Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Szabo, Susan, Sampson, Mary Beth, Foote, Martha M., Falk-Ross, Francine, Szabo, Susan, Sampson, Mary Beth, Foote, Martha M., Falk-Ross, Francine, and Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers
This volume is a milestone year for the Yearbook, the conference, and the College Reading Association (CRA). At this conference, CRA celebrated its 50th year. The title of this thirty-first yearbook mirrors the theme of the 2008 conference--"Mentoring Literacy Professionals for 50 Years." The title "Mentoring Literacy Professionals: Continuing the Spirit of CRA/ALER after 50 Years" is chosen in an attempt to reflect the research and papers presented at the Golden Anniversary Conference held in Saratoga, Florida. Following a presidential address by D. Ray Reutzel, the following papers are included in this yearbook: (1) Helping Students Appreciate the Value of Reading (Linda B. Gambrell); (2) College Reading Association: Academic, Conversational, and Collaborative (Barbara J. Walker); (3) Speaking the Lower Frequencies 2.0: Digital Ghost Stories (Walter R. Jacobs); (4) What is Johnny Reading? A Research Update (Maria Valeri-Gold); (5) The Hidden Peril of Differentiation: Fragmented Instruction (Carla Wonder-McDowell); (6) A Study Examining How Struggling Third Grade Readers, as Members of a Guided Reading Group, Experience Peer-Led Literature Discussions (Cheryl L. Potenza-Radis); (7) PALS in Vietnamese: Implementing a Bilingual Family Literacy Program (Susan E. Perkins); (8) A Different Kind of Coaching: The Professional Preparation of Graduate Level Reading Specialists Combining Videocoaching with Concurrent Feedback (Elaine Marker and Antonia D'Onfrio); (9) From Questions to Answers: Education Faculty Members Learn about English Learners (Chris Green, Martha Foote, Carole Walker, and Cindy Shuman); (10) Time to Focus on the Impact of Graduate Reading Programs on the Expertise and Practice of Literacy Professionals (Lois K. Haid, Cynthia Fischer, Nancy Masztal, Joyce V. W. Warner, and Joanna Marasco); (11) Action Research: Are We Effectively Preparing Our Future Reading Specialists? (Roberta Linder); (12) Mentoring Teachers to Think Outside the Box: Innovations for Struggling Readers with Learning Disabled Students (Rebecca P. Harlin, Rosemary Murray, and Mary E. Shea); (13) Mentoring Promotes Qualities that Lead to Teacher Satisfaction (Debra J. Cofey); (14) Teachers' Perceptions of the Influence of Professional Development on Their Knowledge of Content, Pedagogy, and Curriculum (Aimee L. Morewood, Julie W. Ankrum, and Rita M. Bean); (15) How and Why Teachers Adapt Their Literacy Instruction (Seth A. Parsons, Stephanie G. Davis, Roya Q. Scales, Baxter Williams, and Kathryn A. Kear); (16) An Investigation of Teacher-Talk during the Administration of an Informal Reading Inventory (Marie F. Holbein and Donna M. Harkins); (17) Language Experience Stories Gone Digital: Using Digital Stories with the LEA Approach (Donna Glenn Wake and Virginia B. Modla); (18) The Origin and Development of Ownership in a School Writing Assignment: Secondary Preservice Teachers Author a "How-to" Book (Peggy Daisey); (19) Progress Monitoring with Whole Text: A Comparison Study of Running Records and Curriculum-Based Measures (Sandra K. Goetze and Jacquelyn A. Burkett); (20) Improving Reading Achievement of Low SES Minority Students with Science-Related Informational Texts and Structured Responses (Kathy E. Stephens); (21) Revisiting the Affective Domain of Reading Assessment and Instruction (Brandi L. Noll, Ruth Oswald, and Evangeline Newton); (22) Cognition, Affect, and Instruction: A Cyclical Relationship? (Sharon E. Green and Elizabeth Dobler); (23) What's Old is New Again: Is the Foundation of Comprehension Instruction Still Solid? (Stephan Sargent, Melinda Smith, Nancy Hill and Susan Morrison); (24) Children as Authors and Illustrators: A Demonstration of the Writing Process (Janet Leigh Towell and Jane Brady Matanzo); and (25) Engaging High School Students in Reading and Understanding the Canon Trough the Use of Linked Text Sets (Linda S. Wold, Laurie Elish-Piper, and Brigid Schuyltz). Individual papers contain tables, figures and references. [For the 2009 yearbook, see ED507687.]