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It is an area of great interest and high hydrological capacity, due to the karst systems that develop in this area, and the complexity that they display. Mountain Paiko is located NW of the city of Thessaloniki and administratively belongs to the Prefecture of Pella. Geologically, it consists mainly of limestones and ophiolites, while in its lowlands sedimentary rocks are found. Hydrogeologically, two groups of rocks are separated. The first consists of limestones and their underlying group (conglomerate, sandstone, slate, chert, diabase, old tuffs) while the second group contains clayey materials of lake phase, slope debris and plain alluvial deposits. The springs of Aravissos are located at the SE foot of mountain Paiko and have been characterized as a wetland of national importance, due to the rarity of the type of springs (combination of contact springs and overflow springs). They cover 40% of the daily water needs of the city of Thessaloniki. At the springs, 2 gushings are formed, while a third gushing is the Platanos spring, which discharges south of the Aravissos Springs, and is an indirect discharge of the karstic aquifer. Platanos springs express the largest percentage of surface runoff, and cover the necessary ecological supply of the system. Geologically, in the upper layers of this area, newer alluvial deposits are found (conglomerate). Immediately below exists a clayey tuff formation located above the underlying karstic limestone. The springs are supplied with water through the upward movement of the limestone, at this specific point, where the limestone contacts with the permeable newer formations, interrupting the continuity of the impermeable clay material. Taking into account daily rainfall and temperature data from three meteorological stations (Megala Livadia, Aridea, Karyotissa) and one rainfall station (Aravissos), an estimation of the hydrological balance of the karstic system of Aravissos is made. The existence of the meteorological station in M. Livadia (1300 m), gives a new dimension to the parameters of the hydrological balance as the altitude is now taken into consideration, and the equation of rainfall/height is formed accordingly. The parameters, i.e., the volume of atmospheric precipitation, evapotranspiration, surface runoff and infiltration are analyzed. The Thesis is completed by calculating the climate index SPI 6 months, which gives an estimation of the droughts that characterize this area. Based on the results, conclusions were drawn that formed the basis for the proposal of certain measures and actions in the study area. Finally, suggestion for future research were made