Hema Dave, Faye Willen, Audrey Mauguen, Jaime Flerlage, Martha Pacheco, Ilia N. Buhtoiarov, Jaclyn Rosenzweig, Robin E. Norris, Branko Cuglievan, Rebecca J. Deyell, Lianna J. Marks, Anna Franklin, Adam Paul Yan, Paul Harker-Murray, Lisa Giulino Roth, Christopher J. Forlenza, Kasey J. Leger, and Jennifer Krajewski
Background: Although the prognosis for children with Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is excellent, up to 25% of patients experience relapse and require salvage therapy. Event-free survival (EFS) for patients with relapsed or refractory disease (R/R) who require high-dose therapy with autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) is between 31-67% (Daw, 2011), and efforts to improve these outcomes are an area of urgent clinical need. Brentuximab vedotin (BV) is an anti-CD30 antibody-drug conjugate combined with monomethyl auristatin E. The phase III AETHERA study (NCT01100502) was a randomized, placebo-controlled trial that demonstrated consolidation with BV following ASCT for adults with R/R HL improved progression-free survival (PFS) in comparison to placebo (5-year PFS 59% vs. 41%) in patients identified as having a high-risk of post-ASCT progression (Moskowitz, 2015, 2018). However, there is limited data on post-ASCT BV consolidation in pediatric patients. Here, we report a retrospective multi-center study of BV as consolidation post-ASCT in pediatric patients with R/R HL. Patients and Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of pediatric patients aged ≤ 21 years who received BV as consolidative therapy following ASCT for the treatment of relapsed/refractory HL. Data was collected on disease risk factors (refractory disease or relapse ≤ 12 months after frontline therapy, best response of partial remission or stable disease to salvage therapy, presence of extranodal involvement, presence of B symptoms, and number of systemic treatments pre-ASCT ≥ 2), treatment history, BV-related toxicity, and response to therapy. The primary endpoint was 3-year EFS. Events were defined as relapse, progression of disease, or death from any cause. Results: Seventy patients were identified from 14 academic centers. Eighteen received BV >90 days after ASCT and were excluded due to significant delay in initiation of BV. Of the remaining 52 patients, the median age at diagnosis was 15 years (range 4-21), and the median age at diagnosis of R/R disease was 16 years (range 8-22). Twenty-eight patients (54%) were male, 13 (25%) had B symptoms, 19 (37%) had extranodal disease. Six patients (12%) had primary refractory disease and 24 patients (47%) relapsed The median time from ASCT to the start of BV consolidation was 52 days (range 30-90 days). The most frequent adverse events were peripheral neuropathy of any grade (sensory 19/52 [37%]; motor (14/52 [27%]), and cytopenias (grade 3 or 4: (25/52 [48%]), including neutropenia (13/52 [25%]), thrombocytopenia (7/52 [14%]), and anemia (5/52 [10%]). Three patients (6%) experienced infusion-related reactions. The median number of BV cycles completed post-ASCT was 12 (range 1-17), and 16 patients (31%) completed the full 16 cycles of BV. The most common reason for premature termination was adverse effects (22/36 [61%]). Additional reasons included: physician plan for shorter duration (4/36 [11%]), patient/family decision (3/36 [8%]), and progression (1/36 [3%]). Treatment was still ongoing in 3 patients and reason for premature termination was not reported for 17/36 patients (47%). With a median follow of 2.8 years (range 0.1 to 6.25 years) the three-year EFS was 92% [95%CI: 83-100]. Patients with 0-1 risk factors (15/52 [29%]) and ≥ 2 risk factors (37/52 [71%]), had a 3-year EFS of 100% and 90% [95%CI: 79-100], respectively. Fifty patients (96%) are alive with no evidence of disease, while 2 (4%) patients are alive with disease. No deaths have occurred. Conclusion: The use of post-ASCT BV consolidation for pediatric patients with R/R HL is associated with a favorable safety and tolerability profile. In this cohort, the combination of salvage therapy, HD-chemotherapy/ASCT, and BV consolidation resulted in extremely promising outcomes and warrants further investigation in a prospective pediatric trial. Figure 1 Figure 1. Disclosures Leger: Jazz Pharmaceuticals: Consultancy, Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees, Research Funding; Abbott Diagnostics: Research Funding. Roth: Merck: Consultancy; Janssen: Consultancy.