included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 68 full paper and 13 poster submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections named: network analysis; eGovernance and knowledge management; applications of network analysis; community dynamics; case studies; trust, privacy and security; peer-production.
- Published
- 2011
13. Empowerment of Women Through Science and Technology Interventions/Nam S&T Centre
- Author
Prakash, Nirupama & Mclellan, Betty & Wejnert, Barbara and Prakash, Nirupama & Mclellan, Betty & Wejnert, Barbara
- Subjects
- Information society--Congresses, Women in development--Congresses, Technology and women--Congresses, Women--Effect of technological innovations on--Congresses, Women in technology--Congresses, Women in science--Congresses
- Abstract
Market economy trends in the new era of globalization have widened the gap between education and technology opportunities for men and women. Women are a great human resource and their role in the society is vital for its progress. The involvement and engagement of women in the present day Information Society on an equal footing with men would directly contribute to improving the livelihood of people, making it more sustainable and thereby promoting the social and economic advancement of societies. Science and Technology brings economic growth and well-being to people. Undoubtedly, science and technology can be vastly enriched through women's involvement, which closely links to the empowerment of women through science and technology. It is not the concern of one nation only, but there are many players and stakeholders in the aim to reach this millennium goal. Women empowerment may be through innovative scientific activities, integrating action oriented literacy, sound micro-finance and micro-enterprise training as well as an understanding of legal rights and advocacy. Apart from the efforts of the United Nations family of organizations, multilateral bodies and civil society, the positive role of women also depends on the supportive attitudes of their local family unit, the local community in each village and town. This book is primarily based on the deliberations of the International Workshop on Empowerment of Women through Science & Technology Interventions held in Tehran, Iran from 14-16 December, 2008, but a number of articles have been contributed by other eminent experts on the subject. This material is expected to contribute to the understanding of how science and technology can contribute to the upliftment of the status of women and can empower them to gain their rightful place in the society. The data and materials presented in this volume would hopefully serve as a reference material for the professionals working in the field of women's empowerment.
- Published
- 2010
14. What Kind of Information Society? Governance, Virtuality, Surveillance, Sustainability, Resilience : 9th IFIP TC 9 International Conference, HCC9 2010 and 1st IFIP TC 11 International Conference, CIP 2010, Held As Part of WCC 2010, Brisbane, Australia, September 20-23, 2010, Proceedings
- Author
Jacques J. Berleur, Magda David Hercheui, Lorenz M. Hilty, Jacques J. Berleur, Magda David Hercheui, and Lorenz M. Hilty
- Subjects
- Computer science--Congresses, Information society--Congresses
- Abstract
The present book contains the proceedings of two conferences held at the World Computer Congress 2010 in Brisbane, Australia (September 20–23) organised by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). In the first part, the reader can find the proceedings of the 9th Human Choice and Computers International C- ference (HCC9) organised by the IFIP Technical Committee TC9 on the Relationship Between ICT and Society. The HCC9 part is subdivided into four tracks: Ethics and ICT Governance, Virtual Technologies and Social Shaping, Surveillance and Privacy, and ICT and Sustainable Development. The second part consists of papers given at the Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Conference (CIP) organized by the IFIP Technical Committee TC11 on Security and Privacy Protection in Information Processing Systems. The two parts of the book are introduced by the respective Conference Chairs. Chapter 1 introduces HCC9, providing a short summary of the HCC conference series, which started in 1974, and explaining the overview of HCC9, detailing the rationale behind each of the tracks in this conference. The details related to the papers of each track are discussed by the Track Chairs in the respective introductions to the specific tracks of HCC9 (Chaps. 2, 10, 16 and 22). Finally, Chap. 22 introduces the CIP part.
- Published
- 2010
15. Next Generation Society Technological and Legal Issues : Third International Conference, E-Democracy 2009, Athens, Greece, September 23-25, 2009, Revised Selected Papers
- Author
Alexander B. Sideridis, Charalampos Z. Patrikakis, Alexander B. Sideridis, and Charalampos Z. Patrikakis
- Subjects
- Information society--Congresses, Information technology--Congresses
- Abstract
Recent developments in information and communication technology (ICT) have paved the way for a world of advanced communication, intelligent information processing and ubiquitous access to information and services. The ability to work, communicate, interact, conduct business, and enjoy digital entertainment virtually anywhere is r- idly becoming commonplace due to a multitude of small devices, ranging from mobile phones and PDAs to RFID tags and wearable computers. The increasing number of connected devices and the proliferation of networks provide no indication of a sl- down in this tendency. On the negative side, misuse of this same technology entails serious risks in various aspects, such as privacy violations, advanced electronic crime, cyber terrorism, and even enlargement of the digital divide. In extreme cases it may even threaten basic principles and human rights. The aforementioned issues raise an important question: Is our society ready to adopt the technological advances in ubiq- tous networking, next-generation Internet, and pervasive computing? To what extent will it manage to evolve promptly and efficiently to a next-generation society, ado- ing the forthcoming ICT challenges? The Third International ICST Conference on e-Democracy held in Athens, Greece during September 23–25, 2009 focused on the above issues. Through a compreh- sive list of thematic areas under the title “Next-Generation Society: Technological and Legal issues,” the 2009 conference provided comprehensive reports and stimulated discussions on the technological, ethical, legal, and political challenges ahead of us.
- Published
- 2010
16. Best Practices for the Knowledge Society. Knowledge, Learning, Development and Technology for All : Second World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2009, Chania, Crete, Greece, September 16-18, 2009. Proceedings
- Author
Miltiadis D. Lytras, Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos, Ernesto Damiani, David Avison, Ambjörn Naeve, David G. Horner, Miltiadis D. Lytras, Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos, Ernesto Damiani, David Avison, Ambjörn Naeve, and David G. Horner
- Subjects
- Information society--Congresses, Knowledge management--Congresses, Semantic Web--Congresses
- Abstract
It is a great pleasure to share with you the Springer LNCS proceedings of the Second World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2009, organized by the Open - search Society, Ngo, http://www.open-knowledge-society.org, and held in Samaria Hotel, in the beautiful city of Chania in Crete, Greece, September 16–18, 2009. The 2nd World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2009) was an inter- tional scientific event devoted to promoting dialogue on the main aspects of the knowledge society towards a better world for all. The multidimensional economic and social crisis of the last couple of years has brought to the fore the need to discuss in depth new policies and strategies for a human centric developmental processes in the global context. This annual summit brings together key stakeholders involved in the worldwide development of the knowledge society, from academia, industry, and government, including policy makers and active citizens, to look at the impact and prospects of - formation technology, and the knowledge-based era it is creating, on key facets of l- ing, working, learning, innovating, and collaborating in today's hyper-complex world. The summit provides a distinct, unique forum for cross-disciplinary fertilization of research, favoring the dissemination of research on new scientific ideas relevant to - ternational research agendas such as the EU (FP7), OECD, or UNESCO. We focus on the key aspects of a new sustainable deal for a bold response to the multidimensional crisis of our times.
- Published
- 2009
17. Protecting Persons While Protecting the People : Second Annual Workshop on Information Privacy and National Security, ISIPS 2008, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, May 12, 2008. Revised Selected Papers
- Author
Cecilia S. Gal, Paul B. Kantor, Michael E. Lesk, Cecilia S. Gal, Paul B. Kantor, and Michael E. Lesk
- Subjects
- Kongress 2008, Computer security--Congresses, National security--Congresses, Privacy, Right of--Congresses, Information society--Congresses, Internet--Privatspha¨re--Anonymita¨t--Identi, Netzwerkverwaltung--Privatspha¨re--Sicherheit, Anonymita¨t, Computersicherheit, Datensicherung
- Abstract
The Second Annual Workshop on Privacy and Security, organized by the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Information Privacy and Security of the School of C- munication and Information at Rutgers University, was held on May 12, 2008 at the Hyatt Regency, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA. A few of the papers in this volume were produced through a multi-step process. First, we recorded the talk given by each author at the workshop in May 2008. Next, we transcribed the recording. The authors then produced a draft of their paper from these transcriptions, refining each draft until the final version. Although the papers are not verbatim transcriptions of the talks given, some do retain the informal and conv- sational quality of the presentations. In one instance we have included some material from the question-and-answer period after the talk, since the material covered proved to be relevant and interesting. The majority of authors, however, preferred to include a more formal paper based on the material presented at the workshop.
- Published
- 2009
18. Visioning and Engineering the Knowledge Society - A Web Science Perspective : Second World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2009, Chania, Crete, Greece, September 16-18, 2009. Proceedings
- Author
Miltiadis D. Lytras, Ernesto Damiani, John M. Carroll, Robert D. Tennyson, David Avison, Ambjörn Naeve, Adrian Dale, Paul Lefrere, Felix Tan, Janice Sipior, Gottfried Vossen, Miltiadis D. Lytras, Ernesto Damiani, John M. Carroll, Robert D. Tennyson, David Avison, Ambjörn Naeve, Adrian Dale, Paul Lefrere, Felix Tan, Janice Sipior, and Gottfried Vossen
- Subjects
- Chania (2009), Kongress, Knowledge acquisition (Expert systems)--Congress, Information society--Congresses, Knowledge management--Congresses, Informationsgesellschaft
- Abstract
It is a great pleasure to share with you the Springer LNCS proceedings of the Second World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2009, organized by the Open - search Society, Ngo, http://www.open-knowledge-society.org, and held in Samaria Hotel, in the beautiful city of Chania in Crete, Greece, September 16–18, 2009. The 2nd World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2009) was an inter- tional scientific event devoted to promoting dialogue on the main aspects of the knowledge society towards a better world for all. The multidimensional economic and social crisis of the last couple of years has brought to the fore the need to discuss in depth new policies and strategies for a human centric developmental processes in the global context. This annual summit brings together key stakeholders involved in the worldwide development of the knowledge society, from academia, industry, and government, including policy makers and active citizens, to look at the impact and prospects of - formation technology, and the knowledge-based era it is creating, on key facets of l- ing, working, learning, innovating, and collaborating in today's hyper-complex world. The summit provides a distinct, unique forum for cross-disciplinary fertilization of research, favoring the dissemination of research on new scientific ideas relevant to - ternational research agendas such as the EU (FP7), OECD, or UNESCO. We focus on the key aspects of a new sustainable deal for a bold response to the multidimensional crisis of our times.
- Published
- 2009
19. Europäische Wissensgesellschaft - Leitbild europäischer Forschungs- und Innovationspolitik?
- Author
Bertram Schefold, Thorsten Lenz, Bertram Schefold, and Thorsten Lenz
- Subjects
- Knowledge management--Congresses, Information society--Congresses
- Abstract
Die Begriffe der'Wissens'- und der'Informationsgesellschaft'bezeichnen eine Transformation, nach der die Entstehung und die Verwendung von Wissen in den ökonomischen Prozess eingebunden werden sollen und schließlich konsequent als Teil desselben angesehen werden. Das Wissen ist nicht mehr eine in unbestimmter Weise'produktive Kraft', sondern ein – so weit möglich – rationaler Berechnung zu unterwerfender Produktionsfaktor, der aber nicht nur die Produktion unterstützt, sondern selbst hergestellt wird, der also Kapital darstellt, das, so weit es im einzelnen Menschen vorhanden und verfügbar ist, Humankapital genannt wird. In den letzten Jahren wird die Neuausrichtung der europäischen Forschungs- und Innovationspolitik vor der Hintergrundannahme einer aufziehenden'Europäischen Wissensgesellschaft'diskutiert. Im Zentrum des vorliegenden Bandes steht die Frage, inwieweit die Praxis der Forschungs- und Innovationspolitik, insbesondere der Europäischen Union, vom Leitbild einer'Europäischen Wissensgesellschaft'bestimmt wird. Die in diesem Band versammelten Beiträge greifen die mit der Thematik verbundenen Fragen mit einer ökonomischen, soziologischen und politisch-praktischen Perspektive auf und tragen dazu bei, den wissenschaftlichen und politischen Diskurs um Wissen, Bildung und Innovation ein Stück weit von seiner Engführung auf rein technologische Aspekte des sozio-ökonomischen Wandels zu lösen.
- Published
- 2008
20. Emerging Technologies and Information Systems for the Knowledge Society : First World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2008, Athens, Greece, September 24-26, 2008. Proceedings
- Author
Miltiadis D. Lytras, John M. Carroll, Ernesto Damiani, Robert D. Tennyson, Miltiadis D. Lytras, John M. Carroll, Ernesto Damiani, and Robert D. Tennyson
- Subjects
- Semantic Web--Congresses, Knowledge management--Congresses, Information society--Congresses
- Abstract
It is a great pleasure to share with you the Springer LNCS proceedings of the First World Summit on the Knowledge Society - WSKS 2008 that was organized by the Open Research Society, NGO, http://www.open-knowledge-society.org, and took place in the American College of Greece, http://www.acg.gr, during September 24–27, 2008, in Athens, Greece. The World Summit on the Knowledge Society Series is an international attempt to promote a dialogue on the main aspects of a knowledge society toward a better world for all based on knowledge and learning. The WSKS Series brings together academics, people from industry, policy makers, politicians, government officers and active citizens to look at the impact of infor- tion technology, and the knowledge-based era it is creating, on key facets of today's world: the state, business, society and culture. Six general pillars provide the constitutional elements of the WSKS series: • Social and Humanistic Computing for the Knowledge Society––Emerging Te- nologies and Systems for the Society and Humanity • Knowledge, Learning, Education, Learning Technologies and E-learning for the Knowledge Society • Information Technologies––Knowledge Management Systems––E-business and Enterprise Information Systems for the Knowledge Society • Culture and Cultural Heritage––Technology for Culture Management––Management of Tourism and Entertainment––Tourism Networks in the Knowledge Society • Government and Democracy for the Knowledge Society • Research and Sustainable Development in the Knowledge Society The summit provides a distinct, unique forum for cross-disciplinary fertilization of research, favoring the dissemination of research that is relevant to international re-
- Published
- 2008
21. Online Communities and Social Computing : Second International Conference, OCSC 2007, Held As Part of HCI International 2007, Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007, Proceedings
- Author
Douglas Schuler and Douglas Schuler
- Subjects
- Information society--Congresses, System design--Congresses, Online social networks--Congresses, Computer systems--Social aspects--Congresses, Interactive computer systems--Social aspects--Congresses
- Abstract
The 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI Inter- tional 2007, was held in Beijing, P.R. China, 22-27 July 2007, jointly with the Symposium on Human Interface (Japan) 2007, the 7th International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, the 4th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, the 2nd International Conf- ence on Virtual Reality, the 2nd International Conference on Usability and Inter- tionalization, the 2nd International Conference on Online Communities and Social Computing, the 3rd International Conference on Augmented Cognition, and the 1st International Conference on Digital Human Modeling. A total of 3403 individuals from academia, research institutes, industry and g- ernmental agencies from 76 countries submitted contributions, and 1681 papers, judged to be of high scientific quality, were included in the program. These papers address the latest research and development efforts and highlightthe human aspects of design and use of computing systems. The papers accepted for presentation th- oughly cover the entire field of Human-Computer Interaction, addressing major - vances in knowledge and effective use of computers in a variety of application areas. This volume, edited by Douglas Schuler, contains papers in the thematic area of Online Communities and Social Computing, addressing the following major topics: • Designing and Developing On-line Communities • Knowledge, Collaboration, Learning and Local On-line Communities
- Published
- 2007
22. Project E-Society: Building Bricks : 6th IFIP Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Government (I3E 2006), October 11-13, 2006, Turku, Finland
- Author
Reima Suomi, Regis Cabral, J. Felix Hampe, Arto Heikkilä, Jonna Järveläinen, Eija Koskivaara, Reima Suomi, Regis Cabral, J. Felix Hampe, Arto Heikkilä, Jonna Järveläinen, and Eija Koskivaara
- Subjects
- Electronic commerce--Congresses, Information society--Congresses
- Abstract
13E 2006, the 6th in this series of IFIP conferences, marked the congregation of researchers and practitioners in the areas of e-Commerce, e-Business, and e-Government. The conference was sponsored by IFIP TC 6 in cooperation with TC 8 and TC 11. The conference provided a forum for researchers, engineers and interested users in academia, industry, and government to discuss the latest research, cutting-edge practice and upcoming trends in the growing areas of e-Commerce, e-Business, and particularly e-Government. Sophisticated applications as well as the underlying technology that supports such applications were discussed and demonstrated. The conference attracted a wide range of participants representing a significant community of researchers and practitioners from a broad range of countries. The conference was organized along parallel tracks, each track focusing on specific aspects of current research, industry applications, and public administration.
- Published
- 2006
23. The Internet Society II: Advances in Education, Commerce & Governance
- Author
Morgan, K., Brebbia, C.A, Spector, J.M, Morgan, K., Brebbia, C.A, and Spector, J.M
- Subjects
- Information society--Congresses, Internet in public administration--Social aspects--Congresses, Internet in education--Social aspects--Congresses, Electronic commerce--Social aspects--Congresses
- Abstract
The continued growth of Internet-based technologies and the increasing emergence of mobile and wireless high-speed access dramatically affects the ways in which we work, learn, communicate, play and even govern our society. The constant availability of information and communication changes our views of our self and the social rules that govern our world. We no longer have clear demarcations of work and home or of school and recreation. These key issues and their current evolution are reflected within this book which contains contributions from all over the world, covering a whole range of social and human perspectives that are associated with these new and emerging technologies. Bringing together papers from the Second International Conference on Advances in Education, Commerce & Governance, this book will be of value both to newcomers to this area and also to established authorities as a summary of the current state of this important and growing domain. Specifically the book addresses a wide range of topics as diverse as: E-Commerce and E-Governance; data and information privacy; psychology; gender; culture and new learning.
- Published
- 2006
24. Human Rights in the Global Information Society
- Author
Rikke Frank Jørgensen and Rikke Frank Jørgensen
- Subjects
- Information society--Congresses, Human rights--Congresses
- Abstract
International organizations, governments, academia, industry, and the media have all begun to grapple with the information society as a global policy issue. The first United Nations World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), held in December 2003, recognized the connections between information technology and human rights with a Declaration of Principles—in effect, the first'constitution'for cyberspace—that called for the development of the information society to conform to recognized standards of human rights. Critical issues in the policy debates around WSIS have been the so-called digital divide, which reflects a knowledge divide, a social divide, and an economic divide; and the need for a nondiscriminatory information society to provide universal access to information technology in local languages throughout the developing world. Other crucial issues include the regulatory frameworks for information access and ownership and such basic freedoms as the right to privacy. The contributors to this timely volume examine the links between information technology and human rights from a range of disciplinary perspectives. Scholars, human rights activists, and practitioners discuss such topics as freedom of expression, access to information, privacy, discrimination, gender equality, intellectual property, political participation, and freedom of assembly in the context of the revolution in information and communication technology, exploring the ways in which the information society can either advance human rights around the world or threaten them. An afterword reports on the November 2005 WSIS, held in Tunis, and its reaffirmation of the fundamental role of human rights in the global information society.ContributorsDavid Banisar, William Drake, Ran Greenstein, Anriette Esterhuysen, Robin Gross, Gus Hosein, Heike Jensen, Rikke Frank Jørgensen, Hans Klein, Charley Lewis, Meryem Marzouki, Birgitte Kofod Olsen, Kay Raseroka, Adama Samassékou, Mandana Zarrehparvar
- Published
- 2006
25. Communities and Technologies 2005 : Proceedings of the Second Communities and Technologies Conference, Milano 2005
- Author
Peter van den Besselaar, Giorgio de Michelis, Jenny Preece, Carla Simone, Peter van den Besselaar, Giorgio de Michelis, Jenny Preece, and Carla Simone
- Subjects
- Social sciences, Computers and civilization--Congresses, Information society--Congresses, Computers--Social aspects--Congresses
- Abstract
This book includes 23 papers dealing with the impact of modern information and communication technologies that support a wide variety of communities: local communities, virtual communities, and communities of practice, such as knowledge communities and scientific communities. The volume is the result of the second multidisciplinary'Communities and Technologies Conference', a major event in this emerging research field. The various chapters discuss how communities are affected by technologies, and how understanding of the way that communities function can be used in improving information systems design. This state of the art overview will be of interest to computer and information scientists, social scientists and practitioners alike.
- Published
- 2005
26. Digital Cities III. Information Technologies for Social Capital: Cross-cultural Perspectives : Third International Digital Cities Workshop, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 18-19, 2003, Revised Selected Papers
- Author
Peter van den Besselaar, Satoshi Koizumi, Peter van den Besselaar, and Satoshi Koizumi
- Subjects
- Computer networks--Social aspects--Congresses, Information society--Congresses, Electronic villages (Computer networks)--Congresses, Community life--Technological innovations--Congresses
- Abstract
Digital cities constitutes a multidisciplinary field of research and development, where researchers, designers and developers of communityware interact and collaborate with social scientists studying the use and effects of these kinds of infrastructures and systems in their local application context. The field is rather young. After the diffusion of ICT in the world of organizations and companies, ICT entered everyday life. And this also influenced ICT research and development. The 1998 Workshop on Communityware and Social Interaction in Kyoto was an early meeting in which this emerging field was discussed. After that, two subsequent Digital Cities workshops were organized in Kyoto, and a third one in Amsterdam. This book is the result of the 3rd Workshop on Digital Cities, which took place September 18–19, 2003 in Amsterdam, in conjunction with the 1st Communities and Technologies Conference. Most of the papers were presented at this workshop, and were revised thoroughly afterwards. Also the case studies of digital cities in Asia, the US, and Europe, included in Part I, were direct offsprings of the Digital Cities Workshops. Together the papers in this volume give an interesting state-of-the-art overview of the field. In total 54 authors from the Americas, from Asia, and from Europe were contributed to this volume. The authors come from Brazil (two), the USA (eleven), China (three), Japan (fourteen), Finland (two), Germany (two), Italy (three), Portugal (two), the Netherlands (eight), and the UK (seven), indicating the international nature of the research field.
- Published
- 2005
27. Building the E-Service Society : E-Commerce, E-Business, and E-Government
- Author
Winfried Lamersdorf, Volker Tschammer, Stephane Amarger, Winfried Lamersdorf, Volker Tschammer, and Stephane Amarger
- Subjects
- Information society--Congresses, Electronic commerce--Congresses, Internet in public administration--Congresses
- Abstract
Building the E-Service Society is a state-of-the-art book which deals with innovative trends in communication systems, information processing, and security and trust in electronic commerce, electronic business, and electronic government. It comprises the proceedings of I3E2004, the Fourth International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business, and E-Government, which was held in August 2004 as a co-located conference of the 18th IFIP World Computer Congress in Toulouse, France, and sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). The book contains recent results and developments in the following areas: E-Government:E-Government Models and Processes,E-Governance,Service Provisioning. E-Business:Infrastructures and Marketplaces,M-Commerce,Purchase and Payment. E-Commerce:Value Chain Management,E-Business Architectures and Processes,E-Business Models.
- Published
- 2004
28. Digital Communities in a Networked Society : E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Government
- Author
Manuel J. Mendes, Reima Suomi, Carlos Passos, Manuel J. Mendes, Reima Suomi, and Carlos Passos
- Subjects
- Information society--Congresses, Electronic commerce--Congresses, Internet in public administration--Congresses
- Abstract
Digital Communities in a Networked Society: e-Commerce, e-Business and e-Government deals with the accelerating evolution in the computerization of society. This evolution, or should we call it a revolution, is dominantly driven by the Internet, and documented by the novelties introduced, year by year, by Information and Communication Technologies. The book contains recent results of research and development in the areas of: -E-government, -Business models of e-applications, -Innovative structures in the internet, -Auctions and e-payment, -Future aspects of communication, -Internet and the web, -Advanced platforms and grid computing, -Cooperation and integration, -Modeling and construction of e-services.
- Published
- 2004
29. Rethinking Rights and Regulations : Institutional Responses to New Communications Technologies
- Author
Lorrie Faith Cranor, Steven S. Wildman, Lorrie Faith Cranor, and Steven S. Wildman
- Subjects
- Telecommunication policy--Congresses, Information society--Congresses, Internet--Government policy--Congresses, Information technology--Social aspects--Congresses, Information technology--Management--Congresses
- Abstract
Contributors to this volume explore the dynamics of new communications technologies and public policy; from TPRC 2002.The contributors to this volume examine issues raised by the intersection of new communications technologies and public policy in this post-boom, post-bust era. Originally presented at the 30th Research Conference on Communication, Information, and Internet Policy (TPRC 2002)—traditionally a showcase for the best academic research on this topic—their work combines hard data and deep analysis to explore the dynamic interplay between technological development and society.The chapters in the first section consider the ways society conceptualizes new information technologies and their implications for law and policy, examining the common metaphor of'cyberspace as place,'alternative definitions of the Internet, the concept of a namespace, and measures of diffusion. The chapters in the second section discuss how technological change may force the rethinking of legal rights; topics considered include spectrum rights, intellectual property, copyright and'paracopyright,'and the abridgement of constitutional rights by commercial rights in ISP rules. Chapters in the third and final section examine the constant adjustment and reinterpretation of regulations in response to technological change, considering, among other subjects, liability regimes for common carriers and the 1996 detariffing rule, privacy and enhanced 911, and the residual effect of state ownership on privatized telecommunication carriers. The policy implications of Rethinking Rights and Regulations are clear: major institutional changes may be the necessary response to major advances in telecommunications technology.
- Published
- 2003
30. Machines That Become Us : The Social Context of Personal Communication Technology
- Author
James E. Katz and James E. Katz
- Subjects
- Information society--Congresses, Telecommunication--Social aspects--Congresses, Information technology--Social aspects--Congre
- Abstract
Social critics and artificial intelligence experts have long prophesized that computers and robots would soon relegate humans to the dustbin of history. Many among the general population seem to have shared this fear of a dehumanized future. But how are people in the twenty-first century actually reacting to the ever-expanding array of gadgets and networks at their disposal? Is computer anxiety a significant problem, paralyzing and terrorizing millions, or are ever-proliferating numbers of gadgets being enthusiastically embraced? Machines that Become Us explores the increasingly intimate relationship between people and their personal communication technologies.In the first book of its kind, internationally recognized scholars from the United States and Europe explore this topic. Among the technologies analyzed include the Internet, personal digital assistants (PDAs), mobile phones, networked homes, smart fabrics and wearable computers, interactive location badges, and implanted monitoring devices. The authors discuss critical policy issues, such as the problems of information resource access and equity, and the recently discovered digital dropouts phenomena.The use of the word become in the book's title has three different meanings. The first suggests how people use these technologies to broaden their abilities to communicate and to represent themselves to others. Thus the technologies become extensions and representatives of the communicators. A second sense of become applies to analysis of the way these technologies become physically integrated with the user's clothing and even their bodies. Finally, contributors examine fashion aspects and uses of these technologies, that is, how they are used in ways becoming to the wearer. The conclusions of many chapters are supported by data, including ethnographic observations, attitude surveys and case studies from the United States, Britain, France, Italy, Finland, and Norway. This approach is especially valuable
- Published
- 2003
31. Digital Cities : Technologies, Experiences, and Future Perspectives
- Author
Toru Ishida, Katherine Isbister, Toru Ishida, and Katherine Isbister
- Subjects
- Electronic villages (Computer networks)--Congres, Community life--Technological innovations--Con, Computer networks--Social aspects--Congresses, Information society--Congresses
- Abstract
On the way towards the Information Society, global networks such as the Internet, together with mobile computing, have made wide-area computing over virtual communities a reality. Digital city projects, with the goal of building platforms to support community networking, are going on worldwide.This is the first book devoted to digital cities. It is based on an international symposium held in Kyoto, Japan, in September 1999. The 34 revised full papers presented were carefully selected for inclusion in the book; they reflect the state of the art in this exciting new field of interdisciplinary research and development. The book is divided into parts on design and analysis, digital city experiments, community network experiments, applications, visualization technologies, mobile technologies, and social interaction and communityware.
- Published
- 2003
32. Continuing Professional Education for the Information Society : The Fifth World Conference on Continuing Professional Education for the Library and Information Science Professions
- Author
Patricia Layzell Ward and Patricia Layzell Ward
- Subjects
- Information society--Congresses, Information scientists--Training of--Congresses, Library education (Continuing education)--Congresses, Information literacy--Congresses
- Abstract
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the information profession. The series IFLA Publications deals with many of the means through which libraries, information centres, and information professionals worldwide can formulate their goals, exert their influence as a group, protect their interests, and find solutions to global problems.
- Published
- 2002
33. Towards the E-Society : E-Commerce, E-Business, and E-Government
- Author
Beat Schmid, Katarina Stanoevska, Volker Tschammer, Beat Schmid, Katarina Stanoevska, and Volker Tschammer
- Subjects
- Information society--Congresses, Electronic commerce--Congresses, Internet in public administration--Congresses
- Abstract
I3E 2001 is the first in a series of conferences on e-commerce, e-business, and- government organised by the three IFIP committees TC6, TC8, and TC11. It provides a forum, where users, engineers, and scientists from academia, industry, and government can present their latest findings in e-commerce, e-business, and- government applications and the underlying technology to support those applications. The conference comprises a main track and mini tracks dedicated to special topics. The papers presented in the main track were rigorously refereed and selected by the International Programme Committee of the conference. Thematically they were grouped in the following sessions: – Sessions on security and trust, comprising nine papers referring to both trust and security in general as well as presenting specific concepts for enhancing trust in the digital society. – Session on inter-organisational transactions, covering papers related to auditing of inter-organizational trade procedures, cross-organizational workflow and transactions in Business to Business platforms. – Session on virtual enterprises, encompassing papers describing innovative approaches for creating virtual enterprises as well as describing examples of virtual enterprises in specific industries. – Session on online communities containing three papers, which provide case studies of specific online communities and various concepts on how companies can build and harness the potential of online communities. – Sessions on strategies and business models with papers describing specific business models as well as general overviews of specific approaches for E- Strategy formulation.
- Published
- 2001
34. Culture and Politics in the Information Age : A New Politics?
- Author
Frank Webster and Frank Webster
- Subjects
- Information society--Congresses, Information technology--Social aspects--Congre, Information technology--Political aspects--Con, Internet--Social aspects--Congresses, Internet--Political aspects--Congresses, Politics and culture--Congresses, Social movements--Congresses
- Abstract
This volume addresses these key issues through an analysis of important theoretical debates on issues such as digital democracy, cultural politics and transnational communities. Featuring contributors from both sides of the Atlantic, the book contains a series of case studies on new social movements including campaigns on the environment, gender, animal rights and human rights. It combines cutting edge research with theoretical material and makes an important contribution to this highly topical and rapidly growing area.This book will be invaluable reading for students in areas including Politics, Communications and IT, Sociology and Cultural Studies.
- Published
- 2001
35. Disparition ou réorganisation du travail ?
- Author
Michel Leclerc and Michel Leclerc
- Subjects
- Information society--Congresses, Business enterprises--Technological innovations--Congresses, Electronic data processing--Social aspects--Congresses, Labor market--Effect of automation on--Congresses
- Abstract
Les technologies de l'information et des communications se développent à un rythme exponentiel depuis quelques années. Ces progrès exercent un effet de plus en plus significatif sur la nature même du travail. Désormais, travailler signifie récolter, analyser, exploiter ou enrichir des connaissances et les réinjecter dans un réseau restreint ou planétaire. Les exposés que renferme ce livre tentent de délimiter cette problématique complexe à partir de points de vue variés. Le livre évoque des changements et des bouleversements, perceptibles ou potentiels, dans nos façons de percevoir les choses, de les analyser et d'agir. L'exposé du philosophe français Michel Serres revêt la forme d'une analyse attentive de l'évolution de ce qu'il appelle les «supports» de la pensée. Cette conférence est présentée intégralement sur un cédérom joint à l'ouvrage.
- Published
- 1999
36. Information Systems And Technologies For Network Society: Proceedings Of The Ipsj International Symposium
- Author
Yahiko Kambayashi, Yoshifumi Masunaga, Makoto Takizawa, Yuichiro Anzai, Yahiko Kambayashi, Yoshifumi Masunaga, Makoto Takizawa, and Yuichiro Anzai
- Subjects
- Information networks--Congresses, Electronic data processing--Congresses, Information technology--Congresses, Information society--Congresses
- Abstract
This volume contains technical papers and panel position papers selected from the proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Systems and Technologies for Network Society, held together with the IPSJ (information processing society of Japan) National Convention, in September 1997. Papers were submitted from all over the world, especially from Japan, Korea and China. Since these countries are believed to form one of the major computer manufacturing centers in the world, a panel on “Computer Science Education for the 21st Century” was set up. A special session on the Japanese project on Software Engineering invited representative researchers from the project, which is supported by the Ministry of Education, Japan.
- Published
- 1997
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