24 results on '"Industrial accidents--Investigation"'
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2. Accident Investigation Techniques, Third Edition
- Author
Peter Sturm, Jeffrey S. Oakley, Peter Sturm, and Jeffrey S. Oakley
- Subjects
- Accident investigation, Industrial accidents--Investigation
- Abstract
'Peter Sturm and Jeffrey Oakley provide a concise comparison of accident/incident investigation techniques that can be used to help companies and safety professionals analyze accidents and feel assured that the causes have been properly determined and that corrective actions will prevent reoccurrence. This third edition updates the second edition and covers all aspects of accident investigation from theory to organizing, gathering and analyzing data, to reporting, recommendations, and follow-up. This edition integrates the new research, updates the relevant references, and introduces changes that have occurred and continue to occur as workplace safety and investigations evolve and improve. The authors also reference the only consensus standard focusing on investigating incidents, CSA Z1005:21, Workplace Incident Investigation'--
- Published
- 2022
3. A Practical Guide to Effective Workplace Accident Investigation
- Author
Ron C. McKinnon and Ron C. McKinnon
- Subjects
- Industrial safety, Industrial accidents--Investigation
- Abstract
This book explains how accidents and high potential near-miss incidents are caused, and how to eliminate recurrences by effective accident investigation methods. It shows how to conduct an immediate and root cause analysis so that remedial measures can be taken to prevent a recurrence of similar events. The book shows how to apply the Logical Sequence Accident Investigation Method in the case studies presented. The book: Provides a practical guide to accident causes, investigation and prevention. Explains immediate and root causes in detail. Gives a number of problem-solving methods for the accident investigator to use. Introduces the Logical Sequence Accident Investigation Method. Provides a practical accident investigation evaluation system. The book discusses important topics including hazard identification and risk assessment, workplace health and safety, accident causation and prevention theories, the updated accident domino sequence, as well as safety management system standards and controls.The text is primarily written for professionals and graduate students in the fields of occupational health and safety, ergonomics and human factors engineering.
- Published
- 2022
4. Child labour and exploitation on the rise
- Author
Miah, Malik
- Published
- 2023
5. Root Cause Analysis : Improving Performance for Bottom-Line Results, Fifth Edition
- Author
Mark A. Latino, Robert J. Latino, Kenneth C. Latino, Mark A. Latino, Robert J. Latino, and Kenneth C. Latino
- Subjects
- Critical incident technique, Root cause analysis, Quality control--Data processing, Industrial accidents--Investigation
- Abstract
This book comprehensively outlines what a holistic and effective Root Cause Analysis (RCA) system looks like. From the designing of the support infrastructure to the measuring of effectiveness on the bottom-line, this book provides the blueprint for making it happen. While traditionally RCA is viewed as a reactive tool, the authors will show how it can be applied proactively to prevent failures from occurring in the first place. RCA is a key element of any successful Reliability Engineering initiative. Such initiatives are comprised of equipment, process and human reliability foundations. Human reliability is critical to the success of a true RCA approach. This book explores the anatomy of a failure (undesirable outcome) as well as a potential failure (high risks). Virtually all failures are triggered by errors of omission or commission by human beings. The methodologies described in this book are applicable to any industry because the focus is on the human being's ability to think through why things go wrong, not on the industry or the nature of the failure. This book correlates reliability to safety as well as human performance improvement efforts. The author has provided a healthy balance between theory and practical application, wrapping up with case studies demonstrating bottom-line results.Features Outlines in detail every aspect of an effective RCA ‘system'Displays appreciation for the role of understanding the physics of a failure as well as the human and system's contribution Demonstrates the role of RCA in a comprehensive Asset Performance Management (APM) system Explores the correlation between Reliability Engineering and Safety Integrates the concepts of Human Performance Improvement, Learning Teams, and Human Error Reduction approaches into RCA
- Published
- 2019
6. Simplifying Cause Analysis : A Structured Approach
- Author
Chester D. Rowe, Kristen Noakes-Fry, ABCI, Chester D. Rowe, and Kristen Noakes-Fry, ABCI
- Subjects
- Industrial accidents--Investigation, Quality control--Data processing, Critical incident technique
- Abstract
When the challenge is to get to the heart of a problem, you need a simple and efficient cause investigation methodology. And what would make a real difference would be an interactive map to lead you to the answer every time. Chester Rowe's Simplifying Cause Analysis: A Structured Approach is your instruction book combined with the included downloadable Interactive Cause Analysis Tool you have been looking for. The author intends this book for professionals like you, who have some familiarity with cause analysis projects and are looking for a simple and efficient cause investigation methodology –is a more effective and insightful way of asking “why?”Introducing his multi-function event investigation tool, Chester Rowe says, “There are already many scientific tools to help us understand the physical causes for machine failures; the challenge now is to find a way of investigating human performance failure modes…humans are often a major source of slips, lapses, and mistakes.”Supporting his instructions with diagrams, charts, and real-world examples from companies like yours, the author takes you step-by-step through planning, completing, and documenting your investigation: Chapter 1 gives you a process to determine the level of effort that your investigation should encompass, assess the level of effort needed, and determine the rigor needed. Your investigation needs to be as risk-informed as possible. Chapters 2 through 5 presents a new and innovative structure –rigorous yet intuitively easy to remember – to identify the underlying causes for the event (Cause Road Maps) and conduct the investigation. Chapter 6 introduces conceptual human performance models and tells you how to begin focusing on the human behaviors involved. Chapters 7 and 8 present you with methods, tools, and techniques for carefully interviewing personnel. Chapters 9 through 13 “put the pieces together,” showing you how to analyze and model the event, determine corrective action, and document the investigations and findings. Chester Rowe developed the Cause Road Map over many years to provide a comprehensive taxonomy for every cause investigation. However, fully implementing the Cause Road Map requires the use of other tools to organize, analyze, and present the final results of your investigation. To get you started, Rowe includes his downloadable Interactive Cause Analysis Tool – an easy-to-use tool in familiar spreadsheet format – free with your verified purchase of the book.
- Published
- 2017
7. Cause Analysis Manual : Incident Investigation Method & Techniques
- Author
Fred Forck, CPT, Kristen Noakes-Fry, ABCI, Fred Forck, CPT, and Kristen Noakes-Fry, ABCI
- Subjects
- Industrial accidents--Investigation
- Abstract
A failure or accident brings your business to a sudden halt. How did it happen? What's at the root of the problem? What keeps it from happening again? Good detective work is needed -- but how do you go about it? In this new book, industry pioneer Fred Forck's seven-step cause analysis methodology guides you to the root of the incident, enabling you to act effectively to avoid loss of time, money, productivity, and quality. From 30+ years of experience as a performance improvement consultant, self-assessment team leader, and trainer, Fred Forck, CPT, understands what you need to get the job done. He leads you through a clear step-by-step process of root cause evaluation, quality improvement, and corrective action. Using these straightforward tools, you can avoid errors, increase reliability, enhance performance, and improve bottom-line results -- while creating a resilient culture that avoids repeat failures. The key phases of this successful cause analysis include: Scoping the Problem Investigating the Factors Reconstructing the Story Establishing Contributing Factors Validating Underlying Factors Planning Corrective Actions Reporting Learnings At each stage, Cause Analysis Manual: Incident Investigation Method and Techniques gives you a wealth of real-world examples, models, thought-provoking discussion questions, and ready-to-use checklists and forms. The author provides: references for further reading hundreds of illustrative figures, tables, and diagrams a full glossary of terms and acronyms professional index You know that identifying causes and preventing business-disrupting events isn't always easy. By following Fred Forck's proven steps you will be able to identify contributing factors, align organizational behaviors, take corrective action, and improve business performance! Are you a professor or leader of seminars or workshops? On confirmed course adoption of Cause Analysis Manual: Incident Investigation Method and Techniques, you will have access to a comprehensive, professional Instructor's Manual.
- Published
- 2016
8. Pre-Accident Investigations : Better Questions - An Applied Approach to Operational Learning
- Author
Todd Conklin and Todd Conklin
- Subjects
- Organizational learning, Industrial safety, Industrial accidents--Investigation
- Abstract
Pre-Accident Investigations: Better Questions - An Applied Approach to Operational Learning challenges safety and reliability professionals to get better answers by asking better questions. A provocative examination of human performance and safety management, the book delivers a thought-provoking discourse about how we work, and defines a new approach to operational learning.This is not a book about traditional safety. This is a book about creating'real'safety in your organization. In order to predict incidents before they happen, an organization should first understand how their processes can result in failure. Instead of managing the outcomes, they must learn to manage and understand the processes used to create them.Ideal for use in safety, human performance, psychology, cognitive and decision making, systems engineering, and risk assessment areas, this book equips the safety professional with the tools, steps, and models of success needed to create long-term value and change from safety programs.
- Published
- 2016
9. Rethinking Bhopal : A Definitive Guide to Investigating, Preventing, and Learning From Industrial Disasters
- Author
Kenneth Bloch and Kenneth Bloch
- Subjects
- Industrial accidents--Investigation, Industrial safety
- Abstract
Rethinking Bhopal: A Definitive Guide to Investigating, Preventing, and Learning from Industrial Disasters is the go-to source for anyone seeking to learn how to improve process safety management (PSM) through applying fundamental asset reliability and incident investigation concepts. The seeds that unified PSM on a global scale were planted in Bhopal, India on December 3, 1984. Since then, considerable progress has been made to protect both workers and communities from catastrophic industrial failures. Industry acknowledges its responsibility to create value with accrued operating experience and that using information received from previous failures is a direct way to prevent future incidents. With this principle in mind, Bloch evaluates modern references related to the Bhopal Disaster, using recognized industrial asset reliability and incident investigation concepts. The practice of objective incident investigation offers a compelling insight into specific decisions and actions that resulted in history's worst industrial disaster. Recording a fully transparent sequence of events promotes a personal sense of accountability for anyone involved in the manufacturing industry. Lessons learned can be immediately implemented by those with direct PSM, management, engineering, and operating responsibilities. Case histories demonstrate how patterns observed in the timeline leading up to the Bhopal Disaster can be detected in modern incidents and by recognizing these patterns in present-day processes avoids counterproductive operating decisions and unprecedented destruction. This text is instrumental in helping existing organizations re-evaluate their own exposures and risks, and would be a valuable read for any member of a process safety management team. Rethinking Bhopal: A Definitive Guide to Investigating, Preventing, and Learning from Industrial Disasters provides an expansion of knowledge and understanding for the novice in PSM while also providing depth and application considerations to challenge more experienced industry professionals. Note: All royalties from this book go to the Process Safety Heritage Trust Scholarship at Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, USA. - Learn how to improve Process Safety Management (PSM) performance by applying fundamental asset reliability and incident investigation concepts - Understand your personal role in detecting and preventing Loss of Primary Containment (LOPC) incidents before they occur - Take immediate action to stabilize processes under your control while promoting a systematic approach to eliminating persistent failure mechanisms - Includes case histories to helpfully illustrate how to detect potentially destructive patterns in your own organization
- Published
- 2016
10. Unfallbegutachtung
- Author
Friedrich Mehrhoff, Axel Ekkernkamp, Michael Wich, Friedrich Mehrhoff, Axel Ekkernkamp, and Michael Wich
- Subjects
- Disability evaluation, Industrial accidents--Investigation
- Abstract
Dieses Standardwerk, das nun schon in der 13. Auflage erscheint, istein unverzichtbarer Ratgeber für alle, die Gutachten erstellen oder in Auftrag gebenoder Unfallfolgen bewerten und überprüfen- vor allem in Bezug auf Arbeitsunfälle und Berufskrankheiten.Eine wesentliche Stärke des Buches ist seine praxisnahe Orientierung: Alle gesetzlichen Änderungen zur Unfallversicherung wurden angepasst undzusätzlich Erläuterungen zu privaten Unfallversicherungen eingefügt. Des Weiteren erfolgte die grundlegende Aktualisierungmedizinisch relevanter Aspekte zur Erstellung von Unfallgutachten - dabei fanden nicht nur die Perspektiven der Berufsgenossenschaften, sondern auch die Belange aller Auftraggeber Berücksichtigung. Darüber hinaus werden nun die Ressourcen und Potenziale von Geschädigten gemäß der ICF stärker betont.
- Published
- 2012
11. Safety Management : Near Miss Identification, Recognition, and Investigation
- Author
Ron C. McKinnon and Ron C. McKinnon
- Subjects
- Industrial safety--Management, Industrial accidents--Investigation, TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Industrial Health & Saf
- Abstract
Close calls, narrow escapes, or near hits. History has shown repeatedly that these'near-miss'incidents often precede loss producing events, but are largely ignored or go unreported because nothing (no injury, damage or loss) happened. Thus, many opportunities to prevent the accidents that the organization has not yet had are lost. Recognizing and
- Published
- 2012
12. Root Cause Analysis : Improving Performance for Bottom-Line Results, Fourth Edition
- Author
Mark A. Latino, Robert J. Latino, Kenneth Latino, Mark A. Latino, Robert J. Latino, and Kenneth Latino
- Subjects
- Quality control--Data processing, Industrial accidents--Investigation, Critical incident technique
- Abstract
What is RCA? It seems like such an easy question to answer, yet from novices to veterans and practitioners to providers, no one seems to have come to agreement or consensus on an acceptable definition for the industry. Now in its fourth edition, Root Cause Analysis: Improving Performance for Bottom-Line Results discusses why it is so hard to get su
- Published
- 2011
13. Workplace Safety in Action : Accident Investigation in the Workplace: the Step-by-step Approach for Supervisors, Third Edition
- Author
J.J. Keller & Associates, Hodkiewicz, Tricia S., J.J. Keller & Associates, and Hodkiewicz, Tricia S.
- Subjects
- Industrial accidents--Investigation
- Abstract
Title from title screen.
- Published
- 2010
14. Unfallbegutachtung
- Author
Friedrich Mehrhoff, Renate Ch. Meindl, Gert Muhr, Friedrich Mehrhoff, Renate Ch. Meindl, and Gert Muhr
- Subjects
- Medical jurisprudence, Industrial accidents--Investigation, Disability evaluation
- Abstract
Die Unfallbegutachtung bleibt Standard- und damit unverzichtbares Nachschlagewerk für alle, die Gutachten über Unfallfolgen erstellen oder beauftragen. Wie gewohnt werden auch in der 12. Auflage rechtliche und medizinische Aspekte verknüpft. Alle gesetzlichen Änderungen zur Unfallversicherung werden angepasst und die Erläuterungen zu privaten Unfallversicherungen erweitert. Häufig auftretende unfallbedingte Erkrankungen wie Kniegelenksarthrose und Wirbelsäulenerkrankungen werden ausführlicher behandelt. Darüber hinaus wird besonders auf die funktionsbezogene Begutachtung eingegangen. neue aktualisierte Auflage Standard-Nachschlagewerk Verknüpfung von rechtlichen und medizinischen Aspekten
- Published
- 2010
15. Root Cause Analysis Handbook : A Guide to Efficient and Effective Incident Investigation
- Author
ABS Consulting, Lee N. Vanden Heuvel, Donald K. Lorenzo, Laura O. Jackson, Walter E. Hanson, James J. Rooney, David A. Walker, ABS Consulting, Lee N. Vanden Heuvel, Donald K. Lorenzo, Laura O. Jackson, Walter E. Hanson, James J. Rooney, and David A. Walker
- Subjects
- Industrial accidents--Investigation, Problem solving, Total quality management, Quality control
- Abstract
Are you trying to improve performance, but find that the same problems keep getting in the way? Safety, health, environmental quality, reliability, production, and security are at stake. You need the long-term planning that will keep the same issues from recurring. Root Cause Analysis Handbook: A Guide to Effective Incident Investigation is a powerful tool that gives you a detailed step-by-step process for learning from experience.Reach for this handbook any time you need field-tested advice for investigating, categorizing, reporting and trending, and ultimately eliminating the root causes of incidents. It includes step-by-step instructions, checklists, and forms for performing an analysis and enables users to effectively incorporate the methodology and apply it to a variety of situations.Using the structured techniques in the Root Cause Analysis Handbook, you will:Understand why root causes are important.Identify and define inherent problems.Collect data for problem-solving.Analyze data for root causes.Generate practical recommendations.The third edition of this global classic is the most comprehensive, all-in-one package of book, downloadable resources, color-coded RCA map, and licensed access to online resources currently available for Root Cause Analysis (RCA). Called by users'the best resource on the subject'and'in a league of its own.'Based on globally successful, proprietary methodology developed by ABS Consulting, an international firm with 50 years'experience in 35 countries.Root Cause Analysis Handbook is widely used in corporate training programs and college courses all over the world. If you are responsible for quality, reliability, safety, and/or risk management, you'll want this comprehensive and practical resource at your fingertips. The book has also been selected by the American Society for Quality (ASQ) and the Risk and Insurance Society (RIMS) as a'must have'for their members.
- Published
- 2008
16. Major Accident Inquiries - Lawyers or Engineers?
- Author
Chemeca 93 (21st : 1993 : Melbourne, Vic.) and Lees, Frank P
- Published
- 1993
17. Root Cause Analysis : Improving Performance for Bottom-Line Results, Third Edition
- Author
Latino, Robert J., Latino, Kenneth C., Latino, Robert J., and Latino, Kenneth C.
- Subjects
- Industrial accidents--Investigation, Quality control--Data processing, Critical incident technique
- Abstract
There is no easy answer to the question, What is RCA? Some will give a general idea of what Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is designed to accomplish, while others will advocate a specific approach. In this third edition of the best-selling Root Cause Analysis: Improving Performance for Bottom-Line Results, acclaimed experts Robert and Ke
- Published
- 2006
18. Unfallbegutachtung
- Author
Friedrich Mehrhoff, Renate Ch. Meindl, Gert Muhr, Friedrich Mehrhoff, Renate Ch. Meindl, and Gert Muhr
- Subjects
- Accident insurance, Industrial accidents--Investigation, Disability evaluation
- Abstract
'Unfallbegutachtung'bleibt Standard- und damit unverzichtbares Nachschlagewerk für alle, die Gutachten über Unfallfolgen erstellen, in Auftrag geben, bewerten oder überprüfen. Das Buch überzeugt durch die permanente Verknüpfung rechtlicher und medizinischer Aspekte und interdisziplinäre Sicht- und Darstellungsweise. Die 11. Auflage umfasst alle relevanten Bereiche aus der gesetzlichen Unfall-, Kranken-, Renten-, und Pflegeversicherung sowie der privaten Versicherungen. Neue rechtliche Regelungen wie das Qualitätssicherungsgesetz, Rehabilitationsrecht und Änderungen bei der Rentenversicherung werden aufgenommen. Die neue Auflage zeigt eine zukunftsweisende Aktualität: Das Thema'Psychische Störungen nach Unfällen'wurde erstmals aufgenommen, das Thema'Privatunfälle'erweitert, ein Kapitel zur Vergütung von Gutachten eingefügt, die neuen Rechtsvorschriften (SGB IX/Rehabilitationsrecht) sowie neue medizinische Erkenntnisse berücksichtigt.
- Published
- 2005
19. Root Cause Analysis : Improving Performance for Bottom-Line Results, Second Edition
- Author
Latino, Robert J., Latino, Kenneth C., Latino, Robert J., and Latino, Kenneth C.
- Subjects
- Quality control--Data processing, Industrial accidents--Investigation, Critical incident technique
- Abstract
Undesirable outcomes, chronic failure, incidents, and accidents The cost of such events to corporations is high, generally adding up to tens and hundreds of millions of dollars in'accepted'losses. Why accept these losses? What if you could understand why these errors occur and eliminate chronic events from occurring altogether?Root Cause
- Published
- 2002
20. Learning From Accidents
- Author
Trevor Kletz and Trevor Kletz
- Subjects
- Chemical industry--Accidents, Industrial accidents, Industrial accidents--Investigation
- Abstract
Review of previous edition:'Trevor Kletz's book makes an invaluable contribution to the systematic, professional and scientific approach to accident investigation'. The Chemical Engineer Fully revised and updated, the third edition of Learning from Accidents provides more information on accident investigation, including coverage of accidents involving liquefied gases, building collapse and other incidents that have occurred because faults were invisible (e.g. underground pipelines). By analysing accidents that have occurred Trevor Kletz shows how we can learn and thus be better able to prevent accidents happening again. Looking at a wide range of incidents, covering the process industries, nuclear industry and transportation, he analyses each accident in a practical and non-theoretical fashion and summarises each with a chain of events showing the prevention and mitigation which could have occurred at every stage. At all times Learning from Accidents, 3rd Edition emphasises cause and prevention rather than human interest or cleaning up the mess. Anyone involved in accident investigation and reporting of whatever sort and all those who work in industry, whether in design, operations or loss prevention will find this book full of invaluable guidance and advice.
- Published
- 2001
21. Safety and hazard control - are we doing too much?
- Author
CHEMECA 89 (17th : 1989 : Gold Coast, Qld.) and Andow, Peter
- Published
- 1989
22. Accident reduction by low cost engineering
- Author
Sabey, Barbara
- Published
- 1985
23. Preliminary research into the causes of accidents in the building and construction industry
- Author
Kaiser, B
- Published
- 1973
24. Flight attendant injuries : 1971-1976.
- Author
United States. Office of Aviation Medicine, Pollard, Donell W., Folk, Earl D., Chandler, Richard F., Civil Aeromedical Institute, United States. Office of Aviation Medicine, Pollard, Donell W., Folk, Earl D., Chandler, Richard F., and Civil Aeromedical Institute
- Abstract
Data from 206 reports of 377 flight attendant injuries occurring from 1971 through 1976 are summarized. These data were obtained from the Cabin Safety Data Bank of the Civil Aeromedical Institute, and are based on Federal Aviation Administration and National Transportation Safety Board accident/incident reports. Information relating to the severity and location of the injury is provided when available from original reports. Data relating to the flight condition and location in the aircraft where the injury occurred are provided. Summaries of each reported injury are included in the appendices.
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