18 results on '"Horrible"'
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2. Religious System Under The Holy Prophet (ﷺ).
- Author
Ahmad, Matloob and Rana, Aman Ullah
- Subjects
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was the greatest reformer the world has ever produced. Before his advent, Arabia, may the whole of the known world was steeped in vice, superstition and barbarism, social inequality, degraded womanhood, slavery, drunkenness, debauchery, gambling, rapacity blood thirstiness and such other heinous vices were prevalent among the Arabia. Never was the people so low in religious discipline as the Arabs were, never was a nation so disorganized as the Arabs were, nowhere was idolatry so deep rooted as in Arabia nowhere on the globe was so dark a spot as Arabia No Prophet before Hazart Muhammad (ﷺ) seems to have thought of tackling these horrible problems. He ruthlessly attacked them one after another till they were gone there all were due to having bad religious position. The Arabs were very corrupt in the field of religious life. They divided their gods into male and female these were 360 idols in the Ka'bah. The Arabs used to worship Them till they were banished by the Holy Prophet (ﷺ) The Holy Prophet (ﷺ) organized a rich religious system due to which there came a big revolution in the field of their religious lives. He arranged for preaching and teaching the faith and its tenets. He appointed great personalities as muftis to give the legal opinion in matters relating religion. A large number of mosques were prepared for performing congregational prayers and imams were adjusted with a complete prescribed system of appointment within a brief span of about twenty three years. He transformed the impious Arabs into an appreciable religious nation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
3. Penser �� l���horrible ��
- Author
S��nchez Us��n, Mar��a Jos��
- Subjects
Thinking ,Monstrous ,Pens��e ,Subjectivit�� ,Monstrueux ,Fear ,Subjectivity ,Horrible ,Peur - Abstract
Dans ce texte, nous proposons de comprendre le terme �� horrible �� comme un mot obscur, excessif et myst��rieux qui qualifie, de mani��re superlative, ce qui, d��passant le choc de l���homme devant quelque chose d���effrayant, est consid��r�� comme l���expression maximale de ce qui rend fou : la mat��rialisation de ce qui est radicalement mauvais et, par cons��quent, du mal dans son ��tat le plus ��pouvantable et intense., In this text, we propose to understand the term ���horrible��� as an arcane, excessive and mysterious word that qualifies, in a superlative way, that which, surpassing the shock of man in the face of something frightening, is considered the maximum expression of what drives one mad: the materialization of what is radically evil and, consequently, the evil in its most horrifying and intense state.
- Published
- 2021
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4. Aspects de l���horrible dans la po��sie virgilienne
- Author
Colotte, Franck
- Subjects
Cruor ,Po��sie ,Metamorphosis ,Monstruosit�� ,Monstrosity ,Poetry ,Horrible ,M��tamorphose - Abstract
La cat��gorie (esth��tique, po��tique et ��thique) de l���horrible s���appuie sur la monstruosit�� des hommes, des animaux et d���entit��s abstraites. Du sang qui coule au ph��nom��ne symbolique surnaturel de la m��tamorphose, en passant par l�����vocation all��gorique de certaines figures effrayantes, cette monstruosit�� est g��n��ratrice d���une observation po��tis��e de la nature et du psychisme humain, de la contemplation esth��tique de l���univers, de la m��ditation de l���histoire ainsi que d���une r��flexion morale., The category (aesthetic, poetic and ethical) of the horrible is based on the monstrosity of humans, animals and abstract entities. From the flowing blood to the supernatural symbolic phenomenon of metamorphosis, via the allegorical evocation of certain frightening figures, this monstrosity generates a poetic observation of nature and the human psyche, an aesthetic contemplation of the universe, a meditation on history as well as a moral reflection.
- Published
- 2021
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5. M��tamorphoses de l���horrible dans l�����uvre de Cioran
- Author
Idoudi, Saber
- Subjects
Mystique ,Vitalit�� ,Frivolity ,Cioran ,Horrible ,Frivolit�� ,Vitality ,Mystic - Abstract
L���horrible est intrins��que �� l�����uvre de Cioran. Il en subit les m��tamorphoses. Dans les premiers ��crits en roumain, il ��pouse le lyrisme foudroyant du jeune ��crivain. Il en r��sulte une pens��e terroriste et apocalyptique. Dans Syllogismes de l���amertume, associ�� �� une recherche syst��matique du paradoxe, il devient une source de jouissance esth��tique. Chez le dernier Cioran, il traduit une qu��te mystique authentique., The horrible is intrinsic to Cioran���s works. In the first writings in Romanian, it espouses the overwhelming lyricism of the young writer. The result is terrorist and apocalyptic thinking. In Syllogisms of bitterness, associated with a systematic search for the paradox, it becomes a source of aesthetic enjoyment. In the latest works, it expresses an authentic mystical quest.
- Published
- 2021
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6. Dark image
- Author
Alhourani, Rawan F. A., Purg, Peter, and Rusjan, Rene
- Subjects
dreadful ,slepa ,maligni ,dark image ,žalostna ,darkness ,obscure ,dark time ,mračna ,črnina ,lack of light ,negative ,media control ,skrita ,neprosvetljeni ,secret ,propaganda ,without light ,unknown ,brainwash ,temačnost ,grozljiva ,brez moralne ali duhovne svetlobe ,temničas ,ne svetla ,without moral or spiritual light ,grozna ,sad ,deeper in hue ,družabni mediji ,medijski nadzor ,sinister ,nejasna ,skrivnostna ,unenlightened ,temna slika ,blackish ,medijska manipulacija ,horrible ,stereotip ,not bright or light ,malign ,pranje možganov ,media manipulation ,mysterious ,temna ,pesimistični ,globlje v odtenkih ,blind ,brez svetlobe ,neznani ,zlobna ,pessimistic ,negativni ,pomanjkanje svetlobe ,gloomy ,socialmedia ,wicked ,dark ,stereotype - Abstract
Motivacija za to magistrsko delo je bilo avtoričino iskanje podobe prav določene podobe, izgubljene v najglobljih predelih našega uma. Iskanje podobe, ki je nikoli nismo videli ali doživeli podobe, ki je še nihče nikoli ni videl, ter ob tem izzvati čutila in človeško naravo v danem trenutku. Namen dela je iskati odgovore in si zastaviti vprašanja o tem, kako zelo ljudje zaupajo svojim čutom, ter se spraševati o njihovi zmožnosti, da spremenijo svoje vedenje in svoje rutine. Opazovati, ali si za nekaj sekund drznejo ugasniti luč in s tem pridobijo sposobnost, da vidijo na drugačen način. Ne preseneča dejstvo, da se ljudje močno zanašajo na svoj vid, zaradi česar preostala čutila postanejo nekako manj pomembna in zanesljiva. To delo z naslovom "Temna podoba – podoba, ki smo jo izgubili v temi", raziskuje moč podobe pri manipulaciji množice in vlogo medijev pri nadzoru in pranju možganov pripadnikom nove generacije. V magistrskem delu avtorica najprej predstavi projekte "Kumra 1", "Kumra 2" in "Kaj vidiš v temi?" – poskuse, izvedene v prvem in drugem letu raziskovanja, skozi katere predstavi analizo in opazovanje svojih eksperimentov. Ti predstavljajo začetek raziskovanja čutil v popolni temi, ki je nato pripeljalo do "Sestavljanke", praktičnega dela te naloge, ki se sprašuje o medijski manipulaciji z uporabo podobe. The motivation for this thesis was the author’s search for an image, a particular image lost in the deepest parts of our mind, searching for an image that we never saw or experienced before, an image that no-one has ever seen, challenging the senses and the human nature at a time. The purpose of this thesis is to search for answers and to question how much people trust their senses and to question people’s ability to change their behavior and routines. To measure people’s courage to turn off the light for a few seconds and be able to see differently. It is no surprise that people depend remarkably on their visual sense, which somehow made the other senses less essential and less reliable. This thesis, “Dark Image - The image we lost in the dark,” researches the power of the image in manipulating masses and the role media plays to control and brainwash the new generation with the least effort spent. In this thesis, the author first presents projects “KUMRA 1”, “KUMRA 2” and “what does one see in the dark?” Experiments which were made during the first year and second year of research and through which the author presents her analysis and observation of her experiments. It was the beginning of a sensual journey exploring the senses in the deep dark. Which led to the master thesis (practical) project Puzzle that questions the manipulation of media using the image.
- Published
- 2018
7. 'По той бік…' 'Жінки його мрії'
- Author
Shteynbuk, Feliks
- Subjects
Ulianenko ,corporal-mimetic method ,emptiness ,horrible ,monstrous ,language ,freedom ,Ульяненко ,телесно-миметический метод ,пустота ,ужасное ,монструозное ,язык ,свобода ,тілесно-міметичний метод ,порожнеча ,жахливе ,монструозне ,мова - Abstract
It is asserted that the works by Oles Ulianenko, the only laureate of the Small Shevchenko Award in Ukrainian literature history, are still on the periphery of literary research; the reasons of such indifference to the writer’s heritage are explained and an alternative corporal-mimetic variant for textual analysis of the novel “Woman of His Dreams” given as an example in comparison to existing research methods is suggested. It is proved that accumulation of horrors relating to numerous cruel deaths of marginal characters dialectically transform the obviously marginal character of these horrors into discourse formation seeking to fill existential emptiness. The correlate of emptiness is considered through the eastern approach, in particular the Buddhist one, so as the western philosophy, in the first place in M. Heidegger’s and H. Miller’s interpretations, so the conclusion is made according to which the primary author’s intention of O. Ulianenko despite the fact that he indeed, as he said in his interviews many times, wanted “…to frighten so that the man could understand how horrible it was if it happened”, and despite the fact that in fiction practice it was realized with a horror correlate – this intention has received a deeper artistic-aesthetic meaning through actualization of interrelated with it correlates of emptiness and monstrosity represented with the language considered by the Ukrainian writer as the only substance, which has acquired corporal features, belonging to absolute freedom; and in conclusion it is noted that on this side of “Woman of His Dreams” horrors rampage conditioned by marginal locus existence of the big city; but “on that side…” of “Woman of His Dreams” these horrors are ritualized by pseudo mystical images and due to the language, hence the monstrosity correlate as well, they fill emptiness with freedom formation and representation at the same time, first of all freedom as it is but also freedom from social, national, religious, sexual and other prejudices., Утверждается, что творчество единственного в истории украинской литературы лауреата Малой Шевченковской премии Олеся Ульяненко до сих пор остаётся на периферии литературоведческих исследований, объясняются причины подобного отношения к наследию писателя и предлагается альтернативный по отношению к наличным исследованиям, телесно-миметический вариант анализа его текстов на примере романа „Женщина его мечты”. Доказывается, что нагромождение в произведении ужасов, касающихся многочисленных и жестоких смертей персонажей-маргиналов, диалектически трансформирует очевидно маргинальный характер этих ужасов в становленние дискурса, стремящегося заполнить экзистенциальную пустоту., Стверджується, що творчість єдиного в історії української літератури лауреата Малої Шевченківської премії Олеся Ульяненка і досі залишається на маргінесах літературознавчих досліджень. Пояснюються причини такого ставлення до спадщини письменника і пропонується альтернативний стосовно наявних розвідок, тілесно-міметичний варіант аналізу його текстів на прикладі роману „Жінка його мрії”. Доводиться, що нагромадження у творі жахіть, пов’язаних з численними та жорстокими смертями персонажів-маргіналів, у діалектичний спосіб обертається з виразно маргінального штибу на поставання дискурсу, який наснажується намаганнями заповнити екзистенціальну порожнечу.
- Published
- 2017
8. Un arte de lo horrible: Intervención fenomenológica sobre lo horrible sin el horror, o sobre arte y distancia
- Author
Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Metafísica y Corrientes Actuales de la Filosofía, Ética y Filosofía Política, Moreno Márquez, César, Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Metafísica y Corrientes Actuales de la Filosofía, Ética y Filosofía Política, and Moreno Márquez, César
- Abstract
Partiendo del comentario del film Henry. Retrato de un asesino (J. McNaughton, 1986), el artículo da a pensar la posibilidad de reivindicar, en el horizonte de un arte de lo horrible, la experiencia de sentido de lo horrible evitando supeditar dicha experiencia al horror como efecto psíquico. En la medida en que ello sea posible, la expresión artística de lo horrible quedará no sólo justificada (de cara al consumo más o menos fácil y masivo), sino revalorada/revalorizada, pues aun sin la descarga psíquica, el arte brinda la posibilidad de un acceso meditativo a lo horrible, sin que confundamos psicologistamente el motivo (lo horrible) con el efecto (el horror) ni caigamos en una mera estetización de lo horrible (que no lo tomaría suficientemente en serio)., Taking a review of the film Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (J. McNaughton, 1986) as starting point, this paper aims to think about the possibility of claiming the experience of meaning of horrible on the horizon of an art of the horrible, avoiding to subordinate such experience to horror as a psychic effect. insofar as it is possible, the artistic expression of the horrible will stay not only justified (with a view to a more or less easy and massive consumption), but also revalued, since the art offers the possibility of a meditative access to horrible, even without the psychic shock, and without the confusion (i.e., without the psychologization) of the horrible as cause with the horror as effect, neither falling in a mere aestheticization of the horrible (that would not take it seriously enough).
- Published
- 2015
9. El horror a ti debido: Lo inhóspito en el origen de la obra de arte de Martin Heidegger
- Author
Garrido Periñán, Juan José and Garrido Periñán, Juan José
- Abstract
La tesis principal del articulo es que la verdad del arte, en la conferencia de 1936 “El origen de la obra de arte”, ha de entenderse como lo inhóspito, es decir, como lo horrible o monstruoso de la verdad de ser. En este sentido, se atisbará una diferencia ontológica en el seno mismo de la obra de arte: la obra particular de arte difere de lo que ésta pone en obra, en relación al combate existente entre mundo-tierra, cosa y verdad. Por último, se comprenderá cómo el arte tiene una función propedéutica para con nosotros mismos: transparentar nuestra propia estructura ontológica. [doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.7443/problemata.v6i2.23310]
- Published
- 2015
10. Os surrealistas e Edgar Allan Poe: atracção/repulsa fatal
- Author
Marinho, Maria de Fátima
- Subjects
Romance gótico ,Nonsense ,Horrível ,Surrealismo ,Horrible ,Gothic novel ,Surrealism - Abstract
Submitted by halves@ufp.pt (halves@ufp.pt) on 2012-02-17T17:06:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FCHS7.pdf: 3736777 bytes, checksum: 793c08b6ef8c49a202f1f159d94d457d (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2012-02-17T17:37:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FCHS7.pdf: 3736777 bytes, checksum: 793c08b6ef8c49a202f1f159d94d457d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010
- Published
- 2010
11. atracção/repulsa fatal
- Author
Marinho, Maria de Fátima
- Subjects
Romance gótico ,Nonsense ,Horrível ,Surrealismo ,Horrible ,Gothic novel ,Surrealism - Abstract
No presente ensaio, pretende-se analisar em que medida o texto de Cesariny “a edgar allan poe,” incluído em Pena Capital, se apresenta como uma paródia de vários contos do autor de “The Assignation”. Oscilando entre a atracção pelo imaginário de Poe, repleto de pequenos detalhes que agradam aos surrealistas, e a repulsa por um universo que aposta na dedução e na história logicamente construída, mesmo se essa construção obedece frequentemente a um cânone que se afasta do realista, Cesariny escreve um poema que retoma frases, personagens, situações, de contos do escritor americano, numa espécie de homenagem subversiva ou de paródia irónica. The objective of this essay is to discuss to what extent Cesariny’s text “a edgar allan poe,” from his work Pena Capital, can be regarded as a parody of various short stories by the author of The Assignation. Showing both his fascination for Poe’s imaginary world, full of surrealist details, and his repulsion towards a universe based on strict deduction and on a logically constructed story (even when this logical construction does not follow the canon of realism), Cesariny writes a poem where sentences, characters, and situations drawn from the American author’s short stories give rise to a sort of subversive homage or ironic parody.
- Published
- 2010
12. Here's What The Critics Are Saying About the New 'Ghostbusters'.
- Author
Huddleston, Jr., Tom
- Published
- 2016
13. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible Star Ed Oxenbould on His Guilty Pleasure: Mexican Coca-Cola!
- Published
- 2014
14. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible Star Ed Oxenbould on His Guilty Pleasure: Mexican Coca-Cola!
- Abstract
Thirteen-year-old Ed Oxenbould told PEOPLE about his favorite treat — Mexican Coke! His new movie opens this week. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2014
15. Jennifer Garner Reflects on the Embarrassing First Time She Met George Clooney (VIDEO).
- Published
- 2014
16. Jennifer Garner: Every Day Is a 'Fresh Start' When You're a Working Mom.
- Published
- 2014
17. Watch The Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Trailer.
- Author
Dockterman, Eliana
- Published
- 2014
18. Un arte de lo horrible. Intervención fenomenológica sobre lo horrible sin el horror, o sobre Arte y Distancia
- Author
César Moreno Márquez and Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Metafísica y Corrientes Actuales de la Filosofía, Ética y Filosofía Política
- Subjects
Distance ,Psicologismo ,Horror ,Phenomenology ,Psychologism ,Arte ,Fenomenología ,Distancia ,Horrible ,Art - Abstract
Partiendo del comentario del film Henry. Retrato de un asesino (J. McNaughton, 1986), el artículo da a pensar la posibilidad de reivindicar, en el horizonte de un arte de lo horrible, la experiencia de sentido de lo horrible evitando supeditar dicha experiencia al horror como efecto psíquico. En la medida en que ello sea posible, la expresión artística de lo horrible quedará no sólo justificada (de cara al consumo más o menos fácil y masivo), sino revalorada/revalorizada, pues aun sin la descarga psíquica, el arte brinda la posibilidad de un acceso meditativo a lo horrible, sin que confundamos psicologistamente el motivo (lo horrible) con el efecto (el horror) ni caigamos en una mera estetización de lo horrible (que no lo tomaría suficientemente en serio). Taking a review of the film Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (J. McNaughton, 1986) as starting point, this paper aims to think about the possibility of claiming the experience of meaning of horrible on the horizon of an art of the horrible, avoiding to subordinate such experience to horror as a psychic effect. insofar as it is possible, the artistic expression of the horrible will stay not only justified (with a view to a more or less easy and massive consumption), but also revalued, since the art offers the possibility of a meditative access to horrible, even without the psychic shock, and without the confusion (i.e., without the psychologization) of the horrible as cause with the horror as effect, neither falling in a mere aestheticization of the horrible (that would not take it seriously enough).
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