Ashley Ringrose, Xiaoyan Jiang, Ralph B. Arlinghaus, James Paul, Heather G. Jørgensen, Jon Stobo, Damian Lai, Ali G. Turhan, Kyi Min Saw, Tessa L. Holyoake, Karen Lambie, Connie J. Eaves, Donna DeGeer, Ivan Sloma, Donna L. Forrest, Matthew T. V. Chan, Min Chen, Hui Mi Wang, Helen Nakamoto, Allen C. Eaves, Paolo Gallipoli, and Michael J. Barnett
The defining hallmark of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is the BCR-ABL fusion gene originating in a hematopoietic stem cell (1–4). The BCR-ABL oncoprotein (p210BCR-ABL) encoded by this gene displays constitutively elevated tyrosine kinase (TK) activity that drives the pathogenesis of the disease by perturbing multiple signaling pathways, including the RAS/MAPK, PI3K/AKT, and Janus kinase 2 (JAK2)/ signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 (STAT5) pathways (5,6). In particular, JAK2 physically interacts with the C-terminal region of BCR-ABL and is one of the most prominent targets of BCR-ABL (7,8). A recent study further suggests that the BCR-ABL–mediated signaling pathways in CML cells are controlled by JAK2 through direct phosphorylation of tyrosine 177 of BCR-ABL oncoprotein (9). Imatinib mesylate (IM) and other BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), including dasatinib (DA) and nilotinib (NL), have been introduced into clinical practice with remarkable therapeutic effects on chronic-phase (CP) CML (10–13). However, early relapses and the emergence of IM-resistant disease at any time can pose major setbacks for some patients (8,14,15), usually due to the selection and outgrowth of preexisting subclones of cells with mutations in the BCR-ABL kinase domain (14,16). Clinical evidence indicates that single agent, molecularly targeted therapies do not cure most patients, as molecular remissions are rare and disease frequently recurs when IM is discontinued, even after many years of treatment (17–20). Experimental studies have also shown that the most primitive CML cells are largely quiescent and innately insensitive to TKIs (21–27). Combination therapies to target other proteins or pathways, in addition to BCR-ABL, appear to be more effective at inhibiting these cells (28–31). Recent studies further suggest that survival and growth of primitive CML cells may not even depend on BCR-ABL–TK activity (32,33). We and others have demonstrated that leukemic stem cells (LSCs) possess multiple unique features expected to promote both their innate and acquired resistance to TKI therapies (16,24–27,34,35). Improved treatment approaches to prevent the continuous development of resistant subclones by targeting other key molecular elements active in CML LSCs are thus clearly needed. One candidate target is Abelson helper integration site 1 (Ahi-1/ AHI-1), an oncogene that is upregulated in CML LSCs, together with BCR-ABL (34,36,37). Ahi-1/AHI-1 encodes a unique protein with multiple SH3 binding sites, an SH3 domain, and seven WD40 repeats, all known mediators of protein–protein interactions (38). We previously demonstrated that overexpression of Ahi-1/AHI-1 in primitive hematopoietic cells gives them a growth advantage in vitro and the ability to generate leukemia in vivo, synergizing with BCR-ABL to enhance these outcomes (39). Conversely, stable suppression of AHI-1 by small interfering RNA reduces the autonomous growth capability of very primitive CML cells and increases their response to TKIs in vitro. Importantly, AHI-1 physically interacts with BCR-ABL and JAK2 in CML cells to mediate these biological effects, although the nature of the direct or indirect interaction between AHI-1 and JAK2 still remains uncharacterized. We therefore hypothesized that a combination treatment strategy, designed to destabilize this new protein complex, might be a more effective approach to eliminating CML LSCs.