1. Ladder Logic
- Author
Šaponja, Tara, Sladić, Saša, Pešić, Igor, and Runko Luttenberger, Lidija
- Subjects
Rad pokriva osnovne informacije o programiranju PLC uređaja pomoću ljestvičastih dijagrama. Također spominje se i nekoliko tehnika izrade logičkih sklopova i konstruiranja samog programa. Od Booleove algebre i K- tablica koriste se osnovna načela i pravila koja bi mogla koristiti programeru Ljestvičastog dijagrama u dobivanju završnog programa za upravljanje. Spominju se osnovne funkcije i mogućnosti ljestvičastih dijagrama kao i primjera računalnog programa koje pruža integrirano razvojno okruženje u kojem se kod može napisati i preuzeti na stvarni PLC stroj. Kao alat koristi se i PLC simulator., This paper covers basic information about the programming of PLC devices using ladder diagrams. Several techniques for making logical circuits and constructing the program itself are also mentioned. Boolean algebra and K-maps basic principles and rules are used as a tool to aid a ladder logic programmer to achieve the final control program. The basic functions and possibilities of ladder diagrams are mentioned as well as examples of a computer program that provides an integrated development environment in which the code can be written and downloaded to the actual PLC. A PLC simulator is used as a tool.
- Published
- 2021