In the paper, the focus is on the intentions of the author, to place the reality of children's and youth heroes in the center of attention. This means that the topic of the child and the young person in the family is related to the way of presenting the historical and social reality in a twofold way: the abilities of the child and the young child for reality become measuring instruments for the evaluation of the reality in general, the responsible bearers of which are the adults, who on their part, for the above reasons, they are always characterized in the context of the family, as well as the level of reality, with which she presents the family and the characters in it. The analysis showed that through the entire rich creation, the theme of the family, and thus the theme of the fate of the child in the family context, is not just one theme among others, but has a central importance. It implies that this central theme is the fundamental dimension in the horizon of our author and her thematic fields. This hermeneutic-literary research is based exclusively on text analysis and our interpretation of realism in some of the most important works of Christine Nöstlinger. In this paper, the analysis is limited to psychological and sociological aspects of the research. The purpose of this paper is to detect, unmask and present the horizon of the author about the image of the family primarily from a sociological, psychological and ethical aspect. The research of the most significant works of the Austrian author of literature for children and youth, Christine Nöstlinger, explicitly shows how her work moves from the negative reality, through the positive utopian with the alternative space and with the return to realism, with a new goal of therapy to create a better reality. In order to create that better reality, children and youth are needed, who in the course of the narrated story get a chance to prepare for an existence as optimally socialized, i.e. emancipated, intellectually independent, humanely motivated towards others, open bearers of the future, but also in difficult situations capable of correct solutions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]