栄養生長期の水稲について,第5葉~第12葉出葉期の各期に短期間(1出葉間隔)の高水温(35℃)処理を行い,その影響がどの葉位の葉に現れるか検討した.第n葉出葉期の高水温は,第n+1葉~第n+3葉の葉身幅(対照区に対する抑制割合:7.8~23.5%),第n+1葉~第n+3葉の葉身長(対照区に対する抑制割合:9.8~20.9%)および第n葉~第n+1葉の葉鞘長(対照区に対する抑制割合:7.7~13.0%)に対して抑制効果を示した.この場合,それぞれの形質が急激な増大を示す発育段階において高水温の抑制効果が最も著しかったが,それより1~2段階早い発育段階においても高水温による抑制が認められた.また,高水温は第n葉~第n+3葉の葉長を抑制し,抑制割合は第n+1葉で15.6%と最も大きく,他の葉位の葉はいずれも10%に満たなかった.これに対して葉身面積は第n+1葉~第n+3葉が抑制され,抑制割合は第n+1葉で31.6%,第n+2葉で34.3%であり,その割合は葉長に比較して著しく大きかった.このことは高水温による葉長(草丈)への影響が見かけ上軽微であっても,相対的に葉身面積へ影響がきわめて大きいことを示しており,ソースとしての葉面積の低下は物質生産の上からも重要な問題を含んでいるものと考えられた., This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of short period high water temperature (35℃) on the growth response of immature leaves in rice plants. The test plants was exposed to high water temperature during one phyllochron, from the time of emergence of a given leaf of the main stem to the time of emergence of the adjacent younger leaf. Control plants were kept continuously at 30℃ water temperature. High water temperature at the time of emergence of the (n)th leaf ("n" indicates an optional ordinal number of leaves counted acropetally from the incomplete leaf in the main stem) decreased the blade width of (n+1)th to (n+3)th leaves, the blade length of (n+1)th to (n+3)th leaves, and the sheath length of (n)th to (n+1)th leaves, respectively. The restraint effect of high water temperature was most remarkable against the blade width of (n+2)th leaf, the blade length of (n+1)th leaf, and the sheath length of (n)th leaf. High water temperature also decreased the total leaf length (blade and sheath) of (n)th to (n+3)th leaves and the blade area of (n+1)th to (n+3)th leaves. The restraint ratio in each leaf length against the control plot was significantly lower (under 15.6% level) than in each blade area (31.634.3% level). These notable blade restraints caused by high water temperature may impose a serious influence for the growth ability in rice plants.