Maraaek I . , M. Krajniaakova, M. Kosteck , G. Greserova, I . Valock : Tertiary Follicular Growth Wave Dynamics after Oestrus Synchronization and Superovulation in Ewes and Goats. Acta Vet. Brno 2002, 71: 481-486. The quality and quantity of morphological and functional changes in ovarian tertiary follicles during their growth and development waves after synchronisation of oestrus and superovulation treatment is described. Within 48 and 120 h after injection of 125 μg cloprostenol simultaneous amplification of healthy non-atretic tertiary follicles as well as those recruited and selected as dominant on the ovarian surface was observed. The mean size of the largest growing dominant, i.e., ovulatory follicle significantly increased in ewes 24 and 48 h after cloprostenol administration compared not only to controls but also to experimental groups at 72 and 120 h after luteolytic treatment. Eleven (73.3%) goats and 45 (88.24%) ewes were found to respond to superovulatory treatment. Significant differences (P < 0.01) in ovulation response were noted between FSH (9.6 ± 3.8) and PMSG (4.6 ± 1.1 ) preparations in ewes. After superovulatory treatment the oestradiol17β levels in follicular fluid of the selected dominant follicles increased significantly as compared to the large atretic follicles (P < 0.001). Oestrus synchronisation in ewes was carried out by cloprostenol induction of the new follicular wave. These results suggest that luteolysis has a key role both in the process of recruitment and in the induction of selection during folliculogenesis in ewes. Evaluation of the superovulatory response in ewes and goats demonstrates that FSHand PMSG-based preparations affect follicles after recruitment in the process of selection. Ovarian follicles, recruitment, selection, cloprostenol, chlorsuperlutin, FSH, PMSG The ovary of an adult ewe contains 12 000-86 000 primordial follicles and 100-400 growing follicles of which 10-40 are visible on the ovarian surface (Cahi l l et al. 1979; Mc Natty et al. 1982; et al. 1985). The differentiation of one mature preovulatory follicle, the so-called dominant follicle, is the result of a complex interaction between the cohort of ovarian follicles on the growth trajectory and the hypothalamo-pituitary system with intraovarian endo-, paraand autocrine regulatory factors and mechanisms (Driancourt et al. 1985; Murdoch 1985, 1988; Erickson 1986, Presl and Bukovsk 1989ab; Greenwald and Terranova 1988; Driancourt 1994). Differentiation of the dominant tertiary follicle is a two-stage process (Di Zerega and Hodgen 1981) in which, as a result of gonadotrophic stimulation, anthral follicles are advantaged by more intensive growth. The development of normal healthy tertiary follicles with a diameter surpassing 2 mm is termed recruitment and the developing, growing anthral follicles with a diameter of 2 5 mm are termed recruited. Differentiation and maturation advance to the process of selection of those tertiary follicles that reach a diameter of more than 5 mm. This process of selection usually results in one, seldom in two and only exceptionally in multiple, 3 or 4 dominant ovulatory follicles. All other follicles undergo atresia (Driancourt et al. 1985; Murdoch 1985, 1988; DoleIel 1995ab). Literary data point at the fact that in sheep, the process of recruitment occurs at a variable time around luteolysis (Mc Nat ty et al. 1981, 1982; Murdoch 1985). ACTA VET. BRNO 2002, 71: 481–486 Address for correspondence: Prof. MVDr. I. Maraaek, DrSc. Department of Physiology University of Veterinary Medicine Komenskeho 73, 041 81 Ko‰ice, Slovak Republic Phone: +421 55 638 249 Fax: +421 55 63 318 53 E-mail: In this work quantitative analysis was carried out of the tertiary follicular populations in the ovaries of sheep and goats from the viewpoint of the process of follicle recruitment and selection after (1) luteolytic treatment of Czigaya sheep with a preparation on the basis of cloprostenol and (2) superovulation induction by means of FSH or PMSG preparations in Merino sheep and white goats. It was our aim to materialize and extend our knowledge (1) of the selection of the dominant ovulatory tertiary follicle and (2) of the influence of cloprostenol racemate-, follitropinand pregnant mare serum gonadotropin-based preparations upon tertiary follicles in sheep and goats. Materials and Methods Experiment 1 Observations and experiments with the cloprostenol racemate-based preparation were carried out during the breeding (mating) season in the autumn oestrous period. Forty-one Slovak Czigaya sheep aged 2 5 years and bred under standard commercial conditions were divided into 5 groups. Group I (n = 6) comprised the control animals on day 10 12 of their sexual cycles. In the luteal phase of their oestrous cycles the experimental animals were divided into 4 groups, viz, Groups II (n = 8), III (n = 9), IV (n = 8) and V (n = 10); they were i. m. treated with 125 g cloprostenol in 0.5 ml of Oestrophan inj. ad us. vet. (Leaiva Prague, Czech Rep.) per animal. The ewes in Groups II – V were killed 24, 48, 72 and 120 h after treatment, respectively. After excision, the ovaries were fixed in 10% neutral formalin for 48 h; then, surface follicles were counted and measured. Fixation of the ovarian tissues was followed by cutting the ovaries into 4 mm segments that were postfixed for 5 days, rinsed, dehydrated and subsequently paraffin-embedded. Five-to-seven m thick simultaneous transverse serial sections made at 150-210 m intervals were stained with haematoxylin-eosin or the PAS reaction with nuclear staining using Harris haematoxylin. Qualitative evaluation of the developing growing and healthy follicles and their differentiation from the atretic ones as well as quantitative evaluations were made in the way described earlier (Maraaek et al. 1983; 1993). According to this classification there are three stages of atretic follicles in addition to normal developing tertiary follicles, i. e., 1 early atresia, 2 definite atresia and 3 late atresia. A tertiary follicle in early atresia shows the following histological features: the membrana limitans interna disappears, atretic bodies are formed, the membrana basalis disappears or is absent. In definite atresia the follicle is subjected to many changes that prevent the production of the ovum. In this stage of atresia collapsing, contracting, cystic and luteinized cystic atresia can be differentiated. The stage of late atresia reveals changes typical of the terminal stage of the individual types of definite atresia with a typical decrease in size and lumen. Experiment 2 In the second experiment we evaluated the ovaries of 51 ewes of the Slovak Merino breed and 15 Slovak white goats. For superovulation treatment, folitropin (FSH) in the preparation Folicotropin inj. ad us. vet. (Leaiva, Prague, Czech Rep.) (n = 24) or pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) in the preparations Folligon (Intervet) (n = 6) and Sergon (Bioveta, a. s., Czech Rep.) (n = 21) were used, respectively. The superovulation treatment was carried out after synchronization of the oestrus by means of chlorsuperlutin (Agelin ad us. vet., Spofa, Prague, Czech Rep.). The schemes for the preparation of donors and recipients were designed in the way described earlier (Maraaek et al. 1989; et al. 1997). The ovarian tertiary surface follicles and ovulation (the number of corpus luteum) were evaluated at washing up and collection of oocytes and zygotes during laparotomy or laparoscopy. Experiment 3 In the third experiment we determined the level of oestradiol-17β (E2) and progesterone in the follicular fluid of the largest follicles from the ovaries of 9 Slovak white goats. Follicular fluid was aspirated from the largest follicles on the 2nd day after PMSG (n = 4, goats) administration or after the last injection of FSH (n = 5, goats). After centrifugation at 3000 g the supernatant was stored at -18 oC until processing. In order to determine oestradiol-17s and progesterone levels in the follicular fluid the RIA-test-Estra (SI-125-9) and RIA-test-Prog (SI-125-6) commercial kits manufactured by Huma-Lab Ko‰ice (Slovak Republic) were used, respectively. The fluid was diluted with 1.5% bovine gammaglobulin. The intraand inter-assay coefficient of variation presented 10.1 and 13.3%, respectively, for the oestradiol kit and 11.4 and 13.7%, respectively, for the progesterone kit. After determining the significance of differences between the standard deviations by the F-test (Sokal and Rohl f 1969) the significance of differences between the two experimental groups was calculated by the unpaired Student’ s t-test.